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The Common Fund Data Ecosystem Announces the Cloud Workspace Implementation Center and Training Center
Integration and Coordination Center: Data Resource Center, Knowledge Center, Cloud Implementation Center, Center for Training and the relation between each Center and Programs.

Completing its transition into a second phase, the Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) has announced the final two centers: the Cloud Workspace Implementation Center and Training Center. These awarded teams contribute to CFDE’s mission to make NIH Common Fund-generated data and resources more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), and to catalyze new biomedical discoveries that would not be possible without integration across the Common Fund’s rich datasets. CFDE’s five centers work together to support a thriving and inclusive ecosystem that enables the biomedical community to use and reuse Common Fund data, knowledge, and other resources to promote scientific advancements.

  • Cloud Workspace Implementation Center (CWIC)

    The CWIC aims to drive scientific discovery by enabling users (both novice and experts) to import their data and analyze them together with other Common Fund datasets. The CWIC will do this by creating a cloud workspace to allow users to interact with Common Fund data. It will also be interoperable with widely used tools and pipelines developed by participating CFDE Data Coordinating Centers (DCCs) and other partners. To ensure that the tools and resources that the CWIC is building are accessible to a broad range of users, they will develop and maintain manuals, tutorials, and other training materials to help users navigate the workspace.

  • Training Center (TC)

    The TC will be responsible for identifying and addressing the training needs of the CFDE community. To do this, the TC will develop new training opportunities to address gaps in the training landscape. The TC will also establish a mentorship program to support the growing community of Common Fund data users. Finally, the TC will interact with other components of the CFDE to develop and maintain training-related content for all CFDE users.

The CWIC and the TC will work together to develop relevant training opportunities for both novice and expert data scientists. Entry-level trainings will focus on navigating the cloud environment while advanced trainings will delve into specific tools and workflows.

The CWIC and TC are the last two centers to be awarded by CFDE, which will complete the infrastructure portion of the second phase of the program.

Learn more about these awards and other CFDE initiatives on the Funded Research page. 

This page last reviewed on October 16, 2024