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Program Snapshot

The Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) aims to enable broad use of Common Fund data to accelerate discovery. CFDE is organized around five Centers that integrate data, resources, and knowledge from many Common Fund Programs. The resources created by the Centers will empower the research community to use Common Fund data sets for novel scientific research that was impossible before. 

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The Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) aims to enable broad use of Common Fund data to accelerate discovery. Common Fund programs generate a wide range of diverse and valuable data sets and knowledge designed to be used by the research community. However, these data and knowledge reside in different locations, and it is challenging to work with multiple digital resources in an accessible and user-friendly way. To help remedy this problem, the CFDE has created an online discovery portal (CFDE Portal) to help make Common Fund data sets FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and to enable researchers to search across Common Fund data sets to ask scientific and clinical questions from a single access point.

The CFDE Centers integrate data, resources, and knowledge across Common Fund Programs. Together, these resources will empower the research community to use Common Fund data sets for novel scientific research that was impossible before. This may include hypothesis generation, discovery, or validation that leads to new insights in health and disease. The CFDE is also supporting pilot projects that engage a broad community of end-users, collect feedback on the utility of Common Fund data resources, and enable novel cross-cutting biological questions to be formulated and addressed.

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The CFDE includes several integrated efforts:

Cloud computing

  1. CFDE Coordinating Center – The Integration and Coordination Center coordinates CFDE activities, engages with participating Common Fund programs, connects with user communities, and supports training. These activities are conducted in close partnership with relevant Common Fund programs.
  2. Participating Common Fund data coordinating centers (DCCs) – The DCCs are working with the CFDE Coordinating Center to understand their programs’ unique requirements for data storage and analysis, adopt/adapt guidelines and best practices, share resources and tools with other DCCs, develop use cases for cross-data analyses, and provide training. In January 2020, the Common Fund released an Engagement Opportunity Announcement for eligible DCCs to engage with the CFDE Coordinating Center and other DCCs to establish the CFDE. For more details, please view the Engagement Opportunity Announcement and Process for Rolling Submission of Engagement Opportunity Award Plans.
  3. Enhancing the Utility of Common Fund Data Sets (pilot projects) – The CFDE is supporting pilot projects where researchers develop new tools or methods to enhance the value of CF data sets, add useful information to existing CF data sets, or combine multiple CF data sets to answer biologically relevant questions that could not be answered with just one data set. These projects will enhance the use of CF data sets by engaging new end-users, obtaining feedback to help improve the CFDE portal (and DCC portals), and enabling novel cross-cutting biological questions to be formulated and addressed. Please see the Funded Research page for more details about funded pilot projects.

Currently, 18 Common Fund programs that are engaged with CFDE: 4D Nucleome (4DN), Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures (A2CPS), Bridge to Artificial Intelligence (Bridge2AI), Extracellular RNA Communication (ExRNA), Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research (Kids First), Glycoscience (GlyGen), Genotype Tissue Expression (GTEx), H3Africa Consortium (H3Africa), Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP), Human Microbiome Project (HMP), Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG), Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Program (KOMP2), Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS), Metabolomics, Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC), Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC), and Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN). These programs offer different perspectives that will enable a deeper understanding of the issues around using and integrating diverse data types, identifying mutual needs for Common Fund programs, and collaborating across programs to enhance data utility. Applying best practices and lessons learned from these partnerships, the CFDE coordinating center will expand its activities to engage with future Common Fund programs as well.

More information can be found in presentations from the NIH Council of Councils meeting where the CFDE and the ODSS efforts were discussed, the Council of Councils meeting where the concept for the DCC funding opportunity to establish the CFDE was approved, and the Council of Councils Working Group final report that will guide the next phase of the CFDE.

This page last reviewed on February 13, 2025