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NIH Videos


  • Human BioMolecular Atlas (HuBMAP) Pre-Application Webinar for RFA-RM-18-001

    This pre-application webinar video is an archive of a live webinar that was held on February 8, 2018 from 12-1pm EST. The webinar was meant to provide technical assistance and answer questions related to Funding Opportunity Announcement Number RFA-RM-18-001 'The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) Integration, Visualization & Engagement (HIVE) Initiative (OT2 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)'.

    For more information about the program, visit our website:

  • The NIH Common Fund Patent Report (2017)

    The Common Fund is a unique funding entity at NIH, functioning as a “venture capital” space, where high-risk and innovative research can be supported. This led to the question, does research supported by the Common Fund generate more patents compared to the entire NIH research portfolio?

    To read the full report, click here:

  • NIH Common Fund Metabolomics Program Research Highlight

    Researchers supported by the Common Fund Metabolomics program recently published a study in Nature Communications which highlights a new, noninvasive method to deliver stable isotopes to mice for metabolomics studies. Researchers were able to use a liquid diet to delivery 13C-Glucose to mice in a stress free manner.This new delivery method not only allows researchers to bypass the pitfalls of other delivery methods, such as alterations to metabolism due to anesthesia and/or physical trauma, but also study the turnover of biomolecules with longer half-lives, such as proteins or lipids. In addition, this method allows for the study of in vivo tumor models that highlight how the tumor micro-environment impacts cell metabolism.

    For more information on the NIH Common Fund's Metabolomics program, visit us here:

  • Human BioMolecular Atlas (HuBMAP) Pre-Application Webinar for RFA-RM-17-025 and RFA-RM-17-027

    HuBMAP held a technical assistance webinar on January 11, 2018 to provide an overview of HuBMAP, including information on funding opportunities available from the program (RFA-RM-17-025 and RFA-RM-17-027). NIH staff discussed the overall structure and goals of the HuBMAP and the specific FOAs, then answered questions from prospective applicants.

    For more information about the HuBMAP program, visit the program's web page:

  • Transformative Research Award Webinar July 24, 2017

    For more information on the NIH Director's Transformative Research award, visit our website:

  • Early Independence Award Webinar July 17, 2017

    For more information about the Early Independence Award, visit our website:

This page last reviewed on February 27, 2024