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The search results on this publication page are automated on a monthly schedule based on acknowledgement of NIH Common Fund award numbers and intramural awards. Therefore, this list is not an exhaustive or error-free account of the program’s publications.

Title Author Journal Name PubMedID Journal Abbreviation Publication Date
Effects of high altitude on respiratory rate and oxygen saturation reference values in healthy infants and children younger than 2 years in four countries: a cross-sectional study. Crocker ME, Hossen S, Goodman D, Simkovich SM, Kirby M, Thompson LM, Rosa G, Garg SS, Thangavel G, McCollum ED, Peel J, Clasen T, Checkley W, HAPIN Investigators The Lancet. Global health 32087173 Lancet Glob Health 2020 Mar
The Effect of a Priest-Led Intervention on the Choice and Preference of Soda Beverages: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Catholic Parishes. Miranda JJ, Taype-Rondan A, Bazalar-Palacios J, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Ariely D Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine 31850492 Ann Behav Med 2020 May 25
Air Pollutant Exposure and Stove Use Assessment Methods for the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) Trial. Johnson MA, Steenland K, Piedrahita R, Clark ML, Pillarisetti A, Balakrishnan K, Peel JL, Naeher LP, Liao J, Wilson D, Sarnat J, Underhill LJ, Burrowes V, McCracken JP, Rosa G, Rosenthal J, Sambandam S, de Leon O, Kirby MA, Kearns K, Checkley W, Clasen T, HAPIN Investigators Environmental health perspectives 32347764 Environ Health Perspect 2020 Apr
Multimorbidity matters in low and middle-income countries. Basto-Abreu A, Barrientos-Gutierrez T, Wade AN, Oliveira de Melo D, Semeão de Souza AS, Nunes BP, Perianayagam A, Tian M, Yan LL, Ghosh A, Miranda JJ Journal of multimorbidity and comorbidity 35734547 J Multimorb Comorb 2022 Jan-Dec
Developing Visual Messages to Support Liquefied Petroleum Gas Use in Intervention Homes in the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) Trial in Rural Guatemala. Hengstermann M, Díaz-Artiga A, Otzóy-Sucúc R, Laura Maria Ruiz-Aguilar A, Thompson LM, HAPIN Investigators Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education 33733893 Health Educ Behav 2021 Oct
Correction: The use of bluetooth low energy Beacon systems to estimate indirect personal exposure to household air pollution. Liao J, McCracken JP, Piedrahita R, Thompson L, Mollinedo E, Canuz E, De Léon O, Díaz-Artiga A, Johnson M, Clark M, Pillarisetti A, Kearns K, Naeher L, Steenland K, Checkley W, Peel J, Clasen TF, HAPIN investigators Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 32107459 J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2020 May
Exposure Contrasts of Pregnant Women during the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Randomized Controlled Trial. Johnson M, Pillarisetti A, Piedrahita R, Balakrishnan K, Peel JL, Steenland K, Underhill LJ, Rosa G, Kirby MA, Díaz-Artiga A, McCracken J, Clark ML, Waller L, Chang HH, Wang J, Dusabimana E, Ndagijimana F, Sambandam S, Mukhopadhyay K, Kearns KA, Campbell D, Kremer J, Rosenthal JP, Checkley W, Clasen T, Naeher L, the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) Trial Investigators Environmental health perspectives 36112539 Environ Health Perspect 2022 Sep
A risk assessment tool for resumption of research activities during the COVID-19 pandemic for field trials in low resource settings. Simkovich SM, Thompson LM, Clark ML, Balakrishnan K, Bussalleu A, Checkley W, Clasen T, Davila-Roman VG, Diaz-Artiga A, Dusabimana E, de las Fuentes L, Harvey S, Kirby MA, Lovvorn A, McCollum ED, Mollinedo EE, Peel JL, Quinn A, Rosa G, Underhill LJ, Williams KN, Young BN, Rosenthal J, HAPIN Investigators BMC medical research methodology 33845785 BMC Med Res Methodol 2021 Apr 12
Nutrition-related health taxes: setting expectations. Miranda JJ, Thow AM, Cárdenas MK, Corvalán C, Barrientos-Gutiérrez T, Kaufman JS The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology 34942086 Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2022 Feb
Design of financial incentive interventions to improve lifestyle behaviors and health outcomes: A systematic review. Miranda JJ, Pesantes MA, Lazo-Porras M, Portocarrero J, Diez-Canseco F, Carrillo-Larco RM, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Trujillo AJ, Aldridge RW Wellcome open research 34595355 Wellcome Open Res 2021
Quantification of malondialdehyde in exhaled breath condensate using pseudo two-dimensional ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with single quadrupole mass spectrometry. Kartavenka K, Panuwet P, Greenwald R, Ehret KM, D'Souza PE, Barr DB, Ryan PB Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 30611078 J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2019 Jan 15
Design and content validation of a set of SMS to promote seeking of specialized mental health care within the Allillanchu Project. Toyama M, Diez-Canseco F, Busse P, Del Mastro I, Miranda JJ Global health, epidemiology and genomics 29868227 Glob Health Epidemiol Genom 2018
Peru initiates the IMPACT project. Lúcar MG, Vera Tudela JC, Anza-Ramirez C, Miranda JJ, Butler CR, IMPACT Dementia Study Group The Lancet. Neurology 37479367 Lancet Neurol 2023 Aug
The impacts of social determinants of health and cardiometabolic factors on cognitive and functional aging in Colombian underserved populations. Santamaria-Garcia H, Moguilner S, Rodriguez-Villagra OA, Botero-Rodriguez F, Pina-Escudero SD, O'Donovan G, Albala C, Matallana D, Schulte M, Slachevsky A, Yokoyama JS, Possin K, Ndhlovu LC, Al-Rousan T, Corley MJ, Kosik KS, Muniz-Terrera G, Miranda JJ, Ibanez A GeroScience 36849677 Geroscience 2023 Aug
Within-country migration and obesity dynamics: analysis of 94,783 women from the Peruvian demographic and health surveys. Najera H, Nandy S, Carrillo-Larco RM, Miranda JJ BMC public health 30832623 BMC Public Health 2019 Mar 4
A Systematic Review to Evaluate the Association between Clean Cooking Technologies and Time Use in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Simkovich SM, Williams KN, Pollard S, Dowdy D, Sinharoy S, Clasen TF, Puzzolo E, Checkley W International journal of environmental research and public health 31252636 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019 Jun 27
Air pollution and stunting: a missing link? Sinharoy SS, Clasen T, Martorell R The Lancet. Global health 32199113 Lancet Glob Health 2020 Apr
Design and conduct of facility-based surveillance for severe childhood pneumonia in the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial. Simkovich SM, Underhill LJ, Kirby MA, Goodman D, Crocker ME, Hossen S, McCracken JP, de León O, Thompson LM, Garg SS, Balakrishnan K, Thangavel G, Rosa G, Peel JL, Clasen TF, McCollum ED, Checkley W ERJ open research 32211438 ERJ Open Res 2020 Jan
The effect of individual and mixed rewards on diabetes management: A feasibility randomized controlled trial. Miranda JJ, Lazo-Porras M, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Pesantes MA, Diez-Canseco F, Cornejo SDP, Trujillo AJ Wellcome open research 30662958 Wellcome Open Res 2018
Lack of an Association Between Household Air Pollution Exposure and Previous Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Emuron D, Siddharthan T, Morgan B, Pollard SL, Grigsby MR, Goodman D, Chowdhury M, Rubinstein A, Irazola V, Gutierrez L, Miranda JJ, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Alam D, Kirenga B, Jones R, van Gemert F, Checkley W Lung 31583454 Lung 2019 Dec
Physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns and sociodemographic correlates in 116,982 adults from six South American countries: the South American physical activity and sedentary behavior network (SAPASEN). Werneck AO, Baldew SS, Miranda JJ, Díaz Arnesto O, Stubbs B, Silva DR, on the behalf of the South American Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Network (SAPASEN) collaborators The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 31429772 Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2019 Aug 20
Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass Cooking and Severe Infant Pneumonia. McCollum ED, McCracken JP, Kirby MA, Grajeda LM, Hossen S, Moulton LH, Simkovich SM, Goodman-Palmer D, Rosa G, Mukeshimana A, Balakrishnan K, Thangavel G, Garg SS, Castañaza A, Thompson LM, Diaz-Artiga A, Papageorghiou AT, Davila-Roman VG, Underhill LJ, Hartinger SM, Williams KN, Nicolaou L, Chang HH, Lovvorn AE, Rosenthal JP, Pillarisetti A, Ye W, Naeher LP, Johnson MA, Waller LA, Jabbarzadeh S, Wang J, Chen Y, Steenland K, Clasen TF, Peel JL, Checkley W, HAPIN Investigators The New England journal of medicine 38169488 N Engl J Med 2024 Jan 4
Comorbid depression in medical diseases. Gold SM, Köhler-Forsberg O, Moss-Morris R, Mehnert A, Miranda JJ, Bullinger M, Steptoe A, Whooley MA, Otte C Nature reviews. Disease primers 32820163 Nat Rev Dis Primers 2020 Aug 20
A Risk Assessment Tool for Resumption of Research Activities During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Simkovich SM, Thompson LM, Clark M, Balakrishnan K, Bussalleu A, Checkley W, Clasen T, Davila-Roman V, Diaz-Artiga A, de las Fuentes L, Harvey S, Kirby M, Lovvorn A, McCollum E, Peel J, Quinn A, Rosa G, Underhill L, Williams K, Young B, Rosenthal J Research square 33200126 Res Sq 2020 Nov 12
Modeling the Impact of an Indoor Air Filter on Air Pollution Exposure Reduction and Associated Mortality in Urban Delhi Household. Liao J, Ye W, Pillarisetti A, Clasen TF International journal of environmental research and public health 30999693 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019 Apr 17
In praise of fossil fuel subsidies (for cooking). Gould CF, Bailis R, Balakrishnan K, Burke M, Espinoza S, Mehta S, Schlesinger SB, Suarez-Lopez JR, Pillarisetti A medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37961585 medRxiv 2024 Mar 13
Factors Determining Black Carbon Exposures among Pregnant Women Enrolled in the HAPIN Trial. Campbell DA, Johnson M, Piedrahita R, Pillarisetti A, Waller LA, Kearns KA, Kremer J, Mollinedo E, Sarnat JA, Clark ML, Underhill LJ, McCracken JP, Diaz-Artiga A, Steenland K, Rosa G, Kirby MA, Balakrishnan K, Sambandam S, Mukhopadhyay K, Sendhil S, Natarajan A, Ndagijimana F, Dusabimana E, Thompson LM, Checkley W, Nicolaou L, Hartinger S, Peel JL, Clasen TF, Naeher LP Environmental science & technology 38810212 Environ Sci Technol 2024 Jun 11
Epidemiology of cardiometabolic health in Latin America and strategies to address disparities. Brant LCC, Miranda JJ, Carrillo-Larco RM, Flood D, Irazola V, Ribeiro ALP Nature reviews. Cardiology 39054376 Nat Rev Cardiol 2024 Dec
Baseline associations between exposure to metals and systolic and diastolic blood pressure among women in the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Trial. Karakwende P, Barr DB, Checkley W, Clasen T, Lovvorn A, Contreras CL, Diaz AA, Dusabimana E, De Las Fuentes L, Jabbarzadeh S, Johnson M, Kalisa E, Kirby M, McCracken JP, Ndagijimana F, Ndikubwimana A, Ntakirutimana T, de Dieu Ntivuguruzwa J, Jennifer L, Peel AP, Davila-Roman VG, Rosa G, Waller LA, Wang J, Thompson L, Clark ML, Young BN medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 39973984 medRxiv 2025 Jan 22
[Association between exclusive breastfeeding and obesity in children: a cross-sectional study of three Latin American countries]. Paca-Palao A, Huayanay-Espinoza CA, Parra DC, Velasquez-Melendez G, Miranda JJ Gaceta sanitaria 31787405 Gac Sanit 2021 Mar-Apr
The health and social implications of household air pollution and respiratory diseases. Simkovich SM, Goodman D, Roa C, Crocker ME, Gianella GE, Kirenga BJ, Wise RA, Checkley W NPJ primary care respiratory medicine 31028270 NPJ Prim Care Respir Med 2019 Apr 26
What have we learnt from studies on the association between urbanisation and asthma prevalence? Checkley W Thorax 31534028 Thorax 2019 Nov
Global patterns of mortality in international migrants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aldridge RW, Nellums LB, Bartlett S, Barr AL, Patel P, Burns R, Hargreaves S, Miranda JJ, Tollman S, Friedland JS, Abubakar I Lancet (London, England) 30528484 Lancet 2018 Dec 15
Building a Prediction Model for Radiographically Confirmed Pneumonia in Peruvian Children: From Symptoms to Imaging. Pervaiz F, Chavez MA, Ellington LE, Grigsby M, Gilman RH, Miele CH, Figueroa-Quintanilla D, Compen-Chang P, Marin-Concha J, McCollum ED, Checkley W Chest 30291926 Chest 2018 Dec
Association between Household Air Pollution Exposure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Outcomes in 13 Low- and Middle-Income Country Settings. Siddharthan T, Grigsby MR, Goodman D, Chowdhury M, Rubinstein A, Irazola V, Gutierrez L, Miranda JJ, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Alam D, Kirenga B, Jones R, van Gemert F, Wise RA, Checkley W American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 29323928 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018 Mar 1
Provision of mental health care within primary care in Peru: A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of psychologists, primary health care providers, and patients. Cavero V, Diez-Canseco F, Toyama M, Flórez Salcedo G, Ipince A, Araya R, Miranda JJ Wellcome open research 29623297 Wellcome Open Res 2018
Intermediate hyperglycaemia and 10-year mortality in resource-constrained settings: the PERU MIGRANT Study. Lazo-Porras M, Ruiz-Alejos A, Miranda JJ, Carrillo-Larco RM, Gilman RH, Smeeth L, Bernabé-Ortiz A Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association 32181918 Diabet Med 2020 Sep
Addressing the impact of urban exposure on the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus: The PERU MIGRANT Study. Ruiz-Alejos A, Carrillo-Larco RM, Miranda JJ, Anderson CAM, Gilman RH, Smeeth L, Bernabé-Ortiz A Scientific reports 29615740 Sci Rep 2018 Apr 3
Cardiopulmonary Impact of Particulate Air Pollution in High-Risk Populations: JACC State-of-the-Art Review. Newman JD, Bhatt DL, Rajagopalan S, Balmes JR, Brauer M, Breysse PN, Brown AGM, Carnethon MR, Cascio WE, Collman GW, Fine LJ, Hansel NN, Hernandez A, Hochman JS, Jerrett M, Joubert BR, Kaufman JD, Malik AO, Mensah GA, Newby DE, Peel JL, Siegel J, Siscovick D, Thompson BL, Zhang J, Brook RD Journal of the American College of Cardiology 33303078 J Am Coll Cardiol 2020 Dec 15
Estimating the Unknown: Greater Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19 Burden After Accounting for Missing Race and Ethnicity Data. Labgold K, Hamid S, Shah S, Gandhi NR, Chamberlain A, Khan F, Khan S, Smith S, Williams S, Lash TL, Collin LJ Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 33323745 Epidemiology 2021 Mar 1
Process evaluation of complex interventions in chronic and neglected tropical diseases in low- and middle-income countries-a scoping review protocol. Lazo-Porras M, Liu H, Miranda JJ, Moore G, Burri M, Chappuis F, Perel P, Beran D Systematic reviews 34488877 Syst Rev 2021 Sep 7
A Novel Case-Finding Instrument for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Low- and Middle-Income Country Settings. Siddharthan T, Wosu AC, Pollard SL, Hossen S, Alupo P, Shade T, Kalyesubula R, Quaderi S, Wise RA, Hurst JR, Kirenga B, Checkley W, LiNK Cohort Study Investigators International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 33173289 Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2020
Challenges of design, implementation, acceptability, and potential for, biomedical technologies in the Peruvian Amazon. Bressan T, Valdivia-Gago A, Silvera-Ccallo RM, Llanos-Cuentas A, Condor DF, Padilla-Huamantinco PG, Vilcarromero S, Miranda JJ, Zavaleta-Cortijo C International journal for equity in health 36536404 Int J Equity Health 2022 Dec 19
Training physicians in India to interpret pediatric chest radiographs according to World Health Organization research methodology. McCollum ED, Higdon MM, Fancourt NSS, Sternal J, Checkley W, De Campo J, Shet A Pediatric radiology 33704543 Pediatr Radiol 2021 Jul
Exposure-response relationships for personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM(2·5)), carbon monoxide, and black carbon and birthweight: an observational analysis of the multicountry Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial. Balakrishnan K, Steenland K, Clasen T, Chang H, Johnson M, Pillarisetti A, Ye W, Naeher LP, Diaz-Artiga A, McCracken JP, Thompson LM, Rosa G, Kirby MA, Thangavel G, Sambandam S, Mukhopadhyay K, Puttaswamy N, Aravindalochanan V, Garg S, Ndagijimana F, Hartinger S, Underhill LJ, Kearns KA, Campbell D, Kremer J, Waller L, Jabbarzadeh S, Wang J, Chen Y, Rosenthal J, Quinn A, Papageorghiou AT, Ramakrishnan U, Howards PP, Checkley W, Peel JL, HAPIN Investigators The Lancet. Planetary health 37164515 Lancet Planet Health 2023 May
Fidelity and adherence to a liquefied petroleum gas stove and fuel intervention: The multi-country Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial. Williams KN, Quinn A, North H, Wang J, Pillarisetti A, Thompson LM, Díaz-Artiga A, Balakrishnan K, Thangavel G, Rosa G, Ndagijimana F, Underhill LJ, Kirby MA, Puzzolo E, Hossen S, Waller LA, Peel JL, Rosenthal JP, Clasen TF, Harvey SA, Checkley W, HAPIN Investigators Environment international 37660633 Environ Int 2023 Sep
Data management plan and REDCap mobile data capture for a multi-country Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial. Jabbarzadeh S, Jaacks LM, Lovvorn A, Chen Y, Wang J, Elon L, Nizam A, Aravindalochanan V, Ntivuguruzwa JD, Willams KN, Ramirez A, Johnson MA, Pillarisetti A, Gurusamy T, Rosa G, Diaz-Artiga A, Romero JC, Balakrishnan K, Checkley W, Peel JL, Clasen TF, Waller LA Digital health 39184019 Digit Health 2024 Jan-Dec
Modeling the potential health benefits of lower household air pollution after a hypothetical liquified petroleum gas (LPG) cookstove intervention. Steenland K, Pillarisetti A, Kirby M, Peel J, Clark M, Checkley W, Chang HH, Clasen T Environment international 29182949 Environ Int 2018 Feb
Exposure to cows is not associated with diarrhoea or impaired child growth in rural Odisha, India: a cohort study. Schmidt WP, Boisson S, Routray P, Bell M, Cameron M, Torondel B, Clasen T Epidemiology and infection 26041605 Epidemiol Infect 2016 Jan
Effect of preterm birth on growth and blood pressure in adulthood in the Pelotas 1993 cohort. Lapidaire W, Proaño A, Blumenberg C, Loret de Mola C, Delgado CA, Del Castillo D, Wehrmeister FC, Gonçalves H, Gilman RH, Oberhelman RA, Lewandowski AJ, Wells JCK, Miranda JJ International journal of epidemiology 37354551 Int J Epidemiol 2023 Dec 25
Heat Exposure among Adult Women in Rural Tamil Nadu, India. Deshpande A, Scovronick N, Clasen TF, Waller L, Wang J, Aravindalochanan V, Balakrishnan K, Puttaswamy N, Peel J, Pillarisetti A Environmental science & technology 38153962 Environ Sci Technol 2024 Jan 9
Effects of Cooking with Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass on Stunting in Infants. Checkley W, Thompson LM, Sinharoy SS, Hossen S, Moulton LH, Chang HH, Waller L, Steenland K, Rosa G, Mukeshimana A, Ndagijimana F, McCracken JP, Díaz-Artiga A, Balakrishnan K, Garg SS, Thangavel G, Aravindalochanan V, Hartinger SM, Chiang M, Kirby MA, Papageorghiou AT, Ramakrishnan U, Williams KN, Nicolaou L, Johnson M, Pillarisetti A, Rosenthal J, Underhill LJ, Wang J, Jabbarzadeh S, Chen Y, Dávila-Román VG, Naeher LP, McCollum ED, Peel JL, Clasen TF, HAPIN Investigators The New England journal of medicine 38169489 N Engl J Med 2024 Jan 4
Epidemiology and risk factors of asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap in low- and middle-income countries. Morgan BW, Grigsby MR, Siddharthan T, Chowdhury M, Rubinstein A, Gutierrez L, Irazola V, Miranda JJ, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Alam D, Wise RA, Checkley W The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 30291842 J Allergy Clin Immunol 2019 Apr
Ultrasound Core Laboratory for the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Trial: Standardized Training and Image Management for Field Studies Using Portable Ultrasound in Fetal, Lung, and Vascular Evaluations. Dávila-Román VG, Toenjes AK, Meyers RM, Lenzen PM, Simkovich SM, Herrera P, Fung E, Papageorghiou AT, Craik R, McCracken JP, Thompson LM, Balakrishnan K, Rosa G, Peel J, Clasen TF, Hossen S, Checkley W, de las Fuentes L, HAPIN Investigators Ultrasound in medicine & biology 33812692 Ultrasound Med Biol 2021 Jun
Lung Ultrasound Protocol and Quality Control of Image Interpretation Using an Adjudication Panel in the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) Trial. Simkovich SM, Hossen S, McCollum ED, Toenjes AK, McCracken JP, Thompson LM, Castañaza A, Diaz A, Rosa G, Kirby MA, Mukeshimana A, Myers R, Lenzen PM, Craik R, Jabbarzadeh S, Elon L, Garg SS, Balakrishnan K, Thangavel G, Peel JL, Clasen TF, Dávila-Román VG, Papageorghiou AT, de las Fuentes L, Checkley W, HAPIN Investigators Ultrasound in medicine & biology 36801180 Ultrasound Med Biol 2023 May
Baseline associations between household air pollution exposure and blood pressure among pregnant women in the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) multi-country randomized controlled trial. Ye W, Pillarisetti A, de León O, Steenland K, Peel JL, Clark ML, Checkley W, Underhill LJ, Quinn A, Balakrishnan K, Garg SS, McCracken JP, Thompson LM, Díaz-Artiga A, Rosa G, Davila-Roman VG, de las Fuentes L, Papageorghiou AT, Chen Y, Wang J, Thomas FC, Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial Investigators medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 36747716 medRxiv 2023 Jan 26
Cross-sectional analysis of the association between personal exposure to household air pollution and blood pressure in adult women: Evidence from the multi-country Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial. Nicolaou L, Underhill L, Hossen S, Simkovich S, Thangavel G, Rosa G, McCracken JP, Davila-Roman V, de las Fuentes L, Quinn AK, Clark M, Diaz A, Pillarisetti A, Steenland K, Waller LA, Jabbarzadeh S, Peel JL, Checkley W, HAPIN Investigators Environmental research 36029836 Environ Res 2022 Nov
Multimorbidity: Not Just for the West. Banerjee A, Hurst J, Fottrell E, Miranda JJ Global heart 32923339 Glob Heart 2020 Jul 2
Designing a comprehensive behaviour change intervention to promote and monitor exclusive use of liquefied petroleum gas stoves for the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial. Williams KN, Thompson LM, Sakas Z, Hengstermann M, Quinn A, Díaz-Artiga A, Thangavel G, Puzzolo E, Rosa G, Balakrishnan K, Peel J, Checkley W, Clasen TF, Miranda JJ, Rosenthal JP, Harvey SA, Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial Investigators, HAPIN Investigators BMJ open 32994243 BMJ Open 2020 Sep 29
Travel Time to Health Facilities as a Marker of Geographical Accessibility Across Heterogeneous Land Coverage in Peru. Carrasco-Escobar G, Manrique E, Tello-Lizarraga K, Miranda JJ Frontiers in public health 33042942 Front Public Health 2020
Challenges in the diagnosis of paediatric pneumonia in intervention field trials: recommendations from a pneumonia field trial working group. Goodman D, Crocker ME, Pervaiz F, McCollum ED, Steenland K, Simkovich SM, Miele CH, Hammitt LL, Herrera P, Zar HJ, Campbell H, Lanata CF, McCracken JP, Thompson LM, Rosa G, Kirby MA, Garg S, Thangavel G, Thanasekaraan V, Balakrishnan K, King C, Clasen T, Checkley W, HAPIN Investigators The Lancet. Respiratory medicine 31591066 Lancet Respir Med 2019 Dec
A secondary analysis examining the concordance of self-perception of weight and actual measurement of body fat percentage: The CRONICAS Cohort Study. Bui AL, Moscoso MG, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Checkley W, Gilman RH, Smeeth L, Miranda JJ BMC obesity 30984403 BMC Obes 2019
What is a COPD-Like Spirometry Test Result in Resource Constrained Settings? Gianella GE, Miranda JJ, Hurst JR COPD 31423849 COPD 2019 Aug
Cooking with liquefied petroleum gas or biomass and fetal growth outcomes: a multi-country randomised controlled trial. Checkley W, Thompson LM, Hossen S, Nicolaou L, Williams KN, Hartinger SM, Chiang M, Balakrishnan K, Garg SS, Thangavel G, Aravindalochanan V, Rosa G, Mukeshimana A, Ndagijimana F, McCracken JP, Diaz-Artiga A, Sinharoy SS, Waller L, Wang J, Jabbarzadeh S, Chen Y, Steenland K, Kirby MA, Ramakrishnan U, Johnson M, Pillarisetti A, McCollum ED, Craik R, Ohuma EO, Dávila-Román VG, de las Fuentes L, Simkovich SM, Peel JL, Clasen TF, Papageorghiou AT, Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) Investigators The Lancet. Global health 38614630 Lancet Glob Health 2024 May
Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Biomass for Cooking and Effects on Birth Weight. Clasen TF, Chang HH, Thompson LM, Kirby MA, Balakrishnan K, Díaz-Artiga A, McCracken JP, Rosa G, Steenland K, Younger A, Aravindalochanan V, Barr DB, Castañaza A, Chen Y, Chiang M, Clark ML, Garg S, Hartinger S, Jabbarzadeh S, Johnson MA, Kim DY, Lovvorn AE, McCollum ED, Monroy L, Moulton LH, Mukeshimana A, Mukhopadhyay K, Naeher LP, Ndagijimana F, Papageorghiou A, Piedrahita R, Pillarisetti A, Puttaswamy N, Quinn A, Ramakrishnan U, Sambandam S, Sinharoy SS, Thangavel G, Underhill LJ, Waller LA, Wang J, Williams KN, Rosenthal JP, Checkley W, Peel JL, HAPIN Investigators The New England journal of medicine 36214599 N Engl J Med 2022 Nov 10
Compensating control participants when the intervention is of significant value: experience in Guatemala, India, Peru and Rwanda. Quinn AK, Williams K, Thompson LM, Rosa G, Díaz-Artiga A, Thangavel G, Balakrishnan K, Miranda JJ, Rosenthal JP, Clasen TF, Harvey SA, HAPIN Investigators BMJ global health 31543990 BMJ Glob Health 2019
Revealing the air pollution burden associated with internal Migration in Peru. Carrasco-Escobar G, Schwarz L, Miranda JJ, Benmarhnia T Scientific reports 32346063 Sci Rep 2020 Apr 28
Let the "A" in WASH Stand for Air: Integrating Research and Interventions to Improve Household Air Pollution (HAP) and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) in Low-Income Settings. Clasen T, Smith KR Environmental health perspectives 30801220 Environ Health Perspect 2019 Feb
A descriptive study of potential participant preferences for the design of an incentivised weight loss programme for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus attending a public hospital in Lima, Peru. Akehurst H, Pesantes MA, Cornejo SDP, Manrique K, Lazo-Porras M, Portocarrero J, Diez-Canseco F, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Trujillo AJ, Miranda JJ Wellcome open research 30740534 Wellcome Open Res 2018
The shift of obesity burden by socioeconomic status between 1998 and 2017 in Latin America and the Caribbean: a cross-sectional series study. Jiwani SS, Carrillo-Larco RM, Hernández-Vásquez A, Barrientos-Gutiérrez T, Basto-Abreu A, Gutierrez L, Irazola V, Nieto-Martínez R, Nunes BP, Parra DC, Miranda JJ The Lancet. Global health 31708145 Lancet Glob Health 2019 Dec
Trends in cardiometabolic risk factors in the Americas between 1980 and 2014: a pooled analysis of population-based surveys. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)—Americas Working Group The Lancet. Global health 31839128 Lancet Glob Health 2020 Jan
Comparison of next-generation portable pollution monitors to measure exposure to PM(2.5) from household air pollution in Puno, Peru. Burrowes VJ, Piedrahita R, Pillarisetti A, Underhill LJ, Fandiño-Del-Rio M, Johnson M, Kephart JL, Hartinger SM, Steenland K, Naeher L, Kearns K, Peel JL, Clark ML, Checkley W, HAPIN Investigators Indoor air 31885107 Indoor Air 2020 May
LC-MS Quantification of Malondialdehyde-Dansylhydrazine Derivatives in Urine and Serum Samples. Kartavenka K, Panuwet P, Yakimavets V, Jaikang C, Thipubon K, D'Souza PE, Barr DB, Ryan PB Journal of analytical toxicology 31897465 J Anal Toxicol 2020 Apr 2
Association between personal exposure to household air pollution and gestational blood pressure among women using solid cooking fuels in rural Tamil Nadu, India. Ye W, Thangavel G, Pillarisetti A, Steenland K, Peel JL, Balakrishnan K, Jabbarzadeh S, Checkley W, Clasen T, HAPIN Investigators Environmental research 35065931 Environ Res 2022 May 15
Fidelity and Adherence to a Liquefied Petroleum Gas Stove and Fuel Intervention during Gestation: The Multi-Country Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) Randomized Controlled Trial. Quinn AK, Williams KN, Thompson LM, Harvey SA, Piedrahita R, Wang J, Quinn C, Pillarisetti A, McCracken JP, Rosenthal JP, Kirby MA, Diaz Artiga A, Thangavel G, Rosa G, Miranda JJ, Checkley W, Peel JL, Clasen TF International journal of environmental research and public health 34886324 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Nov 29
Adverse birth outcomes associated with household air pollution from unclean cooking fuels in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Younger A, Alkon A, Harknett K, Jean Louis R, Thompson LM Environmental research 34710435 Environ Res 2022 Mar
LPG stove and fuel intervention among pregnant women reduce fine particle air pollution exposures in three countries: Pilot results from the HAPIN trial. Liao J, Kirby MA, Pillarisetti A, Piedrahita R, Balakrishnan K, Sambandam S, Mukhopadhyay K, Ye W, Rosa G, Majorin F, Dusabimana E, Ndagijimana F, McCracken JP, Mollinedo E, de Leon O, Díaz-Artiga A, Thompson LM, Kearns KA, Naeher L, Rosenthal J, Clark ML, Steenland K, Waller LA, Checkley W, Peel JL, Clasen T, Johnson M, HAPIN Investigators Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 34740288 Environ Pollut 2021 Dec 15
Macroeconomic, demographic and human developmental correlates of physical activity and sitting time among South American adults. Werneck AO, Sadarangani KP, Ramírez-Vélez R, Baldew SS, Gomes TN, Ferrari G, Szwarcwald CL, Miranda JJ, Silva DR, South American Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Network (SAPASEN) collaborators The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 33317548 Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2020 Dec 14
Facing the Realities of Pragmatic Design Choices in Environmental Health Studies: Experiences from the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Trial. Checkley W, Hossen S, Rosa G, Thompson LM, McCracken JP, Diaz-Artiga A, Balakrishnan K, Simkovich SM, Underhill LJ, Nicolaou L, Hartinger SM, Davila-Roman VG, Kirby MA, Clasen TF, Rosenthal J, Peel JL, On Behalf Of Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Hapin Investigators International journal of environmental research and public health 35409475 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022 Mar 23
Regression from prediabetes to normal glucose levels is more frequent than progression towards diabetes: The CRONICAS Cohort Study. Lazo-Porras M, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Ruiz-Alejos A, Smeeth L, Gilman RH, Checkley W, Málaga G, Miranda JJ Diabetes research and clinical practice 31465811 Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2020 May
The use of bluetooth low energy Beacon systems to estimate indirect personal exposure to household air pollution. Liao J, McCracken JP, Piedrahita R, Thompson L, Mollinedo E, Canuz E, De Léon O, Díaz-Artiga A, Johnson M, Clark M, Pillarisetti A, Kearns K, Naeher L, Steenland K, Checkley W, Peel J, Clasen TF, HAPIN investigators Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 31558836 J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2020 Nov
Multimorbidity at sea level and high-altitude urban and rural settings: The CRONICAS Cohort Study. Miranda JJ, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Gilman RH, Smeeth L, Malaga G, Wise RA, Checkley W, CRONICAS Cohort Study Group Journal of comorbidity 34249770 J Comorb 2019 Jan-Dec
Clean Fuels to Reduce Household Air Pollution and Improve Health. Still Hoping to Answer Why and How. Miele CH, Checkley W American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 28617088 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017 Jun 15
Integration of a Technology-Based Mental Health Screening Program Into Routine Practices of Primary Health Care Services in Peru (The Allillanchu Project): Development and Implementation. Diez-Canseco F, Toyama M, Ipince A, Perez-Leon S, Cavero V, Araya R, Miranda JJ Journal of medical Internet research 29588272 J Med Internet Res 2018 Mar 15
Low prevalence of ideal cardiovascular health in Peru. Benziger CP, Zavala-Loayza JA, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Gilman RH, Checkley W, Smeeth L, Malaga G, Miranda JJ, CRONICAS Cohort Study group Heart (British Cardiac Society) 29326111 Heart 2018 Aug
Resources and Geographic Access to Care for Severe Pediatric Pneumonia in Four Resource-limited Settings. Simkovich SM, Underhill LJ, Kirby MA, Crocker ME, Goodman D, McCracken JP, Thompson LM, Diaz-Artiga A, Castañaza-Gonzalez A, Garg SS, Balakrishnan K, Thangavel G, Rosa G, Peel JL, Clasen TF, McCollum ED, Checkley W, HAPIN Investigators American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 34662531 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2022 Jan 15
Multimorbidity. Skou ST, Mair FS, Fortin M, Guthrie B, Nunes BP, Miranda JJ, Boyd CM, Pati S, Mtenga S, Smith SM Nature reviews. Disease primers 35835758 Nat Rev Dis Primers 2022 Jul 14
Cross-validation of biomonitoring methods for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites in human urine: Results from the formative phase of the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial in India. Puttaswamy N, Saidam S, Rajendran G, Arumugam K, Gupton S, Williams EW, Johnson CL, Panuwet P, Rajkumar S, Clark ML, Peel JL, Checkley W, Clasen T, Balakrishnan K, Barr DB Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 32755815 J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2020 Oct 1
Climate change and COVID-19: reinforcing Indigenous food systems. Zavaleta-Cortijo C, Ford JD, Arotoma-Rojas I, Lwasa S, Lancha-Rucoba G, García PJ, Miranda JJ, Namanya DB, New M, Wright CJ, Berrang-Ford L, Indigenous Health Adaptation to Climate Change Research Team, Harper SL The Lancet. Planetary health 32777205 Lancet Planet Health 2020 Sep
Exposure contrasts associated with a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) intervention at potential field sites for the multi-country household air pollution intervention network (HAPIN) trial in India: results from pilot phase activities in rural Tamil Nadu. Sambandam S, Mukhopadhyay K, Sendhil S, Ye W, Pillarisetti A, Thangavel G, Natesan D, Ramasamy R, Natarajan A, Aravindalochanan V, Vinayagamoorthi A, Sivavadivel S, Uma Maheswari R, Balakrishnan L, Gayatri S, Nargunanathan S, Madhavan S, Puttaswamy N, Garg SS, Quinn A, Rosenthal J, Johnson M, Liao J, Steenland K, Piedhrahita R, Peel J, Checkley W, Clasen T, Balakrishnan K BMC public health 33243198 BMC Public Health 2020 Nov 26
Diabetes care quality according to facility setting: A cross-sectional analysis in six Peruvian regions. Calderon-Ticona JR, Taype-Rondan A, Villamonte G, Labán-Seminario LM, Helguero-Santín LM, Miranda JJ, Lazo-Porras M Primary care diabetes 33358034 Prim Care Diabetes 2021 Jun
Effects of a Liquefied Petroleum Gas Stove Intervention on Gestational Blood Pressure: Intention-to-Treat and Exposure-Response Findings From the HAPIN Trial. Ye W, Steenland K, Quinn A, Liao J, Balakrishnan K, Rosa G, Ndagijimana F, Ntivuguruzwa JD, Thompson LM, McCracken JP, Díaz-Artiga A, Rosenthal JP, Papageorghiou A, Davila-Roman VG, Pillarisetti A, Johnson M, Wang J, Nicolaou L, Checkley W, Peel JL, Clasen TF, Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial Investigators Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979) 35708015 Hypertension 2022 Aug
Invited Perspective: A Critical Part of a Real-World Environmental Health Trial Is to Demonstrate That the Intervention Reduced Exposure. Kaufman JD Environmental health perspectives 36112540 Environ Health Perspect 2022 Sep
Visualizing Field Data Collection Procedures of Exposure and Biomarker Assessments for the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Trial in India. Rajamani KD, Sambandam S, Mukhopadhyay K, Puttaswamy N, Thangavel G, Natesan D, Ramasamy R, Sendhil S, Natarajan A, Aravindalochan V, Pillarisetti A, Johnson M, Rosenthal J, Steenland K, Piedhrahita R, Peel J, Clark ML, Boyd Barr D, Rajkumar S, Young B, Jabbarzadeh S, Rosa G, Kirby M, Underhill LJ, Diaz-Artiga A, Lovvorn A, Checkley W, Clasen T, Balakrishnan K Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 36622010 J Vis Exp 2022 Dec 23
Are we settling for less in nutritional policy? Prasad N, Miranda JJ The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology 37884322 Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2023 Nov
Fidelity and adherence to a liquefied petroleum gas stove and fuel intervention: the multi-country Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial. Williams KN, Quinn A, North H, Wang J, Pillarisetti A, Thompson LM, Díaz-Artiga A, Balakrishnan K, Thangavel G, Rosa G, Ndagijimana F, Underhill LJ, Kirby MA, Puzzolo E, Hossen S, Waller LA, Peel JL, Rosenthal JP, Clasen TF, Harvey SA, Checkley W medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37425899 medRxiv 2023 Jun 27
Effects of a LPG stove and fuel intervention on adverse maternal outcomes: A multi-country randomized controlled trial conducted by the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN). Younger A, Alkon A, Harknett K, Kirby MA, Elon L, Lovvorn AE, Wang J, Ye W, Diaz-Artiga A, McCracken JP, Castañaza Gonzalez A, Monroy Alarcon L, Mukeshimana A, Rosa G, Chiang M, Balakrishnan K, Garg SS, Pillarisetti A, Piedrahita R, Johnson M, Craik R, Papageorghiou AT, Toenjes A, Quinn A, Williams KN, Underhill L, Chang HH, Naeher LP, Rosenthal J, Checkley W, Peel JL, Clasen TF, Thompson LM, HAPIN investigators Environment international 37413928 Environ Int 2023 Aug
Does food biodiversity protect against malnutrition and favour the resilience to climate change-related events in Amazon Indigenous communities? A protocol for a mixed methods study. Zavaleta-Cortijo C, Cade J, Ford J, Greenwood DC, Carcamo C, Silvera-Ccallo R, Fernandez-Neyra C, Lancha-Rucoba G, Pizango-Tangoa M, Pizango-Inuma R, Chanchari-Huiñapi J, Velez-Quevedo J, Inuma-Tangoa N, Antazu T, Miranda-Cuadros M, Aparco JP, Aro-Guardia P, Verastegui M, Morales-Ancajima V, Bressan T, Miranda JJ Wellcome open research 38463717 Wellcome Open Res 2022
Protocol for CARES-HAPIN: an ambidirectional cohort study on exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and risk of early childhood caries. Patil SS, Puttaswamy N, Cardenas A, Barr DB, Ghosh S, Balakrishnan K BMJ open 38749682 BMJ Open 2024 May 15
Exposure Contrasts of Women Aged 40-79 Years during the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network Randomized Controlled Trial. Ye W, Campbell D, Johnson M, Balakrishnan K, Peel JL, Steenland K, Underhill LJ, Rosa G, Kirby MA, Díaz-Artiga A, McCracken J, Thompson LM, Clark ML, Waller LA, Chang HH, Wang J, Dusabimana E, Ndagijimana F, Sambandam S, Mukhopadhyay K, Chiang M, Hartinger SM, Nicolaou L, Williams K, Piedrahita R, Kearns KA, Kremer J, Ghosh A, Rosenthal JP, Checkley W, Clasen T, Naeher L, Pillarisetti A Environmental science & technology 39807588 Environ Sci Technol 2025 Jan 14
Optimizing Exposure Measures in Large-Scale Household Air Pollution Studies: Results from the Multicountry HAPIN Trial. Steenland K, Pillarisetti A, Johnson M, Rosenthal J, Balakrishnan K, Underhill L, Thompson L, McCracken J, Waller L, Nicolaou L, Clark M, Checkley W, Peel J, Clasen T Environmental science & technology 39807776 Environ Sci Technol 2025 Jan 28
Building blocks for better biorepositories in Africa. Croxton T, Jonathan E, Suleiman K, Balogun O, Ozumba PJ, Aloyo SM, Nsubuga G, Kamulegeya RE, Newton L, Mukisa J, Kader M, Damaneite V, Nadoma S, Onyemata EJ, Anzaku AA, Nasinghe E, Troyer J, Joubert BR, Beiswanger C, Joloba ML, Mayne E, Abimiku A, H3Africa Biorepository PI Working Group Genome medicine 37932809 Genome Med 2023 Nov 6
Performance of the EUROIMMUN Anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA Assay for detection of IgA and IgG antibodies in South Africa. Gededzha MP, Mampeule N, Jugwanth S, Zwane N, David A, Burgers WA, Blackburn JM, Grove JS, George JA, Sanne I, Scott L, Stevens W, Mayne ES PloS one 34161348 PLoS One 2021
Age, Disease Severity and Ethnicity Influence Humoral Responses in a Multi-Ethnic COVID-19 Cohort. Smith M, Abdesselem HB, Mullins M, Tan TM, Nel AJM, Al-Nesf MAY, Bensmail I, Majbour NK, Vaikath NN, Naik A, Ouararhni K, Mohamed-Ali V, Al-Maadheed M, Schell DT, Baros-Steyl SS, Anuar ND, Ismail NH, Morris PE, Mamat RNR, Rosli NSM, Anwar A, Ellan K, Zain RM, Burgers WA, Mayne ES, El-Agnaf OMA, Blackburn JM Viruses 33925055 Viruses 2021 Apr 28
Storage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture isolates in Microbank(TM) beads at a South African laboratory. David A, Scott LE, Da Silva P, Mayne E, Stevens WS African journal of laboratory medicine 38023785 Afr J Lab Med 2023
Operational characteristics of 30 lateral flow immunoassays used to identify COVID-19 immune response. David A, Scott L, Jugwanth S, Gededzha M, Kahamba T, Zwane N, Mampeule N, Sanne I, Stevens W, Mayne ES Journal of immunological methods 34242653 J Immunol Methods 2021 Sep
Performance of the Abbott SARS-CoV-2 IgG serological assay in South African 2 patients. Jugwanth S, Gededzha MP, Mampeule N, Zwane N, David A, Burgers WA, Blackburn JM, Grove JS, George JA, Sanne I, Scott L, Stevens W, Mayne ES PloS one 35120133 PLoS One 2022
Validation of Roche immunoassay for severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 in South Africa. Grove JS, Mayne ES, Burgers WA, Blackburn J, Jugwanth S, Stevens W, Scott L, David A, Gededzha M, Sanne IM, Maphayi MR, Pillay T, George JA Southern African journal of infectious diseases 39376942 S Afr J Infect Dis 2021
Research capacity. Enabling the genomic revolution in Africa. H3Africa Consortium, Rotimi C, Abayomi A, Abimiku A, Adabayeri VM, Adebamowo C, Adebiyi E, Ademola AD, Adeyemo A, Adu D, Affolabi D, Agongo G, Ajayi S, Akarolo-Anthony S, Akinyemi R, Akpalu A, Alberts M, Alonso Betancourt O, Alzohairy AM, Ameni G, Amodu O, Anabwani G, Andersen K, Arogundade F, Arulogun O, Asogun D, Bakare R, Balde N, Baniecki ML, Beiswanger C, Benkahla A, Bethke L, Boehnke M, Boima V, Brandful J, Brooks AI, Brosius FC, Brown C, Bucheton B, Burke DT, Burnett BG, Carrington-Lawrence S, Carstens N, Chisi J, Christoffels A, Cooper R, Cordell H, Crowther N, Croxton T, de Vries J, Derr L, Donkor P, Doumbia S, Duncanson A, Ekem I, El Sayed A, Engel ME, Enyaru JC, Everett D, Fadlelmola FM, Fakunle E, Fischbeck KH, Fischer A, Folarin O, Gamieldien J, Garry RF, Gaseitsiwe S, Gbadegesin R, Ghansah A, Giovanni M, Goesbeck P, Gomez-Olive FX, Grant DS, Grewal R, Guyer M, Hanchard NA, Happi CT, Hazelhurst S, Hennig BJ, Hertz- C, Fowler, Hide W, Hilderbrandt F, Hugo-Hamman C, Ibrahim ME, James R, Jaufeerally-Fakim Y, Jenkins C, Jentsch U, Jiang PP, Joloba M, Jongeneel V, Joubert F, Kader M, Kahn K, Kaleebu P, Kapiga SH, Kassim SK, Kasvosve I, Kayondo J, Keavney B, Kekitiinwa A, Khan SH, Kimmel P, King MC, Kleta R, Koffi M, Kopp J, Kretzler M, Kumuthini J, Kyobe S, Kyobutungi C, Lackland DT, Lacourciere KA, Landouré G, Lawlor R, Lehner T, Lesosky M, Levitt N, Littler K, Lombard Z, Loring JF, Lyantagaye S, Macleod A, Madden EB, Mahomva CR, Makani J, Mamven M, Marape M, Mardon G, Marshall P, Martin DP, Masiga D, Mason R, Mate-Kole M, Matovu E, Mayige M, Mayosi BM, Mbanya JC, McCurdy SA, McCarthy MI, McIlleron H, Mc'Ligeyo SO, Merle C, Mocumbi AO, Mondo C, Moran JV, Motala A, Moxey-Mims M, Mpoloka WS, Msefula CL, Mthiyane T, Mulder N, Mulugeta Gh, Mumba D, Musuku J, Nagdee M, Nash O, Ndiaye D, Nguyen AQ, Nicol M, Nkomazana O, Norris S, Nsangi B, Nyarko A, Nyirenda M, Obe E, Obiakor R, Oduro A, Ofori-Acquah SF, Ogah O, Ogendo S, Ohene-Frempong K, Ojo A, Olanrewaju T, Oli J, Osafo C, Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer O, Ovbiagele B, Owen A, Owolabi MO, Owolabi L, Owusu-Dabo E, Pare G, Parekh R, Patterton HG, Penno MB, Peterson J, Pieper R, Plange-Rhule J, Pollak M, Puzak J, Ramesar RS, Ramsay M, Rasooly R, Reddy S, Sabeti PC, Sagoe K, Salako T, Samassékou O, Sandhu MS, Sankoh O, Sarfo FS, Sarr M, Shaboodien G, Sidibe I, Simo G, Simuunza M, Smeeth L, Sobngwi E, Soodyall H, Sorgho H, Sow Bah O, Srinivasan S, Stein DJ, Susser ES, Swanepoel C, Tangwa G, Tareila A, Tastan Bishop O, Tayo B, Tiffin N, Tinto H, Tobin E, Tollman SM, Traoré M, Treadwell MJ, Troyer J, Tsimako-Johnstone M, Tukei V, Ulasi I, Ulenga N, van Rooyen B, Wachinou AP, Waddy SP, Wade A, Wayengera M, Whitworth J, Wideroff L, Winkler CA, Winnicki S, Wonkam A, Yewondwos M, sen T, Yozwiak N, Zar H Science (New York, N.Y.) 24948725 Science 2014 Jun 20
Affordable method for quality DNA for genomic research in low to middle-income country research settings. Onyemata EJ, Jonathan E, Balogun O, Agala N, Ozumba PJ, Croxton T, Nadoma S, Anazodo T, Peters S, Beiswanger CM, Abimiku A Analytical biochemistry 33249001 Anal Biochem 2021 Feb 1
H3Africa: current perspectives. Mulder N, Abimiku A, Adebamowo SN, de Vries J, Matimba A, Olowoyo P, Ramsay M, Skelton M, Stein DJ Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine 29692621 Pharmgenomics Pers Med 2018
Blueprint for building a biorepository in a resource-limited setting that follows international best practices. Abimiku AG, Croxton T, Ozumba PJ, Agala N, Balogun O, Jonathan E, Onyemata E, Ndifon K, Nadoma S, Anazodo T, Peters S, Beiswanger CM African journal of laboratory medicine 31534913 Afr J Lab Med 2019
H3Africa partnerships to empower clinical research sites to generate high-quality biological samples. Croxton T, Agala N, Jonathan E, Balogun O, Ozumba PJ, Onyemata E, Lawal S, Mamven M, Ajayi S, Melikam SE, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B, Adu D, Ojo A, Beiswanger CM, Abimiku A African journal of laboratory medicine 32284923 Afr J Lab Med 2020
Challenges of biobanking in South Africa to facilitate indigenous research in an environment burdened with human immunodeficiency virus, tuberculosis, and emerging noncommunicable diseases. Abayomi A, Christoffels A, Grewal R, Karam LA, Rossouw C, Staunton C, Swanepoel C, van Rooyen B Biopreservation and biobanking 24835364 Biopreserv Biobank 2013 Dec
A perpetual source of DNA or something really different: ethical issues in the creation of cell lines for African genomics research. de Vries J, Abayomi A, Brandful J, Littler K, Madden E, Marshall P, Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer O, Seeley J BMC medical ethics 25104115 BMC Med Ethics 2014 Aug 7
The H3Africa policy framework: negotiating fairness in genomics. de Vries J, Tindana P, Littler K, Ramsay M, Rotimi C, Abayomi A, Mulder N, Mayosi BM Trends in genetics : TIG 25601285 Trends Genet 2015 Mar
Cardiac expression of HMOX1 and PGF in sickle cell mice and haem-treated wild type mice dominates organ expression profiles via Nrf2 (Nfe2l2). Gbotosho OT, Ghosh S, Kapetanaki MG, Lin Y, Weidert F, Bullock GC, Ofori-Acquah SF, Kato GJ British journal of haematology 31389006 Br J Haematol 2019 Dec
Free heme regulates placenta growth factor through NRF2-antioxidant response signaling. Kapetanaki MG, Gbotosho OT, Sharma D, Weidert F, Ofori-Acquah SF, Kato GJ Free radical biology & medicine 31408727 Free Radic Biol Med 2019 Nov 1
Editorial: The Genetic and Environmental Basis for Diseases in Understudied Populations. Mulder N, Lombard Z, Owolabi MO, Ofori-Acquah SF Frontiers in genetics 33173534 Front Genet 2020
Augmented NRF2 activation protects adult sickle mice from lethal acute chest syndrome. Ghosh S, Hazra R, Ihunnah CA, Weidert F, Flage B, Ofori-Acquah SF British journal of haematology 29923176 Br J Haematol 2018 Jul
Heme Induces IL-6 and Cardiac Hypertrophy Genes Transcripts in Sickle Cell Mice. Gbotosho OT, Kapetanaki MG, Ghosh S, Villanueva FS, Ofori-Acquah SF, Kato GJ Frontiers in immunology 32973791 Front Immunol 2020
Hemopexin deficiency promotes acute kidney injury in sickle cell disease. Ofori-Acquah SF, Hazra R, Orikogbo OO, Crosby D, Flage B, Ackah EB, Lenhart D, Tan RJ, Vitturi DA, Paintsil V, Owusu-Dabo E, Ghosh S, SickleGenAfrica Network Blood 32043112 Blood 2020 Mar 26
Sickle Cell Disease Genomics of Africa (SickleGenAfrica) Network: ethical framework and initial qualitative findings from community engagement in Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania. Anie KA, Olayemi E, Paintsil V, Owusu-Dabo E, Adeyemo TA, Sani MU, Galadanci NA, Nnodu O, Tluway F, Adjei DN, Mensah P, Sarfo-Antwi J, Nwokobia H, Gambo A, Benjamin A, Salim A, Osae-Larbi JA, Ofori-Acquah SF, SickleGenAfrica Network BMJ open 34301659 BMJ Open 2021 Jul 23
Immunomodulatory actions of a kynurenine-derived endogenous electrophile. Carreño M, Pires MF, Woodcock SR, Brzoska T, Ghosh S, Salvatore SR, Chang F, Khoo NKH, Dunn M, Connors N, Yuan S, Straub AC, Wendell SG, Kato GJ, Freeman BA, Ofori-Acquah SF, Sundd P, Schopfer FJ, Vitturi DA Science advances 35767602 Sci Adv 2022 Jul
P-selectin plays a role in haem-induced acute lung injury in sickle mice. Ghosh S, Flage B, Weidert F, Ofori-Acquah SF British journal of haematology 30809798 Br J Haematol 2019 Jul
Nrf2 deficiency in mice attenuates erythropoietic stress-related macrophage hypercellularity. Gbotosho OT, Kapetanaki MG, Ross M, Ghosh S, Weidert F, Bullock GC, Watkins S, Ofori-Acquah SF, Kato GJ Experimental hematology 32151553 Exp Hematol 2020 Apr
Sickle cell disease as a vascular disorder. Ofori-Acquah SF Expert review of hematology 32362160 Expert Rev Hematol 2020 Jun
African genetic diversity and adaptation inform a precision medicine agenda. Pereira L, Mutesa L, Tindana P, Ramsay M Nature reviews. Genetics 33432191 Nat Rev Genet 2021 May
Eyes of Africa: The Genetics of Blindness: Study Design and Methodology. Olawoye O, Chuka-Okosa C, Akpa O, Realini T, Hauser M, Ashaye A BMC ophthalmology 34243759 BMC Ophthalmol 2021 Jul 9
The social construction of genomics and genetic analysis in ocular diseases in Ibadan, South-western Nigeria. Olawoye O, Salami KK, Azeez A, Adebola P, Sarimiye T, Imaledo J, Realini T, Hauser MA, Ashaye A PloS one 36454870 PLoS One 2022
Polygenic risk scores for CARDINAL study. Adebamowo CA, Adeyemo A, Ashaye A, Akpa OM, Chikowore T, Choudhury A, Fakim YJ, Fatumo S, Hanchard N, Hauser M, Mitchell B, Mulder N, Ofori-Acquah SF, Owolabi M, Ramsay M, Tayo B, VasanthKumar AB, Zhang Y, Adebamowo SN Nature genetics 35513726 Nat Genet 2022 May
Association of Genetic Variants With Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Among Individuals With African Ancestry. Genetics of Glaucoma in People of African Descent (GGLAD) Consortium, Hauser MA, Allingham RR, Aung T, Van Der Heide CJ, Taylor KD, Rotter JI, Wang SJ, Bonnemaijer PWM, Williams SE, Abdullahi SM, Abu-Amero KK, Anderson MG, Akafo S, Alhassan MB, Asimadu I, Ayyagari R, Bakayoko S, Nyamsi PB, Bowden DW, Bromley WC, Budenz DL, Carmichael TR, Challa P, Chen YI, Chuka-Okosa CM, Cooke Bailey JN, Costa VP, Cruz DA, DuBiner H, Ervin JF, Feldman RM, Flamme-Wiese M, Gaasterland DE, Garnai SJ, Girkin CA, Guirou N, Guo X, Haines JL, Hammond CJ, Herndon L, Hoffmann TJ, Hulette CM, Hydara A, Igo RP Jr, Jorgenson E, Kabwe J, Kilangalanga NJ, Kizor-Akaraiwe N, Kuchtey RW, Lamari H, Li Z, Liebmann JM, Liu Y, Loos RJF, Melo MB, Moroi SE, Msosa JM, Mullins RF, Nadkarni G, Napo A, Ng MCY, Nunes HF, Obeng-Nyarkoh E, Okeke A, Okeke S, Olaniyi O, Olawoye O, Oliveira MB, Pasquale LR, Perez-Grossmann RA, Pericak-Vance MA, Qin X, Ramsay M, Resnikoff S, Richards JE, Schimiti RB, Sim KS, Sponsel WE, Svidnicki PV, Thiadens AAHJ, Uche NJ, van Duijn CM, de Vasconcellos JPC, Wiggs JL, Zangwill LM, Risch N, Milea D, Ashaye A, Klaver CCW, Weinreb RN, Ashley Koch AE, Fingert JH, Khor CC JAMA 31688885 JAMA 2019 Nov 5
A multi-cohort genome-wide association study in African ancestry individuals reveals risk loci for primary open-angle glaucoma. Verma SS, Gudiseva HV, Chavali VRM, Salowe RJ, Bradford Y, Guare L, Lucas A, Collins DW, Vrathasha V, Nair RM, Rathi S, Zhao B, He J, Lee R, Zenebe-Gete S, Bowman AS, McHugh CP, Zody MC, Pistilli M, Khachatryan N, Daniel E, Murphy W, Henderer J, Regeneron Genetics Center, Kinzy TG, Iyengar SK, Peachey NS, VA Million Veteran Program, Taylor KD, Guo X, Chen YI, Zangwill L, Girkin C, Ayyagari R, Liebmann J, Chuka-Okosa CM, Williams SE, Akafo S, Budenz DL, Olawoye OO, Ramsay M, Ashaye A, Akpa OM, Aung T, Wiggs JL, Ross AG, Cui QN, Addis V, Lehman A, Miller-Ellis E, Sankar PS, Williams SM, Ying GS, Cooke Bailey J, Rotter JI, Weinreb R, Khor CC, Hauser MA, Ritchie MD, O'Brien JM Cell 38242088 Cell 2024 Jan 18
Baseline characteristics of Ghanaian children and adults enrolled in PIVOT, a randomised clinical trial of hydroxyurea in HbSC disease in sub-Saharan Africa. Segbefia CI, Smart LR, Stuber SE, Amissah-Arthur KN, Dzefi-Tettey K, Ekpale P, Mensah E, Lane AC, Ghunney W, Tagoe LG, Oteng A, Amoako E, Latham TS, Dei-Adomakoh YA, Ware RE British journal of haematology 39406687 Br J Haematol 2024 Dec
Advances in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in children. Nicol MP, Zar HJ Paediatric respiratory reviews 32624357 Paediatr Respir Rev 2020 Nov
Integrating environmental health and genomics research in Africa: challenges and opportunities identified during a Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) Consortium workshop. Joubert BR, Berhane K, Chevrier J, Collman G, Eskenazi B, Fobil J, Hoyo C, John CC, Kumie A, Nicol M, Ramsay M, Smith J, Steyn A, Tshala-Katumbay D, McAllister K AAS open research 32382703 AAS Open Res 2019
Natural and hybrid immunity following four COVID-19 waves: A prospective cohort study of mothers in South Africa. Zar HJ, MacGinty R, Workman L, Botha M, Johnson M, Hunt A, Burd T, Nicol MP, Flasche S, Quilty BJ, Goldblatt D EClinicalMedicine 36128333 EClinicalMedicine 2022 Nov
Klebsiella pneumoniae Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in a South African Birth Cohort: a Longitudinal Study. Zar HJ, MacGinty R, Workman L, Burd T, Smith G, Myer L, Häggström J, Nicol MP International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 35472523 Int J Infect Dis 2022 Aug
Human Breast Milk Bacteriome in Health and Disease. Ojo-Okunola A, Nicol M, du Toit E Nutrients 30400268 Nutrients 2018 Nov 3
HIV-exposure, early life feeding practices and delivery mode impacts on faecal bacterial profiles in a South African birth cohort. Claassen-Weitz S, Gardner-Lubbe S, Nicol P, Botha G, Mounaud S, Shankar J, Nierman WC, Mulder N, Budree S, Zar HJ, Nicol MP, Kaba M Scientific reports 29567959 Sci Rep 2018 Mar 22
Longitudinal Population Dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus in the Nasopharynx During the First Year of Life. Abdulgader SM, Robberts L, Ramjith J, Nduru PM, Dube F, Gardner-Lubbe S, Zar HJ, Nicol MP Frontiers in genetics 30930937 Front Genet 2019
Composition of Gut Microbiota of Children and Adolescents With Perinatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Taking Antiretroviral Therapy in Zimbabwe. Flygel TT, Sovershaeva E, Claassen-Weitz S, Hjerde E, Mwaikono KS, Odland JØ, Ferrand RA, Mchugh G, Gutteberg TJ, Nicol MP, Cavanagh JP, Flægstad T, BREATHE Study Team The Journal of infectious diseases 31549151 J Infect Dis 2020 Jan 14
Genotypic diversity and unrecognized antifungal resistance among populations of Candida glabrata from positive blood cultures. Badrane H, Cheng S, Dupont CL, Hao B, Driscoll E, Morder K, Liu G, Newbrough A, Fleres G, Kaul D, Espinoza JL, Clancy CJ, Nguyen MH Nature communications 37739935 Nat Commun 2023 Sep 22
Pulse oximetry to detect paediatric hypoxaemia-the fifth vital sign. Zar HJ, McCollum ED The Lancet. Global health 37793415 Lancet Glob Health 2023 Nov
Genomic epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 16F lineages. Mokaya J, Mellor KC, Murray GGR, Kalizang'oma A, Lekhuleni C, Zar HJ, Nicol MP, McGee L, Bentley SD, Lo SW, Dube F Microbial genomics 37917136 Microb Genom 2023 Nov
Cytomegalovirus acquisition in infancy and the risk of tuberculosis disease in childhood: a longitudinal birth cohort study in Cape Town, South Africa. Martinez L, Nicol MP, Wedderburn CJ, Stadler A, Botha M, Workman L, le Roux DM, Zar HJ The Lancet. Global health 34798032 Lancet Glob Health 2021 Dec
Indoor air pollution and tobacco smoke exposure: impact on nasopharyngeal bacterial carriage in mothers and infants in an African birth cohort study. Vanker A, Nduru PM, Barnett W, Dube FS, Sly PD, Gie RP, Nicol MP, Zar HJ ERJ open research 30740462 ERJ Open Res 2019 Feb
Association of maternal prenatal psychological stressors and distress with maternal and early infant faecal bacterial profile. Naudé PJW, Claassen-Weitz S, Gardner-Lubbe S, Botha G, Kaba M, Zar HJ, Nicol MP, Stein DJ Acta neuropsychiatrica 31753055 Acta Neuropsychiatr 2020 Feb
Early-life respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infection in a South African birth cohort: epidemiology and effect on lung health. Zar HJ, Nduru P, Stadler JAM, Gray D, Barnett W, Lesosky M, Myer L, Nicol MP The Lancet. Global health 32971054 Lancet Glob Health 2020 Oct
Co-detection of Bordetella pertussis and other respiratory organisms in children hospitalised with lower respiratory tract infection. Muloiwa R, Dube FS, Nicol MP, Hussey GD, Zar HJ Scientific reports 33009451 Sci Rep 2020 Oct 2
Optimizing 16S rRNA gene profile analysis from low biomass nasopharyngeal and induced sputum specimens. Claassen-Weitz S, Gardner-Lubbe S, Mwaikono KS, du Toit E, Zar HJ, Nicol MP BMC microbiology 32397992 BMC Microbiol 2020 May 12
Longitudinal changes in the nasopharyngeal resistome of South African infants using shotgun metagenomic sequencing. Manenzhe RI, Dube FS, Wright M, Lennard K, Zar HJ, Mounaud S, Nierman WC, Nicol MP, Moodley C PloS one 32320455 PLoS One 2020
Diagnostic limitations of clinical case definitions of pertussis in infants and children with severe lower respiratory tract infection. Muloiwa R, Nicol MP, Hussey GD, Zar HJ PloS one 32678857 PLoS One 2020
The Determinants of the Human Milk Metabolome and Its Role in Infant Health. Ojo-Okunola A, Cacciatore S, Nicol MP, du Toit E Metabolites 32093351 Metabolites 2020 Feb 20
Characterization of Pneumococcal Colonization Dynamics and Antimicrobial Resistance Using Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing in Intensively Sampled South African Infants. Manenzhe RI, Dube FS, Wright M, Lennard K, Mounaud S, Lo SW, Zar HJ, Nierman WC, Nicol MP, Moodley C Frontiers in public health 33072693 Front Public Health 2020
Determinants of lung function development from birth to age 5 years: an interrupted time series analysis of a South African birth cohort. McCready C, Zar HJ, Chaya S, Jacobs C, Workman L, Hantos Z, Hall GL, Sly PD, Nicol MP, Stein DJ, Ullah A, Custovic A, Little F, Gray DM The Lancet. Child & adolescent health 38621408 Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2024 Jun
Respiratory microbes present in the nasopharynx of children hospitalised with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis in Cape Town, South Africa. Dube FS, Kaba M, Robberts FJ, Ah Tow L, Lubbe S, Zar HJ, Nicol MP BMC infectious diseases 27776489 BMC Infect Dis 2016 Oct 24
Succession and determinants of the early life nasopharyngeal microbiota in a South African birth cohort. Claassen-Weitz S, Gardner-Lubbe S, Xia Y, Mwaikono KS, Mounaud SH, Nierman WC, Workman L, Zar HJ, Nicol MP Microbiome 37271810 Microbiome 2023 Jun 5
The impact of antenatal and postnatal indoor air pollution or tobacco smoke exposure on lung function at 3 years in an African birth cohort. Chaya S, Vanker A, Brittain K, MacGinty R, Jacobs C, Hantos Z, Zar HJ, Gray DM Respirology (Carlton, Vic.) 37587874 Respirology 2023 Dec
Sputum bacterial load and bacterial composition correlate with lung function and are altered by long-term azithromycin treatment in children with HIV-associated chronic lung disease. Abotsi RE, Dube FS, Rehman AM, Claassen-Weitz S, Xia Y, Simms V, Mwaikono KS, Gardner-Lubbe S, McHugh G, Ngwira LG, Kwambana-Adams B, Heyderman RS, Odland JØ, Ferrand RA, Nicol MP, BREATHE study team Microbiome 36803868 Microbiome 2023 Feb 20
The Long-Term Impact of Early-Life Tuberculosis Disease on Child Health: A Prospective Birth Cohort Study. Martinez L, Gray DM, Botha M, Nel M, Chaya S, Jacobs C, Workman L, Nicol MP, Zar HJ American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 36746196 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2023 Apr 15
The association between bacteria colonizing the upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract infection in young children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Claassen-Weitz S, Lim KYL, Mullally C, Zar HJ, Nicol MP Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 34111578 Clin Microbiol Infect 2021 Sep
Influence of Socio-Economic and Psychosocial Profiles on the Human Breast Milk Bacteriome of South African Women. Ojo-Okunola A, Claassen-Weitz S, Mwaikono KS, Gardner-Lubbe S, Stein DJ, Zar HJ, Nicol MP, du Toit E Nutrients 31226873 Nutrients 2019 Jun 20
Latent Classes of Anthropometric Growth in Early Childhood Using Uni- and Multivariate approaches in a South African Birth Cohort. van Biljon N, Lake MT, Goddard L, Botha M, Zar HJ, Little F medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37693390 medRxiv 2023 Sep 1
Evidence of virulence and antimicrobial resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 16F lineages. Mokaya J, Mellor KC, Murray GGR, Kalizang'oma A, Lekhuleni C, Zar HJ, Nicol MP, McGee L, Bentley SD, Lo SW, Dube F, Global Pneumococcal Sequencing Consortium bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37693504 bioRxiv 2023 Aug 28
Risk factors for Bordetella pertussis disease in hospitalized children. Muloiwa R, Dube FS, Nicol MP, Hussey GD, Zar HJ PloS one 33057415 PLoS One 2020
Antibodies to Seasonal Coronaviruses Rarely Cross-React With SARS-CoV-2: Findings From an African Birth Cohort. Zar HJ, Nicol MP, MacGinty R, Workman L, Petersen W, Johnson M, Goldblatt D The Pediatric infectious disease journal 34533491 Pediatr Infect Dis J 2021 Dec 1
The child ecosystem and childhood pulmonary tuberculosis: A South African perspective. DeAtley T, Workman L, Theron G, Bélard S, Prins M, Bateman L, Grobusch MP, Dheda K, Nicol MP, Sorsdahl K, Kuo C, Stein DJ, Zar HJ Pediatric pulmonology 33765350 Pediatr Pulmonol 2021 Jul
A Longitudinal Study of the Epidemiology of Seasonal Coronaviruses in an African Birth Cohort. Nicol MP, MacGinty R, Workman L, Stadler JAM, Myer L, Allen V, Ah Tow Edries L, Zar HJ Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 33528016 J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc 2021 May 28
Nasopharyngeal Carriage of Antimicrobial-Resistant Pneumococci in an Intensively Sampled South African Birth Cohort. Manenzhe RI, Moodley C, Abdulgader SM, Robberts FJL, Zar HJ, Nicol MP, Dube FS Frontiers in microbiology 30972052 Front Microbiol 2019
Longitudinal characterization of nasopharyngeal colonization with Streptococcus pneumoniae in a South African birth cohort post 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine implementation. Dube FS, Ramjith J, Gardner-Lubbe S, Nduru P, Robberts FJL, Wolter N, Zar HJ, Nicol MP Scientific reports 30131607 Sci Rep 2018 Aug 21
Factors associated with serious outcomes of pneumonia among children in a birth cohort in South Africa. Le Roux DM, Nicol MP, Vanker A, Nduru PM, Zar HJ PloS one 34388194 PLoS One 2021
The Influence of DNA Extraction and Lipid Removal on Human Milk Bacterial Profiles. Ojo-Okunola A, Claassen-Weitz S, Mwaikono KS, Gardner-Lubbe S, Zar HJ, Nicol MP, du Toit E Methods and protocols 32429170 Methods Protoc 2020 May 15
Human microbiota research in Africa: a systematic review reveals gaps and priorities for future research. Allali I, Abotsi RE, Tow LA, Thabane L, Zar HJ, Mulder NM, Nicol MP Microbiome 34911583 Microbiome 2021 Dec 15
Early childhood wheezing phenotypes and determinants in a South African birth cohort: longitudinal analysis of the Drakenstein Child Health Study. McCready C, Haider S, Little F, Nicol MP, Workman L, Gray DM, Granell R, Stein DJ, Custovic A, Zar HJ The Lancet. Child & adolescent health 36435180 Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2023 Feb
Genomic characterization of Bordetella pertussis in South Africa, 2015-2019. Moosa F, du Plessis M, Weigand MR, Peng Y, Mogale D, de Gouveia L, Nunes MC, Madhi SA, Zar HJ, Reubenson G, Ismail A, Tondella ML, Cohen C, Walaza S, von Gottberg A, Wolter N Microbial genomics 38117675 Microb Genom 2023 Dec
Beyond Race: A Wake-up Call for Drug Therapy Informed by Genotyping. Sirugo G, Wonkam A Annals of internal medicine 35724383 Ann Intern Med 2022 Aug
Investigations of Kidney Dysfunction-Related Gene Variants in Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Cameroon (Sub-Saharan Africa). Ngo-Bitoungui VJ, Belinga S, Mnika K, Masekoameng T, Nembaware V, Essomba RG, Ngo-Sack F, Awandare G, Mazandu GK, Wonkam A Frontiers in genetics 33790942 Front Genet 2021
The role of causal knowledge in stigma considerations in African genomics research: Views of South African Xhosa people. Matshabane OP, Campbell MM, Faure MC, Appelbaum PS, Marshall PA, Stein DJ, de Vries J Social science & medicine (1982) 33865094 Soc Sci Med 2021 May
Sequence three million genomes across Africa. Wonkam A Nature 33568829 Nature 2021 Feb
Towards equitable genomics governance in Africa: Guiding principles from theories of global health governance and the African moral theory of Ubuntu. Munung NS, de Vries J, Pratt B Bioethics 35041227 Bioethics 2022 May
Assent, parental consent and reconsent for health research in Africa: thematic analysis of national guidelines and lessons from the SickleInAfrica registry. Munung NS, Nembaware V, Osei-Tutu L, Treadwell M, Chide OE, Bukini D, Tutuba H, SickleInAfrica ELSI WG, Wonkam A BMC medical ethics 36482457 BMC Med Ethics 2022 Dec 8
The future of sickle cell disease therapeutics rests in genomics. Wonkam A Disease models & mechanisms 36815490 Dis Model Mech 2023 Feb 1
The Sickle Cell Disease Ontology: enabling universal sickle cell-based knowledge representation. Sickle Cell Disease Ontology Working Group Database : the journal of biological databases and curation 31769834 Database (Oxford) 2019 Jan 1
Do solidarity and reciprocity obligations compel African researchers to feedback individual genetic results in genomics research? Ralefala D, Kasule M, Wonkam A, Matshaba M, de Vries J BMC medical ethics 33148222 BMC Med Ethics 2020 Nov 4
Parental Perspectives Regarding the Return of Genomic Research Results in Neurodevelopmental Disorders in South Africa: Anticipated Impact and Preferences. Diedericks A, Bruwer Z, Laing N, Eastman E, De Vries JV, Donald KA, Robinson EB, Newton CR, Abubakar A Research square 38946993 Res Sq 2024 Jun 11
Exploring the Role of Shared Decision Making in the Consent Process for Pediatric Genomics Research in Cameroon, Tanzania, and Ghana. Bukini D, deVries J, Treadwell M, Anie K, Dennis-Antwi J, Kamga KK, McCurdy S, Ohene-Frempong K, Makani J, Wonkam A AJOB empirical bioethics 31379268 AJOB Empir Bioeth 2019 Jul-Sep
A comprehensive survey of models for dissecting local ancestry deconvolution in human genome. Geza E, Mugo J, Mulder NJ, Wonkam A, Chimusa ER, Mazandu GK Briefings in bioinformatics 30010715 Brief Bioinform 2019 Sep 27
Dating admixture events is unsolved problem in multi-way admixed populations. Chimusa ER, Defo J, Thami PK, Awany D, Mulisa DD, Allali I, Ghazal H, Moussa A, Mazandu GK Briefings in bioinformatics 30462157 Brief Bioinform 2020 Jan 17
The road ahead in genetics and genomics. McGuire AL, Gabriel S, Tishkoff SA, Wonkam A, Chakravarti A, Furlong EEM, Treutlein B, Meissner A, Chang HY, López-Bigas N, Segal E, Kim JS Nature reviews. Genetics 32839576 Nat Rev Genet 2020 Oct
Stigma in African genomics research: Gendered blame, polygamy, ancestry and disease causal beliefs impact on the risk of harm. de Vries J, Landouré G, Wonkam A Social science & medicine (1982) 32521416 Soc Sci Med 2020 Aug
Should Feedback of Individual Results be Integrated into the Consent Process in African Genomics? Participants' Views from an HIV-TB Genomics Research Project in Botswana. Ralefala D, Kasule M, Wonkam A, Matshaba M, de Vries J AJOB empirical bioethics 34197280 AJOB Empir Bioeth 2022 Jan-Mar
The governance of genomic biobank research in Africa: reframing the regulatory tilt. Staunton C, de Vries J Journal of law and the biosciences 34221433 J Law Biosci 2020 Jan-Dec
Epistemic justice, African values and feedback of findings in African genomics research. Ewuoso C, Wonkam A, de Vries J Global bioethics = Problemi di bioetica 36185769 Glob Bioeth 2022
Participant views on practical considerations for feedback of individual genetic research results: a case study from Botswana. Ralefala D, Kasule M, Matshabane OP, Wonkam A, Matshaba M, de Vries J Global bioethics = Problemi di bioetica 37063478 Glob Bioeth 2023
Considerations of Autonomy in Guiding Decisions around the Feedback of Individual Genetic Research Results from Genomics Research: Expectations of and Preferences from Researchers in Botswana. Kasule M, Matshaba M, Mwaka E, Wonkam A, de Vries J Global health, epidemiology and genomics 35441036 Glob Health Epidemiol Genom 2022
Five Priorities of African Genomics Research: The Next Frontier. Wonkam A, Munung NS, Dandara C, Esoh KK, Hanchard NA, Landoure G Annual review of genomics and human genetics 35576571 Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet 2022 Aug 31
Addressing exploitation and inequities in open science: A relational perspective. Ewuoso C, Cordeiro-Rodrigues L, Wonkam A, de Vries J Developing world bioethics 36256961 Dev World Bioeth 2023 Dec
Leveraging our common African origins to understand human evolution and health. Wonkam A, Adeyemo A Cell genomics 36950382 Cell Genom 2023 Mar 8
Navigating the Genetic Frontier for the Integration of Genetic Services into African Healthcare Systems: A scoping review. Kamga KK, Fonkam MP, Nguefack S, Wonkam A Research square 38464219 Res Sq 2024 Feb 28
Feeding back of individual genetic results in Botswana: mapping opportunities and challenges. Kasule M, Matshaba M, Wonkam A, de Vries J BMC medical ethics 37270597 BMC Med Ethics 2023 Jun 3
Genomics governance: advancing justice, fairness and equity through the lens of the African communitarian ethic of Ubuntu. Munung NS, de Vries J, Pratt B Medicine, health care, and philosophy 33797712 Med Health Care Philos 2021 Sep
Further confirmation of the association of SLC12A2 with non-syndromic autosomal-dominant hearing impairment. Adadey SM, Schrauwen I, Aboagye ET, Bharadwaj T, Esoh KK, Basit S, Acharya A, Nouel-Saied LM, Liaqat K, Wonkam-Tingang E, Mowla S, Awandare GA, Ahmad W, Leal SM, Wonkam A Journal of human genetics 34226616 J Hum Genet 2021 Dec
Systematic Review of the Economic Evaluation of Returning Incidental Findings in Genomic Research. Fontes Marx M, Ataguba JE, de Vries J, Wonkam A Frontiers in public health 34277554 Front Public Health 2021
Dissecting in silico Mutation Prediction of Variants in African Genomes: Challenges and Perspectives. Bope CD, Chimusa ER, Nembaware V, Mazandu GK, de Vries J, Wonkam A Frontiers in genetics 31293624 Front Genet 2019
Tantalizing dilemma in risk prediction from disease scoring statistics. Awany D, Allali I, Chimusa ER Briefings in functional genomics 30605512 Brief Funct Genomics 2018 Jul 22
Returning incidental findings in African genomics research. Wonkam A, de Vries J Nature genetics 31768070 Nat Genet 2020 Jan
Social and Epistemic Justice: Are We Really Including Africa in the Bioethics Discourse? Matshabane OP, De Vries J The American journal of bioethics : AJOB 34962195 Am J Bioeth 2022 Jan
Participants' Preferences and Reasons for Wanting Feedback of Individual Genetic Research Results From an HIV-TB Genomic Study: A Case Study From Botswana. Ralefala D, Kasule M, Matshabane OP, Wonkam A, Matshaba M, de Vries J Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE 34662218 J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics 2021 Dec
Explanatory models for the cause of Fragile X Syndrome in rural Cameroon. Kengne Kamga K, De Vries J, Nguefack S, Munung NS, Wonkam A Journal of genetic counseling 34145661 J Genet Couns 2021 Dec
Importance of Including Non-European Populations in Large Human Genetic Studies to Enhance Precision Medicine. Ju D, Hui D, Hammond DA, Wonkam A, Tishkoff SA Annual review of biomedical data science 35576557 Annu Rev Biomed Data Sci 2022 Aug 10
Parental perspectives regarding the return of genomic research results in neurodevelopmental disorders in South Africa: anticipated impact and preferences. Diedericks A, Bruwer Z, Laing N, Eastman E, De Vries J, Newton CR, Abubakar A, Robinson EB, Donald KA, NeuroDev study Journal of community genetics 39090365 J Community Genet 2024 Oct
The Hearing Impairment Ontology: A Tool for Unifying Hearing Impairment Knowledge to Enhance Collaborative Research. Hotchkiss J, Manyisa N, Adadey SM, Oluwole OG, Wonkam E, Mnika K, Yalcouye A, Nembaware V, Haendel M, Vasilevsky N, Mulder NJ, Jupp S, Wonkam A, Mazandu GK Genes 31766582 Genes (Basel) 2019 Nov 21
Promoting diversity and inclusion in neuroscience and neuroethics. Matshabane OP EBioMedicine 33965871 EBioMedicine 2021 May
Toward better governance of human genomic data. O'Doherty KC, Shabani M, Dove ES, Bentzen HB, Borry P, Burgess MM, Chalmers D, De Vries J, Eckstein L, Fullerton SM, Juengst E, Kato K, Kaye J, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Manson SM, McGrail KM, McGuire AL, Meslin EM, Nicol D, Prainsack B, Terry SF, Thorogood A, Burke W Nature genetics 33414545 Nat Genet 2021 Jan
Negotiating political power and stigma around fragile X Syndrome in a rural village in Cameroon: A tale of a royal family and a community. Kengne Kamga K, Munung NS, Nguefack S, Wonkam A, De Vries J Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 33544459 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2021 Mar
Introducing in AJMG Part A: Case reports in diverse populations. Girisha KM, Wonkam A, Muenke M American journal of medical genetics. Part A 30160834 Am J Med Genet A 2018 Jul
Post genome-wide association analysis: dissecting computational pathway/network-based approaches. Chimusa ER, Dalvie S, Dandara C, Wonkam A, Mazandu GK Briefings in bioinformatics 29701762 Brief Bioinform 2019 Mar 25
Explanatory models of illness may facilitate cultural competence in genetic counseling. Abad PJ Journal of genetic counseling 22286558 J Genet Couns 2012 Aug
Lived Experiences of Fragile X Syndrome Caregivers: A Scoping Review of Qualitative Studies. Kamga KK, De Vries J, Nguefack S, Munung SN, Wonkam A Frontiers in neurology 32174884 Front Neurol 2020
Cascade Testing for Fragile X Syndrome in a Rural Setting in Cameroon (Sub-Saharan Africa). Kengne Kamga K, Nguefack S, Minka K, Wonkam Tingang E, Esterhuizen A, Nchangwi Munung S, De Vries J, Wonkam A Genes 32012997 Genes (Basel) 2020 Jan 28
MECP2 duplication syndrome in a patient from Cameroon. Tekendo-Ngongang C, Dahoun S, Nguefack S, Moix I, Gimelli S, Zambo H, Morris MA, Sloan-Béna F, Wonkam A American journal of medical genetics. Part A 32052928 Am J Med Genet A 2020 Apr
Guideline for feedback of individual genetic research findings for genomics research in Africa. Matimba A, Ali S, Littler K, Madden E, Marshall P, McCurdy S, Nembaware V, Rodriguez L, Seeley J, Tindana P, Yakubu A, de Vries J, H3Africa Ethics and Community Engagement Working Group BMJ global health 35017180 BMJ Glob Health 2022 Jan
Simplified Cas13-based assays for the fast identification of SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. Arizti-Sanz J, Bradley A, Zhang YB, Boehm CK, Freije CA, Grunberg ME, Kosoko-Thoroddsen TF, Welch NL, Pillai PP, Mantena S, Kim G, Uwanibe JN, John OG, Eromon PE, Kocher G, Gross R, Lee JS, Hensley LE, MacInnis BL, Johnson J, Springer M, Happi CT, Sabeti PC, Myhrvold C Nature biomedical engineering 35637389 Nat Biomed Eng 2022 Aug
Metagenomic sequencing characterizes a wide diversity of viruses in field mosquito samples in Nigeria. Oguzie JU, Nwangwu UC, Oluniyi PE, Olumade TJ, George UE, Kazeem A, Bankole BE, Brimmo FO, Asadu CC, Chukwuekezie OC, Ochu JC, Makwe CO, Dogunro FA, Onwude CO, Nwachukwu WE, Ezihe EK, Okonkwo GK, Umazi NE, Maikere J, Agashi NO, Eloy EI, Anokwu SO, Okoronkwo AI, Nwosu EM, Etiki SO, Ngwu IM, Ihekweazu C, Folarin OA, Komolafe IOO, Happi CT Scientific reports 35538241 Sci Rep 2022 May 10
The origins of SARS-CoV-2: A critical review. Holmes EC, Goldstein SA, Rasmussen AL, Robertson DL, Crits-Christoph A, Wertheim JO, Anthony SJ, Barclay WS, Boni MF, Doherty PC, Farrar J, Geoghegan JL, Jiang X, Leibowitz JL, Neil SJD, Skern T, Weiss SR, Worobey M, Andersen KG, Garry RF, Rambaut A Cell 34480864 Cell 2021 Sep 16
Tracking the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants in South Africa. Happi AN, Ugwu CA, Happi CT Nature medicine 33723453 Nat Med 2021 Mar
Genomic investigation of a dengue virus outbreak in Thiès, Senegal, in 2018. Gaye A, Ndiaye T, Sy M, Deme AB, Thiaw AB, Sene A, Ndiaye C, Diedhiou Y, Mbaye AM, Ndiaye I, Tomkins-Tinch C, Gomis JF, Badiane AS, MacInnis B, Park DJ, Ndiaye M, Sy N, Sabeti PC, Siddle KJ, Ndiaye D Scientific reports 33990632 Sci Rep 2021 May 14
Genomic characterization of Alphacoronavirus from Mops condylurus bats in Nigeria. George U, George O, Oguzie J, Osasona O, Motayo B, Kamani J, Eromon P, Folarin O, Happi A, Komolafe I, Happi C Virus research 37467933 Virus Res 2023 Sep
Caseload and Case Fatality of Lassa Fever in Nigeria, 2001-2018: A Specialist Center's Experience and Its Implications. Akpede GO, Asogun DA, Okogbenin SA, Dawodu SO, Momoh MO, Dongo AE, Ike C, Tobin E, Akpede N, Ogbaini-Emovon E, Adewale AE, Ochei O, Onyeke F, Okonofua MO, Atafo RO, Odia I, Adomeh DI, Odigie G, Ogbeifun C, Muebonam E, Ihekweazu C, Ramharter M, Colubri A, Sarbeti PC, Happi CT, Günther S, Agbonlahor DE Frontiers in public health 31294014 Front Public Health 2019
HIV-1 drug resistance and genetic diversity in a cohort of people with HIV-1 in Nigeria. Oluniyi PE, Ajogbasile FV, Zhou S, Fred-Akintunwa I, Polyak CS, Ake JA, Tovanabutra S, Iroezindu M, Rolland M, Happi CT AIDS (London, England) 34628443 AIDS 2022 Jan 1
Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Entry Inhibition by Interfacially Active Peptides. Hoffmann AR, Guha S, Wu E, Ghimire J, Wang Y, He J, Garry RF, Wimley WC Journal of virology 32907984 J Virol 2020 Nov 9
Deployable CRISPR-Cas13a diagnostic tools to detect and report Ebola and Lassa virus cases in real-time. Barnes KG, Lachenauer AE, Nitido A, Siddiqui S, Gross R, Beitzel B, Siddle KJ, Freije CA, Dighero-Kemp B, Mehta SB, Carter A, Uwanibe J, Ajogbasile F, Olumade T, Odia I, Sandi JD, Momoh M, Metsky HC, Boehm CK, Lin AE, Kemball M, Park DJ, Branco L, Boisen M, Sullivan B, Amare MF, Tiamiyu AB, Parker ZF, Iroezindu M, Grant DS, Modjarrad K, Myhrvold C, Garry RF, Palacios G, Hensley LE, Schaffner SF, Happi CT, Colubri A, Sabeti PC Nature communications 32807807 Nat Commun 2020 Aug 17
Genomic investigation of atypical malaria cases in Kanel, northern Senegal. Sy M, Badiane AS, Deme AB, Gaye A, Ndiaye T, Fall FB, Siddle KJ, Dieye B, Ndiaye YD, Diallo MA, Diongue K, Seck MC, Ndiaye IM, Cissé M, Gueye AB, Sène D, Dieye Y, Souané T, MacInnis B, Volkman SK, Wirth DF, Ndiaye D Malaria journal 33608006 Malar J 2021 Feb 19
Genomic epidemiology uncovers the timing and origin of the emergence of mpox in humans. Parker E, Omah IF, Varilly P, Magee A, Ayinla AO, Sijuwola AE, Ahmed MI, Ope-Ewe OO, Ogunsanya OA, Olono A, Eromon P, Tomkins-Tinch CH, Otieno JR, Akanbi O, Egwuenu A, Ehiakhamen O, Chukwu C, Suleiman K, Akinpelu A, Ahmad A, Imam KI, Ojedele R, Oripenaye V, Ikeata K, Adelakun S, Olajumoke B, Djuicy DD, Essengue LLM, Yifomnjou MHM, Zeller M, Gangavarapu K, O'Toole Á, Park DJ, Mboowa G, Tessema SK, Tebeje YK, Folarin O, Happi A, Lemey P, Suchard MA, Andersen KG, Sabeti P, Rambaut A, Njoum R, Ihekweazu C, Jide I, Adetifa I, Happi CT medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38947052 medRxiv 2024 Jun 19
A modified anthrax toxin-based enzyme-linked immunospot assay reveals robust T cell responses in symptomatic and asymptomatic Ebola virus exposed individuals. Herrera BB, Hamel DJ, Oshun P, Akinsola R, Akanmu AS, Chang CA, Eromon P, Folarin O, Adeyemi KT, Happi CT, Lu Y, Ogunsola F, Kanki PJ PLoS neglected tropical diseases 29795572 PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2018 May
Lassa fever diagnostics: past, present, and future. Happi AN, Happi CT, Schoepp RJ Current opinion in virology 31518896 Curr Opin Virol 2019 Aug
Genomic Analysis of Lassa Virus during an Increase in Cases in Nigeria in 2018. Siddle KJ, Eromon P, Barnes KG, Mehta S, Oguzie JU, Odia I, Schaffner SF, Winnicki SM, Shah RR, Qu J, Wohl S, Brehio P, Iruolagbe C, Aiyepada J, Uyigue E, Akhilomen P, Okonofua G, Ye S, Kayode T, Ajogbasile F, Uwanibe J, Gaye A, Momoh M, Chak B, Kotliar D, Carter A, Gladden-Young A, Freije CA, Omoregie O, Osiemi B, Muoebonam EB, Airende M, Enigbe R, Ebo B, Nosamiefan I, Oluniyi P, Nekoui M, Ogbaini-Emovon E, Garry RF, Andersen KG, Park DJ, Yozwiak NL, Akpede G, Ihekweazu C, Tomori O, Okogbenin S, Folarin OA, Okokhere PO, MacInnis BL, Sabeti PC, Happi CT The New England journal of medicine 30332564 N Engl J Med 2018 Nov 1
Development of a qualitative real-time RT-PCR assay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2: A guide and case study in setting up an emergency-use, laboratory-developed molecular assay. Anahtar MN, Shaw B, Slater D, Byrne E, Botti-Lodovico Y, Adams G, Schaffner S, Eversley J, McGrath G, Gogakos T, Lennerz J, Desai Marble H, Ritterhouse LL, Batten J, Georgantas NZ, Pellerin R, Signorelli S, Thierauf J, Kemball M, Happi C, Grant DS, Ndiaye D, Siddle KJ, Mehta SB, Harris J, Ryan ET, Pierce V, LaRocque R, Lemieux JE, Sabeti P, Rosenberg E, Branda J, Turbett SE medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 32909014 medRxiv 2020 Sep 1
Capturing sequence diversity in metagenomes with comprehensive and scalable probe design. Metsky HC, Siddle KJ, Gladden-Young A, Qu J, Yang DK, Brehio P, Goldfarb A, Piantadosi A, Wohl S, Carter A, Lin AE, Barnes KG, Tully DC, Corleis B, Hennigan S, Barbosa-Lima G, Vieira YR, Paul LM, Tan AL, Garcia KF, Parham LA, Odia I, Eromon P, Folarin OA, Goba A, Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, Simon-Lorière E, Hensley L, Balmaseda A, Harris E, Kwon DS, Allen TM, Runstadler JA, Smole S, Bozza FA, Souza TML, Isern S, Michael SF, Lorenzana I, Gehrke L, Bosch I, Ebel G, Grant DS, Happi CT, Park DJ, Gnirke A, Sabeti PC, Matranga CB Nature biotechnology 30718881 Nat Biotechnol 2019 Feb
The evolving SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Africa: Insights from rapidly expanding genomic surveillance. Tegally H, San JE, Cotten M, Moir M, Tegomoh B, Mboowa G, Martin DP, Baxter C, Lambisia AW, Diallo A, Amoako DG, Diagne MM, Sisay A, Zekri AN, Gueye AS, Sangare AK, Ouedraogo AS, Sow A, Musa AO, Sesay AK, Abias AG, Elzagheid AI, Lagare A, Kemi AS, Abar AE, Johnson AA, Fowotade A, Oluwapelumi AO, Amuri AA, Juru A, Kandeil A, Mostafa A, Rebai A, Sayed A, Kazeem A, Balde A, Christoffels A, Trotter AJ, Campbell A, Keita AK, Kone A, Bouzid A, Souissi A, Agweyu A, Naguib A, Gutierrez AV, Nkeshimana A, Page AJ, Yadouleton A, Vinze A, Happi AN, Chouikha A, Iranzadeh A, Maharaj A, Batchi-Bouyou AL, Ismail A, Sylverken AA, Goba A, Femi A, Sijuwola AE, Marycelin B, Salako BL, Oderinde BS, Bolajoko B, Diarra B, Herring BL, Tsofa B, Lekana-Douki B, Mvula B, Njanpop-Lafourcade BM, Marondera BT, Khaireh BA, Kouriba B, Adu B, Pool B, McInnis B, Brook C, Williamson C, Nduwimana C, Anscombe C, Pratt CB, Scheepers C, Akoua-Koffi CG, Agoti CN, Mapanguy CM, Loucoubar C, Onwuamah CK, Ihekweazu C, Malaka CN, Peyrefitte C, Grace C, Omoruyi CE, Rafaï CD, Morang'a CM, Erameh C, Lule DB, Bridges DJ, Mukadi-Bamuleka D, Park D, Rasmussen DA, Baker D, Nokes DJ, Ssemwanga D, Tshiabuila D, Amuzu DSY, Goedhals D, Grant DS, Omuoyo DO, Maruapula D, Wanjohi DW, Foster-Nyarko E, Lusamaki EK, Simulundu E, Ong'era EM, Ngabana EN, Abworo EO, Otieno E, Shumba E, Barasa E, Ahmed EB, Ahmed EA, Lokilo E, Mukantwari E, Philomena E, Belarbi E, Simon-Loriere E, Anoh EA, Manuel E, Leendertz F, Taweh FM, Wasfi F, Abdelmoula F, Takawira FT, Derrar F, Ajogbasile FV, Treurnicht F, Onikepe F, Ntoumi F, Muyembe FM, Ragomzingba FEZ, Dratibi FA, Iyanu FA, Mbunsu GK, Thilliez G, Kay GL, Akpede GO, van Zyl GU, Awandare GA, Kpeli GS, Schubert G, Maphalala GP, Ranaivoson HC, Omunakwe HE, Onywera H, Abe H, Karray H, Nansumba H, Triki H, Kadjo HAA, Elgahzaly H, Gumbo H, Mathieu H, Kavunga-Membo H, Smeti I, Olawoye IB, Adetifa IMO, Odia I, Ben Boubaker IB, Muhammad IA, Ssewanyana I, Wurie I, Konstantinus IS, Halatoko JWA, Ayei J, Sonoo J, Makangara JC, Tamfum JM, Heraud JM, Shaffer JG, Giandhari J, Musyoki J, Nkurunziza J, Uwanibe JN, Bhiman JN, Yasuda J, Morais J, Kiconco J, Sandi JD, Huddleston J, Odoom JK, Morobe JM, Gyapong JO, Kayiwa JT, Okolie JC, Xavier JS, Gyamfi J, Wamala JF, Bonney JHK, Nyandwi J, Everatt J, Nakaseegu J, Ngoi JM, Namulondo J, Oguzie JU, Andeko JC, Lutwama JJ, Mogga JJH, O'Grady J, Siddle KJ, Victoir K, Adeyemi KT, Tumedi KA, Carvalho KS, Mohammed KS, Dellagi K, Musonda KG, Duedu KO, Fki-Berrajah L, Singh L, Kepler LM, Biscornet L, de Oliveira Martins L, Chabuka L, Olubayo L, Ojok LD, Deng LL, Ochola-Oyier LI, Tyers L, Mine M, Ramuth M, Mastouri M, ElHefnawi M, Mbanne M, Matsheka MI, Kebabonye M, Diop M, Momoh M, Lima Mendonça MDL, Venter M, Paye MF, Faye M, Nyaga MM, Mareka M, Damaris MM, Mburu MW, Mpina MG, Owusu M, Wiley MR, Tatfeng MY, Ayekaba MO, Abouelhoda M, Beloufa MA, Seadawy MG, Khalifa MK, Matobo MM, Kane M, Salou M, Mbulawa MB, Mwenda M, Allam M, Phan MVT, Abid N, Rujeni N, Abuzaid N, Ismael N, Elguindy N, Top NM, Dia N, Mabunda N, Hsiao NY, Silochi NB, Francisco NM, Saasa N, Bbosa N, Murunga N, Gumede N, Wolter N, Sitharam N, Ndodo N, Ajayi NA, Tordo N, Mbhele N, Razanajatovo NH, Iguosadolo N, Mba N, Kingsley OC, Sylvanus O, Femi O, Adewumi OM, Testimony O, Ogunsanya OA, Fakayode O, Ogah OE, Oludayo OE, Faye O, Smith-Lawrence P, Ondoa P, Combe P, Nabisubi P, Semanda P, Oluniyi PE, Arnaldo P, Quashie PK, Okokhere PO, Bejon P, Dussart P, Bester PA, Mbala PK, Kaleebu P, Abechi P, El-Shesheny R, Joseph R, Aziz RK, Essomba RG, Ayivor-Djanie R, Njouom R, Phillips RO, Gorman R, Kingsley RA, Neto Rodrigues RMDESA, Audu RA, Carr RAA, Gargouri S, Masmoudi S, Bootsma S, Sankhe S, Mohamed SI, Femi S, Mhalla S, Hosch S, Kassim SK, Metha S, Trabelsi S, Agwa SH, Mwangi SW, Doumbia S, Makiala-Mandanda S, Aryeetey S, Ahmed SS, Ahmed SM, Elhamoumi S, Moyo S, Lutucuta S, Gaseitsiwe S, Jalloh S, Andriamandimby SF, Oguntope S, Grayo S, Lekana-Douki S, Prosolek S, Ouangraoua S, van Wyk S, Schaffner SF, Kanyerezi S, Ahuka-Mundeke S, Rudder S, Pillay S, Nabadda S, Behillil S, Budiaki SL, van der Werf S, Mashe T, Mohale T, Le-Viet T, Velavan TP, Schindler T, Maponga TG, Bedford T, Anyaneji UJ, Chinedu U, Ramphal U, George UE, Enouf V, Nene V, Gorova V, Roshdy WH, Karim WA, Ampofo WK, Preiser W, Choga WT, Ahmed YA, Ramphal Y, Bediako Y, Naidoo Y, Butera Y, de Laurent ZR, Africa Pathogen Genomics Initiative (Africa PGI)‡, Ouma AEO, von Gottberg A, Githinji G, Moeti M, Tomori O, Sabeti PC, Sall AA, Oyola SO, Tebeje YK, Tessema SK, de Oliveira T, Happi C, Lessells R, Nkengasong J, Wilkinson E Science (New York, N.Y.) 36108049 Science 2022 Oct 7
Whole genome sequencing of clinical samples reveals extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB) strains from the Beijing lineage in Nigeria, West Africa. Olawoye IB, Uwanibe JN, Kunle-Ope CN, Davies-Bolorunduro OF, Abiodun TA, Audu RA, Salako BL, Happi CT Scientific reports 34462504 Sci Rep 2021 Aug 30
The Arenaviridae Family: Knowledge Gaps, Animal Models, Countermeasures, and Prototype Pathogens. Hastie KM, Melnik LI, Cross RW, Klitting RM, Andersen KG, Saphire EO, Garry RF The Journal of infectious diseases 37849403 J Infect Dis 2023 Oct 18
Nationwide surveillance identifies yellow fever and chikungunya viruses transmitted by various species of Aedes mosquitoes in Nigeria. Nwangwu UC, Oguzie JU, Nwachukwu WE, Onwude CO, Dogunro FA, Diallo M, Ezihe CK, Agashi NO, Eloy EI, Anokwu SO, Anioke CC, Ikechukwu LC, Nwosu CM, Nwaogo ON, Ngwu IM, Onyeanusi RN, Okoronkwo AI, Orizu FU, Etiki MO, Onuora EN, Adeorike ST, Okeke PC, Chukwuekezie OC, Ochu JC, Ibrahim SS, Ifedayo A, Ihekweazu C, Happi CT bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38293180 bioRxiv 2024 Jan 15
Lassa virus in novel hosts: insights into the epidemiology of lassa virus infections in southern Nigeria. Happi AN, Ogunsanya OA, Ayinla AO, Sijuwola AE, Saibu FM, Akano K, Nwofoke C, Elias OT, Achonduh-Atijegbe O, Daodu RO, Adedokun OA, Adeyemo A, Ogundana KE, Lawal OZ, Parker E, Nosamiefan I, Okolie J, Parker ZF, McCauley MD, Eller LA, Lombardi K, Tiamiyu AB, Iroezindu M, Akinwale E, Njatou TLFA, Mebrahtu T, Broach E, Zuppe A, Prins P, Lay J, Amare M, Modjarrad K, Collins ND, Vasan S, Tucker C, Daye S, Happi CT Emerging microbes & infections 38088796 Emerg Microbes Infect 2024 Dec
Molecular characterization of non-aureus staphylococci and Mammaliicoccus from Hipposideros bats in Southwest Nigeria. Adesoji TO, George UE, Sulayman TA, Uwanibe JN, Olawoye IB, Igbokwe JO, Olanipekun TG, Adeleke RA, Akindoyin AI, Famakinwa TJ, Adamu AM, Terkuma CA, Ezekiel GO, Eromon PE, Happi AN, Fadare TO, Shittu AO, Happi CT Scientific reports 38519524 Sci Rep 2024 Mar 22
Metagenomic surveillance uncovers diverse and novel viral taxa in febrile patients from Nigeria. Oguzie JU, Petros BA, Oluniyi PE, Mehta SB, Eromon PE, Nair P, Adewale-Fasoro O, Ifoga PD, Odia I, Pastusiak A, Gbemisola OS, Aiyepada JO, Uyigue EA, Edamhande AP, Blessing O, Airende M, Tomkins-Tinch C, Qu J, Stenson L, Schaffner SF, Oyejide N, Ajayi NA, Ojide K, Ogah O, Abejegah C, Adedosu N, Ayodeji O, Liasu AA, Okogbenin S, Okokhere PO, Park DJ, Folarin OA, Komolafe I, Ihekweazu C, Frost SDW, Jackson EK, Siddle KJ, Sabeti PC, Happi CT Nature communications 37542071 Nat Commun 2023 Aug 4
Detection of Immune Escape and Basal Core Promoter/Precore Gene Mutations in Hepatitis B Virus Isolated from Asymptomatic Hospital Attendees in Two Southwestern States in Nigeria. Sobajo OA, Oguzie JU, Adegboyega B, Eromon P, Happi C, Komolafe I, Folarin O Viruses 38005866 Viruses 2023 Oct 31
Investigating the etiologies of non-malarial febrile illness in Senegal using metagenomic sequencing. Levine ZC, Sene A, Mkandawire W, Deme AB, Ndiaye T, Sy M, Gaye A, Diedhiou Y, Mbaye AM, Ndiaye IM, Gomis J, Ndiop M, Sene D, Faye Paye M, MacInnis BL, Schaffner SF, Park DJ, Badiane AS, Colubri A, Ndiaye M, Sy N, Sabeti PC, Ndiaye D, Siddle KJ Nature communications 38272885 Nat Commun 2024 Jan 25
Genomic Characterisation of Multidrug-Resistant Pathogenic Enteric Bacteria from healthy children in Osun State, Nigeria. Uwanibe JN, O Awoye IB, Happi CT, Folarin OA bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37503211 bioRxiv 2023 Jul 20
African Resources and the Promise of Resilience against COVID-19. Blanton RE, Mock NB, Hiruy HN, Schieffelin JS, Doumbia S, Happi C, Samuels RJ, Oberhelman RA The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 32500851 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 Aug
Predicting the evolution of the Lassa virus endemic area and population at risk over the next decades. Klitting R, Kafetzopoulou LE, Thiery W, Dudas G, Gryseels S, Kotamarthi A, Vrancken B, Gangavarapu K, Momoh M, Sandi JD, Goba A, Alhasan F, Grant DS, Okogbenin S, Ogbaini-Emovo E, Garry RF, Smither AR, Zeller M, Pauthner MG, McGraw M, Hughes LD, Duraffour S, Günther S, Suchard MA, Lemey P, Andersen KG, Dellicour S Nature communications 36167835 Nat Commun 2022 Sep 27
Improving diagnosis of non-malarial fevers in Senegal: Borrelia and the contribution of tick-borne bacteria. Levine ZC, Sene A, Mkandawire W, Deme AB, Ndiaye T, Sy M, Gaye A, Diedhiou Y, Mbaye AM, Ndiaye I, Gomis J, Ndiop M, Sene D, Paye MF, MacInnis B, Schaffner SF, Park DJ, Badiane AS, Colubri A, Ndiaye M, Sy N, Sabeti PC, Ndiaye D, Siddle KJ medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37662407 medRxiv 2023 Aug 25
Genomic Characterization of Multidrug-Resistant Pathogenic Enteric Bacteria from Healthy Children in Osun State, Nigeria. Uwanibe JN, Olawoye IB, Happi CT, Folarin OA Microorganisms 38543556 Microorganisms 2024 Mar 1
Detection of Alpha- and Betacoronaviruses in Frugivorous and Insectivorous Bats in Nigeria. George U, George O, Oragwa A, Motayo B, Kamani J, Adamu A, Sowemimo O, Adeleke R, Abalaka S, Sani N, Oguzie J, Eromon P, Folarin O, Happi A, Komolafe I, Happi C Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland) 36145450 Pathogens 2022 Sep 7
The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2. Andersen KG, Rambaut A, Lipkin WI, Holmes EC, Garry RF Nature medicine 32284615 Nat Med 2020 Apr
Quadrivalent VesiculoVax vaccine protects nonhuman primates from viral-induced hemorrhagic fever and death. Cross RW, Xu R, Matassov D, Hamm S, Latham TE, Gerardi CS, Nowak RM, Geisbert JB, Ota-Setlik A, Agans KN, Luckay A, Witko SE, Soukieh L, Deer DJ, Mire CE, Feldmann H, Happi C, Fenton KA, Eldridge JH, Geisbert TW The Journal of clinical investigation 31820871 J Clin Invest 2020 Jan 2
The molecular epidemiology of multiple zoonotic origins of SARS-CoV-2. Pekar JE, Magee A, Parker E, Moshiri N, Izhikevich K, Havens JL, Gangavarapu K, Malpica Serrano LM, Crits-Christoph A, Matteson NL, Zeller M, Levy JI, Wang JC, Hughes S, Lee J, Park H, Park MS, Ching Zi Yan K, Lin RTP, Mat Isa MN, Noor YM, Vasylyeva TI, Garry RF, Holmes EC, Rambaut A, Suchard MA, Andersen KG, Worobey M, Wertheim JO Science (New York, N.Y.) 35881005 Science 2022 Aug 26
Accelerating genomics-based surveillance for COVID-19 response in Africa. Tessema SK, Inzaule SC, Christoffels A, Kebede Y, de Oliveira T, Ouma AEO, Happi CT, Nkengasong JN The Lancet. Microbe 32838350 Lancet Microbe 2020 Oct
Antibodies from Sierra Leonean and Nigerian Lassa fever survivors cross-react with recombinant proteins representing Lassa viruses of divergent lineages. Heinrich ML, Boisen ML, Nelson DKS, Bush DJ, Cross RW, Koval AP, Hoffmann AR, Beddingfield BJ, Hastie KM, Rowland MM, Aimukanova I, Koval S, Lathigra R, Borisevich V, Momoh M, Sandi JD, Goba A, Odia L, Baimba F, Aiyepada JO, Ebo B, Eromon P, Ugwu C, Folarin O, Olumade T, Onyechi MN, Etafo J, Adeyemi R, Ella EE, Aminu M, Gomerep SS, Eke MA, Ogunsanya O, Akpede GO, Asogun DO, Okogbenin SA, Okokhere PO, Holst J, Shaffer JG, Schieffelin JS, Geisbert TW, Saphire EO, Happi CT, Grant DS, Garry RF, Branco LM Scientific reports 32994446 Sci Rep 2020 Sep 29
Clinical and laboratory predictors of Lassa fever outcome in a dedicated treatment facility in Nigeria: a retrospective, observational cohort study. Okokhere P, Colubri A, Azubike C, Iruolagbe C, Osazuwa O, Tabrizi S, Chin E, Asad S, Ediale E, Rafiu M, Adomeh D, Odia I, Atafo R, Aire C, Okogbenin S, Pahlman M, Becker-Ziaja B, Asogun D, Fradet T, Fry B, Schaffner SF, Happi C, Akpede G, Günther S, Sabeti PC The Lancet. Infectious diseases 29523497 Lancet Infect Dis 2018 Jun
Molecular surveillance of shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli in selected beef abattoirs in Osun State Nigeria. Ayoade F, Oguzie J, Eromon P, Omotosho OE, Ogunbiyi T, Olumade T, Akano K, Folarin O, Happi C Scientific reports 34234223 Sci Rep 2021 Jul 7
Polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum dihydropteroate synthetase and dihydrofolate reductase genes in Nigerian children with uncomplicated malaria using high-resolution melting technique. Kayode AT, Ajogbasile FV, Akano K, Uwanibe JN, Oluniyi PE, Eromon PJ, Folarin OA, Sowunmi A, Wirth DF, Happi CT Scientific reports 33436791 Sci Rep 2021 Jan 12
Efficacy and safety of nitazoxanide plus atazanavir/ritonavir for the treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19 (NACOVID): A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Olagunju A, Fowotade A, Olagunoye A, Ojo TO, Adefuye BO, Fagbamigbe AF, Adebiyi AO, Olagunju OI, Ladipo OT, Akinloye A, Adeagbo BA, Onayade A, Bolaji OO, Happi C, Rannard S, Owen A Trials 33397457 Trials 2021 Jan 4
The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. Worobey M, Levy JI, Malpica Serrano L, Crits-Christoph A, Pekar JE, Goldstein SA, Rasmussen AL, Kraemer MUG, Newman C, Koopmans MPG, Suchard MA, Wertheim JO, Lemey P, Robertson DL, Garry RF, Holmes EC, Rambaut A, Andersen KG Science (New York, N.Y.) 35881010 Science 2022 Aug 26
Streamlined inactivation, amplification, and Cas13-based detection of SARS-CoV-2. Arizti-Sanz J, Freije CA, Stanton AC, Petros BA, Boehm CK, Siddiqui S, Shaw BM, Adams G, Kosoko-Thoroddsen TF, Kemball ME, Uwanibe JN, Ajogbasile FV, Eromon PE, Gross R, Wronka L, Caviness K, Hensley LE, Bergman NH, MacInnis BL, Happi CT, Lemieux JE, Sabeti PC, Myhrvold C Nature communications 33219225 Nat Commun 2020 Nov 20
Proteomics Computational Analyses Suggest that the Antennavirus Glycoprotein Complex Includes a Class I Viral Fusion Protein (α-Penetrene) with an Internal Zinc-Binding Domain and a Stable Signal Peptide. Garry CE, Garry RF Viruses 31416162 Viruses 2019 Aug 14
Real-time Metagenomic Analysis of Undiagnosed Fever Cases Unveils a Yellow Fever Outbreak in Edo State, Nigeria. Ajogbasile FV, Oguzie JU, Oluniyi PE, Eromon PE, Uwanibe JN, Mehta SB, Siddle KJ, Odia I, Winnicki SM, Akpede N, Akpede G, Okogbenin S, Ogbaini-Emovon E, MacInnis BL, Folarin OA, Modjarrad K, Schaffner SF, Tomori O, Ihekweazu C, Sabeti PC, Happi CT Scientific reports 32081931 Sci Rep 2020 Feb 21
Polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (Pfcrt) and multidrug-resistant gene 1 (Pfmdr-1) in Nigerian children 10 years post-adoption of artemisinin-based combination treatments. Kayode AT, Akano K, Ajogbasile FV, Uwanibe JN, Oluniyi PE, Bankole BE, Eromon PJ, Sowunmi A, Folarin OA, Volkman SK, McInnis B, Sabeti P, Wirth DF, Happi CT International journal for parasitology 33359205 Int J Parasitol 2021 Mar
A year of genomic surveillance reveals how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic unfolded in Africa. Wilkinson E, Giovanetti M, Tegally H, San JE, Lessells R, Cuadros D, Martin DP, Rasmussen DA, Zekri AN, Sangare AK, Ouedraogo AS, Sesay AK, Priscilla A, Kemi AS, Olubusuyi AM, Oluwapelumi AOO, Hammami A, Amuri AA, Sayed A, Ouma AEO, Elargoubi A, Ajayi NA, Victoria AF, Kazeem A, George A, Trotter AJ, Yahaya AA, Keita AK, Diallo A, Kone A, Souissi A, Chtourou A, Gutierrez AV, Page AJ, Vinze A, Iranzadeh A, Lambisia A, Ismail A, Rosemary A, Sylverken A, Femi A, Ibrahimi A, Marycelin B, Oderinde BS, Bolajoko B, Dhaala B, Herring BL, Njanpop-Lafourcade BM, Kleinhans B, McInnis B, Tegomoh B, Brook C, Pratt CB, Scheepers C, Akoua-Koffi CG, Agoti CN, Peyrefitte C, Daubenberger C, Morang'a CM, Nokes DJ, Amoako DG, Bugembe DL, Park D, Baker D, Doolabh D, Ssemwanga D, Tshiabuila D, Bassirou D, Amuzu DSY, Goedhals D, Omuoyo DO, Maruapula D, Foster-Nyarko E, Lusamaki EK, Simulundu E, Ong'era EM, Ngabana EN, Shumba E, El Fahime E, Lokilo E, Mukantwari E, Philomena E, Belarbi E, Simon-Loriere E, Anoh EA, Leendertz F, Ajili F, Enoch FO, Wasfi F, Abdelmoula F, Mosha FS, Takawira FT, Derrar F, Bouzid F, Onikepe F, Adeola F, Muyembe FM, Tanser F, Dratibi FA, Mbunsu GK, Thilliez G, Kay GL, Githinji G, van Zyl G, Awandare GA, Schubert G, Maphalala GP, Ranaivoson HC, Lemriss H, Anise H, Abe H, Karray HH, Nansumba H, Elgahzaly HA, Gumbo H, Smeti I, Ayed IB, Odia I, Ben Boubaker IB, Gaaloul I, Gazy I, Mudau I, Ssewanyana I, Konstantinus I, Lekana-Douk JB, Makangara JC, Tamfum JM, Heraud JM, Shaffer JG, Giandhari J, Li J, Yasuda J, Mends JQ, Kiconco J, Morobe JM, Gyapong JO, Okolie JC, Kayiwa JT, Edwards JA, Gyamfi J, Farah J, Nakaseegu J, Ngoi JM, Namulondo J, Andeko JC, Lutwama JJ, O'Grady J, Siddle K, Adeyemi KT, Tumedi KA, Said KM, Hae-Young K, Duedu KO, Belyamani L, Fki-Berrajah L, Singh L, Martins LO, Tyers L, Ramuth M, Mastouri M, Aouni M, El Hefnawi M, Matsheka MI, Kebabonye M, Diop M, Turki M, Paye M, Nyaga MM, Mareka M, Damaris MM, Mburu MW, Mpina M, Nwando M, Owusu M, Wiley MR, Youtchou MT, Ayekaba MO, Abouelhoda M, Seadawy MG, Khalifa MK, Sekhele M, Ouadghiri M, Diagne MM, Mwenda M, Allam M, Phan MVT, Abid N, Touil N, Rujeni N, Kharrat N, Ismael N, Dia N, Mabunda N, Hsiao NY, Silochi NB, Nsenga N, Gumede N, Mulder N, Ndodo N, Razanajatovo NH, Iguosadolo N, Judith O, Kingsley OC, Sylvanus O, Peter O, Femi O, Idowu O, Testimony O, Chukwuma OE, Ogah OE, Onwuamah CK, Cyril O, Faye O, Tomori O, Ondoa P, Combe P, Semanda P, Oluniyi PE, Arnaldo P, Quashie PK, Dussart P, Bester PA, Mbala PK, Ayivor-Djanie R, Njouom R, Phillips RO, Gorman R, Kingsley RA, Carr RAA, El Kabbaj S, Gargouri S, Masmoudi S, Sankhe S, Lawal SB, Kassim S, Trabelsi S, Metha S, Kammoun S, Lemriss S, Agwa SHA, Calvignac-Spencer S, Schaffner SF, Doumbia S, Mandanda SM, Aryeetey S, Ahmed SS, Elhamoumi S, Andriamandimby S, Tope S, Lekana-Douki S, Prosolek S, Ouangraoua S, Mundeke SA, Rudder S, Panji S, Pillay S, Engelbrecht S, Nabadda S, Behillil S, Budiaki SL, van der Werf S, Mashe T, Aanniz T, Mohale T, Le-Viet T, Schindler T, Anyaneji UJ, Chinedu U, Ramphal U, Jessica U, George U, Fonseca V, Enouf V, Gorova V, Roshdy WH, Ampofo WK, Preiser W, Choga WT, Bediako Y, Naidoo Y, Butera Y, de Laurent ZR, Sall AA, Rebai A, von Gottberg A, Kouriba B, Williamson C, Bridges DJ, Chikwe I, Bhiman JN, Mine M, Cotten M, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S, Saasa N, Sabeti PC, Kaleebu P, Tebeje YK, Tessema SK, Happi C, Nkengasong J, de Oliveira T Science (New York, N.Y.) 34672751 Science 2021 Oct 22
The Bacteria Genome Pipeline (BAGEP): an automated, scalable workflow for bacteria genomes with Snakemake. Olawoye IB, Frost SDW, Happi CT PeerJ 33194387 PeerJ 2020
Humoral and cellular immune responses to Lassa fever virus in Lassa fever survivors and their exposed contacts in Southern Nigeria. Ugwu C, Olumade T, Nwakpakpa E, Onyia V, Odeh E, Duruiheoma RO, Ojide CK, Eke MA, Nwafor IE, Chika-Igwenyi N, Abu AM, Azuogu B, Ajayi N, Ogah E, Ayodeji O, Abejegah C, Adedosu N, Oyejide N, Abah S, Omidele A, Ingbian W, Osoba E, Eromon P, Oluniyi P, Ogunsanya O, Happi A, Otuh P, Nadesalingam A, Carnell G, Krause N, Aguinam E, Kinsley R, Storisteanu DML, Tonks P, Nelson D, McAlister C, Boisen M, Garry R, Wright E, Temperton N, Frost S, Heeney JL, Happi C Scientific reports 36567369 Sci Rep 2022 Dec 25
Whole genome sequencing unravels cryptic circulation of divergent dengue virus lineages in the rainforest region of Nigeria. Onoja BA, Oguzie JU, George UE, Asoh KE, Ajayi P, Omofaye TF, Igeleke IO, Eromon P, Harouna S, Parker E, Adeniji AJ, Happi CT Emerging microbes & infections 38240324 Emerg Microbes Infect 2024 Dec
Emergence and spread of two SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest in Nigeria. Olawoye IB, Oluniyi PE, Oguzie JU, Uwanibe JN, Kayode TA, Olumade TJ, Ajogbasile FV, Parker E, Eromon PE, Abechi P, Sobajo TA, Ugwu CA, George UE, Ayoade F, Akano K, Oyejide NE, Nosamiefan I, Fred-Akintunwa I, Adedotun-Sulaiman K, Brimmo FB, Adegboyega BB, Philip C, Adeleke RA, Chukwu GC, Ahmed MI, Ope-Ewe OO, Otitoola SG, Ogunsanya OA, Saibu MF, Sijuwola AE, Ezekiel GO, John OG, Akin-John JO, Akinlo OO, Fayemi OO, Ipaye TO, Nwodo DC, Omoniyi AE, Omwanghe IB, Terkuma CA, Okolie J, Ayo-Ale O, Ikponmwosa O, Benevolence E, Naregose GO, Patience AE, Blessing O, Micheal A, Jacqueline A, Aiyepada JO, Ebhodaghe P, Racheal O, Rita E, Rosemary GE, Solomon E, Anieno E, Edna Y, Chris AO, Donatus AI, Ogbaini-Emovon E, Tatfeng MY, Omunakwe HE, Bob-Manuel M, Ahmed RA, Onwuamah CK, Shaibu JO, Okwuraiwe A, Ataga AE, Bock-Oruma A, Daramola F, Yusuf IF, Fajola A, Ntia NA, Ekpo JJ, Moses AE, Moore-Igwe BW, Fakayode OE, Akinola M, Kida IM, Oderinde BS, Wudiri ZW, Adeyemi OO, Akanbi OA, Ahumibe A, Akinpelu A, Ayansola O, Babatunde O, Omoare AA, Chukwu C, Mba NG, Omoruyi EC, Olisa O, Akande OK, Nwafor IE, Ekeh MA, Ndoma E, Ewah RL, Duruihuoma RO, Abu A, Odeh E, Onyia V, Ojide CK, Okoro S, Igwe D, Ogah EO, Khan K, Ajayi NA, Ugwu CN, Ukwaja KN, Ugwu NI, Abejegah C, Adedosu N, Ayodeji O, Liasu AA, Isamotu RO, Gadzama G, Petros BA, Siddle KJ, Schaffner SF, Akpede G, Erameh CO, Baba MM, Oladiji F, Audu R, Ndodo N, Fowotade A, Okogbenin S, Okokhere PO, Park DJ, Mcannis BL, Adetifa IM, Ihekweazu C, Salako BL, Tomori O, Happi AN, Folarin OA, Andersen KG, Sabeti PC, Happi CT Nature communications 36781860 Nat Commun 2023 Feb 13
Molecular epidemiology of recurrent zoonotic transmission of mpox virus in West Africa. Djuicy DD, Omah IF, Parker E, Tomkins-Tinch CH, Otieno JR, Yifomnjou MHM, Essengue LLM, Ayinla AO, Sijuwola AE, Ahmed MI, Ope-Ewe OO, Ogunsanya OA, Olono A, Eromon P, Yonga MGW, Essima GD, Touoyem IP, Mounchili LJM, Eyangoh SI, Esso L, Nguidjol IME, Metomb SF, Chebo C, Agwe SM, Mossi HM, Bilounga CN, Etoundi AGM, Akanbi O, Egwuenu A, Ehiakhamen O, Chukwu C, Suleiman K, Akinpelu A, Ahmad A, Imam KI, Ojedele R, Oripenaye V, Ikeata K, Adelakun S, Olajumoke B, O'Toole Á, Magee A, Zeller M, Gangavarapu K, Varilly P, Park DJ, Mboowa G, Tessema SK, Tebeje YK, Folarin O, Happi A, Lemey P, Suchard MA, Andersen KG, Sabeti P, Rambaut A, Ihekweazu C, Jide I, Adetifa I, Njoum R, Happi CT medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38947021 medRxiv 2024 Jun 19
The burden of stroke in Africa: a glance at the present and a glimpse into the future. Owolabi MO, Akarolo-Anthony S, Akinyemi R, Arnett D, Gebregziabher M, Jenkins C, Tiwari H, Arulogun O, Akpalu A, Sarfo FS, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Sagoe K, Melikam S, Adeoye AM, Lackland D, Ovbiagele B, Members of the H3Africa Consortium Cardiovascular journal of Africa 25962945 Cardiovasc J Afr 2015 Mar-Apr
Short term stroke outcome is worse among indiv1iduals with sickle cell trait. Olowoyo P, Owolabi MO, Fawale B, Ogunniyi A eNeurologicalSci 27355086 eNeurologicalSci 2016 Jun
Lowering of blood pressure for recurrent stroke prevention. Boan AD, Lackland DT, Ovbiagele B Stroke 24984744 Stroke 2014 Aug
Understanding the rise in cardiovascular diseases in Africa: harmonising H3Africa genomic epidemiological teams and tools. Owolabi MO, Mensah GA, Kimmel PL, Adu D, Ramsay M, Waddy SP, Ovbiagele B, Rabada-Diehl C, Rasooly R, Akarolo-Anthony SN, Rotimi C, H3Africa Consortium Cardiovascular journal of Africa 24878536 Cardiovasc J Afr 2014 May-Jun
Tailored Hospital-based Risk Reduction to Impede Vascular Events After Stroke (THRIVES) study: qualitative phase protocol. Owolabi MO, Akinyemi RO, Hurst S, Arulogun O, Olaniyan O, Gebregziabher M, Salako BL, Ovbiagele B Critical pathways in cardiology 24526149 Crit Pathw Cardiol 2014 Mar
Healthcare Access and Quality Index based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2015: a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. GBD 2015 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators. Electronic address: [email protected], GBD 2015 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators Lancet (London, England) 28528753 Lancet 2017 Jul 15
Association between white matter hyperintensities and stroke in a West African patient population: Evidence from the Stroke Investigative Research and Educational Network study. Li J, Ogbole G, Aribisala B, Affini M, Yaria J, Kehinde I, Rahman M, Adekunle F, Banjo R, Faniyan M, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M, Sammet S NeuroImage 32276063 Neuroimage 2020 Jul 15
Barriers to implementation of evidence into clinical practice in low-resource settings. Owolabi MO, Suwanwela NC, Yaria J Nature reviews. Neurology 35768655 Nat Rev Neurol 2022 Aug
Sociodemographic and behavioural risk factors for obesity among community-dwelling older adults in Ghana and Nigeria: A secondary analysis of data from the SIREN study. Akpa OM, Okekunle AP, Sarfo FS, Akinyemi RO, Akpalu A, Wahab KW, Komolafe M, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Jenkins C, Abiodun A, Ogbole G, Fawale B, Akinyemi J, Agunloye A, Uvere EO, Fakunle A, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi MO, SIREN study as part of the H3Africa consortium Chronic illness 34787475 Chronic Illn 2023 Mar
Dietary intakes of green leafy vegetables and incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Ojagbemi A, Okekunle AP, Olowoyo P, Akpa OM, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M Cardiovascular journal of Africa 34128951 Cardiovasc J Afr 2021 Jul-Aug 23
Strategies for Reducing Non-Communicable Diseases in Africa. Olowoyo P, Popoola F, Yaria J, Akinyemi R, Maffia P, Owolabi MO Pharmacological research 34147659 Pharmacol Res 2021 Aug
African Rigorous Innovative Stroke Epidemiological Surveillance: Protocol for a Community-Based Mobile-Health Study. Popoola O, Ovbiagele B, Arulogun O, Akinyemi J, Akinyemi R, Uvere E, Akpa O, Salami A, Taiwo O, Olaniyan O, Walker R, Jenkins C, Owolabi M Neuroepidemiology 34903691 Neuroepidemiology 2022
New Onset Poststroke Dementia at one Year in Africans. Ojagbemi A, Bello T, Owolabi M, Baiyewu O Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 34338063 J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 2022 Jul
Influence of age on links between major modifiable risk factors and stroke occurrence in West Africa. Sarfo FS, Akpa O, Ovbiagele B, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Komolafe M, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Jenkins C, Ogbole G, Fakunle A, Tiwari HK, Arulogun O, Arnett DK, Asowata O, Ogah O, Akinyemi RO, Owolabi MO, SIREN Journal of the neurological sciences 34260999 J Neurol Sci 2021 Sep 15
Exploring Overlaps Between the Genomic and Environmental Determinants of LVH and Stroke: A Multicenter Study in West Africa. Adeoye AM, Ovbiagele B, Kolo P, Appiah L, Aje A, Adebayo O, Sarfo F, Akinyemi J, Adekunle G, Agyekum F, Shidali V, Ogah O, Lackland D, Gebregziabher M, Arnett D, Tiwari HK, Akinyemi R, Olagoke OO, Oguntade AS, Olunuga T, Uwanruochi K, Jenkins C, Adadey P, Iheonye H, Owolabi L, Obiako R, Akinjopo S, Armstrong K, Akpalu A, Fakunle A, Saulson R, Aridegbe M, Olowoyo P, Osaigbovo G, Akpalu J, Fawale B, Adebayo P, Arulogun O, Ibinaiye P, Agunloye A, Ishaq N, Wahab K, Akpa O, Adeleye O, Bock-Oruma A, Ogbole G, Melikam S, Yaria J, Ogunjimi L, Salaam A, Sunmonu T, Makanjuola A, Farombi T, Laryea R, Uvere E, Kehinde S, Chukwuonye I, Azuh P, Komolafe M, Akintunde A, Obiabo O, Areo O, Kehinde I, Amusa AG, Owolabi M, SIREN Team as part of H3Africa Consortium Global heart 28302552 Glob Heart 2017 Jun
Risk factors for stroke occurrence in a low HIV endemic West African country: A case-control study. Sarfo FS, Opare-Sem O, Agyei M, Akassi J, Owusu D, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 30268726 J Neurol Sci 2018 Dec 15
Brain banking in low and middle-income countries: Raison D'être for the Ibadan Brain Ageing, Dementia And Neurodegeneration (IBADAN) Brain Bank Project. Akinyemi RO, Salami A, Akinyemi J, Ojagbemi A, Olopade F, Coker M, Farombi T, Nweke M, Arulogun O, Jegede A, Owolabi M, Kalaria RN, Ogunniyi A Brain research bulletin 30149197 Brain Res Bull 2019 Feb
Global, regional, and national burden of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. GBD 2016 Dementia Collaborators The Lancet. Neurology 30497964 Lancet Neurol 2019 Jan
New approaches to genetic predisposition for hemorrhagic stroke in sickle cell disease. Adams RJ, Akinyemi RO, Owolabi MO, Lackland DL, Ovbiagele B Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.) 29806147 J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2018 Jun
Achieving low density lipoprotein-cholesterol<70mg/dL may be associated with a trend of reduced progression of carotid artery atherosclerosis in ischemic stroke patients. Zhang Q, Liu S, Liu Y, Hua Y, Song H, Ren Y, Song Y, Liu R, Feng W, Ovbiagele B, Ding J, Ji X Journal of the neurological sciences 28566171 J Neurol Sci 2017 Jul 15
Future and potential spending on health 2015-40: development assistance for health, and government, prepaid private, and out-of-pocket health spending in 184 countries. Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network Lancet (London, England) 28433260 Lancet 2017 May 20
Knowledge and perspectives of community members on risk assessment for stroke prevention using mobile health approaches in Nigeria. Sarfo FS, Obiako R, Nichols M, Akinyemi JO, Fakunle A, Akpa O, Arulogun O, Akinyemi R, Jenkins C, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 37487320 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2023 Sep
Conceptual framework for establishing the African Stroke Organization. Akinyemi R, Sarfo F, Abd-Allah F, Ogun Y, Belo M, Francis P, Mateus MB, Bateman K, Naidoo P, Charway-Felli A, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Napon C, Arulogun O, Ebenezer AA, Ekeng G, Scola G, Hamzat K, Zimba S, Ossou-Nguiet PM, Ademokoya J, Adebayo P, Ayele BA, Vaz DC, Ogbole G, Barasukan P, Melifonwu R, Onwuekwe I, Belson S, Damasceno A, Okubadejo N, Njamnshi AK, Ogeng'o J, Walker RW, Diop AG, Ogunniyi A, Kalaria R, Sandercock P, Davis S, Brainin M, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society 32026763 Int J Stroke 2021 Jan
Differential Impact of Risk Factors on Stroke Occurrence Among Men Versus Women in West Africa. Akpalu A, Gebregziabher M, Ovbiagele B, Sarfo F, Iheonye H, Akinyemi R, Akpa O, Tiwari HK, Arnett D, Wahab K, Lackland D, Abiodun A, Ogbole G, Jenkins C, Arulogun O, Akpalu J, Obiako R, Olowoyo P, Fawale M, Komolafe M, Osaigbovo G, Obiabo Y, Chukwuonye I, Owolabi L, Adebayo P, Sunmonu T, Owolabi M Stroke 30879432 Stroke 2019 Apr
Stroke Investigative Research and Education Network: Community Engagement and Outreach Within Phenomics Core. Jenkins C, Arulogun OS, Singh A, Mande AT, Ajayi E, Calys-Tagoe B, Ovbiagele B, Lackland DT, Sarfo FS, Akinyemi R, Akpalu A, Obiako R, Melikam ES, Laryea R, Shidali V, Sagoe K, Ibinaiye P, Fakunle AG, Owolabi LF, Owolabi MO, SIREN Team Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education 27037152 Health Educ Behav 2016 Apr
Priorities to reduce the burden of hypertension in Africa through ACHIEVE. Olowoyo P, Barango P, Moran A, Williams B, Whelton PK, Owolabi M, ACHIEVE The Lancet. Global health 38245107 Lancet Glob Health 2024 Feb
Clinical and neuroimaging factors associated with 30-day fatality among indigenous West Africans with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. Komolafe MA, Sunmonu T, Akinyemi J, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Ogbole G, Tiwari HK, Jenkins C, Lackland DT, Fakunle AG, Uvere E, Akpa O, Dambatta HA, Akpalu J, Onasanya A, Olaleye A, Ogah OS, Isah SY, Fawale MB, Adebowale A, Okekunle AP, Arnett D, Adeoye AM, Agunloye AM, Bello AH, Aderibigbe AS, Idowu AO, Sanusi AA, Ogunmodede A, Balogun SA, Egberongbe AA, Rotimi FT, Fredrick A, Akinnuoye AO, Adeniyi FA, Calys-Tagoe B, Adebayo P, Arulogun O, Agbogu-Ike OU, Yaria J, Appiah L, Ibinaiye P, Singh A, Adeniyi S, Olalusi O, Mande A, Balogun O, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M, SIREN Journal of the neurological sciences 38171072 J Neurol Sci 2024 Jan 15
Green leafy vegetable intakes are inversely related to the incidence of stroke. Olowoyo P, Okekunle AP, Ojagbemi A, Akpa OM, Akinyemi R, Lackland D, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M European journal of preventive cardiology 33624025 Eur J Prev Cardiol 2022 Feb 9
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A systematic comparison of key features of ischemic stroke prevention guidelines in low- and middle-income vs. high-income countries. Bayona H, Owolabi M, Feng W, Olowoyo P, Yaria J, Akinyemi R, Sawers JR, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 28320168 J Neurol Sci 2017 Apr 15
Association between alcohol consumption and stroke in Nigeria and Ghana: A case-control study. Chukwuonye II, Akpa OM, Asowata OJ, Fakunle AG, Komolafe MA, Akinyemi J, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Okekunle AP, Ogah O, Tiwari HK, Jekins C, Michael FB, Arnett D, Calys-Tagoe B, Olalere A, Adebayo O, Oguike W, Adebayo P, Arulogun O, Appiah L, Ibinaiye PO, Adeniyi S, Olalusi O, Balogun O, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi MO International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society 39644097 Int J Stroke 2025 Jan 14
Promotion of Cardiovascular Health in Africa: The Alliance for Medical Research in Africa (AMedRA) Expert Panel. Ka MM, Gaye ND, Ahadzi D, Baker-Smith CM, Ndao SCT, Wambugu V, Singh G, Gueye K, Seck D, Dia K, Allen NB, Ba A, Mboup WN, Yassine R, Guissé PM, Anne M, Aw F, Bèye SM, Diouf MT, Diaw M, Belkhadir J, Wone I, Kohen JE, Mbaye MN, Ngaide AA, Liyong EA, Sougou NM, Lalika M, Ale BM, Jaiteh L, Mekonnen D, Bukachi F, Lorenz T, Ntabadde K, Mampuya W, Houinato D, Kitara DL, Kane A, Seck SM, Fall IS, Tshilolo L, Samb A, Owolabi M, Diouf M, Lamptey R, Kengne AP, Maffia P, Clifford GD, Sattler ELP, Mboup MC, Jobe M, Gaye B JACC. Advances 39817059 JACC Adv 2024 Dec
Administration of a pictorial questionnaire to screen for stroke among patients with hypertension or diabetes in rural Ghana. Sarfo FS, Gyamfi RA, Adamu S, Sarfo-Kantanka O, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 28131208 J Neurol Sci 2017 Feb 15
Controlling cardiovascular diseases in low and middle income countries by placing proof in pragmatism. Owolabi M, Miranda JJ, Yaria J, Ovbiagele B BMJ global health 27840737 BMJ Glob Health 2016
Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. GBD 2015 SDG Collaborators Lancet (London, England) 27665228 Lancet 2016 Oct 8
Stroke in Indigenous Africans, African Americans, and European Americans: Interplay of Racial and Geographic Factors. Owolabi M, Sarfo F, Howard VJ, Irvin MR, Gebregziabher M, Akinyemi R, Bennett A, Armstrong K, Tiwari HK, Akpalu A, Wahab KW, Owolabi L, Fawale B, Komolafe M, Obiako R, Adebayo P, Manly JM, Ogbole G, Melikam E, Laryea R, Saulson R, Jenkins C, Arnett DK, Lackland DT, Ovbiagele B, Howard G, SIREN-REGARDS Collaboration (Stroke Investigative Research and Educational Network–Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke) Stroke 28389611 Stroke 2017 May
The epidemiology of stroke in Africa: A systematic review of existing methods and new approaches. Owolabi M, Olowoyo P, Popoola F, Lackland D, Jenkins C, Arulogun O, Akinyemi R, Akinyemi O, Akpa O, Olaniyan O, Uvere E, Kehinde I, Selassie A, Gebregziabher M, Tagge R, Ovbiagele B Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.) 29228472 J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2018 Jan
APOL1, CDKN2A/CDKN2B, and HDAC9 polymorphisms and small vessel ischemic stroke. Akinyemi R, Tiwari HK, Arnett DK, Ovbiagele B, Irvin MR, Wahab K, Sarfo F, Srinivasasainagendra V, Adeoye A, Perry RT, Akpalu A, Jenkins C, Arulogun O, Gebregziabher M, Owolabi L, Obiako R, Sanya E, Komolafe M, Fawale M, Adebayo P, Osaigbovo G, Sunmonu T, Olowoyo P, Chukwuonye I, Obiabo Y, Onoja A, Akinyemi J, Ogbole G, Melikam S, Saulson R, Owolabi M, SIREN Investigators Acta neurologica Scandinavica 28975602 Acta Neurol Scand 2018 Jan
Proposing a new stroke-specific screening tool for depression: Examination of construct validity and reliability. Ojagbemi A, Owolabi M, Akinyemi J, Ovbiagele B eNeurologicalSci 29202106 eNeurologicalSci 2017 Dec
Advancing stroke genomic research in the age of Trans-Omics big data science: Emerging priorities and opportunities. Owolabi M, Peprah E, Xu H, Akinyemi R, Tiwari HK, Irvin MR, Wahab KW, Arnett DK, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 29111012 J Neurol Sci 2017 Nov 15
Depression after Stroke in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ojagbemi A, Akpa O, Elugbadebo F, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B Behavioural neurology 28819339 Behav Neurol 2017
Evolution and patterns of global health financing 1995-2014: development assistance for health, and government, prepaid private, and out-of-pocket health spending in 184 countries. Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network Lancet (London, England) 28433256 Lancet 2017 May 20
Neurogenomics in Africa: Perspectives, progress, possibilities and priorities. Akinyemi RO, Owolabi MO, Oyeniyi T, Ovbiagele B, Arnett DK, Tiwari HK, Walker R, Ogunniyi A, Kalaria RN, SIREN group of H3Africa Consortium Journal of the neurological sciences 27288810 J Neurol Sci 2016 Jul 15
Genetic risk of Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: Systematic review and future directions. Wahab KW, Tiwari HK, Ovbiagele B, Sarfo F, Akinyemi R, Traylor M, Rotimi C, Markus HS, Owolabi M Journal of the neurological sciences 31669726 J Neurol Sci 2019 Dec 15
Data Resource Profile: Cardiovascular H3Africa Innovation Resource (CHAIR). Owolabi MO, Akpa OM, Made F, Adebamowo SN, Ojo A, Adu D, Motala AA, Mayosi BM, Ovbiagele B, Adebamowo C, Tayo B, Rotimi C, Akinyemi R, Gebregziabher M, Sarfo F, Wahab KW, Parekh RS, Engel ME, Chisala C, Peprah E, Mensah G, Wiley K, Troyer J, Ramsay M, as members of the CVD Working Group of the H3Africa Consortium International journal of epidemiology 30535409 Int J Epidemiol 2019 Apr 1
Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. GBD 2016 SDG Collaborators Lancet (London, England) 28916366 Lancet 2017 Sep 16
Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. GBD 2016 Risk Factors Collaborators Lancet (London, England) 28919119 Lancet 2017 Sep 16
Vascular-brain Injury Progression after Stroke (VIPS) study: concept for understanding racial and geographic determinants of cognitive decline after stroke. Sarfo FS, Akinyemi R, Howard G, Howard VJ, Wahab K, Cushman M, Levine DA, Ogunniyi A, Unverzagt F, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 32120131 J Neurol Sci 2020 May 15
The Sub-Saharan Africa Conference on Stroke (SSACS): An idea whose time has come. Owolabi M, Sarfo FS, Akinyemi R, Gebreyohanns M, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 30991160 J Neurol Sci 2019 May 15
Dominant modifiable risk factors for stroke in Ghana and Nigeria (SIREN): a case-control study. Owolabi MO, Sarfo F, Akinyemi R, Gebregziabher M, Akpa O, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Ovbiagele B, SIREN Team, as part of H3Africa Consortium The Lancet. Global health 29496511 Lancet Glob Health 2018 Apr
Stroke genomics in people of African ancestry: charting new paths. Akinyemi RO, Ovbiagele B, Akpalu A, Jenkins C, Sagoe K, Owolabi L, Sarfo F, Obiako R, Gebreziabher M, Melikam E, Warth S, Arulogun O, Lackland D, Ogunniyi A, Tiwari H, Kalaria RN, Arnett D, Owolabi MO, SIREN Investigators as Members of the H3Africa Consortium Cardiovascular journal of Africa 25962947 Cardiovasc J Afr 2015 Mar-Apr
Editorial: Translating Innovations in Stroke Rehabilitation to Improve Recovery and Quality of Life Across the Globe. Owolabi MO, Platz T, Good D, Dobkin BH, Ekechukwu END, Li L Frontiers in neurology 33381081 Front Neurol 2020
Factors associated with hypertension among stroke-free indigenous Africans: Findings from the SIREN study. Akpa OM, Okekunle AP, Ovbiagele B, Sarfo FS, Akinyemi RO, Akpalu A, Wahab KW, Komolafe M, Obiako R, Owolabi LF, Ogbole G, Fawale B, Fakunle A, Asaleye CM, Akisanya CO, Hamisu DA, Ogunjimi L, Adeoye A, Ogah O, Lackland D, Uvere EO, Faniyan MM, Asowata OJ, Adeleye O, Aridegbe M, Olunuga T, Yahaya IS, Olaleye A, Calys-Tagoe B, Owolabi MO, SIREN Study as part of the H3Africa Consortium Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.) 33484599 J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2021 Apr
Differential associations between pre-diabetes, diabetes and stroke occurrence among West Africans. Sarfo FS, Ovbiagele B, Akinyemi J, Akpa O, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Ogbole G, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo G, Jenkins C, Fakunle A, Adeoye A, Lackland D, Arnett D, Tiwari HK, Olunuga T, Uvere E, Fawale B, Ogah O, Agunloye A, Faniyan M, Diala S, Yinka O, Laryea R, Osimhiarherhuo A, Akinsanya C, Abdulwasiu A, Akpalu J, Arulogun O, Appiah L, Dambatta H, Olayemi B, Onasanya A, Isah S, Akinyemi R, Owolabi M, SIREN Team as part of H3Africa Consortium. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 36194925 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2022 Nov
The African Dementia Consortium. Akinyemi RO, Owolabi MO, Okubadejo N, Ogunniyi A, Kalaria RN, African Dementia Consortium The Lancet. Neurology 36517165 Lancet Neurol 2023 Jan
Patient-level and system-level determinants of stroke fatality across 16 large hospitals in Ghana and Nigeria: a prospective cohort study. Sarfo FS, Akpa OM, Ovbiagele B, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Ogbole G, Fakunle A, Okekunle AP, Asowata OJ, Calys-Tagoe B, Uvere EO, Sanni T, Olowookere S, Ibinaiye P, Akinyemi JO, Arulogun O, Jenkins C, Lackland DT, Tiwari HK, Isah SY, Abubakar SA, Oladimeji A, Adebayo P, Akpalu J, Onyeonoro U, Ogunmodede JA, Akisanya C, Mensah Y, Oyinloye OI, Appiah L, Agunloye AM, Osaigbovo GO, Adeoye AM, Adeleye OO, Laryea RY, Olunuga T, Ogah OS, Oguike W, Ogunronbi M, Adeniyi W, Olugbo OY, Bello AH, Ogunjimi L, Diala S, Dambatta HA, Singh A, Adamu S, Obese V, Adusei N, Owusu D, Ampofo M, Tagge R, Fawale B, Yaria J, Akinyemi RO, Owolabi MO, SIREN The Lancet. Global health 36805867 Lancet Glob Health 2023 Apr
Capacity-Building for Stroke Genomic Research Data Collection: The African Neurobiobank Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Project Experience. Uvere EO, Nichols M, Ojebuyi BR, Isah SY, Calys-Tagoe B, Jenkins C, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Akpalu A, Sarfo FS, Ogunronbi O, Adigun M, Fakunle GA, Hamzat B, Laryea R, Uthman B, Akinyemi JO, Adeleye O, Melikam L, Balogun O, Sule A, Adeniyi S, Asibey SO, Oguike W, Olorunsogbon O, Singh A, Titiloye MA, Musbahu R, Wahab KW, Kalaria RN, Jegede AS, Owolabi MO, Ovbiagele B, Arulogun OS, Akinyemi RO Biopreservation and biobanking 35759418 Biopreserv Biobank 2023 Apr
The state of stroke services across the globe: Report of World Stroke Organization-World Health Organization surveys. Owolabi MO, Thrift AG, Martins S, Johnson W, Pandian J, Abd-Allah F, Varghese C, Mahal A, Yaria J, Phan HT, Roth G, Gall SL, Beare R, Phan TG, Mikulik R, Norrving B, Feigin VL, Stroke Experts Collaboration Group International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society 33988062 Int J Stroke 2021 Oct
Quality of stroke guidelines in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Yaria J, Gil A, Makanjuola A, Oguntoye R, Miranda JJ, Lazo-Porras M, Zhang P, Tao X, Ahlgren JÁ, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Moscoso-Porras M, Malaga G, Svyato I, Osundina M, Gianella C, Bello O, Lawal A, Temitope A, Adebayo O, Lakkhanaloet M, Brainin M, Johnson W, Thrift AG, Phromjai J, Mueller-Stierlin AS, Perone SA, Varghese C, Feigin V, Owolabi MO, Stroke Experts Collaboration Group Bulletin of the World Health Organization 34475601 Bull World Health Organ 2021 Sep 1
Prevalence, predictors, and prognoses of prestroke neuropsychiatric symptoms at 3 months poststroke. Ojagbemi A, Bello T, Owolabi M, Baiyewu O International psychogeriatrics 33375951 Int Psychogeriatr 2021 Aug
Brain health: Key to health, productivity, and well-being. Avan A, Hachinski V, Brain Health Learn and Act Group Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 34569702 Alzheimers Dement 2022 Jul
Primary stroke prevention worldwide: translating evidence into action. Owolabi MO, Thrift AG, Mahal A, Ishida M, Martins S, Johnson WD, Pandian J, Abd-Allah F, Yaria J, Phan HT, Roth G, Gall SL, Beare R, Phan TG, Mikulik R, Akinyemi RO, Norrving B, Brainin M, Feigin VL, Stroke Experts Collaboration Group The Lancet. Public health 34756176 Lancet Public Health 2022 Jan
The Human Affectome. Schiller D, Yu ANC, Alia-Klein N, Becker S, Cromwell HC, Dolcos F, Eslinger PJ, Frewen P, Kemp AH, Pace-Schott EF, Raber J, Silton RL, Stefanova E, Williams JHG, Abe N, Aghajani M, Albrecht F, Alexander R, Anders S, Aragón OR, Arias JA, Arzy S, Aue T, Baez S, Balconi M, Ballarini T, Bannister S, Banta MC, Barrett KC, Belzung C, Bensafi M, Booij L, Bookwala J, Boulanger-Bertolus J, Boutros SW, Bräscher AK, Bruno A, Busatto G, Bylsma LM, Caldwell-Harris C, Chan RCK, Cherbuin N, Chiarella J, Cipresso P, Critchley H, Croote DE, Demaree HA, Denson TF, Depue B, Derntl B, Dickson JM, Dolcos S, Drach-Zahavy A, Dubljević O, Eerola T, Ellingsen DM, Fairfield B, Ferdenzi C, Friedman BH, Fu CHY, Gatt JM, de Gelder B, Gendolla GHE, Gilam G, Goldblatt H, Gooding AEK, Gosseries O, Hamm AO, Hanson JL, Hendler T, Herbert C, Hofmann SG, Ibanez A, Joffily M, Jovanovic T, Kahrilas IJ, Kangas M, Katsumi Y, Kensinger E, Kirby LAJ, Koncz R, Koster EHW, Kozlowska K, Krach S, Kret ME, Krippl M, Kusi-Mensah K, Ladouceur CD, Laureys S, Lawrence A, Li CR, Liddell BJ, Lidhar NK, Lowry CA, Magee K, Marin MF, Mariotti V, Martin LJ, Marusak HA, Mayer AV, Merner AR, Minnier J, Moll J, Morrison RG, Moore M, Mouly AM, Mueller SC, Mühlberger A, Murphy NA, Muscatello MRA, Musser ED, Newton TL, Noll-Hussong M, Norrholm SD, Northoff G, Nusslock R, Okon-Singer H, Olino TM, Ortner C, Owolabi M, Padulo C, Palermo R, Palumbo R, Palumbo S, Papadelis C, Pegna AJ, Pellegrini S, Peltonen K, Penninx BWJH, Pietrini P, Pinna G, Lobo RP, Polnaszek KL, Polyakova M, Rabinak C, Helene Richter S, Richter T, Riva G, Rizzo A, Robinson JL, Rosa P, Sachdev PS, Sato W, Schroeter ML, Schweizer S, Shiban Y, Siddharthan A, Siedlecka E, Smith RC, Soreq H, Spangler DP, Stern ER, Styliadis C, Sullivan GB, Swain JE, Urben S, Van den Stock J, Vander Kooij MA, van Overveld M, Van Rheenen TE, VanElzakker MB, Ventura-Bort C, Verona E, Volk T, Wang Y, Weingast LT, Weymar M, Williams C, Willis ML, Yamashita P, Zahn R, Zupan B, Lowe L Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews 37925091 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2024 Mar
Are there differences in perceptions, preferences and attitudes towards disclosure of genetic testing for Stroke? A qualitative study among stroke-free SIREN-SIBS genomics study participants. Arulogun O, Nichols M, Jenkins C, Fakunle AG, Akpa O, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Okekunle AP, Akinyemi J, Ogbole G, Calys-Tagoe B, Adeleye A, Mensah Y, Asowata OJ, Adeoye AM, Appiah L, Singh A, Adebayo P, Arnett D, Tiwari HK, Lackland D, Ibinaiye P, Oguike W, Melikam C, Sunday A, Bello A, Ogah O, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M, SIREN Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 36634397 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2023 Mar
Research participants' perception of ethical issues in stroke genomics and neurobiobanking research in Africa. Jegede A, Balogun O, Olorunsogbon OF, Nichols M, Akinyemi J, Jenkins C, Ogunronbi M, Singh A, Obiako R, Wahab K, Bello A, Akpalu A, Sarfo FS, Owolabi LF, Ojebuyi B, Adigun M, Olujobi D, Musbahu R, Titiloye M, Afolami I, Calys-Tagoe B, Uvere E, Laryea R, Fakunle A, Adeleye O, Adesina D, Mensah N, Oguike W, Coleman N, Adeniyi S, Omotoso L, Asibey S, Melikam L, Yusuf J, Gbenga A, Mande A, Uthman M, Kalaria RN, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B, Arulogun O, Akinyemi RO medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37873327 medRxiv 2023 Oct 3
Pragmatic solutions to reduce the global burden of stroke: a World Stroke Organization-Lancet Neurology Commission. Feigin VL, Owolabi MO, World Stroke Organization–Lancet Neurology Commission Stroke Collaboration Group The Lancet. Neurology 37827183 Lancet Neurol 2023 Dec
Geo-behavioural predictors of diagnosed hypertension in Igbo Ora Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. Taiwo OJ, Akinyemi JO, Adebayo A, Popoola OA, Akinyemi RO, Akpa OM, Olowoyo P, Okekunle AP, Uvere EO, Ajala OT, Nwimo C, Adebajo OJ, Ayodele AE, Salami A, Arulogun OS, Olaniyan O, Walker RW, Jenkins C, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M BMC public health 39910619 BMC Public Health 2025 Feb 5
The World Health Organization Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders and the headache revolution: from headache burden to a global action plan for headache disorders. Leonardi M, Martelletti P, Burstein R, Fornari A, Grazzi L, Guekht A, Lipton RB, Mitsikostas DD, Olesen J, Owolabi MO, Ruiz De la Torre E, Sacco S, Steiner TJ, Surya N, Takeshima T, Tassorelli C, Wang SJ, Wijeratne T, Yu S, Raggi A The journal of headache and pain 38178049 J Headache Pain 2024 Jan 4
Factors associated with frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption among selected sub-Saharan African populations: evidence from the Cardiovascular H3Africa Innovation Resource Project. Okekunle AP, Asowata OJ, Akpa OM, Fakunle AG, Chikowore T, Mohamed SF, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Osaigbovo GO, Ogbole G, Arulogun O, Sarfo FS, Wahab K, Owolabi L, Akinyemi J, Akpalu A, Uvere E, Akinyemi R, Jenkins C, Arnett DK, Lackland D, Ovbiagele B, Ramsay M, Owolabi M, SIREN, AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium International journal of epidemiology 38199785 Int J Epidemiol 2024 Feb 1
Non-cigarette Tobacco Use and Stroke Among West Africans: Evidence From the SIREN Study. Fakunle AG, Okekunle AP, Asowata OJ, Akpa O, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Adeoye AM, Tiwari HK, Uvere EO, Akinyemi J, Jenkins C, Arulogun O, Ibinaiye P, Appiah LT, Bello T, Singh A, Yaria J, Calys-Tagoe B, Ogbole G, Chukwuonye I, Melikam C, Adebayo P, Mensah Y, Adebayo O, Adeniyi S, Oguike W, Donna A, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 38015428 Nicotine Tob Res 2024 Apr 22
Criterion Validity of the "HRQOLISP-E": A New Context-Specific Screening Tool for Poststroke Depression. Ojagbemi A, Owolabi M, Akinyemi J, Ovbiagele B Behavioural neurology 29158623 Behav Neurol 2017
Prevalence and Prognostic Features of ECG Abnormalities in Acute Stroke: Findings From the SIREN Study Among Africans. Adeoye AM, Ogah OS, Ovbiagele B, Akinyemi R, Shidali V, Agyekum F, Aje A, Adebayo O, Akinyemi JO, Kolo P, Appiah LT, Iheonye H, Kelechukwu U, Ganiyu A, Olunuga TO, Akpa O, Olagoke OO, Sarfo FS, Wahab K, Olowookere S, Fakunle A, Akpalu A, Adebayo PB, Nkromah K, Yaria J, Ibinaiye P, Ogbole G, Olumayowa A, Lakoh S, Calys-Tagoe B, Olowoyo P, Innocent C, Tiwari HK, Arnett D, Godwin O, Ayotunde B, Akpalu J, Obiora O, Joseph O, Omisore A, Jenkins C, Lackland D, Owolabi L, Isah S, Dambatta AH, Komolafe M, Bock-Oruma A, Melikam ES, Imoh LC, Sunmonu T, Gebregziabher M, Olabisi O, Armstrong K, Onyeonoro UU, Sanya E, Agunloye AM, Ogunjimi L, Arulogun O, Farombi TH, Obiabo O, Obiako R, Owolabi M, SIREN Team as part of the H3Africa Consortium Global heart 28302557 Glob Heart 2017 Jun
Stroke-related stigma among West Africans: Patterns and predictors. Sarfo FS, Nichols M, Qanungo S, Teklehaimanot A, Singh A, Mensah N, Saulson R, Gebregziabher M, Ezinne U, Owolabi M, Jenkins C, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 28320146 J Neurol Sci 2017 Apr 15
Validation of the 8-item questionnaire for verifying stroke free status with and without pictograms in three West African languages. Sarfo FS, Gebregziabher M, Ovbiagele B, Akinyemi R, Owolabi L, Obiako R, Armstrong K, Arulogun O, Akpalu A, Melikam S, Saulson R, Jenkins C, Owolabi M, SIREN eNeurologicalSci 27148595 eNeurologicalSci 2016 Jun
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) rs1800796 and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKN2A/CDKN2B) rs2383207 are associated with ischemic stroke in indigenous West African Men. Akinyemi R, Arnett DK, Tiwari HK, Ovbiagele B, Sarfo F, Srinivasasainagendra V, Irvin MR, Adeoye A, Perry RT, Akpalu A, Jenkins C, Owolabi L, Obiako R, Wahab K, Sanya E, Komolafe M, Fawale M, Adebayo P, Osaigbovo G, Sunmonu T, Olowoyo P, Chukwuonye I, Obiabo Y, Akpa O, Melikam S, Saulson R, Kalaria R, Ogunniyi A, Owolabi M, SIREN Investigators Journal of the neurological sciences 28716248 J Neurol Sci 2017 Aug 15
Gaps in Guidelines for the Management of Diabetes in Low- and Middle-Income Versus High-Income Countries-A Systematic Review. Owolabi MO, Yaria JO, Daivadanam M, Makanjuola AI, Parker G, Oldenburg B, Vedanthan R, Norris S, Oguntoye AR, Osundina MA, Herasme O, Lakoh S, Ogunjimi LO, Abraham SE, Olowoyo P, Jenkins C, Feng W, Bayona H, Mohan S, Joshi R, Webster R, Kengne AP, Trofor A, Lotrean LM, Praveen D, Zafra-Tanaka JH, Lazo-Porras M, Bobrow K, Riddell MA, Makrilakis K, Manios Y, Ovbiagele B, COUNCIL Initiative Diabetes care 29678866 Diabetes Care 2018 May
Phenotyping Stroke in Sub-Saharan Africa: Stroke Investigative Research and Education Network (SIREN) Phenomics Protocol. Akpalu A, Sarfo FS, Ovbiagele B, Akinyemi R, Gebregziabher M, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Sagoe K, Jenkins C, Arulogun O, Adamu S, Appiah LT, Adadey MA, Agyekum F, Quansah JA, Mensah YB, Adeoye AM, Singh A, Tosin AO, Ohifemen O, Sani AA, Tabi-Ajayi E, Phillip IO, Isah SY, Tabari NA, Mande A, Agunloye AM, Ogbole GI, Akinyemi JO, Akpa OM, Laryea R, Melikam SE, Adinku D, Uvere E, Burkett NS, Adekunle GF, Kehinde SI, Azuh PC, Dambatta AH, Ishaq NA, Arnett D, Tiwari HK, Lackland D, Owolabi M, SIREN as part of the H3Africa Consortium Neuroepidemiology 26304844 Neuroepidemiology 2015
Building a Platform to Enable NCD Research to Address Population Health in Africa: CVD Working Group Discussion at the Sixth H3Africa Consortium Meeting in Zambia. Peprah E, Wiley K, Troyer J, Adebamowo SN, Adu D, Mayosi BM, Ramsay M, Motala AA, Adebamowo C, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M, H3Africa Cardiovascular Diseases Working Group and as members of the H3Africa Consortium Global heart 27102038 Glob Heart 2016 Mar
Profile of neurological disorders in an adult neurology clinic in Kumasi, Ghana. Sarfo FS, Akassi J, Badu E, Okorozo A, Ovbiagele B, Akpalu A eNeurologicalSci 27110596 eNeurologicalSci 2016 Jun
Stroke patients and their attitudes toward mHealth monitoring to support blood pressure control and medication adherence. Jenkins C, Burkett NS, Ovbiagele B, Mueller M, Patel S, Brunner-Jackson B, Saulson R, Treiber F mHealth 27347490 Mhealth 2016 May
Determinants of First-Ever Stroke Severity in West Africans: Evidence From the SIREN Study. Adebayo O, Akpa O, Asowata OJ, Fakunle A, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Okekunle AP, Sunmonu T, Tiwari HK, Jenkins C, Arulogun O, Appiah L, Akinyemi J, Adeoye AM, Ogbole G, Yaria J, Arnett D, Adebayo P, Calys-Tagoe B, Ogah OS, Balogun O, Ogunjimi L, Mensah Y, Agbogu-Ike OU, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi MO, SIREN Journal of the American Heart Association 37301737 J Am Heart Assoc 2023 Jun 20
Improving brain and vascular health at the population level: Lessons from the Norwegian success story. Owolabi MO European journal of neurology 37163274 Eur J Neurol 2023 Aug
Novel functional insights into ischemic stroke biology provided by the first genome-wide association study of stroke in indigenous Africans. Akinyemi RO, Tiwari HK, Srinivasasainagendra V, Akpa O, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Mamaeva OA, Halloran BA, Akinyemi J, Lackland D, Obiabo OY, Sunmonu T, Chukwuonye II, Arulogun O, Jenkins C, Adeoye A, Agunloye A, Ogah OS, Ogbole G, Fakunle A, Uvere E, Coker MM, Okekunle A, Asowata O, Diala S, Ogunronbi M, Adeleye O, Laryea R, Tagge R, Adeniyi S, Adusei N, Oguike W, Olowoyo P, Adebajo O, Olalere A, Oladele O, Yaria J, Fawale B, Ibinaye P, Oyinloye O, Mensah Y, Oladimeji O, Akpalu J, Calys-Tagoe B, Dambatta HA, Ogunniyi A, Kalaria R, Arnett D, Rotimi C, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi MO, SIREN Team Genome medicine 38317187 Genome Med 2024 Feb 5
Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. GBD 2016 DALYs and HALE Collaborators Lancet (London, England) 28919118 Lancet 2017 Sep 16
Baseline Prescription and One-Year Persistence of Secondary Prevention Drugs after an index Stroke in Central Ghana. Sarfo FS, Ovbiagele B, Akassi J, Kyem G eNeurologicalSci 28920085 eNeurologicalSci 2017 Mar
Development and Reliability of a User-Friendly Multicenter Phenotyping Application for Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke. Owolabi M, Ogbole G, Akinyemi R, Salaam K, Akpa O, Mongkolwat P, Omisore A, Agunloye A, Efidi R, Odo J, Makanjuola A, Akpalu A, Sarfo F, Owolabi L, Obiako R, Wahab K, Sanya E, Adebayo P, Komolafe M, Adeoye AM, Fawale MB, Akinyemi J, Osaigbovo G, Sunmonu T, Olowoyo P, Chukwuonye I, Obiabo Y, Ibinaiye P, Dambatta A, Mensah Y, Abdul S, Olabinri E, Ikubor J, Oyinloye O, Odunlami F, Melikam E, Saulson R, Kolo P, Ogunniyi A, Ovbiagele B, SIREN Team Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 28760409 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2017 Nov
Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. GBD 2016 Alcohol Collaborators Lancet (London, England) 30146330 Lancet 2018 Sep 22
The Independent Association of Prestroke Psychiatric Symptoms and Acute Phase Delirium with Poststroke Mortality at One Year in Nigeria. Ojagbemi A, Bello T, Owolabi M, Baiyewu O Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 33497933 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2021 Apr
Pragmatic Solutions for Stroke Recovery and Improved Quality of Life in Low- and Middle-Income Countries-A Systematic Review. Ekechukwu END, Olowoyo P, Nwankwo KO, Olaleye OA, Ogbodo VE, Hamzat TK, Owolabi MO Frontiers in neurology 32695058 Front Neurol 2020
Stroke Learning Health Systems: A Topical Narrative Review With Case Examples. Cadilhac DA, Bravata DM, Bettger JP, Mikulik R, Norrving B, Uvere EO, Owolabi M, Ranta A, Kilkenny MF Stroke 36715006 Stroke 2023 Apr
Frequency and factors associated with post-stroke seizures in a large multicenter study in West Africa. Sarfo FS, Akinyemi J, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Yaria J, Adebayo O, Komolafe M, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Jenkins C, Mensah Y, Ogbole G, Calys-Tagoe B, Adebayo P, Appiah L, Singh A, Fakunle A, Uvere E, Hemant T, Balogun O, Adeleye O, Fawale B, Abdulwasiu A, Ogunjimi L, Akinola O, Arulogun O, Donna A, Ogah O, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi MO, SIREN Journal of the neurological sciences 34130063 J Neurol Sci 2021 Aug 15
Unraveling the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Neurobiobanking and Stroke Genomic Research in Africa: A Study Protocol of the African Neurobiobank for Precision Stroke Medicine ELSI Project. Akinyemi RO, Jenkins C, Nichols M, Singh A, Wahab K, Akpalu A, Sarfo FS, Owolabi LF, Obiako R, Akinyemi J, Ojebuyi B, Adigun M, Musbahu R, Bello A, Titiloye M, Calys-Tagoe B, Ogunronbi M, Uvere E, Laryea R, Fakunle A, Adeleye O, Olorunsogbon O, Ojo A, Adesina D, Mensah N, Oguike W, Coleman N, Mande A, Uthman M, Kalaria RN, Jegede A, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B, Arulogun O International journal of qualitative methods 34276269 Int J Qual Methods 2020 Jan-Dec
Dementia in Africa: Current evidence, knowledge gaps, and future directions. Akinyemi RO, Yaria J, Ojagbemi A, Guerchet M, Okubadejo N, Njamnshi AK, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Ogbole G, Ayantayo T, Adokonou T, Paddick SM, Ndetei D, Bosche J, Ayele B, Damas A, Coker M, Mbakile-Mahlanza L, Ranchod K, Bobrow K, Anazodo U, Damasceno A, Seshadri S, Pericak-Vance M, Lawlor B, Miller BL, Owolabi M, Baiyewu O, Walker R, Gureje O, Kalaria RN, Ogunniyi A, African Dementia Consortium (AfDC) Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 34569714 Alzheimers Dement 2022 Apr
Stroke occurrence by hypertension treatment status in Ghana and Nigeria: A case-control study. Sarfo FS, Asowata OJ, Akpa OM, Akinyemi J, Wahab K, Singh A, Akpalu A, Opare-Addo PA, Okekunle AP, Ogbole G, Fakunle A, Adebayo O, Obiako R, Akisanya C, Komolafe M, Olunuga T, Chukwuonye II, Osaigbovo G, Olowoyo P, Adebayo PB, Jenkins C, Bello A, Laryea R, Ibinaye P, Olalusi O, Adeniyi S, Arulogun O, Ogah O, Adeoye A, Samuel D, Calys-Tagoe B, Tiwari H, Obiageli O, Mensah Y, Appiah L, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M Journal of the neurological sciences 38518449 J Neurol Sci 2024 Apr 15
Pragmatic solutions for the global burden of stroke - Authors' reply. Feigin VL, Yaria J, Owolabi M The Lancet. Neurology 38508827 Lancet Neurol 2024 Apr
Echocardiographic Abnormalities and Determinants of 1-Month Outcome of Stroke Among West Africans in the SIREN Study. Adeoye AM, Ovbiagele B, Akinyemi JO, Ogah OS, Akinyemi R, Gebregziabher M, Wahab K, Fakunle AG, Akintunde A, Adebayo O, Aje A, Tiwari HK, Arnett D, Agyekum F, Appiah LT, Amusa G, Olunuga TO, Onoja A, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Jenkins C, Lackland D, Owolabi L, Komolafe M, Faniyan MM, Arulogun O, Obiako R, Owolabi M Journal of the American Heart Association 31142178 J Am Heart Assoc 2019 Jun 4
Atrial Fibrillation in Africa-An Under-Reported and Unrecognized Risk Factor for Stroke: A Systematic Review. Jacobs MS, van Hulst M, Adeoye AM, Tieleman RG, Postma MJ, Owolabi MO Global heart 31103399 Glob Heart 2019 Sep
Unraveling the risk factors for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage among West Africans. Sarfo FS, Ovbiagele B, Gebregziabher M, Akpa O, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Ogbole G, Akinyemi R, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Lackland D, Arnett D, Tiwari H, Markus HS, Akinyemi J, Oguntade A, Fawale B, Adeoye A, Olugbo O, Ogunjimi L, Osaigbovo G, Jenkins C, Chukwuonye I, Ajose O, Oyinloye L, Mutiso F, Laryea R, Calys-Tagoe B, Salaam A, Amusa G, Olowookere S, Imoh C, Mande A, Arulogun O, Adekunle F, Appiah L, Balogun O, Singh A, Adeleye O, Ogah O, Makanjuola A, Owusu D, Kolo P, Adebayo O, Agunloye A, Shidali V, Faniyan M, Lakoh S, Diala S, Iheonye H, Efidi C, Sanya E, Sunmonu T, Akintunde A, Owolabi M, SIREN Neurology 32075893 Neurology 2020 Mar 10
Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. GBD 2016 Neurology Collaborators The Lancet. Neurology 30879893 Lancet Neurol 2019 May
Stroke in Africa: profile, progress, prospects and priorities. Akinyemi RO, Ovbiagele B, Adeniji OA, Sarfo FS, Abd-Allah F, Adoukonou T, Ogah OS, Naidoo P, Damasceno A, Walker RW, Ogunniyi A, Kalaria RN, Owolabi MO Nature reviews. Neurology 34526674 Nat Rev Neurol 2021 Oct
Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors, 1990-2019: Update From the GBD 2019 Study. Roth GA, Mensah GA, Johnson CO, Addolorato G, Ammirati E, Baddour LM, Barengo NC, Beaton AZ, Benjamin EJ, Benziger CP, Bonny A, Brauer M, Brodmann M, Cahill TJ, Carapetis J, Catapano AL, Chugh SS, Cooper LT, Coresh J, Criqui M, DeCleene N, Eagle KA, Emmons-Bell S, Feigin VL, Fernández-Solà J, Fowkes G, Gakidou E, Grundy SM, He FJ, Howard G, Hu F, Inker L, Karthikeyan G, Kassebaum N, Koroshetz W, Lavie C, Lloyd-Jones D, Lu HS, Mirijello A, Temesgen AM, Mokdad A, Moran AE, Muntner P, Narula J, Neal B, Ntsekhe M, Moraes de Oliveira G, Otto C, Owolabi M, Pratt M, Rajagopalan S, Reitsma M, Ribeiro ALP, Rigotti N, Rodgers A, Sable C, Shakil S, Sliwa-Hahnle K, Stark B, Sundström J, Timpel P, Tleyjeh IM, Valgimigli M, Vos T, Whelton PK, Yacoub M, Zuhlke L, Murray C, Fuster V, GBD-NHLBI-JACC Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Writing Group Journal of the American College of Cardiology 33309175 J Am Coll Cardiol 2020 Dec 22
Biological sample donation and informed consent for neurobiobanking: Evidence from a community survey in Ghana and Nigeria. Singh A, Arulogun O, Akinyemi J, Nichols M, Calys-Tagoe B, Ojebuyi B, Jenkins C, Obiako R, Akpalu A, Sarfo F, Wahab K, Sunday A, Owolabi LF, Adigun M, Afolami I, Olorunsogbon O, Ogunronbi M, Melikam ES, Laryea R, Asibey S, Oguike W, Melikam L, Sule A, Titiloye MA, Yahaya IS, Bello A, Kalaria RN, Jegede A, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B, Akinyemi R PloS one 35951660 PLoS One 2022
Global stroke statistics 2022. Thayabaranathan T, Kim J, Cadilhac DA, Thrift AG, Donnan GA, Howard G, Howard VJ, Rothwell PM, Feigin V, Norrving B, Owolabi M, Pandian J, Liu L, Olaiya MT International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society 35975986 Int J Stroke 2022 Oct
Maintaining stroke care during the COVID-19 pandemic in lower- and middle-income countries: World Stroke Organization Position Statement endorsed by American Stroke Association and American Heart Association. Pandian JD, Panagos PD, Sebastian IA, Sampaio Silva G, Furie KL, Liu L, Owolabi MO, Caso V, Alrukn SA International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society 34711104 Int J Stroke 2022 Jan
Risk Factor Characterization of Ischemic Stroke Subtypes Among West Africans. Sarfo FS, Ovbiagele B, Akpa O, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Ogbole G, Calys-Tagoe B, Fakunle A, Sanni T, Mulugeta G, Abdul S, Akintunde AA, Olowookere S, Uvere EO, Ibinaiye P, Akinyemi J, Uwanuruochi K, Olayemi B, Odunlami OA, Abunimye E, Arulogun O, Isah SY, Abubakar SA, Oladimeji A, Adebayo P, Shidali V, Chukwuonye II, Akpalu J, Tito-Ilori MM, Asowata OJ, Sanya EO, Amusa G, Onyeonoro U, Ogunmodede JA, Sule AG, Akisanya C, Mensah Y, Oyinloye OI, Appiah L, Agunloye AM, Osaigbovo GO, Olabinri E, Kolo PM, Okeke O, Adeoye AM, Ajose O, Jenkins C, Lackland DT, Egberongbe AA, Adeniji O, Ohifemen Adeleye O, Tiwari HK, Arnett D, Laryea RY, Olunuga T, Akinwande KS, Imoh L, Ogah OS, Melikam ES, Adebolaji A, Oguike W, Ogunronbi O, Adeniyi W, Olugbo OY, Bello AH, Ohagwu KA, Ogunjimi L, Agyekum F, Iheonye H, Adesina J, Diala S, Dambatta HA, Ikubor J, Singh A, Adamu S, Obese V, Adusei N, Owusu D, Ampofo M, Tagge R, Efidi R, Fawale B, Yaria J, Akinyemi R, Owolabi M, SIREN Stroke 34587795 Stroke 2022 Jan
2022 World Hypertension League, Resolve To Save Lives and International Society of Hypertension dietary sodium (salt) global call to action. Campbell NRC, Whelton PK, Orias M, Wainford RD, Cappuccio FP, Ide N, Neal B, Cohn J, Cobb LK, Webster J, Trieu K, He FJ, McLean RM, Blanco-Metzler A, Woodward M, Khan N, Kokubo Y, Nederveen L, Arcand J, MacGregor GA, Owolabi MO, Lisheng L, Parati G, Lackland DT, Charchar FJ, Williams B, Tomaszewski M, Romero CA, Champagne B, L'Abbe MR, Weber MA, Schlaich MP, Fogo A, Feigin VL, Akinyemi R, Inserra F, Menon B, Simas M, Neves MF, Hristova K, Pullen C, Pandeya S, Ge J, Jalil JE, Wang JG, Wideimsky J, Kreutz R, Wenzel U, Stowasser M, Arango M, Protogerou A, Gkaliagkousi E, Fuchs FD, Patil M, Chan AW, Nemcsik J, Tsuyuki RT, Narasingan SN, Sarrafzadegan N, Ramos ME, Yeo N, Rakugi H, Ramirez AJ, Álvarez G, Berbari A, Kim CI, Ihm SH, Chia YC, Unurjargal T, Park HK, Wahab K, McGuire H, Dashdorj NJ, Ishaq M, Ona DID, Mercado-Asis LB, Prejbisz A, Leenaerts M, Simão C, Pinto F, Almustafa BA, Spaak J, Farsky S, Lovic D, Zhang XH Journal of human hypertension 35581323 J Hum Hypertens 2023 Jun
Global clinical neuroscience: journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Owolabi MO, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 24972817 J Neurol Sci 2014 Sep 15
Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. GBD 2019 Stroke Collaborators The Lancet. Neurology 34487721 Lancet Neurol 2021 Oct
Gaps in Hypertension Guidelines in Low- and Middle-Income Versus High-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. Owolabi M, Olowoyo P, Miranda JJ, Akinyemi R, Feng W, Yaria J, Makanjuola T, Yaya S, Kaczorowski J, Thabane L, Van Olmen J, Mathur P, Chow C, Kengne A, Saulson R, Thrift AG, Joshi R, Bloomfield GS, Gebregziabher M, Parker G, Agyemang C, Modesti PA, Norris S, Ogunjimi L, Farombi T, Melikam ES, Uvere E, Salako B, Ovbiagele B, COUNCIL Initiative Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979) 27698059 Hypertension 2016 Dec
Multilingual Validation of the Questionnaire for Verifying Stroke-Free Status in West Africa. Sarfo F, Gebregziabher M, Ovbiagele B, Akinyemi R, Owolabi L, Obiako R, Akpa O, Armstrong K, Akpalu A, Adamu S, Obese V, Boa-Antwi N, Appiah L, Arulogun O, Mensah Y, Adeoye A, Tosin A, Adeleye O, Tabi-Ajayi E, Phillip I, Sani A, Isah S, Tabari N, Mande A, Agunloye A, Ogbole G, Akinyemi J, Laryea R, Melikam S, Uvere E, Adekunle G, Kehinde S, Azuh P, Dambatta A, Ishaq N, Saulson R, Arnett D, Tiwari H, Jenkins C, Lackland D, Owolabi M, Stroke Investigative Research Educational Networks Stroke 26578660 Stroke 2016 Jan
Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to stroke in Ghana and Nigeria: A SIREN call to action. Jenkins C, Ovbiagele B, Arulogun O, Singh A, Calys-Tagoe B, Akinyemi R, Mande A, Melikam ES, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Sarfo FS, Sanni T, Osaigbovo G, Tiwari HK, Obiako R, Shidali V, Ibinaiye P, Akpalu J, Ogbole G, Owolabi L, Uvere E, Taggae R, Adeoye AM, Gebregziabher M, Akintunde A, Adebayo O, Oguntade A, Bisi A, Ohagwu K, Laryea R, Olowoniyi P, Yahaya IS, Olowookere S, Adeyemi F, Komolafe M, Fawale MB, Sunmonu T, Onyeonoro U, Imoh LC, Oguike W, Olunuga T, Kolo P, Ogah OS, Efidi R, Chukwuonye I, Bock-Oruma A, Owusu D, Odo CJ, Faniyan M, Ohnifeman OA, Ajose O, Ogunjimi L, Johnson S, Ganiyu A, Olowoyo P, Fakunle AG, Tolulope A, Farombi T, Obiabo MO, Owolabi M PloS one 30444884 PLoS One 2018
Is the cardiovascular health of South Africans today comparable with African Americans 45 years ago? Breet Y, Lackland DT, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi MO, Ogedegbe G, Kruger IM, Schutte AE Journal of hypertension 30950976 J Hypertens 2019 Aug
Gender differential in inclination to donate brain for research among Nigerians: the IBADAN Brain Bank Project. Akinyemi R, Ojagbemi A, Akinyemi J, Salami A, Olopade F, Farombi T, Nweke M, Uvere E, Aridegbe M, Balogun J, Ogbole G, Jegede A, Kalaria R, Ogunniyi A, Owolabi M, Arulogun O Cell and tissue banking 31028517 Cell Tissue Bank 2019 Jun
Carotid IMT is more associated with stroke than risk calculators. Owolabi MO, Akpa OM, Agunloye AM Acta neurologica Scandinavica 27045896 Acta Neurol Scand 2016 Jun
Task-shifting training improves stroke knowledge among Nigerian non-neurologist health workers. Akinyemi RO, Owolabi MO, Adebayo PB, Akinyemi JO, Otubogun FM, Uvere E, Adeniji O, Adeleye O, Aridegbe O, Taiwo FT, Ogun SA, Ogunniyi A Journal of the neurological sciences 26671098 J Neurol Sci 2015 Dec 15
Mobile health as a viable strategy to enhance stroke risk factor control: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Liu S, Feng W, Chhatbar PY, Liu Y, Ji X, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 28566151 J Neurol Sci 2017 Jul 15
Prevalence and predictors of anxiety in an African sample of recent stroke survivors. Ojagbemi A, Owolabi M, Akinyemi R, Arulogun O, Akinyemi J, Akpa O, Sarfo FS, Uvere E, Saulson R, Hurst S, Ovbiagele B Acta neurologica Scandinavica 28417454 Acta Neurol Scand 2017 Dec
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of West Africans on genetic studies of stroke: Evidence from the SIREN Study. Akinyemi RO, Sarfo FS, Akinyemi J, Singh A, Onoja Akpa M, Akpalu A, Owolabi L, Adeoye AM, Obiako R, Wahab K, Sanya E, Komolafe M, Ogbole G, Fawale M, Adebayo P, Osaigbovo G, Sunmonu T, Olowoyo P, Chukwuonye I, Obiabo Y, Adeniji O, Fakunle G, Melikam E, Saulson R, Yaria J, Uwanruochi K, Ibinaiye P, Amusa GA, Yahaya IS, Dambatta AH, Faniyan M, Olowoniyi P, Bock-Oruma A, Joseph OC, Oguntade A, Kolo P, Laryea R, Lakoh S, Uvere E, Farombi T, Akpalu J, Oyinloye O, Appiah L, Calys-Tagoe B, Shidali V, Tabari NA, Adebayo O, Efidi R, Adeleye O, Owusu D, Ogunjimi L, Aridegbe O, Imoh CL, Sanni T, Gebreziabher M, Hemant T, Arulogun O, Ogunniyi A, Jenkins C, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society 30040054 Int J Stroke 2019 Jan
Stroke, cerebrovascular diseases and vascular cognitive impairment in Africa. Akinyemi RO, Owolabi MO, Ihara M, Damasceno A, Ogunniyi A, Dotchin C, Paddick SM, Ogeng'o J, Walker R, Kalaria RN Brain research bulletin 29807146 Brain Res Bull 2019 Feb
Stroke Investigative Research and Education Network: Public Outreach and Engagement. Singh A, Jenkins C, Calys-Tagoe B, Arulogun OS, Sarfo S, Ovbiagele B, Akpalu A, Melikam S, Uvere E, Owolabi MO Journal of community medicine & health education 28868210 J Community Med Health Educ 2017 Apr
Global, regional, and national under-5 mortality, adult mortality, age-specific mortality, and life expectancy, 1970-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. GBD 2016 Mortality Collaborators Lancet (London, England) 28919115 Lancet 2017 Sep 16
Crafting Community-Based Participatory Research Stroke Interventions. Nichols M, Magwood G, Woodbury M, Brown K, Jenkins C, Owolabi M Stroke 35105185 Stroke 2022 Mar
A Novel Afrocentric Stroke Risk Assessment Score: Models from the Siren Study. Akpa O, Sarfo FS, Owolabi M, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Ogbole G, Tiwari HK, Jenkins C, Fakunle AG, Olowookere S, Uvere EO, Akinyemi J, Arulogun O, Akpalu J, Tito-Ilori MM, Asowata OJ, Ibinaiye P, Akisanya C, Oyinloye OI, Appiah L, Sunmonu T, Olowoyo P, Agunloye AM, Adeoye AM, Yaria J, Lackland DT, Arnett D, Laryea RY, Adigun TO, Okekunle AP, Calys-Tagoe B, Ogah OS, Ogunronbi M, Obiabo OY, Isah SY, Dambatta HA, Tagge R, Ogenyi O, Fawale B, Melikam CL, Onasanya A, Adeniyi S, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, SIREN Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 34332227 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2021 Oct
Legal Implications of Stroke Biobanking and Genomics Research in Sub-Saharan Africa. Adigun M, Ojebuyi BR, Akinyemi J, Wahab K, Akpalu A, Sarfo FS, Owolabi LF, Musbahu R, Bello A, Obiako R, Ogunronbi M, Singh A, Nichols M, Jenkins C, Jegede A, Kalaria R, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B, Arulogun O, Akinyemi R Journal of law and medicine 35819393 J Law Med 2022 Jun
Antecedent febrile illness and occurrence of stroke in West Africa: The SIREN study. Sarfo FS, Ovbiagele B, Matthew OA, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Asowata O, Ogbole G, Komolafe M, Akinyemi R, Owolabi M, SIREN Journal of the neurological sciences 33002758 J Neurol Sci 2020 Nov 15
Regional Patterns and Association Between Obesity and Hypertension in Africa: Evidence From the H3Africa CHAIR Study. Akpa OM, Made F, Ojo A, Ovbiagele B, Adu D, Motala AA, Mayosi BM, Adebamowo SN, Engel ME, Tayo B, Rotimi C, Salako B, Akinyemi R, Gebregziabher M, Sarfo F, Wahab K, Agongo G, Alberts M, Ali SA, Asiki G, Boua RP, Gómez-Olivé FX, Mashinya F, Micklesfield L, Mohamed SF, Nonterah EA, Norris SA, Sorgho H, Tollman S, Parekh RS, Chishala C, Ekoru K, Waddy SP, Peprah E, Mensah GA, Wiley K, Troyer J, Ramsay M, Owolabi MO, as members of the CVD Working Group of the H3Africa Consortium Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979) 32172619 Hypertension 2020 May
Stroke Among Young West Africans: Evidence From the SIREN (Stroke Investigative Research and Educational Network) Large Multisite Case-Control Study. Sarfo FS, Ovbiagele B, Gebregziabher M, Wahab K, Akinyemi R, Akpalu A, Akpa O, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Jenkins C, Owolabi M, SIREN Stroke 29618553 Stroke 2018 May
Risk Assessment Score and Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection Algorithm for Hypertension Among Africans: Models From the SIREN Study. Asowata OJ, Okekunle AP, Akpa OM, Fakunle AG, Akinyemi JO, Komolafe MA, Sarfo FS, Akpalu AK, Obiako R, Wahab KW, Osaigbovo Osawaru GO, Owolabi LF, Jenkins CM, Calys-Tagoe BNL, Arulogun OS, Ogbole GI, Ogah OS, Lambert AT, Ibinaiye PO, Adebayo PB, Singh A, Adeniyi SA, Mensah YB, Laryea RY, Balogun O, Chukwuonye II, Akinyemi RO, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi MO Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979) 37830199 Hypertension 2023 Dec
Pre-Stroke Depression in Ghana and Nigeria: Prevalence, Predictors and Association With Poststroke Depression. Ojagbemi A, Akinyemi J, Wahab K, Owolabi L, Arulogun O, Akpalu J, Akpalu A, Ogbole G, Akinsanya C, Wasiu A, Tito-Ilori M, Adekunle F, Lyrea R, Akpa O, Akinyemi R, Sarfo F, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 33073691 J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 2022 Jan
Screening for Atrial Fibrillation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Health Economic Evaluation to Assess the Feasibility in Nigeria. Jacobs MS, Adeoye AM, Owolabi MO, Tieleman RG, Postma MJ, Van Hulst M Global heart 34900571 Glob Heart 2021
Dietary patterns associated with stroke among West Africans: A case-control study. Okekunle AP, Asowata O, Akpa OM, Ovbiagele B, Fakunle A, Komolafe M, Arulogun O, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Obiako R, Wahab K, Osaigbovo G, Owolabi L, Ogbole G, Akinyemi J, Adeniyi S, Calys-Tagoe B, Aridegbe M, Adebowale A, Dambatta H, Agunloye A, Oyinloye O, Aderibigbe A, Suleiman I, Adeoye AM, Akpalu J, Agbogu-Ike O, Tiwari HK, Arnett D, Akinyemi R, Owolabi MO International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society 35377255 Int J Stroke 2023 Feb
Secondhand smoke exposure is independently associated with stroke among non-smoking adults in West Africa. Okekunle AP, Asowata OJ, Fakunle AG, Akpa OM, Sarfo FS, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Tiwari HK, Akinyemi J, Jenkins C, Arulogun O, Ibinaiye P, Appiah L, Agunloye AM, Adeoye AM, Yaria J, Calys-Tagoe B, Uvere EO, Ogbole G, Agyekum F, Sanni TA, Amusa GA, Ogunronbi M, Olowookere S, Balogun O, Ogunmodede JA, Olalusi OV, Samuel D, Mande A, Rabiu M, Adebayo P, Sunday A, Imoh LC, Oguntade AS, Ajose A, Singh A, Adeegbe OT, Mensah Y, Fawale MB, Abdul S, Ikubor J, Tolulope A, Yahaya IS, Akisanya C, Odo CJ, Efidi R, Chukwuonye II, Shidali V, Adebowale A, Ohagwu KA, Adeleye OO, Iheonye H, Akintunde A, Olabinri E, Akpalu J, Adesina J, Onyeonoro U, Onasanya A, Arnett DK, Lackland D, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M, SIREN Journal of the neurological sciences 36399928 J Neurol Sci 2022 Dec 15
Frequent vegetable consumption is inversely associated with hypertension among indigenous Africans. Akpa OM, Okekunle AP, Asowata OJ, Chikowore T, Mohamed SF, Sarfo F, Akinyemi R, Akpalu A, Wahab K, Obiako R, Komolafe M, Owolabi L, Osaigbovo GO, Ogbole G, Tiwari HK, Akinyemi J, Fakunle A, Uvere E, Adeoye AM, Lackland D, Arnett DK, Ovbiagele B, Ramsay M, Owolabi M European journal of preventive cardiology 36098047 Eur J Prev Cardiol 2022 Dec 21
Stroke in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the incidence and case-fatality rates. Okekunle AP, Jones S, Adeniji O, Watkins C, Hackett M, Di Tanna GL, Owolabi M, Akinyemi R International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society 36503371 Int J Stroke 2023 Jul
Rethinking headache as a global public health case model for reaching the SDG 3 HEALTH by 2030. Martelletti P, Leonardi M, Ashina M, Burstein R, Cho SJ, Charway-Felli A, Dodick DW, Gil-Gouveia R, Grazzi L, Lampl C, MaassenVanDenBrink A, Minen MT, Mitsikostas DD, Olesen J, Owolabi MO, Reuter U, Ruiz de la Torre E, Sacco S, Schwedt TJ, Serafini G, Surya N, Tassorelli C, Wang SJ, Wang Y, Wijeratne T, Raggi A The journal of headache and pain 37884869 J Headache Pain 2023 Oct 27
Dietary patterns associated with hypertension among stroke-free indigenous Africans: insights from the Stroke Investigative Research and Educational Network study. Okekunle AP, Asowata OJ, Akpa OM, Fakunle AG, Bodunde I, Komolafe M, Arulogun O, Sarfo FS, Obiako R, Osaigbovo G, Ogbole G, Bello A, Adeniyi S, Calys-Tagoe B, Appiah L, Jenkins C, Oyinloye O, Dambatta H, Balogun O, Singh A, Olalere A, Mensah Y, Ogah OS, Ibinaiye P, Adebayo O, Adebajo O, Adebayo P, Chukwuonye I, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M, SIREN Investigators Journal of hypertension 38230616 J Hypertens 2024 Apr 1
Advances in Primordial, Primary, and Secondary Prevention of Stroke in Diverse Populations. Adeniji O, Olowoyo P, Akinyemi R, Fisher M, Owolabi M Stroke 38445485 Stroke 2024 Sep
Effect of an Educational Intervention for Primary Stroke Risk Reduction in Ghana and Nigeria: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Sarfo FS, Akinyemi JO, Obiako R, Nichols M, Fakunle AG, Adusei N, Ampofo M, Arulogun O, Jenkins C, Akpa OM, Aribisala B, Abdulrasaq S, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi MO Stroke 37139815 Stroke 2023 Jun
Geo-Demographic and Socioeconomic Determinants of Diagnosed Hypertension among Urban Dwellers in Ibadan, Nigeria: A Community-based Study. Owolabi M, Taiwo O, Akinyemi J, Adebayo A, Popoola O, Akinyemi R, Akpa O, Olowoyo P, Okekunle A, Uvere E, Nwimo C, Ajala O, Adebajo O, Ayodele A, Ayodeji S, Arulogun O, Olaniyan O, Walker R, Jenkins C, Ovbiagele B Research square 38196605 Res Sq 2023 Dec 20
Carotid and Vertebral Atherosclerosis in West African Stroke Patients: Findings from the Stroke Investigative Research and Education Network. Omisore A, Ogbole G, Agunloye A, Akinyemi J, Akpalu A, Sarfo F, Akpa O, Gebregziabher M, Arulogun O, Komolafe M, Wahab K, Jenkins C, Osaigbovo G, Obiako R, Owolabi L, Fakunle A, Ikubor J, Salaam A, Famurewa O, Adebayo O, Asaleye C, Akisanya C, Olabinri E, Egberongbe A, Fawale M, Olowookere S, Imoh L, Adeleye O, Efidi R, Tiwari H, Mensah Y, Calys-Tagoe B, Akintunde A, Ogunjimi L, Olugbo O, Aridegbe M, Abdullahi M, Sumonu T, Sanni T, Ogah O, Adeoye A, Uvere E, Ibinaiye P, Akinyemi R, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M Nigerian medical journal : journal of the Nigeria Medical Association 38803706 Niger Med J 2022 Mar-Apr
Optimizing stroke prediction using gated recurrent unit and feature selection in Sub-Saharan Africa. Soladoye AA, Olawade DB, Adeyanju IA, Akpa OM, Aderinto N, Owolabi MO Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 39892298 Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2025 Feb
Influence of Spirituality and Modesty on Acceptance of Self-Sampling for Cervical Cancer Screening. Dareng EO, Jedy-Agba E, Bamisaye P, Isa Modibbo F, Oyeneyin LO, Adewole AS, Olaniyan OB, Dakum PS, Pharoah PD, Adebamowo CA PloS one 26529098 PLoS One 2015
Leisure-time physical activity is associated with reduced risks of breast cancer and triple negative breast cancer in Nigerian women. Bigman G, Adebamowo SN, Yawe KT, Yilkudi M, Olaomi O, Badejo O, Famooto A, Ezeome E, Salu IK, Miner E, Anosike I, Achusi B, Adebamowo C Cancer epidemiology 35717688 Cancer Epidemiol 2022 Aug
A matched case-control study of bean intake and breast cancer risk in urbanized Nigerian women. Bigman G, Adebamowo SN, Yawe KT, Yilkudi M, Olaomi O, Badejo O, Famooto A, Ezeome E, Salu IK, Miner E, Anosike I, Achusi B, Adebamowo C Cancer causes & control : CCC 35511324 Cancer Causes Control 2022 Jul
Clearance of Type-Specific, Low-Risk, and High-Risk Cervical Human Papillomavirus Infections in HIV-Negative and HIV-Positive Women. Adebamowo SN, Famooto A, Dareng EO, Olawande O, Olaniyan O, Offiong R, Adebamowo CA Journal of global oncology 30125130 J Glob Oncol 2018 Jul
Cohort Profile: African Collaborative Center for Microbiome and Genomics Research's (ACCME's) Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cervical Cancer Study. Adebamowo SN, Dareng EO, Famooto AO, Offiong R, Olaniyan O, Obende K, Adebayo A, Ologun S, Alabi B, Achara P, Bakare RA, Odutola M, Olawande O, Okuma J, Odonye G, Adebiyi R, Dakum P, Adebamowo CA, ACCME Research Group as part of the H3Africa Consortium International journal of epidemiology 28419249 Int J Epidemiol 2017 Dec 1
Test-Retest Reliability of Self-Reported Sexual Behavior History in Urbanized Nigerian Women. Dareng EO, Adebamowo SN, Eseyin OR, Odutola MK, Pharoah PP, Adebamowo CA Frontiers in public health 28770192 Front Public Health 2017
Age, HIV status, and research context determined attrition in a longitudinal cohort in Nigeria. Dareng EO, Olaniyan Y, Adebamowo SN, Eseyin OR, Odutola MK, Obiefuna EM, Offiong RA, Pharoah PP, Adebamowo CA Journal of clinical epidemiology 29679747 J Clin Epidemiol 2018 Aug
Validation of self-report of uterine fibroid diagnosis using a transvaginal ultrasound scan. Adebamowo CA, Morhason-Bello IO, ACCME Research Group as part of the H3Africa Consortium, Adebamowo SN Scientific reports 37277479 Sci Rep 2023 Jun 5
Dataset for Vaginal Human Papillomavirus infection among adolescent and early adult girls in Jos, Nigeria. Cosmas NT, Nimzing L, Egah DZ, Famooto AO, Adebamowo SN, Adebamowo CA Research square 37066185 Res Sq 2023 Apr 4
Cancers Attributable to Overweight and Obesity From 2012 to 2014 in Nigeria: A Population-Based Cancer Registry Study. Odutola MK, Olukomogbon T, Igbinoba F, Otu TI, Ezeome E, Hassan R, Jedy-Agba E, Adebamowo SN Frontiers in oncology 31245287 Front Oncol 2019
Recurrence of cervical intraepithelial lesions after thermo-coagulation in HIV-positive and HIV-negative Nigerian women. Oga EA, Brown JP, Brown C, Dareng E, Adekanmbi V, Odutola M, Olaniyan O, Offiong R, Obende K, Adewole AS, Peter A, Dakum P, Adebamowo C BMC women's health 27169666 BMC Womens Health 2016 May 11
Creative Approaches to Global Cancer Research and Control. Rositch AF, Loffredo C, Bourlon MT, Pearlman PC, Adebamowo C JCO global oncology 32716656 JCO Glob Oncol 2020 Jul
High-depth African genomes inform human migration and health. Choudhury A, Aron S, Botigué LR, Sengupta D, Botha G, Bensellak T, Wells G, Kumuthini J, Shriner D, Fakim YJ, Ghoorah AW, Dareng E, Odia T, Falola O, Adebiyi E, Hazelhurst S, Mazandu G, Nyangiri OA, Mbiyavanga M, Benkahla A, Kassim SK, Mulder N, Adebamowo SN, Chimusa ER, Muzny D, Metcalf G, Gibbs RA, TrypanoGEN Research Group, Rotimi C, Ramsay M, H3Africa Consortium, Adeyemo AA, Lombard Z, Hanchard NA Nature 33116287 Nature 2020 Oct
Genome-wide association study of prevalent and persistent cervical high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Adebamowo SN, Adeyemo AA, Rotimi CN, Olaniyan O, Offiong R, Adebamowo CA, H3Africa ACCME Research Group BMC medical genetics 33225922 BMC Med Genet 2020 Nov 23
Qualitative study of barriers to cervical cancer screening among Nigerian women. Isa Modibbo F, Dareng E, Bamisaye P, Jedy-Agba E, Adewole A, Oyeneyin L, Olaniyan O, Adebamowo C BMJ open 26754174 BMJ Open 2016 Jan 11
Genome-wide analysis identifies an african-specific variant in SEMA4D associated with body mass index. Chen G, Doumatey AP, Zhou J, Lei L, Bentley AR, Tekola-Ayele F, Adebamowo SN, Baker JL, Fasanmade O, Okafor G, Eghan B Jr, Agyenim-Boateng K, Amoah A, Adebamowo C, Acheampong J, Johnson T, Oli J, Shriner D, Adeyemo AA, Rotimi CN Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) 28296344 Obesity (Silver Spring) 2017 Apr
Mapping Epigenetic Gene Variant Dynamics: Comparative Analysis of Frequency, Functional Impact and Trait Associations in African and European Populations. Sinkala M, Retshabile G, Mpangase PT, Bamba S, Goita MK, Nembaware V, Elsheikh SSM, Heckmann J, Esoh K, Matshaba M, Adebamowo CA, Adebamowo SN, Amih OE, Wonkam A, Ramsay M, Mulder N medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 39185519 medRxiv 2024 Aug 12
Voluntary participation and informed consent to international genetic research. Marshall PA, Adebamowo CA, Adeyemo AA, Ogundiran TO, Vekich M, Strenski T, Zhou J, Prewitt TE, Cooper RS, Rotimi CN American journal of public health 17018820 Am J Public Health 2006 Nov
The burden of HPV associated cancers in two regions in Nigeria 2012-2014. Jedy-Agba EE, Dareng EO, Adebamowo SN, Odutola M, Oga EA, Igbinoba F, Otu T, Ezeome E, Bray F, Hassan R, Adebamowo CA Cancer epidemiology 27780076 Cancer Epidemiol 2016 Dec
Cancers Attributable to Alcohol Consumption in Nigeria: 2012-2014. Odutola MK, Jedy-Agba EE, Dareng EO, Adebamowo SN, Oga EA, Igbinoba F, Otu T, Ezeome E, Hassan R, Adebamowo CA Frontiers in oncology 28971062 Front Oncol 2017
Attitude to Human Papillomavirus Deoxyribonucleic Acid-Based Cervical Cancer Screening in Antenatal Care in Nigeria: A Qualitative Study. Filade TE, Dareng EO, Olawande T, Fagbohun TA, Adebayo AO, Adebamowo CA Frontiers in public health 28932735 Front Public Health 2017
Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium in the Vaginal Microbiota and Persistent High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection. Adebamowo SN, Ma B, Zella D, Famooto A, Ravel J, Adebamowo C, ACCME Research Group Frontiers in public health 28695118 Front Public Health 2017
Developing National Cancer Registration in Developing Countries - Case Study of the Nigerian National System of Cancer Registries. Jedy-Agba EE, Oga EA, Odutola M, Abdullahi YM, Popoola A, Achara P, Afolayan E, Banjo AA, Ekanem IO, Erinomo O, Ezeome E, Igbinoba F, Obiorah C, Ogunbiyi O, Omonisi A, Osime C, Ukah C, Osinubi P, Hassan R, Blattner W, Dakum P, Adebamowo CA Frontiers in public health 26284233 Front Public Health 2015
Age-specific prevalence of human papilloma virus infection among Nigerian women. Akarolo-Anthony SN, Famooto AO, Dareng EO, Olaniyan OB, Offiong R, Wheeler CM, Adebamowo CA BMC public health 24972674 BMC Public Health 2014 Jun 27
Different human papillomavirus types share early natural history transitions in immunocompetent women. Adebamowo SN, Befano B, Cheung LC, Rodriguez AC, Demarco M, Rydzak G, Chen X, Porras C, Herrero R, Kim JJ, Castle PE, Wentzensen N, Kreimer AR, Schiffman M, Campos NG International journal of cancer 35603904 Int J Cancer 2022 Sep 15
Neighborhood greenness and burden of non-communicable diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa: A multi-country cross-sectional study. Iyer HS, James P, Valeri L, Bajunirwe F, Nankya-Mutyoba J, Njelekela M, Chiwanga F, Sewram V, Ajayi I, Adebamowo C, Dalal S, Reid TG, Rebbeck TR, Adami HO, Holmes MD Environmental research 33130166 Environ Res 2021 May
Vaginal microbiota diversity and paucity of Lactobacillus species are associated with persistent hrHPV infection in HIV negative but not in HIV positive women. Dareng EO, Ma B, Adebamowo SN, Famooto A, Ravel J, Pharoah PP, Adebamowo CA Scientific reports 33154533 Sci Rep 2020 Nov 5
An assessment of the genomic structural variation landscape in Sub-Saharan African populations. Wiener E, Cottino L, Botha G, Nyangiri O, Noyes H, McLeod A, Jakubosky D, Adebamowo C, Awadalla P, Landouré G, Matshaba M, Matovu E, Ramsay M, Simo G, Simuunza M, Tiemessen C, Wonkam A, Sahibdeen V, Krause A, Lombard Z, Hazelhurst S, as members of the H3Africa Consortium Research square 39041024 Res Sq 2024 Jul 8
A meta-analysis and polygenic score study identifies novel genetic markers for waist-hip ratio in African populations. Zhong M, Onyenobi E, Duomatey A, Chen G, Perry J, Ye Z, ACCME Research Group as part of the H3Africa Consortium, Rotimi C, Adebamowo CA, Adeyemo A, Adebamowo SN Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) 39351966 Obesity (Silver Spring) 2024 Nov
Cancer incidence in Nigeria: a report from population-based cancer registries. Jedy-Agba E, Curado MP, Ogunbiyi O, Oga E, Fabowale T, Igbinoba F, Osubor G, Otu T, Kumai H, Koechlin A, Osinubi P, Dakum P, Blattner W, Adebamowo CA Cancer epidemiology 22621842 Cancer Epidemiol 2012 Oct
Challenges in the detection, prevention, and treatment of HIV-associated malignancies in low- and middle-income countries in Africa. Adebamowo CA, Casper C, Bhatia K, Mbulaiteye SM, Sasco AJ, Phipps W, Vermund SH, Krown SE Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 25117957 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2014 Sep 1
Prevalent high-risk HPV infection and vaginal microbiota in Nigerian women. Dareng EO, Ma B, Famooto AO, Adebamowo SN, Offiong RA, Olaniyan O, Dakum PS, Wheeler CM, Fadrosh D, Yang H, Gajer P, Brotman RM, Ravel J, Adebamowo CA Epidemiology and infection 26062721 Epidemiol Infect 2016 Jan
Burden of Cancers Attributable to Infectious Agents in Nigeria: 2012-2014. Odutola M, Jedy-Agba EE, Dareng EO, Oga EA, Igbinoba F, Otu T, Ezeome E, Hassan R, Adebamowo CA Frontiers in oncology 27822455 Front Oncol 2016
The African Female Breast Cancer Epidemiology Study Protocol. Ezeome ER, Yawe KT, Ayandipo O, Badejo O, Adebamowo SN, Achusi B, Fowotade A, Ogun G, AFBRECANE Research Group, Adebamowo CA Frontiers in oncology 35494056 Front Oncol 2022
Population-based study of the reproductive risk factors for transvaginal ultrasound diagnosed uterine fibroids in Nigerian women. Adebamowo CA, ACCME Research Group as part of the H3Africa Consortium, Adebamowo SN Scientific reports 37919335 Sci Rep 2023 Nov 2
Prevalence and incidence of genital warts and cervical Human Papillomavirus infections in Nigerian women. Dareng EO, Adebamowo SN, Famooto A, Olawande O, Odutola MK, Olaniyan Y, Offiong RA, Pharoah PP, Adebamowo CA BMC infectious diseases 30616634 BMC Infect Dis 2019 Jan 7
Paucity of HPV-Related Head and Neck Cancers (HNC) in Nigeria. Oga EA, Schumaker LM, Alabi BS, Obaseki D, Umana A, Bassey IA, Ebughe G, Oluwole O, Akeredolu T, Adebamowo SN, Dakum P, Cullen K, Adebamowo CA PloS one 27050815 PLoS One 2016
Characterization of CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 Pharmacogenetic Variation in Sub-Saharan African Populations. Twesigomwe D, Drögemöller BI, Wright GEB, Adebamowo C, Agongo G, Boua PR, Matshaba M, Paximadis M, Ramsay M, Simo G, Simuunza MC, Tiemessen CT, Lombard Z, Hazelhurst S Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 38049200 Clin Pharmacol Ther 2024 Mar
Association Between Cervical Inflammatory Mediators and Prevalent Cervical Human Papillomavirus Infection. Olukomogbon T, Akpobome B, Omole A, ACCME Research Group, Adebamowo CA, Adebamowo SN JCO global oncology 38547441 JCO Glob Oncol 2024 Mar
Comparability, diagnostic validity and completeness of Nigerian cancer registries. al-Haddad BJ, Jedy-Agba E, Oga E, Ezeome ER, Obiorah CC, Okobia M, Ogunbiyi JO, Ukah CO, Omonisi A, Nwofor AM, Igbinoba F, Adebamowo C Cancer epidemiology 25863982 Cancer Epidemiol 2015 Jun
Mastectomy for management of breast cancer in Ibadan, Nigeria. Ogundiran TO, Ayandipo OO, Ademola AF, Adebamowo CA BMC surgery 24354443 BMC Surg 2013 Dec 19
Secular trend in interobserver agreement of VIA diagnosis for cervical cancer screening in Nigeria. Dareng EO, Olaniyan Y, Odutola MK, Adebamowo SN, Famooto A, Offiong R, Obende K, Adewole SA, Achara P, Dakum PS, Adebamowo CA PloS one 30521595 PLoS One 2018
Classical HLA alleles are associated with prevalent and persistent cervical high-risk HPV infection in African women. Adebamowo SN, Adeyemo AA, ACCME Research Group as part of the H3Africa Consortium Human immunology 31072753 Hum Immunol 2019 Sep
The role of hospital-based cancer registries in low and middle income countries-The Nigerian Case Study. Jedy-Agba EE, Curado MP, Oga E, Samaila MO, Ezeome ER, Obiorah C, Erinomo OO, Ekanem IO, Uka C, Mayun A, Afolayan EA, Abiodun P, Olasode BJ, Omonisi A, Otu T, Osinubi P, Dakum P, Blattner W, Adebamowo CA Cancer epidemiology 22704971 Cancer Epidemiol 2012 Oct
Genomics of Cardiometabolic Disorders in Sub-Saharan Africa. Adebamowo SN, Tekola-Ayele F, Adeyemo AA, Rotimi CN Public health genomics 28482349 Public Health Genomics 2017
Dietary Intake and Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Critical Review of Epidemiological Studies. Bigman G, Otieno L, Adebamowo SN, Adebamowo C Nutrition and cancer 35102796 Nutr Cancer 2022
Epidemiology of uterine fibroid in black African women: a systematic scoping review. Morhason-Bello IO, Adebamowo CA BMJ open 35922099 BMJ Open 2022 Aug 3
Dataset for vaginal human papillomavirus infection among adolescent and early adult girls in Jos, Nigeria. Cosmas NT, Nimzing L, Egah DZ, Famooto OA, Adebamowo SN, Adebamowo CA BMC research notes 37838697 BMC Res Notes 2023 Oct 14
Characterization of CYP2D6 Pharmacogenetic Variation in Sub-Saharan African Populations. Twesigomwe D, Drögemöller BI, Wright GEB, Adebamowo C, Agongo G, Boua PR, Matshaba M, Paximadis M, Ramsay M, Simo G, Simuunza MC, Tiemessen CT, Lombard Z, Hazelhurst S Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 36111505 Clin Pharmacol Ther 2023 Mar
Population-based study of the reproductive risk factors for Transvaginal Ultrasound diagnosed Uterine Fibroids in Nigerian women. Adebamowo CA, Adebamowo SN, ACCME Research Group as part of the H3Africa Consortium Research square 37292609 Res Sq 2023 May 18
Genome, HLA and polygenic risk score analyses for prevalent and persistent cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Adebamowo SN, Adeyemo A, Adebayo A, Achara P, Alabi B, Bakare RA, Famooto AO, Obende K, Offiong R, Olaniyan O, Ologun S, Rotimi C, ACCME Research Group as part of the H3Africa Consortium, Adebamowo CA European journal of human genetics : EJHG 38200081 Eur J Hum Genet 2024 Jun
A meta-analysis of public microarray data identifies gene regulatory pathways deregulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from individuals with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus compared to those without. Kröger W, Mapiye D, Entfellner JD, Tiffin N BMC medical genomics 27846842 BMC Med Genomics 2016 Nov 15
Genomic approaches to the burden of kidney disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) Kidney Disease Research Network. Osafo C, Raji YR, Olanrewaju T, Mamven M, Arogundade F, Ajayi S, Ulasi I, Salako B, Plange-Rhule J, Mengistu Y, Mc'Ligeyo SO, Moturi G, Winkler CA, Moxey-Mims MM, Rasooly RS, Kimmel P, Adu D, Ojo A, Parekh RS, H3Africa Kidney Disease Research Network Kidney international 27312436 Kidney Int 2016 Jul
Informed consent and ethical re-use of African genomic data. Wright GE, Adeyemo AA, Tiffin N Human genomics 25339190 Hum Genomics 2014 Oct 22
Morphology and gene expression profiling provide complementary information for mapping cell state. Way GP, Natoli T, Adeboye A, Litichevskiy L, Yang A, Lu X, Caicedo JC, Cimini BA, Karhohs K, Logan DJ, Rohban MH, Kost-Alimova M, Hartland K, Bornholdt M, Chandrasekaran SN, Haghighi M, Weisbart E, Singh S, Subramanian A, Carpenter AE Cell systems 36395727 Cell Syst 2022 Nov 16
Precision nephrology identified tumor necrosis factor activation variability in minimal change disease and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Mariani LH, Eddy S, AlAkwaa FM, McCown PJ, Harder JL, Nair V, Eichinger F, Martini S, Ademola AD, Boima V, Reich HN, El Saghir J, Godfrey B, Ju W, Tanner EC, Vega-Warner V, Wys NL, Adler SG, Appel GB, Athavale A, Atkinson MA, Bagnasco SM, Barisoni L, Brown E, Cattran DC, Coppock GM, Dell KM, Derebail VK, Fervenza FC, Fornoni A, Gadegbeku CA, Gibson KL, Greenbaum LA, Hingorani SR, Hladunewich MA, Hodgin JB, Hogan MC, Holzman LB, Jefferson JA, Kaskel FJ, Kopp JB, Lafayette RA, Lemley KV, Lieske JC, Lin JJ, Menon R, Meyers KE, Nachman PH, Nast CC, O'Shaughnessy MM, Otto EA, Reidy KJ, Sambandam KK, Sedor JR, Sethna CB, Singer P, Srivastava T, Tran CL, Tuttle KR, Vento SM, Wang CS, Ojo AO, Adu D, Gipson DS, Trachtman H, Kretzler M Kidney international 36442540 Kidney Int 2023 Mar
Human Heredity and Health (H3) in Africa Kidney Disease Research Network: A Focus on Methods in Sub-Saharan Africa. Osafo C, Raji YR, Burke D, Tayo BO, Tiffin N, Moxey-Mims MM, Rasooly RS, Kimmel PL, Ojo A, Adu D, Parekh RS, H3Africa Kidney Disease Research Network Investigators as members of The H3Africa Consortium Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 26138261 Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2015 Dec 7
Association of body composition with odds of breast cancer by molecular subtype: analysis of the Mechanisms for Established and Novel Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Nigerian Women (MEND) study. Akinyemiju T, Jones K, Gupta A, Oyekunle T, Saraiya V, Deveaux A, Salako O, Hall A, Alatise O, Ogun G, Adeniyi A, Ayandipo O, Olajide T, Olasehinde O, Arowolo O, Adisa A, Afuwape O, Olusanya A, Adegoke A, Tollefsbol TO, Arnett D, H3 Africa Kidney Research Network, Daramola A BMC cancer 34563146 BMC Cancer 2021 Sep 25
APOL1 Bi- and Monoallelic Variants and Chronic Kidney Disease in West Africans. Gbadegesin RA, Ulasi I, Ajayi S, Raji Y, Olanrewaju T, Osafo C, Ademola AD, Asinobi A, Winkler CA, Burke D, Arogundade F, Ekem I, Plange-Rhule J, Mamven M, Matekole M, Amodu O, Cooper R, Antwi S, Adeyemo AA, Ilori TO, Adabayeri V, Nyarko A, Ghansah A, Amira T, Solarin A, Awobusuyi O, Kimmel PL, Brosius FC, Makusidi M, Odenigbo U, Kretzler M, Hodgin JB, Pollak MR, Boima V, Freedman BI, Palmer ND, Collins B, Phadnis M, Smith J, Agwai CI, Okoye O, Abdu A, Wilson J, Williams W, Salako BL, Parekh RS, Tayo B, Adu D, Ojo A, H3Africa Kidney Disease Research Network The New England journal of medicine 39465900 N Engl J Med 2025 Jan 16
HIV Viremia Is Associated With APOL1 Variants and Reduced JC-Viruria. Kruzel-Davila E, Sankofi BM, Kubi Amos-Abanyie E, Ghansah A, Nyarko A, Agyemang S, Awandare GA, Szwarcwort-Cohen M, Reiner-Benaim A, Hijazi B, Ulasi I, Raji YR, Boima V, Osafo C, May Adabayeri V, Matekole M, Olanrewaju TO, Ajayi S, Mamven M, Antwi S, Ademola AD, Plange-Rhule J, Arogundade F, Akyaw PA, Winkler CA, Salako BL, Ojo A, Skorecki K, Adu D Frontiers in medicine 34513880 Front Med (Lausanne) 2021
Association of lipid profile biomarkers with breast cancer by molecular subtype: analysis of the MEND study. Gupta A, Saraiya V, Deveaux A, Oyekunle T, Jackson KD, Salako O, Daramola A, Hall A, Alatise O, Ogun G, Adeniyi A, Ayandipo O, Olajide T, Olasehinde O, Arowolo O, Adisa A, Afuwape O, Olusanya A, Adegoke A, Tollefsbol TO, Arnett D, Muehlbauer MJ, Newgard CB, H3 Africa Kidney Research Network, Akinyemiju T Scientific reports 35739205 Sci Rep 2022 Jun 23
Association Between Perfluoroalkyl Substance Exposure and Renal Function in Children With CKD Enrolled in H3Africa Kidney Disease Research Network. Sood S, Ojo AO, Adu D, Kannan K, Ghassabian A, Koshy T, Vento SM, Pehrson LJ, Gilbert JF, Arogundade FA, Ademola AD, Salako BO, Raji Y, Osafo C, Antwi S, Trachtman H, Trasande L, H3Africa Kidney Disease Research Network Investigators Kidney international reports 31891007 Kidney Int Rep 2019 Nov
Cardiometabolic risk in a population of older adults with multiple co-morbidities in rural south africa: the HAALSI (Health and Aging in Africa: longitudinal studies of INDEPTH communities) study. Gaziano TA, Abrahams-Gessel S, Gomez-Olive FX, Wade A, Crowther NJ, Alam S, Manne-Goehler J, Kabudula CW, Wagner R, Rohr J, Montana L, Kahn K, Bärnighausen TW, Berkman LF, Tollman S BMC public health 28212629 BMC Public Health 2017 Feb 17
Autozygosity influences cardiometabolic disease-associated traits in the AWI-Gen sub-Saharan African study. Ceballos FC, Hazelhurst S, Clark DW, Agongo G, Asiki G, Boua PR, Xavier Gómez-Olivé F, Mashinya F, Norris S, Wilson JF, Ramsay M Nature communications 33188201 Nat Commun 2020 Nov 13
Candidate Gene Analysis Reveals Strong Association of CETP Variants With High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and PCSK9 Variants With Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Ghanaian Adults: An AWI-Gen Sub-Study. Agongo G, Amenga-Etego L, Nonterah EA, Debpuur C, Choudhury A, Bentley AR, Oduro AR, Rotimi CN, Crowther NJ, Ramsay M, AWI-Gen and H3Africa, H Africa Frontiers in genetics 33193594 Front Genet 2020
Blood Pressure Indices and Associated Risk Factors in a Rural West African Adult Population: Insights from an AWI-Gen Substudy in Ghana. Agongo G, Nonterah EA, Amenga-Etego L, Debpuur C, Kaburise MB, Ali SA, Crowther NJ, Ramsay M, Oduro AR International journal of hypertension 32395338 Int J Hypertens 2020
G6PD variant distribution in sub-Saharan Africa and potential risks of using chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine based treatments for COVID-19. da Rocha J, Othman H, Tiemessen CT, Botha G, Ramsay M, Masimirembwa C, Adebamowo C, Choudhury A, Brandenburg JT, Matshaba M, Simo G, Gamo FJ, Hazelhurst S, H3Africa Consortium medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 32577690 medRxiv 2020 Jun 2
Apolipoprotein E Genetic Variation and Its Association With Cognitive Function in Rural-Dwelling Older South Africans. Soo CC, Farrell MT, Tollman S, Berkman L, Nebel A, Ramsay M Frontiers in genetics 34721516 Front Genet 2021
Poor cardiovascular health is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in apparently healthy sub-Saharan African populations: an H3Africa AWI-Gen study. Nonterah EA, Crowther NJ, Oduro A, Agongo G, Micklesfield LK, Boua PR, Choma SSR, Mohamed SF, Sorgho H, Tollman SM, Norris SA, Raal FJ, Grobbee DE, Ramsay M, Bots ML, Klipstein-Grobusch K, as part of the H3Africa AWI-Gen study BMC medicine 33563289 BMC Med 2021 Feb 10
Multimorbidity from Chronic Conditions among Adults in Urban Slums: The AWI-Gen Nairobi Site Study Findings. Mohamed SF, Haregu TN, Uthman OA, Khayeka-Wandabwa C, Muthuri SK, Asiki G, Kyobutungi C, Gill P Global heart 33598386 Glob Heart 2021 Jan 20
Genetic substructure and complex demographic history of South African Bantu speakers. Sengupta D, Choudhury A, Fortes-Lima C, Aron S, Whitelaw G, Bostoen K, Gunnink H, Chousou-Polydouri N, Delius P, Tollman S, Gómez-Olivé FX, Norris S, Mashinya F, Alberts M, AWI-Gen Study, H3Africa Consortium, Hazelhurst S, Schlebusch CM, Ramsay M Nature communications 33828095 Nat Commun 2021 Apr 7
Carotid Atherosclerosis, Microalbuminuria, and Estimated 10-Year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nonterah EA, Boateng D, Crowther NJ, Klipstein-Grobusch K, Oduro AR, Agongo G, Mohamed SF, Boua PR, Choma SSR, Norris SA, Tollman SM, Bots ML, Ramsay M, Grobbee D JAMA network open 35471573 JAMA Netw Open 2022 Apr 1
Performing post-genome-wide association study analysis: overview, challenges and recommendations. Adam Y, Samtal C, Brandenburg JT, Falola O, Adebiyi E F1000Research 35222990 F1000Res 2021
Perspectives on returning individual and aggregate genomic research results to study participants and communities in Kenya: a qualitative study. Kisiangani I, Mohamed SF, Kyobutungi C, Tindana P, Ghansah A, Ramsay M, Asiki G BMC medical ethics 35300680 BMC Med Ethics 2022 Mar 18
Classical Cardiovascular Risk Factors and HIV are Associated With Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Adults From Sub-Saharan Africa: Findings From H3Africa AWI-Gen Study. Nonterah EA, Boua PR, Klipstein-Grobusch K, Asiki G, Micklesfield LK, Agongo G, Ali SA, Mashinya F, Sorgho H, Nakanabo-Diallo S, Debpuur C, Kyobutungi C, Alberts M, Norris S, Tollman S, Tinto H, Soo CC, Mukomana F, Hazelhurst S, Wade AN, Kahn K, Oduro AR, Grobbee DE, Sankoh O, Ramsay M, Bots ML, Crowther NJ, as members and collaborators of AWI‐Gen and the H3Africa Consortium Journal of the American Heart Association 31304842 J Am Heart Assoc 2019 Jul 16
Magnitude and predictors of normal-weight central obesity- the AWI-Gen study findings. Mohamed SF, Haregu TN, Khayeka-Wandabwa C, Muthuri SK, Kyobutungi C Global health action 31694493 Glob Health Action 2019
Body mass index and wealth index: positively correlated indicators of health and wealth inequalities in Nairobi slums. Haregu TN, Mohamed SF, Muthuri S, Khayeka-Wandabwa C, Kyobutungi C Global health, epidemiology and genomics 30263135 Glob Health Epidemiol Genom 2018
Estimating population level 24-h sodium excretion using spot urine samples in older adults in rural South Africa. Du Toit JD, Kapaon D, Crowther NJ, Abrahams-Gessel S, Fabian J, Kabudula CW, Wade AN, Tollman S, Gaziano TA Journal of hypertension 36583353 J Hypertens 2023 Feb 1
Cardiometabolic disease risk factors in pre- and postmenopausal women from four sub-Saharan African countries: A cross-sectional study. Chikwati RP, Mahyoodeen NG, Jaff NG, Ramsay M, Micklesfield LK, Wade AN, Agongo G, Asiki G, Choma SSR, Boua PR, George JA, Crowther NJ Maturitas 37116348 Maturitas 2023 Jun
Prevalence of and factors associated with high atherogenic index among adults in Nairobi urban informal settlements: The AWI-Gen study. Wambui D, Mohamed S, Asiki G PLOS global public health 36962293 PLOS Glob Public Health 2022
Implicating genes, pleiotropy, and sexual dimorphism at blood lipid loci through multi-ancestry meta-analysis. Kanoni S, Graham SE, Wang Y, Surakka I, Ramdas S, Zhu X, Clarke SL, Bhatti KF, Vedantam S, Winkler TW, Locke AE, Marouli E, Zajac GJM, Wu KH, Ntalla I, Hui Q, Klarin D, Hilliard AT, Wang Z, Xue C, Thorleifsson G, Helgadottir A, Gudbjartsson DF, Holm H, Olafsson I, Hwang MY, Han S, Akiyama M, Sakaue S, Terao C, Kanai M, Zhou W, Brumpton BM, Rasheed H, Havulinna AS, Veturi Y, Pacheco JA, Rosenthal EA, Lingren T, Feng Q, Kullo IJ, Narita A, Takayama J, Martin HC, Hunt KA, Trivedi B, Haessler J, Giulianini F, Bradford Y, Miller JE, Campbell A, Lin K, Millwood IY, Rasheed A, Hindy G, Faul JD, Zhao W, Weir DR, Turman C, Huang H, Graff M, Choudhury A, Sengupta D, Mahajan A, Brown MR, Zhang W, Yu K, Schmidt EM, Pandit A, Gustafsson S, Yin X, Luan J, Zhao JH, Matsuda F, Jang HM, Yoon K, Medina-Gomez C, Pitsillides A, Hottenga JJ, Wood AR, Ji Y, Gao Z, Haworth S, Yousri NA, Mitchell RE, Chai JF, Aadahl M, Bjerregaard AA, Yao J, Manichaikul A, Hwu CM, Hung YJ, Warren HR, Ramirez J, Bork-Jensen J, Kårhus LL, Goel A, Sabater-Lleal M, Noordam R, Mauro P, Matteo F, McDaid AF, Marques-Vidal P, Wielscher M, Trompet S, Sattar N, Møllehave LT, Munz M, Zeng L, Huang J, Yang B, Poveda A, Kurbasic A, Lamina C, Forer L, Scholz M, Galesloot TE, Bradfield JP, Ruotsalainen SE, Daw E, Zmuda JM, Mitchell JS, Fuchsberger C, Christensen H, Brody JA, Vazquez-Moreno M, Feitosa MF, Wojczynski MK, Wang Z, Preuss MH, Mangino M, Christofidou P, Verweij N, Benjamins JW, Engmann J, Tsao NL, Verma A, Slieker RC, Lo KS, Zilhao NR, Le P, Kleber ME, Delgado GE, Huo S, Ikeda DD, Iha H, Yang J, Liu J, Demirkan A, Leonard HL, Marten J, Frank M, Schmidt B, Smyth LJ, Cañadas-Garre M, Wang C, Nakatochi M, Wong A, Hutri-Kähönen N, Sim X, Xia R, Huerta-Chagoya A, Fernandez-Lopez JC, Lyssenko V, Nongmaithem SS, Bayyana S, Stringham HM, Irvin MR, Oldmeadow C, Kim HN, Ryu S, Timmers PRHJ, Arbeeva L, Dorajoo R, Lange LA, Prasad G, Lorés-Motta L, Pauper M, Long J, Li X, Theusch E, Takeuchi F, Spracklen CN, Loukola A, Bollepalli S, Warner SC, Wang YX, Wei WB, Nutile T, Ruggiero D, Sung YJ, Chen S, Liu F, Yang J, Kentistou KA, Banas B, Nardone GG, Meidtner K, Bielak LF, Smith JA, Hebbar P, Farmaki AE, Hofer E, Lin M, Concas MP, Vaccargiu S, van der Most PJ, Pitkänen N, Cade BE, van der Laan SW, Chitrala KN, Weiss S, Bentley AR, Doumatey AP, Adeyemo AA, Lee JY, Petersen ERB, Nielsen AA, Choi HS, Nethander M, Freitag-Wolf S, Southam L, Rayner NW, Wang CA, Lin SY, Wang JS, Couture C, Lyytikäinen LP, Nikus K, Cuellar-Partida G, Vestergaard H, Hidalgo B, Giannakopoulou O, Cai Q, Obura MO, van Setten J, Li X, Liang J, Tang H, Terzikhan N, Shin JH, Jackson RD, Reiner AP, Martin LW, Chen Z, Li L, Kawaguchi T, Thiery J, Bis JC, Launer LJ, Li H, Nalls MA, Raitakari OT, Ichihara S, Wild SH, Nelson CP, Campbell H, Jäger S, Nabika T, Al-Mulla F, Niinikoski H, Braund PS, Kolcic I, Kovacs P, Giardoglou T, Katsuya T, de Kleijn D, de Borst GJ, Kim EK, Adams HHH, Ikram MA, Zhu X, Asselbergs FW, Kraaijeveld AO, Beulens JWJ, Shu XO, Rallidis LS, Pedersen O, Hansen T, Mitchell P, Hewitt AW, Kähönen M, Pérusse L, Bouchard C, Tönjes A, Chen YI, Pennell CE, Mori TA, Lieb W, Franke A, Ohlsson C, Mellström D, Cho YS, Lee H, Yuan JM, Koh WP, Rhee SY, Woo JT, Heid IM, Stark KJ, Zimmermann ME, Völzke H, Homuth G, Evans MK, Zonderman AB, Polasek O, Pasterkamp G, Hoefer IE, Redline S, Pahkala K, Oldehinkel AJ, Snieder H, Biino G, Schmidt R, Schmidt H, Bandinelli S, Dedoussis G, Thanaraj TA, Kardia SLR, Peyser PA, Kato N, Schulze MB, Girotto G, Böger CA, Jung B, Joshi PK, Bennett DA, De Jager PL, Lu X, Mamakou V, Brown M, Caulfield MJ, Munroe PB, Guo X, Ciullo M, Jonas JB, Samani NJ, Kaprio J, Pajukanta P, Tusié-Luna T, Aguilar-Salinas CA, Adair LS, Bechayda SA, de Silva HJ, Wickremasinghe AR, Krauss RM, Wu JY, Zheng W, Hollander AI, Bharadwaj D, Correa A, Wilson JG, Lind L, Heng CK, Nelson AE, Golightly YM, Wilson JF, Penninx B, Kim HL, Attia J, Scott RJ, Rao DC, Arnett DK, Hunt SC, Walker M, Koistinen HA, Chandak GR, Mercader JM, Costanzo MC, Jang D, Burtt NP, Villalpando CG, Orozco L, Fornage M, Tai E, van Dam RM, Lehtimäki T, Chaturvedi N, Yokota M, Liu J, Reilly DF, McKnight AJ, Kee F, Jöckel KH, McCarthy MI, Palmer CNA, Vitart V, Hayward C, Simonsick E, van Duijn CM, Jin ZB, Qu J, Hishigaki H, Lin X, März W, Gudnason V, Tardif JC, Lettre G, Hart LM', Elders PJM, Damrauer SM, Kumari M, Kivimaki M, van der Harst P, Spector TD, Loos RJF, Province MA, Parra EJ, Cruz M, Psaty BM, Brandslund I, Pramstaller PP, Rotimi CN, Christensen K, Ripatti S, Widén E, Hakonarson H, Grant SFA, Kiemeney LALM, de Graaf J, Loeffler M, Kronenberg F, Gu D, Erdmann J, Schunkert H, Franks PW, Linneberg A, Jukema JW, Khera AV, Männikkö M, Jarvelin MR, Kutalik Z, Francesco C, Mook-Kanamori DO, van Dijk KW, Watkins H, Strachan DP, Grarup N, Sever P, Poulter N, Chuang LM, Rotter JI, Dantoft TM, Karpe F, Neville MJ, Timpson NJ, Cheng CY, Wong TY, Khor CC, Li H, Sabanayagam C, Peters A, Gieger C, Hattersley AT, Pedersen NL, Magnusson PKE, Boomsma DI, Willemsen AHM, Cupples L, van Meurs JBJ, Ghanbari M, Gordon-Larsen P, Huang W, Kim YJ, Tabara Y, Wareham NJ, Langenberg C, Zeggini E, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Ingelsson E, Abecasis G, Chambers JC, Kooner JS, de Vries PS, Morrison AC, Hazelhurst S, Ramsay M, North KE, Daviglus M, Kraft P, Martin NG, Whitfield JB, Abbas S, Saleheen D, Walters RG, Holmes MV, Black C, Smith BH, Baras A, Justice AE, Buring JE, Ridker PM, Chasman DI, Kooperberg C, Tamiya G, Yamamoto M, van Heel DA, Trembath RC, Wei WQ, Jarvik GP, Namjou B, Hayes MG, Ritchie MD, Jousilahti P, Salomaa V, Hveem K, Åsvold BO, Kubo M, Kamatani Y, Okada Y, Murakami Y, Kim BJ, Thorsteinsdottir U, Stefansson K, Zhang J, Chen Y, Ho YL, Lynch JA, Rader DJ, Tsao PS, Chang KM, Cho K, O'Donnell CJ, Gaziano JM, Wilson PWF, Frayling TM, Hirschhorn JN, Kathiresan S, Mohlke KL, Sun YV, Morris AP, Boehnke M, Brown CD, Natarajan P, Deloukas P, Willer CJ, Assimes TL, Peloso GM Genome biology 36575460 Genome Biol 2022 Dec 27
Genome-wide Association Study Meta-analysis of Blood Pressure Traits and Hypertension in Sub-Saharan African Populations: An AWI-Gen Study. Singh S, Choudhury A, Hazelhurst S, Crowther N, Boua P, Sorgho H, Agongo G, Nonterah E, Micklesfield L, Norris S, Kisiangani I, Mohamed S, Gomez-Olive F, Tollman S, Choma S, Brandenburg JT, Ramsay M Research square 36824767 Res Sq 2023 Feb 13
Identifying the prevalence and correlates of multimorbidity in middle-aged men and women: a cross-sectional population-based study in four African countries. Micklesfield LK, Munthali R, Agongo G, Asiki G, Boua P, Choma SS, Crowther NJ, Fabian J, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kabudula C, Maimela E, Mohamed SF, Nonterah EA, Raal FJ, Sorgho H, Tluway FD, Wade AN, Norris SA, Ramsay M, as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium BMJ open 36918238 BMJ Open 2023 Mar 14
Characterization of CYP2C19 pharmacogenetic variation in African populations and comparison with other global populations. Booyse RP, Twesigomwe D, Hazelhurst S Pharmacogenomics 37929326 Pharmacogenomics 2023 Nov
Genetic association and transferability for urinary albumin-creatinine ratio as a marker of kidney disease in four Sub-Saharan African populations and non-continental individuals of African ancestry. Brandenburg JT, Chen WC, Boua PR, Govender MA, Agongo G, Micklesfield LK, Sorgho H, Tollman S, Asiki G, Mashinya F, Hazelhurst S, Morris AP, Fabian J, Ramsay M Frontiers in genetics 38812969 Front Genet 2024
Variability of polygenic prediction for body mass index in Africa. Chikowore T, Läll K, Micklesfield LK, Lombard Z, Goedecke JH, Fatumo S, Norris SA, Magi R, Ramsay M, Franks PW, Pare G, Morris AP Genome medicine 38816834 Genome Med 2024 May 30
Genome-wide association study meta-analysis of blood pressure traits and hypertension in sub-Saharan African populations: an AWI-Gen study. Singh S, Choudhury A, Hazelhurst S, Crowther NJ, Boua PR, Sorgho H, Agongo G, Nonterah EA, Micklesfield LK, Norris SA, Kisiangani I, Mohamed S, Gómez-Olivé FX, Tollman SM, Choma S, Brandenburg JT, Ramsay M Nature communications 38104120 Nat Commun 2023 Dec 16
Expanding the human gut microbiome atlas of Africa. Maghini DG, Oduaran OH, Olubayo LAI, Cook JA, Smyth N, Mathema T, Belger CW, Agongo G, Boua PR, Choma SSR, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kisiangani I, Mashaba GR, Micklesfield L, Mohamed SF, Nonterah EA, Norris S, Sorgho H, Tollman S, Wafawanaka F, Tluway F, Ramsay M, Wirbel J, AWI-Gen 2 Collaborative Centre, Bhatt AS, Hazelhurst S Nature 39880958 Nature 2025 Feb
Obesity phenotypes and dyslipidemia in adults from four African countries: An H3Africa AWI-Gen study. Nonterah EA, Agongo G, Crowther NJ, Mohamed SF, Micklesfield LK, Boua PR, Wade AN, Choma SSR, Sorgho H, Kissiangani I, Asiki G, Ansah P, Oduro AR, Norris SA, Tollman SM, Raal FJ, Alberts M, Ramsay M, as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium PloS one 39883633 PLoS One 2025
H3Africa AWI-Gen Collaborative Centre: a resource to study the interplay between genomic and environmental risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases in four sub-Saharan African countries. Ramsay M, Crowther N, Tambo E, Agongo G, Baloyi V, Dikotope S, Gómez-Olivé X, Jaff N, Sorgho H, Wagner R, Khayeka-Wandabwa C, Choudhury A, Hazelhurst S, Kahn K, Lombard Z, Mukomana F, Soo C, Soodyall H, Wade A, Afolabi S, Agorinya I, Amenga-Etego L, Ali SA, Bognini JD, Boua RP, Debpuur C, Diallo S, Fato E, Kazienga A, Konkobo SZ, Kouraogo PM, Mashinya F, Micklesfield L, Nakanabo-Diallo S, Njamwea B, Nonterah E, Ouedraogo S, Pillay V, Somande AM, Tindana P, Twine R, Alberts M, Kyobutungi C, Norris SA, Oduro AR, Tinto H, Tollman S, Sankoh O Global health, epidemiology and genomics 29276616 Glob Health Epidemiol Genom 2016
Targeted ultra-deep sequencing of a South African Bantu-speaking cohort to comprehensively map and characterize common and novel variants in 65 pharmacologically-related genes. Tshabalala S, Choudhury A, Beeton-Kempen N, Martinson N, Ramsay M, Mancama D Pharmacogenetics and genomics 31162291 Pharmacogenet Genomics 2019 Sep
Insights into the genetics of blood pressure in black South African individuals: the Birth to Twenty cohort. Hendry LM, Sahibdeen V, Choudhury A, Norris SA, Ramsay M, Lombard Z, of the AWI-Gen study and as members of the H3Africa Consortium BMC medical genomics 29343252 BMC Med Genomics 2018 Jan 17
Rules of engagement: perspectives on stakeholder engagement for genomic biobanking research in South Africa. Staunton C, Tindana P, Hendricks M, Moodley K BMC medical ethics 29482536 BMC Med Ethics 2018 Feb 27
Correction: The burden of dyslipidaemia and factors associated with lipid levels among adults in rural northern Ghana: An AWI-Gen sub-study. Agongo G, Nonterah EA, Debpuur C, Amenga-Etego L, Ali S, Oduro A, Crowther NJ, Ramsay M, as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium PloS one 30811505 PLoS One 2019
Patterns of adult body mass in sub-Saharan Africa. Nyirenda MJ, Ramsay M, Byass P Global health action 30845897 Glob Health Action 2018
Genetic variants in SEC16B are associated with body composition in black South Africans. Sahibdeen V, Crowther NJ, Soodyall H, Hendry LM, Munthali RJ, Hazelhurst S, Choudhury A, Norris SA, Ramsay M, Lombard Z Nutrition & diabetes 30026463 Nutr Diabetes 2018 Jul 19
Genetic risk score for adult body mass index associations with childhood and adolescent weight gain in an African population. Munthali RJ, Sahibdeen V, Kagura J, Hendry LM, Norris SA, Ong KK, Day FR, Lombard Z Genes & nutrition 30123368 Genes Nutr 2018
Targeted sequencing identifies a missense variant in the BEST3 gene associated with antihypertensive response to hydrochlorothiazide. Singh S, Wang Z, Shahin MH, Langaee TY, Gong Y, Turner ST, Chapman AB, Gums JG, McDonough CW, Bailey KR, Beitelshees AL, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Scherer S, Boerwinkle E, Johnson JA Pharmacogenetics and genomics 30289819 Pharmacogenet Genomics 2018 Nov
Gender differences in sociodemographic and behavioural factors associated with BMI in an adult population in rural Burkina Faso - an AWI-Gen sub-study. Boua RP, Sorgho H, Rouamba T, Nakanabo Diallo S, Bognini JD, Konkobo SZ, Valia D, Lingani M, Ouoba S, Tougma AS, Bihoun B, Crowther NJ, Norris SA, Ramsay M, Tinto H, as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium Global health action 30311555 Glob Health Action 2018
Sociodemographic, socioeconomic, clinical and behavioural predictors of body mass index vary by sex in rural South African adults-findings from the AWI-Gen study. Wagner RG, Crowther NJ, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kabudula C, Kahn K, Mhembere M, Myakayaka Z, Tollman S, Wade AN, as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium Global health action 30499746 Glob Health Action 2018
African genetic diversity provides novel insights into evolutionary history and local adaptations. Choudhury A, Aron S, Sengupta D, Hazelhurst S, Ramsay M Human molecular genetics 29741686 Hum Mol Genet 2018 Aug 1
Sociodemographic and behavioural factors associated with body mass index among men and women in Nairobi slums: AWI-Gen Project. Asiki G, Mohamed SF, Wambui D, Wainana C, Muthuri S, Ramsay M, Kyobutungi C, as members of AWI-Gen the H3Africa Consortium Global health action 29966508 Glob Health Action 2018
Socio-demographic and behavioural determinants of body mass index among an adult population in rural Northern Ghana: the AWI-Gen study. Nonterah EA, Debpuur C, Agongo G, Amenga-Etego L, Crowther NJ, Ramsay M, Rexford Oduro A, as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium Global health action 29992851 Glob Health Action 2018
Assessing computational genomics skills: Our experience in the H3ABioNet African bioinformatics network. Jongeneel CV, Achinike-Oduaran O, Adebiyi E, Adebiyi M, Adeyemi S, Akanle B, Aron S, Ashano E, Bendou H, Botha G, Chimusa E, Choudhury A, Donthu R, Drnevich J, Falola O, Fields CJ, Hazelhurst S, Hendry L, Isewon I, Khetani RS, Kumuthini J, Kimuda MP, Magosi L, Mainzer LS, Maslamoney S, Mbiyavanga M, Meintjes A, Mugutso D, Mpangase P, Munthali R, Nembaware V, Ndhlovu A, Odia T, Okafor A, Oladipo O, Panji S, Pillay V, Rendon G, Sengupta D, Mulder N PLoS computational biology 28570565 PLoS Comput Biol 2017 Jun
H3AGWAS: a portable workflow for genome wide association studies. Brandenburg JT, Clark L, Botha G, Panji S, Baichoo S, Fields C, Hazelhurst S BMC bioinformatics 36402955 BMC Bioinformatics 2022 Nov 19
Apolipoprotein L1 High-Risk Genotypes and Albuminuria in Sub-Saharan African Populations. Brandenburg JT, Govender MA, Winkler CA, Boua PR, Agongo G, Fabian J, Ramsay M Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 35577564 Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2022 Jun
A multi-layer functional genomic analysis to understand noncoding genetic variation in lipids. Ramdas S, Judd J, Graham SE, Kanoni S, Wang Y, Surakka I, Wenz B, Clarke SL, Chesi A, Wells A, Bhatti KF, Vedantam S, Winkler TW, Locke AE, Marouli E, Zajac GJM, Wu KH, Ntalla I, Hui Q, Klarin D, Hilliard AT, Wang Z, Xue C, Thorleifsson G, Helgadottir A, Gudbjartsson DF, Holm H, Olafsson I, Hwang MY, Han S, Akiyama M, Sakaue S, Terao C, Kanai M, Zhou W, Brumpton BM, Rasheed H, Havulinna AS, Veturi Y, Pacheco JA, Rosenthal EA, Lingren T, Feng Q, Kullo IJ, Narita A, Takayama J, Martin HC, Hunt KA, Trivedi B, Haessler J, Giulianini F, Bradford Y, Miller JE, Campbell A, Lin K, Millwood IY, Rasheed A, Hindy G, Faul JD, Zhao W, Weir DR, Turman C, Huang H, Graff M, Choudhury A, Sengupta D, Mahajan A, Brown MR, Zhang W, Yu K, Schmidt EM, Pandit A, Gustafsson S, Yin X, Luan J, Zhao JH, Matsuda F, Jang HM, Yoon K, Medina-Gomez C, Pitsillides A, Hottenga JJ, Wood AR, Ji Y, Gao Z, Haworth S, Mitchell RE, Chai JF, Aadahl M, Bjerregaard AA, Yao J, Manichaikul A, Lee WJ, Hsiung CA, Warren HR, Ramirez J, Bork-Jensen J, Kårhus LL, Goel A, Sabater-Lleal M, Noordam R, Mauro P, Matteo F, McDaid AF, Marques-Vidal P, Wielscher M, Trompet S, Sattar N, Møllehave LT, Munz M, Zeng L, Huang J, Yang B, Poveda A, Kurbasic A, Schönherr S, Forer L, Scholz M, Galesloot TE, Bradfield JP, Ruotsalainen SE, Daw EW, Zmuda JM, Mitchell JS, Fuchsberger C, Christensen H, Brody JA, Le P, Feitosa MF, Wojczynski MK, Hemerich D, Preuss M, Mangino M, Christofidou P, Verweij N, Benjamins JW, Engmann J, Noah TL, Verma A, Slieker RC, Lo KS, Zilhao NR, Kleber ME, Delgado GE, Huo S, Ikeda DD, Iha H, Yang J, Liu J, Demirkan A, Leonard HL, Marten J, Emmel C, Schmidt B, Smyth LJ, Cañadas-Garre M, Wang C, Nakatochi M, Wong A, Hutri-Kähönen N, Sim X, Xia R, Huerta-Chagoya A, Fernandez-Lopez JC, Lyssenko V, Nongmaithem SS, Sankareswaran A, Irvin MR, Oldmeadow C, Kim HN, Ryu S, Timmers PRHJ, Arbeeva L, Dorajoo R, Lange LA, Prasad G, Lorés-Motta L, Pauper M, Long J, Li X, Theusch E, Takeuchi F, Spracklen CN, Loukola A, Bollepalli S, Warner SC, Wang YX, Wei WB, Nutile T, Ruggiero D, Sung YJ, Chen S, Liu F, Yang J, Kentistou KA, Banas B, Morgan A, Meidtner K, Bielak LF, Smith JA, Hebbar P, Farmaki AE, Hofer E, Lin M, Concas MP, Vaccargiu S, van der Most PJ, Pitkänen N, Cade BE, van der Laan SW, Chitrala KN, Weiss S, Bentley AR, Doumatey AP, Adeyemo AA, Lee JY, Petersen ERB, Nielsen AA, Choi HS, Nethander M, Freitag-Wolf S, Southam L, Rayner NW, Wang CA, Lin SY, Wang JS, Couture C, Lyytikäinen LP, Nikus K, Cuellar-Partida G, Vestergaard H, Hidalgo B, Giannakopoulou O, Cai Q, Obura MO, van Setten J, He KY, Tang H, Terzikhan N, Shin JH, Jackson RD, Reiner AP, Martin LW, Chen Z, Li L, Kawaguchi T, Thiery J, Bis JC, Launer LJ, Li H, Nalls MA, Raitakari OT, Ichihara S, Wild SH, Nelson CP, Campbell H, Jäger S, Nabika T, Al-Mulla F, Niinikoski H, Braund PS, Kolcic I, Kovacs P, Giardoglou T, Katsuya T, de Kleijn D, de Borst GJ, Kim EK, Adams HHH, Ikram MA, Zhu X, Asselbergs FW, Kraaijeveld AO, Beulens JWJ, Shu XO, Rallidis LS, Pedersen O, Hansen T, Mitchell P, Hewitt AW, Kähönen M, Pérusse L, Bouchard C, Tönjes A, Ida Chen YD, Pennell CE, Mori TA, Lieb W, Franke A, Ohlsson C, Mellström D, Cho YS, Lee H, Yuan JM, Koh WP, Rhee SY, Woo JT, Heid IM, Stark KJ, Zimmermann ME, Völzke H, Homuth G, Evans MK, Zonderman AB, Polasek O, Pasterkamp G, Hoefer IE, Redline S, Pahkala K, Oldehinkel AJ, Snieder H, Biino G, Schmidt R, Schmidt H, Bandinelli S, Dedoussis G, Thanaraj TA, Peyser PA, Kato N, Schulze MB, Girotto G, Böger CA, Jung B, Joshi PK, Bennett DA, De Jager PL, Lu X, Mamakou V, Brown M, Caulfield MJ, Munroe PB, Guo X, Ciullo M, Jonas JB, Samani NJ, Kaprio J, Pajukanta P, Tusié-Luna T, Aguilar-Salinas CA, Adair LS, Bechayda SA, de Silva HJ, Wickremasinghe AR, Krauss RM, Wu JY, Zheng W, den Hollander AI, Bharadwaj D, Correa A, Wilson JG, Lind L, Heng CK, Nelson AE, Golightly YM, Wilson JF, Penninx B, Kim HL, Attia J, Scott RJ, Rao DC, Arnett DK, Walker M, Scott LJ, Koistinen HA, Chandak GR, Mercader JM, Villalpando CG, Orozco L, Fornage M, Tai ES, van Dam RM, Lehtimäki T, Chaturvedi N, Yokota M, Liu J, Reilly DF, McKnight AJ, Kee F, Jöckel KH, McCarthy MI, Palmer CNA, Vitart V, Hayward C, Simonsick E, van Duijn CM, Jin ZB, Lu F, Hishigaki H, Lin X, März W, Gudnason V, Tardif JC, Lettre G, T Hart LM, Elders PJM, Rader DJ, Damrauer SM, Kumari M, Kivimaki M, van der Harst P, Spector TD, Loos RJF, Province MA, Parra EJ, Cruz M, Psaty BM, Brandslund I, Pramstaller PP, Rotimi CN, Christensen K, Ripatti S, Widén E, Hakonarson H, Grant SFA, Kiemeney L, de Graaf J, Loeffler M, Kronenberg F, Gu D, Erdmann J, Schunkert H, Franks PW, Linneberg A, Jukema JW, Khera AV, Männikkö M, Jarvelin MR, Kutalik Z, Francesco C, Mook-Kanamori DO, Willems van Dijk K, Watkins H, Strachan DP, Grarup N, Sever P, Poulter N, Huey-Herng Sheu W, Rotter JI, Dantoft TM, Karpe F, Neville MJ, Timpson NJ, Cheng CY, Wong TY, Khor CC, Li H, Sabanayagam C, Peters A, Gieger C, Hattersley AT, Pedersen NL, Magnusson PKE, Boomsma DI, de Geus EJC, Cupples LA, van Meurs JBJ, Ikram A, Ghanbari M, Gordon-Larsen P, Huang W, Kim YJ, Tabara Y, Wareham NJ, Langenberg C, Zeggini E, Tuomilehto J, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Ingelsson E, Abecasis G, Chambers JC, Kooner JS, de Vries PS, Morrison AC, Hazelhurst S, Ramsay M, North KE, Daviglus M, Kraft P, Martin NG, Whitfield JB, Abbas S, Saleheen D, Walters RG, Holmes MV, Black C, Smith BH, Baras A, Justice AE, Buring JE, Ridker PM, Chasman DI, Kooperberg C, Tamiya G, Yamamoto M, van Heel DA, Trembath RC, Wei WQ, Jarvik GP, Namjou B, Hayes MG, Ritchie MD, Jousilahti P, Salomaa V, Hveem K, Åsvold BO, Kubo M, Kamatani Y, Okada Y, Murakami Y, Kim BJ, Thorsteinsdottir U, Stefansson K, Zhang J, Chen YE, Ho YL, Lynch JA, Tsao PS, Chang KM, Cho K, O'Donnell CJ, Gaziano JM, Wilson P, Mohlke KL, Frayling TM, Hirschhorn JN, Kathiresan S, Boehnke M, Million Veterans Program, Global Lipids Genetics Consortium, Struan Grant, Natarajan P, Sun YV, Morris AP, Deloukas P, Peloso G, Assimes TL, Willer CJ, Zhu X, Brown CD American journal of human genetics 35931049 Am J Hum Genet 2022 Aug 4
The double-edged role of accessed status on health and well-being among middle- and older-age adults in rural South Africa: The HAALSI study. Yu ST, Houle B, Manderson L, Jennings EA, Tollman SM, Berkman LF, Harling G SSM - population health 35855969 SSM Popul Health 2022 Sep
Characterization of POR haplotype distribution in African populations and comparison with other global populations. Booyse RP, Twesigomwe D, Hazelhurst S Pharmacogenomics 36043428 Pharmacogenomics 2022 Sep
C679X loss-of-function PCSK9 variant is associated with lower fasting glucose in black South African adolescents: Birth to Twenty Plus Cohort. Chikowore T, Sahibdeen V, Hendry LM, Norris SA, Goedecke JH, Micklesfield LK, Lombard Z Journal of clinical & translational endocrinology 30899674 J Clin Transl Endocrinol 2019 Jun
Prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension in people with comorbidities in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Mohamed SF, Uthman OA, Mutua MK, Asiki G, Abba MS, Gill P BMJ open 34903530 BMJ Open 2021 Dec 13
Adiposity Phenotypes and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Adults from Sub-Saharan Africa: An H3Africa AWI-Gen Study. Nonterah EA, Bots ML, Oduro A, Agongo G, Soo CC, Micklesfield LK, Mashinya F, Boua PR, Mohamed SF, Wade AN, Kyobutungi C, Tinto H, Norris SA, Tollman SM, Ramsay M, Grobbee DE, Klipstein-Grobusch K, Crowther NJ, AWI–Gen and the H3Africa Consortium Global heart 33833943 Glob Heart 2021 Mar 19
Improvements in Hypertension Control in the Rural Longitudinal HAALSI Cohort of South African Adults Aged 40 and Older, From 2014 to 2019. Abrahams-Gessel S, Gómez-Olivé FX, Tollman S, Wade AN, Du Toit JD, Ferro EG, Kabudula CW, Gaziano TA American journal of hypertension 36857463 Am J Hypertens 2023 May 21
Physical Activity and Its Association With Body Mass Index: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in Middle-Aged Adults From 4 Sub-Saharan African Countries. Muti M, Ware LJ, Micklesfield LK, Ramsay M, Agongo G, Boua PR, Kisiangani I, Cook I, Gómez-Olivé FX, Crowther NJ, Kabudula C, Norris SA, Chikowore T Journal of physical activity & health 36746155 J Phys Act Health 2023 Mar 1
Equitable partnerships and the path to inclusive, innovative and impactful human microbiome research. Oduaran OH, Bhatt AS Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology 36171273 Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2022 Nov
Non-HDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C are associated with self-reported cardiovascular disease in a rural West African population: Analysis of an array of lipid metrics in an AWI-Gen sub-study. Agongo G, Raal F, Nonterah EA, Debpuur C, Oduro AR, Ramsay M, Crowther NJ PloS one 36477684 PLoS One 2022
Computation of Socio-Economic Status in the AWI-Gen Project. Hazelhurst S, Boua P, Choudhury A, Madala S, Sengupta D, Tluway F, Ramsay M medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 39228720 medRxiv 2024 Aug 22
Carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) in adults in the AWI-Gen Nairobi site study: Profiles and predictors. Mohamed SF, Khayeka-Wandabwa C, Muthuri S, Ngomi NN, Kyobutungi C, Haregu TN Hipertension y riesgo vascular 36153304 Hipertens Riesgo Vasc 2023 Jan-Mar
Expanding the human gut microbiome atlas of Africa. Maghini DG, Oduaran OH, Wirbel J, Olubayo LAI, Smyth N, Mathema T, Belger CW, Agongo G, Boua PR, Choma SS, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kisiangani I, Mashaba GR, Micklesfield L, Mohamed SF, Nonterah EA, Norris S, Sorgho H, Tollman S, Wafawanaka F, Tluway F, Ramsay M, Bhatt AS, Hazelhurst S bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38559015 bioRxiv 2024 Mar 14
Postprandial glucose variability and clusters of sex hormones, liver enzymes, and cardiometabolic factors in a South African cohort of African ancestry. Masango B, Goedecke JH, Ramsay M, Storbeck KH, Micklesfield LK, Chikowore T BMJ open diabetes research & care 38453238 BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2024 Mar 7
A Longitudinal Cohort Assessing the Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Progression and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Rural Black South African Community. Mashaba GR, Phoswa WN, Lebelo SL, Choma SSR, Maimela E, Mokgalaboni K Journal of clinical medicine 39941702 J Clin Med 2025 Feb 6
Genome-wide association study identifying novel risk variants associated with glycaemic traits in the continental African AWI-Gen cohort. Chebii VJ, Wade AN, Crowther NJ, Nonterah EA, Agongo G, Simayi Z, Boua PR, Kisiangani I, Ramsay M, Choudhury A, Sengupta D, as members of the H3Africa AWI-Gen study Diabetologia 40025146 Diabetologia 2025 Mar 1
The optimal WC cut-off points for the prediction of subclinical CVD as measured by carotid intima-media thickness among African adults: a cross-sectional study. Ringane MC, Choma SSR BMC cardiovascular disorders 34852773 BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2021 Dec 1
Genetic associations with carotid intima-media thickness link to atherosclerosis with sex-specific effects in sub-Saharan Africans. Boua PR, Brandenburg JT, Choudhury A, Sorgho H, Nonterah EA, Agongo G, Asiki G, Micklesfield L, Choma S, Gómez-Olivé FX, Hazelhurst S, Tinto H, Crowther NJ, Mathew CG, Ramsay M, AWI-Gen Study, H3Africa Consortium Nature communications 35165267 Nat Commun 2022 Feb 14
Short- and long-read metagenomics of urban and rural South African gut microbiomes reveal a transitional composition and undescribed taxa. Tamburini FB, Maghini D, Oduaran OH, Brewster R, Hulley MR, Sahibdeen V, Norris SA, Tollman S, Kahn K, Wagner RG, Wade AN, Wafawanaka F, Gómez-Olivé FX, Twine R, Lombard Z, H3Africa AWI-Gen Collaborative Centre, Hazelhurst S, Bhatt AS Nature communications 35194028 Nat Commun 2022 Feb 22
Meta-analysis of sub-Saharan African studies provides insights into genetic architecture of lipid traits. Choudhury A, Brandenburg JT, Chikowore T, Sengupta D, Boua PR, Crowther NJ, Agongo G, Asiki G, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kisiangani I, Maimela E, Masemola-Maphutha M, Micklesfield LK, Nonterah EA, Norris SA, Sorgho H, Tinto H, Tollman S, Graham SE, Willer CJ, AWI-Gen study, H3Africa Consortium, Hazelhurst S, Ramsay M Nature communications 35546142 Nat Commun 2022 May 11
Associations Between CYP17A1 and SERPINA6/A1 Polymorphisms, and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Black South Africans. Dlamini SN, Choudhury A, Ramsay M, Micklesfield LK, Norris SA, Crowther NJ, Crawford AA, Walker BR, Lombard Z, Goedecke JH Frontiers in genetics 34484290 Front Genet 2021
Ethical issues in genomic research on the African continent: experiences and challenges to ethics review committees. Ramsay M, de Vries J, Soodyall H, Norris SA, Sankoh O, aH3Africa Consortium Human genomics 25145346 Hum Genomics 2014 Aug 21
Population Stratification and Underrepresentation of Indian Subcontinent Genetic Diversity in the 1000 Genomes Project Dataset. Sengupta D, Choudhury A, Basu A, Ramsay M Genome biology and evolution 27797945 Genome Biol Evol 2016 Dec 31
Regional and sex-specific variation in BMI distribution in four sub-Saharan African countries: The H3Africa AWI-Gen study. Ramsay M, Crowther NJ, Agongo G, Ali SA, Asiki G, Boua RP, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kahn K, Khayeka-Wandabwa C, Mashinya F, Micklesfield L, Mukomana F, Nonterah EA, Soo C, Sorgho H, Wade AN, Wagner RG, Alberts M, Hazelhurst S, Kyobutungi C, Norris SA, Oduro AR, Sankoh O, Tinto H, Tollman S, as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium Global health action 30845902 Glob Health Action 2018
Associations between sleep parameters, non-communicable diseases, HIV status and medications in older, rural South Africans. Gómez-Olivé FX, Rohr JK, Roden LC, Rae DE, von Schantz M Scientific reports 30470764 Sci Rep 2018 Nov 23
The burden of dyslipidaemia and factors associated with lipid levels among adults in rural northern Ghana: An AWI-Gen sub-study. Agongo G, Nonterah EA, Debpuur C, Amenga-Etego L, Ali S, Oduro A, Crowther NJ, Ramsay M, as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium PloS one 30485283 PLoS One 2018
Determinants of body mass index by gender in the Dikgale Health and Demographic Surveillance System site, South Africa. Mashinya F, Alberts M, Cook I, Ntuli S Global health action 30392446 Glob Health Action 2018
Runs of homozygosity: windows into population history and trait architecture. Ceballos FC, Joshi PK, Clark DW, Ramsay M, Wilson JF Nature reviews. Genetics 29335644 Nat Rev Genet 2018 Apr
Genomic and environmental risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases in Africa: methods used for Phase 1 of the AWI-Gen population cross-sectional study. Ali SA, Soo C, Agongo G, Alberts M, Amenga-Etego L, Boua RP, Choudhury A, Crowther NJ, Depuur C, Gómez-Olivé FX, Guiraud I, Haregu TN, Hazelhurst S, Kahn K, Khayeka-Wandabwa C, Kyobutungi C, Lombard Z, Mashinya F, Micklesfield L, Mohamed SF, Mukomana F, Nakanabo-Diallo S, Natama HM, Ngomi N, Nonterah EA, Norris SA, Oduro AR, Somé AM, Sorgho H, Tindana P, Tinto H, Tollman S, Twine R, Wade A, Sankoh O, Ramsay M Global health action 30259792 Glob Health Action 2018
Exploring genetic markers of adult obesity risk in black adolescent South Africans-the Birth to Twenty Cohort. Pillay V, Crowther NJ, Ramsay M, Smith GD, Norris SA, Lombard Z Nutrition & diabetes 26075635 Nutr Diabetes 2015 Jun 15
Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of tobacco and alcohol use in four sub-Saharan African countries: a cross-sectional study of middle-aged adults. Boua PR, Soo CC, Debpuur C, Maposa I, Nkoana S, Mohamed SF, Choma S, Oduro A, Asiki G, Micklesfield LK, Gómez-Olivé FX, Sorgho H, Mall S, Ramsay M, as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium BMC public health 34118914 BMC Public Health 2021 Jun 12
Estimating the burden of cardiovascular risk in community dwellers over 40 years old in South Africa, Kenya, Burkina Faso and Ghana. Wagner RG, Crowther NJ, Micklesfield LK, Boua PR, Nonterah EA, Mashinya F, Mohamed SF, Asiki G, Tollman S, Ramsay M, Davies JI BMJ global health 33479017 BMJ Glob Health 2021 Jan
G6PD distribution in sub-Saharan Africa and potential risks of using chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine based treatments for COVID-19. da Rocha JEB, Othman H, Tiemessen CT, Botha G, Ramsay M, Masimirembwa C, Adebamowo C, Choudhury A, Brandenburg JT, Matshaba M, Simo G, Gamo FJ, Hazelhurst S, as members of the H3Africa Consortium The pharmacogenomics journal 34302047 Pharmacogenomics J 2021 Dec
Gut microbiome profiling of a rural and urban South African cohort reveals biomarkers of a population in lifestyle transition. Oduaran OH, Tamburini FB, Sahibdeen V, Brewster R, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kahn K, Norris SA, Tollman SM, Twine R, Wade AN, Wagner RG, Lombard Z, Bhatt AS, Hazelhurst S BMC microbiology 33129264 BMC Microbiol 2020 Oct 31
Community engagement and feedback of results in the H3Africa AWI-Gen project: Experiences from the Navrongo Demographic and Health Surveillance site in Northern Ghana. Agongo G, Debpuur C, Amenga-Etego L, Nonterah EA, Kaburise MB, Oduro A, Ramsay M, Tindana P AAS open research 33959702 AAS Open Res 2021
Whole-genome sequencing for an enhanced understanding of genetic variation among South Africans. Choudhury A, Ramsay M, Hazelhurst S, Aron S, Bardien S, Botha G, Chimusa ER, Christoffels A, Gamieldien J, Sefid-Dashti MJ, Joubert F, Meintjes A, Mulder N, Ramesar R, Rees J, Scholtz K, Sengupta D, Soodyall H, Venter P, Warnich L, Pepper MS Nature communications 29233967 Nat Commun 2017 Dec 12
Kidney damage and associated risk factors in rural and urban sub-Saharan Africa (AWI-Gen): a cross-sectional population study. George JA, Brandenburg JT, Fabian J, Crowther NJ, Agongo G, Alberts M, Ali S, Asiki G, Boua PR, Gómez-Olivé FX, Mashinya F, Micklesfield L, Mohamed SF, Mukomana F, Norris SA, Oduro AR, Soo C, Sorgho H, Wade A, Naicker S, Ramsay M, AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium The Lancet. Global health 31708144 Lancet Glob Health 2019 Dec
Novel and Known Gene-Smoking Interactions With cIMT Identified as Potential Drivers for Atherosclerosis Risk in West-African Populations of the AWI-Gen Study. Boua PR, Brandenburg JT, Choudhury A, Hazelhurst S, Sengupta D, Agongo G, Nonterah EA, Oduro AR, Tinto H, Mathew CG, Sorgho H, Ramsay M Frontiers in genetics 32117412 Front Genet 2019
African partnerships through the H3Africa Consortium bring a genomic dimension to longitudinal population studies on the continent. Ramsay M, Sankoh O, as members of the AWI-Gen study and the H3Africa Consortium International journal of epidemiology 26659658 Int J Epidemiol 2016 Apr
Hypertension management in a population of older adults in rural South Africa. Jardim TV, Reiger S, Abrahams-Gessel S, Gomez-Olive FX, Wagner RG, Wade A, Bärnighausen TW, Salomon J, Tollman S, Gaziano TA Journal of hypertension 28441697 J Hypertens 2017 Jun
Genetic associations between serum low LDL-cholesterol levels and variants in LDLR, APOB, PCSK9 and LDLRAP1 in African populations. Hayat M, Kerr R, Bentley AR, Rotimi CN, Raal FJ, Ramsay M PloS one 32084179 PLoS One 2020
Double malnutrition and associated factors in a middle-aged and older, rural South African population. Seedat F, Tollman SM, Twine W, Cappola AR, Wade AN BMC nutrition 38858730 BMC Nutr 2024 Jun 10
A genome-wide association study for rheumatoid arthritis replicates previous HLA and non-HLA associations in a cohort from South Africa. Mathebula EM, Sengupta D, Govind N, Laufer VA, Bridges SL Jr, Tikly M, Ramsay M, Choudhury A Human molecular genetics 35925860 Hum Mol Genet 2022 Dec 16
Genetic insights into smoking behaviours in 10,558 men of African ancestry from continental Africa and the UK. Piga NN, Boua PR, Soremekun C, Shrine N, Coley K, Brandenburg JT, Tobin MD, Ramsay M, Fatumo S, Choudhury A, Batini C Scientific reports 36335192 Sci Rep 2022 Nov 5
Coronavirus Host Genomics Study: South Africa (COVIGen-SA). May AK, Seymour H, Etheredge H, Maher H, Nunes MC, Madhi SA, Sokhela SM, Venter WDF, Martinson N, Nabeemeeah F, Cohen C, Moyes J, Walaza S, Tempia S, Kleynhans J, von Gottberg A, Nel J, Dawood H, Variava E, Tollman S, Kahn K, Herbst K, Wong EB, Tiemessen CT, van Blydenstein A, Murray L, Venter M, Fabian J, Ramsay M Global health, epidemiology and genomics 36263375 Glob Health Epidemiol Genom 2022
Sex hormone-binding globulin, testosterone and type 2 diabetes risk in middle-aged African women: exploring the impact of HIV and menopause. Goedecke JH, Kufe CN, Masemola M, Lichaba M, Seipone ID, Mendham AE, Gibson H, Hawley J, Selva DM, Magodoro I, Kengne AP, Chikowore T, Crowther NJ, Norris SA, Karpe F, Olsson T, Storbeck KH, Micklesfield LK medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 39763542 medRxiv 2024 Dec 29
Interleukin-8 genetic diversity, haplotype structure and production differ in two ethnically distinct South African populations. Paximadis M, Picton ACP, Sengupta D, Ramsay M, Puren A, Tiemessen CT Cytokine 33814271 Cytokine 2021 Jul
A Matter of Fat: Body Fat Distribution and Cardiometabolic Disease in Africa. Goolam Mahyoodeen N, Crowther NJ Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 34473314 Methods Mol Biol 2022
Concordance between fasting plasma glucose and HbA(1c) in the diagnosis of diabetes in black South African adults: a cross-sectional study. Wade AN, Crowther NJ, Abrahams-Gessel S, Berkman L, George JA, Gómez-Olivé FX, Manne-Goehler J, Salomon JA, Wagner RG, Gaziano TA, Tollman SM, Cappola AR BMJ open 34140342 BMJ Open 2021 Jun 17
Runs of homozygosity in sub-Saharan African populations provide insights into complex demographic histories. Ceballos FC, Hazelhurst S, Ramsay M Human genetics 31312899 Hum Genet 2019 Oct
Bantu-speaker migration and admixture in southern Africa. Choudhury A, Sengupta D, Ramsay M, Schlebusch C Human molecular genetics 33367711 Hum Mol Genet 2021 Apr 26
Demographic, socio-economic and behavioural correlates of BMI in middle-aged black men and women from urban Johannesburg, South Africa. Micklesfield LK, Kagura J, Munthali R, Crowther NJ, Jaff N, Gradidge P, Ramsay M, Norris SA, as members of AWI-Gen the H3Africa Consortium Global health action 30079826 Glob Health Action 2018
Cognitive Function and Impairment in Older, Rural South African Adults: Evidence from "Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH Community in Rural South Africa". Kobayashi LC, Mateen FJ, Montana L, Wagner RG, Kahn K, Tollman SM, Berkman LF Neuroepidemiology 30476911 Neuroepidemiology 2019
Cognitive Function in Low-Income and Low-Literacy Settings: Validation of the Tablet-Based Oxford Cognitive Screen in the Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH Community in South Africa (HAALSI). Humphreys GW, Duta MD, Montana L, Demeyere N, McCrory C, Rohr J, Kahn K, Tollman S, Berkman L The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences 27974474 J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2017 Jan
Establishing an academic biobank in a resource-challenged environment. Soo CC, Mukomana F, Hazelhurst S, Ramsay M South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde 28604319 S Afr Med J 2017 May 24
Different adiposity indices and their association with blood pressure and hypertension in middle-aged urban black South African men and women: findings from the AWI-GEN South African Soweto Site. Pisa PT, Micklesfield LK, Kagura J, Ramsay M, Crowther NJ, Norris SA BMC public health 29673339 BMC Public Health 2018 Apr 19
Comparative performance of pooled cohort equations and Framingham risk scores in cardiovascular disease risk classification in a slum setting in Nairobi Kenya. Wekesah FM, Mutua MK, Boateng D, Grobbee DE, Asiki G, Kyobutungi CK, Klipstein-Grobusch K International journal of cardiology. Heart & vasculature 32373711 Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc 2020 Jun
Cognitive function and cardiometabolic disease risk factors in rural South Africa: baseline evidence from the HAALSI study. Houle B, Gaziano T, Farrell M, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kobayashi LC, Crowther NJ, Wade AN, Montana L, Wagner RG, Berkman L, Tollman SM BMC public health 31775713 BMC Public Health 2019 Nov 27
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Association Between Classical Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Common Carotid Intima-Media Thickness: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. Nonterah EA, Crowther NJ, Klipstein-Grobusch K, Oduro AR, Kavousi M, Agongo G, Anderson TJ, Asiki G, Boua PR, Choma SSR, Couper DJ, Engström G, de Graaf J, Kauhanen J, Lonn EM, Mathiesen EB, Micklesfield LK, Okazaki S, Polak JF, Rundek T, Salonen JT, Tollman SM, Tuomainen TP, Grobbee DE, Ramsay M, Bots ML, H3Africa AWI‐Gen, USE‐IMT collaborative study group Journal of the American Heart Association 35876421 J Am Heart Assoc 2022 Aug 2
Regional and Sex Differences in the Prevalence and Awareness of Hypertension: An H3Africa AWI-Gen Study Across 6 Sites in Sub-Saharan Africa. Gómez-Olivé FX, Ali SA, Made F, Kyobutungi C, Nonterah E, Micklesfield L, Alberts M, Boua R, Hazelhurst S, Debpuur C, Mashinya F, Dikotope S, Sorgho H, Cook I, Muthuri S, Soo C, Mukomana F, Agongo G, Wandabwa C, Afolabi S, Oduro A, Tinto H, Wagner RG, Haregu T, Wade A, Kahn K, Norris SA, Crowther NJ, Tollman S, Sankoh O, Ramsay M, AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium Global heart 28302553 Glob Heart 2017 Jun
Hypertension incidence among middle-aged and older adults: findings from a 5-year prospective study in rural South Africa, 2010-2015. Houle B, Gaziano TA, Angotti N, Mojola SA, Kabudula CW, Tollman SM, Gómez-Olivé FX BMJ open 34876423 BMJ Open 2021 Dec 7
Genome-wide association study of population-standardised cognitive performance phenotypes in a rural South African community. Soo CC, Brandenburg JT, Nebel A, Tollman S, Berkman L, Ramsay M, Choudhury A Communications biology 36973338 Commun Biol 2023 Mar 27
Diabetes care cascade and associated factors in 10 700 middle-aged adults in four sub-Saharan African countries: a cross-sectional study. Wade AN, Maposa I, Agongo G, Asiki G, Boua P, Choma SSR, Gómez-Olivé FX, Maimela E, Micklesfield LK, Mohamed SF, Nonterah EA, Norris SA, Sorgho H, Ramsay M, Crowther NJ, AWIGen and the H3Africa Consortium BMJ open 37105688 BMJ Open 2023 Apr 27
Clinicians' Perceptions towards Precision Medicine Tools for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Stratification in South Africa. Kamp M, Pain O, May A, Lewis CM, Ramsay M Journal of personalized medicine 36143145 J Pers Med 2022 Aug 24
Trans-ethnic genomic informed risk assessment for Alzheimer's disease: An International Hundred K+ Cohorts Consortium study. Sleiman PM, Qu HQ, Connolly JJ, Mentch F, Pereira A, Lotufo PA, Tollman S, Choudhury A, Ramsay M, Kato N, Ozaki K, Mitsumori R, Jeon JP, Hong CH, Son SJ, Roh HW, Lee DG, Mukadam N, Foote IF, Marshall CR, Butterworth A, Prins BP, Glessner JT, Hakonarson H, Davos Alzheimer Collaborative and IHCC consortium Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 37450379 Alzheimers Dement 2023 Dec
Overview of The Human Heredity and Health in Africa Kidney Disease Research Network (H3A-KDRN). Adu D, Ojo A, H3A-KDRN Investigators, H3A-KDRN Investigators Kidney360 35368813 Kidney360 2021 Jan 28
APOL1 genotype associated risk for preeclampsia in African populations: Rationale and protocol design for studies in women of African ancestry in resource limited settings. Osafo C, Thomford NE, Coleman J, Carboo A, Guure C, Okyere P, Adu D, Adanu R, Parekh RS, Burke D PloS one 36580463 PLoS One 2022
Rationale and Design of the Diet, CKD, and Apolipoprotein L1 Study in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries. Ilori TO, Solarin A, Manmak M, Raji YR, Braimoh R, Kwakyi E, Umeizudike T, Ajepe T, Bolanle O, Ripiye N, Eduful E, Adebile T, Ijeoma C, Mumuni AA, Chern J, Akinpelu M, Ulasi I, Arogundade F, Salako BL, Gbadegesin R, Parekh RS, Dupuis J, Amira CO, Adu D, Anderson CAM, Ojo A, Waikar SS Kidney international reports 37069986 Kidney Int Rep 2023 Apr
Management of idiopathic childhood nephrotic syndrome in sub-Saharan Africa: Ibadan consensus statement. Esezobor C, Ademola AD, Adetunji AE, Anigilaje EA, Batte A, Jiya-Bello FN, Furia FF, Muoneke U, McCulloch M, Nourse P, Obiagwu P, Odetunde O, Okyere P, Solarin A, Tannor EK, Noone D, Gbadegesin R, Parekh RS, Human Hereditary and Health in Africa Kidney Disease Research Network Kidney international 32866504 Kidney Int 2021 Jan
Cardiovascular Risk Factor Burden and Association With CKD in Ghana and Nigeria. Olanrewaju TO, Osafo C, Raji YR, Mamven M, Ajayi S, Ilori TO, Arogundade FA, Ulasi II, Gbadegesin R, Parekh RS, Tayo B, Adeyemo AA, Adedoyin OT, Chijioke AA, Bewaji C, Grobbee DE, Blankestijn PJ, Klipstein-Grobusch K, Salako BL, Adu D, Ojo AO, of H3Africa Kidney Disease Research Network Investigators Kidney international reports 36938080 Kidney Int Rep 2023 Mar
Exome Sequencing Reveals a Putative Role for HLA-C*03:02 in Control of HIV-1 in African Pediatric Populations. Kyobe S, Mwesigwa S, Kisitu GP, Farirai J, Katagirya E, Mirembe AN, Ketumile L, Wayengera M, Katabazi FA, Kigozi E, Wampande EM, Retshabile G, Mlotshwa BC, Williams L, Morapedi K, Kasvosve I, Kyosiimire-Lugemwa J, Nsangi B, Tsimako-Johnstone M, Brown CW, Joloba M, Anabwani G, Bhekumusa L, Mpoloka SW, Mardon G, Matshaba M, Kekitiinwa A, Hanchard NA Frontiers in genetics 34512729 Front Genet 2021
Establishing a new medical school: Botswana's experience. Mokone GG, Kebaetse M, Wright J, Kebaetse MB, Makgabana-Dintwa O, Kebaabetswe P, Badlangana L, Mogodi M, Bryant K, Nkomazana O Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072587 Acad Med 2014 Aug
Whole-Exome Sequencing Reveals Uncaptured Variation and Distinct Ancestry in the Southern African Population of Botswana. Retshabile G, Mlotshwa BC, Williams L, Mwesigwa S, Mboowa G, Huang Z, Rustagi N, Swaminathan S, Katagirya E, Kyobe S, Wayengera M, Kisitu GP, Kateete DP, Wampande EM, Maplanka K, Kasvosve I, Pettitt ED, Matshaba M, Nsangi B, Marape M, Tsimako-Johnstone M, Brown CW, Yu F, Kekitiinwa A, Joloba M, Mpoloka SW, Mardon G, Anabwani G, Hanchard NA, Collaborative African Genomics Network (CAfGEN) of the H3Africa Consortium American journal of human genetics 29706352 Am J Hum Genet 2018 May 3
Identification of a Clade-Specific HLA-C*03:02 CTL Epitope GY9 Derived from the HIV-1 p17 Matrix Protein. Kyobe S, Mwesigwa S, Nkurunungi G, Retshabile G, Egesa M, Katagirya E, Amujal M, Mlotshwa BC, Williams L, Sendagire H, On Behalf Of The CAfGEN Consortium, Kiragga D, Mardon G, Matshaba M, Hanchard NA, Kyosiimire-Lugemwa J, Robinson D International journal of molecular sciences 39273630 Int J Mol Sci 2024 Sep 6
The collaborative African genomics network training program: a trainee perspective on training the next generation of African scientists. Mlotshwa BC, Mwesigwa S, Mboowa G, Williams L, Retshabile G, Kekitiinwa A, Wayengera M, Kyobe S, Brown CW, Hanchard NA, Mardon G, Joloba M, Anabwani G, Mpoloka SW Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 28383545 Genet Med 2017 Jul
A locus on chromosome 5 shows African ancestry-limited association with alloimmunization in sickle cell disease. Williams LM, Qi Z, Batai K, Hooker S, Hall NJ, Machado RF, Chen A, Campbell-Lee S, Guan Y, Kittles R, Hanchard NA Blood advances 30578281 Blood Adv 2018 Dec 26
Long-term non-progression and risk factors for disease progression among children living with HIV in Botswana and Uganda: A retrospective cohort study. Kyobe S, Kisitu G, Mwesigwa S, Farirai J, Katagirya E, Retshabile G, Williams L, Mirembe A, Ketumile L, Wayengera M, Mukisa J, Sebetso G, Diphoko T, Amujal M, Kigozi E, Katabazi F, Oceng R, Mlotshwa B, Morapedi K, Nsangi B, Wampande E, Tsimako M, Brown C, Kasvosve I, Joloba M, Anabwani G, Mpoloka S, Mardon G, Kekitiinwa A, Hanchard NA, Kyosiimire-Lugemwa J, Matshaba M, Kiragga D, Collaborative African Genomics Network (CAfGEN) of the H3Africa Consortium International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 38036259 Int J Infect Dis 2024 Feb
The Collaborative African Genomics Network (CAfGEN): Applying Genomic technologies to probe host factors important to the progression of HIV and HIV-tuberculosis infection in sub-Saharan Africa. Mboowa G, Mwesigwa S, Katagirya E, Retshabile G, Mlotshwa BC, Williams L, Kekitiinwa A, Kateete D, Wampande E, Wayengera M, Kintu BN, Kisitu GP, Kyobe S, Brown CW, Hanchard NA, Mardon G, Joloba M, Anabwani G, Pettitt E, Tsimako-Johnstone M, Kasvosve I, Maplanka K, Mpoloka SW, Hlatshwayo M, Matshaba M AAS open research 30714022 AAS Open Res 2018
Unmapped exome reads implicate a role for Anelloviridae in childhood HIV-1 long-term non-progression. Mwesigwa S, Williams L, Retshabile G, Katagirya E, Mboowa G, Mlotshwa B, Kyobe S, Kateete DP, Wampande EM, Wayengera M, Mpoloka SW, Mirembe AN, Kasvosve I, Morapedi K, Kisitu GP, Kekitiinwa AR, Anabwani G, Joloba ML, Matovu E, Mulindwa J, Noyes H, Botha G, Collaborative African Genomics Network (CAfGEN), TrypanoGEN Research Group, Brown CW, Mardon G, Matshaba M, Hanchard NA NPJ genomic medicine 33741997 NPJ Genom Med 2021 Mar 19
High KIR diversity in Uganda and Botswana children living with HIV. Mukisa J, Kyobe S, Amujal M, Katagirya E, Diphoko T, Sebetso G, Mwesigwa S, Mboowa G, Retshabile G, Williams L, Mlotshwa B, Matshaba M, Jjingo D, Kateete DP, Joloba ML, Mardon G, Hanchard N, Hollenbach JA bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39677597 bioRxiv 2024 Dec 7
Artocarpus altilis CG-901 alters critical nodes in the JH1-kinase domain of Janus kinase 2 affecting upstream JAK/STAT3 signaling. Nash O, Omotuyi O, Lee J, Kwon BM, Ogbadu L Journal of molecular modeling 26442513 J Mol Model 2015 Nov
Proceedings of a Sickle Cell Disease Ontology workshop - Towards the first comprehensive ontology for Sickle Cell Disease. Mulder N, Nembaware V, Adekile A, Anie KA, Inusa B, Brown B, Campbell A, Chinenere F, Chunda-Liyoka C, Derebail VK, Geard A, Ghedira K, Hamilton CM, Hanchard NA, Haendel M, Huggins W, Ibrahim M, Jupp S, Kamga KK, Knight-Madden J, Lopez-Sall P, Mbiyavanga M, Munube D, Nirenberg D, Nnodu O, Ofori-Acquah SF, Ohene-Frempong K, Opap KB, Panji S, Park M, Pule G, Royal C, Sangeda R, Tayo B, Treadwell M, Tshilolo L, Wonkam A Applied & translational genomics 27354937 Appl Transl Genom 2016 Jun
Development of Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Genomics Research. Mulder NJ, Adebiyi E, Adebiyi M, Adeyemi S, Ahmed A, Ahmed R, Akanle B, Alibi M, Armstrong DL, Aron S, Ashano E, Baichoo S, Benkahla A, Brown DK, Chimusa ER, Fadlelmola FM, Falola D, Fatumo S, Ghedira K, Ghouila A, Hazelhurst S, Isewon I, Jung S, Kassim SK, Kayondo JK, Mbiyavanga M, Meintjes A, Mohammed S, Mosaku A, Moussa A, Muhammd M, Mungloo-Dilmohamud Z, Nashiru O, Odia T, Okafor A, Oladipo O, Osamor V, Oyelade J, Sadki K, Salifu SP, Soyemi J, Panji S, Radouani F, Souiai O, Tastan Bishop Ö, H3ABioNet Consortium, as members of the H3Africa Consortium Global heart 28302555 Glob Heart 2017 Jun
Renewing Felsenstein's phylogenetic bootstrap in the era of big data. Lemoine F, Domelevo Entfellner JB, Wilkinson E, Correia D, Dávila Felipe M, De Oliveira T, Gascuel O Nature 29670290 Nature 2018 Apr
A common molecular signature of patients with sickle cell disease revealed by microarray meta-analysis and a genome-wide association study. Ben Hamda C, Sangeda R, Mwita L, Meintjes A, Nkya S, Panji S, Mulder N, Guizani-Tabbane L, Benkahla A, Makani J, Ghedira K, H3ABioNet Consortium PloS one 29979707 PLoS One 2018
Ten simple rules for organizing a webinar series. Fadlelmola FM, Panji S, Ahmed AE, Ghouila A, Akurugu WA, Domelevo Entfellner JB, Souiai O, Mulder N, H3ABioNet Research working group as members of the H3Africa Consortium PLoS computational biology 30933972 PLoS Comput Biol 2019 Apr
Delivering blended bioinformatics training in resource-limited settings: a case study on the University of Khartoum H3ABioNet node. Ahmed AE, Awadallah AA, Tagelsir M, Suliman MA, Eltigani A, Elsafi H, Hamdelnile BD, Mukhtar MA, Fadlelmola FM Briefings in bioinformatics 30773584 Brief Bioinform 2020 Mar 23
The Extent and Impact of Variation in ADME Genes in Sub-Saharan African Populations. da Rocha JEB, Othman H, Botha G, Cottino L, Twesigomwe D, Ahmed S, Drögemöller BI, Fadlelmola FM, Machanick P, Mbiyavanga M, Panji S, Wright GEB, Adebamowo C, Matshaba M, Ramsay M, Simo G, Simuunza MC, Tiemessen CT, Baldwin S, Chiano M, Cox C, Gross AS, Thomas P, Gamo FJ, Hazelhurst S Frontiers in pharmacology 34721006 Front Pharmacol 2021
A framework for tiered informed consent for health genomic research in Africa. Nembaware V, Johnston K, Diallo AA, Kotze MJ, Matimba A, Moodley K, Tangwa GB, Torrorey-Sawe R, Tiffin N Nature genetics 31659323 Nat Genet 2019 Nov
Ten simple rules for providing effective bioinformatics research support. Kumuthini J, Chimenti M, Nahnsen S, Peltzer A, Meraba R, McFadyen R, Wells G, Taylor D, Maienschein-Cline M, Li JL, Thimmapuram J, Murthy-Karuturi R, Zass L PLoS computational biology 32214318 PLoS Comput Biol 2020 Mar
Uganda Genome Resource Enables Insights into Population History and Genomic Discovery in Africa. Gurdasani D, Carstensen T, Fatumo S, Chen G, Franklin CS, Prado-Martinez J, Bouman H, Abascal F, Haber M, Tachmazidou I, Mathieson I, Ekoru K, DeGorter MK, Nsubuga RN, Finan C, Wheeler E, Chen L, Cooper DN, Schiffels S, Chen Y, Ritchie GRS, Pollard MO, Fortune MD, Mentzer AJ, Garrison E, Bergström A, Hatzikotoulas K, Adeyemo A, Doumatey A, Elding H, Wain LV, Ehret G, Auer PL, Kooperberg CL, Reiner AP, Franceschini N, Maher D, Montgomery SB, Kadie C, Widmer C, Xue Y, Seeley J, Asiki G, Kamali A, Young EH, Pomilla C, Soranzo N, Zeggini E, Pirie F, Morris AP, Heckerman D, Tyler-Smith C, Motala AA, Rotimi C, Kaleebu P, Barroso I, Sandhu MS Cell 31675503 Cell 2019 Oct 31
New neural network classification method for individuals ancestry prediction from SNPs data. Soumare H, Rezgui S, Gmati N, Benkahla A BioData mining 34183066 BioData Min 2021 Jun 28
Prediction of Coreceptor Tropism in HIV-1 Subtype C in Botswana. Kotokwe K, Moyo S, Zahralban-Steele M, Holme MP, Melamu P, Koofhethile CK, Choga WT, Mohammed T, Nkhisang T, Mokaleng B, Maruapula D, Ditlhako T, Bareng O, Mokgethi P, Boleo C, Makhema J, Lockman S, Essex M, Ragonnet-Cronin M, Novitsky V, Gaseitsiwe S, Pangea Consortium Viruses 36851617 Viruses 2023 Jan 31
Pf7: an open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 20,000 worldwide samples. MalariaGEN, Abdel Hamid MM, Abdelraheem MH, Acheampong DO, Ahouidi A, Ali M, Almagro-Garcia J, Amambua-Ngwa A, Amaratunga C, Amenga-Etego L, Andagalu B, Anderson T, Andrianaranjaka V, Aniebo I, Aninagyei E, Ansah F, Ansah PO, Apinjoh T, Arnaldo P, Ashley E, Auburn S, Awandare GA, Ba H, Baraka V, Barry A, Bejon P, Bertin GI, Boni MF, Borrmann S, Bousema T, Bouyou-Akotet M, Branch O, Bull PC, Cheah H, Chindavongsa K, Chookajorn T, Chotivanich K, Claessens A, Conway DJ, Corredor V, Courtier E, Craig A, D'Alessandro U, Dama S, Day N, Denis B, Dhorda M, Diakite M, Djimde A, Dolecek C, Dondorp A, Doumbia S, Drakeley C, Drury E, Duffy P, Echeverry DF, Egwang TG, Enosse SMM, Erko B, Fairhurst RM, Faiz A, Fanello CA, Fleharty M, Forbes M, Fukuda M, Gamboa D, Ghansah A, Golassa L, Goncalves S, Harrison GLA, Healy SA, Hendry JA, Hernandez-Koutoucheva A, Hien TT, Hill CA, Hombhanje F, Hott A, Htut Y, Hussein M, Imwong M, Ishengoma D, Jackson SA, Jacob CG, Jeans J, Johnson KJ, Kamaliddin C, Kamau E, Keatley J, Kochakarn T, Konate DS, Konaté A, Kone A, Kwiatkowski DP, Kyaw MP, Kyle D, Lawniczak M, Lee SK, Lemnge M, Lim P, Lon C, Loua KM, Mandara CI, Marfurt J, Marsh K, Maude RJ, Mayxay M, Maïga-Ascofaré O, Miotto O, Mita T, Mobegi V, Mohamed AO, Mokuolu OA, Montgomery J, Morang'a CM, Mueller I, Murie K, Newton PN, Ngo Duc T, Nguyen T, Nguyen TN, Nguyen Thi Kim T, Nguyen Van H, Noedl H, Nosten F, Noviyanti R, Ntui VN, Nzila A, Ochola-Oyier LI, Ocholla H, Oduro A, Omedo I, Onyamboko MA, Ouedraogo JB, Oyebola K, Oyibo WA, Pearson R, Peshu N, Phyo AP, Plowe CV, Price RN, Pukrittayakamee S, Quang HH, Randrianarivelojosia M, Rayner JC, Ringwald P, Rosanas-Urgell A, Rovira-Vallbona E, Ruano-Rubio V, Ruiz L, Saunders D, Shayo A, Siba P, Simpson VJ, Sissoko MS, Smith C, Su XZ, Sutherland C, Takala-Harrison S, Talman A, Tavul L, Thanh NV, Thathy V, Thu AM, Toure M, Tshefu A, Verra F, Vinetz J, Wellems TE, Wendler J, White NJ, Whitton G, Yavo W, van der Pluijm RW Wellcome open research 36864926 Wellcome Open Res 2023
Near-complete genome of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant of concern identified in a symptomatic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) in Botswana. Choga WT, Letsholo SL, Marobela-Raborokgwe C, Gobe I, Mazwiduma M, Maruapula D, Rukwava J, Binta MG, Zuze BJL, Koopile L, Seru K, Motshosi P, Bareng OT, Radibe B, Smith-Lawrence P, Macheke K, Kuate-Lere L, Motswaledi MS, Mbulawa MB, Matshaba M, Masupu KV, Lockman S, Shapiro R, Makhema J, Mosepele M, Gaseitsiwe S, Moyo S Veterinary medicine and science 37119524 Vet Med Sci 2023 Jul
Doravirine-associated resistance mutations in antiretroviral therapy naïve and experienced adults with HIV-1 subtype C infection in Botswana. Bareng OT, Seselamarumo S, Seatla KK, Choga WT, Bakae B, Maruapula D, Kelentse N, Moraka NO, Mokaleng B, Mokgethi PT, Ditlhako TR, Pretorius-Holme M, Mbulawa MB, Lebelonyane R, Bile EC, Gaolathe T, Shapiro R, Makhema JM, Lockman S, Essex M, Novitsky V, Mpoloka SW, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S Journal of global antimicrobial resistance 35973671 J Glob Antimicrob Resist 2022 Dec
Predicted broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) resistance and associated envelope characteristics of adults with HIV-1 seroconversion in Botswana. Moraka NO, Choga WT, Pema MN, Chawawa MK, Gobe I, Mokomane M, Bareng OT, Bhebhe L, Kelentse N, Mulenga G, Pretorius-Holme M, Mohammed T, Koofhethile CK, Makhema JM, Shapiro R, Lockman S, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S Research square 37693564 Res Sq 2023 Aug 29
Ecological Trait-Based Digital Categorization of Microbial Genomes for Denitrification Potential. Isokpehi RD, Kim Y, Krejci SE, Trivedi VD Microorganisms 38674735 Microorganisms 2024 Apr 13
OPTIMIZATION OF DRIED BLOOD SPOT ASSAYS FOR HEPATITIS B VIRUS SURFACE ANTIBODY QUANTIFICATION. Motshosi P, Phinius BB, Jongman M, Baruti K, Bhebhe L, Choga WT, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S, Anderson M bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38826424 bioRxiv 2024 May 23
Computational and experimental analysis identified 6-diazo-5-oxonorleucine as a potential agent for treating infection by Plasmodium falciparum. Plaimas K, Wang Y, Rotimi SO, Olasehinde G, Fatumo S, Lanzer M, Adebiyi E, König R Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases 24121016 Infect Genet Evol 2013 Dec
Genetic characterization of Greek population isolates reveals strong genetic drift at missense and trait-associated variants. Panoutsopoulou K, Hatzikotoulas K, Xifara DK, Colonna V, Farmaki AE, Ritchie GR, Southam L, Gilly A, Tachmazidou I, Fatumo S, Matchan A, Rayner NW, Ntalla I, Mezzavilla M, Chen Y, Kiagiadaki C, Zengini E, Mamakou V, Athanasiadis A, Giannakopoulou M, Kariakli VE, Nsubuga RN, Karabarinde A, Sandhu M, McVean G, Tyler-Smith C, Tsafantakis E, Karaleftheri M, Xue Y, Dedoussis G, Zeggini E Nature communications 25373335 Nat Commun 2014 Nov 6
Negative Epistasis between Sickle and Foetal Haemoglobin Suggests a Reduction in Protection against Malaria. Mmbando BP, Mgaya J, Cox SE, Mtatiro SN, Soka D, Rwezaula S, Meda E, Msaki E, Snow RW, Jeffries N, Geller NL, Makani J PloS one 25965586 PLoS One 2015
In silico models for drug resistance. Fatumo S, Adebiyi M, Adebiyi E Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 23568463 Methods Mol Biol 2013
A quick guide for building a successful bioinformatics community. Budd A, Corpas M, Brazas MD, Fuller JC, Goecks J, Mulder NJ, Michaut M, Ouellette BF, Pawlik A, Blomberg N PLoS computational biology 25654371 PLoS Comput Biol 2015 Feb
Computational biology and bioinformatics in Nigeria. Fatumo SA, Adoga MP, Ojo OO, Oluwagbemi O, Adeoye T, Ewejobi I, Adebiyi M, Adebiyi E, Bewaji C, Nashiru O PLoS computational biology 24763310 PLoS Comput Biol 2014 Apr
Evaluative profiling of arsenic sensing and regulatory systems in the human microbiome project genomes. Isokpehi RD, Udensi UK, Simmons SS, Hollman AL, Cain AE, Olofinsae SA, Hassan OA, Kashim ZA, Enejoh OA, Fasesan DE, Nashiru O Microbiology insights 25452698 Microbiol Insights 2014
Structure Based Docking and Molecular Dynamic Studies of Plasmodial Cysteine Proteases against a South African Natural Compound and its Analogs. Musyoka TM, Kanzi AM, Lobb KA, Tastan Bishop Ö Scientific reports 27030511 Sci Rep 2016 Mar 31
HUMA: A platform for the analysis of genetic variation in humans. Brown DK, Tastan Bishop Ö Human mutation 28967693 Hum Mutat 2018 Jan
Fetal Hemoglobin is Associated with Peripheral Oxygen Saturation in Sickle Cell Disease in Tanzania. Nkya S, Mgaya J, Urio F, Makubi A, Thein SL, Menzel S, Cox SE, Newton CR, Kirkham FJ, Mmbando BP, Makani J EBioMedicine 28844412 EBioMedicine 2017 Sep
Clustering Algorithms: Their Application to Gene Expression Data. Oyelade J, Isewon I, Oladipupo F, Aromolaran O, Uwoghiren E, Ameh F, Achas M, Adebiyi E Bioinformatics and biology insights 27932867 Bioinform Biol Insights 2016
Developing reproducible bioinformatics analysis workflows for heterogeneous computing environments to support African genomics. Baichoo S, Souilmi Y, Panji S, Botha G, Meintjes A, Hazelhurst S, Bendou H, Beste E, Mpangase PT, Souiai O, Alghali M, Yi L, O'Connor BD, Crusoe M, Armstrong D, Aron S, Joubert F, Ahmed AE, Mbiyavanga M, Heusden PV, Magosi LE, Zermeno J, Mainzer LS, Fadlelmola FM, Jongeneel CV, Mulder N BMC bioinformatics 30486782 BMC Bioinformatics 2018 Nov 29
Designing a course model for distance-based online bioinformatics training in Africa: The H3ABioNet experience. Gurwitz KT, Aron S, Panji S, Maslamoney S, Fernandes PL, Judge DP, Ghouila A, Domelevo Entfellner JB, Guerfali FZ, Saunders C, Mansour Alzohairy A, Salifu SP, Ahmed R, Cloete R, Kayondo J, Ssemwanga D, Mulder N, H3ABioNet Consortium's Education Training and Working Group as members of the H3Africa Consortium PLoS computational biology 28981516 PLoS Comput Biol 2017 Oct
PRIMO: An Interactive Homology Modeling Pipeline. Hatherley R, Brown DK, Glenister M, Tastan Bishop Ö PloS one 27855192 PLoS One 2016
Epidemiological and viral characteristics of undiagnosed HIV infections in Botswana. Bhebhe L, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S, Pretorius-Holme M, Yankinda EK, Manyake K, Kgathi C, Mmalane M, Lebelonyane R, Gaolathe T, Bachanas P, Ussery F, Letebele M, Makhema J, Wirth KE, Lockman S, Essex M, Novitsky V, Ragonnet-Cronin M BMC infectious diseases 36031617 BMC Infect Dis 2022 Aug 28
Transcription-translation error: In-silico investigation of the structural and functional impact of deleterious single nucleotide polymorphisms in GULP1 gene. Soremekun OS, Ezenwa C, Soliman M, Chikowore T, Nashiru O, Fatumo S Informatics in medicine unlocked 33665355 Inform Med Unlocked 2021
Low-frequency HIV-1 drug resistance mutations in antiretroviral naïve individuals in Botswana. Maruapula D, Seatla KK, Morerinyane O, Molebatsi K, Giandhari J, de Oliveira T, Musonda RM, Leteane M, Mpoloka SW, Rowley CF, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S Medicine 35838991 Medicine (Baltimore) 2022 Jul 15
A deep population reference panel of tandem repeat variation. Ziaei Jam H, Li Y, DeVito R, Mousavi N, Ma N, Lujumba I, Adam Y, Maksimov M, Huang B, Dolzhenko E, Qiu Y, Kakembo FE, Joseph H, Onyido B, Adeyemi J, Bakhtiari M, Park J, Javadzadeh S, Jjingo D, Adebiyi E, Bafna V, Gymrek M Nature communications 37872149 Nat Commun 2023 Oct 23
No Difference in the Prevalence of HIV-1 gag Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte-Associated Escape Mutations in Viral Sequences from Early and Late Parts of the HIV-1 Subtype C Pandemic in Botswana. Mokaleng B, Choga WT, Bareng OT, Maruapula D, Ditshwanelo D, Kelentse N, Mokgethi P, Moraka NO, Motswaledi MS, Tawe L, Koofhethile CK, Moyo S, Zachariah M, Gaseitsiwe S Vaccines 37243104 Vaccines (Basel) 2023 May 19
Molecular Characterization of Hepatitis B Virus in People Living with HIV in Rural and Peri-Urban Communities in Botswana. Phinius BB, Choga WT, Anderson M, Mokomane M, Gobe I, Ratsoma T, Phakedi B, Mpebe G, Bhebhe L, Gaolathe T, Mosepele M, Makhema J, Shapiro R, Lockman S, Musonda R, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S Biomedicines 39062134 Biomedicines 2024 Jul 14
High prevalence of reverse transcriptase inhibitors associated resistance mutations among people living with HIV on dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy in Francistown, Botswana. Choga OT, Lemogang GM, Choga WT, Muzanywa G, Shadreck TM, Ralegoreng C, Maruapula D, Moraka NO, Koofhethile CK, Mokgethi PT, Seru K, Zuze BJL, Montshosi P, Gobe I, Motswaledi MS, Musonda R, Mbulawa MB, Makhema J, Shapiro R, Lockman S, Chebani T, Nawa J, Bochena L, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 39764689 J Antimicrob Chemother 2025 Mar 3
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ANOSPEX: a stochastic, spatially explicit model for studying Anopheles metapopulation dynamics. Oluwagbemi OO, Fornadel CM, Adebiyi EF, Norris DE, Rasgon JL PloS one 23861847 PLoS One 2013
Rates and risk factors of hypertension in adolescents and adults with sickle cell anaemia in Tanzania: 10 years' experience. Makubi A, Mmbando BP, Novelli EM, Lwakatare J, Soka D, Marik H, Tibarazwa K, Ngaeje M, Newton CR, Gladwin MT, Makani J British journal of haematology 27650269 Br J Haematol 2017 Jun
Minimum information required for a DMET experiment reporting. Kumuthini J, Mbiyavanga M, Chimusa ER, Pathak J, Somervuo P, Van Schaik RH, Dolzan V, Mizzi C, Kalideen K, Ramesar RS, Macek M, Patrinos GP, Squassina A Pharmacogenomics 27548815 Pharmacogenomics 2016 Sep
Design considerations for workflow management systems use in production genomics research and the clinic. Ahmed AE, Allen JM, Bhat T, Burra P, Fliege CE, Hart SN, Heldenbrand JR, Hudson ME, Istanto DD, Kalmbach MT, Kapraun GD, Kendig KI, Kendzior MC, Klee EW, Mattson N, Ross CA, Sharif SM, Venkatakrishnan R, Fadlelmola FM, Mainzer LS Scientific reports 34737383 Sci Rep 2021 Nov 4
HIV-1 drug resistance mutations among individuals with low-level viraemia while taking combination ART in Botswana. Bareng OT, Moyo S, Zahralban-Steele M, Maruapula D, Ditlhako T, Mokaleng B, Mokgethi P, Choga WT, Moraka NO, Pretorius-Holme M, Mine MO, Raizes E, Molebatsi K, Motswaledi MS, Gobe I, Mohammed T, Gaolathe T, Shapiro R, Mmalane M, Makhema JM, Lockman S, Essex M, Novitsky V, Gaseitsiwe S The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 35229102 J Antimicrob Chemother 2022 Apr 27
Bioinformatics education--perspectives and challenges out of Africa. Tastan Bishop Ö, Adebiyi EF, Alzohairy AM, Everett D, Ghedira K, Ghouila A, Kumuthini J, Mulder NJ, Panji S, Patterton HG, H3ABioNet Consortium, H3Africa Consortium Briefings in bioinformatics 24990350 Brief Bioinform 2015 Mar
Sickle cell disease: new opportunities and challenges in Africa. Makani J, Ofori-Acquah SF, Nnodu O, Wonkam A, Ohene-Frempong K TheScientificWorldJournal 25143960 ScientificWorldJournal 2013
Sequencing of GJB2 in Cameroonians and Black South Africans and comparison to 1000 Genomes Project Data Support Need to Revise Strategy for Discovery of Nonsyndromic Deafness Genes in Africans. Bosch J, Noubiap JJ, Dandara C, Makubalo N, Wright G, Entfellner JB, Tiffin N, Wonkam A Omics : a journal of integrative biology 25162826 OMICS 2014 Nov
Genomic analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from Malawi reveals acquisition of multiple ESBL determinants across diverse lineages. Musicha P, Msefula CL, Mather AE, Chaguza C, Cain AK, Peno C, Kallonen T, Khonga M, Denis B, Gray KJ, Heyderman RS, Thomson NR, Everett DB, Feasey NA The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 30778540 J Antimicrob Chemother 2019 May 1
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Host and Microbiome Genome-Wide Association Studies: Current State and Challenges. Awany D, Allali I, Dalvie S, Hemmings S, Mwaikono KS, Thomford NE, Gomez A, Mulder N, Chimusa ER Frontiers in genetics 30723493 Front Genet 2018
Organizing and running bioinformatics hackathons within Africa: The H3ABioNet cloud computing experience. Ahmed AE, Mpangase PT, Panji S, Baichoo S, Souilmi Y, Fadlelmola FM, Alghali M, Aron S, Bendou H, De Beste E, Mbiyavanga M, Souiai O, Yi L, Zermeno J, Armstrong D, O'Connor BD, Mainzer LS, Crusoe MR, Meintjes A, Van Heusden P, Botha G, Joubert F, Jongeneel CV, Hazelhurst S, Mulder N AAS open research 32382696 AAS Open Res 2018
First draft genome assembly of the Argane tree ( Argania spinosa). Khayi S, Azza NE, Gaboun F, Pirro S, Badad O, Claros MG, Lightfoot DA, Unver T, Chaouni B, Merrouch R, Rahim B, Essayeh S, Ganoudi M, Abdelwahd R, Diria G, Mdarhi MA, Labhilili M, Iraqi D, Mouhaddab J, Sedrati H, Memari M, Hamamouch N, Alché JD, Boukhatem N, Mrabet R, Dahan R, Legssyer A, Khalfaoui M, Badraoui M, Van de Peer Y, Tatusova T, El Mousadik A, Mentag R, Ghazal H F1000Research 32509273 F1000Res 2018
Genomic Characteristics of Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 1 in New Caledonia Prior to the Introduction of PCV13. Hanachi M, Kiran A, Cornick J, Harigua-Souiai E, Everett D, Benkahla A, Souiai O Bioinformatics and biology insights 33088176 Bioinform Biol Insights 2020
Development to enable precision medicine in Africa. Mulder N Personalized medicine 29749855 Per Med 2017 Nov
Integrative landscape of dysregulated signaling pathways of clinically distinct pancreatic cancer subtypes. Sinkala M, Mulder N, Martin DP Oncotarget 30018740 Oncotarget 2018 Jun 26
Emerging Resistance to Empiric Antimicrobial Regimens for Pediatric Bloodstream Infections in Malawi (1998-2017). Iroh Tam PY, Musicha P, Kawaza K, Cornick J, Denis B, Freyne B, Everett D, Dube Q, French N, Feasey N, Heyderman R Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 30277505 Clin Infect Dis 2019 Jun 18
Hackathons as a means of accelerating scientific discoveries and knowledge transfer. Ghouila A, Siwo GH, Entfellner JD, Panji S, Button-Simons KA, Davis SZ, Fadlelmola FM, DREAM of Malaria Hackathon Participants, Ferdig MT, Mulder N Genome research 29650552 Genome Res 2018 May
SANCDB: a South African natural compound database. Hatherley R, Brown DK, Musyoka TM, Penkler DL, Faya N, Lobb KA, Tastan Bishop Ö Journal of cheminformatics 26097510 J Cheminform 2015
JMS: An Open Source Workflow Management System and Web-Based Cluster Front-End for High Performance Computing. Brown DK, Penkler DL, Musyoka TM, Bishop ÖT PloS one 26280450 PLoS One 2015
Analysis of non-peptidic compounds as potential malarial inhibitors against Plasmodial cysteine proteases via integrated virtual screening workflow. Musyoka TM, Kanzi AM, Lobb KA, Tastan Bishop Ö Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics 26471975 J Biomol Struct Dyn 2016 Oct
A-DaGO-Fun: an adaptable Gene Ontology semantic similarity-based functional analysis tool. Mazandu GK, Chimusa ER, Mbiyavanga M, Mulder NJ Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 26476781 Bioinformatics 2016 Feb 1
Chromolaena odorata flavonoids attenuate experimental nephropathy: Involvement of pro-inflammatory genes downregulation. Omotuyi OI, Nash O, Enejoh OA, Oribamise EI, Adelakun NS Toxicology reports 33102146 Toxicol Rep 2020
A multi-scenario genome-wide medical population genetics simulation framework. Mugo JW, Geza E, Defo J, Elsheikh SSM, Mazandu GK, Mulder NJ, Chimusa ER Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 28957497 Bioinformatics 2017 Oct 1
Role of Structural Bioinformatics in Drug Discovery by Computational SNP Analysis: Analyzing Variation at the Protein Level. Brown DK, Tastan Bishop Ö Global heart 28302551 Glob Heart 2017 Jun
A review of clinical pharmacogenetics Studies in African populations. Radouani F, Zass L, Hamdi Y, Rocha JD, Sallam R, Abdelhak S, Ahmed S, Azzouzi M, Benamri I, Benkahla A, Bouhaouala-Zahar B, Chaouch M, Jmel H, Kefi R, Ksouri A, Kumuthini J, Masilela P, Masimirembwa C, Othman H, Panji S, Romdhane L, Samtal C, Sibira R, Ghedira K, Fadlelmola F, Kassim SK, Mulder N Personalized medicine 32125935 Per Med 2020 Mar
Potential risks and solutions for sharing genome summary data from African populations. Tiffin N BMC medical genomics 31684976 BMC Med Genomics 2019 Nov 4
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A European Spectrum of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers: Implications for Clinical Pharmacogenomics. Mizzi C, Dalabira E, Kumuthini J, Dzimiri N, Balogh I, Başak N, Böhm R, Borg J, Borgiani P, Bozina N, Bruckmueller H, Burzynska B, Carracedo A, Cascorbi I, Deltas C, Dolzan V, Fenech A, Grech G, Kasiulevicius V, Kádaši Ľ, Kučinskas V, Khusnutdinova E, Loukas YL, Macek M Jr, Makukh H, Mathijssen R, Mitropoulos K, Mitropoulou C, Novelli G, Papantoni I, Pavlovic S, Saglio G, Setric J, Stojiljkovic M, Stubbs AP, Squassina A, Torres M, Turnovec M, van Schaik RH, Voskarides K, Wakil SM, Werk A, Del Zompo M, Zukic B, Katsila T, Lee MT, Motsinger-Rief A, Mc Leod HL, van der Spek PJ, Patrinos GP PloS one 27636550 PLoS One 2016
Phylodynamic Structure in the Botswana HIV Epidemic. Kotokwe K, Nascimento FF, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S, Holme MP, Makhema J, Essex M, Novitsky V, Volz E, Ragonnet-Cronin M, PANGEA Consortium Research square 39483888 Res Sq 2024 Oct 18
Predicted resistance to broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) and associated HIV-1 envelope characteristics among seroconverting adults in Botswana. Moraka NO, Choga WT, Pema MN, Chawawa MK, Gobe I, Mokomane M, Bareng OT, Bhebhe L, Kelentse N, Mulenga G, Pretorius Holme M, Mohammed T, Koofhethile CK, Makhema JM, Shapiro R, Lockman S, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S Scientific reports 37875518 Sci Rep 2023 Oct 24
Ethnobotanical survey for potential anti-malarial plants in south-western Nigeria. Dike IP, Obembe OO, Adebiyi FE Journal of ethnopharmacology 23085021 J Ethnopharmacol 2012 Dec 18
Fine scale human genetic structure in three regions of Cameroon reveals episodic diversifying selection. Esoh KK, Apinjoh TO, Nyanjom SG, Wonkam A, Chimusa ER, Amenga-Etego L, Amambua-Ngwa A, Achidi EA Scientific reports 33441574 Sci Rep 2021 Jan 13
African Global Representation in Biomedical Sciences. Mulder N, Zass L, Hamdi Y, Othman H, Panji S, Allali I, Fakim YJ Annual review of biomedical data science 34465182 Annu Rev Biomed Data Sci 2021 Jul 20
The development and application of bioinformatics core competencies to improve bioinformatics training and education. Mulder N, Schwartz R, Brazas MD, Brooksbank C, Gaeta B, Morgan SL, Pauley MA, Rosenwald A, Rustici G, Sierk M, Warnow T, Welch L PLoS computational biology 29390004 PLoS Comput Biol 2018 Feb
Managing genomic variant calling workflows with Swift/T. Ahmed AE, Heldenbrand J, Asmann Y, Fadlelmola FM, Katz DS, Kendig K, Kendzior MC, Li T, Ren Y, Rodriguez E, Weber MR, Wozniak JM, Zermeno J, Mainzer LS PloS one 31287816 PLoS One 2019
Macrophage migrating inhibitory factor expression is associated with Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection and is controlled by trans-acting expression quantitative trait loci in the Guinean population. Kaboré JW, Camara O, Ilboudo H, Capewell P, Clucas C, Cooper A, Kaboré J, Camara M, Jamonneau V, Hertz-Fowler C, Bélem AMG, Matovu E, Macleod A, Sidibé I, Noyes H, Bucheton B, TrypanoGEN Research Group, as member of the H3Africa Consortium Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases 30914286 Infect Genet Evol 2019 Jul
NetCapDB: measuring bioinformatics capacity development in Africa. Bendou H, Entfellner JB, van Heusden P, Gamieldien J, Tiffin N, H3ABioNet Consortium, as members of the H3Africa Consortium BMC research notes 26945860 BMC Res Notes 2016 Mar 5
Tiered informed consent: respecting autonomy, agency and individuality in Africa. Tiffin N BMJ global health 30613430 BMJ Glob Health 2018
New variant identified in major susceptibility locus to tuberculosis on chromosomal region 8q12-q13 in Moroccan population: a case control study. Qrafli M, Asekkaj I, Bourkadi JE, El Aouad R, Sadki K BMC infectious diseases 29115933 BMC Infect Dis 2017 Nov 7
Perturbation-Response Scanning Reveals Key Residues for Allosteric Control in Hsp70. Penkler D, Sensoy Ö, Atilgan C, Tastan Bishop Ö Journal of chemical information and modeling 28505454 J Chem Inf Model 2017 Jun 26
The global distribution and diversity of protein vaccine candidate antigens in the highly virulent Streptococcus pnuemoniae serotype 1. Cornick JE, Tastan Bishop Ö, Yalcin F, Kiran AM, Kumwenda B, Chaguza C, Govindpershad S, Ousmane S, Senghore M, du Plessis M, Pluschke G, Ebruke C, McGee L, Sigaùque B, Collard JM, Bentley SD, Kadioglu A, Antonio M, von Gottberg A, French N, Klugman KP, Heyderman RS, Alderson M, Everett DB, PAGe consortium Vaccine 28081968 Vaccine 2017 Feb 7
The H3ABioNet helpdesk: an online bioinformatics resource, enhancing Africa's capacity for genomics research. Kumuthini J, Zass L, Panji S, Salifu SP, Kayondo JK, Nembaware V, Mbiyavanga M, Olabode A, Kishk A, Wells G, Mulder NJ, as members of the Sustainability and Outreach Work Package of the H3ABioNet Consortium BMC bioinformatics 31888443 BMC Bioinformatics 2019 Dec 30
Proposed minimum information guideline for kidney disease-research and clinical data reporting: a cross-sectional study. Kumuthini J, van Woerden C, Mallett A, Zass L, Chaouch M, Thompson M, Johnston K, Mbiyavanga M, Baichoo S, Mungloo-Dilmohamud Z, Patel C, Mulder N BMJ open 31772086 BMJ Open 2019 Nov 26
ancGWAS: a post genome-wide association study method for interaction, pathway and ancestry analysis in homogeneous and admixed populations. Chimusa ER, Mbiyavanga M, Mazandu GK, Mulder NJ Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 26508762 Bioinformatics 2016 Feb 15
"Broadband" Bioinformatics Skills Transfer with the Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP): Educational Model for Upliftment and Sustainable Development. Chimusa ER, Mbiyavanga M, Masilela V, Kumuthini J PLoS computational biology 26583922 PLoS Comput Biol 2015 Nov
Reversal of CSF HIV-1 Escape during Treatment of HIV-Associated Cryptococcal Meningitis in Botswana. Kelentse N, Moyo S, Molebatsi K, Morerinyane O, Bitsang S, Bareng OT, Lechiile K, Leeme TB, Lawrence DS, Kasvosve I, Musonda R, Mosepele M, Harrison TS, Jarvis JN, Gaseitsiwe S Biomedicines 35740421 Biomedicines 2022 Jun 13
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron spike glycoprotein receptor binding domain exhibits super-binder ability with ACE2 but not convalescent monoclonal antibody. Omotuyi O, Olubiyi O, Nash O, Afolabi E, Oyinloye B, Fatumo S, Femi-Oyewo M, Bogoro S Computers in biology and medicine 35066447 Comput Biol Med 2022 Mar
H3ABioNet, a sustainable pan-African bioinformatics network for human heredity and health in Africa. Mulder NJ, Adebiyi E, Alami R, Benkahla A, Brandful J, Doumbia S, Everett D, Fadlelmola FM, Gaboun F, Gaseitsiwe S, Ghazal H, Hazelhurst S, Hide W, Ibrahimi A, Jaufeerally Fakim Y, Jongeneel CV, Joubert F, Kassim S, Kayondo J, Kumuthini J, Lyantagaye S, Makani J, Mansour Alzohairy A, Masiga D, Moussa A, Nash O, Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer O, Owusu-Dabo E, Panji S, Patterton H, Radouani F, Sadki K, Seghrouchni F, Tastan Bishop Ö, Tiffin N, Ulenga N, H3ABioNet Consortium Genome research 26627985 Genome Res 2016 Feb
The Development of Computational Biology in South Africa: Successes Achieved and Lessons Learnt. Mulder NJ, Christoffels A, de Oliveira T, Gamieldien J, Hazelhurst S, Joubert F, Kumuthini J, Pillay CS, Snoep JL, Tastan Bishop Ö, Tiffin N PLoS computational biology 26845152 PLoS Comput Biol 2016 Feb
Structure-Based Analysis of Single Nucleotide Variants in the Renin-Angiotensinogen Complex. Brown DK, Sheik Amamuddy O, Tastan Bishop Ö Global heart 28302554 Glob Heart 2017 Jun
The eBioKit, a stand-alone educational platform for bioinformatics. Hernández-de-Diego R, de Villiers EP, Klingström T, Gourlé H, Conesa A, Bongcam-Rudloff E PLoS computational biology 28910280 PLoS Comput Biol 2017 Sep
Hepatitis B surface antigen loss in individuals with chronic hepatitis B virus and HIV-1 infections in Botswana. Mpebe GGA, Phinius BB, Mutenga S, Baruti K, Bhebhe L, Choga WT, Jongman M, Pretorius-Holme M, Gaolathe T, Mmalane M, Shapiro R, Makhema J, Lockman S, Moyo S, Anderson M, Gaseitsiwe S AIDS (London, England) 37861688 AIDS 2024 Feb 1
Archived rilpivirine-associated resistance mutations among ART-naive and virologically suppressed people living with HIV-1 subtype C in Botswana: implications for cabotegravir/rilpivirine use. Maruapula D, Moraka NO, Bareng OT, Mokgethi PT, Choga WT, Seatla KK, Kelentse N, Koofhethille CK, Zuze BJL, Gaolathe T, Pretorius-Holme M, Makhema J, Novitsky V, Shapiro R, Moyo S, Lockman S, Gaseitsiwe S The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 37585352 J Antimicrob Chemother 2023 Oct 3
HIV-1C in-House RNA-Based Genotyping Assay for Detection of Drug Resistance Mutations in Samples with Low-Level Viral Loads. Bareng OT, Choga WT, Maphorisa ST, Seselamarumo S, Seatla KK, Mokgethi PT, Maruapula D, Mogwele ML, Ditshwanelo D, Moraka NO, Gobe I, Motswaledi MS, Makhema JM, Musonda R, Shapiro R, Essex M, Novitsky V, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S Infection and drug resistance 36582452 Infect Drug Resist 2022
High concordance in plasma and CSF HIV-1 drug resistance mutations despite high cases of CSF viral escape in individuals with HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in Botswana. Kelentse N, Moyo S, Choga WT, Lechiile K, Leeme TB, Lawrence DS, Kasvosve I, Musonda R, Mosepele M, Harrison TS, Jarvis JN, Gaseitsiwe S The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 36322466 J Antimicrob Chemother 2022 Dec 23
High Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Drug Resistance Mutations to Lamivudine among People with HIV/HBV Coinfection in Rural and Peri-Urban Communities in Botswana. Phinius BB, Anderson M, Gobe I, Mokomane M, Choga WT, Phakedi B, Ratsoma T, Mpebe G, Makhema J, Shapiro R, Lockman S, Musonda R, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S Viruses 38675933 Viruses 2024 Apr 11
Atypical Hepatitis B Virus Serology Profile-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen-Positive/Hepatitis B Core Antibody-Negative-In Hepatitis B Virus/HIV Coinfected Individuals in Botswana. Phinius BB, Anderson M, Mokomane M, Gobe I, Choga WT, Ratsoma T, Phakedi B, Mpebe G, Ditshwanelo D, Musonda R, Makhema J, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S Viruses 37515230 Viruses 2023 Jul 13
Fostemsavir resistance-associated polymorphisms in HIV-1 subtype C in a large cohort of treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced individuals in Botswana. Zuze BJL, Radibe BT, Choga WT, Bareng OT, Moraka NO, Maruapula D, Seru K, Mokgethi P, Mokaleng B, Ndlovu N, Kelentse N, Pretorius-Holme M, Shapiro R, Lockman S, Makhema J, Novitsky V, Seatla KK, Moyo S, Gaseitsiwe S Microbiology spectrum 37823653 Microbiol Spectr 2023 Dec 12
Anopheles metabolic proteins in malaria transmission, prevention and control: a review. Adedeji EO, Ogunlana OO, Fatumo S, Beder T, Ajamma Y, Koenig R, Adebiyi E Parasites & vectors 32912275 Parasit Vectors 2020 Sep 10
The Nigerian Bioinformatics and Genomics Network (NBGN): a collaborative platform to advance bioinformatics and genomics in Nigeria. Fatumo S, Ebenezer TE, Ekenna C, Isewon I, Ahmad U, Adetunji C, Oladipo EK, Adebiyi M, Adebiyi E, Nashiru O, Nigerian Bioinformatics and Genomics Network Global health, epidemiology and genomics 32742665 Glob Health Epidemiol Genom 2020
Homology Modelling and Molecular Docking Studies of Selected Substituted Benzo[d]imidazol-1-yl)methyl)benzimidamide Scaffolds on Plasmodium falciparum Adenylosuccinate Lyase Receptor. Oduselu GO, Ajani OO, Ajamma YU, Brors B, Adebiyi E Bioinformatics and biology insights 31391779 Bioinform Biol Insights 2019
Pharmacophore-Aided Virtual Screening and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Identifies TrkB Agonists for Treatment of CDKL5-Deficiency Disorders. Ademuwagun IA, Oduselu GO, Rotimi SO, Adebiyi E Bioinformatics and biology insights 36895324 Bioinform Biol Insights 2023
Genes associated with diagnosis and prognosis of Burkitt lymphoma. Doughan A, Salifu SP IET systems biology 36354023 IET Syst Biol 2022 Dec
SysBiolPGWAS: simplifying post-GWAS analysis through the use of computational technologies and integration of diverse omics datasets. Falola O, Adam Y, Ajayi O, Kumuthini J, Adewale S, Mosaku A, Samtal C, Adebayo G, Emmanuel J, Tchamga MSS, Erondu U, Nehemiah A, Rasaq S, Ajayi M, Akanle B, Oladipo O, Isewon I, Adebiyi M, Oyelade J, Adebiyi E Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 36477976 Bioinformatics 2023 Jan 1
Structure-based design, and development of amidinyl, amidoximyl and hydroxamic acid based organic molecules as novel antimalarial drug candidates. Adebayo GP, Oduselu GO, Aderohunmu DV, Klika KD, Olasehinde GI, Ajani OO, Adebiyi E Arabian journal of chemistry 38283036 Arab J Chem 2024 Feb
Exome sequencing in Nigerian children with early-onset epilepsy syndromes. Ademuwagun IA, Adam Y, Rotimi SO, Syrbe S, Radtke M, Hentschel J, Lemke JR, Adebiyi E Epilepsia open 39570184 Epilepsia Open 2025 Feb
Strengthening Bioinformatics and Genomics Analyses Skills in Africa for Attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals: Report of the 2nd Conference of the Nigerian Bioinformatics and Genomics Network. Isewon I, Soremekun C, Adebiyi M, Adetunji C, Ogunleye AJ, Bajeh AO, Asani EO, Gbadamosi B, Soremekun O, Udosen B, Kintu C, Ogundokun R, Arowolo MO, Matiluko O, Nashiru O, Adebiyi E, Ekenna C, Fatumo S The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 35576945 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2022 May 16
Structure-based design of functionalized 2-substituted and 1,2-disubstituted benzimidazole derivatives and their in vitro antibacterial efficacy. Ajani OO, Tolu-Bolaji OO, Olorunshola SJ, Zhao Y, Aderohunmu DV Journal of advanced research 29188079 J Adv Res 2017 Nov
Identifying essential genes across eukaryotes by machine learning. Beder T, Aromolaran O, Dönitz J, Tapanelli S, Adedeji EO, Adebiyi E, Bucher G, Koenig R NAR genomics and bioinformatics 34859210 NAR Genom Bioinform 2021 Dec
Voltage Gated Sodium Channel Genes in Epilepsy: Mutations, Functional Studies, and Treatment Dimensions. Ademuwagun IA, Rotimi SO, Syrbe S, Ajamma YU, Adebiyi E Frontiers in neurology 33841294 Front Neurol 2021
Computational identification of Plasmodium falciparum RNA pseudouridylate synthase as a viable drug target, its physicochemical properties, 3D structure prediction and prediction of potential inhibitors. Afolabi R, Chinedu S, Ajamma Y, Adam Y, Koenig R, Adebiyi E Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases 34968763 Infect Genet Evol 2022 Jan
A deep population reference panel of tandem repeat variation. Jam HZ, Li Y, DeVito R, Mousavi N, Ma N, Lujumba I, Adam Y, Maksimov M, Huang B, Dolzhenko E, Qiu Y, Kakembo FE, Joseph H, Onyido B, Adeyemi J, Bakhtiari M, Park J, Javadzadeh S, Jjingo D, Adebiyi E, Bafna V, Gymrek M bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36945429 bioRxiv 2023 Mar 12
In silico Structure Prediction, Molecular Docking, and Dynamic Simulation of Plasmodium falciparum AP2-I Transcription Factor. Oladejo DO, Duselu GO, Dokunmu TM, Isewon I, Oyelade J, Okafor E, Iweala EE, Adebiyi E Bioinformatics and biology insights 36704725 Bioinform Biol Insights 2023
Anopheles gambiae Trehalase Inhibitors for Malaria Vector Control: A Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Study. Adedeji EO, Oduselu GO, Ogunlana OO, Fatumo S, Koenig R, Adebiyi E Insects 36421973 Insects 2022 Nov 19
Polygenic Risk Score in African populations: progress and challenges. Adam Y, Sadeeq S, Kumuthini J, Ajayi O, Wells G, Solomon R, Ogunlana O, Adetiba E, Iweala E, Brors B, Adebiyi E F1000Research 37273966 F1000Res 2022
Analyzing a single nucleotide polymorphism in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis approach. Falola O, Osamor VC, Adebiyi M, Adebiyi E Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 28883732 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2017
Structure-based pharmacophore modeling, virtual screening, and molecular dynamics simulation studies for identification of Plasmodium falciparum 5-aminolevulinate synthase inhibitors. Oduselu GO, Afolabi R, Ademuwagun I, Vaughan A, Adebiyi E Frontiers in medicine 36714108 Front Med (Lausanne) 2022
Synthesis, in silico and in vitro antimicrobial efficacy of substituted arylidene-based quinazolin-4(3H)-one motifs. Oduselu GO, Aderohunmu DV, Ajani OO, Elebiju OF, Ogunnupebi TA, Adebiyi E Frontiers in chemistry 37818483 Front Chem 2023
Author Correction: High-depth African genomes inform human migration and health. Choudhury A, Aron S, Botigué LR, Sengupta D, Botha G, Bensellak T, Wells G, Kumuthini J, Shriner D, Fakim YJ, Ghoorah AW, Dareng E, Odia T, Falola O, Adebiyi E, Hazelhurst S, Mazandu G, Nyangiri OA, Mbiyavanga M, Benkahla A, Kassim SK, Mulder N, Adebamowo SN, Chimusa ER, Muzny D, Metcalf G, Gibbs RA, TrypanoGEN Research Group, Rotimi C, Ramsay M, H3Africa Consortium, Adeyemo AA, Lombard Z, Hanchard NA Nature 33846614 Nature 2021 Apr
Predicting host dependency factors of pathogens in Drosophila melanogaster using machine learning. Aromolaran O, Beder T, Adedeji E, Ajamma Y, Oyelade J, Adebiyi E, Koenig R Computational and structural biotechnology journal 34471501 Comput Struct Biotechnol J 2021
Essential gene prediction in Drosophila melanogaster using machine learning approaches based on sequence and functional features. Aromolaran O, Beder T, Oswald M, Oyelade J, Adebiyi E, Koenig R Computational and structural biotechnology journal 32257045 Comput Struct Biotechnol J 2020
Computational Identification of Metabolic Pathways of Plasmodium falciparum using the k-Shortest Path Algorithm. Oyelade J, Isewon I, Aromolaran O, Uwoghiren E, Dokunmu T, Rotimi S, Aworunse O, Obembe O, Adebiyi E International journal of genomics 31662957 Int J Genomics 2019
Inter-Species/Host-Parasite Protein Interaction Predictions Reviewed. Soyemi J, Isewon I, Oyelade J, Adebiyi E Current bioinformatics 31496926 Curr Bioinform 2018 Aug
Plant genomics in Africa: present and prospects. Ghazal H, Adam Y, Idrissi Azami A, Sehli S, Nyarko HN, Chaouni B, Olasehinde G, Isewon I, Adebiyi M, Ajani O, Matovu E, Obembe O, Ajamma Y, Kuzamunu G, Pandam Salifu S, Kayondo J, Benkahla A, Adebiyi E The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology 33837593 Plant J 2021 Jul
Personalizing medicine in Africa: current state, progress and challenges. Owolabi P, Adam Y, Adebiyi E Frontiers in genetics 37795248 Front Genet 2023
RNA-seq research landscape in Africa: systematic review reveals disparities and opportunities. Doughan A, Adingo W, Salifu SP European journal of medical research 37480073 Eur J Med Res 2023 Jul 22
New Clues to Prognostic Biomarkers of Four Hematological Malignancies. Salifu SP, Doughan A Journal of Cancer 35711821 J Cancer 2022
Chemistry and Pharmacological diversity of Benzothiazepine - Excellent pathway to drug discovery. Ogunnupebi TA, Ajani OO, Oduselu GO, Elebiju OF, Adebiyi E Journal of molecular structure 36843650 J Mol Struct 2023 May 15
Recent advances in functionalized quinoline scaffolds and hybrids-Exceptional pharmacophore in therapeutic medicine. Elebiju OF, Ajani OO, Oduselu GO, Ogunnupebi TA, Adebiyi E Frontiers in chemistry 36688036 Front Chem 2022
In Silico Design of Potential Small-Molecule Antibiotic Adjuvants against Salmonella typhimurium Ortho Acetyl Sulphydrylase Synthase to Address Antimicrobial Resistance. Elebiju OF, Oduselu GO, Ogunnupebi TA, Ajani OO, Adebiyi E Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 38794114 Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2024 Apr 23
In silico studies of benzothiazole derivatives as potential inhibitors of Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae trehalase. Ogunnupebi TA, Oduselu GO, Elebiju OF, Ajani OO, Adebiyi E Frontiers in bioinformatics 39184337 Front Bioinform 2024
Genetic Diversity, Distribution, and Genomic Characterization of Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence of Clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains in Kenya. Kiyaga S, Kyany'a C, Muraya AW, Smith HJ, Mills EG, Kibet C, Mboowa G, Musila L Frontiers in microbiology 35369511 Front Microbiol 2022
A mentorship and incubation program using project-based learning to build a professional bioinformatics pipeline in Kenya. Nanjala R, Nyasimi F, Masiga D, Kibet CK PLoS computational biology 36862660 PLoS Comput Biol 2023 Mar
Rhinovirus dynamics across different social structures. Luka MM, Otieno JR, Kamau E, Morobe JM, Murunga N, Adema I, Nyiro JU, Macharia PM, Bigogo G, Otieno NA, Nyawanda BO, Rabaa MA, Emukule GO, Onyango C, Munywoki PK, Agoti CN, Nokes DJ Npj viruses 38665239 Npj Viruses 2023
Whole genome sequencing of two human rhinovirus A types (A101 and A15) detected in Kenya, 2016-2018. Luka MM, Kamau E, de Laurent ZR, Morobe JM, Alii LK, Nokes DJ, Agoti CN Wellcome open research 34522789 Wellcome Open Res 2021
Metatranscriptomic analysis of the gut microbiome of black soldier fly larvae reared on lignocellulose-rich fiber diets unveils key lignocellulolytic enzymes. Kariuki EG, Kibet C, Paredes JC, Mboowa G, Mwaura O, Njogu J, Masiga D, Bugg TDH, Tanga CM Frontiers in microbiology 37180276 Front Microbiol 2023
Epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics of influenza B virus in coastal Kenya as revealed by genomic analysis of strains sampled over a single season. Nyasimi FM, Owuor DC, Ngoi JM, Mwihuri AG, Otieno GP, Otieno JR, Githinji G, Nyiro JU, Nokes DJ, Agoti CN Virus evolution 33747542 Virus Evol 2020 Jul
Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence Characteristics of Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates in Kenya by Whole-Genome Sequencing. Muraya A, Kyany'a C, Kiyaga S, Smith HJ, Kibet C, Martin MJ, Kimani J, Musila L Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland) 35631066 Pathogens 2022 May 5
Designing and delivering bioinformatics project-based learning in East Africa. Kibet CK, Entfellner JD, Jjingo D, de Villiers EP, de Villiers S, Wambui K, Kinyanjui S, Masiga D BMC bioinformatics 38616247 BMC Bioinformatics 2024 Apr 14
Development of a data collection and management system in West Africa: challenges and sustainability. Shaffer JG, Doumbia SO, Ndiaye D, Diarra A, Gomis JF, Nwakanma D, Abubakar I, Ahmad A, Affara M, Lukowski M, Valim C, Welty JC, Mather FJ, Keating J, Krogstad DJ Infectious diseases of poverty 30541626 Infect Dis Poverty 2018 Nov 16
Effectiveness and Community Acceptance of Extending Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention to Children 5 to 14 Years of Age in Dangassa, Mali. Konaté D, Diawara SI, Keita B, Sogoba N, Fayiçal M, Guindo A, Thiam S, Traoré SF, Shaffer JG, Doumbia S, Diakité M The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 34781256 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2021 Nov 15
Transferability of genetic risk scores in African populations. Kamiza AB, Toure SM, Vujkovic M, Machipisa T, Soremekun OS, Kintu C, Corpas M, Pirie F, Young E, Gill D, Sandhu MS, Kaleebu P, Nyirenda M, Motala AA, Chikowore T, Fatumo S Nature medicine 35654908 Nat Med 2022 Jun
Modeling clinical malaria episodes in different ecological settings in Mali, 2018-2022. Kane F, Toure M, Sogoba N, Traore B, Keita M, Konate D, Diawara SI, Sanogo D, Keita S, Sanogo I, Doumbia CO, Keïta B, Traoré AS, Sissoko I, Coulibaly H, Thiam SM, Barry A, Shaffer JG, Diakite M, Doumbia S IJID regions 38076024 IJID Reg 2024 Mar
Molecular Dynamic Simulation Reveals Structure Differences in APOL1 Variants and Implication in Pathogenesis of Chronic Kidney Disease. Mayanja R, Kintu C, Diabate O, Soremekun O, Oluwagbemi OO, Wele M, Kalyesubula R, Jjingo D, Chikowore T, Fatumo S Genes 36011371 Genes (Basel) 2022 Aug 16
Epilepsy Research in Mali: A Pilot Pharmacokinetics Study on First-Line Antiepileptic Drug Treatment. Sangare M, Doumbia F, Sidibe O, Oumar AA, Bah S, Kouyate M, Diakite SS, Traore K, Karembe A, Haidara MS, Coulibaly SP, Coulibaly S, Togora A, Dolo H, Traore D, Doumbia S, Diakite M, Maiga Y, Diawara A, Kuate C, Kim HG, Awandare GA Journal of epilepsy research 32983953 J Epilepsy Res 2020 Jun
Dyslipidemia in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes in a Rural Community in Ganadougou, Mali: A Cross-Sectional Study. Diawara A, Coulibaly DM, Kone D, Traore MA, Konaté D, Bazi DS, Kassogue O, Sylla D, Fofana FG, Diabaté O, Traore M, Nieantao IA, Keїta K, Diarra M, Smith O, Li J, Cisse C, Abbas TY, Zheng C, Fatumo S, Traore K, Wele M, Diakité M, Doumbia SO, Shaffer JG Journal of diabetes mellitus 38938445 J Diabetes Mellitus 2024 May
Expanding Research Capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa Through Informatics, Bioinformatics, and Data Science Training Programs in Mali. Shaffer JG, Mather FJ, Wele M, Li J, Tangara CO, Kassogue Y, Srivastav SK, Thiero O, Diakite M, Sangare M, Dabitao D, Toure M, Djimde AA, Traore S, Diakite B, Coulibaly MB, Liu Y, Lacey M, Lefante JJ, Koita O, Schieffelin JS, Krogstad DJ, Doumbia SO Frontiers in genetics 31031807 Front Genet 2019
p.Arg72Pro polymorphism of P53 and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis of case-control studies. Diakite B, Kassogue Y, Dolo G, Wang J, Neuschler E, Kassogue O, Keita ML, Traore CB, Kamate B, Dembele E, Nadifi S, Murphy RL, Doumbia S, Hou L, Maiga M BMC medical genetics 33076844 BMC Med Genet 2020 Oct 19
Association of PIN3 16-bp duplication polymorphism of TP53 with breast cancer risk in Mali and a meta-analysis. Diakite B, Kassogue Y, Dolo G, Kassogue O, Keita ML, Joyce B, Neuschler E, Wang J, Musa J, Traore CB, Kamate B, Dembele E, Nadifi S, Isichei M, Holl JL, Murphy R, Doumbia S, Hou L, Maiga M BMC medical genetics 32620097 BMC Med Genet 2020 Jul 3
The genetic architecture of appendicular lean mass characterized by association analysis in the UK Biobank study. Pei YF, Liu YZ, Yang XL, Zhang H, Feng GJ, Wei XT, Zhang L Communications biology 33097823 Commun Biol 2020 Oct 23
Clustering of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection and the effectiveness of targeted malaria control measures. Shaffer JG, Touré MB, Sogoba N, Doumbia SO, Gomis JF, Ndiaye M, Ndiaye D, Diarra A, Abubakar I, Ahmad A, Affara M, Nwakanma D, Lukowski M, Welty JC, Mather FJ, Keating J, Krogstad DJ Malaria journal 31964378 Malar J 2020 Jan 21
Causal effect of severe and non-severe malaria on dyslipidemia in African Ancestry individuals: A Mendelian randomization study. Traore M, Sangare H, Diabate O, Diawara A, Cissé C, Nashiru O, Li J, Shaffer J, Wélé M, Doumbia S, Chikowore T, Soremekun O, Fatumo S Annals of human genetics 38488696 Ann Hum Genet 2024 Mar 15
Identification of promising high-affinity inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease from African Natural Products Databases by Virtual Screening. Diabate O, Cisse C, Sangare M, Soremekun O, Fatumo S, Shaffer JG, Doumbia S, Wele M Research square 36993208 Res Sq 2023 Mar 24
Type 2 diabetes prevalence, awareness, and risk factors in rural Mali: a cross-sectional study. Diawara A, Coulibaly DM, Hussain TYA, Cisse C, Li J, Wele M, Diakite M, Traore K, Doumbia SO, Shaffer JG Scientific reports 36878951 Sci Rep 2023 Mar 6
Multi-trait discovery and fine-mapping of lipid loci in 125,000 individuals of African ancestry. Kamiza AB, Touré SM, Zhou F, Soremekun O, Cissé C, Wélé M, Touré AM, Nashiru O, Corpas M, Nyirenda M, Crampin A, Shaffer J, Doumbia S, Zeggini E, Morris AP, Asimit JL, Chikowore T, Fatumo S Nature communications 37669986 Nat Commun 2023 Sep 5
Artemisinin-based combination therapy for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Mali: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Maiga FO, Wele M, Toure SM, Keita M, Tangara CO, Refeld RR, Thiero O, Kayentao K, Diakite M, Dara A, Li J, Toure M, Sagara I, Djimdé A, Mather FJ, Doumbia SO, Shaffer JG Malaria journal 34461901 Malar J 2021 Aug 30
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Short Communication: Genetic Variation in Human IL10 Proximal Promoter and Susceptibility to HIV-1 Infection in Mali, West Africa. Dabitao D, Dembele M, Urbanowski M, Kone B, Wague M, Coulibaly N, Sarro YDS, Baya B, Goita D, Dao S, Belson M, Klein SL, Achenbach C, Holl JL, Diakite M, Doumbia S, Bream JH, Bishai WR, Diallo S, Murphy RL AIDS research and human retroviruses 33045845 AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2021 Jan
Proportions of resting memory T cells and monocytes in blood have prognostic significance in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Liu YZ, Saito S, Morris GF, Miller CA 3rd, Li J, Lefante JJ Genomics 30261315 Genomics 2019 Dec
The West Africa ICEMR Partnerships for Guiding Policy to Improve the Malaria Prevention and Control. Doumbia S, Toure M, Sogoba N, Alifrangis M, Diakite M, Diarra A, Keita M, Konaté D, Diawara SI, Thiam SM, Keita S, Tounkara M, Cissé I, Sanogo V, Magassa MH, Barry AE, Winch PJ, Marker HC, Shaffer JG, Traoré SF, Müller GC, Cui L, Beier JC, Mihigo J The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 36228908 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2022 Oct 11
A Decade of Progress Accelerating Malaria Control in Mali: Evidence from the West Africa International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research. Doumbia S, Sogoba N, Diakite M, Toure M, Keita M, Konaté D, Diawara SI, Diarra A, Sanogo D, Kane F, Diakite SAS, Traore K, Thiam SM, Traoré SF, Cisse I, Mihigo J, Coulibaly MB, Dabitao D, Alifrangis M, Barry AE, Müller GC, Beier JC, Shaffer JG The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 36228923 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2022 Oct 11
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies and Associated Factors in Bamako, Mali: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study in September 2022. Traoré B, Guindo MA, Konaté D, Kané F, Incandela NC, Traore A, Kanté S, Sidibé M, Keita B, Kasse F, Tangara K, Diallo D, Maiga IY, Thiam S, Cisse A, Siby KM, Dicko AR, Goita M, Kone D, Diallo M, Traore M, Coulibaly YI, Diakité M, Doumbia S, Dolo H, Balam S Influenza and other respiratory viruses 39044355 Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2024 Jul
African Centers of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Data Intensive Science: Building Capacity for Enhancing Data Intensive Infectious Diseases Research in Africa. Giovanni MY, Whalen C, Hurt DE, Ware-Allen L, Noble K, McCarthy M, Quinones M, Cruz P, Jjingo D, Wele M, Seydou D, Tartakovsky M Journal of infectious diseases & microbiology 37987019 J Infect Dis Microbiol 2023
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HIV-DRIVES: HIV drug resistance identification, variant evaluation, and surveillance pipeline. Kanyerezi S, Sserwadda I, Ssemaganda A, Seruyange J, Ayitewala A, Oundo HR, Tenywa W, Kagurusi BA, Tusabe G, Were S, Ssewanyana I, Nabadda S, Namaganda MM, Mboowa G Access microbiology 39130735 Access Microbiol 2024
Translational research in Uganda: linking basic science to bedside medicine in a resource limited setting. Kwizera R, Mande E, Omali D, Okurut S, Nabweyambo S, Nabatanzi R, Nakanjako D, Meya DB Journal of translational medicine 33593378 J Transl Med 2021 Feb 16
Bioinformatics mentorship in a resource limited setting. Jjingo D, Mboowa G, Sserwadda I, Kakaire R, Kiberu D, Amujal M, Galiwango R, Kateete D, Joloba M, Whalen CC Briefings in bioinformatics 34591953 Brief Bioinform 2022 Jan 17
Air pollution and mobility patterns in two Ugandan cities during COVID-19 mobility restrictions suggest the validity of air quality data as a measure for human mobility. Galiwango R, Bainomugisha E, Kivunike F, Kateete DP, Jjingo D Environmental science and pollution research international 36520281 Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2023 Mar
Beyond the fever: shotgun metagenomic sequencing of stool unveils pathogenic players in HIV-infected children with non-malarial febrile illness. Nabisubi P, Kanyerezi S, Kebirungi G, Sserwadda I, Nsubuga M, Kisitu G, Nahirya PN, Mulindwa B, Akabwai GP, Nantongo S, Kekitiinwa A, Kigozi E, Luutu NM, Katabazi FA, Kalema L, Katabalwa A, Jjingo D, Mboowa G BMC infectious diseases 39838275 BMC Infect Dis 2025 Jan 21
Feasibility of Virtual Reality based Training for Optimising COVID-19 Case Handling in Uganda. Buyego P, Katwesigye E, Kebirungi G, Nsubuga M, Nakyejwe S, Cruz P, McCarthy M, Hurt D, Kambugu A, Arinaitwe JW, Ssekabira U, Jjingo D Research square 34611655 Res Sq 2021 Oct 4
Phylogenetic lineages of tuberculosis isolates and their association with patient demographics in Tanzania. Mutayoba BK, Michael Hoelscher, Heinrich N, Joloba ML, Lyamuya E, Kilale AM, Range NS, Ngowi BJ, Ntinginya NE, Mfaume SM, Wilfred A, Doulla B, Lyimo J, Kisonga R, Kingalu A, Kabahita JM, Guido O, Kabugo J, Adam I, Luutu M, Namaganda MM, Namutebi J, Kasule GW, Nakato H, Byabajungu H, Lutaaya P, Musisi K, Oola D, Mboowa G, Pletschette M BMC genomics 35931954 BMC Genomics 2022 Aug 5
Unraveling virulence determinants in extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli from East Africa using whole-genome sequencing. Sserwadda I, Kidenya BR, Kanyerezi S, Akaro IL, Mkinze B, Mshana SE, Hashim SO, Isoe E, Seni J, Joloba ML, Mboowa G BMC infectious diseases 37679664 BMC Infect Dis 2023 Sep 7
Antitetanus toxoid antibodies in mothers and neonates: a single-centre study from Uganda. Mugagga N, Bagaya BS, Nantongo M, Muwanda F, Mukunya D, Musaba MW, Nakimuli AO, Musooko M, Sekikubo M BMJ paediatrics open 37532465 BMJ Paediatr Open 2023 Aug
The rise of pathogen genomics in Africa. Mboowa G, Kakooza F, Egesa M, Tukwasibwe S, Kanyerezi S, Sserwadda I, R Kidenya B, Kabahita JM, Namaganda MM, Nsubuga M, Nabisubi P, Ayitewala A, Kebirungi G, Nakafu E, Akwii NP F1000Research 39464779 F1000Res 2024
Webinar report: stakeholder perspectives on informed consent for the use of genomic data by commercial entities. Schultz B, Agamah FE, Ewuoso C, Madden EB, Troyer J, Skelton M, Mwaka E, H3Africa Ethics and Community Engagement Working Group Journal of medical ethics 36941048 J Med Ethics 2023 Dec 14
Advancing microbiome research through standardized data and metadata collection: introducing the Microbiome Research Data Toolkit. Zass L, Mwapagha LM, Louis-Jacques AF, Allali I, Mulindwa J, Kiran A, Hanachi M, Souiai O, Mulder N, Oduaran OH Database : the journal of biological databases and curation 39167718 Database (Oxford) 2024 Aug 21
SARS-CoV-2 Host Immunogenetic Biomarkers. Gededzha MP, Mampeule N, Gandini A, Mayne ES Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 35838957 Methods Mol Biol 2022
Evaluation Protocol for SARS-CoV-2 Serological Assays. Gededzha MP, Jugwanth S, Mampeule N, Zwane N, David A, Scott L, Stevens W, Mayne ES Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 35838970 Methods Mol Biol 2022
Genomic characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from Uganda using MinION nanopore sequencing. Kia P, Katagirya E, Kakembo FE, Adera DA, Nsubuga ML, Yiga F, Aloyo SM, Aujat BR, Anguyo DF, Katabazi FA, Kigozi E, Joloba ML, Kateete DP Scientific reports 37993530 Sci Rep 2023 Nov 22
Whole-genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in Uganda: implementation of the low-cost ARTIC protocol in resource-limited settings. Mboowa G, Mwesigwa S, Kateete D, Wayengera M, Nasinghe E, Katagirya E, Katabazi AF, Kigozi E, Kirimunda S, Kamulegeya R, Kabahita JM, Luutu MN, Nabisubi P, Kanyerezi S, Bagaya BS, Joloba ML F1000Research 34457243 F1000Res 2021
Biobanking: Strengthening Uganda's Rapid Response to COVID-19 and Other Epidemics. Kamulegeya R, Kateete DP, Bagaya BS, Nasinghe E, Muttamba W, Nsubuga G, Kigozi E, Katabazi FA, Nakwagala F, Kalungi S, Byamugisha J, Worodria W, Magala R, Kirenga B, Joloba ML Biopreservation and biobanking 34597189 Biopreserv Biobank 2022 Jun
Biobanking in East and Central Africa: A case of the Integrated Biorepository of H3Africa Uganda. Nsubuga G, Kateete DP, Aloyo SM, Kigingi LN, Emmanuel N, Dafala K, Ntayi ML, Joloba ML, Rogers K Open research Africa 37224314 Open Res Afr 2022
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Genome Detective Coronavirus Typing Tool for rapid identification and characterization of novel coronavirus genomes. Cleemput S, Dumon W, Fonseca V, Abdool Karim W, Giovanetti M, Alcantara LC, Deforche K, de Oliveira T Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 32108862 Bioinformatics 2020 Jun 1
Simulation of African and non-African low and high coverage whole genome sequence data to assess variant calling approaches. Alosaimi S, van Biljon N, Awany D, Thami PK, Defo J, Mugo JW, Bope CD, Mazandu GK, Mulder NJ, Chimusa ER Briefings in bioinformatics 33341897 Brief Bioinform 2021 Jul 20
Access to primary healthcare during lockdown measures for COVID-19 in rural South Africa: an interrupted time series analysis. Siedner MJ, Kraemer JD, Meyer MJ, Harling G, Mngomezulu T, Gabela P, Dlamini S, Gareta D, Majozi N, Ngwenya N, Seeley J, Wong E, Iwuji C, Shahmanesh M, Hanekom W, Herbst K BMJ open 33020109 BMJ Open 2020 Oct 5
Computational and drug target analysis of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with Haemoglobin Subunit Beta (HBB) gene. Soremekun OS, Ezenwa C, Isewon I, Soliman M, Idowu O, Nashiru O, Fatumo S Computers in biology and medicine 33022520 Comput Biol Med 2020 Oct
Patient-centric research in the time of COVID-19: conducting ethical COVID-19 research in Africa. Nembaware V, Munung NS, Matimba A, Tiffin N BMJ global health 32764129 BMJ Glob Health 2020 Aug
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Early transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in South Africa: An epidemiological and phylogenetic report. Giandhari J, Pillay S, Wilkinson E, Tegally H, Sinayskiy I, Schuld M, Lourenco J, Chimukangara B, Lessells R, Moosa Y, Gazy I, Fish M, Singh L, Khanyile KS, Fonseca V, Giovanetti M, Alcantara LC, Petruccione F, de Oliveira T medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 32511505 medRxiv 2020 May 29
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Determining the unbinding events and conserved motions associated with the pyrazinamide release due to resistance mutations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pyrazinamidase. Sheik Amamuddy O, Musyoka TM, Boateng RA, Zabo S, Tastan Bishop Ö Computational and structural biotechnology journal 32489525 Comput Struct Biotechnol J 2020
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A computational method for the identification of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya virus species and genotypes. Fonseca V, Libin PJK, Theys K, Faria NR, Nunes MRT, Restovic MI, Freire M, Giovanetti M, Cuypers L, Nowé A, Abecasis A, Deforche K, Santiago GA, Siqueira IC, San EJ, Machado KCB, Azevedo V, Filippis AMB, Cunha RVD, Pybus OG, Vandamme AM, Alcantara LCJ, de Oliveira T PLoS neglected tropical diseases 31067235 PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2019 May
Use of Big Data and Machine Learning Methods in the Monitoring and Evaluation of Digital Health Programs in India: An Exploratory Protocol. Mohan D, Bashingwa JJH, Dane P, Chamberlain S, Tiffin N, Lefevre A JMIR research protocols 31127716 JMIR Res Protoc 2019 May 24
Developing Clinical Phenotype Data Collection Standards for Research in Africa. Zass L, Johnston K, Benkahla A, Chaouch M, Kumuthini J, Radouani F, Mwita LA, Alsayed N, Allie T, Sathan D, Masamu U, Seuneu Tchamga MS, Tamuhla T, Samtal C, Nembaware V, Gill Z, Ahmed S, Hamdi Y, Fadlelmola F, Tiffin N, Mulder N Global health, epidemiology and genomics 37766808 Glob Health Epidemiol Genom 2023
An in-silico analysis of OGT gene association with diabetes mellitus. Ayodele AO, Udosen B, Oluwagbemi OO, Oladipo EK, Omotuyi I, Isewon I, Nash O, Soremekun O, Fatumo S BMC research notes 38539217 BMC Res Notes 2024 Mar 27
Polygenic risk scores for disease risk prediction in Africa: current challenges and future directions. Fatumo S, Sathan D, Samtal C, Isewon I, Tamuhla T, Soremekun C, Jafali J, Panji S, Tiffin N, Fakim YJ Genome medicine 37904243 Genome Med 2023 Oct 30
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A framework for the promotion of ethical benefit sharing in health research. Bedeker A, Nichols M, Allie T, Tamuhla T, van Heusden P, Olorunsogbon O, Tiffin N, PHA4GE Ethics and Data-Sharing Working Group BMJ global health 35144922 BMJ Glob Health 2022 Feb
Population genetic polymorphisms of pharmacogenes in Zimbabwe, a potential guide for the safe and efficacious use of medicines in people of African ancestry. Mbavha BT, Kanji CR, Stadler N, Stingl J, Stanglmair A, Scholl C, Wekwete W, Masimirembwa C Pharmacogenetics and genomics 35190514 Pharmacogenet Genomics 2022 Jul 1
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Integrated molecular characterisation of the MAPK pathways in human cancers reveals pharmacologically vulnerable mutations and gene dependencies. Sinkala M, Nkhoma P, Mulder N, Martin DP Communications biology 33398072 Commun Biol 2021 Jan 4
Does having a mobile phone matter? Linking phone access among women to health in India: An exploratory analysis of the National Family Health Survey. Mohan D, Bashingwa JJH, Tiffin N, Dhar D, Mulder N, George A, LeFevre AE PloS one 32687527 PLoS One 2020
Allostery and Missense Mutations as Intermittently Linked Promising Aspects of Modern Computational Drug Discovery. Tastan Bishop Ö, Musyoka TM, Barozi V Journal of molecular biology 35490897 J Mol Biol 2022 Sep 15
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An e-consent framework for tiered informed consent for human genomic research in the global south, implemented as a REDCap template. Tamuhla T, Tiffin N, Allie T BMC medical ethics 36434585 BMC Med Ethics 2022 Nov 24
Routine health data describe adherence and persistence patterns for oral diabetes medication for a virtual cohort in the Khayelitsha sub-district of Cape Town, South Africa. Tamuhla T, Raubenheimer P, Dave JA, Tiffin N PLOS global public health 38127875 PLOS Glob Public Health 2023
Africa-specific human genetic variation near CHD1L associates with HIV-1 load. McLaren PJ, Porreca I, Iaconis G, Mok HP, Mukhopadhyay S, Karakoc E, Cristinelli S, Pomilla C, Bartha I, Thorball CW, Tough RH, Angelino P, Kiar CS, Carstensen T, Fatumo S, Porter T, Jarvis I, Skarnes WC, Bassett A, DeGorter MK, Sathya Moorthy MP, Tuff JF, Kim EY, Walter M, Simons LM, Bashirova A, Buchbinder S, Carrington M, Cossarizza A, De Luca A, Goedert JJ, Goldstein DB, Haas DW, Herbeck JT, Johnson EO, Kaleebu P, Kilembe W, Kirk GD, Kootstra NA, Kral AH, Lambotte O, Luo M, Mallal S, Martinez-Picado J, Meyer L, Miro JM, Moodley P, Motala AA, Mullins JI, Nam K, Obel N, Pirie F, Plummer FA, Poli G, Price MA, Rauch A, Theodorou I, Trkola A, Walker BD, Winkler CA, Zagury JF, Montgomery SB, Ciuffi A, Hultquist JF, Wolinsky SM, Dougan G, Lever AML, Gurdasani D, Groom H, Sandhu MS, Fellay J Nature 37532928 Nature 2023 Aug
SeqPredNN: a neural network that generates protein sequences that fold into specified tertiary structures. Lategan FA, Schreiber C, Patterton HG BMC bioinformatics 37789284 BMC Bioinformatics 2023 Oct 3
The ISCB competency framework v. 3: a revised and extended standard for bioinformatics education and training. Brooksbank C, Brazas MD, Mulder N, Schwartz R, Ras V, Morgan SL, Lloret Llinares M, Carvajal López P, Larcombe L, Ghouila A, Hancocks T, Satagopam V, De Las Rivas J, Mazandu G, Gaeta B Bioinformatics advances 39678208 Bioinform Adv 2024
The complete mitochondrial genome data of Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels. Idrissi Azami A, Pirro S, Sehli S, Habib N, El Ghoubali D, Al Idrissi N, Rahim B, Gaboun F, Msanda F, Zahidi A, El Finti A, Legssyer A, Tatusova T, Nejjari C, Amzazi S, Belyamani L, El Mousadik A, Ghazal H Data in brief 39290434 Data Brief 2024 Dec
Molecular epidemiology of invasive group B Streptococcus in South Africa, 2019-2020. Ntozini B, Walaza S, Metcalf B, Hazelhurst S, de Gouveia L, Meiring S, Mogale D, Mtshali S, Ismail A, Ndlangisa K, Du Plessis M, Quan V, Chochua S, McGee L, von Gottberg A, Wolter N The Journal of infectious diseases 39737783 J Infect Dis 2024 Dec 31
MDM-TASK-web: MD-TASK and MODE-TASK web server for analyzing protein dynamics. Sheik Amamuddy O, Glenister M, Tshabalala T, Tastan Bishop Ö Computational and structural biotechnology journal 34589183 Comput Struct Biotechnol J 2021
In-silico analysis reveals druggable single nucleotide polymorphisms in angiotensin 1 converting enzyme involved in the onset of blood pressure. Udosen B, Soremekun O, Ekenna C, Idowu Omotuyi O, Chikowore T, Nashiru O, Fatumo S BMC research notes 34930451 BMC Res Notes 2021 Dec 20
Coronavirus Host Genetics South Africa (COHG-SA) database-a variant database for gene regions associated with SARS-CoV-2 outcomes. Barmania F, Mellet J, Ryder MA, Ford G, Herd CL, Tamuhla T, Hendricks C, Giles R, Kalua T, Joubert F, Tiffin N, Pepper MS European journal of human genetics : EJHG 35351987 Eur J Hum Genet 2022 Aug
Targeted Sanger sequencing to recover key mutations in SARS-CoV-2 variant genome assemblies produced by next-generation sequencing. Singh L, San JE, Tegally H, Brzoska PM, Anyaneji UJ, Wilkinson E, Clark L, Giandhari J, Pillay S, Lessells RJ, Martin DP, Furtado M, Kiran AM, de Oliveira T Microbial genomics 35294336 Microb Genom 2022 Mar
The emergence and ongoing convergent evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 N501Y lineages. Martin DP, Weaver S, Tegally H, San JE, Shank SD, Wilkinson E, Lucaci AG, Giandhari J, Naidoo S, Pillay Y, Singh L, Lessells RJ, NGS-SA, COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK), Gupta RK, Wertheim JO, Nekturenko A, Murrell B, Harkins GW, Lemey P, MacLean OA, Robertson DL, de Oliveira T, Kosakovsky Pond SL Cell 34537136 Cell 2021 Sep 30
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Impact of Early Pandemic Stage Mutations on Molecular Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 M(pro). Sheik Amamuddy O, Verkhivker GM, Tastan Bishop Ö Journal of chemical information and modeling 32853525 J Chem Inf Model 2020 Oct 26
Human OMICs and Computational Biology Research in Africa: Current Challenges and Prospects. Hamdi Y, Zass L, Othman H, Radouani F, Allali I, Hanachi M, Okeke CJ, Chaouch M, Tendwa MB, Samtal C, Mohamed Sallam R, Alsayed N, Turkson M, Ahmed S, Benkahla A, Romdhane L, Souiai O, Tastan Bishop Ö, Ghedira K, Mohamed Fadlelmola F, Mulder N, Kamal Kassim S Omics : a journal of integrative biology 33794662 OMICS 2021 Apr
Antennal Enriched Odorant Binding Proteins Are Required for Odor Communication in Glossina f. fuscipes. Diallo S, Shahbaaz M, Makwatta JO, Muema JM, Masiga D, Christofells A, Getahun MN Biomolecules 33917773 Biomolecules 2021 Apr 8
Spatio-temporal patterns of Synechococcus oligotypes in Moroccan lagoonal environments. Chaouni B, Idrissi Azami A, Raoui S, Amzazi S, Nejjari C, Bakkali F, Zaid EH, Hamamouch N, Amaral-Zettler L, Ghazal H Scientific reports 36596878 Sci Rep 2023 Jan 3
A genome-wide association study identifies distinct variants associated with pulmonary function among European and African ancestries from the UK Biobank. Sinkala M, Elsheikh SSM, Mbiyavanga M, Cullinan J, Mulder NJ Communications biology 36641522 Commun Biol 2023 Jan 14
The Sickle Cell Disease Ontology: Enabling Collaborative Research and Co-Designing of New Planetary Health Applications. Nembaware V, Mazandu GK, Hotchkiss J, Safari Serufuri JM, Kent J, Kengne AP, Anie K, Munung NS, Bukini D, Bitoungui VJN, Munube D, Chirwa U, Chunda-Liyoka C, Jonathan A, Flor-Park MV, Esoh KK, Jonas M, Mnika K, Oosterwyk C, Masamu U, Morrice J, Uwineza A, Nguweneza A, Banda K, Nyanor I, Adjei DN, Siebu NE, Nkanyemka M, Kuona P, Tayo BO, Campbell A, Oron AP, Nnodu OE, Painstil V, Makani J, Mulder N, Wonkam A Omics : a journal of integrative biology 33021900 OMICS 2020 Oct
Equity, diversity, and inclusion at the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health. Skantharajah N, Baichoo S, Boughtwood TF, Casas-Silva E, Chandrasekharan S, Dave SM, Fakhro KA, Falcon de Vargas AB, Gayle SS, Gupta VK, Hendricks-Sturrup R, Hobb AE, Li S, Llamas B, Lopez-Correa C, Machirori M, Melendez-Zajgla J, Millner MA, Page AJH, Paglione LD, Raven-Adams MC, Smith L, Thomas EM, Kumuthini J, Corpas M Cell genomics 37868041 Cell Genom 2023 Oct 11
Record linkage for routinely collected health data in an African health information exchange. Mutemaringa T, Heekes A, Smith M, Boulle A, Tiffin N International journal of population data science 37636832 Int J Popul Data Sci 2023
Ethical and practical issues to consider in the governance of genomic and human research data and data sharing in South Africa: a meeting report. Staunton C, Adams R, Dove ES, Harriman N, Horn L, Labuschaigne M, Mulder N, Olckers A, Pope A, Ramsay M, Swanepoel C, Ni Loideain N, De Vries J AAS open research 32259025 AAS Open Res 2019 May 22
Current Affairs of Microbial Genome-Wide Association Studies: Approaches, Bottlenecks and Analytical Pitfalls. San JE, Baichoo S, Kanzi A, Moosa Y, Lessells R, Fonseca V, Mogaka J, Power R, de Oliveira T Frontiers in microbiology 32082269 Front Microbiol 2019
Ten simple rules for organizing a bioinformatics training course in low- and middle-income countries. Moore B, Carvajal-López P, Chauke PA, Cristancho M, Dominguez Del Angel V, Fernandez-Valverde SL, Ghouila A, Gopalasingam P, Guerfali FZ, Matimba A, Morgan SL, Oliveira G, Ras V, Reyes A, De Las Rivas J, Mulder N PLoS computational biology 34411091 PLoS Comput Biol 2021 Aug
H3ABioNet genomic medicine and microbiome data portals hackathon proceedings. Fadlelmola FM, Ghedira K, Hamdi Y, Hanachi M, Radouani F, Allali I, Kiran A, Zass L, Alsayed N, Fassatoui M, Samtal C, Ahmed S, Da Rocha J, Chaqsare S, Sallam RM, Chaouch M, Farahat M, Ssekagiri A, Parker Z, Adil M, Turkson M, Benchaalia A, Benkahla A, Panji S, Kassim S, Souiai O, Mulder N Database : the journal of biological databases and curation 33864455 Database (Oxford) 2021 Apr 17
Transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 within-host diversity in two major hospital outbreaks in South Africa. San JE, Ngcapu S, Kanzi AM, Tegally H, Fonseca V, Giandhari J, Wilkinson E, Nelson CW, Smidt W, Kiran AM, Chimukangara B, Pillay S, Singh L, Fish M, Gazy I, Martin DP, Khanyile K, Lessells R, de Oliveira T Virus evolution 34035952 Virus Evol 2021 Jan
Eave and swarm collections prove effective for biased captures of male Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes in Uganda. Birungi K, Mabuka DP, Balyesima V, Namukwaya A, Chemoges EW, Kiwuwa-Muyingo S, Collins CM, Tripet F, Kayondo JK Parasites & vectors 34039430 Parasit Vectors 2021 May 26
Whole Genome Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2: Adapting Illumina Protocols for Quick and Accurate Outbreak Investigation during a Pandemic. Pillay S, Giandhari J, Tegally H, Wilkinson E, Chimukangara B, Lessells R, Moosa Y, Mattison S, Gazy I, Fish M, Singh L, Khanyile KS, San JE, Fonseca V, Giovanetti M, Alcantara LC Jr, de Oliveira T Genes 32824573 Genes (Basel) 2020 Aug 17
Repeats expansions in ATXN2, NOP56, NIPA1 and ATXN1 are not associated with ALS in Africans. Nel M, Mavundla T, Gultig K, Botha G, Mulder N, Benatar M, Wuu J, Cooley A, Myers J, Rampersaud E, Wu G, Heckmann JM IBRO neuroscience reports 34179866 IBRO Neurosci Rep 2021 Jun
Diabetes in a TB and HIV-endemic South African population: Analysis of a virtual cohort using routine health data. Tamuhla T, Dave JA, Raubenheimer P, Tiffin N PloS one 33961671 PLoS One 2021
Using a multiple-delivery-mode training approach to develop local capacity and infrastructure for advanced bioinformatics in Africa. Ras V, Botha G, Aron S, Lennard K, Allali I, Claassen-Weitz S, Mwaikono KS, Kennedy D, Holmes JR, Rendon G, Panji S, Fields CJ, Mulder N PLoS computational biology 33630830 PLoS Comput Biol 2021 Feb
Machine Learning and Network Analyses Reveal Disease Subtypes of Pancreatic Cancer and their Molecular Characteristics. Sinkala M, Mulder N, Martin D Scientific reports 31988390 Sci Rep 2020 Jan 27
Strategies and opportunities for promoting bioinformatics in Zimbabwe. Shoko R, Manasa J, Maphosa M, Mbanga J, Mudziwapasi R, Nembaware V, Sanyika WT, Tinago T, Chikwambi Z, Mawere C, Matimba A, Mugumbate G, Mufandaedza J, Mulder N, Patterton H PLoS computational biology 30496170 PLoS Comput Biol 2018 Nov
MODE-TASK: large-scale protein motion tools. Ross C, Nizami B, Glenister M, Sheik Amamuddy O, Atilgan AR, Atilgan C, Tastan Bishop Ö Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 29850770 Bioinformatics 2018 Nov 1
Trends in antimicrobial resistance in bloodstream infection isolates at a large urban hospital in Malawi (1998-2016): a surveillance study. Musicha P, Cornick JE, Bar-Zeev N, French N, Masesa C, Denis B, Kennedy N, Mallewa J, Gordon MA, Msefula CL, Heyderman RS, Everett DB, Feasey NA The Lancet. Infectious diseases 28818544 Lancet Infect Dis 2017 Oct
Genome of wild olive and the evolution of oil biosynthesis. Unver T, Wu Z, Sterck L, Turktas M, Lohaus R, Li Z, Yang M, He L, Deng T, Escalante FJ, Llorens C, Roig FJ, Parmaksiz I, Dundar E, Xie F, Zhang B, Ipek A, Uranbey S, Erayman M, Ilhan E, Badad O, Ghazal H, Lightfoot DA, Kasarla P, Colantonio V, Tombuloglu H, Hernandez P, Mete N, Cetin O, Van Montagu M, Yang H, Gao Q, Dorado G, Van de Peer Y Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29078332 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Oct 31
Slipknot or Crystallographic Error: A Computational Analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum DHFR Structural Folds. Tata RB, Alsulami AF, Sheik Amamuddy O, Blundell TL, Tastan Bishop Ö International journal of molecular sciences 35163439 Int J Mol Sci 2022 Jan 28
Deciphering Isoniazid Drug Resistance Mechanisms on Dimeric Mycobacterium tuberculosis KatG via Post-molecular Dynamics Analyses Including Combined Dynamic Residue Network Metrics. Barozi V, Musyoka TM, Sheik Amamuddy O, Tastan Bishop Ö ACS omega 35474779 ACS Omega 2022 Apr 19
The clinical utility of polygenic risk scores in genomic medicine practices: a systematic review. Kumuthini J, Zick B, Balasopoulou A, Chalikiopoulou C, Dandara C, El-Kamah G, Findley L, Katsila T, Li R, Maceda EB, Monye H, Rada G, Thong MK, Wanigasekera T, Kennel H, Marimuthu V, G2MC Evidence investigators, Williams MS, Al-Mulla F, Abramowicz M Human genetics 35488921 Hum Genet 2022 Nov
nf-rnaSeqCount: A Nextflow pipeline for obtaining raw read counts from RNA-seq data. Mpangase PT, Frost J, Tikly M, Ramsay M, Hazelhurst S South African computer journal = Suid-Afrikaanse rekenaartydskrif 35574063 S Afr Comput J 2021 Dec
The Data Use Ontology to streamline responsible access to human biomedical datasets. Lawson J, Cabili MN, Kerry G, Boughtwood T, Thorogood A, Alper P, Bowers SR, Boyles RR, Brookes AJ, Brush M, Burdett T, Clissold H, Donnelly S, Dyke SOM, Freeberg MA, Haendel MA, Hata C, Holub P, Jeanson F, Jene A, Kawashima M, Kawashima S, Konopko M, Kyomugisha I, Li H, Linden M, Rodriguez LL, Morita M, Mulder N, Muller J, Nagaie S, Nasir J, Ogishima S, Ota Wang V, Paglione LD, Pandya RN, Parkinson H, Philippakis AA, Prasser F, Rambla J, Reinold K, Rushton GA, Saltzman A, Saunders G, Sofia HJ, Spalding JD, Swertz MA, Tulchinsky I, van Enckevort EJ, Varma S, Voisin C, Yamamoto N, Yamasaki C, Zass L, Guidry Auvil JM, Nyrönen TH, Courtot M Cell genomics 34820659 Cell Genom 2021 Nov 10
Protocol: Leveraging a demographic and health surveillance system for Covid-19 Surveillance in rural KwaZulu-Natal. Siedner MJ, Harling G, Derache A, Smit T, Khoza T, Gunda R, Mngomezulu T, Gareta D, Majozi N, Ehlers E, Dreyer J, Nxumalo S, Dayi N, Ording-Jesperson G, Ngwenya N, Wong E, Iwuji C, Shahmanesh M, Seeley J, De Oliveira T, Ndung'u T, Hanekom W, Herbst K Wellcome open research 32802963 Wellcome Open Res 2020
African Pharmacogenomics Consortium: Consolidating pharmacogenomics knowledge, capacity development and translation in Africa: Consolidating pharmacogenomics knowledge, capacity development and translation in Africa. Dandara C, Masimirembwa C, Haffani YZ, Ogutu B, Mabuka J, Aklillu E, Bolaji O, H3Africa AAS open research 32382701 AAS Open Res 2019
High Resolution analysis of Transmission Dynamics of Sars-Cov-2 in Two Major Hospital Outbreaks in South Africa Leveraging Intrahost Diversity. James SE, Ngcapu S, Kanzi AM, Tegally H, Fonseca V, Giandhari J, Wilkinson E, Chimukangara B, Pillay S, Singh L, Fish M, Gazy I, Khanyile K, Lessells R, de Oliveira T medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 33236025 medRxiv 2020 Nov 16
Functional characterisation of the transcriptome from leaf tissue of the fluoroacetate-producing plant, Dichapetalum cymosum, in response to mechanical wounding. Sooklal SA, Mpangase PT, Tomescu MS, Aron S, Hazelhurst S, Archer RH, Rumbold K Scientific reports 33239700 Sci Rep 2020 Nov 25
A broad survey of DNA sequence data simulation tools. Alosaimi S, Bandiang A, van Biljon N, Awany D, Thami PK, Tchamga MSS, Kiran A, Messaoud O, Hassan RIM, Mugo J, Ahmed A, Bope CD, Allali I, Mazandu GK, Mulder NJ, Chimusa ER Briefings in functional genomics 31867604 Brief Funct Genomics 2020 Jan 22
Accessing HIV care may lead to earlier ascertainment of comorbidities in health care clients in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Osei-Yeboah R, Tamuhla T, Ngwenya O, Tiffin N PLOS global public health 36962101 PLOS Glob Public Health 2021
IHP-PING-generating integrated human protein-protein interaction networks on-the-fly. Mazandu GK, Hooper C, Opap K, Makinde F, Nembaware V, Thomford NE, Chimusa ER, Wonkam A, Mulder NJ Briefings in bioinformatics 33129201 Brief Bioinform 2021 Jul 20
The Sickle Cell Disease Ontology: recent development and expansion of the universal sickle cell knowledge representation. Mazandu GK, Hotchkiss J, Nembaware V, Wonkam A, Mulder N Database : the journal of biological databases and curation 35363306 Database (Oxford) 2022 Apr 1
Assessing HLA imputation accuracy in a West African population. Nanjala R, Mbiyavanga M, Hashim S, de Villiers S, Mulder N bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36747714 bioRxiv 2023 Jan 23
The Complete Genome Sequence of Verbascum thapsus (Scrophulariaceae, Lamiales), the Common Mullein. Badad O, Pirro S, Lahlimi Q, Ghazal H Biodiversity genomes 37009556 Biodivers Genomes 2023 Mar
Burden of post-traumatic stress disorder in postgenocide Rwandan population following exposure to 1994 genocide against the Tutsi: A meta-analysis. Musanabaganwa C, Jansen S, Fatumo S, Rutembesa E, Mutabaruka J, Gishoma D, Uwineza A, Kayiteshonga Y, Alachkar A, Wildman D, Uddin M, Mutesa L Journal of affective disorders 32658827 J Affect Disord 2020 Oct 1
Leukocyte methylomic imprints of exposure to the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda: a pilot epigenome-wide analysis. Musanabaganwa C, Wani AH, Donglasan J, Fatumo S, Jansen S, Mutabaruka J, Rutembesa E, Uwineza A, Hermans EJ, Roozendaal B, Wildman DE, Mutesa L, Uddin M Epigenomics 34875875 Epigenomics 2022 Jan
Building Skills and Resources for Genomics, Epigenetics, and Bioinformatics Research for Africa: Report of the Joint 11th Conference of the African Society of Human Genetics and 12th H3Africa Consortium, 2018. Musanabaganwa C, Mihigo B, Tumusime R, Uwanyirigira M, da Rocha J, Hayat M, Govender M, Buto P, Nyunga T, Ramesar RS, Rotimi C, Souopgui J, Wonkam A, Williams SM, Jansen S, Ramsay M, Mutesa L The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 32207403 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 Jun
Non-communicable diseases pandemic and precision medicine: Is Africa ready? Chikowore T, Kamiza AB, Oduaran OH, Machipisa T, Fatumo S EBioMedicine 33639396 EBioMedicine 2021 Mar
A pooled testing strategy for identifying SARS-CoV-2 at low prevalence. Mutesa L, Ndishimye P, Butera Y, Souopgui J, Uwineza A, Rutayisire R, Ndoricimpaye EL, Musoni E, Rujeni N, Nyatanyi T, Ntagwabira E, Semakula M, Musanabaganwa C, Nyamwasa D, Ndashimye M, Ujeneza E, Mwikarago IE, Muvunyi CM, Mazarati JB, Nsanzimana S, Turok N, Ndifon W Nature 33086375 Nature 2021 Jan
Traumatic Stress Epigenetics. Pfeiffer JR, Mutesa L, Uddin M Current behavioral neuroscience reports 30225184 Curr Behav Neurosci Rep 2018 Mar
The impact of psychopathology, social adversity and stress-relevant DNA methylation on prospective risk for post-traumatic stress: A machine learning approach. Wani AH, Aiello AE, Kim GS, Xue F, Martin CL, Ratanatharathorn A, Qu A, Koenen K, Galea S, Wildman DE, Uddin M Journal of affective disorders 33601733 J Affect Disord 2021 Mar 1
A Mendelian randomization study of genetic liability to post-traumatic stress disorder and risk of ischemic stroke. Soremekun O, Musanabaganwa C, Uwineza A, Ardissino M, Rajasundaram S, Wani AH, Jansen S, Mutabaruka J, Rutembesa E, Soremekun C, Cheickna C, Wele M, Mugisha J, Nash O, Kinyanda E, Nitsch D, Fornage M, Chikowore T, Gill D, Wildman DE, Mutesa L, Uddin M, Fatumo S Translational psychiatry 37391434 Transl Psychiatry 2023 Jul 1
Community engagement in epigenomic and neurocognitive research on post-traumatic stress disorder in Rwandans exposed to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi: lessons learned. Musanabaganwa C, Jansen S, Wani A, Rugamba A, Mutabaruka J, Rutembesa E, Uwineza A, Fatumo S, Hermans EJ, Souopgui J, Wildman DE, Uddin M, Roozendaal B, Njemini R, Mutesa L Epigenomics 36004496 Epigenomics 2022 Aug
Epigenome-wide association studies identify novel DNA methylation sites associated with PTSD: A meta-analysis of 23 military and civilian cohorts. Katrinli S, Wani AH, Maihofer AX, Ratanatharathorn A, Daskalakis NP, Montalvo-Ortiz J, Núñez-Ríos DL, Zannas AS, Zhao X, Aiello AE, Ashley-Koch AE, Avetyan D, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Boks MP, Brick LA, Bromet E, Champagne FA, Chen CY, Dalvie S, Dennis MF, Fatumo S, Fortier C, Galea S, Garrett ME, Geuze E, Grant G, Michael A Hauser, Hayes JP, Hemmings SM, Huber BR, Jajoo A, Jansen S, Kessler RC, Kimbrel NA, King AP, Kleinman JE, Koen N, Koenen KC, Kuan PF, Liberzon I, Linnstaedt SD, Lori A, Luft BJ, Luykx JJ, Marx CE, McLean SA, Mehta D, Milberg W, Miller MW, Mufford MS, Musanabaganwa C, Mutabaruka J, Mutesa L, Nemeroff CB, Nugent NR, Orcutt HK, Qin XJ, Rauch SAM, Ressler KJ, Risbrough VB, Rutembesa E, Rutten BPF, Seedat S, Stein DJ, Stein MB, Toikumo S, Ursano RJ, Uwineza A, Verfaellie MH, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Ware EB, Wildman DE, Wolf EJ, Young RM, Zhao Y, van den Heuvel LL, PGC-PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup, PsychENCODE PTSD Brainomics Project, Traumatic Stress Brain Research Group, Uddin M, Nievergelt CM, Smith AK, Logue MW medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 39072012 medRxiv 2024 Jul 15
The trans-ancestral genomic architecture of glycemic traits. Chen J, Spracklen CN, Marenne G, Varshney A, Corbin LJ, Luan J, Willems SM, Wu Y, Zhang X, Horikoshi M, Boutin TS, Mägi R, Waage J, Li-Gao R, Chan KHK, Yao J, Anasanti MD, Chu AY, Claringbould A, Heikkinen J, Hong J, Hottenga JJ, Huo S, Kaakinen MA, Louie T, März W, Moreno-Macias H, Ndungu A, Nelson SC, Nolte IM, North KE, Raulerson CK, Ray D, Rohde R, Rybin D, Schurmann C, Sim X, Southam L, Stewart ID, Wang CA, Wang Y, Wu P, Zhang W, Ahluwalia TS, Appel EVR, Bielak LF, Brody JA, Burtt NP, Cabrera CP, Cade BE, Chai JF, Chai X, Chang LC, Chen CH, Chen BH, Chitrala KN, Chiu YF, de Haan HG, Delgado GE, Demirkan A, Duan Q, Engmann J, Fatumo SA, Gayán J, Giulianini F, Gong JH, Gustafsson S, Hai Y, Hartwig FP, He J, Heianza Y, Huang T, Huerta-Chagoya A, Hwang MY, Jensen RA, Kawaguchi T, Kentistou KA, Kim YJ, Kleber ME, Kooner IK, Lai S, Lange LA, Langefeld CD, Lauzon M, Li M, Ligthart S, Liu J, Loh M, Long J, Lyssenko V, Mangino M, Marzi C, Montasser ME, Nag A, Nakatochi M, Noce D, Noordam R, Pistis G, Preuss M, Raffield L, Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Rich SS, Robertson NR, Rueedi R, Ryan K, Sanna S, Saxena R, Schraut KE, Sennblad B, Setoh K, Smith AV, Sparsø T, Strawbridge RJ, Takeuchi F, Tan J, Trompet S, van den Akker E, van der Most PJ, Verweij N, Vogel M, Wang H, Wang C, Wang N, Warren HR, Wen W, Wilsgaard T, Wong A, Wood AR, Xie T, Zafarmand MH, Zhao JH, Zhao W, Amin N, Arzumanyan Z, Astrup A, Bakker SJL, Baldassarre D, Beekman M, Bergman RN, Bertoni A, Blüher M, Bonnycastle LL, Bornstein SR, Bowden DW, Cai Q, Campbell A, Campbell H, Chang YC, de Geus EJC, Dehghan A, Du S, Eiriksdottir G, Farmaki AE, Frånberg M, Fuchsberger C, Gao Y, Gjesing AP, Goel A, Han S, Hartman CA, Herder C, Hicks AA, Hsieh CH, Hsueh WA, Ichihara S, Igase M, Ikram MA, Johnson WC, Jørgensen ME, Joshi PK, Kalyani RR, Kandeel FR, Katsuya T, Khor CC, Kiess W, Kolcic I, Kuulasmaa T, Kuusisto J, Läll K, Lam K, Lawlor DA, Lee NR, Lemaitre RN, Li H, Lifelines Cohort Study, Lin SY, Lindström J, Linneberg A, Liu J, Lorenzo C, Matsubara T, Matsuda F, Mingrone G, Mooijaart S, Moon S, Nabika T, Nadkarni GN, Nadler JL, Nelis M, Neville MJ, Norris JM, Ohyagi Y, Peters A, Peyser PA, Polasek O, Qi Q, Raven D, Reilly DF, Reiner A, Rivideneira F, Roll K, Rudan I, Sabanayagam C, Sandow K, Sattar N, Schürmann A, Shi J, Stringham HM, Taylor KD, Teslovich TM, Thuesen B, Timmers PRHJ, Tremoli E, Tsai MY, Uitterlinden A, van Dam RM, van Heemst D, van Hylckama Vlieg A, van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, Vangipurapu J, Vestergaard H, Wang T, Willems van Dijk K, Zemunik T, Abecasis GR, Adair LS, Aguilar-Salinas CA, Alarcón-Riquelme ME, An P, Aviles-Santa L, Becker DM, Beilin LJ, Bergmann S, Bisgaard H, Black C, Boehnke M, Boerwinkle E, Böhm BO, Bønnelykke K, Boomsma DI, Bottinger EP, Buchanan TA, Canouil M, Caulfield MJ, Chambers JC, Chasman DI, Chen YI, Cheng CY, Collins FS, Correa A, Cucca F, de Silva HJ, Dedoussis G, Elmståhl S, Evans MK, Ferrannini E, Ferrucci L, Florez JC, Franks PW, Frayling TM, Froguel P, Gigante B, Goodarzi MO, Gordon-Larsen P, Grallert H, Grarup N, Grimsgaard S, Groop L, Gudnason V, Guo X, Hamsten A, Hansen T, Hayward C, Heckbert SR, Horta BL, Huang W, Ingelsson E, James PS, Jarvelin MR, Jonas JB, Jukema JW, Kaleebu P, Kaplan R, Kardia SLR, Kato N, Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi SM, Kim BJ, Kivimaki M, Koistinen HA, Kooner JS, Körner A, Kovacs P, Kuh D, Kumari M, Kutalik Z, Laakso M, Lakka TA, Launer LJ, Leander K, Li H, Lin X, Lind L, Lindgren C, Liu S, Loos RJF, Magnusson PKE, Mahajan A, Metspalu A, Mook-Kanamori DO, Mori TA, Munroe PB, Njølstad I, O'Connell JR, Oldehinkel AJ, Ong KK, Padmanabhan S, Palmer CNA, Palmer ND, Pedersen O, Pennell CE, Porteous DJ, Pramstaller PP, Province MA, Psaty BM, Qi L, Raffel LJ, Rauramaa R, Redline S, Ridker PM, Rosendaal FR, Saaristo TE, Sandhu M, Saramies J, Schneiderman N, Schwarz P, Scott LJ, Selvin E, Sever P, Shu XO, Slagboom PE, Small KS, Smith BH, Snieder H, Sofer T, Sørensen TIA, Spector TD, Stanton A, Steves CJ, Stumvoll M, Sun L, Tabara Y, Tai ES, Timpson NJ, Tönjes A, Tuomilehto J, Tusie T, Uusitupa M, van der Harst P, van Duijn C, Vitart V, Vollenweider P, Vrijkotte TGM, Wagenknecht LE, Walker M, Wang YX, Wareham NJ, Watanabe RM, Watkins H, Wei WB, Wickremasinghe AR, Willemsen G, Wilson JF, Wong TY, Wu JY, Xiang AH, Yanek LR, Yengo L, Yokota M, Zeggini E, Zheng W, Zonderman AB, Rotter JI, Gloyn AL, McCarthy MI, Dupuis J, Meigs JB, Scott RA, Prokopenko I, Leong A, Liu CT, Parker SCJ, Mohlke KL, Langenberg C, Wheeler E, Morris AP, Barroso I, Meta-Analysis of Glucose and Insulin-related Traits Consortium (MAGIC) Nature genetics 34059833 Nat Genet 2021 Jun
Discovery and fine-mapping of kidney function loci in first genome-wide association study in Africans. Fatumo S, Chikowore T, Kalyesubula R, Nsubuga RN, Asiki G, Nashiru O, Seeley J, Crampin AC, Nitsch D, Smeeth L, Kaleebu P, Burgess S, Nyirenda M, Franceschini N, Morris AP, Tomlinson L, Newton R Human molecular genetics 33783510 Hum Mol Genet 2021 Jul 28
Complimentary Methods for Multivariate Genome-Wide Association Study Identify New Susceptibility Genes for Blood Cell Traits. Fatumo S, Carstensen T, Nashiru O, Gurdasani D, Sandhu M, Kaleebu P Frontiers in genetics 31080455 Front Genet 2019
Epigenome-wide association studies identify novel DNA methylation sites associated with PTSD: a meta-analysis of 23 military and civilian cohorts. Katrinli S, Wani AH, Maihofer AX, Ratanatharathorn A, Daskalakis NP, Montalvo-Ortiz J, Núñez-Ríos DL, Zannas AS, Zhao X, Aiello AE, Ashley-Koch AE, Avetyan D, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Boks MP, Brick LA, Bromet E, Champagne FA, Chen CY, Dalvie S, Dennis MF, Fatumo S, Fortier C, Galea S, Garrett ME, Geuze E, Grant G, Hauser MA, Hayes JP, Hemmings SMJ, Huber BR, Jajoo A, Jansen S, Kessler RC, Kimbrel NA, King AP, Kleinman JE, Koen N, Koenen KC, Kuan PF, Liberzon I, Linnstaedt SD, Lori A, Luft BJ, Luykx JJ, Marx CE, McLean SA, Mehta D, Milberg W, Miller MW, Mufford MS, Musanabaganwa C, Mutabaruka J, Mutesa L, Nemeroff CB, Nugent NR, Orcutt HK, Qin XJ, Rauch SAM, Ressler KJ, Risbrough VB, Rutembesa E, Rutten BPF, Seedat S, Stein DJ, Stein MB, Toikumo S, Ursano RJ, Uwineza A, Verfaellie MH, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Ware EB, Wildman DE, Wolf EJ, Young RM, Zhao Y, van den Heuvel LL, PGC-PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup, PsychENCODE PTSD Brainomics Project, Traumatic Stress Brain Research Group, Uddin M, Nievergelt CM, Smith AK, Logue MW Genome medicine 39696436 Genome Med 2024 Dec 18
Antenatal maternal depression, early life inflammation and neurodevelopment in a South African birth cohort. Naudé PJW, Pariante C, Hoffman N, Koopowitz SM, Donald KA, Zar HJ, Stein DJ Brain, behavior, and immunity 35803482 Brain Behav Immun 2022 Oct
A Genetic Study of Cerebral Atherosclerosis Reveals Novel Associations with NTNG1 and CNOT3. Vattathil SM, Liu Y, Harerimana NV, Lori A, Gerasimov ES, Beach TG, Reiman EM, De Jager PL, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Seyfried NT, Levey AI, Wingo AP, Wingo TS Genes 34073619 Genes (Basel) 2021 May 26
Gene expression in cord blood links genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders with maternal psychological distress and adverse childhood outcomes. Breen MS, Wingo AP, Koen N, Donald KA, Nicol M, Zar HJ, Ressler KJ, Buxbaum JD, Stein DJ Brain, behavior, and immunity 29791872 Brain Behav Immun 2018 Oct
Shared mechanisms across the major psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. Wingo TS, Liu Y, Gerasimov ES, Vattathil SM, Wynne ME, Liu J, Lori A, Faundez V, Bennett DA, Seyfried NT, Levey AI, Wingo AP Nature communications 35882878 Nat Commun 2022 Jul 26
LDL cholesterol is associated with higher AD neuropathology burden independent of APOE. Wingo AP, Vattathil SM, Liu J, Fan W, Cutler DJ, Levey AI, Schneider JA, Bennett DA, Wingo TS Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 35772923 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2022 Jun 30
Brain DNA Methylation Patterns in CLDN5 Associated With Cognitive Decline. Hüls A, Robins C, Conneely KN, Edgar R, De Jager PL, Bennett DA, Wingo AP, Epstein MP, Wingo TS Biological psychiatry 33838873 Biol Psychiatry 2022 Feb 15
Brain microRNAs are associated with variation in cognitive trajectory in advanced age. Wingo AP, Wang M, Liu J, Breen MS, Yang HS, Tang B, Schneider JA, Seyfried NT, Lah JJ, Levey AI, Bennett DA, Jin P, De Jager PL, Wingo TS Translational psychiatry 35105862 Transl Psychiatry 2022 Feb 1
Brain proteome-wide association study implicates novel proteins in depression pathogenesis. Wingo TS, Liu Y, Gerasimov ES, Gockley J, Logsdon BA, Duong DM, Dammer EB, Lori A, Kim PJ, Ressler KJ, Beach TG, Reiman EM, Epstein MP, De Jager PL, Lah JJ, Bennett DA, Seyfried NT, Levey AI, Wingo AP Nature neuroscience 33846625 Nat Neurosci 2021 Jun
Shared proteomic effects of cerebral atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease on the human brain. Wingo AP, Fan W, Duong DM, Gerasimov ES, Dammer EB, Liu Y, Harerimana NV, White B, Thambisetty M, Troncoso JC, Kim N, Schneider JA, Hajjar IM, Lah JJ, Bennett DA, Seyfried NT, Levey AI, Wingo TS Nature neuroscience 32424284 Nat Neurosci 2020 Jun
Associations of Emotional, Physical, or Sexual Intimate Partner Violence and Depression Symptoms Among South African Women in a Prospective Cohort Study. Okafor CN, Barnett W, Zar HJ, Nhapi R, Koen N, Shoptaw S, Stein DJ Journal of interpersonal violence 30160637 J Interpers Violence 2021 May
Alzheimer's disease genetic burden is associated with mid-life depression among persons with normal cognition. Wingo TS, Gerasimov ES, Canon SM, Lah JJ, Levey AI, Wingo AP Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 35727298 Alzheimers Dement 2023 Mar
Genetic control of the human brain proteome. Robins C, Liu Y, Fan W, Duong DM, Meigs J, Harerimana NV, Gerasimov ES, Dammer EB, Cutler DJ, Beach TG, Reiman EM, De Jager PL, Bennett DA, Lah JJ, Wingo AP, Levey AI, Seyfried NT, Wingo TS American journal of human genetics 33571421 Am J Hum Genet 2021 Mar 4
Integrating human brain proteomes with genome-wide association data implicates novel proteins in post-traumatic stress disorder. Wingo TS, Gerasimov ES, Liu Y, Duong DM, Vattathil SM, Lori A, Gockley J, Breen MS, Maihofer AX, Nievergelt CM, Koenen KC, Levey DF, Gelernter J, Stein MB, Ressler KJ, Bennett DA, Levey AI, Seyfried NT, Wingo AP Molecular psychiatry 35449297 Mol Psychiatry 2022 Jul
Association between DNA methylation levels in brain tissue and late-life depression in community-based participants. Hüls A, Robins C, Conneely KN, De Jager PL, Bennett DA, Epstein MP, Wingo TS, Wingo AP Translational psychiatry 32733030 Transl Psychiatry 2020 Jul 30
Integrating human brain proteomes with genome-wide association data implicates new proteins in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Wingo AP, Liu Y, Gerasimov ES, Gockley J, Logsdon BA, Duong DM, Dammer EB, Robins C, Beach TG, Reiman EM, Epstein MP, De Jager PL, Lah JJ, Bennett DA, Seyfried NT, Levey AI, Wingo TS Nature genetics 33510477 Nat Genet 2021 Feb
Genetic Evidence Supporting a Causal Role of Depression in Alzheimer's Disease. Harerimana NV, Liu Y, Gerasimov ES, Duong D, Beach TG, Reiman EM, Schneider JA, Boyle P, Lori A, Bennett DA, Lah JJ, Levey AI, Seyfried NT, Wingo TS, Wingo AP Biological psychiatry 35177243 Biol Psychiatry 2022 Jul 1
Brain microRNAs associated with late-life depressive symptoms are also associated with cognitive trajectory and dementia. Wingo TS, Yang J, Fan W, Min Canon S, Gerasimov ES, Lori A, Logsdon B, Yao B, Seyfried NT, Lah JJ, Levey AI, Boyle PA, Schneider JA, De Jager PL, Bennett DA, Wingo AP NPJ genomic medicine 32047652 NPJ Genom Med 2020
Important Correlates of Purpose in Life Identified Through a Machine Learning Approach. Mei Z, Lori A, Vattathil SM, Boyle PA, Bradley B, Jin P, Bennett DA, Wingo TS, Wingo AP The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 33046355 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2021 May
Investigating the association of prenatal psychological adversities with mother and child telomere length and neurodevelopment. Naudé PJW, Stein DJ, Lin J, Zar HJ Journal of affective disorders 37591348 J Affect Disord 2023 Nov 1
Objective evaluation of facial features in Congolese newborns by facial measurements. The need for population-specific measurements. Mubungu G, Roelants M, Lumaka A, Makay P, Tshika D, Lubala T, Tshilobo Lukusa P, Devriendt K American journal of medical genetics. Part A 35986581 Am J Med Genet A 2022 Oct
STAC3 disorder: a common cause of congenital hypotonia in Southern African patients. Essop F, Dillon B, Mhlongo F, Bhengu L, Naicker T, Lambie L, Smit L, Fieggen K, Lochan A, Dawson J, Mpangase P, Hauptfleisch M, Scher G, Tabane O, Immelman M, Urban M, Krause A European journal of human genetics : EJHG 38824262 Eur J Hum Genet 2025 Jan
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The impact of clinical genome sequencing in a global population with suspected rare genetic disease. Thorpe E, Williams T, Shaw C, Chekalin E, Ortega J, Robinson K, Button J, Jones MC, Campo MD, Basel D, McCarrier J, Keppen LD, Royer E, Foster-Bonds R, Duenas-Roque MM, Urraca N, Bosfield K, Brown CW, Lydigsen H, Mroczkowski HJ, Ward J, Sirchia F, Giorgio E, Vaux K, Salguero HP, Lumaka A, Mubungu G, Makay P, Ngole M, Lukusa PT, Vanderver A, Muirhead K, Sherbini O, Lah MD, Anderson K, Bazalar-Montoya J, Rodriguez RS, Cornejo-Olivas M, Milla-Neyra K, Shinawi M, Magoulas P, Henry D, Gibson K, Wiafe S, Jayakar P, Salyakina D, Masser-Frye D, Serize A, Perez JE, Taylor A, Shenbagam S, Abou Tayoun A, Malhotra A, Bennett M, Rajan V, Avecilla J, Warren A, Arseneault M, Kalista T, Crawford A, Ajay SS, Perry DL, Belmont J, Taft RJ American journal of human genetics 38843839 Am J Hum Genet 2024 Jul 11
Retrospective file review shows limited genetic services fails most patients - an argument for the implementation of exome sequencing as a first-tier test in resource-constraint settings. Wiener EK, Buchanan J, Krause A, Lombard Z, DDD-Africa Study, as members of the H3Africa Consortium Orphanet journal of rare diseases 37046271 Orphanet J Rare Dis 2023 Apr 12
Incorporating CNV analysis improves the yield of exome sequencing for rare monogenic disorders-an important consideration for resource-constrained settings. Louw N, Carstens N, Lombard Z, for DDD-Africa as members of the H3Africa Consortium Frontiers in genetics 38155715 Front Genet 2023
Ending a diagnostic odyssey-The first case of Takenouchi-Kosaki syndrome in an African patient. Flynn K, Feben C, Lamola L, Carstens N, Krause A, Lombard Z, for DDD‐Africa as members of the H3Africa Consortium Clinical case reports 33936654 Clin Case Rep 2021 Apr
Research participants' perspectives regarding the feedback of secondary findings-A cohort from the DDD-Africa study, South Africa. Shingwenyana B, Rossouw B, Thom J, Louw N, Krause A, Lombard Z, DDD‐Africa Research Group, as members of The H3Africa Consortium Journal of genetic counseling 37965991 J Genet Couns 2024 Dec
Global mortality from dementia: Application of a new method and results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. GBD 2019 Collaborators Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.) 34337138 Alzheimers Dement (N Y) 2021
Use of multidimensional item response theory methods for dementia prevalence prediction: an example using the Health and Retirement Survey and the Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study. GBD 2019 Dementia Collaborators BMC medical informatics and decision making 34380485 BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2021 Aug 11
MAPT allele and haplotype frequencies in Nigerian Africans: Population distribution and association with Parkinson's disease risk and age at onset. Okunoye O, Ojo OO, Abiodun O, Abubakar S, Achoru C, Adeniji O, Agabi O, Agulanna U, Akinyemi R, Ali M, Ani-Osheku I, Arigbodi O, Bello A, Erameh C, Farombi T, Fawale M, Imarhiagbe F, Iwuozo E, Komolafe M, Nwani P, Nwazor E, Nyandaiti Y, Obiabo Y, Odeniyi O, Odiase F, Ojini F, Onwuegbuzie G, Osaigbovo G, Osemwegie N, Oshinaike O, Otubogun F, Oyakhire S, Ozomma S, Samuel S, Taiwo F, Wahab K, Zubair Y, Hernandez D, Bandres-Ciga S, Blauwendraat C, Singleton A, Houlden H, Hardy J, Rizig M, Okubadejo N Parkinsonism & related disorders 37467655 Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2023 Aug
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Accelerating African neuroscience to provide an equitable framework using perspectives from West and Southern Africa. Besharati S, Akinyemi R Nature communications 38062039 Nat Commun 2023 Dec 7
Global synergistic actions to improve brain health for human development. Owolabi MO, Leonardi M, Bassetti C, Jaarsma J, Hawrot T, Makanjuola AI, Dhamija RK, Feng W, Straub V, Camaradou J, Dodick DW, Sunna R, Menon B, Wright C, Lynch C, Chadha AS, Ferretti MT, Dé A, Catsman-Berrevoets CE, Gichu M, Tassorelli C, Oliver D, Paulus W, Mohammed RK, Charway-Felli A, Rostasy K, Feigin V, Craven A, Cunningham E, Galvin O, Perry AH, Fink EL, Baneke P, Helme A, Laurson-Doube J, Medina MT, Roa JD, Hogl B, O'Bryan A, Trenkwalder C, Wilmshurst J, Akinyemi RO, Yaria JO, Good DC, Hoemberg V, Boon P, Wiebe S, Cross JH, Haas M, Jabalpurwala I, Mojasevic M, DiLuca M, Barbarino P, Clarke S, Zuberi SM, Olowoyo P, Owolabi A, Oyesiku N, Maly-Sundgren PC, Norrving B, Soekadar SR, van Doorn PA, Lewis R, Solomon T, Servadei F Nature reviews. Neurology 37208496 Nat Rev Neurol 2023 Jun
Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. GBD 2019 Universal Health Coverage Collaborators Lancet (London, England) 32861314 Lancet 2020 Oct 17
Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries. Mishra A, Malik R, Hachiya T, Jürgenson T, Namba S, Posner DC, Kamanu FK, Koido M, Le Grand Q, Shi M, He Y, Georgakis MK, Caro I, Krebs K, Liaw YC, Vaura FC, Lin K, Winsvold BS, Srinivasasainagendra V, Parodi L, Bae HJ, Chauhan G, Chong MR, Tomppo L, Akinyemi R, Roshchupkin GV, Habib N, Jee YH, Thomassen JQ, Abedi V, Cárcel-Márquez J, Nygaard M, Leonard HL, Yang C, Yonova-Doing E, Knol MJ, Lewis AJ, Judy RL, Ago T, Amouyel P, Armstrong ND, Bakker MK, Bartz TM, Bennett DA, Bis JC, Bordes C, Børte S, Cain A, Ridker PM, Cho K, Chen Z, Cruchaga C, Cole JW, de Jager PL, de Cid R, Endres M, Ferreira LE, Geerlings MI, Gasca NC, Gudnason V, Hata J, He J, Heath AK, Ho YL, Havulinna AS, Hopewell JC, Hyacinth HI, Inouye M, Jacob MA, Jeon CE, Jern C, Kamouchi M, Keene KL, Kitazono T, Kittner SJ, Konuma T, Kumar A, Lacaze P, Launer LJ, Lee KJ, Lepik K, Li J, Li L, Manichaikul A, Markus HS, Marston NA, Meitinger T, Mitchell BD, Montellano FA, Morisaki T, Mosley TH, Nalls MA, Nordestgaard BG, O'Donnell MJ, Okada Y, Onland-Moret NC, Ovbiagele B, Peters A, Psaty BM, Rich SS, Rosand J, Sabatine MS, Sacco RL, Saleheen D, Sandset EC, Salomaa V, Sargurupremraj M, Sasaki M, Satizabal CL, Schmidt CO, Shimizu A, Smith NL, Sloane KL, Sutoh Y, Sun YV, Tanno K, Tiedt S, Tatlisumak T, Torres-Aguila NP, Tiwari HK, Trégouët DA, Trompet S, Tuladhar AM, Tybjærg-Hansen A, van Vugt M, Vibo R, Verma SS, Wiggins KL, Wennberg P, Woo D, Wilson PWF, Xu H, Yang Q, Yoon K, COMPASS Consortium, INVENT Consortium, Dutch Parelsnoer Initiative (PSI) Cerebrovascular Disease Study Group, Estonian Biobank, PRECISE4Q Consortium, FinnGen Consortium, NINDS Stroke Genetics Network (SiGN), MEGASTROKE Consortium, SIREN Consortium, China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group, VA Million Veteran Program, International Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC), Biobank Japan, CHARGE Consortium, GIGASTROKE Consortium, Millwood IY, Gieger C, Ninomiya T, Grabe HJ, Jukema JW, Rissanen IL, Strbian D, Kim YJ, Chen PH, Mayerhofer E, Howson JMM, Irvin MR, Adams H, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Christensen K, Ikram MA, Rundek T, Worrall BB, Lathrop GM, Riaz M, Simonsick EM, Kõrv J, França PHC, Zand R, Prasad K, Frikke-Schmidt R, de Leeuw FE, Liman T, Haeusler KG, Ruigrok YM, Heuschmann PU, Longstreth WT, Jung KJ, Bastarache L, Paré G, Damrauer SM, Chasman DI, Rotter JI, Anderson CD, Zwart JA, Niiranen TJ, Fornage M, Liaw YP, Seshadri S, Fernández-Cadenas I, Walters RG, Ruff CT, Owolabi MO, Huffman JE, Milani L, Kamatani Y, Dichgans M, Debette S Nature 36180795 Nature 2022 Nov
Chronic neuropsychiatric sequelae of SARS-CoV-2: Protocol and methods from the Alzheimer's Association Global Consortium. de Erausquin GA, Snyder H, Brugha TS, Seshadri S, Carrillo M, Sagar R, Huang Y, Newton C, Tartaglia C, Teunissen C, Håkanson K, Akinyemi R, Prasad K, D'Avossa G, Gonzalez-Aleman G, Hosseini A, Vavougios GD, Sachdev P, Bankart J, Mors NPO, Lipton R, Katz M, Fox PT, Katshu MZ, Iyengar MS, Weinstein G, Sohrabi HR, Jenkins R, Stein DJ, Hugon J, Mavreas V, Blangero J, Cruchaga C, Krishna M, Wadoo O, Becerra R, Zwir I, Longstreth WT, Kroenenberg G, Edison P, Mukaetova-Ladinska E, Staufenberg E, Figueredo-Aguiar M, Yécora A, Vaca F, Zamponi HP, Re VL, Majid A, Sundarakumar J, Gonzalez HM, Geerlings MI, Skoog I, Salmoiraghi A, Boneschi FM, Patel VN, Santos JM, Arroyo GR, Moreno AC, Felix P, Gallo C, Arai H, Yamada M, Iwatsubo T, Sharma M, Chakraborty N, Ferreccio C, Akena D, Brayne C, Maestre G, Blangero SW, Brusco LI, Siddarth P, Hughes TM, Zuñiga AR, Kambeitz J, Laza AR, Allen N, Panos S, Merrill D, Ibáñez A, Tsuang D, Valishvili N, Shrestha S, Wang S, Padma V, Anstey KJ, Ravindrdanath V, Blennow K, Mullins P, Łojek E, Pria A, Mosley TH, Gowland P, Girard TD, Bowtell R, Vahidy FS Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.) 36185993 Alzheimers Dement (N Y) 2022
Publisher Correction: Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries. Mishra A, Malik R, Hachiya T, Jürgenson T, Namba S, Posner DC, Kamanu FK, Koido M, Le Grand Q, Shi M, He Y, Georgakis MK, Caro I, Krebs K, Liaw YC, Vaura FC, Lin K, Winsvold BS, Srinivasasainagendra V, Parodi L, Bae HJ, Chauhan G, Chong MR, Tomppo L, Akinyemi R, Roshchupkin GV, Habib N, Jee YH, Thomassen JQ, Abedi V, Cárcel-Márquez J, Nygaard M, Leonard HL, Yang C, Yonova-Doing E, Knol MJ, Lewis AJ, Judy RL, Ago T, Amouyel P, Armstrong ND, Bakker MK, Bartz TM, Bennett DA, Bis JC, Bordes C, Børte S, Cain A, Ridker PM, Cho K, Chen Z, Cruchaga C, Cole JW, de Jager PL, de Cid R, Endres M, Ferreira LE, Geerlings MI, Gasca NC, Gudnason V, Hata J, He J, Heath AK, Ho YL, Havulinna AS, Hopewell JC, Hyacinth HI, Inouye M, Jacob MA, Jeon CE, Jern C, Kamouchi M, Keene KL, Kitazono T, Kittner SJ, Konuma T, Kumar A, Lacaze P, Launer LJ, Lee KJ, Lepik K, Li J, Li L, Manichaikul A, Markus HS, Marston NA, Meitinger T, Mitchell BD, Montellano FA, Morisaki T, Mosley TH, Nalls MA, Nordestgaard BG, O'Donnell MJ, Okada Y, Onland-Moret NC, Ovbiagele B, Peters A, Psaty BM, Rich SS, Rosand J, Sabatine MS, Sacco RL, Saleheen D, Sandset EC, Salomaa V, Sargurupremraj M, Sasaki M, Satizabal CL, Schmidt CO, Shimizu A, Smith NL, Sloane KL, Sutoh Y, Sun YV, Tanno K, Tiedt S, Tatlisumak T, Torres-Aguila NP, Tiwari HK, Trégouët DA, Trompet S, Tuladhar AM, Tybjærg-Hansen A, van Vugt M, Vibo R, Verma SS, Wiggins KL, Wennberg P, Woo D, Wilson PWF, Xu H, Yang Q, Yoon K, COMPASS Consortium, INVENT Consortium, Dutch Parelsnoer Initiative (PSI) Cerebrovascular Disease Study Group, Estonian Biobank, PRECISE4Q Consortium, FinnGen Consortium, NINDS Stroke Genetics Network (SiGN), MEGASTROKE Consortium, SIREN Consortium, China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group, VA Million Veteran Program, International Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC), Biobank Japan, CHARGE Consortium, GIGASTROKE Consortium, Millwood IY, Gieger C, Ninomiya T, Grabe HJ, Jukema JW, Rissanen IL, Strbian D, Kim YJ, Chen PH, Mayerhofer E, Howson JMM, Irvin MR, Adams H, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Christensen K, Ikram MA, Rundek T, Worrall BB, Lathrop GM, Riaz M, Simonsick EM, Kõrv J, França PHC, Zand R, Prasad K, Frikke-Schmidt R, de Leeuw FE, Liman T, Haeusler KG, Ruigrok YM, Heuschmann PU, Longstreth WT, Jung KJ, Bastarache L, Paré G, Damrauer SM, Chasman DI, Rotter JI, Anderson CD, Zwart JA, Niiranen TJ, Fornage M, Liaw YP, Seshadri S, Fernández-Cadenas I, Walters RG, Ruff CT, Owolabi MO, Huffman JE, Milani L, Kamatani Y, Dichgans M, Debette S Nature 36376532 Nature 2022 Dec
Current perspectives on prevention of vascular cognitive impairment and promotion of vascular brain health. Kalaria RN, Akinyemi RO, Paddick SM, Ihara M Expert review of neurotherapeutics 37916306 Expert Rev Neurother 2024 Jan-Jun
Genes, environment, and African ancestry in cardiometabolic disorders. Doumatey AP, Bentley AR, Akinyemi R, Olanrewaju TO, Adeyemo A, Rotimi C Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM 37598069 Trends Endocrinol Metab 2023 Oct
The Nairobi Declaration-Reducing the burden of dementia in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): Declaration of the 2022 Symposium on Dementia and Brain Aging in LMICs. Maestre G, Carrillo M, Kalaria R, Acosta D, Adams L, Adoukonou T, Akinwande K, Akinyemi J, Akinyemi R, Akpa O, Alladi S, Allegri R, Arizaga R, Arshad F, Arulogun O, Babalola D, Baiyewu O, Bak T, Bellaj T, Boshe J, Brayne C, Brodie-Mends D, Brown R, Cahn J, Cyrille N, Damasceno A, de Silva R, de Silva R, Djibuti M, Dreyer AJ, Ellajosyula R, Farombi T, Fongang B, Forner S, Friedland R, Garza N, Gbessemehlan A, Georgiou EE, Gouider R, Govia I, Grinberg L, Guerchet M, Gugssa S, Gumikiriza-Onoria JL, Gustafson D, Hogervorst E, Hornberger M, Ibanez A, Ihara M, Ismail O, Issac T, Jönsson L, Kaputu C, Karanja W, Karungi J, Tshala-Katumbay D, Kunkle B, Lee JH, Leroi I, Lewis R, Livingston G, Lopera F, Lwere K, Manes F, Mbakile-Mahlanza L, Mena P, Miller B, Millogo A, Mohamed A, Musyimi C, Mutiso V, Nakasujja N, Ndetei D, Nightingale S, Njamnshi AK, Novotni G, Nyamayaro P, Nyame S, Ogeng'o J, Ogunniyi A, Okada De Oliveira M, Okubadejo N, Orrell M, Orunmuyi A, Owolabi M, Paddick S, A Pericak-Vance M, Pirtosek Z, Potocnik F, Preston B, Raman R, Ranchod K, Rizig M, Rosselli M, Deepa R, Roy U, Salokhiddinov M, Sano M, Sarfo F, Satizabal CL, Sepulveda-Falla D, Seshadri S, Sexton C, Skoog I, St George-Hyslop P, Suemoto C, Tanner J, Thapa P, Toure K, Ucheagwu V, Udeh-Momoh C, Valcour V, Vance J, Varghese M, Vera J, Walker R, Weidner W, Sebastian W, Whitehead Gay P, Zetterberg H, Zewde Y, African Dementia Consortium Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 36905253 Alzheimers Dement 2023 Mar 11
African Control of Hypertension through Innovative Epidemiology and a Vibrant Ecosystem (ACHIEVE): novel strategies for accelerating hypertension control in Africa. Owolabi M, Olowoyo P, Mocumbi A, Ogah OS, Odili A, Wahab K, Ojji D, Adeoye AM, Akinyemi R, Akpalu A, Obiako R, Sarfo FS, Bavuma C, Beheiry HM, Ibrahim M, El Aroussy W, Parati G, Dzudie A, Singh S, Akpa O, Kengne AP, Okekunle AP, de Graft Aikins A, Agyemang C, Ogedegbe G, Ovbiagele B, Garg R, Campbell NRC, Lackland DT, Barango P, Slama S, Varghese CV, Whelton PK, Zhang XH Journal of human hypertension 37076570 J Hum Hypertens 2025 Feb
Neuroimaging standards for research into small vessel disease-advances since 2013. Duering M, Biessels GJ, Brodtmann A, Chen C, Cordonnier C, de Leeuw FE, Debette S, Frayne R, Jouvent E, Rost NS, Ter Telgte A, Al-Shahi Salman R, Backes WH, Bae HJ, Brown R, Chabriat H, De Luca A, deCarli C, Dewenter A, Doubal FN, Ewers M, Field TS, Ganesh A, Greenberg S, Helmer KG, Hilal S, Jochems ACC, Jokinen H, Kuijf H, Lam BYK, Lebenberg J, MacIntosh BJ, Maillard P, Mok VCT, Pantoni L, Rudilosso S, Satizabal CL, Schirmer MD, Schmidt R, Smith C, Staals J, Thrippleton MJ, van Veluw SJ, Vemuri P, Wang Y, Werring D, Zedde M, Akinyemi RO, Del Brutto OH, Markus HS, Zhu YC, Smith EE, Dichgans M, Wardlaw JM The Lancet. Neurology 37236211 Lancet Neurol 2023 Jul
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Organized multi-disciplinary stroke team care improves acute stroke outcomes in resource limited settings; Results of a retrospective study from a Nigerian tertiary hospital. Adeniji O, Adeleye O, Akinyemi J, Otubogun F, Ogunde G, Ogunrombi M, Adesina D, Wahab A, Ogunlana M, Alimi T, Akinyemi R Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 37633206 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2023 Oct
Biomarkers and Risk Assessment of Alzheimer's Disease in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Adewale BA, Coker MM, Ogunniyi A, Kalaria RN, Akinyemi RO Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 37694361 J Alzheimers Dis 2023
Health sector spending and spending on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and development assistance for health: progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3. Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network Lancet (London, England) 32334655 Lancet 2020 5-11 Sep
African Stroke Organization Conference 2022: Stroke in the Age of Emerging Challenges and Advances. Gebreyohanns M, Akinyemi RO, Owolabi MO, Sarfo FS, Tagge R, Ovbiagele B Journal of the American Heart Association 38108250 J Am Heart Assoc 2023 Dec 19
Symbolic Legislation and the Regulation of Stroke Biobanking and Genomics Research in Sub-Saharan Africa. Adigun M, Ojebuyi B, Akinyemi J, Wahab K, Akpalu A, Sarfo FS, Owolabi LF, Musbahu R, Bello A, Obiako R, Ogunronbi M, Nichols M, Jenkins C, Jegede A, Kalaria R, Owolabi M, Ovbiagele B, Arulogun O, Akinyemi R The theory and practice of legislation 35198212 Theory Pract Legis 2021
Letter to the Editor. Gebreyohanns M, Akinyemi RA, Owolabi MO, Sarfo FS, Tagge R, Ovbiagele B Journal of the neurological sciences 32805439 J Neurol Sci 2020 Nov 15
Extended genome-wide association study employing the African Genome Resources Panel identifies novel susceptibility loci for Alzheimer's Disease in individuals of African ancestry. Ray NR, Kunkle BW, Hamilton-Nelson K, Kurup JT, Rajabli F, Cosacak MI, Kizil C, Jean-Francois M, Cuccaro M, Reyes-Dumeyer D, Cantwell L, Kuzma A, Vance JM, Gao S, Hendrie HC, Baiyewu O, Ogunniyi A, Akinyemi RO, Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium, Lee WP, Martin ER, Wang LS, Beecham GW, Bush WS, Farrer LA, Haines JL, Byrd GS, Schellenberg GD, Mayeux R, Pericak-Vance MA, Reitz C medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37693582 medRxiv 2023 Aug 29
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Gender and educational attainment influence willingness to donate organs among older Nigerians: a questionnaire survey. Akinyemi RO, Akinyemi JO, Olorunsogbon OF, Uvere E, Jegede AS, Arulogun OS The Pan African medical journal 33117482 Pan Afr Med J 2020
The global burden of cerebral small vessel disease in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lam BYK, Cai Y, Akinyemi R, Biessels GJ, van den Brink H, Chen C, Cheung CW, Chow KN, Chung HKH, Duering M, Fu ST, Gustafson D, Hilal S, Hui VMH, Kalaria R, Kim S, Lam MLM, de Leeuw FE, Li ASM, Markus HS, Marseglia A, Zheng H, O'Brien J, Pantoni L, Sachdev PS, Smith EE, Wardlaw J, Mok VCT International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society 36282189 Int J Stroke 2023 Jan
MAPT allele and haplotype frequencies in Nigerian Africans: population distribution and association with Parkinson's disease risk and age at onset. Okunoye O, Ojo O, Abiodun O, Abubakar S, Achoru C, Adeniji O, Agabi O, Agulanna U, Akinyemi R, Ali M, Ani-Osheku I, Arigbodi O, Bello A, Erameh C, Farombi T, Fawale M, Imarhiagbe F, Iwuozo E, Komolafe M, Nwani P, Nwazor E, Nyandaiti Y, Obiabo Y, Odeniyi O, Odiase F, Ojini F, Onwuegbuzie G, Osaigbovo G, Osemwegie N, Oshinaike O, Otubogun F, Oyakhire S, Ozomma S, Samuel S, Taiwo F, Wahab K, Zubair Y, Hernandez D, Bandres-Ciga S, Blauwendraat C, Singleton A, Houlden H, Hardy J, Rizig M, Okubadejo N medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 36993627 medRxiv 2023 Mar 24
A call for clinical trial globalization in Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. Llibre-Guerra JJ, Heavener A, Brucki SMD, Marante JPD, Pintado-Caipa M, Chen Y, Behrens MI, Hardi A, Admirall-Sanchez A, Akinyemi R, Alladi S, Dorsman KA, Rodriguez-Salgado AM, Solorzano J, Babulal GM, Diversity and Disparity Professional Interest Area Increasing Sustained Diversity in Clinical Trials Working Group Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 36840622 Alzheimers Dement 2023 Jul
Effect of alteplase, benzodiazepines and beta-blocker on post-stroke pneumonia: Exploration of VISTA-Acute. Phan TG, Beare R, Bath PM, Ievlieva S, Ho S, Ly J, Thrift AG, Srikanth VK, Ma H, VISTA-Acute Collaborators PloS one 37126535 PLoS One 2023
Socioeconomic Status and Stroke: A Review of the Latest Evidence on Inequalities and Their Drivers. Pantoja-Ruiz C, Akinyemi R, Lucumi-Cuesta DI, Youkee D, Emmett E, Soley-Bori M, Kalansooriya W, Wolfe C, Marshall IJ Stroke 39697175 Stroke 2025 Mar
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Perspectives and ethical considerations for return of genetics and genomics research results: a qualitative study of genomics researchers in Uganda. Ochieng J, Kwagala B, Barugahare J, Mwaka E, Ekusai-Sebatta D, Ali J, Sewankambo NK BMC medical ethics 34798900 BMC Med Ethics 2021 Nov 19
A scoping review of genetics and genomics research ethics policies and guidelines for Africa. Ali J, Cohn B, Mwaka E, Bollinger JM, Kwagala B, Barugahare J, Sewankambo NK, Ochieng J BMC medical ethics 33810790 BMC Med Ethics 2021 Apr 2
Awareness, experiences and perceptions regarding genetic testing and the return of genetic and genomics results in a hypothetical research context among patients in Uganda: a qualitative study. Ochieng J, Kwagala B, Barugahare J, Möller M, Moodley K Journal of medical ethics 38290855 J Med Ethics 2024 Dec 23
Feedback of individual genetic and genomics research results: A qualitative study involving grassroots communities in Uganda. Ochieng J, Kwagala B, Barugahare J, Möller M, Moodley K PloS one 36399445 PLoS One 2022
Researchers' perspectives on return of individual genetics results to research participants: a qualitative study. Mwaka ES, Sebatta DE, Ochieng J, Munabi IG, Bagenda G, Ainembabazi D, Kaawa-Mafigiri D Global bioethics = Problemi di bioetica 33762814 Glob Bioeth 2021 Mar 9
Genetic and Genomic Researchers' Perspectives on Biological Sample Sharing in Collaborative Research in Uganda: A Qualitative Study. Kaawa-Mafigiri D, Ekusai Sebatta D, Munabi I, Mwaka ES Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE 37151037 J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics 2023 Jul
Experiences and practices of key research team members in obtaining informed consent for pharmacogenetic research among people living with HIV: a qualitative study. Nabukenya S, Ochieng J, Kaawa-Mafigiri D, Munabi I, Nakigudde J, Nakwagala FN, Barugahare J, Kwagala B, Ibingira C, Twimwijukye A, Sewankambo N, Mwaka ES Research ethics 36213304 Res Ethics 2022 Jul
Understanding of Critical Elements of Informed Consent in Genomic Research: A Case of a Paediatric HIV-TB Research Project in Uganda. Amayoa FA, Nakwagala FN, Barugahare J, Munabi IG, Mwaka ES Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE 35548950 J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics 2022 Oct
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DMD-related muscular dystrophy in Cameroon: Clinical and genetic profiles. Wonkam-Tingang E, Nguefack S, Esterhuizen AI, Chelo D, Wonkam A Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 32543101 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2020 Aug
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A monoallelic variant in EYA1 is associated with Branchio-Otic syndrome in a Malian family. Yalcouyé A, Traoré O, Diarra S, Schrauwen I, Esoh K, Kadlubowska MK, Bharadwaj T, Adadey SM, Kéita M, Guinto CO, Leal SM, Landouré G, Wonkam A Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 35698919 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2022 Jul
Whole exome sequencing reveals a biallelic frameshift mutation in GRXCR2 in hearing impairment in Cameroon. Wonkam A, Lebeko K, Mowla S, Noubiap JJ, Chong M, Pare G Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 33528103 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2021 Mar
Hearing loss and brain disorders: A review of multiple pathologies. Oluwole OG, James K, Yalcouye A, Wonkam A Open medicine (Warsaw, Poland) 34993346 Open Med (Wars) 2022
Perceptions of parents of children with hearing loss of genetic origin in South Africa. Gardiner SA, Laing N, Mall S, Wonkam A Journal of community genetics 30465126 J Community Genet 2019 Jul
Noonan Syndrome in South Africa: Clinical and Molecular Profiles. Tekendo-Ngongang C, Agenbag G, Bope CD, Esterhuizen AI, Wonkam A Frontiers in genetics 31057598 Front Genet 2019
Williams-Beuren syndrome in diverse populations. Kruszka P, Porras AR, de Souza DH, Moresco A, Huckstadt V, Gill AD, Boyle AP, Hu T, Addissie YA, Mok GTK, Tekendo-Ngongang C, Fieggen K, Prijoles EJ, Tanpaiboon P, Honey E, Luk HM, Lo IFM, Thong MK, Muthukumarasamy P, Jones KL, Belhassan K, Ouldim K, El Bouchikhi I, Bouguenouch L, Shukla A, Girisha KM, Sirisena ND, Dissanayake VHW, Paththinige CS, Mishra R, Kisling MS, Ferreira CR, de Herreros MB, Lee NC, Jamuar SS, Lai A, Tan ES, Ying Lim J, Wen-Min CB, Gupta N, Lotz-Esquivel S, Badilla-Porras R, Hussen DF, El Ruby MO, Ashaat EA, Patil SJ, Dowsett L, Eaton A, Innes AM, Shotelersuk V, Badoe Ë, Wonkam A, Obregon MG, Chung BHY, Trubnykova M, La Serna J, Gallardo Jugo BE, Chávez Pastor M, Abarca Barriga HH, Megarbane A, Kozel BA, van Haelst MM, Stevenson RE, Summar M, Adeyemo AA, Morris CA, Moretti-Ferreira D, Linguraru MG, Muenke M American journal of medical genetics. Part A 29681090 Am J Med Genet A 2018 May
Enhancing Genetic Medicine: Rapid and Cost-Effective Molecular Diagnosis for a GJB2 Founder Mutation for Hearing Impairment in Ghana. Adadey SM, Tingang Wonkam E, Twumasi Aboagye E, Quansah D, Asante-Poku A, Quaye O, Amedofu GK, Awandare GA, Wonkam A Genes 32012697 Genes (Basel) 2020 Jan 27
Noonan syndrome in diverse populations. Kruszka P, Porras AR, Addissie YA, Moresco A, Medrano S, Mok GTK, Leung GKC, Tekendo-Ngongang C, Uwineza A, Thong MK, Muthukumarasamy P, Honey E, Ekure EN, Sokunbi OJ, Kalu N, Jones KL, Kaplan JD, Abdul-Rahman OA, Vincent LM, Love A, Belhassan K, Ouldim K, El Bouchikhi I, Shukla A, Girisha KM, Patil SJ, Sirisena ND, Dissanayake VHW, Paththinige CS, Mishra R, Klein-Zighelboim E, Gallardo Jugo BE, Chávez Pastor M, Abarca-Barriga HH, Skinner SA, Prijoles EJ, Badoe E, Gill AD, Shotelersuk V, Smpokou P, Kisling MS, Ferreira CR, Mutesa L, Megarbane A, Kline AD, Kimball A, Okello E, Lwabi P, Aliku T, Tenywa E, Boonchooduang N, Tanpaiboon P, Richieri-Costa A, Wonkam A, Chung BHY, Stevenson RE, Summar M, Mandal K, Phadke SR, Obregon MG, Linguraru MG, Muenke M American journal of medical genetics. Part A 28748642 Am J Med Genet A 2017 Sep
Screening for GJB2-R143W-Associated Hearing Impairment: Implications for Health Policy and Practice in Ghana. Adadey SM, Quaye O, Amedofu GK, Awandare GA, Wonkam A Public health genomics 33302283 Public Health Genomics 2020
Whole exome sequencing reveals pathogenic variants in MYO3A, MYO15A and COL9A3 and differential frequencies in ancestral alleles in hearing impairment genes among individuals from Cameroon. Wonkam A, Manyisa N, Bope CD, Dandara C, Chimusa ER Human molecular genetics 33078831 Hum Mol Genet 2021 Feb 4
Evolutionary history of sickle-cell mutation: implications for global genetic medicine. Esoh K, Wonkam A Human molecular genetics 33461216 Hum Mol Genet 2021 Apr 26
A novel autosomal dominant GREB1L variant associated with non-syndromic hearing impairment in Ghana. Adadey SM, Aboagye ET, Esoh K, Acharya A, Bharadwaj T, Lin NS, Amenga-Etego L, Awandare GA, Schrauwen I, Leal SM, Wonkam A BMC medical genomics 36357908 BMC Med Genomics 2022 Nov 10
GJB2 Is a Major Cause of Non-Syndromic Hearing Impairment in Senegal. Dia Y, Adadey SM, Diop JPD, Aboagye ET, Ba SA, De Kock C, Ly CAT, Oluwale OG, Sène ARG, Sarr PD, Diallo BK, Diallo RN, Wonkam A Biology 35625523 Biology (Basel) 2022 May 23
Connexin Genes Variants Associated with Non-Syndromic Hearing Impairment: A Systematic Review of the Global Burden. Adadey SM, Wonkam-Tingang E, Twumasi Aboagye E, Nayo-Gyan DW, Boatemaa Ansong M, Quaye O, Awandare GA, Wonkam A Life (Basel, Switzerland) 33126609 Life (Basel) 2020 Oct 28
Hearing loss in Africa: current genetic profile. Adadey SM, Wonkam-Tingang E, Aboagye ET, Quaye O, Awandare GA, Wonkam A Human genetics 34609590 Hum Genet 2022 Apr
Exome sequencing of families from Ghana reveals known and candidate hearing impairment genes. Wonkam A, Adadey SM, Schrauwen I, Aboagye ET, Wonkam-Tingang E, Esoh K, Popel K, Manyisa N, Jonas M, deKock C, Nembaware V, Cornejo Sanchez DM, Bharadwaj T, Nasir A, Everard JL, Kadlubowska MK, Nouel-Saied LM, Acharya A, Quaye O, Amedofu GK, Awandare GA, Leal SM Communications biology 35440622 Commun Biol 2022 Apr 19
A Genomic and Protein-Protein Interaction Analyses of Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment in Cameroon Using Targeted Genomic Enrichment and Massively Parallel Sequencing. Lebeko K, Manyisa N, Chimusa ER, Mulder N, Dandara C, Wonkam A Omics : a journal of integrative biology 28075205 OMICS 2017 Feb
Global Distribution of Founder Variants Associated with Non-Syndromic Hearing Impairment. Aboagye ET, Adadey SM, Wonkam-Tingang E, Amenga-Etego L, Awandare GA, Wonkam A Genes 36833326 Genes (Basel) 2023 Feb 3
Childhood Hearing Impairment in Senegal. Dia Y, Loum B, Dieng YJKB, Diop JPD, Adadey SM, Aboagye ET, Ba SA, Touré AA, Niang F, Diaga Sarr P, Tidiane Ly CA, Sène ARG, Kock C, Bassier R, Popel K, Ndiaye Diallo R, Wonkam A, Diallo BK Genes 36980833 Genes (Basel) 2023 Feb 23
Bi-Allelic Novel Variants in CLIC5 Identified in a Cameroonian Multiplex Family with Non-Syndromic Hearing Impairment. Wonkam-Tingang E, Schrauwen I, Esoh KK, Bharadwaj T, Nouel-Saied LM, Acharya A, Nasir A, Adadey SM, Mowla S, Leal SM, Wonkam A Genes 33114113 Genes (Basel) 2020 Oct 23
Etiologies of Childhood Hearing Impairment in Schools for the Deaf in Mali. Yalcouyé A, Traoré O, Taméga A, Maïga AB, Kané F, Oluwole OG, Guinto CO, Kéita M, Timbo SK, DeKock C, Landouré G, Wonkam A Frontiers in pediatrics 34912757 Front Pediatr 2021
Current profile of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in Africa: A systematic review. Yalcouyé A, Esoh K, Guida L, Wonkam A Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS 35383421 J Peripher Nerv Syst 2022 Jun
GJB1 variants in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease X-linked type 1 in Mali. Yalcouyé A, Diallo SH, Cissé L, Karembé M, Diallo S, Coulibaly T, Diarra S, Coulibaly D, Keita M, Guinto CO, Fischbeck KH, Wonkam A, Landouré G, H3Africa Consortium Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS 35383424 J Peripher Nerv Syst 2022 Jun
Whole exome sequencing identifies rare coding variants in novel human-mouse ortholog genes in African individuals diagnosed with non-syndromic hearing impairment. Oluwole OG, Esoh KK, Wonkam-Tingang E, Manyisa N, Noubiap JJ, Chimusa ER, Wonkam A Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.) 32996353 Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2021 Jan
Knowledge and Challenges Associated With Hearing Impairment in Affected Individuals From Cameroon (Sub-Saharan Africa). Wonkam-Tingang E, Kengne Kamga K, Adadey SM, Nguefack S, De Kock C, Munung NS, Wonkam A Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences 36188771 Front Rehabil Sci 2021
Sickle cell disease in Africa: an urgent need for longitudinal cohort studies. Wonkam A, Makani J The Lancet. Global health 31451442 Lancet Glob Health 2019 Oct
GJB2 and GJB6 Mutations in Hereditary Recessive Non-Syndromic Hearing Impairment in Cameroon. Tingang Wonkam E, Chimusa E, Noubiap JJ, Adadey SM, F Fokouo JV, Wonkam A Genes 31731535 Genes (Basel) 2019 Oct 25
Turner syndrome in diverse populations. Kruszka P, Addissie YA, Tekendo-Ngongang C, Jones KL, Savage SK, Gupta N, Sirisena ND, Dissanayake VHW, Paththinige CS, Aravena T, Nampoothiri S, Yesodharan D, Girisha KM, Patil SJ, Jamuar SS, Goh JC, Utari A, Sihombing N, Mishra R, Chitrakar NS, Iriele BC, Lulseged E, Megarbane A, Uwineza A, Oyenusi EE, Olopade OB, Fasanmade OA, Duenas-Roque MM, Thong MK, Tung JYL, Mok GTK, Fleischer N, Rwegerera GM, de Herreros MB, Watts J, Fieggen K, Huckstadt V, Moresco A, Obregon MG, Hussen DF, Ashaat NA, Ashaat EA, Chung BHY, Badoe E, Faradz SMH, El Ruby MO, Shotelersuk V, Wonkam A, Ekure EN, Phadke SR, Richieri-Costa A, Muenke M American journal of medical genetics. Part A 31854143 Am J Med Genet A 2020 Feb
Hearing Impairment in South Africa and the Lessons Learned for Planetary Health Genomics: A Systematic Review. Manyisa N, Adadey SM, Wonkam-Tingang E, Yalcouye A, Wonkam A Omics : a journal of integrative biology 35041532 OMICS 2022 Jan
Cornelia de Lange syndrome in diverse populations. Dowsett L, Porras AR, Kruszka P, Davis B, Hu T, Honey E, Badoe E, Thong MK, Leon E, Girisha KM, Shukla A, Nayak SS, Shotelersuk V, Megarbane A, Phadke S, Sirisena ND, Dissanayake VHW, Ferreira CR, Kisling MS, Tanpaiboon P, Uwineza A, Mutesa L, Tekendo-Ngongang C, Wonkam A, Fieggen K, Batista LC, Moretti-Ferreira D, Stevenson RE, Prijoles EJ, Everman D, Clarkson K, Worthington J, Kimonis V, Hisama F, Crowe C, Wong P, Johnson K, Clark RD, Bird L, Masser-Frye D, McDonald M, Willems P, Roeder E, Saitta S, Anyane-Yeoba K, Demmer L, Hamajima N, Stark Z, Gillies G, Hudgins L, Dave U, Shalev S, Siu V, Ades A, Dubbs H, Raible S, Kaur M, Salzano E, Jackson L, Deardorff M, Kline A, Summar M, Muenke M, Linguraru MG, Krantz ID American journal of medical genetics. Part A 30614194 Am J Med Genet A 2019 Feb
Public Health Burden of Hearing Impairment and the Promise of Genomics and Environmental Research: A Case Study in Ghana, Africa. Adadey SM, Awandare G, Amedofu GK, Wonkam A Omics : a journal of integrative biology 29140768 OMICS 2017 Nov
A novel variant in DMXL2 gene is associated with autosomal dominant non-syndromic hearing impairment (DFNA71) in a Cameroonian family. Wonkam-Tingang E, Schrauwen I, Esoh KK, Bharadwaj T, Nouel-Saied LM, Acharya A, Nasir A, Leal SM, Wonkam A Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.) 33715530 Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2021 Jul
GJB4 and GJC3 variants in non-syndromic hearing impairment in Ghana. Adadey SM, Esoh KK, Quaye O, Amedofu GK, Awandare GA, Wonkam A Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.) 32524838 Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2020 Sep
Hearing Impairment Overview in Africa: the Case of Cameroon. Wonkam Tingang E, Noubiap JJ, F Fokouo JV, Oluwole OG, Nguefack S, Chimusa ER, Wonkam A Genes 32098311 Genes (Basel) 2020 Feb 22
Age Estimate of GJB2-p.(Arg143Trp) Founder Variant in Hearing Impairment in Ghana, Suggests Multiple Independent Origins across Populations. Aboagye ET, Adadey SM, Esoh K, Jonas M, de Kock C, Amenga-Etego L, Awandare GA, Wonkam A Biology 35336849 Biology (Basel) 2022 Mar 21
Craniofacial, dental, and molecular features of Pyle disease in a South African child. Chetty M, Roomaney I, Oosterwyk C, Manyisa N, Bope CD, Agenbag G, Wonkam A BDJ open 36138002 BDJ Open 2022 Sep 22
Cell-based analysis of CLIC5A and SLC12A2 variants associated with hearing impairment in two African families. Adadey SM, Wonkam-Tingang E, Alves de Souza Rios L, Aboagye ET, Esoh K, Manyisa N, De Kock C, Awandare GA, Mowla S, Wonkam A Frontiers in genetics 36035115 Front Genet 2022
Variants of LRP2, encoding a multifunctional cell-surface endocytic receptor, associated with hearing loss and retinal dystrophy. Faridi R, Yousaf R, Gu S, Inagaki S, Turriff AE, Pelstring K, Guan B, Naik A, Griffith AJ, Adadey SM, Aboagye ET, Awandare GA, Morell RJ, Tsilou E, Noyes AG, Sulmonte LAG, Wonkam A, Schrauwen I, Leal SM, Azaiez H, Brewer CC, Riazuddin S, Hufnagel RB, Hoa M, Zein WM, de Dios JK, Friedman TB Clinical genetics 36807241 Clin Genet 2023 Jun
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Evaluating Community Engagement Strategies to Manage Stigma in Two African Genomics Studies Involving People Living with Schizophrenia or Rheumatic Heart Disease. Campbell MM, Matshabane OP, Mqulwana S, Mndini M, Nagdee M, Stein DJ, De Vries J Global health, epidemiology and genomics 34527261 Glob Health Epidemiol Genom 2021
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Applying Mental Model Methods to Characterize Understanding of Gene-Environment Influences: The Case of Podoconiosis in Ethiopia. Allen CG, McBride CM, Engdawork K, Ayode D, Tadele G Critical public health 30853753 Crit Public Health 2019
A cross-sectional survey to assess the risk factors associated with stigmatizing attitudes towards patients with podoconiosis among rural youth in southern Ethiopia. Engdawork K, Davey G, Ayode D, McBride CM, Tadele G Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 33169168 Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2020 Dec 16
Rural youths' understanding of gene x environmental contributors to heritable health conditions: The case of podoconiosis in Ethiopia. Engdawork K, McBride CM, Ayode D, Allen CG, Davey G, Tadele G PLoS neglected tropical diseases 30212466 PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2018 Sep
Characterization of Plasmodium falciparum structure in Nigeria with malaria SNPs barcode. Bankole BE, Kayode AT, Nosamiefan IO, Eromon P, Baniecki ML, Daniels RF, Hamilton EJ, Durfee K, MacInnis B, Okafor H, Sowunmi A, Volkman SK, Sabeti P, Wirth D, Happi CT, Folarin OA Malaria journal 30558627 Malar J 2018 Dec 17
Ebola Virus Epidemiology and Evolution in Nigeria. Folarin OA, Ehichioya D, Schaffner SF, Winnicki SM, Wohl S, Eromon P, West KL, Gladden-Young A, Oyejide NE, Matranga CB, Deme AB, James A, Tomkins-Tinch C, Onyewurunwa K, Ladner JT, Palacios G, Nosamiefan I, Andersen KG, Omilabu S, Park DJ, Yozwiak NL, Nasidi A, Garry RF, Tomori O, Sabeti PC, Happi CT The Journal of infectious diseases 27377746 J Infect Dis 2016 Oct 15
Most neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies target novel epitopes requiring both Lassa virus glycoprotein subunits. Robinson JE, Hastie KM, Cross RW, Yenni RE, Elliott DH, Rouelle JA, Kannadka CB, Smira AA, Garry CE, Bradley BT, Yu H, Shaffer JG, Boisen ML, Hartnett JN, Zandonatti MA, Rowland MM, Heinrich ML, Martínez-Sobrido L, Cheng B, de la Torre JC, Andersen KG, Goba A, Momoh M, Fullah M, Gbakie M, Kanneh L, Koroma VJ, Fonnie R, Jalloh SC, Kargbo B, Vandi MA, Gbetuwa M, Ikponmwosa O, Asogun DA, Okokhere PO, Follarin OA, Schieffelin JS, Pitts KR, Geisbert JB, Kulakoski PC, Wilson RB, Happi CT, Sabeti PC, Gevao SM, Khan SH, Grant DS, Geisbert TW, Saphire EO, Branco LM, Garry RF Nature communications 27161536 Nat Commun 2016 May 10
Use of reverse genetics to inform Ebola outbreak responses. Cross RW, Geisbert TW The Lancet. Infectious diseases 31300333 Lancet Infect Dis 2019 Sep
An Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in the Lassa Fever Zone. Goba A, Khan SH, Fonnie M, Fullah M, Moigboi A, Kovoma A, Sinnah V, Yoko N, Rogers H, Safai S, Momoh M, Koroma V, Kamara FK, Konowu E, Yillah M, French I, Mustapha I, Kanneh F, Foday M, McCarthy H, Kallon T, Kallon M, Naiebu J, Sellu J, Jalloh AA, Gbakie M, Kanneh L, Massaly JL, Kargbo D, Kargbo B, Vandi M, Gbetuwa M, Gevao SM, Sandi JD, Jalloh SC, Grant DS, Blyden SO, Crozier I, Schieffelin JS, McLellan SL, Jacob ST, Boisen ML, Hartnett JN, Cross RW, Branco LM, Andersen KG, Yozwiak NL, Gire SK, Tariyal R, Park DJ, Haislip AM, Bishop CM, Melnik LI, Gallaher WR, Wimley WC, He J, Shaffer JG, Sullivan BM, Grillo S, Oman S, Garry CE, Edwards DR, McCormick SJ, Elliott DH, Rouelle JA, Kannadka CB, Reyna AA, Bradley BT, Yu H, Yenni RE, Hastie KM, Geisbert JB, Kulakosky PC, Wilson RB, Oldstone MB, Pitts KR, Henderson LA, Robinson JE, Geisbert TW, Saphire EO, Happi CT, Asogun DA, Sabeti PC, Garry RF, Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium The Journal of infectious diseases 27402779 J Infect Dis 2016 Oct 15
Ebola Virus Epidemiology, Transmission, and Evolution during Seven Months in Sierra Leone. Park DJ, Dudas G, Wohl S, Goba A, Whitmer SL, Andersen KG, Sealfon RS, Ladner JT, Kugelman JR, Matranga CB, Winnicki SM, Qu J, Gire SK, Gladden-Young A, Jalloh S, Nosamiefan D, Yozwiak NL, Moses LM, Jiang PP, Lin AE, Schaffner SF, Bird B, Towner J, Mamoh M, Gbakie M, Kanneh L, Kargbo D, Massally JL, Kamara FK, Konuwa E, Sellu J, Jalloh AA, Mustapha I, Foday M, Yillah M, Erickson BR, Sealy T, Blau D, Paddock C, Brault A, Amman B, Basile J, Bearden S, Belser J, Bergeron E, Campbell S, Chakrabarti A, Dodd K, Flint M, Gibbons A, Goodman C, Klena J, McMullan L, Morgan L, Russell B, Salzer J, Sanchez A, Wang D, Jungreis I, Tomkins-Tinch C, Kislyuk A, Lin MF, Chapman S, MacInnis B, Matthews A, Bochicchio J, Hensley LE, Kuhn JH, Nusbaum C, Schieffelin JS, Birren BW, Forget M, Nichol ST, Palacios GF, Ndiaye D, Happi C, Gevao SM, Vandi MA, Kargbo B, Holmes EC, Bedford T, Gnirke A, Ströher U, Rambaut A, Garry RF, Sabeti PC Cell 26091036 Cell 2015 Jun 18
The Prevalence of Undiagnosed Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi in Healthy School-Aged Children in Osun State, Nigeria. Uwanibe JN, Kayode TA, Oluniyi PE, Akano K, Olawoye IB, Ugwu CA, Happi CT, Folarin OA Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland) 37111480 Pathogens 2023 Apr 14
Genome-wide association study identifies human genetic variants associated with fatal outcome from Lassa fever. Kotliar D, Raju S, Tabrizi S, Odia I, Goba A, Momoh M, Sandi JD, Nair P, Phelan E, Tariyal R, Eromon PE, Mehta S, Robles-Sikisaka R, Siddle KJ, Stremlau M, Jalloh S, Gire SK, Winnicki S, Chak B, Schaffner SF, Pauthner M, Karlsson EK, Chapin SR, Kennedy SG, Branco LM, Kanneh L, Vitti JJ, Broodie N, Gladden-Young A, Omoniwa O, Jiang PP, Yozwiak N, Heuklom S, Moses LM, Akpede GO, Asogun DA, Rubins K, Kales S, Happi AN, Iruolagbe CO, Dic-Ijiewere M, Iraoyah K, Osazuwa OO, Okonkwo AK, Kunz S, McCormick JB, Khan SH, Honko AN, Lander ES, Oldstone MBA, Hensley L, Folarin OA, Okogbenin SA, Günther S, Ollila HM, Tewhey R, Okokhere PO, Schieffelin JS, Andersen KG, Reilly SK, Grant DS, Garry RF, Barnes KG, Happi CT, Sabeti PC Nature microbiology 38326571 Nat Microbiol 2024 Mar
Clinical illness and outcomes in patients with Ebola in Sierra Leone. Schieffelin JS, Shaffer JG, Goba A, Gbakie M, Gire SK, Colubri A, Sealfon RS, Kanneh L, Moigboi A, Momoh M, Fullah M, Moses LM, Brown BL, Andersen KG, Winnicki S, Schaffner SF, Park DJ, Yozwiak NL, Jiang PP, Kargbo D, Jalloh S, Fonnie M, Sinnah V, French I, Kovoma A, Kamara FK, Tucker V, Konuwa E, Sellu J, Mustapha I, Foday M, Yillah M, Kanneh F, Saffa S, Massally JL, Boisen ML, Branco LM, Vandi MA, Grant DS, Happi C, Gevao SM, Fletcher TE, Fowler RA, Bausch DG, Sabeti PC, Khan SH, Garry RF, KGH Lassa Fever Program, Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, WHO Clinical Response Team The New England journal of medicine 25353969 N Engl J Med 2014 Nov 27
Early rising asexual parasitaemia in Nigerian children following a first dose of artemisinin-based combination treatments of falciparum malaria. Sowunmi A, Akano K, Ayede AI, Adewoye EO, Ntadom G, Fatunmbi B, Gbotosho GO, Folarin OA, Happi CT BMC infectious diseases 28143417 BMC Infect Dis 2017 Jan 31
Enhanced methods for unbiased deep sequencing of Lassa and Ebola RNA viruses from clinical and biological samples. Matranga CB, Andersen KG, Winnicki S, Busby M, Gladden AD, Tewhey R, Stremlau M, Berlin A, Gire SK, England E, Moses LM, Mikkelsen TS, Odia I, Ehiane PE, Folarin O, Goba A, Kahn SH, Grant DS, Honko A, Hensley L, Happi C, Garry RF, Malboeuf CM, Birren BW, Gnirke A, Levin JZ, Sabeti PC Genome biology 25403361 Genome Biol 2014
Discovery of novel rhabdoviruses in the blood of healthy individuals from West Africa. Stremlau MH, Andersen KG, Folarin OA, Grove JN, Odia I, Ehiane PE, Omoniwa O, Omoregie O, Jiang PP, Yozwiak NL, Matranga CB, Yang X, Gire SK, Winnicki S, Tariyal R, Schaffner SF, Okokhere PO, Okogbenin S, Akpede GO, Asogun DA, Agbonlahor DE, Walker PJ, Tesh RB, Levin JZ, Garry RF, Sabeti PC, Happi CT PLoS neglected tropical diseases 25781465 PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2015 Mar
Virus genomes reveal factors that spread and sustained the Ebola epidemic. Dudas G, Carvalho LM, Bedford T, Tatem AJ, Baele G, Faria NR, Park DJ, Ladner JT, Arias A, Asogun D, Bielejec F, Caddy SL, Cotten M, D'Ambrozio J, Dellicour S, Di Caro A, Diclaro JW, Duraffour S, Elmore MJ, Fakoli LS, Faye O, Gilbert ML, Gevao SM, Gire S, Gladden-Young A, Gnirke A, Goba A, Grant DS, Haagmans BL, Hiscox JA, Jah U, Kugelman JR, Liu D, Lu J, Malboeuf CM, Mate S, Matthews DA, Matranga CB, Meredith LW, Qu J, Quick J, Pas SD, Phan MVT, Pollakis G, Reusken CB, Sanchez-Lockhart M, Schaffner SF, Schieffelin JS, Sealfon RS, Simon-Loriere E, Smits SL, Stoecker K, Thorne L, Tobin EA, Vandi MA, Watson SJ, West K, Whitmer S, Wiley MR, Winnicki SM, Wohl S, Wölfel R, Yozwiak NL, Andersen KG, Blyden SO, Bolay F, Carroll MW, Dahn B, Diallo B, Formenty P, Fraser C, Gao GF, Garry RF, Goodfellow I, Günther S, Happi CT, Holmes EC, Kargbo B, Keïta S, Kellam P, Koopmans MPG, Kuhn JH, Loman NJ, Magassouba N, Naidoo D, Nichol ST, Nyenswah T, Palacios G, Pybus OG, Sabeti PC, Sall A, Ströher U, Wurie I, Suchard MA, Lemey P, Rambaut A Nature 28405027 Nature 2017 Apr 20
Acute Lassa Virus Encephalitis with Lassa Virus in the Cerebrospinal Fluid but Absent in the Blood: A Case Report with a Positive Outcome. Okokhere PO, Erameh CO, Alikah F, Akhideno PE, Iruolagbe CO, Osazuwa OO, Bankole IA, Adomeh DI, Odia I, Aire CO, Oyakhilome J, Agbukor J, Atafo RO, Asogun DA, Happi CT, Sabeti PC, Günther S, Akpede GO Case reports in neurology 30057542 Case Rep Neurol 2018 May-Aug
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Genomic surveillance elucidates Ebola virus origin and transmission during the 2014 outbreak. Gire SK, Goba A, Andersen KG, Sealfon RS, Park DJ, Kanneh L, Jalloh S, Momoh M, Fullah M, Dudas G, Wohl S, Moses LM, Yozwiak NL, Winnicki S, Matranga CB, Malboeuf CM, Qu J, Gladden AD, Schaffner SF, Yang X, Jiang PP, Nekoui M, Colubri A, Coomber MR, Fonnie M, Moigboi A, Gbakie M, Kamara FK, Tucker V, Konuwa E, Saffa S, Sellu J, Jalloh AA, Kovoma A, Koninga J, Mustapha I, Kargbo K, Foday M, Yillah M, Kanneh F, Robert W, Massally JL, Chapman SB, Bochicchio J, Murphy C, Nusbaum C, Young S, Birren BW, Grant DS, Scheiffelin JS, Lander ES, Happi C, Gevao SM, Gnirke A, Rambaut A, Garry RF, Khan SH, Sabeti PC Science (New York, N.Y.) 25214632 Science 2014 Sep 12
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Machine-learning Prognostic Models from the 2014-16 Ebola Outbreak: Data-harmonization Challenges, Validation Strategies, and mHealth Applications. Colubri A, Hartley MA, Siakor M, Wolfman V, Felix A, Sesay T, Shaffer JG, Garry RF, Grant DS, Levine AC, Sabeti PC EClinicalMedicine 31312805 EClinicalMedicine 2019 May-Jun
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in central Ethiopia: drug sensitivity patterns and association with genotype. Bedewi Z, Mekonnen Y, Worku A, Medhin G, Zewde A, Yimer G, Pieper R, Ameni G New microbes and new infections 28377803 New Microbes New Infect 2017 May
Genetic Diversity and Acquired Drug Resistance Mutations Detected by Deep Sequencing in Virologic Failures among Antiretroviral Treatment Experienced Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Patients in a Pastoralist Region of Ethiopia. Tachbele E, Kyobe S, Katabazi FA, Kigozi E, Mwesigwa S, Joloba M, Messele A, Amogne W, Legesse M, Pieper R, Ameni G Infection and drug resistance 34819737 Infect Drug Resist 2021
Bovine tuberculosis in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sibhat B, Asmare K, Demissie K, Ayelet G, Mamo G, Ameni G Preventive veterinary medicine 29254713 Prev Vet Med 2017 Nov 1
Molecular typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolated from pulmonary tuberculosis patients in central Ethiopia. Bedewi Z, Worku A, Mekonnen Y, Yimer G, Medhin G, Mamo G, Pieper R, Ameni G BMC infectious diseases 28249607 BMC Infect Dis 2017 Mar 1
Latent tuberculosis infection and associated risk indicators in pastoral communities in southern Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study. Teklu T, Legesse M, Medhin G, Zewude A, Chanyalew M, Zewdie M, Wondale B, Haile-Mariam M, Pieper R, Ameni G BMC public health 29454325 BMC Public Health 2018 Feb 17
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Differences in plasma proteomes for active tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis and non-tuberculosis mycobacterial lung disease patients with and without ESAT-6/CFP10 stimulation. Teklu T, Wondale B, Taye B, Hailemariam M, Bekele S, Tamirat M, Zewude A, Mohamed T, Medhin G, Legesse M, Yu Y, Ameni G, Pieper R Proteome science 33292280 Proteome Sci 2020 Oct 31
Genetic Diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Isolated from Tuberculosis Patients in Bahir Dar City and Its Surroundings, Northwest Ethiopia. Nuru A, Mamo G, Worku A, Admasu A, Medhin G, Pieper R, Ameni G BioMed research international 26491657 Biomed Res Int 2015
Smear positive tuberculosis and genetic diversity of M. tuberculosis isolates in individuals visiting health facilities in South Gondar Zone, northwest Ethiopia. Alelign A, Petros B, Ameni G PloS one 31393882 PLoS One 2019
Protein and Microbial Biomarkers in Sputum Discern Acute and Latent Tuberculosis in Investigation of Pastoral Ethiopian Cohort. HaileMariam M, Yu Y, Singh H, Teklu T, Wondale B, Worku A, Zewude A, Mounaud S, Tsitrin T, Legesse M, Gobena A, Pieper R Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 34150670 Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2021
Molecular epidemiology of clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates in South Omo, Southern Ethiopia. Wondale B, Keehwan K, Medhin G, Teklu T, Mohammed T, Tolosa S, Zewude A, Amsalu F, Pieper R, Ameni G BMC infectious diseases 33050903 BMC Infect Dis 2020 Oct 13
Evaluation of the GenoType MTBDRplus assay for detection of rifampicin- and isoniazid-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in central Ethiopia. Bedewi Omer Z, Mekonnen Y, Worku A, Zewde A, Medhin G, Mohammed T, Pieper R, Ameni G International journal of mycobacteriology 27931690 Int J Mycobacteriol 2016 Dec
Potential Immunological Biomarkers for Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in a Setting Where M. tuberculosis Is Endemic, Ethiopia. Teklu T, Kwon K, Wondale B, HaileMariam M, Zewude A, Medhin G, Legesse M, Pieper R, Ameni G Infection and immunity 29311240 Infect Immun 2018 Apr
Phenotypic and genotypic drug sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolated from South Omo Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Wondale B, Medhin G, Abebe G, Tolosa S, Mohammed T, Teklu T, Pieper R, Ameni G Infection and drug resistance 30288068 Infect Drug Resist 2018
Equine Histoplasmosis in Ethiopia: Phylogenetic Analysis by Sequencing of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Region of rRNA Genes. Ameni G, Messele Kebede A, Zewude A, Girma Abdulla M, Asfaw R, Gobena MM, Kyalo M, Stomeo F, Gumi B, Sori T Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 35909976 Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2022
The epigenome of Trypanosoma brucei: a regulatory interface to an unconventional transcriptional machine. Maree JP, Patterton HG Biochimica et biophysica acta 24942804 Biochim Biophys Acta 2014 Sep
Trypanosoma brucei histones are heavily modified with combinatorial post-translational modifications and mark Pol II transcription start regions with hyperacetylated H2A. Maree JP, Tvardovskiy A, Ravnsborg T, Jensen ON, Rudenko G, Patterton HG Nucleic acids research 36095123 Nucleic Acids Res 2022 Sep 23
Well-positioned nucleosomes punctuate polycistronic pol II transcription units and flank silent VSG gene arrays in Trypanosoma brucei. Maree JP, Povelones ML, Clark DJ, Rudenko G, Patterton HG Epigenetics & chromatin 28344657 Epigenetics Chromatin 2017
Sickle cell disease and H3Africa: enhancing genomic research on cardiovascular diseases in African patients. Wonkam A, Makani J, Ofori-Aquah S, Nnodu OE, Treadwell M, Royal C, Ohene-Frempong K, Members of the H3Africa Consortium Cardiovascular journal of Africa 25962948 Cardiovasc J Afr 2015 Mar-Apr
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Network-driven analysis of human-Plasmodium falciparum interactome: processes for malaria drug discovery and extracting in silico targets. Agamah FE, Damena D, Skelton M, Ghansah A, Mazandu GK, Chimusa ER Malaria journal 34702263 Malar J 2021 Oct 26
Hydroxyurea-Induced miRNA Expression in Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Africa. Mnika K, Mazandu GK, Jonas M, Pule GD, Chimusa ER, Hanchard NA, Wonkam A Frontiers in genetics 31231425 Front Genet 2019
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Genetic modifiers of long-term survival in sickle cell anemia. Wonkam A, Chimusa ER, Mnika K, Pule GD, Ngo Bitoungui VJ, Mulder N, Shriner D, Rotimi CN, Adeyemo A Clinical and translational medicine 32898326 Clin Transl Med 2020 Aug
Association between Variants at BCL11A Erythroid-Specific Enhancer and Fetal Hemoglobin Levels among Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Cameroon: Implications for Future Therapeutic Interventions. Pule GD, Ngo Bitoungui VJ, Chetcha Chemegni B, Kengne AP, Antonarakis S, Wonkam A Omics : a journal of integrative biology 26393293 OMICS 2015 Oct
Hydroxyurea down-regulates BCL11A, KLF-1 and MYB through miRNA-mediated actions to induce γ-globin expression: implications for new therapeutic approaches of sickle cell disease. Pule GD, Mowla S, Novitzky N, Wonkam A Clinical and translational medicine 27056246 Clin Transl Med 2016 Mar
Studies of novel variants associated with Hb F in Sardinians and Tanzanians in sickle cell disease patients from Cameroon. Pule GD, Ngo Bitoungui VJ, Chetcha Chemegni B, Kengne AP, Wonkam A Hemoglobin 27829299 Hemoglobin 2016 Nov
Beta-globin gene haplotypes and selected Malaria-associated variants among black Southern African populations. Pule GD, Chimusa ER, Mnika K, Mhandire K, Kampira E, Dandara C, Wonkam A Global health, epidemiology and genomics 29868223 Glob Health Epidemiol Genom 2017
A call for policy action in sub-Saharan Africa to rethink diagnostics for pregnancy affected by sickle cell disease: differential views of medical doctors, parents and adult patients predict value conflicts in Cameroon. Wonkam A, Hurst S Omics : a journal of integrative biology 24754796 OMICS 2014 Jul
Relation Between Religious Perspectives and Views on Sickle Cell Disease Research and Associated Public Health Interventions in Ghana. Dennis-Antwi JA, Ohene-Frempong K, Anie KA, Dzikunu H, Agyare VA, Boadu RO, Antwi JS, Asafo MK, Anim-Boamah O, Asubonteng AK, Agyei S, Wonkam A, Treadwell MJ Journal of genetic counseling 30171429 J Genet Couns 2018 Sep 1
Caught between pity, explicit bias, and discrimination: a qualitative study on the impact of stigma on the quality of life of persons living with sickle cell disease in three African countries. Munung NS, Treadwell M, Kamga KK, Dennis-Antwi J, Anie K, Bukini D, Makani J, Wonkam A Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation 37889387 Qual Life Res 2024 Feb
Perceptions and preferences for genetic testing for sickle cell disease or trait: a qualitative study in Cameroon, Ghana and Tanzania. Munung NS, Kamga KK, Treadwell MJ, Dennis-Antwi J, Anie KA, Bukini D, Makani J, Wonkam A European journal of human genetics : EJHG 38374470 Eur J Hum Genet 2024 Oct
An Expert Review of Pharmacogenomics of Sickle Cell Disease Therapeutics: Not Yet Ready for Global Precision Medicine. Mnika K, Pule GD, Dandara C, Wonkam A Omics : a journal of integrative biology 27636225 OMICS 2016 Oct
Genetics of Sickle Cell-Associated Cardiovascular Disease: An Expert Review with Lessons Learned in Africa. Geard A, Pule GD, Chelo D, Bitoungui VJ, Wonkam A Omics : a journal of integrative biology 27726639 OMICS 2016 Oct
A systematic review of known mechanisms of hydroxyurea-induced fetal hemoglobin for treatment of sickle cell disease. Pule GD, Mowla S, Novitzky N, Wiysonge CS, Wonkam A Expert review of hematology 26327494 Expert Rev Hematol 2015 Oct
Clinical and genetic factors are associated with pain and hospitalisation rates in sickle cell anaemia in Cameroon. Wonkam A, Mnika K, Ngo Bitoungui VJ, Chetcha Chemegni B, Chimusa ER, Dandara C, Kengne AP British journal of haematology 29205277 Br J Haematol 2018 Jan
Genetic Determinants of Dyslipidemia in African-Based Populations: A Systematic Review. Noubiap JJ, Mato EPM, Guewo-Fokeng M, Kaze AD, Boulenouar H, Wonkam A Omics : a journal of integrative biology 30571611 OMICS 2018 Dec
Perspectives in Genetics and Sickle Cell Disease Prevention in Africa: Beyond the Preliminary Data from Cameroon. Wonkam A, Ngo Bitoungui VJ, Ngogang J Public health genomics 26044545 Public Health Genomics 2015
Clinical and genetic predictors of renal dysfunctions in sickle cell anaemia in Cameroon. Geard A, Pule GD, Chetcha Chemegni B, Ngo Bitoungui VJ, Kengne AP, Chimusa ER, Wonkam A British journal of haematology 28466968 Br J Haematol 2017 Aug
SAR1a promoter polymorphisms are not associated with fetal hemoglobin in patients with sickle cell disease from Cameroon. Pule GD, Bitoungui VJN, Chemegni BC, Kengne AP, Wonkam A BMC research notes 28499394 BMC Res Notes 2017 May 12
Burden, genotype and phenotype profiles of adult patients with sickle cell disease in Cape Town, South Africa. Pule GD, Mnica K, Joubert M, Mowla S, Novitsky N, Wonkam A South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde 28220744 S Afr Med J 2017 Jan 30
FLT1 and other candidate fetal haemoglobin modifying loci in sickle cell disease in African ancestries. Wonkam A, Esoh K, Levine RM, Ngo Bitoungui VJ, Mnika K, Nimmagadda N, Dempsey EAD, Nkya S, Sangeda RZ, Nembaware V, Morrice J, Osman F, Beer MA, Makani J, Mulder N, Lettre G, Steinberg MH, Latanich R, Casella JF, Drehmer D, Arking DE, Chimusa ER, Yen JS, Newby GA, Antonarakis SE Nature communications 40025045 Nat Commun 2025 Mar 1
Special populations and pharmacogenetic issues in tuberculosis drug development and clinical research. McIlleron H, Abdel-Rahman S, Dave JA, Blockman M, Owen A The Journal of infectious diseases 26009615 J Infect Dis 2015 Jun 15
Neuropsychiatric and socio-cultural aspects in a Malian family with spinocerebellar ataxia. Coulibaly SP, Coulibaly S, Sango HA, Cissé L, Maïga FI, Maïga B, Diarra S, Diallo SH, Coulibaly T, Traoré M, Guinto CO, Koumaré B, Landouré G Annales medico-psychologiques 32431322 Ann Med Psychol (Paris) 2020 Mar
Implementation of genomics research in Africa: challenges and recommendations. Adebamowo SN, Francis V, Tambo E, Diallo SH, Landouré G, Nembaware V, Dareng E, Muhamed B, Odutola M, Akeredolu T, Nerima B, Ozumba PJ, Mbhele S, Ghanash A, Wachinou AP, Ngomi N Global health action 29336236 Glob Health Action 2018
AP2A2 mutation and defective endocytosis in a Malian family with hereditary spastic paraplegia. Diarra S, Ghosh S, Cissé L, Coulibaly T, Yalcouyé A, Harmison G, Diallo S, Diallo SH, Coulibaly O, Schindler A, Cissé CAK, Maiga AB, Bamba S, Samassekou O, Khokha MK, Mis EK, Lakhani SA, Donovan FX, Jacobson S, Blackstone C, Guinto CO, Landouré G, Bonifacino JS, Fischbeck KH, Grunseich C Neurobiology of disease 38772452 Neurobiol Dis 2024 Aug
The First Case of Huntington's Disease like 2 in Mali, West Africa. Bocoum A, Ouologuem M, Cissé L, Essop F, Dit Papa Coulibaly S, Botha N, Cissé CAK, Dit Baneye Maiga A, Krause A, Landouré G, H3Africa consortium Tremor and other hyperkinetic movements (New York, N.Y.) 38617831 Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y) 2024
A novel mutation in KIF5A in a Malian family with spastic paraplegia and sensory loss. Guinto CO, Diarra S, Diallo S, Cissé L, Coulibaly T, Diallo SH, Taméga A, Chen KL, Schindler AB, Bagayoko K, Simaga A, Blackstone C, Fischbeck KH, Landouré G Annals of clinical and translational neurology 28382308 Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2017 Apr
Genetics and genomic medicine in Mali: challenges and future perspectives. Landouré G, Samassékou O, Traoré M, Meilleur KG, Guinto CO, Burnett BG, Sumner CJ, Fischbeck KH Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 27066513 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2016 Mar
A novel mutation in the GARS gene in a Malian family with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Yalcouyé A, Diallo SH, Coulibaly T, Cissé L, Diallo S, Samassékou O, Diarra S, Coulibaly D, Keita M, Guinto CO, Fischbeck K, Landouré G, H3Africa Consortium Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 31173493 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2019 Jul
Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 35 in a family from Mali. Landouré G, Dembélé K, Cissé L, Samassékou O, Diarra S, Bocoum A, Dembélé ME, Fischbeck KH, Guinto CO, from The H3Africa Consortium American journal of medical genetics. Part A 31087769 Am J Med Genet A 2019 Jul
A novel variant in the spatacsin gene causing SPG11 in a Malian family. Landouré G, Dembélé K, Diarra S, Cissé L, Samassékou O, Bocoum A, Yalcouyé A, Traoré M, Fischbeck KH, Guinto CO, H3Africa Consortium Journal of the neurological sciences 32007754 J Neurol Sci 2020 Apr 15
Genetics of low spinal muscular atrophy carrier frequency in sub-Saharan Africa. Sangaré M, Hendrickson B, Sango HA, Chen K, Nofziger J, Amara A, Dutra A, Schindler AB, Guindo A, Traoré M, Harmison G, Pak E, Yaro FN, Bricceno K, Grunseich C, Chen G, Boehm M, Zukosky K, Bocoum N, Meilleur KG, Daou F, Bagayogo K, Coulibaly YI, Diakité M, Fay MP, Lee HS, Saad A, Gribaa M, Singleton AB, Maiga Y, Auh S, Landouré G, Fairhurst RM, Burnett BG, Scholl T, Fischbeck KH Annals of neurology 24515897 Ann Neurol 2014 Apr
Developing a Road Map to Spread Genomic Knowledge in Africa: 10th Conference of the African Society of Human Genetics, Cairo, Egypt. El-Kamah GY, Mohamed AM, Gad YZ, Abdelhak S, Hennig BJ, Ramesar RS, Landouré G, Gaye A, Newport MJ, Williams SM, Ramsay M The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 32124726 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 Apr
[Clinical and laboratory features of recessive Limb Girdle Muscular dystrophies in the Department Neurology of University Hospital of Point G]. Coulibaly T, Ouabo AJ, Landouré G, Bah HO, Cissé L, Diallo SH, Diallo S, Samassékou O, Maïga AB, Kané F, Yalcouyé A, Taméga A, Bocoum A, Dembélé ME, Témé A, Sidibé CO, Cissé AK, Traoré O, Traoré M, Guinto CO Health sciences and disease : the journal of medicine and health science 34824573 Health Sci Dis 2021 Nov
Friedreich ataxia in a family from Mali, West Africa/Friedreich ataxia in a Malian family. Cissé CAK, Cissé L, Ba HO, Samassékou O, Simaga A, Taméga A, Diarra S, Diallo SH, Coulibaly T, Diallo S, Yalcouyé A, Maiga AB, Keita M, Fischbeck KH, Traoré SF, Guinto CO, Landouré G, from the H3Africa Consortium Clinical case reports 34084490 Clin Case Rep 2021 May
A novel de novo variant in the RUNX2 gene causes cleidocranial dysplasia in a Malian girl. Cissé L, Yalcouyé A, Touré KO, Coulibaly Y, Maiga AB, Bamba S, Diallo D, Diarra S, Taméga A, Traoré O, Kotioumbé M, Sangaré MA, Ba HO, Simaga A, Koné FI, Samassekou O, Koné A, Guinto CO, Landouré G, H3Africa consortium Clinical case reports 38415192 Clin Case Rep 2024 Feb
Neurological Complications in Subjects With Sickle Cell Disease or Trait: Genetic Results From Mali. Landouré G, Cissé L, Touré BA, Yalcouyé A, Coulibaly T, Karambé M, Sissoko AS, Coulibaly T, Wonkam A, Guinto CO, H3Africa Consortium Global heart 28377104 Glob Heart 2017 Jun
Clinical, paraclinical and genetic aspects of autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias (ARCA) in Mali. Cissé C, Cissé L, Samassékou O, Ba HO, Coulibaly T, Diallo SH, Diallo S, Taméga A, Diarra S, Maïga AB, Kané F, Yalcouyé A, Bocoum A, Dembélé ME, Traoré O, Simaga A, Traoré SF, Keita M, Fischbeck K, Traoré M, Guinto CO, Landouré G Le Mali medical 36919030 Mali Med 2022 Dec 26
[Factors associated with mental disorders in the psychiatric department of the university hospital centre of Point G in Mali.]. Coulibaly SP, Maïga FI, Landouré G, Dolo H, Mounkoro PP, Dara AE, Traoré J, Traoré K, Kané F, Diarra Z, Yalcouyé A, Taméga A, Bocoum A, Coulibaly S, Guinto CO, Togora A Le Mali medical 34732974 Mali Med 2021 Apr 19
Clinical and Genetic Aspects of Huntington's Disease in the Malian Population. Bocoum A, Coulibaly T, Ouologuem M, Cissé L, Diallo SH, Maiga BB, Dembélé K, Diallo S, Coulibaly SDP, Kané F, Coulibaly T, Coulibaly D, Taméga A, Yalcouyé A, Diarra S, Dembélé ME, Maiga AB, Cissé CAK, Traoré O, Fischbeck KH, Guinto CO, Maiga Y, Landouré G, from The H3Africa consortium Journal of Huntington's disease 35311712 J Huntingtons Dis 2022
Fahr's syndrome with hyperparathyroidism revealed by seizures and proximal weakness. Dembélé K, Cissé L, Djimdé S, Coulibaly Y, Diarra S, Yalcouyé A, Maiga B, Guinto CO, Landouré G, from The H3Africa Consortium eNeurologicalSci 31080899 eNeurologicalSci 2019 Jun
Epilepsy genetics in Africa: challenges and future perspectives. Landouré G, Maiga Y, Samassékou O, Nimaga K, Traoré M, Fischbeck KH North African and Middle East epilepsy journal 26413584 North Afr Middle East Epilepsy J 2014 Sep-Oct
The African Genomic Medicine Training Initiative (AGMT): Showcasing a Community and Framework Driven Genomic Medicine Training for Nurses in Africa. Nembaware V, African Genomic Medicine Training Initiative, Mulder N Frontiers in genetics 31921282 Front Genet 2019
Hereditary spastic paraplegia in Mali: epidemiological and clinical features. Diarra S, Coulibaly T, Dembélé K, Ngouth N, Cissé L, Diallo SH, Ouologuem M, Diallo S, Coulibaly O, Bagayoko K, Coulibaly D, Simaga A, Sango HA, Traoré M, Jacobson S, Fischbeck KH, Landouré G, Guinto CO, H3Africa consortium Acta neurologica Belgica 36396882 Acta Neurol Belg 2023 Dec
A novel variant in the GNE gene in a Malian patient presenting with distal myopathy. Kotioumbe M, Maiga AB, Bamba S, Cissé L, Diarra S, Diallo S, Yalcouyé A, Kané F, Diallo SH, Coulibaly D, Coulibaly T, Dembélé K, Maiga B, Guinto CO, Landouré G Research square 38496429 Res Sq 2024 Mar 7
[Diagnosis and evaluation of the response to treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia in Mali by fluorescent in situ hybridization]. Sidibé CO, Samassékou O, Bathily M, Ly M, Diallo Y, Landouré G, Traoré SF, Guinto CO, Traoré M Health sciences and disease : the journal of medicine and health science 39239208 Health Sci Dis 2022 Jul
[Progressive myoclonic epilepsy in the department of neurology of the University Teaching hospital Point "G"]. Dembélé ME, Cissé L, Diarra S, Yalcouyé A, Taméga A, Bocoum A, Maïga AB, Diallo SH, Coulibaly T, Diallo S, Simaga A, Grunseich C, Kéita M, Coulibaly MB, Fischbeck KH, Maiga Y, Guinto CO, Landouré G Le Mali medical 36945313 Mali Med 2022 Jul 8
Pentanucleotide Repeat Insertions in RAI1 Cause Benign Adult Familial Myoclonic Epilepsy Type 8. Yeetong P, Dembélé ME, Pongpanich M, Cissé L, Srichomthong C, Maiga AB, Dembélé K, Assawapitaksakul A, Bamba S, Yalcouyé A, Diarra S, Mefoung SE, Rakwongkhachon S, Traoré O, Tongkobpetch S, Fischbeck KH, Gahl WA, Guinto CO, Shotelersuk V, Landouré G Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 37994247 Mov Disord 2024 Jan
Characterization of the novel HLA-DQB1*05:272 allele in a South African patient by next-generation sequencing. Valley-Omar Z, Maart S, Seele K, Gray CM HLA 33219591 HLA 2021 Feb
Longitudinal gut microbiota composition of South African and Nigerian infants in relation to tetanus vaccine responses. Iwase SC, Osawe S, Happel A-U, Gray CM, Holmes SP, Blackburn JM, Abimiku A, Jaspan HB Microbiology spectrum 38230936 Microbiol Spectr 2024 Feb 6
Longitudinal gut microbiota composition of South African and Nigerian infants in relation to tetanus vaccine responses. Iwase SC, Jaspan HB, Happel AU, Holmes SP, Abimiku A, Osawe S, Gray CM, Blackburn JM Research square 37461449 Res Sq 2023 Jul 3
Diversity in immunogenomics: the value and the challenge. Peng K, Safonova Y, Shugay M, Popejoy AB, Rodriguez OL, Breden F, Brodin P, Burkhardt AM, Bustamante C, Cao-Lormeau VM, Corcoran MM, Duffy D, Fuentes-Guajardo M, Fujita R, Greiff V, Jönsson VD, Liu X, Quintana-Murci L, Rossetti M, Xie J, Yaari G, Zhang W, Abedalthagafi MS, Adekoya KO, Ahmed RA, Chang WC, Gray C, Nakamura Y, Lees WD, Khatri P, Alachkar H, Scheepers C, Watson CT, Karlsson Hedestam GB, Mangul S Nature methods 34002093 Nat Methods 2021 Jun
High-Throughput Mapping of B Cell Receptor Sequences to Antigen Specificity. Setliff I, Shiakolas AR, Pilewski KA, Murji AA, Mapengo RE, Janowska K, Richardson S, Oosthuysen C, Raju N, Ronsard L, Kanekiyo M, Qin JS, Kramer KJ, Greenplate AR, McDonnell WJ, Graham BS, Connors M, Lingwood D, Acharya P, Morris L, Georgiev IS Cell 31787378 Cell 2019 Dec 12
OGRDB: a reference database of inferred immune receptor genes. Lees W, Busse CE, Corcoran M, Ohlin M, Scheepers C, Matsen FA, Yaari G, Watson CT, AIRR Community, Collins A, Shepherd AJ Nucleic acids research 31566225 Nucleic Acids Res 2020 Jan 8
Targeting Fc effector function in vaccine design. Richardson SI, Moore PL Expert opinion on therapeutic targets 33754933 Expert Opin Ther Targets 2021 Jun
Functional consequences of allotypic polymorphisms in human immunoglobulin G subclasses. Crowley AR, Richardson SI, Tuyishime M, Jennewein M, Bailey MJ, Lee J, Alter G, Ferrari G, Morris L, Ackerman ME Immunogenetics 35904629 Immunogenetics 2023 Feb
Hinge length contributes to the phagocytic activity of HIV-specific IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies. Chu TH, Crowley AR, Backes I, Chang C, Tay M, Broge T, Tuyishime M, Ferrari G, Seaman MS, Richardson SI, Tomaras GD, Alter G, Leib D, Ackerman ME PLoS pathogens 32092122 PLoS Pathog 2020 Feb
Antibody class-switching as a strategy to improve HIV-1 neutralization. Scheepers C, Richardson SI, Moyo-Gwete T, Moore PL Trends in molecular medicine 36117072 Trends Mol Med 2022 Nov
Novel polymorphic and copy number diversity in the antibody IGH locus of South African individuals. Marsden AA, Corcoran M, Karlsson Hedestam G, Garrett N, Karim SSA, Moore PL, Kitchin D, Morris L, Scheepers C Immunogenetics 39627383 Immunogenetics 2024 Dec 4
Multi-Donor Longitudinal Antibody Repertoire Sequencing Reveals the Existence of Public Antibody Clonotypes in HIV-1 Infection. Setliff I, McDonnell WJ, Raju N, Bombardi RG, Murji AA, Scheepers C, Ziki R, Mynhardt C, Shepherd BE, Mamchak AA, Garrett N, Karim SA, Mallal SA, Crowe JE Jr, Morris L, Georgiev IS Cell host & microbe 29861170 Cell Host Microbe 2018 Jun 13
Dependence on a variable residue limits the breadth of an HIV MPER neutralizing antibody, despite convergent evolution with broadly neutralizing antibodies. Scheepers C, Kgagudi P, Mzindle N, Gray ES, Moyo-Gwete T, Lambson BE, Oosthuysen B, Mabvakure B, Garrett NJ, Abdool Karim SS, Morris L, Moore PL PLoS pathogens 36054228 PLoS Pathog 2022 Sep
Sequence and functional characterization of a public HIV-specific antibody clonotype. Murji AA, Raju N, Qin JS, Kaldine H, Janowska K, Fechter EF, Mapengo R, Scheepers C, Setliff I, Acharya P, Morris L, Georgiev IS iScience 34984325 iScience 2022 Jan 21
Elicitation of Neutralizing Antibody Responses to HIV-1 Immunization with Nanoparticle Vaccine Platforms. Murji AA, Qin JS, Hermanus T, Morris L, Georgiev IS Viruses 34372503 Viruses 2021 Jul 2
Cross-reactive coronavirus antibodies with diverse epitope specificities and extra-neutralization functions. Shiakolas AR, Kramer KJ, Wrapp D, Richardson SI, Schäfer A, Wall S, Wang N, Janowska K, Pilewski KA, Venkat R, Parks R, Manamela NP, Raju N, Fechter EF, Holt CM, Suryadevara N, Chen RE, Martinez DR, Nargi RS, Sutton RE, Ledgerwood JE, Graham BS, Diamond MS, Haynes BF, Acharya P, Carnahan RH, Crowe JE, Baric RS, Morris L, McLellan JS, Georgiev IS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 33398266 bioRxiv 2020 Dec 20
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Antibody Isotype Switching as a Mechanism to Counter HIV Neutralization Escape. Scheepers C, Bekker V, Anthony C, Richardson SI, Oosthuysen B, Moyo T, Kgagudi P, Kitchin D, Nonyane M, York T, Mielke D, Mabvakure BM, Sheng Z, Lambson BE, Ismail A, Garrett NJ, Abdool Karim SS, Shapiro L, Williamson C, Morris L, Moore PL Cell reports 33238131 Cell Rep 2020 Nov 24
IgG3 enhances neutralization potency and Fc effector function of an HIV V2-specific broadly neutralizing antibody. Richardson SI, Lambson BE, Crowley AR, Bashirova A, Scheepers C, Garrett N, Abdool Karim S, Mkhize NN, Carrington M, Ackerman ME, Moore PL, Morris L PLoS pathogens 31841557 PLoS Pathog 2019 Dec
Aetiology of childhood pneumonia in a well vaccinated South African birth cohort: a nested case-control study of the Drakenstein Child Health Study. Zar HJ, Barnett W, Stadler A, Gardner-Lubbe S, Myer L, Nicol MP The Lancet. Respiratory medicine 27117547 Lancet Respir Med 2016 Jun
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The nasopharyngeal microbiome in South African children with lower respiratory tract infection: a nested case-control study of the Drakenstein Child Health Study. Claassen-Weitz S, Xia Y, Workman L, Hannan L, Gardner-Lubbe S, Mwaikono KS, Mounaud SH, Nierman WC, Africa S, Patel F, Dube FS, Allen V, Edries LAT, Zar HJ, Nicol MP Research square 39070658 Res Sq 2024 Jul 19
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Current Knowledge and Future Research Directions on Fecal Bacterial Patterns and Their Association with Asthma. Claassen-Weitz S, Wiysonge CS, Machingaidze S, Thabane L, Horsnell WG, Zar HJ, Nicol MP, Kaba M Frontiers in microbiology 27445990 Front Microbiol 2016
Comparison of a Real-Time Multiplex PCR and Sequetyping Assay for Pneumococcal Serotyping. Dube FS, van Mens SP, Robberts L, Wolter N, Nicol P, Mafofo J, Africa S, Zar HJ, Nicol MP PloS one 26335454 PLoS One 2015
Fecal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in the Hospital and Community Setting: A Systematic Review. Claassen-Weitz S, Shittu AO, Ngwarai MR, Thabane L, Nicol MP, Kaba M Frontiers in microbiology 27242671 Front Microbiol 2016
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Influence of sodium consumption and associated knowledge on poststroke hypertension in Uganda. Kaddumukasa MN, Katabira E, Sajatovic M, Pundik S, Kaddumukasa M, Goldstein LB Neurology 27558374 Neurology 2016 Sep 20
Group Mentorship Model to Enhance the Efficiency and Productivity of PhD Research Training in Sub-Saharan Africa. Manabe YC, Nambooze H, Okello ES, Kamya MR, Katabira ET, Ssinabulya I, Kaddumukasa M, Nabunnya Y, Bollinger RC, Sewankambo NK Annals of global health 30873808 Ann Glob Health 2018 Apr 30
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Prevalence, severity and factors associated with peripheral neuropathy among newly diagnosed diabetic patients attending Mulago hospital: a cross-sectional study. Kisozi T, Mutebi E, Kisekka M, Lhatoo S, Sajatovic M, Kaddumukasa M, Nakwagala FN, Katabira E African health sciences 29062342 Afr Health Sci 2017 Jun
Poor drug adherence and lack of awareness of hypertension among hypertensive stroke patients in Kampala, Uganda: a cross sectional study. Mugwano I, Kaddumukasa M, Mugenyi L, Kayima J, Ddumba E, Sajatovic M, Sila C, DeGeorgia M, Katabira E BMC research notes 26725042 BMC Res Notes 2016 Jan 2
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Knowledge and Attitudes of Parkinson's Disease in Rural and Urban Mukono District, Uganda: A Cross-Sectional, Community-Based Study. Kaddumukasa M, Kakooza A, Kaddumukasa MN, Ddumba E, Mugenyi L, Sajatovic M, Katabira E Parkinson's disease 26688774 Parkinsons Dis 2015
Vitamin B12 deficiency among adult diabetic patients in Uganda: relation to glycaemic control and haemoglobin concentration. Akabwai GP, Kibirige D, Mugenyi L, Kaddu M, Opio C, Lalitha R, Mutebi E, Sajatovic M Journal of diabetes and metabolic disorders 27468410 J Diabetes Metab Disord 2015
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Multiple anti-epileptic drug use in children with epilepsy in Mulago hospital, Uganda: a cross sectional study. Atugonza R, Kakooza-Mwesige A, Lhatoo S, Kaddumukasa M, Mugenyi L, Sajatovic M, Katabira E, Idro R BMC pediatrics 26961364 BMC Pediatr 2016 Mar 9
Prevalence and incidence of neurological disorders among adult Ugandans in rural and urban Mukono district; a cross-sectional study. Kaddumukasa M, Mugenyi L, Kaddumukasa MN, Ddumba E, Devereaux M, Furlan A, Sajatovic M, Katabira E BMC neurology 27855635 BMC Neurol 2016 Nov 17
Prevalence, patterns and factors associated with hypertensive crises in Mulago hospital emergency department; a cross-sectional study. Nakalema I, Kaddumukasa M, Nakibuuka J, Okello E, Sajatovic M, Katabira E African health sciences 31149006 Afr Health Sci 2019 Mar
Prevalence and factors associated with sleep disorders among children with cerebral palsy in Uganda; a cross-sectional study. Munyumu K, Idro R, Abbo C, Kaddumukasa M, Katabira E, Mupere E, Kakooza-Mwesige A BMC pediatrics 29402250 BMC Pediatr 2018 Feb 5
Influence of Dietary Salt Knowledge, Perceptions, and Beliefs on Consumption Choices after Stroke in Uganda. Kaddumukasa MN, Katabira E, Sajatovic M, Pundik S, Kaddumukasa M, Goldstein LB Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 28807485 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2017 Dec
Classification and description of chronic pain among HIV positive patients in Uganda. Mwesiga EK, Kaddumukasa M, Mugenyi L, Nakasujja N African health sciences 31656480 Afr Health Sci 2019 Jun
Depression with pain co morbidity effect on quality of life among HIV positive patients in Uganda: a cross sectional study. Mwesiga EK, Mugenyi L, Nakasujja N, Moore S, Kaddumukasa M, Sajatovic M Health and quality of life outcomes 26718268 Health Qual Life Outcomes 2015 Dec 30
Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of stroke: a cross-sectional survey in rural and urban Uganda. Kaddumukasa M, Kayima J, Kaddumukasa MN, Ddumba E, Mugenyi L, Pundik S, Furlan AJ, Sajatovic M, Katabira E BMC research notes 26708348 BMC Res Notes 2015 Dec 26
Post-stroke depression among stroke survivors attending two hospitals in Kampala Uganda. Gyagenda JO, Ddumba E, Odokonyero R, Kaddumukasa M, Sajatovic M, Smyth K, Katabira E African health sciences 26958024 Afr Health Sci 2015 Dec
Community knowledge of and attitudes toward epilepsy in rural and urban Mukono district, Uganda: A cross-sectional study. Kaddumukasa M, Kakooza A, Kayima J, Kaddumukasa MN, Ddumba E, Mugenyi L, Furlan A, Lhatoo S, Sajatovic M, Katabira E Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 26610095 Epilepsy Behav 2016 Jan
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TIME OF PRESENTATION OF STROKE PATIENTS FOR CT IMAGING IN A NIGERIAN TERTIARY HOSPITAL. Ogbole GI, Owolabi MO, Ogun O, Ogunseyinde OA, Ogunniyi A Annals of Ibadan postgraduate medicine 26807083 Ann Ib Postgrad Med 2015 Jun
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Electroencephalography as a tool for evidence-based diagnosis and improved outcomes in children with epilepsy in a resource-poor setting. Lagunju IO, Oyinlade AO, Atalabi OM, Ogbole G, Tedimola O, Famosaya A, Ogunniyi A, Ogunseyinde AO, Ragin A The Pan African medical journal 26977236 Pan Afr Med J 2015
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Building Mental Health Research Capacity in Kenya: A South - North Collaboration. Mathai M, Stoep AV, Kumar M, Kuria M, Obondo A, Kimani V, Amugune B, Makanyengo M, Mbwayo A, Unützer J, Kiarie J, Rao D Global social welfare : research, policy & practice 31403024 Glob Soc Welf 2019 Sep
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Depression and its psychosocial risk factors in pregnant Kenyan adolescents: a cross-sectional study in a community health Centre of Nairobi. Osok J, Kigamwa P, Stoep AV, Huang KY, Kumar M BMC psychiatry 29776353 BMC Psychiatry 2018 May 18
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Outcomes and prognostic factors for women with breast cancer in Malawi. Youngblood VM, Nyirenda R, Nyasosela R, Zuze T, Yang Y, Kudowa E, Moses A, Kincaid J, Kajombo C, Kampani C, Chimzimu F, Mulenga M, Chilima C, Ellis GK, Seguin R, Chagomerana M, Maine R, Jordan S, Charles A, Lee C, Gopal S, Tomoka T Cancer causes & control : CCC 32124187 Cancer Causes Control 2020 Apr
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Characteristics and survival for HIV-associated multicentric Castleman disease in Malawi. Gopal S, Liomba NG, Montgomery ND, Moses A, Kaimila B, Nyasosela R, Chikasema M, Dhungel BM, Kampani C, Sanders MK, Krysiak R, Dittmer DP, Fedoriw Y Journal of the International AIDS Society 26242311 J Int AIDS Soc 2015
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Improving surgical systems in low- and middle-income countries: an inclusive framework for monitoring and evaluation. Bendix PG, Anderson JE, Rose JA, Noormahomed EV, Bickler SW International health 26553824 Int Health 2015 Nov
Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Declining Rates of Chronic and Recurrent Infection and Their Possible Role in the Origins of Non-communicable Diseases. Bickler SW, Wang A, Amin S, Halbach J, Lizardo R, Cauvi DM, De Maio A World journal of surgery 29234849 World J Surg 2018 Jun
Proceedings of the 4th annual meeting of the Alliance for Surgery and Anesthesia Presence (ASAP): building sustainable surgical systems. Bickler SW, McQueen K World journal of surgery 23592056 World J Surg 2013 Jul
Surgical conditions account for the majority of admissions to three primary referral hospitals in rural Mozambique. Anderson JE, Erickson A, Funzamo C, Bendix P, Assane A, Rose J, Vaz F, Noormahomed EV, Bickler SW World journal of surgery 24346631 World J Surg 2014 Apr
World Health Organization Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care: 2011 and beyond. Spiegel DA, Abdullah F, Price RR, Gosselin RA, Bickler SW World journal of surgery 23150072 World J Surg 2013 Jul
Surgical patients travel longer distances than non-surgical patients to receive care at a rural hospital in Mozambique. Faierman ML, Anderson JE, Assane A, Bendix P, Vaz F, Rose JA, Funzamo C, Bickler SW, Noormahomed EV International health 25135818 Int Health 2015 Jan
The Medical Education Partnership Initiative Effect on Increasing Health Professions Education and Research Capacity in Mozambique. Noormahomed EV, Mocumbi AO, Ismail M, Carrilho C, Patel S, Nguenha A, Badaro R, Bickler S, Benson CA, Schooley RT Annals of global health 30873790 Ann Glob Health 2018 Apr 30
An efficient risk adjustment model to predict inpatient adverse events after surgery. Anderson JE, Rose J, Noorbakhsh A, Talamini MA, Finlayson SR, Bickler SW, Chang DC World journal of surgery 24615608 World J Surg 2014 Aug
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The Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI), a collaborative paradigm for institutional and human resources capacity building between high- and low- and middle-income countries: the Mozambique experience. Virgínia Noormahomed E, Carrilho C, Ismail M, Noormahomed S, Nguenha A, Benson CA, Mocumbi AO, Schooley RT Global health action 28452653 Glob Health Action 2017
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Transforming the Health Research Workforce in Mozambique: Achievements of the Mozambique Institute for Health Education and Research (MIHER) over a 13‑Year Journey. Noormahomed EV, Noormahomed S, Cossa M, Joyce N, Miambo RD, Sousa IM, Nhacupe N, Mussá T, Sacarlal J, Gouveia L, Ferrão LJ, Carrilho C, Ismail M, Smith D, Martin NK, Goyal R, Barrett KE, Afonso SS, Mandane A, Saíde A, Vintuar P, Singo B, Aleixo B, Injage L, Winzeler EA, Correia-de-Sá P, Martins MDRO, Ferrinho P, Patel S, Mocumbi AO, Bickler SW, Benson CA, Badaró R, Schooley RT Annals of global health 39678200 Ann Glob Health 2024
Brief tool to measure risk-adjusted surgical outcomes in resource-limited hospitals. Anderson JE, Lassiter R, Bickler SW, Talamini MA, Chang DC Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) 22987164 Arch Surg 2012 Sep
The role of surgery in global health: analysis of United States inpatient procedure frequency by condition using the Global Burden of Disease 2010 framework. Rose J, Chang DC, Weiser TG, Kassebaum NJ, Bickler SW PloS one 24586967 PLoS One 2014
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An open access medical knowledge base for community driven diagnostic decision support system development. Müller L, Gangadharaiah R, Klein SC, Perry J, Bernstein G, Nurkse D, Wailes D, Graham R, El-Kareh R, Mehta S, Vinterbo SA, Aronoff-Spencer E BMC medical informatics and decision making 31029130 BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2019 Apr 27
Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites Among HIV Infected and HIV Uninfected Patients Treated at the 1° De Maio Health Centre in Maputo, Mozambique. Cerveja BZ, Tucuzo RM, Madureira AC, Nhacupe N, Langa IA, Buene T, Banze L, Funzamo C, Noormahomed EV EC microbiology 29911204 EC Microbiol 2017
Strengthening research capacity through the medical education partnership initiative: the Mozambique experience. Noormahomed EV, Mocumbi AO, Preziosi M, Damasceno A, Bickler S, Smith DM, Funzamo C, Aronoff-Spencer E, Badaró R, Mabila F, Bila D, Nguenha A, Do Rosário V, Benson CA, Schooley RT, Patel S, Ferrão LJ, Carrilho C Human resources for health 24304706 Hum Resour Health 2013 Dec 5
The transition from a rural to an urban environment alters expression of the human Ebola virus receptor Neiman-Pick C1: implications for the current epidemic in West Africa. Bickler SW, Lizardo RE, De Maio A Cell stress & chaperones 25477151 Cell Stress Chaperones 2015 Mar
Universities form research partnership to improve care in Mozambique. Rose J, Bendix P, Funzamo C, Vaz F, da Costa AA, Bickler S, Noormahomed EV Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons 25626263 Bull Am Coll Surg 2015 Jan
Pooled Nucleic Acid Testing to Detect Antiretroviral Treatment Failure in HIV-Infected Patients in Mozambique. Tilghman M, Tsai D, Buene TP, Tomas M, Amade S, Gehlbach D, Chang S, Ignacio C, Caballero G, Espitia S, May S, Noormahomed EV, Smith DM Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 26135327 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015 Nov 1
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Substance use is a risk factor for neurocognitive deficits and neuropsychiatric distress in acute and early HIV infection. Weber E, Morgan EE, Iudicello JE, Blackstone K, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Little S, Morris S, Smith DM, Moore DJ, Woods SP, TMARC Group Journal of neurovirology 23250704 J Neurovirol 2013 Feb
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Human papillomaviruses in intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva: a study from Mozambique. Carrilho C, Gouveia P, Yokohama H, Lopes JM, Lunet N, Ferro J, Ismail M, Walboomers J, Sobrinho-Simões M, David L European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) 23752127 Eur J Cancer Prev 2013 Nov
Simultaneous presentation of Kaposi sarcoma and HHV8-associated large B-cell lymphoma in the same lymph node: A rare diagnosis in an HIV-negative patient. Fernandes F, Eloy C, Carimo A, Pinto P, Graves S, Simões J, Carrilho C, Lopes JM The American journal of case reports 23885287 Am J Case Rep 2013
Using ultradeep pyrosequencing to study HIV-1 coreceptor usage in primary and dual infection. Wagner GA, Pacold ME, Vigil E, Caballero G, Morris SR, Kosakovsky Pond SL, Little SJ, Richman DD, Gianella S, Smith DM The Journal of infectious diseases 23599311 J Infect Dis 2013 Jul 15
A cross-sectional serological study of cysticercosis, schistosomiasis, toxocariasis and echinococcosis in HIV-1 infected people in Beira, Mozambique. Noormahomed EV, Nhacupe N, Mascaró-Lazcano C, Mauaie MN, Buene T, Funzamo CA, Benson CA PLoS neglected tropical diseases 25188395 PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2014 Sep
A prospective observational study of bacteraemia in adults admitted to an urban Mozambican hospital. Preziosi M, Zimba TF, Lee K, Tomas M, Kinlin S, Nhatave-Paiva C, Bene R, Paunde T, Lopes H, Kalkhoff S, Prathap V, Akrami K, Noormahomed EV, Schooley RT, Aronoff-Spencer E South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde 26242671 S Afr Med J 2015 Apr 8
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Incidence and prevalence of intrasubtype HIV-1 dual infection in at-risk men in the United States. Wagner GA, Pacold ME, Kosakovsky Pond SL, Caballero G, Chaillon A, Rudolph AE, Morris SR, Little SJ, Richman DD, Smith DM The Journal of infectious diseases 24273040 J Infect Dis 2014 Apr 1
A cross-sectional study of sub-clinical Plasmodium falciparum infection in HIV-1 infected and uninfected populations in Mozambique, South-Eastern Africa. Noormahomed EV, Orlov M, do Rosario V, Petersen BW, Guthrie C, Badaro R, Schooley RT Malaria journal 22853699 Malar J 2012 Aug 1
Triggering of stroke by ambient temperature variation: a case-crossover study in Maputo, Mozambique. Gomes J, Damasceno A, Carrilho C, Lobo V, Lopes H, Madede T, Pravinrai P, Silva-Matos C, Diogo D, Azevedo A, Lunet N Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 25559679 Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2015 Feb
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Medical Education Partnership Initiative gives birth to AFREhealth. Omaswa F, Kiguli-Malwadde E, Donkor P, Hakim J, Derbew M, Baird S, Frehywot S, Gachuno OW, Kamiza S, Kibwage IO, Mteta KA, Mulla Y, Mullan F, Nachega JB, Nkomazana O, Noormohamed E, Ojoome V, Olalaye D, Pillay S, Sewankambo NK, de Villiers M The Lancet. Global health 28911758 Lancet Glob Health 2017 Oct
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HIV and HPV infections and ocular surface squamous neoplasia: systematic review and meta-analysis. Carreira H, Coutinho F, Carrilho C, Lunet N British journal of cancer 24030075 Br J Cancer 2013 Oct 1
The effect of season and temperature variation on hospital admissions for incident stroke events in Maputo, Mozambique. Gomes J, Damasceno A, Carrilho C, Lobo V, Lopes H, Madede T, Pravinrai P, Silva-Matos C, Diogo D, Azevedo A, Lunet N Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 23523200 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2014 Feb
Real-world impact of neurocognitive deficits in acute and early HIV infection. Doyle KL, Morgan EE, Morris S, Smith DM, Little S, Iudicello JE, Blackstone K, Moore DJ, Grant I, Letendre SL, Woods SP, Translational Methamphetamine AIDS Research Center (TMARC) Group Journal of neurovirology 24277439 J Neurovirol 2013 Dec
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The Evolution of Mentorship Capacity Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Case Studies from Peru, Kenya, India, and Mozambique. Noormahomed E, Williams P, Lescano AG, Raj T, Bukusi EA, Schooley RT, Cohen CR The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 30430979 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2019 Jan
The Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI): Innovations and Lessons for Health Professions Training and Research in Africa. Omaswa F, Kiguli-Malwadde E, Donkor P, Hakim J, Derbew M, Baird S, Frehywot S, Gachuno OW, Kamiza S, Kibwage IO, Mteta Kien A, Mulla Y, Mullan F, Nachega JB, Nkomazana O, Noormohamed E, Ojoome V, Olalaye D, Pillay S, Sewankambo NK, De Villiers M Annals of global health 30873813 Ann Glob Health 2018 Apr 30
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Design and Implementation of Postgraduate Programs in Health in a Resource-Limited Setting in Mozambique (The Lúrio University). Noormahomed EV, Mandane A, Cuambe A, Rodrigues MA, Noormahomed S, Carrilho C, Mocumbi AO, Ali M, Vintuar P, Ismail M, Guilundo C, Bickler S, Benson CA, Ferrão JL, Schooley RT Advances in medical education and practice 33911914 Adv Med Educ Pract 2021
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Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease among children presenting to two referral hospitals in Harare, Zimbabwe. Gapu P, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Kandawasvika G, Kao D, Bannerman C, Hakim J, Matenga JA South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde 26242684 S Afr Med J 2015 Jun 5
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Bypassing proximal health care facilities for acute care: a survey of patients in a Ghanaian Accident and Emergency Centre. Yaffee AQ, Whiteside LK, Oteng RA, Carter PM, Donkor P, Rominski SD, Kruk ME, Cunningham RM Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 22519746 Trop Med Int Health 2012 Jun
Non-fatal injuries among pediatric patients seeking care in an urban Ghanaian emergency department. Whiteside LK, Oteng R, Carter P, Amuasi J, Abban E, Rominski S, Nypaver M, Cunningham RM International journal of emergency medicine 23014102 Int J Emerg Med 2012 Sep 26
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Health care workers indicate ill preparedness for Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Ashanti Region of Ghana. Annan AA, Yar DD, Owusu M, Biney EA, Forson PK, Okyere PB, Gyimah AA, Owusu-Dabo E BMC public health 28587602 BMC Public Health 2017 Jun 6
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Knowledge and Perceptions of Health Workers' Training on Ethics, Confidentiality and Medico-Legal Issues. Barnie BA, Forson PK, Opare-Addo MN, Appiah-Poku J, Rhule GP, Oduro G, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Donkor P Journal of clinical research & bioethics 26998404 J Clin Res Bioeth 2015 Feb
The Ghana Emergency Medicine Collaborative. Oteng RA, Donkor P Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072565 Acad Med 2014 Aug
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Expanding clinical medical training opportunities at the University of Nairobi: adapting a regional medical education model from the WWAMI program at the University of Washington. Child MJ, Kiarie JN, Allen SM, Nduati R, Wasserheit JN, Kibore MW, John-Stewart G, Njiri FJ, O'Malley G, Kinuthia R, Norris TE, Farquhar C Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072575 Acad Med 2014 Aug
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Circulating 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and calcium levels, and alkaline phosphatase activity among people living with and without human immunodeficiency virus and injecting drugs in kenya. Onyango AO, Shaviya N, Budambula V, Orinda GO, Anzala O, Aabid AA, Were T BMC infectious diseases 39020290 BMC Infect Dis 2024 Jul 17
Kenyan medical student and consultant experiences in a pilot decentralized training program at the University of Nairobi. Kibore MW, Daniels JA, Child MJ, Nduati R, Njiri FJ, Kinuthia RM, O'Malley G, John-Stewart G, Kiarie J, Farquhar C Education for health (Abingdon, England) 25420980 Educ Health (Abingdon) 2014 May-Aug
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Low Antituberculosis Drug Concentrations in HIV-Tuberculosis-Coinfected Adults with Low Body Weight: Is It Time To Update Dosing Guidelines? Sekaggya-Wiltshire C, Chirehwa M, Musaazi J, von Braun A, Buzibye A, Muller D, Gutteck U, Motta I, Calcagno A, Fehr JS, Kambugu A, Castelnuovo B, Lamorde M, Denti P Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 30910890 Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019 Jun
Knowledge, Perceptions and Acceptability to Strengthening Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health Education amongst Secondary Schools in Gulu District. Herman L, Ovuga E, Mshilla M, Ojara S, Kimbugwe G, Adrawa AP, Mahuro N World academy of science, engineering and technology 24748950 World Acad Sci Eng Technol 2013 Jul 25
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High prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular disease risk factors among medical students at Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Kampala, Uganda. Nyombi KV, Kizito S, Mukunya D, Nabukalu A, Bukama M, Lunyera J, Asiimwe M, Kimuli I, Kalyesubula R BMC research notes 26887672 BMC Res Notes 2016 Feb 17
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Projection neurons in the cortex and hippocampus: differential effects of chronic khat and ethanol exposure in adult male rats. Alele PE, Matovu D, Imanirampa L, Ajayi AM, Kasule GT Journal of experimental pharmacology 27785113 J Exp Pharmacol 2016
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Delayed Sputum Culture Conversion in Tuberculosis-Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Coinfected Patients With Low Isoniazid and Rifampicin Concentrations. Sekaggya-Wiltshire C, von Braun A, Lamorde M, Ledergerber B, Buzibye A, Henning L, Musaazi J, Gutteck U, Denti P, de Kock M, Jetter A, Byakika-Kibwika P, Eberhard N, Matovu J, Joloba M, Muller D, Manabe YC, Kamya MR, Corti N, Kambugu A, Castelnuovo B, Fehr JS Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 29514175 Clin Infect Dis 2018 Aug 16
Immuno-diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum, and reduction of timelines for its positive cultures to within 3 h by pathogen-specific thymidylate kinase expression assays. Wayengera M, Mwebaza I, Welishe J, Bayiyana A, Kateete DP, Wampande E, Kirimunda S, Kigozi E, Katabazi F, Musubika C, Kyobe S, Babirye P, Asiimwe B, Joloba ML BMC research notes 28789704 BMC Res Notes 2017 Aug 8
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Increased Antifungal Drug Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans in Uganda. Smith KD, Achan B, Hullsiek KH, McDonald TR, Okagaki LH, Alhadab AA, Akampurira A, Rhein JR, Meya DB, Boulware DR, Nielsen K, ASTRO-CM/COAT Team Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 26324276 Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2015 Dec
Reproductive health and lifestyle factors associated with health-related quality of life among perinatally HIV-infected adolescents in Uganda. Mbalinda SN, Kiwanuka N, Kaye DK, Eriksson LE Health and quality of life outcomes 26490047 Health Qual Life Outcomes 2015 Oct 21
Pneumonia among children under five in Uganda: symptom recognition and actions taken by caretakers. Tuhebwe D, Tumushabe E, Leontsini E, Wanyenze RK African health sciences 25834512 Afr Health Sci 2014 Dec
Low resistance to first and second line anti-tuberculosis drugs among treatment naive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in southwestern Uganda. Orikiriza P, Tibenderana B, Siedner MJ, Mueller Y, Byarugaba F, Moore CC, Evans EE, Bonnet M, Page AL, Bazira J, Boum Y 2nd PloS one 25658921 PLoS One 2015
Plants used to manage type II diabetes mellitus in selected districts of central Uganda. Ssenyange CW, Namulindwa A, Oyik B, Ssebuliba J African health sciences 26124796 Afr Health Sci 2015 Jun
The protective effects of aqueous extract of Carica papaya seeds in paracetamol induced nephrotoxicity in male wistar rats. Naggayi M, Mukiibi N, Iliya E African health sciences 26124809 Afr Health Sci 2015 Jun
Clinical versus laboratory screening for sexually transmitted infections prior to insertion of intrauterine contraception among women living with HIV/AIDS: a randomized controlled trial. Kakaire O, Byamugisha JK, Tumwesigye NM, Gemzell-Danielsson K Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 25979373 Hum Reprod 2015 Jul
Informed consent in clinical practice: patients' experiences and perspectives following surgery. Ochieng J, Buwembo W, Munabi I, Ibingira C, Kiryowa H, Nzarubara G, Mwaka E BMC research notes 26653100 BMC Res Notes 2015 Dec 9
Trends in HIV counseling and testing uptake among married individuals in Rakai, Uganda. Matovu JK, Denison J, Wanyenze RK, Ssekasanvu J, Makumbi F, Ovuga E, McGrath N, Serwadda D BMC public health 23816253 BMC Public Health 2013 Jul 1
Health facilities' readiness to provide friendly reproductive health services to young people aged 10-24 years in Wakiso district, Uganda. Bukenya JN, Mulogo E, Kibira SPS, Muhumuza C, Atuyambe LM Global journal of reproductive medicine 30148262 Glob J Reprod Med 2017 Sep
Influence of community-based education on undergraduate health professions students' decision to work in underserved areas in Uganda. Kizito S, Baingana R, Mugagga K, Akera P, Sewankambo NK BMC research notes 29221498 BMC Res Notes 2017 Dec 8
Factors associated with community-acquired urinary tract infections among adults attending assessment centre, Mulago Hospital Uganda. Kabugo D, Kizito S, Ashok DD, Graham KA, Nabimba R, Namunana S, Kabaka MR, Achan B, Najjuka FC African health sciences 28479906 Afr Health Sci 2016 Dec
Patient satisfaction with medical consultations among adults attending Mulago hospital assessment centre. Kabatooro A, Ndoboli F, Namatovu J South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 28480060 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2016
Standardizing assessment practices of undergraduate medical competencies across medical schools: challenges, opportunities and lessons learned from a consortium of medical schools in Uganda. Mubuuke AG, Mwesigwa C, Maling S, Rukundo G, Kagawa M, Kitara DL, Kiguli S The Pan African medical journal 25995778 Pan Afr Med J 2014
Use of dental care services among adolescents living with HIV on Antiretroviral Treatment in Kampala, Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Nakyonyi MG, Birungi N, Mwesigwa CL, Åstrøm AN Research square 38343817 Res Sq 2024 Jan 25
Diagnosis of alcohol misuse and alcoholic liver disease among patients in the medical emergency admission service of a large urban hospital in Sub-Saharan Africa; a cross sectional study. Opio CK, Seremba E, Ocama P, Lalitha R, Kagimu M, Lee WM The Pan African medical journal 24009799 Pan Afr Med J 2013
A missed diagnosis or a masquerading disease: back to the basics. Lalitha R, Opio CK The Pan African medical journal 24009805 Pan Afr Med J 2013
Low antigen-specific CD4 T-cell immune responses despite normal absolute CD4 counts after long-term antiretroviral therapy an African cohort. Nabatanzi R, Bayigga L, Ssinabulya I, Kiragga A, Kambugu A, Olobo J, Joloba M, Kamya MR, Mayanja-Kizza H, Nakanjako D Immunology letters 25263953 Immunol Lett 2014 Dec
Knowledge of integrated management of childhood illnesses community and family practices (C-IMCI) and association with child undernutrition in Northern Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Mukunya D, Kizito S, Orach T, Ndagire R, Tumwakire E, Rukundo GZ, Mupere E, Kiguli S BMC public health 25238966 BMC Public Health 2014 Sep 19
AmpC-BETA Lactamases among Enterobacteriaceae Isolated at a Tertiary Hospital, South Western Uganda. Nakaye M, Bwanga F, Itabangi H, Stanley IJ, Bashir M, Bazira J British biotechnology journal 26078920 Br Biotechnol J 2014 Sep
Perceptions of postgraduate trainees on the impact of objective structured clinical examinations on their study behavior and clinical practice. Opoka RO, Kiguli S, Ssemata AS, Govaerts M, Driessen EW Advances in medical education and practice 26082673 Adv Med Educ Pract 2015
Prevalence of HIV-related thrombocytopenia among clients at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, Mbarara, southwestern Uganda. Taremwa IM, Muyindike WR, Muwanguzi E, Boum Y 2nd, Natukunda B Journal of blood medicine 25926763 J Blood Med 2015
Is there a distinction between malaria treatment and intermittent preventive treatment? Insights from a cross-sectional study of anti-malarial drug use among Ugandan pregnant women. Odongo CO, Bisaso KR, Kitutu F, Obua C, Byamugisha J Malaria journal 25935720 Malar J 2015 May 3
Effect of school-based human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccination on adolescent girls' knowledge and acceptability of the HPV vaccine in Ibanda District in Uganda. Turiho AK, Okello ES, Muhwezi WW, Harvey S, Byakika-Kibwika P, Meya D, Katahoire AR African journal of reproductive health 25854092 Afr J Reprod Health 2014 Dec
Attendance and Utilization of Antenatal Care (ANC) Services: Multi-Center Study in Upcountry Areas of Uganda. Kawungezi PC, AkiiBua D, Aleni C, Chitayi M, Niwaha A, Kazibwe A, Sunya E, Mumbere EW, Mutesi C, Tukei C, Kasangaki A, Nakubulwa S Open journal of preventive medicine 26042190 Open J Prev Med 2015 Mar 1
Clindamycin Resistance among Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, in South Western Uganda. Mwambi B, Iramiot J, Bwanga F, Nakaye M, Itabangi H, Bazira J British microbiology research journal 26046016 Br Microbiol Res J 2014 Dec 1
Zinc finger arrays binding human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 genomic DNA: precursors of gene-therapeutics for in-situ reversal of associated cervical neoplasia. Wayengera M Theoretical biology & medical modelling 22840184 Theor Biol Med Model 2012 Jul 28
Rifampicin for continuation phase tuberculosis treatment in Uganda: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Manabe YC, Hermans SM, Lamorde M, Castelnuovo B, Mullins CD, Kuznik A PloS one 22723960 PLoS One 2012
Medical Education for Equitable Services for All Ugandans (MESAU) consortium: development and achievements. Mafigiri DK, Ayebare F, Baingana RK, Okello E, Sewankambo NK Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072582 Acad Med 2014 Aug
Missed opportunities in the diagnosis and management of protein energy malnutrition among children under 5 years in Wakiso district, Uganda. Akugizibwe R, Kasolo J, Makubuya DB, Damani AM Journal of public health and epidemiology 25035810 J Public Health Epidemiol 2013 Nov 30
Barriers to male involvement in contraceptive uptake and reproductive health services: a qualitative study of men and women's perceptions in two rural districts in Uganda. Kabagenyi A, Jennings L, Reid A, Nalwadda G, Ntozi J, Atuyambe L Reproductive health 24597502 Reprod Health 2014 Mar 5
Transforming health professions' education through in-country collaboration: examining the consortia among African medical schools catalyzed by the Medical Education Partnership Initiative. Talib ZM, Kiguli-Malwadde E, Wohltjen H, Derbew M, Mulla Y, Olaleye D, Sewankambo N Human resources for health 25588887 Hum Resour Health 2015 Jan 14
Association of testosterone levels with socio-demographic characteristics in a sample of Ugandan men. Nansunga M, Manabe YC, Alele PE, Kasolo J African health sciences 25320583 Afr Health Sci 2014 Jun
Characteristics of acute heart failure hospitalizations in a general medical ward in Southwestern Uganda. Okello S, Rogers O, Byamugisha A, Rwebembera J, Buda AJ International journal of cardiology 25127332 Int J Cardiol 2014 Oct 20
Acceptability of human papilloma virus vaccination among primary school girls in Minakulu sub-county, northern Uganda. Katagwa VN, Opio RO, Niwasasira DN, Onyege A, Naisanga M, Bongomin FA, Kitara DL European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) 24871561 Eur J Cancer Prev 2014 Jul
Evaluation of Cepheid's Xpert MTB/Rif test on pleural fluid in the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis in a high prevalence HIV/TB setting. Lusiba JK, Nakiyingi L, Kirenga BJ, Kiragga A, Lukande R, Nsereko M, Ssengooba W, Katamba A, Worodria W, Joloba ML, Mayanja-Kizza H PloS one 25051491 PLoS One 2014
Acceptability and Utilization of Community Health Workers after the Adoption of the Integrated Community Case Management Policy in Kabarole District in Uganda. Muhumuza G, Mutesi C, Mutamba F, Ampuriire P, Nangai C Health systems and policy research 26998446 Health Syst Policy Res 2015
Trimester-Specific Population Pharmacokinetics and Other Correlates of Variability in Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine Disposition Among Ugandan Pregnant Women. Odongo CO, Bisaso KR, Ntale M, Odia G, Ojara FW, Byamugisha J, Mukonzo JK, Obua C Drugs in R&D 26586482 Drugs R D 2015 Dec
Antifungal Susceptibility Patterns of Vulvovaginal Candida species among Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, South Western Uganda. Mukasa KJ, Herbert I, Daniel A, Sserunkuma KL, Joel B, Frederick B British microbiology research journal 26594637 Br Microbiol Res J 2015
Prevalence and predictors of prior antibacterial use among patients presenting to hospitals in Northern Uganda. Ocan M, Manabe YC, Baluku H, Atukwase E, Ogwal-Okeng J, Obua C BMC pharmacology & toxicology 26407973 BMC Pharmacol Toxicol 2015 Sep 25
Intrauterine Contraception Among Women Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Kakaire O, Byamugisha JK, Tumwesigye NM, Gemzell-Danielsson K Obstetrics and gynecology 26444127 Obstet Gynecol 2015 Nov
Correlates of ever had sex among perinatally HIV-infected adolescents in Uganda. Mbalinda SN, Kiwanuka N, Eriksson LE, Wanyenze RK, Kaye DK Reproductive health 26475268 Reprod Health 2015 Oct 16
Near-peer mentorship for undergraduate training in Ugandan medical schools: views of undergraduate students. Rukundo GZ, Burani A, Kasozi J, Kirimuhuzya C, Odongo C, Mwesigwa C, Byona W, Kiguli S The Pan African medical journal 27347289 Pan Afr Med J 2016
An exploration of undergraduate medical students' satisfaction with faculty support supervision during community placements in Uganda. Mubuuke AG, Oria H, Dhabangi A, Kiguli S, Sewankambo NK Rural and remote health 26626014 Rural Remote Health 2015 Oct-Dec
Extent of Use of Aloe vera Locally Extracted Products for Management of Ailments in Communities of Kitagata Sub-county in Sheema District, Western Uganda. Adams K, Eliot T, Gerald A International journal of sciences, basic and applied research 26855960 Int J Sci Basic Appl Res 2014
Medicine use practices in management of symptoms of acute upper respiratory tract infections in children (≤12 years) in Kampala city, Uganda. Ocan M, Aono M, Bukirwa C, Luyinda E, Ochwo C, Nsambu E, Namugonza S, Makoba J, Kandaruku E, Muyende H, Nakawunde A BMC public health 28934933 BMC Public Health 2017 Sep 21
Psychological reactions of adolescent schoolgirls to human papillomavirus vaccination in western Uganda: A comparative cross-sectional study. Turiho AK, Okello ES, Muhwezi WW, Nakasujja N, Katahoire AR Health psychology open 28070370 Health Psychol Open 2015 Jul
Sedentary Lifestyle and Hypertension in a Periurban Area of Mbarara, South Western Uganda: A Population Based Cross Sectional Survey. Twinamasiko B, Lukenge E, Nabawanga S, Nansalire W, Kobusingye L, Ruzaaza G, Bajunirwe F International journal of hypertension 29854432 Int J Hypertens 2018
The diagnostic accuracy of routine clinical findings for detection of esophageal varices in rural sub-Saharan Africa where schistosomiasis is endemic. Opio CK, Rejani L, Kazibwe F, Ocama P African health sciences 32127900 Afr Health Sci 2019 Dec
Praziquantel and Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Hepatic Schistosomiasis: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Opio CK, Kazibwe F, Kabatereine NB, Rejani L, Ocama P Drugs - real world outcomes 33367992 Drugs Real World Outcomes 2021 Jun
Clinical predictors and accuracy of empiric tuberculosis treatment among sputum smear-negative HIV-infected adult TB suspects in Uganda. Nakiyingi L, Bwanika JM, Kirenga B, Nakanjako D, Katabira C, Lubega G, Sempa J, Nyesiga B, Albert H, Manabe YC PloS one 24040151 PLoS One 2013
Overnight soaking or boiling of "Matooke" to reduce potassium content for patients with chronic kidney disease: does it really work? Asiimwe J, Sembajwe LF, Senoga A, Bakiika E, Muwonge H, Kalyesubula R African health sciences 24250286 Afr Health Sci 2013 Sep
Evaluating community-based medical education programmes in Africa: A workshop report. Bailey RJ, Baingana RK, Couper ID, Deery CB, Nestel D, Ross H, Sagay AS, Talib ZM African journal of health professions education 26523230 Afr J Health Prof Educ 2015 May
Prevalence and factors associated with sexually transmitted infections among HIV positive women opting for intrauterine contraception. Kakaire O, Byamugisha JK, Tumwesigye NM, Gamzell-Danielsson K PloS one 25859659 PLoS One 2015
Factors influencing health professions students' use of computers for data analysis at three Ugandan public medical schools: a cross-sectional survey. Munabi IG, Buwembo W, Bajunirwe F, Kitara DL, Joseph R, Peter K, Obua C, Quinn J, Mwaka ES BMC research notes 25890154 BMC Res Notes 2015 Feb 25
Knowledge and practices related to sexually transmitted infections among women of reproductive age living in Katanga slum, Kampala, Uganda. Nawagi F, Mpimbaza A, Mukisa J, Serwadda P, Kyalema S, Kizza D African health sciences 27358621 Afr Health Sci 2016 Mar
A situation analysis of inter-professional education and practice for ethics and professionalism training at Makerere University College of Health Sciences. Byakika-Kibwika P, Kutesa A, Baingana R, Muhumuza C, Kitutu FE, Mwesigwa C, Chalo RN, Sewankambo NK BMC research notes 26498749 BMC Res Notes 2015 Oct 23
Prevalence and risk factors associated with tungiasis in Mayuge district, Eastern Uganda. Wafula ST, Ssemugabo C, Namuhani N, Musoke D, Ssempebwa J, Halage AA The Pan African medical journal 27642416 Pan Afr Med J 2016
Health-profession students' teaching and learning expectations in Ugandan medical schools: pre- and postcommunity placement comparison. Wakida EK, Ruzaaza G, Muggaga K, Akera P, Oria H, Kiguli S Advances in medical education and practice 26677345 Adv Med Educ Pract 2015
Prevalence of K13-propeller gene polymorphisms among Plasmodium falciparum parasites isolated from adult symptomatic patients in northern Uganda. Ocan M, Bwanga F, Okeng A, Katabazi F, Kigozi E, Kyobe S, Ogwal-Okeng J, Obua C BMC infectious diseases 27543172 BMC Infect Dis 2016 Aug 19
Factors predicting home storage of medicines in Northern Uganda. Ocan M, Bbosa GS, Waako P, Ogwal-Okeng J, Obua C BMC public health 24964746 BMC Public Health 2014 Jun 26
Optimisation of the Medical Education Partnership Initiative to address African health-care challenges. Manabe YC, Campbell JD, Ovuga E, Maling S, Bollinger RC, Sewankambo N The Lancet. Global health 25103390 Lancet Glob Health 2014 Jul
How Reliable Are Hematological Parameters in Predicting Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in an Endemic Region? Muwonge H, Kikomeko S, Sembajjwe LF, Seguya A, Namugwanya C ISRN tropical medicine 25285308 ISRN Trop Med 2013
Utility of Transthoracic Echocardiography and Carotid Doppler Ultrasound in Differential Diagnosis and Management of Ischemic Stroke in a Developing Country. Nakibuuka J, Nyakoojo WB, Namale A, Ddumba E, Leontsini E, Nuwaha F Journal of cardiology & clinical research 24749127 J Cardiol Clin Res 2013
Prevalence and factors associated with use of herbal medicine among women attending an infertility clinic in Uganda. Kaadaaga HF, Ajeani J, Ononge S, Alele PE, Nakasujja N, Manabe YC, Kakaire O BMC complementary and alternative medicine 24433549 BMC Complement Altern Med 2014 Jan 16
Using Andersen's Behavioral Model of Health Care Utilization to Assess Contraceptive Use among Sexually Active Perinatally HIV-Infected Adolescents in Uganda. Mbalinda SN, Kaye DK, Nyashanu M, Kiwanuka N International journal of reproductive medicine 33062664 Int J Reprod Med 2020
Prevalence of borrowing and sharing prescription medicines and associated socio-demographic factors: findings from COBERS health centres in northern Uganda. Obol JH, Akera P, Atim PO, Awor S, Wanyama R, Moi KL, Bodo B, Odong PO, Omony EO, Oria H, Musoke D, Kaducu F BMC pharmacology & toxicology 29669597 BMC Pharmacol Toxicol 2018 Apr 18
Community-based training of medical students is associated with malaria prevention and treatment seeking behaviour for children under 5 years in Uganda: a study of MESAU-MEPI COBERS in Uganda. Obol JH, Akera P, Ochola PA, Arubaku W, Oria H, Moi KL, Arony DA, Felix K BMC medical education 29884160 BMC Med Educ 2018 Jun 8
Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Secondary School Teenagers towards HIV Transmission and Prevention in Rural and Urban Areas of Central Uganda. Rukundo A, Muwonge MM, Mugisha D, Aturwanaho D, Kasangaki A, Bbosa GS Health 29721217 Health (Irvine Calif) 2016
Occurrence of anti-D alloantibodies among pregnant women in Kasese District, Western Uganda. Mbalibulha Y, Muwanguzi E, Mugyenyi GR, Natukunda B Journal of blood medicine 25945071 J Blood Med 2015
Predictors for MTB Culture-Positivity among HIV-Infected Smear-Negative Presumptive Tuberculosis Patients in Uganda: Application of New Tuberculosis Diagnostic Technology. Nakiyingi L, Nonyane BA, Ssengooba W, Kirenga BJ, Nakanjako D, Lubega G, Byakika-Kibwika P, Joloba ML, Ellner JJ, Dorman SE, Mayanja-Kizza H, Manabe YC PloS one 26222142 PLoS One 2015
High Prevalence of Malnutrition among the Above Thirteen with Primary Pyomyositis in Northern Uganda. Kitara DL, Bwangamoi PO, Wabinga H, Odida M British journal of medicine and medical research 26052503 Br J Med Med Res 2015
Immunomodulatory activity of methanolic leaf extract of Moringa oleifera in Wistar albino rats. Nfambi J, Bbosa GS, Sembajwe LF, Gakunga J, Kasolo JN Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology 26103628 J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol 2015 Nov
Pyomyositis in Nodding Syndrome (NS) patient--a case report. Kitara DL, Mwaka AD, Wabinga HR, Bwangamoi PO The Pan African medical journal 24711865 Pan Afr Med J 2013
Anti-TB drug concentrations and drug-associated toxicities among TB/HIV-coinfected patients. Sekaggya-Wiltshire C, von Braun A, Scherrer AU, Manabe YC, Buzibye A, Muller D, Ledergerber B, Gutteck U, Corti N, Kambugu A, Byakika-Kibwika P, Lamorde M, Castelnuovo B, Fehr J, Kamya MR The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 28108678 J Antimicrob Chemother 2017 Apr 1
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Risks Related to Diabetes Mellitus Among University Students in Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Study. Kharono B, Nabisere R, Kiddu Persis N, Nakakeeto J, Openy A, Bakeera Kitaka S The East African health research journal 29250612 East Afr Health Res J 2017 Jul
Medication Error Disclosure and Attitudes to Reporting by Healthcare Professionals in a Sub-Saharan African Setting: A Survey in Uganda. Kiguba R, Waako P, Ndagije HB, Karamagi C Drugs - real world outcomes 26594614 Drugs Real World Outcomes 2015 Sep 1
Prevalence of Ear Infections in First Year Children of Primary Schools in A Western Ugandan Community. Kisembo P, Mugwanya F, Atumanya P, Othin M, Oworinawe R, Kagimu B, Kisakye A, Bagambe F African journal of biomedical research : AJBR 31938014 Afr J Biomed Res 2018 May
OBSTACLES TO FAMILY PLANNING USE AMONG RURAL WOMEN IN ATIAK HEALTH CENTER IV, AMURU DISTRICT, NORTHERN UGANDA. Ouma S, Turyasima M, Acca H, Nabbale F, Obita KO, Rama M, Adong CC, Openy A, Beatrice MO, Odongo-Aginya EI, Awor S East African medical journal 27099401 East Afr Med J 2015
The intricate relationship between a medical school and a teaching hospital: A case study in Uganda. Mubuuke AG, Businge F, Mukule E Education for health (Abingdon, England) 25758388 Educ Health (Abingdon) 2014 Sep-Dec
Fluoxetine attenuates stress-induced depression-like behavior due to decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines in male rats. Nabirumbi R, Onohuean H, Drago KC, Alagbonsi AI, Adedeji AA Science progress 38490226 Sci Prog 2024 Jan-Mar
Prevalence and associated factors of alcohol use patterns among university students in Uganda. Kamulegeya LH, Kitonsa PJ, Okolimong E, Kaudha G, Maria S, Nakimuli-Mpungu E The Pan African medical journal 33738027 Pan Afr Med J 2020
The Medical Education Partnership Initiative: PEPFAR's effort to boost health worker education to strengthen health systems. Mullan F, Frehywot S, Omaswa F, Sewankambo N, Talib Z, Chen C, Kiarie J, Kiguli-Malwadde E Health affairs (Project Hope) 22778346 Health Aff (Millwood) 2012 Jul
Zinc finger nucleases for targeted mutagenesis and repair of the sickle-cell disease mutation: An in-silico study. Wayengera M BMC blood disorders 22583379 BMC Blood Disord 2012 May 14
Hepatic schistosomiasis, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and health related quality of life measurements from the Albert Nile Basin. Opio CK, Kazibwe F, Rejani L, Kabatereine NB, Ocama P Journal of patient-reported outcomes 34718894 J Patient Rep Outcomes 2021 Oct 30
Patterns and predictors of self-medication in northern Uganda. Ocan M, Bwanga F, Bbosa GS, Bagenda D, Waako P, Ogwal-Okeng J, Obua C PloS one 24658124 PLoS One 2014
Periodontal conditions, low birth weight and preterm birth among postpartum mothers in two tertiary health facilities in Uganda. Muwazi L, Rwenyonyi CM, Nkamba M, Kutesa A, Kagawa M, Mugyenyi G, Kwizera G, Okullo I BMC oral health 24773772 BMC Oral Health 2014 Apr 28
Knowledge and Perception of Stroke: A Population-Based Survey in Uganda. Nakibuuka J, Sajatovic M, Katabira E, Ddumba E, Byakika-Tusiime J, Furlan AJ ISRN stroke 25202472 ISRN Stroke 2014
A consortium approach to competency-based undergraduate medical education in Uganda: process, opportunities and challenges. Kiguli S, Mubuuke R, Baingana R, Kijjambu S, Maling S, Waako P, Obua C, Ovuga E, Kaawa-Mafigiri D, Nshaho J, Kiguli-Malwadde E, Bollinger R, Sewankambo N Education for health (Abingdon, England) 25420979 Educ Health (Abingdon) 2014 May-Aug
Incidence and Risk Factors for Delirium among Mechanically Ventilated Patients in an African Intensive Care Setting: An Observational Multicenter Study. Kwizera A, Nakibuuka J, Ssemogerere L, Sendikadiwa C, Obua D, Kizito S, Tumukunde J, Wabule A, Nakasujja N Critical care research and practice 25945257 Crit Care Res Pract 2015
Investing in community-based education to improve the quality, quantity, and retention of physicians in three African countries. Talib ZM, Baingana RK, Sagay AS, Van Schalkwyk SC, Mehtsun S, Kiguli-Malwadde E Education for health (Abingdon, England) 24200732 Educ Health (Abingdon) 2013 May-Aug
Competency-based medical education in two Sub-Saharan African medical schools. Kiguli-Malwadde E, Olapade-Olaopa EO, Kiguli S, Chen C, Sewankambo NK, Ogunniyi AO, Mukwaya S, Omaswa F Advances in medical education and practice 25525404 Adv Med Educ Pract 2014
Mycobacterium tuberculosis thymidylate kinase antigen assays for designating incipient, high-risk latent M.tb infection. Wayengera M, Kateete DP, Asiimwe B, Joloba ML BMC infectious diseases 29548281 BMC Infect Dis 2018 Mar 16
Equitable Access to Health Professional Training in Uganda: A Cross Sectional Study. Galukande M, Maling S, Kabakyenga J, Nshaho J, Oboke H, Oonge B, Muyenje H, Katumba-Sentongo G, Mayanja-Kizza H, Sewankambo NK Annals of global health 30873807 Ann Glob Health 2018 Apr 30
Perceptions about medical male circumcision and sexual behaviours of adults in rural Uganda: a cross sectional study. Mukama T, Ndejjo R, Musinguzi G, Musoke D The Pan African medical journal 26985272 Pan Afr Med J 2015
Valued experiences of graduate students in their role as educators in undergraduate training in Ugandan medical schools. Rukundo GZ, Kasozi J, Burani A, Byona W, Kirimuhuzya C, Kiguli S BMC medical education 29178949 BMC Med Educ 2017 Nov 25
Evaluation of the Deki Reader™, an automated RDT reader and data management device, in a household survey setting in low malaria endemic southwestern Uganda. Oyet C, Roh ME, Kiwanuka GN, Orikiriza P, Wade M, Parikh S, Mwanga-Amumpaire J, Boum Y 2nd Malaria journal 29115991 Malar J 2017 Nov 7
The burden, pattern and factors that contribute to periportal fibrosis in HIV-infected patients in an S. mansoni endemic rural Uganda. Ocama P, Opio KC, Seremba E, Ajal P, Apica BS, Aginya EO African health sciences 29062323 Afr Health Sci 2017 Jun
Sero-diagnosis of Active Mycobacterium tuberculosis Disease among HIV Co-infected Persons using Thymidylate Kinase based Antigen and Antibody Capture Enzyme Immuno-Assays. Wayengera M, Mwebaza I, Welishe J, Nakimuli C, Kateete DP, Wampande E, Kirimunda S, Bayigga L, Musubika C, Babirye P, Asiimwe B, Joloba ML Mycobacterial diseases : tuberculosis & leprosy 28856068 Mycobact Dis 2017 Jun
Use of information and communication technology and retention of health workers in rural post-war conflict Northern Uganda: findings from a qualitative study. Yagos WO, Tabo Olok G, Ovuga E BMC medical informatics and decision making 28068980 BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2017 Jan 10
Anticonvulsant and anxiolytic activity of the leaf aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Melanthera scandens in a rat model. Twinomujuni SS, Oloro J, Alele PE African journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 27158431 Afr J Pharm Pharmacol 2016 Mar
Predictors of unknown HIV serostatus at the time of labor and delivery in Kampala, Uganda. Ononge S, Karamagi C, Nakabiito C, Wandabwa J, Mirembe F, Rukundo GZ, Jennings L International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 24290059 Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2014 Mar
Chronic khat (Catha edulis) and alcohol marginally alter complete blood counts, clinical chemistry, and testosterone in male rats. Alele PE, Ajayi AM, Imanirampa L Journal of experimental pharmacology 24348075 J Exp Pharmacol 2013 Jun 24
Community-based education programs in Africa: faculty experience within the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) network. Mariam DH, Sagay AS, Arubaku W, Bailey RJ, Baingana RK, Burani A, Couper ID, Deery CB, de Villiers M, Matsika A, Mogodi MS, Mteta KA, Talib ZM Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072579 Acad Med 2014 Aug
The association between depression, quality of life, and the health care expenditure of patients with diabetes mellitus in Uganda. Akena D, Kadama P, Ashaba S, Akello C, Kwesiga B, Rejani L, Okello J, Mwesiga EK, Obuku EA Journal of affective disorders 25479048 J Affect Disord 2015 Mar 15
Safety and antidiarrheal activity of Priva adhaerens aqueous leaf extract in a murine model. Nansunga M, Barasa A, Abimana J, Alele PE, Kasolo J Journal of ethnopharmacology 25304198 J Ethnopharmacol 2014 Nov 18
Intermittent use of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria prevention: a cross-sectional study of knowledge and practices among Ugandan women attending an urban antenatal clinic. Odongo CO, Bisaso RK, Byamugisha J, Obua C Malaria journal 25306431 Malar J 2014 Oct 11
Prevalence and Genotypic Characterization of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases Produced by Gram Negative Bacilli at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Rural South Western Uganda. Moses A, Bwanga F, Boum Y, Bazira J British microbiology research journal 26120573 Br Microbiol Res J 2014 Dec
Factors That Affect Quality of Life among People Living with HIV Attending an Urban Clinic in Uganda: A Cohort Study. Mutabazi-Mwesigire D, Katamba A, Martin F, Seeley J, Wu AW PloS one 26039733 PLoS One 2015
Knowledge and attitudes of doctors towards e-health use in healthcare delivery in government and private hospitals in Northern Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Olok GT, Yagos WO, Ovuga E BMC medical informatics and decision making 26537731 BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2015 Nov 4
Gaps and gains from engaging districts stakeholders for community-based health professions education in Uganda: a qualitative study. Okello ES, Nankumbi J, Ruzaaza GN, Bakengesa E, Gumikiriza J, Arubaku W, Acio C, Samantha M, Matte M Perspectives on medical education 26556225 Perspect Med Educ 2015 Dec
Career intentions of final year medical students in Uganda after graduating: the burden of brain drain. Kizito S, Mukunya D, Nakitende J, Nambasa S, Nampogo A, Kalyesubula R, Katamba A, Sewankambo N BMC medical education 26231749 BMC Med Educ 2015 Aug 1
Household antimicrobial self-medication: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the burden, risk factors and outcomes in developing countries. Ocan M, Obuku EA, Bwanga F, Akena D, Richard S, Ogwal-Okeng J, Obua C BMC public health 26231758 BMC Public Health 2015 Aug 1
Community involvement in health services at Namayumba and Bobi health centres: a case study. Namatovu JF, Ndoboli F, Kuule J, Besigye I African journal of primary health care & family medicine 26245387 Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med 2014 Dec 9
Challenges Faced by Village Health Teams (VHTs) in Amuru, Gulu and Pader Districts in Northern Uganda. Kimbugwe G, Mshilla M, Oluka D, Nalikka O, Kyangwa J, Zalwango S, Kilizza U, Turyasiima M, Ntambazi L, Walugembe F, Galiwango J Open journal of preventive medicine 26301128 Open J Prev Med 2014 Sep
The epidemiology of rotavirus disease in under-five-year-old children hospitalized with acute diarrhea in central Uganda, 2012-2013. Bwogi J, Malamba S, Kigozi B, Namuwulya P, Tushabe P, Kiguli S, Byarugaba DK, Desselberger U, Iturriza-Gomara M, Karamagi C Archives of virology 26724820 Arch Virol 2016 Apr
DETERMINANTS OF FIRST ANTENATAL CARE VISIT BY PREGNANT WOMEN AT COMMUNITY BASED EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND SERVICE SITES IN NORTHERN UGANDA. Turyasiima M, Tugume R, Openy A, Ahairwomugisha E, Opio R, Ntunguka M, Mahulo N, Akera P, Odongo-Aginya E East African medical journal 26640281 East Afr Med J 2014 Sep
Informed consent practices for surgical care at university teaching hospitals: a case in a low resource setting. Ochieng J, Ibingira C, Buwembo W, Munabi I, Kiryowa H, Kitara D, Bukuluki P, Nzarubara G, Mwaka E BMC medical ethics 24885609 BMC Med Ethics 2014 May 19
Prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Prison Inmates at Mbarara Central Prison, South Western Uganda. Owokuhaisa J, Thokerunga E, Bazira J Advances in research 26949722 Adv Res 2014 Nov
Undergraduate students' contributions to health service delivery through community-based education: A qualitative study by the MESAU Consortium in Uganda. Atuyambe LM, Baingana RK, Kibira SPS, Katahoire A, Okello E, Mafigiri DK, Ayebare F, Oboke H, Acio C, Muggaga K, Mbalinda S, Nabaggala R, Ruzaaza G, Arubaku W, Mary S, Akera P, Tumwine JK, Peters DH, Sewankambo NK BMC medical education 27114073 BMC Med Educ 2016 Apr 25
Epidemiology of Carbapenem Resistance among Multi-drug Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Uganda. Ampaire LM, Katawera V, Nyehangane D, Boum Y, Bazira J British microbiology research journal 26605152 Br Microbiol Res J 2015
Effect of suppressive acyclovir administered to HSV-2 positive mothers from week 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy on adverse obstetric outcomes: a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial. Nakubulwa S, Kaye DK, Bwanga F, Tumwesigye NM, Nakku-Joloba E, Mirembe F Reproductive health 28253893 Reprod Health 2017 Mar 3
Profiling lifetime episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding among patients from rural Sub-Saharan Africa where schistosoma mansoni is endemic. Opio CK, Kazibwe F, Ocama P, Rejani L, Belousova EN, Ajal P The Pan African medical journal 28154651 Pan Afr Med J 2016
Rare, serious, and comprehensively described suspected adverse drug reactions reported by surveyed healthcare professionals in Uganda. Kiguba R, Karamagi C, Waako P, Ndagije HB, Bird SM PloS one 25905889 PLoS One 2015
Predictors and outcomes of mycobacteremia among HIV-infected smear- negative presumptive tuberculosis patients in Uganda. Nakiyingi L, Ssengooba W, Nakanjako D, Armstrong D, Holshouser M, Kirenga BJ, Shah M, Mayanja-Kizza H, Joloba ML, Ellner JJ, Dorman SE, Manabe YC BMC infectious diseases 25888317 BMC Infect Dis 2015 Feb 15
Understanding sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents: evidence from a formative evaluation in Wakiso district, Uganda. Atuyambe LM, Kibira SP, Bukenya J, Muhumuza C, Apolot RR, Mulogo E Reproductive health 25896066 Reprod Health 2015 Apr 22
Improving Midwifery Care in Ugandan Public Hospitals: The Midwives' Perspective. Nabirye RC, Beinempaka F, Okene C, Groves S International journal of health professions 27738665 Int J Health Prof 2014 Dec
Use of dental care services among adolescents living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment in Kampala, Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Nakyonyi MG, Birungi N, Mwesigwa CL, Åstrøm AN BMC oral health 38835044 BMC Oral Health 2024 Jun 4
Role of Faculty Development Programs in Medical Education at the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences, Zimbabwe. Matsika A, Nathoo K, Borok M, Mashaah T, Madya F, Connors S, Campbell T, Hakim JG Annals of global health 30873802 Ann Glob Health 2018 Apr 30
Feasibility and sustainability of an interactive team-based learning method for medical education during a severe faculty shortage in Zimbabwe. Gray J, Fana GT, Campbell TB, Hakim JG, Borok MZ, Aagaard EM BMC medical education 24678606 BMC Med Educ 2014 Mar 28
Development of a neonatal curriculum for medical students in Zimbabwe - a cross sectional survey. Chimhuya S, Mbuwayesango B, Aagaard EM, Nathoo KJ BMC medical education 29720167 BMC Med Educ 2018 May 2
Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Predict Cerebral Injury in HIV-Infected Individuals on Stable Combination Antiretroviral Therapy. Anderson AM, Harezlak J, Bharti A, Mi D, Taylor MJ, Daar ES, Schifitto G, Zhong J, Alger JR, Brown MS, Singer EJ, Campbell TB, McMahon DD, Buchthal S, Cohen R, Yiannoutsos C, Letendre SL, Navia BA, HIV Neuroimaging Consortium Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 25622053 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015 May 1
Health Education Advanced Leadership for Zimbabwe (Healz): Developing the Infrastructure to Support Curriculum Reform. Aagaard EM, Connors SC, Challender A, Gandari J, Nathoo K, Borok M, Chidzonga M, Barry M, Campbell T, Hakim J Annals of global health 30873767 Ann Glob Health 2018 Apr 30
Strengthening research governance for sustainable research: experiences from three Zimbabwean universities. Mashaah T, Hakim J, Chidzonga M, Kangwende RA, Naik Y, Federspiel N, Fiorillo S, Scott J, Gomo E Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072583 Acad Med 2014 Aug
Innovations to enhance the quality of health professions education at the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences--NECTAR program. Ndhlovu CE, Nathoo K, Borok M, Chidzonga M, Aagaard EM, Connors SC, Barry M, Campbell T, Hakim J Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072588 Acad Med 2014 Aug
The Medical and Nursing Education Partnership Initiatives. Goosby EP, von Zinkernagel D Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072578 Acad Med 2014 Aug
Human Papillomavirus Genotypes in Invasive Cervical Carcinoma in HIV-Seropositive and HIV-Seronegative Women in Zimbabwe. Mudini W, Palefsky JM, Hale MJ, Chirenje MZ, Makunike-Mutasa R, Mutisi F, Murahwa A, Mario A Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 29781877 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2018 Sep 1
Evaluating the Impact of the Medical Education Partnership Initiative at the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences Using the Most Significant Change Technique. Connors SC, Nyaude S, Challender A, Aagaard E, Velez C, Hakim J Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 28858884 Acad Med 2017 Sep
Psychometric properties and Confirmatory structure of the Strengths and difficulties questionnaire in a sample of adolescents in Nigeria. Akpa OM, Afolabi RF, Fowobaje KR International journal of statistics and applications 27478714 Int J Stat Appl 2016
Health care utilization among rural women of child-bearing age: a Nigerian experience. Odetola TD The Pan African medical journal 27386027 Pan Afr Med J 2015
Cytotoxicity Studies of the Extracts, Fractions, and Isolated Compound of Pseudocedrela kotschyi on Cervical Cancer (HeLa), Breast Cancer (MCF-7) and Skeletal Muscle Cancer (RD) Cells. Elufioye TO, Abdul AA, Moody JO Pharmacognosy research 28250653 Pharmacognosy Res 2017 Jan-Mar
Genetic Diversity of Hepatitis C Virus Among Blood Donors and Patients with Clinical Hepatitis in Ibadan, Nigeria. Shenge JA, Odaibo GN, Olaleye DO Archives of basic and applied medicine 29882536 Arch Basic Appl Med 2018 Feb
Early HIV infection is associated with reduced proportions of gamma delta T subsets as well as high creatinine and urea levels. Olusola BA, Kabelitz D, Olaleye DO, Odaibo GN Scandinavian journal of immunology 32052490 Scand J Immunol 2020 May
Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Acetylcholinesterase-2 Gene From Culex pipiens And Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicine) in Nigeria. Onoja AB, Maina MM, Opayele AV Nigerian veterinary journal 32095033 Niger Vet J 2018
N-acetyltransferase 2 enzyme genotype-phenotype discordances in both HIV-negative and HIV-positive Nigerians. Kotila OA, Fawole OI, Olopade OI, Ayede AI, Falusi AG, Babalola CP Pharmacogenetics and genomics 30882558 Pharmacogenet Genomics 2019 Jul
Phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis C virus among HIV/ HCV co-infected patients in Nigeria. Shenge JA, Odaibo GN, Olaleye DO PloS one 30726229 PLoS One 2019
Self-reported sulphonamide hypersensitivity reactions in adults living in Ibadan, Nigeria: A cross-sectional, community-based study. Mary AR, Olayinka KA, Onoja AM, Olufunmilayo F, Adeyinka FG, Chinedum BP Nigerian medical journal : journal of the Nigeria Medical Association 26903698 Niger Med J 2015 Nov-Dec
Cryptococcal Antigenemia in Nigerian Patients With Advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Influence of Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence. Oladele RO, Akanmu AS, Nwosu AO, Ogunsola FT, Richardson MD, Denning DW Open forum infectious diseases 27186581 Open Forum Infect Dis 2016 Mar
Evaluation of Olfactory and Gustatory Function of HIV Infected Women. Fasunla AJ, Daniel A, Nwankwo U, Kuti KM, Nwaorgu OG, Akinyinka OO AIDS research and treatment 27047688 AIDS Res Treat 2016
Prevalence of and risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis among newly diagnosed HIV-1 infected Nigerian children. Ebonyi AO, Oguche S, Ejeliogu EU, Agbaji OO, Shehu NY, Abah IO, Sagay AS, Ugoagwu PO, Okonkwo PI, Idoko JA, Kanki PJ Germs 27019829 Germs 2016 Mar
Salivary creatinine and urea analysis in patients with chronic kidney disease: a case control study. Lasisi TJ, Raji YR, Salako BL BMC nephrology 26775026 BMC Nephrol 2016 Jan 16
Influence of Internet Accessibility and Demographic factors on utilization of Web-based Health Information Resources by Resident Doctors in Nigeria. Ajuwon GA, Popoola SO African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26681825 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Awareness, knowledge and practices of breast cancer screening measures among female postgraduate students of a Nigerian Federal University: a cross-sectional study. Aluko JO, Ojelade MF, Sowunmi CO, Oluwatosin OA African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26688603 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Sarcomas in Nigerian Children in Jos North Central Nigeria. Dauda MA, Yakubu D, Mandong BM, Ojo EO African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26689374 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
ADVERSE EVENTS TO FIRST LINE ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS DRUGS IN PATIENTS CO-INFECTED WITH HIV AND TUBERCULOSIS. Michael OS, Sogaolu OM, Fehintola FA, Ige OM, Falade CO Annals of Ibadan postgraduate medicine 27721682 Ann Ib Postgrad Med 2016 Jun
Electrocardiographic features in children with severe falciparum malaria at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. Akinkunmi BF, Ogunkunle OO, Akinbami FO, Orimadegun AE Research journal of health sciences 36267922 Res J Health Sci 2022
Multistate model for correlates of parity progression among women living with HIV in Ibadan, Nigeria. Olagunju A, Akinyemi JO, Afolabi R, Awolude OA Research square 39372935 Res Sq 2024 Sep 17
Immunological and Virological Outcomes of Patients Switched from LPV/r to ATV/r-Containing Second- Line Regimens. Akanmu AS, Adeyemo T, Lesi F, Bello FO, Okwuegbuna K, Oloko K, Awolola A, Ogunsola FT, Okonkwo P, Kanki PJ Current HIV research 25986368 Curr HIV Res 2015
Patterns of Adherence and Loss to Follow-Up in Pediatric Patients on ART in Nigeria. Meloni ST, Chaplin B, Chang C, Rawizza H, Okonkwo P, Kanki PJ Current HIV research 25986372 Curr HIV Res 2015
Chorioamnionitis in pregnancy: a comparative study of HIV-positive and HIV-negative parturients. Ocheke AN, Agaba PA, Imade GE, Silas OA, Ajetunmobi OI, Echejoh G, Ekere C, Sendht A, Bitrus J, Agaba EI, Sagay AS International journal of STD & AIDS 25887063 Int J STD AIDS 2016 Mar
Treatment Discontinuation in Adult HIV-Infected Patients on First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy in Nigeria. Agbaji OO, Abah IO, Falang KD, Ebonyi AO, Musa J, Ugoagwu P, Agaba PA, Sagay AS, Jolayemi T, Okonkwo P, Idoko JA, Kanki PJ Current HIV research 25986369 Curr HIV Res 2015
Incidence and predictors of adverse drug events in an African cohort of HIV-infected adults treated with efavirenz. Abah IO, Akanbi M, Abah ME, Finangwai AI, Dady CW, Falang KD, Ebonyi AO, Okopi JA, Agbaji OO, Sagay AS, Okonkwo P, Idoko JA, Kanki PJ Germs 26405676 Germs 2015 Sep
Comparison of auditory brainstem response in HIV-1 exposed and unexposed newborns and correlation with the maternal viral load and CD4+ cell counts. Fasunla AJ, Ogunbosi BO, Odaibo GN, Nwaorgu OG, Taiwo B, Olaleye DO, Osinusi K, Murphy RL, Adewole IF, Akinyinka OO AIDS (London, England) 25313584 AIDS 2014 Sep 24
Prevalence of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND) among Patients Attending a Tertiary Health Facility in Northern Nigeria. Yusuf AJ, Hassan A, Mamman AI, Muktar HM, Suleiman AM, Baiyewu O Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 25331222 J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2017 Jan/Feb
Disparities in tobacco use by adolescents in southeast, Nigeria using Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) approach. Itanyi IU, Onwasigwe CN, McIntosh S, Bruno T, Ossip D, Nwobi EA, Onoka CA, Ezeanolue EE BMC public health 29510706 BMC Public Health 2018 Mar 6
Multilevel analysis of psychosocial functioning of Adolescents in families affected by HIV/AIDS in Benue state, Nigeria. Akpa OM African journal of biomedical research : AJBR 30190652 Afr J Biomed Res 2018 May
Intestinal Bacterial Colonization in the First 2 Weeks of Life of Nigerian Neonates Using Standard Culture Methods. Kigbu A, Orimadegun AE, Tongo OO, Odaibo GN, Olaleye DO, Akinyinka OO Frontiers in pediatrics 28083526 Front Pediatr 2016
CLEFT LIP, ALVEOLUS AND PALATE IN AFRICAN NATIVES: AN UPDATE ON DEMOGRAPHICS AND MANAGEMENT OUTCOME. Akintububo OB, Ojo EO, Kokong DD, Adamu SA, Nnadozie UU, Yunusa-Kaltungo Z, Jalo I, Dauda AM African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26709327 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Influence of Meteorological Variables on Diversity and Abundance of Mosquito Vectors in Two Livestock Farms in Ibadan, Nigeria: Public Health Implications. Victor OA, Adekunle AJ, Tahiru IK, David OO Journal of mosquito research 28845206 J Mosq Res 2017
Association of Bacterial vaginosis and other Sexually Transmitted Infections with HIV among pregnant women in Nigeria. Imade GE, Musa J, Sagay AS, Kapiga SH, Sankale JL, Idoko J, Kanki P African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26681823 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Prevalence and Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence among Male Civil Servants in Ibadan, Nigeria. Adejimi AA, Fawole OI, Sekoni OO, Kyriacou DN African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26681824 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Prevalence of active convulsive epilepsy in an urban slum in Enugu South East Nigeria. Ezeala-Adikaibe BA, Orjioke C, Ekenze O, Ijoma U, Onodugo O, Molokwu O, Chime P, Mbadiwe N, Aneke E, Onyekonwu C, Okudo G, Okwara C, Onyebueke G, Ulasi I Seizure 26803283 Seizure 2016 Feb
Should Traffic Offenders Undergo Compulsory "Mental Test": A Study of Mental Health and Crash Involvement Among Commercial Motorcyclists in Ibadan, Nigeria? Ayinde OO, Adejumo OA, Olukolade O, Lasebikan VO Community mental health journal 30073556 Community Ment Health J 2019 Jan
Occult HBV Infection in Nigeria. Akintule OA, Olusola BA, Odaibo GN, Olaleye DO Archives of basic and applied medicine 29963604 Arch Basic Appl Med 2018 Feb
Derangement of protein S and C4b-binding protein levels as acquired thrombophilia in HIV-infected adult Nigerians. Bello FO, Akanmu AS, Adeyemo TA, Idowu BM, Okonkwo P, Kanki PJ Southern African journal of HIV medicine 34522427 South Afr J HIV Med 2021
Edwardsiella ictaluri, an unusual cause of bacteraemia in a Nigerian child with acute bloody diarrhoea. Adepoju AA, Adelaja AO, Amoo A, Orimadegun AE, Akinyinka OO International journal of research in medical sciences 34660819 Int J Res Med Sci 2021 Oct
Knowledge of Cervical Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening Methods Among Female Secondary School Students in Ibadan, Nigeria. Aimiosior MO, Omigbodun AO African journal of biomedical research : AJBR 35813969 Afr J Biomed Res 2020 Jul
Prevalence, Correction Coverage, Unmet Need and Impact on the Quality of Life of Presbyopia among Market Traders in Ibadan, Nigeria. Adeyemi O, Bekibele CO African journal of biomedical research : AJBR 38516634 Afr J Biomed Res 2020 Jul
The Adolescents' Psychosocial Functioning Inventory (APFI): scale development and initial validation using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Akpa OM, Bamgboye EA, Baiyewu O African journal for the psychological study of social issues : journal of the African Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues 25893221 Afr J Psychol Study Soc Issues 2015
Trends in The Patterns of Cancers in Nigerian Women Over Five Decades. Adegeye YA, Ogunbiyi JO, Omigbodun AO African journal of biomedical research : AJBR 34764631 Afr J Biomed Res 2020 Jul
Patterns and Predictors of First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy Modification in HIV-1-Infected Adults in a Large Urban Outpatient Cohort in Nigeria. Abah IO, Darin KM, Ebonyi AO, Ugoagwu P, Ojeh VB, Nasir N, Falang KD, Olaitan O, Agbaji O, Idoko J, Kanki P Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 25566781 J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2015 Jul-Aug
CLEFT PALATE IN HIV-EXPOSED NEWBORNS OF MOTHERS ON HIGHLY ACTIVE ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY. James A, Oluwatosin B, Njideka G, Babafemi, Benjamin OG, Olufemi D, Leo R, Folorunso I, Phylis, Olusina O Oral surgery 25653715 Oral Surg 2014 Dec
Effect of Aerobic Exercise on CD4 Cell Count and Lipid Profile of HIV Infected Persons in North Eastern Nigeria. Sm M, A K, W G, A B, Ac O, Ba D, I K Journal of AIDS & clinical research 30918743 J AIDS Clin Res 2015
Predictors of Mortality in a Clinic Cohort of HIV-1 Infected Children Initiated on Antiretroviral Therapy in Jos, Nigeria. Ebonyi AO, Oguche S, Meloni ST, Sagay SA, Kyriacou DN, Achenbach CJ, Agbaji OO, Oyebode TA, Okonkwo P, Idoko JA, Kanki PJ Journal of AIDS & clinical research 30416842 J AIDS Clin Res 2014
BODY WEIGHT CHANGES IN WOMEN USING IMPLANON IN JOS, NIGERIA. Pam VC, Musa J, Mutihir JT, Karshima JA, Anyaka CU, Sagay AS African journal of medicine and medical sciences 31217663 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Modelling the factor structure of the Child Depression Inventory in a population of apparently healthy adolescents in Nigeria. Olorunju SB, Akpa OM, Afolabi RF PloS one 29522568 PLoS One 2018
DECLINING PREVALENCE OF HIV AND OTHER SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS AMONG FEMALE SEX WORKERS IN JOS, NORTH-CENTRAL NIGERIA. Ogbe AE, Sagay AS, Imade GE, Musa J, Pam VC, Egah D, Onwuliri V, Short R African journal of medicine and medical sciences 29578211 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Genetic diversity of human respiratory syncytial virus circulating among children in Ibadan, Nigeria. Ogunsemowo O, Olaleye DO, Odaibo GN PloS one 29360861 PLoS One 2018
HIV Associated Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Nigeria. Akanbi MO, Taiwo BO, Achenbach CJ, Ozoh OB, Obaseki DO, Sule H, Agbaji OO, Ukoli CO Journal of AIDS & clinical research 26236557 J AIDS Clin Res 2015 May
Mother-to-Child Transmission Outcomes of HIV-Exposed Infants Followed Up in Jos North-Central Nigeria. Sagay AS, Ebonyi AO, Meloni ST, Musa J, Oguche S, Ekwempu CC, Oyebode T, Ejeliogu E, Imade GE, Agbaji OO, Okonkwo P, Kanki PJ Current HIV research 25986370 Curr HIV Res 2015
Seizure occurrence, pregnancy outcome among women with active convulsive epilepsy: one year prospective study. Watila MM, Beida O, Kwari S, Nyandaiti NW, Nyandaiti YW Seizure 25799895 Seizure 2015 Mar
Stroke severity predicts poststroke delirium and its association with dementia: Longitudinal observation from a low income setting. Ojagbemi A, Owolabi M, Bello T, Baiyewu O Journal of the neurological sciences 28320171 J Neurol Sci 2017 Apr 15
High rate of unrecognized dengue virus infection in parts of the rainforest region of Nigeria. Onoja AB, Adeniji JA, Olaleye OD Acta tropica 27140859 Acta Trop 2016 Aug
In vitro evaluation of the antioxidant potential, phenolic and flavonoid contents of the stem bark ethanol extract of Anogeissus leiocarpus. Olugbami JO, Gbadegesin MA, Odunola OA African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26681826 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Sex Differences in Morbidity and Mortality of Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infections Among African Children. Orimadegun AE, Adepoju AA, Myer L Journal of pediatrics review 33043060 J Pediatr Rev 2020 Apr
Comparison of point-of-care glucometers and laboratory based glucose oxidase test in determining blood glucose levels. Ogunbosi BO, Jarrett OO, Orimadegun AE, Ayoola OO, Osinusi K Nigerian journal of paediatrics 36313981 Niger J Paediatr 2022 Jul-Sep
Dental services and attitudes towards its regular utilization among civil servants in ibadan, Nigeria. Osuh ME, Oke GA, Asuzu MC Annals of Ibadan postgraduate medicine 25332695 Ann Ib Postgrad Med 2014 Jun
Insecticide susceptibility of Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. Okorie PN, Ademowo OG, Irving H, Kelly-Hope LA, Wondji CS Medical and veterinary entomology 25417803 Med Vet Entomol 2015 Mar
Hepatitis B Co-Infection is Associated with Poorer Survival of HIV-Infected Patients on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in West Africa. Ladep NG, Agbaji OO, Agaba PA, Muazu A, Ugoagwu P, Imade G, Cooke GS, Vivas L, Cormack SM, Taylor-Robinson SD, Idoko J, Kanki P Journal of AIDS & clinical research 25328814 J AIDS Clin Res 2013 Jun 29
The influence of the design of mandibular major connectors on gingival health. Ogunrinde TJ, Dosumu OO, Shaba OP, Akeredolu PA, Ajayi MD African journal of medicine and medical sciences 25335375 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Mar
Species composition and temporal distribution of mosquito populations in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria. Okorie PN, Popoola KO, Awobifa OM, Ibrahim KT, Ademowo GO Journal of entomology and zoology studies 25520960 J Entomol Zool Stud 2014 Aug
Trained community volunteers improve tuberculosis knowledge and attitudes among adults in a periurban community in southwest Nigeria. Balogun M, Sekoni A, Meloni ST, Odukoya O, Onajole A, Longe-Peters O, Ogunsola F, Kanki PJ The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 25510722 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2015 Mar
Predictors of tuberculosis knowledge, attitudes and practices in urban slums in Nigeria: a cross-sectional study. Balogun MR, Sekoni AO, Meloni ST, Odukoya OO, Onajole AT, Longe-Peters OA, Ogunsola FT, Kanki PJ The Pan African medical journal 31223352 Pan Afr Med J 2019
Re: Chorioamnionitis in pregnancy: a comparative study of HIV-positive and HIV-negative parturients. Ocheke AN, Agaba PA, Imade GE, Silas OA, Ajetunmobi OI, Echejoh G, Ekere C, Sendht A, Bitrus J, Agaba EI, Sagay AS International journal of STD & AIDS 30803410 Int J STD AIDS 2019 Jan
Aerobic Exercise Improves Quality of Life and CD4 Cell Counts in HIV Seropositives in Nigeria. Maduagwu SM, Gashau W, Balami A, Kaidal A, Oyeyemi AY, Danue BA, Umeonwuka CI, Akanbi OA Journal of human virology & retrovirology 30918915 J Hum Virol Retrovirol 2017
Hypertension in treated and untreated patients with HIV: a study from 2011 to 2013 at the Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. Isa SE, Kang'ombe AR, Simji GS, Shehu NY, Oche AO, Idoko JA, Cuevas LE, Gill GV Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 28673018 Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2017 Apr 1
The Factor Structure of the Adapted WHO Quality of Life BREF questionnaire in a sample of adolescents in Nigeria. Akpa OM, Fowobaje KR Archives of basic and applied medicine 30175233 Arch Basic Appl Med 2018 Feb
Temporal trends in the epidemiology of cervical cancer in South Africa (1994-2012). Olorunfemi G, Ndlovu N, Masukume G, Chikandiwa A, Pisa PT, Singh E International journal of cancer 29786136 Int J Cancer 2018 Nov 1
Relationship between plasma osteocalcin, glycaemic control and components of metabolic syndrome in adult Nigerians with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Onyenekwu CP, Azinge EC, Egbuagha EU, Okpara HC Diabetes & metabolic syndrome 28017632 Diabetes Metab Syndr 2017 Oct-Dec
Anaesthesia for caesarean deliveries and maternal complications in a Nigerian teaching hospital. Rukewe A, Fatiregun A, Adebayo K African journal of medicine and medical sciences 25335372 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Mar
The wits appraisal using three reference planes and its interaction with the ANB angle among a sub-set of Nigerians". Ifesanya JU, Adeyemi AT, Otuyemi OD African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26223140 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Kolaviron Improves Morbidity and Suppresses Mortality by Mitigating Oxido-Inflammation in BALB/c Mice Infected with Influenza Virus. Awogbindin IO, Olaleye DO, Farombi EO Viral immunology 26200137 Viral Immunol 2015 Sep
Measles Virus Infection Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children in Nigeria. Faneye AO, Adeniji JA, Olusola BA, Motayo BO, Akintunde GB Viral immunology 26102341 Viral Immunol 2015 Jul-Aug
Correlates of the Quality of life of Adolescents in families affected by HIV/AIDS in Benue State, Nigeria. Akpa OM, Bamgboye EA Vulnerable children and youth studies 26587049 Vulnerable Child Youth Stud 2015
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF VOCAL CORD PARALYSIS: THE NEED FOR CAREFUL PATIENT SELECTION. Kokong DD, Adoga AA, Bakari A, Okundia PO, Onakoya PA, Nwaorgu O African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26709328 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
HIV TESTING IN DENTAL PRACTICE: PERCEPTION AND ATTITUDE OF DENTISTS IN SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA. Abe EO, Kolude B, Adeyemi BF African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26709329 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Enhancement of health research capacity in Nigeria through north-south and in-country partnerships. Olaleye DO, Odaibo GN, Carney P, Agbaji O, Sagay AS, Muktar H, Akinyinka OO, Omigbodun AO, Ogunniyi A, Gashau W, Akanmu S, Ogunsola F, Chukwuka C, Okonkwo PI, Meloni ST, Adewole I, Kanki PJ, Murphy RL Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072590 Acad Med 2014 Aug
A Comparative Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration among Male Military Personnel and Civil Servants in Ibadan, Nigeria. Adejimi AA, Sekoni OO, Fawole OI Journal of family violence 35342224 J Fam Violence 2022 Apr
Ameliorative effects of β-sitosterol on some biochemical indices of hypertension in wistar albino rats. Olaiya CO, Esan AM, Alabi TD African journal of medicine and medical sciences 26690542 Afr J Med Med Sci 2014 Sep
Non-compartmental and population pharmacokinetic analysis of dapsone in healthy NIGERIANS: A pilot study. Kotila OA, Ajayi DT, Masimirembwa C, Thelingwani R, Odetunde A, Falusi AG, Babalola CP British journal of clinical pharmacology 37489004 Br J Clin Pharmacol 2023 Nov
Ultrasonographic Renal Dimensions Amongst Adult Nigerian Diabetics: Correlation with Clinical, Anthropometric and Metabolic Risk Factors. Assenyi SS, Adekanmi AJ African journal of biomedical research : AJBR 35783238 Afr J Biomed Res 2020 Jul
Challenges of caregivers and needs of children with parents in a Nigerian prison. Ogunbosi BO, Adepoju AA, Orimadegun AE, Odaibo GN, Olaleye OD, Akinyinka OO Nigerian journal of paediatrics 36313982 Niger J Paediatr 2022 Jul-Sep
Predictors and pregnancy outcomes associated with a newborn birth weight of 4000 g or more in Lusaka, Zambia. Liu KC, Joseph JA, Nkole TB, Kaunda E, Stringer JS, Chi BH, Stringer EM International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 23669164 Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2013 Aug
Maternal and newborn outcomes at a tertiary care hospital in Lusaka, Zambia, 2008-2012. Vwalika B, Stoner MC, Mwanahamuntu M, Liu KC, Kaunda E, Tshuma GG, Somwe SW, Ahmed Y, Stringer EM, Stringer JS, Chi BH International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 28099725 Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2017 Feb
Using virtual microscopy at Copperbelt University, Zambia. Bowa K, Anderson PG Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072560 Acad Med 2014 Aug
Graduate tracking systems for the medical schools in Africa: processes for developing an implementation framework. Simuyemba MC, Mariam DH, Michelo C, Mokone GG, Moodley K, Mugagga K, Nolen K, Settle D, Dogbe J, Mulla Y, Chen C Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072567 Acad Med 2014 Aug
Kidney injury molecule-1 and microalbuminuria levels in Zambian population: biomarkers of kidney injury. Zulu M, Kaile T, Kantenga T, Chileshe C, Nkhoma P, Sinkala M The Pan African medical journal 27642395 Pan Afr Med J 2016
Education attainment of head of households associated with insecticide-treated net utilization among five to nineteen-year old individuals: evidence from the malaria indicator survey 2010 in Zambia. Sichande M, Michelo C, Halwindi H, Miller J Malaria journal 25245164 Malar J 2014 Sep 23
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Haemodynamic responses to tobacco smoke inhalation in male adolescents in Lusaka, Zambia. Chikopela T, Goma FM Cardiology and angiology 33623813 Cardiol Angiol 2015
Strengthening faculty recruitment for health professions training in basic sciences in Zambia. Simuyemba M, Talib Z, Michelo C, Mutale W, Zulu J, Andrews B, Nzala S, Katubulushi M, Njelesani E, Bowa K, Maimbolwa M, Mudenda J, Mulla Y Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072591 Acad Med 2014 Aug
Linking environmental exposure with public health: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane extracted from soils and water of recently exposed communities of selected locations in Zambia. Sipilanyambe Munyinda N, Michelo C, Sichilongo K Journal of environmental and public health 26579199 J Environ Public Health 2015
Does Free Public Health Care Increase Utilization and Reduce Spending? Heterogeneity and Long Term Effects. Hangoma P, Robberstad B, Aakvik A World development 29422705 World Dev 2018 Jan
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Evidence of EBV infection in lymphomas diagnosed in Lusaka, Zambia. Kafita D, Kaile T, Malyangu E, Tembo R, Zulu E, Chisanga C, Kalonda A, Samutela M, Polepole P, Kwenda G The Pan African medical journal 30061959 Pan Afr Med J 2018
Tuberculosis caseload in children with severe acute malnutrition related with high hospital based mortality in Lusaka, Zambia. Munthali T, Chabala C, Chama E, Mugode R, Kapata N, Musonda P, Michelo C BMC research notes 28606173 BMC Res Notes 2017 Jun 12
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Factors associated with neonatal mortality in the general population: evidence from the 2007 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey (ZDHS); a cross sectional study. Lukonga E, Michelo C The Pan African medical journal 26090022 Pan Afr Med J 2015
Pattern of acute poisoning at two urban referral hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia. Z'gambo J, Siulapwa Y, Michelo C BMC emergency medicine 26748777 BMC Emerg Med 2016 Jan 9
Mortality and morbidity patterns in under-five children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in Zambia: a five-year retrospective review of hospital-based records (2009-2013). Munthali T, Jacobs C, Sitali L, Dambe R, Michelo C Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique 25937927 Arch Public Health 2015
Genital tract inflammation during early HIV-1 infection predicts higher plasma viral load set point in women. Roberts L, Passmore JA, Mlisana K, Williamson C, Little F, Bebell LM, Walzl G, Abrahams MR, Woodman Z, Abdool Karim Q, Abdool Karim SS The Journal of infectious diseases 22190580 J Infect Dis 2012 Jan 15
MicroRNA-146a rs2910164 is associated with severe preeclampsia in Black South African women on HAART. Maharaj NR, Ramkaran P, Pillay S, Chuturgoon AA BMC genetics 28103790 BMC Genet 2017 Jan 19
Peritonitis outcomes in patients with HIV and end-stage renal failure on peritoneal dialysis: a prospective cohort study. Ndlovu KC, Sibanda W, Assounga A BMC nephrology 28158991 BMC Nephrol 2017 Feb 3
Teaching research: a programme to develop research capacity in undergraduate medical students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Knight SE, Van Wyk JM, Mahomed S BMC medical education 26879830 BMC Med Educ 2016 Feb 16
Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Improving Maternal Health in South Africa. Mashamba-Thompson TP, Sartorius B, Drain PK Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) 27589808 Diagnostics (Basel) 2016 Aug 31
Quantitative evaluation of essential medicines lists: the South African case study. Perumal-Pillay VA, Suleman F BMC health services research 27955710 BMC Health Serv Res 2016 Dec 12
Implementation of Point-of-Care Diagnostics in Rural Primary Healthcare Clinics in South Africa: Perspectives of Key Stakeholders. Mashamba-Thompson TP, Jama NA, Sartorius B, Drain PK, Thompson RM Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) 28075337 Diagnostics (Basel) 2017 Jan 8
Women's perceptions of the benefits and risks of skin-lightening creams in two South African communities. Dlova N, Hamed SH, Tsoka-Gwegweni J, Grobler A, Hift R Journal of cosmetic dermatology 25196692 J Cosmet Dermatol 2014 Sep
The performance of pre-delivery serum concentrations of angiogenic factors in predicting postpartum antihypertensive drug therapy following abdominal delivery in severe preeclampsia and normotensive pregnancy. Ngene NC, Moodley J, Naicker T PloS one 31022243 PLoS One 2019
Safety of coitally administered tenofovir 1% gel, a vaginal microbicide, in chronic hepatitis B virus carriers: results from the CAPRISA 004 trial. Baxter C, Yende-Zuma N, Tshabalala P, Abdool Karim Q, Abdool Karim SS Antiviral research 23832086 Antiviral Res 2013 Sep
High risk of metabolic syndrome among black South African women with severe mental illness. Saloojee S, Burns JK, Motala AA The South African journal of psychiatry : SAJP : the journal of the Society of Psychiatrists of South Africa 30263202 S Afr J Psychiatr 2017
Effects of genetic variability on rifampicin and isoniazid pharmacokinetics in South African patients with recurrent tuberculosis. Naidoo A, Chirehwa M, Ramsuran V, McIlleron H, Naidoo K, Yende-Zuma N, Singh R, Ncgapu S, Adamson J, Govender K, Denti P, Padayatchi N Pharmacogenomics 30767706 Pharmacogenomics 2019 Mar
An evaluation of the emergency care training workshops in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Naidoo M African journal of primary health care & family medicine 28397522 Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med 2017 Mar 30
Chemical analysis and in vitro UV-protection characteristics of clays traditionally used for sun protection in South Africa. Dlova NC, Nevondo FT, Mwangi EM, Summers B, Tsoka-Gwegweni J, Martincigh BS, Mulholland DA Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine 23651277 Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2013 Jun
Should essays and other "open-ended"-type questions retain a place in written summative assessment in clinical medicine? Hift RJ BMC medical education 25431359 BMC Med Educ 2014 Nov 28
Clinical correlates of first episode early onset psychosis in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Paruk S, Jhazbhay K, Singh K, Sartorius B, Burns JK Journal of child and adolescent mental health 26357916 J Child Adolesc Ment Health 2015
Symptomatic vaginal discharge is a poor predictor of sexually transmitted infections and genital tract inflammation in high-risk women in South Africa. Mlisana K, Naicker N, Werner L, Roberts L, van Loggerenberg F, Baxter C, Passmore JA, Grobler AC, Sturm AW, Williamson C, Ronacher K, Walzl G, Abdool Karim SS The Journal of infectious diseases 22517910 J Infect Dis 2012 Jul 1
A strategy for developing future academic leaders for South Africa in a resource-constrained environment. Lalloo UG, Bobat RA, Pillay S, Wassenaar D Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 25072580 Acad Med 2014 Aug
Rapid disease progression in HIV-1 subtype C-infected South African women. Mlisana K, Werner L, Garrett NJ, McKinnon LR, van Loggerenberg F, Passmore JA, Gray CM, Morris L, Williamson C, Abdool Karim SS, Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) 002 Study Team Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 25038116 Clin Infect Dis 2014 Nov 1
Serum albumin and mortality in patients with HIV and end-stage renal failure on peritoneal dialysis. Ndlovu KCZ, Chikobvu P, Mofokeng T, Gounden V, Assounga A PloS one 31181128 PLoS One 2019
Development and implementation of an integrated chronic disease model in South Africa: lessons in the management of change through improving the quality of clinical practice. Mahomed OH, Asmall S International journal of integrated care 26528101 Int J Integr Care 2015 Oct-Dec
Evaluating the accessibility and utility of HIV-related point-of-care diagnostics for maternal health in rural South Africa: a study protocol. Mashamba-Thompson TP, Drain PK, Sartorius B BMJ open 27354074 BMJ Open 2016 Jun 27
Postpartum blood pressure patterns in severe preeclampsia and normotensive pregnant women following abdominal deliveries: a cohort study. Ngene NC, Moodley J The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 30700189 J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2020 Sep
Adjusting the Effect of Integrating Antiretroviral Therapy and Tuberculosis Treatment on Mortality for Noncompliance: A Time-varying Instrumental Variables Analysis. Yende-Zuma N, Mwambi H, Vansteelandt S Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 30720587 Epidemiology 2019 Mar
A comparative study of socio-demographic and substance use correlates in early-onset psychosis. Paruk S, Jhazbhay K, Singh K, Sartorius B, Burns JK Early intervention in psychiatry 27038079 Early Interv Psychiatry 2018 Jun
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Underlying determinants of maternal mortality in a rural South African population with high HIV prevalence (2000-2014): A population-based cohort analysis. Tlou B PloS one 30212535 PLoS One 2018
The learning environment of paediatric interns in South Africa. Naidoo KL, Van Wyk JM, Adhikari M BMC medical education 29187179 BMC Med Educ 2017 Nov 29
Pre-delivery angiogenic factors and their association with peripartum perceived stress and pain in pre-eclampsia with severe features and normotensive pregnancies. Ngene NC, Moodley J International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 34622454 Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2022 Aug
Very low rates of screening for metabolic syndrome among patients with severe mental illness in Durban, South Africa. Saloojee S, Burns JK, Motala AA BMC psychiatry 25113131 BMC Psychiatry 2014 Aug 12
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Parents' and guardians' perceptions on availability and pricing of medicines and healthcare for children in eThekwini, South Africa - a qualitative study. Perumal-Pillay VA, Suleman F BMC health services research 28629443 BMC Health Serv Res 2017 Jun 19
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A Review of Moxifloxacin for the Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis. Naidoo A, Naidoo K, McIlleron H, Essack S, Padayatchi N Journal of clinical pharmacology 28741299 J Clin Pharmacol 2017 Nov
Assimilating South African medical students trained in Cuba into the South African medical education system: reflections from an identity perspective. Donda BM, Hift RJ, Singaram VS BMC medical education 27776511 BMC Med Educ 2016 Oct 24
HIV-associated large-vessel vasculopathy: a review of the current and emerging clinicopathological spectrum in vascular surgical practice. Pillay B, Ramdial PK, Naidoo DP Cardiovascular journal of Africa 25940120 Cardiovasc J Afr 2015 Mar-Apr
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Impact of point-of-care diagnostics on maternal outcomes in HIV-infected women: systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Mashamba-Thompson TP, Sartorius B, Thabane L, Shi CX, Drain PK BMJ open 26817633 BMJ Open 2016 Jan 27
Frequency of Hepatitis B Virus Resistance Mutations in Women Using Tenofovir Gel as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. Baxter C, Ngcapu S, Blackard JT, Powell EA, Penton PK, Abdool Karim SS Viruses 31248149 Viruses 2019 Jun 19
Metabolic syndrome in antipsychotic naive African patients with severe mental illness in usual care. Saloojee S, Burns JK, Motala AA Early intervention in psychiatry 28402033 Early Interv Psychiatry 2018 Dec
Research Ethics Committees' Oversight of Biomedical Research in South Africa: A Thematic Analysis of Ethical Issues Raised During Ethics Review of Non-Expedited Protocols. Silaigwana B, Wassenaar D Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE 30678521 J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics 2019 Apr
Differentiation of breast tuberculosis and breast cancer using diffusion-weighted, T2-weighted and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Ramaema DP, Hift RJ SA journal of radiology 31754519 SA J Radiol 2018
An intervention to manage compassion fatigue in oncology nurses in Durban, South Africa. Wentzel DL, Collins A, Brysiewicz P Health SA = SA Gesondheid 38223212 Health SA 2023
Development of an evidence-based clinical algorithm for practice in hypotonia assessment: a proposal. Naidoo P JMIR research protocols 25485571 JMIR Res Protoc 2014 Dec 5
Biomedical Research Ethics Committees in sub-Saharan Africa: a collective review of their structure, functioning, and outcomes. Silaigwana B, Wassenaar D Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE 25819759 J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics 2015 Apr
Challenges of diagnosing acute HIV-1 subtype C infection in African women: performance of a clinical algorithm and the need for point-of-care nucleic-acid based testing. Mlisana K, Sobieszczyk M, Werner L, Feinstein A, van Loggerenberg F, Naicker N, Williamson C, Garrett N PloS one 23646162 PLoS One 2013
Metabolic Syndrome in South African Patients with Severe Mental Illness: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors. Saloojee S, Burns JK, Motala AA PloS one 26882230 PLoS One 2016
Reducing maternal mortality on a countrywide scale: The role of emergency obstetric training. Moran NF, Naidoo M, Moodley J Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology 26363737 Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2015 Nov
Professional nurses' perceptions and experiences with the implementation of an integrated chronic care model at primary healthcare clinics in South Africa. Mahomed OH, Asmall S Curationis 28582981 Curationis 2017 May 23
An evaluation of infection control in private and public sector intensive care units in South Africa. Mahomed S, Sturm AW, Knight S, Moodley P Journal of infection prevention 29552099 J Infect Prev 2018 Mar
The Hidden Curricula of Medical Education: A Scoping Review. Lawrence C, Mhlaba T, Stewart KA, Moletsane R, Gaede B, Moshabela M Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 29116981 Acad Med 2018 Apr
Challenges with Surveillance of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Intensive Care Units in South Africa. Mahomed S, Mahomed O, Sturm AW, Knight S, Moodley P Critical care research and practice 29158918 Crit Care Res Pract 2017
Tuberculosis in HIV-infected South African children with complicated severe acute malnutrition. Adler H, Archary M, Mahabeer P, LaRussa P, Bobat RA The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 28284260 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2017 Apr 1
Clinical risk factors for in-hospital mortality in older adults with HIV infection: findings from a South African hospital administrative dataset. Govender K, Suleman F, Moodley Y The Pan African medical journal 28533849 Pan Afr Med J 2017
Exploring the occupational therapist's role in primary health care: Listening to voices of stakeholders. Naidoo D, Van Wyk J, Joubert RW African journal of primary health care & family medicine 27608672 Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med 2016 Aug 31
'Toning' up hypotonia assessment: A proposal and critique. Govender P, Joubert RWE African journal of disability 28730054 Afr J Disabil 2016
Effect of genetic variation in UGT1A and ABCB1 on moxifloxacin pharmacokinetics in South African patients with tuberculosis. Naidoo A, Ramsuran V, Chirehwa M, Denti P, McIlleron H, Naidoo K, Yende-Zuma N, Singh R, Ngcapu S, Chaudhry M, Pepper MS, Padayatchi N Pharmacogenomics 29210323 Pharmacogenomics 2018 Jan
Standard of care for social harms in HIV prevention trials: A South African perspective. Sookan T, Zihindula G, Wassenaar D Developing world bioethics 31833598 Dev World Bioeth 2020 Dec
Angiotensin II status and sympathetic activation among hypertensive patients in Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Mayito J, Mungoma M, Kakande B, Okello DC, Wanzira H, Kayima J, Mondo CK BMC research notes 26486596 BMC Res Notes 2015 Oct 20
Proportion of patients in the Uganda rheumatic heart disease registry with advanced disease requiring urgent surgical interventions. Zhang W, Okello E, Nyakoojo W, Lwabi P, Mondo CK African health sciences 26958019 Afr Health Sci 2015 Dec
A cross-sectional study of hyponatraemia among elderly patients with heart failure in Uganda. Nankabirwa H, Kalyesubula R, Ssinabulya I, Katabira ET, Cumming RG BMJ open 27188802 BMJ Open 2016 May 17
Socioeconomic and environmental risk factors among rheumatic heart disease patients in Uganda. Okello E, Kakande B, Sebatta E, Kayima J, Kuteesa M, Mutatina B, Nyakoojo W, Lwabi P, Mondo CK, Odoi-Adome R, Juergen F PloS one 22952810 PLoS One 2012
Hypertension awareness, treatment and control in Africa: a systematic review. Kayima J, Wanyenze RK, Katamba A, Leontsini E, Nuwaha F BMC cardiovascular disorders 23915151 BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2013 Aug 2
Rheumatic heart disease in Uganda: the association between MHC class II HLA DR alleles and disease: a case control study. Okello E, Beaton A, Mondo CK, Kruszka P, Kiwanuka N, Odoi-Adome R, Freers J BMC cardiovascular disorders 24581333 BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2014 Feb 28
Kidney disease in Uganda: a community based study. Kalyesubula R, Nankabirwa JI, Ssinabulya I, Siddharthan T, Kayima J, Nakibuuka J, Salata RA, Mondo C, Kamya MR, Hricik D BMC nephrology 28372551 BMC Nephrol 2017 Apr 3
Determinants of Raised Blood Pressure in Urban Uganda: A Community-Based Case-Control Study. Chin JH, Twinobuhungiro A, Sandhu A, Hootsmans N, Kayima J, Kalyesubula R Ethnicity & disease 28115817 Ethn Dis 2017 Jan 19
Association of genetic variation with blood pressure traits among East Africans. Kayima J, Liang J, Natanzon Y, Nankabirwa J, Ssinabulya I, Nakibuuka J, Katamba A, Mayanja-Kizza H, Miron A, Li C, Zhu X Clinical genetics 28105631 Clin Genet 2017 Nov
Geographic differences in the prevalence of hypertension in Uganda: Results of a national epidemiological study. Lunyera J, Kirenga B, Stanifer JW, Kasozi S, van der Molen T, Katagira W, Kamya MR, Kalyesubula R PloS one 30067823 PLoS One 2018
The impact of HIV on the prevalence of asthma in Uganda: a general population survey. Kirenga BJ, Mugenyi L, de Jong C, Lucian Davis J, Katagira W, van der Molen T, Kamya MR, Boezen M Respiratory research 30241519 Respir Res 2018 Sep 21
Prevalence and factors associated with asthma among adolescents and adults in Uganda: a general population based survey. Kirenga BJ, de Jong C, Katagira W, Kasozi S, Mugenyi L, Boezen M, van der Molen T, Kamya MR BMC public health 30795752 BMC Public Health 2019 Feb 22
Prevalence of arrhythmias among children below 15 years of age with congenital heart diseases attending Mulago National Referral Hospital, Uganda. Batte A, Lwabi P, Lubega S, Kiguli S, Nabatte V, Karamagi C BMC cardiovascular disorders 27074797 BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2016 Apr 13
Anthracycline induced cardiotoxicity in adult cancer patients: a prospective cohort study from a specialized oncology treatment centre in Uganda. Kibudde S, Mondo CK, Kibirige D, Walusansa V, Orem J African health sciences 31148994 Afr Health Sci 2019 Mar
The safety and efficacy of prednisolone in preventing reaccumulation of ascites among endomyocardial fibrosis patients in Uganda: a randomized clinical trial. Nabunnya YB, Kayima J, Longenecker CT, Josephson RA, Freers J BMC research notes 26666319 BMC Res Notes 2015 Dec 15
Determinants of hypertension in a young adult Ugandan population in epidemiological transition-the MEPI-CVD survey. Kayima J, Nankabirwa J, Sinabulya I, Nakibuuka J, Zhu X, Rahman M, Longenecker CT, Katamba A, Mayanja-Kizza H, Kamya MR BMC public health 26315787 BMC Public Health 2015 Aug 28
Rheumatic heart disease in Uganda: predictors of morbidity and mortality one year after presentation. Okello E, Longenecker CT, Beaton A, Kamya MR, Lwabi P BMC cardiovascular disorders 28061759 BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2017 Jan 7
Atrial fibrillation among the black population in a Ugandan tertiary hospital. Lugero C, Kibirige D, Kayima J, Mondo CK, Freers J International journal of general medicine 27354820 Int J Gen Med 2016
Implementation and operational research: Integrated pre-antiretroviral therapy screening and treatment for tuberculosis and cryptococcal antigenemia. Pac L, Horwitz MM, Namutebi AM, Auerbach BJ, Semeere A, Namulema T, Schwarz M, Bbosa R, Muruta A, Meya DB, Manabe YC Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 25761234 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015 Apr 15
Effect of a 72 Hour Stroke Care Bundle on Early Outcomes after Acute Stroke: A Non Randomised Controlled Study. Nakibuuka J, Sajatovic M, Nankabirwa J, Ssendikadiwa C, Kalema N, Kwizera A, Byakika-Tusiime J, Furlan AJ, Kayima J, Ddumba E, Katabira E PloS one 27145035 PLoS One 2016
Dyslipidemia and its Correlates among HIV Infected Children on HAART Attending Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital. Nampijja D, Kumbakumba E, Bajunirwe F, Kiwanuka J International clinical pathology journal 29333525 Int Clin Pathol J 2017
Microalbuminuria among Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Patients at Mulago National Referral Hospital in Uganda: A Cross Sectional Study. Martin M, Edrisa M, SSinabulya I, Samuel K, Frank M, Kiiza MC Journal of obesity and weight-loss medication 31098596 J Obes Weight Loss Medicat 2018
Microalbuminuria and Retinopathy among Hypertensive Nondiabetic Patients at a Large Public Outpatient Clinic in Southwestern Uganda. Kangwagye P, Rwebembera J, Wilson T, Bajunirwe F International journal of nephrology 29977618 Int J Nephrol 2018
Cardiovascular risk factors among patients with chronic kidney disease attending a tertiary hospital in Uganda. Babua C, Kalyesubula R, Okello E, Kakande B, Sebatta E, Mungoma M, Mondo CK Cardiovascular journal of Africa 26407219 Cardiovasc J Afr 2015 Jul-Aug
Chest closure without drainage after open patent ductus arteriosus ligation in Ugandan children: A non blinded randomized controlled trial. Kebba N, Mwambu T, Oketcho M, Izudi J, Obuku EA BMC surgery 27683085 BMC Surg 2016 Sep 29
Cardiac Dysfunction Among Ugandan HIV-infected Children on Antiretroviral Therapy. Namuyonga J, Lubega S, Musiime V, Lwabi P, Lubega I The Pediatric infectious disease journal 26569195 Pediatr Infect Dis J 2016 Mar
Hypertension control and care at Mulago Hospital ambulatory clinic, Kampala-Uganda. Ssinabulya I, Nabunnya Y, Kiggundu B, Musoke C, Mungoma M, Kayima J BMC research notes 27855717 BMC Res Notes 2016 Nov 17
Prevalence, types and factors associated with echocardiographic abnormalities among newly diagnosed diabetic patients at Mulago Hospital. Muddu M, Mutebi E, Mondo C African health sciences 27358631 Afr Health Sci 2016 Mar
Acute Spontaneous Coronary Artery Thrombosis as Initial Presentation of HIV Infection in a Young Man. Kayima J, Nyakoojo W, Nakanjako D, Costa MA, Longenecker CT, Simon DI Case reports in cardiology 25821605 Case Rep Cardiol 2015
Hypertension among newly diagnosed diabetic patients at Mulago National Referral Hospital in Uganda: a cross sectional study. Muddu M, Mutebi E, Ssinabulya I, Kizito S, Mondo CK Cardiovascular journal of Africa 29750228 Cardiovasc J Afr 2018 Jul/Aug 23
A Human-Centered Approach to CV Care: Infrastructure Development in Uganda. Longenecker CT, Kalra A, Okello E, Lwabi P, Omagino JO, Kityo C, Kamya MR, Webel AR, Simon DI, Salata RA, Costa MA Global heart 29685638 Glob Heart 2018 Dec
Cardiovascular complications in newly diagnosed rheumatic heart disease patients at Mulago Hospital, Uganda. Okello E, Wanzhu Z, Musoke C, Twalib A, Kakande B, Lwabi P, Wilson NB, Mondo CK, Odoi-Adome R, Freers J Cardiovascular journal of Africa 23736132 Cardiovasc J Afr 2013 Apr
Management of rheumatic heart disease in uganda: the emerging epidemic of non-AIDS comorbidity in resource-limited settings. Longenecker CT, Okello E, Lwabi P, Costa MA, Simon DI, Salata RA Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 24442227 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2014 Feb 1
Subclinical atherosclerosis among HIV-infected adults attending HIV/AIDS care at two large ambulatory HIV clinics in Uganda. Ssinabulya I, Kayima J, Longenecker C, Luwedde M, Semitala F, Kambugu A, Ameda F, Bugeza S, McComsey G, Freers J, Nakanjako D PloS one 24586854 PLoS One 2014
Brief Report: Prevalence of Latent Rheumatic Heart Disease Among HIV-Infected Children in Kampala, Uganda. Gleason B, Mirembe G, Namuyonga J, Okello E, Lwabi P, Lubega I, Lubega S, Musiime V, Kityo C, Salata RA, Longenecker CT Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 26413847 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2016 Feb 1
Vitamin D deficiency and its characteristics among patients with acute stroke at a national referral hospital in Kampala Uganda. Kiggundu DS, Mutebi E, Kibirige D, Boxer R, Kakande B, Kigozi BK, Katabira E BMC endocrine disorders 26437924 BMC Endocr Disord 2015 Oct 5
Stroke-Risk Factors Differ between Rural and Urban Communities: Population Survey in Central Uganda. Nakibuuka J, Sajatovic M, Nankabirwa J, Furlan AJ, Kayima J, Ddumba E, Katabira E, Byakika-Tusiime J Neuroepidemiology 25967045 Neuroepidemiology 2015
Pattern and presentation of cardiac diseases among patients with chronic kidney disease attending a national referral hospital in Uganda: a cross sectional study. Babua C, Kalyesubula R, Okello E, Kakande B, Sebatta E, Mungoma M, Mondo C BMC nephrology 26238594 BMC Nephrol 2015 Aug 4
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Prevalence of group a streptococcus pharyngeal carriage and clinical manifestations in school children aged 5-15 yrs in Wakiso District, Uganda. Nayiga I, Okello E, Lwabi P, Ndeezi G BMC infectious diseases 28381239 BMC Infect Dis 2017 Apr 5
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PARENTS' AND TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS OF FACTORS AFFECTING LEARNING IN KENYA. Mbwayo AW, Mathai M, Kuria MW, Mutavi T, Stoep AV Global social welfare : research, policy & practice 33224713 Glob Soc Welf 2020
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ASSOCIATION BETWEEN QUALITY OF INTRAPARTUM CARE WITH FRESH STILLBIRTH IN A LOW-INCOME URBAN SETTING. Gwako G, Obimbo M, Gichangi PB, Gachuno O, Kinuthia J, Were F East African medical journal 37981998 East Afr Med J 2020
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Perception of Mothers and Selected Informal Maternity Caregivers Regarding Maternal Depression in Two Communities of Ibadan In Nigeria. Adefolarin AO, Arulogun OS Archives of basic and applied medicine 30258980 Arch Basic Appl Med 2018 Feb
Validation and Reliability of the 12-item Zarit Burden Interview among Informal Caregivers of Elderly Persons in Nigeria. Ojifinni OO, Uchendu OC Archives of basic and applied medicine 29938213 Arch Basic Appl Med 2018 Feb
Treatment Satisfaction and Medication Adherence Among Hypertensive Patients Seeking Care in Selected Hospitals in Ibadan, Nigeria. Ajayi DT, Adedokun BO, Owoeye DO, Akpa OM Archives of basic and applied medicine 29930986 Arch Basic Appl Med 2018 Feb
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HIV Stigmatizing Attitudes Among Men Accompanying Their Partners to Antenatal Care in Tanzania: A Mixed-Method Study. Kisigo GA, Ngocho JS, Mwamba RN, Knettel BA, Relf MV, Mmbaga BT, Watt MH AIDS and behavior 33881647 AIDS Behav 2021 Oct
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Emerging of non-vaccine Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes colonizing the nasopharynx of children under the age of five years in the 13-vallent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine era in Moshi district, Tanzania. A short communication. Ngocho JS, de Jongh CEVG, Sebba J, Mtei M, Kinabo G, Mmbaga BT, de Jonge M Vaccine 39842150 Vaccine 2025 Feb 27
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Viral-bacterial (co-)occurrence in the upper airways and the risk of childhood pneumonia in resource-limited settings. Ngocho JS, Minja L, van der Gaast-de Jongh CE, Rahamat-Langendoen JC, Langereis JD, Mmbaga BT, de Jonge MI The Journal of infection 32533999 J Infect 2020 Aug
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Assessment of Parasitic Contamination of Lettuce and Cabbages Sold in Selected Markets in Maputo City, Mozambique. Sousa IM, Zucula L, Nhancupe N, Banze L, Zacarias B, Noormahomed EV EC microbiology 36649444 EC Microbiol 2021
Hepatocellular carcinoma: Clinical-pathological features and HIV infection in Mozambican patients<sup/>. Cunha L, Carrilho C, Bhatt N, Loforte M, Maueia C, Fernandes F, Guisseve A, Mbofana F, Maibaze F, Mondlane L, Ismail M, Dimande L, Machatine S, Lunet N, Liu YT, Gudo ES, Pineau P Cancer treatment and research communications 30903933 Cancer Treat Res Commun 2019
Assessment of Surgical Care Provided in National Health Services Hospitals in Mozambique: The Importance of Subnational Metrics in Global Surgery. Cossa M, Rose J, Berndtson AE, Noormahomed E, Bickler SW World journal of surgery 33521876 World J Surg 2021 May
Addressing challenges to rolling out COVID-19 vaccines in African countries. Nachega JB, Sam-Agudu NA, Masekela R, van der Zalm MM, Nsanzimana S, Condo J, Ntoumi F, Rabie H, Kruger M, Wiysonge CS, Ditekemena JD, Chirimwami RB, Ntakwinja M, Mukwege DM, Noormahomed E, Paleker M, Mahomed H, Tamfum JM, Zumla A, Suleman F The Lancet. Global health 33713633 Lancet Glob Health 2021 Jun
A systematic review and meta-analysis reveal that Campylobacter spp. and antibiotic resistance are widespread in humans in sub-Saharan Africa. Hlashwayo DF, Sigaúque B, Noormahomed EV, Afonso SMS, Mandomando IM, Bila CG PloS one 33503068 PLoS One 2021
Epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter spp. in animals in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review. Hlashwayo DF, Sigaúque B, Bila CG Heliyon 32181402 Heliyon 2020 Mar
The Critical Need for Pooled Data on Coronavirus Disease 2019 in African Children: An AFREhealth Call for Action Through Multicountry Research Collaboration. Sam-Agudu NA, Rabie H, Pipo MT, Byamungu LN, Masekela R, van der Zalm MM, Redfern A, Dramowski A, Mukalay A, Gachuno OW, Mongweli N, Kinuthia J, Ishoso DK, Amoako E, Agyare E, Agbeno EK, Mohammed Jibril A, Abdullahi AM, Amadi O, Mohammed Umar U, Ayele BT, Machekano RN, Nyasulu PS, Hermans MP, Otshudiema JO, Bongo-Pasi Nswe C, Kayembe JN, Mbala-Kingebeni P, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Aanyu HT, Musoke P, Fowler MG, Sewankambo N, Suleman F, Adejumo P, Tsegaye A, Mteta A, Noormahomed EV, Deckelbaum RJ, Zumla A, Mavungu Landu DJ, Tshilolo L, Zigabe S, Goga A, Mills EJ, Umar LW, Kruger M, Mofenson LM, Nachega JB, Investigators in the AFREhealth COVID-19 Research Collaboration on Children and Adolescents Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 33580256 Clin Infect Dis 2021 Nov 16
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection and Pregnancy in Sub-Saharan Africa: A 6-Country Retrospective Cohort Analysis. Nachega JB, Sam-Agudu NA, Machekano RN, Rosenthal PJ, Schell S, de Waard L, Bekker A, Gachuno OW, Kinuthia J, Mwongeli N, Budhram S, Vannevel V, Somapillay P, Prozesky HW, Taljaard J, Parker A, Agyare E, Opoku AB, Makarfi AU, Abdullahi AM, Adirieje C, Ishoso DK, Pipo MT, Tshilanda MB, Bongo-Pasi Nswe C, Ditekemena J, Sigwadhi LN, Nyasulu PS, Hermans MP, Sekikubo M, Musoke P, Nsereko C, Agbeno EK, Yeboah MY, Umar LW, Ntakwinja M, Mukwege DM, Birindwa EK, Mushamuka SZ, Smith ER, Mills EJ, Otshudiema JO, Mbala-Kingebeni P, Tamfum JM, Zumla A, Tsegaye A, Mteta A, Sewankambo NK, Suleman F, Adejumo P, Anderson JR, Noormahomed EV, Deckelbaum RJ, Stringer JSA, Mukalay A, Taha TE, Fowler MG, Wasserheit JN, Masekela R, Mellors JW, Siedner MJ, Myer L, Kengne AP, Yotebieng M, Mofenson LM, Langenegger E, AFREhealth Research Collaboration on COVID-19 and Pregnancy Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 36130257 Clin Infect Dis 2022 Nov 30
Closing the Gaps on Medical Education in Low-Income Countries Through Information & Communication Technologies: The Mozambique Experience. Zavale BL, Spencer EA, Guilundo C, Schooley R, Patel S, Noormahomed EV, Mocumbi AO Biomedical journal of scientific & technical research 37448758 Biomed J Sci Tech Res 2019 Mar
From Easing Lockdowns to Scaling Up Community-based Coronavirus Disease 2019 Screening, Testing, and Contact Tracing in Africa-Shared Approaches, Innovations, and Challenges to Minimize Morbidity and Mortality. Nachega JB, Grimwood A, Mahomed H, Fatti G, Preiser W, Kallay O, Mbala PK, Muyembe JT, Rwagasore E, Nsanzimana S, Ngamije D, Condo J, Sidat M, Noormahomed EV, Reid M, Lukeni B, Suleman F, Mteta A, Zumla A Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 33501963 Clin Infect Dis 2021 Jan 27
Coinfection of HIV-1 with Schistosoma spp. and with Intestinal Parasites in Patients Attending Boane Health Center, Maputo Province, Mozambique. Banze L, Madureira AC, Zacarias BC, Nhacupe N, Mascaro-Lazcano C, Benson CA, Schooley RT, Noormahomed EV EC microbiology 36649459 EC Microbiol 2021
Opportunities and Challenges for Strengthening Biomedical Research in Sub Saharan Countries: The Mozambique Experience. Noormahomed EV EC microbiology 37440833 EC Microbiol 2019 Sep
Survey of Clinical and Anatomic Pathology Laboratory Infrastructure in Mozambique. Ismail MR, Noormahomed EV, Lawicki S, Eichbaum Q American journal of clinical pathology 33940599 Am J Clin Pathol 2021 Oct 13
Neurocysticercosis in Child Bearing Women: An Overlooked Condition in Mozambique and a Potentially Missed Diagnosis in Women Presenting with Eclampsia. Saldanha V, Saldanha G, Reys RP, Benson CA, Noormahomed EV EC microbiology 31681909 EC Microbiol 2018 Nov
Onchocerciasis in Mozambique: An Unknown Condition for Health Professionals. Noormahomed EV, Mascaró-Lazcano C EC microbiology 30957099 EC Microbiol 2019 Mar
Further evaluation of recombinant Tsol-p27 by enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot for the serodiagnosis of cysticercosis in pigs from Mozambique. Nhancupe N, Noormahomed EV, Afonso S, Svard S, Lindh J Parasites & vectors 31775845 Parasit Vectors 2019 Nov 27
Occurrence of feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukaemia virus in Maputo city and province, Mozambique: a pilot study. Tchamo CC, De Rugeriis M, Noormahomed EV JFMS open reports 31534776 JFMS Open Rep 2019 Jul-Dec
Domestic violence in Mozambique: from policy to practice. Jethá E, Keygnaert I, Martins E, Sidat M, Roelens K BMC public health 33888119 BMC Public Health 2021 Apr 22
Echinococcosis in humans and animals in Southern Africa Development Community countries: A systematic review. Miambo RD, Afonso SMS, Noormahomed EV, Pondja A, Mukaratirwa S Food and waterborne parasitology 32995581 Food Waterborne Parasitol 2020 Sep
p16 Expression Correlates with Invasive Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasms in HIV-Infected Mozambicans. Carrilho C, Miu C, Kim Y, Karki S, Balmaceda A, Challa B, Diamond S, Monteiro E, Marole E, Lorenzoni C, Zambujo Y, Liu YT, Schooley RT, Lin JH Ocular oncology and pathology 32258020 Ocul Oncol Pathol 2020 Mar
Assessment of Clinical Outcomes Among Children and Adolescents Hospitalized With COVID-19 in 6 Sub-Saharan African Countries. Nachega JB, Sam-Agudu NA, Machekano RN, Rabie H, van der Zalm MM, Redfern A, Dramowski A, O'Connell N, Pipo MT, Tshilanda MB, Byamungu LN, Masekela R, Jeena PM, Pillay A, Gachuno OW, Kinuthia J, Ishoso DK, Amoako E, Agyare E, Agbeno EK, Martyn-Dickens C, Sylverken J, Enimil A, Jibril AM, Abdullahi AM, Amadi O, Umar UM, Sigwadhi LN, Hermans MP, Otokoye JO, Mbala-Kingebeni P, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Zumla A, Sewankambo NK, Aanyu HT, Musoke P, Suleman F, Adejumo P, Noormahomed EV, Deckelbaum RJ, Fowler MG, Tshilolo L, Smith G, Mills EJ, Umar LW, Siedner MJ, Kruger M, Rosenthal PJ, Mellors JW, Mofenson LM, African Forum for Research and Education in Health (AFREhealth) COVID-19 Research Collaboration on Children and Adolescents JAMA pediatrics 35044430 JAMA Pediatr 2022 Mar 1
Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. Okunade KS Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 31500479 J Obstet Gynaecol 2020 Jul
Modeling cerebellar limb dysmetria and impaired spatial memory in rats using lamivudine: A preliminary study. Akang E, Dosumu O, Afolayan S, Agumah R, Akanmu AS Journal of chemical neuroanatomy 32569723 J Chem Neuroanat 2020 Nov
Evaluation of cardiotoxicity and other adverse effects associated with concomitant administration of artemether/lumefantrine and atazanavir/ritonavir-based antiretroviral regimen in patients living with HIV. Usman SO, Oreagba IA, Busari A, Akinyede A, Adewumi O, Kadri MR, Hassan O, Fashina YA, Agbaje EO, Akanmu SA Saudi pharmaceutical journal : SPJ : the official publication of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society 35693439 Saudi Pharm J 2022 May
Predictors of early mortality risk in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. Okunade KS, John-Olabode S, Ohazurike EO, Soibi-Harry A, Osunwusi B, Anorlu RI Health science reports 35821892 Health Sci Rep 2022 Jul
Evaluation of the effects of atazanavir-ritonavir on the pharmacokinetics of lumefantrine in patients living with HIV in Lagos University Teaching Hospital, South-Western Nigeria. Usman SO, Oreagba IA, Kadri MR, Adewumi OO, Akinyede A, Agbaje EO, Abideen G, Busari AA, Hassan OO, Akinleye MO, Akanmu AS European journal of clinical pharmacology 33755736 Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2021 Sep
Replication of GWAS significant loci in a sub-Saharan African Cohort with early childhood caries: a pilot study. Olatosi OO, Li M, Alade AA, Oyapero A, Busch T, Pape J, Olotu J, Awotoye W, Hassan M, Adeleke C, Adeyemo WL, Sote EO, Shaffer JR, Marazita M, Butali A BMC oral health 34016088 BMC Oral Health 2021 May 20
Prevalence of Factor V Leiden G1691A and Prothrombin G20210A Gene Mutation Among Pregnant Women: Experience from a Multi-Center Study in Nigeria. John-Olabode SO, Okunade KS, James A, Olorunfemi G, Ajie OI, Osuntoki AA, Akanmu AS Journal of blood medicine 34040475 J Blood Med 2021
Evaluation of oxidative markers in women with invasive cervical cancer in Lagos, Nigeria. Offor JO, Okunade KS, Iwalokun BA, Oluwole AA, Anorlu RI Ecancermedicalscience 34567251 Ecancermedicalscience 2021
The prevalence and risk factors for Trichomonas vaginalis infection amongst human immunodeficiency virus-infected pregnant women attending the antenatal clinics of a university teaching hospital in Lagos, South-Western, Nigeria. Ijasan O, Okunade KS, Oluwole AA The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal 29676341 Niger Postgrad Med J 2018 Jan-Mar
Impact of Mobile Technologies on Cervical Cancer Screening Practices in Lagos, Nigeria (mHealth-Cervix): A Randomized Controlled Trial. Okunade KS, Soibi-Harry A, John-Olabode S, Adejimi AA, Allsop MJ, Onyeka TC, Akaba GO, Oshodi YA, Salako O, Ugwu AO, Adefemi A, Anorlu RI, Berek JS JCO global oncology 34554814 JCO Glob Oncol 2021 Aug
Development and evaluation of mucoadhesive bigel containing tenofovir and maraviroc for HIV prophylaxis. Ilomuanya MO, Hameedat AT, Akang EN, Ekama SO, Silva BO, Akanmu AS Future journal of pharmaceutical sciences 33241057 Futur J Pharm Sci 2020
Selenium deficiency and pregnancy outcome in pregnant women with HIV in Lagos, Nigeria. Okunade KS, Olowoselu OF, Osanyin GE, John-Olabode S, Akanmu SA, Anorlu RI International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 29660833 Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2018 Aug
Spectrum of Thyroid Abnormalities among Children Living with HIV in Lagos, Nigeria. Akinsete A, Oyenusi E, Odugbemi B, Odugbemi T, Temiye E Journal of thyroid research 31015954 J Thyroid Res 2019
Investigating the relationship between cancer and orofacial clefts using GWAS significant loci for cancers: A case-control and case-triad study. Fashina A, Busch T, Young M, Adamson O, Awotoye W, Alade A, Adeleke C, Hassan M, Oladayo AM, Gowans LJJ, Eshete M, Naicker T, Olotu J, Adeyemo WL, Butali A Frontiers in oral health 35990505 Front Oral Health 2022
The impact of dolutegravir-based combination antiretroviral therapy on the spermatozoa and fertility parameters of men living with human immunodeficiency virus. Akang EN, Dosumu OO, Ogbenna AA, Akpan UU, Ezeukwu JC, Odofin MO, Oremosu AA, Akanmu AS Andrologia 36261884 Andrologia 2022 Dec
Hiding in plain sight: genetics of childhood steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in Sub-Saharan Africa. Williams AE, Esezobor CI, Lane BM, Gbadegesin RA Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany) 36459247 Pediatr Nephrol 2023 Jul
Achieving a robust mentoring and research capacity program in a LMIC - the BRAINS faculty development model. Ogunsola FT, Sekoni A, Akanmu AS, Adeyemo WL, Osuntoki A, Manga-Atangana B, Afolabi BB, Okubadejo NU, Emmanuel M, Caleb-Adepoju SO, Folarin O, Okonkwo P, Murphy RL, Kanki P BMC medical education 37474931 BMC Med Educ 2023 Jul 20
A preprogram appraisal of factors influencing research productivity among faculty at college of medicine, University of Lagos. Ogunsola FT, Odukoya OO, Banigbe B, Caleb-Adepoju SO, Folarin O, Afolabi BB, Okubadejo NU, Adeyemo WL, Akanmu AS, Osuntoki A, Okonkwo P, Murphy R, Kanki P Annals of African medicine 32499469 Ann Afr Med 2020 Apr-Jun
Volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic: Attitudes and perceptions of clinical medical and dental students in Lagos, Nigeria. Adejimi AA, Odugbemi BA, Odukoya OO, Okunade KS, Taiwo AO, Osibogun A The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal 33642318 Niger Postgrad Med J 2021 Jan-Mar
Microscopic and biochemical changes on liver and kidney of Wistar rats on combination antiretroviral therapy: the impact of naringenin and quercetin. Akang EN, Dosumu OO, Okoko IE, Faniyan O, Oremosu AA, Akanmu AS Toxicology research 33178420 Toxicol Res (Camb) 2020 Sep
Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART)-induced hippocampal disorders: Highlights on therapeutic potential of Naringenin and Quercetin. Akang EN IBRO reports 31061913 IBRO Rep 2019 Jun
Status of HIV-infected patients classified as lost to follow up from a large antiretroviral program in southwest Nigeria. Balogun M, Meloni ST, Igwilo UU, Roberts A, Okafor I, Sekoni A, Ogunsola F, Kanki PJ, Akanmu S PloS one 31344057 PLoS One 2019
Tramadol and Codeine Stacking/Boosting Dose Exposure Induced Neurotoxic Behaviors, Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Neurotoxic Genes in Adolescent Mice. Ishola IO, Eneanya SU, Folarin OR, Awogbindin IO, Abosi AJ, Olopade JO, Okubadejo NU Neurotoxicity research 35829998 Neurotox Res 2022 Oct
Preoperative Predictors of Optimal Tumor Resectability in Patients With Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Okunade KS, Soibi-Harry AP, Osunwusi B, Ohazurike E, John-Olabode SO, Okunowo A, Rimi G, Salako O, Adenekan M, Anorlu R Cureus 35198316 Cureus 2022 Jan
Genetic polymorphisms of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) associated with endometriosis in Nigerian women. Babah OA, Ojewunmi OO, Osuntoki AA, Simon MA, Afolabi BB Human genomics 34717756 Hum Genomics 2021 Oct 30
Dental Caries Severity and Nutritional Status of Nigerian Preschool Children. Olatosi OO, Alade AA, Naicker T, Busch T, Oyapero A, Li M, Pape J, Olotu J, Awotoye W, Hassan M, Adeleke C, Adeyemo WL, Shaffer J, Marazita ML, Butali A JDR clinical and translational research 33764218 JDR Clin Trans Res 2022 Apr
Development and Comparison of Three Data Models for Predicting Diabetes Mellitus Using Risk Factors in a Nigerian Population. Odukoya O, Nwaneri S, Odeniyi I, Akodu B, Oluwole E, Olorunfemi G, Popoola O, Osuntoki A Healthcare informatics research 35172091 Healthc Inform Res 2022 Jan
Analysis of serum placental growth factor levels in preeclamptic and normotensive pregnant women in Lagos, Nigeria: a worthwhile screening tool? Oluwole AA, Onakoya AA, Okunade KS, Babah OA, Akinajo O Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 35603727 J Obstet Gynaecol 2022 Aug
Prognostic impact of pretreatment thrombocytosis in epithelial ovarian cancer. Okunade KS, Dawodu O, Adenekan M, Nwogu CM, Awofeso O, Ugwu AO, Salako O, John-Olabode S, Olowoselu OF, Anorlu RI Nigerian journal of clinical practice 32788493 Niger J Clin Pract 2020 Aug
Feasibility and acceptability of early infant screening for sickle cell disease in Lagos, Nigeria-A pilot study. Oluwole EO, Adeyemo TA, Osanyin GE, Odukoya OO, Kanki PJ, Afolabi BB PloS one 33270733 PLoS One 2020
Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. Okunade KS Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 31825273 J Obstet Gynaecol 2019 Dec 11
Maternal tumour necrosis factor-alpha levels in preeclamptic pregnancies in Lagos, South-West Nigeria. Adenekan MA, Oluwole AA, Olorunfemi G, Sekumade AI, Ajepe AA, Okunade KS Pregnancy hypertension 36323062 Pregnancy Hypertens 2022 Dec
Formulation and evaluation of paclitaxel-loaded boronated chitosan/alginate nanoparticles as a mucoadhesive system for localized cervical cancer drug delivery. Oluwadamilola Miriam K, Rosemary IA, Adebimpe IW, Olusola AM, Prasopchai P, Olanrewaju SB, Adediran OA Journal of drug delivery science and technology 37601485 J Drug Deliv Sci Technol 2023 Sep
Health worker and policy-maker perspectives on use of intramuscular artesunate for pre-referral and definitive treatment of severe malaria at health posts in Ethiopia. Kefyalew T, Kebede Z, Getachew D, Mukanga D, Awano T, Tekalegne A, Batisso E, Edossa W, Mekonnen E, Tibenderana J, Baba ES, Shumba C, Nankabirwa JI, Hamade P Malaria journal 27756301 Malar J 2016 Oct 18
Head and Neck Cancers Case Control Study of HIV Positive Compared to Negative Patients in a Ugandan Population Sample. Adriane K, Jeff O International journal of clinical oral and maxillofacial surgery 32051919 Int J Clin Oral Maxillofac Surg 2017 Aug
Accuracy of Xpert Ultra in Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Children in Uganda: a Substudy from the SHINE Trial. Ssengooba W, Iragena JD, Nakiyingi L, Mujumbi S, Wobudeya E, Mboizi R, Boulware D, Meya DB, Choo L, Crook AM, Lebeau K, Joloba M, Demers AM, Cresswell FV, Gibb DM Journal of clinical microbiology 32493780 J Clin Microbiol 2020 Aug 24
Reduction in Baseline CD4 Count Testing Following Human Immunodeficiency Virus "Treat All" Adoption in Uganda. Nasuuna E, Tenforde MW, Muganzi A, Jarvis JN, Manabe YC, Kigozi J Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 32373932 Clin Infect Dis 2020 Dec 3
Effect of an eLearning Intervention on Undergraduate Health Professional Student's General Histology and Embryology Summative Examination Scores. Munabi IG, Mwaka ES, Kirum GG, Kirwowa H, Gonzaga Mubuuke A, Kiguli S, Buwembo W OAlib 32661500 OAlib 2020 Jun
Variations in Trim5α and Cyclophilin A genes among HIV-1 elite controllers and non controllers in Uganda: a laboratory-based cross-sectional study. Amanya SB, Nyiro B, Waswa F, Obura B, Nakaziba R, Nabulime E, Katabazi AF, Nabatanzi R, Bayiyana A, Mboowa G, Kayongo A, Wayengera M, Sande OJ Retrovirology 32631377 Retrovirology 2020 Jul 6
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin is elevated in children with acute kidney injury and sickle cell anemia, and predicts mortality. Batte A, Menon S, Ssenkusu JM, Kiguli S, Kalyesubula R, Lubega J, Berrens Z, Mutebi EI, Ogwang R, Opoka RO, John CC, Conroy AL Kidney international 35718113 Kidney Int 2022 Oct
Factors associated with the uptake of immediate postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices (PPIUCD) in Rwanda: a mixed methods study. Kanakuze CA, Kaye DK, Musabirema P, Nkubito P, Mbalinda SN BMC pregnancy and childbirth 33109097 BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2020 Oct 27
The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the need for community mental health-care models in Uganda. Mwesiga EK, Nakasujja N, Muhwezi WW, Musisi S The lancet. Psychiatry 33740413 Lancet Psychiatry 2021 May
Perceptions of Lecturers, Administrators, and Students About the Workplace as Learning Environment for Undergraduate Medical Students at a National Referral and Teaching Hospital in Uganda. Kagawa MN, Kiguli S, Steinberg H, Jama MP Advances in medical education and practice 35651478 Adv Med Educ Pract 2022
Use of individual development plans: experiences from junior faculty in the "NURTURE" mentored research program at Makerere University College of Health Sciences. Nakanjako D, Bamuturaki G, Nambooze H, Sewankambo N African health sciences 36321117 Afr Health Sci 2022 Aug
Unique circulating microRNA profiles in epidemic Kaposi's sarcoma. Muwonge H, Kasujja H, Niyonzima N, Atugonza C, Kasolo J, Lugaajju A, Nfambi J, Fred SL, Damani AM, Kimuli I, Zavuga R, Nakazzi F, Kigozi E, Nakanjako D, Kateete DP, Bwanga F Non-coding RNA research 35570854 Noncoding RNA Res 2022 Jun
High COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance among Eye Healthcare Workers in Uganda. Otiti-Sengeri J, Andrew OB, Lusobya RC, Atukunda I, Nalukenge C, Kalinaki A, Mukisa J, Nakanjako D, Colebunders R Vaccines 35455358 Vaccines (Basel) 2022 Apr 14
Clinical characterization, cardiovascular risk factor profile and cardiac strain analysis in a Uganda cancer population: The SATRACD study. Zhang W, Azibani F, Okello E, Kayima J, Sinabulya I, Leeta J, Walusansa V, Orem J, Sliwa K PloS one 33826674 PLoS One 2021
Experiential Learning and Mentorship in Global Health Leadership Programs: Capturing Lessons from Across the Globe. Rodríguez DC, Jessani NS, Zunt J, Ardila-Gómez S, Muwanguzi PA, Atanga SN, Sunguya B, Farquhar C, Nasuuna E Annals of global health 34307064 Ann Glob Health 2021
Discordance of the Repeat GeneXpert MTB/RIF Test for Rifampicin Resistance Detection Among Patients Initiating MDR-TB Treatment in Uganda. Ssengooba W, de Dieu Iragena J, Komakech K, Okello I, Nalunjogi J, Katagira W, Kimuli I, Adakun S, Joloba ML, Torrea G, Kirenga BJ Open forum infectious diseases 34189166 Open Forum Infect Dis 2021 Jun
THE REAL McCOIL: A method for the concurrent estimation of the complexity of infection and SNP allele frequency for malaria parasites. Chang HH, Worby CJ, Yeka A, Nankabirwa J, Kamya MR, Staedke SG, Dorsey G, Murphy M, Neafsey DE, Jeffreys AE, Hubbart C, Rockett KA, Amato R, Kwiatkowski DP, Buckee CO, Greenhouse B PLoS computational biology 28125584 PLoS Comput Biol 2017 Jan
Plasmodium Species Infecting Children Presenting with Malaria in Uganda. Asua V, Tukwasibwe S, Conrad M, Walakira A, Nankabirwa JI, Mugenyi L, Kamya MR, Nsobya SL, Rosenthal PJ The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 28990911 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 Sep
Prevalence of chloroquine resistance alleles among Plasmodium falciparum parasites in countries affected by malaria disease since change of treatment policy: a systematic review protocol. Ocan M, Akena D, Nsobya S, Kamya MR, Senono R, Kinengyere AA, Obuku EA Systematic reviews 30053912 Syst Rev 2018 Jul 27
Mentorship and Ethics in Global Health: Fostering Scientific Integrity and Responsible Conduct of Research. Bukusi EA, Manabe YC, Zunt JR The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 30430980 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2019 Jan
Extensive dental caries in a HIV positive adult patient on ART; case report and literature review. Kalanzi D, Mayanja-Kizza H, Nakanjako D, Sewankambo NK BMC oral health 30526565 BMC Oral Health 2018 Dec 7
K13-propeller gene polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum parasite population: a systematic review protocol of burden and associated factors. Ocan M, Akena D, Nsobya S, Kamya MR, Senono R, Kinengyere AA, Obuku E Systematic reviews 30447701 Syst Rev 2018 Nov 17
Persistent Parasitemia Despite Dramatic Reduction in Malaria Incidence After 3 Rounds of Indoor Residual Spraying in Tororo, Uganda. Nankabirwa JI, Briggs J, Rek J, Arinaitwe E, Nayebare P, Katrak S, Staedke SG, Rosenthal PJ, Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Kamya MR, Dorsey G, Greenhouse B The Journal of infectious diseases 30383230 J Infect Dis 2019 Mar 15
Pregnancy disorders in Africa and the obstetric dilemma. Nakimuli A, Moffett A Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 28938051 Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2016 Dec 1
Prevalence and Predictors of Post-stroke Cognitive Impairment among Stroke Survivors in Uganda. Kaddumukasa MN, Kaddumukasa M, Katabira E, Sewankambo N, Namujju LD, Goldstein LB Research square 36711491 Res Sq 2023 Jan 16
Midwives' perceptions towards the ministry of health guidelines for the provision of immediate postpartum care in rural health facilities in Uganda. Namutebi M, Nalwadda GK, Kasasa S, Muwanguzi PA, Kaye DK BMC pregnancy and childbirth 37072738 BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2023 Apr 18
K13-propeller gene polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum parasite population in malaria affected countries: a systematic review of prevalence and risk factors. Ocan M, Akena D, Nsobya S, Kamya MR, Senono R, Kinengyere AA, Obuku E Malaria journal 30846002 Malar J 2019 Mar 7
Periodontitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis in sub-Saharan Africa, gaps and way forward: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Buwembo W, Munabi IG, Kaddumukasa M, Kiryowa H, Nankya E, Johnson WE, Okello E, Sewankambo N Open journal of stomatology 31695961 Open J Stomatol 2019 Oct
Towards a definition of male partner involvement in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Uganda: a pragmatic grounded theory approach. Muwanguzi PA, Nassuna LK, Voss JG, Kigozi J, Muganzi A, Ngabirano TD, Sewankambo N, Nakanjako D BMC health services research 31399088 BMC Health Serv Res 2019 Aug 9
Improving alcohol and substance use screening in school-age children: translation, adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the CRAFFT tool for Lumasaaba, Uganda. Nalugya JS, Engebretsen IMS, Nakasujja N, Ndeezi G, Babirye JN, Bakken V, Skar AS, Tumwine JK, Skokauskas N Addiction science & clinical practice 38745244 Addict Sci Clin Pract 2024 May 14
Rational and design of SATRACD study: detecting subclinical anthracycline therapy related cardiac dysfunction in low income country. Zhang W, Azibani F, Okello E, Kayima J, Walusansa V, Orem J, Sliwa K African health sciences 34795719 Afr Health Sci 2021 Jun
HIV and syphilis testing behaviors among heterosexual male and female sex workers in Uganda. Muhindo R, Mujugira A, Castelnuovo B, Sewankambo NK, Parkes-Ratanshi R, Kiguli J, Tumwesigye NM, Nakku-Joloba E AIDS research and therapy 32738909 AIDS Res Ther 2020 Aug 1
Barriers and facilitators for transitioning of young people from adolescent clinics to adult ART clinics in Uganda: unintended consequences of successful adolescent ART clinics. Mbalinda SN, Bakeera-Kitaka S, Lusota DA, Magongo EN, Musoke P, Kaye DK BMC health services research 32891150 BMC Health Serv Res 2020 Sep 5
Hepatitis B incidence and prevention with antiretroviral therapy among HIV-positive individuals in Uganda. Seremba E, Ssempijja V, Kalibbala S, Gray RH, Wawer MJ, Nalugoda F, Casper C, Phipps W, Ocama P, Serwadda D, Thomas DL, Reynolds SJ AIDS (London, England) 28099188 AIDS 2017 Mar 27
Barriers and facilitators to oral PrEP uptake among high-risk men after HIV testing at workplaces in Uganda: a qualitative study. Nabunya R, Karis VMS, Nakanwagi LJ, Mukisa P, Muwanguzi PA BMC public health 36805698 BMC Public Health 2023 Feb 20
Prevalence and predictors of post-stroke cognitive impairment among stroke survivors in Uganda. Kaddumukasa MN, Kaddumukasa M, Katabira E, Sewankambo N, Namujju LD, Goldstein LB BMC neurology 37098461 BMC Neurol 2023 Apr 25
Renin as a Biomarker of Acute Kidney Injury and Mortality in Children With Severe Malaria or Sickle Cell Disease. Adan D Jr, Batte A, Namazzi R, Mufumba I, Kazinga C, Mellencamp KA, Bond C, Opoka RO, John CC, Conroy AL Cureus 37842390 Cureus 2023 Sep
Psychological Distress among family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias in Uganda. Gumikiriza-Onoria JL, Nakigudde J, Giordani B, Mayega RW, Sajatovic M, Mukasa MK, Buwembo D, Lwere K, Nakasujja N Research square 38410439 Res Sq 2024 Feb 12
Randomized trial to compare acceptability of magnesium sulphate administration for preeclampsia and eclampsia: Springfusor pump versus standard of care. Ononge S, Nakimuli A, Byamugisha J, Adroma M, Kiondo P, Easterling T, Bracken H PloS one 38865319 PLoS One 2024
Mycobacterium tuberculosis ManLAM inhibits T-cell-receptor signaling by interference with ZAP-70, Lck and LAT phosphorylation. Mahon RN, Sande OJ, Rojas RE, Levine AD, Harding CV, Boom WH Cellular immunology 22507872 Cell Immunol 2012 Jan-Feb
A need to accelerate health research productivity in an African University: the case of Makerere University College of Health Sciences. Nakanjako D, Akena D, Kaye DK, Tumwine J, Okello E, Nakimuli A, Kambugu A, McCullough H, Mayanja-Kizza H, Kamya MR, Sewankambo NK Health research policy and systems 28431554 Health Res Policy Syst 2017 Apr 21
Performance of loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in a high prevalence TB/HIV rural setting in Uganda. Nakiyingi L, Nakanwagi P, Briggs J, Agaba T, Mubiru F, Mugenyi M, Ssengooba W, Joloba ML, Manabe YC BMC infectious diseases 29466946 BMC Infect Dis 2018 Feb 21
Persistence of chloroquine resistance alleles in malaria endemic countries: a systematic review of burden and risk factors. Ocan M, Akena D, Nsobya S, Kamya MR, Senono R, Kinengyere AA, Obuku EA Malaria journal 30871535 Malar J 2019 Mar 12
Bending the Arc towards Equitable Partnerships in Global Health and Applied Training. Martin NA, Kalbarczyk A, Nagourney E, Reich A, Hansoti B, Kambugu A, Quinn TC, Manabe YC, Castelnuovo B Annals of global health 31750079 Ann Glob Health 2019 Nov 6
Psychosocial correlates of regular syphilis and HIV screening practices among female sex workers in Uganda: a cross-sectional survey. Muhindo R, Castelnuovo B, Mujugira A, Parkes-Ratanshi R, Sewankambo NK, Kiguli J, Tumwesigye NM, Nakku-Joloba E AIDS research and therapy 31533749 AIDS Res Ther 2019 Sep 18
Existence, triggers, and coping with chronic sorrow: a qualitative study of caretakers of children with sickle cell disease in a National Referral Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. Olwit C, Mugaba M, Osingada CP, Nabirye RC BMC psychology 30342559 BMC Psychol 2018 Oct 20
Xpert(®) MTB/RIF associated with improved treatment initiation among patients with smear-negative tuberculosis. Zawedde-Muyanja S, Manabe YC, Sewankambo NK, Nakiyingi L, Nakanjako D The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 30606320 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2018 Dec 1
A health care professionals training needs assessment for oncology in Uganda. Byamugisha J, Munabi IG, Mubuuke AG, Mwaka AD, Kagawa M, Okullo I, Niyonzima N, Lusiba P, Ainembabazi P, Kankunda C, Muhumuza DD, Orem J, Atwine D, Ibingira C Human resources for health 32873293 Hum Resour Health 2020 Sep 1
A public health approach to cervical cancer screening in Africa through community-based self-administered HPV testing and mobile treatment provision. Nakalembe M, Makanga P, Kambugu A, Laker-Oketta M, Huchko MJ, Martin J Cancer medicine 32966684 Cancer Med 2020 Nov
Exploring barriers and facilitators to integrated hypertension-HIV management in Ugandan HIV clinics using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Muddu M, Tusubira AK, Nakirya B, Nalwoga R, Semitala FC, Akiteng AR, Schwartz JI, Ssinabulya I Implementation science communications 32885202 Implement Sci Commun 2020
Innate Immune Mechanisms to Protect Against Infection at the Human Decidual-Placental Interface. Hoo R, Nakimuli A, Vento-Tormo R Frontiers in immunology 33013876 Front Immunol 2020
Prevalence, Severity and Factors Associated with Dental Caries Among School Adolescents in Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Study. Ndagire B, Kutesa A, Ssenyonga R, Kiiza HM, Nakanjako D, Rwenyonyi CM Brazilian dental journal 32556017 Braz Dent J 2020 Mar-Apr
Blackwater Fever in Ugandan Children With Severe Anemia is Associated With Poor Postdischarge Outcomes: A Prospective Cohort Study. Opoka RO, Waiswa A, Harriet N, John CC, Tumwine JK, Karamagi C Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 31300826 Clin Infect Dis 2020 May 23
Relative impact of pre-eclampsia on birth weight in a low resource setting: A prospective cohort study. Nakimuli A, Starling JE, Nakubulwa S, Namagembe I, Sekikubo M, Nakabembe E, Scott JG, Moffett A, Aiken CE Pregnancy hypertension 32330863 Pregnancy Hypertens 2020 Jul
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Path Modelling Determined Predictors of Students Reported Human Cadaver Dissection Activity. Munabi IG, Buwembo W Forensic medicine and anatomy research 32337321 Forensic Med Anat Res 2020 Apr
Urine Lipoarabinomannan Testing in Adults With Advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus in a Trial of Empiric Tuberculosis Therapy. Matoga MM, Bisson GP, Gupta A, Miyahara S, Sun X, Fry C, Manabe YC, Kumwenda J, Cecilia K, Nyirenda M, Ngongondo M, Mbewe A, Lagat D, Wallis C, Mugerwa H, Hosseinipour MC Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 34398958 Clin Infect Dis 2021 Aug 16
Use of the creating opportunities for parent empowerment programme to decrease mental health problems in Ugandan children surviving severe malaria: a randomized controlled trial. Bangirana P, Birabwa A, Nyakato M, Nakitende AJ, Kroupina M, Ssenkusu JM, Nakasujja N, Musisi S, John CC, Idro R Malaria journal 34120616 Malar J 2021 Jun 13
Immune response to the hepatitis B vaccine among HIV-infected adults in Uganda. Seremba E, Ocama P, Ssekitoleko R, Mayanja-Kizza H, Adams SV, Orem J, Katabira E, Reynolds SJ, Nabatanzi R, Casper C, Phipps W Vaccine 33516601 Vaccine 2021 Feb 22
Chest X-ray interpretation does not complement Xpert MTB/RIF in diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis among TB-HIV co-infected adults in a resource-limited setting. Nakiyingi L, Bwanika JM, Ssengooba W, Mubiru F, Nakanjako D, Joloba ML, Mayanja-Kizza H, Manabe YC BMC infectious diseases 33435896 BMC Infect Dis 2021 Jan 13
Dental Practitioners' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice in Caries Risk Assessment and Management: A Cross-sectional Survey in Kampala Metropolitan, Uganda. Ndagire B, Muwazi L, Nabaggala GS, Kutesa A, Rwenyonyi CM The journal of contemporary dental practice 35656674 J Contemp Dent Pract 2021 Dec 1
Drivers and barriers to workplace-based HIV self-testing among high-risk men in Uganda: a qualitative study. Muwanguzi PA, Bollinger RC, Ray SC, Nelson LE, Kiwanuka N, Bauermeister JA, Sewankambo NK BMC public health 34044799 BMC Public Health 2021 May 27
Soluble Programmed Death-Ligand 1 (sPD-L1) is Elevated in Aggressive Prostate Cancer Disease Among African Men. Katongole P, Sande OJ, Reynolds SJ, Joloba M, Kajumbula H, Kalungi S, Ssebambulidde K, Nakimuli C, Atuheirwe M, Orem J, Niyonzima N Oncology and therapy 35128628 Oncol Ther 2022 Jun
Prevalence, risk factors and outcome of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection among children in Uganda: a prospective study. Nantanda R, Bwanga F, Najjingo I, Ndeezi G, Tumwine JK Paediatrics and international child health 34743675 Paediatr Int Child Health 2021 Aug
Rifampicin susceptibility discordance between Xpert MTB/RIF G4 and Xpert Ultra before MDRT-TB treatment initiation: A case report from Uganda. Ssengooba W, Komakech K, Namiiro S, Byabajungu H, Nalunjogi J, Katagira W, Kimuli I, Joloba ML, Adakun S, Nakiyingi L, Torrea G, Kirenga BJ Journal of clinical tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases 34816021 J Clin Tuberc Other Mycobact Dis 2021 Dec
Neurodevelopmental performance among pre-schoolers treated for severe anaemia at Lira Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda. Ssemata AS, Opoka RO, Ssenkusu JM, Nakasujja N, John CC, Bangirana P PloS one 33147287 PLoS One 2020
The Effects of Workplace-Based HIV Self-testing on Uptake of Testing and Linkage to HIV Care or Prevention by Men in Uganda (WISe-Men): Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Trial. Muwanguzi PA, Ngabirano TD, Kiwanuka N, Nelson LE, Nasuuna EM, Osingada CP, Nabunya R, Nakanjako D, Sewankambo NK JMIR research protocols 34723826 JMIR Res Protoc 2021 Nov 1
Quality of individual and group level interventions for first-episode psychosis at the tertiary psychiatric hospital in Uganda. Mwesiga EK, Nakasujja N, Nankaba L, Nakku J, Musisi S The South African journal of psychiatry : SAJP : the journal of the Society of Psychiatrists of South Africa 34007478 S Afr J Psychiatr 2021
Circulating levels of angiogenic factors and their association with preeclampsia among pregnant women at Mulago National Referral Hospital in Uganda. Nabweyambo S, Sande OJ, McGovern N, Bwanga F, Ssekagiri A, Keesiga A, Adroma M, Wasswa R, Atuheirwe M, Namugenyi J, Castelnuovo B, Nakimuli A PloS one 34010327 PLoS One 2021
Conducting an ongoing HIV clinical trial during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda: a qualitative study of research team and participants' experiences and lessons learnt. Muwanguzi PA, Kutyabami P, Osingada CP, Nasuuna EM, Kitutu FE, Ngabirano TD, Nankumbi J, Muhindo R, Kabiri L, Namutebi M, Nabunya R, Kiwanuka N, Sewankambo N BMJ open 33883157 BMJ Open 2021 Apr 21
Outcomes of interventions to optimize linkage to HIV care and antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation after HIV self-testing: A scoping review. Muwanguzi PA, Otiku PK, Gausi B, Ngabirano TD, Mbalinda SN, Balogun M, Efie DT, Osingada CP Journal of global health reports 37324956 J Glob Health Rep 2021
Extracellular hydrolytic enzyme activities and biofilm formation in Candida species isolated from people living with human immunodeficiency virus with oropharyngeal candidiasis at HIV/AIDS clinics in Uganda. Musinguzi B, Akampurira A, Derick H, Turyamuhika L, Mwesigwa A, Mwebesa E, Mwesigye V, Kabajulizi I, Sekulima T, Ocheng F, Itabangi H, Mboowa G, Sande OJ, Achan B Microbial pathogenesis 39675440 Microb Pathog 2025 Feb
Reflections of ageing among older adults in a Ugandan community: A qualitative analysis into the benefits and pains of ageing. Gumikiriza-Onoria JL, Nakigudde J, Kaddu Mukasa M, Tibasiima I, Mayega R, Nakasujja N Journal of mental health and aging 38288055 J Ment Health Aging (Lond) 2023
Assessing Weather Services for Rural Fishing and Farming Communities in Uganda. Kibaya P, Munabi IG, Annor F, Baptist Kaddu J American journal of climate change 37229182 Am J Clim Change 2020 Jun
Sex-disaggregated analysis of acute kidney injury in hospitalized children with sickle cell anemia in Uganda. Weckman A, McDonald CR, Naggayi SK, Soranno DE, Conroy AL, Batte A American journal of physiology. Renal physiology 38932693 Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2024 Aug 1
Nurses' knowledge in ethics and their perceptions regarding continuing ethics education: a cross-sectional survey among nurses at three referral hospitals in Uganda. Osingada CP, Nalwadda G, Ngabirano T, Wakida J, Sewankambo N, Nakanjako D BMC research notes 26219840 BMC Res Notes 2015 Jul 29
Early childhood transmission of hepatitis B prior to the first hepatitis B vaccine dose is rare among babies born to HIV-infected and non-HIV infected mothers in Gulu, Uganda. Seremba E, Van Geertruyden JP, Ssenyonga R, Opio CK, Kaducu JM, Sempa JB, Colebunders R, Ocama P Vaccine 28434689 Vaccine 2017 May 19
Evaluation of Xpert (®) MTB/XDR test for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to first and second-line drugs in Uganda. Katamba A, Ssengooba W, Sserubiri J, Semugenze D, William KG, Abdunoor N, Byaruhanga R, Turyahabwe S, Joloba ML medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37066316 medRxiv 2023 Apr 5
Disclosure of Parental HIV Status to Children: Experiences of Adults Receiving Antiretroviral Treatment at an Urban Clinic in Kampala, Uganda. Osingada CP, Okuga M, Nabirye RC, Sewankambo NK, Nakanjako D AIDS research and treatment 29209538 AIDS Res Treat 2017
High prevalence of phenotypic pyrazinamide resistance and its association with pncA gene mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Uganda. Naluyange R, Mboowa G, Komakech K, Semugenze D, Kateete DP, Ssengooba W PloS one 32413052 PLoS One 2020
Non-surgical oral hygiene interventions on disease activity of Rheumatoid arthritis patients with periodontitis: A randomized controlled trial. Buwembo W, Munabi IG, Kaddumukasa M, Kiryowa H, Mbabali M, Nankya E, Johnson WE, Okello E, Sewankambo NK Journal of dental research, dental clinics, dental prospects 32454955 J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects 2020 Winter
Ethical challenges of the healthcare transition to adult antiretroviral therapy (ART) clinics for adolescents and young people with HIV in Uganda. Mbalinda SN, Bakeera-Kitaka S, Amooti DL, Magongo EN, Musoke P, Kaye DK BMC medical ethics 33789618 BMC Med Ethics 2021 Mar 31
Availability, functionality and access of blood pressure machines at the points of care in public primary care facilities in Tororo district, Uganda. Besigye IK, Okuuny V, Armstrong-Hough M, Katahoire AR, Sewankambo NK, Mash R, Katamba A South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 33567842 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2021 Jan 11
Experiences of patients who developed oral mucositis during solid neoplasms treatment: a Ugandan qualitative study. Kamulegeya A, Nakanjako D, Orem J, Mayanja-Kizza H Journal of patient-reported outcomes 33677726 J Patient Rep Outcomes 2021 Mar 6
Text message reminders and peer education increase HIV and Syphilis testing among female sex workers: a pilot quasi-experimental study in Uganda. Muhindo R, Mujugira A, Castelnuovo B, Sewankambo NK, Parkes-Ratanshi R, Kiguli J, Tumwesigye NM, Nakku-Joloba E BMC health services research 33962611 BMC Health Serv Res 2021 May 7
Clinical characteristics and primary management of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer between 2015 and 2019 at the Uganda Cancer Institute. Katongole P, Sande OJ, Yusuf M, Joloba M, Reynolds SJ, Niyonzima N PloS one 33125383 PLoS One 2020
An Association of Quality of Life and Ageing Perceptions among Community Dwelling Older Adults in Uganda. Gumikiriza-Onoria JL, Odokonyero R, Giordani B, Akena D, Mwesiga E, Ssuna B, Ray SC, Bollinger RC, Sewankambo NK, Nakasujja N HSOA journal of gerontology & geriatric medicine 36439049 HSOA J Gerontol Geriatr Med 2022
The development and tailoring of a peer support program for patients with diabetes mellitus and depression in a primary health care setting in Central Uganda. Akena D, Okello ES, Simoni J, Wagner G BMC health services research 32430046 BMC Health Serv Res 2020 May 19
A Quasi-experimental Study Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cryotherapy on Chemotherapy-induced Oral Mucositis Prevention at the Uganda Cancer Institute. Kamulegeya A, Rwenyonyi CM, Orem J, Nakanjako D Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 38661762 J Health Care Poor Underserved 2023
In Vitro Evaluation of the Virulence Attributes of Oropharyngeal Candida Species Isolated from People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus with Oropharyngeal Candidiasis on Antiretroviral Therapy. Musinguzi B, Akampurira A, Derick H, Mwesigwa A, Mwebesa E, Mwesigye V, Kabajulizi I, Sekulima T, Ocheng F, Itabangi H, Mboowa G, Sande OJ, Achan B Research square 38766148 Res Sq 2024 May 7
Field Performance of PIMA Point-of-Care Machine for CD4 Enumeration Under a Mobile HIV Counseling and Testing Program in Remote Fishing Communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda. Namuniina A, Lutwama F, Biribawa VM, Kizza D, Kabuubi BR, Kitandwe PK, Mpendo J, Nanvubya A, Ssempiira J, Nalutaaya A, Ssetaala A, Welsh S, Price MA, Kiwanuka N, Bagaya BS AIDS research and human retroviruses 30560683 AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2019 Apr
High rate of inappropriate blood transfusions in the management of children with severe anemia in Ugandan hospitals. Opoka RO, Ssemata AS, Oyang W, Nambuya H, John CC, Tumwine JK, Karamagi C BMC health services research 30021576 BMC Health Serv Res 2018 Jul 18
Public knowledge about oral cancer in Uganda: a free dental camp experience. Nabirye RC, Kamulegeya A Journal of health research 32051930 J Health Res 2019
Prevalence of Cryptococcus gattii in Ugandan HIV-infected patients presenting with cryptococcal meningitis. Wembabazi A, Nassozi DR, Akot E, Ochola TI, Kweka PT, Katamu NT, Meya D, Achan B PloS one 35839221 PLoS One 2022
IL-6 and IL-8 cytokines are associated with elevated prostate-specific antigen levels among patients with adenocarcinoma of the prostate at the Uganda Cancer Institute. Katongole P, Sande OJ, Nabweyambo S, Joloba M, Kajumbula H, Kalungi S, Reynolds SJ, Ssebambulidde K, Atuheirwe M, Orem J, Niyonzima N Future oncology (London, England) 34881637 Future Oncol 2022 Feb
Building and Sustaining Effective Partnerships for Training the Next Generation of Global Health Leaders. Nakanjako D, Kendall D, Sewankambo NK, Razak MH, Oduor B, Odero T, Garcia P, Farquhar C Annals of global health 34307069 Ann Glob Health 2021
Burden, predictors and short-term outcomes of peripartum cardiomyopathy in a black African cohort. Nabbaale J, Okello E, Kibirige D, Ssekitoleko I, Isanga J, Karungi P, Sebatta E, Zhu ZW, Nakimuli A, Omagino J, Kayima J PloS one 33085703 PLoS One 2020
Medical Mycology dissertation topics require prioritisation among Postgraduate Microbiology trainees of Makerere University, Uganda. Achan B, Mboowa G, Kwizera R, Kateete DP, Kajumbula H, Bongomin F IJID regions 35755461 IJID Reg 2022 Jun
Detecting subclinical anthracycline therapy-related cardiac dysfunction in patients attending Uganda Cancer Institute. Zhang W, Azibani F, Libhaber E, Okello E, Kayima J, Ssinabulya I, Leeta J, Orem J, Sliwa K Future oncology (London, England) 35796280 Future Oncol 2022 Aug
Prevalence of arps10, fd, pfmdr-2, pfcrt and pfkelch13 gene mutations in Plasmodium falciparum parasite population in Uganda. Ocan M, Ashaba FK, Mwesigwa S, Edgar K, Kamya MR, Nsobya SL PloS one 35511795 PLoS One 2022
The human microbiome and its link in prostate cancer risk and pathogenesis. Katongole P, Sande OJ, Joloba M, Reynolds SJ, Niyonzima N Infectious agents and cancer 32884579 Infect Agent Cancer 2020
Prevalence of Oropharyngeal Candidiasis and distribution of Candida species among People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Musinguzi B, Obuku EA, Kinengyere AA, Ndagire R, Baguma A, Mwesigwa A, Itabangi H, Mboowa G, Sande OJ, Achan B Research square 38883750 Res Sq 2024 Jun 6
Distribution of Candida species isolated from people living with human immunodeficiency virus with oropharyngeal and oral candidiasis in Africa in the era of universal test and treat policy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Musinguzi B, Obuku EA, Mwesigwa A, Migisha R, Kinengyere AA, Ndagire R, Baguma A, Okek EJ, Olum R, Itabangi H, Mboowa G, Sande OJ, Achan B Tropical medicine and health 39593167 Trop Med Health 2024 Nov 27
Increasing postgraduate medical mycology research dissertations at Uganda's higher institution of learning. Achan B, Musinguzi B, Itabangi H, Sande OJ, Meya DB IJID regions 39895834 IJID Reg 2025 Mar
Predictors of controlled prescription drug non-medical and lifetime use among patients accessing public mental health services in Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Kamba PF, Mulangwa J, Kageni P, Balikuna S, Kengo A, Mutamba BB, Sewankambo N, Adome RO, Byakika-Kibwika P BMJ open 33771822 BMJ Open 2021 Mar 26
"I felt very small and embarrassed by the health care provider when I requested to be tested for syphilis": barriers and facilitators of regular syphilis and HIV testing among female sex workers in Uganda. Muhindo R, Mujugira A, Castelnuovo B, Sewankambo NK, Parkes-Ratanshi R, Tumwesigye NM, Nakku-Joloba E, Kiguli J BMC public health 34727898 BMC Public Health 2021 Nov 2
Short report: knowledge and perceptions of health workers that strengthen adherence for paediatric and adolescent clients on the intensive adherence counselling program in Kampala, Uganda: a qualitative study. Nasuuna E, Kigozi J, Muganzi A, Sewankambo N, Nakanjako D African health sciences 34447420 Afr Health Sci 2021 May
Transition to adult care: Exploring factors associated with transition readiness among adolescents and young people in adolescent ART clinics in Uganda. Mbalinda SN, Bakeera-Kitaka S, Lusota DA, Musoke P, Nyashanu M, Kaye DK PloS one 33914770 PLoS One 2021
A longitudinal study of plasma BAFF levels in mothers and their infants in Uganda, and correlations with subsets of B cells. Rönnberg C, Lugaajju A, Nyman A, Hammar U, Bottai M, Lautenbach MJ, Sundling C, Kironde F, Persson KEM PloS one 33465125 PLoS One 2021
Association between parental involvement and academic achievement of deaf children at Mulago school for the deaf, Kampala, Uganda. Akellot J, Bangirana P African health sciences 31656513 Afr Health Sci 2019 Jun
Roles and challenges of family physicians in Uganda: A qualitative study. Besigye IK, Onyango J, Ndoboli F, Hunt V, Haq C, Namatovu J African journal of primary health care & family medicine 31714124 Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med 2019 Oct 29
The simple direct slide method is comparable to indirect Lowenstein Jensen proportion culture for detecting rifampicin resistant tuberculosis. Achan B, Asiimwe BB, Joloba ML, Gumusboga M, Ssengooba W, Bwanga F Journal of medical microbiology 33625351 J Med Microbiol 2021 Mar
Challenges faced by caregivers of virally non-suppressed children on the intensive adherence counselling program in Uganda: a qualitative study. Nasuuna E, Kigozi J, Muwanguzi PA, Babirye J, Kiwala L, Muganzi A, Sewankambo N, Nakanjako D BMC health services research 30845951 BMC Health Serv Res 2019 Mar 7
Adherence to clinical guidelines is associated with reduced inpatient mortality among children with severe anemia in Ugandan hospitals. Opoka RO, Ssemata AS, Oyang W, Nambuya H, John CC, Karamagi C, Tumwine JK PloS one 30682097 PLoS One 2019
Patterns of traumatic brain injury and six-month neuropsychological outcomes in Uganda. Bangirana P, Giordani B, Kobusingye O, Murungyi L, Mock C, John CC, Idro R BMC neurology 30717695 BMC Neurol 2019 Feb 4
Academic promotion policies and equity in global health collaborations. Hedt-Gauthier B, Airhihenbuwa CO, Bawah AA, Burke KS, Cherian T, Connelly MT, Hibberd PL, Ivers LC, Jerome JG, Kateera F, Manabe YC, Maru D, Murray M, Shankar AH, Shuchman M, Volmink J Lancet (London, England) 30496066 Lancet 2018 Nov 3
A new vision for bioethics training in global health. DeCamp M, Kalbarczyk A, Manabe YC, Sewankambo NK The Lancet. Global health 31303283 Lancet Glob Health 2019 Aug
Prevalence and factors associated with dental caries in patients attending an HIV care clinic in Uganda: a cross sectional study. Kalanzi D, Mayanja-Kizza H, Nakanjako D, Mwesigwa CL, Ssenyonga R, Amaechi BT BMC oral health 31324242 BMC Oral Health 2019 Jul 19
Prevalence, correlates, and predictive value of high-risk human papillomavirus mRNA detection in a community-based cervical cancer screening program in western Uganda. Nakalembe M, Makanga P, Mubiru F, Swanson M, Martin J, Huchko M Infectious agents and cancer 31114629 Infect Agent Cancer 2019
Elevated inflammatory cytokines in aqueous cytokine profile in HIV-1 infected patients with cataracts in Uganda. Otiti-Sengeri J, Colebunders R, Reynolds SJ, Muwonge M, Nakigozi G, Kiggundu V, Nalugoda F, Nakanjako D BMC ophthalmology 29351788 BMC Ophthalmol 2018 Jan 19
Low HIV viral suppression rates following the intensive adherence counseling (IAC) program for children and adolescents with viral failure in public health facilities in Uganda. Nasuuna E, Kigozi J, Babirye L, Muganzi A, Sewankambo NK, Nakanjako D BMC public health 30134880 BMC Public Health 2018 Aug 22
A descriptive prospective study of sports medicine practices for athletes in Uganda. Lubega SK, Makubuya T, Muwonge H, Lambert M African health sciences 34795741 Afr Health Sci 2021 Jun
Towards Improved Management of Tuberculous Bloodstream Infections: Pharmacokinetic Considerations with Suggestions for Better Treatment Outcomes. Odongo CO, Nakiyingi L, Nkeramihigo CG, Seifu D, Bisaso KR Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland) 35884149 Antibiotics (Basel) 2022 Jul 5
One year prevalence of psychotic disorders among first treatment contact patients at the National Psychiatric Referral and Teaching Hospital in Uganda. Mwesiga EK, Nakasujja N, Nakku J, Nanyonga A, Gumikiriza JL, Bangirana P, Akena D, Musisi S PloS one 31995567 PLoS One 2020
Employers' and Employees' Perspectives of HIV Self-Testing at Male-Dominated Work Sites and Linkage to Posttest Services in Uganda. Muwanguzi PA, Nasuuna EM, Osingada CP, Seruwagi GK, Nuwagira E, Kiwanuka N, Nelson LE, Sewankambo NK The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC 32604172 J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 2020 Nov-Dec
Collection and use of human materials during TB clinical research; a review of practices. Ochieng J, Kwagala B, Sewankambo N BMC medical ethics 35351122 BMC Med Ethics 2022 Mar 29
Molecular characterisation of second-line drug resistance among drug resistant tuberculosis patients tested in Uganda: a two and a half-year's review. Mujuni D, Kasemire DL, Ibanda I, Kabugo J, Nsawotebba A, Phelan JE, Majwala RK, Tugumisirize D, Nyombi A, Orena B, Turyahabwe I, Byabajungu H, Nadunga D, Musisi K, Joloba ML, Ssengooba W BMC infectious diseases 35410160 BMC Infect Dis 2022 Apr 11
Acute kidney injury in hospitalized children with sickle cell anemia. Batte A, Menon S, Ssenkusu J, Kiguli S, Kalyesubula R, Lubega J, Mutebi EI, Opoka RO, John CC, Starr MC, Conroy AL BMC nephrology 35303803 BMC Nephrol 2022 Mar 18
Microbial characteristics of dental caries in HIV positive individuals. Kalanzi D, Mayanja-Kizza H, Nakanjako D, Semitala F, Mboowa G, Mbabali M, Kigozi E, Katabazi FA, Sserwadda I, Kateete DP, Achan B, Sewankambo NK, Muwonge A Frontiers in oral health 36211252 Front Oral Health 2022
Autoantibodies against red blood cell antigens are common in a malaria endemic area. Saleh BH, Lugaajju A, Storry JR, Persson KEM Microbes and infection 36270601 Microbes Infect 2023 Mar-Apr
Linkage to care and treatment among men with reactive HIV self-tests after workplace-based testing in Uganda: A qualitative study. Muwanguzi PA, Nelson LE, Ngabirano TD, Kiwanuka N, Osingada CP, Sewankambo NK Frontiers in public health 36311595 Front Public Health 2022
Evaluation of Xpert MTB/XDR test for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to first and second-line drugs in Uganda. Katamba A, Ssengooba W, Sserubiri J, Semugenze D, Kasule GW, Nyombi A, Byaruhanga R, Turyahabwe S, Joloba ML PloS one 37590288 PLoS One 2023
Midwives' perspectives about using individualized care plans in the provision of immediate postpartum care in Uganda; an exploratory qualitative study. Namutebi M, Nalwadda GK, Kasasa S, Muwanguzi PA, Kaye DK BMC nursing 37737176 BMC Nurs 2023 Sep 22
Perceptions and practices of imaging personnel and physicians regarding the use of brain MRI for dementia diagnosis in Uganda. Nassanga R, Nakasujja N, Kaddumukasa M, Jones SE, Sajatovic M, Kawooya MG PloS one 39823447 PLoS One 2025
Tossing the coin of extended-spectrum β-lactamase: prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from patients with sepsis. Achan B, Luggya T, Ebwongu RI, Sekyanzi S, Kajumbula H Access microbiology 39981381 Access Microbiol 2025
The roles, responsibilities and perceptions of community health workers and ward-based primary health care outreach teams (WBPHCOTs) in South Africa: a scoping review protocol. Mhlongo EM, Lutge E Systematic reviews 31383014 Syst Rev 2019 Aug 5
Obesity-related asthma in children is characterized by T-helper 1 rather than T-helper 2 immune response: A meta-analysis. Nyambuya TM, Dludla PV, Mxinwa V, Nkambule BB Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology 32561508 Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2020 Oct
Elevated T-helper 2 cytokine levels in high fat diet-fed C57BL/6 mice are attenuated by short-term 6-week treatment with a combination of low-dose aspirin and metformin. Mahlangu TJ, Dludla PV, Mxinwa V, Mkandla Z, Tiano L, Louw J, Mutize T, Nyambuya TM, Nkambule BB Cytokine 32014718 Cytokine 2020 Apr
Circulating innate lymphoid cell subtypes and altered cytokine profiles following an atherogenic high-fat diet. Mxinwa V, Dludla PV, Nyambuya TM, Nkambule BB Innate immunity 34787473 Innate Immun 2021 Oct
Parental views on informational counselling provided by audiologists for children with permanent childhood hearing loss. Shezi ZM, Joseph LN The South African journal of communication disorders = Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir Kommunikasieafwykings 34082545 S Afr J Commun Disord 2021 May 25
The availability of priority medicines for children under 5 years in eThekwini, South Africa. Mahadeo S, Narain K, Mhlongo L, Chetty D, Masondo L, Zungu M, Suleman F, Perumal-Pillay VA Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice 34986904 J Pharm Policy Pract 2022 Jan 5
A cluster-randomized controlled trial to improve the quality of integrated HIV-tuberculosis services in primary healthcareclinics in South Africa. Gengiah S, Barker PM, Yende-Zuma N, Mbatha M, Naidoo S, Taylor M, Loveday M, Mhlongo M, Jackson C, Nunn AJ, Padayatchi N, Karim SSA, Naidoo K Journal of the International AIDS Society 34498370 J Int AIDS Soc 2021 Sep
Regulating the South African sport supplement industry: 'Whey' overdue. Naidoo K, Naidoo R, Bangalee V South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde 30004356 S Afr Med J 2018 Feb 27
Analgesia protocols for burns dressings: Challenges with implementation. Wall SL, Clarke DL, Allorto NL Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries 31230803 Burns 2019 Nov
Organizational contextual factors that predict success of a quality improvement collaborative approach to enhance integrated HIV-tuberculosis services: a sub-study of the Scaling up TB/HIV Integration trial. Gengiah S, Connolly C, Yende-Zuma N, Barker PM, Nunn AJ, Padayatchi N, Taylor M, Loveday M, Naidoo K Implementation science : IS 34535170 Implement Sci 2021 Sep 17
Prevalence and aetiology of moderate and severe thrombocytopenia in a tertiary and quaternary centre in KwaZulu-Natal. Jali AGP, Nkambule BB African journal of laboratory medicine 32934907 Afr J Lab Med 2020
Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting: Perceptions of Healthcare Providers. Govender D, Taylor M, Naidoo S Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare 33239882 J Multidiscip Healthc 2020
Adipokines as a therapeutic target by metformin to improve metabolic function: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Dludla PV, Nkambule BB, Mazibuko-Mbeje SE, Nyambuya TM, Mxinwa V, Mokgalaboni K, Ziqubu K, Cirilli I, Marcheggiani F, Louw J, Tiano L Pharmacological research 33017649 Pharmacol Res 2021 Jan
Interprofessional collaborative learning in the workplace: a qualitative study at a non-governmental organisation in Durban, South Africa. Chetty S, Bangalee V, Brysiewicz P BMC medical education 33023590 BMC Med Educ 2020 Oct 6
Drawing lessons from the standard treatment guidelines and essential medicines list concept in South Africa as the country moves towards national health insurance. Perumal-Pillay VA, Suleman F South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 33567840 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2021 Jan 12
Platelet and endothelial cell activation in antiretroviral therapy-treated African women living with HIV and obesity. Mfusi SA, Hanley S, Nkambule BB Thrombosis research 37087806 Thromb Res 2023 Jun
The Impact of Regular Screening and Lifestyle Modification on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in South African Women Living With HIV. Hanley S, Moodley D, Naidoo M, Brummel SS Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 38427932 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2024 May 1
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in South African women living with HIV. Hanley S South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 31897325 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2019
A systematic review on the functional role of Th1/Th2 cytokines in type 2 diabetes and related metabolic complications. Mahlangu T, Dludla PV, Nyambuya TM, Mxinwa V, Mazibuko-Mbeje SE, Cirilli I, Marcheggiani F, Tiano L, Louw J, Nkambule BB Cytokine 31704479 Cytokine 2020 Feb
Pseudo-Generics in South Africa: A Price Comparison. Bangalee V, Suleman F Value in health regional issues 31357098 Value Health Reg Issues 2019 Sep
A new way of teaching an old subject: Pharmacy Law and Ethics. Chetty S, Bangalee V, Oosthuizen F African journal of health professions education 30473874 Afr J Health Prof Educ 2018
The multi-country PROMOTE HIV antiretroviral treatment observational cohort in Sub-Saharan Africa: Objectives, design, and baseline findings. Taha TE, Yende-Zuma N, Aizire J, Chipato T, Wambuzi Ogwang L, Makanani B, Chinula L, Nyati MM, Hanley S, Brummel SS, Fowler MG PloS one 30543692 PLoS One 2018
Is there transparency in the pricing of medicines in the South African private sector? Bangalee V, Suleman F South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde 29429435 S Afr Med J 2018 Feb 1
Rehabilitation approaches for children living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a protocol for scoping review. Maddocks S, Cobbing S, Hanass-Hancock J, Chetty V Systematic reviews 31870410 Syst Rev 2019 Dec 23
Nurses' perception of the multidisciplinary team approach of care for adolescent mothers and their children in Ugu, KwaZulu-Natal. Govender D, Naidoo S, Taylor M African journal of primary health care & family medicine 31038339 Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med 2019 Apr 23
Assessing Knowledge of Community Pharmacists on Cancer: A Pilot Study in Ghana. Mensah KB, Bangalee V, Oosthuizen F Frontiers in public health 30775358 Front Public Health 2019
The effect of gaming on accommodative and vergence facilities after exposure to virtual reality head-mounted display. Munsamy AJ, Paruk H, Gopichunder B, Luggya A, Majola T, Khulu S Journal of optometry 32234359 J Optom 2020 Jul-Sep
Zulu Men's Conceptions, Understanding, and Experiences of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Nxumalo CT, Mchunu GG American journal of men's health 32131678 Am J Mens Health 2020 Mar-Apr
A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Resveratrol Supplementation on Markers of Renal Function and Blood Pressure in Type 2 Diabetic Patients on Hypoglycemic Therapy. Nyambuya TM, Nkambule BB, Mazibuko-Mbeje SE, Mxinwa V, Mokgalaboni K, Orlando P, Silvestri S, Louw J, Tiano L, Dludla PV Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 33266114 Molecules 2020 Nov 30
The aberrant expression of CD69 on peripheral T-helper cells in diet-induced inflammation is ameliorated by low-dose aspirin and metformin treatment. Nyambuya TM, Dludla PV, Nkambule BB Cellular immunology 33631404 Cell Immunol 2021 May
Burning Questions: What Should the Pharmacist Know about Managing Minor Burns? Wall S, Perumal-Pillay VA Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland) 36005940 Pharmacy (Basel) 2022 Aug 22
Perceptions of women enrolled in a cardiovascular disease screening and prevention in HIV study. Hanley S, Ndlazi GJ, Maddocks ST, Chetty V South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 37132568 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2023 Apr 24
A Quality Improvement Intervention to Inform Scale-Up of Integrated HIV-TB Services: Lessons Learned From KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Gengiah S, Naidoo K, Mlobeli R, Tshabalala MF, Nunn AJ, Padayatchi N, Yende-Zuma N, Taylor M, Barker PM, Loveday M Global health, science and practice 34593572 Glob Health Sci Pract 2021 Sep 30
Immunogenicity and safety of a SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein nanoparticle vaccine in people living with and without HIV-1 infection: a randomised, controlled, phase 2A/2B trial. Madhi SA, Moodley D, Hanley S, Archary M, Hoosain Z, Lalloo U, Louw C, Fairlie L, Fouche LF, Masilela MSL, Singh N, Grobbelaar C, Ahmed K, Benadé G, Bhikha S, Bhorat AE, Bhorat Q, Joseph N, Dheda K, Esmail A, Foulkes S, Goga A, Oommen Jose A, Kruger G, Kalonji DJ, Lalloo N, Lombaard JJ, Lombard Koen A, Kany Luabeya A, Mngqibisa R, Petrick FG, Pitsi A, Tameris M, Thombrayil A, Vollgraaff PL, Cloney-Clark S, Zhu M, Bennett C, Albert G, Faust E, Plested JS, Fries L, Robertson A, Neal S, Cho I, Glenn GM, Shinde V, 2019nCoV-501 Study Group The lancet. HIV 35489376 Lancet HIV 2022 May
A pandemic guided by the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test: What should the clinician know? Bangalee A, Govender K, Bangalee V South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 36226952 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2022 Sep 15
Health systems responsiveness towards the Mentor Mother Program for preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in military hospitals. Ibu JM, Mhlongo EM Nursing open 36426988 Nurs Open 2023 Apr
Scoping review of risk factors of and interventions for adolescent repeat pregnancies: A public health perspective. Govender D, Naidoo S, Taylor M African journal of primary health care & family medicine 29943611 Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med 2018 Jun 19
Decentralised clinical training in optometry: a developmental strategy for eye health in KwaZulu Natal? van Staden D Primary health care research & development 29921342 Prim Health Care Res Dev 2018 Jun 20
Circumcised men's perceptions, understanding and experiences of voluntary medical male circumcision in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Nxumalo CT, Mchunu GG South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 32501036 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2020 May 19
The Mentor Mothers Program in the Department of Defense in Nigeria: An Evaluation of Healthcare Workers, Mentor Mothers, and Patients' Experiences. Ibu JM, Mhlongo EM Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 33799489 Healthcare (Basel) 2021 Mar 14
New Medicine Service by Community Pharmacists: An Opportunity to Enhance Universal Health Coverage at a Primary Health Level in South Africa. Naidoo V, Moodley R, Bangalee V, Suleman F Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing 36625010 Inquiry 2023 Jan-Dec
Novavax NVX-COV2373 triggers neutralization of Omicron sub-lineages. Bhiman JN, Richardson SI, Lambson BE, Kgagudi P, Mzindle N, Kaldine H, Crowther C, Gray G, Bekker LG, Novavax trial clinical lead author group, Shinde V, Bennett C, Glenn GM, Madhi SA, Moore PL Scientific reports 36681693 Sci Rep 2023 Jan 21
DNA Methylation and Schizophrenia: Current Literature and Future Perspective. Magwai T, Shangase KB, Oginga FO, Chiliza B, Mpofana T, Xulu KR Cells 34831111 Cells 2021 Oct 26
Evaluating the implementation of the standard treatment guidelines (STGs) and essential medicines list (EML) at a public South African tertiary institution and its associated primary health care (PHC) facilities. Govender T, Suleman F, Perumal-Pillay VA Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice 34906236 J Pharm Policy Pract 2021 Dec 14
Facility Managers' Perceptions of Support and Supervision of Ward Based Primary Health Care Outreach Teams in National Health Insurance Pilot Districts in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. A Qualitative Study. Mhlongo EM, Lutge E Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 34946444 Healthcare (Basel) 2021 Dec 13
Effects of spectacles and telescopes on visual function in students with oculocutaneous albinism. Jhetam S, Mashige KP African health sciences 33163041 Afr Health Sci 2020 Jun
The Pathogenesis of Fever-Induced Febrile Seizures and Its Current State. Mosili P, Maikoo S, Mabandla MV, Qulu L Neuroscience insights 33225279 Neurosci Insights 2020
"I have to provide for another life emotionally, physically and financially": understanding pregnancy, motherhood and the future aspirations of adolescent mothers in KwaZulu-Natal South, Africa. Govender D, Naidoo S, Taylor M BMC pregnancy and childbirth 33054778 BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2020 Oct 14
The roles, responsibilities and perceptions of community health workers and ward-based primary health care outreach teams: a scoping review. Mhlongo EM, Lutge E, Adepeju L Global health action 32892739 Glob Health Action 2020 Dec 31
Natural killer cell levels in adults living with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical studies. Mxinwa V, Dludla PV, Nyambuya TM, Mokgalaboni K, Mazibuko-Mbeje SE, Nkambule BB BMC immunology 32907543 BMC Immunol 2020 Sep 9
Coenzyme Q(10) Supplementation Improves Adipokine Levels and Alleviates Inflammation and Lipid Peroxidation in Conditions of Metabolic Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Dludla PV, Orlando P, Silvestri S, Marcheggiani F, Cirilli I, Nyambuya TM, Mxinwa V, Mokgalaboni K, Nkambule BB, Johnson R, Mazibuko-Mbeje SE, Muller CJF, Louw J, Tiano L International journal of molecular sciences 32375340 Int J Mol Sci 2020 May 4
The Combination Effect of Aspalathin and Phenylpyruvic Acid-2-O-β-D-glucoside from Rooibos against Hyperglycemia-Induced Cardiac Damage: An In Vitro Study. Dludla PV, Muller CJF, Louw J, Mazibuko-Mbeje SE, Tiano L, Silvestri S, Orlando P, Marcheggiani F, Cirilli I, Chellan N, Ghoor S, Nkambule BB, Essop MF, Huisamen B, Johnson R Nutrients 32325968 Nutrients 2020 Apr 20
T-cell activation and cardiovascular risk in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nyambuya TM, Dludla PV, Mxinwa V, Nkambule BB Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) 31765833 Clin Immunol 2020 Jan
Exploring the Comparative Efficacy of Metformin and Resveratrol in the Management of Diabetes-associated Complications: A Systematic Review of Preclinical Studies. Dludla PV, Silvestri S, Orlando P, Gabuza KB, Mazibuko-Mbeje SE, Nyambuya TM, Mxinwa V, Mokgalaboni K, Johnson R, Muller CJF, Tiano L, Louw J, Nkambule BB Nutrients 32168855 Nutrients 2020 Mar 11
The Mentor-Mothers program in the Nigeria Department of Defense: policies, processes, and implementation. Ibu JM, Mhlongo EM BMC health services research 35922797 BMC Health Serv Res 2022 Aug 3
Polypharmacy and the occurrence of potential drug-drug interactions among geriatric patients at the outpatient pharmacy department of a regional hospital in Durban, South Africa. Bojuwoye AO, Suleman F, Perumal-Pillay VA Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice 34983680 J Pharm Policy Pract 2022 Jan 4
The effect of underlying inflammation on iron metabolism, cardiovascular risk and renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes. Ndevahoma F, Nkambule BB, Dludla PV, Mukesi M, Natanael KN, Nyambuya TM EJHaem 35844722 EJHaem 2021 Aug
A qualitative study on patient-centered care and perceptions of nurses regarding primary healthcare facilities in Nigeria. Lateef MA, Mhlongo EM Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E 35964074 Cost Eff Resour Alloc 2022 Aug 13
Healthcare providers' perceptions and understanding of voluntary medical male circumcision in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A qualitative study. Nxumalo CT, Mchunu GG South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 34476965 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2021 Aug 30
Obesity in young South African women living with HIV: A cross-sectional analysis of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Hanley S, Moodley D, Naidoo M PloS one 34780476 PLoS One 2021
The prophylactic effects of vitamin K supplementation on coagulopathies associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Mokgalaboni K, Dludla PV, Nkambule BB Medicine 32871982 Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Aug 14
Impact of gender bias on women surgeons: a South African perspective. Wall SL, Troisi K Journal of medical ethics 32723762 J Med Ethics 2020 Nov
Perceptions from pharmaceutical stakeholders on how the pharmaceutical budget is allocated in South Africa. Moodley L, Suleman F, Perumal-Pillay VA Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice 34548094 J Pharm Policy Pract 2021 Sep 21
Prevalence of congenital colour vision deficiency among Black school children in Durban, South Africa. Mashige KP, van Staden DB BMC research notes 31182158 BMC Res Notes 2019 Jun 10
The Effect of Ocular Perfusion Pressure on Retinal Thickness in Young People with Presumed Systemic Hypotension. Vawda N, Munsamy A Vision (Basel, Switzerland) 34287377 Vision (Basel) 2021 Jul 14
Reaching consensus on an analgesia protocol for paediatric burn patients in a resource-scarce South African community. Wall SL, Allorto NL, Chetty V South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 33764148 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2021 Feb 23
Efficacy and safety of dolutegravir with emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide fumarate or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, and efavirenz, emtricitabine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate HIV antiretroviral therapy regimens started in pregnancy (IMPAACT 2010/VESTED): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial. Lockman S, Brummel SS, Ziemba L, Stranix-Chibanda L, McCarthy K, Coletti A, Jean-Philippe P, Johnston B, Krotje C, Fairlie L, Hoffman RM, Sax PE, Moyo S, Chakhtoura N, Stringer JS, Masheto G, Korutaro V, Cassim H, Mmbaga BT, João E, Hanley S, Purdue L, Holmes LB, Momper JD, Shapiro RL, Thoofer NK, Rooney JF, Frenkel LM, Amico KR, Chinula L, Currier J, IMPAACT 2010/VESTED Study Team and Investigators Lancet (London, England) 33812487 Lancet 2021 Apr 3
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the regulation of programmed cell death-1 on T-cells in type 2 diabetes. Nyambuya TM, Dludla PV, Mxinwa V, Nkambule BB Medicine 33847657 Medicine (Baltimore) 2021 Apr 16
Pharmacy students experience with PharmacyPhlash - a pilot educational board game. Bangalee V, Oosthuizen F, Perumal-Pillay VA, Suleman F, Walters F Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning 33641741 Curr Pharm Teach Learn 2021 Mar
Participants' Reflections on a Home-Based Rehabilitation Intervention for People Living With HIV in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Cobbing S, Chetty V The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC 30822293 J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 2019 Mar-Apr
A study protocol "saving futures: developing an integrated model of rehabilitation and paediatric HIV care to foster success at school". Chetty V, Maddocks S, Cobbing S, Hanass-Hancock J Pilot and feasibility studies 30519480 Pilot Feasibility Stud 2018
Heterogeneity of Memory Marginal Zone B Cells. Hendricks J, Bos NA, Kroese FGM Critical reviews in immunology 29887727 Crit Rev Immunol 2018
Global and gene-specific DNA methylation in adult type 2 diabetic individuals: a protocol for a systematic review. Mutize T, Mkandla Z, Nkambule BB Systematic reviews 29544537 Syst Rev 2018 Mar 15
Screen-based behaviour in children is more than meets the eye. Munsamy AJ, Chetty V, Ramlall S South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 35144462 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2022 Feb 10
The development of an explanatory model for voluntary medical male circumcision in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Nxumalo CT, Mchunu GG South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 34797095 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2021 Nov 16
Fake news and fallacies: Exploring vaccine hesitancy in South Africa. Bangalee A, Bangalee V South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 34797097 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2021 Oct 26
A comparison of analgesia requirements in children with burns: Do delayed referrals require higher procedural analgesia doses? Wall SL, Clarke DL, Allorto NL Burns open : an international open access journal for burn injuries 35634456 Burns Open 2020 Jul
"My partner was not fond of using condoms and I was not on contraception": understanding adolescent mothers' perspectives of sexual risk behaviour in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Govender D, Naidoo S, Taylor M BMC public health 32197592 BMC Public Health 2020 Mar 18
Isoorientin: A dietary flavone with the potential to ameliorate diverse metabolic complications. Ziqubu K, Dludla PV, Joubert E, Muller CJF, Louw J, Tiano L, Nkambule BB, Kappo AP, Mazibuko-Mbeje SE Pharmacological research 32407953 Pharmacol Res 2020 Aug
The impact of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Ntsethe A, Dludla PV, Nyambuya TM, Ngcobo SR, Nkambule BB Medicine 32664154 Medicine (Baltimore) 2020 Jul 10
Artemisia Spp. Derivatives for COVID-19 Treatment: Anecdotal Use, Political Hype, Treatment Potential, Challenges, and Road Map to Randomized Clinical Trials. Kapepula PM, Kabengele JK, Kingombe M, Van Bambeke F, Tulkens PM, Sadiki Kishabongo A, Decloedt E, Zumla A, Tiberi S, Suleman F, Tshilolo L, Muyembe-TamFum JJ, Zumla A, Nachega JB The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 32705976 Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 Sep
Children living with HIV-related disabilities in a resource-poor community in South Africa: caregiver perceptions of caring and rehabilitation. Maddocks S, Moodley K, Hanass-Hancock J, Cobbing S, Chetty V AIDS care 31426663 AIDS Care 2020 Apr
Access considerations for a COVID-19 vaccine for South Africa. Bangalee V, Suleman F South African family practice : official journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care 33179954 S Afr Fam Pract (2004) 2020 Oct 29
Amputations secondary to burn injuries in a resource-limited setting. Wall SL, Osman Y, Buthelezi X, Allorto NL Injury 34986979 Injury 2022 May
A qualitative study to explore primary health care practitioners' perceptions and understanding regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Nxumalo CT, Mchunu GG African journal of primary health care & family medicine 34879694 Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med 2021 Nov 26
Prognostic value of CD20 antigen mediated immune checkpoint inhibition in patients with acute or chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A protocol for systematic review. Mkhwanazi ZA, Mfusi SA, Nkambule BB Medicine 35363193 Medicine (Baltimore) 2022 Feb 18
MEDICINE AND THE LAW. Bangalee A, Hanley S, Bangalee V South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde 36472336 S Afr Med J 2022 Oct 5
Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Healthcare Workers in South Africa. George G, Nota PB, Strauss M, Lansdell E, Peters R, Brysiewicz P, Nadesan-Reddy N, Wassenaar D Vaccines 36851290 Vaccines (Basel) 2023 Feb 10
Examining the uptake of COVID-19 vaccine booster doses among healthcare workers in South Africa: A mixed-methods study. George G, Nota P, Strauss M, Lansdell E, Peters RPH, Brysiewicz P, Nadesan-Reddy N, Wassenaar D PLOS global public health 37983237 PLOS Glob Public Health 2023
Effects of Autoclaving and Freeze-Drying on Physicochemical Properties of Plectranthus esculentus Starch Derivatives. Guktur RE, Nep EI, Kemas CU, Olorunfemi PO, Ngwuluka NC, Ochekpe NA, Sagay AS AAPS PharmSciTech 35739364 AAPS PharmSciTech 2022 Jun 23
Pattern of prevalent Hepatitis B virus genotypes in Zaria, Nigeria. Ahmad AE, Bakari AG, Musa BOP, Mustapha SK, Jamoh BY, Abdullahi IN, Tahir MI, Olatunji AO, Maishanu SH, Suleiman AB, Tolulope A, Hawkins C, Sagay AS, Zoakah A, Olayinka AT The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal 31187746 Niger Postgrad Med J 2019 Apr-Jun
Factors affecting the utilization of long lasting insecticide treated bed nets among people living with HIV/AIDS in Bassa Local Government area of Plateau State, Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Amaike C, Bello DA, Lar LA, Zoakah A Research journal of health sciences 34109264 Res J Health Sci 2015 Apr-Jun
Characterization of high risk human papilloma virus genotypes associated with oropharyngeal cancers in a Nigerian population. Akhiwu BI, Akhiwu HO, Afolaranmi T, Chuwang N, Elugbe A, Shedrach A, Luka P, Odumosu P, Olorunfemi PO, Adoga SA, Silas O, Ugwu BT, Ladeinde A, Imade GE, Sagay AS The Pan African medical journal 33777308 Pan Afr Med J 2021
Benzo[a]pyrene and Benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide induced locomotor and reproductive senescence and altered biochemical parameters of oxidative damage in Canton-S Drosophila melanogaster. Johnson TO, Abolaji AO, Omale S, Longdet IY, Kutshik RJ, Oyetayo BO, Adegboyega AE, Sagay A Toxicology reports 33777703 Toxicol Rep 2021
Pretreatment and Acquired Drug Resistance in Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in Jos, Nigeria. Ebonyi AO, Okpokwu J, Rawizza H, Chebu P, Chaplin B, Hamel D, Oguche S, Agbaji OO, Sagay AS, Kanki PJ, Imade GE Open forum infectious diseases 38464491 Open Forum Infect Dis 2024 Mar
Long Term Exposure to Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate-Containing Antiretroviral Therapy Is Associated with Renal Impairment in an African Cohort of HIV-Infected Adults. Agbaji OO, Abah IO, Ebonyi AO, Gimba ZM, Abene EE, Gomerep SS, Falang KD, Anejo-Okopi J, Agaba PA, Ugoagwu PO, Agaba EI, Imade GE, Sagay AS, Okonkwo P, Idoko JA, Kanki PJ Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 30672363 J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2019 Jan-Dec
INDOLEAMINE-2,3-DIOXYGENASE GENE EXPRESSION LEVELS IN RESPONSE TO CHRONIC HEPATITIS B VIRUS INFECTION IN ZARIA, NIGERIA. Ahmad AE, Bakari AG, Musa BOP, Mustapha SK, Yusuf BJ, Abdullahi IN, Tahir MI, Afolaranmi TO, Hawkins C, Sagay AS, Muktar HM, Usman Y, Anka AU, Olayinka AT Nigerian journal of immunology 37829172 Niger J Immunol 2023 Sep 7
Sexual Behaviors of HIV-Infected Men who Have Sex with Men in Jos, Plateau State, North Central Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Misari Z, Ugwu OJ, Adeoye PA, Fayenuwo OJ, Eugene EC, David Ofakunrin AO, Chingle MP, Shugaba AI Indian journal of community medicine : official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine 33623221 Indian J Community Med 2020 Oct-Dec
Retention in HIV care and its predictors among HIV-infected men who have sex with men in Plateau state, North Central Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Ugwu OJ, Ofakunrin AOD, Bello KK, Chingle MP, Shugaba AI Journal of family medicine and primary care 34123898 J Family Med Prim Care 2021 Apr
Phenotypic profile and antibiogram of biofilm-producing bacteria isolates from diabetic foot ulcers in Zaria, Nigeria. Usman Y, Bakari AG, Abdullahi IN, Ahmad AE, Sani-Bello F, Sagay AS, Olayinka AT The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal 34850749 Niger Postgrad Med J 2021 Oct-Dec
Training: A vital tool for improving the knowledge and practice of food safety and hygiene among food handlers in boarding secondary schools in Plateau State. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Bello DA, Tagurum YO, Miner CA, Zoakah AI, Ogbonna C Journal of medicine in the tropics 34109135 J Med Trop 2014 Jul-Dec
Treatment compliance and retention in care among out-patient clients in a tertiary health institution in plateau state North Central Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Mbak JL, Luka DW, Audu TN, Chirdan OO, Zoakah AI International journal of research in medical sciences 34109250 Int J Res Med Sci 2018 Jun
Knowledge of electronic medical records system among frontline health care workers in Jos University teaching hospital, Plateau State Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Dawar BL, Wilson BD, Zakari AI, Bello KK, Ofakunrin AOD, Ogbeyi GO International journal of research in medical sciences 34109251 Int J Res Med Sci 2020 Nov
Antipsychotic-like effect of ethyl acetate fraction of Terminalia macroptera leaf in mice. Ior LD, Otimenyin SO, Okwuasaba FK IBRO neuroscience reports 33842914 IBRO Neurosci Rep 2021 Jun
Psychoactive substance use and its predictors among commercial tricycle operators in Jos north local government area of Plateau State. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Ugwu OJ, Onche MA, Obasi JC, Stephen OG, Ugwu KG, Bupwatda PW Journal of medicine in the tropics 34095005 J Med Trop 2020 Jan-Jun
Assessment of safe handling practices among resident doctors in Jos University Teaching Hospital Plateau state, Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Pam OS, Ugwu LM, Oyegoke TI, Bello KK, Miner CA, Ogbeyi GO Journal of medicine in the tropics 34150680 J Med Trop 2021 Jan-Jun
Distribution of hepatitis B virus-positive individuals in Zaria, Nigeria, according to risk-associated practices. Ahmad AE, Bakari AG, Musa BOP, Mustapha SK, Abdullahi IN, Tahir MI, Jamoh BY, Olatunji AO, Maishanu SH, Hali B, Hawkins CA, Sagay AS, Olayinka AT Calabar journal of health sciences 32095787 Calabar J Health Sci 2019 Jan-Mar
Chikungunya virus antepartum transmission and abnormal infant outcomes in a cohort of pregnant women in Nigeria. Sagay AS, Hsieh SC, Dai YC, Chang CA, Ogwuche J, Ige OO, Kahansim ML, Chaplin B, Imade G, Elujoba M, Paul M, Hamel DJ, Furuya H, Khouri R, Boaventura VS, de Moraes L, Kanki PJ, Wang WK International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 38056689 Int J Infect Dis 2024 Feb
Workplace Bullying and Its Associated Factors Among Medical Doctors in Residency Training in a Tertiary Health Institution in Plateau State Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Gokir BM, Kilani A, Igboke R, Ugwu KG, Amaike C, Ofakunrin AOD Frontiers in public health 35155359 Front Public Health 2021
Head Circumference of Babies at Birth in Nigeria. Pam VC, Yilgwan CS, Shwe DD, Abok I, Shehu N, Gomerep SS, Ejiji IS, Ocheke A, Ajang FM, Mutihir JT, Gurumdimma N, Egah D, Oguche S Journal of tropical pediatrics 31032856 J Trop Pediatr 2019 Dec 1
Prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection among pregnant women in Jos, Nigeria. Magaji FA, Okolo MO, Hassan Z, Shambe IH, Pam VC, Ocheke AN, Yiltok ES, Golit W, Anzaku SA, Daloek M, Ogwuche J, Imade GE, Isichie C, Mutihir JT, Oguche S, Agbaji O, Musa J, Sagay SA, Zoakah AI, Cohn SE Annals of African medicine 32820729 Ann Afr Med 2020 Jul-Sep
Study of congenital heart defects among neonates in Jos, Nigeria: prevalence and spectrum. Ige OO, Afolanranmi TO, Yilgwan CS, Ayatse F, Nkereuwem E, Sagay AS, Kanki P, Bode-Thomas F Cardiovascular journal of Africa 33605299 Cardiovasc J Afr 2021 Jan-Feb 23
Cardiovascular Anthropometry: What Is Best Suited for Large-Scale Population Screening in Sub-Saharan Africa? Agbo HA, Zoakah AI, Isichei CO, Sagay AS, Achenbach CJ, Okeahialam BN Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine 33344511 Front Cardiovasc Med 2020
Subclinical atherosclerosis and associated risk factors among HIV-infected adults in Jos, North Central Nigeria: a cross-sectional study. Imoh LC, Ani CC, Iyua KO, Odo AI, Amusa GA, Osaigbovo GO, Isichei CO, Agbaji OO, Imade G, Zoakah AI, Okeahialam BN, Sagay AS The Pan African medical journal 33796201 Pan Afr Med J 2020
Effect of health education on the uptake of HIV counseling and testing among long distance drivers in Jos North Local Government Areas of Plateau State. Hassan ZI, Afolaranmi TO, Tagurum YO, Bello DA, Daboar JC, Miner CA, Zoakah AI Journal of medicine in the tropics 34109136 J Med Trop 2014 Jul-Dec
Effect of health education on knowledge of malaria and long lasting insecticide-treated nets among clients accessing care in the out-patient Department of a Secondary Health Facility in Plateau State, Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Amaike C, Miner CA, Oyebode T Journal of medicine in the tropics 34109137 J Med Trop 2015 Jul-Dec
Knowledge of adverse events following immunization, its prevalence and actions of mothers of children aged 0-23 months in a tertiary health institution in Jos, North Central Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Sodipo OY, Gwomson D, Ugwu OJ, Ofakunrin AOD, Ige OO, Tagurum YO, Bupwatda PW Journal of medicine in the tropics 34109138 J Med Trop 2020 Jan-Jun
Carboxymethylated and acetylated xerogel derivatives of Plectranthus esculentus starch protect Newcastle disease vaccines against cold chain failure. Guktur RE, Nep EI, Asala O, Olorunfemi PO, Ngwuluka NC, Ochekpe NA, Sagay AS Vaccine 34253418 Vaccine 2021 Aug 9
Preference for complementary and alternative medicine among patients on long-term treatment in Jos university teaching hospital, Nigeria. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI Journal of medicine in the tropics 33880363 J Med Trop 2020 Jul-Dec
Haematological and Immunological Parameters in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in Zaria, Nigeria. Ahmad AE, Bakari AG, Musa BOP, Mustapha SK, Nasir AI, Tahir MI, Jamoh BY, Olatunji AO, Maishanu SH, Suleiman AB, Hawkins CA, Sagay AS, Olayinka AT Sokoto journal of medical laboratory science 31263806 Sokoto J Med Lab Sci 2018 Dec
Disclosure of Sexual Orientation and its Predictors among HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men in a Contemporary African Setting. Afolaranmi TO, Hassan ZI, Ugwu KG, Ugwu OJ, D Ofakunrin AO, Oyebode TA, Chingle MP, Shugaba AI Indian journal of community medicine : official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine 34759506 Indian J Community Med 2021 Jul-Sep
Effectiveness and Safety of Hydroxyurea in the Treatment of Sickle Cell Anaemia Children in Jos, North Central Nigeria. Ofakunrin AOD, Oguche S, Adekola K, Okpe ES, Afolaranmi TO, Diaku-Akinwumi IN, Zoakah AI, Sagay AS Journal of tropical pediatrics 31608959 J Trop Pediatr 2020 Jun 1
Profile of congenital heart disease in infants born following exposure to preeclampsia. Yilgwan CS, Pam VC, Ige OO, Golit WN, Anzaku S, Imade GE, Yilgwan G, Mutihir JT, Sagay AS, Odili A, Zoakah AI, Bode-Thomas F, Simon MA PloS one 32214332 PLoS One 2020
Dementia assessment and diagnostic practices of healthcare workers in rural southwestern Uganda: a cross-sectional qualitative study. Kamoga R, Rukundo GZ, Wakida EK, Nakidde G, Obua C, Buss SS BMC health services research 31881885 BMC Health Serv Res 2019 Dec 27
Prevalence and Risk Factors of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders in Rural Southwestern Uganda. Namagga JK, Rukundo GZ, Voss JG The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC 31461736 J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 2019 Sep-Oct
Caring for people with dementia in rural Uganda: qualitative study of caregiving burden experienced by informal and formal caregivers. Ainamani HE, Alele PE, Rukundo GZ, Maling S, Wakida EK, Obua C, Tsai AC Journal of global health reports 33043153 J Glob Health Rep 2020
Risks of adverse perinatal and maternal outcomes among women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in southwestern Uganda. Lugobe HM, Muhindo R, Kayondo M, Wilkinson I, Agaba DC, McEniery C, Okello S, Wylie BJ, Boatin AA PloS one 33112915 PLoS One 2020
Mbarara University Research Training Initiative: Experiences and Accomplishments of the MEPI Junior D43 TW010128 Award in Uganda. Wakida EK, Atuhaire CD, Karungi CK, Maling S, Obua C Advances in medical education and practice 34887692 Adv Med Educ Pract 2021
High prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a hospital-based cross-sectional study in Southwestern Uganda. Saasita PK, Senoga S, Muhongya K, Agaba DC, Migisha R The Pan African medical journal 34527158 Pan Afr Med J 2021
Perceptions on preeclampsia and eclampsia among senior, older women, in rural Southwestern Uganda. Nabulo H, Ruzaaza G, Mugabi F, Bajunirwe F Journal of global health reports 34541336 J Glob Health Rep 2021
Social Support, Food Insecurity, and HIV Stigma Among Men Living with HIV in Rural Southwestern Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Arinaitwe I, Amutuhaire H, Atwongyeire D, Tusingwire E, Kawungezi PC, Rukundo GZ, Ashaba S HIV/AIDS (Auckland, N.Z.) 34163254 HIV AIDS (Auckl) 2021
Electroencephalogram utilization and psychiatric comorbidities among children and adolescents with epilepsy in rural Southwestern Uganda. Kirabira J, Rukundo GZ, Kibuuka M International journal of psychiatry in medicine 35034513 Int J Psychiatry Med 2023 Jan
An Analysis of Stroke Risk Factors by HIV Serostatus in Uganda: Implications for Stroke Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa. Mbonde AA, Chang J, Musubire A, Okello S, Kayanja A, Acan M, Nkwanga J, Katende A, Chow FC, Saylor D, O'Carroll C, Siedner MJ Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 35477067 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2022 Jul
Prevalence and factors associated with psychological distress among pregnant and non-pregnant youth living with HIV in rural Uganda: a comparative study. Kesande C, Bapolisi A, Kaggwa MM, Nakimuli-Mpungu E, Maling S, Ashaba S Psychology, health & medicine 35260003 Psychol Health Med 2023 Feb
Barriers and facilitators to the integration of mental health services into primary health care: a systematic review protocol. Wakida EK, Akena D, Okello ES, Kinengyere A, Kamoga R, Mindra A, Obua C, Talib ZM Systematic reviews 28841908 Syst Rev 2017 Aug 25
Reliability, Validity, and Factor Structure of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25: Population-Based Study of Persons Living with HIV in Rural Uganda. Ashaba S, Kakuhikire B, Vořechovská D, Perkins JM, Cooper-Vince CE, Maling S, Bangsberg DR, Tsai AC AIDS and behavior 28667469 AIDS Behav 2018 May
Perceived stigma and school attendance among children and adolescents with epilepsy in South Western Uganda. Kirabira J, Forry BJ, Fallen R, Sserwanga B, Rukundo GZ African health sciences 33402925 Afr Health Sci 2020 Mar
Postural changes in blood pressure among patients with diabetes attending a referral hospital in southwestern Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Migisha R, Agaba DC, Katamba G, Manne-Goehler J, Muyingo A, Siedner MJ BMC cardiovascular disorders 33906603 BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2021 Apr 27
A case control study of the factors associated with occurrence of aerodigestive foreign bodies in children in a regional referral hospital in South Western Uganda. Nakku D, Byaruhanga R, Bajunirwe F, Kyamwanga IT BMC ear, nose, and throat disorders 26981048 BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord 2016
Provision of family planning vouchers and early initiation of postpartum contraceptive use among women living with HIV in southwestern Uganda: A randomized controlled trial. Atukunda EC, Mugyenyi GR, Obua C, Atuhumuza EB, Lukyamuzi EJ, Kaida A, Agaba AG, Matthews LT PLoS medicine 31226123 PLoS Med 2019 Jun
Internalized HIV stigma, bullying, major depressive disorder, and high-risk suicidality among HIV-positive adolescents in rural Uganda. Ashaba S, Cooper-Vince C, Maling S, Rukundo GZ, Akena D, Tsai AC Global mental health (Cambridge, England) 29997894 Glob Ment Health (Camb) 2018
Understanding Patterns of Social Support and Their Relationship to an ART Adherence Intervention Among Adults in Rural Southwestern Uganda. Atukunda EC, Musiimenta A, Musinguzi N, Wyatt MA, Ashaba J, Ware NC, Haberer JE AIDS and behavior 27671479 AIDS Behav 2017 Feb
HIV status and hearing loss among children between 6 and 12 years of age at a large urban health facility in south western Uganda. Nakku D, Nyaiteera V, Llowet E, Nanseera D, Nakalema G, Westerberg B, Bajunirwe F International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 28964291 Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2017 Oct
Understanding coping strategies during pregnancy and the postpartum period: a qualitative study of women living with HIV in rural Uganda. Ashaba S, Kaida A, Burns BF, O'Neil K, Dunkley E, Psaros C, Kastner J, Tsai AC, Bangsberg DR, Matthews LT BMC pregnancy and childbirth 28482821 BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2017 May 8
Factors Associated with Pregnancy Intentions Amongst Postpartum Women Living with HIV in Rural Southwestern Uganda. Atukunda EC, Mugyenyi GR, Atuhumuza EB, Kaida A, Boatin A, Agaba AG, Matthews LT AIDS and behavior 30367320 AIDS Behav 2019 Jun
A systematic review protocol of stigma among children and adolescents with epilepsy. Kirabira J, Forry JB, Kinengyere AA, Adriko W, Amir A, Rukundo GZ, Akena D Systematic reviews 30636635 Syst Rev 2019 Jan 12
Lay Health Workers in Community-Based Care and Management of Dementia: A Qualitative 'Pre' and 'Post' Intervention Study in Southwestern Uganda. Karungi CK, Wakida EK, Rukundo GZ, Talib ZM, Haberer JE, Obua C BioMed research international 35372572 Biomed Res Int 2022
Prevalence and factors associated with suicide among medical professionals in low/middle-income countries: a systematic review protocol. Rukundo GZ, Byakwaga H, Kinengyere A, Bapolisi AM, Betancourt M, Akena D BMJ open 31427329 BMJ Open 2019 Aug 18
Childhood trauma, major depressive disorder, suicidality, and the modifying role of social support among adolescents living with HIV in rural Uganda. Ashaba S, Cooper-Vince C, Maling S, Satinsky EN, Baguma C, Akena D, Nansera D, Bajunirwe F, Tsai AC Journal of affective disorders reports 34841384 J Affect Disord Rep 2021 Apr
Community beliefs, HIV stigma, and depression among adolescents living with HIV in rural Uganda. Ashaba S, Cooper-Vince CE, Vořechovská D, Rukundo GZ, Maling S, Akena D, Tsai AC African journal of AIDS research : AJAR 31339461 Afr J AIDS Res 2019 Sep
Depression and HIV associated neurocognitive disorders among HIV infected adults in rural southwestern Uganda: a cross-sectional quantitative study. Namagga JK, Rukundo GZ, Niyonzima V, Voss J BMC psychiatry 34253176 BMC Psychiatry 2021 Jul 12
Adherence to clinical guidelines in integration of mental health services into primary health care in Mbarara, southwestern Uganda: a medical records review. Wakida EK, Ocan M, Rukundo GZ, Maling S, Ssebutinde P, Okello ES, Talib ZM, Obua C International journal of mental health systems 34266448 Int J Ment Health Syst 2021 Jul 15
Factors Influencing Utilization of HIV Testing Services among Boda-Boda Riders in Kabarole District, Southwestern Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Study. Ssekankya V, Githaiga SK, Aleko T, Munguciada EF, Nabakka VP, Kyalisiima JJ, Ndyabakira A, Migisha R BioMed research international 33869636 Biomed Res Int 2021
Structured and sustained family planning support facilitates effective use of postpartum contraception amongst women living with HIV in South Western Uganda: A randomized controlled trial. Atukunda EC, Mugyenyi GR, Musiimenta A, Kaida A, Atuhumuza EB, Lukyamuzi EJ, Agaba AG, Obua C, Matthews LT Journal of global health 34131487 J Glob Health 2021 Jun 5
Prevalence and correlates of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in rural Uganda: cross-sectional, population-based study. Mubangizi V, Maling S, Obua C, Tsai AC BMC geriatrics 32041525 BMC Geriatr 2020 Feb 10
Cardio-metabolic abnormalities among patients with severe mental illness at a Regional Referral Hospital in southwestern Uganda. Agaba DC, Migisha R, Katamba G, Ashaba S PloS one 32678850 PLoS One 2020
HIV Infection and 90-Day Stroke Outcomes in Uganda: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study. Mbonde AA, Chang J, Musubire AK, Okello S, Kayanja A, Moses A, Butterfield RJ, Chow FC, Saylor DR, O'Carroll CB, Siedner M Neurology. Clinical practice 38495078 Neurol Clin Pract 2023 Dec
High prevalence of prolonged QTc interval among individuals in ambulatory diabetic care in southwestern Uganda. Migisha R, Agaba DC, Katamba G, Miranda SL, Muyingo A, Siedner MJ International journal of diabetes in developing countries 35177883 Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries 2021 Oct
Psychiatric disorders among children and adolescents with active epilepsy in southwestern Uganda. Kirabira J, Lam A, Ssuna B, Rukundo GZ PAMJ one health 34604861 PAMJ One Health 2020
Validation of the Intracerebral Hemorrhage Score in Uganda. Abdallah A, Chang JL, O'Carroll CB, Okello S, Olum S, Acan M, Aden AA, Chow FC, Siedner MJ Stroke 30571425 Stroke 2018 Dec
Barriers and facilitators to the integration of mental health services into primary health care: a systematic review. Wakida EK, Talib ZM, Akena D, Okello ES, Kinengyere A, Mindra A, Obua C Systematic reviews 30486900 Syst Rev 2018 Nov 28
Affective and Psychotic Disorders in War-Torn Eastern Part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Cross-Sectional Study. Vivalya BM, Bin Kitoko GM, Nzanzu AK, Vagheni MM, Masuka RK, Mugizi W, Ashaba S Psychiatry journal 32775401 Psychiatry J 2020
Informal support for people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in rural Uganda: a qualitative study. Nankinga PN, Maling S, Chemali Z, Wakida EK, Obua C, Okello ES International journal of mental health systems 32411294 Int J Ment Health Syst 2020
A 10-Year Risk of Cardiovascular Disease among Patients with Severe Mental Illness at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, Southwestern Uganda. Agaba DC, Migisha R, Lugobe HM, Katamba G, Ashaba S BioMed research international 32775412 Biomed Res Int 2020
Psychosocial challenges facing women living with HIV during the perinatal period in rural Uganda. Ashaba S, Kaida A, Coleman JN, Burns BF, Dunkley E, O'Neil K, Kastner J, Sanyu N, Akatukwasa C, Bangsberg DR, Matthews LT, Psaros C PloS one 28459866 PLoS One 2017
Community perceptions about dementia in southwestern Uganda. Owokuhaisa J, Rukundo GZ, Wakida E, Obua C, Buss SS BMC geriatrics 32293301 BMC Geriatr 2020 Apr 15
A qualitative investigation of the psychosocial services utilised by care-givers of patients with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in southwestern Uganda. Abaasa C, Obua C, Wakida EK, Rukundo GZ Ageing and society 37680685 Ageing Soc 2023 Jul
Understanding the Effect of a Healthcare Provider-Led Family Planning Support Intervention on Contraception use and Pregnancy Desires among Postpartum Women Living with HIV in Southwestern Uganda. Atukunda EC, Matthews LT, Musiimenta A, Agaba A, Najjuma JN, Lukyamuzi EJ, Kaida A, Obua C, Mugyenyi GR AIDS and behavior 34292430 AIDS Behav 2022 Jan
Clinical Conditions of Hospitalized Older Adult Patients and Their Outcomes in a Regional Referral Hospital in Southwestern Uganda. Orikiriza P, Rukundo GZ, Kayanja A, Bazira J Journal of aging research 32676210 J Aging Res 2020
Influence of boarding secondary school environment on HIV positive students in South Western Uganda. Kihumuro RB, Muganzi DJ, Wandira EG, Alinaiswe R, Nanyunja JJ, Kugumisiriza R, Alele PE, Mubangizi V BMC public health 33563239 BMC Public Health 2021 Feb 9
Caregiving burden and mental health problems among family caregivers of people with dementia in rural Uganda. Ainamani HE, Alele PE, Rukundo GZ, Maling S, Wakida EK, Obua C, Tsai AC Global mental health (Cambridge, England) 32742671 Glob Ment Health (Camb) 2020
Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication: An Interview Analysis of Southwest Ugandan Patients' Perspectives. Najjuma JN, Brennaman L, Nabirye RC, Ssedyabane F, Maling S, Bajunirwe F, Muhindo R Annals of global health 32897274 Ann Glob Health 2020 Jun 10
Prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated factors among adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in South Western Uganda. Kemigisha E, Zanoni B, Bruce K, Menjivar R, Kadengye D, Atwine D, Rukundo GZ AIDS care 30621430 AIDS Care 2019 Oct
A systematic review of the risk factors for suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt and completed suicide among children and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa between 1986 and 2018: protocol for a systematic review of observational studies. Rukundo GZ, Kemigisha E, Ocan M, Adriko W, Akena DH Systematic reviews 30541623 Syst Rev 2018 Dec 12
Development and validation of a 20-item screening scale to detect major depressive disorder among adolescents with HIV in rural Uganda: A mixed-methods study. Ashaba S, Cooper-Vince C, Vořechovská D, Maling S, Rukundo GZ, Akena D, Tsai AC SSM - population health 30560198 SSM Popul Health 2019 Apr
Stroke in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): A Systematic Review. Abdallah A, Chang JL, O'Carroll CB, Musubire A, Chow FC, Wilson AL, Siedner MJ Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 29628338 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2018 Jul
Mbarara University Research Training Initiative: a spin-off of the Medical Education Partnership Initiative in Uganda. Wakida E, Maling S, Obua C Advances in medical education and practice 28794667 Adv Med Educ Pract 2017
A comparison of the Full Outline of Unresponsiveness (FOUR) and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Scores in Predicting Mortality Among Patients with Reduced Level of Consciousness in Uganda. Abdallah A, Demaerschalk BM, Kimweri D, Aden AA, Zhang N, Butterfield R, Asiimwe SB, O'Carroll CB Neurocritical care 31392656 Neurocrit Care 2020 Jun
Exploring pathways to Hospital Care for Patients with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in rural South Western Uganda. Kakongi N, Rukundo GZ, Gelaye B, Wakida EK, Obua C, Okello ES BMC health services research 32493309 BMC Health Serv Res 2020 Jun 3
Prevalence and Correlates of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy Among Patients with Diabetes in Uganda: A Hospital-Based Cross-sectional Study. Migisha R, Agaba DC, Katamba G, Kwaga T, Tumwesigye R, Miranda SL, Muyingo A, Siedner MJ Global heart 32489794 Glob Heart 2020 Mar 2
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Metabolic Syndrome among Patients with Severe Mental Illness Attending a Tertiary Hospital in Southwest Uganda. Agaba DC, Migisha R, Namayanja R, Katamba G, Lugobe HM, Aheisibwe H, Twesigomwe G, Ashaba S BioMed research international 31815121 Biomed Res Int 2019
Suicide and Suicide Attempts Among Patients Attending Primary Health Care Facilities in Uganda: A Medical Records Review. Kaggwa MM, Rukundo GZ, Wakida EK, Maling S, Sserumaga BM, Atim LM, Obua C Risk management and healthcare policy 35469181 Risk Manag Healthc Policy 2022
Knowledge, attitudes, and experiences in suicide assessment and management: a qualitative study among primary health care workers in southwestern Uganda. Rukundo GZ, Wakida EK, Maling S, Kaggwa MM, Sserumaga BM, Atim LM, Atuhaire CD, Obua C BMC psychiatry 36096787 BMC Psychiatry 2022 Sep 12
Depression, suicidality, substance-use and associated factors among people living with HIV the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda. Rukundo GZ, Wakida EK, Karungi CK, Asasira J, Kumakech E, Obua C PloS one 37146057 PLoS One 2023

This page last reviewed on March 13, 2025