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2020 Schedule

The DS-I Africa Virtual Symposium Platform is a collection of networking tools and online events, which will be open from July through November 2020 with several online events and networking tools available to participants during that time frame. The Platform is free and open to anyone interested. Some online events and networking tools require registration.

  1. July 2020, Keynote Videos—Watch inspiring videos from leaders in health and data science.
  2. August 10, 2020, Program Launch—Learn more about DS-I Africa funding opportunities and participate in live Q&A.
  3. August 11-12 and August 17-19, 2020,  Cross-Cutting Topics—Participate in panel discussions with experts on cross-cutting topics of importance to the initiative.
  4. September 15 - October 21, 2020, State of Data Science (SODS) Series—A series of interactive discussions featuring deeper dives into a few relevant scientific topics on a weekly basis.

Interactive Panel Discussions

NIH hosted a series of online-only, interactive panel discussions in August 2020 featuring information on the funding opportunity announcements, cross-cutting topics of importance to the initiative, and relevant scientific issues.

DS-I Africa Program Launch

EDT - Eastern Daylight Time (New York, NY)
EAT - East Africa Time (Nairobi, Kenya)

Key DateProgram
Mon Aug 10
7:40- 9am EDT |
2:40- 4pm EAT

Video Screening

Optional screening of pre-recorded videos which will also be posted on the symposium website and Virtual Forum in advance. You may join at this time or view the videos at your convenience prior to the event.

Opening Keynote: The NIH Vision for Harnessing Data Science and Innovation for Health in Africa
Francis Collins, Director, NIH

Funding Opportunity Announcement Presentations

  • Overview - Laura Povlich, Program Officer, Fogarty International Center (FIC), NIH
  • Research Hubs - Brad Newsome, Program Officer, FIC, NIH
  • Research Training Program-Laura Povlich, Program Officer, Fogarty International Center (FIC), NIH
  • Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research - Jay Churchill, Health Scientist Administrator, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), NIH
  • Open Data Science Platform & Coordinating Center -
    • Tiffani Lash, Program Director of Division of Health Informatics Technologies (Informatics) at National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), NIH &
    • Ishwar Chandramouliswaran, Program Director of Office of Data Science and Emerging Technologies at National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH
Mon Aug 10
9-11 am EDT | 4-6 pm EAT

Funding Opportunities Q&A Interactive Panel


  • Laura Povlich, Program Officer, Fogarty International Center (FIC), NIH
  • Brad Newsome, Program Officer, FIC, NIH
  • Jay Churchill, Health Scientist Administrator, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), NIH
  • Tiffani Lash, Program Director of Division of Health Informatics Technologies (Informatics) at National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), NIH
  • Ishwar Chandramouliswaran, Program Director of Office of Data Science and Emerging Technologies at National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH

Interactive Breakout Clinics

  • Success Stories: Case studies of successful grantees
    Hear advice from researchers who have successfully applied for and received NIH funding.
    Rajesh Vedanthan, Associate Professor, New York University Langone
    Shivani Patel, Assistant Professor, Emory University
  • Live demo of application process
    Watch a live demo of the electronic application process through the Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST) system.
    Laurie Roman, Customer Service Manager for eSubmissions, ASSIST & CRIMS electronic Research Administration, Office of Extramural Research, NIH
  • Grant management advice
    Learn about the role of grant management specialist at NIH and hear advice regarding the policy and budget aspects of NIH applications.
    Satabdi Raychowdhury, Grant Management Officer, Fogarty International Center, NIH
    Mollie Shea, Grant Management Officer, Fogarty International Center, NIH
  • Top Tips from Peer Reviewers
    Hear advice from researchers who have served as reviewers on peer review panels.
    Venkat Narayan, Professor, Emory University
  • Making the Most of the Symposium
    Learn about how to navigate and optimize your participation in the Symposium platform.
    Maggie Dugan, Knowinnovation


Cross-Cutting Topics


Key DateProgram
Tues Aug 11
7:30 am EDT |
2:30 pm EAT

Video Screening
Optional screening of pre-recorded videos which will also be posted on the symposium website and Virtual Forum in advance. You may join at this time or view the videos at your convenience prior to the event.

Keynote Videos

Tues Aug 11
9-11 am EDT | 4-6 pm EAT

Data Science Partnerships: Going Beyond Academia for Health Impact

Patricia Brennan, Director, National Library of Medicine, NIH


  • Brian Gitta, CEO and Co-Founder, Matibabu and Think IT
  • Catherine Kyobutungi, Executive Director, African Population and Health Research Center
  • Julie Makani, Associate Professor in the Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
  • Beatrice Murage, Senior Scientist, Philips
  • David Moinina Sengeh, Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education and Chief Innovation Officer; Government of Sierra Leone
  • Aisha Walcott-Bryant, Research Manager at IBM Research Africa
Wed Aug 12
7:30 am EDT | 2:20 pm EAT

Video Screening

Optional screening of pre-recorded videos which will also be posted on the symposium website and Virtual Forum in advance. You may join at this time or view the videos at your convenience prior to the event.

Wed Aug 12
9-11 am EDT | 4-6 pm EAT

Harnessing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Data Science for Health

Bruce Tromberg, Director, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, NIH (by video)

Roger Glass, Director, Fogarty International Center, NIH


  • Gregory Gamula, Dean of Engineering, University of Malawi, The Polytechnic
  • Andrea (Andi) Gobin, Director of Invention Education & Lecturer, Rice 360 Institute for Global Health, Rice University
  • Robert Karanja, CEO, Villgro Kenya
  • Fadhili Chacha Marwa, CEO, Enzi Health
  • Theresa Mkandawire, Associate Professor, University of Malawi, The Polytechnic
  • Elioda Tumwesigye, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Government of Uganda
Thurs Aug 13
8-11 am EDT | 3-6 pm EAT

Partnership and Innovation Marketplace

A virtual marketplace where participants can meet and interact with other participants in virtual breakout rooms – additional details are coming soon



Key DateProgram
Mon Aug 17
7:30 am EDT |
2:30 pm EAT

Video Screening

Optional screening of pre-recorded videos which will also be posted on the symposium website and Virtual Forum in advance. You may join at this time or view the videos at your convenience prior to the event.

Mon Aug 17
9-11 am EDT | 4-6 pm EAT

Training the Next Generation of Leaders in Data Science and Health Innovation


Martin Were, Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University; Founding Director, Institute of Biomedical Informatics, Moi University, Kenya


  • Mahadia Tunga, Co-founder and Director of Capacity Development, Tanzania dLab
  • Ignace Kabano, Head of Training, African Center of Excellence in Data Science, University of Rwanda
  • Amel Ghoulia, Scientific Community Coordinator, Exaptive for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Jeremie Zoueu, National Polytechnic Institute, Côte d’Ivoire; African Spectral Imaging Network (AFSIN)
Tues Aug 18
7:30 am EDT | 2:30 pm EAT

Video Screening

Optional screening of pre-recorded videos which will also be posted on the symposium website and Virtual Forum in advance. You may join at this time or view the videos at your convenience prior to the event.

Tues Aug 18
9-11 am EDT | 4-6 pm EAT

Ethical, Legal, & Social Implications (ELSI) of Data Science Research: What it isn’t, Why You Should Care, & the Importance of Integrating an ELSI Framework into Research


Joshua Gordon, Director, National Institute of Mental Health, NIH


Pamela Andanda, Professor of Law, University of Witwatersrand


  • Clement Adebamowo, Professor, University of Maryland Medical School
  • Josephine Agyeman-Duah, Doctoral Researcher, University of Oxford
  • Rosemary Musesengwa, Senior Researcher, University of Oxford
Wed Aug 19
7:30 am EDT | 3:30 pm EAT

Video Screening

Optional screening of pre-recorded videos which will also be posted on the symposium website and Virtual Forum in advance. You may join at this time or view the videos at your convenience prior to the event.

Wed Aug 19
9-11 am EDT | 4-6 pm EAT

Data Ecosystems and Gateways to Foster Research Community Networks Across Africa


Katherine Lawrence, Research Area Specialist Lead and Research Investigator, University of Michigan


  • Nicola Mulder, Professor and head of the Computational Biology, University of Cape Town; PI of H3ABioNet
  • Benedict Paten, Associate Professor, Biomolecular Engineering, UCSC
  • Geoffrey Siwo, Research Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame
  • Russ Taylor, Professor of Astronomy, University of Cape Town
  • Susan Veldsman, Director, Scholarly Publishing Unit, Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
Thurs Aug 20
8-9 am EDT |
3-4 pm EAT

FOA Office Hours: Research Hubs

Open Q&A related to one of the four DS-I Africa funding opportunity announcements

Thurs Aug 20
9-10 am EDT | 4-5 pm EAT

FOA Office Hours: Research Training Program

Open Q&A related to one of the four DS-I Africa funding opportunity announcements

Fri Aug 21
8-9 am EDT |
3-4 pm EAT

FOA Office Hours: Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research

Open Q&A related to one of the four DS-I Africa funding opportunity announcements

Fri Aug 21
9-10 am EDT | 4-5 pm EAT

FOA Office Hours: Open Data Science Platform and Coordinating Center

Open Q&A related to one of the four DS-I Africa funding opportunity announcements


State of Data Science Series

The DS-I Africa State of Data Science Series was a collection of online, interactive panel discussions that took place on a weekly basis in September and October 2020. These sessions featured presentations by experts in their field, a moderated discussion, and opportunities for Q&A.

Key DateSession Description
Tues Sept 15
9:00 am EDT |
4:00 pm EAT

Biomedical Imaging: Acquisition and Analysis

This session will focus on opportunities and challenges at the intersection of biomedical imaging (including microscopy, diagnostic and interventional radiology, and digital pathology) and data science. The session will both consider new and emerging imaging modalities as well as computer-aided diagnosis and treatment planning tools and emerging AI/machine learning approaches to image analysis.

Paul Pearlman, Program Director/Lead, Global Health Technology, Center for Global Health, US National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health


  • Dan Milner, Chief Medical Officer, American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Center for Global Health
  • Michael Kawooya, Professor/Director, Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research and Education Institute (ECUREI)
  • Celia Cintas, Research Scientist, IBM Research Africa
  • Sameer Antani, Chief for the Communications Engineering Branch and the Computer Science Branch, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications at the US National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health
Wed Sept 23
9:00 am EDT |
4:00 pm EAT

Leveraging Data Science Approaches to Address Environmental Health Challenges in Africa

Environmental Health challenges in Africa are complex, involving a broad range of exposures, including ambient and indoor air pollution, electronic waste, heavy metals, pesticides, vector-borne pathogens, and climate change, and a large proportion of the disease burden in Africa is linked to environmental factors. This session will explore unique aspects and analytic challenges of the various types of environmental health data and will highlight recent data science approaches to characterizing hazardous exposures on the African continent, connecting environmental exposures to health outcomes, and reducing the risk of disease connected to the environment.

Gwen Collman, Acting Deputy Director, Associate Director for Extramural Research, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences


  • Kiros Berhane, Professor and Chair, Department of Biostatistics, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
  • Caradee Wright, Senior Specialist Scientist, Environment and Health Research Unit, South African Medical Research Council
  • Engineer Bainomugisha, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science, School of Computing & IT, Makerere University
Wed Sept 30
9:00 am EDT |
4:00 pm EAT

Biomedical Informatics and Data Sciences in Africa

This session will address emerging opportunities and challenges in the application of Data Science and Informatics technologies in various biomedical domains. It will also highlight some key challenges in the areas of data mining, data quality, standards for various types of data, in addition to addressing how cutting-edge data analytics, predictive modeling and Machine Learning, and methods for simulations can advance human health in Africa.


  • Darrell Hurt, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Geetha Senthil, National Institute of Mental Health, NIH


  • Abdoulaye Banire Diallo, University of Quebec-Montreal (UQAM)
  • Elaine Nsoesie, Boston University
  • Geoffrey Siwo, University of Notre Dame
  • Dina Machuve, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
  • Moustapha Cisse, Google AI
Wed Oct 7
9:00 am EDT |
4:00 pm EAT

Innovative Approaches to Improve Maternal and Child Health

Maternal and child health outcomes in Africa still lag behind the rest of the world despite prioritization as a topic of focus within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Partners from country-level governments, research institutions, private sector program funding agencies and non-governmental organizations are involved in various capacities and across disciplines, implementing activities to reduce the enormous burden of high mortality and morbidity of women and children on the African continent. Nonetheless, millions of women and children experience death and severe morbidity each year despite these efforts. In this session we will 1) address the gap in availability of existing databases and collective data focused on pregnancy and the peripartum period; 2) explore emerging use of linked data such as electronic medical records as a tool for conducting research, analyzing data and creating tools for interventions; and 3) develop concrete recommendations for a strategy to utilize data science to improve maternal and child health outcomes from pre-pregnancy to pregnancy and delivery and throughout the mother and child’s life course.


  • Vesna Kutlesic, Ph.D., Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Naveen Rao, M.D., Senior Vice President & Senior Advisor to the President, Health Initiative, The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Diana Bianchi, M.D., Director, NICHD, NIH


  • Denise Russo, Ph.D., NICHD, NIH
  • Marion koso-Thomas, M.D., MPH, NICHD, NIH


  • Andre van der Kouwe, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Assistant in Physics, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Lilla Zöllei, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School
  • Moses Alobo, M.D., Program Manager, Grand Challenges Africa Programme at African Academy of Sciences
  • Alash’le Abimiku, Ph.D., Professor in Epidemiology & Public Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine; Executive Director, International Research Center of Excellence at the Institute of Human Virology-Nigeria
  • Amel Ghouila, Ph.D., Vice President, African Society of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ASBCB); Founder, Technovation Tunisia
Wed Oct 14
9:00 am EDT |
4:00 pm EAT

Using Data Science to Fight COVID-19 Session

This webinar will discuss the COVID-19 situation in Africa and will present application examples of Data Science for disease management. A panel of experts will touch on topics such as disease surveillance, generating dashboards with the latest statistics, and mining of text or social media to discover trends. Other topics will be data-interoperability, publication tracking, disease burden and mortality, and the effect of COVID-19 on diseases like HIV and malaria.


  • Stefan Jaeger, Ph.D., National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
  • Cecile Viboud, Ph.D., Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health


  • Agnes Kiragga, Ph.D., Head of Statistics and Data Management Unit and Senior Research Scientist, Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI), Makerere University College of Health Sciences
  • Nirmal Ravi, MD, Ph.D., Director for Medical and Scientific Affairs, E-Health Africa, and Chief Innovation Officer, EHA Clinics
  • Ali H. Mokdad, Ph.D., Professor of Health Metrics Sciences, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation; Chief Strategy Officer, Population Health at the University of Washington
  • Elaine Nsoesie, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Global Health, Boston University School of Public Health
  • Frank Kagoro, M.D., MSc, Research Physician, MORU Tropical Health Network and WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network; PhD Candidate, University of Cape Town
Wed Oct 21
9:00 am EDT |
4:00 pm EAT

Innovations in Health Metrics Sciences: Measuring, Mapping, and Monitoring Morbidity and Mortality at the Regional, National, and Local Levels in Africa

This session will highlight the emerging field of health metrics sciences and its role in measuring and monitoring summary measures of health in Africa to better develop and implement measures to reduce the burden of disease. Identify challenges and opportunities relevant to the DS-I Africa initiatives. Address the increasing role that health metrics is playing in informing and prioritizing systems-level health interventions and broad public health-related decision making. Discuss how health metrics and data science can inform and evaluate more effective integrated care efforts at the intersection of infectious diseases and the rapidly growing burden of chronic, non-communicable diseases


  • George A. Mensah, MD, FACC, Director, Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science, NHLBI, NIH
  • Makeda Williams, PhD, MPH, Global Health Program Director, Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science, NHLBI, NIH


  • Mayowa Owolabi, MBBS, MSc, DrM, Professor of Neurology and Director, Center for Genomic and Precision Medicine; Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, University of Ibadan
  • Laura Dwyer-Lindgren, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Metrics Sciences, School of Medicine, and Institute for Health Metrics, University of Washington
  • Ana H Mocumbi, MD, PhD, Senior Researcher and Head, Chronic & Non-Communicable Diseases Division, Ministry of Health, National Health Institute & Eduardo Mondlane University
  • Ali H. Mokdad, PhD, Professor, Department of Health Metrics Sciences, School of Medicine, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation; Chief Strategy Officer, Population Health, University of Washington

This page last reviewed on February 14, 2025