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Program Snapshot

Data Ecosystem: AI, in vitro, in silico, in chemico.The NIH Common Fund’s Complement Animal Research In Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) program will speed the development, standardization, validation, and use of human-based New Approach Methodologies (NAMs).

NAMs are lab or computer-based research approaches intended to more accurately model human biology, and complement, or in some cases, replace traditional research models. The Complement-ARIE program will build upon ongoing efforts related to NAMs, while identifying opportunities for innovation and coordination.

Complement-ARIE will significantly advance understanding of human health and disease by providing a range of ready and standardized biomedical research models. Developing these models will require expertise in disease research, personalized medicine, and in screening therapeutics for safety and effectiveness.

Complement-ARIE will bring these expertise together through a consortium of researchers participating in the following efforts:

  • Technology development projects/centers that will develop NAMs to fill in areas of greatest need. Projects will emphasize biological complexity, high throughput techniques, combining approaches, and data sharing.
  • A data & NAM resource coordinating center that will create integrated data structures and a searchable NAMs repository.
  • A validation network that will accelerate deployment and regulatory approval of NAMs for biomedical research.
  • Community engagement and training that will promote the development of an inclusive, diverse, biomedical research workforce with the skills to build and use new NAMs.
  • Strategic engagement with key partners that will advance emerging opportunities in development and use of NAMs in basic, translational, and clinical research.

To learn more about Complement-ARIE strategic planning activities, visit: Complement-ARIE strategic planning. 

To learn more about related work being done at NIH, visit: NIH NCATS Tissue Chip for Drug Screening Program



Program Updates

Complement-ARIE has released a second new funding announcement! View the opportunity to contribute to the NAMs Data Hub and Coordinating Center

View the informational webinar discussing the NAMs Data Hub and Coordinating Center funding opportunity.

Complement-ARIE has released a new funding announcement! View the opportunity to contribute to the NAMs Technology Development Centers. and the notice of receipt date change here

View the informational webinar discussing the NAMs Technology Development Centers funding opportunity.

Have a question? Reach out to us at [email protected]

On January 25, 2024, The NIH Council of Councils approved the concept of the NIH Common Fund's Complement Animal Research In Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) Program. Find out more by browsing the presentation slides and program description.  Or watch the videocast. 

The NIH Director released a statement on catalyzing the development of NAMs. 

Sign up for the Complement-ARIE listserv to hear about future announcements.


This page last reviewed on February 14, 2025