4D Nucleome program-funded investigator Dr. Clifford Brangwynne and his team have developed two new tools to study and control cellular phase separation and allow phase mapping in living cells. Watch the video to learn about "corelets" and "Casdrop".
- Mapping Local and Global Liquid Phase Behavior in Living Cells Using Photo-Oligomerizable Seeds. Bracha D, Walls MT, Wei MT, Zhu L, Kurian M, Avalos JL, Toettcher JE, and Brangwynne CP. Nov 2018. Cell 175:6 1467-1480.
- Liquid Nuclear Condensates Mechanically Sense and Restructure the Genome. Shin Y, Chang YC, Lee DSW, Berry J, Sanders DW, Ronceray P, Wingreen NS, Haataja M, and Brangwynne C. Nove 2018. Cell 175:6 1481-1491.
In the News
- New tools illuminate the liquid forces at play in living cells, Princeton News