The NIH Common Fund's Transformative High-Resolution Cryoelectron Microscopy (CryoEM) Program has funded the National Network for Cryoelectron Tomography (cryoET) as part of its initiative to advance the application of cryoET. This network will offer the biomedical community access to a specialized cryoelectron microscopy (cryoEM) technique that is uniquely capable of visualizing intact regions of cells and tissues at high resolution and with little perturbation.
The National Network for CryoET will be established with four service centers, including one service center that will also serve as the central network hub. The network hub will be located at University of Wisconsin-Madison and led by Dr. Elizabeth Wright. The network service centers will be located at the New York Structural Biology Center (Dr. Bridget Carragher, contact), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory-Stanford University (Dr. Wah Chiu), and University of Colorado Boulder (Dr. Andreas Hoenger, contact). The service centers will specialize in cryoET specimen preparation. The hub will perform cryoET data collection for all the user laboratories served by the network, in addition to its service center functions.