Program Publications
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The search results on this publication page are automated on a monthly schedule based on acknowledgement of NIH Common Fund award numbers and intramural awards. Therefore, this list is not an exhaustive or error-free account of the program’s publications.
Title | Author | Journal Name | PubMedID | Journal Abbreviation | Publication Date |
Identification of genes required for eye development by high-throughput screening of mouse knockouts. | Moore BA, Leonard BC, Sebbag L, Edwards SG, Cooper A, Imai DM, Straiton E, Santos L, Reilly C, Griffey SM, Bower L, Clary D, Mason J, Roux MJ, Meziane H, Herault Y, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, McKerlie C, Flenniken AM, Nutter LMJ, Berberovic Z, Owen C, Newbigging S, Adissu H, Eskandarian M, Hsu CW, Kalaga S, Udensi U, Asomugha C, Bohat R, Gallegos JJ, Seavitt JR, Heaney JD, Beaudet AL, Dickinson ME, Justice MJ, Philip V, Kumar V, Svenson KL, Braun RE, Wells S, Cater H, Stewart M, Clementson-Mobbs S, Joynson R, Gao X, Suzuki T, Wakana S, Smedley D, Seong JK, Tocchini-Valentini G, Moore M, Fletcher C, Karp N, Ramirez-Solis R, White JK, de Angelis MH, Wurst W, Thomasy SM, Flicek P, Parkinson H, Brown SDM, Meehan TF, Nishina PM, Murray SA, Krebs MP, Mallon AM, Lloyd KCK, Murphy CJ, Moshiri A | Communications biology | 30588515 | Commun Biol | 2018 |
Progress towards completing the mutant mouse null resource. | Peterson KA, Murray SA | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 34698892 | Mamm Genome | 2022 Mar |
Genetic analysis of Pycr1 and Pycr2 in mice. | Stum MG, Tadenev ALD, Seburn KL, Miers KE, Poon PP, McMaster CR, Robinson C, Kane C, Silva KA, Cliften PF, Sundberg JP, Reinholdt LG, John SWM, Burgess RW | Genetics | 33734376 | Genetics | 2021 May 17 |
Identifying genetic determinants of inflammatory pain in mice using a large-scale gene-targeted screen. | Wotton JM, Peterson E, Flenniken AM, Bains RS, Veeraragavan S, Bower LR, Bubier JA, Parisien M, Bezginov A, Haselimashhadi H, Mason J, Moore MA, Stewart ME, Clary DA, Delbarre DJ, Anderson LC, D'Souza A, Goodwin LO, Harrison ME, Huang Z, Mckay M, Qu D, Santos L, Srinivasan S, Urban R, Vukobradovic I, Ward CS, Willett AM, Braun RE, Brown SDM, Dickinson ME, Heaney JD, Kumar V, Lloyd KCK, Mallon AM, McKerlie C, Murray SA, Nutter LMJ, Parkinson H, Seavitt JR, Wells S, Samaco RC, Chesler EJ, Smedley D, Diatchenko L, Baumbauer KM, Young EE, Bonin RP, Mandillo S, White JK, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium | Pain | 35552317 | Pain | 2022 Jun 1 |
CRIPT exonic deletion and a novel missense mutation in a female with short stature, dysmorphic features, microcephaly, and pigmentary abnormalities. | Leduc MS, Niu Z, Bi W, Zhu W, Miloslavskaya I, Chiang T, Streff H, Seavitt JR, Murray SA, Eng C, Chan A, Yang Y, Lalani SR | American journal of medical genetics. Part A | 27250922 | Am J Med Genet A | 2016 Aug |
A Seminiferous Tubule Squash Technique for the Cytological Analysis of Spermatogenesis Using the Mouse Model. | Wellard SR, Hopkins J, Jordan PW | Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE | 29443055 | J Vis Exp | 2018 Feb 6 |
Overlapping roles for PLK1 and Aurora A during meiotic centrosome biogenesis in mouse spermatocytes. | Wellard SR, Zhang Y, Shults C, Zhao X, McKay M, Murray SA, Jordan PW | EMBO reports | 33615678 | EMBO Rep | 2021 Apr 7 |
A single-cell time-lapse of mouse prenatal development from gastrula to birth. | Qiu C, Martin BK, Welsh IC, Daza RM, Le TM, Huang X, Nichols EK, Taylor ML, Fulton O, O'Day DR, Gomes AR, Ilcisin S, Srivatsan S, Deng X, Disteche CM, Noble WS, Hamazaki N, Moens CB, Kimelman D, Cao J, Schier AF, Spielmann M, Murray SA, Trapnell C, Shendure J | Nature | 38355799 | Nature | 2024 Feb |
Extensive identification of genes involved in congenital and structural heart disorders and cardiomyopathy. | Spielmann N, Miller G, Oprea TI, Hsu CW, Fobo G, Frishman G, Montrone C, Haseli Mashhadi H, Mason J, Munoz Fuentes V, Leuchtenberger S, Ruepp A, Wagner M, Westphal DS, Wolf C, Görlach A, Sanz-Moreno A, Cho YL, Teperino R, Brandmaier S, Sharma S, Galter IR, Östereicher MA, Zapf L, Mayer-Kuckuk P, Rozman J, Teboul L, Bunton-Stasyshyn RKA, Cater H, Stewart M, Christou S, Westerberg H, Willett AM, Wotton JM, Roper WB, Christiansen AE, Ward CS, Heaney JD, Reynolds CL, Prochazka J, Bower L, Clary D, Selloum M, Bou About G, Wendling O, Jacobs H, Leblanc S, Meziane H, Sorg T, Audain E, Gilly A, Rayner NW, IMPC consortium, Genomics England Research Consortium, Hitz MP, Zeggini E, Wolf E, Sedlacek R, Murray SA, Svenson KL, Braun RE, White JK, Kelsey L, Gao X, Shiroishi T, Xu Y, Seong JK, Mammano F, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Beaudet AL, Meehan TF, Parkinson H, Smedley D, Mallon AM, Wells SE, Grallert H, Wurst W, Marschall S, Fuchs H, Brown SDM, Flenniken AM, Nutter LMJ, McKerlie C, Herault Y, Lloyd KCK, Dickinson ME, Gailus-Durner V, Hrabe de Angelis M | Nature cardiovascular research | 39195995 | Nat Cardiovasc Res | 2022 Feb |
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC): a functional catalogue of the mammalian genome that informs conservation. | Muñoz-Fuentes V, Cacheiro P, Meehan TF, Aguilar-Pimentel JA, Brown SDM, Flenniken AM, Flicek P, Galli A, Mashhadi HH, Hrabě de Angelis M, Kim JK, Lloyd KCK, McKerlie C, Morgan H, Murray SA, Nutter LMJ, Reilly PT, Seavitt JR, Seong JK, Simon M, Wardle-Jones H, Mallon AM, Smedley D, Parkinson HE, IMPC consortium | Conservation genetics (Print) | 30100824 | Conserv Genet | 2018 |
Phenotyping first-generation genome editing mutants: a new standard? | Teboul L, Murray SA, Nolan PM | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 28756587 | Mamm Genome | 2017 Aug |
Robust mouse tracking in complex environments using neural networks. | Geuther BQ, Deats SP, Fox KJ, Murray SA, Braun RE, White JK, Chesler EJ, Lutz CM, Kumar V | Communications biology | 30937403 | Commun Biol | 2019 |
A large scale hearing loss screen reveals an extensive unexplored genetic landscape for auditory dysfunction. | Bowl MR, Simon MM, Ingham NJ, Greenaway S, Santos L, Cater H, Taylor S, Mason J, Kurbatova N, Pearson S, Bower LR, Clary DA, Meziane H, Reilly P, Minowa O, Kelsey L, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Gao X, Bradley A, Skarnes WC, Moore M, Beaudet AL, Justice MJ, Seavitt J, Dickinson ME, Wurst W, de Angelis MH, Herault Y, Wakana S, Nutter LMJ, Flenniken AM, McKerlie C, Murray SA, Svenson KL, Braun RE, West DB, Lloyd KCK, Adams DJ, White J, Karp N, Flicek P, Smedley D, Meehan TF, Parkinson HE, Teboul LM, Wells S, Steel KP, Mallon AM, Brown SDM | Nature communications | 29026089 | Nat Commun | 2017 Oct 12 |
The Deep Genome Project. | Lloyd KCK, Adams DJ, Baynam G, Beaudet AL, Bosch F, Boycott KM, Braun RE, Caulfield M, Cohn R, Dickinson ME, Dobbie MS, Flenniken AM, Flicek P, Galande S, Gao X, Grobler A, Heaney JD, Herault Y, de Angelis MH, Lupski JR, Lyonnet S, Mallon AM, Mammano F, MacRae CA, McInnes R, McKerlie C, Meehan TF, Murray SA, Nutter LMJ, Obata Y, Parkinson H, Pepper MS, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Shiroishi T, Smedley D, Tocchini-Valentini G, Valle D, Wang CL, Wells S, White J, Wurst W, Xu Y, Brown SDM | Genome biology | 32008577 | Genome Biol | 2020 Feb 3 |
Snx3 is important for mammalian neural tube closure via its role in canonical and non-canonical WNT signaling. | Brown HM, Murray SA, Northrup H, Au KS, Niswander LA | Development (Cambridge, England) | 33214242 | Development | 2020 Nov 19 |
Mouse mutagenesis and phenotyping to generate models of development and disease. | Gridley T, Murray SA | Current topics in developmental biology | 35461561 | Curr Top Dev Biol | 2022 |
Mendelian gene identification through mouse embryo viability screening. | Cacheiro P, Westerberg CH, Mager J, Dickinson ME, Nutter LMJ, Muñoz-Fuentes V, Hsu CW, Van den Veyver IB, Flenniken AM, McKerlie C, Murray SA, Teboul L, Heaney JD, Lloyd KCK, Lanoue L, Braun RE, White JK, Creighton AK, Laurin V, Guo R, Qu D, Wells S, Cleak J, Bunton-Stasyshyn R, Stewart M, Harrisson J, Mason J, Haseli Mashhadi H, Parkinson H, Mallon AM, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Genomics England Research Consortium, Smedley D | Genome medicine | 36229886 | Genome Med | 2022 Oct 13 |
High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes. | Dickinson ME, Flenniken AM, Ji X, Teboul L, Wong MD, White JK, Meehan TF, Weninger WJ, Westerberg H, Adissu H, Baker CN, Bower L, Brown JM, Caddle LB, Chiani F, Clary D, Cleak J, Daly MJ, Denegre JM, Doe B, Dolan ME, Edie SM, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Galli A, Gambadoro A, Gallegos J, Guo S, Horner NR, Hsu CW, Johnson SJ, Kalaga S, Keith LC, Lanoue L, Lawson TN, Lek M, Mark M, Marschall S, Mason J, McElwee ML, Newbigging S, Nutter LM, Peterson KA, Ramirez-Solis R, Rowland DJ, Ryder E, Samocha KE, Seavitt JR, Selloum M, Szoke-Kovacs Z, Tamura M, Trainor AG, Tudose I, Wakana S, Warren J, Wendling O, West DB, Wong L, Yoshiki A, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Jackson Laboratory, Infrastructure Nationale PHENOMIN, Institut Clinique de la Souris (ICS), Charles River Laboratories, MRC Harwell, Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, RIKEN BioResource Center, MacArthur DG, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Gao X, Flicek P, Bradley A, Skarnes WC, Justice MJ, Parkinson HE, Moore M, Wells S, Braun RE, Svenson KL, de Angelis MH, Herault Y, Mohun T, Mallon AM, Henkelman RM, Brown SD, Adams DJ, Lloyd KC, McKerlie C, Beaudet AL, Bućan M, Murray SA | Nature | 27626380 | Nature | 2016 Sep 22 |
SVEP1 plays a crucial role in epidermal differentiation. | Samuelov L, Li Q, Bochner R, Najor NA, Albrecht L, Malchin N, Goldsmith T, Grafi-Cohen M, Vodo D, Fainberg G, Meilik B, Goldberg I, Warshauer E, Rogers T, Edie S, Ishida-Yamamoto A, Burzenski L, Erez N, Murray SA, Irvine AD, Shultz L, Green KJ, Uitto J, Sprecher E, Sarig O | Experimental dermatology | 27892606 | Exp Dermatol | 2017 May |
A Gene Implicated in Activation of Retinoic Acid Receptor Targets Is a Novel Renal Agenesis Gene in Humans. | Brophy PD, Rasmussen M, Parida M, Bonde G, Darbro BW, Hong X, Clarke JC, Peterson KA, Denegre J, Schneider M, Sussman CR, Sunde L, Lildballe DL, Hertz JM, Cornell RA, Murray SA, Manak JR | Genetics | 28739660 | Genetics | 2017 Sep |
Sebaceous gland abnormalities in fatty acyl CoA reductase 2 (Far2) null mice result in primary cicatricial alopecia. | Sundberg JP, Shen T, Fiehn O, Rice RH, Silva KA, Kennedy VE, Gott NE, Dionne LA, Bechtold LS, Murray SA, Kuiper R, Pratt CH | PloS one | 30372477 | PLoS One | 2018 |
Machine learning-based automated phenotyping of inflammatory nocifensive behavior in mice. | Wotton JM, Peterson E, Anderson L, Murray SA, Braun RE, Chesler EJ, White JK, Kumar V | Molecular pain | 32955381 | Mol Pain | 2020 Jan-Dec |
Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-throughput mouse phenotyping. | Rozman J, Rathkolb B, Oestereicher MA, Schütt C, Ravindranath AC, Leuchtenberger S, Sharma S, Kistler M, Willershäuser M, Brommage R, Meehan TF, Mason J, Haselimashhadi H, IMPC Consortium, Hough T, Mallon AM, Wells S, Santos L, Lelliott CJ, White JK, Sorg T, Champy MF, Bower LR, Reynolds CL, Flenniken AM, Murray SA, Nutter LMJ, Svenson KL, West D, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Beaudet AL, Bosch F, Braun RB, Dobbie MS, Gao X, Herault Y, Moshiri A, Moore BA, Kent Lloyd KC, McKerlie C, Masuya H, Tanaka N, Flicek P, Parkinson HE, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Wang CL, Moore M, Brown SD, Tschöp MH, Wurst W, Klingenspor M, Wolf E, Beckers J, Machicao F, Peter A, Staiger H, Häring HU, Grallert H, Campillos M, Maier H, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Werner T, Hrabe de Angelis M | Nature communications | 29348434 | Nat Commun | 2018 Jan 18 |
Response to "Unexpected mutations after CRISPR-Cas9 editing in vivo". | Nutter LMJ, Heaney JD, Lloyd KCK, Murray SA, Seavitt JR, Skarnes WC, Teboul L, Brown SDM, Moore M | Nature methods | 29600991 | Nat Methods | 2018 Apr |
CRISPRtools: a flexible computational platform for performing CRISPR/Cas9 experiments in the mouse. | Peterson KA, Beane GL, Goodwin LO, Kutny PM, Reinholdt LG, Murray SA | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 28280930 | Mamm Genome | 2017 Aug |
Of mice and CRISPR: The post-CRISPR future of the mouse as a model system for the human condition. | Liu ET, Bolcun-Filas E, Grass DS, Lutz C, Murray S, Shultz L, Rosenthal N | EMBO reports | 28119373 | EMBO Rep | 2017 Feb |
Large-scale discovery of mouse transgenic integration sites reveals frequent structural variation and insertional mutagenesis. | Goodwin LO, Splinter E, Davis TL, Urban R, He H, Braun RE, Chesler EJ, Kumar V, van Min M, Ndukum J, Philip VM, Reinholdt LG, Svenson K, White JK, Sasner M, Lutz C, Murray SA | Genome research | 30659012 | Genome Res | 2019 Mar |
Generation and Characterization of a Knockout Mouse of an Enhancer of EBF3. | Hurtado EC, Wotton JM, Gulka A, Burke C, Ng JK, Bah I, Manuel J, Heins H, Murray SA, Gorkin DU, White JK, Peterson KA, Turner TN | bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology | 39829799 | bioRxiv | 2025 Jan 10 |
Lethal phenotypes in Mendelian disorders. | Cacheiro P, Lawson S, Van den Veyver IB, Marengo G, Zocche D, Murray SA, Duyzend M, Robinson PN, Smedley D | Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics | 38629401 | Genet Med | 2024 Jul |
Lethal phenotypes in Mendelian disorders. | Cacheiro P, Lawson S, Van den Veyver IB, Marengo G, Zocche D, Murray SA, Duyzend M, Robinson PN, Smedley D | medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences | 38260283 | medRxiv | 2024 Jan 13 |
Discovery and validation of genes driving drug-intake and related behavioral traits in mice. | Roy TA, Bubier JA, Dickson PE, Wilcox TD, Ndukum J, Clark JW, Sukoff Rizzo SJ, Crabbe JC, Denegre JM, Svenson KL, Braun RE, Kumar V, Murray SA, White JK, Philip VM, Chesler EJ | Genes, brain, and behavior | 38164795 | Genes Brain Behav | 2024 Jan 2 |
Impact of essential genes on the success of genome editing experiments generating 3313 new genetically engineered mouse lines. | Elrick H, Peterson KA, Willis BJ, Lanza DG, Acar EF, Ryder EJ, Teboul L, Kasparek P, Birling MC, Adams DJ, Bradley A, Braun RE, Brown SD, Caulder A, Codner GF, DeMayo FJ, Dickinson ME, Doe B, Duddy G, Gertsenstein M, Goodwin LO, Hérault Y, Lintott LG, Lloyd KCK, Lorenzo I, Mackenzie M, Mallon AM, McKerlie C, Parkinson H, Ramirez-Solis R, Seavitt JR, Sedlacek R, Skarnes WC, Smedley D, Wells S, White JK, Wood JA, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Murray SA, Heaney JD, Nutter LMJ | Scientific reports | 39349521 | Sci Rep | 2024 Sep 30 |
A resource of targeted mutant mouse lines for 5,061 genes. | Birling MC, Yoshiki A, Adams DJ, Ayabe S, Beaudet AL, Bottomley J, Bradley A, Brown SDM, Bürger A, Bushell W, Chiani F, Chin HG, Christou S, Codner GF, DeMayo FJ, Dickinson ME, Doe B, Donahue LR, Fray MD, Gambadoro A, Gao X, Gertsenstein M, Gomez-Segura A, Goodwin LO, Heaney JD, Hérault Y, de Angelis MH, Jiang ST, Justice MJ, Kasparek P, King RE, Kühn R, Lee H, Lee YJ, Liu Z, Lloyd KCK, Lorenzo I, Mallon AM, McKerlie C, Meehan TF, Fuentes VM, Newman S, Nutter LMJ, Oh GT, Pavlovic G, Ramirez-Solis R, Rosen B, Ryder EJ, Santos LA, Schick J, Seavitt JR, Sedlacek R, Seisenberger C, Seong JK, Skarnes WC, Sorg T, Steel KP, Tamura M, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Wang CL, Wardle-Jones H, Wattenhofer-Donzé M, Wells S, Wiles MV, Willis BJ, Wood JA, Wurst W, Xu Y, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC), Teboul L, Murray SA | Nature genetics | 33833456 | Nat Genet | 2021 Apr |
Disease model discovery from 3,328 gene knockouts by The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium. | Meehan TF, Conte N, West DB, Jacobsen JO, Mason J, Warren J, Chen CK, Tudose I, Relac M, Matthews P, Karp N, Santos L, Fiegel T, Ring N, Westerberg H, Greenaway S, Sneddon D, Morgan H, Codner GF, Stewart ME, Brown J, Horner N, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Haendel M, Washington N, Mungall CJ, Reynolds CL, Gallegos J, Gailus-Durner V, Sorg T, Pavlovic G, Bower LR, Moore M, Morse I, Gao X, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Obata Y, Cho SY, Seong JK, Seavitt J, Beaudet AL, Dickinson ME, Herault Y, Wurst W, de Angelis MH, Lloyd KCK, Flenniken AM, Nutter LMJ, Newbigging S, McKerlie C, Justice MJ, Murray SA, Svenson KL, Braun RE, White JK, Bradley A, Flicek P, Wells S, Skarnes WC, Adams DJ, Parkinson H, Mallon AM, Brown SDM, Smedley D | Nature genetics | 28650483 | Nat Genet | 2017 Aug |
Systematic screening for skin, hair, and nail abnormalities in a large-scale knockout mouse program. | Sundberg JP, Dadras SS, Silva KA, Kennedy VE, Garland G, Murray SA, Sundberg BA, Schofield PN, Pratt CH | PloS one | 28700664 | PLoS One | 2017 |
Mouse mutant phenotyping at scale reveals novel genes controlling bone mineral density. | Swan AL, Schütt C, Rozman J, Del Mar Muñiz Moreno M, Brandmaier S, Simon M, Leuchtenberger S, Griffiths M, Brommage R, Keskivali-Bond P, Grallert H, Werner T, Teperino R, Becker L, Miller G, Moshiri A, Seavitt JR, Cissell DD, Meehan TF, Acar EF, Lelliott CJ, Flenniken AM, Champy MF, Sorg T, Ayadi A, Braun RE, Cater H, Dickinson ME, Flicek P, Gallegos J, Ghirardello EJ, Heaney JD, Jacquot S, Lally C, Logan JG, Teboul L, Mason J, Spielmann N, McKerlie C, Murray SA, Nutter LMJ, Odfalk KF, Parkinson H, Prochazka J, Reynolds CL, Selloum M, Spoutil F, Svenson KL, Vales TS, Wells SE, White JK, Sedlacek R, Wurst W, Lloyd KCK, Croucher PI, Fuchs H, Williams GR, Bassett JHD, Gailus-Durner V, Herault Y, Mallon AM, Brown SDM, Mayer-Kuckuk P, Hrabe de Angelis M, IMPC Consortium | PLoS genetics | 33370286 | PLoS Genet | 2020 Dec |
Detection of CRISPR-mediated genome modifications through altered methylation patterns of CpG islands. | Farris MH, Texter PA, Mora AA, Wiles MV, Mac Garrigle EF, Klaus SA, Rosfjord K | BMC genomics | 33267773 | BMC Genomics | 2020 Dec 2 |
APOBEC1 complementation factor (A1CF) is dispensable for C-to-U RNA editing in vivo. | Snyder EM, McCarty C, Mehalow A, Svenson KL, Murray SA, Korstanje R, Braun RE | RNA (New York, N.Y.) | 28069890 | RNA | 2017 Apr |
Soft windowing application to improve analysis of high-throughput phenotyping data. | Haselimashhadi H, Mason JC, Munoz-Fuentes V, López-Gómez F, Babalola K, Acar EF, Kumar V, White J, Flenniken AM, King R, Straiton E, Seavitt JR, Gaspero A, Garza A, Christianson AE, Hsu CW, Reynolds CL, Lanza DG, Lorenzo I, Green JR, Gallegos JJ, Bohat R, Samaco RC, Veeraragavan S, Kim JK, Miller G, Fuchs H, Garrett L, Becker L, Kang YK, Clary D, Cho SY, Tamura M, Tanaka N, Soo KD, Bezginov A, About GB, Champy MF, Vasseur L, Leblanc S, Meziane H, Selloum M, Reilly PT, Spielmann N, Maier H, Gailus-Durner V, Sorg T, Hiroshi M, Yuichi O, Heaney JD, Dickinson ME, Wolfgang W, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Lloyd KCK, McKerlie C, Seong JK, Yann H, de Angelis MH, Brown SDM, Smedley D, Flicek P, Mallon AM, Parkinson H, Meehan TF | Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) | 31591642 | Bioinformatics | 2020 Mar 1 |
Prevalence of sexual dimorphism in mammalian phenotypic traits. | Karp NA, Mason J, Beaudet AL, Benjamini Y, Bower L, Braun RE, Brown SDM, Chesler EJ, Dickinson ME, Flenniken AM, Fuchs H, Angelis MH, Gao X, Guo S, Greenaway S, Heller R, Herault Y, Justice MJ, Kurbatova N, Lelliott CJ, Lloyd KCK, Mallon AM, Mank JE, Masuya H, McKerlie C, Meehan TF, Mott RF, Murray SA, Parkinson H, Ramirez-Solis R, Santos L, Seavitt JR, Smedley D, Sorg T, Speak AO, Steel KP, Svenson KL, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Wakana S, West D, Wells S, Westerberg H, Yaacoby S, White JK | Nature communications | 28650954 | Nat Commun | 2017 Jun 26 |
DISCOVERY AND VALIDATION OF GENES DRIVING DRUG-INTAKE AND RELATED BEHAVIORAL TRAITS IN MICE. | Roy TA, Bubier JA, Dickson PE, Wilcox TD, Ndukum J, Clark JW, Rizzo SJS, Crabbe JC, Denegre JM, Svenson KL, Braun RE, Kumar V, Murray SA, White JK, Philip VM, Chesler EJ | bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology | 37503148 | bioRxiv | 2023 Jul 10 |
Whole genome analysis for 163 gRNAs in Cas9-edited mice reveals minimal off-target activity. | Peterson KA, Khalouei S, Hanafi N, Wood JA, Lanza DG, Lintott LG, Willis BJ, Seavitt JR, Braun RE, Dickinson ME, White JK, Lloyd KCK, Heaney JD, Murray SA, Ramani A, Nutter LMJ | Communications biology | 37301944 | Commun Biol | 2023 Jun 10 |
A single-cell transcriptional timelapse of mouse embryonic development, from gastrula to pup. | Qiu C, Martin BK, Welsh IC, Daza RM, Le TM, Huang X, Nichols EK, Taylor ML, Fulton O, O'Day DR, Gomes AR, Ilcisin S, Srivatsan S, Deng X, Disteche CM, Noble WS, Hamazaki N, Moens CB, Kimelman D, Cao J, Schier AF, Spielmann M, Murray SA, Trapnell C, Shendure J | bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology | 37066300 | bioRxiv | 2023 Apr 5 |
Identification of a heterogeneous and dynamic ciliome during embryonic development and cell differentiation. | Elliott KH, Balchand SK, Bonatto Paese CL, Chang CF, Yang Y, Brown KM, Rasicci DT, He H, Thorner K, Chaturvedi P, Murray SA, Chen J, Porollo A, Peterson KA, Brugmann SA | Development (Cambridge, England) | 36971348 | Development | 2023 Apr 15 |
Comprehensive ECG reference intervals in C57BL/6N substrains provide a generalizable guide for cardiac electrophysiology studies in mice. | Oestereicher MA, Wotton JM, Ayabe S, Bou About G, Cheng TK, Choi JH, Clary D, Dew EM, Elfertak L, Guimond A, Haseli Mashhadi H, Heaney JD, Kelsey L, Keskivali-Bond P, Lopez Gomez F, Marschall S, McFarland M, Meziane H, Munoz Fuentes V, Nam KH, Nichtová Z, Pimm D, Bower L, Prochazka J, Rozman J, Santos L, Stewart M, Tanaka N, Ward CS, Willett AME, Wilson R, Braun RE, Dickinson ME, Flenniken AM, Herault Y, Lloyd KCK, Mallon AM, McKerlie C, Murray SA, Nutter LMJ, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Sorg T, Tamura M, Wells S, Schneltzer E, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Hrabe de Angelis M, White JK, Spielmann N | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 37294348 | Mamm Genome | 2023 Jun |
Further optimization of mouse spermatozoa evaporative drying techniques. | Elmoazzen HY, Lee GY, Li MW, McGinnis LK, Lloyd KC, Toner M, Biggers JD | Cryobiology | 19375415 | Cryobiology | 2009 Aug |
Agouti C57BL/6N embryonic stem cells for mouse genetic resources. | Pettitt SJ, Liang Q, Rairdan XY, Moran JL, Prosser HM, Beier DR, Lloyd KC, Bradley A, Skarnes WC | Nature methods | 19525957 | Nat Methods | 2009 Jul |
A novel 3D mouse embryo atlas based on micro-CT. | Wong MD, Dorr AE, Walls JR, Lerch JP, Henkelman RM | Development (Cambridge, England) | 22872090 | Development | 2012 Sep |
Immunohistochemical analysis of sphingosine phosphate lyase expression during murine development. | Newbigging S, Zhang M, Saba JD | Gene expression patterns : GEP | 23041657 | Gene Expr Patterns | 2013 Jan-Feb |
Structural and functional concepts in current mouse phenotyping and archiving facilities. | Kollmus H, Post R, Brielmeier M, Fernández J, Fuchs H, McKerlie C, Montoliu L, Otaegui PJ, Rebelo M, Riedesel H, Ruberte J, Sedlacek R, de Angelis MH, Schughart K | Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS | 23043807 | J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci | 2012 Jul |
Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase expression in embryonic and adult murine tissues. | Borowsky AD, Bandhuvula P, Kumar A, Yoshinaga Y, Nefedov M, Fong LG, Zhang M, Baridon B, Dillard L, de Jong P, Young SG, West DB, Saba JD | Journal of lipid research | 22781001 | J Lipid Res | 2012 Sep |
Mutations in SELENBP1, encoding a novel human methanethiol oxidase, cause extraoral halitosis. | Pol A, Renkema GH, Tangerman A, Winkel EG, Engelke UF, de Brouwer APM, Lloyd KC, Araiza RS, van den Heuvel L, Omran H, Olbrich H, Oude Elberink M, Gilissen C, Rodenburg RJ, Sass JO, Schwab KO, Schäfer H, Venselaar H, Sequeira JS, Op den Camp HJM, Wevers RA | Nature genetics | 29255262 | Nat Genet | 2018 Jan |
Sympathetic inputs regulate adaptive thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue through cAMP-Salt inducible kinase axis. | Paulo E, Wu D, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Swaney DL, Soucheray M, Jimenez-Morales D, Chawla A, Krogan NJ, Wang B | Scientific reports | 30030465 | Sci Rep | 2018 Jul 20 |
Renal proteomic analysis of RGC-32 knockout mice reveals the potential mechanism of RGC-32 in regulating cell cycle. | Hu YJ, Zhou Q, Li ZY, Feng D, Sun L, Shen YL, Huang WY | American journal of translational research | 29636874 | Am J Transl Res | 2018 |
Beyond autophagy: a novel role for autism-linked Wdfy3 in brain mitophagy. | Napoli E, Song G, Panoutsopoulos A, Riyadh MA, Kaushik G, Halmai J, Levenson R, Zarbalis KS, Giulivi C | Scientific reports | 30054502 | Sci Rep | 2018 Jul 27 |
SRSF3 promotes pluripotency through Nanog mRNA export and coordination of the pluripotency gene expression program. | Ratnadiwakara M, Archer SK, Dent CI, Ruiz De Los Mozos I, Beilharz TH, Knaupp AS, Nefzger CM, Polo JM, Anko ML | eLife | 29741478 | Elife | 2018 May 9 |
Human and mouse essentiality screens as a resource for disease gene discovery. | Cacheiro P, Muñoz-Fuentes V, Murray SA, Dickinson ME, Bucan M, Nutter LMJ, Peterson KA, Haselimashhadi H, Flenniken AM, Morgan H, Westerberg H, Konopka T, Hsu CW, Christiansen A, Lanza DG, Beaudet AL, Heaney JD, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Sorg T, Prochazka J, Novosadova V, Lelliott CJ, Wardle-Jones H, Wells S, Teboul L, Cater H, Stewart M, Hough T, Wurst W, Sedlacek R, Adams DJ, Seavitt JR, Tocchini-Valentini G, Mammano F, Braun RE, McKerlie C, Herault Y, de Angelis MH, Mallon AM, Lloyd KCK, Brown SDM, Parkinson H, Meehan TF, Smedley D, Genomics England Research Consortium, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium | Nature communications | 32005800 | Nat Commun | 2020 Jan 31 |
Depletion of WNT10A Prevents Tumor Growth by Suppressing Microvessels and Collagen Expression. | Kumagai M, Guo X, Wang KY, Izumi H, Tsukamoto M, Nakashima T, Tasaki T, Kurose N, Uramoto H, Sasaguri Y, Kohno K, Yamada S | International journal of medical sciences | 30911276 | Int J Med Sci | 2019 |
Cage-lid hanging behavior as a translationally relevant measure of pain in mice. | Zhang H, Lecker I, Collymore C, Dokova A, Pham MC, Rosen SF, Crawhall-Duk H, Zain M, Valencia M, Filippini HF, Li J, D'Souza AJ, Cho C, Michailidis V, Whissell PD, Patel I, Steenland HW, Virginia Lee WJ, Moayedi M, Sterley TL, Bains JS, Stratton JA, Matyas JR, Biernaskie J, Dubins D, Vukobradovic I, Bezginov A, Flenniken AM, Martin LJ, Mogil JS, Bonin RP | Pain | 33230005 | Pain | 2021 May 1 |
Modulation of Lymphocyte Potassium Channel K(V)1.3 by Membrane-Penetrating, Joint-Targeting Immunomodulatory Plant Defensin. | Ong ST, Bajaj S, Tanner MR, Chang SC, Krishnarjuna B, Ng XR, Morales RAV, Chen MW, Luo D, Patel D, Yasmin S, Ng JJH, Zhuang Z, Nguyen HM, El Sahili A, Lescar J, Patil R, Charman SA, Robins EG, Goggi JL, Tan PW, Sadasivam P, Ramasamy B, Hartimath SV, Dhawan V, Bednenko J, Colussi P, Wulff H, Pennington MW, Kuyucak S, Norton RS, Beeton C, Chandy KG | ACS pharmacology & translational science | 32832873 | ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci | 2020 Aug 14 |
Automated pipeline for anatomical phenotyping of mouse embryos using micro-CT. | Wong MD, Maezawa Y, Lerch JP, Henkelman RM | Development (Cambridge, England) | 24850858 | Development | 2014 Jun |
Right Ventricular Epicardial Fibrosis in Mice With Sternal Segment Dislocation. | Adissu HA, Medhanie GA, Morikawa L, White JK, Newbigging S, McKerlie C | Veterinary pathology | 25281652 | Vet Pathol | 2015 Sep |
Conditional targeting of Ispd using paired Cas9 nickase and a single DNA template in mice. | Lee AY, Lloyd KC | FEBS open bio | 25161872 | FEBS Open Bio | 2014 |
IVF recovery of mutant mouse lines using sperm cryopreserved with mtg in cryovials. | Li MW, Vallelunga JM, Kinchen KL, Rink KL, Zarrabi J, Shamamian AO, Lloyd KC | Cryo letters | 24869647 | Cryo Letters | 2014 Mar-Apr |
Taurodontism, variations in tooth number, and misshapened crowns in Wnt10a null mice and human kindreds. | Yang J, Wang SK, Choi M, Reid BM, Hu Y, Lee YL, Herzog CR, Kim-Berman H, Lee M, Benke PJ, Lloyd KC, Simmer JP, Hu JC | Molecular genetics & genomic medicine | 25629078 | Mol Genet Genomic Med | 2015 Jan |
Reproducibility: use mouse biobanks or lose them. | Lloyd K, Franklin C, Lutz C, Magnuson T | Nature | 26062496 | Nature | 2015 Jun 11 |
Robust model-based analysis of single-particle tracking experiments with Spot-On. | Hansen AS, Woringer M, Grimm JB, Lavis LD, Tjian R, Darzacq X | eLife | 29300163 | Elife | 2018 Jan 4 |
Critical Roles of Xirp Proteins in Cardiac Conduction and Their Rare Variants Identified in Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome and Brugada Syndrome in Chinese Han Population. | Huang L, Wu KH, Zhang L, Wang Q, Tang S, Wu Q, Jiang PH, Lin JJ, Guo J, Wang L, Loh SH, Cheng J | Journal of the American Heart Association | 29306897 | J Am Heart Assoc | 2018 Jan 6 |
Loss of kallikrein-related peptidase 7 exacerbates amyloid pathology in Alzheimer's disease model mice. | Kidana K, Tatebe T, Ito K, Hara N, Kakita A, Saito T, Takatori S, Ouchi Y, Ikeuchi T, Makino M, Saido TC, Akishita M, Iwatsubo T, Hori Y, Tomita T | EMBO molecular medicine | 29311134 | EMBO Mol Med | 2018 Mar |
A mutation in Ccdc39 causes neonatal hydrocephalus with abnormal motile cilia development in mice. | Abdelhamed Z, Vuong SM, Hill L, Shula C, Timms A, Beier D, Campbell K, Mangano FT, Stottmann RW, Goto J | Development (Cambridge, England) | 29317443 | Development | 2018 Jan 9 |
TRPV6, TRPM6 and TRPM7 Do Not Contribute to Hair-Cell Mechanotransduction. | Morgan CP, Zhao H, LeMasurier M, Xiong W, Pan B, Kazmierczak P, Avenarius MR, Bateschell M, Larisch R, Ricci AJ, Müller U, Barr-Gillespie PG | Frontiers in cellular neuroscience | 29515374 | Front Cell Neurosci | 2018 |
Family with sequence similarity 13, member A modulates adipocyte insulin signaling and preserves systemic metabolic homeostasis. | Wardhana DA, Ikeda K, Barinda AJ, Nugroho DB, Qurania KR, Yagi K, Miyata K, Oike Y, Hirata KI, Emoto N | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 29386390 | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | 2018 Feb 13 |
Contribution of metabolic disease to bone fragility in MAGP1-deficient mice. | Turecamo SE, Walji TA, Broekelmann TJ, Williams JW, Ivanov S, Wee NK, Procknow JD, McManus MR, Randolph GJ, Scheller EL, Mecham RP, Craft CS | Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology | 29519758 | Matrix Biol | 2018 Apr |
Phenotyping acute and chronic atopic dermatitis-like lesions in Stat6VT mice identifies a role for IL-33 in disease pathogenesis. | DaSilva-Arnold SC, Thyagarajan A, Seymour LJ, Yi Q, Bradish JR, Al-Hassani M, Zhou H, Perdue NJ, Nemeth V, Krbanjevic A, Serezani APM, Olson MR, Spandau DF, Travers JB, Kaplan MH, Turner MJ | Archives of dermatological research | 29368135 | Arch Dermatol Res | 2018 Apr |
Arap1 Deficiency Causes Photoreceptor Degeneration in Mice. | Moshiri A, Humpal D, Leonard BC, Imai DM, Tham A, Bower L, Clary D, Glaser TM, Lloyd KC, Murphy CJ | Investigative ophthalmology & visual science | 28324111 | Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci | 2017 Mar 1 |
Combining sperm plug genotyping and coat color chimerism predicts germline transmission. | Lee AY, Evans K, Willis B, Lloyd KC | Transgenic research | 23860911 | Transgenic Res | 2013 Dec |
Histopathology reveals correlative and unique phenotypes in a high-throughput mouse phenotyping screen. | Adissu HA, Estabel J, Sunter D, Tuck E, Hooks Y, Carragher DM, Clarke K, Karp NA, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Newbigging S, Jones N, Morikawa L, White JK, McKerlie C | Disease models & mechanisms | 24652767 | Dis Model Mech | 2014 May |
The mouse pathology ontology, MPATH; structure and applications. | Schofield PN, Sundberg JP, Sundberg BA, McKerlie C, Gkoutos GV | Journal of biomedical semantics | 24033988 | J Biomed Semantics | 2013 Sep 13 |
DNA fragmentation index (DFI) as a measure of sperm quality and fertility in mice. | Li MW, Lloyd KCK | Scientific reports | 32123279 | Sci Rep | 2020 Mar 2 |
Applying the ARRIVE Guidelines to an In Vivo Database. | Karp NA, Meehan TF, Morgan H, Mason JC, Blake A, Kurbatova N, Smedley D, Jacobsen J, Mott RF, Iyer V, Matthews P, Melvin DG, Wells S, Flenniken AM, Masuya H, Wakana S, White JK, Lloyd KC, Reynolds CL, Paylor R, West DB, Svenson KL, Chesler EJ, de Angelis MH, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Sorg T, Herault Y, Parkinson H, Mallon AM, Brown SD | PLoS biology | 25992600 | PLoS Biol | 2015 May |
Baat Gene Knockout Alters Post-Natal Development, the Gut Microbiome, and Reveals Unusual Bile Acids in Mice. | Neugebauer KA, Okros M, Guzior DV, Feiner J, Chargo NJ, Rzepka M, Schilmiller AL, O'Reilly S, Jones AD, Watson VE, Luyendyk JP, McCabe LR, Quinn RA | Journal of lipid research | 36243101 | J Lipid Res | 2022 Dec |
Do organisms need an impact factor? Citations of key biological resources including model organisms reveal usage patterns and impact. | Piekniewska A, Anderson N, Roelandse M, Lloyd KCK, Korf I, Voss SR, de Castro G, Magnani DM, Varga Z, James-Zorn C, Horb M, Grethe JS, Bandrowski A | bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology | 38293091 | bioRxiv | 2024 Jan 16 |
Commentary: The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium: high-throughput in vivo functional annotation of the mammalian genome. | Lloyd KCK | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 39254744 | Mamm Genome | 2024 Dec |
Design and implementation of a custom built optical projection tomography system. | Wong MD, Dazai J, Walls JR, Gale NW, Henkelman RM | PloS one | 24023880 | PLoS One | 2013 |
Sestrin-2, a repressor of PDGFRβ signalling, promotes cigarette-smoke-induced pulmonary emphysema in mice and is upregulated in individuals with COPD. | Heidler J, Fysikopoulos A, Wempe F, Seimetz M, Bangsow T, Tomasovic A, Veit F, Scheibe S, Pichl A, Weisel F, Lloyd KC, Jaksch P, Klepetko W, Weissmann N, von Melchner H | Disease models & mechanisms | 24046361 | Dis Model Mech | 2013 Nov |
Centralized mouse repositories. | Donahue LR, Hrabe de Angelis M, Hagn M, Franklin C, Lloyd KC, Magnuson T, McKerlie C, Nakagata N, Obata Y, Read S, Wurst W, Hörlein A, Davisson MT | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 22945696 | Mamm Genome | 2012 Oct |
Critical in vivo roles of WNT10A in wound healing by regulating collagen expression/synthesis in WNT10A-deficient mice. | Wang KY, Yamada S, Izumi H, Tsukamoto M, Nakashima T, Tasaki T, Guo X, Uramoto H, Sasaguri Y, Kohno K | PloS one | 29596490 | PLoS One | 2018 |
Ocular phenotypic consequences of a single copy deletion of the Yap1 gene (Yap1 (+/-)) in mice. | Kim S, Thomasy SM, Raghunathan VK, Teixeira LBC, Moshiri A, FitzGerald P, Murphy CJ | Molecular vision | 30820148 | Mol Vis | 2019 |
Cytohesin-3 is required for full insulin receptor signaling and controls body weight via lipid excretion. | Jux B, Gosejacob D, Tolksdorf F, Mandel C, Rieck M, Namislo A, Pfeifer A, Kolanus W | Scientific reports | 30837656 | Sci Rep | 2019 Mar 5 |
Reactivation of a developmental Bmp2 signaling center is required for therapeutic control of the murine periosteal niche. | Salazar VS, Capelo LP, Cantù C, Zimmerli D, Gosalia N, Pregizer S, Cox K, Ohte S, Feigenson M, Gamer L, Nyman JS, Carey DJ, Economides A, Basler K, Rosen V | eLife | 30735122 | Elife | 2019 Feb 8 |
TRPC4/TRPC5 channels mediate adverse reaction to the cancer cell cytotoxic agent (-)-Englerin A. | Cheung SY, Henrot M, Al-Saad M, Baumann M, Muller H, Unger A, Rubaiy HN, Mathar I, Dinkel K, Nussbaumer P, Klebl B, Freichel M, Rode B, Trainor S, Clapcote SJ, Christmann M, Waldmann H, Abbas SK, Beech DJ, Vasudev NS | Oncotarget | 30038709 | Oncotarget | 2018 Jul 3 |
Engineering Point Mutant and Epitope-Tagged Alleles in Mice Using Cas9 RNA-Guided Nuclease. | Gertsenstein M, Nutter LMJ | Current protocols in mouse biology | 30040228 | Curr Protoc Mouse Biol | 2018 Mar |
Characterization of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Expression and Trafficking in the Adult Murine Brain. | Stevenson TK, Lawrence DA | eNeuro | 30090852 | eNeuro | 2018 Jul-Aug |
Loss of Trem2 in microglia leads to widespread disruption of cell coexpression networks in mouse brain. | Carbajosa G, Malki K, Lawless N, Wang H, Ryder JW, Wozniak E, Wood K, Mein CA, Dobson RJB, Collier DA, O'Neill MJ, Hodges AK, Newhouse SJ | Neurobiology of aging | 29906661 | Neurobiol Aging | 2018 Sep |
Adar3 Is Involved in Learning and Memory in Mice. | Mladenova D, Barry G, Konen LM, Pineda SS, Guennewig B, Avesson L, Zinn R, Schonrock N, Bitar M, Jonkhout N, Crumlish L, Kaczorowski DC, Gong A, Pinese M, Franco GR, Walkley CR, Vissel B, Mattick JS | Frontiers in neuroscience | 29719497 | Front Neurosci | 2018 |
JAKMIP1, a Novel Regulator of Neuronal Translation, Modulates Synaptic Function and Autistic-like Behaviors in Mouse. | Berg JM, Lee C, Chen L, Galvan L, Cepeda C, Chen JY, Peñagarikano O, Stein JL, Li A, Oguro-Ando A, Miller JA, Vashisht AA, Starks ME, Kite EP, Tam E, Gdalyahu A, Al-Sharif NB, Burkett ZD, White SA, Fears SC, Levine MS, Wohlschlegel JA, Geschwind DH | Neuron | 26627310 | Neuron | 2015 Dec 16 |
Haploinsufficiency of autism spectrum disorder candidate gene NUAK1 impairs cortical development and behavior in mice. | Courchet V, Roberts AJ, Meyer-Dilhet G, Del Carmine P, Lewis TL Jr, Polleux F, Courchet J | Nature communications | 30327473 | Nat Commun | 2018 Oct 16 |
TMEM33 regulates intracellular calcium homeostasis in renal tubular epithelial cells. | Arhatte M, Gunaratne GS, El Boustany C, Kuo IY, Moro C, Duprat F, Plaisant M, Duval H, Li D, Picard N, Couvreux A, Duranton C, Rubera I, Pagnotta S, Lacas-Gervais S, Ehrlich BE, Marchant JS, Savage AM, van Eeden FJM, Wilkinson RN, Demolombe S, Honoré E, Patel A | Nature communications | 31048699 | Nat Commun | 2019 May 2 |
Knockout of dihydrofolate reductase in mice induces hypertension and abdominal aortic aneurysm via mitochondrial dysfunction. | Li Q, Youn JY, Siu KL, Murugesan P, Zhang Y, Cai H | Redox biology | 30954686 | Redox Biol | 2019 Jun |
Pathogenic Effects of IFIT2 and Interferon-β during Fatal Systemic Candida albicans Infection. | Stawowczyk M, Naseem S, Montoya V, Baker DP, Konopka J, Reich NC | mBio | 29666281 | mBio | 2018 Apr 17 |
Efficient gene targeting in mouse zygotes mediated by CRISPR/Cas9-protein. | Jung CJ, Zhang J, Trenchard E, Lloyd KC, West DB, Rosen B, de Jong PJ | Transgenic research | 27905063 | Transgenic Res | 2017 Apr |
Genome-wide screening of mouse knockouts reveals novel genes required for normal integumentary and oculocutaneous structure and function. | Moore BA, Flenniken AM, Clary D, Moshiri AS, Nutter LMJ, Berberovic Z, Owen C, Newbigging S, Adissu H, Eskandarian M, McKerlie C, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Thomasy SM, Lloyd KCK, Murphy CJ, Moshiri A | Scientific reports | 31371754 | Sci Rep | 2019 Aug 1 |
Comparison of cryosurvival and spermatogenesis efficiency of cryopreserved neonatal mouse testicular tissue between three vitrification protocols and controlled-rate freezing. | Yildiz C, Mullen B, Jarvi K, McKerlie C, Lo KC | Cryobiology | 30195700 | Cryobiology | 2018 Oct |
The occurrence of tarsal injuries in male mice of C57BL/6N substrains in multiple international mouse facilities. | Herbert E, Stewart M, Hutchison M, Flenniken AM, Qu D, Nutter LMJ, McKerlie C, Hobson L, Kick B, Lyons B, Wiegand JP, Doty R, Aguilar-Pimentel JA, Hrabe de Angelis M, Dickinson M, Seavitt J, White JK, Scudamore CL, Wells S | PloS one | 32542000 | PLoS One | 2020 |
Arap1 loss causes retinal pigment epithelium phagocytic dysfunction and subsequent photoreceptor death. | Shao A, Lopez AJ, Chen J, Tham A, Javier S, Quiroz A, Frick S, Levine EM, Lloyd KCK, Leonard BC, Murphy CJ, Glaser TM, Moshiri A | Disease models & mechanisms | 35758026 | Dis Model Mech | 2022 Jul 1 |
Promoting validation and cross-phylogenetic integration in model organism research. | Cheng KC, Burdine RD, Dickinson ME, Ekker SC, Lin AY, Lloyd KCK, Lutz CM, MacRae CA, Morrison JH, O'Connor DH, Postlethwait JH, Rogers CD, Sanchez S, Simpson JH, Talbot WS, Wallace DC, Weimer JM, Bellen HJ | Disease models & mechanisms | 36125045 | Dis Model Mech | 2022 Sep 1 |
Systematic ocular phenotyping of 8,707 knockout mouse lines identifies genes associated with abnormal corneal phenotypes. | Vo P, Imai-Leonard DM, Yang B, Briere A, Shao A, Casanova MI, Adams D, Amano T, Amarie O, Berberovic Z, Bower L, Braun R, Brown S, Burrill S, Cho SY, Clementson-Mobbs S, D'Souza A, Dickinson M, Eskandarian M, Flenniken AM, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Heaney J, Hérault Y, Angelis MH, Hsu CW, Jin S, Joynson R, Kang YK, Kim H, Masuya H, Meziane H, Murray S, Nam KH, Noh H, Nutter LMJ, Palkova M, Prochazka J, Raishbrook MJ, Riet F, Ryan J, Salazar J, Seavey Z, Seavitt JR, Sedlacek R, Selloum M, Seo KY, Seong JK, Shin HS, Shiroishi T, Stewart M, Svenson K, Tamura M, Tolentino H, Udensi U, Wells S, White J, Willett A, Wotton J, Wurst W, Yoshiki A, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Lanoue L, Lloyd KCK, Leonard BC, Roux MJ, McKerlie C, Moshiri A | BMC genomics | 39833678 | BMC Genomics | 2025 Jan 20 |
High osmolality vitrification: a new method for the simple and temperature-permissive cryopreservation of mouse embryos. | Mochida K, Hasegawa A, Li MW, Fray MD, Kito S, Vallelunga JM, Lloyd KC, Yoshiki A, Obata Y, Ogura A | PloS one | 23341870 | PLoS One | 2013 |
The mammalian gene function resource: the International Knockout Mouse Consortium. | Bradley A, Anastassiadis K, Ayadi A, Battey JF, Bell C, Birling MC, Bottomley J, Brown SD, Bürger A, Bult CJ, Bushell W, Collins FS, Desaintes C, Doe B, Economides A, Eppig JT, Finnell RH, Fletcher C, Fray M, Frendewey D, Friedel RH, Grosveld FG, Hansen J, Hérault Y, Hicks G, Hörlein A, Houghton R, Hrabé de Angelis M, Huylebroeck D, Iyer V, de Jong PJ, Kadin JA, Kaloff C, Kennedy K, Koutsourakis M, Lloyd KC, Marschall S, Mason J, McKerlie C, McLeod MP, von Melchner H, Moore M, Mujica AO, Nagy A, Nefedov M, Nutter LM, Pavlovic G, Peterson JL, Pollock J, Ramirez-Solis R, Rancourt DE, Raspa M, Remacle JE, Ringwald M, Rosen B, Rosenthal N, Rossant J, Ruiz Noppinger P, Ryder E, Schick JZ, Schnütgen F, Schofield P, Seisenberger C, Selloum M, Simpson EM, Skarnes WC, Smedley D, Stanford WL, Stewart AF, Stone K, Swan K, Tadepally H, Teboul L, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Valenzuela D, West AP, Yamamura K, Yoshinaga Y, Wurst W | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 22968824 | Mamm Genome | 2012 Oct |
Rederivation of transgenic mice from iPS cells derived from frozen tissue. | Lee AY, Lloyd KC | Transgenic research | 20397045 | Transgenic Res | 2011 Feb |
Neuroanatomical phenotyping of the mouse brain with three-dimensional autofluorescence imaging. | Gleave JA, Wong MD, Dazai J, Altaf M, Henkelman RM, Lerch JP, Nieman BJ | Physiological genomics | 22718750 | Physiol Genomics | 2012 Aug 1 |
Investigations of motility and fertilization potential in thawed cryopreserved mouse sperm from cold-stored epididymides. | Takeo T, Fukumoto K, Kondo T, Haruguchi Y, Takeshita Y, Nakamuta Y, Tsuchiyama S, Yoshimoto H, Shimizu N, Li MW, Kinchen K, Vallelunga J, Lloyd KC, Nakagata N | Cryobiology | 24201107 | Cryobiology | 2014 Feb |
Transcriptome Analysis of Targeted Mouse Mutations Reveals the Topography of Local Changes in Gene Expression. | West DB, Engelhard EK, Adkisson M, Nava AJ, Kirov JV, Cipollone A, Willis B, Rapp J, de Jong PJ, Lloyd KC | PLoS genetics | 26839965 | PLoS Genet | 2016 Feb |
A metabolome atlas of the aging mouse brain. | Ding J, Ji J, Rabow Z, Shen T, Folz J, Brydges CR, Fan S, Lu X, Mehta S, Showalter MR, Zhang Y, Araiza R, Bower LR, Lloyd KCK, Fiehn O | Nature communications | 34654818 | Nat Commun | 2021 Oct 15 |
Rescue of germline transmission from chimeras by IVF after sperm analysis. | Li MW, Willis BJ, Evans KD, Araiza RS, Lee AY, Lloyd KC | Transgenic research | 25080098 | Transgenic Res | 2015 Feb |
A lacZ reporter gene expression atlas for 313 adult KOMP mutant mouse lines. | West DB, Pasumarthi RK, Baridon B, Djan E, Trainor A, Griffey SM, Engelhard EK, Rapp J, Li B, de Jong PJ, Lloyd KC | Genome research | 25591789 | Genome Res | 2015 Apr |
PAD2-Mediated Citrullination Contributes to Efficient Oligodendrocyte Differentiation and Myelination. | Falcão AM, Meijer M, Scaglione A, Rinwa P, Agirre E, Liang J, Larsen SC, Heskol A, Frawley R, Klingener M, Varas-Godoy M, Raposo AASF, Ernfors P, Castro DS, Nielsen ML, Casaccia P, Castelo-Branco G | Cell reports | 31018126 | Cell Rep | 2019 Apr 23 |
Erratum: Author Correction: Identification of genes required for eye development by high-throughput screening of mouse knockouts. | Moore BA, Leonard BC, Sebbag L, Edwards SG, Cooper A, Imai DM, Straiton E, Santos L, Reilly C, Griffey SM, Bower L, Clary D, Mason J, Roux MJ, Meziane H, Herault Y, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, McKerlie C, Flenniken AM, Nutter LMJ, Berberovic Z, Owen C, Newbigging S, Adissu H, Eskandarian M, Hsu CW, Kalaga S, Udensi U, Asomugha C, Bohat R, Gallegos JJ, Seavitt JR, Heaney JD, Beaudet AL, Dickinson ME, Justice MJ, Philip V, Kumar V, Svenson KL, Braun RE, Wells S, Cater H, Stewart M, Clementson-Mobbs S, Joynson R, Gao X, Suzuki T, Wakana S, Smedley D, Seong JK, Tocchini-Valentini G, Moore M, Fletcher C, Karp N, Ramirez-Solis R, White JK, de Angelis MH, Wurst W, Thomasy SM, Flicek P, Parkinson H, Brown SDM, Meehan TF, Nishina PM, Murray SA, Krebs MP, Mallon AM, Kent Lloyd KC, Murphy CJ, Moshiri A | Communications biology | 30854487 | Commun Biol | 2019 |
A Comprehensive Plasma Metabolomics Dataset for a Cohort of Mouse Knockouts within the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium. | Barupal DK, Zhang Y, Shen T, Fan S, Roberts BS, Fitzgerald P, Wancewicz B, Valdiviez L, Wohlgemuth G, Byram G, Choy YY, Haffner B, Showalter MR, Vaniya A, Bloszies CS, Folz JS, Kind T, Flenniken AM, McKerlie C, Nutter LMJ, Lloyd KC, Fiehn O | Metabolites | 31121816 | Metabolites | 2019 May 22 |
Generation of a highly efficient and tissue-specific tryptophan hydroxylase 1 knockout mouse model. | Kim H, Kim YG, Choi W, Moon JH, Hwang I, Kim K, Yadav VK, Karsenty G, Jeong JS, Kim H | Scientific reports | 30518775 | Sci Rep | 2018 Dec 5 |
FRMD8 promotes inflammatory and growth factor signalling by stabilising the iRhom/ADAM17 sheddase complex. | Künzel U, Grieve AG, Meng Y, Sieber B, Cowley SA, Freeman M | eLife | 29897336 | Elife | 2018 Jun 13 |
SynDIG4/Prrt1 Is Required for Excitatory Synapse Development and Plasticity Underlying Cognitive Function. | Matt L, Kirk LM, Chenaux G, Speca DJ, Puhger KR, Pride MC, Qneibi M, Haham T, Plambeck KE, Stern-Bach Y, Silverman JL, Crawley JN, Hell JW, Díaz E | Cell reports | 29490264 | Cell Rep | 2018 Feb 27 |
Principles and application of LIMS in mouse clinics. | Maier H, Schütt C, Steinkamp R, Hurt A, Schneltzer E, Gormanns P, Lengger C, Griffiths M, Melvin D, Agrawal N, Alcantara R, Evans A, Gannon D, Holroyd S, Kipp C, Raj NP, Richardson D, LeBlanc S, Vasseur L, Masuya H, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Tanaka N, Wakana S, Walling A, Clary D, Gallegos J, Fuchs H, de Angelis MH, Gailus-Durner V | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 26208973 | Mamm Genome | 2015 Oct |
Animal models: Mouse already being charted gene by gene. | Brown S | Nature | 24740057 | Nature | 2014 Apr 17 |
Proteotyping of knockout mouse strains reveals sex- and strain-specific signatures in blood plasma. | Mohammed Y, Michaud SA, Pětrošová H, Yang J, Ganguly M, Schibli D, Flenniken AM, Nutter LMJ, Adissu HA, Lloyd KCK, McKerlie C, Borchers CH | NPJ systems biology and applications | 34050187 | NPJ Syst Biol Appl | 2021 May 28 |
Generating mouse models for biomedical research: technological advances. | Gurumurthy CB, Lloyd KCK | Disease models & mechanisms | 30626588 | Dis Model Mech | 2019 Jan 8 |
PATHBIO: an international training program for precision mouse phenotyping. | Ruberte J, Schofield PN, Brakebusch C, Vogel P, Herault Y, Gracia G, McKerlie C, Hrabĕ de Angelis M, Hagn M, Sundberg JP | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 32088735 | Mamm Genome | 2020 Feb |
Cytoglobin deficiency potentiates Crb1-mediated retinal degeneration in rd8 mice. | Kwon YS, Tham A, Lopez AJ, Edwards S, Woods S, Chen J, Wong-Fortunato J, Quiroz Alonso A, Javier S, Au I, Clarke M, Humpal D, Lloyd KCK, Thomasy S, Murphy C, Glaser TM, Moshiri A | Developmental biology | 31634437 | Dev Biol | 2020 Feb 15 |
The GA4GH Phenopacket schema defines a computable representation of clinical data. | Jacobsen JOB, Baudis M, Baynam GS, Beckmann JS, Beltran S, Buske OJ, Callahan TJ, Chute CG, Courtot M, Danis D, Elemento O, Essenwanger A, Freimuth RR, Gargano MA, Groza T, Hamosh A, Harris NL, Kaliyaperumal R, Lloyd KCK, Khalifa A, Krawitz PM, Köhler S, Laraway BJ, Lehväslaiho H, Matalonga L, McMurry JA, Metke-Jimenez A, Mungall CJ, Munoz-Torres MC, Ogishima S, Papakonstantinou A, Piscia D, Pontikos N, Queralt-Rosinach N, Roos M, Sass J, Schofield PN, Seelow D, Siapos A, Smedley D, Smith LD, Steinhaus R, Sundaramurthi JC, Swietlik EM, Thun S, Vasilevsky NA, Wagner AH, Warner JL, Weiland C, GAGH Phenopacket Modeling Consortium, Haendel MA, Robinson PN | Nature biotechnology | 35705716 | Nat Biotechnol | 2022 Jun |
Genome-wide screening reveals the genetic basis of mammalian embryonic eye development. | Chee JM, Lanoue L, Clary D, Higgins K, Bower L, Flenniken A, Guo R, Adams DJ, Bosch F, Braun RE, Brown SDM, Chin HG, Dickinson ME, Hsu CW, Dobbie M, Gao X, Galande S, Grobler A, Heaney JD, Herault Y, de Angelis MH, Mammano F, Nutter LMJ, Parkinson H, Qin C, Shiroishi T, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Xu Y, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Brooks B, McKerlie C, Lloyd KCK, Westerberg H, Moshiri A | BMC biology | 36737727 | BMC Biol | 2023 Feb 3 |
Analysis of genome-wide knockout mouse database identifies candidate ciliopathy genes. | Higgins K, Moore BA, Berberovic Z, Adissu HA, Eskandarian M, Flenniken AM, Shao A, Imai DM, Clary D, Lanoue L, Newbigging S, Nutter LMJ, Adams DJ, Bosch F, Braun RE, Brown SDM, Dickinson ME, Dobbie M, Flicek P, Gao X, Galande S, Grobler A, Heaney JD, Herault Y, de Angelis MH, Chin HG, Mammano F, Qin C, Shiroishi T, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Xu Y, IMPC Consortium, Lloyd KCK, McKerlie C, Moshiri A | Scientific reports | 36456625 | Sci Rep | 2022 Dec 1 |
Bloomsbury report on mouse embryo phenotyping: recommendations from the IMPC workshop on embryonic lethal screening. | Adams D, Baldock R, Bhattacharya S, Copp AJ, Dickinson M, Greene ND, Henkelman M, Justice M, Mohun T, Murray SA, Pauws E, Raess M, Rossant J, Weaver T, West D | Disease models & mechanisms | 23519032 | Dis Model Mech | 2013 May |
Mapping registration sensitivity in MR mouse brain images. | van Eede MC, Scholz J, Chakravarty MM, Henkelman RM, Lerch JP | NeuroImage | 23756204 | Neuroimage | 2013 Nov 15 |
3D imaging, registration, and analysis of the early mouse embryonic vasculature. | Anderson GA, Wong MD, Yang J, Henkelman RM | Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists | 23417982 | Dev Dyn | 2013 May |
Effect of different cryoprotectant agents on spermatogenesis efficiency in cryopreserved and grafted neonatal mouse testicular tissue. | Yildiz C, Mullen B, Jarvi K, McKerlie C, Lo KC | Cryobiology | 23721968 | Cryobiology | 2013 Aug |
A knockout mouse resource for the biomedical research community. | Lloyd KC | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | 22211970 | Ann N Y Acad Sci | 2011 Dec |
A lymphatic defect causes ocular hypertension and glaucoma in mice. | Thomson BR, Heinen S, Jeansson M, Ghosh AK, Fatima A, Sung HK, Onay T, Chen H, Yamaguchi S, Economides AN, Flenniken A, Gale NW, Hong YK, Fawzi A, Liu X, Kume T, Quaggin SE | The Journal of clinical investigation | 25202984 | J Clin Invest | 2014 Oct |
Correction to: Characterization of bone morphology in CCN5/WISP2 knockout mice. | Jiang J, Zhao G, Lyons KM | Journal of cell communication and signaling | 29455304 | J Cell Commun Signal | 2018 Mar |
Amyloid-beta modulates microglial responses by binding to the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2). | Zhong L, Wang Z, Wang D, Wang Z, Martens YA, Wu L, Xu Y, Wang K, Li J, Huang R, Can D, Xu H, Bu G, Chen XF | Molecular neurodegeneration | 29587871 | Mol Neurodegener | 2018 Mar 27 |
Transcriptional analysis of Foxp3+ Tregs and functions of two identified molecules during resolution of ALI. | Mock JR, Dial CF, Tune MK, Norton DL, Martin JR, Gomez JC, Hagan RS, Dang H, Doerschuk CM | JCI insight | 30753170 | JCI Insight | 2019 Mar 21 |
Ndr kinases regulate retinal interneuron proliferation and homeostasis. | Léger H, Santana E, Leu NA, Smith ET, Beltran WA, Aguirre GD, Luca FC | Scientific reports | 30135513 | Sci Rep | 2018 Aug 22 |
Reciprocal control of excitatory synapse numbers by Wnt and Wnt inhibitor PRR7 secreted on exosomes. | Lee SH, Shin SM, Zhong P, Kim HT, Kim DI, Kim JM, Heo WD, Kim DW, Yeo CY, Kim CH, Liu QS | Nature communications | 30143647 | Nat Commun | 2018 Aug 24 |
IFNAR2 Is Required for Anti-influenza Immunity and Alters Susceptibility to Post-influenza Bacterial Superinfections. | Shepardson KM, Larson K, Johns LL, Stanek K, Cho H, Wellham J, Henderson H, Rynda-Apple A | Frontiers in immunology | 30473701 | Front Immunol | 2018 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 (FGFBP3) impacts carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. | Tassi E, Garman KA, Schmidt MO, Ma X, Kabbara KW, Uren A, Tomita Y, Goetz R, Mohammadi M, Wilcox CS, Riegel AT, Carlstrom M, Wellstein A | Scientific reports | 30374109 | Sci Rep | 2018 Oct 29 |
The deubiquitinase MYSM1 dampens NOD2-mediated inflammation and tissue damage by inactivating the RIP2 complex. | Panda S, Gekara NO | Nature communications | 30405132 | Nat Commun | 2018 Nov 7 |
Activation of the Immune-Metabolic Receptor GPR84 Enhances Inflammation and Phagocytosis in Macrophages. | Recio C, Lucy D, Purvis GSD, Iveson P, Zeboudj L, Iqbal AJ, Lin D, O'Callaghan C, Davison L, Griesbach E, Russell AJ, Wynne GM, Dib L, Monaco C, Greaves DR | Frontiers in immunology | 29973940 | Front Immunol | 2018 |
G(i/o) protein-coupled receptors in dopamine neurons inhibit the sodium leak channel NALCN. | Philippart F, Khaliq ZM | eLife | 30556810 | Elife | 2018 Dec 17 |
Mono-ADP-Ribosylhydrolase MACROD2 Is Dispensable for Murine Responses to Metabolic and Genotoxic Insults. | Lo Re O, Mazza T, Vinciguerra M | Frontiers in genetics | 30619475 | Front Genet | 2018 |
The H2B deubiquitinase Usp22 promotes antibody class switch recombination by facilitating non-homologous end joining. | Li C, Irrazabal T, So CC, Berru M, Du L, Lam E, Ling AK, Gommerman JL, Pan-Hammarström Q, Martin A | Nature communications | 29520062 | Nat Commun | 2018 Mar 8 |
Efficient mouse genome engineering by CRISPR-EZ technology. | Modzelewski AJ, Chen S, Willis BJ, Lloyd KCK, Wood JA, He L | Nature protocols | 29748649 | Nat Protoc | 2018 Jun |
Ca2+-binding protein NECAB2 facilitates inflammatory pain hypersensitivity. | Zhang MD, Su J, Adori C, Cinquina V, Malenczyk K, Girach F, Peng C, Ernfors P, Löw P, Borgius L, Kiehn O, Watanabe M, Uhlén M, Mitsios N, Mulder J, Harkany T, Hökfelt T | The Journal of clinical investigation | 29893745 | J Clin Invest | 2018 Aug 31 |
Loss of cone function without degeneration in a novel Gnat2 knock-out mouse. | Ronning KE, Allina GP, Miller EB, Zawadzki RJ, Pugh EN Jr, Herrmann R, Burns ME | Experimental eye research | 29518352 | Exp Eye Res | 2018 Jun |
Impact of Swiprosin-1/Efhd2 on Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis. | Regensburger M, Prots I, Reimer D, Brachs S, Loskarn S, Lie DC, Mielenz D, Winner B | Stem cell reports | 29337116 | Stem Cell Reports | 2018 Feb 13 |
Loss of the Intellectual Disability and Autism Gene Cc2d1a and Its Homolog Cc2d1b Differentially Affect Spatial Memory, Anxiety, and Hyperactivity. | Zamarbide M, Oaks AW, Pond HL, Adelman JS, Manzini MC | Frontiers in genetics | 29552027 | Front Genet | 2018 |
Deficiency of microRNA miR-34a expands cell fate potential in pluripotent stem cells. | Choi YJ, Lin CP, Risso D, Chen S, Kim TA, Tan MH, Li JB, Wu Y, Chen C, Xuan Z, Macfarlan T, Peng W, Lloyd KC, Kim SY, Speed TP, He L | Science (New York, N.Y.) | 28082412 | Science | 2017 Feb 10 |
Altered distribution of ATG9A and accumulation of axonal aggregates in neurons from a mouse model of AP-4 deficiency syndrome. | De Pace R, Skirzewski M, Damme M, Mattera R, Mercurio J, Foster AM, Cuitino L, Jarnik M, Hoffmann V, Morris HD, Han TU, Mancini GMS, Buonanno A, Bonifacino JS | PLoS genetics | 29698489 | PLoS Genet | 2018 Apr |
A Population Study of Common Ocular Abnormalities in C57BL/6N rd8 Mice. | Moore BA, Roux MJ, Sebbag L, Cooper A, Edwards SG, Leonard BC, Imai DM, Griffey S, Bower L, Clary D, Lloyd KCK, Hérault Y, Thomasy SM, Murphy CJ, Moshiri A | Investigative ophthalmology & visual science | 29847629 | Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci | 2018 May 1 |
Reproducibility of CRISPR-Cas9 methods for generation of conditional mouse alleles: a multi-center evaluation. | Gurumurthy CB, O'Brien AR, Quadros RM, Adams J Jr, Alcaide P, Ayabe S, Ballard J, Batra SK, Beauchamp MC, Becker KA, Bernas G, Brough D, Carrillo-Salinas F, Chan W, Chen H, Dawson R, DeMambro V, D'Hont J, Dibb KM, Eudy JD, Gan L, Gao J, Gonzales A, Guntur AR, Guo H, Harms DW, Harrington A, Hentges KE, Humphreys N, Imai S, Ishii H, Iwama M, Jonasch E, Karolak M, Keavney B, Khin NC, Konno M, Kotani Y, Kunihiro Y, Lakshmanan I, Larochelle C, Lawrence CB, Li L, Lindner V, Liu XD, Lopez-Castejon G, Loudon A, Lowe J, Jerome-Majewska LA, Matsusaka T, Miura H, Miyasaka Y, Morpurgo B, Motyl K, Nabeshima YI, Nakade K, Nakashiba T, Nakashima K, Obata Y, Ogiwara S, Ouellet M, Oxburgh L, Piltz S, Pinz I, Ponnusamy MP, Ray D, Redder RJ, Rosen CJ, Ross N, Ruhe MT, Ryzhova L, Salvador AM, Alam SS, Sedlacek R, Sharma K, Smith C, Staes K, Starrs L, Sugiyama F, Takahashi S, Tanaka T, Trafford AW, Uno Y, Vanhoutte L, Vanrockeghem F, Willis BJ, Wright CS, Yamauchi Y, Yi X, Yoshimi K, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Ohtsuka M, Das S, Garry DJ, Hochepied T, Thomas P, Parker-Thornburg J, Adamson AD, Yoshiki A, Schmouth JF, Golovko A, Thompson WR, Lloyd KCK, Wood JA, Cowan M, Mashimo T, Mizuno S, Zhu H, Kasparek P, Liaw L, Miano JM, Burgio G | Genome biology | 31446895 | Genome Biol | 2019 Aug 26 |
High-throughput discovery of genetic determinants of circadian misalignment. | Zhang T, Xie P, Dong Y, Liu Z, Zhou F, Pan D, Huang Z, Zhai Q, Gu Y, Wu Q, Tanaka N, Obata Y, Bradley A, Lelliott CJ, Sanger Institute Mouse Genetics Project, Nutter LMJ, McKerlie C, Flenniken AM, Champy MF, Sorg T, Herault Y, Angelis MH, Durner VG, Mallon AM, Brown SDM, Meehan T, Parkinson HE, Smedley D, Lloyd KCK, Yan J, Gao X, Seong JK, Wang CL, Sedlacek R, Liu Y, Rozman J, Yang L, Xu Y | PLoS genetics | 31929527 | PLoS Genet | 2020 Jan |
Structural stabilization of tissue for embryo phenotyping using micro-CT with iodine staining. | Wong MD, Spring S, Henkelman RM | PloS one | 24386367 | PLoS One | 2013 |
Precision medicine: Look to the mice. | Lloyd KC, Meehan T, Beaudet A, Murray S, Svenson K, McKerlie C, West D, Morse I, Parkinson H, Brown S, Mallon AM, Moore M | Science (New York, N.Y.) | 26206923 | Science | 2015 Jul 24 |
Reporter Gene Silencing in Targeted Mouse Mutants Is Associated with Promoter CpG Island Methylation. | Kirov JV, Adkisson M, Nava AJ, Cipollone A, Willis B, Engelhard EK, Lloyd KC, de Jong P, West DB | PloS one | 26275310 | PLoS One | 2015 |
4D atlas of the mouse embryo for precise morphological staging. | Wong MD, van Eede MC, Spring S, Jevtic S, Boughner JC, Lerch JP, Henkelman RM | Development (Cambridge, England) | 26487781 | Development | 2015 Oct 15 |
Precision medicine: an opportunity for a paradigm shift in veterinary medicine. | Lloyd KC, Khanna C, Hendricks W, Trent J, Kotlikoff M | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | 26684088 | J Am Vet Med Assoc | 2016 Jan 1 |
A novel DPH5-related diphthamide-deficiency syndrome causing embryonic lethality or profound neurodevelopmental disorder. | Shankar SP, Grimsrud K, Lanoue L, Egense A, Willis B, Hörberg J, AlAbdi L, Mayer K, Ütkür K, Monaghan KG, Krier J, Stoler J, Alnemer M, Shankar PR, Schaffrath R, Alkuraya FS, Brinkmann U, Eriksson LA, Lloyd K, Rauen KA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network | Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics | 35482014 | Genet Med | 2022 Jul |
Cryorecovery of Mouse Sperm by Different IVF Methods Using MBCD and GSH. | Li MW, Glass OC, Zarrabi J, Baker LN, Lloyd KC | Journal of fertilization in vitro | 27413624 | J Fertili In Vitro | 2016 May |
Validation of simple sequence length polymorphism regions of commonly used mouse strains for marker assisted speed congenics screening. | Gurumurthy CB, Joshi PS, Kurz SG, Ohtsuka M, Quadros RM, Harms DW, Lloyd KC | International journal of genomics | 25815306 | Int J Genomics | 2015 |
Sexual Dimorphism of the Mouse Plasma Metabolome Is Associated with Phenotypes of 30 Gene Knockout Lines. | Zhang Y, Barupal DK, Fan S, Gao B, Zhu C, Flenniken AM, McKerlie C, Nutter LMJ, Lloyd KCK, Fiehn O | Metabolites | 37623890 | Metabolites | 2023 Aug 15 |
Topologically associating domain boundaries are required for normal genome function. | Rajderkar S, Barozzi I, Zhu Y, Hu R, Zhang Y, Li B, Alcaina Caro A, Fukuda-Yuzawa Y, Kelman G, Akeza A, Blow MJ, Pham Q, Harrington AN, Godoy J, Meky EM, von Maydell K, Hunter RD, Akiyama JA, Novak CS, Plajzer-Frick I, Afzal V, Tran S, Lopez-Rios J, Talkowski ME, Lloyd KCK, Ren B, Dickel DE, Visel A, Pennacchio LA | Communications biology | 37081156 | Commun Biol | 2023 Apr 20 |
A computational approach for identification of core modules from a co-expression network and GWAS data. | Sabik OL, Ackert-Bicknell CL, Farber CR | STAR protocols | 34467232 | STAR Protoc | 2021 Sep 17 |
LAMA: automated image analysis for the developmental phenotyping of mouse embryos. | Horner NR, Venkataraman S, Armit C, Casero R, Brown JM, Wong MD, van Eede MC, Henkelman RM, Johnson S, Teboul L, Wells S, Brown SD, Westerberg H, Mallon AM | Development (Cambridge, England) | 33574040 | Development | 2021 Mar 24 |
Diffusion enables integration of heterogeneous data and user-driven learning in a desktop knowledge-base. | Konopka T, Ng S, Smedley D | PLoS computational biology | 34379637 | PLoS Comput Biol | 2021 Aug |
Phenotype-driven approaches to enhance variant prioritization and diagnosis of rare disease. | Jacobsen JOB, Kelly C, Cipriani V, Research Consortium GE, Mungall CJ, Reese J, Danis D, Robinson PN, Smedley D | Human mutation | 35391505 | Hum Mutat | 2022 Aug |
Unexplored therapeutic opportunities in the human genome. | Oprea TI, Bologa CG, Brunak S, Campbell A, Gan GN, Gaulton A, Gomez SM, Guha R, Hersey A, Holmes J, Jadhav A, Jensen LJ, Johnson GL, Karlson A, Leach AR, Ma'ayan A, Malovannaya A, Mani S, Mathias SL, McManus MT, Meehan TF, von Mering C, Muthas D, Nguyen DT, Overington JP, Papadatos G, Qin J, Reich C, Roth BL, Schürer SC, Simeonov A, Sklar LA, Southall N, Tomita S, Tudose I, Ursu O, Vidovic D, Waller A, Westergaard D, Yang JJ, Zahoránszky-Köhalmi G | Nature reviews. Drug discovery | 29472638 | Nat Rev Drug Discov | 2018 May |
Accessing and mining data from large-scale mouse phenotyping projects. | Morgan H, Simon M, Mallon AM | International review of neurobiology | 23195311 | Int Rev Neurobiol | 2012 |
Genomic Mutation Identification in Mice Using Illumina Sequencing and Linux-Based Computational Methods. | Williams JA, Powell G, Mallon AM, Simon MM | Current protocols in mouse biology | 31532925 | Curr Protoc Mouse Biol | 2019 Sep |
High-throughput phenotyping reveals expansive genetic and structural underpinnings of immune variation. | Abeler-Dörner L, Laing AG, Lorenc A, Ushakov DS, Clare S, Speak AO, Duque-Correa MA, White JK, Ramirez-Solis R, Saran N, Bull KR, Morón B, Iwasaki J, Barton PR, Caetano S, Hng KI, Cambridge E, Forman S, Crockford TL, Griffiths M, Kane L, Harcourt K, Brandt C, Notley G, Babalola KO, Warren J, Mason JC, Meeniga A, Karp NA, Melvin D, Cawthorne E, Weinrick B, Rahim A, Drissler S, Meskas J, Yue A, Lux M, Song-Zhao GX, Chan A, Ballesteros Reviriego C, Abeler J, Wilson H, Przemska-Kosicka A, Edmans M, Strevens N, Pasztorek M, Meehan TF, Powrie F, Brinkman R, Dougan G, Jacobs W Jr, Lloyd CM, Cornall RJ, Maloy KJ, Grencis RK, Griffiths GM, Adams DJ, Hayday AC | Nature immunology | 31844327 | Nat Immunol | 2020 Jan |
-Omics biomarker identification pipeline for translational medicine. | Bravo-Merodio L, Williams JA, Gkoutos GV, Acharjee A | Journal of translational medicine | 31088492 | J Transl Med | 2019 May 14 |
New models for human disease from the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium. | Cacheiro P, Haendel MA, Smedley D, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium and the Monarch Initiative | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 31127358 | Mamm Genome | 2019 Jun |
Evaluation of phenotype-driven gene prioritization methods for Mendelian diseases. | Jacobsen JOB, Kelly C, Cipriani V, Robinson PN, Smedley D | Briefings in bioinformatics | 35595299 | Brief Bioinform | 2022 Sep 20 |
Improving prenatal diagnosis through standards and aggregation. | Duyzend MH, Cacheiro P, Jacobsen JOB, Giordano J, Brand H, Wapner RJ, Talkowski ME, Robinson PN, Smedley D | Prenatal diagnosis | 38242839 | Prenat Diagn | 2024 Apr |
A consensus score to combine inferences from multiple centres. | Haselimashhadi H, Babalola K, Wilson R, Groza T, Muñoz-Fuentes V | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 37154937 | Mamm Genome | 2023 Sep |
MusMorph, a database of standardized mouse morphology data for morphometric meta-analyses. | Devine J, Vidal-García M, Liu W, Neves A, Lo Vercio LD, Green RM, Richbourg HA, Marchini M, Unger CM, Nickle AC, Radford B, Young NM, Gonzalez PN, Schuler RE, Bugacov A, Rolian C, Percival CJ, Williams T, Niswander L, Calof AL, Lander AD, Visel A, Jirik FR, Cheverud JM, Klein OD, Birnbaum RY, Merrill AE, Ackermann RR, Graf D, Hemberger M, Dean W, Forkert ND, Murray SA, Westerberg H, Marcucio RS, Hallgrímsson B | Scientific data | 35614082 | Sci Data | 2022 May 25 |
Phenotype-aware prioritisation of rare Mendelian disease variants. | Kelly C, Szabo A, Pontikos N, Arno G, Robinson PN, Jacobsen JOB, Smedley D, Cipriani V | Trends in genetics : TIG | 35934592 | Trends Genet | 2022 Dec |
Computational identification of disease models through cross-species phenotype comparison. | Cacheiro P, Pava D, Parkinson H, VanZanten M, Wilson R, Gunes O, The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Smedley D | Disease models & mechanisms | 38881316 | Dis Model Mech | 2024 Jun 1 |
The Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno): A framework for cross-species integrative phenomics. | Matentzoglu N, Bello SM, Stefancsik R, Alghamdi SM, Anagnostopoulos AV, Balhoff JP, Balk MA, Bradford YM, Bridges Y, Callahan TJ, Caufield H, Cuzick A, Carmody LC, Caron AR, de Souza V, Engel SR, Fey P, Fisher M, Gehrke S, Grove C, Hansen P, Harris NL, Harris MA, Harris L, Ibrahim A, Jacobsen JOB, Köhler S, McMurry JA, Munoz-Fuentes V, Munoz-Torres MC, Parkinson H, Pendlington ZM, Pilgrim C, Robb SM, Robinson PN, Seager J, Segerdell E, Smedley D, Sollis E, Toro S, Vasilevsky N, Wood V, Haendel MA, Mungall CJ, McLaughlin JA, Osumi-Sutherland D | bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology | 39345458 | bioRxiv | 2024 Sep 22 |
Linking tissues to phenotypes using gene expression profiles. | Oellrich A, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Smedley D | Database : the journal of biological databases and curation | 24634472 | Database (Oxford) | 2014 |
Linking gene expression to phenotypes via pathway information. | Papatheodorou I, Oellrich A, Smedley D | Journal of biomedical semantics | 25901272 | J Biomed Semantics | 2015 |
Accessing data from the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium: state of the art and future plans. | Mallon AM, Iyer V, Melvin D, Morgan H, Parkinson H, Brown SD, Flicek P, Skarnes WC | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 22991088 | Mamm Genome | 2012 Oct |
Generation of silver standard concept annotations from biomedical texts with special relevance to phenotypes. | Oellrich A, Collier N, Smedley D, Groza T | PloS one | 25607983 | PLoS One | 2015 |
Impact of temporal variation on design and analysis of mouse knockout phenotyping studies. | Karp NA, Speak AO, White JK, Adams DJ, Hrabé de Angelis M, Hérault Y, Mott RF | PloS one | 25343444 | PLoS One | 2014 |
A common control group - optimising the experiment design to maximise sensitivity. | Bate S, Karp NA | PloS one | 25504147 | PLoS One | 2014 |
A mouse informatics platform for phenotypic and translational discovery. | Ring N, Meehan TF, Blake A, Brown J, Chen CK, Conte N, Di Fenza A, Fiegel T, Horner N, Jacobsen JO, Karp N, Lawson T, Mason JC, Matthews P, Morgan H, Relac M, Santos L, Smedley D, Sneddon D, Pengelly A, Tudose I, Warren JW, Westerberg H, Yaikhom G, Parkinson H, Mallon AM | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 26314589 | Mamm Genome | 2015 Oct |
Improving the Identification of Phenotypic Abnormalities and Sexual Dimorphism in Mice When Studying Rare Event Categorical Characteristics. | Karp NA, Heller R, Yaacoby S, White JK, Benjamini Y | Genetics | 27932544 | Genetics | 2017 Feb |
Utility of HbA(1c) assessment in people with diabetes awaiting liver transplantation. | Bhattacharjee D, Vracar S, Round RA, Nightingale PG, Williams JA, Gkoutos GV, Stratton IM, Parker R, Luzio SD, Webber J, Manley SE, Roberts GA, Ghosh S | Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association | 30474191 | Diabet Med | 2019 Nov |
Incremental data integration for tracking genotype-disease associations. | Konopka T, Smedley D | PLoS computational biology | 31986132 | PLoS Comput Biol | 2020 Jan |
The NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog: knowledgebase and deposition resource. | Sollis E, Mosaku A, Abid A, Buniello A, Cerezo M, Gil L, Groza T, Güneş O, Hall P, Hayhurst J, Ibrahim A, Ji Y, John S, Lewis E, MacArthur JAL, McMahon A, Osumi-Sutherland D, Panoutsopoulou K, Pendlington Z, Ramachandran S, Stefancsik R, Stewart J, Whetzel P, Wilson R, Hindorff L, Cunningham F, Lambert SA, Inouye M, Parkinson H, Harris LW | Nucleic acids research | 36350656 | Nucleic Acids Res | 2023 Jan 6 |
Multivariate phenotype analysis enables genome-wide inference of mammalian gene function. | Nicholson G, Morgan H, Ganjgahi H, Brown SDM, Mallon AM, Holmes C | PLoS biology | 35944064 | PLoS Biol | 2022 Aug |
Making sense of the linear genome, gene function and TADs. | Long HS, Greenaway S, Powell G, Mallon AM, Lindgren CM, Simon MM | Epigenetics & chromatin | 35090532 | Epigenetics Chromatin | 2022 Jan 29 |
OpenStats: A robust and scalable software package for reproducible analysis of high-throughput phenotypic data. | Haselimashhadi H, Mason JC, Mallon AM, Smedley D, Meehan TF, Parkinson H | PloS one | 33378393 | PLoS One | 2020 |
Knockout mice are an important tool for human monogenic heart disease studies. | Cacheiro P, Spielmann N, Mashhadi HH, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Smedley D, de Angelis MH | Disease models & mechanisms | 36825469 | Dis Model Mech | 2023 May 1 |
Genome Wide Conditional Mouse Knockout Resources. | Kaloff C, Anastassiadis K, Ayadi A, Baldock R, Beig J, Birling MC, Bradley A, Brown S, Bürger A, Bushell W, Chiani F, Collins FS, Doe B, Eppig JT, Finnel RH, Fletcher C, Flicek P, Fray M, Friedel RH, Gambadoro A, Gates H, Hansen J, Herault Y, Hicks GG, Hörlein A, Hrabé de Angelis M, Iyer V, de Jong PJ, Koscielny G, Kühn R, Liu P, Lloyd KC, Lopez RG, Marschall S, Martínez S, McKerlie C, Meehan T, von Melchner H, Moore M, Murray SA, Nagy A, Nutter L, Pavlovic G, Pombero A, Prosser H, Ramirez-Solis R, Ringwald M, Rosen B, Rosenthal N, Rossant J, Ruiz Noppinger P, Ryder E, Skarnes WC, Schick J, Schnütgen F, Schofield P, Seisenberger C, Selloum M, Smedley D, Simpson EM, Stewart AF, Teboul L, Tocchini Valentini GP, Valenzuela D, West A, Wurst W | Drug discovery today. Disease models | 39132094 | Drug Discov Today Dis Models | 2016 Summer |
A Whole-Genome Analysis Framework for Effective Identification of Pathogenic Regulatory Variants in Mendelian Disease. | Smedley D, Schubach M, Jacobsen JOB, Köhler S, Zemojtel T, Spielmann M, Jäger M, Hochheiser H, Washington NL, McMurry JA, Haendel MA, Mungall CJ, Lewis SE, Groza T, Valentini G, Robinson PN | American journal of human genetics | 27569544 | Am J Hum Genet | 2016 Sep 1 |
Pleiotropy data resource as a primer for investigating co-morbidities/multi-morbidities and their role in disease. | Muñoz-Fuentes V, Haselimashhadi H, Santos L, Westerberg H, Parkinson H, Mason J | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 34524473 | Mamm Genome | 2022 Mar |
High-throughput mouse phenomics for characterizing mammalian gene function. | Brown SDM, Holmes CC, Mallon AM, Meehan TF, Smedley D, Wells S | Nature reviews. Genetics | 29626206 | Nat Rev Genet | 2018 Jun |
Automatic concept recognition using the human phenotype ontology reference and test suite corpora. | Groza T, Köhler S, Doelken S, Collier N, Oellrich A, Smedley D, Couto FM, Baynam G, Zankl A, Robinson PN | Database : the journal of biological databases and curation | 25725061 | Database (Oxford) | 2015 |
WGE: a CRISPR database for genome engineering. | Hodgkins A, Farne A, Perera S, Grego T, Parry-Smith DJ, Skarnes WC, Iyer V | Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) | 25979474 | Bioinformatics | 2015 Sep 15 |
Using association rule mining to determine promising secondary phenotyping hypotheses. | Oellrich A, Jacobsen J, Papatheodorou I, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Smedley D | Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) | 24932005 | Bioinformatics | 2014 Jun 15 |
Reporting phenotypes in mouse models when considering body size as a potential confounder. | Oellrich A, Meehan TF, Parkinson H, Sarntivijai S, White JK, Karp NA | Journal of biomedical semantics | 26865945 | J Biomed Semantics | 2016 |
Essential genes: a cross-species perspective. | Cacheiro P, Smedley D | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 36897351 | Mamm Genome | 2023 Sep |
Genetic determinants of micronucleus formation in vivo. | Adams DJ, Barlas B, McIntyre RE, Salguero I, van der Weyden L, Barros A, Vicente JR, Karimpour N, Haider A, Ranzani M, Turner G, Thompson NA, Harle V, Olvera-León R, Robles-Espinoza CD, Speak AO, Geisler N, Weninger WJ, Geyer SH, Hewinson J, Karp NA, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Fu B, Yang F, Kozik Z, Choudhary J, Yu L, van Ruiten MS, Rowland BD, Lelliott CJ, Del Castillo Velasco-Herrera M, Verstraten R, Bruckner L, Henssen AG, Rooimans MA, de Lange J, Mohun TJ, Arends MJ, Kentistou KA, Coelho PA, Zhao Y, Zecchini H, Perry JRB, Jackson SP, Balmus G | Nature | 38355793 | Nature | 2024 Mar |
Robust and sensitive analysis of mouse knockout phenotypes. | Karp NA, Melvin D, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Mott RF | PloS one | 23300663 | PLoS One | 2012 |
A holistic view of mouse enhancer architectures reveals analogous pleiotropic effects and correlation with human disease. | Sethi S, Vorontsov IE, Kulakovskiy IV, Greenaway S, Williams J, Makeev VJ, Brown SDM, Simon MM, Mallon AM | BMC genomics | 33138777 | BMC Genomics | 2020 Nov 2 |
100,000 Genomes Pilot on Rare-Disease Diagnosis in Health Care - Preliminary Report. | 100,000 Genomes Project Pilot Investigators, Smedley D, Smith KR, Martin A, Thomas EA, McDonagh EM, Cipriani V, Ellingford JM, Arno G, Tucci A, Vandrovcova J, Chan G, Williams HJ, Ratnaike T, Wei W, Stirrups K, Ibanez K, Moutsianas L, Wielscher M, Need A, Barnes MR, Vestito L, Buchanan J, Wordsworth S, Ashford S, Rehmström K, Li E, Fuller G, Twiss P, Spasic-Boskovic O, Halsall S, Floto RA, Poole K, Wagner A, Mehta SG, Gurnell M, Burrows N, James R, Penkett C, Dewhurst E, Gräf S, Mapeta R, Kasanicki M, Haworth A, Savage H, Babcock M, Reese MG, Bale M, Baple E, Boustred C, Brittain H, de Burca A, Bleda M, Devereau A, Halai D, Haraldsdottir E, Hyder Z, Kasperaviciute D, Patch C, Polychronopoulos D, Matchan A, Sultana R, Ryten M, Tavares ALT, Tregidgo C, Turnbull C, Welland M, Wood S, Snow C, Williams E, Leigh S, Foulger RE, Daugherty LC, Niblock O, Leong IUS, Wright CF, Davies J, Crichton C, Welch J, Woods K, Abulhoul L, Aurora P, Bockenhauer D, Broomfield A, Cleary MA, Lam T, Dattani M, Footitt E, Ganesan V, Grunewald S, Compeyrot-Lacassagne S, Muntoni F, Pilkington C, Quinlivan R, Thapar N, Wallis C, Wedderburn LR, Worth A, Bueser T, Compton C, Deshpande C, Fassihi H, Haque E, Izatt L, Josifova D, Mohammed S, Robert L, Rose S, Ruddy D, Sarkany R, Say G, Shaw AC, Wolejko A, Habib B, Burns G, Hunter S, Grocock RJ, Humphray SJ, Robinson PN, Haendel M, Simpson MA, Banka S, Clayton-Smith J, Douzgou S, Hall G, Thomas HB, O'Keefe RT, Michaelides M, Moore AT, Malka S, Pontikos N, Browning AC, Straub V, Gorman GS, Horvath R, Quinton R, Schaefer AM, Yu-Wai-Man P, Turnbull DM, McFarland R, Taylor RW, O'Connor E, Yip J, Newland K, Morris HR, Polke J, Wood NW, Campbell C, Camps C, Gibson K, Koelling N, Lester T, Németh AH, Palles C, Patel S, Roy NBA, Sen A, Taylor J, Cacheiro P, Jacobsen JO, Seaby EG, Davison V, Chitty L, Douglas A, Naresh K, McMullan D, Ellard S, Temple IK, Mumford AD, Wilson G, Beales P, Bitner-Glindzicz M, Black G, Bradley JR, Brennan P, Burn J, Chinnery PF, Elliott P, Flinter F, Houlden H, Irving M, Newman W, Rahman S, Sayer JA, Taylor JC, Webster AR, Wilkie AOM, Ouwehand WH, Raymond FL, Chisholm J, Hill S, Bentley D, Scott RH, Fowler T, Rendon A, Caulfield M | The New England journal of medicine | 34758253 | N Engl J Med | 2021 Nov 11 |
Comprehensive phenotypic analysis of the Dp1Tyb mouse strain reveals a broad range of Down syndrome-related phenotypes. | Lana-Elola E, Cater H, Watson-Scales S, Greenaway S, Müller-Winkler J, Gibbins D, Nemes M, Slender A, Hough T, Keskivali-Bond P, Scudamore CL, Herbert E, Banks GT, Mobbs H, Canonica T, Tosh J, Noy S, Llorian M, Nolan PM, Griffin JL, Good M, Simon M, Mallon AM, Wells S, Fisher EMC, Tybulewicz VLJ | Disease models & mechanisms | 34477842 | Dis Model Mech | 2021 Oct 1 |
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium Web Portal, a unified point of access for knockout mice and related phenotyping data. | Koscielny G, Yaikhom G, Iyer V, Meehan TF, Morgan H, Atienza-Herrero J, Blake A, Chen CK, Easty R, Di Fenza A, Fiegel T, Grifiths M, Horne A, Karp NA, Kurbatova N, Mason JC, Matthews P, Oakley DJ, Qazi A, Regnart J, Retha A, Santos LA, Sneddon DJ, Warren J, Westerberg H, Wilson RJ, Melvin DG, Smedley D, Brown SD, Flicek P, Skarnes WC, Mallon AM, Parkinson H | Nucleic acids research | 24194600 | Nucleic Acids Res | 2014 Jan |
Integrative transcriptomic analysis suggests new autoregulatory splicing events coupled with nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. | Pervouchine D, Popov Y, Berry A, Borsari B, Frankish A, Guigó R | Nucleic acids research | 30916337 | Nucleic Acids Res | 2019 Jun 4 |
Identification of a Core Module for Bone Mineral Density through the Integration of a Co-expression Network and GWAS Data. | Sabik OL, Calabrese GM, Taleghani E, Ackert-Bicknell CL, Farber CR | Cell reports | 32937138 | Cell Rep | 2020 Sep 15 |
Sexual dimorphism in trait variability and its eco-evolutionary and statistical implications. | Zajitschek SR, Zajitschek F, Bonduriansky R, Brooks RC, Cornwell W, Falster DS, Lagisz M, Mason J, Senior AM, Noble DW, Nakagawa S | eLife | 33198888 | Elife | 2020 Nov 17 |
Comparative visualization of genotype-phenotype relationships. | Yaikhom G, Morgan H, Sneddon D, Retha A, Atienza-Herrero J, Blake A, Brown J, Di Fenza A, Fiegel T, Horner N, Ring N, Santos L, Westerberg H, Brown SD, Mallon AM | Nature methods | 26226357 | Nat Methods | 2015 Aug |
Disease insights through cross-species phenotype comparisons. | Haendel MA, Vasilevsky N, Brush M, Hochheiser HS, Jacobsen J, Oellrich A, Mungall CJ, Washington N, Köhler S, Lewis SE, Robinson PN, Smedley D | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 26092691 | Mamm Genome | 2015 Oct |
The digital revolution in phenotyping. | Oellrich A, Collier N, Groza T, Rebholz-Schuhmann D, Shah N, Bodenreider O, Boland MR, Georgiev I, Liu H, Livingston K, Luna A, Mallon AM, Manda P, Robinson PN, Rustici G, Simon M, Wang L, Winnenburg R, Dumontier M | Briefings in bioinformatics | 26420780 | Brief Bioinform | 2016 Sep |
Computational evaluation of exome sequence data using human and model organism phenotypes improves diagnostic efficiency. | Bone WP, Washington NL, Buske OJ, Adams DR, Davis J, Draper D, Flynn ED, Girdea M, Godfrey R, Golas G, Groden C, Jacobsen J, Köhler S, Lee EM, Links AE, Markello TC, Mungall CJ, Nehrebecky M, Robinson PN, Sincan M, Soldatos AG, Tifft CJ, Toro C, Trang H, Valkanas E, Vasilevsky N, Wahl C, Wolfe LA, Boerkoel CF, Brudno M, Haendel MA, Gahl WA, Smedley D | Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics | 26562225 | Genet Med | 2016 Jun |
PhenStat: A Tool Kit for Standardized Analysis of High Throughput Phenotypic Data. | Kurbatova N, Mason JC, Morgan H, Meehan TF, Karp NA | PloS one | 26147094 | PLoS One | 2015 |
Disruption of the potassium channel regulatory subunit KCNE2 causes iron-deficient anemia. | Salsbury G, Cambridge EL, McIntyre Z, Arends MJ, Karp NA, Isherwood C, Shannon C, Hooks Y, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Ramirez-Solis R, Adams DJ, White JK, Speak AO | Experimental hematology | 25127743 | Exp Hematol | 2014 Dec |
Dimensional reduction of phenotypes from 53 000 mouse models reveals a diverse landscape of gene function. | Konopka T, Vestito L, Smedley D | Bioinformatics advances | 34870209 | Bioinform Adv | 2021 |
REMBI: Recommended Metadata for Biological Images-enabling reuse of microscopy data in biology. | Sarkans U, Chiu W, Collinson L, Darrow MC, Ellenberg J, Grunwald D, Hériché JK, Iudin A, Martins GG, Meehan T, Narayan K, Patwardhan A, Russell MRG, Saibil HR, Strambio-De-Castillia C, Swedlow JR, Tischer C, Uhlmann V, Verkade P, Barlow M, Bayraktar O, Birney E, Catavitello C, Cawthorne C, Wagner-Conrad S, Duke E, Paul-Gilloteaux P, Gustin E, Harkiolaki M, Kankaanpää P, Lemberger T, McEntyre J, Moore J, Nicholls AW, Onami S, Parkinson H, Parsons M, Romanchikova M, Sofroniew N, Swoger J, Utz N, Voortman LM, Wong F, Zhang P, Kleywegt GJ, Brazma A | Nature methods | 34021280 | Nat Methods | 2021 Dec |
A bioimage informatics platform for high-throughput embryo phenotyping. | Brown JM, Horner NR, Lawson TN, Fiegel T, Greenaway S, Morgan H, Ring N, Santos L, Sneddon D, Teboul L, Vibert J, Yaikhom G, Westerberg H, Mallon AM | Briefings in bioinformatics | 27742664 | Brief Bioinform | 2018 Jan 1 |
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium: comprehensive knockout phenotyping underpinning the study of human disease. | Groza T, Gomez FL, Mashhadi HH, Muñoz-Fuentes V, Gunes O, Wilson R, Cacheiro P, Frost A, Keskivali-Bond P, Vardal B, McCoy A, Cheng TK, Santos L, Wells S, Smedley D, Mallon AM, Parkinson H | Nucleic acids research | 36305825 | Nucleic Acids Res | 2023 Jan 6 |
Sex differences in allometry for phenotypic traits in mice indicate that females are not scaled males. | Wilson LAB, Zajitschek SRK, Lagisz M, Mason J, Haselimashhadi H, Nakagawa S | Nature communications | 36509767 | Nat Commun | 2022 Dec 12 |
Efficient reinterpretation of rare disease cases using Exomiser. | Vestito L, Jacobsen JOB, Walker S, Cipriani V, Harris NL, Haendel MA, Mungall CJ, Robinson P, Smedley D | NPJ genomic medicine | 39695184 | NPJ Genom Med | 2024 Dec 18 |
CRISPR -Mediated Expression of the Fetal Scn5a Isoform in Adult Mice Causes Conduction Defects and Arrhythmias. | Pang PD, Alsina KM, Cao S, Koushik AB, Wehrens XHT, Cooper TA | Journal of the American Heart Association | 30371314 | J Am Heart Assoc | 2018 Oct 2 |
FAM92A Underlies Nonsyndromic Postaxial Polydactyly in Humans and an Abnormal Limb and Digit Skeletal Phenotype in Mice. | Schrauwen I, Giese AP, Aziz A, Lafont DT, Chakchouk I, Santos-Cortez RLP, Lee K, Acharya A, Khan FS, Ullah A, Nickerson DA, Bamshad MJ, Ali G, Riazuddin S, Ansar M, Ahmad W, Ahmed ZM, Leal SM | Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research | 30395363 | J Bone Miner Res | 2019 Feb |
Fam151b, the mouse homologue of C.elegans menorin gene, is essential for retinal function. | Findlay AS, McKie L, Keighren M, Clementson-Mobbs S, Sanchez-Pulido L, Wells S, Cross SH, Jackson IJ | Scientific reports | 31949211 | Sci Rep | 2020 Jan 16 |
COPB2 loss of function causes a coatopathy with osteoporosis and developmental delay. | Marom R, Burrage LC, Venditti R, Clément A, Blanco-Sánchez B, Jain M, Scott DA, Rosenfeld JA, Sutton VR, Shinawi M, Mirzaa G, DeVile C, Roberts R, Calder AD, Allgrove J, Grafe I, Lanza DG, Li X, Joeng KS, Lee YC, Song IW, Sliepka JM, Batkovskyte D, Washington M, Dawson BC, Jin Z, Jiang MM, Chen S, Chen Y, Tran AA, Emrick LT, Murdock DR, Hanchard NA, Zapata GE, Mehta NR, Weis MA, Scott AA, Tremp BA, Phillips JB, Wegner J, Taylor-Miller T, Gibbs RA, Muzny DM, Jhangiani SN, Hicks J, Stottmann RW, Dickinson ME, Seavitt JR, Heaney JD, Eyre DR, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Westerfield M, De Matteis MA, Lee B | American journal of human genetics | 34450031 | Am J Hum Genet | 2021 Sep 2 |
PHDs/CPT1B/VDAC1 axis regulates long-chain fatty acid oxidation in cardiomyocytes. | Angelini A, Saha PK, Jain A, Jung SY, Mynatt RL, Pi X, Xie L | Cell reports | 34610308 | Cell Rep | 2021 Oct 5 |
Progressive myoclonic epilepsy-associated gene Kctd7 regulates retinal neurovascular patterning and function. | Alevy J, Burger CA, Albrecht NE, Jiang D, Samuel MA | Neurochemistry international | 31175897 | Neurochem Int | 2019 Oct |
Somatic Gain of KRAS Function in the Endothelium Is Sufficient to Cause Vascular Malformations That Require MEK but Not PI3K Signaling. | Fish JE, Flores Suarez CP, Boudreau E, Herman AM, Gutierrez MC, Gustafson D, DiStefano PV, Cui M, Chen Z, De Ruiz KB, Schexnayder TS, Ward CS, Radovanovic I, Wythe JD | Circulation research | 32552404 | Circ Res | 2020 Aug 28 |
Inter- and Transgenerational Effects of Paternal Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic. | Gong Y, Xue Y, Li X, Zhang Z, Zhou W, Marcolongo P, Benedetti A, Mao S, Han L, Ding G, Sun Z | Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) | 33854880 | Adv Sci (Weinh) | 2021 Apr |
Nitric oxide modulates bone anabolism through regulation of osteoblast glycolysis and differentiation. | Jin Z, Kho J, Dawson B, Jiang MM, Chen Y, Ali S, Burrage LC, Grover M, Palmer DJ, Turner DL, Ng P, Nagamani SC, Lee B | The Journal of clinical investigation | 33373331 | J Clin Invest | 2021 Mar 1 |
Bmi1 Suppresses Adipogenesis in the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche. | Hu T, Kitano A, Luu V, Dawson B, Hoegenauer KA, Lee BH, Nakada D | Stem cell reports | 31257132 | Stem Cell Reports | 2019 Sep 10 |
The Hippo Pathway Blocks Mammalian Retinal Müller Glial Cell Reprogramming. | Rueda EM, Hall BM, Hill MC, Swinton PG, Tong X, Martin JF, Poché RA | Cell reports | 31067451 | Cell Rep | 2019 May 7 |
Mechanisms of skeletal muscle wasting in a mouse model for myotonic dystrophy type 1. | Morriss GR, Rajapakshe K, Huang S, Coarfa C, Cooper TA | Human molecular genetics | 29771332 | Hum Mol Genet | 2018 Aug 15 |
Steroid Receptor Coactivator-2 Controls the Pentose Phosphate Pathway through RPIA in Human Endometrial Cancer Cells. | Szwarc MM, Kommagani R, Putluri V, Dubrulle J, Stossi F, Mancini MA, Coarfa C, Lanz RB, Putluri N, DeMayo FJ, Lydon JP, O'Malley BW | Scientific reports | 30177747 | Sci Rep | 2018 Sep 3 |
Vaccine-linked chemotherapy improves cardiac structure and function in a mouse model of chronic Chagas disease. | Jones KM, Mangin EN, Reynolds CL, Villanueva LE, Cruz JV, Versteeg L, Keegan B, Kendricks A, Pollet J, Gusovsky F, Bottazzi ME, Hotez PJ | Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology | 36844399 | Front Cell Infect Microbiol | 2023 |
Dysregulated systemic metabolism in a Down syndrome mouse model. | Sarver DC, Xu C, Velez LM, Aja S, Jaffe AE, Seldin MM, Reeves RH, Wong GW | Molecular metabolism | 36587842 | Mol Metab | 2023 Feb |
A bioengineered probiotic for the oral delivery of a peptide Kv1.3 channel blocker to treat rheumatoid arthritis. | Wang Y, Zhu D, Ortiz-Velez LC, Perry JL, Pennington MW, Hyser JM, Britton RA, Beeton C | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 36595694 | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | 2023 Jan 10 |
CD24 negativity reprograms mitochondrial metabolism to PPARα and NF-κB-driven fatty acid β-oxidation in triple-negative breast cancer. | Murthy D, Dutta D, Attri KS, Samanta T, Yang S, Jung KH, Latario SG, Putluri V, Huang S, Putluri N, Park JH, Kaipparettu BA | Cancer letters | 38373689 | Cancer Lett | 2024 Apr 10 |
Speg interactions that regulate the stability of excitation-contraction coupling protein complexes in triads and dyads. | Lee CS, Jung SY, Yee RSZ, Agha NH, Hong J, Chang T, Babcock LW, Fleischman JD, Clayton B, Hanna AD, Ward CS, Lanza D, Hurley AE, Zhang P, Wehrens XHT, Lagor WR, Rodney GG, Hamilton SL | Communications biology | 37709832 | Commun Biol | 2023 Sep 14 |
Machine learning in time-lapse imaging to differentiate embryos from young vs old mice†. | Yang L, Leynes C, Pawelka A, Lorenzo I, Chou A, Lee B, Heaney JD | Biology of reproduction | 38685607 | Biol Reprod | 2024 Jun 12 |
Altered myocardial lipid regulation in junctophilin-2-associated familial cardiomyopathies. | Lahiri SK, Jin F, Zhou Y, Quick AP, Kramm CF, Wang MC, Wehrens XH | Life science alliance | 38438248 | Life Sci Alliance | 2024 May |
Atrial Proteomic Profiling Reveals a Switch Towards Profibrotic Gene Expression Program in CREM-IbΔC-X Mice with Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. | Zhao S, Hulsurkar MM, Lahiri SK, Aguilar-Sanchez Y, Munivez E, Müller FU, Jain A, Malovannaya A, Yiu K, Reilly S, Wehrens XHT | bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology | 38260363 | bioRxiv | 2024 Jan 12 |
Smooth muscle α-actin missense variant promotes atherosclerosis through modulation of intracellular cholesterol in smooth muscle cells. | Kaw K, Chattopadhyay A, Guan P, Chen J, Majumder S, Duan XY, Ma S, Zhang C, Kwartler CS, Milewicz DM | European heart journal | 37377039 | Eur Heart J | 2023 Aug 1 |
Pericentrin deficiency in smooth muscle cells augments atherosclerosis through HSF1-driven cholesterol biosynthesis and PERK activation. | Majumder S, Chattopadhyay A, Wright JM, Guan P, Buja LM, Kwartler CS, Milewicz DM | JCI insight | 37937642 | JCI Insight | 2023 Nov 8 |
Pharmacological or genetic inhibition of LTCC promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation through inhibition of calcineurin activity. | Devilée LAC, Salama ABM, Miller JM, Reid JD, Ou Q, Baraka NM, Abou Farraj K, Jamal M, Nong Y, Rosengart TK, Andres D, Satin J, Mohamed TMA, Hudson JE, Abouleisa RRE | NPJ Regenerative medicine | 39799185 | NPJ Regen Med | 2025 Jan 11 |
MAGE-A4 induces non-small cell lung cancer and tumor-promoting plasma cell accumulation. | Armstrong D, Chang CY, Hong MJ, Green L, Shen Y, Hudson W, Mauk KE, Song LZ, Jammi S, Casal B, Burns B, Creighton CJ, Carisey A, Zhang XH, McKenna NJ, Kang SW, Lee HS, Decker W, Corry DB, Kheradmand F | Science advances | 39937892 | Sci Adv | 2025 Feb 14 |
Corrigendum: High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes. | Dickinson ME, Flenniken AM, Ji X, Teboul L, Wong MD, White JK, Meehan TF, Weninger WJ, Westerberg H, Adissu H, Baker CN, Bower L, Brown JM, Caddle LB, Chiani F, Clary D, Cleak J, Daly MJ, Denegre JM, Doe B, Dolan ME, Edie Helmut Fuchs SM, Gailus-Durner V, Galli A, Gambadoro A, Gallegos J, Guo S, Horner NR, Hsu CW, Johnson SJ, Kalaga S, Keith LC, Lanoue L, Lawson TN, Lek M, Mark M, Marschall S, Mason J, McElwee ML, Nutter SNLMJ, Peterson KA, Ramirez-Solis R, Rowland DJ, Ryder E, Samocha KE, Seavitt JR, Selloum M, Szoke-Kovacs Z, Tamura M, Trainor AG, Tudose I, Wakana S, Warren J, Wendling O, West DB, Wong L, Yoshiki A, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Wurst W, MacArthur DG, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Gao X, Flicek P, Bradley A, Skarnes WC, Justice MJ, Parkinson HE, Moore M, Wells S, Braun RE, Svenson KL, de Angelis MH, Herault Y, Mohun T, Mallon AM, Henkelman RM, Brown SDM, Adams DJ, Lloyd KCK, McKerlie C, Beaudet AL, Murray MBSA | Nature | 29144450 | Nature | 2017 Nov 16 |
S100a4-Cre-mediated deletion of Patched1 causes hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: role of pituitary hematopoietic cells in endocrine regulation. | Ren YA, Monkkonen T, Lewis MT, Bernard DJ, Christian HC, Jorgez CJ, Moore JA, Landua JD, Chin HM, Chen W, Singh S, Kim IS, Zhang XH, Xia Y, Phillips KJ, MacKay H, Waterland RA, Ljungberg MC, Saha PK, Hartig SM, Coll TF, Richards JS | JCI insight | 31265437 | JCI Insight | 2019 Jul 2 |
The role of FREM2 and FRAS1 in the development of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. | Jordan VK, Beck TF, Hernandez-Garcia A, Kundert PN, Kim BJ, Jhangiani SN, Gambin T, Starkovich M, Punetha J, Paine IS, Posey JE, Li AH, Muzny D, Hsu CW, Lashua AJ, Sun X, Fernandes CJ, Dickinson ME, Lally KP, Gibbs RA, Boerwinkle E, Lupski JR, Scott DA | Human molecular genetics | 29618029 | Hum Mol Genet | 2018 Jun 15 |
Rapid and Integrative Discovery of Retina Regulatory Molecules. | Albrecht NE, Alevy J, Jiang D, Burger CA, Liu BI, Li F, Wang J, Kim SY, Hsu CW, Kalaga S, Udensi U, Asomugha C, Bohat R, Gaspero A, Justice MJ, Westenskow PD, Yamamoto S, Seavitt JR, Beaudet AL, Dickinson ME, Samuel MA | Cell reports | 30157441 | Cell Rep | 2018 Aug 28 |
Comparative analysis of single-stranded DNA donors to generate conditional null mouse alleles. | Lanza DG, Gaspero A, Lorenzo I, Liao L, Zheng P, Wang Y, Deng Y, Cheng C, Zhang C, Seavitt JR, DeMayo FJ, Xu J, Dickinson ME, Beaudet AL, Heaney JD | BMC biology | 29925370 | BMC Biol | 2018 Jun 21 |
Application of long single-stranded DNA donors in genome editing: generation and validation of mouse mutants. | Codner GF, Mianné J, Caulder A, Loeffler J, Fell R, King R, Allan AJ, Mackenzie M, Pike FJ, McCabe CV, Christou S, Joynson S, Hutchison M, Stewart ME, Kumar S, Simon MM, Agius L, Anstee QM, Volynski KE, Kullmann DM, Wells S, Teboul L | BMC biology | 29925374 | BMC Biol | 2018 Jun 21 |
SRC-1 Regulates Blood Pressure and Aortic Stiffness in Female Mice. | Hinton AO Jr, Yang Y, Quick AP, Xu P, Reddy CL, Yan X, Reynolds CL, Tong Q, Zhu L, Xu J, Wehrens XH, Xu Y, Reddy AK | PloS one | 28006821 | PLoS One | 2016 |
Improved Biomarker and Imaging Analysis for Characterizing Progressive Cardiac Fibrosis in a Mouse Model of Chronic Chagasic Cardiomyopathy. | Hoffman KA, Reynolds C, Bottazzi ME, Hotez P, Jones K | Journal of the American Heart Association | 31718442 | J Am Heart Assoc | 2019 Nov 19 |
Non-monotonic dose-response effects of arsenic on glucose metabolism. | Gong Y, Liu J, Xue Y, Zhuang Z, Qian S, Zhou W, Li X, Qian J, Ding G, Sun Z | Toxicology and applied pharmacology | 31170414 | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol | 2019 Aug 15 |
Abcc5 Knockout Mice Have Lower Fat Mass and Increased Levels of Circulating GLP-1. | Cyranka M, Veprik A, McKay EJ, van Loon N, Thijsse A, Cotter L, Hare N, Saibudeen A, Lingam S, Pires E, Larraufie P, Reimann F, Gribble F, Stewart M, Bentley E, Lear P, McCullagh J, Cantley J, Cox RD, de Wet H | Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) | 31338999 | Obesity (Silver Spring) | 2019 Aug |
Rbfox-Splicing Factors Maintain Skeletal Muscle Mass by Regulating Calpain3 and Proteostasis. | Singh RK, Kolonin AM, Fiorotto ML, Cooper TA | Cell reports | 29972780 | Cell Rep | 2018 Jul 3 |
Enhancing the Potency and Specificity of Engineered T Cells for Cancer Treatment. | Sukumaran S, Watanabe N, Bajgain P, Raja K, Mohammed S, Fisher WE, Brenner MK, Leen AM, Vera JF | Cancer discovery | 29880586 | Cancer Discov | 2018 Aug |
Dynamic Imaging of Mouse Embryos and Cardiodynamics in Static Culture. | Lopez AL 3rd, Larina IV | Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) | 29564760 | Methods Mol Biol | 2018 |
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 regulates hepatic fuel metabolism. | Stork BA, Dean A, Ortiz AR, Saha P, Putluri N, Planas-Silva MD, Mahmud I, Rajapakshe K, Coarfa C, Knapp S, Lorenzi PL, Kemp BE, Turk BE, Scott JW, Means AR, York B | Molecular metabolism | 35562082 | Mol Metab | 2022 Aug |
LMOD2-related dilated cardiomyopathy presenting in late infancy. | Lay E, Azamian MS, Denfield SW, Dreyer W, Spinner JA, Kearney D, Zhang L, Worley KC, Bi W, Lalani SR | American journal of medical genetics. Part A | 35188328 | Am J Med Genet A | 2022 Jun |
Endurance exercise leads to beneficial molecular and physiological effects in a mouse model of myotonic dystrophy type 1. | Sharp L, Cox DC, Cooper TA | Muscle & nerve | 31509256 | Muscle Nerve | 2019 Dec |
Systematic Profiling of DNMT3A Variants Reveals Protein Instability Mediated by the DCAF8 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Adaptor. | Huang YH, Chen CW, Sundaramurthy V, Słabicki M, Hao D, Watson CJ, Tovy A, Reyes JM, Dakhova O, Crovetti BR, Galonska C, Lee M, Brunetti L, Zhou Y, Tatton-Brown K, Huang Y, Cheng X, Meissner A, Valk PJM, Van Maldergem L, Sanders MA, Blundell JR, Li W, Ebert BL, Goodell MA | Cancer discovery | 34429321 | Cancer Discov | 2022 Jan |
Loss of bone morphogenetic protein-binding endothelial regulator causes insulin resistance. | Mao H, Li L, Fan Q, Angelini A, Saha PK, Wu H, Ballantyne CM, Hartig SM, Xie L, Pi X | Nature communications | 33772019 | Nat Commun | 2021 Mar 26 |
Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription-3 Modulation of Cardiac Pathology in Chronic Chagasic Cardiomyopathy. | Hoffman KA, Villar MJ, Poveda C, Bottazzi ME, Hotez PJ, Tweardy DJ, Jones KM | Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology | 34504808 | Front Cell Infect Microbiol | 2021 |
XBP1 links the 12-hour clock to NAFLD and regulation of membrane fluidity and lipid homeostasis. | Meng H, Gonzales NM, Lonard DM, Putluri N, Zhu B, Dacso CC, York B, O'Malley BW | Nature communications | 33277471 | Nat Commun | 2020 Dec 4 |
Vertical transmission of a large calvarial ossification defect due to heterozygous variants of ALX4 and TWIST1. | Walters ME, Lacassie Y, Azamian M, Franciskovich R, Zapata G, Hernandez PP, Liu P, Campbell IM, Bostwick BL, Lalani SR | American journal of medical genetics. Part A | 33369125 | Am J Med Genet A | 2021 Mar |
Antioxidant Carbon Nanoparticles Inhibit Fibroblast-Like Synoviocyte Invasiveness and Reduce Disease Severity in a Rat Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis. | Tanner MR, Huq R, Sikkema WKA, Nilewski LG, Yosef N, Schmitt C, Flores-Suarez CP, Raugh A, Laragione T, Gulko PS, Tour JM, Beeton C | Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland) | 33081234 | Antioxidants (Basel) | 2020 Oct 16 |
Astrocytic Slc4a4 regulates blood-brain barrier integrity in healthy and stroke brains via a NO-CCL2-CCR2 pathway. | Ye Q, Jo J, Wang CY, Oh H, Choy TJ, Kim K, D'Alessandro A, Reshetnyak YK, Jung SY, Chen Z, Marrelli SP, Lee HK | bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology | 37066295 | bioRxiv | 2023 Apr 3 |
Preventing Cholesterol-Induced Perk (Protein Kinase RNA-Like Endoplasmic Reticulum Kinase) Signaling in Smooth Muscle Cells Blocks Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation. | Chattopadhyay A, Guan P, Majumder S, Kaw K, Zhou Z, Zhang C, Prakash SK, Kaw A, Buja LM, Kwartler CS, Milewicz DM | Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology | 35708026 | Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol | 2022 Aug |
Defining the mammalian coactivation of hepatic 12-h clock and lipid metabolism. | Meng H, Gonzales NM, Jung SY, Lu Y, Putluri N, Zhu B, Dacso CC, Lonard DM, O'Malley BW | Cell reports | 35263593 | Cell Rep | 2022 Mar 8 |
Three-dimensional microCT imaging of mouse heart development from early post-implantation to late fetal stages. | Li-Villarreal N, Rasmussen TL, Christiansen AE, Dickinson ME, Hsu CW | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 36595063 | Mamm Genome | 2023 Jun |
CTRP13 ablation improves systemic glucose and lipid metabolism. | Chen F, Sarver DC, Saqib M, Zhou M, Aja S, Seldin MM, Wong GW | Molecular metabolism | 37844630 | Mol Metab | 2023 Dec |
Cardiac muscle-restricted partial loss of Nos1ap expression has limited but significant impact on electrocardiographic features. | Smith A, Auer D, Johnson M, Sanchez E, Ross H, Ward C, Chakravarti A, Kapoor A | G3 (Bethesda, Md.) | 37708408 | G3 (Bethesda) | 2023 Nov 1 |
Transient Ascaris suum larval migration induces intractable chronic pulmonary disease and anemia in mice. | Wu Y, Li E, Knight M, Adeniyi-Ipadeola G, Song LZ, Burns AR, Gazzinelli-Guimaraes AC, Fujiwara R, Bottazzi ME, Weatherhead JE | PLoS neglected tropical diseases | 34914687 | PLoS Negl Trop Dis | 2021 Dec |
Clinical exome sequencing uncovers a high frequency of Mendelian disorders in infants with stroke: A retrospective analysis. | Kumar RD, Meng L, Liu P, Miyake CY, Worley KC, Bi W, Lalani SR | American journal of medical genetics. Part A | 36065636 | Am J Med Genet A | 2022 Nov |
Polymer-Functionalized Mitochondrial Transplantation to Fibroblasts Counteracts a Pro-Fibrotic Phenotype. | Baudo G, Wu S, Massaro M, Liu H, Lee H, Zhang A, Hamilton DJ, Blanco E | International journal of molecular sciences | 37446100 | Int J Mol Sci | 2023 Jun 30 |
An automated respiratory data pipeline for waveform characteristic analysis. | Lusk S, Ward CS, Chang A, Twitchell-Heyne A, Fattig S, Allen G, Jankowsky JL, Ray RS | The Journal of physiology | 37786382 | J Physiol | 2023 Nov |
Astrocytic Slc4a4 regulates blood-brain barrier integrity in healthy and stroke brains via a CCL2-CCR2 pathway and NO dysregulation. | Ye Q, Jo J, Wang CY, Oh H, Zhan J, Choy TJ, Kim KI, D'Alessandro A, Reshetnyak YK, Jung SY, Chen Z, Marrelli SP, Lee HK | Cell reports | 38709635 | Cell Rep | 2024 May 28 |
An oocyte-specific Cas9-expressing mouse for germline CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing. | Lanza DG, Mao J, Lorenzo I, Liao L, Seavitt JR, Ljungberg MC, Simpson EM, DeMayo FJ, Heaney JD | Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000) | 38523431 | Genesis | 2024 Apr |
Clinical exome sequencing uncovers genetic disorders in neonates with suspected hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: A retrospective analysis. | Parobek CM, Zemet R, Shanahan MA, Burnett BA, Mizerik E, Rosenfeld JA, Vossaert L, Clark SL, Hunter JV, Lalani SR | Clinical genetics | 38545656 | Clin Genet | 2024 Jul |
Rescue of Scn5a mis-splicing does not improve the structural and functional heart defects of a DM1 heart mouse model. | Nitschke L, Hu RC, Miller AN, Cooper TA | Human molecular genetics | 39126705 | Hum Mol Genet | 2024 Oct 7 |
Enzyme-independent functions of HDAC3 in the adult heart. | Qian S, Zhang C, Li W, Song S, Lin G, Cheng Z, Zhou W, Yin H, Li H, Shen HY, Sun Z | bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology | 39803453 | bioRxiv | 2024 Dec 30 |
Endothelium-specific depletion of LRP1 improves glucose homeostasis through inducing osteocalcin. | Mao H, Li L, Fan Q, Angelini A, Saha PK, Coarfa C, Rajapakshe K, Perera D, Cheng J, Wu H, Ballantyne CM, Sun Z, Xie L, Pi X | Nature communications | 34489478 | Nat Commun | 2021 Sep 6 |
Myocardial Rev-erb-Mediated Diurnal Metabolic Rhythm and Obesity Paradox. | Song S, Tien CL, Cui H, Basil P, Zhu N, Gong Y, Li W, Li H, Fan Q, Min Choi J, Luo W, Xue Y, Cao R, Zhou W, Ortiz AR, Stork B, Mundra V, Putluri N, York B, Chu M, Chang J, Yun Jung S, Xie L, Song J, Zhang L, Sun Z | Circulation | 35034472 | Circulation | 2022 Feb 8 |
Novel metabolic disorders in skeletal muscle of Lipodystrophic Bscl2/Seipin deficient mice. | Xu W, Zhou H, Xuan H, Saha P, Wang G, Chen W | Molecular and cellular endocrinology | 30521848 | Mol Cell Endocrinol | 2019 Feb 15 |
Tead1 is required for perinatal cardiomyocyte proliferation. | Liu R, Jagannathan R, Li F, Lee J, Balasubramanyam N, Kim BS, Yang P, Yechoor VK, Moulik M | PloS one | 30811446 | PLoS One | 2019 |
Profound and redundant functions of arcuate neurons in obesity development. | Zhu C, Jiang Z, Xu Y, Cai ZL, Jiang Q, Xu Y, Xue M, Arenkiel BR, Wu Q, Shu G, Tong Q | Nature metabolism | 32719538 | Nat Metab | 2020 Aug |
Loss of MeCP2 Function Across Several Neuronal Populations Impairs Breathing Response to Acute Hypoxia. | Ward CS, Huang TW, Herrera JA, Samaco RC, McGraw CM, Parra DE, Arvide EM, Ito-Ishida A, Meng X, Ure K, Zoghbi HY, Neul JL | Frontiers in neurology | 33193060 | Front Neurol | 2020 |
Biallelic Variants in OTUD6B Cause an Intellectual Disability Syndrome Associated with Seizures and Dysmorphic Features. | Santiago-Sim T, Burrage LC, Ebstein F, Tokita MJ, Miller M, Bi W, Braxton AA, Rosenfeld JA, Shahrour M, Lehmann A, Cogné B, Küry S, Besnard T, Isidor B, Bézieau S, Hazart I, Nagakura H, Immken LL, Littlejohn RO, Roeder E, EuroEPINOMICS RES Consortium Autosomal Recessive working group, S. Hande Caglayan, Kara B, Hardies K, Weckhuysen S, May P, Lemke JR, Elpeleg O, Abu-Libdeh B, James KN, Silhavy JL, Issa MY, Zaki MS, Gleeson JG, Seavitt JR, Dickinson ME, Ljungberg MC, Wells S, Johnson SJ, Teboul L, Eng CM, Yang Y, Kloetzel PM, Heaney JD, Walkiewicz MA | American journal of human genetics | 28343629 | Am J Hum Genet | 2017 Apr 6 |
Region-Specific Transcriptional Control of Astrocyte Function Oversees Local Circuit Activities. | Huang AY, Woo J, Sardar D, Lozzi B, Bosquez Huerta NA, Lin CJ, Felice D, Jain A, Paulucci-Holthauzen A, Deneen B | Neuron | 32320644 | Neuron | 2020 Jun 17 |
Asprosin is a centrally acting orexigenic hormone. | Duerrschmid C, He Y, Wang C, Li C, Bournat JC, Romere C, Saha PK, Lee ME, Phillips KJ, Jain M, Jia P, Zhao Z, Farias M, Wu Q, Milewicz DM, Sutton VR, Moore DD, Butte NF, Krashes MJ, Xu Y, Chopra AR | Nature medicine | 29106398 | Nat Med | 2017 Dec |
Prolonged immunomodulation in inflammatory arthritis using the selective Kv1.3 channel blocker HsTX1[R14A] and its PEGylated analog. | Tanner MR, Tajhya RB, Huq R, Gehrmann EJ, Rodarte KE, Atik MA, Norton RS, Pennington MW, Beeton C | Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) | 28389388 | Clin Immunol | 2017 Jul |
Activin-like kinase 5 (ALK5) inactivation in the mouse uterus results in metastatic endometrial carcinoma. | Monsivais D, Peng J, Kang Y, Matzuk MM | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 30655341 | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | 2019 Feb 26 |
Downregulation of FKBP5 Promotes Atrial Arrhythmogenesis. | Wang X, Song J, Yuan Y, Li L, Abu-Taha I, Heijman J, Sun L, Dobrev S, Kamler M, Xie L, Wehrens XHT, Horrigan FT, Dobrev D, Li N | Circulation research | 37154033 | Circ Res | 2023 Jun 23 |
Chronic kidney disease promotes atrial fibrillation via inflammasome pathway activation. | Song J, Navarro-Garcia JA, Wu J, Saljic A, Abu-Taha I, Li L, Lahiri SK, Keefe JA, Aguilar-Sanchez Y, Moore OM, Yuan Y, Wang X, Kamler M, Mitch WE, Ruiz-Hurtado G, Hu Z, Thomas SS, Dobrev D, Wehrens XH, Li N | The Journal of clinical investigation | 37581942 | J Clin Invest | 2023 Oct 2 |
Kctd7 deficiency induces myoclonic seizures associated with Purkinje cell death and microvascular defects. | Liang JH, Alevy J, Akhanov V, Seo R, Massey CA, Jiang D, Zhou J, Sillitoe RV, Noebels JL, Samuel MA | Disease models & mechanisms | 35972048 | Dis Model Mech | 2022 Sep 1 |
Methodology for measuring oxidative capacity of isolated peroxisomes in the Seahorse assay. | Stork BA, Dean A, York B | Journal of biological methods | 35733440 | J Biol Methods | 2022 |
Cleft palate and minor metabolic disturbances in a mouse global Arl15 gene knockout. | Bai Y, Bentley L, Ma C, Naveenan N, Cleak J, Wu Y, Simon MM, Westerberg H, Cañas RC, Horner N, Pandey R, Paphiti K, Schulze U, Mianné J, Hough T, Teboul L, de Baaij JHF, Cox RD | FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology | 37773757 | FASEB J | 2023 Nov |
Shaping the brain: The emergence of cortical structure and folding. | Akula SK, Exposito-Alonso D, Walsh CA | Developmental cell | 38113850 | Dev Cell | 2023 Dec 18 |
Localized cardiac small molecule trajectories and persistent chemical sequelae in experimental Chagas disease. | Liu Z, Ulrich vonBargen R, Kendricks AL, Wheeler K, Leão AC, Sankaranarayanan K, Dean DA, Kane SS, Hossain E, Pollet J, Bottazzi ME, Hotez PJ, Jones KM, McCall LI | Nature communications | 37880260 | Nat Commun | 2023 Oct 25 |
Neuronal signal-regulatory protein alpha drives microglial phagocytosis by limiting microglial interaction with CD47 in the retina. | Jiang D, Burger CA, Akhanov V, Liang JH, Mackin RD, Albrecht NE, Andrade P, Schafer DP, Samuel MA | Immunity | 36379210 | Immunity | 2022 Dec 13 |
Targeting calpain-2-mediated junctophilin-2 cleavage delays heart failure progression following myocardial infarction. | Lahiri SK, Lu J, Aguilar-Sanchez Y, Li H, Moreira LM, Hulsurkar MM, Mendoza A, Turkieltaub Paredes MR, Navarro-Garcia JA, Munivez E, Horist B, Moore OM, Weninger G, Brandenburg S, Lenz C, Lehnart SE, Sayeed R, Krasopoulos G, Srivastava V, Zhang L, Karch JM, Reilly S, Wehrens XHT | Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology | 38960317 | J Mol Cell Cardiol | 2024 Sep |
Mitochondrial reprogramming by activating OXPHOS via glutamine metabolism in African American patients with bladder cancer. | Kami Reddy KR, Piyarathna DWB, Park JH, Putluri V, Amara CS, Kamal AHM, Xu J, Kraushaar D, Huang S, Jung SY, Eberlin LS, Johnson JR, Kittles RA, Ballester LY, Parsawar K, Siddiqui MM, Gao J, Langer Gramer A, Bollag RJ, Terris MK, Lotan Y, Creighton CJ, Lerner SP, Sreekumar A, Kaipparettu BA, Putluri N | JCI insight | 39253977 | JCI Insight | 2024 Sep 10 |
Mechanisms underlying dilated cardiomyopathy associated with FKBP12 deficiency. | Hanna AD, Chang T, Ho KS, Yee RSZ, Walker WC, Agha N, Hsu CW, Jung SY, Dickinson ME, Samee MAH, Ward CS, Lee CS, Rodney GG, Hamilton SL | The Journal of general physiology | 39661086 | J Gen Physiol | 2025 Jan 6 |
REV-ERB in GABAergic neurons controls diurnal hepatic insulin sensitivity. | Ding G, Li X, Hou X, Zhou W, Gong Y, Liu F, He Y, Song J, Wang J, Basil P, Li W, Qian S, Saha P, Wang J, Cui C, Yang T, Zou K, Han Y, Amos CI, Xu Y, Chen L, Sun Z | Nature | 33762728 | Nature | 2021 Apr |
Rap1 in the VMH regulates glucose homeostasis. | Kaneko K, Lin HY, Fu Y, Saha PK, De la Puente-Gomez AB, Xu Y, Ohinata K, Chen P, Morozov A, Fukuda M | JCI insight | 33974562 | JCI Insight | 2021 Jun 8 |
Reversible cardiac disease features in an inducible CUG repeat RNA-expressing mouse model of myotonic dystrophy. | Rao AN, Campbell HM, Guan X, Word TA, Wehrens XH, Xia Z, Cooper TA | JCI insight | 33497365 | JCI Insight | 2021 Mar 8 |
Biology before the SOS Response-DNA Damage Mechanisms at Chromosome Fragile Sites. | Fitzgerald DM, Rosenberg SM | Cells | 34571923 | Cells | 2021 Sep 1 |
TTI-101: A competitive inhibitor of STAT3 that spares oxidative phosphorylation and reverses mechanical allodynia in mouse models of neuropathic pain. | Kasembeli MM, Singhmar P, Ma J, Edralin J, Tang Y, Adams C 3rd, Heijnen CJ, Kavelaars A, Tweardy DJ | Biochemical pharmacology | 34274354 | Biochem Pharmacol | 2021 Oct |
High Resolution Imaging of Mouse Embryos and Neonates with X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography. | Hsu CW, Kalaga S, Akoma U, Rasmussen TL, Christiansen AE, Dickinson ME | Current protocols in mouse biology | 31195428 | Curr Protoc Mouse Biol | 2019 Jun |
Loss of Frrs1l disrupts synaptic AMPA receptor function, and results in neurodevelopmental, motor, cognitive and electrographical abnormalities. | Stewart M, Lau P, Banks G, Bains RS, Castroflorio E, Oliver PL, Dixon CL, Kruer MC, Kullmann DM, Acevedo-Arozena A, Wells SE, Corrochano S, Nolan PM | Disease models & mechanisms | 30692144 | Dis Model Mech | 2019 Feb 22 |
Bi-allelic Variants in TONSL Cause SPONASTRIME Dysplasia and a Spectrum of Skeletal Dysplasia Phenotypes. | Burrage LC, Reynolds JJ, Baratang NV, Phillips JB, Wegner J, McFarquhar A, Higgs MR, Christiansen AE, Lanza DG, Seavitt JR, Jain M, Li X, Parry DA, Raman V, Chitayat D, Chinn IK, Bertuch AA, Karaviti L, Schlesinger AE, Earl D, Bamshad M, Savarirayan R, Doddapaneni H, Muzny D, Jhangiani SN, Eng CM, Gibbs RA, Bi W, Emrick L, Rosenfeld JA, Postlethwait J, Westerfield M, Dickinson ME, Beaudet AL, Ranza E, Huber C, Cormier-Daire V, Shen W, Mao R, Heaney JD, Orange JS, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bertola D, Yamamoto GL, Baratela WAR, Butler MG, Ali A, Adeli M, Cohn DH, Krakow D, Jackson AP, Lees M, Offiah AC, Carlston CM, Carey JC, Stewart GS, Bacino CA, Campeau PM, Lee B | American journal of human genetics | 30773277 | Am J Hum Genet | 2019 Mar 7 |
YAP Partially Reprograms Chromatin Accessibility to Directly Induce Adult Cardiogenesis In Vivo. | Monroe TO, Hill MC, Morikawa Y, Leach JP, Heallen T, Cao S, Krijger PHL, de Laat W, Wehrens XHT, Rodney GG, Martin JF | Developmental cell | 30773489 | Dev Cell | 2019 Mar 25 |
Atovaquone is active against AML by upregulating the integrated stress pathway and suppressing oxidative phosphorylation. | Stevens AM, Xiang M, Heppler LN, Tošić I, Jiang K, Munoz JO, Gaikwad AS, Horton TM, Long X, Narayanan P, Seashore EL, Terrell MC, Rashid R, Krueger MJ, Mangubat-Medina AE, Ball ZT, Sumazin P, Walker SR, Hamada Y, Oyadomari S, Redell MS, Frank DA | Blood advances | 31856268 | Blood Adv | 2019 Dec 23 |
C.B-17 SCID mice develop epicardial calcinosis with unaltered cardiac function. | Raghunathan S, Reynolds CL, Schwartz RJ, Stewart MD, McConnell BK | Fundamental & clinical pharmacology | 29959870 | Fundam Clin Pharmacol | 2019 Feb |
KCa1.1 and Kv1.3 channels regulate the interactions between fibroblast-like synoviocytes and T lymphocytes during rheumatoid arthritis. | Tanner MR, Pennington MW, Chauhan SS, Laragione T, Gulko PS, Beeton C | Arthritis research & therapy | 30612588 | Arthritis Res Ther | 2019 Jan 7 |
Targeting KCa1.1 Channels with a Scorpion Venom Peptide for the Therapy of Rat Models of Rheumatoid Arthritis. | Tanner MR, Pennington MW, Chamberlain BH, Huq R, Gehrmann EJ, Laragione T, Gulko PS, Beeton C | The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics | 29453198 | J Pharmacol Exp Ther | 2018 May |
IL17A Regulates Tumor Latency and Metastasis in Lung Adeno and Squamous SQ.2b and AD.1 Cancer. | You R, DeMayo FJ, Liu J, Cho SN, Burt BM, Creighton CJ, Casal RF, Lazarus DR, Lu W, Tung HY, Yuan X, Hill-McAlester A, Kim M, Perusich S, Cornwell L, Rosen D, Song LZ, Paust S, Diehl G, Corry D, Kheradmand F | Cancer immunology research | 29653981 | Cancer Immunol Res | 2018 Jun |
NIX-Mediated Mitophagy Promotes Effector Memory Formation in Antigen-Specific CD8(+) T Cells. | Gupta SS, Sharp R, Hofferek C, Kuai L, Dorn GW 2nd, Wang J, Chen M | Cell reports | 31722203 | Cell Rep | 2019 Nov 12 |
Spatiotemporal gene expression patterns reveal molecular relatedness between retinal laminae. | Jiang D, Burger CA, Casasent AK, Albrecht NE, Li F, Samuel MA | The Journal of comparative neurology | 31609468 | J Comp Neurol | 2020 Apr 1 |
Systemic Ablation of Camkk2 Impairs Metastatic Colonization and Improves Insulin Sensitivity in TRAMP Mice: Evidence for Cancer Cell-Extrinsic CAMKK2 Functions in Prostate Cancer. | Pulliam TL, Awad D, Han JJ, Murray MM, Ackroyd JJ, Goli P, Oakhill JS, Scott JW, Ittmann MM, Frigo DE | Cells | 35741020 | Cells | 2022 Jun 10 |
Alterations to the Cardiac Metabolome Induced by Chronic T. cruzi Infection Relate to the Degree of Cardiac Pathology. | Hoffman K, Liu Z, Hossain E, Bottazzi ME, Hotez PJ, Jones KM, McCall LI | ACS infectious diseases | 33843195 | ACS Infect Dis | 2021 Jun 11 |
A rare description of pure partial trisomy of 16q12.2q24.3 and review of the literature. | Manor J, Dinu D, Azamian MS, Bi W, Darilek S, Lalani SR | American journal of medical genetics. Part A | 34061437 | Am J Med Genet A | 2021 Oct |
Three-dimensional microCT imaging of mouse development from early post-implantation to early postnatal stages. | Hsu CW, Wong L, Rasmussen TL, Kalaga S, McElwee ML, Keith LC, Bohat R, Seavitt JR, Beaudet AL, Dickinson ME | Developmental biology | 27671873 | Dev Biol | 2016 Nov 15 |
Delayed skeletal development and IGF-1 deficiency in a mouse model of lysinuric protein intolerance. | Stroup BM, Li X, Ho S, Zhouyao H, Chen Y, Ani S, Dawson B, Jin Z, Marom R, Jiang MM, Lorenzo I, Rosen D, Lanza D, Aceves N, Koh S, Seavitt JR, Heaney JD, Lee B, Burrage LC | Disease models & mechanisms | 37486182 | Dis Model Mech | 2023 Aug 1 |
SIRPα Mediates IGF1 Receptor in Cardiomyopathy Induced by Chronic Kidney Disease. | Thomas SS, Wu J, Davogustto G, Holliday MW, Eckel-Mahan K, Verzola D, Garibotto G, Hu Z, Mitch WE, Taegtmeyer H | Circulation research | 35722884 | Circ Res | 2022 Jul 22 |
The role of Limch1 alternative splicing in skeletal muscle function. | Penna MS, Hu RC, Rodney GG, Cooper TA | Life science alliance | 36977593 | Life Sci Alliance | 2023 Jun |
Localized cardiac metabolic trajectories and post-infectious metabolic sequelae in experimental Chagas disease. | Liu Z, Ulrich R, Kendricks AL, Wheeler K, Leão AC, Pollet J, Bottazzi ME, Hotez P, Gusovsky F, Jones KM, McCall LI | Research square | 36711878 | Res Sq | 2023 Jan 20 |
Mitochondrial structure and function adaptation in residual triple negative breast cancer cells surviving chemotherapy treatment. | Baek ML, Lee J, Pendleton KE, Berner MJ, Goff EB, Tan L, Martinez SA, Mahmud I, Wang T, Meyer MD, Lim B, Barrish JP, Porter W, Lorenzi PL, Echeverria GV | Oncogene | 36813854 | Oncogene | 2023 Mar |
Evolution of cisplatin resistance through coordinated metabolic reprogramming of the cellular reductive state. | Yu W, Chen Y, Putluri N, Osman A, Coarfa C, Putluri V, Kamal AHM, Asmussen JK, Katsonis P, Myers JN, Lai SY, Lu W, Stephan CC, Powell RT, Johnson FM, Skinner HD, Kazi J, Ahmed KM, Hu L, Threet A, Meyer MD, Bankson JA, Wang T, Davis J, Parker KR, Harris MA, Baek ML, Echeverria GV, Qi X, Wang J, Frederick AI, Walsh AJ, Lichtarge O, Frederick MJ, Sandulache VC | British journal of cancer | 37012319 | Br J Cancer | 2023 Jun |
Rare Variant in MRC2 Associated With Familial Supraventricular Tachycardia and Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. | Potter AS, Miyake CY, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Aguilar-Sanchez Y, Hulsurkar MM, Lahiri SK, Moreira LM, Mehta N, Azamian MS, Lupski JR, Reilly S, Lalani SR, Wehrens XHT | Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine | 38953222 | Circ Genom Precis Med | 2024 Aug |
Hematologic DNMT3A reduction and high-fat diet synergize to promote weight gain and tissue inflammation. | Reyes JM, Tovy A, Zhang L, Bortoletto AS, Rosas C, Chen CW, Waldvogel SM, Guzman AG, Aguilar R, Gupta S, Liu L, Buckley MT, Patel KR, Marcogliese AN, Li Y, Curry CV, Rando TA, Brunet A, Parchem RJ, Rau RE, Goodell MA | iScience | 38414863 | iScience | 2024 Mar 15 |
Long-term efficacy and safety of cardiac genome editing for catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. | Moore OM, Aguilar-Sanchez Y, Lahiri SK, Hulsurkar MM, Alberto Navarro-Garcia J, Word TA, Keefe JA, Barazi D, Munivez EM, Moore CT, Parthasarathy V, Davidson J, Lagor WR, Park SH, Bao G, Miyake CY, Wehrens XHT | The journal of cardiovascular aging | 38464671 | J Cardiovasc Aging | 2024 Jan |
Characterization of atrial and ventricular remodeling in an improved minimally invasive mouse model of transverse aortic constriction. | Navarro-Garcia JA, Lahiri SK, Aguilar-Sanchez Y, Reddy AK, Wehrens XHT | The journal of cardiovascular aging | 37538440 | J Cardiovasc Aging | 2023 Jul |
Sex differences in paternal arsenic-induced intergenerational metabolic effects are mediated by estrogen. | Xue Y, Gong Y, Li X, Peng F, Ding G, Zhang Z, Shi J, Savul IS, Xu Y, Chen Q, Han L, Mao S, Sun Z | Cell & bioscience | 37691128 | Cell Biosci | 2023 Sep 10 |
Improving laboratory animal genetic reporting: LAG-R guidelines. | Teboul L, Amos-Landgraf J, Benavides FJ, Birling MC, Brown SDM, Bryda E, Bunton-Stasyshyn R, Chin HJ, Crispo M, Delerue F, Dobbie M, Franklin CL, Fuchtbauer EM, Gao X, Golzio C, Haffner R, Hérault Y, Hrabe de Angelis M, Lloyd KCK, Magnuson TR, Montoliu L, Murray SA, Nam KH, Nutter LMJ, Pailhoux E, Pardo Manuel de Villena F, Peterson K, Reinholdt L, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Shiroishi T, Smith C, Takeo T, Tinsley L, Vilotte JL, Warming S, Wells S, Whitelaw CB, Yoshiki A, Asian Mouse Mutagenesis Resource Association, CELPHEDIA infrastructure, INFRAFRONTIER consortium, International Mammalian Genome Society, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, International Society for Transgenic Technologies, Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Centers, Phenomics Australia, RRRC- Rat Resource and Research Center, Pavlovic G | Nature communications | 38956430 | Nat Commun | 2024 Jul 2 |
Direct four-dimensional structural and functional imaging of cardiovascular dynamics in mouse embryos with 1.5 MHz optical coherence tomography. | Wang S, Singh M, Lopez AL 3rd, Wu C, Raghunathan R, Schill A, Li J, Larin KV, Larina IV | Optics letters | 26469621 | Opt Lett | 2015 Oct 15 |
Actin cytoskeletal remodeling with protrusion formation is essential for heart regeneration in Hippo-deficient mice. | Morikawa Y, Zhang M, Heallen T, Leach J, Tao G, Xiao Y, Bai Y, Li W, Willerson JT, Martin JF | Science signaling | 25943351 | Sci Signal | 2015 May 5 |
Pitx2 promotes heart repair by activating the antioxidant response after cardiac injury. | Tao G, Kahr PC, Morikawa Y, Zhang M, Rahmani M, Heallen TR, Li L, Sun Z, Olson EN, Amendt BA, Martin JF | Nature | 27251288 | Nature | 2016 Jun 2 |
Noncontact depth-resolved micro-scale optical coherence elastography of the cornea. | Wang S, Larin KV | Biomedical optics express | 25426312 | Biomed Opt Express | 2014 Nov 1 |
Hippo pathway deficiency reverses systolic heart failure after infarction. | Leach JP, Heallen T, Zhang M, Rahmani M, Morikawa Y, Hill MC, Segura A, Willerson JT, Martin JF | Nature | 28976966 | Nature | 2017 Oct 12 |
Applanation optical coherence elastography: noncontact measurement of intraocular pressure, corneal biomechanical properties, and corneal geometry with a single instrument. | Singh M, Han Z, Nair A, Schill A, Twa MD, Larin KV | Journal of biomedical optics | 28241272 | J Biomed Opt | 2017 Feb 1 |
Multimodal embryonic imaging using optical coherence tomography, selective plane illumination microscopy, and optical projection tomography. | Singh M, Wu C, Mayerich D, Dickinson ME, Larina IV, Larin KV | Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference | 28269143 | Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc | 2016 Aug |
Optical coherence elastography for evaluating customized riboflavin/UV-A corneal collagen crosslinking. | Singh M, Li J, Vantipalli S, Han Z, Larin KV, Twa MD | Journal of biomedical optics | 28055060 | J Biomed Opt | 2017 Sep 1 |
Loss of Apela Peptide in Mice Causes Low Penetrance Embryonic Lethality and Defects in Early Mesodermal Derivatives. | Freyer L, Hsu CW, Nowotschin S, Pauli A, Ishida J, Kuba K, Fukamizu A, Schier AF, Hoodless PA, Dickinson ME, Hadjantonakis AK | Cell reports | 28854362 | Cell Rep | 2017 Aug 29 |
Applicability, usability, and limitations of murine embryonic imaging with optical coherence tomography and optical projection tomography. | Singh M, Raghunathan R, Piazza V, Davis-Loiacono AM, Cable A, Vedakkan TJ, Janecek T, Frazier MV, Nair A, Wu C, Larina IV, Dickinson ME, Larin KV | Biomedical optics express | 27375945 | Biomed Opt Express | 2016 Jun 1 |
Cardiac reprogramming factor Gata4 reduces postinfarct cardiac fibrosis through direct repression of the profibrotic mediator snail. | Mathison M, Singh VP, Sanagasetti D, Yang L, Pinnamaneni JP, Yang J, Rosengart TK | The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery | 28711329 | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2017 Nov |
Classifying murine glomerulonephritis using optical coherence tomography and optical coherence elastography. | Liu CH, Du Y, Singh M, Wu C, Han Z, Li J, Chang A, Mohan C, Larin KV | Journal of biophotonics | 26791097 | J Biophotonics | 2016 Aug |
Optical coherence tomography as a tool for real-time visual feedback and biomechanical assessment of dermal filler injections: preliminary results in a pig skin model. | Singh M, Wang S, Yee RW, Larin KV | Experimental dermatology | 26910121 | Exp Dermatol | 2016 Jun |
Cardiovascular Patterning as Determined by Hemodynamic Forces and Blood Vessel Genetics. | Anderson GA, Udan RS, Dickinson ME, Henkelman RM | PloS one | 26340748 | PLoS One | 2015 |
In vivo micro-scale tomography of ciliary behavior in the mammalian oviduct. | Wang S, Burton JC, Behringer RR, Larina IV | Scientific reports | 26279472 | Sci Rep | 2015 Aug 17 |
Optical Coherence Tomography for live imaging of mammalian development. | Larina IV, Larin KV, Justice MJ, Dickinson ME | Current opinion in genetics & development | 21962442 | Curr Opin Genet Dev | 2011 Oct |
Preclinical research in Rett syndrome: setting the foundation for translational success. | Katz DM, Berger-Sweeney JE, Eubanks JH, Justice MJ, Neul JL, Pozzo-Miller L, Blue ME, Christian D, Crawley JN, Giustetto M, Guy J, Howell CJ, Kron M, Nelson SB, Samaco RC, Schaevitz LR, St Hillaire-Clarke C, Young JL, Zoghbi HY, Mamounas LA | Disease models & mechanisms | 23115203 | Dis Model Mech | 2012 Nov |
Three-Dimensional High-Frequency Ultrasonography for Early Detection and Characterization of Embryo Implantation Site Development in the Mouse. | Peavey MC, Reynolds CL, Szwarc MM, Gibbons WE, Valdes CT, DeMayo FJ, Lydon JP | PloS one | 28046063 | PLoS One | 2017 |
Evaluating the Effects of Riboflavin/UV-A and Rose-Bengal/Green Light Cross-Linking of the Rabbit Cornea by Noncontact Optical Coherence Elastography. | Singh M, Li J, Han Z, Vantipalli S, Liu CH, Wu C, Raghunathan R, Aglyamov SR, Twa MD, Larin KV | Investigative ophthalmology & visual science | 27409461 | Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci | 2016 Jul 1 |
Four-dimensional live imaging of hemodynamics in mammalian embryonic heart with Doppler optical coherence tomography. | Wang S, Lakomy DS, Garcia MD, Lopez AL 3rd, Larin KV, Larina IV | Journal of biophotonics | 26996292 | J Biophotonics | 2016 Aug |
Long-term pulmonary and cardiovascular morbidities of neonatal hyperoxia exposure in mice. | Menon RT, Shrestha AK, Reynolds CL, Barrios R, Shivanna B | The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology | 29223466 | Int J Biochem Cell Biol | 2018 Jan |
A scoring system for the evaluation of the mutated Crb1/rd8-derived retinal lesions in C57BL/6N mice. | Concas D, Cater H, Wells S | F1000Research | 28928942 | F1000Res | 2017 |
Hippo Signaling Plays an Essential Role in Cell State Transitions during Cardiac Fibroblast Development. | Xiao Y, Hill MC, Zhang M, Martin TJ, Morikawa Y, Wang S, Moise AR, Wythe JD, Martin JF | Developmental cell | 29689192 | Dev Cell | 2018 Apr 23 |
Quantitative assessment of corneal viscoelasticity using optical coherence elastography and a modified Rayleigh-Lamb equation. | Han Z, Aglyamov SR, Li J, Singh M, Wang S, Vantipalli S, Wu C, Liu CH, Twa MD, Larin KV | Journal of biomedical optics | 25649624 | J Biomed Opt | 2015 Feb |
Differentiating untreated and cross-linked porcine corneas of the same measured stiffness with optical coherence elastography. | Li J, Han Z, Singh M, Twa MD, Larin KV | Journal of biomedical optics | 25408955 | J Biomed Opt | 2014 Nov |
Phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography at 1.5 million A-Lines per second. | Singh M, Wu C, Liu CH, Li J, Schill A, Nair A, Larin KV | Optics letters | 26030564 | Opt Lett | 2015 Jun 1 |
Knock-in mice harboring a Ca(2+) desensitizing mutation in cardiac troponin C develop early onset dilated cardiomyopathy. | McConnell BK, Singh S, Fan Q, Hernandez A, Portillo JP, Reiser PJ, Tikunova SB | Frontiers in physiology | 26379556 | Front Physiol | 2015 |
Rotational imaging optical coherence tomography for full-body mouse embryonic imaging. | Wu C, Sudheendran N, Singh M, Larina IV, Dickinson ME, Larin KV | Journal of biomedical optics | 26848543 | J Biomed Opt | 2016 Feb |
C13orf31 (FAMIN) is a central regulator of immunometabolic function. | Cader MZ, Boroviak K, Zhang Q, Assadi G, Kempster SL, Sewell GW, Saveljeva S, Ashcroft JW, Clare S, Mukhopadhyay S, Brown KP, Tschurtschenthaler M, Raine T, Doe B, Chilvers ER, Griffin JL, Kaneider NC, Floto RA, D'Amato M, Bradley A, Wakelam MJ, Dougan G, Kaser A | Nature immunology | 27478939 | Nat Immunol | 2016 Sep |
Mesp1 Marked Cardiac Progenitor Cells Repair Infarcted Mouse Hearts. | Liu Y, Chen L, Diaz AD, Benham A, Xu X, Wijaya CS, Fa'ak F, Luo W, Soibam B, Azares A, Yu W, Lyu Q, Stewart MD, Gunaratne P, Cooney A, McConnell BK, Schwartz RJ | Scientific reports | 27538477 | Sci Rep | 2016 Aug 19 |
Noncontact Elastic Wave Imaging Optical Coherence Elastography for Evaluating Changes in Corneal Elasticity Due to Crosslinking. | Singh M, Li J, Vantipalli S, Wang S, Han Z, Nair A, Aglyamov SR, Twa MD, Larin KV | IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics : a publication of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-optics Society | 27547022 | IEEE J Sel Top Quantum Electron | 2016 May-Jun |
Vascular development and hemodynamic force in the mouse yolk sac. | Garcia MD, Larina IV | Frontiers in physiology | 25191274 | Front Physiol | 2014 |
Special section guest editorial: Optical coherence tomography and interferometry: advanced engineering and biomedical applications. | Larin KV, Tuchin VV, Vitkin A | Journal of biomedical optics | 24570205 | J Biomed Opt | 2014 Feb |
Tie-2 Cre-Mediated Deficiency of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase 2 Potentiates Experimental Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia-Associated Pulmonary Hypertension in Neonatal Mice. | Menon RT, Shrestha AK, Barrios R, Reynolds C, Shivanna B | International journal of molecular sciences | 32244398 | Int J Mol Sci | 2020 Mar 31 |
Optical coherence elastography for tissue characterization: a review. | Wang S, Larin KV | Journal of biophotonics | 25412100 | J Biophotonics | 2015 Apr |
Rapid conversion of EUCOMM/KOMP-CSD alleles in mouse embryos using a cell-permeable Cre recombinase. | Ryder E, Doe B, Gleeson D, Houghton R, Dalvi P, Grau E, Habib B, Miklejewska E, Newman S, Sethi D, Sinclair C, Vyas S, Wardle-Jones H, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Bottomley J, Bussell J, Galli A, Salisbury J, Ramirez-Solis R | Transgenic research | 24197666 | Transgenic Res | 2014 Feb |
A mouse model for inducible overexpression of Prdm14 results in rapid-onset and highly penetrant T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). | Carofino BL, Ayanga B, Justice MJ | Disease models & mechanisms | 24046360 | Dis Model Mech | 2013 Nov |
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium: past and future perspectives on mouse phenotyping. | Brown SD, Moore MW | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 22940749 | Mamm Genome | 2012 Oct |
Dynamic imaging and quantitative analysis of cranial neural tube closure in the mouse embryo using optical coherence tomography. | Wang S, Garcia MD, Lopez AL 3rd, Overbeek PA, Larin KV, Larina IV | Biomedical optics express | 28101427 | Biomed Opt Express | 2017 Jan 1 |
Algorithms for improved 3-D reconstruction of live mammalian embryo vasculature from optical coherence tomography data. | Kulkarni PM, Rey-Villamizar N, Merouane A, Sudheendran N, Wang S, Garcia M, Larina IV, Roysam B, Larin KV | Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery | 25694962 | Quant Imaging Med Surg | 2015 Feb |
A chemical chaperone improves muscle function in mice with a RyR1 mutation. | Lee CS, Hanna AD, Wang H, Dagnino-Acosta A, Joshi AD, Knoblauch M, Xia Y, Georgiou DK, Xu J, Long C, Amano H, Reynolds C, Dong K, Martin JC, Lagor WR, Rodney GG, Sahin E, Sewry C, Hamilton SL | Nature communications | 28337975 | Nat Commun | 2017 Mar 24 |
Quantifying tissue viscoelasticity using optical coherence elastography and the Rayleigh wave model. | Han Z, Singh M, Aglyamov SR, Liu CH, Nair A, Raghunathan R, Wu C, Li J, Larin KV | Journal of biomedical optics | 27653931 | J Biomed Opt | 2016 Sep 1 |
The impact of intraocular pressure on elastic wave velocity estimates in the crystalline lens. | Park S, Yoon H, Larin KV, Emelianov SY, Aglyamov SR | Physics in medicine and biology | 27997379 | Phys Med Biol | 2017 Feb 7 |
Neonatal cardiac dysfunction and transcriptome changes caused by the absence of Celf1. | Giudice J, Xia Z, Li W, Cooper TA | Scientific reports | 27759042 | Sci Rep | 2016 Oct 19 |
Junctophilin-2 gene therapy rescues heart failure by normalizing RyR2-mediated Ca(2+) release. | Reynolds JO, Quick AP, Wang Q, Beavers DL, Philippen LE, Showell J, Barreto-Torres G, Thuerauf DJ, Doroudgar S, Glembotski CC, Wehrens XH | International journal of cardiology | 27760414 | Int J Cardiol | 2016 Dec 15 |
Investigating Elastic Anisotropy of the Porcine Cornea as a Function of Intraocular Pressure With Optical Coherence Elastography. | Singh M, Li J, Han Z, Wu C, Aglyamov SR, Twa MD, Larin KV | Journal of refractive surgery (Thorofare, N.J. : 1995) | 27505317 | J Refract Surg | 2016 Aug 1 |
Analysis of the effects of curvature and thickness on elastic wave velocity in cornea-like structures by finite element modeling and optical coherence elastography. | Han Z, Li J, Singh M, Aglyamov SR, Wu C, Liu CH, Larin KV | Applied physics letters | 26130825 | Appl Phys Lett | 2015 Jun 8 |
Biomechanical assessment of myocardial infarction using optical coherence elastography. | Wang S, Singh M, Tran TT, Leach J, Aglyamov SR, Larina IV, Martin JF, Larin KV | Biomedical optics express | 29552408 | Biomed Opt Express | 2018 Feb 1 |
Enhanced Cardiomyocyte NLRP3 Inflammasome Signaling Promotes Atrial Fibrillation. | Yao C, Veleva T, Scott L Jr, Cao S, Li L, Chen G, Jeyabal P, Pan X, Alsina KM, Abu-Taha I Dr, Ghezelbash S, Reynolds CL, Shen YH, LeMaire SA, Schmitz W, Müller FU, El-Armouche A, Tony Eissa N, Beeton C, Nattel S, Wehrens XHT, Dobrev D, Li N | Circulation | 29802206 | Circulation | 2018 Nov 13 |
A novel model of gestational diabetes: Acute high fat high sugar diet results in insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction during pregnancy in mice. | Mishra A, Ruano SH, Saha PK, Pennington KA | PloS one | 36520818 | PLoS One | 2022 |
Hippo pathway deletion in adult resting cardiac fibroblasts initiates a cell state transition with spontaneous and self-sustaining fibrosis. | Xiao Y, Hill MC, Li L, Deshmukh V, Martin TJ, Wang J, Martin JF | Genes & development | 31558567 | Genes Dev | 2019 Nov 1 |
PIK3CA variants selectively initiate brain hyperactivity during gliomagenesis. | Yu K, Lin CJ, Hatcher A, Lozzi B, Kong K, Huang-Hobbs E, Cheng YT, Beechar VB, Zhu W, Zhang Y, Chen F, Mills GB, Mohila CA, Creighton CJ, Noebels JL, Scott KL, Deneen B | Nature | 31996845 | Nature | 2020 Feb |
Adrenomedullin Is Necessary to Resolve Hyperoxia-Induced Experimental Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Pulmonary Hypertension in Mice. | Menon RT, Shrestha AK, Reynolds CL, Barrios R, Caron KM, Shivanna B | The American journal of pathology | 32093901 | Am J Pathol | 2020 Mar |
Luciferase Reporter Mice for In Vivo Monitoring and Ex Vivo Assessment of Hypothalamic Signaling of Socs3 Expression. | Cordonier EL, Liu T, Saito K, Chen SS, Xu Y, Fukuda M | Journal of the Endocrine Society | 31214662 | J Endocr Soc | 2019 Jul 1 |
Optical coherence tomography guided microinjections in live mouse embryos: high-resolution targeted manipulation for mouse embryonic research. | Syed SH, Coughlin AJ, Garcia MD, Wang S, West JL, Larin KV, Larina IV | Journal of biomedical optics | 25581495 | J Biomed Opt | 2015 May |
Quantitative methods for reconstructing tissue biomechanical properties in optical coherence elastography: a comparison study. | Han Z, Li J, Singh M, Wu C, Liu CH, Wang S, Idugboe R, Raghunathan R, Sudheendran N, Aglyamov SR, Twa MD, Larin KV | Physics in medicine and biology | 25860076 | Phys Med Biol | 2015 May 7 |
Interactive and independent effects of early lipopolysaccharide and hyperoxia exposure on developing murine lungs. | Shrestha AK, Menon RT, El-Saie A, Barrios R, Reynolds C, Shivanna B | American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology | 32901520 | Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol | 2020 Dec 1 |
A cellular atlas of Pitx2-dependent cardiac development. | Hill MC, Kadow ZA, Li L, Tran TT, Wythe JD, Martin JF | Development (Cambridge, England) | 31201182 | Development | 2019 Jun 14 |
Phenotypic assessment of pulmonary hypertension using high-resolution echocardiography is feasible in neonatal mice with experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia and pulmonary hypertension: a step toward preventing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. | Reynolds CL, Zhang S, Shrestha AK, Barrios R, Shivanna B | International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 27478373 | Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis | 2016 |
Loss-of-Function Mutations in FRRS1L Lead to an Epileptic-Dyskinetic Encephalopathy. | Madeo M, Stewart M, Sun Y, Sahir N, Wiethoff S, Chandrasekar I, Yarrow A, Rosenfeld JA, Yang Y, Cordeiro D, McCormick EM, Muraresku CC, Jepperson TN, McBeth LJ, Seidahmed MZ, El Khashab HY, Hamad M, Azzedine H, Clark K, Corrochano S, Wells S, Elting MW, Weiss MM, Burn S, Myers A, Landsverk M, Crotwell PL, Waisfisz Q, Wolf NI, Nolan PM, Padilla-Lopez S, Houlden H, Lifton R, Mane S, Singh BB, Falk MJ, Mercimek-Mahmutoglu S, Bilguvar K, Salih MA, Acevedo-Arozena A, Kruer MC | American journal of human genetics | 27236917 | Am J Hum Genet | 2016 Jun 2 |
SPEG (Striated Muscle Preferentially Expressed Protein Kinase) Is Essential for Cardiac Function by Regulating Junctional Membrane Complex Activity. | Quick AP, Wang Q, Philippen LE, Barreto-Torres G, Chiang DY, Beavers D, Wang G, Khalid M, Reynolds JO, Campbell HM, Showell J, McCauley MD, Scholten A, Wehrens XH | Circulation research | 27729468 | Circ Res | 2017 Jan 6 |
Loss of arylformamidase with reduced thymidine kinase expression leads to impaired glucose tolerance. | Hugill AJ, Stewart ME, Yon MA, Probert F, Cox IJ, Hough TA, Scudamore CL, Bentley L, Wall G, Wells SE, Cox RD | Biology open | 26432886 | Biol Open | 2015 Oct 2 |
Live four-dimensional optical coherence tomography reveals embryonic cardiac phenotype in mouse mutant. | Lopez AL 3rd, Wang S, Larin KV, Overbeek PA, Larina IV | Journal of biomedical optics | 26385422 | J Biomed Opt | 2015 |
Zic3 is required in the extra-cardiac perinodal region of the lateral plate mesoderm for left-right patterning and heart development. | Jiang Z, Zhu L, Hu L, Slesnick TC, Pautler RG, Justice MJ, Belmont JW | Human molecular genetics | 23184148 | Hum Mol Genet | 2013 Mar 1 |
Yap and Taz play a crucial role in neural crest-derived craniofacial development. | Wang J, Xiao Y, Hsu CW, Martinez-Traverso IM, Zhang M, Bai Y, Ishii M, Maxson RE, Olson EN, Dickinson ME, Wythe JD, Martin JF | Development (Cambridge, England) | 26718006 | Development | 2016 Feb 1 |
Rapid, noninvasive quantitation of skin disease in systemic sclerosis using optical coherence elastography. | Du Y, Liu CH, Lei L, Singh M, Li J, Hicks MJ, Larin KV, Mohan C | Journal of biomedical optics | 27048877 | J Biomed Opt | 2016 Apr 30 |
High-resolution three-dimensional in vivo imaging of mouse oviduct using optical coherence tomography. | Burton JC, Wang S, Stewart CA, Behringer RR, Larina IV | Biomedical optics express | 26203393 | Biomed Opt Express | 2015 Jul 1 |
Optical coherence tomography for embryonic imaging: a review. | Raghunathan R, Singh M, Dickinson ME, Larin KV | Journal of biomedical optics | 27228503 | J Biomed Opt | 2016 May 1 |
Dystrophin-glycoprotein complex sequesters Yap to inhibit cardiomyocyte proliferation. | Morikawa Y, Heallen T, Leach J, Xiao Y, Martin JF | Nature | 28581498 | Nature | 2017 Jul 13 |
Speckle variance optical coherence tomography of blood flow in the beating mouse embryonic heart. | Grishina OA, Wang S, Larina IV | Journal of biophotonics | 28417585 | J Biophotonics | 2017 May |
Tead1 is required for maintaining adult cardiomyocyte function, and its loss results in lethal dilated cardiomyopathy. | Liu R, Lee J, Kim BS, Wang Q, Buxton SK, Balasubramanyam N, Kim JJ, Dong J, Zhang A, Li S, Gupte AA, Hamilton DJ, Martin JF, Rodney GG, Coarfa C, Wehrens XH, Yechoor VK, Moulik M | JCI insight | 28878117 | JCI Insight | 2017 Sep 7 |
Lorentz force optical coherence elastography. | Wu C, Singh M, Han Z, Raghunathan R, Liu CH, Li J, Schill A, Larin KV | Journal of biomedical optics | 27622242 | J Biomed Opt | 2016 Sep 1 |
Long-range Pitx2c enhancer-promoter interactions prevent predisposition to atrial fibrillation. | Zhang M, Hill MC, Kadow ZA, Suh JH, Tucker NR, Hall AW, Tran TT, Swinton PS, Leach JP, Margulies KB, Ellinor PT, Li N, Martin JF | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 31636200 | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | 2019 Nov 5 |
Identification of distinct stool metabolites in women with endometriosis for non-invasive diagnosis and potential for microbiota-based therapies. | Talwar C, Davuluri GVN, Kamal AHM, Coarfa C, Han SJ, Veeraragavan S, Parsawar K, Putluri N, Hoffman K, Jimenez P, Biest S, Kommagani R | Med (New York, N.Y.) | 39395412 | Med | 2025 Feb 14 |
CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing and guide RNA design. | Wiles MV, Qin W, Cheng AW, Wang H | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 25991564 | Mamm Genome | 2015 Oct |
Scaling up phenotyping studies. | Svenson KL | Nature biotechnology | 26544146 | Nat Biotechnol | 2015 Nov |
Effector gene expression underlying neuron subtype-specific traits in the Motor Ganglion of Ciona. | Gibboney S, Orvis J, Kim K, Johnson CJ, Martinez-Feduchi P, Lowe EK, Sharma S, Stolfi A | Developmental biology | 31639337 | Dev Biol | 2020 Feb 1 |
ADAD2 regulates heterochromatin in meiotic and post-meiotic male germ cells via translation of MDC1. | Chukrallah LG, Badrinath A, Vittor GG, Snyder EM | Journal of cell science | 35191498 | J Cell Sci | 2022 Feb 15 |
ADAD1 and ADAD2, testis-specific adenosine deaminase domain-containing proteins, are required for male fertility. | Snyder E, Chukrallah L, Seltzer K, Goodwin L, Braun RE | Scientific reports | 32665638 | Sci Rep | 2020 Jul 14 |
Elevation of 20-carbon long chain bases due to a mutation in serine palmitoyltransferase small subunit b results in neurodegeneration. | Zhao L, Spassieva S, Gable K, Gupta SD, Shi LY, Wang J, Bielawski J, Hicks WL, Krebs MP, Naggert J, Hannun YA, Dunn TM, Nishina PM | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 26438849 | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | 2015 Oct 20 |
Excavating the Genome: Large-Scale Mutagenesis Screening for the Discovery of New Mouse Models. | Sundberg JP, Dadras SS, Silva KA, Kennedy VE, Murray SA, Denegre JM, Schofield PN, King LE Jr, Wiles MV, Pratt CH | The journal of investigative dermatology. Symposium proceedings | 26551941 | J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc | 2015 Nov |
Meiosis-specific cohesin component, Stag3 is essential for maintaining centromere chromatid cohesion, and required for DNA repair and synapsis between homologous chromosomes. | Hopkins J, Hwang G, Jacob J, Sapp N, Bedigian R, Oka K, Overbeek P, Murray S, Jordan PW | PLoS genetics | 24992337 | PLoS Genet | 2014 Jul |
The complex genetics of hypoplastic left heart syndrome. | Liu X, Yagi H, Saeed S, Bais AS, Gabriel GC, Chen Z, Peterson KA, Li Y, Schwartz MC, Reynolds WT, Saydmohammed M, Gibbs B, Wu Y, Devine W, Chatterjee B, Klena NT, Kostka D, de Mesy Bentley KL, Ganapathiraju MK, Dexheimer P, Leatherbury L, Khalifa O, Bhagat A, Zahid M, Pu W, Watkins S, Grossfeld P, Murray SA, Porter GA Jr, Tsang M, Martin LJ, Benson DW, Aronow BJ, Lo CW | Nature genetics | 28530678 | Nat Genet | 2017 Jul |
A graph theoretical approach to experimental prioritization in genome-scale investigations. | Grady SK, Peterson KA, Murray SA, Baker EJ, Langston MA, Chesler EJ | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 39191873 | Mamm Genome | 2024 Dec |
The perfect host: a mouse host embryo facilitating more efficient germ line transmission of genetically modified embryonic stem cells. | Taft RA, Low BE, Byers SL, Murray SA, Kutny P, Wiles MV | PloS one | 23844102 | PLoS One | 2013 |
Mutations in SMG9, Encoding an Essential Component of Nonsense-Mediated Decay Machinery, Cause a Multiple Congenital Anomaly Syndrome in Humans and Mice. | Shaheen R, Anazi S, Ben-Omran T, Seidahmed MZ, Caddle LB, Palmer K, Ali R, Alshidi T, Hagos S, Goodwin L, Hashem M, Wakil SM, Abouelhoda M, Colak D, Murray SA, Alkuraya FS | American journal of human genetics | 27018474 | Am J Hum Genet | 2016 Apr 7 |
WDFY4 is required for cross-presentation in response to viral and tumor antigens. | Theisen DJ, Davidson JT 4th, Briseño CG, Gargaro M, Lauron EJ, Wang Q, Desai P, Durai V, Bagadia P, Brickner JR, Beatty WL, Virgin HW, Gillanders WE, Mosammaparast N, Diamond MS, Sibley LD, Yokoyama W, Schreiber RD, Murphy TL, Murphy KM | Science (New York, N.Y.) | 30409884 | Science | 2018 Nov 9 |
Safety, efficacy and efficiency of laser-assisted IVF in subfertile mutant mouse strains. | Li MW, Kinchen KL, Vallelunga JM, Young DL, Wright KD, Gorano LN, Wasson K, Lloyd KC | Reproduction (Cambridge, England) | 23315689 | Reproduction | 2013 Mar 1 |
Aneuploidy screening of embryonic stem cell clones by metaphase karyotyping and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction. | Codner GF, Lindner L, Caulder A, Wattenhofer-Donzé M, Radage A, Mertz A, Eisenmann B, Mianné J, Evans EP, Beechey CV, Fray MD, Birling MC, Hérault Y, Pavlovic G, Teboul L | BMC cell biology | 27496052 | BMC Cell Biol | 2016 Aug 5 |
Genetically Engineered Mice by Pronuclear DNA microinjection. | Demayo JL, Wang J, Liang D, Zhang R, Demayo FJ | Current protocols in mouse biology | 23024927 | Curr Protoc Mouse Biol | 2012 Sep 1 |
Importing genetically altered animals: ensuring quality. | Birling MC, Fray MD, Kasparek P, Kopkanova J, Massimi M, Matteoni R, Montoliu L, Nutter LMJ, Raspa M, Rozman J, Ryder EJ, Scavizzi F, Voikar V, Wells S, Pavlovic G, Teboul L | Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society | 34536110 | Mamm Genome | 2022 Mar |
Revealing hidden complexities of genomic rearrangements generated with Cas9. | Boroviak K, Fu B, Yang F, Doe B, Bradley A | Scientific reports | 28993641 | Sci Rep | 2017 Oct 9 |
High-resolution μCT of a mouse embryo using a compact laser-driven X-ray betatron source. | Cole JM, Symes DR, Lopes NC, Wood JC, Poder K, Alatabi S, Botchway SW, Foster PS, Gratton S, Johnson S, Kamperidis C, Kononenko O, De Lazzari M, Palmer CAJ, Rusby D, Sanderson J, Sandholzer M, Sarri G, Szoke-Kovacs Z, Teboul L, Thompson JM, Warwick JR, Westerberg H, Hill MA, Norris DP, Mangles SPD, Najmudin Z | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 29871946 | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | 2018 Jun 19 |
Endothelial TFEB (Transcription Factor EB) Positively Regulates Postischemic Angiogenesis. | Fan Y, Lu H, Liang W, Garcia-Barrio MT, Guo Y, Zhang J, Zhu T, Hao Y, Zhang J, Chen YE | Circulation research | 29467198 | Circ Res | 2018 Mar 30 |
Loss of function of NCOR1 and NCOR2 impairs memory through a novel GABAergic hypothalamus-CA3 projection. | Zhou W, He Y, Rehman AU, Kong Y, Hong S, Ding G, Yalamanchili HK, Wan YW, Paul B, Wang C, Gong Y, Zhou W, Liu H, Dean J, Scalais E, O'Driscoll M, Morton JEV, DDD study, Hou X, Wu Q, Tong Q, Liu Z, Liu P, Xu Y, Sun Z | Nature neuroscience | 30664766 | Nat Neurosci | 2019 Feb |
Long-read sequencing for fast and robust identification of correct genome-edited alleles: PCR-based and Cas9 capture methods. | McCabe CV, Price PD, Codner GF, Allan AJ, Caulder A, Christou S, Loeffler J, Mackenzie M, Malzer E, Mianné J, Nowicki KJ, O'Neill EJ, Pike FJ, Hutchison M, Petit-Demoulière B, Stewart ME, Gates H, Wells S, Sanderson ND, Teboul L | PLoS genetics | 38457464 | PLoS Genet | 2024 Mar |
Universal Southern blot protocol with cold or radioactive probes for the validation of alleles obtained by homologous recombination. | Codner GF, Erbs V, Loeffler J, Chessum L, Caulder A, Jullien N, Wells S, Birling MC, Teboul L | Methods (San Diego, Calif.) | 32599056 | Methods | 2021 Jul |
Screening and validation of genome-edited animals. | Bunton-Stasyshyn RK, Codner GF, Teboul L | Laboratory animals | 34192966 | Lab Anim | 2022 Feb |
Anticipating and Identifying Collateral Damage in Genome Editing. | Burgio G, Teboul L | Trends in genetics : TIG | 33039248 | Trends Genet | 2020 Dec |
Analysing the outcome of CRISPR-aided genome editing in embryos: Screening, genotyping and quality control. | Mianné J, Codner GF, Caulder A, Fell R, Hutchison M, King R, Stewart ME, Wells S, Teboul L | Methods (San Diego, Calif.) | 28363792 | Methods | 2017 May 15 |
Evaluation of off-target and on-target scoring algorithms and integration into the guide RNA selection tool CRISPOR. | Haeussler M, Schönig K, Eckert H, Eschstruth A, Mianné J, Renaud JB, Schneider-Maunoury S, Shkumatava A, Teboul L, Kent J, Joly JS, Concordet JP | Genome biology | 27380939 | Genome Biol | 2016 Jul 5 |
A gene expression resource generated by genome-wide lacZ profiling in the mouse. | Tuck E, Estabel J, Oellrich A, Maguire AK, Adissu HA, Souter L, Siragher E, Lillistone C, Green AL, Wardle-Jones H, Carragher DM, Karp NA, Smedley D, Adams NC, Sanger Institute Mouse Genetics Project, Bussell JN, Adams DJ, Ramírez-Solis R, Steel KP, Galli A, White JK | Disease models & mechanisms | 26398943 | Dis Model Mech | 2015 Nov |
Chromosome engineering in zygotes with CRISPR/Cas9. | Boroviak K, Doe B, Banerjee R, Yang F, Bradley A | Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000) | 26742453 | Genesis | 2016 Feb |