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  • Complement-ARIE Webinar: Comprehensive NAMs Tech Data Hub and Coordinating Center RFA-RM-24-013

    The NIH Common Fund hosted an informational webinar for a new funding opportunity for the Complement Animal Research In Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) Program.

    The Complement-ARIE Program issued a funding opportunity to support the Complement-ARIE Comprehensive New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Data Hub and Coordinating Center (RFA-RM-24-013). View the funding opportunity here:

    The NAMs Data Hub and Coordinating Center will coordinate Complement-ARIE Program activities and act as the centralized Data Hub by creating and managing an integrated data structure that supports the development, validation, and qualification of NAMs incorporating FAIR data principles.

    The informational webinar featured presentations from NIH staff describing the Complement-ARIE program and application requirements for the NAMs Technology Development Centers funding opportunity.

    To learn more about the Complement-ARIE program, visit the Complement-ARIE website:

    If you have any questions about the Complement-ARIE Program, or this funding opportunity, please reach out to: [email protected]

  • NIH Common Fund Venture Program NIOI Initiative Funding Opportunity Informational Webinar

    On January 16th, the NIH Common Fund's Advancing Non-Invasive Optical Imaging Approaches for Biological Systems (NIOI) Venture Program initiative hosted an informational webinar for the funding opportunity: RFA-RM-24-012. The opportunity is available at:

    During this session, attendees learned about the NIH Common Fund Venture Program, the NIOI initiative, the application process, and tips for a successful application. Attendees had a chance to ask question to presenters during an open Q&A session. The informational webinar was open to the public. Attendance was not required in order to apply to the funding opportunity.

    For more information on the NIOI initiative, please visit:

    To view frequently asked questions about the funding opportunity: RFA-RM-24-012, and to view the presentation slides, please visit:

    For questions regarding the event and the funding opportunity, please contact Jonathan Pollock at [email protected].

    An audio described version of this video will be available soon.

  • Complement-ARIE Informational Webinar: Comprehensive NAMs Tech Development Centers RFA-RM-24-010

    The NIH Common Fund hosted an informational webinar for a new funding opportunity for the Complement Animal Research In Experimentation (Complement-ARIE) Program.

    The Complement-ARIE Program issued a funding opportunity to support the Complement-ARIE Comprehensive New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) Technology Development Centers (RFA-RM-24-010). View the funding opportunity here:

    The goal of the Comprehensive NAMs Technology Development Centers is to stimulate the development of combinatorial NAMs to support the areas of greatest need.

    The informational webinar featured presentations from NIH staff describing the Complement-ARIE program, application requirements for the NAMs Technology Development Centers funding opportunity, and a Q&A session during which NIH staff answered questions from the audience.

    To learn more about the Complement-ARIE program, visit the Complement-ARIE website:

    If you have any questions about the Complement-ARIE Program, or this funding opportunity, please reach out to: [email protected]

  • NIH Common Fund's Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program Winter Webinar 2024

    The NIH Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program hosted its Champions of Discovery: A Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program Winter Webinar 2024 on December 5th, 2024 at 10:30 AM ET.

    Guest Speakers include: Dr. Azeez Butali (University of Iowa), Dr. Olena Morozova Vaske (University of California, Santa Cruz), Dr. Adam Resnick (Kids First DRC), Dr. David Higgins (Kids First DRC).

    Read more about the Kids First Program here:

    An audio described version of this video is available here:

  • Dr. Leor Weinberger Discusses a Novel Approach to Treating HIV & How HRHR Awards Impacted His Career

    Dr. Leor Weinberger of University of California, San Francisco, and the Gladstone Institutes received the NIH Common Fund’s High-Risk, High-Reward New Innovator, Pioneer, and Transformative Research Awards. Dr. Leor Weinberger of University of California, San Francisco, and the Gladstone Institutes received the NIH Common Fund’s High-Risk, High-Reward New Innovator, Pioneer, and Transformative Research Awards. This work was also supported by a NIAID MERIT award. In this video, he discusses how his awards have influenced his ability to engineer a potentially new approach to treating HIV with a single dose, long-acting antiviral therapy.

    For more information about the #NIH Common Fund High-Risk, High-Reward Program, visit:

    An audio-described version of this video will be available soon.

    #HIVresearch #BiomedicalCareers

    Time code:
    0:00- Intro
    0:08- Innovative Research
    1:09- Grant Support
    2:45- Transformative Research
    3:20- High-Risk, High-Reward Program Funding
    4:25- Learn More
    4:31- Outro

  • NIH Common Fund Venture Program Oculomics Initiative Overview

    The NIH Common Fund Venture Program Oculomics Initiative will develop new non-invasive eye imaging technologies to detect markers of diseases that affect the whole body. These new imaging technologies could provide a unique opportunity for measurements of diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and coronary, inflammatory, metabolic, and renal diseases, among others.

    To learn more about the Venture Program Oculomics Initiative, visit:

    To learn more about the NIH Common Fund Venture Program, visit:

  • What is the NIH Common Fund Venture Program?

    The NIH Common Fund Venture Program is a new area of Common Fund support launched in fiscal year 2025 that provides the framework for short-term Common Fund initiatives.

    This video provides an overview of the Common Fund Venture Program and how Venture Program initiatives are special.

    For more information about the Common Fund Venture Program, and to learn about our initiatives, visit:

  • HRHR Awardee Dr. Leor Weinberger Discusses How His Awards Influenced His Career

    Dr. Leor Weinberger of University of California, San Francisco, and the Gladstone Institutes has been a recipient of the NIH Common Fund’s High-Risk, High-Reward New Innovator, Pioneer, and Transformative Research Awards. In this video clip, he discusses how his awards influenced his early career.

    For more information about the Common Fund High-Risk, High-Reward Program, visit:

    An audio described version of the video is available here:

  • HRHR Awardee Dr. Leor Weinberger Discusses the Potential Impact of His Research

    Dr. Leor Weinberger of University of California, San Francisco, and the Gladstone Institutes has been a recipient of the NIH Common Fund’s High-Risk, High-Reward New Innovator, Pioneer, and Transformative Research Awards. In this video clip, he discusses current limitations in the field of HIV treatment, and how his research may have an impact.

    For more information about the Common Fund High-Risk, High-Reward Program, visit:

    An audio described version of the video is available here:

    #biomedicalresearch #HIV

  • FY2025 NIH Director’s Transformative Award Q&A Webinar

    NIH program and review staff discuss funding opportunity RFA-RM-24-004 and answer questions about the application and review process during this pre-application interactive Q&A webinar.

    An audio described version of this video is available here:

  • FY2025 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Q&A Webinar

    NIH program and review staff discuss funding opportunity RFA-RM-24-003 and answer questions about the application and review process during this pre-application interactive Q&A webinar.

    An audio described version of this video is available here:

  • FY2025 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Q&A Webinar

    NIH program and review staff discuss funding opportunity RFA-RM-24-002 and answer questions about the application and review process during this pre-application interactive Q&A webinar.

    An audio described version of this video is available here:

  • FY2025 NIH Director’s Early Independence Award Q&A Webinar

    NIH program and review staff discuss funding opportunity RFA-RM-24-005 and answer questions about the application and review process during this pre-application interactive Q&A webinar.

    An audio described version of this video is available here:

  • Audio Described: Clinical Research in Primary Care Settings: A Public Workshop

    The NIH Common Fund held Clinical Research in Primary Care Settings: A Public Workshop on June 7, 2024. The webinar featured Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, NIH Director, and Dr. Tara Schwetz, NIH Deputy Director for Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Coordination.

    A version of this video with a sign language interpreter is available here: A non audio-described version of this webinar video is available here:

    For more information about the CARE for Health™ program, visit:

  • Clinical Research in Primary Care Settings: A Public Workshop

    The NIH Common Fund held Clinical Research in Primary Care Settings: A Public Workshop on June 7, 2024. The webinar featured Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, NIH Director, and Dr. Tara Schwetz, NIH Deputy Director for Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Coordination.

    A version of this video with a sign language interpreter is available here: An audio described version of this video is available here:

    For more information about the CARE for Health™ program, visit:

  • Promising Practices and Lessons Learned from the NIH Transformative Health Disparities Program

    The NIH Common Fund Transformative Health Disparities (THD) Program supports innovative research projects to prevent, reduce, or eliminate health disparities and advance health equity. In this webinar, lead researchers from three THD awards presented highlights and goals from their research projects, including intervention progress, community engagement activities, promising practices, and lessons learned. Following their presentations, the researchers participated in a panel discussion highlighting progress and barriers to addressing social determinants of health, reducing health disparities, and advancing health equity within communities across the nation.

    For more information on the program, please visit the NIH Common Fund THD website:

    An audio described version of this video is available here:

This page last reviewed on December 20, 2024