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  • Interactive Session: Data Ecosystems & Gateways to Foster Research Community Networks in Africa

    In coordination with the launch of the DS-I Africa program, NIH is hosting a Virtual Symposium Platform, which offers a series of interactive panel discussions featuring information on the funding opportunity announcements, cross-cutting topics of importance to the initiative, and relevant scientific issues. In this session, attendees participated in an interactive session focusing on biomedical data ecosystems, frameworks, best practices and lessons learned to establish the next-generation platform infrastructure to make data more discoverable and accessible, and foster a collaborative research community.

    Katherine Lawrence, Research Area Specialist Lead and Research Investigator, University of Michigan

    - Nicola Mulder, Professor and head of the Computational Biology, University of Cape Town; PI of H3ABioNet
    - Benedict Paten, Associate Professor, Biomolecular Engineering, UCSC
    - Geoffrey Siwo, Research Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame
    - Russ Taylor, Professor of Astronomy, University of Cape Town
    - Susan Veldsman, Director, Scholarly Publishing Unit, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)

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  • NIH SPARC Program Tools & Tech: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) (SPARC Plug: Tools & Tech 5)

    The SPARC Plug vlog’s Tools & Tech video series features SPARC-funded research tools and technologies. In our fifth video, learn how researchers can bounce light waves off of nerves to build 2-D and 3-D images of nerve structures! These tools and techniques could potentially be used in the future to manipulate peripheral nerves and their electrical signals to help improve treatment of diseases and conditions such as hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, type II diabetes, and more. Learn more about SPARC-funded research projects at

    The SPARC program is a trans-NIH effort managed by the NIH Common Fund in the Office of the Director and supported by NIBIB, NINDS, NIDDK, and NCATS. Learn more about the NIH SPARC program at

  • Interactive Session: Harnessing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Data Science for Health

    In coordination with the launch of the DS-I Africa program, NIH is hosting a Virtual Symposium Platform, which offers a series of interactive panel discussions featuring information on the funding opportunity announcements, cross-cutting topics of importance to the initiative, and relevant scientific issues. In this session, attendees participated in an interactive session focusing on harnessing innovation and entrepreneurship in Data Science for health research in Africa.

    Roger Glass, Director, Fogarty International Center, NIH

    - Gregory Gamula, Dean of Engineering, University of Malawi, The Polytechnic
    - Andrea (Andi) Gobin, Director of Invention Education & Lecturer, Rice 360 Institute for Global Health, Rice University
    - Robert Karanja, CEO, Villgro Kenya
    - Fadhili Chacha Marwa, CEO, Enzi Health
    - Theresa Mkandawire, Associate Professor, University of Malawi, The Polytechnic
    - Elioda Tumwesigye, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Government of Uganda

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  • Interactive Session: Ethical, Legal, & Social Implications (ELSI) of Data Science Research

    In coordination with the launch of the DS-I Africa program, NIH is hosting a Virtual Symposium Platform, which offers a series of interactive panel discussions featuring information on the funding opportunity announcements, cross-cutting topics of importance to the initiative, and relevant scientific issues. In this session, attendees participated in an interactive session focusing on Ethical, Legal, & Social Implications (ELSI) of Data Science for health research in Africa.

    Joshua Gordon, Director, National Institute of Mental Health, NIH

    Pamela Andanda, Professor of Law, University of Witwatersrand

    Clement Adebamowo, Professor, University of Maryland Medical School
    Josephine Agyeman-Duah, Doctoral Researcher, University of Oxford
    Rosemary Musesengwa, Senior Researcher, University of Oxford

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    Learn more about the DS-I Africa Virtual Symposium Platform:

  • Interactive Session- Data Science Partnerships: Going Beyond Academia for Health Impact

    In coordination with the launch of the DS-I Africa program, NIH is hosting a Virtual Symposium Platform, which offers a series of interactive panel discussions featuring information on the funding opportunity announcements, cross-cutting topics of importance to the initiative, and relevant scientific issues. In this session, attendees participated in an interactive session focusing on the importance of partnerships for Data Science and Health research in Africa.

    Patricia Brennan, Director, National Library of Medicine, NIH

    - Brian Gitta, CEO and Co-Founder, Matibabu and Think IT
    - Catherine Kyobutungi, Executive Director, African Population and Health Research Center
    - Julie Makani, Associate Professor in the Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
    - Beatrice Murage, Senior Scientist, Philips
    - Aisha Walcott-Bryant, Research Manager at IBM Research Africa

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  • DS-I Africa Funding Opportunities Q&A Interactive Panel

    In coordination with the launch of the DS-I Africa program, NIH is hosting a Virtual Symposium Platform, which offers a series of interactive panel discussions featuring information on the funding opportunity announcements, cross-cutting topics of importance to the initiative, and relevant scientific issues. In this session, attendees participated in an interactive funding opportunities Q&A panel featuring DS-I Africa program officers.


    - Laura Povlich, Program Officer, Fogarty International Center (FIC), NIH
    - Brad Newsome, Program Officer, FIC, NIH
    - Jay Churchill, Health Scientist Administrator, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), NIH
    - Tiffani Lash, Program Director of Division of Health Informatics Technologies (Informatics) at National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), NIH
    - Ishwar Chandramouliswaran, Program Director of Office of Data Science and Emerging Technologies at National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH

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  • Training the Next Generation of Leaders in Data Science and Health Innovation

    This panel consists of data science and innovation educators who discuss their experiences training data science leaders in Africa, including the challenges, opportunities, and impact of training efforts. Speakers discuss unique training approaches for promoting diversity, open science, collaboration, interdisciplinarity and entrepreneurship in data science communities.


    - Mahadia Tunga, Co-founder and Director of Capacity Development, Tanzania dLab
    - Ignace Kabano, Head of Training, African Center of Excellence in Data Science, University of Rwanda
    - Amel Ghoulia, Scientific Community Coordinator. Exaptive for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
    - Jeremie Zoueu, National Polytechnic Institute, Côte d’Ivoire; African Spectral Imaging Network (AFSIN)

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  • Ethical, Legal, & Social Implications (ELSI) of Data Science Research

    In this panel, speakers share their perspectives on the evolving landscape of multi-faceted digital technology and the importance of integrating an ELSI framework in conducting data science research. Speakers offer examples of specific topics that can, and should be considered in the design of data science research projects to ensure the ethical, legal, and social implications of this research are thoughtfully considered and incorporated at all phases of the research endeavor.


    - Clement Adebamowo, Professor, University of Maryland Medical School
    - Josephine Agyeman-Duah, Doctoral Researcher, University of Oxford
    - Rosemary Musesengwa, Senior Researcher, University of Oxford

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  • Data Ecosystems and Gateways to Foster Research Community Networks Across Africa

    This panel brings together relevant speakers and panelists to discuss biomedical data ecosystems, frameworks, best practices and lessons learned to establish the next-generation platform infrastructure to make data more discoverable and accessible, and foster a collaborative research community. Expert presenters and panelists from academia, industry, non-profit and governmental sectors discuss technology solutions as well as the importance to partnerships.


    - Nicola Mulder, Professor and head of the Computational Biology, University of Cape Town; PI of H3ABioNet
    - Benedict Paten, Associate Professor, Biomolecular Engineering, UCSC
    - Geoffrey Siwo, Research Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame
    - Russ Taylor, Professor of Astronomy, University of Cape Town
    - Susan Veldsman, Director, Scholarly Publishing Unit, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)

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  • Harnessing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Data Science for Health

    Across Africa, innovators and entrepreneurs are transforming a broad range of sectors, including health. This video features emerging innovators and entrepreneurs who are utilizing new approaches, technologies, business models, and partnerships to dramatically change how health solutions are developed and delivered.

    Featured speakers:
    - Roger Glass, Director, Fogarty International Center, NIH
    - Andrea (Andi) Gobin, Director of Invention Education & Lecturer, Rice 360 Institute for Global Health, Rice University
    - Gregory Gamula, Dean of Engineering, University of Malawi, The Polytechnic
    - Theresa Mkandawire, Associate Professor, University of Malawi, The Polytechnic
    - Robert Karanja, CEO, Villgro Kenya
    - Fadhili Chacha Marwa, CEO, Enzi Health

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  • Sickle Cell Disease in Africa: Health, Genomics and Gene Therapy

    Dr. Julie Makani presents cutting edge approaches to harness data science to conduct research and improve health in sickle cell disease in Africa from the perspective of an academic researcher in Tanzania. She emphasizes the role of genomics and the importance of partnerships in health, education, and research as well as the need for equity in health research.

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  • DS-I Africa Funding Opportunities Launch and Technical Assistance Webinar

    The webinar will review the purpose and objectives of the Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), application process, grants management advice, and tips from NIH grant recipients. All prospective applicants are invited to participate.

    This webinar is part of a larger DS-I Africa Virtual Symposium Platform, an interactive, online resource which includes a collection of networking tools and online events that engage participants in robust scientific discussions and facilitate networking across disciplines, sectors, and geographies. The platform includes keynote videos, interactive panels with leading data scientists, and a Virtual Forum that enables participants to interact with each other.

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  • AI Innovations to Transform Healthcare in Africa

    Dr. Aisha Walcott-Bryant shares examples of IBM Research’s work in Africa leveraging artificial intelligence and data science to address major health challenges in Africa and their approach to local collaboration and partnerships. Specifically, she describes work to support decision-making related to malaria, generate interventions to reduce the spread of COVID-19, and improve maternal, newborn, and child health.

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  • NIH SPARC Program Tools & Tech: Electrodes (SPARC Plug: Tools & Tech 4)

    The SPARC Plug vlog’s Tools & Tech video series features SPARC-funded research tools and technologies. In our fourth video, learn about specialized electrodes that can detect, monitor, and modulate peripheral nerve activity. These tools and techniques could potentially be used in the future to manipulate peripheral nerves and their electrical signals to help improve treatment of diseases and conditions such as hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, type II diabetes, and more. Learn more about SPARC-funded research projects at

    The SPARC program is a trans-NIH effort managed by the NIH Common Fund in the Office of the Director and supported by NIBIB, NINDS, NIDDK, and NCATS. Learn more about the NIH SPARC program at

  • Data for Evidence-Informed Policy-Making in Sierra Leone: Perspectives from a Government Leader

    Dr. David Moinina Sengeh – himself an accomplished data science researcher – shares perspectives on the potential of data science as a government leader. Minister Sengeh describes how Sierra Leone is harnessing the power of data for evidence-informed policy-making in response to COVID-19 and other health challenges and comments on how researchers can best contribute to this growing field.

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  • Building a Data-Driven Health Infrastructure in Africa

    Brian Gitta is a computer scientist, entrepreneur, and innovator from Uganda whose desire is accelerating continental development by engaging directly with entrepreneurs across African countries and beyond. In his talk, he shares how we can use data to build stronger health infrastructures within Africa. Using matibabu – the startup he helped build around a point-of-care malaria diagnostic device – as a case study, Mr. Gitta also describes the challenges and opportunities for data science for health in Africa from the perspective of an entrepreneur.

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    Learn more about the DS-I Africa Virtual Symposium Platform:

This page last reviewed on December 20, 2024