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Interactive Digital Media & Crowdsourcing

Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) supported the development of interactive media tools for analyzing biomedical data via crowdsourcing. 

  • Fold It: A revolutionary crowdsourcing computer game enabling users to contribute to important scientific research. Users solve puzzles to help researchers find out if humans' pattern-recognition and puzzle-solving abilities make them more efficient than existing computer programs at pattern-folding tasks, informing models of protein structure prediction.
  • EyeWire II: A 3D puzzle game that allows players to solve puzzles of neuron configurations to help researchers map the brain.
  • Quorum: A flexible gaming platform that will crowdsource the analysis of visual data, such as microscopic images or graphical charts, that are provided by researcher scientists.
  • Cancer Crusade: A game in which players can help improve scientific understanding of combination therapies that fight cancer.
  • GraphSpace: An easy-to-use web-based platform that collaborating research groups can use for storing, interacting with, and sharing networks.
  • StarGEO: The Search Tag Analyze Resource for the Gene Expression Omnibus (STARGEO) project aims to crowdsource annotations of open genomics big data that allows users to discover the functional genes and biological pathways that are defective in disease.

This page last reviewed on June 24, 2024