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The search results on this publication page are automated on a monthly schedule based on acknowledgement of NIH Common Fund award numbers and intramural awards. Therefore, this list is not an exhaustive or error-free account of the program’s publications.

Title Author Journal Name PubMedID Journal Abbreviation Publication Date
A multifunctional AAV-CRISPR-Cas9 and its host response. Chew WL, Tabebordbar M, Cheng JK, Mali P, Wu EY, Ng AH, Zhu K, Wagers AJ, Church GM Nature methods 27595405 Nat Methods 2016 Oct
CRISPR/Cas9 systems have off-target activity with insertions or deletions between target DNA and guide RNA sequences. Lin Y, Cradick TJ, Brown MT, Deshmukh H, Ranjan P, Sarode N, Wile BM, Vertino PM, Stewart FJ, Bao G Nucleic acids research 24838573 Nucleic Acids Res 2014 Jun
CRISPR/Cas9 β-globin gene targeting in human haematopoietic stem cells. Dever DP, Bak RO, Reinisch A, Camarena J, Washington G, Nicolas CE, Pavel-Dinu M, Saxena N, Wilkens AB, Mantri S, Uchida N, Hendel A, Narla A, Majeti R, Weinberg KI, Porteus MH Nature 27820943 Nature 2016 Nov 17
Treating hemoglobinopathies using gene-correction approaches: promises and challenges. Cottle RN, Lee CM, Bao G Human genetics 27314256 Hum Genet 2016 Sep
Self-assembly of phospholipid-PEG coating on nanoparticles through dual solvent exchange. Tong S, Hou S, Ren B, Zheng Z, Bao G Nano letters 21793503 Nano Lett 2011 Sep 14
A streamlined method for detecting structural variants in cancer genomes by short read paired-end sequencing. Mijušković M, Brown SM, Tang Z, Lindsay CR, Efstathiadis E, Deriano L, Roth DB PloS one 23144753 PLoS One 2012
Imaging dynamic cellular events with quantum dots The bright future. Smith AM, Wen MM, Nie S The biochemist 20824157 Biochem (Lond) 2010 Jun 1
Nonrigid registration of 2-D and 3-D dynamic cell nuclei images for improved classification of subcellular particle motion. Kim IH, Chen YC, Spector DL, Eils R, Rohr K IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society 20840894 IEEE Trans Image Process 2011 Apr
Biogenesis and function of nuclear bodies. Mao YS, Zhang B, Spector DL Trends in genetics : TIG 21680045 Trends Genet 2011 Aug
Porous-wall hollow glass microspheres as novel potential nanocarriers for biomedical applications. Li S, Nguyen L, Xiong H, Wang M, Hu TC, She JX, Serkiz SM, Wicks GG, Dynan WS Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine 19616128 Nanomedicine 2010 Feb
Protein Mechanics: A New Frontier in Biomechanics. Bao G Experimental mechanics 19809588 Exp Mech 2009 Feb 1
Tuning the optical and electronic properties of colloidal nanocrystals by lattice strain. Smith AM, Mohs AM, Nie S Nature nanotechnology 19119284 Nat Nanotechnol 2009 Jan
Poloxamer surfactant preserves cell viability during photoacoustic delivery of molecules into cells. Sengupta A, Dwivedi N, Kelly SC, Tucci L, Thadhani NN, Prausnitz MR Biotechnology and bioengineering 25182778 Biotechnol Bioeng 2015 Feb
Intranuclear delivery of a novel antibody-derived radiosensitizer targeting the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit. Xiong H, Lee RJ, Haura EB, Edwards JG, Dynan WS, Li S International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 22138455 Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012 Jul 1
The RAG2 C terminus suppresses genomic instability and lymphomagenesis. Deriano L, Chaumeil J, Coussens M, Multani A, Chou Y, Alekseyenko AV, Chang S, Skok JA, Roth DB Nature 21368836 Nature 2011 Mar 3
DNA targeting specificity of RNA-guided Cas9 nucleases. Hsu PD, Scott DA, Weinstein JA, Ran FA, Konermann S, Agarwala V, Li Y, Fine EJ, Wu X, Shalem O, Cradick TJ, Marraffini LA, Bao G, Zhang F Nature biotechnology 23873081 Nat Biotechnol 2013 Sep
Modernizing the nonhomologous end-joining repertoire: alternative and classical NHEJ share the stage. Deriano L, Roth DB Annual review of genetics 24050180 Annu Rev Genet 2013
Understanding and re-engineering nucleoprotein machines to cure human disease. Dynan W, Takeda Y, Roth D, Bao G Nanomedicine (London, England) 18393669 Nanomedicine (Lond) 2008 Feb
Nuclear neighborhoods and gene expression. Zhao R, Bodnar MS, Spector DL Current opinion in genetics & development 19339170 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2009 Apr
Nanomedicine: tiny particles and machines give huge gains. Tong S, Fine EJ, Lin Y, Cradick TJ, Bao G Annals of biomedical engineering 24297494 Ann Biomed Eng 2014 Feb
The Neisseria meningitidis CRISPR-Cas9 System Enables Specific Genome Editing in Mammalian Cells. Lee CM, Cradick TJ, Bao G Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 26782639 Mol Ther 2016 Mar
Chromatin dynamics. Hübner MR, Spector DL Annual review of biophysics 20462379 Annu Rev Biophys 2010
Self-complementary AAV mediates gene targeting and enhances endonuclease delivery for double-strand break repair. Hirsch ML, Green L, Porteus MH, Samulski RJ Gene therapy 20463753 Gene Ther 2010 Sep
Use of a microscope stage-mounted Nickel-63 microirradiator for real-time observation of the DNA double-strand break response. Cao Z, Kuhne WW, Steeb J, Merkley MA, Zhou Y, Janata J, Dynan WS Nucleic acids research 20484377 Nucleic Acids Res 2010 Aug
Pomalidomide augments fetal hemoglobin production without the myelosuppressive effects of hydroxyurea in transgenic sickle cell mice. Meiler SE, Wade M, Kutlar F, Yerigenahally SD, Xue Y, Moutouh-de Parseval LA, Corral LG, Swerdlow PS, Kutlar A Blood 21536862 Blood 2011 Jul 28
NLS peptide conjugated molecular beacons for visualizing nuclear RNA in living cells. Nitin N, Bao G Bioconjugate chemistry 18939859 Bioconjug Chem 2008 Nov 19
An unexpected ending: noncanonical 3' end processing mechanisms. Wilusz JE, Spector DL RNA (New York, N.Y.) 20007330 RNA 2010 Feb
Bioimaging: second window for in vivo imaging. Smith AM, Mancini MC, Nie S Nature nanotechnology 19898521 Nat Nanotechnol 2009 Nov
Zinc-finger nuclease-mediated gene correction using single AAV vector transduction and enhancement by Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs. Ellis BL, Hirsch ML, Porter SN, Samulski RJ, Porteus MH Gene therapy 22257934 Gene Ther 2013 Jan
Off-Target V(D)J Recombination Drives Lymphomagenesis and Is Escalated by Loss of the Rag2 C Terminus. Mijušković M, Chou YF, Gigi V, Lindsay CR, Shestova O, Lewis SM, Roth DB Cell reports 26365182 Cell Rep 2015 Sep 22
Quantifying genome-editing outcomes at endogenous loci with SMRT sequencing. Hendel A, Kildebeck EJ, Fine EJ, Clark J, Punjya N, Sebastiano V, Bao G, Porteus MH Cell reports 24685129 Cell Rep 2014 Apr 10
Single-cell detection of mRNA expression using nanofountain-probe electroporated molecular beacons. Giraldo-Vela JP, Kang W, McNaughton RL, Zhang X, Wile BM, Tsourkas A, Bao G, Espinosa HD Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 25641752 Small 2015 May
Quantifying on- and off-target genome editing. Hendel A, Fine EJ, Bao G, Porteus MH Trends in biotechnology 25595557 Trends Biotechnol 2015 Feb
An unbiased method for detection of genome-wide off-target effects in cell lines treated with zinc finger nucleases. Lindsay CR, Roth DB Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 24557915 Methods Mol Biol 2014
SAPTA: a new design tool for improving TALE nuclease activity. Lin Y, Fine EJ, Zheng Z, Antico CJ, Voit RA, Porteus MH, Cradick TJ, Bao G Nucleic acids research 24442582 Nucleic Acids Res 2014 Apr
Receptor-mediated delivery of engineered nucleases for genome modification. Chen Z, Jaafar L, Agyekum DG, Xiao H, Wade MF, Kumaran RI, Spector DL, Bao G, Porteus MH, Dynan WS, Meiler SE Nucleic acids research 23956220 Nucleic Acids Res 2013 Oct
Nuclease-mediated gene editing by homologous recombination of the human globin locus. Voit RA, Hendel A, Pruett-Miller SM, Porteus MH Nucleic acids research 24157834 Nucleic Acids Res 2014 Jan
Designing and testing the activities of TAL effector nucleases. Lin Y, Cradick TJ, Bao G Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 24557905 Methods Mol Biol 2014
Identification of off-target cleavage sites of zinc finger nucleases and TAL effector nucleases using predictive models. Fine EJ, Cradick TJ, Bao G Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 24557916 Methods Mol Biol 2014
In vivo gene editing in dystrophic mouse muscle and muscle stem cells. Tabebordbar M, Zhu K, Cheng JKW, Chew WL, Widrick JJ, Yan WX, Maesner C, Wu EY, Xiao R, Ran FA, Cong L, Zhang F, Vandenberghe LH, Church GM, Wagers AJ Science (New York, N.Y.) 26721686 Science 2016 Jan 22
Towards a new era in medicine: therapeutic genome editing. Porteus MH Genome biology 26694713 Genome Biol 2015 Dec 22
Intracellular delivery of molecules using microfabricated nanoneedle arrays. Park S, Choi SO, Paik SJ, Choi S, Allen M, Prausnitz M Biomedical microdevices 26797026 Biomed Microdevices 2016 Feb
Spatial control of in vivo CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing via nanomagnets. Zhu H, Zhang L, Tong S, Lee CM, Deshmukh H, Bao G Nature biomedical engineering 30944431 Nat Biomed Eng 2019 Feb
Genome Editing: A New Approach to Human Therapeutics. Porteus M Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology 26566154 Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2016
Quantum dot-fluorescent protein FRET probes for sensing intracellular pH. Dennis AM, Rhee WJ, Sotto D, Dublin SN, Bao G ACS nano 22443420 ACS Nano 2012 Apr 24
Chromatin meets its organizers. Bodnar MS, Spector DL Cell 23746835 Cell 2013 Jun 6
E. coli expression of a soluble, active single-chain antibody variable fragment containing a nuclear localization signal. Xiong H, Li S, Yang Z, Burgess RR, Dynan WS Protein expression and purification 19281848 Protein Expr Purif 2009 Aug
NANOSTRUCTURED PROBES FOR IN VIVO GENE DETECTION. Bao G, Santangelo P, Nitin N, Rhee WJ Nanomedicine : design and applications of magnetic nanomaterials, nanosensors, and nanosystems 22138717 Nanomedicine (Chichester) 2010
Modifying the function of DNA repair nanomachines for therapeutic benefit. Dynan WS, Takeda Y, Li S Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine 17292118 Nanomedicine 2006 Jun
53BP1 promotes non-homologous end joining of telomeres by increasing chromatin mobility. Dimitrova N, Chen YC, Spector DL, de Lange T Nature 18931659 Nature 2008 Nov 27
Imaging and tracking of tat peptide-conjugated quantum dots in living cells: new insights into nanoparticle uptake, intracellular transport, and vesicle shedding. Ruan G, Agrawal A, Marcus AI, Nie S Journal of the American Chemical Society 17983227 J Am Chem Soc 2007 Nov 28
TALENs facilitate targeted genome editing in human cells with high specificity and low cytotoxicity. Mussolino C, Alzubi J, Fine EJ, Morbitzer R, Cradick TJ, Lahaye T, Bao G, Cathomen T Nucleic acids research 24792154 Nucleic Acids Res 2014 Jun
Gene correction by homologous recombination with zinc finger nucleases in primary cells from a mouse model of a generic recessive genetic disease. Connelly JP, Barker JC, Pruett-Miller S, Porteus MH Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 20389291 Mol Ther 2010 Jun
Translating the lessons from gene therapy to the development of regenerative medicine. Porteus M Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 21358706 Mol Ther 2011 Mar
Semiconductor nanocrystals: structure, properties, and band gap engineering. Smith AM, Nie S Accounts of chemical research 19827808 Acc Chem Res 2010 Feb 16
An online bioinformatics tool predicts zinc finger and TALE nuclease off-target cleavage. Fine EJ, Cradick TJ, Zhao CL, Lin Y, Bao G Nucleic acids research 24381193 Nucleic Acids Res 2014 Apr
Endothelialized microfluidics for studying microvascular interactions in hematologic diseases. Myers DR, Sakurai Y, Tran R, Ahn B, Hardy ET, Mannino R, Kita A, Tsai M, Lam WA Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 22760254 J Vis Exp 2012 Jun 22
COSMID: A Web-based Tool for Identifying and Validating CRISPR/Cas Off-target Sites. Cradick TJ, Qiu P, Lee CM, Fine EJ, Bao G Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids 25462530 Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 2014 Dec 2
Physical Principles of Nanoparticle Cellular Endocytosis. Zhang S, Gao H, Bao G ACS nano 26256227 ACS Nano 2015 Sep 22
TALENs Facilitate Single-step Seamless SDF Correction of F508del CFTR in Airway Epithelial Submucosal Gland Cell-derived CF-iPSCs. Suzuki S, Sargent RG, Illek B, Fischer H, Esmaeili-Shandiz A, Yezzi MJ, Lee A, Yang Y, Kim S, Renz P, Qi Z, Yu J, Muench MO, Beyer AI, Guimarães AO, Ye L, Chang J, Fine EJ, Cradick TJ, Bao G, Rahdar M, Porteus MH, Shuto T, Kai H, Kan YW, Gruenert DC Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids 26730810 Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 2016 Jan 5
Multiplexed genetic engineering of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells using CRISPR/Cas9 and AAV6. Bak RO, Dever DP, Reinisch A, Cruz Hernandez D, Majeti R, Porteus MH eLife 28956530 Elife 2017 Sep 28
The Role of DNA Mismatch Repair and Recombination in the Processing of DNA Alkylating Damage in Living Yeast Cells. Flores-Rozas H, Jaafar L, Xia L Advances in bioscience and biotechnology (Print) 26900494 Adv Biosci Biotechnol 2015
Genome Editing of the Blood: Opportunities and Challenges. Porteus MH Current stem cell reports 26029496 Curr Stem Cell Rep 2015 Mar 1
Delivery of siRNA to ovarian cancer cells using laser-activated carbon nanoparticles. Sengupta A, Mezencev R, McDonald JF, Prausnitz MR Nanomedicine (London, England) 26080699 Nanomedicine (Lond) 2015
Simplified prototyping of perfusable polystyrene microfluidics. Tran R, Ahn B, Myers DR, Qiu Y, Sakurai Y, Moot R, Mihevc E, Trent Spencer H, Doering C, A Lam W Biomicrofluidics 25379106 Biomicrofluidics 2014 Jul
Codon swapping of zinc finger nucleases confers expression in primary cells and in vivo from a single lentiviral vector. Abarrategui-Pontes C, Créneguy A, Thinard R, Fine EJ, Thepenier V, Fournier le RL, Cradick TJ, Bao G, Tesson L, Podevin G, Anegon I, Nguyen TH Current gene therapy 25687502 Curr Gene Ther 2014
Chemically modified guide RNAs enhance CRISPR-Cas genome editing in human primary cells. Hendel A, Bak RO, Clark JT, Kennedy AB, Ryan DE, Roy S, Steinfeld I, Lunstad BD, Kaiser RJ, Wilkens AB, Bacchetta R, Tsalenko A, Dellinger D, Bruhn L, Porteus MH Nature biotechnology 26121415 Nat Biotechnol 2015 Sep
Chromatin dynamics and gene positioning. Kumaran RI, Thakar R, Spector DL Cell 18358806 Cell 2008 Mar 21
Bioconjugated quantum dots for in vivo molecular and cellular imaging. Smith AM, Duan H, Mohs AM, Nie S Advanced drug delivery reviews 18495291 Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2008 Aug 17
Expanding the substrate tolerance of biotin ligase through exploration of enzymes from diverse species. Slavoff SA, Chen I, Choi YA, Ting AY Journal of the American Chemical Society 18171066 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Jan 30
Bright and compact alloyed quantum dots with broadly tunable near-infrared absorption and fluorescence spectra through mercury cation exchange. Smith AM, Nie S Journal of the American Chemical Society 21142154 J Am Chem Soc 2011 Jan 12
Sequences in PSF/SFPQ mediate radioresistance and recruitment of PSF/SFPQ-containing complexes to DNA damage sites in human cells. Ha K, Takeda Y, Dynan WS DNA repair 21144806 DNA Repair (Amst) 2011 Mar 7
Nuclear speckles. Spector DL, Lamond AI Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 20926517 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2011 Feb 1
Surface ligand effects on metal-affinity coordination to quantum dots: implications for nanoprobe self-assembly. Dennis AM, Sotto DC, Mei BC, Medintz IL, Mattoussi H, Bao G Bioconjugate chemistry 20568725 Bioconjug Chem 2010 Jul 21
Tat peptide is capable of importing large nanoparticles across nuclear membrane in digitonin permeabilized cells. Nitin N, LaConte L, Rhee WJ, Bao G Annals of biomedical engineering 19657743 Ann Biomed Eng 2009 Oct
Role of H3K27 demethylases Jmjd3 and UTX in transcriptional regulation. Hübner MR, Spector DL Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology 21209387 Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 2010
Platelet mechanosensing of substrate stiffness during clot formation mediates adhesion, spreading, and activation. Qiu Y, Brown AC, Myers DR, Sakurai Y, Mannino RG, Tran R, Ahn B, Hardy ET, Kee MF, Kumar S, Bao G, Barker TH, Lam WA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25246564 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Oct 7
Multifunctional nanoparticles for drug delivery and molecular imaging. Bao G, Mitragotri S, Tong S Annual review of biomedical engineering 23642243 Annu Rev Biomed Eng 2013
Drug delivery: Puncturing cells en masse. Prausnitz MR Nature materials 25899907 Nat Mater 2015 May
Developmental regulation of myeloerythroid progenitor function by the Lin28b-let-7-Hmga2 axis. Rowe RG, Wang LD, Coma S, Han A, Mathieu R, Pearson DS, Ross S, Sousa P, Nguyen PT, Rodriguez A, Wagers AJ, Daley GQ The Journal of experimental medicine 27401346 J Exp Med 2016 Jul 25
Design and Validation of CRISPR/Cas9 Systems for Targeted Gene Modification in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Lee CM, Zhu H, Davis TH, Deshmukh H, Bao G Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 27709565 Methods Mol Biol 2017
Controlled delivery of β-globin-targeting TALENs and CRISPR/Cas9 into mammalian cells for genome editing using microinjection. Cottle RN, Lee CM, Archer D, Bao G Scientific reports 26558999 Sci Rep 2015 Nov 12
CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Engineering in Engraftable Human Brain-Derived Neural Stem Cells. Dever DP, Scharenberg SG, Camarena J, Kildebeck EJ, Clark JT, Martin RM, Bak RO, Tang Y, Dohse M, Birgmeier JA, Jagadeesh KA, Bejerano G, Tsukamoto A, Gomez-Ospina N, Uchida N, Porteus MH iScience 31132746 iScience 2019 May 31
Compact quantum dots for single-molecule imaging. Smith AM, Nie S Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 23093375 J Vis Exp 2012 Oct 9
Engineering imaging probes and molecular machines for nanomedicine. Tong S, Cradick TJ, Ma Y, Dai Z, Bao G Science China. Life sciences 23108862 Sci China Life Sci 2012 Oct
CRISPR/Cas9 systems targeting β-globin and CCR5 genes have substantial off-target activity. Cradick TJ, Fine EJ, Antico CJ, Bao G Nucleic acids research 23939622 Nucleic Acids Res 2013 Nov
Frontiers in bioengineering research. Bao G, Nerem RM Annals of biomedical engineering 24510229 Ann Biomed Eng 2014 Feb
Streptococcus thermophilus CRISPR-Cas9 Systems Enable Specific Editing of the Human Genome. Müller M, Lee CM, Gasiunas G, Davis TH, Cradick TJ, Siksnys V, Bao G, Cathomen T, Mussolino C Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 26658966 Mol Ther 2016 Mar
Somatic genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 generates and corrects a metabolic disease. Jarrett KE, Lee CM, Yeh YH, Hsu RH, Gupta R, Zhang M, Rodriguez PJ, Lee CS, Gillard BK, Bissig KD, Pownall HJ, Martin JF, Bao G, Lagor WR Scientific reports 28300165 Sci Rep 2017 Mar 16
Yeast display evolution of a kinetically efficient 13-amino acid substrate for lipoic acid ligase. Puthenveetil S, Liu DS, White KA, Thompson S, Ting AY Journal of the American Chemical Society 19863063 J Am Chem Soc 2009 Nov 18
Long noncoding RNAs: functional surprises from the RNA world. Wilusz JE, Sunwoo H, Spector DL Genes & development 19571179 Genes Dev 2009 Jul 1
Next-generation quantum dots. Smith AM, Nie S Nature biotechnology 19668181 Nat Biotechnol 2009 Aug
Homologous recombination-based gene therapy for the primary immunodeficiencies. Porteus M Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 22236437 Ann N Y Acad Sci 2011 Dec
In vitro modeling of the microvascular occlusion and thrombosis that occur in hematologic diseases using microfluidic technology. Tsai M, Kita A, Leach J, Rounsevell R, Huang JN, Moake J, Ware RE, Fletcher DA, Lam WA The Journal of clinical investigation 22156199 J Clin Invest 2012 Jan
Microenvironmental geometry guides platelet adhesion and spreading: a quantitative analysis at the single cell level. Kita A, Sakurai Y, Myers DR, Rounsevell R, Huang JN, Seok TJ, Yu K, Wu MC, Fletcher DA, Lam WA PloS one 22028878 PLoS One 2011
Examination of CRISPR/Cas9 design tools and the effect of target site accessibility on Cas9 activity. Lee CM, Davis TH, Bao G Experimental physiology 28303677 Exp Physiol 2018 Apr 1
Attenuation of PKCδ enhances metabolic activity and promotes expansion of blood progenitors. Rao TN, Gupta MK, Softic S, Wang LD, Jang YC, Thomou T, Bezy O, Kulkarni RN, Kahn CR, Wagers AJ The EMBO journal 30446598 EMBO J 2018 Dec 14
Different mechanisms regulate productive herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 infections in adult trigeminal neurons. Bertke AS, Ma A, Margolis MS, Margolis TP Journal of virology 23514893 J Virol 2013 Jun
Assessment of visual function and retinal structure following acute light exposure in the light sensitive T4R rhodopsin mutant dog. Iwabe S, Ying GS, Aguirre GD, Beltran WA Experimental eye research 27085210 Exp Eye Res 2016 May
Retinoschisin gene therapy in photoreceptors, Müller glia or all retinal cells in the Rs1h-/- mouse. Byrne LC, Oztürk BE, Lee T, Fortuny C, Visel M, Dalkara D, Schaffer DV, Flannery JG Gene therapy 24694538 Gene Ther 2014 Jun
How Azobenzene Photoswitches Restore Visual Responses to the Blind Retina. Tochitsky I, Helft Z, Meseguer V, Fletcher RB, Vessey KA, Telias M, Denlinger B, Malis J, Fletcher EL, Kramer RH Neuron 27667006 Neuron 2016 Oct 5
Optical properties of the crescent-shaped nanohole antenna. Wu LY, Ross BM, Lee LP Nano letters 19354226 Nano Lett 2009 May
Tuning photochromic ion channel blockers. Mourot A, Kienzler MA, Banghart MR, Fehrentz T, Huber FM, Stein M, Kramer RH, Trauner D ACS chemical neuroscience 22860175 ACS Chem Neurosci 2011 Sep 21
Activation of specific interneurons improves V1 feature selectivity and visual perception. Lee SH, Kwan AC, Zhang S, Phoumthipphavong V, Flannery JG, Masmanidis SC, Taniguchi H, Huang ZJ, Zhang F, Boyden ES, Deisseroth K, Dan Y Nature 22878719 Nature 2012 Aug 16
Intravitreal injection of AAV2 transduces macaque inner retina. Yin L, Greenberg K, Hunter JJ, Dalkara D, Kolstad KD, Masella BD, Wolfe R, Visel M, Stone D, Libby RT, Diloreto D Jr, Schaffer D, Flannery J, Williams DR, Merigan WH Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 21310920 Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011 Apr 25
A modern ionotropic glutamate receptor with a K(+) selectivity signature sequence. Janovjak H, Sandoz G, Isacoff EY Nature communications 21407198 Nat Commun 2011
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Homoserine lactone activates store-operated cAMP and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator-dependent Cl- secretion by human airway epithelia. Schwarzer C, Wong S, Shi J, Matthes E, Illek B, Ianowski JP, Arant RJ, Isacoff E, Vais H, Foskett JK, Maiellaro I, Hofer AM, Machen TE The Journal of biological chemistry 20739289 J Biol Chem 2010 Nov 5
Disassembly of a core-satellite nanoassembled substrate for colorimetric biomolecular detection. Waldeisen JR, Wang T, Ross BM, Lee LP ACS nano 21667984 ACS Nano 2011 Jul 26
Optical control of neuronal activity. Szobota S, Isacoff EY Annual review of biophysics 20192766 Annu Rev Biophys 2010
LiGluR restores visual responses in rodent models of inherited blindness. Caporale N, Kolstad KD, Lee T, Tochitsky I, Dalkara D, Trauner D, Kramer R, Dan Y, Isacoff EY, Flannery JG Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 21610698 Mol Ther 2011 Jul
Photochromic blockers of voltage-gated potassium channels. Banghart MR, Mourot A, Fortin DL, Yao JZ, Kramer RH, Trauner D Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19882609 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
Site-specific chemical modification of recombinant proteins produced in mammalian cells by using the genetically encoded aldehyde tag. Wu P, Shui W, Carlson BL, Hu N, Rabuka D, Lee J, Bertozzi CR Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19202059 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Mar 3
Plasmon resonance energy transfer (PRET)-based molecular imaging of cytochrome c in living cells. Choi Y, Kang T, Lee LP Nano letters 19093833 Nano Lett 2009 Jan
New photochemical tools for controlling neuronal activity. Kramer RH, Fortin DL, Trauner D Current opinion in neurobiology 19828309 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2009 Oct
Viral-mediated RdCVF and RdCVFL expression protects cone and rod photoreceptors in retinal degeneration. Byrne LC, Dalkara D, Luna G, Fisher SK, Clérin E, Sahel JA, Léveillard T, Flannery JG The Journal of clinical investigation 25415434 J Clin Invest 2015 Jan
Optopharmacological tools for restoring visual function in degenerative retinal diseases. Tochitsky I, Kramer RH Current opinion in neurobiology 25706312 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2015 Oct
A spinal opsin controls early neural activity and drives a behavioral light response. Friedmann D, Hoagland A, Berlin S, Isacoff EY Current biology : CB 25484291 Curr Biol 2015 Jan 5
Restoration of visual function by expression of a light-gated mammalian ion channel in retinal ganglion cells or ON-bipolar cells. Gaub BM, Berry MH, Holt AE, Reiner A, Kienzler MA, Dolgova N, Nikonov S, Aguirre GD, Beltran WA, Flannery JG, Isacoff EY Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25489083 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Dec 23
Miniaturized integration of a fluorescence microscope. Ghosh KK, Burns LD, Cocker ED, Nimmerjahn A, Ziv Y, Gamal AE, Schnitzer MJ Nature methods 21909102 Nat Methods 2011 Sep 11
Regulating enzymatic activity with a photoswitchable affinity label. Harvey JH, Trauner D Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 18085544 Chembiochem 2008 Jan 25
Inner limiting membrane barriers to AAV-mediated retinal transduction from the vitreous. Dalkara D, Kolstad KD, Caporale N, Visel M, Klimczak RR, Schaffer DV, Flannery JG Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 19672248 Mol Ther 2009 Dec
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Inhibition of Flagellin-activated NF-kappaB and interleukin-8 by human airway epithelial cells. Pena J, Fu Z, Schwarzer C, Machen TE Infection and immunity 19451246 Infect Immun 2009 Jul
Photoswitching of cell surface receptors using tethered ligands. Reiner A, Isacoff EY Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 24718794 Methods Mol Biol 2014
Conformational pathway provides unique sensitivity to a synaptic mGluR. Habrian CH, Levitz J, Vyklicky V, Fu Z, Hoagland A, McCort-Tranchepain I, Acher F, Isacoff EY Nature communications 31804469 Nat Commun 2019 Dec 5
Light-Switchable Ion Channels and Receptors for Optogenetic Interrogation of Neuronal Signaling. Lin WC, Kramer RH Bioconjugate chemistry 29465988 Bioconjug Chem 2018 Apr 18
Sequential Steps of CRAC Channel Activation. Palty R, Fu Z, Isacoff EY Cell reports 28564609 Cell Rep 2017 May 30
Dual optical control and mechanistic insights into photoswitchable group II and III metabotropic glutamate receptors. Levitz J, Broichhagen J, Leippe P, Konrad D, Trauner D, Isacoff EY Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 28396447 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Apr 25
Restoring visual function to the blind retina with a potent, safe and long-lasting photoswitch. Tochitsky I, Trautman J, Gallerani N, Malis JG, Kramer RH Scientific reports 28406473 Sci Rep 2017 Apr 13
Optical control of sphingosine-1-phosphate formation and function. Morstein J, Hill RZ, Novak AJE, Feng S, Norman DD, Donthamsetti PC, Frank JA, Harayama T, Williams BM, Parrill AL, Tigyi GJ, Riezman H, Isacoff EY, Bautista DM, Trauner D Nature chemical biology 31036923 Nat Chem Biol 2019 Jun
Orthogonal Optical Control of a G Protein-Coupled Receptor with a SNAP-Tethered Photochromic Ligand. Broichhagen J, Damijonaitis A, Levitz J, Sokol KR, Leippe P, Konrad D, Isacoff EY, Trauner D ACS central science 27162996 ACS Cent Sci 2015 Oct 28
Genetically Targeted Optical Control of an Endogenous G Protein-Coupled Receptor. Donthamsetti PC, Broichhagen J, Vyklicky V, Stanley C, Fu Z, Visel M, Levitz JL, Javitch JA, Trauner D, Isacoff EY Journal of the American Chemical Society 31291105 J Am Chem Soc 2019 Jul 24
Optogenetic Vision Restoration Using Rhodopsin for Enhanced Sensitivity. Gaub BM, Berry MH, Holt AE, Isacoff EY, Flannery JG Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 26137852 Mol Ther 2015 Oct
A new strategy to photoactivate green fluorescent protein. Groff D, Wang F, Jockusch S, Turro NJ, Schultz PG Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 20836111 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2010 Oct 11
Two-photon imaging of calcium in virally transfected striate cortical neurons of behaving monkey. Heider B, Nathanson JL, Isacoff EY, Callaway EM, Siegel RM PloS one 21079806 PLoS One 2010 Nov 4
Filtering of visual information in the tectum by an identified neural circuit. Del Bene F, Wyart C, Robles E, Tran A, Looger L, Scott EK, Isacoff EY, Baier H Science (New York, N.Y.) 21030657 Science 2010 Oct 29
Photochemical restoration of visual responses in blind mice. Polosukhina A, Litt J, Tochitsky I, Nemargut J, Sychev Y, De Kouchkovsky I, Huang T, Borges K, Trauner D, Van Gelder RN, Kramer RH Neuron 22841312 Neuron 2012 Jul 26
Optogenetic dissection of a behavioural module in the vertebrate spinal cord. Wyart C, Del Bene F, Warp E, Scott EK, Trauner D, Baier H, Isacoff EY Nature 19759620 Nature 2009 Sep 17
Nanosculpting reversed wavelength sensitivity into a photoswitchable iGluR. Numano R, Szobota S, Lau AY, Gorostiza P, Volgraf M, Roux B, Trauner D, Isacoff EY Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19342491 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Apr 21
Nanoplasmonic gene regulation. Lee SE, Lee LP Current opinion in chemical biology 20888286 Curr Opin Chem Biol 2010 Oct
Phospholipase D2 specifically regulates TREK potassium channels via direct interaction and local production of phosphatidic acid. Comoglio Y, Levitz J, Kienzler MA, Lesage F, Isacoff EY, Sandoz G Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25197053 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Sep 16
Focal damage to macaque photoreceptors produces persistent visual loss. Strazzeri JM, Hunter JJ, Masella BD, Yin L, Fischer WS, DiLoreto DA Jr, Libby RT, Williams DR, Merigan WH Experimental eye research 24316158 Exp Eye Res 2014 Feb
Adeno-associated virus vectors and neurological gene therapy. Ojala DS, Amara DP, Schaffer DV The Neuroscientist : a review journal bringing neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry 24557878 Neuroscientist 2015 Feb
Tethered ligands reveal glutamate receptor desensitization depends on subunit occupancy. Reiner A, Isacoff EY Nature chemical biology 24561661 Nat Chem Biol 2014 Apr
Light at the end of the channel: optical manipulation of intrinsic neuronal excitability with chemical photoswitches. Mourot A, Tochitsky I, Kramer RH Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 23518818 Front Mol Neurosci 2013
Overlap of abnormal photoreceptor development and progressive degeneration in Leber congenital amaurosis caused by NPHP5 mutation. Downs LM, Scott EM, Cideciyan AV, Iwabe S, Dufour V, Gardiner KL, Genini S, Marinho LF, Sumaroka A, Kosyk MS, Swider M, Aguirre GK, Jacobson SG, Beltran WA, Aguirre GD Human molecular genetics 27506978 Hum Mol Genet 2016 Oct 1
A Toolkit for Orthogonal and in vivo Optical Manipulation of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors. Levitz J, Popescu AT, Reiner A, Isacoff EY Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 26869877 Front Mol Neurosci 2016
N-(3-Oxo-acyl)-homoserine lactone induces apoptosis primarily through a mitochondrial pathway in fibroblasts. Neely AM, Zhao G, Schwarzer C, Stivers NS, Whitt AG, Meng S, Burlison JA, Machen TE, Li C Cellular microbiology 28876505 Cell Microbiol 2018 Jan
AAV ancestral reconstruction library enables selection of broadly infectious viral variants. Santiago-Ortiz J, Ojala DS, Westesson O, Weinstein JR, Wong SY, Steinsapir A, Kumar S, Holmes I, Schaffer DV Gene therapy 26186661 Gene Ther 2015 Dec
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Imaging light responses of retinal ganglion cells in the living mouse eye. Yin L, Geng Y, Osakada F, Sharma R, Cetin AH, Callaway EM, Williams DR, Merigan WH Journal of neurophysiology 23407356 J Neurophysiol 2013 May
Optical control of metabotropic glutamate receptors. Levitz J, Pantoja C, Gaub B, Janovjak H, Reiner A, Hoagland A, Schoppik D, Kane B, Stawski P, Schier AF, Trauner D, Isacoff EY Nature neuroscience 23455609 Nat Neurosci 2013 Apr
AMPA receptor/TARP stoichiometry visualized by single-molecule subunit counting. Hastie P, Ulbrich MH, Wang HL, Arant RJ, Lau AG, Zhang Z, Isacoff EY, Chen L Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23479622 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Mar 26
Emergence of patterned activity in the developing zebrafish spinal cord. Warp E, Agarwal G, Wyart C, Friedmann D, Oldfield CS, Conner A, Del Bene F, Arrenberg AB, Baier H, Isacoff EY Current biology : CB 22197243 Curr Biol 2012 Jan 24
Optogenetic activation of LiGluR-expressing astrocytes evokes anion channel-mediated glutamate release. Li D, Hérault K, Isacoff EY, Oheim M, Ropert N The Journal of physiology 22219341 J Physiol 2012 Feb 15
AAV mediated GDNF secretion from retinal glia slows down retinal degeneration in a rat model of retinitis pigmentosa. Dalkara D, Kolstad KD, Guerin KI, Hoffmann NV, Visel M, Klimczak RR, Schaffer DV, Flannery JG Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 21522134 Mol Ther 2011 Sep
Engineering light-regulated ion channels. Fortin DL, Dunn TW, Kramer RH Cold Spring Harbor protocols 21632787 Cold Spring Harb Protoc 2011 Jun 1
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Targeted transgene expression in muller glia of normal and diseased retinas using lentiviral vectors. Greenberg KP, Geller SF, Schaffer DV, Flannery JG Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 17389520 Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2007 Apr
Colloid-guided assembly of oriented 3D neuronal networks. Pautot S, Wyart C, Isacoff EY Nature methods 18641658 Nat Methods 2008 Aug
New aldehyde tag sequences identified by screening formylglycine generating enzymes in vitro and in vivo. Rush JS, Bertozzi CR Journal of the American Chemical Society 18722427 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Sep 17
Nanoengineering ion channels for optical control. Gorostiza P, Isacoff EY Physiology (Bethesda, Md.) 18927200 Physiology (Bethesda) 2008 Oct
Engineering a light-regulated GABAA receptor for optical control of neural inhibition. Lin WC, Davenport CM, Mourot A, Vytla D, Smith CM, Medeiros KA, Chambers JJ, Kramer RH ACS chemical biology 24819442 ACS Chem Biol 2014 Jul 18
Thapsigargin blocks Pseudomonas aeruginosa homoserine lactone-induced apoptosis in airway epithelia. Schwarzer C, Ravishankar B, Patanwala M, Shuai S, Fu Z, Illek B, Fischer H, Machen TE American journal of physiology. Cell physiology 24598360 Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2014 May 1
Rapid optical control of nociception with an ion-channel photoswitch. Mourot A, Fehrentz T, Le Feuvre Y, Smith CM, Herold C, Dalkara D, Nagy F, Trauner D, Kramer RH Nature methods 22343342 Nat Methods 2012 Feb 19
Biologically functional cationic phospholipid-gold nanoplasmonic carriers of RNA. Lee SE, Sasaki DY, Perroud TD, Yoo D, Patel KD, Lee LP Journal of the American Chemical Society 19746908 J Am Chem Soc 2009 Oct 7
Optical control of zebrafish behavior with halorhodopsin. Arrenberg AB, Del Bene F, Baier H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19805086 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Oct 20
In vivo brain imaging using a portable 2.9 g two-photon microscope based on a microelectromechanical systems scanning mirror. Piyawattanametha W, Cocker ED, Burns LD, Barretto RP, Jung JC, Ra H, Solgaard O, Schnitzer MJ Optics letters 19649080 Opt Lett 2009 Aug 1
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Grueneberg ganglion olfactory subsystem employs a cGMP signaling pathway. Liu CY, Fraser SE, Koos DS The Journal of comparative neurology 19565523 J Comp Neurol 2009 Sep 1
Restoring visual function to blind mice with a photoswitch that exploits electrophysiological remodeling of retinal ganglion cells. Tochitsky I, Polosukhina A, Degtyar VE, Gallerani N, Smith CM, Friedman A, Van Gelder RN, Trauner D, Kaufer D, Kramer RH Neuron 24559673 Neuron 2014 Feb 19
A red-shifted, fast-relaxing azobenzene photoswitch for visible light control of an ionotropic glutamate receptor. Kienzler MA, Reiner A, Trautman E, Yoo S, Trauner D, Isacoff EY Journal of the American Chemical Society 24171511 J Am Chem Soc 2013 Nov 27
Assembly stoichiometry of the GluK2/GluK5 kainate receptor complex. Reiner A, Arant RJ, Isacoff EY Cell reports 22509486 Cell Rep 2012 Mar 29
Rational design, synthesis, and characterization of highly fluorescent optical switches for high-contrast optical lock-in detection (OLID) imaging microscopy in living cells. Petchprayoon C, Yan Y, Mao S, Marriott G Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20674372 Bioorg Med Chem 2011 Feb 1
Rapid feedback regulation of synaptic efficacy during high-frequency activity at the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction. Kauwe G, Isacoff EY Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23674684 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 May 28
Optogenetic Retinal Gene Therapy with the Light Gated GPCR Vertebrate Rhodopsin. Gaub BM, Berry MH, Visel M, Holt A, Isacoff EY, Flannery JG Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 29188513 Methods Mol Biol 2018
Restoration of patterned vision with an engineered photoactivatable G protein-coupled receptor. Berry MH, Holt A, Levitz J, Broichhagen J, Gaub BM, Visel M, Stanley C, Aghi K, Kim YJ, Cao K, Kramer RH, Trauner D, Flannery J, Isacoff EY Nature communications 29192252 Nat Commun 2017 Nov 30
Exclusion of the unfolded protein response in light-induced retinal degeneration in the canine T4R RHO model of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. Marsili S, Genini S, Sudharsan R, Gingrich J, Aguirre GD, Beltran WA PloS one 25695253 PLoS One 2015
A family of photoswitchable NMDA receptors. Berlin S, Szobota S, Reiner A, Carroll EC, Kienzler MA, Guyon A, Xiao T, Trauner D, Isacoff EY eLife 26929991 Elife 2016 Mar 1
Measuring Behavioral Individuality in the Acoustic Startle Behavior in Zebrafish. Pantoja C, Hoagland A, Carroll E, Schoppik D, Isacoff EY Bio-protocol 28752108 Bio Protoc 2017 Apr 5
Lateral Inhibition in the Vertebrate Retina: The Case of the Missing Neurotransmitter. Kramer RH, Davenport CM PLoS biology 26656622 PLoS Biol 2015 Dec
Mechanism of Assembly and Cooperativity of Homomeric and Heteromeric Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors. Levitz J, Habrian C, Bharill S, Fu Z, Vafabakhsh R, Isacoff EY Neuron 27641494 Neuron 2016 Oct 5
Neuromodulatory Regulation of Behavioral Individuality in Zebrafish. Pantoja C, Hoagland A, Carroll EC, Karalis V, Conner A, Isacoff EY Neuron 27397519 Neuron 2016 Aug 3
Controlling ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors with light: principles and potential. Reiner A, Levitz J, Isacoff EY Current opinion in pharmacology 25573450 Curr Opin Pharmacol 2015 Feb
Restoration of high-sensitivity and adapting vision with a cone opsin. Berry MH, Holt A, Salari A, Veit J, Visel M, Levitz J, Aghi K, Gaub BM, Sivyer B, Flannery JG, Isacoff EY Nature communications 30874546 Nat Commun 2019 Mar 15
Conformational dynamics of a class C G-protein-coupled receptor. Vafabakhsh R, Levitz J, Isacoff EY Nature 26258295 Nature 2015 Aug 27
Paraoxonase 2 serves a proapopotic function in mouse and human cells in response to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing molecule N-(3-Oxododecanoyl)-homoserine lactone. Schwarzer C, Fu Z, Morita T, Whitt AG, Neely AM, Li C, Machen TE The Journal of biological chemistry 25627690 J Biol Chem 2015 Mar 13
Two-photon brightness of azobenzene photoswitches designed for glutamate receptor optogenetics. Carroll EC, Berlin S, Levitz J, Kienzler MA, Yuan Z, Madsen D, Larsen DS, Isacoff EY Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25653339 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Feb 17
Photochemical approaches to vision restoration. Van Gelder RN Vision research 25680758 Vision Res 2015 Jun
Optical switches for remote and noninvasive control of cell signaling. Gorostiza P, Isacoff EY Science (New York, N.Y.) 18927384 Science 2008 Oct 17
Biomolecular plasmonics for quantitative biology and nanomedicine. Lee SE, Lee LP Current opinion in biotechnology 20801636 Curr Opin Biotechnol 2010 Aug
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A light-gated, potassium-selective glutamate receptor for the optical inhibition of neuronal firing. Janovjak H, Szobota S, Wyart C, Trauner D, Isacoff EY Nature neuroscience 20581843 Nat Neurosci 2010 Aug
A novel adeno-associated viral variant for efficient and selective intravitreal transduction of rat Müller cells. Klimczak RR, Koerber JT, Dalkara D, Flannery JG, Schaffer DV PloS one 19826483 PLoS One 2009 Oct 14
Optical quantal analysis of synaptic transmission in wild-type and rab3-mutant Drosophila motor axons. Peled ES, Isacoff EY Nature neuroscience 21378971 Nat Neurosci 2011 Apr
Optogenetic photochemical control of designer K+ channels in mammalian neurons. Fortin DL, Dunn TW, Fedorchak A, Allen D, Montpetit R, Banghart MR, Trauner D, Adelman JP, Kramer RH Journal of neurophysiology 21525363 J Neurophysiol 2011 Jul
High-contrast fluorescence imaging in fixed and living cells using optimized optical switches. Wu L, Dai Y, Jiang X, Petchprayoon C, Lee JE, Jiang T, Yan Y, Marriott G PloS one 23755140 PLoS One 2013
In vivo-directed evolution of a new adeno-associated virus for therapeutic outer retinal gene delivery from the vitreous. Dalkara D, Byrne LC, Klimczak RR, Visel M, Yin L, Merigan WH, Flannery JG, Schaffer DV Science translational medicine 23761039 Sci Transl Med 2013 Jun 12
Visualizing mammalian brain area interactions by dual-axis two-photon calcium imaging. Lecoq J, Savall J, Vučinić D, Grewe BF, Kim H, Li JZ, Kitch LJ, Schnitzer MJ Nature neuroscience 25402858 Nat Neurosci 2014 Dec
The expression pattern of systemically injected AAV9 in the developing mouse retina is determined by age. Byrne LC, Lin YJ, Lee T, Schaffer DV, Flannery JG Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 25224467 Mol Ther 2015 Feb
Optogenetic techniques for the study of native potassium channels. Sandoz G, Levitz J Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 23596388 Front Mol Neurosci 2013
Experience, circuit dynamics, and forebrain recruitment in larval zebrafish prey capture. Oldfield CS, Grossrubatscher I, Chávez M, Hoagland A, Huth AR, Carroll EC, Prendergast A, Qu T, Gallant JL, Wyart C, Isacoff EY eLife 32985972 Elife 2020 Sep 28
Pseudomonas aeruginosa homoserine lactone triggers apoptosis and Bak/Bax-independent release of mitochondrial cytochrome C in fibroblasts. Schwarzer C, Fu Z, Shuai S, Babbar S, Zhao G, Li C, Machen TE Cellular microbiology 24438098 Cell Microbiol 2014 Jul
Reversible optical control of cyanine fluorescence in fixed and living cells: optical lock-in detection immunofluorescence imaging microscopy. Yan Y, Petchprayoon C, Mao S, Marriott G Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 23267183 Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2013 Feb 5
The Brain Prize 2013: the optogenetics revolution. Reiner A, Isacoff EY Trends in neurosciences 24054067 Trends Neurosci 2013 Oct
A Comprehensive Optogenetic Pharmacology Toolkit for In Vivo Control of GABA(A) Receptors and Synaptic Inhibition. Lin WC, Tsai MC, Davenport CM, Smith CM, Veit J, Wilson NM, Adesnik H, Kramer RH Neuron 26606997 Neuron 2015 Dec 2
Photoactivatable genetically encoded calcium indicators for targeted neuronal imaging. Berlin S, Carroll EC, Newman ZL, Okada HO, Quinn CM, Kallman B, Rockwell NC, Martin SS, Lagarias JC, Isacoff EY Nature methods 26167640 Nat Methods 2015 Sep
Stoichiometry and specific assembly of Best ion channels. Bharill S, Fu Z, Palty R, Isacoff EY Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24748110 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Apr 29
N-(3-oxo-acyl) homoserine lactone inhibits tumor growth independent of Bcl-2 proteins. Zhao G, Neely AM, Schwarzer C, Lu H, Whitt AG, Stivers NS, Burlison JA, White C, Machen TE, Li C Oncotarget 26758417 Oncotarget 2016 Feb 2
Optical Control of Dopamine Receptors Using a Photoswitchable Tethered Inverse Agonist. Donthamsetti PC, Winter N, Schönberger M, Levitz J, Stanley C, Javitch JA, Isacoff EY, Trauner D Journal of the American Chemical Society 29166564 J Am Chem Soc 2017 Dec 27
Copper regulates rest-activity cycles through the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system. Xiao T, Ackerman CM, Carroll EC, Jia S, Hoagland A, Chan J, Thai B, Liu CS, Isacoff EY, Chang CJ Nature chemical biology 29867144 Nat Chem Biol 2018 Jul
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Remote optical switch for localized and selective control of gene interference. Lee SE, Liu GL, Kim F, Lee LP Nano letters 19128006 Nano Lett 2009 Feb
Genetic and optical targeting of neural circuits and behavior--zebrafish in the spotlight. Baier H, Scott EK Current opinion in neurobiology 19781935 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2009 Oct
Optical control of endogenous proteins with a photoswitchable conditional subunit reveals a role for TREK1 in GABA(B) signaling. Sandoz G, Levitz J, Kramer RH, Isacoff EY Neuron 22726831 Neuron 2012 Jun 21
Optochemical control of genetically engineered neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Tochitsky I, Banghart MR, Mourot A, Yao JZ, Gaub B, Kramer RH, Trauner D Nature chemistry 22270644 Nat Chem 2012 Jan 10
Enhanced gene delivery to the neonatal retina through systemic administration of tyrosine-mutated AAV9. Dalkara D, Byrne LC, Lee T, Hoffmann NV, Schaffer DV, Flannery JG Gene therapy 22011645 Gene Ther 2012 Feb
Photonic gene circuits by optically addressable siRNA-Au nanoantennas. Lee SE, Sasaki DY, Park Y, Xu R, Brennan JS, Bissell MJ, Lee LP ACS nano 22827439 ACS Nano 2012 Sep 25
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Optical control of neuronal activity using a light-operated GIRK channel opener (LOGO). Barber DM, Schönberger M, Burgstaller J, Levitz J, Weaver CD, Isacoff EY, Baier H, Trauner D Chemical science 28090283 Chem Sci 2016
Precise modulation of neuronal activity with synthetic photoswitchable ligands. Kienzler MA, Isacoff EY Current opinion in neurobiology 28690101 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2017 Aug
Photochemical Restoration of Light Sensitivity in the Degenerated Canine Retina. Nikonov S, Dolgova N, Sudharsan R, Tochitsky I, Iwabe S, Guzman JM, Van Gelder RN, Kramer RH, Aguirre GD, Beltran WA Pharmaceutics 36559205 Pharmaceutics 2022 Dec 3
Formation of lipid bilayers inside microfluidic channel array for monitoring membrane-embedded nanopores of phi29 DNA packaging nanomotor. Shim JS, Geng J, Ahn CH, Guo P Biomedical microdevices 22773160 Biomed Microdevices 2012 Oct
Robust properties of membrane-embedded connector channel of bacterial virus phi29 DNA packaging motor. Jing P, Haque F, Vonderheide AP, Montemagno C, Guo P Molecular bioSystems 20523933 Mol Biosyst 2010 Oct
Oriented insertion of phi29 N-hexahistidine-tagged gp10 connector protein assemblies into C20BAS bolalipid membrane vesicles. Hyun SH, Kim HK, Kim JM, Thompson DH Journal of the American Chemical Society 20715817 J Am Chem Soc 2010 Dec 8
One-way traffic of a viral motor channel for double-stranded DNA translocation. Jing P, Haque F, Shu D, Montemagno C, Guo P Nano letters 20722407 Nano Lett 2010 Sep 8
Translocation of double-stranded DNA through membrane-adapted phi29 motor protein nanopores. Wendell D, Jing P, Geng J, Subramaniam V, Lee TJ, Montemagno C, Guo P Nature nanotechnology 19893523 Nat Nanotechnol 2009 Nov
Highly Sensitive, Mechanically Stable Nanopore Sensors for DNA Analysis. Venkatesan BM, Dorvel B, Yemenicioglu S, Watkins N, Petrov I, Bashir R Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 20098720 Adv Mater 2009 Jul 20
Adjustable ellipsoid nanoparticles assembled from re-engineered connectors of the bacteriophage phi29 DNA packaging motor. Xiao F, Cai Y, Wang JC, Green D, Cheng RH, Demeler B, Guo P ACS nano 19634910 ACS Nano 2009 Aug 25
Engineering of the fluorescent-energy-conversion arm of phi29 DNA packaging motor for single-molecule studies. Lee TJ, Zhang H, Chang CL, Savran C, Guo P Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 19743427 Small 2009 Nov
Evaluation of end-capped DNA modules for pRNA capture and functionalization. Laing BM, Bergstrom DE Bioconjugate chemistry 22443238 Bioconjug Chem 2012 Apr 18
Solid-State and Biological Nanopore for Real-Time Sensing of Single Chemical and Sequencing of DNA. Haque F, Li J, Wu HC, Liang XJ, Guo P Nano today 23504223 Nano Today 2013 Feb
Modular assembly of chimeric phi29 packaging RNAs that support DNA packaging. Fang Y, Shu D, Xiao F, Guo P, Qin PZ Biochemical and biophysical research communications 18514064 Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2008 Aug 8
Construction of bacteriophage phi29 DNA packaging motor and its applications in nanotechnology and therapy. Lee TJ, Schwartz C, Guo P Annals of biomedical engineering 19495981 Ann Biomed Eng 2009 Oct
Nanomedicine in ophthalmology: the new frontier. Zarbin MA, Montemagno C, Leary JF, Ritch R American journal of ophthalmology 20670739 Am J Ophthalmol 2010 Aug
Fabrication of massive sheets of single layer patterned arrays using lipid directed reengineered phi29 motor dodecamer. Xiao F, Sun J, Coban O, Schoen P, Wang JC, Cheng RH, Guo P ACS nano 19206255 ACS Nano 2009 Jan 27
Engineering RNA for targeted siRNA delivery and medical application. Guo P, Coban O, Snead NM, Trebley J, Hoeprich S, Guo S, Shu Y Advanced drug delivery reviews 20230868 Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2010 Apr 30
Design and application of single fluorophore dual-view imaging system containing both the objective- and prism-type TIRF. Zhang H, Shu D, Wang W, Guo P Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering 20436791 Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng 2010
Lipid bilayer coated Al(2)O(3) nanopore sensors: towards a hybrid biological solid-state nanopore. Venkatesan BM, Polans J, Comer J, Sridhar S, Wendell D, Aksimentiev A, Bashir R Biomedical microdevices 21487665 Biomed Microdevices 2011 Aug
Nanotechnology in ophthalmology. Zarbin MA, Montemagno C, Leary JF, Ritch R Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie 20871642 Can J Ophthalmol 2010 Oct
Uniqueness, advantages, challenges, solutions, and perspectives in therapeutics applying RNA nanotechnology. Guo P, Haque F, Hallahan B, Reif R, Li H Nucleic acid therapeutics 22913595 Nucleic Acid Ther 2012 Aug
Reversible switching of pRNA activity on the DNA packaging motor of bacteriophage phi29. Ko SH, Chen Y, Shu D, Guo P, Mao C Journal of the American Chemical Society 19049308 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Dec 31
Conformational flexibility facilitates self-assembly of complex DNA nanostructures. Zhang C, Su M, He Y, Zhao X, Fang PA, Ribbe AE, Jiang W, Mao C Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 18667705 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008 Aug 5
Capture and alignment of phi29 viral particles in sub-40 nanometer porous alumina membranes. Moon JM, Akin D, Xuan Y, Ye PD, Guo P, Bashir R Biomedical microdevices 18770041 Biomed Microdevices 2009 Feb
Optimized method for the synthesis and purification of adenosine--folic acid conjugates for use as transcription initiators in the preparation of modified RNA. Laing BM, Guo P, Bergstrom DE Methods (San Diego, Calif.) 21163352 Methods 2011 Jun
DNA Sensing using Nano-crystalline Surface Enhanced Al(2)O(3) Nanopore Sensors. Venkatesan BM, Shah AB, Zuo JM, Bashir R Advanced functional materials 23335871 Adv Funct Mater 2010 Apr 23
A boost for the emerging field of RNA nanotechnology. Shukla GC, Haque F, Tor Y, Wilhelmsson LM, Toulmé JJ, Isambert H, Guo P, Rossi JJ, Tenenbaum SA, Shapiro BA ACS nano 21604810 ACS Nano 2011 May 24
Viral nanomotors for packaging of dsDNA and dsRNA. Guo P, Lee TJ Molecular microbiology 17501915 Mol Microbiol 2007 May
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of recombinant hepatitis E virus-like particle. Wang CY, Miyazaki N, Yamashita T, Higashiura A, Nakagawa A, Li TC, Takeda N, Xing L, Hjalmarsson E, Friberg C, Liou DM, Sung YJ, Tsukihara T, Matsuura Y, Miyamura T, Cheng RH Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications 18391436 Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 2008 Apr 1
Strand and nucleotide-dependent ATPase activity of gp16 of bacterial virus phi29 DNA packaging motor. Lee TJ, Zhang H, Liang D, Guo P Virology 18701124 Virology 2008 Oct 10
Construction of a laser combiner for dual fluorescent single molecule imaging of pRNA of phi29 DNA packaging motor. Zhang H, Shu D, Browne M, Guo P Biomedical microdevices 19809878 Biomed Microdevices 2010 Feb
Bright-field analysis of phi29 DNA packaging motor using a magnetomechanical system. Chang CL, Zhang H, Shu D, Guo P, Savran CA Applied physics letters 19529792 Appl Phys Lett 2008 Oct 13
Phase separation in binary mixtures of bipolar and monopolar lipid dispersions revealed by 2H NMR spectroscopy, small angle x-ray scattering, and molecular theory. Brownholland DP, Longo GS, Struts AV, Justice MJ, Szleifer I, Petrache HI, Brown MF, Thompson DH Biophysical journal 19917223 Biophys J 2009 Nov 18
Effective electrophoretic mobilities and charges of anti-VEGF proteins determined by capillary zone electrophoresis. Li SK, Liddell MR, Wen H Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 21269789 J Pharm Biomed Anal 2011 Jun 1
Assembly of multifunctional phi29 pRNA nanoparticles for specific delivery of siRNA and other therapeutics to targeted cells. Shu Y, Cinier M, Shu D, Guo P Methods (San Diego, Calif.) 21320601 Methods 2011 Jun
Application of phi29 motor pRNA for targeted therapeutic delivery of siRNA silencing metallothionein-IIA and survivin in ovarian cancers. Tarapore P, Shu Y, Guo P, Ho SM Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 21063391 Mol Ther 2011 Feb
"Push through one-way valve" mechanism of viral DNA packaging. Zhang H, Schwartz C, De Donatis GM, Guo P Advances in virus research 22748815 Adv Virus Res 2012
Novel mechanism of hexamer ring assembly in protein/RNA interactions revealed by single molecule imaging. Xiao F, Zhang H, Guo P Nucleic acids research 18940870 Nucleic Acids Res 2008 Nov
Improved plasmalogen synthesis using organobarium intermediates. Van den Bossche J, Shin J, Thompson DH The Journal of organic chemistry 17539687 J Org Chem 2007 Jun 22
The emerging field of RNA nanotechnology. Guo P Nature nanotechnology 21102465 Nat Nanotechnol 2010 Dec
Approaches for stoichiometry and distance determination of nanometer bio-complex by dual-channel single molecule imaging. Zhang H, Shu D, Browne M, Guo P IEEE/NIH Life Science Systems and Applications Workshop. IEEE/NIH Life Science Systems and Applications Workshop 20485472 IEEE NIH Life Sci Syst Appl Workshop 2009 Apr 9
Dual functional RNA nanoparticles containing phi29 motor pRNA and anti-gp120 aptamer for cell-type specific delivery and HIV-1 inhibition. Zhou J, Shu Y, Guo P, Smith DD, Rossi JJ Methods (San Diego, Calif.) 21256218 Methods 2011 Jun
Ultrastable pRNA hexameric ring gearing hexameric phi29 DNA-packaging motor by revolving without rotating and coiling. Schwartz C, Guo P Current opinion in biotechnology 23683853 Curr Opin Biotechnol 2013 Aug
Accurate and Effective Live Bacteria Microarray Patterning on Thick Polycationic Polymer Layer Co-Patterned with HMDS. Wong I, Ding X, Wu C, Ho CM RSC advances 23418622 RSC Adv 2012
Multiplexed ion beam imaging of human breast tumors. Angelo M, Bendall SC, Finck R, Hale MB, Hitzman C, Borowsky AD, Levenson RM, Lowe JB, Liu SD, Zhao S, Natkunam Y, Nolan GP Nature medicine 24584119 Nat Med 2014 Apr
Creation of functional micro/nano systems through top-down and bottom-up approaches. Wong TS, Brough B, Ho CM Molecular & cellular biomechanics : MCB 19382535 Mol Cell Biomech 2009 Mar
Reversible regulation of aptamer activity with effector-responsive hairpin oligonucleotides. Li N Journal of laboratory automation 22651934 J Lab Autom 2013 Feb
Tunable oscillations in the Purkinje neuron. Abrams ZR, Warrier A, Wang Y, Trauner D, Zhang X Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 22680496 Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2012 Apr
Motile and non-motile sperm diagnostic manipulation using optoelectronic tweezers. Ohta AT, Garcia M, Valley JK, Banie L, Hsu HY, Jamshidi A, Neale SL, Lue T, Wu MC Lab on a chip 20835428 Lab Chip 2010 Dec 7
High throughput cell nanomechanics with mechanical imaging interferometry. Reed J, Frank M, Troke JJ, Schmit J, Han S, Teitell MA, Gimzewski JK Nanotechnology 20737027 Nanotechnology 2008 Jun 11
An optimized small molecule inhibitor cocktail supports long-term maintenance of human embryonic stem cells. Tsutsui H, Valamehr B, Hindoyan A, Qiao R, Ding X, Guo S, Witte ON, Liu X, Ho CM, Wu H Nature communications 21266967 Nat Commun 2011 Jan 25
NanoPen: dynamic, low-power, and light-actuated patterning of nanoparticles. Jamshidi A, Neale SL, Yu K, Pauzauskie PJ, Schuck PJ, Valley JK, Hsu HY, Ohta AT, Wu MC Nano letters 19588985 Nano Lett 2009 Aug
TORC2 regulates germinal center repression of the TCL1 oncoprotein to promote B cell development and inhibit transformation. Kuraishy AI, French SW, Sherman M, Herling M, Jones D, Wall R, Teitell MA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 17548807 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Jun 12
Operational Regimes and Physics Present in Optoelectronic Tweezers. Valley JK, Jamshidi A, Ohta AT, Hsu HY, Wu MC Journal of microelectromechanical systems : a joint IEEE and ASME publication on microstructures, microactuators, microsensors, and microsystems 19079767 J Microelectromech Syst 2008 Apr
Expression of sprouty2 inhibits B-cell proliferation and is epigenetically silenced in mouse and human B-cell lymphomas. Frank MJ, Dawson DW, Bensinger SJ, Hong JS, Knosp WM, Xu L, Balatoni CE, Allen EL, Shen RR, Bar-Sagi D, Martin GR, Teitell MA Blood 19147787 Blood 2009 Mar 12
Type three secretion system-mediated escape of Burkholderia pseudomallei into the host cytosol is critical for the activation of NFκB. Teh BE, French CT, Chen Y, Chen IG, Wu TH, Sagullo E, Chiou PY, Teitell MA, Miller JF, Gan YH BMC microbiology 24884837 BMC Microbiol 2014 May 6
Use of cell morphology as early bioindicator for viral infection. Ding X, Liu N, Matsuo K, Sun M, Zhao X IET nanobiotechnology 24888188 IET Nanobiotechnol 2014 Mar
Intracellular delivery of top-down fabricated tunable nano-plasmonic resonators. Ota S, Wang S, Ryu J, Wang Y, Chen Y, Zhang X Nanoscale 24056760 Nanoscale 2013 Nov 7
Cascade search for HSV-1 combinatorial drugs with high antiviral efficacy and low toxicity. Ding X, Sanchez DJ, Shahangian A, Al-Shyoukh I, Cheng G, Ho CM International journal of nanomedicine 22654513 Int J Nanomedicine 2012
Preimplantation mouse embryo selection guided by light-induced dielectrophoresis. Valley JK, Swinton P, Boscardin WJ, Lue TF, Rinaudo PF, Wu MC, Garcia MM PloS one 20405021 PLoS One 2010 Apr 13
Closed-loop control of cellular functions using combinatory drugs guided by a stochastic search algorithm. Wong PK, Yu F, Shahangian A, Cheng G, Sun R, Ho CM Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 18356295 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008 Apr 1
Hydrophobic surfaces for enhanced differentiation of embryonic stem cell-derived embryoid bodies. Valamehr B, Jonas SJ, Polleux J, Qiao R, Guo S, Gschweng EH, Stiles B, Kam K, Luo TJ, Witte ON, Liu X, Dunn B, Wu H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 18791068 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008 Sep 23
Single-sided continuous optoelectrowetting (SCOEW) for droplet manipulation with light patterns. Park SY, Teitell MA, Chiou EP Lab on a chip 20448870 Lab Chip 2010 Jul 7
Trap profiles of projector based optoelectronic tweezers (OET) with HeLa cells. Neale SL, Ohta AT, Hsu HY, Valley JK, Jamshidi A, Wu MC Optics express 19333286 Opt Express 2009 Mar 30
Guiding the osteogenic fate of mouse and human mesenchymal stem cells through feedback system control. Honda Y, Ding X, Mussano F, Wiberg A, Ho CM, Nishimura I Scientific reports 24305548 Sci Rep 2013 Dec 5
Cellular Signaling Analysis shows antiviral, ribavirin-mediated ribosomal signaling modulation. Ding X, Krutzik PO, Ghaffari AA, Zhaozhi Y, Miranda D Jr, Cheng G, Ho CM, Nolan GP, Sanchez DJ Antiviral research 31513822 Antiviral Res 2019 Nov
When Medicine Meets Engineering-Paradigm Shifts in Diagnostics and Therapeutics. Wang H, Silva A, Ho CM Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) 26835672 Diagnostics (Basel) 2013 Feb 27
Reversibility of Defective Hematopoiesis Caused by Telomere Shortening in Telomerase Knockout Mice. Raval A, Behbehani GK, Nguyen le XT, Thomas D, Kusler B, Garbuzov A, Ramunas J, Holbrook C, Park CY, Blau H, Nolan GP, Artandi SE, Mitchell BS PloS one 26133370 PLoS One 2015
A noninvasive, motility independent, sperm sorting method and technology to identify and retrieve individual viable nonmotile sperm for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Garcia MM, Ohta AT, Walsh TJ, Vittinghof E, Lin G, Wu MC, Lue TF The Journal of urology 20952004 J Urol 2010 Dec
Nanochromatography driven by the coffee ring effect. Wong TS, Chen TH, Shen X, Ho CM Analytical chemistry 21288015 Anal Chem 2011 Mar 15
High-speed droplet generation on demand driven by pulse laser-induced cavitation. Park SY, Wu TH, Chen Y, Teitell MA, Chiou PY Lab on a chip 21290045 Lab Chip 2011 Mar 21
Dependence of macroscopic wetting on nanoscopic surface textures. Wong TS, Ho CM Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 19842620 Langmuir 2009 Nov 17
A light-induced dielectrophoretic droplet manipulation platform. Park SY, Kalim S, Callahan C, Teitell MA, Chiou EP Lab on a chip 19865729 Lab Chip 2009 Nov 21
Efficient dielectrophoretic patterning of embryonic stem cells in energy landscapes defined by hydrogel geometries. Tsutsui H, Yu E, Marquina S, Valamehr B, Wong I, Wu H, Ho CM Annals of biomedical engineering 20614250 Ann Biomed Eng 2010 Dec
Surface molecular property modifications for poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) based microfluidic devices. Wong I, Ho CM Microfluidics and nanofluidics 20357909 Microfluid Nanofluidics 2009 Sep 1
AID-induced genotoxic stress promotes B cell differentiation in the germinal center via ATM and LKB1 signaling. Sherman MH, Kuraishy AI, Deshpande C, Hong JS, Cacalano NA, Gatti RA, Manis JP, Damore MA, Pellegrini M, Teitell MA Molecular cell 20864035 Mol Cell 2010 Sep 24
Single molecule transcription profiling with AFM. Reed J, Mishra B, Pittenger B, Magonov S, Troke J, Teitell MA, Gimzewski JK Nanotechnology 20721301 Nanotechnology 2007 May 9
Subcellular resolution mapping of endogenous cytokine secretion by nano-plasmonic-resonator sensor array. Wang S, Ota S, Guo B, Ryu J, Rhodes C, Xiong Y, Kalim S, Zeng L, Chen Y, Teitell MA, Zhang X Nano letters 21780816 Nano Lett 2011 Aug 10
Directing tissue morphogenesis via self-assembly of vascular mesenchymal cells. Chen TH, Zhu X, Pan L, Zeng X, Garfinkel A, Tintut Y, Demer LL, Zhao X, Ho CM Biomaterials 23010575 Biomaterials 2012 Dec
Live cell interferometry reveals cellular dynamism during force propagation. Reed J, Troke JJ, Schmit J, Han S, Teitell MA, Gimzewski JK ACS nano 19206480 ACS Nano 2008 May
Super-resolution imaging by random adsorbed molecule probes. Wu D, Liu Z, Sun C, Zhang X Nano letters 18321073 Nano Lett 2008 Apr
Gradient lithography of engineered proteins to fabricate 2D and 3D cell culture microenvironments. Wang S, Wong Po Foo C, Warrier A, Poo MM, Heilshorn SC, Zhang X Biomedical microdevices 19495986 Biomed Microdevices 2009 Oct
Molecular effects on boundary condition in micronanoliquid flows. Ulmanella U, Ho CM Physics of fluids (Woodbury, N.Y. : 1994) 19547719 Phys Fluids (1994) 2008 Oct
Optically actuated thermocapillary movement of gas bubbles on an absorbing substrate. Ohta AT, Jamshidi A, Valley JK, Hsu HY, Wu MC Applied physics letters 19750203 Appl Phys Lett 2007 Aug 14
DNA diagnostics: nanotechnology-enhanced electrochemical detection of nucleic acids. Wei F, Lillehoj PB, Ho CM Pediatric research 20075759 Pediatr Res 2010 May
Aptamer-based optical probes with separated molecular recognition and signal transduction modules. Li N, Ho CM Journal of the American Chemical Society 18247609 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Feb 27
Photothermal nanoblade for patterned cell membrane cutting. Wu TH, Teslaa T, Teitell MA, Chiou PY Optics express 21164656 Opt Express 2010 Oct 25
Systematic quantitative characterization of cellular responses induced by multiple signals. Al-Shyoukh I, Yu F, Feng J, Yan K, Dubinett S, Ho CM, Shamma JS, Sun R BMC systems biology 21624115 BMC Syst Biol 2011 May 30
Interrogating cell signalling network sensitively monitors cell fate transition during early differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Yue Z, Zhuang F, Liu YH, Ho CM Science China. Life sciences 20596958 Sci China Life Sci 2010 Jan
An agar gel membrane-PDMS hybrid microfluidic device for long term single cell dynamic study. Wong I, Atsumi S, Huang WC, Wu TY, Hanai T, Lam ML, Tang P, Yang J, Liao JC, Ho CM Lab on a chip 20664845 Lab Chip 2010 Oct 21
Normalization of mass cytometry data with bead standards. Finck R, Simonds EF, Jager A, Krishnaswamy S, Sachs K, Fantl W, Pe'er D, Nolan GP, Bendall SC Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology 23512433 Cytometry A 2013 May
Single-cell trajectory detection uncovers progression and regulatory coordination in human B cell development. Bendall SC, Davis KL, Amir el-AD, Tadmor MD, Simonds EF, Chen TJ, Shenfeld DK, Nolan GP, Pe'er D Cell 24766814 Cell 2014 Apr 24
Self-amplifying autocrine actions of BDNF in axon development. Cheng PL, Song AH, Wong YH, Wang S, Zhang X, Poo MM Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 22025720 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Nov 8
Coffee ring aptasensor for rapid protein detection. Wen JT, Ho CM, Lillehoj PB Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 23540796 Langmuir 2013 Jul 2
Electrical impedance monitoring of photothermal porated mammalian cells. Yamane D, Wu YC, Wu TH, Toshiyoshi H, Teitell MA, Chiou PY Journal of laboratory automation 23797097 J Lab Autom 2014 Feb
Application of fractional factorial designs to study drug combinations. Jaynes J, Ding X, Xu H, Wong WK, Ho CM Statistics in medicine 22859316 Stat Med 2013 Jan 30
Quantification of biomass and cell motion in human pluripotent stem cell colonies. Zangle TA, Chun J, Zhang J, Reed J, Teitell MA Biophysical journal 23931307 Biophys J 2013 Aug 6
Rapid, massively parallel single-cell drug response measurements via live cell interferometry. Reed J, Chun J, Zangle TA, Kalim S, Hong JS, Pefley SE, Zheng X, Gimzewski JK, Teitell MA Biophysical journal 21889438 Biophys J 2011 Sep 7
Extracting a cellular hierarchy from high-dimensional cytometry data with SPADE. Qiu P, Simonds EF, Bendall SC, Gibbs KD Jr, Bruggner RV, Linderman MD, Sachs K, Nolan GP, Plevritis SK Nature biotechnology 21964415 Nat Biotechnol 2011 Oct 2
Rapidly optimizing an aptamer based BoNT sensor by feedback system control (FSC) scheme. Wei F, Bai B, Ho CM Biosensors & bioelectronics 21993141 Biosens Bioelectron 2011 Dec 15
Floating electrode optoelectronic tweezers: Light-driven dielectrophoretic droplet manipulation in electrically insulating oil medium. Park S, Pan C, Wu TH, Kloss C, Kalim S, Callahan CE, Teitell M, Chiou EP Applied physics letters 19479046 Appl Phys Lett 2008 Apr 14
Automated identification of stratifying signatures in cellular subpopulations. Bruggner RV, Bodenmiller B, Dill DL, Tibshirani RJ, Nolan GP Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24979804 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Jul 1
An application of a Hill-based response surface model for a drug combination experiment on lung cancer. Ning S, Xu H, Al-Shyoukh I, Feng J, Sun R Statistics in medicine 24942112 Stat Med 2014 Oct 30
Effects of cytoskeletal disruption on transport, structure, and rheology within mammalian cells. Weihs D, Mason TG, Teitell MA Physics of fluids (Woodbury, N.Y. : 1994) 19816550 Phys Fluids (1994) 2007
Phototransistor-based optoelectronic tweezers for dynamic cell manipulation in cell culture media. Hsu HY, Ohta AT, Chiou PY, Jamshidi A, Neale SL, Wu MC Lab on a chip 20066243 Lab Chip 2010 Jan 21
Placement of alkanethiol-capped Au nanoparticles using organic solvents. Yim TJ, Choi H, Zhang X Journal of colloid and interface science 20332051 J Colloid Interface Sci 2010 Jun 1
Continuous sorting of heterogeneous-sized embryoid bodies. Lillehoj PB, Tsutsui H, Valamehr B, Wu H, Ho CM Lab on a chip 20376391 Lab Chip 2010 Jul 7
Axon initiation and growth cone turning on bound protein gradients. Mai J, Fok L, Gao H, Zhang X, Poo MM The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 19515913 J Neurosci 2009 Jun 10
Parallel trapping of multiwalled carbon nanotubes with optoelectronic tweezers. Pauzauskie PJ, Jamshidi A, Valley JK, Satcher JH, Wu MC Applied physics letters 19884988 Appl Phys Lett 2009 Sep 14
Copolymeric nanofilm platform for controlled and localized therapeutic delivery. Chow EK, Pierstorff E, Cheng G, Ho D ACS nano 19206545 ACS Nano 2008 Jan
Aptamer-based electrochemical biosensor for Botulinum neurotoxin. Wei F, Ho CM Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 19234874 Anal Bioanal Chem 2009 Apr
A unified platform for optoelectrowetting and optoelectronic tweezers. Valley JK, Pei SN, Jamshidi A, Hsu HY, Wu MC Lab on a chip 21311817 Lab Chip 2011 Apr 7
Synthesis of a gold nanoparticle dimer plasmonic resonator through two-phase-mediated functionalization. Yim TJ, Wang Y, Zhang X Nanotechnology 20737026 Nanotechnology 2008 Oct 29
Oxidative stress induces reactivation of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and death of primary effusion lymphoma cells. Li X, Feng J, Sun R Journal of virology 21068240 J Virol 2011 Jan
Photothermal nanoblade for large cargo delivery into mammalian cells. Wu TH, Teslaa T, Kalim S, French CT, Moghadam S, Wall R, Miller JF, Witte ON, Teitell MA, Chiou PY Analytical chemistry 21247066 Anal Chem 2011 Feb 15
Local plasticity of dendritic excitability can be autonomous of synaptic plasticity and regulated by activity-based phosphorylation of Kv4.2. Labno A, Warrier A, Wang S, Zhang X PloS one 24404150 PLoS One 2014
Single-cell mass cytometry for analysis of immune system functional states. Bjornson ZB, Nolan GP, Fantl WJ Current opinion in immunology 23999316 Curr Opin Immunol 2013 Aug
Rapidly quantifying drug sensitivity of dispersed and clumped breast cancer cells by mass profiling. Chun J, Zangle TA, Kolarova T, Finn RS, Teitell MA, Reed J The Analyst 23057068 Analyst 2012 Dec 7
IMMUNOLOGY. An interactive reference framework for modeling a dynamic immune system. Spitzer MH, Gherardini PF, Fragiadakis GK, Bhattacharya N, Yuan RT, Hotson AN, Finck R, Carmi Y, Zunder ER, Fantl WJ, Bendall SC, Engleman EG, Nolan GP Science (New York, N.Y.) 26160952 Science 2015 Jul 10
Human polynucleotide phosphorylase: location matters. Chen HW, Koehler CM, Teitell MA Trends in cell biology 17983748 Trends Cell Biol 2007 Dec
PNPASE regulates RNA import into mitochondria. Wang G, Chen HW, Oktay Y, Zhang J, Allen EL, Smith GM, Fan KC, Hong JS, French SW, McCaffery JM, Lightowlers RN, Morse HC 3rd, Koehler CM, Teitell MA Cell 20691904 Cell 2010 Aug 6
New developments in the induction and antiviral effectors of type I interferon. Liu SY, Sanchez DJ, Cheng G Current opinion in immunology 21123041 Curr Opin Immunol 2011 Feb
Optoelectronic tweezers as a tool for parallel single-cell manipulation and stimulation. Valley JK, Ohta AT, Hsan-Yin Hsu, Neale SL, Jamshidi A, Wu MC IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 20543904 IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst 2009 Dec
Epigenetic silencing of Stk39 in B-cell lymphoma inhibits apoptosis from genotoxic stress. Balatoni CE, Dawson DW, Suh J, Sherman MH, Sanders G, Hong JS, Frank MJ, Malone CS, Said JW, Teitell MA The American journal of pathology 19717643 Am J Pathol 2009 Oct
Photolithographic patterning of organosilane monolayer for generating large area two-dimensional B lymphocyte arrays. Li N, Ho CM Lab on a chip 19023473 Lab Chip 2008 Dec
Time-resolved single-step protease activity quantification using nanoplasmonic resonator sensors. Sun C, Su KH, Valentine J, Rosa-Bauza YT, Ellman JA, Elboudwarej O, Mukherjee B, Craik CS, Shuman MA, Chen FF, Zhang X ACS nano 20121209 ACS Nano 2010 Feb 23
Regulation of cell differentiation by the DNA damage response. Sherman MH, Bassing CH, Teitell MA Trends in cell biology 21354798 Trends Cell Biol 2011 May
Developing defined culture systems for human pluripotent stem cells. Valamehr B, Tsutsui H, Ho CM, Wu H Regenerative medicine 21916597 Regen Med 2011 Sep
The convergence of bio, nano, and information technology: When Worlds Collide. Ho CM, Chen JM IEEE nanotechnology magazine 20953308 IEEE Nanotechnol Mag 2008 Feb 15
Live-cell mass profiling: an emerging approach in quantitative biophysics. Zangle TA, Teitell MA Nature methods 25423019 Nat Methods 2014 Dec
Single-cell mass cytometry analysis of human tonsil T cell remodeling by varicella zoster virus. Sen N, Mukherjee G, Sen A, Bendall SC, Sung P, Nolan GP, Arvin AM Cell reports 25043183 Cell Rep 2014 Jul 24
Single-cell mass cytometry of differential immune and drug responses across a human hematopoietic continuum. Bendall SC, Simonds EF, Qiu P, Amir el-AD, Krutzik PO, Finck R, Bruggner RV, Melamed R, Trejo A, Ornatsky OI, Balderas RS, Plevritis SK, Sachs K, Pe'er D, Tanner SD, Nolan GP Science (New York, N.Y.) 21551058 Science 2011 May 6
Dissection of the Burkholderia intracellular life cycle using a photothermal nanoblade. French CT, Toesca IJ, Wu TH, Teslaa T, Beaty SM, Wong W, Liu M, Schröder I, Chiou PY, Teitell MA, Miller JF Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 21730143 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Jul 19
Cell kinase activity assay based on surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Yue Z, Zhuang F, Kumar R, Wong I, Cronin SB, Liu YH Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy 19299194 Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 2009 Jul 15
Integrative systems control approach for reactivating Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) with combinatory drugs. Sun CP, Usui T, Yu F, Al-Shyoukh I, Shamma J, Sun R, Ho CM Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro 19851479 Integr Biol (Camb) 2009 Jan
Global DNA methylation profiling reveals silencing of a secreted form of Epha7 in mouse and human germinal center B-cell lymphomas. Dawson DW, Hong JS, Shen RR, French SW, Troke JJ, Wu YZ, Chen SS, Gui D, Regelson M, Marahrens Y, Morse HC 3rd, Said J, Plass C, Teitell MA Oncogene 17260020 Oncogene 2007 Jun 21
Dynamic manipulation and separation of individual semiconducting and metallic nanowires. Jamshidi A, Pauzauskie PJ, Schuck PJ, Ohta AT, Chiou PY, Chou J, Yang P, Wu MC Nature photonics 19789729 Nat Photonics 2008
Cell Separation by Non-Inertial Force Fields in Microfluidic Systems. Tsutsui H, Ho CM Mechanics research communications 20046897 Mech Res Commun 2009 Jan 1
Parallel single-cell light-induced electroporation and dielectrophoretic manipulation. Valley JK, Neale S, Hsu HY, Ohta AT, Jamshidi A, Wu MC Lab on a chip 19495455 Lab Chip 2009 Jun 21
Image patterned molecular delivery into live cells using gold particle coated substrates. Wu TH, Kalim S, Callahan C, Teitell MA, Chiou PY Optics express 20173916 Opt Express 2010 Jan 18
Minimal size of coffee ring structure. Shen X, Ho CM, Wong TS The journal of physical chemistry. B 20353247 J Phys Chem B 2010 Apr 29
Control of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reactivation induced by multiple signals. Yu F, Al-Shyoukh I, Feng J, Li X, Liao CW, Ho CM, Shamma JS, Sun R PloS one 21904595 PLoS One 2011

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