As part of its transition to its second phase, the Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) has launched two new centers: the Data Resource Center and the Knowledge Center. Each awarded team contributes to CFDE’s mission to make Common Fund-generated data and resources more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), and to catalyze new biomedical discoveries that would not be possible without integration across the Common Fund’s rich datasets.
Data Resource Center (DRC)
The DRC will be responsible for developing and maintaining the CFDE Portal, which will function as the overall front-end for the CFDE program to enable wider reuse of Common Fund resources and for users to learn about CFDE resources, trainings, and scientific/technological activities. The CFDE DRC will establish a Data Resource Portal that will be integrated into the CFDE Portal and will enable user-friendly queries of Common Fund data sets. The Data Resource Portal will provide users the information about data sets identified in their query, including information about how to access the data sets, provide access to Common Fund-generated tools and analysis platforms, and enable the use of the identified data sets and other Common Fund digital resources in cloud workspaces through a centralized platform. The DRC will also assist Common Fund programs in standardizing how metadata, data, and digital resources are handled in the ecosystem, and liaise with other relevant NIH efforts.
Knowledge Center (KC)
The CFDE KC will establish the Knowledge Portal, a knowledge network platform that integrates the knowledge generated by different Common Fund programs to amplify their impact. The Knowledge Portal will allow users to query knowledge from Common Fund programs, enable the use of the identified knowledge information in cloud platforms and workspaces, learn about the ongoing data and knowledge generation activities, and access data and tool products of Common Fund programs to utilize knowledge. The KC will provide leadership to standardize the handling of knowledge generation, harmonization, and integration efforts within the CFDE community.
Learn more about these awards and other CFDE initiatives on the Funded Research page.