Program Publications
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The search results on this publication page are automated on a monthly schedule based on acknowledgement of NIH Common Fund award numbers and intramural awards. Therefore, this list is not an exhaustive or error-free account of the program’s publications.
Title | Author | Journal Name | PubMedID | Journal Abbreviation | Publication Date |
CDR-H3 diversity is not required for antigen recognition by synthetic antibodies. | Persson H, Ye W, Wernimont A, Adams JJ, Koide A, Koide S, Lam R, Sidhu SS | Journal of molecular biology | 23219464 | J Mol Biol | 2013 Feb 22 |
Optimizing Production of Antigens and Fabs in the Context of Generating Recombinant Antibodies to Human Proteins. | Zhong N, Loppnau P, Seitova A, Ravichandran M, Fenner M, Jain H, Bhattacharya A, Hutchinson A, Paduch M, Lu V, Olszewski M, Kossiakoff AA, Dowdell E, Koide A, Koide S, Huang H, Nadeem V, Sidhu SS, Greenblatt JF, Marcon E, Arrowsmith CH, Edwards AM, Gräslund S | PloS one | 26437229 | PLoS One | 2015 |
A High Through-put Platform for Recombinant Antibodies to Folded Proteins. | Hornsby M, Paduch M, Miersch S, Sääf A, Matsuguchi T, Lee B, Wypisniak K, Doak A, King D, Usatyuk S, Perry K, Lu V, Thomas W, Luke J, Goodman J, Hoey RJ, Lai D, Griffin C, Li Z, Vizeacoumar FJ, Dong D, Campbell E, Anderson S, Zhong N, Gräslund S, Koide S, Moffat J, Sidhu S, Kossiakoff A, Wells J | Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP | 26290498 | Mol Cell Proteomics | 2015 Oct |
A roadmap to generate renewable protein binders to the human proteome. | Colwill K, Renewable Protein Binder Working Group, Gräslund S | Nature methods | 21572409 | Nat Methods | 2011 May 15 |
Generating conformation-specific synthetic antibodies to trap proteins in selected functional states. | Paduch M, Koide A, Uysal S, Rizk SS, Koide S, Kossiakoff AA | Methods (San Diego, Calif.) | 23280336 | Methods | 2013 Mar 15 |
Applications for an engineered Protein-G variant with a pH controllable affinity to antibody fragments. | Bailey LJ, Sheehy KM, Hoey RJ, Schaefer ZP, Ura M, Kossiakoff AA | Journal of immunological methods | 25450256 | J Immunol Methods | 2014 Dec 15 |
Structural basis for activation of SAGA histone acetyltransferase Gcn5 by partner subunit Ada2. | Sun J, Paduch M, Kim SA, Kramer RM, Barrios AF, Lu V, Luke J, Usatyuk S, Kossiakoff AA, Tan S | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 30224453 | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | 2018 Oct 2 |
Generating Conformation and Complex-Specific Synthetic Antibodies. | Paduch M, Kossiakoff AA | Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) | 28255876 | Methods Mol Biol | 2017 |
Determination of equilibrium dissociation constants for recombinant antibodies by high-throughput affinity electrophoresis. | Pan Y, Sackmann EK, Wypisniak K, Hornsby M, Datwani SS, Herr AE | Scientific reports | 28008969 | Sci Rep | 2016 Dec 23 |
An improved single-chain Fab platform for efficient display and recombinant expression. | Koerber JT, Hornsby MJ, Wells JA | Journal of molecular biology | 25481745 | J Mol Biol | 2015 Jan 30 |
A New Versatile Immobilization Tag Based on the Ultra High Affinity and Reversibility of the Calmodulin-Calmodulin Binding Peptide Interaction. | Mukherjee S, Ura M, Hoey RJ, Kossiakoff AA | Journal of molecular biology | 26159704 | J Mol Biol | 2015 Aug 14 |
A polar ring endows improved specificity to an antibody fragment. | Schaefer ZP, Bailey LJ, Kossiakoff AA | Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society | 27334407 | Protein Sci | 2016 Jul |
The NIH Protein Capture Reagents Program (PCRP): a standardized protein affinity reagent toolbox. | Blackshaw S, Venkataraman A, Irizarry J, Yang K, Anderson S, Campbell E, Gatlin CL, Freeman NL, Basavappa R, Stewart R, Loss MA, Pino I, Zhu H, Bader JS | Nature methods | 27684578 | Nat Methods | 2016 Sep 29 |
Analysis of KLF4 regulated genes in cancer cells reveals a role of DNA methylation in promoter- enhancer interactions. | Oyinlade O, Wei S, Kammers K, Liu S, Wang S, Ma D, Huang ZY, Qian J, Zhu H, Wan J, Xia S | Epigenetics | 30058478 | Epigenetics | 2018 |
Overview of protein microarrays. | Sutandy FX, Qian J, Chen CS, Zhu H | Current protocols in protein science | 23546620 | Curr Protoc Protein Sci | 2013 Apr |
Methylated cis-regulatory elements mediate KLF4-dependent gene transactivation and cell migration. | Wan J, Su Y, Song Q, Tung B, Oyinlade O, Liu S, Ying M, Ming GL, Song H, Qian J, Zhu H, Xia S | eLife | 28553926 | Elife | 2017 May 29 |
New centromere autoantigens identified in systemic sclerosis using centromere protein microarrays. | Song G, Hu C, Zhu H, Wang L, Zhang F, Li Y, Wu L | The Journal of rheumatology | 23418382 | J Rheumatol | 2013 Apr |
Toward a systems-level view of dynamic phosphorylation networks. | Newman RH, Zhang J, Zhu H | Frontiers in genetics | 25177341 | Front Genet | 2014 |
DNA methylation presents distinct binding sites for human transcription factors. | Hu S, Wan J, Su Y, Song Q, Zeng Y, Nguyen HN, Shin J, Cox E, Rho HS, Woodard C, Xia S, Liu S, Lyu H, Ming GL, Wade H, Song H, Qian J, Zhu H | eLife | 24015356 | Elife | 2013 Sep 3 |
Interactome mapping: using protein microarray technology to reconstruct diverse protein networks. | Uzoma I, Zhu H | Genomics, proteomics & bioinformatics | 23395178 | Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics | 2013 Feb |
Construction of human activity-based phosphorylation networks. | Newman RH, Hu J, Rho HS, Xie Z, Woodard C, Neiswinger J, Cooper C, Shirley M, Clark HM, Hu S, Hwang W, Jeong JS, Wu G, Lin J, Gao X, Ni Q, Goel R, Xia S, Ji H, Dalby KN, Birnbaum MJ, Cole PA, Knapp S, Ryazanov AG, Zack DJ, Blackshaw S, Pawson T, Gingras AC, Desiderio S, Pandey A, Turk BE, Zhang J, Zhu H, Qian J | Molecular systems biology | 23549483 | Mol Syst Biol | 2013 |
VirD: a virion display array for profiling functional membrane proteins. | Hu S, Feng Y, Henson B, Wang B, Huang X, Li M, Desai P, Zhu H | Analytical chemistry | 23941274 | Anal Chem | 2013 Sep 3 |
Fluorescence ImmunoPrecipitation (FLIP): a Novel Assay for High-Throughput IP. | Mita P, Lhakhang T, Li D, Eichinger DJ, Fenyo D, Boeke JD | Biological procedures online | 27528826 | Biol Proced Online | 2016 |
Characterization of monoclonal antibody's binding kinetics using oblique-incidence reflectivity difference approach. | Liu S, Zhang H, Dai J, Hu S, Pino I, Eichinger DJ, Lyu H, Zhu H | mAbs | 25530170 | MAbs | 2015 |
Antibody Specificity Profiling Using Protein Microarrays. | Ramos-López P, Irizarry J, Pino I, Blackshaw S | Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) | 29714021 | Methods Mol Biol | 2018 |
Targeting UDP-α-D-glucose 6-dehydrogenase inhibits glioblastoma growth and migration. | Oyinlade O, Wei S, Lal B, Laterra J, Zhu H, Goodwin CR, Wang S, Ma D, Wan J, Xia S | Oncogene | 29479058 | Oncogene | 2018 May |
Rapid identification of monospecific monoclonal antibodies using a human proteome microarray. | Jeong JS, Jiang L, Albino E, Marrero J, Rho HS, Hu J, Hu S, Vera C, Bayron-Poueymiroy D, Rivera-Pacheco ZA, Ramos L, Torres-Castro C, Qian J, Bonaventura J, Boeke JD, Yap WY, Pino I, Eichinger DJ, Zhu H, Blackshaw S | Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP | 22307071 | Mol Cell Proteomics | 2012 Jun |
Functional protein microarray as molecular decathlete: a versatile player in clinical proteomics. | Zhu H, Cox E, Qian J | Proteomics. Clinical applications | 23027439 | Proteomics Clin Appl | 2012 Dec |
Integrin-mediated protein kinase A activation at the leading edge of migrating cells. | Lim CJ, Kain KH, Tkachenko E, Goldfinger LE, Gutierrez E, Allen MD, Groisman A, Zhang J, Ginsberg MH | Molecular biology of the cell | 18784251 | Mol Biol Cell | 2008 Nov |
PhosphoNetworks: a database for human phosphorylation networks. | Hu J, Rho HS, Newman RH, Zhang J, Zhu H, Qian J | Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) | 24227675 | Bioinformatics | 2014 Jan 1 |
A toolbox of immunoprecipitation-grade monoclonal antibodies to human transcription factors. | Venkataraman A, Yang K, Irizarry J, Mackiewicz M, Mita P, Kuang Z, Xue L, Ghosh D, Liu S, Ramos P, Hu S, Bayron Kain D, Keegan S, Saul R, Colantonio S, Zhang H, Behn FP, Song G, Albino E, Asencio L, Ramos L, Lugo L, Morell G, Rivera J, Ruiz K, Almodovar R, Nazario L, Murphy K, Vargas I, Rivera-Pacheco ZA, Rosa C, Vargas M, McDade J, Clark BS, Yoo S, Khambadkone SG, de Melo J, Stevanovic M, Jiang L, Li Y, Yap WY, Jones B, Tandon A, Campbell E, Montelione GT, Anderson S, Myers RM, Boeke JD, Fenyö D, Whiteley G, Bader JS, Pino I, Eichinger DJ, Zhu H, Blackshaw S | Nature methods | 29638227 | Nat Methods | 2018 May |
Label-free, real-time detection of the dynamic processes of protein degradation using oblique-incidence reflectivity difference method. | Liu S, Zhu JH, He LP, Dai J, Lu HB, Wu L, Jin KJ, Yang GZ, Zhu H | Applied physics letters | 24803682 | Appl Phys Lett | 2014 Apr 21 |
A human proteome microarray identifies that the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K) recognizes the 5' terminal sequence of the hepatitis C virus RNA. | Fan B, Lu KY, Reymond Sutandy FX, Chen YW, Konan K, Zhu H, Kao CC, Chen CS | Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP | 24113282 | Mol Cell Proteomics | 2014 Jan |
Systematic Prediction of Scaffold Proteins Reveals New Design Principles in Scaffold-Mediated Signal Transduction. | Hu J, Neiswinger J, Zhang J, Zhu H, Qian J | PLoS computational biology | 26393507 | PLoS Comput Biol | 2015 |
YcgC represents a new protein deacetylase family in prokaryotes. | Tu S, Guo SJ, Chen CS, Liu CX, Jiang HW, Ge F, Deng JY, Zhou YM, Czajkowsky DM, Li Y, Qi BR, Ahn YH, Cole PA, Zhu H, Tao SC | eLife | 26716769 | Elife | 2015 Dec 30 |
Applications in high-content functional protein microarrays. | Moore CD, Ajala OZ, Zhu H | Current opinion in chemical biology | 26599287 | Curr Opin Chem Biol | 2016 Feb |
Large scale production of phage antibody libraries using a bioreactor. | Ferrara F, Kim CY, Naranjo LA, Bradbury AR | mAbs | 25524379 | MAbs | 2015 |
Specific binder for Lightning-Link® biotinylated proteins from an antibody phage library. | Ferrara F, Naranjo LA, D'Angelo S, Kiss C, Bradbury AR | Journal of immunological methods | 23850993 | J Immunol Methods | 2013 Sep 30 |
Deep sequencing in library selection projects: what insight does it bring? | Glanville J, D'Angelo S, Khan TA, Reddy ST, Naranjo L, Ferrara F, Bradbury AR | Current opinion in structural biology | 26451649 | Curr Opin Struct Biol | 2015 Aug |
From deep sequencing to actual clones. | D'Angelo S, Kumar S, Naranjo L, Ferrara F, Kiss C, Bradbury AR | Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS | 25183780 | Protein Eng Des Sel | 2014 Oct |
Many Routes to an Antibody Heavy-Chain CDR3: Necessary, Yet Insufficient, for Specific Binding. | D'Angelo S, Ferrara F, Naranjo L, Erasmus MF, Hraber P, Bradbury ARM | Frontiers in immunology | 29568296 | Front Immunol | 2018 |
The antibody mining toolbox: an open source tool for the rapid analysis of antibody repertoires. | D'Angelo S, Glanville J, Ferrara F, Naranjo L, Gleasner CD, Shen X, Bradbury AR, Kiss C | mAbs | 24423623 | MAbs | 2014 Jan-Feb |
Recombinant renewable polyclonal antibodies. | Ferrara F, D'Angelo S, Gaiotto T, Naranjo L, Tian H, Gräslund S, Dobrovetsky E, Hraber P, Lund-Johansen F, Saragozza S, Sblattero D, Kiss C, Bradbury AR | mAbs | 25530082 | MAbs | 2015 |
An improved Protein G with higher affinity for human/rabbit IgG Fc domains exploiting a computationally designed polar network. | Jha RK, Gaiotto T, Bradbury AR, Strauss CE | Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS | 24632761 | Protein Eng Des Sel | 2014 Apr |
Phage display technology for human monoclonal antibodies. | Deantonio C, Cotella D, Macor P, Santoro C, Sblattero D | Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) | 24037846 | Methods Mol Biol | 2014 |
Ligand-targeted theranostic nanomedicines against cancer. | Yao VJ, D'Angelo S, Butler KS, Theron C, Smith TL, Marchiò S, Gelovani JG, Sidman RL, Dobroff AS, Brinker CJ, Bradbury ARM, Arap W, Pasqualini R | Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society | 26772878 | J Control Release | 2016 Oct 28 |
Enzymatic fabrication of high-density RNA arrays. | Wu CH, Holden MT, Smith LM | Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) | 25339581 | Angew Chem Int Ed Engl | 2014 Dec 1 |
Synthetic aptamer-polymer hybrid constructs for programmed drug delivery into specific target cells. | Oh SS, Lee BF, Leibfarth FA, Eisenstein M, Robb MJ, Lynd NA, Hawker CJ, Soh HT | Journal of the American Chemical Society | 25290917 | J Am Chem Soc | 2014 Oct 22 |
Real-time, aptamer-based tracking of circulating therapeutic agents in living animals. | Ferguson BS, Hoggarth DA, Maliniak D, Ploense K, White RJ, Woodward N, Hsieh K, Bonham AJ, Eisenstein M, Kippin TE, Plaxco KW, Soh HT | Science translational medicine | 24285484 | Sci Transl Med | 2013 Nov 27 |
Particle display: a quantitative screening method for generating high-affinity aptamers. | Wang J, Gong Q, Maheshwari N, Eisenstein M, Arcila ML, Kosik KS, Soh HT | Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) | 24644057 | Angew Chem Int Ed Engl | 2014 May 5 |
Fabrication of oligonucleotide and protein arrays on rigid and flexible substrates coated with reactive polymer multilayers. | Broderick AH, Carter MC, Lockett MR, Smith LM, Lynn DM | ACS applied materials & interfaces | 23237360 | ACS Appl Mater Interfaces | 2013 Jan 23 |
Aptamer-based cell imaging reagents capable of fluorescence switching. | Jung YK, Woo MA, Soh HT, Park HG | Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) | 25182171 | Chem Commun (Camb) | 2014 Oct 21 |
Carbon Substrates: A Stable Foundation for Biomolecular Arrays. | Lockett MR, Smith LM | Annual review of analytical chemistry (Palo Alto, Calif.) | 26048550 | Annu Rev Anal Chem (Palo Alto Calif) | 2015 |
Selection strategy to generate aptamer pairs that bind to distinct sites on protein targets. | Gong Q, Wang J, Ahmad KM, Csordas AT, Zhou J, Nie J, Stewart R, Thomson JA, Rossi JJ, Soh HT | Analytical chemistry | 22624874 | Anal Chem | 2012 Jun 19 |
Selection is more intelligent than design: improving the affinity of a bivalent ligand through directed evolution. | Ahmad KM, Xiao Y, Soh HT | Nucleic acids research | 23042245 | Nucleic Acids Res | 2012 Dec |
The Transcription Factor Nfatc2 Regulates β-Cell Proliferation and Genes Associated with Type 2 Diabetes in Mouse and Human Islets. | Keller MP, Paul PK, Rabaglia ME, Stapleton DS, Schueler KL, Broman AT, Ye SI, Leng N, Brandon CJ, Neto EC, Plaisier CL, Simonett SP, Kebede MA, Sheynkman GM, Klein MA, Baliga NS, Smith LM, Broman KW, Yandell BS, Kendziorski C, Attie AD | PLoS genetics | 27935966 | PLoS Genet | 2016 Dec |
Controlling the function of DNA nanostructures with specific trigger sequences. | Deborggraeve S, Dai JY, Xiao Y, Soh HT | Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) | 23192255 | Chem Commun (Camb) | 2013 Jan 14 |
Using Galaxy-P to leverage RNA-Seq for the discovery of novel protein variations. | Sheynkman GM, Johnson JE, Jagtap PD, Shortreed MR, Onsongo G, Frey BL, Griffin TJ, Smith LM | BMC genomics | 25149441 | BMC Genomics | 2014 Aug 22 |
MPBind: a Meta-motif-based statistical framework and pipeline to Predict Binding potential of SELEX-derived aptamers. | Jiang P, Meyer S, Hou Z, Propson NE, Soh HT, Thomson JA, Stewart R | Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) | 24872422 | Bioinformatics | 2014 Sep 15 |
Integrated electrochemical microsystems for genetic detection of pathogens at the point of care. | Hsieh K, Ferguson BS, Eisenstein M, Plaxco KW, Soh HT | Accounts of chemical research | 25785632 | Acc Chem Res | 2015 Apr 21 |
Development of an efficient targeted cell-SELEX procedure for DNA aptamer reagents. | Meyer S, Maufort JP, Nie J, Stewart R, McIntosh BE, Conti LR, Ahmad KM, Soh HT, Thomson JA | PloS one | 23967247 | PLoS One | 2013 |
In vitro selection of shape-changing DNA nanostructures capable of binding-induced cargo release. | Oh SS, Plakos K, Xiao Y, Eisenstein M, Soh HT | ACS nano | 24168267 | ACS Nano | 2013 Nov 26 |
Accurate zygote-specific discrimination of single-nucleotide polymorphisms using microfluidic electrochemical DNA melting curves. | Yang AH, Hsieh K, Patterson AS, Ferguson BS, Eisenstein M, Plaxco KW, Soh HT | Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) | 24520069 | Angew Chem Int Ed Engl | 2014 Mar 17 |
Array-based discovery of aptamer pairs. | Cho M, Oh SS, Nie J, Stewart R, Radeke MJ, Eisenstein M, Coffey PJ, Thomson JA, Soh HT | Analytical chemistry | 25495696 | Anal Chem | 2015 Jan 6 |
Quantitative selection and parallel characterization of aptamers. | Cho M, Soo Oh S, Nie J, Stewart R, Eisenstein M, Chambers J, Marth JD, Walker F, Thomson JA, Soh HT | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 24167271 | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | 2013 Nov 12 |
Global Identification of Protein Post-translational Modifications in a Single-Pass Database Search. | Shortreed MR, Wenger CD, Frey BL, Sheynkman GM, Scalf M, Keller MP, Attie AD, Smith LM | Journal of proteome research | 26418581 | J Proteome Res | 2015 Nov 6 |
In Vitro Selection of pH-Activated DNA Nanostructures. | Fong FY, Oh SS, Hawker CJ, Soh HT | Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) | 27809385 | Angew Chem Int Ed Engl | 2016 Dec 5 |
General approach for characterizing in vitro selected peptides with protein binding affinity. | Larsen AC, Gillig A, Shah P, Sau SP, Fenton KE, Chaput JC | Analytical chemistry | 24970615 | Anal Chem | 2014 Aug 5 |
Development of a full-length human protein production pipeline. | Saul J, Petritis B, Sau S, Rauf F, Gaskin M, Ober-Reynolds B, Mineyev I, Magee M, Chaput J, Qiu J, LaBaer J | Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society | 24806540 | Protein Sci | 2014 Aug |
Comparative analysis of eukaryotic cell-free expression systems. | Hartsough EM, Shah P, Larsen AC, Chaput JC | BioTechniques | 26345507 | Biotechniques | 2015 Sep |
Automated solid-phase synthesis of high capacity oligo-dT cellulose for affinity purification of poly-A tagged biomolecules. | Sau SP, Larsen AC, Chaput JC | Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters | 25467163 | Bioorg Med Chem Lett | 2014 Dec 15 |
SH3 domains come of age. | Kay BK | FEBS letters | 22683951 | FEBS Lett | 2012 Aug 14 |
Improvements to the Kunkel mutagenesis protocol for constructing primary and secondary phage-display libraries. | Huang R, Fang P, Kay BK | Methods (San Diego, Calif.) | 22959950 | Methods | 2012 Sep |
Generating thermal stable variants of protein domains through phage display. | Pershad K, Kay BK | Methods (San Diego, Calif.) | 23276752 | Methods | 2013 Mar 15 |
Generating Recombinant Antibodies against Putative Biomarkers of Retinal Injury. | Kierny MR, Cunningham TD, Bouhenni RA, Edward DP, Kay BK | PloS one | 25902199 | PLoS One | 2015 |
Generating Recombinant Antibodies to Membrane Proteins through Phage Display. | Huang R, Kiss MM, Batonick M, Weiner MP, Kay BK | Antibodies (Basel, Switzerland) | 31557992 | Antibodies (Basel) | 2016 May 2 |
Construction of an Ultra-Large Phage Display Library by Kunkel Mutagenesis and Rolling Circle Amplification. | Huang RR, Kierny M, Volgina V, Iwashima M, Miller C, Kay BK | Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) | 37679621 | Methods Mol Biol | 2023 |
Directed evolution of the forkhead-associated domain to generate anti-phosphospecific reagents by phage display. | Pershad K, Wypisniak K, Kay BK | Journal of molecular biology | 22985966 | J Mol Biol | 2012 Nov 23 |
Generating FN3-Based Affinity Reagents Through Phage Display. | Gorman K, McGinnis J, Kay B | Current protocols in chemical biology | 29927113 | Curr Protoc Chem Biol | 2018 Jun |
A comparison of phosphospecific affinity reagents reveals the utility of recombinant Forkhead-associated domains in recognizing phosphothreonine-containing peptides. | Venegas LA, Pershad K, Bankole O, Shah N, Kay BK | New biotechnology | 26772725 | N Biotechnol | 2016 Sep 25 |
Phosphorylated Gβ is a directional cue during yeast gradient tracking. | Abdul-Ganiyu R, Venegas LA, Wang X, Puerner C, Arkowitz RA, Kay BK, Stone DE | Science signaling | 33975981 | Sci Signal | 2021 May 11 |
In vivo elimination of parental clones in general and site-directed mutagenesis. | Holland EG, Acca FE, Belanger KM, Bylo ME, Kay BK, Weiner MP, Kiss MM | Journal of immunological methods | 25523926 | J Immunol Methods | 2015 Feb |
Streamlining the Pipeline for Generation of Recombinant Affinity Reagents by Integrating the Affinity Maturation Step. | Huang R, Gorman KT, Vinci CR, Dobrovetsky E, Gräslund S, Kay BK | International journal of molecular sciences | 26437402 | Int J Mol Sci | 2015 Sep 30 |
AXM mutagenesis: an efficient means for the production of libraries for directed evolution of proteins. | Holland EG, Buhr DL, Acca FE, Alderman D, Bovat K, Busygina V, Kay BK, Weiner MP, Kiss MM | Journal of immunological methods | 23680235 | J Immunol Methods | 2013 Aug 30 |
Directed Evolution of a Highly Specific FN3 Monobody to the SH3 Domain of Human Lyn Tyrosine Kinase. | Huang R, Fang P, Hao Z, Kay BK | PloS one | 26731115 | PLoS One | 2016 |