News & Announcements
NIH Makes STRIDES to Accelerate Discoveries in the Cloud
The National Institutes of Health has launched a new initiative to harness the power of commercial cloud computing and provide NIH biomedical researchers access to the most advanced, cost-effective computational infrastructure, tools and services available. The STRIDES (Science and Technology Research Infrastructure for Discovery, Experimentation, and Sustainability) Initiative launches with Google Cloud as its first industry partner and aims to reduce economic and technological barriers to accessing and computing on large biomedical data sets to accelerate biomedical advances.
Read the press release about the new initiative and its partnership with Google Cloud.
On TV: Dr. Vivien Bonazzi on the NIH Data Commons Pilot Phase
NIH Data Commons Pilot Phase Program Leader and Senior Advisor for Data Science, Dr. Vivien Bonazzi describes the importance and goals of the Data Commons Pilot Phase in GovLoop’s episode “Talking Transformation: Cloud,” part of its “Government Matters” program focused on exploring the challenges and issues facing federal managers.