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The search results on this publication page are automated on a monthly schedule based on acknowledgement of NIH Common Fund award numbers and intramural awards. Therefore, this list is not an exhaustive or error-free account of the program’s publications.

Title Author Journal Name PubMedID Journal Abbreviation Publication Date
Metabolic plasticity drives development during mammalian embryogenesis. Sharpley MS, Chi F, Hoeve JT, Banerjee U Developmental cell 34428399 Dev Cell 2021 Aug 23
Glycolysis-Independent Glucose Metabolism Distinguishes TE from ICM Fate during Mammalian Embryogenesis. Chi F, Sharpley MS, Nagaraj R, Roy SS, Banerjee U Developmental cell 32197068 Dev Cell 2020 Apr 6
Regulated noise in the epigenetic landscape of development and disease. Pujadas E, Feinberg AP Cell 22424224 Cell 2012 Mar 16
Reversible switching between epigenetic states in honeybee behavioral subcastes. Herb BR, Wolschin F, Hansen KD, Aryee MJ, Langmead B, Irizarry R, Amdam GV, Feinberg AP Nature neuroscience 22983211 Nat Neurosci 2012 Oct
The evolution of bacterial mechanosensitive channels. Booth IR, Miller S, Müller A, Lehtovirta-Morley L Cell calcium 25591932 Cell Calcium 2015 Mar
The glove-like structure of the conserved membrane protein TatC provides insight into signal sequence recognition in twin-arginine translocation. Ramasamy S, Abrol R, Suloway CJ, Clemons WM Jr Structure (London, England : 1993) 23583035 Structure 2013 May 7
Minimal requirements for inhibition of MraY by lysis protein E from bacteriophage ΦX174. Tanaka S, Clemons WM Jr Molecular microbiology 22742425 Mol Microbiol 2012 Sep
Pupil fluctuations track rapid changes in adrenergic and cholinergic activity in cortex. Reimer J, McGinley MJ, Liu Y, Rodenkirch C, Wang Q, McCormick DA, Tolias AS Nature communications 27824036 Nat Commun 2016 Nov 8
Benchmarking Spike Rate Inference in Population Calcium Imaging. Theis L, Berens P, Froudarakis E, Reimer J, Román Rosón M, Baden T, Euler T, Tolias AS, Bethge M Neuron 27151639 Neuron 2016 May 4
Pupil fluctuations track fast switching of cortical states during quiet wakefulness. Reimer J, Froudarakis E, Cadwell CR, Yatsenko D, Denfield GH, Tolias AS Neuron 25374359 Neuron 2014 Oct 22
Deep convolutional models improve predictions of macaque V1 responses to natural images. Cadena SA, Denfield GH, Walker EY, Gatys LA, Tolias AS, Bethge M, Ecker AS PLoS computational biology 31013278 PLoS Comput Biol 2019 Apr
Principles of connectivity among morphologically defined cell types in adult neocortex. Jiang X, Shen S, Cadwell CR, Berens P, Sinz F, Ecker AS, Patel S, Tolias AS Science (New York, N.Y.) 26612957 Science 2015 Nov 27
Electrophysiological, transcriptomic and morphologic profiling of single neurons using Patch-seq. Cadwell CR, Palasantza A, Jiang X, Berens P, Deng Q, Yilmaz M, Reimer J, Shen S, Bethge M, Tolias KF, Sandberg R, Tolias AS Nature biotechnology 26689543 Nat Biotechnol 2016 Feb
Waking State: Rapid Variations Modulate Neural and Behavioral Responses. McGinley MJ, Vinck M, Reimer J, Batista-Brito R, Zagha E, Cadwell CR, Tolias AS, Cardin JA, McCormick DA Neuron 26402600 Neuron 2015 Sep 23
Improved estimation and interpretation of correlations in neural circuits. Yatsenko D, Josić K, Ecker AS, Froudarakis E, Cotton RJ, Tolias AS PLoS computational biology 25826696 PLoS Comput Biol 2015 Mar
Attentional fluctuations induce shared variability in macaque primary visual cortex. Denfield GH, Ecker AS, Shinn TJ, Bethge M, Tolias AS Nature communications 29985411 Nat Commun 2018 Jul 9
Learning divisive normalization in primary visual cortex. Burg MF, Cadena SA, Denfield GH, Walker EY, Tolias AS, Bethge M, Ecker AS PLoS computational biology 34097695 PLoS Comput Biol 2021 Jun
Population code in mouse V1 facilitates readout of natural scenes through increased sparseness. Froudarakis E, Berens P, Ecker AS, Cotton RJ, Sinz FH, Yatsenko D, Saggau P, Bethge M, Tolias AS Nature neuroscience 24747577 Nat Neurosci 2014 Jun
On the Structure of Neuronal Population Activity under Fluctuations in Attentional State. Ecker AS, Denfield GH, Bethge M, Tolias AS The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 26843656 J Neurosci 2016 Feb 3
Multimodal profiling of single-cell morphology, electrophysiology, and gene expression using Patch-seq. Cadwell CR, Scala F, Li S, Livrizzi G, Shen S, Sandberg R, Jiang X, Tolias AS Nature protocols 29189773 Nat Protoc 2017 Dec
Cell type composition and circuit organization of clonally related excitatory neurons in the juvenile mouse neocortex. Cadwell CR, Scala F, Fahey PG, Kobak D, Mulherkar S, Sinz FH, Papadopoulos S, Tan ZH, Johnsson P, Hartmanis L, Li S, Cotton RJ, Tolias KF, Sandberg R, Berens P, Jiang X, Tolias AS eLife 32134385 Elife 2020 Mar 5
Gene delivery to the retina: from mouse to man. Bennett J, Chung DC, Maguire A Methods in enzymology 22365778 Methods Enzymol 2012
A synthetic AAV vector enables safe and efficient gene transfer to the mammalian inner ear. Landegger LD, Pan B, Askew C, Wassmer SJ, Gluck SD, Galvin A, Taylor R, Forge A, Stankovic KM, Holt JR, Vandenberghe LH Nature biotechnology 28165475 Nat Biotechnol 2017 Mar
Basal exon skipping and genetic pleiotropy: A predictive model of disease pathogenesis. Drivas TG, Wojno AP, Tucker BA, Stone EM, Bennett J Science translational medicine 26062849 Sci Transl Med 2015 Jun 10
Promising and delivering gene therapies for vision loss. Carvalho LS, Vandenberghe LH Vision research 25094052 Vision Res 2015 Jun
What Is Next for Retinal Gene Therapy? Vandenberghe LH Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 25877395 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015 Apr 15
Efficient transduction and optogenetic stimulation of retinal bipolar cells by a synthetic adeno-associated virus capsid and promoter. Cronin T, Vandenberghe LH, Hantz P, Juttner J, Reimann A, Kacsó AE, Huckfeldt RM, Busskamp V, Kohler H, Lagali PS, Roska B, Bennett J EMBO molecular medicine 25092770 EMBO Mol Med 2014 Sep
Perspectives on best practices for gene therapy programs. Cheever TR, Berkley D, Braun S, Brown RH, Byrne BJ, Chamberlain JS, Cwik V, Duan D, Federoff HJ, High KA, Kaspar BK, Klinger KW, Larkindale J, Lincecum J, Mavilio F, McDonald CL, McLaughlin J, Weiss McLeod B, Mendell JR, Nuckolls G, Stedman HH, Tagle DA, Vandenberghe LH, Wang H, Wernett PJ, Wilson JM, Porter JD, Gubitz AK Human gene therapy 25654329 Hum Gene Ther 2015 Mar
In vitro and in vivo rescue of aberrant splicing in CEP290-associated LCA by antisense oligonucleotide delivery. Garanto A, Chung DC, Duijkers L, Corral-Serrano JC, Messchaert M, Xiao R, Bennett J, Vandenberghe LH, Collin RW Human molecular genetics 27106101 Hum Mol Genet 2016 Jun 15
The Assembly-Activating Protein Promotes Stability and Interactions between AAV's Viral Proteins to Nucleate Capsid Assembly. Maurer AC, Pacouret S, Cepeda Diaz AK, Blake J, Andres-Mateos E, Vandenberghe LH Cell reports 29742436 Cell Rep 2018 May 8
Adeno-associated virus: fit to serve. Zinn E, Vandenberghe LH Current opinion in virology 25128609 Curr Opin Virol 2014 Oct
AAV9 targets cone photoreceptors in the nonhuman primate retina. Vandenberghe LH, Bell P, Maguire AM, Xiao R, Hopkins TB, Grant R, Bennett J, Wilson JM PloS one 23382846 PLoS One 2013
Retinal gene therapy coming of age. Cepko CL, Vandenberghe LH Human gene therapy 23458444 Hum Gene Ther 2013 Mar
Controlling AAV Tropism in the Nervous System with Natural and Engineered Capsids. Castle MJ, Turunen HT, Vandenberghe LH, Wolfe JH Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 26611584 Methods Mol Biol 2016
In Silico Reconstruction of the Viral Evolutionary Lineage Yields a Potent Gene Therapy Vector. Zinn E, Pacouret S, Khaychuk V, Turunen HT, Carvalho LS, Andres-Mateos E, Shah S, Shelke R, Maurer AC, Plovie E, Xiao R, Vandenberghe LH Cell reports 26235624 Cell Rep 2015 Aug 11
Restoration of Vision and Retinal Responses After Adeno-Associated Virus-Mediated Optogenetic Therapy in Blind Dogs. Nikonov S, Aravand P, Lyubarsky A, Nikonov R, Luo AJ, Wei Z, Maguire AM, Phelps NT, Shpylchak I, Willett K, Aleman TS, Huckfeldt RM, Ramachandran PS, Bennett J Translational vision science & technology 35604672 Transl Vis Sci Technol 2022 May 2
Membrane Potential Dynamics of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons during Hippocampal Ripples in Awake Mice. Hulse BK, Moreaux LC, Lubenov EV, Siapas AG Neuron 26889811 Neuron 2016 Feb 17
Structured Variability in Purkinje Cell Activity during Locomotion. Sauerbrei BA, Lubenov EV, Siapas AG Neuron 26291165 Neuron 2015 Aug 19
Model-based spike sorting with a mixture of drifting t-distributions. Shan KQ, Lubenov EV, Siapas AG Journal of neuroscience methods 28652008 J Neurosci Methods 2017 Aug 15
Brain State Dependence of Hippocampal Subthreshold Activity in Awake Mice. Hulse BK, Lubenov EV, Siapas AG Cell reports 28052244 Cell Rep 2017 Jan 3
Spatial tuning and brain state account for dorsal hippocampal CA1 activity in a non-spatial learning task. Shan KQ, Lubenov EV, Papadopoulou M, Siapas AG eLife 27487561 Elife 2016 Aug 3
Nanofabricated Neural Probes for Dense 3-D Recordings of Brain Activity. Rios G, Lubenov EV, Chi D, Roukes ML, Siapas AG Nano letters 27766885 Nano Lett 2016 Nov 9
Endogenous Retroviral Envelope Syncytin Induces HIV-1 Spreading and Establishes HIV Reservoirs in Placenta. Tang Y, Woodward BO, Pastor L, George AM, Petrechko O, Nouvet FJ, Haas DW, Jiang G, Hildreth JEK Cell reports 32234485 Cell Rep 2020 Mar 31
Bipolar cell-photoreceptor connectivity in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) retina. Li YN, Tsujimura T, Kawamura S, Dowling JE The Journal of comparative neurology 22907678 J Comp Neurol 2012 Nov 1
Spinal projection neurons control turning behaviors in zebrafish. Huang KH, Ahrens MB, Dunn TW, Engert F Current biology : CB 23910662 Curr Biol 2013 Aug 19
Large-scale imaging in small brains. Ahrens MB, Engert F Current opinion in neurobiology 25636154 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2015 Jun
Navigational strategies underlying phototaxis in larval zebrafish. Chen X, Engert F Frontiers in systems neuroscience 24723859 Front Syst Neurosci 2014
Neural Circuits Underlying Visually Evoked Escapes in Larval Zebrafish. Dunn TW, Gebhardt C, Naumann EA, Riegler C, Ahrens MB, Engert F, Del Bene F Neuron 26804997 Neuron 2016 Feb 3
Pluripotency factors in embryonic stem cells regulate differentiation into germ layers. Thomson M, Liu SJ, Zou LN, Smith Z, Meissner A, Ramanathan S Cell 21663792 Cell 2011 Jun 10
A compressed sensing framework for efficient dissection of neural circuits. Lee JB, Yonar A, Hallacy T, Shen CH, Milloz J, Srinivasan J, Kocabas A, Ramanathan S Nature methods 30573831 Nat Methods 2019 Jan
Potential role for snoRNAs in PKR activation during metabolic stress. Youssef OA, Safran SA, Nakamura T, Nix DA, Hotamisligil GS, Bass BL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25848059 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Apr 21
Drosophila dicer-2 cleavage is mediated by helicase- and dsRNA termini-dependent states that are modulated by Loquacious-PD. Sinha NK, Trettin KD, Aruscavage PJ, Bass BL Molecular cell 25891075 Mol Cell 2015 May 7
Identification of the long, edited dsRNAome of LPS-stimulated immune cells. Blango MG, Bass BL Genome research 27197207 Genome Res 2016 Jun
Genome-wide profiling of the C. elegans dsRNAome. Whipple JM, Youssef OA, Aruscavage PJ, Nix DA, Hong C, Johnson WE, Bass BL RNA (New York, N.Y.) 25805852 RNA 2015 May
Genome-wide identification and quantitative analysis of cleaved tRNA fragments induced by cellular stress. Saikia M, Krokowski D, Guan BJ, Ivanov P, Parisien M, Hu GF, Anderson P, Pan T, Hatzoglou M The Journal of biological chemistry 23086926 J Biol Chem 2012 Dec 14
How the fly balances its ability to combat different pathogens. Chambers MC, Lightfield KL, Schneider DS PLoS pathogens 23271964 PLoS Pathog 2012
Disease tolerance as a defense strategy. Medzhitov R, Schneider DS, Soares MP Science (New York, N.Y.) 22363001 Science 2012 Feb 24
Tracing personalized health curves during infections. Schneider DS PLoS biology 21957398 PLoS Biol 2011 Sep
Tolerance of infections. Ayres JS, Schneider DS Annual review of immunology 22224770 Annu Rev Immunol 2012
Guided Homing of Cells in Multi-Photon Microfabricated Bioscaffolds. Skylar-Scott MA, Liu MC, Wu Y, Dixit A, Yanik MF Advanced healthcare materials 27059425 Adv Healthc Mater 2016 May
Cholinergic Signaling Controls Conditioned Fear Behaviors and Enhances Plasticity of Cortical-Amygdala Circuits. Jiang L, Kundu S, Lederman JD, López-Hernández GY, Ballinger EC, Wang S, Talmage DA, Role LW Neuron 27161525 Neuron 2016 Jun 1
Electrophysiological properties of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons identified by genetic and optogenetic tagging. López-Hernández GY, Ananth M, Jiang L, Ballinger EC, Talmage DA, Role LW Journal of neurochemistry 28791701 J Neurochem 2017 Aug
Targeted gene knockout by direct delivery of zinc-finger nuclease proteins. Gaj T, Guo J, Kato Y, Sirk SJ, Barbas CF 3rd Nature methods 22751204 Nat Methods 2012 Jul 1
Structural characterization of anti-inflammatory immunoglobulin G Fc proteins. Ahmed AA, Giddens J, Pincetic A, Lomino JV, Ravetch JV, Wang LX, Bjorkman PJ Journal of molecular biology 25036289 J Mol Biol 2014 Sep 9
Intra-spike crosslinking overcomes antibody evasion by HIV-1. Galimidi RP, Klein JS, Politzer MS, Bai S, Seaman MS, Nussenzweig MC, West AP Jr, Bjorkman PJ Cell 25635457 Cell 2015 Jan 29
Computational analysis of anti-HIV-1 antibody neutralization panel data to identify potential functional epitope residues. West AP Jr, Scharf L, Horwitz J, Klein F, Nussenzweig MC, Bjorkman PJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23754383 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Jun 25
Antibody engineering for increased potency, breadth and half-life. Sievers SA, Scharf L, West AP Jr, Bjorkman PJ Current opinion in HIV and AIDS 25760931 Curr Opin HIV AIDS 2015 May
Structural basis for germ-line gene usage of a potent class of antibodies targeting the CD4-binding site of HIV-1 gp120. West AP Jr, Diskin R, Nussenzweig MC, Bjorkman PJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 22745174 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Jul 24
Design and characterization of structured protein linkers with differing flexibilities. Klein JS, Jiang S, Galimidi RP, Keeffe JR, Bjorkman PJ Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS 25301959 Protein Eng Des Sel 2014 Oct
Structural insights on the role of antibodies in HIV-1 vaccine and therapy. West AP Jr, Scharf L, Scheid JF, Klein F, Bjorkman PJ, Nussenzweig MC Cell 24529371 Cell 2014 Feb 13
Discovery of small molecules that bind to K-Ras and inhibit Sos-mediated activation. Sun Q, Burke JP, Phan J, Burns MC, Olejniczak ET, Waterson AG, Lee T, Rossanese OW, Fesik SW Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 22566140 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2012 Jun 18
A high-throughput fluorescence polarization anisotropy assay for the 70N domain of replication protein A. Souza-Fagundes EM, Frank AO, Feldkamp MD, Dorset DC, Chazin WJ, Rossanese OW, Olejniczak ET, Fesik SW Analytical biochemistry 22197419 Anal Biochem 2012 Feb 15
Discovery of Quinazolines That Activate SOS1-Mediated Nucleotide Exchange on RAS. Abbott JR, Patel PA, Howes JE, Akan DT, Kennedy JP, Burns MC, Browning CF, Sun Q, Rossanese OW, Phan J, Waterson AG, Fesik SW ACS medicinal chemistry letters 30258545 ACS Med Chem Lett 2018 Sep 13
Discovery of tricyclic indoles that potently inhibit Mcl-1 using fragment-based methods and structure-based design. Burke JP, Bian Z, Shaw S, Zhao B, Goodwin CM, Belmar J, Browning CF, Vigil D, Friberg A, Camper DV, Rossanese OW, Lee T, Olejniczak ET, Fesik SW Journal of medicinal chemistry 25844895 J Med Chem 2015 May 14
Fragment-based screening of the bromodomain of ATAD2. Harner MJ, Chauder BA, Phan J, Fesik SW Journal of medicinal chemistry 25314628 J Med Chem 2014 Nov 26
Interaction with WDR5 promotes target gene recognition and tumorigenesis by MYC. Thomas LR, Wang Q, Grieb BC, Phan J, Foshage AM, Sun Q, Olejniczak ET, Clark T, Dey S, Lorey S, Alicie B, Howard GC, Cawthon B, Ess KC, Eischen CM, Zhao Z, Fesik SW, Tansey WP Molecular cell 25818646 Mol Cell 2015 May 7
Discovery of a potent inhibitor of replication protein a protein-protein interactions using a fragment-linking approach. Frank AO, Feldkamp MD, Kennedy JP, Waterson AG, Pelz NF, Patrone JD, Vangamudi B, Camper DV, Rossanese OW, Chazin WJ, Fesik SW Journal of medicinal chemistry 24147804 J Med Chem 2013 Nov 27
Surface reengineering of RPA70N enables cocrystallization with an inhibitor of the replication protein A interaction motif of ATR interacting protein. Feldkamp MD, Frank AO, Kennedy JP, Patrone JD, Vangamudi B, Waterson AG, Fesik SW, Chazin WJ Biochemistry 23962067 Biochemistry 2013 Sep 17
Discovery of potent myeloid cell leukemia 1 (Mcl-1) inhibitors using fragment-based methods and structure-based design. Friberg A, Vigil D, Zhao B, Daniels RN, Burke JP, Garcia-Barrantes PM, Camper D, Chauder BA, Lee T, Olejniczak ET, Fesik SW Journal of medicinal chemistry 23244564 J Med Chem 2013 Jan 10
A method for the second-site screening of K-Ras in the presence of a covalently attached first-site ligand. Sun Q, Phan J, Friberg AR, Camper DV, Olejniczak ET, Fesik SW Journal of biomolecular NMR 25087006 J Biomol NMR 2014 Sep
Fragment-based drug discovery using NMR spectroscopy. Harner MJ, Frank AO, Fesik SW Journal of biomolecular NMR 23686385 J Biomol NMR 2013 Jun
MYC and MCL1 Cooperatively Promote Chemotherapy-Resistant Breast Cancer Stem Cells via Regulation of Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation. Lee KM, Giltnane JM, Balko JM, Schwarz LJ, Guerrero-Zotano AL, Hutchinson KE, Nixon MJ, Estrada MV, Sánchez V, Sanders ME, Lee T, Gómez H, Lluch A, Pérez-Fidalgo JA, Wolf MM, Andrejeva G, Rathmell JC, Fesik SW, Arteaga CL Cell metabolism 28978427 Cell Metab 2017 Oct 3
Discovery of 2-Indole-acylsulfonamide Myeloid Cell Leukemia 1 (Mcl-1) Inhibitors Using Fragment-Based Methods. Pelz NF, Bian Z, Zhao B, Shaw S, Tarr JC, Belmar J, Gregg C, Camper DV, Goodwin CM, Arnold AL, Sensintaffar JL, Friberg A, Rossanese OW, Lee T, Olejniczak ET, Fesik SW Journal of medicinal chemistry 26878343 J Med Chem 2016 Mar 10
Discovery and Structure-Based Optimization of Benzimidazole-Derived Activators of SOS1-Mediated Nucleotide Exchange on RAS. Hodges TR, Abbott JR, Little AJ, Sarkar D, Salovich JM, Howes JE, Akan DT, Sai J, Arnold AL, Browning C, Burns MC, Sobolik T, Sun Q, Beesetty Y, Coker JA, Scharn D, Stadtmueller H, Rossanese OW, Phan J, Waterson AG, McConnell DB, Fesik SW Journal of medicinal chemistry 30205005 J Med Chem 2018 Oct 11
Drugging the undruggable RAS: Mission possible? Cox AD, Fesik SW, Kimmelman AC, Luo J, Der CJ Nature reviews. Drug discovery 25323927 Nat Rev Drug Discov 2014 Nov
Discovery and biological characterization of potent myeloid cell leukemia-1 inhibitors. Lee T, Bian Z, Zhao B, Hogdal LJ, Sensintaffar JL, Goodwin CM, Belmar J, Shaw S, Tarr JC, Veerasamy N, Matulis SM, Koss B, Fischer MA, Arnold AL, Camper DV, Browning CF, Rossanese OW, Budhraja A, Opferman J, Boise LH, Savona MR, Letai A, Olejniczak ET, Fesik SW FEBS letters 27878989 FEBS Lett 2017 Jan
Approach for targeting Ras with small molecules that activate SOS-mediated nucleotide exchange. Burns MC, Sun Q, Daniels RN, Camper D, Kennedy JP, Phan J, Olejniczak ET, Lee T, Waterson AG, Rossanese OW, Fesik SW Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24550516 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Mar 4
Discovery of Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors of Replication Protein A. Patrone JD, Kennedy JP, Frank AO, Feldkamp MD, Vangamudi B, Pelz NF, Rossanese OW, Waterson AG, Chazin WJ, Fesik SW ACS medicinal chemistry letters 23914285 ACS Med Chem Lett 2013 Jul 11
Identification and Optimization of Anthranilic Acid Based Inhibitors of Replication Protein A. Patrone JD, Pelz NF, Bates BS, Souza-Fagundes EM, Vangamudi B, Camper DV, Kuznetsov AG, Browning CF, Feldkamp MD, Frank AO, Gilston BA, Olejniczak ET, Rossanese OW, Waterson AG, Chazin WJ, Fesik SW ChemMedChem 26748787 ChemMedChem 2016 Apr 19
Discovery of Sulfonamide-Derived Agonists of SOS1-Mediated Nucleotide Exchange on RAS Using Fragment-Based Methods. Sarkar D, Olejniczak ET, Phan J, Coker JA, Sai J, Arnold A, Beesetty Y, Waterson AG, Fesik SW Journal of medicinal chemistry 32673492 J Med Chem 2020 Aug 13
Dynamic states of population activity in prefrontal cortical networks of freely-moving macaque. Milton R, Shahidi N, Dragoi V Nature communications 32327660 Nat Commun 2020 Apr 23
Surpassing fundamental limits of oscillators using nonlinear resonators. Villanueva LG, Kenig E, Karabalin RB, Matheny MH, Lifshitz R, Cross MC, Roukes ML Physical review letters 23679770 Phys Rev Lett 2013 Apr 26
Surface adsorbate fluctuations and noise in nanoelectromechanical systems. Yang YT, Callegari C, Feng XL, Roukes ML Nano letters 21388120 Nano Lett 2011 Apr 13
Passive phase noise cancellation scheme. Kenig E, Cross MC, Lifshitz R, Karabalin RB, Villanueva LG, Matheny MH, Roukes ML Physical review letters 23004985 Phys Rev Lett 2012 Jun 29
Large-scale integration of nanoelectromechanical systems for gas sensing applications. Bargatin I, Myers EB, Aldridge JS, Marcoux C, Brianceau P, Duraffourg L, Colinet E, Hentz S, Andreucci P, Roukes ML Nano letters 22280452 Nano Lett 2012 Mar 14
Stress-induced variations in the stiffness of micro- and nanocantilever beams. Karabalin RB, Villanueva LG, Matheny MH, Sader JE, Roukes ML Physical review letters 23003973 Phys Rev Lett 2012 Jun 8
Optimal operating points of oscillators using nonlinear resonators. Kenig E, Cross MC, Villanueva LG, Karabalin RB, Matheny MH, Lifshitz R, Roukes ML Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 23214857 Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2012 Nov
Nonlinear mode-coupling in nanomechanical systems. Matheny MH, Villanueva LG, Karabalin RB, Sader JE, Roukes ML Nano letters 23496001 Nano Lett 2013 Apr 10
Nanoelectromechanical resonator arrays for ultrafast, gas-phase chromatographic chemical analysis. Li M, Myers EB, Tang HX, Aldridge SJ, McCaig HC, Whiting JJ, Simonson RJ, Lewis NS, Roukes ML Nano letters 20795729 Nano Lett 2010 Oct 13
Comparative advantages of mechanical biosensors. Arlett JL, Myers EB, Roukes ML Nature nanotechnology 21441911 Nat Nanotechnol 2011 Apr
Maternal nutrition induces pervasive gene expression changes but no detectable DNA methylation differences in the liver of adult offspring. Cannon MV, Buchner DA, Hester J, Miller H, Sehayek E, Nadeau JH, Serre D PloS one 24594983 PLoS One 2014
CMV infection, TLR-2 and -4 expression, and cytokine profiles in early-onset preeclampsia with HELLP syndrome. Xie F, von Dadelszen P, Nadeau J American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989) 24612145 Am J Reprod Immunol 2014 Apr
Report of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Working Group on epigenetics and hypertension. Cowley AW Jr, Nadeau JH, Baccarelli A, Berecek K, Fornage M, Gibbons GH, Harrison DG, Liang M, Nathanielsz PW, O'Connor DT, Ordovas J, Peng W, Soares MB, Szyf M, Tolunay HE, Wood KC, Zhao K, Galis ZS Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979) 22431584 Hypertension 2012 May
Transgenerational epigenetic effects of the Apobec1 cytidine deaminase deficiency on testicular germ cell tumor susceptibility and embryonic viability. Nelson VR, Heaney JD, Tesar PJ, Davidson NO, Nadeau JH Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 22923694 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Oct 9
Transgenerational genetic effects of the paternal Y chromosome on daughters' phenotypes. Nelson VR, Spiezio SH, Nadeau JH Epigenomics 22121971 Epigenomics 2010 Aug
Transgenerational genetic effects. Nelson VR, Nadeau JH Epigenomics 22122083 Epigenomics 2010 Dec
Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of Apobec-1-mediated C-to-U RNA editing in mouse small intestine and liver. Blanc V, Park E, Schaefer S, Miller M, Lin Y, Kennedy S, Billing AM, Ben Hamidane H, Graumann J, Mortazavi A, Nadeau JH, Davidson NO Genome biology 24946870 Genome Biol 2014 Jun 19
Identifying and modifying protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions using a bacterial two-hybrid selection system. Joung JK Journal of cellular biochemistry. Supplement 11842428 J Cell Biochem Suppl 2001
Counter-selectable marker for bacterial-based interaction trap systems. Meng X, Smith RM, Giesecke AV, Joung JK, Wolfe SA BioTechniques 16526407 Biotechniques 2006 Feb
Engineering designer transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) by REAL or REAL-Fast assembly. Reyon D, Khayter C, Regan MR, Joung JK, Sander JD Current protocols in molecular biology 23026907 Curr Protoc Mol Biol 2012 Oct
Robust, synergistic regulation of human gene expression using TALE activators. Maeder ML, Linder SJ, Reyon D, Angstman JF, Fu Y, Sander JD, Joung JK Nature methods 23396285 Nat Methods 2013 Mar
The bacterial two-hybrid system as a reporter system for analyzing protein-protein interactions. Giesecke AV, Joung JK CSH protocols 21357036 CSH Protoc 2007 Mar 1
Engineering Cys2His2 zinc finger domains using a bacterial cell-based two-hybrid selection system. Thibodeau-Beganny S, Joung JK Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 18314590 Methods Mol Biol 2007
In situ genetic correction of the sickle cell anemia mutation in human induced pluripotent stem cells using engineered zinc finger nucleases. Sebastiano V, Maeder ML, Angstman JF, Haddad B, Khayter C, Yeo DT, Goodwin MJ, Hawkins JS, Ramirez CL, Batista LF, Artandi SE, Wernig M, Joung JK Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) 21898685 Stem Cells 2011 Nov
A combined yeast/bacteria two-hybrid system: development and evaluation. Serebriiskii IG, Fang R, Latypova E, Hopkins R, Vinson C, Joung JK, Golemis EA Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP 15781424 Mol Cell Proteomics 2005 Jun
Repression of phase-variable cup gene expression by H-NS-like proteins in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Vallet-Gely I, Donovan KE, Fang R, Joung JK, Dove SL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 16043713 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005 Aug 2
Gene targeting of a disease-related gene in human induced pluripotent stem and embryonic stem cells. Zou J, Maeder ML, Mali P, Pruett-Miller SM, Thibodeau-Beganny S, Chou BK, Chen G, Ye Z, Park IH, Daley GQ, Porteus MH, Joung JK, Cheng L Cell stem cell 19540188 Cell Stem Cell 2009 Jul 2
ZiFiT (Zinc Finger Targeter): an updated zinc finger engineering tool. Sander JD, Maeder ML, Reyon D, Voytas DF, Joung JK, Dobbs D Nucleic acids research 20435679 Nucleic Acids Res 2010 Jul
Synergistic activation of transcription by Escherichia coli cAMP receptor protein. Joung JK, Le LU, Hochschild A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 7681995 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1993 Apr 1
Genetic strategy for analyzing specificity of dimer formation: Escherichia coli cyclic AMP receptor protein mutant altered in its dimerization specificity. Joung JK, Chung EH, King G, Yu C, Hirsh AS, Hochschild A Genes & development 7498794 Genes Dev 1995 Dec 1
Structural and functional characterization of human immunodeficiency virus tat protein. Ruben S, Perkins A, Purcell R, Joung K, Sia R, Burghoff R, Haseltine WA, Rosen CA Journal of virology 2535718 J Virol 1989 Jan
ZFNGenome: a comprehensive resource for locating zinc finger nuclease target sites in model organisms. Reyon D, Kirkpatrick JR, Sander JD, Zhang F, Voytas DF, Joung JK, Dobbs D, Coffman CR BMC genomics 21276248 BMC Genomics 2011 Jan 28
Targeted mutagenesis in zebrafish using customized zinc-finger nucleases. Foley JE, Maeder ML, Pearlberg J, Joung JK, Peterson RT, Yeh JR Nature protocols 20010934 Nat Protoc 2009
Engineering single Cys2His2 zinc finger domains using a bacterial cell-based two-hybrid selection system. Thibodeau-Beganny S, Maeder ML, Joung JK Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 20680826 Methods Mol Biol 2010
Revealing off-target cleavage specificities of zinc-finger nucleases by in vitro selection. Pattanayak V, Ramirez CL, Joung JK, Liu DR Nature methods 21822273 Nat Methods 2011 Aug 7
Engineering zinc finger nucleases for targeted mutagenesis of zebrafish. Sander JD, Yeh JR, Peterson RT, Joung JK Methods in cell biology 21924156 Methods Cell Biol 2011
Highly efficient generation of heritable zebrafish gene mutations using homo- and heterodimeric TALENs. Cade L, Reyon D, Hwang WY, Tsai SQ, Patel S, Khayter C, Joung JK, Sander JD, Peterson RT, Yeh JR Nucleic acids research 22684503 Nucleic Acids Res 2012 Sep
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Stochastic facilitation of artificial tactile sensation in primates. Medina LE, Lebedev MA, O'Doherty JE, Nicolelis MA The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 23055496 J Neurosci 2012 Oct 10
Cortical correlates of fitts' law. Ifft PJ, Lebedev MA, Nicolelis MA Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 22275888 Front Integr Neurosci 2011
Analysis of neuronal ensemble activity reveals the pitfalls and shortcomings of rotation dynamics. Lebedev MA, Ossadtchi A, Mill NA, Urpí NA, Cervera MR, Nicolelis MAL Scientific reports 31831758 Sci Rep 2019 Dec 12
A simple and efficient route to the FKBP-binding domain from rapamycin. Li W, Bhat S, Liu JO Tetrahedron letters 21894238 Tetrahedron Lett 2011 Sep 28
Rapamycin-inspired macrocycles with new target specificity. Guo Z, Hong SY, Wang J, Rehan S, Liu W, Peng H, Das M, Li W, Bhat S, Peiffer B, Ullman BR, Tse CM, Tarmakova Z, Schiene-Fischer C, Fischer G, Coe I, Paavilainen VO, Sun Z, Liu JO Nature chemistry 30532015 Nat Chem 2019 Mar
Verapamil, and its metabolite norverapamil, inhibit macrophage-induced, bacterial efflux pump-mediated tolerance to multiple anti-tubercular drugs. Adams KN, Szumowski JD, Ramakrishnan L The Journal of infectious diseases 24532601 J Infect Dis 2014 Aug 1
Combinatorial programming of human neuronal progenitors using magnetically-guided stoichiometric mRNA delivery. Azimi SM, Sheridan SD, Ghannad-Rezaie M, Eimon PM, Yanik MF eLife 29714688 Elife 2018 May 1
TNF dually mediates resistance and susceptibility to mycobacteria via mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. Roca FJ, Ramakrishnan L Cell 23582643 Cell 2013 Apr 25
Mycobacteria manipulate macrophage recruitment through coordinated use of membrane lipids. Cambier CJ, Takaki KK, Larson RP, Hernandez RE, Tobin DM, Urdahl KB, Cosma CL, Ramakrishnan L Nature 24336213 Nature 2014 Jan 9
Evaluation of the pathogenesis and treatment of Mycobacterium marinum infection in zebrafish. Takaki K, Davis JM, Winglee K, Ramakrishnan L Nature protocols 23680983 Nat Protoc 2013 Jun
Computer-Assisted Transgenesis of Caenorhabditis elegans for Deep Phenotyping. Gilleland CL, Falls AT, Noraky J, Heiman MG, Yanik MF Genetics 26163188 Genetics 2015 Sep
Strategic protein target analysis for developing drugs to stop dental caries. Horst JA, Pieper U, Sali A, Zhan L, Chopra G, Samudrala R, Featherstone JD Advances in dental research 22899687 Adv Dent Res 2012 Sep
LoCo: a novel main chain scoring function for protein structure prediction based on local coordinates. Moughon SE, Samudrala R BMC bioinformatics 21920038 BMC Bioinformatics 2011 Sep 15
Structure prediction of partial-length protein sequences. Laurenzi A, Hung LH, Samudrala R International journal of molecular sciences 23867606 Int J Mol Sci 2013 Jul 17
CANDOCK: Chemical Atomic Network-Based Hierarchical Flexible Docking Algorithm Using Generalized Statistical Potentials. Fine J, Konc J, Samudrala R, Chopra G Journal of chemical information and modeling 32069042 J Chem Inf Model 2020 Mar 23
Shotgun drug repurposing biotechnology to tackle epidemics and pandemics. Mangione W, Falls Z, Melendy T, Chopra G, Samudrala R Drug discovery today 32405249 Drug Discov Today 2020 Jul
Protein mimetic amyloid inhibitor potently abrogates cancer-associated mutant p53 aggregation and restores tumor suppressor function. Palanikumar L, Karpauskaite L, Al-Sayegh M, Chehade I, Alam M, Hassan S, Maity D, Ali L, Kalmouni M, Hunashal Y, Ahmed J, Houhou T, Karapetyan S, Falls Z, Samudrala R, Pasricha R, Esposito G, Afzal AJ, Hamilton AD, Kumar S, Magzoub M Nature communications 34172723 Nat Commun 2021 Jun 25
A Systematic Review of Computational Drug Discovery, Development, and Repurposing for Ebola Virus Disease Treatment. Schuler J, Hudson ML, Schwartz D, Samudrala R Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 29053626 Molecules 2017 Oct 20
Computational Grafting of Epitopes. Manish M, Mishra S, Pahuja M, Anand A, Subbarao N, Samudrala R Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 37258909 Methods Mol Biol 2023
A fluorescence-based, gain-of-signal, live cell system to evaluate SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibition. Dey-Rao R, Smith GR, Timilsina U, Falls Z, Samudrala R, Stavrou S, Melendy T Antiviral research 34626674 Antiviral Res 2021 Nov
Antiviral Approaches against Influenza Virus. Kumari R, Sharma SD, Kumar A, Ende Z, Mishina M, Wang Y, Falls Z, Samudrala R, Pohl J, Knight PR, Sambhara S Clinical microbiology reviews 36645300 Clin Microbiol Rev 2023 Mar 23
Exploration of interaction scoring criteria in the CANDO platform. Falls Z, Mangione W, Schuler J, Samudrala R BMC research notes 31174591 BMC Res Notes 2019 Jun 7
A synthetic small molecule stalls pre-mRNA splicing by promoting an early-stage U2AF2-RNA complex. Chatrikhi R, Feeney CF, Pulvino MJ, Alachouzos G, MacRae AJ, Falls Z, Rai S, Brennessel WW, Jenkins JL, Walter MJ, Graubert TA, Samudrala R, Jurica MS, Frontier AJ, Kielkopf CL Cell chemical biology 33689684 Cell Chem Biol 2021 Aug 19
Accelerated protein structure comparison using TM-score-GPU. Hung LH, Samudrala R Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 22718788 Bioinformatics 2012 Aug 15
Multiscale modelling of relationships between protein classes and drug behavior across all diseases using the CANDO platform. Sethi G, Chopra G, Samudrala R Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry 25694071 Mini Rev Med Chem 2015
Homo-dimerization and ligand binding by the leucine-rich repeat domain at RHG1/RFS2 underlying resistance to two soybean pathogens. Afzal AJ, Srour A, Goil A, Vasudaven S, Liu T, Samudrala R, Dogra N, Kohli P, Malakar A, Lightfoot DA BMC plant biology 23497186 BMC Plant Biol 2013 Mar 15
Fingerprinting CANDO: Increased Accuracy with Structure- and Ligand-Based Shotgun Drug Repurposing. Schuler J, Samudrala R ACS omega 31656912 ACS Omega 2019 Oct 22
Identifying Protein Features Responsible for Improved Drug Repurposing Accuracies Using the CANDO Platform: Implications for Drug Design. Mangione W, Samudrala R Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 30621144 Molecules 2019 Jan 4
CANDO and the infinite drug discovery frontier. Minie M, Chopra G, Sethi G, Horst J, White G, Roy A, Hatti K, Samudrala R Drug discovery today 24980786 Drug Discov Today 2014 Sep
Evaluating the performance of drug-repurposing technologies. Schuler J, Falls Z, Mangione W, Hudson ML, Bruggemann L, Samudrala R Drug discovery today 34400352 Drug Discov Today 2022 Jan
Optimal COVID-19 therapeutic candidate discovery using the CANDO platform. Mangione W, Falls Z, Samudrala R Frontiers in pharmacology 36091793 Front Pharmacol 2022
Identifying Protein Features and Pathways Responsible for Toxicity Using Machine Learning and Tox21: Implications for Predictive Toxicology. Moukheiber L, Mangione W, Moukheiber M, Maleki S, Falls Z, Gao M, Samudrala R Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 35566372 Molecules 2022 May 8
Strategies for robust, accurate, and generalizable benchmarking of drug discovery platforms. Van Norden M, Mangione W, Falls Z, Samudrala R bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39764006 bioRxiv 2024 Dec 16
Exploring Polypharmacology in Drug Discovery and Repurposing Using the CANDO Platform. Chopra G, Samudrala R Current pharmaceutical design 27013226 Curr Pharm Des 2016
Shotgun drug repurposing biotechnology to tackle epidemics and pandemics. Mangione W, Falls Z, Melendy T, Chopra G, Samudrala R ChemRxiv : the preprint server for chemistry 32511286 ChemRxiv 2020 May 4
Linking Genome and Exposome: Computational Analysis of Human Variation in Chemical-Target Interactions. Bruggemann L, Hawthorne C, Samudrala R, Lopez-Campos GH Studies in health technology and informatics 32570644 Stud Health Technol Inform 2020 Jun 16
Multiscale Virtual Screening Optimization for Shotgun Drug Repurposing Using the CANDO Platform. Hudson ML, Samudrala R Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 33925237 Molecules 2021 Apr 28
Multiscale Analysis and Validation of Effective Drug Combinations Targeting Driver KRAS Mutations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Bruggemann L, Falls Z, Mangione W, Schwartz SA, Battaglia S, Aalinkeel R, Mahajan SD, Samudrala R International journal of molecular sciences 36674513 Int J Mol Sci 2023 Jan 5
The impact of nucleosome structure on CRISPR/Cas9 fidelity. Handelmann CR, Tsompana M, Samudrala R, Buck MJ Nucleic acids research 36727449 Nucleic Acids Res 2023 Mar 21
The Promise and Challenge of Digital Biology. Minie ME, Samudrala R Journal of bioengineering & biomedical science 30338132 J Bioeng Biomed Sci 2013
Computational chemoproteomics to understand the role of selected psychoactives in treating mental health indications. Fine J, Lackner R, Samudrala R, Chopra G Scientific reports 31511563 Sci Rep 2019 Sep 11
Rv0100, a proposed acyl carrier protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: expression, purification and crystallization. Corrigendum. Bondoc JMG, Gutka HJ, Almutairi MM, Patwell R, Rutter MW, Wolf NM, Samudrala R, Mehboob S, Dementiev A, Abad-Zapatero C, Movahedzadeh F Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications 32254053 Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 2020 Apr 1
Proteomic Network Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid in Ex-Smokers to Discover Implicated Protein Targets and Novel Drug Treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Mammen MJ, Tu C, Morris MC, Richman S, Mangione W, Falls Z, Qu J, Broderick G, Sethi S, Samudrala R Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 35631392 Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2022 May 1
A Deep-Learning Proteomic-Scale Approach for Drug Design. Overhoff B, Falls Z, Mangione W, Samudrala R Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 34959678 Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2021 Dec 7
The enzymatic and metabolic capabilities of early life. Goldman AD, Baross JA, Samudrala R PloS one 22970111 PLoS One 2012
Rv0100, a proposed acyl carrier protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: expression, purification and crystallization. Bondoc JMG, Gutka HJ, Almutairi MM, Patwell R, Rutter MW, Wolf NM, Samudrala R, Mehboob S, Movahedzadeh F Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications 31584013 Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 2019 Oct 1
Combating Ebola with Repurposed Therapeutics Using the CANDO Platform. Chopra G, Kaushik S, Elkin PL, Samudrala R Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 27898018 Molecules 2016 Nov 25
Self-assembly of filamentous amelogenin requires calcium and phosphate: from dimers via nanoribbons to fibrils. Martinez-Avila O, Wu S, Kim SJ, Cheng Y, Khan F, Samudrala R, Sali A, Horst JA, Habelitz S Biomacromolecules 22974364 Biomacromolecules 2012 Nov 12 Open Source Software for Predictive Bioanalytics of Large Scale Drug-Protein-Disease Data. Mangione W, Falls Z, Chopra G, Samudrala R Journal of chemical information and modeling 32515949 J Chem Inf Model 2020 Sep 28
Association of C>U RNA Editing with Human Disease Variants. Mandloi S, Falls Z, Deng R, Samudrala R, Elkin PL Studies in health technology and informatics 32570581 Stud Health Technol Inform 2020 Jun 16
Accurate Prediction of Inhibitor Binding to HIV-1 Protease Using CANDOCK. Falls Z, Fine J, Chopra G, Samudrala R Frontiers in chemistry 35111726 Front Chem 2021
Effects of natural selection and gene conversion on the evolution of human glycophorins coding for MNS blood polymorphisms in malaria-endemic African populations. Ko WY, Kaercher KA, Giombini E, Marcatili P, Froment A, Ibrahim M, Lema G, Nyambo TB, Omar SA, Wambebe C, Ranciaro A, Hirbo JB, Tishkoff SA American journal of human genetics 21664997 Am J Hum Genet 2011 Jun 10
Genetic structure in African populations: implications for human demographic history. Lambert CA, Tishkoff SA Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology 20453204 Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 2009
Living the high life: high-altitude adaptation. Scheinfeldt LB, Tishkoff SA Genome biology 20979669 Genome Biol 2010
The evolution of human genetic and phenotypic variation in Africa. Campbell MC, Tishkoff SA Current biology : CB 20178763 Curr Biol 2010 Feb 23
A founder mutation in LEPRE1 carried by 1.5% of West Africans and 0.4% of African Americans causes lethal recessive osteogenesis imperfecta. Cabral WA, Barnes AM, Adeyemo A, Cushing K, Chitayat D, Porter FD, Panny SR, Gulamali-Majid F, Tishkoff SA, Rebbeck TR, Gueye SM, Bailey-Wilson JE, Brody LC, Rotimi CN, Marini JC Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 22281939 Genet Med 2012 May
Evidence from Cameroon reveals differences in the genetic structure and histories of chimpanzee populations. Gonder MK, Locatelli S, Ghobrial L, Mitchell MW, Kujawski JT, Lankester FJ, Stewart CB, Tishkoff SA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 21368170 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Mar 22
Haplotype variation and genotype imputation in African populations. Huang L, Jakobsson M, Pemberton TJ, Ibrahim M, Nyambo T, Omar S, Pritchard JK, Tishkoff SA, Rosenberg NA Genetic epidemiology 22125220 Genet Epidemiol 2011 Dec
Evolution of functionally diverse alleles associated with PTC bitter taste sensitivity in Africa. Campbell MC, Ranciaro A, Froment A, Hirbo J, Omar S, Bodo JM, Nyambo T, Lema G, Zinshteyn D, Drayna D, Breslin PA, Tishkoff SA Molecular biology and evolution 22130969 Mol Biol Evol 2012 Apr
Recent human adaptation: genomic approaches, interpretation and insights. Scheinfeldt LB, Tishkoff SA Nature reviews. Genetics 24052086 Nat Rev Genet 2013 Oct
Obesity-susceptibility loci and the tails of the pediatric BMI distribution. Mitchell JA, Hakonarson H, Rebbeck TR, Grant SF Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) 23408508 Obesity (Silver Spring) 2013 Jun
Patterns of nucleotide and haplotype diversity at ICAM-1 across global human populations with varying levels of malaria exposure. Gomez F, Tomas G, Ko WY, Ranciaro A, Froment A, Ibrahim M, Lema G, Nyambo TB, Omar SA, Wambebe C, Hirbo JB, Rocha J, Tishkoff SA Human genetics 23609612 Hum Genet 2013 Sep
Colloquium paper: working toward a synthesis of archaeological, linguistic, and genetic data for inferring African population history. Scheinfeldt LB, Soi S, Tishkoff SA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20445100 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 May 11
Characterization of genetic variation and natural selection at the arylamine N-acetyltransferase genes in global human populations. Mortensen HM, Froment A, Lema G, Bodo JM, Ibrahim M, Nyambo TB, Omar SA, Tishkoff SA Pharmacogenomics 21995608 Pharmacogenomics 2011 Nov
Patterns of ancestry, signatures of natural selection, and genetic association with stature in Western African pygmies. Jarvis JP, Scheinfeldt LB, Soi S, Lambert C, Omberg L, Ferwerda B, Froment A, Bodo JM, Beggs W, Hoffman G, Mezey J, Tishkoff SA PLoS genetics 22570615 PLoS Genet 2012
Small heat shock proteins in redox metabolism: implications for cardiovascular diseases. Christians ES, Ishiwata T, Benjamin IJ The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology 22710345 Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2012 Oct
Sustained activation of nuclear erythroid 2-related factor 2/antioxidant response element signaling promotes reductive stress in the human mutant protein aggregation cardiomyopathy in mice. Rajasekaran NS, Varadharaj S, Khanderao GD, Davidson CJ, Kannan S, Firpo MA, Zweier JL, Benjamin IJ Antioxidants & redox signaling 21126175 Antioxid Redox Signal 2011 Mar 15
Proteostasis and REDOX state in the heart. Christians ES, Benjamin IJ American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 22003057 Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2012 Jan 1
Effects of redox state on the efficient uptake of cell permeable Peptide in Mammalian cells. Squires S, Christians E, Riedel M, Timothy D, Rodesch CK, Marvin J, Benjamin I The open biochemistry journal 23919090 Open Biochem J 2013
Aggregate-prone R120GCRYAB triggers multifaceted modifications of the thioredoxin system. Banerjee Mustafi S, Grose JH, Zhang H, Pratt GW, Sadoshima J, Christians ES, Benjamin IJ Antioxidants & redox signaling 24180415 Antioxid Redox Signal 2014 Jun 20
Reductive stress linked to small HSPs, G6PD, and Nrf2 pathways in heart disease. Brewer AC, Mustafi SB, Murray TV, Rajasekaran NS, Benjamin IJ Antioxidants & redox signaling 22938199 Antioxid Redox Signal 2013 Mar 20
Human alpha B-crystallin mutation causes oxido-reductive stress and protein aggregation cardiomyopathy in mice. Rajasekaran NS, Connell P, Christians ES, Yan LJ, Taylor RP, Orosz A, Zhang XQ, Stevenson TJ, Peshock RM, Leopold JA, Barry WH, Loscalzo J, Odelberg SJ, Benjamin IJ Cell 17693254 Cell 2007 Aug 10
HSF1 critically attunes proteotoxic stress sensing by mTORC1 to combat stress and promote growth. Su KH, Cao J, Tang Z, Dai S, He Y, Sampson SB, Benjamin IJ, Dai C Nature cell biology 27043084 Nat Cell Biol 2016 May
Patient-derived xenografts of low-grade B-cell lymphomas demonstrate roles of the tumor microenvironment. Burack WR, Spence JM, Spence JP, Spence SA, Rock PJ, Shenoy GN, Shultz LD, Bankert RB, Bernstein SH Blood advances 29296768 Blood Adv 2017 Jul 11
Chaperones and cardiac misfolding protein diseases. Christians ES, Mustafi SB, Benjamin IJ Current protein & peptide science 24694370 Curr Protein Pept Sci 2014 May
Glutathione-dependent reductive stress triggers mitochondrial oxidation and cytotoxicity. Zhang H, Limphong P, Pieper J, Liu Q, Rodesch CK, Christians E, Benjamin IJ FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 22202674 FASEB J 2012 Apr
Characterization of the Cardiac Overexpression of HSPB2 Reveals Mitochondrial and Myogenic Roles Supported by a Cardiac HspB2 Interactome. Grose JH, Langston K, Wang X, Squires S, Mustafi SB, Hayes W, Neubert J, Fischer SK, Fasano M, Saunders GM, Dai Q, Christians E, Lewandowski ED, Ping P, Benjamin IJ PloS one 26465331 PLoS One 2015
Profibrotic COVID-19 subphenotype exhibits enhanced localized ER-dependent HSP47(+) expression in cardiac myofibroblasts in situ. Jacobs ER, Ross GR, Padilla N, Pan AY, Liegl M, Puzyrenko A, Lai S, Dai Q, Uche N, Rubenstein JC, North PE, Ibrahim EH, Sun Y, Felix JC, Rui H, Benjamin IJ Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 37839656 J Mol Cell Cardiol 2023 Dec
Selective degradation of aggregate-prone CryAB mutants by HSPB1 is mediated by ubiquitin-proteasome pathways. Zhang H, Rajasekaran NS, Orosz A, Xiao X, Rechsteiner M, Benjamin IJ Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 20863832 J Mol Cell Cardiol 2010 Dec
HSPB2 is dispensable for the cardiac hypertrophic response but reduces mitochondrial energetics following pressure overload in mice. Ishiwata T, Orosz A, Wang X, Mustafi SB, Pratt GW, Christians ES, Boudina S, Abel ED, Benjamin IJ PloS one 22870288 PLoS One 2012
The NADPH metabolic network regulates human αB-crystallin cardiomyopathy and reductive stress in Drosophila melanogaster. Xie HB, Cammarato A, Rajasekaran NS, Zhang H, Suggs JA, Lin HC, Bernstein SI, Benjamin IJ, Golic KG PLoS genetics 23818860 PLoS Genet 2013 Jun
Rescue of αB Crystallin (HSPB5) Mutants Associated Protein Aggregation by Co-Expression of HSPB5 Partners. Hussein RM, Benjamin IJ, Kampinga HH PloS one 25961584 PLoS One 2015
Targeting endoglin, an auxiliary transforming growth factor β coreceptor, to prevent fibrosis and heart failure. Benjamin IJ Circulation 22592899 Circulation 2012 Jun 5
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide mediates circadian rhythms in mammalian olfactory bulb and olfaction. Miller JE, Granados-Fuentes D, Wang T, Marpegan L, Holy TE, Herzog ED The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 24760863 J Neurosci 2014 Apr 23
A Mutation Associated with Stuttering Alters Mouse Pup Ultrasonic Vocalizations. Barnes TD, Wozniak DF, Gutierrez J, Han TU, Drayna D, Holy TE Current biology : CB 27151663 Curr Biol 2016 Apr 13
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Knockout of Lysosomal Enzyme-Targeting Gene Causes Abnormalities in Mouse Pup Isolation Calls. Barnes TD, Holy TE Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 28101008 Front Behav Neurosci 2016
Experience-Dependent Plasticity Drives Individual Differences in Pheromone-Sensing Neurons. Xu PS, Lee D, Holy TE Neuron 27537487 Neuron 2016 Aug 17
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Modulating the strength and threshold of NOTCH oncogenic signals by mir-181a-1/b-1. Fragoso R, Mao T, Wang S, Schaffert S, Gong X, Yue S, Luong R, Min H, Yashiro-Ohtani Y, Davis M, Pear W, Chen CZ PLoS genetics 22916024 PLoS Genet 2012
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The miR-17-92 microRNA polycistron regulates MLL leukemia stem cell potential by modulating p21 expression. Wong P, Iwasaki M, Somervaille TC, Ficara F, Carico C, Arnold C, Chen CZ, Cleary ML Cancer research 20406979 Cancer Res 2010 May 1
The potential functions of primary microRNAs in target recognition and repression. Trujillo RD, Yue SB, Tang Y, O'Gorman WE, Chen CZ The EMBO journal 20808284 EMBO J 2010 Oct 6
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MicroRNA programs in normal and aberrant stem and progenitor cells. Arnold CP, Tan R, Zhou B, Yue SB, Schaffert S, Biggs JR, Doyonnas R, Lo MC, Perry JM, Renault VM, Sacco A, Somervaille T, Viatour P, Brunet A, Cleary ML, Li L, Sage J, Zhang DE, Blau HM, Chen C, Chen CZ Genome research 21451113 Genome Res 2011 May
MicroRNAs regulate B-cell receptor signaling-induced apoptosis. Kluiver JL, Chen CZ Genes and immunity 22357493 Genes Immun 2012 Apr
The Mir181ab1 cluster promotes KRAS-driven oncogenesis and progression in lung and pancreas. Valencia K, Erice O, Kostyrko K, Hausmann S, Guruceaga E, Tathireddy A, Flores NM, Sayles LC, Lee AG, Fragoso R, Sun TQ, Vallejo A, Roman M, Entrialgo-Cadierno R, Migueliz I, Razquin N, Fortes P, Lecanda F, Lu J, Ponz-Sarvise M, Chen CZ, Mazur PK, Sweet-Cordero EA, Vicent S The Journal of clinical investigation 31874105 J Clin Invest 2020 Apr 1
The importance of being earnestly selfish. Cheroutre H, Mucida D, Lambolez F Nature immunology 19767722 Nat Immunol 2009 Oct
Transcriptional reprogramming of mature CD4⁺ helper T cells generates distinct MHC class II-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Mucida D, Husain MM, Muroi S, van Wijk F, Shinnakasu R, Naoe Y, Reis BS, Huang Y, Lambolez F, Docherty M, Attinger A, Shui JW, Kim G, Lena CJ, Sakaguchi S, Miyamoto C, Wang P, Atarashi K, Park Y, Nakayama T, Honda K, Ellmeier W, Kronenberg M, Taniuchi I, Cheroutre H Nature immunology 23334788 Nat Immunol 2013 Mar
Unique lamina propria stromal cells imprint the functional phenotype of mucosal dendritic cells. Vicente-Suarez I, Larange A, Reardon C, Matho M, Feau S, Chodaczek G, Park Y, Obata Y, Gold R, Wang-Zhu Y, Lena C, Zajonc DM, Schoenberger SP, Kronenberg M, Cheroutre H Mucosal immunology 24938743 Mucosal Immunol 2015 Jan
αβT cell receptors expressed by CD4(-)CD8αβ(-) intraepithelial T cells drive their fate into a unique lineage with unusual MHC reactivities. Mayans S, Stepniak D, Palida S, Larange A, Dreux J, Arlian B, Shinnakasu R, Kronenberg M, Cheroutre H, Lambolez F Immunity 25131531 Immunity 2014 Aug 21
Themis sets the signal threshold for positive and negative selection in T-cell development. Fu G, Casas J, Rigaud S, Rybakin V, Lambolez F, Brzostek J, Hoerter JA, Paster W, Acuto O, Cheroutre H, Sauer K, Gascoigne NR Nature 24226767 Nature 2013 Dec 19
CD4 CTL: living up to the challenge. Cheroutre H, Husain MM Seminars in immunology 24246226 Semin Immunol 2013 Nov 15
Protein kinase C η is required for T cell activation and homeostatic proliferation. Fu G, Hu J, Niederberger-Magnenat N, Rybakin V, Casas J, Yachi PP, Feldstein S, Ma B, Hoerter JA, Ampudia J, Rigaud S, Lambolez F, Gavin AL, Sauer K, Cheroutre H, Gascoigne NR Science signaling 22155788 Sci Signal 2011 Dec 6
Distribution and Cellular Uptake of PEGylated Polymeric Particles in the Lung Towards Cell-Specific Targeted Delivery. Shen TW, Fromen CA, Kai MP, Luft JC, Rahhal TB, Robbins GR, DeSimone JM Pharmaceutical research 26002743 Pharm Res 2015 Oct
Reductively responsive siRNA-conjugated hydrogel nanoparticles for gene silencing. Dunn SS, Tian S, Blake S, Wang J, Galloway AL, Murphy A, Pohlhaus PD, Rolland JP, Napier ME, DeSimone JM Journal of the American Chemical Society 22475061 J Am Chem Soc 2012 May 2
More effective nanomedicines through particle design. Wang J, Byrne JD, Napier ME, DeSimone JM Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 21695781 Small 2011 Jul 18
Effect of aspect ratio and deformability on nanoparticle extravasation through nanopores. Kersey FR, Merkel TJ, Perry JL, Napier ME, DeSimone JM Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 22612428 Langmuir 2012 Jun 12
Dodging drug-resistant cancer with diamonds. Merkel TJ, DeSimone JM Science translational medicine 21389261 Sci Transl Med 2011 Mar 9
Engineering nanomedicines using stimuli-responsive biomaterials. Wang Y, Byrne JD, Napier ME, DeSimone JM Advanced drug delivery reviews 22266128 Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2012 Aug
Local iontophoretic administration of cytotoxic therapies to solid tumors. Byrne JD, Jajja MR, O'Neill AT, Bickford LR, Keeler AW, Hyder N, Wagner K, Deal A, Little RE, Moffitt RA, Stack C, Nelson M, Brooks CR, Lee W, Luft JC, Napier ME, Darr D, Anders CK, Stack R, Tepper JE, Wang AZ, Zamboni WC, Yeh JJ, DeSimone JM Science translational medicine 25653220 Sci Transl Med 2015 Feb 4
RNA replicon delivery via lipid-complexed PRINT protein particles. Xu J, Luft JC, Yi X, Tian S, Owens G, Wang J, Johnson A, Berglund P, Smith J, Napier ME, DeSimone JM Molecular pharmaceutics 23924216 Mol Pharm 2013 Sep 3
Subtumoral analysis of PRINT nanoparticle distribution reveals targeting variation based on cellular and particle properties. Roode LE, Brighton H, Bo T, Perry JL, Parrott MC, Kersey F, Luft JC, Bear JE, DeSimone JM, Davis IJ Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine 26772430 Nanomedicine 2016 May
Controlled analysis of nanoparticle charge on mucosal and systemic antibody responses following pulmonary immunization. Fromen CA, Robbins GR, Shen TW, Kai MP, Ting JP, DeSimone JM Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25548169 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Jan 13
Retinoic Acid-Loaded Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Nanoparticle Formulation of ApoB-100-Derived Peptide 210 Attenuates Atherosclerosis. Yi X, Wang Y, Jia Z, Hiller S, Nakamura J, Luft JC, Tian S, DeSimone JM Journal of biomedical nanotechnology 32970979 J Biomed Nanotechnol 2020 Apr 1
Tumor Presence Induces Global Immune Changes and Enhances Nanoparticle Clearance. Kai MP, Brighton HE, Fromen CA, Shen TW, Luft JC, Luft YE, Keeler AW, Robbins GR, Ting JP, Zamboni WC, Bear JE, DeSimone JM ACS nano 26592524 ACS Nano 2016 Jan 26
Rapidly-dissolvable microneedle patches via a highly scalable and reproducible soft lithography approach. Moga KA, Bickford LR, Geil RD, Dunn SS, Pandya AA, Wang Y, Fain JH, Archuleta CF, O'Neill AT, Desimone JM Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 23893866 Adv Mater 2013 Sep 25
Rendering protein-based particles transiently insoluble for therapeutic applications. Xu J, Wang J, Luft JC, Tian S, Owens G Jr, Pandya AA, Berglund P, Pohlhaus P, Maynor BW, Smith J, Hubby B, Napier ME, DeSimone JM Journal of the American Chemical Society 22568387 J Am Chem Soc 2012 May 30
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A whole-cell computational model predicts phenotype from genotype. Karr JR, Sanghvi JC, Macklin DN, Gutschow MV, Jacobs JM, Bolival B Jr, Assad-Garcia N, Glass JI, Covert MW Cell 22817898 Cell 2012 Jul 20
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The virus as metabolic engineer. Maynard ND, Gutschow MV, Birch EW, Covert MW Biotechnology journal 20665642 Biotechnol J 2010 Jul
Accelerated discovery via a whole-cell model. Sanghvi JC, Regot S, Carrasco S, Karr JR, Gutschow MV, Bolival B Jr, Covert MW Nature methods 24185838 Nat Methods 2013 Dec
WholeCellSimDB: a hybrid relational/HDF database for whole-cell model predictions. Karr JR, Phillips NC, Covert MW Database : the journal of biological databases and curation 25231498 Database (Oxford) 2014
High-sensitivity measurements of multiple kinase activities in live single cells. Regot S, Hughey JJ, Bajar BT, Carrasco S, Covert MW Cell 24949979 Cell 2014 Jun 19
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Single-cell and population NF-κB dynamic responses depend on lipopolysaccharide preparation. Gutschow MV, Hughey JJ, Ruggero NA, Bajar BT, Valle SD, Covert MW PloS one 23301045 PLoS One 2013
Competing pathways control host resistance to virus via tRNA modification and programmed ribosomal frameshifting. Maynard ND, Macklin DN, Kirkegaard K, Covert MW Molecular systems biology 22294093 Mol Syst Biol 2012 Jan 31
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Movement, technology and discovery in the zebrafish. McLean DL, Fetcho JR Current opinion in neurobiology 20970321 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2011 Feb
In vivo imaging of myelin in the vertebrate central nervous system using third harmonic generation microscopy. Farrar MJ, Wise FW, Fetcho JR, Schaffer CB Biophysical journal 21354410 Biophys J 2011 Mar 2
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Homeostatic regulation of dendritic dynamics in a motor map in vivo. Kishore S, Fetcho JR Nature communications 23803587 Nat Commun 2013
TRP channel mediated neuronal activation and ablation in freely behaving zebrafish. Chen S, Chiu CN, McArthur KL, Fetcho JR, Prober DA Nature methods 26657556 Nat Methods 2016 Feb
In Vivo Measurement of Glycine Receptor Turnover and Synaptic Size Reveals Differences between Functional Classes of Motoneurons in Zebrafish. Chow DM, Zuchowski KA, Fetcho JR Current biology : CB 28416115 Curr Biol 2017 Apr 24
A dynamical systems view of motor preparation: implications for neural prosthetic system design. Shenoy KV, Kaufman MT, Sahani M, Churchland MM Progress in brain research 21763517 Prog Brain Res 2011
Neural population dynamics during reaching. Churchland MM, Cunningham JP, Kaufman MT, Foster JD, Nuyujukian P, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Nature 22722855 Nature 2012 Jul 5
Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: a widespread cortical phenomenon. Churchland MM, Yu BM, Cunningham JP, Sugrue LP, Cohen MR, Corrado GS, Newsome WT, Clark AM, Hosseini P, Scott BB, Bradley DC, Smith MA, Kohn A, Movshon JA, Armstrong KM, Moore T, Chang SW, Snyder LH, Lisberger SG, Priebe NJ, Finn IM, Ferster D, Ryu SI, Santhanam G, Sahani M, Shenoy KV Nature neuroscience 20173745 Nat Neurosci 2010 Mar
Combining decoder design and neural adaptation in brain-machine interfaces. Shenoy KV, Carmena JM Neuron 25459407 Neuron 2014 Nov 19
Neural dynamics of reaching following incorrect or absent motor preparation. Ames KC, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Neuron 24462104 Neuron 2014 Jan 22
A Non-Human Primate Brain-Computer Typing Interface. Nuyujukian P, Kao JC, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 33746239 Proc IEEE Inst Electr Electron Eng 2017 Jan
The Largest Response Component in the Motor Cortex Reflects Movement Timing but Not Movement Type. Kaufman MT, Seely JS, Sussillo D, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV, Churchland MM eNeuro 27761519 eNeuro 2016 Jul-Aug
Design and validation of a real-time spiking-neural-network decoder for brain-machine interfaces. Dethier J, Nuyujukian P, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV, Boahen K Journal of neural engineering 23574919 J Neural Eng 2013 Jun
Cortical activity in the null space: permitting preparation without movement. Kaufman MT, Churchland MM, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Nature neuroscience 24487233 Nat Neurosci 2014 Mar
The roles of monkey M1 neuron classes in movement preparation and execution. Kaufman MT, Churchland MM, Shenoy KV Journal of neurophysiology 23699057 J Neurophysiol 2013 Aug
Context-dependent computation by recurrent dynamics in prefrontal cortex. Mante V, Sussillo D, Shenoy KV, Newsome WT Nature 24201281 Nature 2013 Nov 7
Spiking Neural Network Decoder for Brain-Machine Interfaces. Dethier J, Gilja V, Nuyujukian P, Elassaad SA, Shenoy KV, Boahen K International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering : [proceedings]. International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering 24352611 Int IEEE EMBS Conf Neural Eng 2011
A freely-moving monkey treadmill model. Foster JD, Nuyujukian P, Freifeld O, Gao H, Walker R, I Ryu S, H Meng T, Murmann B, J Black M, Shenoy KV Journal of neural engineering 24995476 J Neural Eng 2014 Aug
A framework for relating neural activity to freely moving behavior. Foster JD, Nuyujukian P, Freifeld O, Ryu SI, Black MJ, Shenoy KV Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 23366491 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2012
Low-dimensional neural features predict muscle EMG signals. Rivera-Alvidrez Z, Kalmar RS, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 21097116 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2010
A coaxial optrode as multifunction write-read probe for optogenetic studies in non-human primates. Ozden I, Wang J, Lu Y, May T, Lee J, Goo W, O'Shea DJ, Kalanithi P, Diester I, Diagne M, Deisseroth K, Shenoy KV, Nurmikko AV Journal of neuroscience methods 23867081 J Neurosci Methods 2013 Sep 30
A high-performance neural prosthesis enabled by control algorithm design. Gilja V, Nuyujukian P, Chestek CA, Cunningham JP, Yu BM, Fan JM, Churchland MM, Kaufman MT, Kao JC, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Nature neuroscience 23160043 Nat Neurosci 2012 Dec
Long-term stability of neural prosthetic control signals from silicon cortical arrays in rhesus macaque motor cortex. Chestek CA, Gilja V, Nuyujukian P, Foster JD, Fan JM, Kaufman MT, Churchland MM, Rivera-Alvidrez Z, Cunningham JP, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Journal of neural engineering 21775782 J Neural Eng 2011 Aug
Roles of monkey premotor neuron classes in movement preparation and execution. Kaufman MT, Churchland MM, Santhanam G, Yu BM, Afshar A, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Journal of neurophysiology 20538784 J Neurophysiol 2010 Aug
Neural correlates of attention and distractibility in the lateral intraparietal area. Bisley JW, Goldberg ME Journal of neurophysiology 16339000 J Neurophysiol 2006 Mar
DataHigh: graphical user interface for visualizing and interacting with high-dimensional neural activity. Cowley BR, Kaufman MT, Butler ZS, Churchland MM, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV, Yu BM Journal of neural engineering 24216250 J Neural Eng 2013 Dec
Intention estimation in brain-machine interfaces. Fan JM, Nuyujukian P, Kao JC, Chestek CA, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Journal of neural engineering 24654266 J Neural Eng 2014 Feb
An optogenetic toolbox designed for primates. Diester I, Kaufman MT, Mogri M, Pashaie R, Goo W, Yizhar O, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K, Shenoy KV Nature neuroscience 21278729 Nat Neurosci 2011 Mar
A closed-loop human simulator for investigating the role of feedback control in brain-machine interfaces. Cunningham JP, Nuyujukian P, Gilja V, Chestek CA, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Journal of neurophysiology 20943945 J Neurophysiol 2011 Apr
Cortical preparatory activity: representation of movement or first cog in a dynamical machine? Churchland MM, Cunningham JP, Kaufman MT, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Neuron 21040842 Neuron 2010 Nov 4
Challenges and opportunities for next-generation intracortically based neural prostheses. Gilja V, Chestek CA, Diester I, Henderson JM, Deisseroth K, Shenoy KV IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 21257365 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2011 Jul
Self-recalibrating classifiers for intracortical brain-computer interfaces. Bishop W, Chestek CC, Gilja V, Nuyujukian P, Foster JD, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV, Yu BM Journal of neural engineering 24503597 J Neural Eng 2014 Apr
Neural circuits as computational dynamical systems. Sussillo D Current opinion in neurobiology 24509098 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2014 Apr
Combining Wireless Neural Recording and Video Capture for the Analysis of Natural Gait. Foster JD, Freifeld O, Nuyujukian P, Ryu SI, Black MJ, Shenoy KV International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering : [proceedings]. International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering 26019730 Int IEEE EMBS Conf Neural Eng 2011 Apr-May
A high-performance keyboard neural prosthesis enabled by task optimization. Nuyujukian P, Fan JM, Kao JC, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 25203982 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2015 Jan
Development of an optogenetic toolkit for neural circuit dissection in squirrel monkeys. O'Shea DJ, Kalanithi P, Ferenczi EA, Hsueh B, Chandrasekaran C, Goo W, Diester I, Ramakrishnan C, Kaufman MT, Ryu SI, Yeom KW, Deisseroth K, Shenoy KV Scientific reports 29712920 Sci Rep 2018 Apr 30
Autonomous head-mounted electrophysiology systems for freely behaving primates. Gilja V, Chestek CA, Nuyujukian P, Foster J, Shenoy KV Current opinion in neurobiology 20655733 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2010 Oct
Accurate Estimation of Neural Population Dynamics without Spike Sorting. Trautmann EM, Stavisky SD, Lahiri S, Ames KC, Kaufman MT, O'Shea DJ, Vyas S, Sun X, Ryu SI, Ganguli S, Shenoy KV Neuron 31171448 Neuron 2019 Jul 17
Cortical control of arm movements: a dynamical systems perspective. Shenoy KV, Sahani M, Churchland MM Annual review of neuroscience 23725001 Annu Rev Neurosci 2013 Jul 8
A brain machine interface control algorithm designed from a feedback control perspective. Gilja V, Nuyujukian P, Chestek CA, Cunningham JP, Yu BM, Fan JM, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 23366141 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2012
Investigating the role of firing-rate normalization and dimensionality reduction in brain-machine interface robustness. Kao JC, Nuyujukian P, Stavisky S, Ryu SI, Ganguli S, Shenoy KV Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 24109682 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2013
Monkey models for brain-machine interfaces: the need for maintaining diversity. Nuyujukian P, Fan JM, Gilja V, Kalanithi PS, Chestek CA, Shenoy KV Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 22254555 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011
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ERAASR: an algorithm for removing electrical stimulation artifacts from multielectrode array recordings. O'Shea DJ, Shenoy KV Journal of neural engineering 29265009 J Neural Eng 2018 Apr
Transcriptome transfer produces a predictable cellular phenotype. Sul JY, Wu CW, Zeng F, Jochems J, Lee MT, Kim TK, Peritz T, Buckley P, Cappelleri DJ, Maronski M, Kim M, Kumar V, Meaney D, Kim J, Eberwine J Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19380745 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 May 5
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Perspectives on cell reprogramming with RNA. Sul JY, Kim TK, Lee JH, Eberwine J Trends in biotechnology 22459515 Trends Biotechnol 2012 May
Towards A Fully Automated High-Throughput Phototransfection System. Cappelleri DJ, Halasz A, Sul JY, Kim TK, Eberwine J, Kumar V JALA (Charlottesville, Va.) 20706617 JALA Charlottesv Va 2010 Aug 1
Transcriptome in vivo analysis (TIVA) of spatially defined single cells in live tissue. Lovatt D, Ruble BK, Lee J, Dueck H, Kim TK, Fisher S, Francis C, Spaethling JM, Wolf JA, Grady MS, Ulyanova AV, Yeldell SB, Griepenburg JC, Buckley PT, Kim J, Sul JY, Dmochowski IJ, Eberwine J Nature methods 24412976 Nat Methods 2014 Feb
Serotonergic neuron regulation informed by in vivo single-cell transcriptomics. Spaethling JM, Piel D, Dueck H, Buckley PT, Morris JF, Fisher SA, Lee J, Sul JY, Kim J, Bartfai T, Beck SG, Eberwine JH FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 24192459 FASEB J 2014 Feb
Insulin-like growth factor 1-mediated hyperthermia involves anterior hypothalamic insulin receptors. Sanchez-Alavez M, Osborn O, Tabarean IV, Holmberg KH, Eberwine J, Kahn CR, Bartfai T The Journal of biological chemistry 21330367 J Biol Chem 2011 Apr 29
Deep sequencing reveals cell-type-specific patterns of single-cell transcriptome variation. Dueck H, Khaladkar M, Kim TK, Spaethling JM, Francis C, Suresh S, Fisher SA, Seale P, Beck SG, Bartfai T, Kuhn B, Eberwine J, Kim J Genome biology 26056000 Genome Biol 2015 Jun 9
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Insulin causes hyperthermia by direct inhibition of warm-sensitive neurons. Sanchez-Alavez M, Tabarean IV, Osborn O, Mitsukawa K, Schaefer J, Dubins J, Holmberg KH, Klein I, Klaus J, Gomez LF, Kolb H, Secrest J, Jochems J, Myashiro K, Buckley P, Hadcock JR, Eberwine J, Conti B, Bartfai T Diabetes 19846801 Diabetes 2010 Jan
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Caenorhabditis elegans: a model system for systems neuroscience. Sengupta P, Samuel AD Current opinion in neurobiology 19896359 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2009 Dec
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Sensory determinants of behavioral dynamics in Drosophila thermotaxis. Klein M, Afonso B, Vonner AJ, Hernandez-Nunez L, Berck M, Tabone CJ, Kane EA, Pieribone VA, Nitabach MN, Cardona A, Zlatic M, Sprecher SG, Gershow M, Garrity PA, Samuel AD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25550513 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Jan 13
Multimodal stimulus coding by a gustatory sensory neuron in Drosophila larvae. van Giesen L, Hernandez-Nunez L, Delasoie-Baranek S, Colombo M, Renaud P, Bruggmann R, Benton R, Samuel ADT, Sprecher SG Nature communications 26864722 Nat Commun 2016 Feb 11
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Proprioceptive coupling within motor neurons drives C. elegans forward locomotion. Wen Q, Po MD, Hulme E, Chen S, Liu X, Kwok SW, Gershow M, Leifer AM, Butler V, Fang-Yen C, Kawano T, Schafer WR, Whitesides G, Wyart M, Chklovskii DB, Zhen M, Samuel AD Neuron 23177960 Neuron 2012 Nov 21
Engineered ascorbate peroxidase as a genetically encoded reporter for electron microscopy. Martell JD, Deerinck TJ, Sancak Y, Poulos TL, Mootha VK, Sosinsky GE, Ellisman MH, Ting AY Nature biotechnology 23086203 Nat Biotechnol 2012 Nov
Proteomic mapping of the human mitochondrial intermembrane space in live cells via ratiometric APEX tagging. Hung V, Zou P, Rhee HW, Udeshi ND, Cracan V, Svinkina T, Carr SA, Mootha VK, Ting AY Molecular cell 25002142 Mol Cell 2014 Jul 17
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Antibiotics induce redox-related physiological alterations as part of their lethality. Dwyer DJ, Belenky PA, Yang JH, MacDonald IC, Martell JD, Takahashi N, Chan CT, Lobritz MA, Braff D, Schwarz EG, Ye JD, Pati M, Vercruysse M, Ralifo PS, Allison KR, Khalil AS, Ting AY, Walker GC, Collins JJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24803433 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 May 20
Proteomic mapping of mitochondria in living cells via spatially restricted enzymatic tagging. Rhee HW, Zou P, Udeshi ND, Martell JD, Mootha VK, Carr SA, Ting AY Science (New York, N.Y.) 23371551 Science 2013 Mar 15
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Computational design of a red fluorophore ligase for site-specific protein labeling in living cells. Liu DS, Nivón LG, Richter F, Goldman PJ, Deerinck TJ, Yao JZ, Richardson D, Phipps WS, Ye AZ, Ellisman MH, Drennan CL, Baker D, Ting AY Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25313043 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Oct 28
Impulse control: temporal dynamics in gene transcription. Yosef N, Regev A Cell 21414481 Cell 2011 Mar 18
Strand-specific RNA sequencing reveals extensive regulated long antisense transcripts that are conserved across yeast species. Yassour M, Pfiffner J, Levin JZ, Adiconis X, Gnirke A, Nusbaum C, Thompson DA, Friedman N, Regev A Genome biology 20796282 Genome Biol 2010
Digital transcriptome profiling from attomole-level RNA samples. Ozsolak F, Goren A, Gymrek M, Guttman M, Regev A, Bernstein BE, Milos PM Genome research 20133332 Genome Res 2010 Apr
Many human large intergenic noncoding RNAs associate with chromatin-modifying complexes and affect gene expression. Khalil AM, Guttman M, Huarte M, Garber M, Raj A, Rivea Morales D, Thomas K, Presser A, Bernstein BE, van Oudenaarden A, Regev A, Lander ES, Rinn JL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19571010 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Jul 14
Unbiased reconstruction of a mammalian transcriptional network mediating pathogen responses. Amit I, Garber M, Chevrier N, Leite AP, Donner Y, Eisenhaure T, Guttman M, Grenier JK, Li W, Zuk O, Schubert LA, Birditt B, Shay T, Goren A, Zhang X, Smith Z, Deering R, McDonald RC, Cabili M, Bernstein BE, Rinn JL, Meissner A, Root DE, Hacohen N, Regev A Science (New York, N.Y.) 19729616 Science 2009 Oct 9
Ab initio construction of a eukaryotic transcriptome by massively parallel mRNA sequencing. Yassour M, Kaplan T, Fraser HB, Levin JZ, Pfiffner J, Adiconis X, Schroth G, Luo S, Khrebtukova I, Gnirke A, Nusbaum C, Thompson DA, Friedman N, Regev A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19208812 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Mar 3
A physical and regulatory map of host-influenza interactions reveals pathways in H1N1 infection. Shapira SD, Gat-Viks I, Shum BO, Dricot A, de Grace MM, Wu L, Gupta PB, Hao T, Silver SJ, Root DE, Hill DE, Regev A, Hacohen N Cell 20064372 Cell 2009 Dec 24
Single-cell RNA-seq reveals dynamic paracrine control of cellular variation. Shalek AK, Satija R, Shuga J, Trombetta JJ, Gennert D, Lu D, Chen P, Gertner RS, Gaublomme JT, Yosef N, Schwartz S, Fowler B, Weaver S, Wang J, Wang X, Ding R, Raychowdhury R, Friedman N, Hacohen N, Park H, May AP, Regev A Nature 24919153 Nature 2014 Jun 19
Deconstructing transcriptional heterogeneity in pluripotent stem cells. Kumar RM, Cahan P, Shalek AK, Satija R, DaleyKeyser A, Li H, Zhang J, Pardee K, Gennert D, Trombetta JJ, Ferrante TC, Regev A, Daley GQ, Collins JJ Nature 25471879 Nature 2014 Dec 4
Reconstructing gene histories in Ascomycota fungi. Wapinski I, Regev A Methods in enzymology 20946821 Methods Enzymol 2010
Inference and Evolutionary Analysis of Genome-Scale Regulatory Networks in Large Phylogenies. Koch C, Konieczka J, Delorey T, Lyons A, Socha A, Davis K, Knaack SA, Thompson D, O'Shea EK, Regev A, Roy S Cell systems 28544882 Cell Syst 2017 May 24
Chromatin signature of embryonic pluripotency is established during genome activation. Vastenhouw NL, Zhang Y, Woods IG, Imam F, Regev A, Liu XS, Rinn J, Schier AF Nature 20336069 Nature 2010 Apr 8
Dynamic single-cell imaging of direct reprogramming reveals an early specifying event. Smith ZD, Nachman I, Regev A, Meissner A Nature biotechnology 20436460 Nat Biotechnol 2010 May
Physical Module Networks: an integrative approach for reconstructing transcription regulation. Novershtern N, Regev A, Friedman N Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 21685068 Bioinformatics 2011 Jul 1
Full-length transcriptome assembly from RNA-Seq data without a reference genome. Grabherr MG, Haas BJ, Yassour M, Levin JZ, Thompson DA, Amit I, Adiconis X, Fan L, Raychowdhury R, Zeng Q, Chen Z, Mauceli E, Hacohen N, Gnirke A, Rhind N, di Palma F, Birren BW, Nusbaum C, Lindblad-Toh K, Friedman N, Regev A Nature biotechnology 21572440 Nat Biotechnol 2011 May 15
Mouse ooplasm confers context-specific reprogramming capacity. Chan MM, Smith ZD, Egli D, Regev A, Meissner A Nature genetics 22902786 Nat Genet 2012 Sep
A unique regulatory phase of DNA methylation in the early mammalian embryo. Smith ZD, Chan MM, Mikkelsen TS, Gu H, Gnirke A, Regev A, Meissner A Nature 22456710 Nature 2012 Mar 28
Chromatin signature reveals over a thousand highly conserved large non-coding RNAs in mammals. Guttman M, Amit I, Garber M, French C, Lin MF, Feldser D, Huarte M, Zuk O, Carey BW, Cassady JP, Cabili MN, Jaenisch R, Mikkelsen TS, Jacks T, Hacohen N, Bernstein BE, Kellis M, Regev A, Rinn JL, Lander ES Nature 19182780 Nature 2009 Mar 12
Transcriptional regulatory circuits: predicting numbers from alphabets. Kim HD, Shay T, O'Shea EK, Regev A Science (New York, N.Y.) 19628860 Science 2009 Jul 24
Chromatin profiling by directly sequencing small quantities of immunoprecipitated DNA. Goren A, Ozsolak F, Shoresh N, Ku M, Adli M, Hart C, Gymrek M, Zuk O, Regev A, Milos PM, Bernstein BE Nature methods 19946276 Nat Methods 2010 Jan
SOX2 is an amplified lineage-survival oncogene in lung and esophageal squamous cell carcinomas. Bass AJ, Watanabe H, Mermel CH, Yu S, Perner S, Verhaak RG, Kim SY, Wardwell L, Tamayo P, Gat-Viks I, Ramos AH, Woo MS, Weir BA, Getz G, Beroukhim R, O'Kelly M, Dutt A, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Dziunycz P, Komisarof J, Chirieac LR, Lafargue CJ, Scheble V, Wilbertz T, Ma C, Rao S, Nakagawa H, Stairs DB, Lin L, Giordano TJ, Wagner P, Minna JD, Gazdar AF, Zhu CQ, Brose MS, Cecconello I, Ribeiro U Jr, Marie SK, Dahl O, Shivdasani RA, Tsao MS, Rubin MA, Wong KK, Regev A, Hahn WC, Beer DG, Rustgi AK, Meyerson M Nature genetics 19801978 Nat Genet 2009 Nov
Venetoclax combined with decitabine or azacitidine in treatment-naive, elderly patients with acute myeloid leukemia. DiNardo CD, Pratz K, Pullarkat V, Jonas BA, Arellano M, Becker PS, Frankfurt O, Konopleva M, Wei AH, Kantarjian HM, Xu T, Hong WJ, Chyla B, Potluri J, Pollyea DA, Letai A Blood 30361262 Blood 2019 Jan 3
Dynamic regulatory network controlling TH17 cell differentiation. Yosef N, Shalek AK, Gaublomme JT, Jin H, Lee Y, Awasthi A, Wu C, Karwacz K, Xiao S, Jorgolli M, Gennert D, Satija R, Shakya A, Lu DY, Trombetta JJ, Pillai MR, Ratcliffe PJ, Coleman ML, Bix M, Tantin D, Park H, Kuchroo VK, Regev A Nature 23467089 Nature 2013 Apr 25
Determinants of divergent adaptation and Dobzhansky-Muller interaction in experimental yeast populations. Anderson JB, Funt J, Thompson DA, Prabhu S, Socha A, Sirjusingh C, Dettman JR, Parreiras L, Guttman DS, Regev A, Kohn LM Current biology : CB 20637622 Curr Biol 2010 Aug 10
BRNI: Modular analysis of transcriptional regulatory programs. Nachman I, Regev A BMC bioinformatics 19457258 BMC Bioinformatics 2009 May 20
Comparative functional genomics of the fission yeasts. Rhind N, Chen Z, Yassour M, Thompson DA, Haas BJ, Habib N, Wapinski I, Roy S, Lin MF, Heiman DI, Young SK, Furuya K, Guo Y, Pidoux A, Chen HM, Robbertse B, Goldberg JM, Aoki K, Bayne EH, Berlin AM, Desjardins CA, Dobbs E, Dukaj L, Fan L, FitzGerald MG, French C, Gujja S, Hansen K, Keifenheim D, Levin JZ, Mosher RA, Müller CA, Pfiffner J, Priest M, Russ C, Smialowska A, Swoboda P, Sykes SM, Vaughn M, Vengrova S, Yoder R, Zeng Q, Allshire R, Baulcombe D, Birren BW, Brown W, Ekwall K, Kellis M, Leatherwood J, Levin H, Margalit H, Martienssen R, Nieduszynski CA, Spatafora JW, Friedman N, Dalgaard JZ, Baumann P, Niki H, Regev A, Nusbaum C Science (New York, N.Y.) 21511999 Science 2011 May 20
Metabolic labeling of RNA uncovers principles of RNA production and degradation dynamics in mammalian cells. Rabani M, Levin JZ, Fan L, Adiconis X, Raychowdhury R, Garber M, Gnirke A, Nusbaum C, Hacohen N, Friedman N, Amit I, Regev A Nature biotechnology 21516085 Nat Biotechnol 2011 May
Gene duplication and the evolution of ribosomal protein gene regulation in yeast. Wapinski I, Pfiffner J, French C, Socha A, Thompson DA, Regev A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20212107 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 Mar 23
From elements to modules: regulatory evolution in Ascomycota fungi. Wohlbach DJ, Thompson DA, Gasch AP, Regev A Current opinion in genetics & development 19879128 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2009 Dec
Fungal regulatory evolution: cis and trans in the balance. Thompson DA, Regev A FEBS letters 19914250 FEBS Lett 2009 Dec 17
In vivo profiles in malaria are consistent with a novel physiological state. Wirth D, Daily J, Winzeler E, Mesirov JP, Regev A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19570993 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Jul 7
Comprehensive comparative analysis of strand-specific RNA sequencing methods. Levin JZ, Yassour M, Adiconis X, Nusbaum C, Thompson DA, Friedman N, Gnirke A, Regev A Nature methods 20711195 Nat Methods 2010 Sep
Small-molecule RORγt antagonists inhibit T helper 17 cell transcriptional network by divergent mechanisms. Xiao S, Yosef N, Yang J, Wang Y, Zhou L, Zhu C, Wu C, Baloglu E, Schmidt D, Ramesh R, Lobera M, Sundrud MS, Tsai PY, Xiang Z, Wang J, Xu Y, Lin X, Kretschmer K, Rahl PB, Young RA, Zhong Z, Hafler DA, Regev A, Ghosh S, Marson A, Kuchroo VK Immunity 24745332 Immunity 2014 Apr 17
Comparative analysis of RNA sequencing methods for degraded or low-input samples. Adiconis X, Borges-Rivera D, Satija R, DeLuca DS, Busby MA, Berlin AM, Sivachenko A, Thompson DA, Wysoker A, Fennell T, Gnirke A, Pochet N, Regev A, Levin JZ Nature methods 23685885 Nat Methods 2013 Jul
High-resolution sequencing and modeling identifies distinct dynamic RNA regulatory strategies. Rabani M, Raychowdhury R, Jovanovic M, Rooney M, Stumpo DJ, Pauli A, Hacohen N, Schier AF, Blackshear PJ, Friedman N, Amit I, Regev A Cell 25497548 Cell 2014 Dec 18
Localization and abundance analysis of human lncRNAs at single-cell and single-molecule resolution. Cabili MN, Dunagin MC, McClanahan PD, Biaesch A, Padovan-Merhar O, Regev A, Rinn JL, Raj A Genome biology 25630241 Genome Biol 2015 Jan 29
DNA methylation dynamics of the human preimplantation embryo. Smith ZD, Chan MM, Humm KC, Karnik R, Mekhoubad S, Regev A, Eggan K, Meissner A Nature 25079558 Nature 2014 Jul 31
Preparation of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Libraries for Next Generation Sequencing. Trombetta JJ, Gennert D, Lu D, Satija R, Shalek AK, Regev A Current protocols in molecular biology 24984854 Curr Protoc Mol Biol 2014 Jul 1
A large intergenic noncoding RNA induced by p53 mediates global gene repression in the p53 response. Huarte M, Guttman M, Feldser D, Garber M, Koziol MJ, Kenzelmann-Broz D, Khalil AM, Zuk O, Amit I, Rabani M, Attardi LD, Regev A, Lander ES, Jacks T, Rinn JL Cell 20673990 Cell 2010 Aug 6
Ab initio reconstruction of cell type-specific transcriptomes in mouse reveals the conserved multi-exonic structure of lincRNAs. Guttman M, Garber M, Levin JZ, Donaghey J, Robinson J, Adiconis X, Fan L, Koziol MJ, Gnirke A, Nusbaum C, Rinn JL, Lander ES, Regev A Nature biotechnology 20436462 Nat Biotechnol 2010 May
The role of nucleosome positioning in the evolution of gene regulation. Tsankov AM, Thompson DA, Socha A, Regev A, Rando OJ PLoS biology 20625544 PLoS Biol 2010 Jul 6
Comparative genomics reveals mobile pathogenicity chromosomes in Fusarium. Ma LJ, van der Does HC, Borkovich KA, Coleman JJ, Daboussi MJ, Di Pietro A, Dufresne M, Freitag M, Grabherr M, Henrissat B, Houterman PM, Kang S, Shim WB, Woloshuk C, Xie X, Xu JR, Antoniw J, Baker SE, Bluhm BH, Breakspear A, Brown DW, Butchko RA, Chapman S, Coulson R, Coutinho PM, Danchin EG, Diener A, Gale LR, Gardiner DM, Goff S, Hammond-Kosack KE, Hilburn K, Hua-Van A, Jonkers W, Kazan K, Kodira CD, Koehrsen M, Kumar L, Lee YH, Li L, Manners JM, Miranda-Saavedra D, Mukherjee M, Park G, Park J, Park SY, Proctor RH, Regev A, Ruiz-Roldan MC, Sain D, Sakthikumar S, Sykes S, Schwartz DC, Turgeon BG, Wapinski I, Yoder O, Young S, Zeng Q, Zhou S, Galagan J, Cuomo CA, Kistler HC, Rep M Nature 20237561 Nature 2010 Mar 18
Densely interconnected transcriptional circuits control cell states in human hematopoiesis. Novershtern N, Subramanian A, Lawton LN, Mak RH, Haining WN, McConkey ME, Habib N, Yosef N, Chang CY, Shay T, Frampton GM, Drake AC, Leskov I, Nilsson B, Preffer F, Dombkowski D, Evans JW, Liefeld T, Smutko JS, Chen J, Friedman N, Young RA, Golub TR, Regev A, Ebert BL Cell 21241896 Cell 2011 Jan 21
Semiconductor-based DNA sequencing of histone modification states. Cheng CS, Rai K, Garber M, Hollinger A, Robbins D, Anderson S, Macbeth A, Tzou A, Carneiro MO, Raychowdhury R, Russ C, Hacohen N, Gershenwald JE, Lennon N, Nusbaum C, Chin L, Regev A, Amit I Nature communications 24157732 Nat Commun 2013
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals bimodality in expression and splicing in immune cells. Shalek AK, Satija R, Adiconis X, Gertner RS, Gaublomme JT, Raychowdhury R, Schwartz S, Yosef N, Malboeuf C, Lu D, Trombetta JJ, Gennert D, Gnirke A, Goren A, Hacohen N, Levin JZ, Park H, Regev A Nature 23685454 Nature 2013 Jun 13
Induction and molecular signature of pathogenic TH17 cells. Lee Y, Awasthi A, Yosef N, Quintana FJ, Xiao S, Peters A, Wu C, Kleinewietfeld M, Kunder S, Hafler DA, Sobel RA, Regev A, Kuchroo VK Nature immunology 22961052 Nat Immunol 2012 Oct
Induction of pathogenic TH17 cells by inducible salt-sensing kinase SGK1. Wu C, Yosef N, Thalhamer T, Zhu C, Xiao S, Kishi Y, Regev A, Kuchroo VK Nature 23467085 Nature 2013 Apr 25
Validating transcripts with probes and imaging technology. Itzkovitz S, van Oudenaarden A Nature methods 21451512 Nat Methods 2011 Apr
Single-molecule transcript counting of stem-cell markers in the mouse intestine. Itzkovitz S, Lyubimova A, Blat IC, Maynard M, van Es J, Lees J, Jacks T, Clevers H, van Oudenaarden A Nature cell biology 22119784 Nat Cell Biol 2011 Nov 27
Genome-wide dissection of microRNA functions and cotargeting networks using gene set signatures. Tsang JS, Ebert MS, van Oudenaarden A Molecular cell 20385095 Mol Cell 2010 Apr 9
Variability in gene expression underlies incomplete penetrance. Raj A, Rifkin SA, Andersen E, van Oudenaarden A Nature 20164922 Nature 2010 Feb 18
Using gene expression noise to understand gene regulation. Munsky B, Neuert G, van Oudenaarden A Science (New York, N.Y.) 22499939 Science 2012 Apr 13
Optimality in the development of intestinal crypts. Itzkovitz S, Blat IC, Jacks T, Clevers H, van Oudenaarden A Cell 22304925 Cell 2012 Feb 3
Synthetic biology: understanding biological design from synthetic circuits. Mukherji S, van Oudenaarden A Nature reviews. Genetics 19898500 Nat Rev Genet 2009 Dec
Caenorhabditis elegans aristaless/Arx gene alr-1 restricts variable gene expression. Topalidou I, van Oudenaarden A, Chalfie M Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 21368126 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Mar 8
Viral genome imaging of hepatitis C virus to probe heterogeneous viral infection and responses to antiviral therapies. Ramanan V, Trehan K, Ong ML, Luna JM, Hoffmann HH, Espiritu C, Sheahan TP, Chandrasekar H, Schwartz RE, Christine KS, Rice CM, van Oudenaarden A, Bhatia SN Virology 27128351 Virology 2016 Jul
A versatile genome-scale PCR-based pipeline for high-definition DNA FISH. Bienko M, Crosetto N, Teytelman L, Klemm S, Itzkovitz S, van Oudenaarden A Nature methods 23263692 Nat Methods 2013 Feb
Deconvolving the roles of Wnt ligands and receptors in sensing and amplification. Tan RZ, Ji N, Mentink RA, Korswagen HC, van Oudenaarden A Molecular systems biology 23295860 Mol Syst Biol 2013
Systematic identification of signal-activated stochastic gene regulation. Neuert G, Munsky B, Tan RZ, Teytelman L, Khammash M, van Oudenaarden A Science (New York, N.Y.) 23372015 Science 2013 Feb 1
MicroRNAs can generate thresholds in target gene expression. Mukherji S, Ebert MS, Zheng GX, Tsang JS, Sharp PA, van Oudenaarden A Nature genetics 21857679 Nat Genet 2011 Aug 21
The Caenorhabditis elegans synthetic multivulva genes prevent ras pathway activation by tightly repressing global ectopic expression of lin-3 EGF. Saffer AM, Kim DH, van Oudenaarden A, Horvitz HR PLoS genetics 22242000 PLoS Genet 2011 Dec
Neuroblast migration along the anteroposterior axis of C. elegans is controlled by opposing gradients of Wnts and a secreted Frizzled-related protein. Harterink M, Kim DH, Middelkoop TC, Doan TD, van Oudenaarden A, Korswagen HC Development (Cambridge, England) 21653614 Development 2011 Jul
Constant growth rate can be supported by decreasing energy flux and increasing aerobic glycolysis. Slavov N, Budnik BA, Schwab D, Airoldi EM, van Oudenaarden A Cell reports 24767987 Cell Rep 2014 May 8
Growth landscape formed by perception and import of glucose in yeast. Youk H, van Oudenaarden A Nature 20016593 Nature 2009 Dec 17
Single-cell expression analyses during cellular reprogramming reveal an early stochastic and a late hierarchic phase. Buganim Y, Faddah DA, Cheng AW, Itskovich E, Markoulaki S, Ganz K, Klemm SL, van Oudenaarden A, Jaenisch R Cell 22980981 Cell 2012 Sep 14
A general mechanism for network-dosage compensation in gene circuits. Acar M, Pando BF, Arnold FH, Elowitz MB, van Oudenaarden A Science (New York, N.Y.) 20929850 Science 2010 Sep 24
Cellular decision making and biological noise: from microbes to mammals. Balázsi G, van Oudenaarden A, Collins JJ Cell 21414483 Cell 2011 Mar 18
Genes methylated by DNA methyltransferase 3b are similar in mouse intestine and human colon cancer. Steine EJ, Ehrich M, Bell GW, Raj A, Reddy S, van Oudenaarden A, Jaenisch R, Linhart HG The Journal of clinical investigation 21490393 J Clin Invest 2011 May
Single-cell analysis reveals that noncoding RNAs contribute to clonal heterogeneity by modulating transcription factor recruitment. Bumgarner SL, Neuert G, Voight BF, Symbor-Nagrabska A, Grisafi P, van Oudenaarden A, Fink GR Molecular cell 22264825 Mol Cell 2012 Feb 24
A conserved cell growth cycle can account for the environmental stress responses of divergent eukaryotes. Slavov N, Airoldi EM, van Oudenaarden A, Botstein D Molecular biology of the cell 22456505 Mol Biol Cell 2012 May
Accelerated high-yield generation of limb-innervating motor neurons from human stem cells. Amoroso MW, Croft GF, Williams DJ, O'Keeffe S, Carrasco MA, Davis AR, Roybon L, Oakley DH, Maniatis T, Henderson CE, Wichterle H The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 23303937 J Neurosci 2013 Jan 9
A neurodegeneration-specific gene-expression signature of acutely isolated microglia from an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mouse model. Chiu IM, Morimoto ET, Goodarzi H, Liao JT, O'Keeffe S, Phatnani HP, Muratet M, Carroll MC, Levy S, Tavazoie S, Myers RM, Maniatis T Cell reports 23850290 Cell Rep 2013 Jul 25
Single-molecule imaging of transcription factor binding to DNA in live mammalian cells. Gebhardt JC, Suter DM, Roy R, Zhao ZW, Chapman AR, Basu S, Maniatis T, Xie XS Nature methods 23524394 Nat Methods 2013 May
FUS-SMN protein interactions link the motor neuron diseases ALS and SMA. Yamazaki T, Chen S, Yu Y, Yan B, Haertlein TC, Carrasco MA, Tapia JC, Zhai B, Das R, Lalancette-Hebert M, Sharma A, Chandran S, Sullivan G, Nishimura AL, Shaw CE, Gygi SP, Shneider NA, Maniatis T, Reed R Cell reports 23022481 Cell Rep 2012 Oct 25
The neuropeptide NMU amplifies ILC2-driven allergic lung inflammation. Wallrapp A, Riesenfeld SJ, Burkett PR, Abdulnour RE, Nyman J, Dionne D, Hofree M, Cuoco MS, Rodman C, Farouq D, Haas BJ, Tickle TL, Trombetta JJ, Baral P, Klose CSN, Mahlakõiv T, Artis D, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Chiu IM, Levy BD, Kowalczyk MS, Regev A, Kuchroo VK Nature 28902842 Nature 2017 Sep 21
Distinct roles for motor neuron autophagy early and late in the SOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS. Rudnick ND, Griffey CJ, Guarnieri P, Gerbino V, Wang X, Piersaint JA, Tapia JC, Rich MM, Maniatis T Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 28904095 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Sep 26
Design and synthesis of diverse functional kinked nanowire structures for nanoelectronic bioprobes. Xu L, Jiang Z, Qing Q, Mai L, Zhang Q, Lieber CM Nano letters 23273386 Nano Lett 2013 Feb 13
Single-crystalline kinked semiconductor nanowire superstructures. Tian B, Xie P, Kempa TJ, Bell DC, Lieber CM Nature nanotechnology 19893521 Nat Nanotechnol 2009 Dec
Electrical recording from hearts with flexible nanowire device arrays. Timko BP, Cohen-Karni T, Yu G, Qing Q, Tian B, Lieber CM Nano letters 19170614 Nano Lett 2009 Feb
Intracellular recordings of action potentials by an extracellular nanoscale field-effect transistor. Duan X, Gao R, Xie P, Cohen-Karni T, Qing Q, Choe HS, Tian B, Jiang X, Lieber CM Nature nanotechnology 22179566 Nat Nanotechnol 2011 Dec 18
Kinked p-n junction nanowire probes for high spatial resolution sensing and intracellular recording. Jiang Z, Qing Q, Xie P, Gao R, Lieber CM Nano letters 22309132 Nano Lett 2012 Mar 14
Nanoelectronics-biology frontier: From nanoscopic probes for action potential recording in live cells to three-dimensional cyborg tissues. Duan X, Fu TM, Liu J, Lieber CM Nano today 24073014 Nano Today 2013 Aug 1
Outside looking in: nanotube transistor intracellular sensors. Gao R, Strehle S, Tian B, Cohen-Karni T, Xie P, Duan X, Qing Q, Lieber CM Nano letters 22583370 Nano Lett 2012 Jun 13
Design, synthesis, and characterization of novel nanowire structures for photovoltaics and intracellular probes. Tian B, Lieber CM Pure and applied chemistry. Chimie pure et appliquee 22707797 Pure Appl Chem 2011 Jan 1
Synthesis of monolithic graphene-graphite integrated electronics. Park JU, Nam S, Lee MS, Lieber CM Nature materials 22101813 Nat Mater 2011 Nov 20
Free-standing kinked nanowire transistor probes for targeted intracellular recording in three dimensions. Qing Q, Jiang Z, Xu L, Gao R, Mai L, Lieber CM Nature nanotechnology 24336402 Nat Nanotechnol 2014 Feb
Semiconductor nanowires: A platform for nanoscience and nanotechnology. Lieber CM MRS bulletin 22707850 MRS Bull 2011 Dec 1
Nanoelectronics meets biology: from new nanoscale devices for live-cell recording to 3D innervated tissues. Duan X, Lieber CM Chemistry, an Asian journal 23946279 Chem Asian J 2013 Oct
Nanowire transistor arrays for mapping neural circuits in acute brain slices. Qing Q, Pal SK, Tian B, Duan X, Timko BP, Cohen-Karni T, Murthy VN, Lieber CM Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20133836 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 Feb 2
Graphene and nanowire transistors for cellular interfaces and electrical recording. Cohen-Karni T, Qing Q, Li Q, Fang Y, Lieber CM Nano letters 20136098 Nano Lett 2010 Mar 10
Subthreshold regime has the optimal sensitivity for nanowire FET biosensors. Gao XP, Zheng G, Lieber CM Nano letters 19908823 Nano Lett 2010 Feb 10
Frequency domain detection of biomolecules using silicon nanowire biosensors. Zheng G, Gao XP, Lieber CM Nano letters 20698634 Nano Lett 2010 Aug 11
Macroporous nanowire nanoelectronic scaffolds for synthetic tissues. Tian B, Liu J, Dvir T, Jin L, Tsui JH, Qing Q, Suo Z, Langer R, Kohane DS, Lieber CM Nature materials 22922448 Nat Mater 2012 Nov
Three-dimensional, flexible nanoscale field-effect transistors as localized bioprobes. Tian B, Cohen-Karni T, Qing Q, Duan X, Xie P, Lieber CM Science (New York, N.Y.) 20705858 Science 2010 Aug 13
Design and Implementation of Functional Nanoelectronic Interfaces With Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissue Using Nanowire Device Arrays. Timko BP, Cohen-Karni T, Qing Q, Tian B, Lieber CM IEEE transactions on nanotechnology 21785576 IEEE Trans Nanotechnol 2010 May
Synthetic nanoelectronic probes for biological cells and tissues. Tian B, Lieber CM Annual review of analytical chemistry (Palo Alto, Calif.) 23451719 Annu Rev Anal Chem (Palo Alto Calif) 2013
Local electrical potential detection of DNA by nanowire-nanopore sensors. Xie P, Xiong Q, Fang Y, Qing Q, Lieber CM Nature nanotechnology 22157724 Nat Nanotechnol 2011 Dec 11
Nanowire biosensors for label-free, real-time, ultrasensitive protein detection. Zheng G, Lieber CM Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 21948419 Methods Mol Biol 2011
Synthetically encoded ultrashort-channel nanowire transistors for fast, pointlike cellular signal detection. Cohen-Karni T, Casanova D, Cahoon JF, Qing Q, Bell DC, Lieber CM Nano letters 22468846 Nano Lett 2012 May 9
Talbot effect beyond the paraxial limit at optical frequencies. Hua Y, Suh JY, Zhou W, Huntington MD, Odom TW Optics express 22714490 Opt Express 2012 Jun 18
Direct observation of nanoparticle-cancer cell nucleus interactions. Dam DH, Lee JH, Sisco PN, Co DT, Zhang M, Wasielewski MR, Odom TW ACS nano 22424173 ACS Nano 2012 Apr 24
Extraordinary nonlinear absorption in 3D bowtie nanoantennas. Suh JY, Huntington MD, Kim CH, Zhou W, Wasielewski MR, Odom TW Nano letters 22149352 Nano Lett 2012 Jan 11
Grafting aptamers onto gold nanostars increases in vitro efficacy in a wide range of cancer cell types. Dam DH, Culver KS, Odom TW Molecular pharmaceutics 24422969 Mol Pharm 2014 Feb 3
Broadband plasmonic microlenses based on patches of nanoholes. Gao H, Hyun JK, Lee MH, Yang JC, Lauhon LJ, Odom TW Nano letters 20839781 Nano Lett 2010 Oct 13
Optical Properties of Nested Pyramidal Nanoshells. Lin JY, Hasan W, Yang JC, Odom TW The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces 20431688 J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 2010 Jan 8
Gold Nanopyramids Assembled into High-Order Stacks Exhibit Increased SERS Response. Stoerzinger KA, Hasan W, Lin JY, Robles A, Odom TW The journal of physical chemistry letters 21666758 J Phys Chem Lett 2010 Apr 1
Optical properties of anisotropic core-shell pyramidal particles. Sweeney CM, Hasan W, Nehl CL, Odom TW The journal of physical chemistry. A 19290590 J Phys Chem A 2009 Apr 23
A Three-Channel Spectrometer for Wide-Field Imaging of Anisotropic Plasmonic Nanoparticles. Sweeney CM, Nehl CL, Hasan W, Liang T, Eckermann A, Meade TJ, Odom TW The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces 21927639 J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 2011 Aug 18
Enhanced optical transmission mediated by localized plasmons in anisotropic, three-dimensional nanohole arrays. Yang JC, Gao H, Suh JY, Zhou W, Lee MH, Odom TW Nano letters 20698633 Nano Lett 2010 Aug 11
Improved in vitro efficacy of gold nanoconstructs by increased loading of G-quadruplex aptamer. Dam DH, Lee RC, Odom TW Nano letters 24689438 Nano Lett 2014 May 14
Shining light on nuclear-targeted therapy using gold nanostar constructs. Dam DH, Culver KS, Sisco PN, Odom TW Therapeutic delivery 23259247 Ther Deliv 2012 Nov
Tailoring the structure of nanopyramids for optimal heat generation. Hasan W, Stender CL, Lee MH, Nehl CL, Lee J Nano letters 19271715 Nano Lett 2009 Apr
High relaxivity Gd(III)-DNA gold nanostars: investigation of shape effects on proton relaxation. Rotz MW, Culver KS, Parigi G, MacRenaris KW, Luchinat C, Odom TW, Meade TJ ACS nano 25723190 ACS Nano 2015 Mar 24
Biodistribution and in vivo toxicity of aptamer-loaded gold nanostars. Dam DH, Culver KS, Kandela I, Lee RC, Chandra K, Lee H, Mantis C, Ugolkov A, Mazar AP, Odom TW Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine 25461281 Nanomedicine 2015 Apr
Nanoparticle SERS substrates with 3D Raman-active volumes. Stoerzinger KA, Lin JY, Odom TW Chemical science 23997929 Chem Sci 2011 Aug 1
A Markedly Improved Synthetic Approach for the Preparation of Multifunctional Au-DNA Nanoparticle Conjugates Modified with Optical and MR Imaging Probes. Rotz MW, Holbrook RJ, MacRenaris KW, Meade TJ Bioconjugate chemistry 30193061 Bioconjug Chem 2018 Nov 21
Tuning the Thickness and Orientation of Single Au Pyramids for Improved Refractive Index Sensitivities. Lee J, Hasan W, Odom TW The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces 20157343 J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 2009 Feb 12
Probing enzymatic activity inside living cells using a nanowire-cell "sandwich" assay. Na YR, Kim SY, Gaublomme JT, Shalek AK, Jorgolli M, Park H, Yang EG Nano letters 23244056 Nano Lett 2013 Jan 9
Vertical nanowire electrode arrays as a scalable platform for intracellular interfacing to neuronal circuits. Robinson JT, Jorgolli M, Shalek AK, Yoon MH, Gertner RS, Park H Nature nanotechnology 22231664 Nat Nanotechnol 2012 Jan 10
A nanoelectrode array for obtaining intracellular recordings from thousands of connected neurons. Abbott J, Ye T, Krenek K, Gertner RS, Ban S, Kim Y, Qin L, Wu W, Park H, Ham D Nature biomedical engineering 31548592 Nat Biomed Eng 2020 Feb
Nanometre-scale thermometry in a living cell. Kucsko G, Maurer PC, Yao NY, Kubo M, Noh HJ, Lo PK, Park H, Lukin MD Nature 23903748 Nature 2013 Aug 1
Nanowire electrodes for high-density stimulation and measurement of neural circuits. Robinson JT, Jorgolli M, Park H Frontiers in neural circuits 23486552 Front Neural Circuits 2013
Nanowire-mediated delivery enables functional interrogation of primary immune cells: application to the analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Shalek AK, Gaublomme JT, Wang L, Yosef N, Chevrier N, Andersen MS, Robinson JT, Pochet N, Neuberg D, Gertner RS, Amit I, Brown JR, Hacohen N, Regev A, Wu CJ, Park H Nano letters 23190424 Nano Lett 2012 Dec 12
Somatic mutation as a mechanism of Wnt/β-catenin pathway activation in CLL. Wang L, Shalek AK, Lawrence M, Ding R, Gaublomme JT, Pochet N, Stojanov P, Sougnez C, Shukla SA, Stevenson KE, Zhang W, Wong J, Sievers QL, MacDonald BT, Vartanov AR, Goldstein NR, Neuberg D, He X, Lander E, Hacohen N, Regev A, Getz G, Brown JR, Park H, Wu CJ Blood 24778153 Blood 2014 Aug 14
Direct in vivo assessment of human stem cell graft-host neural circuits. Byers B, Lee HJ, Liu J, Weitz AJ, Lin P, Zhang P, Shcheglovitov A, Dolmetsch R, Pera RR, Lee JH NeuroImage 25936696 Neuroimage 2015 Jul 1
In vitro human corticogenesis. Wang Y, Dolmetsch R Neuron 23395367 Neuron 2013 Feb 6
The CRAC channel activator STIM1 binds and inhibits L-type voltage-gated calcium channels. Park CY, Shcheglovitov A, Dolmetsch R Science (New York, N.Y.) 20929812 Science 2010 Oct 1
Identification of Orai1 channel inhibitors by using minimal functional domains to screen small molecule microarrays. Sadaghiani AM, Lee SM, Odegaard JI, Leveson-Gower DB, McPherson OM, Novick P, Kim MR, Koehler AN, Negrin R, Dolmetsch RE, Park CY Chemistry & biology 25308275 Chem Biol 2014 Oct 23
16p11.2 Deletion Syndrome Mice Display Sensory and Ultrasonic Vocalization Deficits During Social Interactions. Yang M, Mahrt EJ, Lewis F, Foley G, Portmann T, Dolmetsch RE, Portfors CV, Crawley JN Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research 25663600 Autism Res 2015 Oct
Using induced pluripotent stem cells to investigate cardiac phenotypes in Timothy syndrome. Yazawa M, Hsueh B, Jia X, Pasca AM, Bernstein JA, Hallmayer J, Dolmetsch RE Nature 21307850 Nature 2011 Mar 10
STIM1 and calmodulin interact with Orai1 to induce Ca2+-dependent inactivation of CRAC channels. Mullins FM, Park CY, Dolmetsch RE, Lewis RS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19706428 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Sep 8
Induction of protein-protein interactions in live cells using light. Yazawa M, Sadaghiani AM, Hsueh B, Dolmetsch RE Nature biotechnology 19801976 Nat Biotechnol 2009 Oct
Using iPSC-derived neurons to uncover cellular phenotypes associated with Timothy syndrome. Paşca SP, Portmann T, Voineagu I, Yazawa M, Shcheglovitov A, Paşca AM, Cord B, Palmer TD, Chikahisa S, Nishino S, Bernstein JA, Hallmayer J, Geschwind DH, Dolmetsch RE Nature medicine 22120178 Nat Med 2011 Nov 27
SHANK3 and IGF1 restore synaptic deficits in neurons from 22q13 deletion syndrome patients. Shcheglovitov A, Shcheglovitova O, Yazawa M, Portmann T, Shu R, Sebastiano V, Krawisz A, Froehlich W, Bernstein JA, Hallmayer JF, Dolmetsch RE Nature 24132240 Nature 2013 Nov 14
Timothy syndrome is associated with activity-dependent dendritic retraction in rodent and human neurons. Krey JF, Paşca SP, Shcheglovitov A, Yazawa M, Schwemberger R, Rasmusson R, Dolmetsch RE Nature neuroscience 23313911 Nat Neurosci 2013 Feb
Modeling Timothy syndrome with iPS cells. Yazawa M, Dolmetsch RE Journal of cardiovascular translational research 23299782 J Cardiovasc Transl Res 2013 Feb
Generating human neurons in vitro and using them to understand neuropsychiatric disease. Paşca SP, Panagiotakos G, Dolmetsch RE Annual review of neuroscience 25002278 Annu Rev Neurosci 2014
Aberrant calcium channel splicing drives defects in cortical differentiation in Timothy syndrome. Panagiotakos G, Haveles C, Arjun A, Petrova R, Rana A, Portmann T, Paşca SP, Palmer TD, Dolmetsch RE eLife 31868578 Elife 2019 Dec 23
Using light to control signaling cascades in live neurons. Rana A, Dolmetsch RE Current opinion in neurobiology 20850295 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2010 Oct
PIKfyve mediates the motility of late endosomes and lysosomes in neuronal dendrites. Tsuruta F, Dolmetsch RE Neuroscience letters 26232680 Neurosci Lett 2015 Sep 25
Engineering the genomes of wild insect populations: challenges, and opportunities provided by synthetic Medea selfish genetic elements. Hay BA, Chen CH, Ward CM, Huang H, Su JT, Guo M Journal of insect physiology 20570677 J Insect Physiol 2010 Oct
Identification of germline transcriptional regulatory elements in Aedes aegypti. Akbari OS, Papathanos PA, Sandler JE, Kennedy K, Hay BA Scientific reports 24492376 Sci Rep 2014 Feb 4
The toxin and antidote puzzle: new ways to control insect pest populations through manipulating inheritance. Marshall JM Bioengineered bugs 21876382 Bioeng Bugs 2011 Sep-Oct
Semele: a killer-male, rescue-female system for suppression and replacement of insect disease vector populations. Marshall JM, Pittman GW, Buchman AB, Hay BA Genetics 21078687 Genetics 2011 Feb
Medea selfish genetic elements as tools for altering traits of wild populations: a theoretical analysis. Ward CM, Su JT, Huang Y, Lloyd AL, Gould F, Hay BA Evolution; international journal of organic evolution 21062278 Evolution 2011 Apr
Inverse Medea as a novel gene drive system for local population replacement: a theoretical analysis. Marshall JM, Hay BA The Journal of heredity 21493596 J Hered 2011 May-Jun
A synthetic gene drive system for local, reversible modification and suppression of insect populations. Akbari OS, Matzen KD, Marshall JM, Huang H, Ward CM, Hay BA Current biology : CB 23541732 Curr Biol 2013 Apr 22
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A statistical model for multiphoton calcium imaging of the brain. Malik WQ, Schummers J, Sur M, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 19964727 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2009
Modeling two-photon calcium fluorescence of episodic V1 recordings using multifrequency analysis. Zheng HW, Malik WQ, Runyan CA, Sur M, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 22254975 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011
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Real-time closed-loop control in a rodent model of medically induced coma using burst suppression. Ching S, Liberman MY, Chemali JJ, Westover MB, Kenny JD, Solt K, Purdon PL, Brown EN Anesthesiology 23770601 Anesthesiology 2013 Oct
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A Neurologic Examination for Anesthesiologists: Assessing Arousal Level during Induction, Maintenance, and Emergence. Reshef ER, Schiff ND, Brown EN Anesthesiology 30664547 Anesthesiology 2019 Mar
Multi-sensory Gamma Stimulation Ameliorates Alzheimer's-Associated Pathology and Improves Cognition. Martorell AJ, Paulson AL, Suk HJ, Abdurrob F, Drummond GT, Guan W, Young JZ, Kim DN, Kritskiy O, Barker SJ, Mangena V, Prince SM, Brown EN, Chung K, Boyden ES, Singer AC, Tsai LH Cell 30879788 Cell 2019 Apr 4
A Prospective Study of Age-dependent Changes in Propofol-induced Electroencephalogram Oscillations in Children. Lee JM, Akeju O, Terzakis K, Pavone KJ, Deng H, Houle TT, Firth PG, Shank ES, Brown EN, Purdon PL Anesthesiology 28657957 Anesthesiology 2017 Aug
Robust control of burst suppression for medical coma. Westover MB, Kim SE, Ching S, Purdon PL, Brown EN Journal of neural engineering 26020243 J Neural Eng 2015 Aug
Probabilistic Common Spatial Patterns for Multichannel EEG Analysis. Wu W, Chen Z, Gao X, Li Y, Brown EN, Gao S IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26005228 IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 2015 Mar
Clinical Electroencephalography for Anesthesiologists: Part I: Background and Basic Signatures. Purdon PL, Sampson A, Pavone KJ, Brown EN Anesthesiology 26275092 Anesthesiology 2015 Oct
Efficient decoding with steady-state Kalman filter in neural interface systems. Malik WQ, Truccolo W, Brown EN, Hochberg LR IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 21078582 IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 2011 Feb
Point process time-frequency analysis of respiratory sinus arrhythmia under altered respiration dynamics. Kodituwakku S, Lazar SW, Indic P, Brown EN, Barbieri R Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 21096135 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2010
Dynamic Cardiovagal Response to Motion Sickness: A Point-Process Heart Rate Variability Study. Lacount L, Napadow V, Kuo B, Park K, Kim J, Brown E, Barbieri R Computers in cardiology 20445767 Comput Cardiol 2009 Jan 1
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Denoising two-photon calcium imaging data. Malik WQ, Schummers J, Sur M, Brown EN PloS one 21687727 PLoS One 2011
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Activity in the barrel cortex during active behavior and sleep. Vijayan S, Hale GJ, Moore CI, Brown EN, Wilson M Journal of neurophysiology 20164403 J Neurophysiol 2010 Apr
Characterizing nonlinear heartbeat dynamics within a point process framework. Chen Z, Brown EN, Barbieri R IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 20172783 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2010 Jun
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A unified point process probabilistic framework to assess heartbeat dynamics and autonomic cardiovascular control. Chen Z, Purdon PL, Brown EN, Barbieri R Frontiers in physiology 22375120 Front Physiol 2012
State-space analysis of time-varying higher-order spike correlation for multiple neural spike train data. Shimazaki H, Amari S, Brown EN, Grün S PLoS computational biology 22412358 PLoS Comput Biol 2012
Active emergence from propofol general anesthesia is induced by methylphenidate. Chemali JJ, Van Dort CJ, Brown EN, Solt K Anesthesiology 22446983 Anesthesiology 2012 May
Distributed control in a mean-field cortical network model: implications for seizure suppression. Ching S, Brown EN, Kramer MA Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 23005798 Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2012 Aug
A neurophysiological-metabolic model for burst suppression. Ching S, Purdon PL, Vijayan S, Kopell NJ, Brown EN Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 22323592 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Feb 21
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Assessment of autonomic control and respiratory sinus arrhythmia using point process models of human heart beat dynamics. Chen Z, Brown EN, Barbieri R IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 19272971 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2009 Jul
A Bayesian statistical analysis of behavioral facilitation associated with deep brain stimulation. Smith AC, Shah SA, Hudson AE, Purpura KP, Victor JD, Brown EN, Schiff ND Journal of neuroscience methods 19576932 J Neurosci Methods 2009 Oct 15
A regularized point process generalized linear model for assessing the functional connectivity in the cat motor cortex. Chen Z, Putrino DF, Ba DE, Ghosh S, Barbieri R, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 19965032 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2009
Brain correlates of autonomic modulation: combining heart rate variability with fMRI. Napadow V, Dhond R, Conti G, Makris N, Brown EN, Barbieri R NeuroImage 18524629 Neuroimage 2008 Aug 1
Analysis of between-trial and within-trial neural spiking dynamics. Czanner G, Eden UT, Wirth S, Yanike M, Suzuki WA, Brown EN Journal of neurophysiology 18216233 J Neurophysiol 2008 May
Assessing neuronal interactions of cell assemblies during general anesthesia. Chen Z, Vijayan S, Ching S, Hale G, Flores FJ, Wilson MA, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 22255259 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011
Instantaneous assessment of autonomic cardiovascular control during general anesthesia. Chen Z, Citi L, Purdon PL, Brown EN, Barbieri R Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 22256307 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011
A point process model for auditory neurons considering both their intrinsic dynamics and the spectrotemporal properties of an extrinsic signal. Plourde E, Delgutte B, Brown EN IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 21317068 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2011 Jun
Assessment of cardio-respiratory interactions in preterm infants by bivariate autoregressive modeling and surrogate data analysis. Indic P, Bloch-Salisbury E, Bednarek F, Brown EN, Paydarfar D, Barbieri R Early human development 21511413 Early Hum Dev 2011 Jul
Statistical inference for assessing functional connectivity of neuronal ensembles with sparse spiking data. Chen Z, Putrino DF, Ghosh S, Barbieri R, Brown EN IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 20937583 IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 2011 Apr
Convergence and Stability of a Class of Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares Algorithms for Sparse Signal Recovery in the Presence of Noise. Babadi B, Ba D, Purdon PL, Brown EN IEEE transactions on signal processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society 26549965 IEEE Trans Signal Process 2013 Oct 30
GABAA circuit mechanisms are associated with ether anesthesia-induced unconsciousness. Akeju O, Hamilos AE, Song AH, Pavone KJ, Purdon PL, Brown EN Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 27178867 Clin Neurophysiol 2016 Jun
Corticoamygdala Transfer of Socially Derived Information Gates Observational Learning. Allsop SA, Wichmann R, Mills F, Burgos-Robles A, Chang CJ, Felix-Ortiz AC, Vienne A, Beyeler A, Izadmehr EM, Glober G, Cum MI, Stergiadou J, Anandalingam KK, Farris K, Namburi P, Leppla CA, Weddington JC, Nieh EH, Smith AC, Ba D, Brown EN, Tye KM Cell 29731170 Cell 2018 May 31
Disruption of thalamic functional connectivity is a neural correlate of dexmedetomidine-induced unconsciousness. Akeju O, Loggia ML, Catana C, Pavone KJ, Vazquez R, Rhee J, Contreras Ramirez V, Chonde DB, Izquierdo-Garcia D, Arabasz G, Hsu S, Habeeb K, Hooker JM, Napadow V, Brown EN, Purdon PL eLife 25432022 Elife 2014 Nov 28
The human burst suppression electroencephalogram of deep hypothermia. Westover MB, Ching S, Kumaraswamy VM, Akeju SO, Pierce E, Cash SS, Kilbride R, Brown EN, Purdon PL Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 25649968 Clin Neurophysiol 2015 Oct
Biophysical Modeling of Alpha Rhythms During Halothane-Induced Unconsciousness. Vijayan S, Ching S, Purdon PL, Brown EN, Kopell NJ International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering : [proceedings]. International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering 25284633 Int IEEE EMBS Conf Neural Eng 2013
Effects of sevoflurane and propofol on frontal electroencephalogram power and coherence. Akeju O, Westover MB, Pavone KJ, Sampson AL, Hartnack KE, Brown EN, Purdon PL Anesthesiology 25233374 Anesthesiology 2014 Nov
A comparison of propofol- and dexmedetomidine-induced electroencephalogram dynamics using spectral and coherence analysis. Akeju O, Pavone KJ, Westover MB, Vazquez R, Prerau MJ, Harrell PG, Hartnack KE, Rhee J, Sampson AL, Habeeb K, Gao L, Pierce ET, Walsh JL, Brown EN, Purdon PL Anesthesiology 25187999 Anesthesiology 2014 Nov
Adaptation to elastic loads and BMI robot controls during rat locomotion examined with point-process GLMs. Song W, Cajigas I, Brown EN, Giszter SF Frontiers in systems neuroscience 25972789 Front Syst Neurosci 2015
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Age-dependency of sevoflurane-induced electroencephalogram dynamics in children. Akeju O, Pavone KJ, Thum JA, Firth PG, Westover MB, Puglia M, Shank ES, Brown EN, Purdon PL British journal of anaesthesia 26174303 Br J Anaesth 2015 Jul
Statistical modeling of behavioral dynamics during propofol-induced loss of consciousness. Wong KF, Smith AC, Pierce ET, Harrell PG, Walsh JL, Salazar-Gómez AF, Tavares CL, Purdon PL, Brown EN Journal of neuroscience methods 24530701 J Neurosci Methods 2014 Apr 30
Local cortical dynamics of burst suppression in the anaesthetized brain. Lewis LD, Ching S, Weiner VS, Peterfreund RA, Eskandar EN, Cash SS, Brown EN, Purdon PL Brain : a journal of neurology 23887187 Brain 2013 Sep
Physostigmine and Methylphenidate Induce Distinct Arousal States During Isoflurane General Anesthesia in Rats. Kenny JD, Chemali JJ, Cotten JF, Van Dort CJ, Kim SE, Ba D, Taylor NE, Brown EN, Solt K Anesthesia and analgesia 26991753 Anesth Analg 2016 Nov
Single-neuron dynamics in human focal epilepsy. Truccolo W, Donoghue JA, Hochberg LR, Eskandar EN, Madsen JR, Anderson WS, Brown EN, Halgren E, Cash SS Nature neuroscience 21441925 Nat Neurosci 2011 May
Thalamocortical model for a propofol-induced alpha-rhythm associated with loss of consciousness. Ching S, Cimenser A, Purdon PL, Brown EN, Kopell NJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 21149695 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 Dec 28
Thalamocortical mechanisms for the anteriorization of α rhythms during propofol-induced unconsciousness. Vijayan S, Ching S, Purdon PL, Brown EN, Kopell NJ The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 23825412 J Neurosci 2013 Jul 3
A closed-loop anesthetic delivery system for real-time control of burst suppression. Liberman MY, Ching S, Chemali J, Brown EN Journal of neural engineering 23744607 J Neural Eng 2013 Aug
A spatially-regularized dynamic source localization algorithm for EEG. Pirondini E, Babadi B, Lamus C, Brown EN, Purdon PL Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 23367479 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2012
Electroencephalogram signatures of loss and recovery of consciousness from propofol. Purdon PL, Pierce ET, Mukamel EA, Prerau MJ, Walsh JL, Wong KF, Salazar-Gomez AF, Harrell PG, Sampson AL, Cimenser A, Ching S, Kopell NJ, Tavares-Stoeckel C, Habeeb K, Merhar R, Brown EN Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23487781 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Mar 19
Differential involvement of excitatory and inhibitory neurons of cat motor cortex in coincident spike activity related to behavioral context. Putrino D, Brown EN, Mastaglia FL, Ghosh S The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 20534853 J Neurosci 2010 Jun 9
A state-space model of the burst suppression ratio. Chemali JJ, Wong KF, Solt K, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 22254587 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011
STATE-SPACE SOLUTIONS TO THE DYNAMIC MAGNETOENCEPHALOGRAPHY INVERSE PROBLEM USING HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING. Long CJ, Purdon PL, Temereanca S, Desai NU, Hämäläinen MS, Brown EN The annals of applied statistics 22081780 Ann Appl Stat 2011 Jun 1
General anesthesia and altered states of arousal: a systems neuroscience analysis. Brown EN, Purdon PL, Van Dort CJ Annual review of neuroscience 21513454 Annu Rev Neurosci 2011
Likelihood methods for point processes with refractoriness. Citi L, Ba D, Brown EN, Barbieri R Neural computation 24206384 Neural Comput 2014 Feb
Interaction between Heart Rate Variability and Respiration in Preterm Infants. Indic P, Salisbury E, Paydarfar D, Brown E, Barbieri R Computers in cardiology 20333264 Comput Cardiol 2008 Sep
Discrete- and continuous-time probabilistic models and algorithms for inferring neuronal UP and DOWN states. Chen Z, Vijayan S, Barbieri R, Wilson MA, Brown EN Neural computation 19323637 Neural Comput 2009 Jul
Trial outcome and associative learning signals in the monkey hippocampus. Wirth S, Avsar E, Chiu CC, Sharma V, Smith AC, Brown E, Suzuki WA Neuron 19324001 Neuron 2009 Mar 26
Potential network mechanisms mediating electroencephalographic beta rhythm changes during propofol-induced paradoxical excitation. McCarthy MM, Brown EN, Kopell N The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 19074022 J Neurosci 2008 Dec 10
A probabilistic framework for learning robust common spatial patterns. Wu W, Chen Z, Gao S, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 19963618 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2009
State-space algorithms for estimating spike rate functions. Smith AC, Scalon JD, Wirth S, Yanike M, Suzuki WA, Brown EN Computational intelligence and neuroscience 19911062 Comput Intell Neurosci 2010
Human leg model predicts ankle muscle-tendon morphology, state, roles and energetics in walking. Krishnaswamy P, Brown EN, Herr HM PLoS computational biology 21445231 PLoS Comput Biol 2011 Mar
Deconvolution of serum cortisol levels by using compressed sensing. Faghih RT, Dahleh MA, Adler GK, Klerman EB, Brown EN PloS one 24489656 PLoS One 2014
A real-time automated point-process method for the detection and correction of erroneous and ectopic heartbeats. Citi L, Brown EN, Barbieri R IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 22875239 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2012 Oct
Motor cortical networks for skilled movements have dynamic properties that are related to accurate reaching. Putrino DF, Chen Z, Ghosh S, Brown EN Neural plasticity 22007332 Neural Plast 2011
Robust time-varying multivariate coherence estimation: application to electroencephalogram recordings during general anesthesia. Wong KF, Mukamel EA, Salazar AF, Pierce ET, Harrell PG, Walsh JL, Sampson A, Brown EN, Purdon PL Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 22255393 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011
Neural population partitioning and a concurrent brain-machine interface for sequential motor function. Shanechi MM, Hu RC, Powers M, Wornell GW, Brown EN, Williams ZM Nature neuroscience 23143511 Nat Neurosci 2012 Dec
Point Process Heart Rate Variability Assessment during Sleep Deprivation. Citi L, Klerman E, Brown E, Barbieri R Computing in cardiology 22517071 Comput Cardiol (2010) 2010 Dec 31
Encoding through patterns: regression tree-based neuronal population models. Haslinger R, Pipa G, Lewis LD, Nikolić D, Williams Z, Brown E Neural computation 23607564 Neural Comput 2013 Aug
Modulation depth estimation and variable selection in state-space models for neural interfaces. Malik WQ, Hochberg LR, Donoghue JP, Brown EN IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 25265627 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2015 Feb
A PK-PD model of ketamine-induced high-frequency oscillations. Flores FJ, Ching S, Hartnack K, Fath AB, Purdon PL, Wilson MA, Brown EN Journal of neural engineering 26268223 J Neural Eng 2015 Oct
Optogenetic activation of cholinergic neurons in the PPT or LDT induces REM sleep. Van Dort CJ, Zachs DP, Kenny JD, Zheng S, Goldblum RR, Gelwan NA, Ramos DM, Nolan MA, Wang K, Weng FJ, Lin Y, Wilson MA, Brown EN Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25548191 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Jan 13
Nitrous oxide-induced slow and delta oscillations. Pavone KJ, Akeju O, Sampson AL, Ling K, Purdon PL, Brown EN Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 26118489 Clin Neurophysiol 2016 Jan
Ageing delays emergence from general anaesthesia in rats by increasing anaesthetic sensitivity in the brain. Chemali JJ, Kenny JD, Olutola O, Taylor NE, Kimchi EY, Purdon PL, Brown EN, Solt K British journal of anaesthesia 26174302 Br J Anaesth 2015 Jul
The Role of Glutamatergic and Dopaminergic Neurons in the Periaqueductal Gray/Dorsal Raphe: Separating Analgesia and Anxiety. Taylor NE, Pei J, Zhang J, Vlasov KY, Davis T, Taylor E, Weng FJ, Van Dort CJ, Solt K, Brown EN eNeuro 31058210 eNeuro 2019 Jan-Feb
Cognitive Impairment Is Associated with Absolute Intraoperative Frontal α-Band Power but Not with Baseline α-Band Power: A Pilot Study. Koch S, Feinkohl I, Chakravarty S, Windmann V, Lichtner G, Pischon T, Brown EN, Spies C, BioCog Study Group Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 31578031 Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2019
Application of dynamic point process models to cardiovascular control. Barbieri R, Brown EN Bio Systems 18515000 Biosystems 2008 Jul-Aug
The Fitzhugh-Nagumo model: Firing modes with time-varying parameters & parameter estimation. Faghih RT, Savla K, Dahleh MA, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 21096631 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2010
A differential autoregressive modeling approach within a point process framework for non-stationary heartbeat intervals analysis. Chen Z, Purdon PL, Brown EN, Barbieri R Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 21096829 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2010
Methylphenidate actively induces emergence from general anesthesia. Solt K, Cotten JF, Cimenser A, Wong KF, Chemali JJ, Brown EN Anesthesiology 21934407 Anesthesiology 2011 Oct
General anesthesia, sleep, and coma. Brown EN, Lydic R, Schiff ND The New England journal of medicine 21190458 N Engl J Med 2010 Dec 30
Dynamic assessment of baroreflex control of heart rate during induction of propofol anesthesia using a point process method. Chen Z, Purdon PL, Harrell G, Pierce ET, Walsh J, Brown EN, Barbieri R Annals of biomedical engineering 20945159 Ann Biomed Eng 2011 Jan
A hierarchical Bayesian approach for learning sparse spatio-temporal decompositions of multichannel EEG. Wu W, Chen Z, Gao S, Brown EN NeuroImage 21420499 Neuroimage 2011 Jun 15
Real-time segmentation and tracking of brain metabolic state in ICU EEG recordings of burst suppression. Westover MB, Ching S, Shafi MM, Cash SS, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 24111383 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2013
Transductive neural decoding for unsorted neuronal spikes of rat hippocampus. Chen Z, Kloosterman F, Layton S, Wilson MA Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 23366139 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2012
A fast iterative greedy algorithm for MEG source localization. Obregon-Henao G, Babadi B, Lamus C, Brown EN, Purdon PL Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 23367478 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2012
Point-process analysis of neural spiking activity of muscle spindles recorded from thin-film longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes. Citi L, Djilas M, Azevedo-Coste C, Yoshida K, Brown EN, Barbieri R Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 22254803 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011
Static and dynamic autonomic response with increasing nausea perception. LaCount LT, Barbieri R, Park K, Kim J, Brown EN, Kuo B, Napadow V Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 21485400 Aviat Space Environ Med 2011 Apr
Rapid fragmentation of neuronal networks at the onset of propofol-induced unconsciousness. Lewis LD, Weiner VS, Mukamel EA, Donoghue JA, Eskandar EN, Madsen JR, Anderson WS, Hochberg LR, Cash SS, Brown EN, Purdon PL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23129622 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Dec 4
Modeling the dynamical effects of anesthesia on brain circuits. Ching S, Brown EN Current opinion in neurobiology 24457211 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2014 Apr
Burst suppression probability algorithms: state-space methods for tracking EEG burst suppression. Chemali J, Ching S, Purdon PL, Solt K, Brown EN Journal of neural engineering 24018288 J Neural Eng 2013 Oct
A brain-machine interface for control of medically-induced coma. Shanechi MM, Chemali JJ, Liberman M, Solt K, Brown EN PLoS computational biology 24204231 PLoS Comput Biol 2013 Oct
Real-time segmentation of burst suppression patterns in critical care EEG monitoring. Brandon Westover M, Shafi MM, Ching S, Chemali JJ, Purdon PL, Cash SS, Brown EN Journal of neuroscience methods 23891828 J Neurosci Methods 2013 Sep 30
The aging brain and anesthesia. Brown EN, Purdon PL Current opinion in anaesthesiology 23820102 Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2013 Aug
Understanding the TXA seizure connection. Schwinn DA, Mackensen GB, Brown EN The Journal of clinical investigation 23187134 J Clin Invest 2012 Dec
Activation of D1 dopamine receptors induces emergence from isoflurane general anesthesia. Taylor NE, Chemali JJ, Brown EN, Solt K Anesthesiology 23221866 Anesthesiology 2013 Jan
A transition in brain state during propofol-induced unconsciousness. Mukamel EA, Pirondini E, Babadi B, Wong KF, Pierce ET, Harrell PG, Walsh JL, Salazar-Gomez AF, Cash SS, Eskandar EN, Weiner VS, Brown EN, Purdon PL The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 24431442 J Neurosci 2014 Jan 15
Electroencephalogram signatures of ketamine anesthesia-induced unconsciousness. Akeju O, Song AH, Hamilos AE, Pavone KJ, Flores FJ, Brown EN, Purdon PL Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 27178861 Clin Neurophysiol 2016 Jun
Measuring the signal-to-noise ratio of a neuron. Czanner G, Sarma SV, Ba D, Eden UT, Wu W, Eskandar E, Lim HH, Temereanca S, Suzuki WA, Brown EN Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25995363 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Jun 9
Reference-free removal of EEG-fMRI ballistocardiogram artifacts with harmonic regression. Krishnaswamy P, Bonmassar G, Poulsen C, Pierce ET, Purdon PL, Brown EN NeuroImage 26151100 Neuroimage 2016 Mar
Electroencephalographic markers of brain development during sevoflurane anaesthesia in children up to 3 years old. Cornelissen L, Kim SE, Lee JM, Brown EN, Purdon PL, Berde CB British journal of anaesthesia 29793594 Br J Anaesth 2018 Jun
Left-Lateralized Contributions of Saccades to Cortical Activity During a One-Back Word Recognition Task. Chang YC, Khan S, Taulu S, Kuperberg G, Brown EN, Hämäläinen MS, Temereanca S Frontiers in neural circuits 29867372 Front Neural Circuits 2018
Simultaneous electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging of general anesthesia. Purdon PL, Pierce ET, Bonmassar G, Walsh J, Harrell PG, Kwo J, Deschler D, Barlow M, Merhar RC, Lamus C, Mullaly CM, Sullivan M, Maginnis S, Skoniecki D, Higgins HA, Brown EN Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 19351356 Ann N Y Acad Sci 2009 Mar
Characterizing nonlinear heartbeat dynamics within a point process framework. Chen Z, Brown EN, Barbieri R Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 19163282 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2008
Linear and nonlinear quantification of respiratory sinus arrhythmia during propofol general anesthesia. Chen Z, Purdon PL, Pierce ET, Harrell G, Walsh J, Salazar AF, Tavares CL, Brown EN, Barbieri R Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 19963899 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2009
Mapping of visual receptive fields by tomographic reconstruction. Pipa G, Chen Z, Neuenschwander S, Lima B, Brown EN Neural computation 22734491 Neural Comput 2012 Oct
Broad range of neural dynamics from a time-varying FitzHugh-Nagumo model and its spiking threshold estimation. Faghih RT, Savla K, Dahleh MA, Brown EN IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 22186931 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2012 Mar
Correcting for serial dependence in studies of respiratory dynamics. Gong JJ, Wong KF, Cotten JF, Solt K, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 22254658 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011
Bayesian analysis of trinomial data in behavioral experiments and its application to human studies of general anesthesia. Wong KF, Smith AC, Pierce ET, Harrell PG, Walsh JL, Salazar AF, Tavares CL, Cimenser A, Prerau MJ, Mukamel EA, Sampson A, Purdon PL, Brown EN Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 22255388 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011
Uncovering spatial topology represented by rat hippocampal population neuronal codes. Chen Z, Kloosterman F, Brown EN, Wilson MA Journal of computational neuroscience 22307459 J Comput Neurosci 2012 Oct
Point process time-frequency analysis of dynamic respiratory patterns during meditation practice. Kodituwakku S, Lazar SW, Indic P, Chen Z, Brown EN, Barbieri R Medical & biological engineering & computing 22350435 Med Biol Eng Comput 2012 Mar
Using point process models to compare neural spiking activity in the subthalamic nucleus of Parkinson's patients and a healthy primate. Sarma SV, Eden UT, Cheng ML, Williams ZM, Hu R, Eskandar E, Brown EN IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 20172804 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2010 Jun
Eye movements modulate the spatiotemporal dynamics of word processing. Temereanca S, Hämäläinen MS, Kuperberg GR, Stufflebeam SM, Halgren E, Brown EN The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 22457496 J Neurosci 2012 Mar 28
Fungicidal drugs induce a common oxidative-damage cellular death pathway. Belenky P, Camacho D, Collins JJ Cell reports 23416050 Cell Rep 2013 Feb 21
Metabolite-enabled eradication of bacterial persisters by aminoglycosides. Allison KR, Brynildsen MP, Collins JJ Nature 21562562 Nature 2011 May 12
Tracking, tuning, and terminating microbial physiology using synthetic riboregulators. Callura JM, Dwyer DJ, Isaacs FJ, Cantor CR, Collins JJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20713708 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 Sep 7
Role of reactive oxygen species in antibiotic action and resistance. Dwyer DJ, Kohanski MA, Collins JJ Current opinion in microbiology 19647477 Curr Opin Microbiol 2009 Oct
Networking opportunities for bacteria. Dwyer DJ, Kohanski MA, Collins JJ Cell 19109881 Cell 2008 Dec 26
Oxidation of the guanine nucleotide pool underlies cell death by bactericidal antibiotics. Foti JJ, Devadoss B, Winkler JA, Collins JJ, Walker GC Science (New York, N.Y.) 22517853 Science 2012 Apr 20
Bacteria as control engineers. Allison KR, Collins JJ Molecular cell 21211717 Mol Cell 2011 Jan 7
Synthetic biology: applications come of age. Khalil AS, Collins JJ Nature reviews. Genetics 20395970 Nat Rev Genet 2010 May
A role for the bacterial GATC methylome in antibiotic stress survival. Cohen NR, Ross CA, Jain S, Shapiro RS, Gutierrez A, Belenky P, Li H, Collins JJ Nature genetics 26998690 Nat Genet 2016 May
Antibiotic efficacy is linked to bacterial cellular respiration. Lobritz MA, Belenky P, Porter CB, Gutierrez A, Yang JH, Schwarz EG, Dwyer DJ, Khalil AS, Collins JJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 26100898 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Jul 7
Next-generation synthetic gene networks. Lu TK, Khalil AS, Collins JJ Nature biotechnology 20010597 Nat Biotechnol 2009 Dec
Sublethal antibiotic treatment leads to multidrug resistance via radical-induced mutagenesis. Kohanski MA, DePristo MA, Collins JJ Molecular cell 20159551 Mol Cell 2010 Feb 12
Heterogeneous bacterial persisters and engineering approaches to eliminate them. Allison KR, Brynildsen MP, Collins JJ Current opinion in microbiology 21937262 Curr Opin Microbiol 2011 Oct
Mistranslation of membrane proteins and two-component system activation trigger antibiotic-mediated cell death. Kohanski MA, Dwyer DJ, Wierzbowski J, Cottarel G, Collins JJ Cell 19013277 Cell 2008 Nov 14
Functional characterization of bacterial sRNAs using a network biology approach. Modi SR, Camacho DM, Kohanski MA, Walker GC, Collins JJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 21876160 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Sep 13
Bacterial charity work leads to population-wide resistance. Lee HH, Molla MN, Cantor CR, Collins JJ Nature 20811456 Nature 2010 Sep 2
Microbial environments confound antibiotic efficacy. Lee HH, Collins JJ Nature chemical biology 22173343 Nat Chem Biol 2011 Dec 15
Microbial persistence and the road to drug resistance. Cohen NR, Lobritz MA, Collins JJ Cell host & microbe 23768488 Cell Host Microbe 2013 Jun 12
Wisdom of crowds for robust gene network inference. Marbach D, Costello JC, Küffner R, Vega NM, Prill RJ, Camacho DM, Allison KR, DREAM5 Consortium, Kellis M, Collins JJ, Stolovitzky G Nature methods 22796662 Nat Methods 2012 Jul 15
A network biology approach to aging in yeast. Lorenz DR, Cantor CR, Collins JJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19164565 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Jan 27
Tunable signal processing in synthetic MAP kinase cascades. O'Shaughnessy EC, Palani S, Collins JJ, Sarkar CA Cell 21215374 Cell 2011 Jan 7
Central role for RNase YbeY in Hfq-dependent and Hfq-independent small-RNA regulation in bacteria. Pandey SP, Winkler JA, Li H, Camacho DM, Collins JJ, Walker GC BMC genomics 24511998 BMC Genomics 2014 Feb 11
Antibiotic-induced bacterial cell death exhibits physiological and biochemical hallmarks of apoptosis. Dwyer DJ, Camacho DM, Kohanski MA, Callura JM, Collins JJ Molecular cell 22633370 Mol Cell 2012 Jun 8
Bactericidal Antibiotics Induce Toxic Metabolic Perturbations that Lead to Cellular Damage. Belenky P, Ye JD, Porter CB, Cohen NR, Lobritz MA, Ferrante T, Jain S, Korry BJ, Schwarz EG, Walker GC, Collins JJ Cell reports 26565910 Cell Rep 2015 Nov 3
How antibiotics kill bacteria: from targets to networks. Kohanski MA, Dwyer DJ, Collins JJ Nature reviews. Microbiology 20440275 Nat Rev Microbiol 2010 Jun
Antibiotic treatment expands the resistance reservoir and ecological network of the phage metagenome. Modi SR, Lee HH, Spina CS, Collins JJ Nature 23748443 Nature 2013 Jul 11
Tunable protein degradation in bacteria. Cameron DE, Collins JJ Nature biotechnology 25402616 Nat Biotechnol 2014 Dec
Potentiating antibacterial activity by predictably enhancing endogenous microbial ROS production. Brynildsen MP, Winkler JA, Spina CS, MacDonald IC, Collins JJ Nature biotechnology 23292609 Nat Biotechnol 2013 Feb
Iterative plug-and-play methodology for constructing and modifying synthetic gene networks. Litcofsky KD, Afeyan RB, Krom RJ, Khalil AS, Collins JJ Nature methods 23042452 Nat Methods 2012 Nov
Diversity-based, model-guided construction of synthetic gene networks with predicted functions. Ellis T, Wang X, Collins JJ Nature biotechnology 19377462 Nat Biotechnol 2009 May
Hydroxyurea induces hydroxyl radical-mediated cell death in Escherichia coli. Davies BW, Kohanski MA, Simmons LA, Winkler JA, Collins JJ, Walker GC Molecular cell 20005847 Mol Cell 2009 Dec 11
Synthetic gene networks that count. Friedland AE, Lu TK, Wang X, Shi D, Church G, Collins JJ Science (New York, N.Y.) 19478183 Science 2009 May 29
Signaling-mediated bacterial persister formation. Vega NM, Allison KR, Khalil AS, Collins JJ Nature chemical biology 22426114 Nat Chem Biol 2012 Mar 18
Genetic switchboard for synthetic biology applications. Callura JM, Cantor CR, Collins JJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 22454498 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Apr 10
Gifts and influence: Conflict of interest policies and prescribing of psychotropic medications in the United States. King M, Bearman PS Social science & medicine (1982) 27856120 Soc Sci Med 2017 Jan
Medical school gift restriction policies and physician prescribing of newly marketed psychotropic medications: difference-in-differences analysis. King M, Essick C, Bearman P, Ross JS BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 23372175 BMJ 2013 Jan 30
Estimated autism risk and older reproductive age. King MD, Fountain C, Dakhlallah D, Bearman PS American journal of public health 19608957 Am J Public Health 2009 Sep
Authors' response to: cohort effects explain the increase in autism diagnosis: an identifiability problem of the age-period-cohort model. Keyes KM, Susser E, Cheslack-Postava K, Fountain C, Liu K, Bearman PS International journal of epidemiology 25361588 Int J Epidemiol 2014 Dec
Socioeconomic Status and the Increased Prevalence of Autism in California. King MD, Bearman PS American sociological review 21547238 Am Sociol Rev 2011 Apr 1
Focal Points, Endogenous Processes, and Exogenous Shocks in the Autism Epidemic. Liu K, Bearman PS Sociological methods & research 26166907 Sociol Methods Res 2015 May 1
Age of diagnosis for autism: individual and community factors across 10 birth cohorts. Fountain C, King MD, Bearman PS Journal of epidemiology and community health 20974836 J Epidemiol Community Health 2011 Jun
The spatial structure of autism in California, 1993-2001. Mazumdar S, King M, Liu KY, Zerubavel N, Bearman P Health & place 20097113 Health Place 2010 May
The disappearing seasonality of autism conceptions in California. Mazumdar S, Liu KY, Susser E, Bearman P PloS one 22859972 PLoS One 2012
Six developmental trajectories characterize children with autism. Fountain C, Winter AS, Bearman PS Pediatrics 22473372 Pediatrics 2012 May
Diagnostic change and the increased prevalence of autism. King M, Bearman P International journal of epidemiology 19737791 Int J Epidemiol 2009 Oct
The Temporal Structure of Scientific Consensus Formation. Shwed U, Bearman PS American sociological review 21886269 Am Sociol Rev 2010 Dec 1
Closely spaced pregnancies are associated with increased odds of autism in California sibling births. Cheslack-Postava K, Liu K, Bearman PS Pediatrics 21220394 Pediatrics 2011 Feb
Social influence and the autism epidemic. Liu KY, King M, Bearman PS AJS; American journal of sociology 20503647 AJS 2010 Mar
Estimated autism risk, older reproductive age, and parameterization. Durkin MS, Maenner MJ, Newschaffer CJ American journal of public health 20075308 Am J Public Health 2010 Mar
Just-so Stories: Vaccines, Autism, and the Single-bullet Disorder. Bearman P Social psychology quarterly 20721312 Soc Psychol Q 2009 Jun
Cohort effects explain the increase in autism diagnosis among children born from 1992 to 2003 in California. Keyes KM, Susser E, Cheslack-Postava K, Fountain C, Liu K, Bearman PS International journal of epidemiology 22253308 Int J Epidemiol 2012 Apr
Association of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment and parental infertility diagnosis with autism in ART-conceived children. Kissin DM, Zhang Y, Boulet SL, Fountain C, Bearman P, Schieve L, Yeargin-Allsopp M, Jamieson DJ Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 25518976 Hum Reprod 2015 Feb
Can Sibling Sex Ratios Be Used as a Valid Test for the Prenatal Androgen Hypothesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders? Cheslack-Postava K, Susser E, Liu K, Bearman PS PloS one 26495967 PLoS One 2015
Reply: CDC analysis of ICSI/autism: association is not causation. Kissin DM, Zhang Y, Boulet SL, Fountain C, Bearman P, Schieve L, Yeargin-Allsopp M, Jamieson DJ Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 25976658 Hum Reprod 2015 Jul
Does Autism Diagnosis Age or Symptom Severity Differ Among Children According to Whether Assisted Reproductive Technology was Used to Achieve Pregnancy? Schieve LA, Fountain C, Boulet SL, Yeargin-Allsopp M, Kissin DM, Jamieson DJ, Rice C, Bearman P Journal of autism and developmental disorders 25997596 J Autism Dev Disord 2015 Sep
Social demographic change and autism. Liu K, Zerubavel N, Bearman P Demography 20608100 Demography 2010 May
Spatial clusters of autism births and diagnoses point to contextual drivers of increased prevalence. Mazumdar S, Winter A, Liu KY, Bearman P Social science & medicine (1982) 23267775 Soc Sci Med 2013 Oct
Risk as Social Context: Immigration Policy and Autism in California. Fountain C, Bearman P Sociological forum (Randolph, N.J.) 21643443 Sociol Forum (Randolph N J) 2011 Jun 1
Association between assisted reproductive technology conception and autism in California, 1997-2007. Fountain C, Zhang Y, Kissin DM, Schieve LA, Jamieson DJ, Rice C, Bearman P American journal of public health 25790396 Am J Public Health 2015 May
Using TIRF microscopy to quantify and confirm efficient mass transfer at the substrate surface of the chemistrode. Chen D, Du W, Ismagilov RF New journal of physics 19809528 New J Phys 2009
SlipChip. Du W, Li L, Nichols KP, Ismagilov RF Lab on a chip 19636458 Lab Chip 2009 Aug 21
Plug-based microfluidics with defined surface chemistry to miniaturize and control aggregation of amyloidogenic peptides. Meier M, Kennedy-Darling J, Choi SH, Norstrom EM, Sisodia SS, Ismagilov RF Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19152390 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
Multiparameter screening on SlipChip used for nanoliter protein crystallization combining free interface diffusion and microbatch methods. Li L, Du W, Ismagilov RF Journal of the American Chemical Society 20000709 J Am Chem Soc 2010 Jan 13
Measuring fate and rate of single-molecule competition of amplification and restriction digestion, and its use for rapid genotyping tested with hepatitis C viral RNA. Sun B, Rodriguez-Manzano J, Selck DA, Khorosheva E, Karymov MA, Ismagilov RF Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 24889060 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2014 Jul 28
Multiplexed quantification of nucleic acids with large dynamic range using multivolume digital RT-PCR on a rotational SlipChip tested with HIV and hepatitis C viral load. Shen F, Sun B, Kreutz JE, Davydova EK, Du W, Reddy PL, Joseph LJ, Ismagilov RF Journal of the American Chemical Society 21995644 J Am Chem Soc 2011 Nov 9
Chemical analog-to-digital signal conversion based on robust threshold chemistry and its evaluation in the context of microfluidics-based quantitative assays. Huynh T, Sun B, Li L, Nichols KP, Koyner JL, Ismagilov RF Journal of the American Chemical Society 24060606 J Am Chem Soc 2013 Oct 2
Increased robustness of single-molecule counting with microfluidics, digital isothermal amplification, and a mobile phone versus real-time kinetic measurements. Selck DA, Karymov MA, Sun B, Ismagilov RF Analytical chemistry 24199852 Anal Chem 2013 Nov 19
Nanoliter multiplex PCR arrays on a SlipChip. Shen F, Du W, Davydova EK, Karymov MA, Pandey J, Ismagilov RF Analytical chemistry 20446698 Anal Chem 2010 Jun 1
Digital isothermal quantification of nucleic acids via simultaneous chemical initiation of recombinase polymerase amplification reactions on SlipChip. Shen F, Davydova EK, Du W, Kreutz JE, Piepenburg O, Ismagilov RF Analytical chemistry 21476587 Anal Chem 2011 May 1
Complex function by design using spatially pre-structured synthetic microbial communities: degradation of pentachlorophenol in the presence of Hg(ii). Kim HJ, Du W, Ismagilov RF Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro 20717565 Integr Biol (Camb) 2011 Feb
Chemical stimulation of the Arabidopsis thaliana root using multi-laminar flow on a microfluidic chip. Meier M, Lucchetta EM, Ismagilov RF Lab on a chip 20544086 Lab Chip 2010 Aug 21
Detecting bacteria and determining their susceptibility to antibiotics by stochastic confinement in nanoliter droplets using plug-based microfluidics. Boedicker JQ, Li L, Kline TR, Ismagilov RF Lab on a chip 18651067 Lab Chip 2008 Aug
Isolation, incubation, and parallel functional testing and identification by FISH of rare microbial single-copy cells from multi-species mixtures using the combination of chemistrode and stochastic confinement. Liu W, Kim HJ, Lucchetta EM, Du W, Ismagilov RF Lab on a chip 19606291 Lab Chip 2009 Aug 7
Theoretical design and analysis of multivolume digital assays with wide dynamic range validated experimentally with microfluidic digital PCR. Kreutz JE, Munson T, Huynh T, Shen F, Du W, Ismagilov RF Analytical chemistry 21981344 Anal Chem 2011 Nov 1
Mechanistic evaluation of the pros and cons of digital RT-LAMP for HIV-1 viral load quantification on a microfluidic device and improved efficiency via a two-step digital protocol. Sun B, Shen F, McCalla SE, Kreutz JE, Karymov MA, Ismagilov RF Analytical chemistry 23324061 Anal Chem 2013 Feb 5
Microfluidic confinement of single cells of bacteria in small volumes initiates high-density behavior of quorum sensing and growth and reveals its variability. Boedicker JQ, Vincent ME, Ismagilov RF Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19565587 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
Spatial localization of bacteria controls coagulation of human blood by 'quorum acting'. Kastrup CJ, Boedicker JQ, Pomerantsev AP, Moayeri M, Bian Y, Pompano RR, Kline TR, Sylvestre P, Shen F, Leppla SH, Tang WJ, Ismagilov RF Nature chemical biology 19031531 Nat Chem Biol 2008 Dec
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Dead-end filling of SlipChip evaluated theoretically and experimentally as a function of the surface chemistry and the gap size between the plates for lubricated and dry SlipChips. Li L, Karymov MA, Nichols KP, Ismagilov RF Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 20575548 Langmuir 2010 Jul 20
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Long-term dynamics of CA1 hippocampal place codes. Ziv Y, Burns LD, Cocker ED, Hamel EO, Ghosh KK, Kitch LJ, El Gamal A, Schnitzer MJ Nature neuroscience 23396101 Nat Neurosci 2013 Mar
Dexterous robotic manipulation of alert adult Drosophila for high-content experimentation. Savall J, Ho ETW, Huang C, Maxey JR, Schnitzer MJ Nature methods 26005812 Nat Methods 2015 Jul
Estimation theoretic measure of resolution for stochastic localization microscopy. Fitzgerald JE, Lu J, Schnitzer MJ Physical review letters 23006110 Phys Rev Lett 2012 Jul 27
Symmetries in stimulus statistics shape the form of visual motion estimators. Fitzgerald JE, Katsov AY, Clandinin TR, Schnitzer MJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 21768376 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Aug 2
Engineering approaches to illuminating brain structure and dynamics. Deisseroth K, Schnitzer MJ Neuron 24183010 Neuron 2013 Oct 30
Imaging neuronal populations in behaving rodents: paradigms for studying neural circuits underlying behavior in the mammalian cortex. Chen JL, Andermann ML, Keck T, Xu NL, Ziv Y The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 24198355 J Neurosci 2013 Nov 6
Imaging neural spiking in brain tissue using FRET-opsin protein voltage sensors. Gong Y, Wagner MJ, Zhong Li J, Schnitzer MJ Nature communications 24755708 Nat Commun 2014 Apr 22
High-speed recording of neural spikes in awake mice and flies with a fluorescent voltage sensor. Gong Y, Huang C, Li JZ, Grewe BF, Zhang Y, Eismann S, Schnitzer MJ Science (New York, N.Y.) 26586188 Science 2015 Dec 11
Advances in light microscopy for neuroscience. Wilt BA, Burns LD, Wei Ho ET, Ghosh KK, Mukamel EA, Schnitzer MJ Annual review of neuroscience 19555292 Annu Rev Neurosci 2009
The evolving capabilities of rhodopsin-based genetically encoded voltage indicators. Gong Y Current opinion in chemical biology 26143170 Curr Opin Chem Biol 2015 Aug
Differences in neural circuitry guiding behavioral responses to polarized light presented to either the dorsal or ventral retina in Drosophila. Velez MM, Gohl D, Clandinin TR, Wernet MF Journal of neurogenetics 24912584 J Neurogenet 2014 Sep-Dec
Modular use of peripheral input channels tunes motion-detecting circuitry. Silies M, Gohl DM, Fisher YE, Freifeld L, Clark DA, Clandinin TR Neuron 23849199 Neuron 2013 Jul 10
Mapping and cracking sensorimotor circuits in genetic model organisms. Clark DA, Freifeld L, Clandinin TR Neuron 23719159 Neuron 2013 May 22
GABAergic lateral interactions tune the early stages of visual processing in Drosophila. Freifeld L, Clark DA, Schnitzer MJ, Horowitz MA, Clandinin TR Neuron 23791198 Neuron 2013 Jun 19
A versatile in vivo system for directed dissection of gene expression patterns. Gohl DM, Silies MA, Gao XJ, Bhalerao S, Luongo FJ, Lin CC, Potter CJ, Clandinin TR Nature methods 21473015 Nat Methods 2011 Mar
Genetic dissection reveals two separate retinal substrates for polarization vision in Drosophila. Wernet MF, Velez MM, Clark DA, Baumann-Klausener F, Brown JR, Klovstad M, Labhart T, Clandinin TR Current biology : CB 22177904 Curr Biol 2012 Jan 10
Defining the computational structure of the motion detector in Drosophila. Clark DA, Bursztyn L, Horowitz MA, Schnitzer MJ, Clandinin TR Neuron 21689602 Neuron 2011 Jun 23
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Loom-sensitive neurons link computation to action in the Drosophila visual system. de Vries SE, Clandinin TR Current biology : CB 22305754 Curr Biol 2012 Mar 6
A Drosophila toolkit for the visualization and quantification of viral replication launched from transgenic genomes. Wernet MF, Klovstad M, Clandinin TR PloS one 25386852 PLoS One 2014
Dynamic structure of locomotor behavior in walking fruit flies. Katsov AY, Freifeld L, Horowitz M, Kuehn S, Clandinin TR eLife 28742018 Elife 2017 Jul 25
Walking Drosophila align with the e-vector of linearly polarized light through directed modulation of angular acceleration. Velez MM, Wernet MF, Clark DA, Clandinin TR Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology 24810784 J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 2014 Jun
Motion processing streams in Drosophila are behaviorally specialized. Katsov AY, Clandinin TR Neuron 18667159 Neuron 2008 Jul 31
Specific kinematics and motor-related neurons for aversive chemotaxis in Drosophila. Gao XJ, Potter CJ, Gohl DM, Silies M, Katsov AY, Clandinin TR, Luo L Current biology : CB 23770185 Curr Biol 2013 Jul 8
Large-scale mapping of transposable element insertion sites using digital encoding of sample identity. Gohl DM, Freifeld L, Silies M, Hwa JJ, Horowitz M, Clandinin TR Genetics 24374352 Genetics 2014 Mar
High-numerical-aperture cryogenic light microscopy for increased precision of superresolution reconstructions. Nahmani M, Lanahan C, DeRosier D, Turrigiano GG Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 28348224 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Apr 11
Shear thickening of F-actin networks crosslinked with non-muscle myosin IIB. Norstrom M, Gardel ML Soft matter 21552431 Soft Matter 2011 Jan 1
Local cortical tension by myosin II guides 3D endothelial cell branching. Fischer RS, Gardel M, Ma X, Adelstein RS, Waterman CM Current biology : CB 19185493 Curr Biol 2009 Feb 10
Chapter 19: Mechanical response of cytoskeletal networks. Gardel ML, Kasza KE, Brangwynne CP, Liu J, Weitz DA Methods in cell biology 19118688 Methods Cell Biol 2008
Contractile units in disordered actomyosin bundles arise from F-actin buckling. Lenz M, Thoresen T, Gardel ML, Dinner AR Physical review letters 23003998 Phys Rev Lett 2012 Jun 8
Conserved F-actin dynamics and force transmission at cell adhesions. Maruthamuthu V, Aratyn-Schaus Y, Gardel ML Current opinion in cell biology 20728328 Curr Opin Cell Biol 2010 Oct
Stressing the limits of focal adhesion mechanosensitivity. Oakes PW, Gardel ML Current opinion in cell biology 24998185 Curr Opin Cell Biol 2014 Oct
Regulation of cell motile behavior by crosstalk between cadherin- and integrin-mediated adhesions. Borghi N, Lowndes M, Maruthamuthu V, Gardel ML, Nelson WJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20566866 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 Jul 27
Reconstitution of contractile actomyosin bundles. Thoresen T, Lenz M, Gardel ML Biophysical journal 21641315 Biophys J 2011 Jun 8
A zyxin-mediated mechanism for actin stress fiber maintenance and repair. Smith MA, Blankman E, Gardel ML, Luettjohann L, Waterman CM, Beckerle MC Developmental cell 20833360 Dev Cell 2010 Sep 14
High resolution traction force microscopy based on experimental and computational advances. Sabass B, Gardel ML, Waterman CM, Schwarz US Biophysical journal 17827246 Biophys J 2008 Jan 1
Observation and characterization of the vestige of the jamming transition in a thermal three-dimensional system. Caswell TA, Zhang Z, Gardel ML, Nagel SR Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 23410327 Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2013 Jan
Endothelial barrier disruption and recovery is controlled by substrate stiffness. Birukova AA, Tian X, Cokic I, Beckham Y, Gardel ML, Birukov KG Microvascular research 23296034 Microvasc Res 2013 May
Mechanical integration of actin and adhesion dynamics in cell migration. Gardel ML, Schneider IC, Aratyn-Schaus Y, Waterman CM Annual review of cell and developmental biology 19575647 Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2010
Dynamic and structural signatures of lamellar actomyosin force generation. Aratyn-Schaus Y, Oakes PW, Gardel ML Molecular biology of the cell 21307339 Mol Biol Cell 2011 Apr 15
Identification and characterization of a small molecule inhibitor of formin-mediated actin assembly. Rizvi SA, Neidt EM, Cui J, Feiger Z, Skau CT, Gardel ML, Kozmin SA, Kovar DR Chemistry & biology 19942139 Chem Biol 2009 Nov 25
Mechanics of the F-actin cytoskeleton. Stricker J, Falzone T, Gardel ML Journal of biomechanics 19913792 J Biomech 2010 Jan 5
Preparation of complaint matrices for quantifying cellular contraction. Aratyn-Schaus Y, Oakes PW, Stricker J, Winter SP, Gardel ML Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 21178972 J Vis Exp 2010 Dec 14
Biophysics. Clutch dynamics. Aratyn-Schaus Y, Gardel ML Science (New York, N.Y.) 19074337 Science 2008 Dec 12
Traction stress in focal adhesions correlates biphasically with actin retrograde flow speed. Gardel ML, Sabass B, Ji L, Danuser G, Schwarz US, Waterman CM The Journal of cell biology 19075110 J Cell Biol 2008 Dec 15
Reconstitution of contractile actomyosin arrays. Murrell M, Thoresen T, Gardel M Methods in enzymology 24630112 Methods Enzymol 2014
Optimization of traction force microscopy for micron-sized focal adhesions. Stricker J, Sabass B, Schwarz US, Gardel ML Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal 20523913 J Phys Condens Matter 2010 May 19
Transient frictional slip between integrin and the ECM in focal adhesions under myosin II tension. Aratyn-Schaus Y, Gardel ML Current biology : CB 20541412 Curr Biol 2010 Jul 13
Cell-ECM traction force modulates endogenous tension at cell-cell contacts. Maruthamuthu V, Sabass B, Schwarz US, Gardel ML Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 21383129 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Mar 22
Cell-substrate interactions. Gardel M, Schwarz U Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal 21386358 J Phys Condens Matter 2010 May 19
Requirements for contractility in disordered cytoskeletal bundles. Lenz M, Gardel ML, Dinner AR New journal of physics 23155355 New J Phys 2012 Mar 1
Materials science: Synthetic polymers with biological rigidity. Gardel ML Nature 23354043 Nature 2013 Jan 31
The clinically available NMDA receptor antagonist, memantine, exhibits relative safety in the developing rat brain. Manning SM, Boll G, Fitzgerald E, Selip DB, Volpe JJ, Jensen FE International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience 21624454 Int J Dev Neurosci 2011 Nov
Does acquired epileptogenesis in the immature brain require neuronal death. Baram TZ, Jensen FE, Brooks-Kayal A Epilepsy currents 21461261 Epilepsy Curr 2011 Jan
Altered development of glutamatergic synapses in layer V pyramidal neurons in NR3A knockout mice. Zhou C, Jensen FE, Sucher NJ Molecular and cellular neurosciences 19782137 Mol Cell Neurosci 2009 Dec
Neonatal seizures: an update on mechanisms and management. Jensen FE Clinics in perinatology 19944840 Clin Perinatol 2009 Dec
A mouse model of tuberous sclerosis: neuronal loss of Tsc1 causes dysplastic and ectopic neurons, reduced myelination, seizure activity, and limited survival. Meikle L, Talos DM, Onda H, Pollizzi K, Rotenberg A, Sahin M, Jensen FE, Kwiatkowski DJ The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 17522300 J Neurosci 2007 May 23
Early-life seizures alter synaptic calcium-permeable AMPA receptor function and plasticity. Lippman-Bell JJ, Zhou C, Sun H, Feske JS, Jensen FE Molecular and cellular neurosciences 27521497 Mol Cell Neurosci 2016 Oct
Strain-specific differences in perinatal rodent oligodendrocyte lineage progression and its correlation with human. Dean JM, Moravec MD, Grafe M, Abend N, Ren J, Gong X, Volpe JJ, Jensen FE, Hohimer AR, Back SA Developmental neuroscience 21865655 Dev Neurosci 2011
Developmental expression of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunits in human white and gray matter: potential mechanism of increased vulnerability in the immature brain. Jantzie LL, Talos DM, Jackson MC, Park HK, Graham DA, Lechpammer M, Folkerth RD, Volpe JJ, Jensen FE Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 24046081 Cereb Cortex 2015 Feb
Bumetanide enhances phenobarbital efficacy in a rat model of hypoxic neonatal seizures. Cleary RT, Sun H, Huynh T, Manning SM, Li Y, Rotenberg A, Talos DM, Kahle KT, Jackson M, Rakhade SN, Berry G, Jensen FE PloS one 23536761 PLoS One 2013
AMPA receptor antagonist NBQX attenuates later-life epileptic seizures and autistic-like social deficits following neonatal seizures. Lippman-Bell JJ, Rakhade SN, Klein PM, Obeid M, Jackson MC, Joseph A, Jensen FE Epilepsia 24117347 Epilepsia 2013 Nov
Lestaurtinib (CEP-701) attenuates "second hit" kainic acid-induced seizures following early life hypoxic seizures. Obeid M, Rosenberg EC, Klein PM, Jensen FE Epilepsy research 24582454 Epilepsy Res 2014 May
Blinders, phenotype, and fashionable genetic analysis: a critical examination of the current state of epilepsy genetic studies. Greenberg DA, Subaran R Epilepsia 21219301 Epilepsia 2011 Jan
Association of the small GTPase Rheb with the NMDA receptor subunit NR3A. Sucher NJ, Yu E, Chan SF, Miri M, Lee BJ, Xiao B, Worley PF, Jensen FE Neuro-Signals 21135540 Neurosignals 2010
Contribution of axonal orientation to pathway-dependent modulation of excitatory transmission by direct current stimulation in isolated rat hippocampus. Kabakov AY, Muller PA, Pascual-Leone A, Jensen FE, Rotenberg A Journal of neurophysiology 22219028 J Neurophysiol 2012 Apr
Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 activation negatively regulates Polo-like kinase 2-mediated homeostatic compensation following neonatal seizures. Sun H, Kosaras B, Klein PM, Jensen FE Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23479645 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Mar 26
The interaction between early life epilepsy and autistic-like behavioral consequences: a role for the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway. Talos DM, Sun H, Zhou X, Fitzgerald EC, Jackson MC, Klein PM, Lan VJ, Joseph A, Jensen FE PloS one 22567115 PLoS One 2012
Chloride cotransporter NKCC1 inhibitor bumetanide protects against white matter injury in a rodent model of periventricular leukomalacia. Jantzie LL, Hu MY, Park HK, Jackson MC, Yu J, Maxwell JR, Jensen FE Pediatric research 25585037 Pediatr Res 2015 Apr
The tower of Babel: survey on concepts and terminology in electrical status epilepticus in sleep and continuous spikes and waves during sleep in North America. Fernández IS, Chapman KE, Peters JM, Kothare SV, Nordli DR Jr, Jensen FE, Berg AT, Loddenkemper T Epilepsia 23163318 Epilepsia 2013 Apr
Neonatal seizures alter NMDA glutamate receptor GluN2A and 3A subunit expression and function in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Zhou C, Sun H, Klein PM, Jensen FE Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 26441533 Front Cell Neurosci 2015
Altered hippocampal dendritic spine maturation after hypoxia-induced seizures in neonatal rats. Lippman-Bell JJ, Handy M, Nieder CG, Getzfread M, Jensen FE Molecular and cellular neurosciences 34015497 Mol Cell Neurosci 2021 Jun
Finding a better drug for epilepsy: antiepileptogenesis targets. Kobow K, Auvin S, Jensen F, Löscher W, Mody I, Potschka H, Prince D, Sierra A, Simonato M, Pitkänen A, Nehlig A, Rho JM Epilepsia 23061663 Epilepsia 2012 Nov
Glutamate receptor 1 phosphorylation at serine 831 and 845 modulates seizure susceptibility and hippocampal hyperexcitability after early life seizures. Rakhade SN, Fitzgerald EF, Klein PM, Zhou C, Sun H, Huganir RL, Jensen FE The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 23223299 J Neurosci 2012 Dec 5
Developmental factors in the pathogenesis of neonatal seizures. Jensen FE Journal of pediatric neurology : JPN 20191097 J Pediatr Neurol 2009 Jan 1
The developing oligodendrocyte: key cellular target in brain injury in the premature infant. Volpe JJ, Kinney HC, Jensen FE, Rosenberg PA International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience 21382469 Int J Dev Neurosci 2011 Jun
Benign rolandic epileptiform discharges are associated with mood and behavior problems. Sarco DP, Boyer K, Lundy-Krigbaum SM, Takeoka M, Jensen F, Gregas M, Waber DP Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 21862414 Epilepsy Behav 2011 Oct
Perfusion Imaging of Focal Cortical Dysplasia Using Arterial Spin Labeling: Correlation With Histopathological Vascular Density. Wintermark P, Lechpammer M, Warfield SK, Kosaras B, Takeoka M, Poduri A, Madsen JR, Bergin AM, Whalen S, Jensen FE Journal of child neurology 23696629 J Child Neurol 2013 Nov
Issues related to development of antiepileptogenic therapies. Pitkänen A, Nehlig A, Brooks-Kayal AR, Dudek FE, Friedman D, Galanopoulou AS, Jensen FE, Kaminski RM, Kapur J, Klitgaard H, Löscher W, Mody I, Schmidt D Epilepsia 23909852 Epilepsia 2013 Aug
Hypoxia-induced neonatal seizures diminish silent synapses and long-term potentiation in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Zhou C, Lippman JJ, Sun H, Jensen FE The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 22171027 J Neurosci 2011 Dec 14
Epileptogenesis in the immature brain: emerging mechanisms. Rakhade SN, Jensen FE Nature reviews. Neurology 19578345 Nat Rev Neurol 2009 Jul
An international effort towards developing standards for best practices in analysis, interpretation and reporting of clinical genome sequencing results in the CLARITY Challenge. Brownstein CA, Beggs AH, Homer N, Merriman B, Yu TW, Flannery KC, DeChene ET, Towne MC, Savage SK, Price EN, Holm IA, Luquette LJ, Lyon E, Majzoub J, Neupert P, McCallie D Jr, Szolovits P, Willard HF, Mendelsohn NJ, Temme R, Finkel RS, Yum SW, Medne L, Sunyaev SR, Adzhubey I, Cassa CA, de Bakker PI, Duzkale H, Dworzyński P, Fairbrother W, Francioli L, Funke BH, Giovanni MA, Handsaker RE, Lage K, Lebo MS, Lek M, Leshchiner I, MacArthur DG, McLaughlin HM, Murray MF, Pers TH, Polak PP, Raychaudhuri S, Rehm HL, Soemedi R, Stitziel NO, Vestecka S, Supper J, Gugenmus C, Klocke B, Hahn A, Schubach M, Menzel M, Biskup S, Freisinger P, Deng M, Braun M, Perner S, Smith RJ, Andorf JL, Huang J, Ryckman K, Sheffield VC, Stone EM, Bair T, Black-Ziegelbein EA, Braun TA, Darbro B, DeLuca AP, Kolbe DL, Scheetz TE, Shearer AE, Sompallae R, Wang K, Bassuk AG, Edens E, Mathews K, Moore SA, Shchelochkov OA, Trapane P, Bossler A, Campbell CA, Heusel JW, Kwitek A, Maga T, Panzer K, Wassink T, Van Daele D, Azaiez H, Booth K, Meyer N, Segal MM, Williams MS, Tromp G, White P, Corsmeier D, Fitzgerald-Butt S, Herman G, Lamb-Thrush D, McBride KL, Newsom D, Pierson CR, Rakowsky AT, Maver A, Lovrečić L, Palandačić A, Peterlin B, Torkamani A, Wedell A, Huss M, Alexeyenko A, Lindvall JM, Magnusson M, Nilsson D, Stranneheim H, Taylan F, Gilissen C, Hoischen A, van Bon B, Yntema H, Nelen M, Zhang W, Sager J, Zhang L, Blair K, Kural D, Cariaso M, Lennon GG, Javed A, Agrawal S, Ng PC, Sandhu KS, Krishna S, Veeramachaneni V, Isakov O, Halperin E, Friedman E, Shomron N, Glusman G, Roach JC, Caballero J, Cox HC, Mauldin D, Ament SA, Rowen L, Richards DR, San Lucas FA, Gonzalez-Garay ML, Caskey CT, Bai Y, Huang Y, Fang F, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Barrera J, Garcia-Lobo JM, González-Lamuño D, Llorca J, Rodriguez MC, Varela I, Reese MG, De La Vega FM, Kiruluta E, Cargill M, Hart RK, Sorenson JM, Lyon GJ, Stevenson DA, Bray BE, Moore BM, Eilbeck K, Yandell M, Zhao H, Hou L, Chen X, Yan X, Chen M, Li C, Yang C, Gunel M, Li P, Kong Y, Alexander AC, Albertyn ZI, Boycott KM, Bulman DE, Gordon PM, Innes AM, Knoppers BM, Majewski J, Marshall CR, Parboosingh JS, Sawyer SL, Samuels ME, Schwartzentruber J, Kohane IS, Margulies DM Genome biology 24667040 Genome Biol 2014 Mar 25
Subunit composition of glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors in status epilepticus. Loddenkemper T, Talos DM, Cleary RT, Joseph A, Sánchez Fernández I, Alexopoulos A, Kotagal P, Najm I, Jensen FE Epilepsy research 24613745 Epilepsy Res 2014 May
Cannabidiol attenuates seizure susceptibility and behavioural deficits in adult CDKL5(R59X) knock-in mice. Li X, Yennawar M, Wiest A, O'Brien WT, Babrowicz B, White RS, Talos DM, Jensen FE The European journal of neuroscience 38654472 Eur J Neurosci 2024 Jun
Regional differences in susceptibility to hypoxic-ischemic injury in the preterm brain: exploring the spectrum from white matter loss to selective grey matter injury in a rat model. Selip DB, Jantzie LL, Chang M, Jackson MC, Fitzgerald EC, Boll G, Murphy A, Jensen FE Neurology research international 22530125 Neurol Res Int 2012
Epilepsy as a spectrum disorder: Implications from novel clinical and basic neuroscience. Jensen FE Epilepsia 21214533 Epilepsia 2011 Jan
Development of later life spontaneous seizures in a rodent model of hypoxia-induced neonatal seizures. Rakhade SN, Klein PM, Huynh T, Hilario-Gomez C, Kosaras B, Rotenberg A, Jensen FE Epilepsia 21366558 Epilepsia 2011 Apr
Altered inhibition in tuberous sclerosis and type IIb cortical dysplasia. Talos DM, Sun H, Kosaras B, Joseph A, Folkerth RD, Poduri A, Madsen JR, Black PM, Jensen FE Annals of neurology 22447678 Ann Neurol 2012 Apr
Antiepileptic effects of levetiracetam in a rodent neonatal seizure model. Talos DM, Chang M, Kosaras B, Fitzgerald E, Murphy A, Folkerth RD, Jensen FE Pediatric research 23138400 Pediatr Res 2013 Jan
Issues related to symptomatic and disease-modifying treatments affecting cognitive and neuropsychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy. Brooks-Kayal AR, Bath KG, Berg AT, Galanopoulou AS, Holmes GL, Jensen FE, Kanner AM, O'Brien TJ, Whittemore VH, Winawer MR, Patel M, Scharfman HE Epilepsia 23909853 Epilepsia 2013 Aug
Epilepsy biomarkers. Engel J Jr, Pitkänen A, Loeb JA, Dudek FE, Bertram EH 3rd, Cole AJ, Moshé SL, Wiebe S, Jensen FE, Mody I, Nehlig A, Vezzani A Epilepsia 23909854 Epilepsia 2013 Aug
Developmental regulation of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors in the premature brain and their protective role in a rodent model of periventricular leukomalacia. Jantzie LL, Talos DM, Selip DB, An L, Jackson MC, Folkerth RD, Deng W, Jensen FE Neuron glia biology 22169210 Neuron Glia Biol 2010 Nov
Early alterations of AMPA receptors mediate synaptic potentiation induced by neonatal seizures. Rakhade SN, Zhou C, Aujla PK, Fishman R, Sucher NJ, Jensen FE The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 18685023 J Neurosci 2008 Aug 6
Gene expression profiling of a hypoxic seizure model of epilepsy suggests a role for mTOR and Wnt signaling in epileptogenesis. Theilhaber J, Rakhade SN, Sudhalter J, Kothari N, Klein P, Pollard J, Jensen FE PloS one 24086344 PLoS One 2013
AMPA Receptor Dysregulation and Therapeutic Interventions in a Mouse Model of CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder. Yennawar M, White RS, Jensen FE The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 30952813 J Neurosci 2019 Jun 12
Regulation of seizure-induced MeCP2 Ser421 phosphorylation in the developing brain. Rosenberg EC, Lippman-Bell JJ, Handy M, Soldan SS, Rakhade S, Hilario-Gomez C, Folweiler K, Jacobs L, Jensen FE Neurobiology of disease 29738885 Neurobiol Dis 2018 Aug
Models of hypoxia and ischemia-induced seizures. Sun H, Juul HM, Jensen FE Journal of neuroscience methods 26434705 J Neurosci Methods 2016 Feb 15
Dysregulation of FMRP/mTOR Signaling Cascade in Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury of Premature Human Brain. Lechpammer M, Wintermark P, Merry KM, Jackson MC, Jantzie LL, Jensen FE Journal of child neurology 26239490 J Child Neurol 2016 Mar
Reading chimpanzee faces: evidence for the role of verbal labels in categorical perception of emotion. Fugate JM, Gouzoules H, Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 20677871 Emotion 2010 Aug
A reliable protocol for the manual segmentation of the human amygdala and its subregions using ultra-high resolution MRI. Entis JJ, Doerga P, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC NeuroImage 22245260 Neuroimage 2012 Apr 2
Emotion Generation and Emotion Regulation: One or Two Depends on Your Point of View. Gross JJ, Barrett LF Emotion review : journal of the International Society for Research on Emotion 21479078 Emot Rev 2011 Jan
Reconstructing the Past: A Century of Ideas About Emotion in Psychology. Gendron M, Barrett LF Emotion review : journal of the International Society for Research on Emotion 20221412 Emot Rev 2009 Oct 1
The Future of Psychology: Connecting Mind to Brain. Barrett LF Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science 19844601 Perspect Psychol Sci 2009 Jul
Novelty as a dimension in the affective brain. Weierich MR, Wright CI, Negreira A, Dickerson BC, Barrett LF NeuroImage 19796697 Neuroimage 2010 Feb 1
Emotions are real. Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 22642358 Emotion 2012 Jun
Intrinsic amygdala-cortical functional connectivity predicts social network size in humans. Bickart KC, Hollenbeck MC, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 23077058 J Neurosci 2012 Oct 17
A functional architecture of the human brain: emerging insights from the science of emotion. Lindquist KA, Barrett LF Trends in cognitive sciences 23036719 Trends Cogn Sci 2012 Nov
Authors’ response: what are emotions and how are they created in the brain? Lindquist KA, Wager TD, Bliss-Moreau E, Kober H, Barret LF The Behavioral and brain sciences 22783560 Behav Brain Sci 2012 Jun
Affective value and associative processing share a cortical substrate. Shenhav A, Barrett LF, Bar M Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience 23090717 Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci 2013 Mar
Emotional granularity and borderline personality disorder. Suvak MK, Litz BT, Sloan DM, Zanarini MC, Barrett LF, Hofmann SG Journal of abnormal psychology 21171723 J Abnorm Psychol 2011 May
Bridging Token Identity Theory and Supervenience Theory Through Psychological Construction. Barrett LF Psychological inquiry 21785534 Psychol Inq 2011 Jan 1
Emotion perception, but not affect perception, is impaired with semantic memory loss. Lindquist KA, Gendron M, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 24512242 Emotion 2014 Apr
The Brain Basis of Positive and Negative Affect: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis of the Human Neuroimaging Literature. Lindquist KA, Satpute AB, Wager TD, Weber J, Barrett LF Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 25631056 Cereb Cortex 2016 May
Involvement of Sensory Regions in Affective Experience: A Meta-Analysis. Satpute AB, Kang J, Bickart KC, Yardley H, Wager TD, Barrett LF Frontiers in psychology 26696928 Front Psychol 2015
A Bayesian model of category-specific emotional brain responses. Wager TD, Kang J, Johnson TD, Nichols TE, Satpute AB, Barrett LF PLoS computational biology 25853490 PLoS Comput Biol 2015 Apr
The power of predictions: An emerging paradigm for psychological research. Hutchinson JB, Barrett LF Current directions in psychological science 31749520 Curr Dir Psychol Sci 2019 Jun
Valence focus and self-esteem lability: reacting to hedonic cues in the social environment. Pietromonaco PR, Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 19485618 Emotion 2009 Jun
Affective learning enhances activity and functional connectivity in early visual cortex. Damaraju E, Huang YM, Barrett LF, Pessoa L Neuropsychologia 19410587 Neuropsychologia 2009 Oct
Neural correlates of novelty and face-age effects in young and elderly adults. Wright CI, Negreira A, Gold AL, Britton JC, Williams D, Barrett LF NeuroImage 18586522 Neuroimage 2008 Aug 15
Conceptualizing and experiencing compassion. Condon P, Feldman Barrett L Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 23914766 Emotion 2013 Oct
Sex differences in the neural correlates of affective experience. Moriguchi Y, Touroutoglou A, Dickerson BC, Barrett LF Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 23596188 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2014 May
Decision making from economic and signal detection perspectives: development of an integrated framework. Lynn SK, Wormwood JB, Barrett LF, Quigley KS Frontiers in psychology 26217275 Front Psychol 2015
Situating emotional experience. Wilson-Mendenhall CD, Barrett LF, Barsalou LW Frontiers in human neuroscience 24324420 Front Hum Neurosci 2013
Heightened sensitivity to emotional expressions in generalised anxiety disorder, compared to social anxiety disorder, and controls. Bui E, Anderson E, Goetter EM, Campbell AA, Fischer LE, Barrett LF, Simon NM Cognition & emotion 26395075 Cogn Emot 2017 Jan
The neural representation of typical and atypical experiences of negative images: comparing fear, disgust and morbid fascination. Oosterwijk S, Lindquist KA, Adebayo M, Barrett LF Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 26180088 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2016 Jan
Brain network connectivity-behavioral relationships exhibit trait-like properties: Evidence from hippocampal connectivity and memory. Touroutoglou A, Andreano JM, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC Hippocampus 26105075 Hippocampus 2015 Dec
Older and wiser? An affective science perspective on age-related challenges in financial decision making. Weierich MR, Kensinger EA, Munnell AH, Sass SA, Dickerson BC, Wright CI, Barrett LF Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 20587596 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2011 Apr
Out of sight but not out of mind: unseen affective faces influence evaluations and social impressions. Anderson E, Siegel E, White D, Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 22506501 Emotion 2012 Dec
Trends in ambulatory self-report: the role of momentary experience in psychosomatic medicine. Conner TS, Barrett LF Psychosomatic medicine 22582330 Psychosom Med 2012 May
The visual impact of gossip. Anderson E, Siegel EH, Bliss-Moreau E, Barrett LF Science (New York, N.Y.) 21596956 Science 2011 Jun 17
How does this make you feel? A comparison of four affect induction procedures. Zhang X, Yu HW, Barrett LF Frontiers in psychology 25071659 Front Psychol 2014
Is there consistency and specificity of autonomic changes during emotional episodes? Guidance from the Conceptual Act Theory and psychophysiology. Quigley KS, Barrett LF Biological psychology 24388802 Biol Psychol 2014 Apr
Variety in emotional life: within-category typicality of emotional experiences is associated with neural activity in large-scale brain networks. Wilson-Mendenhall CD, Barrett LF, Barsalou LW Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 24563528 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2015 Jan
Unseen Affective Faces Influence Person Perception Judgments in Schizophrenia. Kring AM, Siegel EH, Barrett LF Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science 25664225 Clin Psychol Sci 2014 Jul
Gender differences in oxytocin-associated disruption of decision bias during emotion perception. Lynn SK, Hoge EA, Fischer LE, Barrett LF, Simon NM Psychiatry research 24814142 Psychiatry Res 2014 Sep 30
Functional connectivity dynamics during film viewing reveal common networks for different emotional experiences. Raz G, Touroutoglou A, Wilson-Mendenhall C, Gilam G, Lin T, Gonen T, Jacob Y, Atzil S, Admon R, Bleich-Cohen M, Maron-Katz A, Hendler T, Barrett LF Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience 27142636 Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci 2016 Aug
Emotion words: Adding face value. Fugate JMB, Gendron M, Nakashima SF, Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 28604040 Emotion 2018 Aug
Risk Factors, Neuroanatomical Correlates, and Outcome of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer's Disease. Poulin SP, Bergeron D, Dickerson BC, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 28869463 J Alzheimers Dis 2017
Internal valence modulates the speed of object recognition. Panichello MF, Kveraga K, Chaumon M, Bar M, Barrett LF Scientific reports 28336933 Sci Rep 2017 Mar 23
Emotion fingerprints or emotion populations? A meta-analytic investigation of autonomic features of emotion categories. Siegel EH, Sands MK, Van den Noortgate W, Condon P, Chang Y, Dy J, Quigley KS, Barrett LF Psychological bulletin 29389177 Psychol Bull 2018 Apr
Large-scale brain networks in affective and social neuroscience: towards an integrative functional architecture of the brain. Barrett LF, Satpute AB Current opinion in neurobiology 23352202 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2013 Jun
The hundred-year emotion war: are emotions natural kinds or psychological constructions? Comment on Lench, Flores, and Bench (2011). Lindquist KA, Siegel EH, Quigley KS, Barrett LF Psychological bulletin 23294094 Psychol Bull 2013 Jan
The relation between valence and arousal in subjective experience. Kuppens P, Tuerlinckx F, Russell JA, Barrett LF Psychological bulletin 23231533 Psychol Bull 2013 Jul
She's emotional. He's having a bad day: attributional explanations for emotion stereotypes. Barrett LF, Bliss-Moreau E Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 19803587 Emotion 2009 Oct
Constructing emotion: the experience of fear as a conceptual act. Lindquist KA, Barrett LF Psychological science 18947355 Psychol Sci 2008 Sep
Affect as a Psychological Primitive. Barrett LF, Bliss-Moreau E Advances in experimental social psychology 20552040 Adv Exp Soc Psychol 2009
I Like the Sound of Your Voice: Affective Learning about Vocal Signals. Bliss-Moreau E, Barrett LF, Owren MJ Journal of experimental social psychology 20495619 J Exp Soc Psychol 2010 May 1
Amygdala volume and social network size in humans. Bickart KC, Wright CI, Dautoff RJ, Dickerson BC, Barrett LF Nature neuroscience 21186358 Nat Neurosci 2011 Feb
Differential hemodynamic response in affective circuitry with aging: an FMRI study of novelty, valence, and arousal. Moriguchi Y, Negreira A, Weierich M, Dautoff R, Dickerson BC, Wright CI, Barrett LF Journal of cognitive neuroscience 20521849 J Cogn Neurosci 2011 May
The brain basis of emotion: a meta-analytic review. Lindquist KA, Wager TD, Kober H, Bliss-Moreau E, Barrett LF The Behavioral and brain sciences 22617651 Behav Brain Sci 2012 Jun
Identification of discrete functional subregions of the human periaqueductal gray. Satpute AB, Wager TD, Cohen-Adad J, Bianciardi M, Choi JK, Buhle JT, Wald LL, Barrett LF Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24082116 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Oct 15
Atrophy in distinct corticolimbic networks in frontotemporal dementia relates to social impairments measured using the Social Impairment Rating Scale. Bickart KC, Brickhouse M, Negreira A, Sapolsky D, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 24133285 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2014 Apr
Visual predictions in the orbitofrontal cortex rely on associative content. Chaumon M, Kveraga K, Barrett LF, Bar M Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 23771980 Cereb Cortex 2014 Nov
Individual differences in learning the affective value of others under minimal conditions. Bliss-Moreau E, Barrett LF, Wright CI Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 18729580 Emotion 2008 Aug
Amygdala and fusiform gyrus temporal dynamics: responses to negative facial expressions. Britton JC, Shin LM, Barrett LF, Rauch SL, Wright CI BMC neuroscience 18474111 BMC Neurosci 2008 May 12
What You Feel Influences What You See: The Role of Affective Feelings in Resolving Binocular Rivalry. Anderson E, Siegel EH, Barrett LF Journal of experimental social psychology 21789027 J Exp Soc Psychol 2011 Jul
Amygdala atrophy is prominent in early Alzheimer's disease and relates to symptom severity. Poulin SP, Dautoff R, Morris JC, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Psychiatry research 21920712 Psychiatry Res 2011 Oct 31
Variety is the spice of life: A psychological construction approach to understanding variability in emotion. Barrett LF Cognition & emotion 20221411 Cogn Emot 2009 Nov 1
Establishing the situated features associated with perceived stress. Lebois LA, Hertzog C, Slavich GM, Barrett LF, Barsalou LW Acta psychologica 27288834 Acta Psychol (Amst) 2016 Sep
Threat perception after the Boston Marathon bombings: The effects of personal relevance and conceptual framing. Wormwood JB, Lynn SK, Feldman Barrett L, Quigley KS Cognition & emotion 25707419 Cogn Emot 2016
Amygdala task-evoked activity and task-free connectivity independently contribute to feelings of arousal. Touroutoglou A, Bickart KC, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC Human brain mapping 24862171 Hum Brain Mapp 2014 Oct
Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: A constructionist hypothesis. Hoemann K, Xu F, Barrett LF Developmental psychology 31464489 Dev Psychol 2019 Sep
Learning situated emotions. Lebois LAM, Wilson-Mendenhall CD, Simmons WK, Barrett LF, Barsalou LW Neuropsychologia 29330097 Neuropsychologia 2020 Aug
Primary Interoceptive Cortex Activity during Simulated Experiences of the Body. Wilson-Mendenhall CD, Henriques A, Barsalou LW, Barrett LF Journal of cognitive neuroscience 30277431 J Cogn Neurosci 2019 Feb
A shift in perspective: Decentering through mindful attention to imagined stressful events. Lebois LA, Papies EK, Gopinath K, Cabanban R, Quigley KS, Krishnamurthy V, Barrett LF, Barsalou LW Neuropsychologia 26111487 Neuropsychologia 2015 Aug
Methodological recommendations for a heartbeat detection-based measure of interoceptive sensitivity. Kleckner IR, Wormwood JB, Simmons WK, Barrett LF, Quigley KS Psychophysiology 26265009 Psychophysiology 2015 Nov
Does language do more than communicate emotion? Lindquist KA, Satpute AB, Gendron M Current directions in psychological science 25983400 Curr Dir Psychol Sci 2015 Apr 1
Semantic Clustering during Verbal Episodic Memory Encoding and Retrieval in Older Adults: One Cognitive Mechanism of Superaging. Shaffer C, Andreano JM, Touroutoglou A, Barrett LF, Dickerson BC, Wong B Brain sciences 38391745 Brain Sci 2024 Feb 8
See it with feeling: affective predictions during object perception. Barrett LF, Bar M Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 19528014 Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2009 May 12
Considering PTSD from the perspective of brain processes: a psychological construction approach. Suvak MK, Barrett LF Journal of traumatic stress 21298725 J Trauma Stress 2011 Feb
Emotion words shape emotion percepts. Gendron M, Lindquist KA, Barsalou L, Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 22309717 Emotion 2012 Apr
States of mind: emotions, body feelings, and thoughts share distributed neural networks. Oosterwijk S, Lindquist KA, Anderson E, Dautoff R, Moriguchi Y, Barrett LF NeuroImage 22677148 Neuroimage 2012 Sep
Neural evidence that human emotions share core affective properties. Wilson-Mendenhall CD, Barrett LF, Barsalou LW Psychological science 23603916 Psychol Sci 2013 Jun
Dissociable large-scale networks anchored in the right anterior insula subserve affective experience and attention. Touroutoglou A, Hollenbeck M, Dickerson BC, Feldman Barrett L NeuroImage 22361166 Neuroimage 2012 May 1
Grounding emotion in situated conceptualization. Wilson-Mendenhall CD, Barrett LF, Simmons WK, Barsalou LW Neuropsychologia 21192959 Neuropsychologia 2011 Apr
Affective state influences perception by affecting decision parameters underlying bias and sensitivity. Lynn SK, Zhang X, Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 22251054 Emotion 2012 Aug
The role of affective experience in work motivation: Test of a conceptual model. Seo MG, Bartunek JM, Barrett LF Journal of organizational behavior 21785527 J Organ Behav 2010 Oct
Experience Sampling Methods: A Modern Idiographic Approach to Personality Research. Conner TS, Tennen H, Fleeson W, Barrett LF Social and personality psychology compass 19898679 Soc Personal Psychol Compass 2009 May 1
Functional grouping and cortical-subcortical interactions in emotion: a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Kober H, Barrett LF, Joseph J, Bliss-Moreau E, Lindquist K, Wager TD NeuroImage 18579414 Neuroimage 2008 Aug 15
Understanding the Mind by Measuring the Brain: Lessons From Measuring Behavior (Commentary on Vul et al., 2009). Barrett LF Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science 19672318 Perspect Psychol Sci 2009 May
Context is routinely encoded during emotion perception. Barrett LF, Kensinger EA Psychological science 20424107 Psychol Sci 2010 Apr
Perceptions of emotion from facial expressions are not culturally universal: evidence from a remote culture. Gendron M, Roberson D, van der Vyver JM, Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 24708506 Emotion 2014 Apr
Cultural variation in emotion perception is real: a response to Sauter, Eisner, Ekman, and Scott (2015). Gendron M, Roberson D, Barrett LF Psychological science 25608863 Psychol Sci 2015 Mar
Stronger Functional Connectivity in the Default Mode and Salience Networks Is Associated With Youthful Memory in Superaging. Zhang J, Andreano JM, Dickerson BC, Touroutoglou A, Barrett LF Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 31058917 Cereb Cortex 2020 Jan 10
Conscious awareness is necessary for affective faces to influence social judgments. Kleckner IR, Anderson EC, Betz NJ, Wormwood JB, Eskew RT Jr, Barrett LF Journal of experimental social psychology 31097841 J Exp Soc Psychol 2018 Nov
Emotion Words' Effect on Visual Awareness and Attention of Emotional Faces. Fugate JMB, MacDonald C, O'Hare AJ Frontiers in psychology 32010012 Front Psychol 2019
Words are a context for mental inference. Betz N, Hoemann K, Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 30628815 Emotion 2019 Dec
Introducing a Face Sort Paradigm to Evaluate Age Differences in Emotion Perception. Hoemann K, Vicaria IM, Gendron M, Stanley JT The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences 32211791 J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2021 Aug 13
Cultural relativity in perceiving emotion from vocalizations. Gendron M, Roberson D, van der Vyver JM, Barrett LF Psychological science 24501109 Psychol Sci 2014 Apr
"Utilizing" signal detection theory. Lynn SK, Barrett LF Psychological science 25097061 Psychol Sci 2014 Sep
Intrinsic connectivity in the human brain does not reveal networks for 'basic' emotions. Touroutoglou A, Lindquist KA, Dickerson BC, Barrett LF Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 25680990 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2015 Sep
AFFECT AND THE FRAMING EFFECT WITHIN INDIVIDUALS OVER TIME: RISK TAKING IN A DYNAMIC INVESTMENT SIMULATION. Seo MG, Goldfarb B, Barrett LF Academy of Management journal. Academy of Management 26412860 Acad Manage J 2010 Apr
Working memory capacity is associated with optimal adaptation of response bias to perceptual sensitivity in emotion perception. Lynn SK, Ibagon C, Bui E, Palitz SA, Simon NM, Barrett LF Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 26461251 Emotion 2016 Mar
Gender moderates the effect of oxytocin on social judgments. Hoge EA, Anderson E, Lawson EA, Bui E, Fischer LE, Khadge SD, Barrett LF, Simon NM Human psychopharmacology 24911580 Hum Psychopharmacol 2014 May
Novel response patterns during repeated presentation of affective and neutral stimuli. Satpute AB, Hanington L, Barrett LF Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 27928070 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2016 Dec
Emotional Granularity is Associated with Daily Experiential Diversity. Hoemann K, Lee Y, Kuppens P, Gendron M, Boyd RL Affective science 37304562 Affect Sci 2023 Jun
Passenger mutations as a marker of clonal cell lineages in emerging neoplasia. Salk JJ, Horwitz MS Seminars in cancer biology 20951806 Semin Cancer Biol 2010 Oct
Clonal expansions in ulcerative colitis identify patients with neoplasia. Salk JJ, Salipante SJ, Risques RA, Crispin DA, Li L, Bronner MP, Brentnall TA, Rabinovitch PS, Horwitz MS, Loeb LA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19926851 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Dec 8
Decoding cell lineage from acquired mutations using arbitrary deep sequencing. Carlson CA, Kas A, Kirkwood R, Hays LE, Preston BD, Salipante SJ, Horwitz MS Nature methods 22120468 Nat Methods 2011 Nov 27
Use of somatic mutations to quantify random contributions to mouse development. Zhou W, Tan Y, Anderson DJ, Crist EM, Ruohola-Baker H, Salipante SJ, Horwitz MS BMC genomics 23327737 BMC Genomics 2013 Jan 18
Phylogenetic analysis of developmental and postnatal mouse cell lineages. Salipante SJ, Kas A, McMonagle E, Horwitz MS Evolution & development 20156285 Evol Dev 2010 Jan-Feb
Phylogenetic fate mapping: theoretical and experimental studies applied to the development of mouse fibroblasts. Salipante SJ, Thompson JM, Horwitz MS Genetics 18245843 Genetics 2008 Feb
Interaction of streptavidin-based peptide-MHC oligomers (tetramers) with cell-surface TCRs. Stone JD, Artyomov MN, Chervin AS, Chakraborty AK, Eisen HN, Kranz DM Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 22102724 J Immunol 2011 Dec 15
The membrane environment can promote or suppress bistability in cell signaling networks. Abel SM, Roose JP, Groves JT, Weiss A, Chakraborty AK The journal of physical chemistry. B 22332778 J Phys Chem B 2012 Mar 22
Effects of thymic selection of the T-cell repertoire on HLA class I-associated control of HIV infection. Kosmrlj A, Read EL, Qi Y, Allen TM, Altfeld M, Deeks SG, Pereyra F, Carrington M, Walker BD, Chakraborty AK Nature 20445539 Nature 2010 May 20
The effect of mutations on the alloreactive T cell receptor/peptide-MHC interface structure: a molecular dynamics study. Wolfson MY, Nam K, Chakraborty AK The journal of physical chemistry. B 21651302 J Phys Chem B 2011 Jun 30
Spin models inferred from patient-derived viral sequence data faithfully describe HIV fitness landscapes. Shekhar K, Ruberman CF, Ferguson AL, Barton JP, Kardar M, Chakraborty AK Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 24483484 Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2013 Dec
Empty class II major histocompatibility complex created by peptide photolysis establishes the role of DM in peptide association. Grotenbreg GM, Nicholson MJ, Fowler KD, Wilbuer K, Octavio L, Yang M, Chakraborty AK, Ploegh HL, Wucherpfennig KW The Journal of biological chemistry 17525157 J Biol Chem 2007 Jul 20
A superposable silicon synapse with programmable reversal potential. Benjamin BV, Arthur JV, Gao P, Merolla P, Boahen K Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 23366006 Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2012
Space coding by gamma oscillations in the barn owl optic tectum. Sridharan D, Boahen K, Knudsen EI Journal of neurophysiology 21325681 J Neurophysiol 2011 May
Neurotech for neuroscience: unifying concepts, organizing principles, and emerging tools. Silver R, Boahen K, Grillner S, Kopell N, Olsen KL The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 17978017 J Neurosci 2007 Oct 31
Silicon-Neuron Design: A Dynamical Systems Approach. Arthur JV, Boahen K IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Regular papers : a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society 21617741 IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I Regul Pap 2011
Microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity in preeclampsia as assessed by cultivation and sequence-based methods. DiGiulio DB, Gervasi M, Romero R, Mazaki-Tovi S, Vaisbuch E, Kusanovic JP, Seok KS, Gómez R, Mittal P, Gotsch F, Chaiworapongsa T, Oyarzún E, Kim CJ, Relman DA Journal of perinatal medicine 20482470 J Perinat Med 2010 Sep
Comparisons of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats and viromes in human saliva reveal bacterial adaptations to salivary viruses. Pride DT, Salzman J, Relman DA Environmental microbiology 22583485 Environ Microbiol 2012 Sep
Development of the human infant intestinal microbiota. Palmer C, Bik EM, DiGiulio DB, Relman DA, Brown PO PLoS biology 17594176 PLoS Biol 2007 Jul
Analysis of streptococcal CRISPRs from human saliva reveals substantial sequence diversity within and between subjects over time. Pride DT, Sun CL, Salzman J, Rao N, Loomer P, Armitage GC, Banfield JF, Relman DA Genome research 21149389 Genome Res 2011 Jan
Genetic technologies. Synthetic "life," ethics, national security, and public discourse. Cho MK, Relman DA Science (New York, N.Y.) 20595601 Science 2010 Jul 2
Characterizing the oral and distal gut microbiota of the threatened southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) to enhance conservation practice. Dudek NK, Switzer AD, Costello EK, Murray MJ, Tomoleoni JA, Staedler MM, Tinker MT, Relman DA Conservation science and practice 35382031 Conserv Sci Pract 2022 Apr
Microbiome assembly across multiple body sites in low-birthweight infants. Costello EK, Carlisle EM, Bik EM, Morowitz MJ, Relman DA mBio 24169577 mBio 2013 Oct 29
Restoration of the gut microbial habitat as a disease therapy. Relman DA Nature biotechnology 23302933 Nat Biotechnol 2013 Jan
"Inconvenient truths" in the pursuit of scientific knowledge and public health. Relman DA The Journal of infectious diseases 24106297 J Infect Dis 2014 Jan 15
Thinking about the microbiome as a causal factor in human health and disease: philosophical and experimental considerations. Relman DA Current opinion in microbiology 32114367 Curr Opin Microbiol 2020 Apr
Microbial prevalence, diversity and abundance in amniotic fluid during preterm labor: a molecular and culture-based investigation. DiGiulio DB, Romero R, Amogan HP, Kusanovic JP, Bik EM, Gotsch F, Kim CJ, Erez O, Edwin S, Relman DA PloS one 18725970 PLoS One 2008 Aug 26
The Landscape Ecology and Microbiota of the Human Nose, Mouth, and Throat. Proctor DM, Relman DA Cell host & microbe 28407480 Cell Host Microbe 2017 Apr 12
Genetically dictated change in host mucus carbohydrate landscape exerts a diet-dependent effect on the gut microbiota. Kashyap PC, Marcobal A, Ursell LK, Smits SA, Sonnenburg ED, Costello EK, Higginbottom SK, Domino SE, Holmes SP, Relman DA, Knight R, Gordon JI, Sonnenburg JL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24062455 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Oct 15
Distinct distal gut microbiome diversity and composition in healthy children from Bangladesh and the United States. Lin A, Bik EM, Costello EK, Dethlefsen L, Haque R, Relman DA, Singh U PloS one 23349750 PLoS One 2013
Physics. Measuring mass in seconds. Debs JE, Robins NP, Close JD Science (New York, N.Y.) 23372004 Science 2013 Feb 1
The human microbiome: ecosystem resilience and health. Relman DA Nutrition reviews 22861804 Nutr Rev 2012 Aug
SmashCell: a software framework for the analysis of single-cell amplified genome sequences. Harrington ED, Arumugam M, Raes J, Bork P, Relman DA Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 20966005 Bioinformatics 2010 Dec 1
Variation in Taxonomic Composition of the Fecal Microbiota in an Inbred Mouse Strain across Individuals and Time. Hoy YE, Bik EM, Lawley TD, Holmes SP, Monack DM, Theriot JA, Relman DA PloS one 26565698 PLoS One 2015
A spatial gradient of bacterial diversity in the human oral cavity shaped by salivary flow. Proctor DM, Fukuyama JA, Loomer PM, Armitage GC, Lee SA, Davis NM, Ryder MI, Holmes SP, Relman DA Nature communications 29445174 Nat Commun 2018 Feb 14
Microbiology. Undernutrition--looking within for answers. Relman DA Science (New York, N.Y.) 23363770 Science 2013 Feb 1
Metagenomic detection of phage-encoded platelet-binding factors in the human oral cavity. Willner D, Furlan M, Schmieder R, Grasis JA, Pride DT, Relman DA, Angly FE, McDole T, Mariella RP Jr, Rohwer F, Haynes M Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20547834 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Mar 15
Bacterial diversity in the oral cavity of 10 healthy individuals. Bik EM, Long CD, Armitage GC, Loomer P, Emerson J, Mongodin EF, Nelson KE, Gill SR, Fraser-Liggett CM, Relman DA The ISME journal 20336157 ISME J 2010 Aug
Strain-resolved community genomic analysis of gut microbial colonization in a premature infant. Morowitz MJ, Denef VJ, Costello EK, Thomas BC, Poroyko V, Relman DA, Banfield JF Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 21191099 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Jan 18
Evidence of a robust resident bacteriophage population revealed through analysis of the human salivary virome. Pride DT, Salzman J, Haynes M, Rohwer F, Davis-Long C, White RA 3rd, Loomer P, Armitage GC, Relman DA The ISME journal 22158393 ISME J 2012 May
Microbiota-targeted therapies: an ecological perspective. Lemon KP, Armitage GC, Relman DA, Fischbach MA Science translational medicine 22674555 Sci Transl Med 2012 Jun 6
The application of ecological theory toward an understanding of the human microbiome. Costello EK, Stagaman K, Dethlefsen L, Bohannan BJ, Relman DA Science (New York, N.Y.) 22674335 Science 2012 Jun 8
Gut immune maturation depends on colonization with a host-specific microbiota. Chung H, Pamp SJ, Hill JA, Surana NK, Edelman SM, Troy EB, Reading NC, Villablanca EJ, Wang S, Mora JR, Umesaki Y, Mathis D, Benoist C, Relman DA, Kasper DL Cell 22726443 Cell 2012 Jun 22
Microbiota's 'little helpers': bacteriophages and antibiotic-associated responses in the gut microbiome. Sun CL, Relman DA Genome biology 23906048 Genome Biol 2013 Jul 30
'Til death do us part': coming to terms with symbiotic relationships. Forward. Relman DA Nature reviews. Microbiology 19086265 Nat Rev Microbiol 2008 Oct
Nasal microenvironments and interspecific interactions influence nasal microbiota complexity and S. aureus carriage. Yan M, Pamp SJ, Fukuyama J, Hwang PH, Cho DY, Holmes S, Relman DA Cell host & microbe 24331461 Cell Host Microbe 2013 Dec 11
Microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity in pregnancies with small-for-gestational-age fetuses. DiGiulio DB, Gervasi MT, Romero R, Vaisbuch E, Mazaki-Tovi S, Kusanovic JP, Seok KS, Gómez R, Mittal P, Gotsch F, Chaiworapongsa T, Oyarzún E, Kim CJ, Relman DA Journal of perinatal medicine 20482466 J Perinat Med 2010 Sep
Prevalence and diversity of microbes in the amniotic fluid, the fetal inflammatory response, and pregnancy outcome in women with preterm pre-labor rupture of membranes. DiGiulio DB, Romero R, Kusanovic JP, Gómez R, Kim CJ, Seok KS, Gotsch F, Mazaki-Tovi S, Vaisbuch E, Sanders K, Bik EM, Chaiworapongsa T, Oyarzún E, Relman DA American journal of reproductive immunology (New York, N.Y. : 1989) 20331587 Am J Reprod Immunol 2010 Jul 1
Single-cell sequencing provides clues about the host interactions of segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB). Pamp SJ, Harrington ED, Quake SR, Relman DA, Blainey PC Genome research 22434425 Genome Res 2012 Jun
Linking microbial phylogeny to metabolic activity at the single-cell level by using enhanced element labeling-catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (EL-FISH) and NanoSIMS. Behrens S, Lösekann T, Pett-Ridge J, Weber PK, Ng WO, Stevenson BS, Hutcheon ID, Relman DA, Spormann AM Applied and environmental microbiology 18359832 Appl Environ Microbiol 2008 May
Comparisons of distance methods for combining covariates and abundances in microbiome studies. Fukuyama J, McMurdie PJ, Dethlefsen L, Relman DA, Holmes S Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 22174277 Pac Symp Biocomput 2012
The pervasive effects of an antibiotic on the human gut microbiota, as revealed by deep 16S rRNA sequencing. Dethlefsen L, Huse S, Sogin ML, Relman DA PLoS biology 19018661 PLoS Biol 2008 Nov 18
Exploring microbial diversity and taxonomy using SSU rRNA hypervariable tag sequencing. Huse SM, Dethlefsen L, Huber JA, Mark Welch D, Relman DA, Sogin ML PLoS genetics 19023400 PLoS Genet 2008 Nov
Incomplete recovery and individualized responses of the human distal gut microbiota to repeated antibiotic perturbation. Dethlefsen L, Relman DA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20847294 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Mar 15
Microbial genomics and infectious diseases. Relman DA The New England journal of medicine 21793746 N Engl J Med 2011 Jul 28
Time series community genomics analysis reveals rapid shifts in bacterial species, strains, and phage during infant gut colonization. Sharon I, Morowitz MJ, Thomas BC, Costello EK, Relman DA, Banfield JF Genome research 22936250 Genome Res 2013 Jan
A career pathway in protein folding: from model peptides to postreductionist protein science. Gierasch LM Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society 21404361 Protein Sci 2011 May
A method for direct measurement of protein stability in vivo. Ignatova Z, Gierasch LM Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 19157083 Methods Mol Biol 2009
Unique physical properties and interactions of the domains of methylated DNA binding protein 2. Ghosh RP, Nikitina T, Horowitz-Scherer RA, Gierasch LM, Uversky VN, Hite K, Hansen JC, Woodcock CL Biochemistry 20405910 Biochemistry 2010 May 25
Using a low denaturant model to explore the conformational features of translocation-active SecA. Maki JL, Krishnan B, Gierasch LM Biochemistry 22304380 Biochemistry 2012 Feb 21
Site-specific fluorescent labeling of poly-histidine sequences using a metal-chelating cysteine. Krishnan B, Szymanska A, Gierasch LM Chemical biology & drug design 17313455 Chem Biol Drug Des 2007 Jan
Protein folding in the cell: challenges and progress. Gershenson A, Gierasch LM Current opinion in structural biology 21112769 Curr Opin Struct Biol 2011 Feb
Macromolecular crowding remodels the energy landscape of a protein by favoring a more compact unfolded state. Hong J, Gierasch LM Journal of the American Chemical Society 20662522 J Am Chem Soc 2010 Aug 4
How bacteria survive an acid trip. Hingorani KS, Gierasch LM Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23530238 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Apr 2
Early folding events protect aggregation-prone regions of a β-rich protein. Budyak IL, Krishnan B, Marcelino-Cruz AM, Ferrolino MC, Zhuravleva A, Gierasch LM Structure (London, England : 1993) 23454187 Structure 2013 Mar 5
Sending signals dynamically. Smock RG, Gierasch LM Science (New York, N.Y.) 19359576 Science 2009 Apr 10
Celebrating the scientific legacy of Elkan R. Blout. Gierasch LM, Deber CM, Brodsky B Biopolymers 18307218 Biopolymers 2008 May
Chapter 3: A fluorescent window into protein folding and aggregation in cells. Ignatova Z, Gierasch LM Methods in cell biology 19118672 Methods Cell Biol 2008
Delicate balance between functionally required flexibility and aggregation risk in a β-rich protein. Ferrolino MC, Zhuravleva A, Budyak IL, Krishnan B, Gierasch LM Biochemistry 24236614 Biochemistry 2013 Dec 10
Dynamic local unfolding in the serpin α-1 antitrypsin provides a mechanism for loop insertion and polymerization. Krishnan B, Gierasch LM Nature structural & molecular biology 21258324 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2011 Feb
Post-reductionist protein science, or putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. Gierasch LM, Gershenson A Nature chemical biology 19841622 Nat Chem Biol 2009 Nov
The molecular dating game: an antibody heavy chain hangs loose with a chaperone while waiting for its life partner. Hebert DN, Gierasch LM Molecular cell 19560414 Mol Cell 2009 Jun 26
Comparing protein folding in vitro and in vivo: foldability meets the fitness challenge. Hingorani KS, Gierasch LM Current opinion in structural biology 24434632 Curr Opin Struct Biol 2014 Feb
Effects of osmolytes on protein folding and aggregation in cells. Ignatova Z, Gierasch LM Methods in enzymology 17875429 Methods Enzymol 2007
Expression and Purification of Active Recombinant Human Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT) from Escherichia coli. Krishnan B, Hedstrom L, Hebert DN, Gierasch LM, Gershenson A Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 28752459 Methods Mol Biol 2017
Rett syndrome-causing mutations in human MeCP2 result in diverse structural changes that impact folding and DNA interactions. Ghosh RP, Horowitz-Scherer RA, Nikitina T, Gierasch LM, Woodcock CL The Journal of biological chemistry 18499664 J Biol Chem 2008 Jul 18
Orthogonal cross-seeding: an approach to explore protein aggregates in living cells. Hinz J, Gierasch LM, Ignatova Z Biochemistry 18330996 Biochemistry 2008 Apr 8
FoldEco: a model for proteostasis in E. coli. Powers ET, Powers DL, Gierasch LM Cell reports 22509487 Cell Rep 2012 Mar 29
Cross-strand split tetra-Cys motifs as structure sensors in a beta-sheet protein. Krishnan B, Gierasch LM Chemistry & biology 18940670 Chem Biol 2008 Oct 20
Roles of beta-turns in protein folding: from peptide models to protein engineering. Marcelino AM, Gierasch LM Biopolymers 18275088 Biopolymers 2008 May
Nature's molecular sponges: small heat shock proteins grow into their chaperone roles. Eyles SJ, Gierasch LM Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20133678 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 Feb 16
Its preferential interactions with biopolymers account for diverse observed effects of trehalose. Hong J, Gierasch LM, Liu Z Biophysical journal 26153711 Biophys J 2015 Jul 7
The Role of Aromatic-Aromatic Interactions in Strand-Strand Stabilization of β-Sheets. Budyak IL, Zhuravleva A, Gierasch LM Journal of molecular biology 23810905 J Mol Biol 2013 Sep 23
How one bad protein spoils the barrel: structural details of β2-microglobulin amyloidogenicity. Gierasch LM Molecular cell 21255721 Mol Cell 2011 Jan 21
In-cell aggregation of a polyglutamine-containing chimera is a multistep process initiated by the flanking sequence. Ignatova Z, Thakur AK, Wetzel R, Gierasch LM The Journal of biological chemistry 17942400 J Biol Chem 2007 Dec 14
From the test tube to the cell: exploring the folding and aggregation of a beta-clam protein. Ignatova Z, Krishnan B, Bombardier JP, Marcelino AM, Hong J, Gierasch LM Biopolymers 17206628 Biopolymers 2007
Exploring weak, transient protein--protein interactions in crowded in vivo environments by in-cell nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Wang Q, Zhuravleva A, Gierasch LM Biochemistry 21942871 Biochemistry 2011 Nov 1
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Nonlytic viral spread enhanced by autophagy components. Bird SW, Maynard ND, Covert MW, Kirkegaard K Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25157142 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Sep 9
Dominant drug targets suppress the emergence of antiviral resistance. Tanner EJ, Liu HM, Oberste MS, Pallansch M, Collett MS, Kirkegaard K eLife 25365453 Elife 2014 Nov 3
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Detection and Differentiation of Multiple Viral RNAs Using Branched DNA FISH Coupled to Confocal Microscopy and Flow Cytometry. van Buuren N, Kirkegaard K Bio-protocol 30505886 Bio Protoc 2018 Oct 20
Neuron-to-neuron transmission of α-synuclein fibrils through axonal transport. Freundt EC, Maynard N, Clancy EK, Roy S, Bousset L, Sourigues Y, Covert M, Melki R, Kirkegaard K, Brahic M Annals of neurology 23109146 Ann Neurol 2012 Oct
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A new mechanism for aging: chemical "age spots" in immortal DNA strands in distributed stem cells. Sherley JL Breast disease 19029623 Breast Dis 2008
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Bacillus anthracis-derived nitric oxide is essential for pathogen virulence and survival in macrophages. Shatalin K, Gusarov I, Avetissova E, Shatalina Y, McQuade LE, Lippard SJ, Nudler E Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 18215992 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008 Jan 22
Inorganic nanoparticle-based contrast agents for molecular imaging. Cho EC, Glaus C, Chen J, Welch MJ, Xia Y Trends in molecular medicine 21074494 Trends Mol Med 2010 Dec
Quantitative analysis of the role played by poly(vinylpyrrolidone) in seed-mediated growth of Ag nanocrystals. Xia X, Zeng J, Oetjen LK, Li Q, Xia Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 22206387 J Am Chem Soc 2012 Jan 25
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering: comparison of three different molecules on single-crystal nanocubes and nanospheres of silver. Rycenga M, Kim MH, Camargo PH, Cobley C, Li ZY, Xia Y The journal of physical chemistry. A 19175302 J Phys Chem A 2009 Apr 23
Shape-controlled synthesis of metal nanocrystals: simple chemistry meets complex physics? Xia Y, Xiong Y, Lim B, Skrabalak SE Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19053095 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
Dimers of silver nanospheres: facile synthesis and their use as hot spots for surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Li W, Camargo PH, Lu X, Xia Y Nano letters 19143509 Nano Lett 2009 Jan
A simple spectroscopic method for differentiating cellular uptakes of gold nanospheres and nanorods from their mixtures. Cho EC, Liu Y, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 20146292 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2010 Mar 8
In vitro mineralization by preosteoblasts in poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) inverse opal scaffolds reinforced with hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. Choi SW, Zhang Y, Thomopoulos S, Xia Y Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 20450216 Langmuir 2010 Jul 20
Facile synthesis of gold icosahedra in an aqueous solution by reacting HAuCl(4) with N-vinyl pyrrolidone. Yavuz MS, Li W, Xia Y Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 19876970 Chemistry 2009 Dec 7
Gold nanocages covered by smart polymers for controlled release with near-infrared light. Yavuz MS, Cheng Y, Chen J, Cobley CM, Zhang Q, Rycenga M, Xie J, Kim C, Song KH, Schwartz AG, Wang LV, Xia Y Nature materials 19881498 Nat Mater 2009 Dec
Probing the photothermal effect of gold-based nanocages with surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Rycenga M, Wang Z, Gordon E, Cobley CM, Schwartz AG, Lo CS, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 20014343 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
Measuring the surface-enhanced Raman scattering enhancement factors of hot spots formed between an individual Ag nanowire and a single Ag nanocube. Camargo PH, Cobley CM, Rycenga M, Xia Y Nanotechnology 19801754 Nanotechnology 2009 Oct 28
Fabrication of Microbeads with a Controllable Hollow Interior and Porous Wall Using a Capillary Fluidic Device. Choi SW, Zhang Y, Xia Y Advanced functional materials 20191106 Adv Funct Mater 2009 Sep 23
A bioreducible polymer for efficient delivery of Fas-silencing siRNA into stem cell spheroids and enhanced therapeutic angiogenesis. Shim MS, Bhang SH, Yoon K, Choi K, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 23074025 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2012 Nov 19
Investigation of neovascularization in three-dimensional porous scaffolds in vivo by a combination of multiscale photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography. Cai X, Zhang Y, Li L, Choi SW, MacEwan MR, Yao J, Kim C, Xia Y, Wang LV Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods 22838500 Tissue Eng Part C Methods 2013 Mar
Immuno gold nanocages with tailored optical properties for targeted photothermal destruction of cancer cells. Chen J, Wang D, Xi J, Au L, Siekkinen A, Warsen A, Li ZY, Zhang H, Xia Y, Li X Nano letters 17430005 Nano Lett 2007 May
Gold nanocages for cancer detection and treatment. Skrabalak SE, Au L, Lu X, Li X, Xia Y Nanomedicine (London, England) 17976028 Nanomedicine (Lond) 2007 Oct
Chronic label-free volumetric photoacoustic microscopy of melanoma cells in three-dimensional porous scaffolds. Zhang Y, Cai X, Choi SW, Kim C, Wang LV, Xia Y Biomaterials 20727581 Biomaterials 2010 Nov
Phase-Change Materials for Controlled Release and Related Applications. Qiu J, Huo D, Xia Y Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 32383215 Adv Mater 2020 Jun
Electrospun Nanofibers: New Concepts, Materials, and Applications. Xue J, Xie J, Liu W, Xia Y Accounts of chemical research 28777535 Acc Chem Res 2017 Aug 15
Inverse Opal Scaffolds and Their Biomedical Applications. Zhang YS, Zhu C, Xia Y Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 28649794 Adv Mater 2017 Sep
Using well-defined Ag nanocubes as substrates to quantify the spatial resolution and penetration depth of surface-enhanced Raman scattering imaging. Moran CH, Rycenga M, Xia X, Cobley CM, Xia Y Nanotechnology 24334508 Nanotechnology 2014 Jan 10
Multiple facets for extracellular matrix mimicking in regenerative medicine. Zhang YS, Xia Y Nanomedicine (London, England) 25816873 Nanomedicine (Lond) 2015
Gold Nanocages: A Novel Class of Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Theranostic Applications. Chen J, Yang M, Zhang Q, Cho EC, Cobley CM, Kim C, Glaus C, Wang LV, Welch MJ, Xia Y Advanced functional materials 33907543 Adv Funct Mater 2010 Nov 9
Correlated Rayleigh Scattering Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy Studies of Au-Ag Bimetallic Nanoboxes and Nanocages. Hu M, Chen J, Marquez M, Xia Y, Hartland GV The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces 18629346 J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 2007
Dark-field microscopy studies of single metal nanoparticles: understanding the factors that influence the linewidth of the localized surface plasmon resonance. Hu M, Novo C, Funston A, Wang H, Staleva H, Zou S, Mulvaney P, Xia Y, Hartland GV Journal of materials chemistry 18846243 J Mater Chem 2008
Etching and growth: an intertwined pathway to silver nanocrystals with exotic shapes. Cobley CM, Rycenga M, Zhou F, Li ZY, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19479923 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
Nanomaterial-Enabled Photothermal Heating and Its Use for Cancer Therapy via Localized Hyperthermia. Shen S, Qiu J, Huo D, Xia Y Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 37803412 Small 2024 Feb
A facile synthesis of asymmetric hybrid colloidal particles. Ohnuma A, Cho EC, Camargo PH, Au L, Ohtani B, Xia Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 19140763 J Am Chem Soc 2009 Feb 4
Non-invasive and in situ characterization of the degradation of biomaterial scaffolds by volumetric photoacoustic microscopy. Zhang YS, Cai X, Yao J, Xing W, Wang LV, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 24130155 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2014 Jan 3
The mechanics of PLGA nanofiber scaffolds with biomimetic gradients in mineral for tendon-to-bone repair. Lipner J, Liu W, Liu Y, Boyle J, Genin GM, Xia Y, Thomopoulos S Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 25194525 J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 2014 Dec
Gold Nanomaterials at Work in Biomedicine. Yang X, Yang M, Pang B, Vara M, Xia Y Chemical reviews 26293344 Chem Rev 2015 Oct 14
In Vivo Evaluation of Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells Delivered with a Nanofiber Scaffold for Tendon-to-Bone Repair. Lipner J, Shen H, Cavinatto L, Liu W, Havlioglu N, Xia Y, Galatz LM, Thomopoulos S Tissue engineering. Part A 26414599 Tissue Eng Part A 2015 Nov
Dissolving Ag from Au-Ag Alloy Nanoboxes with H(2)O(2): A Method for Both Tailoring the Optical Properties and Measuring the H(2)O(2) Concentration. Zhang Q, Cobley CM, Zeng J, Wen LP, Chen J, Xia Y The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces 20495675 J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 2010 Mar 5
Facile synthesis of Ag nanocubes of 30 to 70 nm in edge length with CF(3)COOAg as a precursor. Zhang Q, Li W, Wen LP, Chen J, Xia Y Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20593441 Chemistry 2010 Sep 3
Electrospun nanofibers for neural tissue engineering. Xie J, MacEwan MR, Schwartz AG, Xia Y Nanoscale 20648362 Nanoscale 2010 Jan
Nanofiber membranes with controllable microwells and structural cues and their use in forming cell microarrays and neuronal networks. Xie J, Liu W, MacEwan MR, Yeh YC, Thomopoulos S, Xia Y Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 21294253 Small 2011 Feb 7
Quantifying the cellular uptake of antibody-conjugated Au nanocages by two-photon microscopy and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Au L, Zhang Q, Cobley CM, Gidding M, Schwartz AG, Chen J, Xia Y ACS nano 19954236 ACS Nano 2010 Jan 26
The effect of sedimentation and diffusion on cellular uptake of gold nanoparticles. Cho EC, Zhang Q, Xia Y Nature nanotechnology 21516092 Nat Nanotechnol 2011 Apr 24
Gold nanocages: from synthesis to theranostic applications. Xia Y, Li W, Cobley CM, Chen J, Xia X, Zhang Q, Yang M, Cho EC, Brown PK Accounts of chemical research 21528889 Acc Chem Res 2011 Oct 18
Improving biomedical imaging with gold nanocages. Xia Y, Skrabalak SE SPIE newsroom 19704778 SPIE Newsroom 2008 May 12
Production of Ag nanocubes on a scale of 0.1 g per batch by protecting the NaHS-mediated polyol synthesis with argon. Zhang Q, Cobley C, Au L, McKiernan M, Schwartz A, Wen LP, Chen J, Xia Y ACS applied materials & interfaces 20305725 ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2009 Sep
Understanding the SERS Effects of Single Silver Nanoparticles and Their Dimers, One at a Time. Rycenga M, Camargo PH, Li W, Moran CH, Xia Y The journal of physical chemistry letters 20368749 J Phys Chem Lett 2010 Feb 18
Colloidal hollow spheres of conducting polymers with smooth surface and uniform, controllable sizes. Bai MY, Cheng YJ, Wickline SA, Xia Y Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 19384880 Small 2009 Aug 3
Three-dimensional scaffolds for tissue engineering: the importance of uniformity in pore size and structure. Choi SW, Zhang Y, Xia Y Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 21090781 Langmuir 2010 Dec 21
Morphological Evolution of Single-Crystal Ag Nanospheres during the Galvanic Replacement Reaction with HAuCl(4). Kim MH, Lu X, Wiley B, Lee EP, Xia Y The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces 18787649 J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 2008
Photoacoustic tomography of a rat cerebral cortex in vivo with au nanocages as an optical contrast agent. Yang X, Skrabalak SE, Li ZY, Xia Y, Wang LV Nano letters 18020475 Nano Lett 2007 Dec
Facile synthesis of tadpole-like nanostructures consisting of Au heads and Pd tails. Camargo PH, Xiong Y, Ji L, Zuo JM, Xia Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 18027954 J Am Chem Soc 2007 Dec 19
In vivo quantitative evaluation of the transport kinetics of gold nanocages in a lymphatic system by noninvasive photoacoustic tomography. Cai X, Li W, Kim CH, Yuan Y, Wang LV, Xia Y ACS nano 22054348 ACS Nano 2011 Dec 27
Quantifying the coverage density of poly(ethylene glycol) chains on the surface of gold nanostructures. Xia X, Yang M, Wang Y, Zheng Y, Li Q, Chen J, Xia Y ACS nano 22148912 ACS Nano 2012 Jan 24
Radioluminescent gold nanocages with controlled radioactivity for real-time in vivo imaging. Wang Y, Liu Y, Luehmann H, Xia X, Wan D, Cutler C, Xia Y Nano letters 23360442 Nano Lett 2013 Feb 13
Comparison study of gold nanohexapods, nanorods, and nanocages for photothermal cancer treatment. Wang Y, Black KC, Luehmann H, Li W, Zhang Y, Cai X, Wan D, Liu SY, Li M, Kim P, Li ZY, Wang LV, Liu Y, Xia Y ACS nano 23383982 ACS Nano 2013 Mar 26
Neovascularization in biodegradable inverse opal scaffolds with uniform and precisely controlled pore sizes. Choi SW, Zhang Y, Macewan MR, Xia Y Advanced healthcare materials 23184495 Adv Healthc Mater 2013 Jan
A plasmon-assisted optofluidic (PAOF) system for measuring the photothermal conversion efficiencies of gold nanostructures and controlling an electrical switch. Zeng J, Goldfeld D, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 23494970 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2013 Apr 8
Synthesis of Ag nanocubes 18-32 nm in edge length: the effects of polyol on reduction kinetics, size control, and reproducibility. Wang Y, Zheng Y, Huang CZ, Xia Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 23317148 J Am Chem Soc 2013 Feb 6
Protein capsules with cross-linked, semipermeable, and enzyme-degradable surface barriers for controlled release. Zhou J, Hyun DC, Liu H, Wu H, Xia Y Macromolecular rapid communications 24957975 Macromol Rapid Commun 2014 Aug
Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy for volumetric and spectral analysis of histological and immunochemical samples. Zhang YS, Yao J, Zhang C, Li L, Wang LV, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 24961608 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2014 Jul 28
Emerging applications of phase-change materials (PCMs): teaching an old dog new tricks. Hyun DC, Levinson NS, Jeong U, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 24470287 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2014 Apr 7
Fabrication of Cell Patches Using Biodegradable Scaffolds with a Hexagonal Array of Interconnected Pores (SHAIPs). Zhang YS, Yao J, Wang LV, Xia Y Polymer 24443593 Polymer (Guildf) 2014 Jan 14
Neurite outgrowth on electrospun nanofibers with uniaxial alignment: the effects of fiber density, surface coating, and supporting substrate. Xie J, Liu W, MacEwan MR, Bridgman PC, Xia Y ACS nano 24444076 ACS Nano 2014 Feb 25
Near-infrared gold nanocages as a new class of tracers for photoacoustic sentinel lymph node mapping on a rat model. Song KH, Kim C, Cobley CM, Xia Y, Wang LV Nano letters 19072058 Nano Lett 2009 Jan
A SERS study of the molecular structure of alkanethiol monolayers on Ag nanocubes in the presence of aqueous glucose. Rycenga M, McLellan JM, Xia Y Chemical physics letters 20160847 Chem Phys Lett 2009 Sep 22
Fine tuning the optical properties of Au-Ag nanocages by selectively etching Ag with oxygen and a water-soluble thiol. Cho EC, Cobley CM, Rycenga M, Xia Y Journal of materials chemistry 19829745 J Mater Chem 2009 Jan 1
Conductive Core-Sheath Nanofibers and Their Potential Application in Neural Tissue Engineering. Xie J, Macewan MR, Willerth SM, Li X, Moran DW, Sakiyama-Elbert SE, Xia Y Advanced functional materials 19830261 Adv Funct Mater 2009 Jul 24
Nerve guidance conduits based on double-layered scaffolds of electrospun nanofibers for repairing the peripheral nervous system. Xie J, MacEwan MR, Liu W, Jesuraj N, Li X, Hunter D, Xia Y ACS applied materials & interfaces 24806389 ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2014 Jun 25
Enhancing the Tactile and Near-Infrared Sensing Capabilities of Electrospun PVDF Nanofibers with the Use of Gold Nanocages. Li H, Wu T, Xie M, Shi Y, Shen S, Zhao M, Yang X, Figueroa-Cosme LM, Ke Q, Xia Y Journal of materials chemistry. C 30911394 J Mater Chem C Mater 2018 Oct 14
Design and Fabrication of a Hierarchically Structured Scaffold for Tendon-to-Bone Repair. Zhu C, Pongkitwitoon S, Qiu J, Thomopoulos S, Xia Y Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 29534316 Adv Mater 2018 Apr
Nanobottles for Controlled Release and Drug Delivery. Qiu J, Xu J, Xia Y Advanced healthcare materials 32543127 Adv Healthc Mater 2021 Feb
Electrospun nanofibers for regenerative medicine. Liu W, Thomopoulos S, Xia Y Advanced healthcare materials 23184683 Adv Healthc Mater 2012 Jan 11
Quantitative analysis of the fate of gold nanocages in vitro and in vivo after uptake by U87-MG tumor cells. Cho EC, Zhang Y, Cai X, Moran CM, Wang LV, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 23225223 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2013 Jan 21
Protein-protected Au clusters as a new class of nanoscale biosensor for label-free fluorescence detection of proteases. Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhou F, Kim P, Xia Y Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 22969016 Small 2012 Dec 21
Gold nanocages: synthesis, properties, and applications. Skrabalak SE, Chen J, Sun Y, Lu X, Au L, Cobley CM, Xia Y Accounts of chemical research 18570442 Acc Chem Res 2008 Dec
Measuring the Optical Absorption Cross-sections of Au-Ag Nanocages and Au Nanorods by Photoacoustic Imaging. Cho EC, Kim C, Zhou F, Cobley CM, Song KH, Chen J, Li ZY, Wang LV, Xia Y The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces 19680423 J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 2009 May 28
Gold Nanocages for Biomedical Applications. Skrabalak SE, Chen J, Au L, Lu X, Li X, Xia Y Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 18648528 Adv Mater 2007 Oct 17
Preparation of uniform microspheres using a simple fluidic device and their crystallization into close-packed lattices. Choi SW, Cheong IW, Kim JH, Xia Y Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 19189332 Small 2009 Apr
A temperature-sensitive drug release system based on phase-change materials. Choi SW, Zhang Y, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 20839209 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2010 Oct 18
Au@Ag core-shell nanocubes with finely tuned and well-controlled sizes, shell thicknesses, and optical properties. Ma Y, Li W, Cho EC, Li Z, Yu T, Zeng J, Xie Z, Xia Y ACS nano 20964400 ACS Nano 2010 Nov 23
Radially aligned, electrospun nanofibers as dural substitutes for wound closure and tissue regeneration applications. Xie J, Macewan MR, Ray WZ, Liu W, Siewe DY, Xia Y ACS nano 20695478 ACS Nano 2010 Sep 28
Uniform beads with controllable pore sizes for biomedical applications. Choi SW, Yeh YC, Zhang Y, Sung HW, Xia Y Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20578116 Small 2010 Jul 19
Total synthesis of the polycyclic fungal metabolite (+/-)-communesin F. Liu P, Seo JH, Weinreb SM Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 20175174 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2010 Mar 8
Engineering the Properties of Metal Nanostructures via Galvanic Replacement Reactions. Cobley CM, Xia Y Materials science & engineering. R, Reports : a review journal 21180400 Mater Sci Eng R Rep 2010 Nov 22
An enzyme-sensitive probe for photoacoustic imaging and fluorescence detection of protease activity. Xia X, Yang M, Oetjen LK, Zhang Y, Li Q, Chen J, Xia Y Nanoscale 21225037 Nanoscale 2011 Mar
Etching and dimerization: a simple and versatile route to dimers of silver nanospheres with a range of sizes. Li W, Camargo PH, Au L, Zhang Q, Rycenga M, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19943304 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2010
Bright three-photon luminescence from gold/silver alloyed nanostructures for bioimaging with negligible photothermal toxicity. Tong L, Cobley CM, Chen J, Xia Y, Cheng JX Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 20544899 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2010 May 3
In vivo molecular photoacoustic tomography of melanomas targeted by bioconjugated gold nanocages. Kim C, Cho EC, Chen J, Song KH, Au L, Favazza C, Zhang Q, Cobley CM, Gao F, Xia Y, Wang LV ACS nano 20731439 ACS Nano 2010 Aug 24
Fabrication of cubic nanocages and nanoframes by dealloying Au/Ag alloy nanoboxes with an aqueous etchant based on Fe(NO3)3 or NH4OH. Lu X, Au L, McLellan J, Li ZY, Marquez M, Xia Y Nano letters 17489641 Nano Lett 2007 Jun
Microscale polymer bottles corked with a phase-change material for temperature-controlled release. Hyun DC, Lu P, Choi SI, Jeong U, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 23959631 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2013 Sep 27
A Comparative Study of Galvanic Replacement Reactions Involving Ag Nanocubes and AuCl(2) or AuCl(4). Au L, Lu X, Xia Y Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 18725963 Adv Mater 2008
Fabrication of Density Gradients of Biodegradable Polymer Microparticles and Their Use in Guiding Neurite Outgrowth. Li X, Macewan MR, Xie J Dr, Siewe D, Yuan X, Xia Y Advanced functional materials 21687818 Adv Funct Mater 2010 May 25
Probing the surface-enhanced Raman scattering properties of Au-Ag nanocages at two different excitation wavelengths. Rycenga M, Hou KK, Cobley CM, Schwartz AG, Camargo PH, Xia Y Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP 19588011 Phys Chem Chem Phys 2009 Jul 28
Metal-polymer hybrid colloidal particles with an eccentric structure. Ohnuma A, Cho EC, Jiang M, Ohtani B, Xia Y Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 19621917 Langmuir 2009 Dec 15
A new theranostic system based on gold nanocages and phase-change materials with unique features for photoacoustic imaging and controlled release. Moon GD, Choi SW, Cai X, Li W, Cho EC, Jeong U, Wang LV, Xia Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 21401092 J Am Chem Soc 2011 Apr 6
Synthesis of gold microplates using bovine serum albumin as a reductant and a stabilizer. Au L, Lim B, Colletti P, Jun YS, Xia Y Chemistry, an Asian journal 19967737 Chem Asian J 2010 Jan 4
Putting Electrospun Nanofibers to Work for Biomedical Research. Xie J, Li X, Xia Y Macromolecular rapid communications 20011452 Macromol Rapid Commun 2008 Nov 19
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Cubic Gold Nanoframes. Au L, Chen Y, Zhou F, Camargo PH, Lim B, Li ZY, Ginger DS, Xia Y Nano research 20200595 Nano Res 2008 Dec 1
Stimuli-Responsive Materials for Controlled Release of Theranostic Agents. Wang Y, Shim MS, Levinson NS, Sung HW, Xia Y Advanced functional materials 25477774 Adv Funct Mater 2014 Jul 16
Seeing Through the Surface: Non-invasive Characterization of Biomaterial-Tissue Interactions Using Photoacoustic Microscopy. Zhang YS, Wang LV, Xia Y Annals of biomedical engineering 26471785 Ann Biomed Eng 2016 Mar
Radiolabeling of Gold Nanocages for Potential Applications in Tracking, Diagnosis, and Image-Guided Therapy. Qiu J, Liu Y, Xia Y Advanced healthcare materials 33470560 Adv Healthc Mater 2021 Aug
Seed-mediated synthesis of truncated gold decahedrons with a AuCl/oleylamine complex as precursor. Ma Y, Zeng J, Li W, McKiernan M, Xie Z, Xia Y Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 20301132 Adv Mater 2010 May 4
Targeting gold nanocages to cancer cells for photothermal destruction and drug delivery. Cobley CM, Au L, Chen J, Xia Y Expert opinion on drug delivery 20345327 Expert Opin Drug Deliv 2010 May
Chitosan-Based Inverse Opals: Three-Dimensional Scaffolds with Uniform Pore Structures for Cell Culture. Choi SW, Xie J, Xia Y Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 19710950 Adv Mater 2009 Apr 15
The effects of size, shape, and surface functional group of gold nanostructures on their adsorption and internalization by cells. Cho EC, Au L, Zhang Q, Xia Y Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20029850 Small 2010 Feb 22
Nanofiber scaffolds with gradations in mineral content for mimicking the tendon-to-bone insertion site. Li X, Xie J, Lipner J, Yuan X, Thomopoulos S, Xia Y Nano letters 19537737 Nano Lett 2009 Jul
Gold nanocages as photothermal transducers for cancer treatment. Chen J, Glaus C, Laforest R, Zhang Q, Yang M, Gidding M, Welch MJ, Xia Y Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20225187 Small 2010 Apr 9
Neurite outgrowth on nanofiber scaffolds with different orders, structures, and surface properties. Xie J, MacEwan MR, Li X, Sakiyama-Elbert SE, Xia Y ACS nano 19397333 ACS Nano 2009 May 26
Noninvasive photoacoustic microscopy of living cells in two and three dimensions through enhancement by a metabolite dye. Zhang Y, Cai X, Wang Y, Zhang C, Li L, Choi SW, Wang LV, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 21681876 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2011 Aug 1
Controlling the synthesis and assembly of silver nanostructures for plasmonic applications. Rycenga M, Cobley CM, Zeng J, Li W, Moran CH, Zhang Q, Qin D, Xia Y Chemical reviews 21395318 Chem Rev 2011 Jun 8
Recent Developments in Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Silver Nanocrystals. Xia X, Zeng J, Zhang Q, Moran CH, Xia Y The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces 23105955 J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 2012
Facile synthesis of Ag nanocubes and Au nanocages. Skrabalak SE, Au L, Li X, Xia Y Nature protocols 17853874 Nat Protoc 2007
Facile synthesis of gold nanoparticles with narrow size distribution by using AuCl or AuBr as the precursor. Lu X, Tuan HY, Korgel BA, Xia Y Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 18058964 Chemistry 2008
Tailoring the Optical and Catalytic Properties of Gold-Silver Nanoboxes and Nanocages by Introducing Palladium. Cobley CM, Campbell DJ, Xia Y Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 18568091 Adv Mater 2008 Feb
Isolating and probing the hot spot formed between two silver nanocubes. Camargo PH, Rycenga M, Au L, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19199309 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
A reactive oxygen species (ROS)-responsive polymer for safe, efficient, and targeted gene delivery in cancer cells. Shim MS, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 23716349 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2013 Jul 1
Photoacoustic Microscopy in Tissue Engineering. Cai X, Zhang YS, Xia Y, Wang LV Materials today (Kidlington, England) 23766667 Mater Today (Kidlington) 2013 Mar 1
Gold nanocages covered with thermally-responsive polymers for controlled release by high-intensity focused ultrasound. Li W, Cai X, Kim C, Sun G, Zhang Y, Deng R, Yang M, Chen J, Achilefu S, Wang LV, Xia Y Nanoscale 21321760 Nanoscale 2011 Apr
Modifying the pores of an inverse opal scaffold with chitosan microstructures for truly three-dimensional cell culture. Zhang Y, Choi SW, Xia Y Macromolecular rapid communications 22231861 Macromol Rapid Commun 2012 Feb 27
Gold nanocages as contrast agents for photoacoustic imaging. Li W, Brown PK, Wang LV, Xia Y Contrast media & molecular imaging 22025337 Contrast Media Mol Imaging 2011 Sep-Oct
SV119-gold nanocage conjugates: a new platform for targeting cancer cells via sigma-2 receptors. Wang Y, Xu J, Xia X, Yang M, Vangveravong S, Chen J, Mach RH, Xia Y Nanoscale 22113350 Nanoscale 2012 Jan 21
Generation of hot spots with silver nanocubes for single-molecule detection by surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Rycenga M, Xia X, Moran CH, Zhou F, Qin D, Li ZY, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 21542081 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2011 Jun 6
Vibrational response of Au-Ag nanoboxes and nanocages to ultrafast laser-induced heating. Petrova H, Lin CH, Hu M, Chen J, Siekkinen AR, Xia Y, Sader JE, Hartland GV Nano letters 17358093 Nano Lett 2007 Apr
Facile synthesis of branched au nanostructures by templating against a self-destructive lattice of magnetic fe nanoparticles. Li Z, Li W, Camargo PH, Xia Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 18988222 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2008
The differentiation of embryonic stem cells seeded on electrospun nanofibers into neural lineages. Xie J, Willerth SM, Li X, Macewan MR, Rader A, Sakiyama-Elbert SE, Xia Y Biomaterials 18930315 Biomaterials 2009 Jan
Measuring the SERS Enhancement Factors of Dimers with Different Structures Constructed from Silver Nanocubes. Camargo PH, Au L, Rycenga M, Li W, Xia Y Chemical physics letters 20209069 Chem Phys Lett 2010 Jan
Using SV119-gold nanocage conjugates to eradicate cancer stem cells through a combination of photothermal and chemo therapies. Sun T, Wang Y, Wang Y, Xu J, Zhao X, Vangveravong S, Mach RH, Xia Y Advanced healthcare materials 24677807 Adv Healthc Mater 2014 Aug
Silver nanocube on gold microplate as a well-defined and highly active substrate for SERS detection. Xia X, Rycenga M, Qin D, Xia Y Journal of materials chemistry. C 24187611 J Mater Chem C Mater 2013 Oct 14
25th anniversary article: galvanic replacement: a simple and versatile route to hollow nanostructures with tunable and well-controlled properties. Xia X, Wang Y, Ruditskiy A, Xia Y Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 24027074 Adv Mater 2013 Nov 26
A Facile and General Method for the Encapsulation of Different Types of Imaging Contrast Agents Within Micrometer-Sized Polymer Beads. Bai MY, Moran CH, Zhang L, Liu C, Zhang Y, Wang LV, Xia Y Advanced functional materials 31866803 Adv Funct Mater 2012 Feb 22
Silica-coated dimers of silver nanospheres as surface-enhanced Raman scattering tags for imaging cancer cells. Xia X, Li W, Zhang Y, Xia Y Interface focus 24427538 Interface Focus 2013 Jun 6
Putting gold nanocages to work for optical imaging, controlled release and cancer theranostics. Pang B, Yang X, Xia Y Nanomedicine (London, England) 27348546 Nanomedicine (Lond) 2016 Jul
Volume exclusion and soft interaction effects on protein stability under crowded conditions. Miklos AC, Li C, Sharaf NG, Pielak GJ Biochemistry 20672856 Biochemistry 2010 Aug 24
Protein nuclear magnetic resonance under physiological conditions. Pielak GJ, Li C, Miklos AC, Schlesinger AP, Slade KM, Wang GF, Zigoneanu IG Biochemistry 19113834 Biochemistry 2009 Jan 20
Protein (19)F NMR in Escherichia coli. Li C, Wang GF, Wang Y, Creager-Allen R, Lutz EA, Scronce H, Slade KM, Ruf RA, Mehl RA, Pielak GJ Journal of the American Chemical Society 20050707 J Am Chem Soc 2010 Jan 13
Disordered Protein Diffusion under Crowded Conditions. Wang Y, Benton LA, Singh V, Pielak GJ The journal of physical chemistry letters 23185649 J Phys Chem Lett 2012 Sep 20
Residue-level interrogation of macromolecular crowding effects on protein stability. Charlton LM, Barnes CO, Li C, Orans J, Young GB, Pielak GJ Journal of the American Chemical Society 18459780 J Am Chem Soc 2008 May 28
19F NMR studies of alpha-synuclein conformation and fibrillation. Li C, Lutz EA, Slade KM, Ruf RA, Wang GF, Pielak GJ Biochemistry 19655784 Biochemistry 2009 Sep 15
Quantifying green fluorescent protein diffusion in Escherichia coli by using continuous photobleaching with evanescent illumination. Slade KM, Steele BL, Pielak GJ, Thompson NL The journal of physical chemistry. B 19296673 J Phys Chem B 2009 Apr 9
Macromolecular crowding fails to fold a globular protein in cells. Schlesinger AP, Wang Y, Tadeo X, Millet O, Pielak GJ Journal of the American Chemical Society 21534566 J Am Chem Soc 2011 Jun 1
Interaction of α-synuclein and a cell penetrating fusion peptide with higher eukaryotic cell membranes assessed by ¹⁹F NMR. Zigoneanu IG, Pielak GJ Molecular pharmaceutics 22376087 Mol Pharm 2012 Apr 2
In situ structural characterization of a recombinant protein in native Escherichia coli membranes with solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR. Fu R, Wang X, Li C, Santiago-Miranda AN, Pielak GJ, Tian F Journal of the American Chemical Society 21774553 J Am Chem Soc 2011 Aug 17
Alpha-Synuclein conformation affects its tyrosine-dependent oxidative aggregation. Ruf RA, Lutz EA, Zigoneanu IG, Pielak GJ Biochemistry 19049426 Biochemistry 2008 Dec 23
Using NMR to distinguish viscosity effects from nonspecific protein binding under crowded conditions. Li C, Pielak GJ Journal of the American Chemical Society 19140727 J Am Chem Soc 2009 Feb 4
Effects of proteins on protein diffusion. Wang Y, Li C, Pielak GJ Journal of the American Chemical Society 20560582 J Am Chem Soc 2010 Jul 14
Probing the micelle-bound aggregation-prone state of α-synuclein with (19)F NMR spectroscopy. Wang GF, Li C, Pielak GJ Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 20730847 Chembiochem 2010 Sep 24
A bioreactor for in-cell protein NMR. Sharaf NG, Barnes CO, Charlton LM, Young GB, Pielak GJ Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997) 19910228 J Magn Reson 2010 Feb
Differential dynamical effects of macromolecular crowding on an intrinsically disordered protein and a globular protein: implications for in-cell NMR spectroscopy. Li C, Charlton LM, Lakkavaram A, Seagle C, Wang G, Young GB, Macdonald JM, Pielak GJ Journal of the American Chemical Society 18419123 J Am Chem Soc 2008 May 21
Interaction of α-synuclein with vesicles that mimic mitochondrial membranes. Zigoneanu IG, Yang YJ, Krois AS, Haque E, Pielak GJ Biochimica et biophysica acta 22155643 Biochim Biophys Acta 2012 Mar
Translational and rotational diffusion of a small globular protein under crowded conditions. Li C, Wang Y, Pielak GJ The journal of physical chemistry. B 19791823 J Phys Chem B 2009 Oct 8
Effects of recombinant protein expression on green fluorescent protein diffusion in Escherichia coli. Slade KM, Baker R, Chua M, Thompson NL, Pielak GJ Biochemistry 19413350 Biochemistry 2009 Jun 16
In-cell protein NMR and protein leakage. Barnes CO, Pielak GJ Proteins 21120863 Proteins 2011 Feb
Development of antibody surrogates for the treatment of cancers and autoimmune disease. Kodadek T Current opinion in chemical biology 20674470 Curr Opin Chem Biol 2010 Dec
Seamless bead to microarray screening: rapid identification of the highest affinity protein ligands from large combinatorial libraries. Astle JM, Simpson LS, Huang Y, Reddy MM, Wilson R, Connell S, Wilson J, Kodadek T Chemistry & biology 20142039 Chem Biol 2010 Jan 29
Potent and selective photo-inactivation of proteins with peptoid-ruthenium conjugates. Lee J, Udugamasooriya DG, Lim HS, Kodadek T Nature chemical biology 20228793 Nat Chem Biol 2010 Apr
Steroid receptor coactivator-3 expression in lung cancer and its role in the regulation of cancer cell survival and proliferation. Cai D, Shames DS, Raso MG, Xie Y, Kim YH, Pollack JR, Girard L, Sullivan JP, Gao B, Peyton M, Nanjundan M, Byers L, Heymach J, Mills G, Gazdar AF, Wistuba I, Kodadek T, Minna JD Cancer research 20663904 Cancer Res 2010 Aug 15
The pharmacophore of a peptoid VEGF receptor 2 antagonist includes both side chain and main chain residues. Udugamasooriya DG, Dunham G, Ritchie C, Brekken RA, Kodadek T Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 18653335 Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2008 Nov 15
Selective toxin sequestrants for the treatment of bacterial infections. Simpson LS, Burdine L, Dutta AK, Feranchak AP, Kodadek T Journal of the American Chemical Society 19351156 J Am Chem Soc 2009 Apr 29
Identification of candidate IgG biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease via combinatorial library screening. Reddy MM, Wilson R, Wilson J, Connell S, Gocke A, Hynan L, German D, Kodadek T Cell 21215375 Cell 2011 Jan 7
High-throughput evaluation of relative cell permeability between peptoids and peptides. Tan NC, Yu P, Kwon YU, Kodadek T Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 18490170 Bioorg Med Chem 2008 Jun 1
Isolation of antagonists of antigen-specific autoimmune T cell proliferation. Gocke AR, Udugamasooriya DG, Archer CT, Lee J, Kodadek T Chemistry & biology 19942136 Chem Biol 2009 Nov 25
Periodate-triggered cross-linking reveals Sug2/Rpt4 as the molecular target of a peptoid inhibitor of the 19S proteasome regulatory particle. Lim HS, Cai D, Archer CT, Kodadek T Journal of the American Chemical Society 17929816 J Am Chem Soc 2007 Oct 31
Identification of a peptoid inhibitor of the proteasome 19S regulatory particle. Lim HS, Archer CT, Kodadek T Journal of the American Chemical Society 17536803 J Am Chem Soc 2007 Jun 27
Synthetic receptors with antibody-like binding affinities. Kodadek T Current opinion in chemical biology 20674471 Curr Opin Chem Biol 2010 Dec
Human CD4+ regulatory T cells express lower levels of the IL-7 receptor alpha chain (CD127), allowing consistent identification and sorting of live cells. Hartigan-O'Connor DJ, Poon C, Sinclair E, McCune JM Journal of immunological methods 17173927 J Immunol Methods 2007 Jan 30
Preclinical evaluation of HIV eradication strategies in the simian immunodeficiency virus-infected rhesus macaque: a pilot study testing inhibition of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase. Dunham RM, Gordon SN, Vaccari M, Piatak M, Huang Y, Deeks SG, Lifson J, Franchini G, McCune JM AIDS research and human retroviruses 22924680 AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2013 Feb
SIV replication in the infected rhesus macaque is limited by the size of the preexisting TH17 cell compartment. Hartigan-O'Connor DJ, Abel K, Van Rompay KK, Kanwar B, McCune JM Science translational medicine 22649090 Sci Transl Med 2012 May 30
Upregulation of retinal dehydrogenase 2 in alternatively activated macrophages during retinoid-dependent type-2 immunity to helminth infection in mice. Broadhurst MJ, Leung JM, Lim KC, Girgis NM, Gundra UM, Fallon PG, Premenko-Lanier M, McKerrow JH, McCune JM, Loke P PLoS pathogens 22927819 PLoS Pathog 2012
IL-22+ CD4+ T cells are associated with therapeutic trichuris trichiura infection in an ulcerative colitis patient. Broadhurst MJ, Leung JM, Kashyap V, McCune JM, Mahadevan U, McKerrow JH, Loke P Science translational medicine 21123809 Sci Transl Med 2010 Dec 1
The role of transplacental microtransfusions of maternal lymphocytes in in utero HIV transmission. Lee TH, Chafets DM, Biggar RJ, McCune JM, Busch MP Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 20683195 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2010 Oct
Breaking free of sample size dogma to perform innovative translational research. Bacchetti P, Deeks SG, McCune JM Science translational medicine 21677197 Sci Transl Med 2011 Jun 15
Fetal and adult hematopoietic stem cells give rise to distinct T cell lineages in humans. Mold JE, Venkatasubrahmanyam S, Burt TD, Michaëlsson J, Rivera JM, Galkina SA, Weinberg K, Stoddart CA, McCune JM Science (New York, N.Y.) 21164017 Science 2010 Dec 17
HIV-specific CD4+ T cells may contribute to viral persistence in HIV controllers. Hunt PW, Hatano H, Sinclair E, Lee TH, Busch MP, Martin JN, McCune JM, Deeks SG Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 21245154 Clin Infect Dis 2011 Mar 1
IFN-alpha-induced upregulation of CCR5 leads to expanded HIV tropism in vivo. Stoddart CA, Keir ME, McCune JM PLoS pathogens 20174557 PLoS Pathog 2010 Feb 19
Cytomegalovirus-specific T cells persist at very high levels during long-term antiretroviral treatment of HIV disease. Naeger DM, Martin JN, Sinclair E, Hunt PW, Bangsberg DR, Hecht F, Hsue P, McCune JM, Deeks SG PloS one 20126452 PLoS One 2010 Jan 29
IL-2 production correlates with effector cell differentiation in HIV-specific CD8+ T cells. Nomura LE, Emu B, Hoh R, Haaland P, Deeks SG, Martin JN, McCune JM, Nixon DF, Maecker HT AIDS research and therapy 16859558 AIDS Res Ther 2006 Jul 21
Maternal alloantigens promote the development of tolerogenic fetal regulatory T cells in utero. Mold JE, Michaëlsson J, Burt TD, Muench MO, Beckerman KP, Busch MP, Lee TH, Nixon DF, McCune JM Science (New York, N.Y.) 19056990 Science 2008 Dec 5
Levels of circulating myeloid subpopulations and of heme oxygenase-1 do not predict CD4(+) T cell recovery after the initiation of antiretroviral therapy for HIV disease. Seu L, Ortiz GM, Burt TD, Deeks SG, Martin JN, McCune JM AIDS research and therapy 25180041 AIDS Res Ther 2014
Suppression of SIV-specific CD4+ T cells by infant but not adult macaque regulatory T cells: implications for SIV disease progression. Hartigan-O'Connor DJ, Abel K, McCune JM The Journal of experimental medicine 17954571 J Exp Med 2007 Oct 29
In vivo imaging of mucosal CD4+ T cells using single photon emission computed tomography in a murine model of colitis. Kanwar B, Gao DW, Hwang AB, Grenert JP, Williams SP, Franc B, McCune JM Journal of immunological methods 17964595 J Immunol Methods 2008 Jan 1
Evidence for persistent low-level viremia in individuals who control human immunodeficiency virus in the absence of antiretroviral therapy. Hatano H, Delwart EL, Norris PJ, Lee TH, Dunn-Williams J, Hunt PW, Hoh R, Stramer SL, Linnen JM, McCune JM, Martin JN, Busch MP, Deeks SG Journal of virology 18945778 J Virol 2009 Jan
Antiviral antibodies are necessary for control of simian immunodeficiency virus replication. Miller CJ, Genescà M, Abel K, Montefiori D, Forthal D, Bost K, Li J, Favre D, McCune JM Journal of virology 17329327 J Virol 2007 May
HIV-induced changes in T cell signaling pathways. Schweneker M, Favre D, Martin JN, Deeks SG, McCune JM Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 18453567 J Immunol 2008 May 15
Relationship between T cell activation and CD4+ T cell count in HIV-seropositive individuals with undetectable plasma HIV RNA levels in the absence of therapy. Hunt PW, Brenchley J, Sinclair E, McCune JM, Roland M, Page-Shafer K, Hsue P, Emu B, Krone M, Lampiris H, Douek D, Martin JN, Deeks SG The Journal of infectious diseases 18171295 J Infect Dis 2008 Jan 1
Single-Cell Mapping of Progressive Fetal-to-Adult Transition in Human Naive T Cells. Bunis DG, Bronevetsky Y, Krow-Lucal E, Bhakta NR, Kim CC, Nerella S, Jones N, Mendoza VF, Bryson YJ, Gern JE, Rutishauser RL, Ye CJ, Sirota M, McCune JM, Burt TD Cell reports 33406429 Cell Rep 2021 Jan 5
Tryptophan catabolism by indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 alters the balance of TH17 to regulatory T cells in HIV disease. Favre D, Mold J, Hunt PW, Kanwar B, Loke P, Seu L, Barbour JD, Lowe MM, Jayawardene A, Aweeka F, Huang Y, Douek DC, Brenchley JM, Martin JN, Hecht FM, Deeks SG, McCune JM Science translational medicine 20484731 Sci Transl Med 2010 May 19
Expression of the autoimmune susceptibility gene FcRL3 on human regulatory T cells is associated with dysfunction and high levels of programmed cell death-1. Swainson LA, Mold JE, Bajpai UD, McCune JM Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 20190142 J Immunol 2010 Apr 1
Cell-based measures of viral persistence are associated with immune activation and programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1)-expressing CD4+ T cells. Hatano H, Jain V, Hunt PW, Lee TH, Sinclair E, Do TD, Hoh R, Martin JN, McCune JM, Hecht F, Busch MP, Deeks SG The Journal of infectious diseases 23089590 J Infect Dis 2013 Jul
A role for cytomegalovirus-specific CD4+CX3CR1+ T cells and cytomegalovirus-induced T-cell immunopathology in HIV-associated atherosclerosis. Sacre K, Hunt PW, Hsue PY, Maidji E, Martin JN, Deeks SG, Autran B, McCune JM AIDS (London, England) 22313962 AIDS 2012 Apr 24
Hematopoietic-stem-cell-based gene therapy for HIV disease. Kiem HP, Jerome KR, Deeks SG, McCune JM Cell stem cell 22305563 Cell Stem Cell 2012 Feb 3
Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid reactivates HIV from latently infected cells. Contreras X, Schweneker M, Chen CS, McCune JM, Deeks SG, Martin J, Peterlin BM The Journal of biological chemistry 19136668 J Biol Chem 2009 Mar 13
Gag p27-specific B- and T-cell responses in Simian immunodeficiency virus SIVagm-infected African green monkeys. Lozano Reina JM, Favre D, Kasakow Z, Mayau V, Nugeyre MT, Ka T, Faye A, Miller CJ, Scott-Algara D, McCune JM, Barré-Sinoussi F, Diop OM, Müller-Trutwin MC Journal of virology 19109377 J Virol 2009 Mar
Variations in the heme oxygenase-1 microsatellite polymorphism are associated with plasma CD14 and viral load in HIV-infected African-Americans. Seu L, Burt TD, Witte JS, Martin JN, Deeks SG, McCune JM Genes and immunity 22048453 Genes Immun 2012 Apr
IL-7 production in murine lymphatic endothelial cells and induction in the setting of peripheral lymphopenia. Miller CN, Hartigan-O'Connor DJ, Lee MS, Laidlaw G, Cornelissen IP, Matloubian M, Coughlin SR, McDonald DM, McCune JM International immunology 23657000 Int Immunol 2013 Aug
Analysis of maternal microchimerism in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) using real-time quantitative PCR amplification of MHC polymorphisms. Bakkour S, Baker CA, Tarantal AF, Wen L, Busch MP, Lee TH, McCune JM Chimerism 24451553 Chimerism 2014 Jan-Mar
Dysbiosis of the gut microbiota is associated with HIV disease progression and tryptophan catabolism. Vujkovic-Cvijin I, Dunham RM, Iwai S, Maher MC, Albright RG, Broadhurst MJ, Hernandez RD, Lederman MM, Huang Y, Somsouk M, Deeks SG, Hunt PW, Lynch SV, McCune JM Science translational medicine 23843452 Sci Transl Med 2013 Jul 10
Continuous Antigenic Stimulation of DO11.10 TCR Transgenic Mice in the Presence or Absence of IL-1β: Possible Implications for Mechanisms of T Cell Depletion in HIV Disease. Ladell K, Hazenberg MD, Fitch M, Emson C, McEvoy-Hein Asgarian BK, Mold JE, Miller C, Busch R, Price DA, Hellerstein MK, McCune JM Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 26416271 J Immunol 2015 Nov 1
Composition and function of T cell subpopulations are slow to change despite effective antiretroviral treatment of HIV disease. Emu B, Moretto WJ, Hoh R, Krone M, Martin JN, Nixon DF, Deeks SG, McCune JM PloS one 24465619 PLoS One 2014
Identification of cinnabarinic acid as a novel endogenous aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligand that drives IL-22 production. Lowe MM, Mold JE, Kanwar B, Huang Y, Louie A, Pollastri MP, Wang C, Patel G, Franks DG, Schlezinger J, Sherr DH, Silverstone AE, Hahn ME, McCune JM PloS one 24498387 PLoS One 2014
Therapeutic helminth infection of macaques with idiopathic chronic diarrhea alters the inflammatory signature and mucosal microbiota of the colon. Broadhurst MJ, Ardeshir A, Kanwar B, Mirpuri J, Gundra UM, Leung JM, Wiens KE, Vujkovic-Cvijin I, Kim CC, Yarovinsky F, Lerche NW, McCune JM, Loke P PLoS pathogens 23166490 PLoS Pathog 2012
Prevalence of CXCR4 tropism among antiretroviral-treated HIV-1-infected patients with detectable viremia. Hunt PW, Harrigan PR, Huang W, Bates M, Williamson DW, McCune JM, Price RW, Spudich SS, Lampiris H, Hoh R, Leigler T, Martin JN, Deeks SG The Journal of infectious diseases 16960780 J Infect Dis 2006 Oct 1
Increased circulating interleukin-7 levels in HIV-1-infected women. Napolitano LA, Burt TD, Bacchetti P, Barrón Y, French AL, Kovacs A, Anastos K, Young M, McCune JM, Greenblatt RM Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 16284535 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2005 Dec 15
Naive human T cells are activated and proliferate in response to the heme oxygenase-1 inhibitor tin mesoporphyrin. Burt TD, Seu L, Mold JE, Kappas A, McCune JM Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 20921523 J Immunol 2010 Nov 1
Persistent systemic inflammation and atypical enterocolitis in patients with NEMO syndrome. Cheng LE, Kanwar B, Tcheurekdjian H, Grenert JP, Muskat M, Heyman MB, McCune JM, Wara DW Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) 19375390 Clin Immunol 2009 Jul
Central memory CD8+ T cells appear to have a shorter lifespan and reduced abundance as a function of HIV disease progression. Ladell K, Hellerstein MK, Cesar D, Busch R, Boban D, McCune JM Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 18523254 J Immunol 2008 Jun 15
Tim-3 expression defines a novel population of dysfunctional T cells with highly elevated frequencies in progressive HIV-1 infection. Jones RB, Ndhlovu LC, Barbour JD, Sheth PM, Jha AR, Long BR, Wong JC, Satkunarajah M, Schweneker M, Chapman JM, Gyenes G, Vali B, Hyrcza MD, Yue FY, Kovacs C, Sassi A, Loutfy M, Halpenny R, Persad D, Spotts G, Hecht FM, Chun TW, McCune JM, Kaul R, Rini JM, Nixon DF, Ostrowski MA The Journal of experimental medicine 19001139 J Exp Med 2008 Nov 24
Critical loss of the balance between Th17 and T regulatory cell populations in pathogenic SIV infection. Favre D, Lederer S, Kanwar B, Ma ZM, Proll S, Kasakow Z, Mold J, Swainson L, Barbour JD, Baskin CR, Palermo R, Pandrea I, Miller CJ, Katze MG, McCune JM PLoS pathogens 19214220 PLoS Pathog 2009 Feb
A low T regulatory cell response may contribute to both viral control and generalized immune activation in HIV controllers. Hunt PW, Landay AL, Sinclair E, Martinson JA, Hatano H, Emu B, Norris PJ, Busch MP, Martin JN, Brooks C, McCune JM, Deeks SG PloS one 21305005 PLoS One 2011 Jan 31
HIV disease progression correlates with the generation of dysfunctional naive CD8(low) T cells. Favre D, Stoddart CA, Emu B, Hoh R, Martin JN, Hecht FM, Deeks SG, McCune JM Blood 21200021 Blood 2011 Feb 17
A randomized, controlled trial of raltegravir intensification in antiretroviral-treated, HIV-infected patients with a suboptimal CD4+ T cell response. Hatano H, Hayes TL, Dahl V, Sinclair E, Lee TH, Hoh R, Lampiris H, Hunt PW, Palmer S, McCune JM, Martin JN, Busch MP, Shacklett BL, Deeks SG The Journal of infectious diseases 21402547 J Infect Dis 2011 Apr 1
Higher CD27+CD8+ T cells percentages during suppressive antiretroviral therapy predict greater subsequent CD4+ T cell recovery in treated HIV infection. Seu L, Ortiz GM, Epling L, Sinclair E, Swainson LA, Bajpai UD, Huang Y, Deeks SG, Hunt PW, Martin JN, McCune JM PloS one 24391889 PLoS One 2013
Hydroxychloroquine is associated with impaired interferon-alpha and tumor necrosis factor-alpha production by plasmacytoid dendritic cells in systemic lupus erythematosus. Sacre K, Criswell LA, McCune JM Arthritis research & therapy 22734582 Arthritis Res Ther 2012 Jun 27
Growth hormone enhances thymic function in HIV-1-infected adults. Napolitano LA, Schmidt D, Gotway MB, Ameli N, Filbert EL, Ng MM, Clor JL, Epling L, Sinclair E, Baum PD, Li K, Killian ML, Bacchetti P, McCune JM The Journal of clinical investigation 18292808 J Clin Invest 2008 Mar
Rooted in risk: genetic predisposition for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level associates with diminished low-density lipoprotein cholesterol response to statin treatment. Smit RA, Postmus I, Trompet S, Barnes MR, Warren H, Arsenault BJ, Chasman DI, Cupples LA, Hitman GA, Krauss RM, Li X, Psaty BM, Stein CM, Rotter JI, Jukema JW Pharmacogenomics 27648687 Pharmacogenomics 2016 Oct
CD57(+) Memory T Cells Proliferate In Vivo. Ahmed R, Miners KL, Lahoz-Beneytez J, Jones RE, Roger L, Baboonian C, Zhang Y, Wang ECY, Hellerstein MK, McCune JM, Baird DM, Price DA, Macallan DC, Asquith B, Ladell K Cell reports 33326780 Cell Rep 2020 Dec 15
Regulation of T cell responses in the developing human fetus. Michaëlsson J, Mold JE, McCune JM, Nixon DF Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 16670279 J Immunol 2006 May 15
Direct measurement of T-cell receptor repertoire diversity with AmpliCot. Baum PD, McCune JM Nature methods 17060913 Nat Methods 2006 Nov
Loss of T cell responses following long-term cryopreservation. Owen RE, Sinclair E, Emu B, Heitman JW, Hirschkorn DF, Epling CL, Tan QX, Custer B, Harris JM, Jacobson MA, McCune JM, Martin JN, Hecht FM, Deeks SG, Norris PJ Journal of immunological methods 17707394 J Immunol Methods 2007 Sep 30
Design, construction, and validation of a modular library of sequence diversity standards for polymerase chain reaction. Baum PD, Young JJ, Zhang Q, Kasakow Z, McCune JM Analytical biochemistry 21111699 Anal Biochem 2011 Apr 1
Measurement of absolute T cell receptor rearrangement diversity. Baum PD, Young JJ, McCune JM Journal of immunological methods 21385585 J Immunol Methods 2011 May 31
Abacavir increases platelet reactivity via competitive inhibition of soluble guanylyl cyclase. Baum PD, Sullam PM, Stoddart CA, McCune JM AIDS (London, England) 21941165 AIDS 2011 Nov 28
Cytotrophoblast induction of arterial apoptosis and lymphangiogenesis in an in vivo model of human placentation. Red-Horse K, Rivera J, Schanz A, Zhou Y, Winn V, Kapidzic M, Maltepe E, Okazaki K, Kochman R, Vo KC, Giudice L, Erlebacher A, McCune JM, Stoddart CA, Fisher SJ The Journal of clinical investigation 16998586 J Clin Invest 2006 Oct
Increased carotid intima-media thickness in HIV patients is associated with increased cytomegalovirus-specific T-cell responses. Hsue PY, Hunt PW, Sinclair E, Bredt B, Franklin A, Killian M, Hoh R, Martin JN, McCune JM, Waters DD, Deeks SG AIDS (London, England) 17117013 AIDS 2006 Nov 28
Immune activation, CD4+ T cell counts, and viremia exhibit oscillatory patterns over time in patients with highly resistant HIV infection. Kitchen CM, Yeghiazarian L, Hoh R, McCune JM, Sinclair E, Martin JN, Deeks SG PloS one 21701594 PLoS One 2011
Exposure to SIV in utero results in reduced viral loads and altered responsiveness to postnatal challenge. Baker CA, Swainson L, Lin DL, Wong S, Hartigan-O'Connor DJ, Lifson JD, Tarantal AF, McCune JM Science translational medicine 26268312 Sci Transl Med 2015 Aug 12
Transcriptional profiling in pathogenic and non-pathogenic SIV infections reveals significant distinctions in kinetics and tissue compartmentalization. Lederer S, Favre D, Walters KA, Proll S, Kanwar B, Kasakow Z, Baskin CR, Palermo R, McCune JM, Katze MG PLoS pathogens 19214219 PLoS Pathog 2009 Feb
Blood T-cell receptor diversity decreases during the course of HIV infection, but the potential for a diverse repertoire persists. Baum PD, Young JJ, Schmidt D, Zhang Q, Hoh R, Busch M, Martin J, Deeks S, McCune JM Blood 22371879 Blood 2012 Apr 12
A functional variant in FCRL3 is associated with higher Fc receptor-like 3 expression on T cell subsets and rheumatoid arthritis disease activity. Bajpai UD, Swainson LA, Mold JE, Graf JD, Imboden JB, McCune JM Arthritis and rheumatism 22392608 Arthritis Rheum 2012 Aug
Correlating cellular and molecular signatures of mucosal immunity that distinguish HIV controllers from noncontrollers. Loke P, Favre D, Hunt PW, Leung JM, Kanwar B, Martin JN, Deeks SG, McCune JM Blood 20160163 Blood 2010 Apr 15
Cellular response of polyvalent oligonucleotide-gold nanoparticle conjugates. Massich MD, Giljohann DA, Schmucker AL, Patel PC, Mirkin CA ACS nano 20860397 ACS Nano 2010 Oct 26
Core-shell triangular bifrustums. Yoo H, Millstone JE, Li S, Jang JW, Wei W, Wu J, Schatz GC, Mirkin CA Nano letters 19603815 Nano Lett 2009 Aug
Nano-flares for mRNA regulation and detection. Prigodich AE, Seferos DS, Massich MD, Giljohann DA, Lane BC, Mirkin CA ACS nano 19702321 ACS Nano 2009 Aug 25
Gene regulation with polyvalent siRNA-nanoparticle conjugates. Giljohann DA, Seferos DS, Prigodich AE, Patel PC, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 19170493 J Am Chem Soc 2009 Feb 18
Tröger's-base-derived infinite co-ordination polymer microparticles. Jeon YM, Armatas GS, Kim D, Kanatzidis MG, Mirkin CA Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 19058289 Small 2009 Jan
Redox-activating dip-pen nanolithography (RA-DPN). Braunschweig AB, Senesi AJ, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 19128060 J Am Chem Soc 2009 Jan 28
Topographically flat, chemically patterned PDMS stamps made by dip-pen nanolithography. Zheng Z, Jang JW, Zheng G, Mirkin CA Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19012308 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2008
Nonenzymatic detection of bacterial genomic DNA using the bio bar code assay. Hill HD, Vega RA, Mirkin CA Analytical chemistry 17927207 Anal Chem 2007 Dec 1
An Electrochemical Approach to and the Physical Consequences of Preparing Nanostructures from Gold Nanorods with Smooth Ends. Banholzer MJ, Li S, Ketter JB, Rozkiewicz DI, Schatz GC, Mirkin CA The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces 22180788 J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 2008 Oct 9
Polyethylene glycol as a novel resist and sacrificial material for generating positive and negative nanostructures. Sanedrin RG, Huang L, Jang JW, Kakkassery J, Mirkin CA Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 18563746 Small 2008 Jul
Controlling the lattice parameters of gold nanoparticle FCC crystals with duplex DNA linkers. Hill HD, Macfarlane RJ, Senesi AJ, Lee B, Park SY, Mirkin CA Nano letters 18572967 Nano Lett 2008 Aug
Nanodisk codes. Qin L, Banholzer MJ, Millstone JE, Mirkin CA Nano letters 18041858 Nano Lett 2007 Dec
Iodide ions control seed-mediated growth of anisotropic gold nanoparticles. Millstone JE, Wei W, Jones MR, Yoo H, Mirkin CA Nano letters 18642955 Nano Lett 2008 Aug
Surface plasmon-mediated energy transfer in heterogap Au-Ag nanowires. Wei W, Li S, Qin L, Xue C, Millstone JE, Xu X, Schatz GC, Mirkin CA Nano letters 18767888 Nano Lett 2008 Oct
Microarray detection of duplex and triplex DNA binders with DNA-modified gold nanoparticles. Lytton-Jean AK, Han MS, Mirkin CA Analytical chemistry 17614366 Anal Chem 2007 Aug 1
On-wire lithography-generated molecule-based transport junctions: a new testbed for molecular electronics. Chen X, Jeon YM, Jang JW, Qin L, Huo F, Wei W, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 18528994 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Jul 2
Inversion of product selectivity in an enzyme-inspired metallosupramolecular tweezer catalyzed epoxidation reaction. Ulmann PA, Braunschweig AB, Lee OS, Wiester MJ, Schatz GC, Mirkin CA Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 20448966 Chem Commun (Camb) 2009 Sep 14
Surprisingly long-range surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) on Au-Ni multisegmented nanowires. Wei W, Li S, Millstone JE, Banholzer MJ, Chen X, Xu X, Schatz GC, Mirkin CA Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19431164 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
Plasmonic focusing in rod-sheath heteronanostructures. Chen X, Li S, Xue C, Banholzer MJ, Schatz GC, Mirkin CA ACS nano 19206253 ACS Nano 2009 Jan 27
Reversible Ligand Pairing and Sorting Processes Leading to Heteroligated Palladium(II) Complexes with Hemilabile Ligands. Ulmann PA, Mirkin CA, DiPasquale AG, Liable-Sands LM, Rheingold AL Organometallics 34446977 Organometallics 2009 Feb 23
Gold nanoparticles for biology and medicine. Giljohann DA, Seferos DS, Daniel WL, Massich MD, Patel PC, Mirkin CA Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 20401880 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2010 Apr 26
Templated spherical high density lipoprotein nanoparticles. Thaxton CS, Daniel WL, Giljohann DA, Thomas AD, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 19133723 J Am Chem Soc 2009 Feb 4
The role radius of curvature plays in thiolated oligonucleotide loading on gold nanoparticles. Hill HD, Millstone JE, Banholzer MJ, Mirkin CA ACS nano 19236080 ACS Nano 2009 Feb 24
PCR-like cascade reactions in the context of an allosteric enzyme mimic. Yoon HJ, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 18681433 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Sep 3
A self-correcting inking strategy for cantilever arrays addressed by an inkjet printer and used for dip-pen nanolithography. Wang Y, Giam LR, Park M, Lenhert S, Fuchs H, Mirkin CA Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 18654990 Small 2008 Oct
Multipole plasmon resonances in gold nanorods. Payne EK, Shuford KL, Park S, Schatz GC, Mirkin CA The journal of physical chemistry. B 16471797 J Phys Chem B 2006 Feb 9
Aptamer nano-flares for molecular detection in living cells. Zheng D, Seferos DS, Giljohann DA, Patel PC, Mirkin CA Nano letters 19645478 Nano Lett 2009 Sep
Plasmon-mediated synthesis of silver triangular bipyramids. Zhang J, Li S, Wu J, Schatz GC, Mirkin CA Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19760687 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
Regulating immune response using polyvalent nucleic acid-gold nanoparticle conjugates. Massich MD, Giljohann DA, Seferos DS, Ludlow LE, Horvath CM, Mirkin CA Molecular pharmaceutics 19810673 Mol Pharm 2009 Nov-Dec
Multiplexed protein arrays enabled by polymer pen lithography: addressing the inking challenge. Zheng Z, Daniel WL, Giam LR, Huo F, Senesi AJ, Zheng G, Mirkin CA Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 19731290 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2009
Complementary electrical and spectroscopic detection assays with on-wire-lithography-based nanostructures. Zheng G, Chen X, Mirkin CA Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 19697306 Small 2009 Nov
Water-soluble macrocycles synthesized via the weak-link approach. Wiester MJ, Mirkin CA Inorganic chemistry 19637852 Inorg Chem 2009 Sep 7
In-wire conversion of a metal nanorod segment into an organic semiconductor. Chen X, Zheng G, Cutler JI, Jang JW, Mirkin CA Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 19387988 Small 2009 Jul
Triple-Decker Complexes Formed via the Weak Link Approach. Jeon YM, Heo J, Brown AM, Mirkin CA Organometallics 19060957 Organometallics 2006 May 22
A gold nanoparticle based approach for screening triplex DNA binders. Han MS, Lytton-Jean AK, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 16608320 J Am Chem Soc 2006 Apr 19
Pyrene-Appended Fluorescent Tweezers Generated via the Weak-Link Approach and Their Halide Recognition Properties. Jeon YM, Kim D, Mirkin CA, Golen JA, Rheingold AL Tetrahedron 22180669 Tetrahedron 2008 Sep 1
Separation of tricomponent protein mixtures with triblock nanorods. Oh BK, Park S, Millstone JE, Lee SW, Lee KB, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 16953622 J Am Chem Soc 2006 Sep 13
Asymmetric functionalization of gold nanoparticles with oligonucleotides. Xu X, Rosi NL, Wang Y, Huo F, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 16848436 J Am Chem Soc 2006 Jul 26
Maximizing DNA loading on a range of gold nanoparticle sizes. Hurst SJ, Lytton-Jean AK, Mirkin CA Analytical chemistry 17165821 Anal Chem 2006 Dec 15
Dip-pen nanolithography of high-melting-temperature molecules. Huang L, Chang YH, Kakkassery JJ, Mirkin CA The journal of physical chemistry. B 17048882 J Phys Chem B 2006 Oct 26
DNA-gold triangular nanoprism conjugates. Millstone JE, Georganopoulou DG, Xu X, Wei W, Li S, Mirkin CA Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 19016498 Small 2008 Dec
Thermodynamically controlled separation of polyvalent 2-nm gold nanoparticle-oligonucleotide conjugates. Lee JS, Seferos DS, Giljohann DA, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 18370386 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Apr 23
Polymer pen lithography. Huo F, Zheng Z, Zheng G, Giam LR, Zhang H, Mirkin CA Science (New York, N.Y.) 18703709 Science 2008 Sep 19
Silver nanoparticle-oligonucleotide conjugates based on DNA with triple cyclic disulfide moieties. Lee JS, Lytton-Jean AK, Hurst SJ, Mirkin CA Nano letters 17571909 Nano Lett 2007 Jul
A new approach to amplified telomerase detection with polyvalent oligonucleotide nanoparticle conjugates. Zheng G, Daniel WL, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 18597453 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Jul 30
Oligonucleotide loading determines cellular uptake of DNA-modified gold nanoparticles. Giljohann DA, Seferos DS, Patel PC, Millstone JE, Rosi NL, Mirkin CA Nano letters 17997588 Nano Lett 2007 Dec
Nano-flares: probes for transfection and mRNA detection in living cells. Seferos DS, Giljohann DA, Hill HD, Prigodich AE, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 18034495 J Am Chem Soc 2007 Dec 19
Carborane-based pincers: synthesis and structure of SeBSe and SBS Pd(II) complexes. Spokoyny AM, Reuter MG, Stern CL, Ratner MA, Seideman T, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 19583431 J Am Chem Soc 2009 Jul 15
Curvature-induced base pair "slipping" effects in DNA-nanoparticle hybridization. Hill HD, Hurst SJ, Mirkin CA Nano letters 19072317 Nano Lett 2009 Jan
Plasmonically controlled nucleic acid dehybridization with gold nanoprisms. Jones MR, Millstone JE, Giljohann DA, Seferos DS, Young KL, Mirkin CA Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry 19431161 Chemphyschem 2009 Jul 13
Amorphous Infinite Coordination Polymer Microparticles: A New Class of Selective Hydrogen Storage Materials. Jeon YM, Armatas GS, Heo J, Kanatzidis MG, Mirkin CA Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 34539086 Adv Mater 2008 Jun 4
Supramolecular allosteric cofacial porphyrin complexes. Oliveri CG, Gianneschi NC, Nguyen ST, Mirkin CA, Stern CL, Wawrzak Z, Pink M Journal of the American Chemical Society 17165783 J Am Chem Soc 2006 Dec 20
Mechanistic study of photomediated triangular silver nanoprism growth. Xue C, Métraux GS, Millstone JE, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 18533653 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Jul 2
Fluorescence recovery assay for the detection of protein-DNA binding. Xu X, Zhao Z, Qin L, Wei W, Levine JE, Mirkin CA Analytical chemistry 18498181 Anal Chem 2008 Jul 15
Dynamic interconversion of amorphous microparticles and crystalline rods in salen-based homochiral infinite coordination polymers. Jeon YM, Heo J, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 17523645 J Am Chem Soc 2007 Jun 20
Establishing the design rules for DNA-mediated programmable colloidal crystallization. Macfarlane RJ, Jones MR, Senesi AJ, Young KL, Lee B, Wu J, Mirkin CA Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 20486143 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2010 Jun 21
On-wire lithography: synthesis, encoding and biological applications. Banholzer MJ, Qin L, Millstone JE, Osberg KD, Mirkin CA Nature protocols 19444241 Nat Protoc 2009
Heteroligated supramolecular coordination complexes formed via the halide-induced ligand rearrangement reaction. Oliveri CG, Ulmann PA, Wiester MJ, Mirkin CA Accounts of chemical research 18642933 Acc Chem Res 2008 Dec
"Three-dimensional hybridization" with polyvalent DNA-gold nanoparticle conjugates. Hurst SJ, Hill HD, Mirkin CA Journal of the American Chemical Society 18710229 J Am Chem Soc 2008 Sep 10
Colorimetric Cu(2+) detection using DNA-modified gold-nanoparticle aggregates as probes and click chemistry. Xu X, Daniel WL, Wei W, Mirkin CA Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20108231 Small 2010 Mar 8
Polyvalent DNA nanoparticle conjugates stabilize nucleic acids. Seferos DS, Prigodich AE, Giljohann DA, Patel PC, Mirkin CA Nano letters 19099465 Nano Lett 2009 Jan
Probing dynein and kinesin stepping with mechanical manipulation in a living cell. Sims PA, Xie XS Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry 19504528 Chemphyschem 2009 Jul 13
Regulation of a viral proteinase by a peptide and DNA in one-dimensional space: IV. viral proteinase slides along DNA to locate and process its substrates. Blainey PC, Graziano V, Pérez-Berná AJ, McGrath WJ, Flint SJ, San Martín C, Xie XS, Mangel WF The Journal of biological chemistry 23043138 J Biol Chem 2013 Jan 18
Probing transcription factor dynamics at the single-molecule level in a living cell. Elf J, Li GW, Xie XS Science (New York, N.Y.) 17525339 Science 2007 May 25
Chemically specific imaging of cryptosporidium oocysts using coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy. Murugkar S, Evans CL, Xie XS, Anis H Journal of microscopy 19220690 J Microsc 2009 Feb
A stochastic single-molecule event triggers phenotype switching of a bacterial cell. Choi PJ, Cai L, Frieda K, Xie XS Science (New York, N.Y.) 18927393 Science 2008 Oct 17
Regulation of a viral proteinase by a peptide and DNA in one-dimensional space: II. adenovirus proteinase is activated in an unusual one-dimensional biochemical reaction. Graziano V, Luo G, Blainey PC, Pérez-Berná AJ, McGrath WJ, Flint SJ, San Martín C, Xie XS, Mangel WF The Journal of biological chemistry 23043137 J Biol Chem 2013 Jan 18
Single-molecule study of DNA polymerization activity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase on DNA templates. Kim S, Schroeder CM, Xie XS Journal of molecular biology 19968999 J Mol Biol 2010 Feb 5
Central dogma at the single-molecule level in living cells. Li GW, Xie XS Nature 21776076 Nature 2011 Jul 20
Modeling spatial correlation of DNA deformation: DNA allostery in protein binding. Xu X, Ge H, Gu C, Gao YQ, Wang SS, Thio BJ, Hynes JT, Xie XS, Cao J The journal of physical chemistry. B 23795567 J Phys Chem B 2013 Oct 24
Relatively slow stochastic gene-state switching in the presence of positive feedback significantly broadens the region of bimodality through stabilizing the uninduced phenotypic state. Ge H, Wu P, Qian H, Xie XS PLoS computational biology 29529037 PLoS Comput Biol 2018 Mar
Quantifying E. coli proteome and transcriptome with single-molecule sensitivity in single cells. Taniguchi Y, Choi PJ, Li GW, Chen H, Babu M, Hearn J, Emili A, Xie XS Science (New York, N.Y.) 20671182 Science 2010 Jul 30
Stochastic protein expression in individual cells at the single molecule level. Cai L, Friedman N, Xie XS Nature 16541077 Nature 2006 Mar 16
Mechanism of transcriptional bursting in bacteria. Chong S, Chen C, Ge H, Xie XS Cell 25036631 Cell 2014 Jul 17
Multicolored stain-free histopathology with coherent Raman imaging. Freudiger CW, Pfannl R, Orringer DA, Saar BG, Ji M, Zeng Q, Ottoboni L, Wei Y, Waeber C, Sims JR, De Jager PL, Sagher O, Philbert MA, Xu X, Kesari S, Xie XS, Young GS Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology 22906986 Lab Invest 2012 Oct
Regulation of a viral proteinase by a peptide and DNA in one-dimensional space: I. binding to DNA AND to hexon of the precursor to protein VI, pVI, of human adenovirus. Graziano V, McGrath WJ, Suomalainen M, Greber UF, Freimuth P, Blainey PC, Luo G, Xie XS, Mangel WF The Journal of biological chemistry 23043136 J Biol Chem 2013 Jan 18
Probing allostery through DNA. Kim S, Broströmer E, Xing D, Jin J, Chong S, Ge H, Wang S, Gu C, Yang L, Gao YQ, Su XD, Sun Y, Xie XS Science (New York, N.Y.) 23413354 Science 2013 Feb 15
Label-free biomedical imaging with high sensitivity by stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Freudiger CW, Min W, Saar BG, Lu S, Holtom GR, He C, Tsai JC, Kang JX, Xie XS Science (New York, N.Y.) 19095943 Science 2008 Dec 19
Discovery of a proneurogenic, neuroprotective chemical. Pieper AA, Xie S, Capota E, Estill SJ, Zhong J, Long JM, Becker GL, Huntington P, Goldman SE, Shen CH, Capota M, Britt JK, Kotti T, Ure K, Brat DJ, Williams NS, MacMillan KS, Naidoo J, Melito L, Hsieh J, De Brabander J, Ready JM, McKnight SL Cell 20603013 Cell 2010 Jul 9
Development of proneurogenic, neuroprotective small molecules. MacMillan KS, Naidoo J, Liang J, Melito L, Williams NS, Morlock L, Huntington PJ, Estill SJ, Longgood J, Becker GL, McKnight SL, Pieper AA, De Brabander JK, Ready JM Journal of the American Chemical Society 21210688 J Am Chem Soc 2011 Feb 9
Bone-marrow adipocytes as negative regulators of the haematopoietic microenvironment. Naveiras O, Nardi V, Wenzel PL, Hauschka PV, Fahey F, Daley GQ Nature 19516257 Nature 2009 Jul 9
Lin28a transgenic mice manifest size and puberty phenotypes identified in human genetic association studies. Zhu H, Shah S, Shyh-Chang N, Shinoda G, Einhorn WS, Viswanathan SR, Takeuchi A, Grasemann C, Rinn JL, Lopez MF, Hirschhorn JN, Palmert MR, Daley GQ Nature genetics 20512147 Nat Genet 2010 Jul
Generation of functional human hepatic endoderm from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Sullivan GJ, Hay DC, Park IH, Fletcher J, Hannoun Z, Payne CM, Dalgetty D, Black JR, Ross JA, Samuel K, Wang G, Daley GQ, Lee JH, Church GM, Forbes SJ, Iredale JP, Wilmut I Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 19877180 Hepatology 2010 Jan
9-(Arenethenyl)purines as dual Src/Abl kinase inhibitors targeting the inactive conformation: design, synthesis, and biological evaluation. Huang WS, Zhu X, Wang Y, Azam M, Wen D, Sundaramoorthi R, Thomas RM, Liu S, Banda G, Lentini SP, Das S, Xu Q, Keats J, Wang F, Wardwell S, Ning Y, Snodgrass JT, Broudy MI, Russian K, Daley GQ, Iuliucci J, Dalgarno DC, Clackson T, Sawyer TK, Shakespeare WC Journal of medicinal chemistry 19572547 J Med Chem 2009 Aug 13
Hematopoietic development from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Lengerke C, Grauer M, Niebuhr NI, Riedt T, Kanz L, Park IH, Daley GQ Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 19796250 Ann N Y Acad Sci 2009 Sep
Selective blockade of microRNA processing by Lin28. Viswanathan SR, Daley GQ, Gregory RI Science (New York, N.Y.) 18292307 Science 2008 Apr 4
AP24163 inhibits the gatekeeper mutant of BCR-ABL and suppresses in vitro resistance. Azam M, Powers JT, Einhorn W, Huang WS, Shakespeare WC, Zhu X, Dalgarno D, Clackson T, Sawyer TK, Daley GQ Chemical biology & drug design 20028401 Chem Biol Drug Des 2010 Feb
Knockdown of Fanconi anemia genes in human embryonic stem cells reveals early developmental defects in the hematopoietic lineage. Tulpule A, Lensch MW, Miller JD, Austin K, D'Andrea A, Schlaeger TM, Shimamura A, Daley GQ Blood 20089964 Blood 2010 Apr 29
Lin28 promotes transformation and is associated with advanced human malignancies. Viswanathan SR, Powers JT, Einhorn W, Hoshida Y, Ng TL, Toffanin S, O'Sullivan M, Lu J, Phillips LA, Lockhart VL, Shah SP, Tanwar PS, Mermel CH, Beroukhim R, Azam M, Teixeira J, Meyerson M, Hughes TP, Llovet JM, Radich J, Mullighan CG, Golub TR, Sorensen PH, Daley GQ Nature genetics 19483683 Nat Genet 2009 Jul
Interactions between Cdx genes and retinoic acid modulate early cardiogenesis. Lengerke C, Wingert R, Beeretz M, Grauer M, Schmidt AG, Konantz M, Daley GQ, Davidson AJ Developmental biology 21466798 Dev Biol 2011 Jun 1
Telomere elongation in induced pluripotent stem cells from dyskeratosis congenita patients. Agarwal S, Loh YH, McLoughlin EM, Huang J, Park IH, Miller JD, Huo H, Okuka M, Dos Reis RM, Loewer S, Ng HH, Keefe DL, Goldman FD, Klingelhutz AJ, Liu L, Daley GQ Nature 20164838 Nature 2010 Mar 11
A role for Lin28 in primordial germ-cell development and germ-cell malignancy. West JA, Viswanathan SR, Yabuuchi A, Cunniff K, Takeuchi A, Park IH, Sero JE, Zhu H, Perez-Atayde A, Frazier AL, Surani MA, Daley GQ Nature 19578360 Nature 2009 Aug 13
Enhanced plating efficiency of trypsin-adapted human embryonic stem cells is reversible and independent of trisomy 12/17. Chan EM, Yates F, Boyer LF, Schlaeger TM, Daley GQ Cloning and stem cells 18241122 Cloning Stem Cells 2008 Mar
Ras-MAPK signaling promotes trophectoderm formation from embryonic stem cells and mouse embryos. Lu CW, Yabuuchi A, Chen L, Viswanathan S, Kim K, Daley GQ Nature genetics 18536715 Nat Genet 2008 Jul
Epigenetic memory in induced pluripotent stem cells. Kim K, Doi A, Wen B, Ng K, Zhao R, Cahan P, Kim J, Aryee MJ, Ji H, Ehrlich LI, Yabuuchi A, Takeuchi A, Cunniff KC, Hongguang H, McKinney-Freeman S, Naveiras O, Yoon TJ, Irizarry RA, Jung N, Seita J, Hanna J, Murakami P, Jaenisch R, Weissleder R, Orkin SH, Weissman IL, Feinberg AP, Daley GQ Nature 20644535 Nature 2010 Sep 16
Disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells. Park IH, Arora N, Huo H, Maherali N, Ahfeldt T, Shimamura A, Lensch MW, Cowan C, Hochedlinger K, Daley GQ Cell 18691744 Cell 2008 Sep 5
Activation of tyrosine kinases by mutation of the gatekeeper threonine. Azam M, Seeliger MA, Gray NS, Kuriyan J, Daley GQ Nature structural & molecular biology 18794843 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2008 Oct
Autologous blood cell therapies from pluripotent stem cells. Lengerke C, Daley GQ Blood reviews 19910091 Blood Rev 2010 Jan
Automated microfluidic chromatin immunoprecipitation from 2,000 cells. Wu AR, Hiatt JB, Lu R, Attema JL, Lobo NA, Weissman IL, Clarke MF, Quake SR Lab on a chip 19417902 Lab Chip 2009 May 21
Ostwald ripening of clusters during protein crystallization. Streets AM, Quake SR Physical review letters 20482145 Phys Rev Lett 2010 Apr 30
High throughput automated chromatin immunoprecipitation as a platform for drug screening and antibody validation. Wu AR, Kawahara TL, Rapicavoli NA, van Riggelen J, Shroff EH, Xu L, Felsher DW, Chang HY, Quake SR Lab on a chip 22566096 Lab Chip 2012 Jun 21
Non-invasive prenatal measurement of the fetal genome. Fan HC, Gu W, Wang J, Blumenfeld YJ, El-Sayed YY, Quake SR Nature 22763444 Nature 2012 Jul 19
High-throughput sequencing of the zebrafish antibody repertoire. Weinstein JA, Jiang N, White RA 3rd, Fisher DS, Quake SR Science (New York, N.Y.) 19423829 Science 2009 May 8
Dissecting genomic diversity, one cell at a time. Blainey PC, Quake SR Nature methods 24524132 Nat Methods 2014 Jan
Single cell profiling of circulating tumor cells: transcriptional heterogeneity and diversity from breast cancer cell lines. Powell AA, Talasaz AH, Zhang H, Coram MA, Reddy A, Deng G, Telli ML, Advani RH, Carlson RW, Mollick JA, Sheth S, Kurian AW, Ford JM, Stockdale FE, Quake SR, Pease RF, Mindrinos MN, Bhanot G, Dairkee SH, Davis RW, Jeffrey SS PloS one 22586443 PLoS One 2012
An in vitro microfluidic approach to generating protein-interaction networks. Gerber D, Maerkl SJ, Quake SR Nature methods 19098921 Nat Methods 2009 Jan
Biocompatibility and reduced drug absorption of sol-gel-treated poly(dimethyl siloxane) for microfluidic cell culture applications. Gomez-Sjoberg R, Leyrat AA, Houseman BT, Shokat K, Quake SR Analytical chemistry 20936785 Anal Chem 2010 Nov 1
Discovery of a hepatitis C target and its pharmacological inhibitors by microfluidic affinity analysis. Einav S, Gerber D, Bryson PD, Sklan EH, Elazar M, Maerkl SJ, Glenn JS, Quake SR Nature biotechnology 18758449 Nat Biotechnol 2008 Sep
Temporal response of the human virome to immunosuppression and antiviral therapy. De Vlaminck I, Khush KK, Strehl C, Kohli B, Luikart H, Neff NF, Okamoto J, Snyder TM, Cornfield DN, Nicolls MR, Weill D, Bernstein D, Valantine HA, Quake SR Cell 24267896 Cell 2013 Nov 21
High-performance binary protein interaction screening in a microfluidic format. Meier M, Sit R, Pan W, Quake SR Analytical chemistry 23051662 Anal Chem 2012 Nov 6
Quantitative analysis of the human airway microbial ecology reveals a pervasive signature for cystic fibrosis. Blainey PC, Milla CE, Cornfield DN, Quake SR Science translational medicine 23019655 Sci Transl Med 2012 Sep 26
Enhanced signals and fast nucleic acid hybridization by microfluidic chaotic mixing. Liu J, Williams BA, Gwirtz RM, Wold BJ, Quake S Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 16639763 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2006 May 26
High-throughput single-molecule optofluidic analysis. Kim S, Streets AM, Lin RR, Quake SR, Weiss S, Majumdar DS Nature methods 21297618 Nat Methods 2011 Mar
Whole-genome molecular haplotyping of single cells. Fan HC, Wang J, Potanina A, Quake SR Nature biotechnology 21170043 Nat Biotechnol 2011 Jan
A "window of opportunity:" the reduction of coronary heart disease and total mortality with menopausal therapies is age- and time-dependent. Hodis HN, Mack WJ Brain research 20977895 Brain Res 2011 Mar 16
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Statistical mechanics of Monod-Wyman-Changeux (MWC) models. Marzen S, Garcia HG, Phillips R Journal of molecular biology 23499654 J Mol Biol 2013 May 13
Comparison of the theoretical and real-world evolutionary potential of a genetic circuit. Razo-Mejia M, Boedicker JQ, Jones D, DeLuna A, Kinney JB, Phillips R Physical biology 24685590 Phys Biol 2014 Apr
Concentration and length dependence of DNA looping in transcriptional regulation. Han L, Garcia HG, Blumberg S, Towles KB, Beausang JF, Nelson PC, Phillips R PloS one 19479049 PLoS One 2009 May 25
Building enhancers from the ground up: a synthetic biology approach. Amit R, Garcia HG, Phillips R, Fraser SE Cell 21729783 Cell 2011 Jul 8
Ion-dependent dynamics of DNA ejections for bacteriophage lambda. Wu D, Van Valen D, Hu Q, Phillips R Biophysical journal 20712993 Biophys J 2010 Aug 9
Biochemistry on a leash: the roles of tether length and geometry in signal integration proteins. Van Valen D, Haataja M, Phillips R Biophysical journal 19217847 Biophys J 2009 Feb 18
Membrane mechanics as a probe of ion-channel gating mechanisms. Reeves D, Ursell T, Sens P, Kondev J, Phillips R Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 18999449 Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2008 Oct
A feeling for the numbers in biology. Phillips R, Milo R Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20018695 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Dec 22
Trajectory approach to two-state kinetics of single particles on sculpted energy landscapes. Wu D, Ghosh K, Inamdar M, Lee HJ, Fraser S, Dill K, Phillips R Physical review letters 19792475 Phys Rev Lett 2009 Jul 31
Directional interactions and cooperativity between mechanosensitive membrane proteins. Haselwandter CA, Phillips R Europhysics letters 25309021 Europhys Lett 2013 Mar
Single-cell census of mechanosensitive channels in living bacteria. Bialecka-Fornal M, Lee HJ, DeBerg HA, Gandhi CS, Phillips R PloS one 22427953 PLoS One 2012
Entropic tension in crowded membranes. Lindén M, Sens P, Phillips R PLoS computational biology 22438801 PLoS Comput Biol 2012
Comparison and calibration of different reporters for quantitative analysis of gene expression. Garcia HG, Lee HJ, Boedicker JQ, Phillips R Biophysical journal 21806921 Biophys J 2011 Aug 3
Elastic energy of polyhedral bilayer vesicles. Haselwandter CA, Phillips R Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 21797397 Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2011 Jun
Effect of promoter architecture on the cell-to-cell variability in gene expression. Sanchez A, Garcia HG, Jones D, Phillips R, Kondev J PLoS computational biology 21390269 PLoS Comput Biol 2011 Mar
Connection between oligomeric state and gating characteristics of mechanosensitive ion channels. Haselwandter CA, Phillips R PLoS computational biology 23696720 PLoS Comput Biol 2013
Poly(dA:dT)-rich DNAs are highly flexible in the context of DNA looping. Johnson S, Chen YJ, Phillips R PloS one 24146776 PLoS One 2013
Teaching the principles of statistical dynamics. Ghosh K, Dill KA, Inamdar MM, Seitaridou E, Phillips R American journal of physics 23585693 Am J Phys 2006 Feb 1
Monod-Wyman-Changeux Analysis of Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Mutants. Einav T, Phillips R The journal of physical chemistry. B 28134524 J Phys Chem B 2017 Apr 20
Theoretical analysis of inducer and operator binding for cyclic-AMP receptor protein mutants. Einav T, Duque J, Phillips R PloS one 30256816 PLoS One 2018
Musings on mechanism: quest for a quark theory of proteins? Phillips R FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 28963318 FASEB J 2017 Oct
Mapping DNA sequence to transcription factor binding energy in vivo. Barnes SL, Belliveau NM, Ireland WT, Kinney JB, Phillips R PLoS computational biology 30716072 PLoS Comput Biol 2019 Feb
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Interplay of Protein Binding Interactions, DNA Mechanics, and Entropy in DNA Looping Kinetics. Mulligan PJ, Chen YJ, Phillips R, Spakowitz AJ Biophysical journal 26244743 Biophys J 2015 Aug 4
Morphological phase diagram for lipid membrane domains with entropic tension. Rim JE, Ursell TS, Phillips R, Klug WS Physical review letters 21405437 Phys Rev Lett 2011 Feb 4
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Transcriptional regulation by the numbers: applications. Bintu L, Buchler NE, Garcia HG, Gerland U, Hwa T, Kondev J, Kuhlman T, Phillips R Current opinion in genetics & development 15797195 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2005 Apr
The effect of genome length on ejection forces in bacteriophage lambda. Grayson P, Evilevitch A, Inamdar MM, Purohit PK, Gelbart WM, Knobler CM, Phillips R Virology 16469346 Virology 2006 May 10
Reduced amino acid alphabets exhibit an improved sensitivity and selectivity in fold assignment. Peterson EL, Kondev J, Theriot JA, Phillips R Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 19351620 Bioinformatics 2009 Jun 1
Morphology and interaction between lipid domains. Ursell TS, Klug WS, Phillips R Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 19620730 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Aug 11
Emerging roles for lipids in shaping membrane-protein function. Phillips R, Ursell T, Wiggins P, Sens P Nature 19458714 Nature 2009 May 21
Cooperative gating and spatial organization of membrane proteins through elastic interactions. Ursell T, Huang KC, Peterson E, Phillips R PLoS computational biology 17480116 PLoS Comput Biol 2007 May
Thermodynamics of biological processes. Garcia HG, Kondev J, Orme N, Theriot JA, Phillips R Methods in enzymology 21333788 Methods Enzymol 2011
Transcription by the numbers redux: experiments and calculations that surprise. Garcia HG, Sanchez A, Kuhlman T, Kondev J, Phillips R Trends in cell biology 20801657 Trends Cell Biol 2010 Dec
Statistical Mechanics of Allosteric Enzymes. Einav T, Mazutis L, Phillips R The journal of physical chemistry. B 27070509 J Phys Chem B 2016 Jul 7
Tuning Transcriptional Regulation through Signaling: A Predictive Theory of Allosteric Induction. Razo-Mejia M, Barnes SL, Belliveau NM, Chure G, Einav T, Lewis M, Phillips R Cell systems 29574055 Cell Syst 2018 Apr 25
Promoter architecture dictates cell-to-cell variability in gene expression. Jones DL, Brewster RC, Phillips R Science (New York, N.Y.) 25525251 Science 2014 Dec 19
Distinct structural features of TFAM drive mitochondrial DNA packaging versus transcriptional activation. Ngo HB, Lovely GA, Phillips R, Chan DC Nature communications 24435062 Nat Commun 2014
DNA sequence-dependent mechanics and protein-assisted bending in repressor-mediated loop formation. Boedicker JQ, Garcia HG, Johnson S, Phillips R Physical biology 24231252 Phys Biol 2013 Dec
Tuning promoter strength through RNA polymerase binding site design in Escherichia coli. Brewster RC, Jones DL, Phillips R PLoS computational biology 23271961 PLoS Comput Biol 2012
Theoretical and experimental dissection of DNA loop-mediated repression. Boedicker JQ, Garcia HG, Phillips R Physical review letters 23383841 Phys Rev Lett 2013 Jan 4
Predicting the impact of promoter variability on regulatory outputs. Kreamer NN, Phillips R, Newman DK, Boedicker JQ Scientific reports 26675057 Sci Rep 2015 Dec 17
Figure 1 Theory Meets Figure 2 Experiments in the Study of Gene Expression. Phillips R, Belliveau NM, Chure G, Garcia HG, Razo-Mejia M, Scholes C Annual review of biophysics 31084583 Annu Rev Biophys 2019 May 6
Predictive shifts in free energy couple mutations to their phenotypic consequences. Chure G, Razo-Mejia M, Belliveau NM, Einav T, Kaczmarek ZA, Barnes SL, Lewis M, Phillips R Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 31451655 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019 Sep 10
Anionic Lipids Impact RAS-Binding Site Accessibility and Membrane Binding Affinity of CRAF RBD-CRD. Travers T, López CA, Agamasu C, Hettige JJ, Messing S, García AE, Stephen AG, Gnanakaran S Biophysical journal 32649863 Biophys J 2020 Aug 4
Statistical mechanical model of coupled transcription from multiple promoters due to transcription factor titration. Rydenfelt M, Cox RS 3rd, Garcia H, Phillips R Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 24580252 Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2014 Jan
The transcription factor titration effect dictates level of gene expression. Brewster RC, Weinert FM, Garcia HG, Song D, Rydenfelt M, Phillips R Cell 24612990 Cell 2014 Mar 13
Biological consequences of tightly bent DNA: the other life of a macromolecular celebrity. Garcia HG, Grayson P, Han L, Inamdar M, Kondev J, Nelson PC, Phillips R, Widom J, Wiggins PA Biopolymers 17103419 Biopolymers 2007 Feb 5
Transcriptional regulation by the numbers: models. Bintu L, Buchler NE, Garcia HG, Gerland U, Hwa T, Kondev J, Phillips R Current opinion in genetics & development 15797194 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2005 Apr
A single-molecule Hershey-Chase experiment. Van Valen D, Wu D, Chen YJ, Tuson H, Wiggins P, Phillips R Current biology : CB 22727695 Curr Biol 2012 Jul 24
Measuring flux distributions for diffusion in the small-numbers limit. Seitaridou E, Inamdar MM, Phillips R, Ghosh K, Dill K The journal of physical chemistry. B 17295536 J Phys Chem B 2007 Mar 8
First-principles calculation of DNA looping in tethered particle experiments. Towles KB, Beausang JF, Garcia HG, Phillips R, Nelson PC Physical biology 19571369 Phys Biol 2009 Jul 1
Minimal bending energies of bilayer polyhedra. Haselwandter CA, Phillips R Physical review letters 21231425 Phys Rev Lett 2010 Nov 26
Using synthetic biology to make cells tomorrow's test tubes. Garcia HG, Brewster RC, Phillips R Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro 26952708 Integr Biol (Camb) 2016 Apr 18
Napoleon Is in Equilibrium. Phillips R Annual review of condensed matter physics 27429713 Annu Rev Condens Matter Phys 2015 Mar
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Combinatorial Control through Allostery. Galstyan V, Funk L, Einav T, Phillips R The journal of physical chemistry. B 30768906 J Phys Chem B 2019 Apr 4
Exact theory of kinkable elastic polymers. Wiggins PA, Phillips R, Nelson PC Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 15783354 Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2005 Feb
Volume-exclusion effects in tethered-particle experiments: bead size matters. Segall DE, Nelson PC, Phillips R Physical review letters 16606235 Phys Rev Lett 2006 Mar 3
Dynamics of DNA ejection from bacteriophage. Inamdar MM, Gelbart WM, Phillips R Biophysical journal 16679360 Biophys J 2006 Jul 15
The rate of osmotic downshock determines the survival probability of bacterial mechanosensitive channel mutants. Bialecka-Fornal M, Lee HJ, Phillips R Journal of bacteriology 25349158 J Bacteriol 2015 Jan 1
Scaling of gene expression with transcription-factor fugacity. Weinert FM, Brewster RC, Rydenfelt M, Phillips R, Kegel WK Physical review letters 25554908 Phys Rev Lett 2014 Dec 19
Deciphering the regulatory genome of Escherichia coli, one hundred promoters at a time. Ireland WT, Beeler SM, Flores-Bautista E, McCarty NS, Röschinger T, Belliveau NM, Sweredoski MJ, Moradian A, Kinney JB, Phillips R eLife 32955440 Elife 2020 Sep 21
Theory in Biology: Figure 1 or Figure 7? Phillips R Trends in cell biology 26584768 Trends Cell Biol 2015 Dec
Probing individual environmental bacteria for viruses by using microfluidic digital PCR. Tadmor AD, Ottesen EA, Leadbetter JR, Phillips R Science (New York, N.Y.) 21719670 Science 2011 Jul 1
Quantitative dissection of the simple repression input-output function. Garcia HG, Phillips R Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 21730194 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Jul 19
Connecting the Dots between Mechanosensitive Channel Abundance, Osmotic Shock, and Survival at Single-Cell Resolution. Chure G, Lee HJ, Rasmussen A, Phillips R Journal of bacteriology 30201782 J Bacteriol 2018 Dec 1
Systematic approach for dissecting the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation in bacteria. Belliveau NM, Barnes SL, Ireland WT, Jones DL, Sweredoski MJ, Moradian A, Hess S, Kinney JB, Phillips R Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29728462 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 May 22
Operator sequence alters gene expression independently of transcription factor occupancy in bacteria. Garcia HG, Sanchez A, Boedicker JQ, Osborne M, Gelles J, Kondev J, Phillips R Cell reports 22840405 Cell Rep 2012 Jul 26
Self-consistent theory of transcriptional control in complex regulatory architectures. Landman J, Brewster RC, Weinert FM, Phillips R, Kegel WK PloS one 28686609 PLoS One 2017
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A miniaturized technique for assessing protein thermodynamics and function using fast determination of quantitative cysteine reactivity. Isom DG, Marguet PR, Oas TG, Hellinga HW Proteins 21387407 Proteins 2011 Apr
The backbone structure of the thermophilic Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis ribose binding protein is essentially identical to its mesophilic E. coli homolog. Cuneo MJ, Tian Y, Allert M, Hellinga HW BMC structural biology 18373848 BMC Struct Biol 2008 Mar 28
Structural adaptations that modulate monosaccharide, disaccharide, and trisaccharide specificities in periplasmic maltose-binding proteins. Cuneo MJ, Changela A, Beese LS, Hellinga HW Journal of molecular biology 19361522 J Mol Biol 2009 May 29
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Picomole-scale characterization of protein stability and function by quantitative cysteine reactivity. Isom DG, Vardy E, Oas TG, Hellinga HW Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20194783 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 Mar 16
Structural analysis of semi-specific oligosaccharide recognition by a cellulose-binding protein of thermotoga maritima reveals adaptations for functional diversification of the oligopeptide periplasmic binding protein fold. Cuneo MJ, Beese LS, Hellinga HW The Journal of biological chemistry 19801540 J Biol Chem 2009 Nov 27
Structural analysis of a periplasmic binding protein in the tripartite ATP-independent transporter family reveals a tetrameric assembly that may have a role in ligand transport. Cuneo MJ, Changela A, Miklos AE, Beese LS, Krueger JK, Hellinga HW The Journal of biological chemistry 18723845 J Biol Chem 2008 Nov 21
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Multifactorial determinants of protein expression in prokaryotic open reading frames. Allert M, Cox JC, Hellinga HW Journal of molecular biology 20727358 J Mol Biol 2010 Oct 8
Ligand-induced conformational changes in a thermophilic ribose-binding protein. Cuneo MJ, Beese LS, Hellinga HW BMC structural biology 19019243 BMC Struct Biol 2008 Nov 19
Thermodynamic analysis of ligand-induced changes in protein thermal unfolding applied to high-throughput determination of ligand affinities with extrinsic fluorescent dyes. Layton CJ, Hellinga HW Biochemistry 21050007 Biochemistry 2010 Dec 28
Integration of cell-free protein coexpression with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay enables rapid analysis of protein-protein interactions directly from DNA. Layton CJ, Hellinga HW Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society 21674663 Protein Sci 2011 Aug
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A frugal CRISPR kit for equitable and accessible education in gene editing and synthetic biology. Collins M, Lau MB, Ma W, Shen A, Wang B, Cai S, La Russa M, Jewett MC, Qi LS Nature communications 39095367 Nat Commun 2024 Aug 3
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Cortical activity emerges in region-specific patterns during early brain development. Suárez R, Bluett T, McCullough MH, Avitan L, Black DA, Paolino A, Fenlon LR, Goodhill GJ, Richards LJ bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36824827 bioRxiv 2023 Apr 8
Diverse axonal morphologies of individual callosal projection neurons reveal new insights into brain connectivity. Pal S, Lim JWC, Richards LJ Current opinion in neurobiology 38271848 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2024 Feb
Cortical activity emerges in region-specific patterns during early brain development. Suárez R, Bluett T, McCullough MH, Avitan L, Black DA, Paolino A, Fenlon LR, Goodhill GJ, Richards LJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 37216522 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 May 30
Low-field MRI: Clinical promise and challenges. Arnold TC, Freeman CW, Litt B, Stein JM Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI 36120962 J Magn Reson Imaging 2023 Jan
A framework For brain atlases: Lessons from seizure dynamics. Revell AY, Silva AB, Arnold TC, Stein JM, Das SR, Shinohara RT, Bassett DS, Litt B, Davis KA NeuroImage 35339683 Neuroimage 2022 Jul 1
Seizure Detection in Continuous Inpatient EEG: A Comparison of Human vs Automated Review. Ganguly TM, Ellis CA, Tu D, Shinohara RT, Davis KA, Litt B, Pathmanathan J Neurology 35410905 Neurology 2022 May 31
Development of a natural language processing algorithm to extract seizure types and frequencies from the electronic health record. Decker BM, Turco A, Xu J, Terman SW, Kosaraju N, Jamil A, Davis KA, Litt B, Ellis CA, Khankhanian P, Hill CE Seizure 35882104 Seizure 2022 Oct
Spike patterns surrounding sleep and seizures localize the seizure-onset zone in focal epilepsy. Conrad EC, Revell AY, Greenblatt AS, Gallagher RS, Pattnaik AR, Hartmann N, Gugger JJ, Shinohara RT, Litt B, Marsh ED, Davis KA Epilepsia 36484572 Epilepsia 2023 Mar
A pharmacokinetic model of antiseizure medication load to guide care in the epilepsy monitoring unit. Ghosn NJ, Xie K, Pattnaik AR, Gugger JJ, Ellis CA, Sweeney E, Fox E, Bernabei JM, Johnson J, Boccanfuso J, Litt B, Conrad EC Epilepsia 36815252 Epilepsia 2023 May
Quantitative approaches to guide epilepsy surgery from intracranial EEG. Bernabei JM, Li A, Revell AY, Smith RJ, Gunnarsdottir KM, Ong IZ, Davis KA, Sinha N, Sarma S, Litt B Brain : a journal of neurology 36623936 Brain 2023 Jun 1
iEEG-recon: A fast and scalable pipeline for accurate reconstruction of intracranial electrodes and implantable devices. Lucas A, Scheid BH, Pattnaik AR, Gallagher R, Mojena M, Tranquille A, Prager B, Gleichgerrcht E, Gong R, Litt B, Davis KA, Das S, Stein JM, Sinha N Epilepsia 38148517 Epilepsia 2024 Mar
Artificial intelligence in epilepsy phenotyping. Knight A, Gschwind T, Galer P, Worrell GA, Litt B, Soltesz I, Beniczky S Epilepsia 37983589 Epilepsia 2023 Nov 20
MXene-infused bioelectronic interfaces for multiscale electrophysiology and stimulation. Driscoll N, Erickson B, Murphy BB, Richardson AG, Robbins G, Apollo NV, Mentzelopoulos G, Mathis T, Hantanasirisakul K, Bagga P, Gullbrand SE, Sergison M, Reddy R, Wolf JA, Chen HI, Lucas TH, Dillingham TR, Davis KA, Gogotsi Y, Medaglia JD, Vitale F Science translational medicine 34550728 Sci Transl Med 2021 Sep 22
Fractional-order model predictive control as a framework for electrical neurostimulation in epilepsy. Chatterjee S, Romero O, Ashourvan A, Pequito S Journal of neural engineering 33142281 J Neural Eng 2020 Dec 16
Extracting seizure frequency from epilepsy clinic notes: a machine reading approach to natural language processing. Xie K, Gallagher RS, Conrad EC, Garrick CO, Baldassano SN, Bernabei JM, Galer PD, Ghosn NJ, Greenblatt AS, Jennings T, Kornspun A, Kulick-Soper CV, Panchal JM, Pattnaik AR, Scheid BH, Wei D, Weitzman M, Muthukrishnan R, Kim J, Litt B, Ellis CA, Roth D Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 35190834 J Am Med Inform Assoc 2022 Apr 13
Intracranial electroencephalographic biomarker predicts effective responsive neurostimulation for epilepsy prior to treatment. Scheid BH, Bernabei JM, Khambhati AN, Mouchtaris S, Jeschke J, Bassett DS, Becker D, Davis KA, Lucas T, Doyle W, Chang EF, Friedman D, Rao VR, Litt B Epilepsia 34997577 Epilepsia 2022 Mar
Generalization of finetuned transformer language models to new clinical contexts. Xie K, Terman SW, Gallagher RS, Hill CE, Davis KA, Litt B, Roth D, Ellis CA JAMIA open 37600072 JAMIA Open 2023 Oct
Resting-state background features demonstrate multidien cycles in long-term EEG device recordings. Ojemann WKS, Scheid BH, Mouchtaris S, Lucas A, LaRocque JJ, Aguila C, Ashourvan A, Caciagli L, Davis KA, Conrad EC, Litt B medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37461688 medRxiv 2023 Jul 7
Long-term epilepsy outcome dynamics revealed by natural language processing of clinic notes. Xie K, Gallagher RS, Shinohara RT, Xie SX, Hill CE, Conrad EC, Davis KA, Roth D, Litt B, Ellis CA Epilepsia 37114472 Epilepsia 2023 Jul
Characterizing the treatment gap in the United States among adult patients with a new diagnosis of epilepsy. Decker BM, Ellis CA, Schriver E, Fischbein K, Smith D, Moyer JT, Kulick-Soper CV, Mowery D, Litt B, Hill CE Epilepsia 37150944 Epilepsia 2023 Jul
iEEG-recon: A Fast and Scalable Pipeline for Accurate Reconstruction of Intracranial Electrodes and Implantable Devices. Lucas A, Scheid BH, Pattnaik AR, Gallagher R, Mojena M, Tranquille A, Prager B, Gleichgerrcht E, Gong R, Litt B, Davis KA, Das S, Stein JM, Sinha N medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37398160 medRxiv 2023 Jun 13
Quantitative EEG Spectral Features Differentiate Genetic Epilepsies and Predict Neurologic Outcomes. Galer PD, McKee JL, Ruggiero SM, Kaufman MC, McSalley I, Ganesan S, Ojemann WKS, Gonzalez AK, Cao Q, Litt B, Helbig I, Conrad EC medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 39417111 medRxiv 2024 Oct 10
Quantifying interictal intracranial EEG to predict focal epilepsy. Gallagher RS, Sinha N, Pattnaik AR, Ojemann WKS, Lucas A, LaRocque JJ, Bernabei JM, Greenblatt AS, Sweeney EM, Chen HI, Davis KA, Conrad EC, Litt B ArXiv 37547655 ArXiv 2023 Jul 27
Multi-contrast high-field quality image synthesis for portable low-field MRI using generative adversarial networks and paired data. Lucas A, Campbell Arnold T, Okar SV, Vadali C, Kawatra KD, Ren Z, Cao Q, Shinohara RT, Schindler MK, Davis KA, Litt B, Reich DS, Stein JM medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38234785 medRxiv 2023 Dec 29
The seizure severity score: a quantitative tool for comparing seizures and their response to therapy. Pattnaik AR, Ghosn NJ, Ong IZ, Revell AY, Ojemann WKS, Scheid BH, Georgostathi G, Bernabei JM, Conrad EC, Sinha SR, Davis KA, Sinha N, Litt B Journal of neural engineering 37531949 J Neural Eng 2023 Aug 10
Remote effects of temporal lobe epilepsy surgery: Long-term morphological changes after surgical resection. Arnold TC, Kini LG, Bernabei JM, Revell AY, Das SR, Stein JM, Lucas TH, Englot DJ, Morgan VL, Litt B, Davis KA Epilepsia open 36944585 Epilepsia Open 2023 Jun
Time-evolving controllability of effective connectivity networks during seizure progression. Scheid BH, Ashourvan A, Stiso J, Davis KA, Mikhail F, Pasqualetti F, Litt B, Bassett DS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33495341 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Feb 2
Implanting intracranial electrodes does not affect spikes or network connectivity in nearby or connected brain regions. Conrad EC, Shinohara RT, Gugger JJ, Revell AY, Das S, Stein JM, Marsh ED, Davis KA, Litt B Network neuroscience (Cambridge, Mass.) 36607198 Netw Neurosci 2022 Jul
Quantifying trial-by-trial variability during cortico-cortical evoked potential mapping of epileptogenic tissue. Cornblath EJ, Lucas A, Armstrong C, Greenblatt AS, Stein JM, Hadar PN, Raghupathi R, Marsh E, Litt B, Davis KA, Conrad EC Epilepsia 36728906 Epilepsia 2023 Apr
Addressing spatial bias in intracranial EEG functional connectivity analyses for epilepsy surgical planning. Conrad EC, Bernabei JM, Sinha N, Ghosn NJ, Stein JM, Shinohara RT, Litt B Journal of neural engineering 36084621 J Neural Eng 2022 Sep 23
A Full-Stack Application for Detecting Seizures and Reducing Data During Continuous Electroencephalogram Monitoring. Bernabei JM, Owoputi O, Small SD, Nyema NT, Dumenyo E, Kim J, Baldassano SN, Painter C, Conrad EC, Ganguly TM, Balu R, Davis KA, Levine JM, Pathmanathan J, Litt B Critical care explorations 34278312 Crit Care Explor 2021 Jul
Clinical signatures of genetic epilepsies precede diagnosis in electronic medical records of 32,000 individuals. Galer PD, Parthasarathy S, Xian J, McKee JL, Ruggiero SM, Ganesan S, Kaufman MC, Cohen SR, Haag S, Chen C, Ojemann WKS, Kim D, Wilmarth O, Vaidiswaran P, Sederman C, Ellis CA, Gonzalez AK, Boßelmann CM, Lal D, Sederman R, Lewis-Smith D, Litt B, Helbig I Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 39011766 Genet Med 2024 Nov
On-Demand Seizures Facilitate Rapid Screening of Therapeutics for Epilepsy. Chen Y, Litt B, Vitale F, Takano H bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39464023 bioRxiv 2024 Oct 15
Electrocorticography and stereo EEG provide distinct measures of brain connectivity: implications for network models. Bernabei JM, Arnold TC, Shah P, Revell A, Ong IZ, Kini LG, Stein JM, Shinohara RT, Lucas TH, Davis KA, Bassett DS, Litt B Brain communications 34396112 Brain Commun 2021
Normative intracranial EEG maps epileptogenic tissues in focal epilepsy. Bernabei JM, Sinha N, Arnold TC, Conrad E, Ong I, Pattnaik AR, Stein JM, Shinohara RT, Lucas TH, Bassett DS, Davis KA, Litt B Brain : a journal of neurology 35640886 Brain 2022 Jun 30
Sensitivity of portable low-field magnetic resonance imaging for multiple sclerosis lesions. Arnold TC, Tu D, Okar SV, Nair G, By S, Kawatra KD, Robert-Fitzgerald TE, Desiderio LM, Schindler MK, Shinohara RT, Reich DS, Stein JM NeuroImage. Clinical 35792417 Neuroimage Clin 2022
Model-based design for seizure control by stimulation. Ashourvan A, Pequito S, Khambhati AN, Mikhail F, Baldassano SN, Davis KA, Lucas TH, Vettel JM, Litt B, Pappas GJ, Bassett DS Journal of neural engineering 32103826 J Neural Eng 2020 Mar 26
Simulated diagnostic performance of low-field MRI: Harnessing open-access datasets to evaluate novel devices. Arnold TC, Baldassano SN, Litt B, Stein JM Magnetic resonance imaging 34968700 Magn Reson Imaging 2022 Apr
Disparities in seizure outcomes revealed by large language models. Xie K, Ojemann WKS, Gallagher RS, Lucas A, Hill CE, Hamilton RH, Johnson KB, Roth D, Litt B, Ellis CA medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37790442 medRxiv 2023 Sep 22
Thalamic stereo-EEG in epilepsy surgery: where do we stand? Bernabei JM, Litt B, Cajigas I Brain : a journal of neurology 37226526 Brain 2023 Jul 3
Alcohol for seizure induction in the epilepsy monitoring unit. Emmert BE, Xie K, Conrad EC, Ghosn NJ, Bauman K, Korzun J, Kulick-Soper CV, Naveed O, Hartmann N, LaRocque JJ, Mindy Ganguly T, Gugger JJ, Raghupathi R, Gelfand MA, Davis KA, Sinha SR, Litt B, Shinohara RT, Ellis CA Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 38070406 Epilepsy Behav 2024 Jan
Disparities in seizure outcomes revealed by large language models. Xie K, Ojemann WKS, Gallagher RS, Shinohara RT, Lucas A, Hill CE, Hamilton RH, Johnson KB, Roth D, Litt B, Ellis CA Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 38481027 J Am Med Inform Assoc 2024 May 20
Utility of intracranial EEG networks depends on re-referencing and connectivity choice. Shi H, Pattnaik AR, Aguila C, Lucas A, Sinha N, Prager B, Mojena M, Gallagher R, Parashos A, Bonilha L, Gleichgerrcht E, Davis KA, Litt B, Conrad EC Brain communications 38799618 Brain Commun 2024
Interictal intracranial EEG asymmetry lateralizes temporal lobe epilepsy. Conrad EC, Lucas A, Ojemann WKS, Aguila CA, Mojena M, LaRocque JJ, Pattnaik AR, Gallagher R, Greenblatt A, Tranquille A, Parashos A, Gleichgerrcht E, Bonilha L, Litt B, Sinha S, Ungar L, Davis KA medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38168158 medRxiv 2023 Dec 14
Solving brain circuit function and dysfunction with computational modeling and optogenetic fMRI. Lee JH, Liu Q, Dadgar-Kiani E Science (New York, N.Y.) 36327349 Science 2022 Nov 4
High-sensitivity detection of optogenetically-induced neural activity with functional ultrasound imaging. Edelman BJ, Ielacqua GD, Chan RW, Asaad M, Choy M, Lee JH NeuroImage 34333106 Neuroimage 2021 Nov 15
Distinct local and brain-wide networks are activated by optogenetic stimulation of neurons specific to each layer of motor cortex. Chan RW, Cron GO, Asaad M, Edelman BJ, Lee HJ, Adesnik H, Feinberg D, Lee JH NeuroImage 36176220 Neuroimage 2022 Nov
In patients with late-life depression and cognitive decline, adding tDCS to cognitive training does not significantly affect depressive symptoms but shows potential benefits on cognition as measured by fMRI. Ha J, Fang Y, Cron GO, Heo J, Jung E, Lee D, Kim H, Kim E, Park JY, Lee JH Brain stimulation 38367933 Brain Stimul 2024 Mar-Apr
Quantitative 3D histochemistry reveals region-specific amyloid-β reduction by the antidiabetic drug netoglitazone. Catto F, Dadgar-Kiani E, Kirschenbaum D, Economides A, Reuss AM, Trevisan C, Caredio D, Mirzet D, Frick L, Weber-Stadlbauer U, Litvinov S, Koumoutsakos P, Hyung Lee J, Aguzzi A bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39185170 bioRxiv 2024 Aug 17
Repeated hippocampal seizures lead to brain-wide reorganization of circuits and seizure propagation pathways. Choy M, Dadgar-Kiani E, Cron GO, Duffy BA, Schmid F, Edelman BJ, Asaad M, Chan RW, Vahdat S, Lee JH Neuron 34706219 Neuron 2022 Jan 19
Hemispherically lateralized rhythmic oscillations in the cingulate-amygdala circuit drive affective empathy in mice. Kim SW, Kim M, Baek J, Latchoumane CF, Gangadharan G, Yoon Y, Kim DS, Lee JH, Shin HS Neuron 36460007 Neuron 2023 Feb 1
Transmembrane protein ATG-9 links presynaptic autophagy with the synaptic vesicle cycle. Yang S, Colón-Ramos DA Autophagy 35349396 Autophagy 2022 Jul
Differential adhesion regulates neurite placement via a retrograde zippering mechanism. Sengupta T, Koonce NL, Vázquez-Martínez N, Moyle MW, Duncan LH, Emerson SE, Han X, Shao L, Wu Y, Santella A, Fan L, Bao Z, Mohler WA, Shroff H, Colón-Ramos DA eLife 34783657 Elife 2021 Nov 16
A genetically encoded tool for reconstituting synthetic modulatory neurotransmission and reconnect neural circuits in vivo. Hawk JD, Wisdom EM, Sengupta T, Kashlan ZD, Colón-Ramos DA Nature communications 34373460 Nat Commun 2021 Aug 9
Local and dynamic regulation of neuronal glycolysis in vivo. Wolfe AD, Koberstein JN, Smith CB, Stewart ML, Hammarlund M, Hyman A, Stork PJ, Goodman R, Colón-Ramos DA bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37662365 bioRxiv 2023 Aug 26
Transforming the development and dissemination of cutting-edge microscopy and computation. Colón-Ramos DA, La Riviere P, Shroff H, Oldenbourg R Nature methods 31363203 Nat Methods 2019 Aug
Structural and developmental principles of neuropil assembly in C. elegans. Moyle MW, Barnes KM, Kuchroo M, Gonopolskiy A, Duncan LH, Sengupta T, Shao L, Guo M, Santella A, Christensen R, Kumar A, Wu Y, Moon KR, Wolf G, Krishnaswamy S, Bao Z, Shroff H, Mohler WA, Colón-Ramos DA Nature 33627875 Nature 2021 Mar
The active zone protein Clarinet regulates synaptic sorting of ATG-9 and presynaptic autophagy. Xuan Z, Yang S, Clark B, Hill SE, Manning L, Colón-Ramos DA PLoS biology 37053235 PLoS Biol 2023 Apr
Programmed Cell Death Modifies Neural Circuits and Tunes Intrinsic Behavior. Kochersberger A, Torkashvand MM, Lee D, Baskoylu S, Sengupta T, Koonce N, Emerson CE, Patel NV, Colón-Ramos D, Flavell S, Horvitz HR, Venkatachalam V, Hammarlund M bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37745399 bioRxiv 2023 Sep 25
Local and dynamic regulation of neuronal glycolysis in vivo. Wolfe AD, Koberstein JN, Smith CB, Stewart ML, Gonzalez IJ, Hammarlund M, Hyman AA, Stork PJS, Goodman RH, Colón-Ramos DA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38198527 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024 Jan 16
Sleep Analysis in Adult C. elegans Reveals State-Dependent Alteration of Neural and Behavioral Responses. Lawler DE, Chew YL, Hawk JD, Aljobeh A, Schafer WR, Albrecht DR The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 33446520 J Neurosci 2021 Mar 3
Multiview confocal super-resolution microscopy. Wu Y, Han X, Su Y, Glidewell M, Daniels JS, Liu J, Sengupta T, Rey-Suarez I, Fischer R, Patel A, Combs C, Sun J, Wu X, Christensen R, Smith C, Bao L, Sun Y, Duncan LH, Chen J, Pommier Y, Shi YB, Murphy E, Roy S, Upadhyaya A, Colón-Ramos D, La Riviere P, Shroff H Nature 34837071 Nature 2021 Dec
A muscle-epidermis-glia signaling axis sustains synaptic specificity during allometric growth in Caenorhabditis elegans. Fan J, Ji T, Wang K, Huang J, Wang M, Manning L, Dong X, Shi Y, Zhang X, Shao Z, Colón-Ramos DA eLife 32255430 Elife 2020 Apr 7
Deep learning-based aberration compensation improves contrast and resolution in fluorescence microscopy. Guo M, Wu Y, Hobson CM, Su Y, Qian S, Krueger E, Christensen R, Kroeschell G, Bui J, Chaw M, Zhang L, Liu J, Hou X, Han X, Lu Z, Ma X, Zhovmer A, Combs C, Moyle M, Yemini E, Liu H, Liu Z, Benedetto A, La Riviere P, Colón-Ramos D, Shroff H bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37986950 bioRxiv 2024 Jul 15
NeuroSCAN: Exploring Neurodevelopment via Spatiotemporal Collation of Anatomical Networks. Koonce NL, Emerson SE, Bhaskar D, Kuchroo M, Moyle MW, Arroyo-Morales P, Martínez NV, Krishnaswamy S, Mohler W, Colón-Ramos D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39484462 bioRxiv 2024 Oct 24
Configuration of electrical synapses filters sensory information to drive behavioral choices. Almoril-Porras A, Calvo AC, Niu L, Beagan J, Díaz García M, Hawk JD, Aljobeh A, Wisdom EM, Ren I, Wang ZW, Colón-Ramos DA Cell 39742807 Cell 2025 Jan 9
Phosphofructokinase relocalizes into subcellular compartments with liquid-like properties in vivo. Jang S, Xuan Z, Lagoy RC, Jawerth LM, Gonzalez IJ, Singh M, Prashad S, Kim HS, Patel A, Albrecht DR, Hyman AA, Colón-Ramos DA Biophysical journal 32853565 Biophys J 2021 Apr 6
Presynaptic autophagy is coupled to the synaptic vesicle cycle via ATG-9. Yang S, Park D, Manning L, Hill SE, Cao M, Xuan Z, Gonzalez I, Dong Y, Clark B, Shao L, Okeke I, Almoril-Porras A, Bai J, De Camilli P, Colón-Ramos DA Neuron 35065714 Neuron 2022 Mar 2
Antagonism between neuropeptides and monoamines in a distributed circuit for pathogen avoidance. Marquina-Solis J, Feng L, Vandewyer E, Beets I, Hawk J, Colón-Ramos DA, Yu J, Fox BW, Schroeder FC, Bargmann CI Cell reports 38573858 Cell Rep 2024 Apr 23
The active zone protein CLA-1 (Clarinet) bridges two subsynaptic domains to regulate presynaptic sorting of ATG-9. Xuan Z, Colón-Ramos DA Autophagy 37389488 Autophagy 2023 Oct
Specific configurations of electrical synapses filter sensory information to drive choices in behavior. Almoril-Porras A, Calvo AC, Niu L, Beagan J, Hawk JD, Aljobeh A, Wisdom EM, Ren I, Díaz-García M, Wang ZW, Colón-Ramos DA bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37577611 bioRxiv 2023 Aug 3
Machine learning-guided channelrhodopsin engineering enables minimally invasive optogenetics. Bedbrook CN, Yang KK, Robinson JE, Mackey ED, Gradinaru V, Arnold FH Nature methods 31611694 Nat Methods 2019 Nov
Functional gene delivery to and across brain vasculature of systemic AAVs with endothelial-specific tropism in rodents and broad tropism in primates. Chen X, Wolfe DA, Bindu DS, Zhang M, Taskin N, Goertsen D, Shay TF, Sullivan EE, Huang SF, Ravindra Kumar S, Arokiaraj CM, Plattner VM, Campos LJ, Mich JK, Monet D, Ngo V, Ding X, Omstead V, Weed N, Bishaw Y, Gore BB, Lein ES, Akrami A, Miller C, Levi BP, Keller A, Ting JT, Fox AS, Eroglu C, Gradinaru V Nature communications 37291094 Nat Commun 2023 Jun 8
Primate-conserved carbonic anhydrase IV and murine-restricted LY6C1 enable blood-brain barrier crossing by engineered viral vectors. Shay TF, Sullivan EE, Ding X, Chen X, Ravindra Kumar S, Goertsen D, Brown D, Crosby A, Vielmetter J, Borsos M, Wolfe DA, Lam AW, Gradinaru V Science advances 37075114 Sci Adv 2023 Apr 21
Engineered AAVs for non-invasive gene delivery to rodent and non-human primate nervous systems. Chen X, Ravindra Kumar S, Adams CD, Yang D, Wang T, Wolfe DA, Arokiaraj CM, Ngo V, Campos LJ, Griffiths JA, Ichiki T, Mazmanian SK, Osborne PB, Keast JR, Miller CT, Fox AS, Chiu IM, Gradinaru V Neuron 35643078 Neuron 2022 Jul 20
Spatial transcriptomics for profiling the tropism of viral vectors in tissues. Jang MJ, Coughlin GM, Jackson CR, Chen X, Chuapoco MR, Vendemiatti JL, Wang AZ, Gradinaru V Nature biotechnology 36702899 Nat Biotechnol 2023 Sep
Adeno-associated viral vectors for functional intravenous gene transfer throughout the non-human primate brain. Chuapoco MR, Flytzanis NC, Goeden N, Christopher Octeau J, Roxas KM, Chan KY, Scherrer J, Winchester J, Blackburn RJ, Campos LJ, Man KNM, Sun J, Chen X, Lefevre A, Singh VP, Arokiaraj CM, Shay TF, Vendemiatti J, Jang MJ, Mich JK, Bishaw Y, Gore BB, Omstead V, Taskin N, Weed N, Levi BP, Ting JT, Miller CT, Deverman BE, Pickel J, Tian L, Fox AS, Gradinaru V Nature nanotechnology 37430038 Nat Nanotechnol 2023 Oct
Multiplexed Cre-dependent selection yields systemic AAVs for targeting distinct brain cell types. Ravindra Kumar S, Miles TF, Chen X, Brown D, Dobreva T, Huang Q, Ding X, Luo Y, Einarsson PH, Greenbaum A, Jang MJ, Deverman BE, Gradinaru V Nature methods 32313222 Nat Methods 2020 May
Functional gene delivery to and across brain vasculature of systemic AAVs with endothelial-specific tropism in rodents and broad tropism in primates. Chen X, Wolfe DA, Bindu DS, Zhang M, Taskin N, Goertsen D, Shay TF, Sullivan E, Huang SF, Kumar SR, Arokiaraj CM, Plattner V, Campos LJ, Mich J, Monet D, Ngo V, Ding X, Omstead V, Weed N, Bishaw Y, Gore B, Lein ES, Akrami A, Miller C, Levi BP, Keller A, Ting JT, Fox AS, Eroglu C, Gradinaru V bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36711773 bioRxiv 2023 Jan 13
Human cell surface-AAV interactomes identify LRP6 as blood-brain barrier transcytosis receptor and immune cytokine IL3 as AAV9 binder. Shay TF, Jang S, Brittain TJ, Chen X, Walker B, Tebbutt C, Fan Y, Wolfe DA, Arokiaraj CM, Sullivan EE, Ding X, Wang TY, Lei Y, Chuapoco MR, Chou TF, Gradinaru V Nature communications 39245720 Nat Commun 2024 Sep 8
Synaptic Communication in Brain Cancer. Monje M Cancer research 32381657 Cancer Res 2020 Jul 15
Activity Shapes Neural Circuit Form and Function: A Historical Perspective. Pan Y, Monje M The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 31996470 J Neurosci 2020 Jan 29
Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: molecular landscape and emerging therapeutic targets. Aziz-Bose R, Monje M Current opinion in oncology 31464759 Curr Opin Oncol 2019 Nov
Electrical and synaptic integration of glioma into neural circuits. Venkatesh HS, Morishita W, Geraghty AC, Silverbush D, Gillespie SM, Arzt M, Tam LT, Espenel C, Ponnuswami A, Ni L, Woo PJ, Taylor KR, Agarwal A, Regev A, Brang D, Vogel H, Hervey-Jumper S, Bergles DE, Suvà ML, Malenka RC, Monje M Nature 31534222 Nature 2019 Sep
Mild respiratory COVID can cause multi-lineage neural cell and myelin dysregulation. Fernández-Castañeda A, Lu P, Geraghty AC, Song E, Lee MH, Wood J, O'Dea MR, Dutton S, Shamardani K, Nwangwu K, Mancusi R, Yalçın B, Taylor KR, Acosta-Alvarez L, Malacon K, Keough MB, Ni L, Woo PJ, Contreras-Esquivel D, Toland AMS, Gehlhausen JR, Klein J, Takahashi T, Silva J, Israelow B, Lucas C, Mao T, Peña-Hernández MA, Tabachnikova A, Homer RJ, Tabacof L, Tosto-Mancuso J, Breyman E, Kontorovich A, McCarthy D, Quezado M, Vogel H, Hefti MM, Perl DP, Liddelow S, Folkerth R, Putrino D, Nath A, Iwasaki A, Monje M Cell 35768006 Cell 2022 Jul 7
Neural Signaling in Cancer. Keough MB, Monje M Annual review of neuroscience 35259916 Annu Rev Neurosci 2022 Jul 8
Microenvironmental interactions of oligodendroglial cells. Yalçın B, Monje M Developmental cell 34192527 Dev Cell 2021 Jul 12
Glioblastoma remodelling of human neural circuits decreases survival. Krishna S, Choudhury A, Keough MB, Seo K, Ni L, Kakaizada S, Lee A, Aabedi A, Popova G, Lipkin B, Cao C, Nava Gonzales C, Sudharshan R, Egladyous A, Almeida N, Zhang Y, Molinaro AM, Venkatesh HS, Daniel AGS, Shamardani K, Hyer J, Chang EF, Findlay A, Phillips JJ, Nagarajan S, Raleigh DR, Brang D, Monje M, Hervey-Jumper SL Nature 37138086 Nature 2023 May
Loss of Adaptive Myelination Contributes to Methotrexate Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment. Geraghty AC, Gibson EM, Ghanem RA, Greene JJ, Ocampo A, Goldstein AK, Ni L, Yang T, Marton RM, Paşca SP, Greenberg ME, Longo FM, Monje M Neuron 31122677 Neuron 2019 Jul 17
Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: From Diagnosis to Next-Generation Clinical Trials. Vitanza NA, Monje M Current treatment options in neurology 31290035 Curr Treat Options Neurol 2019 Jul 10
A prognostic neural epigenetic signature in high-grade glioma. Drexler R, Khatri R, Sauvigny T, Mohme M, Maire CL, Ryba A, Zghaibeh Y, Dührsen L, Salviano-Silva A, Lamszus K, Westphal M, Gempt J, Wefers AK, Neumann JE, Bode H, Hausmann F, Huber TB, Bonn S, Jütten K, Delev D, Weber KJ, Harter PN, Onken J, Vajkoczy P, Capper D, Wiestler B, Weller M, Snijder B, Buck A, Weiss T, Göller PC, Sahm F, Menstel JA, Zimmer DN, Keough MB, Ni L, Monje M, Silverbush D, Hovestadt V, Suvà ML, Krishna S, Hervey-Jumper SL, Schüller U, Heiland DH, Hänzelmann S, Ricklefs FL Nature medicine 38760585 Nat Med 2024 Jun
Remote neuronal activity drives glioma infiltration via Sema4f. Huang-Hobbs E, Cheng YT, Ko Y, Luna-Figueroa E, Lozzi B, Taylor KR, McDonald M, He P, Chen HC, Yang Y, Maleki E, Lee ZF, Murali S, Williamson M, Choi D, Curry R, Bayley J, Woo J, Jalali A, Monje M, Noebels JL, Harmanci AS, Rao G, Deneen B bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36993539 bioRxiv 2023 Mar 16
Cancer hallmarks intersect with neuroscience in the tumor microenvironment. Hanahan D, Monje M Cancer cell 36917953 Cancer Cell 2023 Mar 13
Glioma synapses recruit mechanisms of adaptive plasticity. Taylor KR, Barron T, Hui A, Spitzer A, Yalçin B, Ivec AE, Geraghty AC, Hartmann GG, Arzt M, Gillespie SM, Kim YS, Maleki Jahan S, Zhang H, Shamardani K, Su M, Ni L, Du PP, Woo PJ, Silva-Torres A, Venkatesh HS, Mancusi R, Ponnuswami A, Mulinyawe S, Keough MB, Chau I, Aziz-Bose R, Tirosh I, Suvà ML, Monje M Nature 37914930 Nature 2023 Nov
Cholinergic Neuronal Activity Promotes Diffuse Midline Glioma Growth through Muscarinic Signaling. Drexler R, Drinnenberg A, Gavish A, Yalcin B, Shamardani K, Rogers A, Mancusi R, Taylor KR, Kim YS, Woo PJ, Ravel A, Tatlock E, Ramakrishnan C, Ayala-Sarmiento AE, Pacheco DRF, Siverts L, Daigle TL, Tasic B, Zeng H, Breunig JJ, Deisseroth K, Monje M bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39386427 bioRxiv 2024 Sep 24
Therapeutic strategies for diffuse midline glioma from high-throughput combination drug screening. Lin GL, Wilson KM, Ceribelli M, Stanton BZ, Woo PJ, Kreimer S, Qin EY, Zhang X, Lennon J, Nagaraja S, Morris PJ, Quezada M, Gillespie SM, Duveau DY, Michalowski AM, Shinn P, Guha R, Ferrer M, Klumpp-Thomas C, Michael S, McKnight C, Minhas P, Itkin Z, Raabe EH, Chen L, Ghanem R, Geraghty AC, Ni L, Andreasson KI, Vitanza NA, Warren KE, Thomas CJ, Monje M Science translational medicine 31748226 Sci Transl Med 2019 Nov 20
Histone Variant and Cell Context Determine H3K27M Reprogramming of the Enhancer Landscape and Oncogenic State. Nagaraja S, Quezada MA, Gillespie SM, Arzt M, Lennon JJ, Woo PJ, Hovestadt V, Kambhampati M, Filbin MG, Suva ML, Nazarian J, Monje M Molecular cell 31588023 Mol Cell 2019 Dec 19
The bright and the dark side of myelin plasticity: Neuron-glial interactions in health and disease. Monje M, Káradóttir RT Seminars in cell & developmental biology 33293232 Semin Cell Dev Biol 2021 Aug
Microglia in Cancer Therapy-Related Cognitive Impairment. Gibson EM, Monje M Trends in neurosciences 33674135 Trends Neurosci 2021 Jun
The neurobiology of long COVID. Monje M, Iwasaki A Neuron 36288726 Neuron 2022 Nov 2
Neuronal hyperexcitability drives central and peripheral nervous system tumor progression in models of neurofibromatosis-1. Anastasaki C, Mo J, Chen JK, Chatterjee J, Pan Y, Scheaffer SM, Cobb O, Monje M, Le LQ, Gutmann DH Nature communications 35589737 Nat Commun 2022 May 19
GD2-CAR T cell therapy for H3K27M-mutated diffuse midline gliomas. Majzner RG, Ramakrishna S, Yeom KW, Patel S, Chinnasamy H, Schultz LM, Richards RM, Jiang L, Barsan V, Mancusi R, Geraghty AC, Good Z, Mochizuki AY, Gillespie SM, Toland AMS, Mahdi J, Reschke A, Nie EH, Chau IJ, Rotiroti MC, Mount CW, Baggott C, Mavroukakis S, Egeler E, Moon J, Erickson C, Green S, Kunicki M, Fujimoto M, Ehlinger Z, Reynolds W, Kurra S, Warren KE, Prabhu S, Vogel H, Rasmussen L, Cornell TT, Partap S, Fisher PG, Campen CJ, Filbin MG, Grant G, Sahaf B, Davis KL, Feldman SA, Mackall CL, Monje M Nature 35130560 Nature 2022 Mar
Mild respiratory SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause multi-lineage cellular dysregulation and myelin loss in the brain. Fernández-Castañeda A, Lu P, Geraghty AC, Song E, Lee MH, Wood J, Yalçın B, Taylor KR, Dutton S, Acosta-Alvarez L, Ni L, Contreras-Esquivel D, Gehlhausen JR, Klein J, Lucas C, Mao T, Silva J, Peña-Hernández MA, Tabachnikova A, Takahashi T, Tabacof L, Tosto-Mancuso J, Breyman E, Kontorovich A, McCarthy D, Quezado M, Hefti M, Perl D, Folkerth R, Putrino D, Nath A, Iwasaki A, Monje M bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 35043113 bioRxiv 2022 Jan 10
The landscape of tumor cell states and spatial organization in H3-K27M mutant diffuse midline glioma across age and location. Liu I, Jiang L, Samuelsson ER, Marco Salas S, Beck A, Hack OA, Jeong D, Shaw ML, Englinger B, LaBelle J, Mire HM, Madlener S, Mayr L, Quezada MA, Trissal M, Panditharatna E, Ernst KJ, Vogelzang J, Gatesman TA, Halbert ME, Palova H, Pokorna P, Sterba J, Slaby O, Geyeregger R, Diaz A, Findlay IJ, Dun MD, Resnick A, Suvà ML, Jones DTW, Agnihotri S, Svedlund J, Koschmann C, Haberler C, Czech T, Slavc I, Cotter JA, Ligon KL, Alexandrescu S, Yung WKA, Arrillaga-Romany I, Gojo J, Monje M, Nilsson M, Filbin MG Nature genetics 36471067 Nat Genet 2022 Dec
The neuroscience of cancer. Mancusi R, Monje M Nature 37316719 Nature 2023 Jun
Haploinsufficiency of NFKBIA reshapes the epigenome antipodal to the IDH mutation and imparts disease fate in diffuse gliomas. Bredel M, Espinosa L, Kim H, Scholtens DM, McElroy JP, Rajbhandari R, Meng W, Kollmeyer TM, Malta TM, Quezada MA, Harsh GR, Lobo-Jarne T, Solé L, Merati A, Nagaraja S, Nair S, White JJ, Thudi NK, Fleming JL, Webb A, Natsume A, Ogawa S, Weber RG, Bertran J, Haque SJ, Hentschel B, Miller CR, Furnari FB, Chan TA, Grosu AL, Weller M, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Monje M, Noushmehr H, Jenkins RB, Rogers CL, MacDonald DR, Pugh SL, Chakravarti A Cell reports. Medicine 37343523 Cell Rep Med 2023 Jun 20
Tumor inflammation-associated neurotoxicity. Mahdi J, Dietrich J, Straathof K, Roddie C, Scott BJ, Davidson TB, Prolo LM, Batchelor TT, Campen CJ, Davis KL, Gust J, Lim M, Majzner RG, Park JR, Partap S, Ramakrishna S, Richards R, Schultz L, Vitanza NA, Wang LD, Mackall CL, Monje M Nature medicine 37024595 Nat Med 2023 Apr
Cancer neuroscience: State of the field, emerging directions. Winkler F, Venkatesh HS, Amit M, Batchelor T, Demir IE, Deneen B, Gutmann DH, Hervey-Jumper S, Kuner T, Mabbott D, Platten M, Rolls A, Sloan EK, Wang TC, Wick W, Venkataramani V, Monje M Cell 37059069 Cell 2023 Apr 13
Neuron-oligodendroglial interactions in health and malignant disease. Taylor KR, Monje M Nature reviews. Neuroscience 37857838 Nat Rev Neurosci 2023 Dec
NF1 mutation drives neuronal activity-dependent initiation of optic glioma. Pan Y, Hysinger JD, Barron T, Schindler NF, Cobb O, Guo X, Yalçın B, Anastasaki C, Mulinyawe SB, Ponnuswami A, Scheaffer S, Ma Y, Chang KC, Xia X, Toonen JA, Lennon JJ, Gibson EM, Huguenard JR, Liau LM, Goldberg JL, Monje M, Gutmann DH Nature 34040258 Nature 2021 Jun
Monosynaptic tracing maps brain-wide afferent oligodendrocyte precursor cell connectivity. Mount CW, Yalçın B, Cunliffe-Koehler K, Sundaresh S, Monje M eLife 31625910 Elife 2019 Oct 18
Epigenetic neural glioblastoma enhances synaptic integration and predicts therapeutic vulnerability. Drexler R, Khatri R, Sauvigny T, Mohme M, Maire CL, Ryba A, Zghaibeh Y, Dührsen L, Salviano-Silva A, Lamszus K, Westphal M, Gempt J, Wefers AK, Neumann J, Bode H, Hausmann F, Huber TB, Bonn S, Jütten K, Delev D, Weber KJ, Harter PN, Onken J, Vajkoczy P, Capper D, Wiestler B, Weller M, Snijder B, Buck A, Weiss T, Keough MB, Ni L, Monje M, Silverbush D, Hovestadt V, Suvà ML, Krishna S, Hervey-Jumper SL, Schüller U, Heiland DH, Hänzelmann S, Ricklefs FL bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37609137 bioRxiv 2023 Aug 7
Developmental origins and emerging therapeutic opportunities for childhood cancer. Filbin M, Monje M Nature medicine 30842674 Nat Med 2019 Mar
Maladaptive myelination promotes generalized epilepsy progression. Knowles JK, Xu H, Soane C, Batra A, Saucedo T, Frost E, Tam LT, Fraga D, Ni L, Villar K, Talmi S, Huguenard JR, Monje M Nature neuroscience 35501379 Nat Neurosci 2022 May
Immunotherapy-related cognitive impairment after CAR T cell therapy in mice. Geraghty AC, Acosta-Alvarez L, Rotiroti M, Dutton S, O'Dea MR, Woo PJ, Xu H, Shamardani K, Mancusi R, Ni L, Mulinyawe SB, Kim WJ, Liddelow SA, Majzner RG, Monje M bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38798554 bioRxiv 2024 May 14
Nf1 mutation disrupts activity-dependent oligodendroglial plasticity and motor learning in mice. Pan Y, Hysinger JD, Yalçın B, Lennon JJ, Byun YG, Raghavan P, Schindler NF, Anastasaki C, Chatterjee J, Ni L, Xu H, Malacon K, Jahan SM, Ivec AE, Aghoghovwia BE, Mount CW, Nagaraja S, Scheaffer S, Attardi LD, Gutmann DH, Monje M Nature neuroscience 38816530 Nat Neurosci 2024 Aug
Emerging mechanistic underpinnings and therapeutic targets for chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment. Gibson EM, Monje M Current opinion in oncology 31449084 Curr Opin Oncol 2019 Nov
Transition to a mesenchymal state in neuroblastoma confers resistance to anti-GD2 antibody via reduced expression of ST8SIA1. Mabe NW, Huang M, Dalton GN, Alexe G, Schaefer DA, Geraghty AC, Robichaud AL, Conway AS, Khalid D, Mader MM, Belk JA, Ross KN, Sheffer M, Linde MH, Ly N, Yao W, Rotiroti MC, Smith BAH, Wernig M, Bertozzi CR, Monje M, Mitsiades CS, Majeti R, Satpathy AT, Stegmaier K, Majzner RG Nature cancer 35817829 Nat Cancer 2022 Aug
Neuron-Glial Interactions in Health and Brain Cancer. Pan Y, Monje M Advanced biology 35957525 Adv Biol (Weinh) 2022 Sep
Roadmap for the Emerging Field of Cancer Neuroscience. Monje M, Borniger JC, D'Silva NJ, Deneen B, Dirks PB, Fattahi F, Frenette PS, Garzia L, Gutmann DH, Hanahan D, Hervey-Jumper SL, Hondermarck H, Hurov JB, Kepecs A, Knox SM, Lloyd AC, Magnon C, Saloman JL, Segal RA, Sloan EK, Sun X, Taylor MD, Tracey KJ, Trotman LC, Tuveson DA, Wang TC, White RA, Winkler F Cell 32302564 Cell 2020 Apr 16
A light-gated transcriptional recorder for detecting cell-cell contacts. Cho KF, Gillespie SM, Kalogriopoulos NA, Quezada MA, Jacko M, Monje M, Ting AY eLife 35311648 Elife 2022 Mar 21
Remote neuronal activity drives glioma progression through SEMA4F. Huang-Hobbs E, Cheng YT, Ko Y, Luna-Figueroa E, Lozzi B, Taylor KR, McDonald M, He P, Chen HC, Yang Y, Maleki E, Lee ZF, Murali S, Williamson MR, Choi D, Curry R, Bayley J, Woo J, Jalali A, Monje M, Noebels JL, Harmanci AS, Rao G, Deneen B Nature 37380778 Nature 2023 Jul
Myelin plasticity in the ventral tegmental area is required for opioid reward. Yalçın B, Pomrenze MB, Malacon K, Drexler R, Rogers AE, Shamardani K, Chau IJ, Taylor KR, Ni L, Contreras-Esquivel D, Malenka RC, Monje M Nature 38839962 Nature 2024 Jun
Tle4 controls both developmental acquisition and early post-natal maturation of corticothalamic projection neuron identity. Galazo MJ, Sweetser DA, Macklis JD Cell reports 37561632 Cell Rep 2023 Aug 29
Limitations of fluorescent timer protein maturation kinetics to isolate transcriptionally synchronized cortically differentiating human pluripotent stem cells. Peter M, Shipman S, Macklis JD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37609140 bioRxiv 2023 Aug 26
Directed differentiation of functional corticospinal-like neurons from endogenous SOX6+/NG2+ cortical progenitors. Ozkan A, Padmanabhan HK, Shipman SL, Azim E, Kumar P, Sadegh C, Basak AN, Macklis JD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38712174 bioRxiv 2024 Apr 23
Corticospinal neuron subpopulation-specific developmental genes prospectively indicate mature segmentally specific axon projection targeting. Sahni V, Shnider SJ, Jabaudon D, Song JHT, Itoh Y, Greig LC, Macklis JD Cell reports 34686320 Cell Rep 2021 Oct 19
Inter-axonal molecular crosstalk via Lumican proteoglycan sculpts murine cervical corticospinal innervation by distinct subpopulations. Itoh Y, Sahni V, Shnider SJ, McKee H, Macklis JD Cell reports 36934325 Cell Rep 2023 Mar 28
Dynamic subtype- and context-specific subcellular RNA regulation in growth cones of developing neurons of the cerebral cortex. Veeraraghavan P, Engmann AK, Hatch JJ, Itoh Y, Nguyen D, Addison T, Macklis JD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38328182 bioRxiv 2024 Jan 23
Symmetry in levels of axon-axon homophilic adhesion establishes topography in the corpus callosum and development of connectivity between brain hemispheres. Poulopoulos A, Davis P, Brandenburg C, Itoh Y, Galazo MJ, Greig LC, Romanowski AJ, Budnik B, Macklis JD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38585721 bioRxiv 2024 Mar 31
BEAM: A combinatorial recombinase toolbox for binary gene expression and mosaic genetic analysis. Greig LC, Woodworth MB, Poulopoulos A, Lim S, Macklis JD Cell reports 39159043 Cell Rep 2024 Aug 27
Crim1 and Kelch-like 14 exert complementary dual-directional developmental control over segmentally specific corticospinal axon projection targeting. Sahni V, Itoh Y, Shnider SJ, Macklis JD Cell reports 34686337 Cell Rep 2021 Oct 19
Limitations of fluorescent timer protein maturation kinetics to isolate transcriptionally synchronized human neural progenitor cells. Peter M, Shipman S, Heo J, Macklis JD iScience 38784012 iScience 2024 Jun 21
Cortical projection neurons with distinct axonal connectivity employ ribosomal complexes with distinct protein compositions. Tran TP, Budnik B, Froberg JE, Macklis JD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39763931 bioRxiv 2024 Dec 28
Subcellular transcriptomes and proteomes of developing axon projections in the cerebral cortex. Poulopoulos A, Murphy AJ, Ozkan A, Davis P, Hatch J, Kirchner R, Macklis JD Nature 30626971 Nature 2019 Jan
Neuronal subtype-specific growth cone and soma purification from mammalian CNS via fractionation and fluorescent sorting for subcellular analyses and spatial mapping of local transcriptomes and proteomes. Engmann AK, Hatch JJ, Nanda P, Veeraraghavan P, Ozkan A, Poulopoulos A, Murphy AJ, Macklis JD Nature protocols 35022617 Nat Protoc 2022 Feb
An evolutionarily acquired microRNA shapes development of mammalian cortical projections. Diaz JL, Siththanandan VB, Lu V, Gonzalez-Nava N, Pasquina L, MacDonald JL, Woodworth MB, Ozkan A, Nair R, He Z, Sahni V, Sarnow P, Palmer TD, Macklis JD, Tharin S Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33139574 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Nov 17
Cbln1 Directs Axon Targeting by Corticospinal Neurons Specifically toward Thoraco-Lumbar Spinal Cord. Song JHT, Ruven C, Patel P, Ding F, Macklis JD, Sahni V The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 36823038 J Neurosci 2023 Mar 15
Development of nanoRibo-seq enables study of regulated translation by cortical neuron subtypes, showing uORF translation in synaptic-axonal genes. Froberg JE, Durak O, Macklis JD Cell reports 37624698 Cell Rep 2023 Sep 26
In vivo molecular imaging for immunotherapy using ultra-bright near-infrared-IIb rare-earth nanoparticles. Zhong Y, Ma Z, Wang F, Wang X, Yang Y, Liu Y, Zhao X, Li J, Du H, Zhang M, Cui Q, Zhu S, Sun Q, Wan H, Tian Y, Liu Q, Wang W, Garcia KC, Dai H Nature biotechnology 31570897 Nat Biotechnol 2019 Nov
Cross-Link-Functionalized Nanoparticles for Rapid Excretion in Nanotheranostic Applications. Ma Z, Wang F, Zhong Y, Salazar F, Li J, Zhang M, Ren F, Wu AM, Dai H Angewandte Chemie (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 34334834 Angew Chem Weinheim Bergstr Ger 2020 Nov 9
3D NIR-II Molecular Imaging Distinguishes Targeted Organs with High-Performance NIR-II Bioconjugates. Zhu S, Herraiz S, Yue J, Zhang M, Wan H, Yang Q, Ma Z, Wang Y, He J, Antaris AL, Zhong Y, Diao S, Feng Y, Zhou Y, Yu K, Hong G, Liang Y, Hsueh AJ, Dai H Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 29446156 Adv Mater 2018 Mar
Boosting the down-shifting luminescence of rare-earth nanocrystals for biological imaging beyond 1500 nm. Zhong Y, Ma Z, Zhu S, Yue J, Zhang M, Antaris AL, Yuan J, Cui R, Wan H, Zhou Y, Wang W, Huang NF, Luo J, Hu Z, Dai H Nature communications 28963467 Nat Commun 2017 Sep 29
Shortwave-infrared-light-emitting probes for the in vivo tracking of cancer vaccines and the elicited immune responses. Ren F, Wang F, Baghdasaryan A, Li Y, Liu H, Hsu R, Wang C, Li J, Zhong Y, Salazar F, Xu C, Jiang Y, Ma Z, Zhu G, Zhao X, Wong KK, Willis R, Christopher Garcia K, Wu A, Mellins E, Dai H Nature biomedical engineering 37620621 Nat Biomed Eng 2024 Jun
Bright quantum dots emitting at ∼1,600 nm in the NIR-IIb window for deep tissue fluorescence imaging. Zhang M, Yue J, Cui R, Ma Z, Wan H, Wang F, Zhu S, Zhou Y, Kuang Y, Zhong Y, Pang DW, Dai H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29891702 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Jun 26
Molecular Cancer Imaging in the Second Near-Infrared Window Using a Renal-Excreted NIR-II Fluorophore-Peptide Probe. Wang W, Ma Z, Zhu S, Wan H, Yue J, Ma H, Ma R, Yang Q, Wang Z, Li Q, Qian Y, Yue C, Wang Y, Fan L, Zhong Y, Zhou Y, Gao H, Ruan J, Hu Z, Liang Y, Dai H Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 29682821 Adv Mater 2018 May
Developing a Bright NIR-II Fluorophore with Fast Renal Excretion and Its Application in Molecular Imaging of Immune Checkpoint PD-L1. Wan H, Ma H, Zhu S, Wang F, Tian Y, Ma R, Yang Q, Hu Z, Zhu T, Wang W, Ma Z, Zhang M, Zhong Y, Sun H, Liang Y, Dai H Advanced functional materials 31832053 Adv Funct Mater 2018 Dec 12
Near-Infrared IIb Fluorescence Imaging of Vascular Regeneration with Dynamic Tissue Perfusion Measurement and High Spatial Resolution. Ma Z, Zhang M, Yue J, Alcazar C, Zhong Y, Doyle TC, Dai H, Huang NF Advanced functional materials 31327961 Adv Funct Mater 2018 Sep 5
Phosphorylcholine-conjugated gold-molecular clusters improve signal for Lymph Node NIR-II fluorescence imaging in preclinical cancer models. Baghdasaryan A, Wang F, Ren F, Ma Z, Li J, Zhou X, Grigoryan L, Xu C, Dai H Nature communications 36153336 Nat Commun 2022 Sep 24
A SARS-CoV-2 vaccine on an NIR-II/SWIR emitting nanoparticle platform. Jiang Y, Sanyal M, Hussein NA, Baghdasaryan A, Zhang M, Wang F, Ren F, Li J, Zhu G, Meng Y, Adamska JZ, Mellins E, Dai H Science advances 39919189 Sci Adv 2025 Feb 7
Rational Design of Molecular Fluorophores for Biological Imaging in the NIR-II Window. Yang Q, Ma Z, Wang H, Zhou B, Zhu S, Zhong Y, Wang J, Wan H, Antaris A, Ma R, Zhang X, Yang J, Zhang X, Sun H, Liu W, Liang Y, Dai H Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 28117499 Adv Mater 2017 Mar
A high quantum yield molecule-protein complex fluorophore for near-infrared II imaging. Antaris AL, Chen H, Diao S, Ma Z, Zhang Z, Zhu S, Wang J, Lozano AX, Fan Q, Chew L, Zhu M, Cheng K, Hong X, Dai H, Cheng Z Nature communications 28524850 Nat Commun 2017 May 19
A mini-review on rare-earth down-conversion nanoparticles for NIR-II imaging of biological systems. Zhong Y, Dai H Nano research 34336144 Nano Res 2020 May
High-precision tumor resection down to few-cell level guided by NIR-IIb molecular fluorescence imaging. Wang F, Qu L, Ren F, Baghdasaryan A, Jiang Y, Hsu R, Liang P, Li J, Zhu G, Ma Z, Dai H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35380898 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Apr 12
A theranostic agent for cancer therapy and imaging in the second near-infrared window. Ma Z, Wan H, Wang W, Zhang X, Uno T, Yang Q, Yue J, Gao H, Zhong Y, Tian Y, Sun Q, Liang Y, Dai H Nano research 31832124 Nano Res 2019 Feb
In vivo non-invasive confocal fluorescence imaging beyond 1,700 nm using superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Wang F, Ren F, Ma Z, Qu L, Gourgues R, Xu C, Baghdasaryan A, Li J, Zadeh IE, Los JWN, Fognini A, Qin-Dregely J, Dai H Nature nanotechnology 35606441 Nat Nanotechnol 2022 Jun
Deep learning for in vivo near-infrared imaging. Ma Z, Wang F, Wang W, Zhong Y, Dai H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33372162 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Jan 5
Live imaging of follicle stimulating hormone receptors in gonads and bones using near infrared II fluorophore. Feng Y, Zhu S, Antaris AL, Chen H, Xiao Y, Lu X, Jiang L, Diao S, Yu K, Wang Y, Herraiz S, Yue J, Hong X, Hong G, Cheng Z, Dai H, Hsueh AJ Chemical science 28626555 Chem Sci 2017 May 1
In vivo NIR-II structured-illumination light-sheet microscopy. Wang F, Ma Z, Zhong Y, Salazar F, Xu C, Ren F, Qu L, Wu AM, Dai H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33526701 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Feb 9
Near-Infrared-II Molecular Dyes for Cancer Imaging and Surgery. Zhu S, Tian R, Antaris AL, Chen X, Dai H Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 31025403 Adv Mater 2019 Jun
Light-sheet microscopy in the near-infrared II window. Wang F, Wan H, Ma Z, Zhong Y, Sun Q, Tian Y, Qu L, Du H, Zhang M, Li L, Ma H, Luo J, Liang Y, Li WJ, Hong G, Liu L, Dai H Nature methods 31086342 Nat Methods 2019 Jun
A bright organic NIR-II nanofluorophore for three-dimensional imaging into biological tissues. Wan H, Yue J, Zhu S, Uno T, Zhang X, Yang Q, Yu K, Hong G, Wang J, Li L, Ma Z, Gao H, Zhong Y, Su J, Antaris AL, Xia Y, Luo J, Liang Y, Dai H Nature communications 29563581 Nat Commun 2018 Mar 21
Molecular imaging in the second near-infrared window. Wan H, Du H, Wang F, Dai H Advanced functional materials 31885529 Adv Funct Mater 2019 Jun 21
Intratumor injected gold molecular clusters for NIR-II imaging and cancer therapy. Baghdasaryan A, Liu H, Ren F, Hsu R, Jiang Y, Wang F, Zhang M, Grigoryan L, Dai H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38261618 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024 Jan 30
Structure-Specific Cleavage of an RNA Repeat Expansion with a Dimeric Small Molecule Is Advantageous over Sequence-Specific Recognition by an Oligonucleotide. Benhamou RI, Angelbello AJ, Andrews RJ, Wang ET, Moss WN, Disney MD ACS chemical biology 31927948 ACS Chem Biol 2020 Feb 21
Target-Directed Approaches for Screening Small Molecules against RNA Targets. Haniff HS, Knerr L, Chen JL, Disney MD, Lightfoot HL SLAS discovery : advancing life sciences R & D 32419578 SLAS Discov 2020 Sep
Using Genome Sequence to Enable the Design of Medicines and Chemical Probes. Angelbello AJ, Chen JL, Childs-Disney JL, Zhang P, Wang ZF, Disney MD Chemical reviews 29322778 Chem Rev 2018 Feb 28
Precise small-molecule cleavage of an r(CUG) repeat expansion in a myotonic dystrophy mouse model. Angelbello AJ, Rzuczek SG, Mckee KK, Chen JL, Olafson H, Cameron MD, Moss WN, Wang ET, Disney MD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 30926669 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019 Apr 16
Targeted Degradation of a Hypoxia-Associated Non-coding RNA Enhances the Selectivity of a Small Molecule Interacting with RNA. Costales MG, Suresh B, Vishnu K, Disney MD Cell chemical biology 31130520 Cell Chem Biol 2019 Aug 15
A Small Molecule that Binds an RNA Repeat Expansion Stimulates Its Decay via the Exosome Complex. Angelbello AJ, Benhamou RI, Rzuczek SG, Choudhary S, Tang Z, Chen JL, Roy M, Wang KW, Yildirim I, Jun AS, Thornton CA, Disney MD Cell chemical biology 33157036 Cell Chem Biol 2021 Jan 21
Structural Features of Small Molecules Targeting the RNA Repeat Expansion That Causes Genetically Defined ALS/FTD. Ursu A, Wang KW, Bush JA, Choudhary S, Chen JL, Baisden JT, Zhang YJ, Gendron TF, Petrucelli L, Yildirim I, Disney MD ACS chemical biology 33196168 ACS Chem Biol 2020 Dec 18
Targeting RNA with Small Molecules To Capture Opportunities at the Intersection of Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine. Disney MD Journal of the American Chemical Society 30896935 J Am Chem Soc 2019 May 1
Small molecule targeting of RNA structures in neurological disorders. Angelbello AJ, Chen JL, Disney MD Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 30964958 Ann N Y Acad Sci 2020 Jul
Fragment-Based Approaches to Identify RNA Binders. Suresh BM, Taghavi A, Childs-Disney JL, Disney MD Journal of medicinal chemistry 37186875 J Med Chem 2023 May 25
Development of pharmacophore models for small molecules targeting RNA: Application to the RNA repeat expansion in myotonic dystrophy type 1. Angelbello AJ, González ÀL, Rzuczek SG, Disney MD Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 27839685 Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2016 Dec 1
Rational Design of Small Molecules Targeting Oncogenic Noncoding RNAs from Sequence. Disney MD, Angelbello AJ Accounts of chemical research 27993012 Acc Chem Res 2016 Dec 20
Studying a Drug-like, RNA-Focused Small Molecule Library Identifies Compounds That Inhibit RNA Toxicity in Myotonic Dystrophy. Rzuczek SG, Southern MR, Disney MD ACS chemical biology 26414664 ACS Chem Biol 2015 Dec 18
Small Molecule Recognition and Tools to Study Modulation of r(CGG)(exp) in Fragile X-Associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome. Yang WY, He F, Strack RL, Oh SY, Frazer M, Jaffrey SR, Todd PK, Disney MD ACS chemical biology 27276216 ACS Chem Biol 2016 Sep 16
The RNA encoding the microtubule-associated protein tau has extensive structure that affects its biology. Chen JL, Moss WN, Spencer A, Zhang P, Childs-Disney JL, Disney MD PloS one 31291322 PLoS One 2019
A Toxic RNA Catalyzes the Cellular Synthesis of Its Own Inhibitor, Shunting It to Endogenous Decay Pathways. Benhamou RI, Angelbello AJ, Wang ET, Disney MD Cell chemical biology 31981476 Cell Chem Biol 2020 Feb 20
A blood-brain penetrant RNA-targeted small molecule triggers elimination of r(G(4)C(2))(exp) in c9ALS/FTD via the nuclear RNA exosome. Bush JA, Meyer SM, Fuerst R, Tong Y, Li Y, Benhamou RI, Aikawa H, Zanon PRA, Gibaut QMR, Angelbello AJ, Gendron TF, Zhang YJ, Petrucelli L, Heick Jensen T, Childs-Disney JL, Disney MD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 36409902 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Nov 29
Small molecule alteration of RNA sequence in cells and animals. Guan L, Luo Y, Ja WW, Disney MD Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 29079470 Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2018 Sep 1
Precise small-molecule recognition of a toxic CUG RNA repeat expansion. Rzuczek SG, Colgan LA, Nakai Y, Cameron MD, Furling D, Yasuda R, Disney MD Nature chemical biology 27941760 Nat Chem Biol 2017 Feb
The Hairpin Form of r(G(4)C(2))(exp) in c9ALS/FTD Is Repeat-Associated Non-ATG Translated and a Target for Bioactive Small Molecules. Wang ZF, Ursu A, Childs-Disney JL, Guertler R, Yang WY, Bernat V, Rzuczek SG, Fuerst R, Zhang YJ, Gendron TF, Yildirim I, Dwyer BG, Rice JE, Petrucelli L, Disney MD Cell chemical biology 30503283 Cell Chem Biol 2019 Feb 21
Design, Optimization, and Study of Small Molecules That Target Tau Pre-mRNA and Affect Splicing. Chen JL, Zhang P, Abe M, Aikawa H, Zhang L, Frank AJ, Zembryski T, Hubbs C, Park H, Withka J, Steppan C, Rogers L, Cabral S, Pettersson M, Wager TT, Fountain MA, Rumbaugh G, Childs-Disney JL, Disney MD Journal of the American Chemical Society 32364710 J Am Chem Soc 2020 May 13
Macrocyclization of a Ligand Targeting a Toxic RNA Dramatically Improves Potency. Benhamou RI, Vezina-Dawod S, Choudhary S, Won Wang K, Meyer SM, Yildirim I, Disney MD Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 32649032 Chembiochem 2020 Nov 16
A Toxic RNA Templates the Synthesis of Its Own Fluorogenic Inhibitor by Using a Bio-orthogonal Tetrazine Ligation in Cells and Tissues. Angelbello AJ, Disney MD ACS chemical biology 32551539 ACS Chem Biol 2020 Jul 17
Gini Coefficients as a Single Value Metric to Define Chemical Probe Selectivity. Ursu A, Childs-Disney JL, Angelbello AJ, Costales MG, Meyer SM, Disney MD ACS chemical biology 32568503 ACS Chem Biol 2020 Aug 21
Identifying and validating small molecules interacting with RNA (SMIRNAs). Disney MD, Velagapudi SP, Li Y, Costales MG, Childs-Disney JL Methods in enzymology 31239057 Methods Enzymol 2019
Optimization of the Linker Domain in a Dimeric Compound that Degrades an r(CUG) Repeat Expansion in Cells. Benhamou RI, Abe M, Choudhary S, Meyer SM, Angelbello AJ, Disney MD Journal of medicinal chemistry 32657583 J Med Chem 2020 Jul 23
Methods to identify and optimize small molecules interacting with RNA (SMIRNAs). Ursu A, Vézina-Dawod S, Disney MD Drug discovery today 31356880 Drug Discov Today 2019 Oct
Progress toward the development of the small molecule equivalent of small interfering RNA. Disney MD, Suresh BM, Benhamou RI, Childs-Disney JL Current opinion in chemical biology 32036231 Curr Opin Chem Biol 2020 Jun
Translation of the intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein is inhibited by a small molecule targeting its structured mRNA. Zhang P, Park HJ, Zhang J, Junn E, Andrews RJ, Velagapudi SP, Abegg D, Vishnu K, Costales MG, Childs-Disney JL, Adibekian A, Moss WN, Mouradian MM, Disney MD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 31900363 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Jan 21
Small molecule recognition of disease-relevant RNA structures. Meyer SM, Williams CC, Akahori Y, Tanaka T, Aikawa H, Tong Y, Childs-Disney JL, Disney MD Chemical Society reviews 32975549 Chem Soc Rev 2020 Oct 5
Ribonuclease recruitment using a small molecule reduced c9ALS/FTD r(G(4)C(2)) repeat expansion in vitro and in vivo ALS models. Bush JA, Aikawa H, Fuerst R, Li Y, Ursu A, Meyer SM, Benhamou RI, Chen JL, Khan T, Wagner-Griffin S, Van Meter MJ, Tong Y, Olafson H, McKee KK, Childs-Disney JL, Gendron TF, Zhang Y, Coyne AN, Wang ET, Yildirim I, Wang KW, Petrucelli L, Rothstein JD, Disney MD Science translational medicine 34705518 Sci Transl Med 2021 Oct 27
Poly(GP) proteins are a useful pharmacodynamic marker for C9ORF72-associated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Gendron TF, Chew J, Stankowski JN, Hayes LR, Zhang YJ, Prudencio M, Carlomagno Y, Daughrity LM, Jansen-West K, Perkerson EA, O'Raw A, Cook C, Pregent L, Belzil V, van Blitterswijk M, Tabassian LJ, Lee CW, Yue M, Tong J, Song Y, Castanedes-Casey M, Rousseau L, Phillips V, Dickson DW, Rademakers R, Fryer JD, Rush BK, Pedraza O, Caputo AM, Desaro P, Palmucci C, Robertson A, Heckman MG, Diehl NN, Wiggs E, Tierney M, Braun L, Farren J, Lacomis D, Ladha S, Fournier CN, McCluskey LF, Elman LB, Toledo JB, McBride JD, Tiloca C, Morelli C, Poletti B, Solca F, Prelle A, Wuu J, Jockel-Balsarotti J, Rigo F, Ambrose C, Datta A, Yang W, Raitcheva D, Antognetti G, McCampbell A, Van Swieten JC, Miller BL, Boxer AL, Brown RH, Bowser R, Miller TM, Trojanowski JQ, Grossman M, Berry JD, Hu WT, Ratti A, Traynor BJ, Disney MD, Benatar M, Silani V, Glass JD, Floeter MK, Rothstein JD, Boylan KB, Petrucelli L Science translational medicine 28356511 Sci Transl Med 2017 Mar 29
Structure and Dynamics of RNA Repeat Expansions That Cause Huntington's Disease and Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1. Chen JL, VanEtten DM, Fountain MA, Yildirim I, Disney MD Biochemistry 28617590 Biochemistry 2017 Jul 11
Design of a bioactive small molecule that targets r(AUUCU) repeats in spinocerebellar ataxia 10. Yang WY, Gao R, Southern M, Sarkar PS, Disney MD Nature communications 27248057 Nat Commun 2016 Jun 1
How We Think about Targeting RNA with Small Molecules. Costales MG, Childs-Disney JL, Haniff HS, Disney MD Journal of medicinal chemistry 32212706 J Med Chem 2020 Sep 10
Small-molecule targeted recruitment of a nuclease to cleave an oncogenic RNA in a mouse model of metastatic cancer. Costales MG, Aikawa H, Li Y, Childs-Disney JL, Abegg D, Hoch DG, Pradeep Velagapudi S, Nakai Y, Khan T, Wang KW, Yildirim I, Adibekian A, Wang ET, Disney MD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 31964809 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Feb 4
Drugging the RNA World. Disney MD, Dwyer BG, Childs-Disney JL Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 30385607 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2018 Nov 1
Decreasing the intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein levels by targeting its structured mRNA with a ribonuclease-targeting chimera. Tong Y, Zhang P, Yang X, Liu X, Zhang J, Grudniewska M, Jung I, Abegg D, Liu J, Childs-Disney JL, Gibaut QMR, Haniff HS, Adibekian A, Mouradian MM, Disney MD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38181056 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024 Jan 9
Simultaneous dual-color fluorescence lifetime imaging with novel red-shifted fluorescent proteins. Laviv T, Kim BB, Chu J, Lam AJ, Lin MZ, Yasuda R Nature methods 27798609 Nat Methods 2016 Dec
CaMKII Autophosphorylation Is Necessary for Optimal Integration of Ca(2+) Signals during LTP Induction, but Not Maintenance. Chang JY, Parra-Bueno P, Laviv T, Szatmari EM, Lee SR, Yasuda R Neuron 28521133 Neuron 2017 May 17
In Vivo Imaging of the Coupling between Neuronal and CREB Activity in the Mouse Brain. Laviv T, Scholl B, Parra-Bueno P, Foote B, Zhang C, Yan L, Hayano Y, Chu J, Yasuda R Neuron 31883788 Neuron 2020 Mar 4
The NMDA receptor subunit GluN3A regulates synaptic activity-induced and myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C)-dependent transcription. Chen LF, Lyons MR, Liu F, Green MV, Hedrick NG, Williams AB, Narayanan A, Yasuda R, West AE The Journal of biological chemistry 32393578 J Biol Chem 2020 Jun 19
Imaging ERK and PKA Activation in Single Dendritic Spines during Structural Plasticity. Tang S, Yasuda R Neuron 28285819 Neuron 2017 Mar 22
Kinetics of Endogenous CaMKII Required for Synaptic Plasticity Revealed by Optogenetic Kinase Inhibitor. Murakoshi H, Shin ME, Parra-Bueno P, Szatmari EM, Shibata ACE, Yasuda R Neuron 28318784 Neuron 2017 Apr 5
High-Throughput, High-Resolution Mapping of Protein Localization in Mammalian Brain by In Vivo Genome Editing. Mikuni T, Nishiyama J, Sun Y, Kamasawa N, Yasuda R Cell 27180908 Cell 2016 Jun 16
An open-source tool for analysis and automatic identification of dendritic spines using machine learning. Smirnov MS, Garrett TR, Yasuda R PloS one 29975722 PLoS One 2018
PKCα integrates spatiotemporally distinct Ca(2+) and autocrine BDNF signaling to facilitate synaptic plasticity. Colgan LA, Hu M, Misler JA, Parra-Bueno P, Moran CM, Leitges M, Yasuda R Nature neuroscience 30013171 Nat Neurosci 2018 Aug
Autocrine BDNF-TrkB signalling within a single dendritic spine. Harward SC, Hedrick NG, Hall CE, Parra-Bueno P, Milner TA, Pan E, Laviv T, Hempstead BL, Yasuda R, McNamara JO Nature 27680698 Nature 2016 Oct 6
RGS14 Restricts Plasticity in Hippocampal CA2 by Limiting Postsynaptic Calcium Signaling. Evans PR, Parra-Bueno P, Smirnov MS, Lustberg DJ, Dudek SM, Hepler JR, Yasuda R eNeuro 29911178 eNeuro 2018 May-Jun
Rapid Ultrastructural Changes in the PSD and Surrounding Membrane after Induction of Structural LTP in Single Dendritic Spines. Sun Y, Smirnov M, Kamasawa N, Yasuda R The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 34266899 J Neurosci 2021 Aug 18
Longitudinal Two-Photon Imaging of Dorsal Hippocampal CA1 in Live Mice. Ulivi AF, Castello-Waldow TP, Weston G, Yan L, Yasuda R, Chen A, Attardo A Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 31282875 J Vis Exp 2019 Jun 19
FRET Imaging of Rho GTPase Activity with Red Fluorescent Protein-Based FRET Pairs. Bajar BT, Guan X, Lam A, Lin MZ, Yasuda R, Laviv T, Chu J Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 35147933 Methods Mol Biol 2022
Mechanisms of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase II activation in single dendritic spines. Chang JY, Nakahata Y, Hayano Y, Yasuda R Nature communications 31239443 Nat Commun 2019 Jun 25
Automated Remote Focusing, Drift Correction, and Photostimulation to Evaluate Structural Plasticity in Dendritic Spines. Smirnov MS, Evans PR, Garrett TR, Yan L, Yasuda R PloS one 28114380 PLoS One 2017
Rho GTPase complementation underlies BDNF-dependent homo- and heterosynaptic plasticity. Hedrick NG, Harward SC, Hall CE, Murakoshi H, McNamara JO, Yasuda R Nature 27680697 Nature 2016 Oct 6
Virus-Mediated Genome Editing via Homology-Directed Repair in Mitotic and Postmitotic Cells in Mammalian Brain. Nishiyama J, Mikuni T, Yasuda R Neuron 29056297 Neuron 2017 Nov 15
Reciprocal Activation within a Kinase-Effector Complex Underlying Persistence of Structural LTP. Saneyoshi T, Matsuno H, Suzuki A, Murakoshi H, Hedrick NG, Agnello E, O'Connell R, Stratton MM, Yasuda R, Hayashi Y Neuron 31078368 Neuron 2019 Jun 19
ADAP1/Centaurin-α1 Negatively Regulates Dendritic Spine Function and Memory Formation in the Hippocampus. Szatmari EM, Moran C, Cohen S, Jacob A, Parra-Bueno P, Kamasawa N, Guerrero-Given D, Klein M, Stackman R Jr, Yasuda R eNeuro 33139322 eNeuro 2021 Jan-Feb
Pericyte-to-endothelial cell signaling via vitronectin-integrin regulates blood-CNS barrier. Ayloo S, Lazo CG, Sun S, Zhang W, Cui B, Gu C Neuron 35294899 Neuron 2022 May 18
Structure and mechanism of blood-brain-barrier lipid transporter MFSD2A. Wood CAP, Zhang J, Aydin D, Xu Y, Andreone BJ, Langen UH, Dror RO, Gu C, Feng L Nature 34349262 Nature 2021 Aug
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Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability Is Regulated by Lipid Transport-Dependent Suppression of Caveolae-Mediated Transcytosis. Andreone BJ, Chow BW, Tata A, Lacoste B, Ben-Zvi A, Bullock K, Deik AA, Ginty DD, Clish CB, Gu C Neuron 28416077 Neuron 2017 May 3
Development and Cell Biology of the Blood-Brain Barrier. Langen UH, Ayloo S, Gu C Annual review of cell and developmental biology 31299172 Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 2019 Oct 6
Gradual Suppression of Transcytosis Governs Functional Blood-Retinal Barrier Formation. Chow BW, Gu C Neuron 28334606 Neuron 2017 Mar 22
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Spreading depolarizations trigger caveolin-1-dependent endothelial transcytosis. Sadeghian H, Lacoste B, Qin T, Toussay X, Rosa R, Oka F, Chung DY, Takizawa T, Gu C, Ayata C Annals of neurology 30014540 Ann Neurol 2018 Sep
Caveolae in CNS arterioles mediate neurovascular coupling. Chow BW, Nuñez V, Kaplan L, Granger AJ, Bistrong K, Zucker HL, Kumar P, Sabatini BL, Gu C Nature 32076269 Nature 2020 Mar
Transcytosis at the blood-brain barrier. Ayloo S, Gu C Current opinion in neurobiology 30708291 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2019 Aug
Characteristics of blood-brain barrier heterogeneity between brain regions revealed by profiling vascular and perivascular cells. Pfau SJ, Langen UH, Fisher TM, Prakash I, Nagpurwala F, Lozoya RA, Lee WA, Wu Z, Gu C Nature neuroscience 39210068 Nat Neurosci 2024 Oct
The molecular constituents of the blood-brain barrier. Chow BW, Gu C Trends in neurosciences 26442694 Trends Neurosci 2015 Oct
Control of cerebrovascular patterning by neural activity during postnatal development. Lacoste B, Gu C Mechanisms of development 26116138 Mech Dev 2015 Nov
Neuronal and vascular interactions. Andreone BJ, Lacoste B, Gu C Annual review of neuroscience 25782970 Annu Rev Neurosci 2015 Jul 8
Neuronal regulation of the blood-brain barrier and neurovascular coupling. Kaplan L, Chow BW, Gu C Nature reviews. Neuroscience 32636528 Nat Rev Neurosci 2020 Aug
Suppression of transcytosis regulates zebrafish blood-brain barrier function. O'Brown NM, Megason SG, Gu C eLife 31429822 Elife 2019 Aug 20
Spatial information in large-scale neural recordings. Cybulski TR, Glaser JI, Marblestone AH, Zamft BM, Boyden ES, Church GM, Kording KP Frontiers in computational neuroscience 25653613 Front Comput Neurosci 2014
Optical imaging. Expansion microscopy. Chen F, Tillberg PW, Boyden ES Science (New York, N.Y.) 25592419 Science 2015 Jan 30
Physical principles for scalable neural recording. Marblestone AH, Zamft BM, Maguire YG, Shapiro MG, Cybulski TR, Glaser JI, Amodei D, Stranges PB, Kalhor R, Dalrymple DA, Seo D, Alon E, Maharbiz MM, Carmena JM, Rabaey JM, Boyden ES, Church GM, Kording KP Frontiers in computational neuroscience 24187539 Front Comput Neurosci 2013
A novel flexible cuff-like microelectrode for dual purpose, acute and chronic electrical interfacing with the mouse cervical vagus nerve. Caravaca AS, Tsaava T, Goldman L, Silverman H, Riggott G, Chavan SS, Bouton C, Tracey KJ, Desimone R, Boyden ES, Sohal HS, Olofsson PS Journal of neural engineering 28628030 J Neural Eng 2017 Dec
Population imaging of neural activity in awake behaving mice. Piatkevich KD, Bensussen S, Tseng HA, Shroff SN, Lopez-Huerta VG, Park D, Jung EE, Shemesh OA, Straub C, Gritton HJ, Romano MF, Costa E, Sabatini BL, Fu Z, Boyden ES, Han X Nature 31597963 Nature 2019 Oct
Precision Calcium Imaging of Dense Neural Populations via a Cell-Body-Targeted Calcium Indicator. Shemesh OA, Linghu C, Piatkevich KD, Goodwin D, Celiker OT, Gritton HJ, Romano MF, Gao R, Yu CJ, Tseng HA, Bensussen S, Narayan S, Yang CT, Freifeld L, Siciliano CA, Gupta I, Wang J, Pak N, Yoon YG, Ullmann JFP, Guner-Ataman B, Noamany H, Sheinkopf ZR, Park WM, Asano S, Keating AE, Trimmer JS, Reimer J, Tolias AS, Bear MF, Tye KM, Han X, Ahrens MB, Boyden ES Neuron 32592656 Neuron 2020 Aug 5
Revealing nanostructures in brain tissue via protein decrowding by iterative expansion microscopy. Sarkar D, Kang J, Wassie AT, Schroeder ME, Peng Z, Tarr TB, Tang AH, Niederst ED, Young JZ, Su H, Park D, Yin P, Tsai LH, Blanpied TA, Boyden ES Nature biomedical engineering 36038771 Nat Biomed Eng 2022 Sep
Protein-retention expansion microscopy of cells and tissues labeled using standard fluorescent proteins and antibodies. Tillberg PW, Chen F, Piatkevich KD, Zhao Y, Yu CC, English BP, Gao L, Martorell A, Suk HJ, Yoshida F, DeGennaro EM, Roossien DH, Gong G, Seneviratne U, Tannenbaum SR, Desimone R, Cai D, Boyden ES Nature biotechnology 27376584 Nat Biotechnol 2016 Sep
Green fluorescent genetically encoded calcium indicator based on calmodulin/M13-peptide from fungi. Barykina NV, Subach OM, Piatkevich KD, Jung EE, Malyshev AY, Smirnov IV, Bogorodskiy AO, Borshchevskiy VI, Varizhuk AM, Pozmogova GE, Boyden ES, Anokhin KV, Enikolopov GN, Subach FV PloS one 28837632 PLoS One 2017
Dense, Continuous Membrane Labeling and Expansion Microscopy Visualization of Ultrastructure in Tissues. Shin TW, Wang H, Zhang C, An B, Lu Y, Zhang E, Lu X, Karagiannis ED, Kang JS, Emenari A, Symvoulidis P, Asano S, Lin L, Costa EK, IMAXT Grand Challenge Consortium, Marblestone AH, Kasthuri N, Tsai LH, Boyden ES bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38496681 bioRxiv 2024 Mar 8
Principles of designing interpretable optogenetic behavior experiments. Allen BD, Singer AC, Boyden ES Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.) 25787711 Learn Mem 2015 Apr
Closed-loop, ultraprecise, automated craniotomies. Pak N, Siegle JH, Kinney JP, Denman DJ, Blanche TJ, Boyden ES Journal of neurophysiology 25855700 J Neurophysiol 2015 Jun 1
3D nanofabrication by volumetric deposition and controlled shrinkage of patterned scaffolds. Oran D, Rodriques SG, Gao R, Asano S, Skylar-Scott MA, Chen F, Tillberg PW, Marblestone AH, Boyden ES Science (New York, N.Y.) 30545883 Science 2018 Dec 14
Assembly and operation of the autopatcher for automated intracellular neural recording in vivo. Kodandaramaiah SB, Holst GL, Wickersham IR, Singer AC, Franzesi GT, McKinnon ML, Forest CR, Boyden ES Nature protocols 26938115 Nat Protoc 2016 Apr
Sonofragmentation of Ultrathin 1D Nanomaterials. Gao R, Gupta I, Boyden ES Particle & particle systems characterization : measurement and description of particle properties and behavior in powders and other disperse systems 28804214 Part Part Syst Charact 2017 Jan
Engineering genetic circuit interactions within and between synthetic minimal cells. Adamala KP, Martin-Alarcon DA, Guthrie-Honea KR, Boyden ES Nature chemistry 28430194 Nat Chem 2017 May
A robotic multidimensional directed evolution approach applied to fluorescent voltage reporters. Piatkevich KD, Jung EE, Straub C, Linghu C, Park D, Suk HJ, Hochbaum DR, Goodwin D, Pnevmatikakis E, Pak N, Kawashima T, Yang CT, Rhoades JL, Shemesh O, Asano S, Yoon YG, Freifeld L, Saulnier JL, Riegler C, Engert F, Hughes T, Drobizhev M, Szabo B, Ahrens MB, Flavell SW, Sabatini BL, Boyden ES Nature chemical biology 29483642 Nat Chem Biol 2018 Apr
Designing tools for assumption-proof brain mapping. Marblestone AH, Boyden ES Neuron 25233303 Neuron 2014 Sep 17
Close-Packed Silicon Microelectrodes for Scalable Spatially Oversampled Neural Recording. Scholvin J, Kinney JP, Bernstein JG, Moore-Kochlacs C, Kopell N, Fonstad CG, Boyden ES IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 26699649 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2016 Jan
Hybrid Microscopy: Enabling Inexpensive High-Performance Imaging through Combined Physical and Optical Magnifications. Zhang YS, Chang JB, Alvarez MM, Trujillo-de Santiago G, Aleman J, Batzaya B, Krishnadoss V, Ramanujam AA, Kazemzadeh-Narbat M, Chen F, Tillberg PW, Dokmeci MR, Boyden ES, Khademhosseini A Scientific reports 26975883 Sci Rep 2016 Mar 15
Automated in vivo patch-clamp evaluation of extracellular multielectrode array spike recording capability. Allen BD, Moore-Kochlacs C, Bernstein JG, Kinney JP, Scholvin J, Seoane LF, Chronopoulos C, Lamantia C, Kodandaramaiah SB, Tegmark M, Boyden ES Journal of neurophysiology 29995597 J Neurophysiol 2018 Nov 1
Closed-Loop Real-Time Imaging Enables Fully Automated Cell-Targeted Patch-Clamp Neural Recording In Vivo. Suk HJ, van Welie I, Kodandaramaiah SB, Allen B, Forest CR, Boyden ES Neuron 28858614 Neuron 2017 Aug 30
Nanoscale imaging of clinical specimens using pathology-optimized expansion microscopy. Zhao Y, Bucur O, Irshad H, Chen F, Weins A, Stancu AL, Oh EY, DiStasio M, Torous V, Glass B, Stillman IE, Schnitt SJ, Beck AH, Boyden ES Nature biotechnology 28714966 Nat Biotechnol 2017 Aug
Simultaneous whole-animal 3D imaging of neuronal activity using light-field microscopy. Prevedel R, Yoon YG, Hoffmann M, Pak N, Wetzstein G, Kato S, Schrödel T, Raskar R, Zimmer M, Boyden ES, Vaziri A Nature methods 24836920 Nat Methods 2014 Jul
Temporally precise single-cell-resolution optogenetics. Shemesh OA, Tanese D, Zampini V, Linghu C, Piatkevich K, Ronzitti E, Papagiakoumou E, Boyden ES, Emiliani V Nature neuroscience 29184208 Nat Neurosci 2017 Dec
Mesoscale-duration activated states gate spiking in response to fast rises in membrane voltage in the awake brain. Singer AC, Talei Franzesi G, Kodandaramaiah SB, Flores FJ, Cohen JD, Lee AK, Borgers C, Forest CR, Kopell NJ, Boyden ES Journal of neurophysiology 28566460 J Neurophysiol 2017 Aug 1
Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy. Chen F, Wassie AT, Cote AJ, Sinha A, Alon S, Asano S, Daugharthy ER, Chang JB, Marblestone A, Church GM, Raj A, Boyden ES Nature methods 27376770 Nat Methods 2016 Aug
Closed-Loop Real-Time Imaging Enables Fully Automated Cell-Targeted Patch-Clamp Neural Recording In Vivo. Suk HJ, van Welie I, Kodandaramaiah SB, Allen B, Forest CR, Boyden ES Neuron 28957673 Neuron 2017 Sep 27
Expansion Mini-Microscopy: An Enabling Alternative in Point-of-Care Diagnostics. Zhang YS, Santiago GT, Alvarez MM, Schiff SJ, Boyden ES, Khademhosseini A Current opinion in biomedical engineering 29062977 Curr Opin Biomed Eng 2017 Mar
Expansion Microscopy: Protocols for Imaging Proteins and RNA in Cells and Tissues. Asano SM, Gao R, Wassie AT, Tillberg PW, Chen F, Boyden ES Current protocols in cell biology 30070431 Curr Protoc Cell Biol 2018 Sep
Spatial Multiplexing of Fluorescent Reporters for Imaging Signaling Network Dynamics. Linghu C, Johnson SL, Valdes PA, Shemesh OA, Park WM, Park D, Piatkevich KD, Wassie AT, Liu Y, An B, Barnes SA, Celiker OT, Yao CC, Yu CJ, Wang R, Adamala KP, Bear MF, Keating AE, Boyden ES Cell 33232692 Cell 2020 Dec 10
Expansion microscopy: principles and uses in biological research. Wassie AT, Zhao Y, Boyden ES Nature methods 30573813 Nat Methods 2019 Jan
Gamma frequency entrainment attenuates amyloid load and modifies microglia. Iaccarino HF, Singer AC, Martorell AJ, Rudenko A, Gao F, Gillingham TZ, Mathys H, Seo J, Kritskiy O, Abdurrob F, Adaikkan C, Canter RG, Rueda R, Brown EN, Boyden ES, Tsai LH Nature 27929004 Nature 2016 Dec 7
A theoretical analysis of single molecule protein sequencing via weak binding spectra. Rodriques SG, Marblestone AH, Boyden ES PloS one 30921350 PLoS One 2019
In situ genome sequencing resolves DNA sequence and structure in intact biological samples. Payne AC, Chiang ZD, Reginato PL, Mangiameli SM, Murray EM, Yao CC, Markoulaki S, Earl AS, Labade AS, Jaenisch R, Church GM, Boyden ES, Buenrostro JD, Chen F Science (New York, N.Y.) 33384301 Science 2021 Feb 26
RNA timestamps identify the age of single molecules in RNA sequencing. Rodriques SG, Chen LM, Liu S, Zhong ED, Scherrer JR, Boyden ES, Chen F Nature biotechnology 33077959 Nat Biotechnol 2021 Mar
Dense, continuous membrane labeling and expansion microscopy visualization of ultrastructure in tissues. Shin TW, Wang H, Zhang C, An B, Lu Y, Zhang E, Lu X, Karagiannis ED, Kang JS, Emenari A, Symvoulidis P, Asano S, Lin L, Costa EK, IMAXT Grand Challenge Consortium, Marblestone AH, Kasthuri N, Tsai LH, Boyden ES Nature communications 39939319 Nat Commun 2025 Feb 12
Advances in the automation of whole-cell patch clamp technology. Suk HJ, Boyden ES, van Welie I Journal of neuroscience methods 31336060 J Neurosci Methods 2019 Oct 1
A direct-to-drive neural data acquisition system. Kinney JP, Bernstein JG, Meyer AJ, Barber JB, Bolivar M, Newbold B, Scholvin J, Moore-Kochlacs C, Wentz CT, Kopell NJ, Boyden ES Frontiers in neural circuits 26388740 Front Neural Circuits 2015
A highly homogeneous polymer composed of tetrahedron-like monomers for high-isotropy expansion microscopy. Gao R, Yu CJ, Gao L, Piatkevich KD, Neve RL, Munro JB, Upadhyayula S, Boyden ES Nature nanotechnology 33782587 Nat Nanotechnol 2021 Jun
Scalable, Modular Three-Dimensional Silicon Microelectrode Assembly via Electroless Plating. Scholvin J, Zorzos A, Kinney J, Bernstein J, Moore-Kochlacs C, Kopell N, Fonstad C, Boyden ES Micromachines 30424369 Micromachines (Basel) 2018 Aug 30
Cortical column and whole-brain imaging with molecular contrast and nanoscale resolution. Gao R, Asano SM, Upadhyayula S, Pisarev I, Milkie DE, Liu TL, Singh V, Graves A, Huynh GH, Zhao Y, Bogovic J, Colonell J, Ott CM, Zugates C, Tappan S, Rodriguez A, Mosaliganti KR, Sheu SH, Pasolli HA, Pang S, Xu CS, Megason SG, Hess H, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Hantman A, Rubin GM, Kirchhausen T, Saalfeld S, Aso Y, Boyden ES, Betzig E Science (New York, N.Y.) 30655415 Science 2019 Jan 18
Oxytocin-dependent reopening of a social reward learning critical period with MDMA. Nardou R, Lewis EM, Rothhaas R, Xu R, Yang A, Boyden E, Dölen G Nature 30944474 Nature 2019 May
Programmable RNA-binding protein composed of repeats of a single modular unit. Adamala KP, Martin-Alarcon DA, Boyden ES Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 27118836 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 May 10
Multiplexed neural recording along a single optical fiber via optical reflectometry. Rodriques SG, Marblestone AH, Scholvin J, Dapello J, Sarkar D, Mankin M, Gao R, Wood L, Boyden ES Journal of biomedical optics 27194640 J Biomed Opt 2016 May 1
Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation via Temporally Interfering Electric Fields. Grossman N, Bono D, Dedic N, Kodandaramaiah SB, Rudenko A, Suk HJ, Cassara AM, Neufeld E, Kuster N, Tsai LH, Pascual-Leone A, Boyden ES Cell 28575667 Cell 2017 Jun 1
Iterative expansion microscopy. Chang JB, Chen F, Yoon YG, Jung EE, Babcock H, Kang JS, Asano S, Suk HJ, Pak N, Tillberg PW, Wassie AT, Cai D, Boyden ES Nature methods 28417997 Nat Methods 2017 Jun
Feasibility of 3D Reconstruction of Neural Morphology Using Expansion Microscopy and Barcode-Guided Agglomeration. Yoon YG, Dai P, Wohlwend J, Chang JB, Marblestone AH, Boyden ES Frontiers in computational neuroscience 29114215 Front Comput Neurosci 2017
Cell diversity and network dynamics in photosensitive human brain organoids. Quadrato G, Nguyen T, Macosko EZ, Sherwood JL, Min Yang S, Berger DR, Maria N, Scholvin J, Goldman M, Kinney JP, Boyden ES, Lichtman JW, Williams ZM, McCarroll SA, Arlotta P Nature 28445462 Nature 2017 May 4
Nucleotide-time alignment for molecular recorders. Cybulski TR, Boyden ES, Church GM, Tyo KEJ, Kording KP PLoS computational biology 28459860 PLoS Comput Biol 2017 May
Evidence for Long-Timescale Patterns of Synaptic Inputs in CA1 of Awake Behaving Mice. Kolb I, Talei Franzesi G, Wang M, Kodandaramaiah SB, Forest CR, Boyden ES, Singer AC The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 29279309 J Neurosci 2018 Feb 14
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Whole-brain activity mapping onto a zebrafish brain atlas. Randlett O, Wee CL, Naumann EA, Nnaemeka O, Schoppik D, Fitzgerald JE, Portugues R, Lacoste AM, Riegler C, Engert F, Schier AF Nature methods 26778924 Nat Methods 2015 Nov
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A convergent and essential interneuron pathway for Mauthner-cell-mediated escapes. Lacoste AM, Schoppik D, Robson DN, Haesemeyer M, Portugues R, Li JM, Randlett O, Wee CL, Engert F, Schier AF Current biology : CB 25959971 Curr Biol 2015 Jun 1
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Lamellar projections in the endolymphatic sac act as a relief valve to regulate inner ear pressure. Swinburne IA, Mosaliganti KR, Upadhyayula S, Liu TL, Hildebrand DGC, Tsai TY, Chen A, Al-Obeidi E, Fass AK, Malhotra S, Engert F, Lichtman JW, Kirchhausen T, Betzig E, Megason SG eLife 29916365 Elife 2018 Jun 19
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Brain activity patterns in high-throughput electrophysiology screen predict both drug efficacies and side effects. Eimon PM, Ghannad-Rezaie M, De Rienzo G, Allalou A, Wu Y, Gao M, Roy A, Skolnick J, Yanik MF Nature communications 29335539 Nat Commun 2018 Jan 15
Automated deep-phenotyping of the vertebrate brain. Allalou A, Wu Y, Ghannad-Rezaie M, Eimon PM, Yanik MF eLife 28406399 Elife 2017 Apr 13
Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Circuits and Signaling in Cognition and Cognitive Decline. Ballinger EC, Ananth M, Talmage DA, Role LW Neuron 27657448 Neuron 2016 Sep 21
Pcdhαc2 is required for axonal tiling and assembly of serotonergic circuitries in mice. Chen WV, Nwakeze CL, Denny CA, O'Keeffe S, Rieger MA, Mountoufaris G, Kirner A, Dougherty JD, Hen R, Wu Q, Maniatis T Science (New York, N.Y.) 28450636 Science 2017 Apr 28
Intricate interplay between astrocytes and motor neurons in ALS. Phatnani HP, Guarnieri P, Friedman BA, Carrasco MA, Muratet M, O'Keeffe S, Nwakeze C, Pauli-Behn F, Newberry KM, Meadows SK, Tapia JC, Myers RM, Maniatis T Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23388633 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Feb 19
Astrocyte pathology and the absence of non-cell autonomy in an induced pluripotent stem cell model of TDP-43 proteinopathy. Serio A, Bilican B, Barmada SJ, Ando DM, Zhao C, Siller R, Burr K, Haghi G, Story D, Nishimura AL, Carrasco MA, Phatnani HP, Shum C, Wilmut I, Maniatis T, Shaw CE, Finkbeiner S, Chandran S Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23401527 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Mar 19
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Single-cell topological RNA-seq analysis reveals insights into cellular differentiation and development. Rizvi AH, Camara PG, Kandror EK, Roberts TJ, Schieren I, Maniatis T, Rabadan R Nature biotechnology 28459448 Nat Biotechnol 2017 Jun
Cell type specificity of neurovascular coupling in cerebral cortex. Uhlirova H, Kılıç K, Tian P, Thunemann M, Desjardins M, Saisan PA, Sakadžić S, Ness TV, Mateo C, Cheng Q, Weldy KL, Razoux F, Vandenberghe M, Cremonesi JA, Ferri CG, Nizar K, Sridhar VB, Steed TC, Abashin M, Fainman Y, Masliah E, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA, Silva GA, Boas DA, Kleinfeld D, Buxton RB, Einevoll GT, Dale AM, Devor A eLife 27244241 Elife 2016 May 31
Entrainment of Arteriole Vasomotor Fluctuations by Neural Activity Is a Basis of Blood-Oxygenation-Level-Dependent "Resting-State" Connectivity. Mateo C, Knutsen PM, Tsai PS, Shih AY, Kleinfeld D Neuron 29107517 Neuron 2017 Nov 15
Neurovascular and Immuno-Imaging: From Mechanisms to Therapies. Proceedings of the Inaugural Symposium. Akassoglou K, Agalliu D, Chang CJ, Davalos D, Grutzendler J, Hillman EM, Khakh BS, Kleinfeld D, McGavern DB, Nelson SJ, Zlokovic BV Frontiers in neuroscience 26941593 Front Neurosci 2016
Activation and measurement of free whisking in the lightly anesthetized rodent. Moore JD, Deschênes M, Kurnikova A, Kleinfeld D Nature protocols 24992095 Nat Protoc 2014 Aug
Pre-existing visual responses in a projection-defined dopamine population explain individual learning trajectories. Pan-Vazquez A, Sanchez Araujo Y, McMannon B, Louka M, Bandi A, Haetzel L, Faulkner M, International Brain Laboratory, Pillow JW, Daw ND, Witten IB Current biology : CB 39413788 Curr Biol 2024 Nov 18
Heightened lateral habenula activity during stress produces brainwide and behavioral substrates of susceptibility. Zhukovskaya A, Zimmerman CA, Willmore L, Pan-Vazquez A, Janarthanan SR, Lynch LA, Falkner AL, Witten IB Neuron 39393349 Neuron 2024 Dec 4
A neural mechanism for learning from delayed postingestive feedback. Zimmerman CA, Bolkan SS, Pan-Vazquez A, Wu B, Keppler EF, Meares-Garcia JB, Guthman EM, Fetcho RN, McMannon B, Lee J, Hoag AT, Lynch LA, Janarthanan SR, López Luna JF, Bondy AG, Falkner AL, Wang SS, Witten IB bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37873112 bioRxiv 2024 Sep 19
Chromatin domain alterations linked to 3D genome organization in a large cohort of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder brains. Girdhar K, Hoffman GE, Bendl J, Rahman S, Dong P, Liao W, Hauberg ME, Sloofman L, Brown L, Devillers O, Kassim BS, Wiseman JR, Park R, Zharovsky E, Jacobov R, Flatow E, Kozlenkov A, Gilgenast T, Johnson JS, Couto L, Peters MA, Phillips-Cremins JE, Hahn CG, Gur RE, Tamminga CA, Lewis DA, Haroutunian V, PsychENCODE Consortium, Dracheva S, Lipska BK, Marenco S, Kundakovic M, Fullard JF, Jiang Y, Roussos P, Akbarian S Nature neuroscience 35332326 Nat Neurosci 2022 Apr
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Cohesin-dependence of neuronal gene expression relates to chromatin loop length. Calderon L, Weiss FD, Beagan JA, Oliveira MS, Georgieva R, Wang YF, Carroll TS, Dharmalingam G, Gong W, Tossell K, de Paola V, Whilding C, Ungless MA, Fisher AG, Phillips-Cremins JE, Merkenschlager M eLife 35471149 Elife 2022 Apr 26
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Spatially coordinated heterochromatinization of long synaptic genes in fragile X syndrome. Malachowski T, Chandradoss KR, Boya R, Zhou L, Cook AL, Su C, Pham K, Haws SA, Kim JH, Ryu HS, Ge C, Luppino JM, Nguyen SC, Titus KR, Gong W, Wallace O, Joyce EF, Wu H, Rojas LA, Phillips-Cremins JE Cell 38134876 Cell 2023 Dec 21
Cohesin-mediated loop anchors confine the locations of human replication origins. Emerson DJ, Zhao PA, Cook AL, Barnett RJ, Klein KN, Saulebekova D, Ge C, Zhou L, Simandi Z, Minsk MK, Titus KR, Wang W, Gong W, Zhang D, Yang L, Venev SV, Gibcus JH, Yang H, Sasaki T, Kanemaki MT, Yue F, Dekker J, Chen CL, Gilbert DM, Phillips-Cremins JE Nature 35676475 Nature 2022 Jun
3D genome, on repeat: Higher-order folding principles of the heterochromatinized repetitive genome. Haws SA, Simandi Z, Barnett RJ, Phillips-Cremins JE Cell 35868274 Cell 2022 Jul 21
Polygenic burden of short tandem repeat expansions promote risk for Alzheimer's disease. Guo MH, Lee WP, Vardarajan B, Schellenberg GD, Phillips-Cremins J medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38014121 medRxiv 2023 Nov 16
FISHnet: Detecting chromatin domains in single-cell sequential Oligopaints imaging data. Patel R, Pham K, Chandrashekar H, Phillips-Cremins JE bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38948824 bioRxiv 2024 Jun 18
A multi-looping chromatin signature predicts dysregulated gene expression in neurons with familial Alzheimer's disease mutations. Chandrashekar H, Simandi Z, Choi H, Ryu HS, Waldman AJ, Nikish A, Muppidi SS, Gong W, Paquet D, Phillips-Cremins JE bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38463966 bioRxiv 2024 Feb 27
Schizophrenia-associated somatic copy-number variants from 12,834 cases reveal recurrent NRXN1 and ABCB11 disruptions. Maury EA, Sherman MA, Genovese G, Gilgenast TG, Kamath T, Burris SJ, Rajarajan P, Flaherty E, Akbarian S, Chess A, McCarroll SA, Loh PR, Phillips-Cremins JE, Brennand KJ, Macosko EZ, Walters JTR, O'Donovan M, Sullivan P, Psychiatric Genomic Consortium Schizophrenia and CNV workgroup, Brain Somatic Mosaicism Network, Sebat J, Lee EA, Walsh CA Cell genomics 37601975 Cell Genom 2023 Aug 9
The progenitor basis of cortical projection neuron diversity. Huilgol D, Russ JB, Srivas S, Huang ZJ Current opinion in neurobiology 37148649 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2023 Aug
Specific and comprehensive genetic targeting reveals brain-wide distribution and synaptic input patterns of GABAergic axo-axonic interneurons. Raudales R, Kim G, Kelly SM, Hatfield J, Guan W, Zhao S, Paul A, Qian Y, Li B, Huang ZJ bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37986757 bioRxiv 2024 Mar 25
Direct and indirect neurogenesis generate a mosaic of distinct glutamatergic projection neuron types in cerebral cortex. Huilgol D, Levine JM, Galbavy W, Wang BS, He M, Suryanarayana SM, Huang ZJ Neuron 37348506 Neuron 2023 Aug 16
RNA-programmable cell type monitoring and manipulation in the human cortex with CellREADR. Matthews EA, Russ JB, Qian Y, Zhao S, Thompson P, Methani M, Vestal ML, Josh Huang Z, Southwell DG bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39677799 bioRxiv 2024 Dec 6
Cortical glutamatergic projection neuron types contribute to distinct functional subnetworks. Mohan H, An X, Xu XH, Kondo H, Zhao S, Matho KS, Wang BS, Musall S, Mitra P, Huang ZJ Nature neuroscience 36690901 Nat Neurosci 2023 Mar
Specific and comprehensive genetic targeting reveals brain-wide distribution and synaptic input patterns of GABAergic axo-axonic interneurons. Raudales R, Kim G, Kelly SM, Hatfield J, Guan W, Zhao S, Paul A, Qian Y, Li B, Huang ZJ eLife 39012795 Elife 2024 Jul 16
Programmable RNA sensing for cell monitoring and manipulation. Qian Y, Li J, Zhao S, Matthews EA, Adoff M, Zhong W, An X, Yeo M, Park C, Yang X, Wang BS, Southwell DG, Huang ZJ Nature 36198803 Nature 2022 Oct
The structures and functions of correlations in neural population codes. Panzeri S, Moroni M, Safaai H, Harvey CD Nature reviews. Neuroscience 35732917 Nat Rev Neurosci 2022 Sep
Shared and specialized coding across posterior cortical areas for dynamic navigation decisions. Tseng SY, Chettih SN, Arlt C, Barroso-Luque R, Harvey CD Neuron 35679861 Neuron 2022 Aug 3
Specialized structure of neural population codes in parietal cortex outputs. Safaai H, Wang AY, Kira S, Malerba SB, Panzeri S, Harvey CD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37662297 bioRxiv 2023 Aug 26
A distributed and efficient population code of mixed selectivity neurons for flexible navigation decisions. Kira S, Safaai H, Morcos AS, Panzeri S, Harvey CD Nature communications 37055431 Nat Commun 2023 Apr 14
Mechanoreceptor signal convergence and transformation in the dorsal horn flexibly shape a diversity of outputs to the brain. Chirila AM, Rankin G, Tseng SY, Emanuel AJ, Chavez-Martinez CL, Zhang D, Harvey CD, Ginty DD Cell 36334588 Cell 2022 Nov 23
Synaptic wiring motifs in posterior parietal cortex support decision-making. Kuan AT, Bondanelli G, Driscoll LN, Han J, Kim M, Hildebrand DGC, Graham BJ, Wilson DE, Thomas LA, Panzeri S, Harvey CD, Lee WA Nature 38383788 Nature 2024 Mar
A cell-type-specific error-correction signal in the posterior parietal cortex. Green J, Bruno CA, Traunmüller L, Ding J, Hrvatin S, Wilson DE, Khodadad T, Samuels J, Greenberg ME, Harvey CD Nature 37468637 Nature 2023 Aug
Cortical responses to touch reflect subcortical integration of LTMR signals. Emanuel AJ, Lehnert BP, Panzeri S, Harvey CD, Ginty DD Nature 34789880 Nature 2021 Dec
DeepEthogram, a machine learning pipeline for supervised behavior classification from raw pixels. Bohnslav JP, Wimalasena NK, Clausing KJ, Dai YY, Yarmolinsky DA, Cruz T, Kashlan AD, Chiappe ME, Orefice LL, Woolf CJ, Harvey CD eLife 34473051 Elife 2021 Sep 2
Mechanoreceptor synapses in the brainstem shape the central representation of touch. Lehnert BP, Santiago C, Huey EL, Emanuel AJ, Renauld S, Africawala N, Alkislar I, Zheng Y, Bai L, Koutsioumpa C, Hong JT, Magee AR, Harvey CD, Ginty DD Cell 34637701 Cell 2021 Oct 28
Cognitive experience alters cortical involvement in goal-directed navigation. Arlt C, Barroso-Luque R, Kira S, Bruno CA, Xia N, Chettih SN, Soares S, Pettit NL, Harvey CD eLife 35735909 Elife 2022 Jun 23
Representational drift: Emerging theories for continual learning and experimental future directions. Driscoll LN, Duncker L, Harvey CD Current opinion in neurobiology 35939861 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2022 Oct
Hippocampal place codes are gated by behavioral engagement. Pettit NL, Yuan XC, Harvey CD Nature neuroscience 35449355 Nat Neurosci 2022 May
Fos ensembles encode and shape stable spatial maps in the hippocampus. Pettit NL, Yap EL, Greenberg ME, Harvey CD Nature 36002569 Nature 2022 Sep
ArMo: An Articulated Mesh Approach for Mouse 3D Reconstruction. Bohnslav JP, Osman MAM, Jaggi A, Soares S, Weinreb C, Datta SR, Harvey CD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36824774 bioRxiv 2023 Feb 18
Formation of cellular close-ended tunneling nanotubes through mechanical deformation. Chang M, Lee OC, Bu G, Oh J, Yunn NO, Ryu SH, Kwon HB, Kolomeisky AB, Shim SH, Doh J, Jeon JH, Lee JB Science advances 35353579 Sci Adv 2022 Apr
Dysregulation of the mesoprefrontal dopamine circuit mediates an early-life stress-induced synaptic imbalance in the prefrontal cortex. Oh WC, Rodríguez G, Asede D, Jung K, Hwang IW, Ogelman R, Bolton MM, Kwon HB Cell reports 33951422 Cell Rep 2021 May 4
Exuberant de novo dendritic spine growth in mature neurons. Krüssel S, Deb I, Son S, Ewall G, Chang M, Lee HK, do Heo W, Kwon HB bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37546796 bioRxiv 2023 Jul 25
Current and future techniques for detecting oxytocin: Focusing on genetically-encoded GPCR sensors. Lee D, Kwon HB Journal of neuroscience methods 34763021 J Neurosci Methods 2022 Jan 15
IgSF11 homophilic adhesion proteins promote layer-specific synaptic assembly of the cortical interneuron subtype. Hayano Y, Ishino Y, Hyun JH, Orozco CG, Steinecke A, Potts E, Oisi Y, Thomas CI, Guerrero-Given D, Kim E, Kwon HB, Kamasawa N, Taniguchi H Science advances 34261648 Sci Adv 2021 Jul
Sleep and circadian rhythm disruption by NPTX2 loss of function. Roh SE, Xiao M, Delgado A, Kwak C, Savonenko A, Bakker A, Kwon HB, Worley P bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37808783 bioRxiv 2023 Sep 27
An adaptive behavioral control motif mediated by cortical axo-axonic inhibition. Jung K, Chang M, Steinecke A, Burke B, Choi Y, Oisi Y, Fitzpatrick D, Taniguchi H, Kwon HB Nature neuroscience 37474640 Nat Neurosci 2023 Aug
Dopamine-mediated formation of a memory module in the nucleus accumbens for goal-directed navigation. Jung K, Krüssel S, Yoo S, An M, Burke B, Schappaugh N, Choi Y, Gu Z, Blackshaw S, Costa RM, Kwon HB Nature neuroscience 39333785 Nat Neurosci 2024 Nov
Environmental Enrichment Sharpens Sensory Acuity by Enhancing Information Coding in Barrel Cortex and Premotor Cortex. Zheng HJV, Meagher JP, Xu D, Patel YA, O'Connor DH, Kwon HB eNeuro 33893166 eNeuro 2021 May-Jun
Neural circuitry for maternal oxytocin release induced by infant cries. Valtcheva S, Issa HA, Bair-Marshall CJ, Martin KA, Jung K, Zhang Y, Kwon HB, Froemke RC Nature 37730989 Nature 2023 Sep
Intensiometric biosensors visualize the activity of multiple small GTPases in vivo. Kim J, Lee S, Jung K, Oh WC, Kim N, Son S, Jo Y, Kwon HB, Heo WD Nature communications 30643148 Nat Commun 2019 Jan 14
H-Ras induces exuberant de novo dendritic protrusion growth in mature neurons regardless of cell type. Krüssel S, Deb I, Son S, Ewall G, Chang M, Lee HK, Heo WD, Kwon HB iScience 39220408 iScience 2024 Aug 16
Intersectional monosynaptic tracing for dissecting subtype-specific organization of GABAergic interneuron inputs. Yetman MJ, Washburn E, Hyun JH, Osakada F, Hayano Y, Zeng H, Callaway EM, Kwon HB, Taniguchi H Nature neuroscience 30692688 Nat Neurosci 2019 Mar
Tagging active neurons by soma-targeted Cal-Light. Hyun JH, Nagahama K, Namkung H, Mignocchi N, Roh SE, Hannan P, Krüssel S, Kwak C, McElroy A, Liu B, Cui M, Lee S, Lee D, Huganir RL, Worley PF, Sawa A, Kwon HB Nature communications 36509775 Nat Commun 2022 Dec 12
An adaptive behavioral control motif mediated by cortical axo-axonic inhibition. Jung K, Chang M, Steinecke A, Berke B, Choi Y, Oisi Y, Fitzpatrick D, Taniguchi H, Kwon HB bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36945592 bioRxiv 2023 Mar 10
Individualized fMRI connectivity defines signatures of antidepressant and placebo responses in major depression. Zhao K, Xie H, Fonzo GA, Tong X, Carlisle N, Chidharom M, Etkin A, Zhang Y Molecular psychiatry 36732585 Mol Psychiatry 2023 Jun
Individual deviations from normative electroencephalographic connectivity predict antidepressant response. Tong X, Xie H, Wu W, Keller CJ, Fonzo GA, Chidharom M, Carlisle NB, Etkin A, Zhang Y Journal of affective disorders 38281595 J Affect Disord 2024 Apr 15
Identification of psychiatric disorder subtypes from functional connectivity patterns in resting-state electroencephalography. Zhang Y, Wu W, Toll RT, Naparstek S, Maron-Katz A, Watts M, Gordon J, Jeong J, Astolfi L, Shpigel E, Longwell P, Sarhadi K, El-Said D, Li Y, Cooper C, Chin-Fatt C, Arns M, Goodkind MS, Trivedi MH, Marmar CR, Etkin A Nature biomedical engineering 33077939 Nat Biomed Eng 2021 Apr
Discriminative functional connectivity signature of cocaine use disorder links to rTMS treatment response. Zhao K, Fonzo GA, Xie H, Oathes DJ, Keller CJ, Carlisle NB, Etkin A, Garza-Villarreal EA, Zhang Y Nature. Mental health 39279909 Nat Ment Health 2024 Apr
Cortical Connectivity Moderators of Antidepressant vs Placebo Treatment Response in Major Depressive Disorder: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Rolle CE, Fonzo GA, Wu W, Toll R, Jha MK, Cooper C, Chin-Fatt C, Pizzagalli DA, Trombello JM, Deckersbach T, Fava M, Weissman MM, Trivedi MH, Etkin A JAMA psychiatry 31895437 JAMA Psychiatry 2020 Apr 1
Individual Deviations from Normative Electroencephalographic Connectivity Predict Antidepressant Response. Tong X, Xie H, Wu W, Keller C, Fonzo G, Chidharom M, Carlisle N, Etkin A, Zhang Y medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37292874 medRxiv 2023 May 28
A generalizable functional connectivity signature characterizes brain dysfunction and links to rTMS treatment response in cocaine use disorder. Zhao K, Fonzo GA, Xie H, Oathes DJ, Keller CJ, Carlisle N, Etkin A, Garza-Villarreal EA, Zhang Y medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37162878 medRxiv 2023 May 4
Identification of Common Neural Circuit Disruptions in Emotional Processing Across Psychiatric Disorders. McTeague LM, Rosenberg BM, Lopez JW, Carreon DM, Huemer J, Jiang Y, Chick CF, Eickhoff SB, Etkin A The American journal of psychiatry 31964160 Am J Psychiatry 2020 May 1
Opportunities for use of neuroimaging in de-risking drug development and improving clinical outcomes in psychiatry: an industry perspective. Etkin A, Powell J, Savitz AJ Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 39169213 Neuropsychopharmacology 2024 Nov
Towards objective definition of psychopathology in post-traumatic stress disorder. Etkin A Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 31488889 Neuropsychopharmacology 2020 Jan
A data-driven framework for mapping domains of human neurobiology. Beam E, Potts C, Poldrack RA, Etkin A Nature neuroscience 34764476 Nat Neurosci 2021 Dec
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An electroencephalographic signature predicts antidepressant response in major depression. Wu W, Zhang Y, Jiang J, Lucas MV, Fonzo GA, Rolle CE, Cooper C, Chin-Fatt C, Krepel N, Cornelssen CA, Wright R, Toll RT, Trivedi HM, Monuszko K, Caudle TL, Sarhadi K, Jha MK, Trombello JM, Deckersbach T, Adams P, McGrath PJ, Weissman MM, Fava M, Pizzagalli DA, Arns M, Trivedi MH, Etkin A Nature biotechnology 32042166 Nat Biotechnol 2020 Apr
Global connectivity and local excitability changes underlie antidepressant effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Eshel N, Keller CJ, Wu W, Jiang J, Mills-Finnerty C, Huemer J, Wright R, Fonzo GA, Ichikawa N, Carreon D, Wong M, Yee A, Shpigel E, Guo Y, McTeague L, Maron-Katz A, Etkin A Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 32053828 Neuropsychopharmacology 2020 May
Densely sampled stimulus-response map of human cortex with single pulse TMS-EEG and its relation to whole brain neuroimaging measures. Sun Y, Lucas MV, Cline CC, Menezes MC, Kim S, Badami FS, Narayan M, Wu W, Daskalakis ZJ, Etkin A, Saggar M bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38948696 bioRxiv 2024 Jun 17
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Dynamic instability of dendrite tips generates the highly branched morphologies of sensory neurons. Shree S, Sutradhar S, Trottier O, Tu Y, Liang X, Howard J Science advances 35767611 Sci Adv 2022 Jul
In Vitro Reconstitution of Microtubule Dynamics and Severing Imaged by Label-Free Interference-Reflection Microscopy. Kuo YW, Howard J Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 35476326 Methods Mol Biol 2022
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Astrocyte Kir4.1 ion channel deficits contribute to neuronal dysfunction in Huntington's disease model mice. Tong X, Ao Y, Faas GC, Nwaobi SE, Xu J, Haustein MD, Anderson MA, Mody I, Olsen ML, Sofroniew MV, Khakh BS Nature neuroscience 24686787 Nat Neurosci 2014 May
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Reducing Astrocyte Calcium Signaling In Vivo Alters Striatal Microcircuits and Causes Repetitive Behavior. Yu X, Taylor AMW, Nagai J, Golshani P, Evans CJ, Coppola G, Khakh BS Neuron 30174118 Neuron 2018 Sep 19
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Conditions and constraints for astrocyte calcium signaling in the hippocampal mossy fiber pathway. Haustein MD, Kracun S, Lu XH, Shih T, Jackson-Weaver O, Tong X, Xu J, Yang XW, O'Dell TJ, Marvin JS, Ellisman MH, Bushong EA, Looger LL, Khakh BS Neuron 24742463 Neuron 2014 Apr 16
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New Transgenic Mouse Lines for Selectively Targeting Astrocytes and Studying Calcium Signals in Astrocyte Processes In Situ and In Vivo. Srinivasan R, Lu TY, Chai H, Xu J, Huang BS, Golshani P, Coppola G, Khakh BS Neuron 27939582 Neuron 2016 Dec 21
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A genetically encoded single-wavelength sensor for imaging cytosolic and cell surface ATP. Lobas MA, Tao R, Nagai J, Kronschläger MT, Borden PM, Marvin JS, Looger LL, Khakh BS Nature communications 30755613 Nat Commun 2019 Feb 12
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Presynaptic Inputs to Any CNS Projection Neuron Identified by Dual Recombinant Virus Infection. Bráz JM, Wang F, Basbaum AI PloS one 26470056 PLoS One 2015
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Capturing and Manipulating Activated Neuronal Ensembles with CANE Delineates a Hypothalamic Social-Fear Circuit. Sakurai K, Zhao S, Takatoh J, Rodriguez E, Lu J, Leavitt AD, Fu M, Han BX, Wang F Neuron 27974160 Neuron 2016 Nov 23
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CRISPR-mediated direct mutation of cancer genes in the mouse liver. Xue W, Chen S, Yin H, Tammela T, Papagiannakopoulos T, Joshi NS, Cai W, Yang G, Bronson R, Crowley DG, Zhang F, Anderson DG, Sharp PA, Jacks T Nature 25119044 Nature 2014 Oct 16
A split-Cas9 architecture for inducible genome editing and transcription modulation. Zetsche B, Volz SE, Zhang F Nature biotechnology 25643054 Nat Biotechnol 2015 Feb
Therapeutic genome editing: prospects and challenges. Cox DB, Platt RJ, Zhang F Nature medicine 25654603 Nat Med 2015 Feb
DNA targeting specificity of RNA-guided Cas9 nucleases. Hsu PD, Scott DA, Weinstein JA, Ran FA, Konermann S, Agarwala V, Li Y, Fine EJ, Wu X, Shalem O, Cradick TJ, Marraffini LA, Bao G, Zhang F Nature biotechnology 23873081 Nat Biotechnol 2013 Sep
Double nicking by RNA-guided CRISPR Cas9 for enhanced genome editing specificity. Ran FA, Hsu PD, Lin CY, Gootenberg JS, Konermann S, Trevino AE, Scott DA, Inoue A, Matoba S, Zhang Y, Zhang F Cell 23992846 Cell 2013 Sep 12
GUIDES: sgRNA design for loss-of-function screens. Meier JA, Zhang F, Sanjana NE Nature methods 28858339 Nat Methods 2017 Aug 31
A cytosine deaminase for programmable single-base RNA editing. Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Franklin B, Koob J, Kellner MJ, Ladha A, Joung J, Kirchgatterer P, Cox DBT, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 31296651 Science 2019 Jul 26
Rationally engineered Cas9 nucleases with improved specificity. Slaymaker IM, Gao L, Zetsche B, Scott DA, Yan WX, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 26628643 Science 2016 Jan 1
Applications of CRISPR-Cas systems in neuroscience. Heidenreich M, Zhang F Nature reviews. Neuroscience 26656253 Nat Rev Neurosci 2016 Jan
Chd8 Mutation Leads to Autistic-like Behaviors and Impaired Striatal Circuits. Platt RJ, Zhou Y, Slaymaker IM, Shetty AS, Weisbach NR, Kim JA, Sharma J, Desai M, Sood S, Kempton HR, Crabtree GR, Feng G, Zhang F Cell reports 28402856 Cell Rep 2017 Apr 11
The effects of aging on diurnal water intake and melatonin binding in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Whealin JM, Burwell RD, Gallagher M Neuroscience letters 8361631 Neurosci Lett 1993 May 14
Diversity and evolution of class 2 CRISPR-Cas systems. Shmakov S, Smargon A, Scott D, Cox D, Pyzocha N, Yan W, Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Makarova KS, Wolf YI, Severinov K, Zhang F, Koonin EV Nature reviews. Microbiology 28111461 Nat Rev Microbiol 2017 Mar
Engineering and optimising deaminase fusions for genome editing. Yang L, Briggs AW, Chew WL, Mali P, Guell M, Aach J, Goodman DB, Cox D, Kan Y, Lesha E, Soundararajan V, Zhang F, Church G Nature communications 27804970 Nat Commun 2016 Nov 2
Implications of human genetic variation in CRISPR-based therapeutic genome editing. Scott DA, Zhang F Nature medicine 28759051 Nat Med 2017 Sep
Structural Basis for the Canonical and Non-canonical PAM Recognition by CRISPR-Cpf1. Yamano T, Zetsche B, Ishitani R, Zhang F, Nishimasu H, Nureki O Molecular cell 28781234 Mol Cell 2017 Aug 17
Genome-scale activation screen identifies a lncRNA locus regulating a gene neighbourhood. Joung J, Engreitz JM, Konermann S, Abudayyeh OO, Verdine VK, Aguet F, Gootenberg JS, Sanjana NE, Wright JB, Fulco CP, Tseng YY, Yoon CH, Boehm JS, Lander ES, Zhang F Nature 28792927 Nature 2017 Aug 17
Genome-wide binding of the CRISPR endonuclease Cas9 in mammalian cells. Wu X, Scott DA, Kriz AJ, Chiu AC, Hsu PD, Dadon DB, Cheng AW, Trevino AE, Konermann S, Chen S, Jaenisch R, Zhang F, Sharp PA Nature biotechnology 24752079 Nat Biotechnol 2014 Jul
CRISPR-Cas9 knockin mice for genome editing and cancer modeling. Platt RJ, Chen S, Zhou Y, Yim MJ, Swiech L, Kempton HR, Dahlman JE, Parnas O, Eisenhaure TM, Jovanovic M, Graham DB, Jhunjhunwala S, Heidenreich M, Xavier RJ, Langer R, Anderson DG, Hacohen N, Regev A, Feng G, Sharp PA, Zhang F Cell 25263330 Cell 2014 Oct 9
In vivo interrogation of gene function in the mammalian brain using CRISPR-Cas9. Swiech L, Heidenreich M, Banerjee A, Habib N, Li Y, Trombetta J, Sur M, Zhang F Nature biotechnology 25326897 Nat Biotechnol 2015 Jan
Genome-wide CRISPR screen in a mouse model of tumor growth and metastasis. Chen S, Sanjana NE, Zheng K, Shalem O, Lee K, Shi X, Scott DA, Song J, Pan JQ, Weissleder R, Lee H, Zhang F, Sharp PA Cell 25748654 Cell 2015 Mar 12
Genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screening in human cells. Shalem O, Sanjana NE, Hartenian E, Shi X, Scott DA, Mikkelson T, Heckl D, Ebert BL, Root DE, Doench JG, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 24336571 Science 2014 Jan 3
Orthogonal gene knockout and activation with a catalytically active Cas9 nuclease. Dahlman JE, Abudayyeh OO, Joung J, Gootenberg JS, Zhang F, Konermann S Nature biotechnology 26436575 Nat Biotechnol 2015 Nov
In vivo gene editing in dystrophic mouse muscle and muscle stem cells. Tabebordbar M, Zhu K, Cheng JKW, Chew WL, Widrick JJ, Yan WX, Maesner C, Wu EY, Xiao R, Ran FA, Cong L, Zhang F, Vandenberghe LH, Church GM, Wagers AJ Science (New York, N.Y.) 26721686 Science 2016 Jan 22
Div-Seq: Single-nucleus RNA-Seq reveals dynamics of rare adult newborn neurons. Habib N, Li Y, Heidenreich M, Swiech L, Avraham-Davidi I, Trombetta JJ, Hession C, Zhang F, Regev A Science (New York, N.Y.) 27471252 Science 2016 Aug 26
The Clustered, Regularly Interspaced, Short Palindromic Repeats-associated Endonuclease 9 (CRISPR/Cas9)-created MDM2 T309G Mutation Enhances Vitreous-induced Expression of MDM2 and Proliferation and Survival of Cells. Duan Y, Ma G, Huang X, D'Amore PA, Zhang F, Lei H The Journal of biological chemistry 27246850 J Biol Chem 2016 Jul 29
C2c2 is a single-component programmable RNA-guided RNA-targeting CRISPR effector. Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Konermann S, Joung J, Slaymaker IM, Cox DB, Shmakov S, Makarova KS, Semenova E, Minakhin L, Severinov K, Regev A, Lander ES, Koonin EV, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 27256883 Science 2016 Aug 5
Structure and Engineering of Francisella novicida Cas9. Hirano H, Gootenberg JS, Horii T, Abudayyeh OO, Kimura M, Hsu PD, Nakane T, Ishitani R, Hatada I, Zhang F, Nishimasu H, Nureki O Cell 26875867 Cell 2016 Feb 25
Engineered CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease with expanded targeting space. Nishimasu H, Shi X, Ishiguro S, Gao L, Hirano S, Okazaki S, Noda T, Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Mori H, Oura S, Holmes B, Tanaka M, Seki M, Hirano H, Aburatani H, Ishitani R, Ikawa M, Yachie N, Zhang F, Nureki O Science (New York, N.Y.) 30166441 Science 2018 Sep 21
Massively parallel single-nucleus RNA-seq with DroNc-seq. Habib N, Avraham-Davidi I, Basu A, Burks T, Shekhar K, Hofree M, Choudhury SR, Aguet F, Gelfand E, Ardlie K, Weitz DA, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Zhang F, Regev A Nature methods 28846088 Nat Methods 2017 Oct
A Genome-wide CRISPR Screen in Primary Immune Cells to Dissect Regulatory Networks. Parnas O, Jovanovic M, Eisenhaure TM, Herbst RH, Dixit A, Ye CJ, Przybylski D, Platt RJ, Tirosh I, Sanjana NE, Shalem O, Satija R, Raychowdhury R, Mertins P, Carr SA, Zhang F, Hacohen N, Regev A Cell 26189680 Cell 2015 Jul 30
An RNA-aptamer-based two-color CRISPR labeling system. Wang S, Su JH, Zhang F, Zhuang X Scientific reports 27229896 Sci Rep 2016 May 27
Optical control of mammalian endogenous transcription and epigenetic states. Konermann S, Brigham MD, Trevino A, Hsu PD, Heidenreich M, Cong L, Platt RJ, Scott DA, Church GM, Zhang F Nature 23877069 Nature 2013 Aug 22
Efficient CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing in Plasmodium falciparum. Wagner JC, Platt RJ, Goldfless SJ, Zhang F, Niles JC Nature methods 25108687 Nat Methods 2014 Sep
Comprehensive interrogation of natural TALE DNA-binding modules and transcriptional repressor domains. Cong L, Zhou R, Kuo YC, Cunniff M, Zhang F Nature communications 22828628 Nat Commun 2012 Jul 24
Genome-scale transcriptional activation by an engineered CRISPR-Cas9 complex. Konermann S, Brigham MD, Trevino AE, Joung J, Abudayyeh OO, Barcena C, Hsu PD, Habib N, Gootenberg JS, Nishimasu H, Nureki O, Zhang F Nature 25494202 Nature 2015 Jan 29
AAV-mediated direct in vivo CRISPR screen identifies functional suppressors in glioblastoma. Chow RD, Guzman CD, Wang G, Schmidt F, Youngblood MW, Ye L, Errami Y, Dong MB, Martinez MA, Zhang S, Renauer P, Bilguvar K, Gunel M, Sharp PA, Zhang F, Platt RJ, Chen S Nature neuroscience 28805815 Nat Neurosci 2017 Oct
Mice with Shank3 Mutations Associated with ASD and Schizophrenia Display Both Shared and Distinct Defects. Zhou Y, Kaiser T, Monteiro P, Zhang X, Van der Goes MS, Wang D, Barak B, Zeng M, Li C, Lu C, Wells M, Amaya A, Nguyen S, Lewis M, Sanjana N, Zhou Y, Zhang M, Zhang F, Fu Z, Feng G Neuron 26687841 Neuron 2016 Jan 6
Multiplex gene editing by CRISPR-Cpf1 using a single crRNA array. Zetsche B, Heidenreich M, Mohanraju P, Fedorova I, Kneppers J, DeGennaro EM, Winblad N, Choudhury SR, Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Wu WY, Scott DA, Severinov K, van der Oost J, Zhang F Nature biotechnology 27918548 Nat Biotechnol 2017 Jan
Cas13b Is a Type VI-B CRISPR-Associated RNA-Guided RNase Differentially Regulated by Accessory Proteins Csx27 and Csx28. Smargon AA, Cox DBT, Pyzocha NK, Zheng K, Slaymaker IM, Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OA, Essletzbichler P, Shmakov S, Makarova KS, Koonin EV, Zhang F Molecular cell 28065598 Mol Cell 2017 Feb 16
BLISS is a versatile and quantitative method for genome-wide profiling of DNA double-strand breaks. Yan WX, Mirzazadeh R, Garnerone S, Scott D, Schneider MW, Kallas T, Custodio J, Wernersson E, Li Y, Gao L, Federova Y, Zetsche B, Zhang F, Bienko M, Crosetto N Nature communications 28497783 Nat Commun 2017 May 12
BCL11A enhancer dissection by Cas9-mediated in situ saturating mutagenesis. Canver MC, Smith EC, Sher F, Pinello L, Sanjana NE, Shalem O, Chen DD, Schupp PG, Vinjamur DS, Garcia SP, Luc S, Kurita R, Nakamura Y, Fujiwara Y, Maeda T, Yuan GC, Zhang F, Orkin SH, Bauer DE Nature 26375006 Nature 2015 Nov 12
Brains, genes, and primates. Izpisua Belmonte JC, Callaway EM, Caddick SJ, Churchland P, Feng G, Homanics GE, Lee KF, Leopold DA, Miller CT, Mitchell JF, Mitalipov S, Moutri AR, Movshon JA, Okano H, Reynolds JH, Ringach D, Sejnowski TJ, Silva AC, Strick PL, Wu J, Zhang F Neuron 25950631 Neuron 2015 May 6
Crystal Structure of Cpf1 in Complex with Guide RNA and Target DNA. Yamano T, Nishimasu H, Zetsche B, Hirano H, Slaymaker IM, Li Y, Fedorova I, Nakane T, Makarova KS, Koonin EV, Ishitani R, Zhang F, Nureki O Cell 27114038 Cell 2016 May 5
In vivo genome editing using Staphylococcus aureus Cas9. Ran FA, Cong L, Yan WX, Scott DA, Gootenberg JS, Kriz AJ, Zetsche B, Shalem O, Wu X, Makarova KS, Koonin EV, Sharp PA, Zhang F Nature 25830891 Nature 2015 Apr 9
High-throughput functional genomics using CRISPR-Cas9. Shalem O, Sanjana NE, Zhang F Nature reviews. Genetics 25854182 Nat Rev Genet 2015 May
Hypoxia as a therapy for mitochondrial disease. Jain IH, Zazzeron L, Goli R, Alexa K, Schatzman-Bone S, Dhillon H, Goldberger O, Peng J, Shalem O, Sanjana NE, Zhang F, Goessling W, Zapol WM, Mootha VK Science (New York, N.Y.) 26917594 Science 2016 Apr 1
Structural basis for the promiscuous PAM recognition by Corynebacterium diphtheriae Cas9. Hirano S, Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Horii T, Ishitani R, Hatada I, Zhang F, Nishimasu H, Nureki O Nature communications 31036811 Nat Commun 2019 Apr 29
CRISPR Tools for Systematic Studies of RNA Regulation. Engreitz J, Abudayyeh O, Gootenberg J, Zhang F Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 31371352 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2019 Aug 1
SHERLOCK: nucleic acid detection with CRISPR nucleases. Kellner MJ, Koob JG, Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Zhang F Nature protocols 31548639 Nat Protoc 2019 Oct
Sequence determinants of improved CRISPR sgRNA design. Xu H, Xiao T, Chen CH, Li W, Meyer CA, Wu Q, Wu D, Cong L, Zhang F, Liu JS, Brown M, Liu XS Genome research 26063738 Genome Res 2015 Aug
Improved vectors and genome-wide libraries for CRISPR screening. Sanjana NE, Shalem O, Zhang F Nature methods 25075903 Nat Methods 2014 Aug
Perturbation of m6A writers reveals two distinct classes of mRNA methylation at internal and 5' sites. Schwartz S, Mumbach MR, Jovanovic M, Wang T, Maciag K, Bushkin GG, Mertins P, Ter-Ovanesyan D, Habib N, Cacchiarelli D, Sanjana NE, Freinkman E, Pacold ME, Satija R, Mikkelsen TS, Hacohen N, Zhang F, Carr SA, Lander ES, Regev A Cell reports 24981863 Cell Rep 2014 Jul 10
Global microRNA depletion suppresses tumor angiogenesis. Chen S, Xue Y, Wu X, Le C, Bhutkar A, Bell EL, Zhang F, Langer R, Sharp PA Genes & development 24788094 Genes Dev 2014 May 15
Common genetic variants modulate pathogen-sensing responses in human dendritic cells. Lee MN, Ye C, Villani AC, Raj T, Li W, Eisenhaure TM, Imboywa SH, Chipendo PI, Ran FA, Slowikowski K, Ward LD, Raddassi K, McCabe C, Lee MH, Frohlich IY, Hafler DA, Kellis M, Raychaudhuri S, Zhang F, Stranger BE, Benoist CO, De Jager PL, Regev A, Hacohen N Science (New York, N.Y.) 24604203 Science 2014 Mar 7
Genome engineering using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Ran FA, Hsu PD, Wright J, Agarwala V, Scott DA, Zhang F Nature protocols 24157548 Nat Protoc 2013 Nov
Development and applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for genome engineering. Hsu PD, Lander ES, Zhang F Cell 24906146 Cell 2014 Jun 5
One-step generation of mice carrying mutations in multiple genes by CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome engineering. Wang H, Yang H, Shivalila CS, Dawlaty MM, Cheng AW, Zhang F, Jaenisch R Cell 23643243 Cell 2013 May 9
A Survey of Genome Editing Activity for 16 Cas12a Orthologs. Zetsche B, Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Scott DA, Zhang F The Keio journal of medicine 31723075 Keio J Med 2020 Sep 25
High-resolution interrogation of functional elements in the noncoding genome. Sanjana NE, Wright J, Zheng K, Shalem O, Fontanillas P, Joung J, Cheng C, Regev A, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 27708104 Science 2016 Sep 30
Cpf1 is a single RNA-guided endonuclease of a class 2 CRISPR-Cas system. Zetsche B, Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Slaymaker IM, Makarova KS, Essletzbichler P, Volz SE, Joung J, van der Oost J, Regev A, Koonin EV, Zhang F Cell 26422227 Cell 2015 Oct 22
Discovery and Functional Characterization of Diverse Class 2 CRISPR-Cas Systems. Shmakov S, Abudayyeh OO, Makarova KS, Wolf YI, Gootenberg JS, Semenova E, Minakhin L, Joung J, Konermann S, Severinov K, Zhang F, Koonin EV Molecular cell 26593719 Mol Cell 2015 Nov 5
Crystal structure of Cas9 in complex with guide RNA and target DNA. Nishimasu H, Ran FA, Hsu PD, Konermann S, Shehata SI, Dohmae N, Ishitani R, Zhang F, Nureki O Cell 24529477 Cell 2014 Feb 27
RNA-guided editing of bacterial genomes using CRISPR-Cas systems. Jiang W, Bikard D, Cox D, Zhang F, Marraffini LA Nature biotechnology 23360965 Nat Biotechnol 2013 Mar
In vivo genome editing improves muscle function in a mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Nelson CE, Hakim CH, Ousterout DG, Thakore PI, Moreb EA, Castellanos Rivera RM, Madhavan S, Pan X, Ran FA, Yan WX, Asokan A, Zhang F, Duan D, Gersbach CA Science (New York, N.Y.) 26721684 Science 2016 Jan 22
CRISPR/Cas9 cleavage of viral DNA efficiently suppresses hepatitis B virus. Ramanan V, Shlomai A, Cox DB, Schwartz RE, Michailidis E, Bhatta A, Scott DA, Zhang F, Rice CM, Bhatia SN Scientific reports 26035283 Sci Rep 2015 Jun 2
CRISPR-Cas9: Prospects and Challenges. Zhang F Human gene therapy 26176430 Hum Gene Ther 2015 Jul
Crystal Structure of Staphylococcus aureus Cas9. Nishimasu H, Cong L, Yan WX, Ran FA, Zetsche B, Li Y, Kurabayashi A, Ishitani R, Zhang F, Nureki O Cell 26317473 Cell 2015 Aug 27
Engineered Cpf1 variants with altered PAM specificities. Gao L, Cox DBT, Yan WX, Manteiga JC, Schneider MW, Yamano T, Nishimasu H, Nureki O, Crosetto N, Zhang F Nature biotechnology 28581492 Nat Biotechnol 2017 Aug
Structural Basis for the Altered PAM Recognition by Engineered CRISPR-Cpf1. Nishimasu H, Yamano T, Gao L, Zhang F, Ishitani R, Nureki O Molecular cell 28595896 Mol Cell 2017 Jul 6
Genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 knockout and transcriptional activation screening. Joung J, Konermann S, Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Platt RJ, Brigham MD, Sanjana NE, Zhang F Nature protocols 28333914 Nat Protoc 2017 Apr
Nucleic acid detection with CRISPR-Cas13a/C2c2. Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Lee JW, Essletzbichler P, Dy AJ, Joung J, Verdine V, Donghia N, Daringer NM, Freije CA, Myhrvold C, Bhattacharyya RP, Livny J, Regev A, Koonin EV, Hung DT, Sabeti PC, Collins JJ, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 28408723 Science 2017 Apr 28
RNA targeting with CRISPR-Cas13. Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Essletzbichler P, Han S, Joung J, Belanto JJ, Verdine V, Cox DBT, Kellner MJ, Regev A, Lander ES, Voytas DF, Ting AY, Zhang F Nature 28976959 Nature 2017 Oct 12
Controlling interneuron activity in Caenorhabditis elegans to evoke chemotactic behaviour. Kocabas A, Shen CH, Guo ZV, Ramanathan S Nature 23000898 Nature 2012 Oct 11
A Single-Cell Roadmap of Lineage Bifurcation in Human ESC Models of Embryonic Brain Development. Yao Z, Mich JK, Ku S, Menon V, Krostag AR, Martinez RA, Furchtgott L, Mulholland H, Bort S, Fuqua MA, Gregor BW, Hodge RD, Jayabalu A, May RC, Melton S, Nelson AM, Ngo NK, Shapovalova NV, Shehata SI, Smith MW, Tait LJ, Thompson CL, Thomsen ER, Ye C, Glass IA, Kaykas A, Yao S, Phillips JW, Grimley JS, Levi BP, Wang Y, Ramanathan S Cell stem cell 28094016 Cell Stem Cell 2017 Jan 5
Single-Cell Profiling of an In Vitro Model of Human Interneuron Development Reveals Temporal Dynamics of Cell Type Production and Maturation. Close JL, Yao Z, Levi BP, Miller JA, Bakken TE, Menon V, Ting JT, Wall A, Krostag AR, Thomsen ER, Nelson AM, Mich JK, Hodge RD, Shehata SI, Glass IA, Bort S, Shapovalova NV, Ngo NK, Grimley JS, Phillips JW, Thompson CL, Ramanathan S, Lein E Neuron 28279351 Neuron 2017 Mar 8
Dynamics of embryonic stem cell differentiation inferred from single-cell transcriptomics show a series of transitions through discrete cell states. Jang S, Choubey S, Furchtgott L, Zou LN, Doyle A, Menon V, Loew EB, Krostag AR, Martinez RA, Madisen L, Levi BP, Ramanathan S eLife 28296635 Elife 2017 Mar 15
Fixed single-cell transcriptomic characterization of human radial glial diversity. Thomsen ER, Mich JK, Yao Z, Hodge RD, Doyle AM, Jang S, Shehata SI, Nelson AM, Shapovalova NV, Levi BP, Ramanathan S Nature methods 26524239 Nat Methods 2016 Jan
Single-Cell Profiling of an In Vitro Model of Human Interneuron Development Reveals Temporal Dynamics of Cell Type Production and Maturation. Close JL, Yao Z, Levi BP, Miller JA, Bakken TE, Menon V, Ting JT, Wall A, Krostag AR, Thomsen ER, Nelson AM, Mich JK, Hodge RD, Shehata SI, Glass IA, Bort S, Shapovalova NV, Ngo NK, Grimley JS, Phillips JW, Thompson CL, Ramanathan S, Lein E Neuron 29144976 Neuron 2017 Nov 15
Discovering sparse transcription factor codes for cell states and state transitions during development. Furchtgott LA, Melton S, Menon V, Ramanathan S eLife 28296636 Elife 2017 Mar 15
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A novel paraplegia model in awake behaving macaques. Krucoff MO, Zhuang K, MacLeod D, Yin A, Byun YW, Manson RJ, Turner DA, Oliveira L, Lebedev MA Journal of neurophysiology 28701540 J Neurophysiol 2017 Sep 1
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An automatic experimental apparatus to study arm reaching in New World monkeys. Yin A, An J, Lehew G, Lebedev MA, Nicolelis MAL Journal of neuroscience methods 26928257 J Neurosci Methods 2016 May 1
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Representing sex in the brain, one module at a time. Yang CF, Shah NM Neuron 24742456 Neuron 2014 Apr 16
Sexually dimorphic neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus govern mating in both sexes and aggression in males. Yang CF, Chiang MC, Gray DC, Prabhakaran M, Alvarado M, Juntti SA, Unger EK, Wells JA, Shah NM Cell 23663785 Cell 2013 May 9
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A call for better validation of opioid overdose risk algorithms. McElfresh DC, Chen L, Oliva E, Joyce V, Rose S, Tamang S Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 37428897 J Am Med Inform Assoc 2023 Sep 25
Distilling complexity to advance cardiac tissue engineering. Ogle BM, Bursac N, Domian I, Huang NF, Menasché P, Murry CE, Pruitt B, Radisic M, Wu JC, Wu SM, Zhang J, Zimmermann WH, Vunjak-Novakovic G Science translational medicine 27280684 Sci Transl Med 2016 Jun 8
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Simple Lithography-Free Single Cell Micropatterning using Laser-Cut Stencils. Lee S, Yang H, Chen C, Venkatraman S, Darsha A, Wu SM, Wu JC, Seeger T Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 32310234 J Vis Exp 2020 Apr 3
Cardiovascular Complications in Patients with COVID-19: Consequences of Viral Toxicities and Host Immune Response. Zhu H, Rhee JW, Cheng P, Waliany S, Chang A, Witteles RM, Maecker H, Davis MM, Nguyen PK, Wu SM Current cardiology reports 32318865 Curr Cardiol Rep 2020 Apr 21
Levitating Cells to Sort the Fit and the Fat. Puluca N, Durmus NG, Lee S, Belbachir N, Galdos FX, Ogut MG, Gupta R, Hirano KI, Krane M, Lange R, Wu JC, Wu SM, Demirci U Advanced biosystems 32352239 Adv Biosyst 2020 Jun
Identification of a hybrid myocardial zone in the mammalian heart after birth. Tian X, Li Y, He L, Zhang H, Huang X, Liu Q, Pu W, Zhang L, Li Y, Zhao H, Wang Z, Zhu J, Nie Y, Hu S, Sedmera D, Zhong TP, Yu Y, Zhang L, Yan Y, Qiao Z, Wang QD, Wu SM, Pu WT, Anderson RH, Zhou B Nature communications 28729659 Nat Commun 2017 Jul 20
In Vivo Rescue of the Hematopoietic Niche By Pluripotent Stem Cell Complementation of Defective Osteoblast Compartments. Chubb R, Oh J, Riley AK, Kimura T, Wu SM, Wu JY Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) 28741855 Stem Cells 2017 Oct
Integrative Analysis of PRKAG2 Cardiomyopathy iPS and Microtissue Models Identifies AMPK as a Regulator of Metabolism, Survival, and Fibrosis. Hinson JT, Chopra A, Lowe A, Sheng CC, Gupta RM, Kuppusamy R, O'Sullivan J, Rowe G, Wakimoto H, Gorham J, Burke MA, Zhang K, Musunuru K, Gerszten RE, Wu SM, Chen CS, Seidman JG, Seidman CE Cell reports 28009297 Cell Rep 2016 Dec 20
Contractile force generation by 3D hiPSC-derived cardiac tissues is enhanced by rapid establishment of cellular interconnection in matrix with muscle-mimicking stiffness. Lee S, Serpooshan V, Tong X, Venkatraman S, Lee M, Lee J, Chirikian O, Wu JC, Wu SM, Yang F Biomaterials 28384492 Biomaterials 2017 Jul
Tissue Engineering of 3D Organotypic Microtissues by Acoustic Assembly. Zhu Y, Serpooshan V, Wu S, Demirci U, Chen P, Güven S Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 28921421 Methods Mol Biol 2019
Single cell expression analysis reveals anatomical and cell cycle-dependent transcriptional shifts during heart development. Li G, Tian L, Goodyer W, Kort EJ, Buikema JW, Xu A, Wu JC, Jovinge S, Wu SM Development (Cambridge, England) 31142541 Development 2019 Jun 14
Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Implicate Intrinsic Impaired Contractility in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Paige SL, Galdos FX, Lee S, Chin ET, Ranjbarvaziri S, Feyen DAM, Darsha AK, Xu S, Ryan JA, Beck AL, Qureshi MY, Miao Y, Gu M, Bernstein D, Nelson TJ, Mercola M, Rabinovitch M, Ashley EA, Parikh VN, Wu SM Circulation 33074758 Circulation 2020 Oct 20
Fetal Mammalian Heart Generates a Robust Compensatory Response to Cell Loss. Sturzu AC, Rajarajan K, Passer D, Plonowska K, Riley A, Tan TC, Sharma A, Xu AF, Engels MC, Feistritzer R, Li G, Selig MK, Geissler R, Robertson KD, Scherrer-Crosbie M, Domian IJ, Wu SM Circulation 25995316 Circulation 2015 Jul 14
Cardiac Regeneration: Lessons From Development. Galdos FX, Guo Y, Paige SL, VanDusen NJ, Wu SM, Pu WT Circulation research 28302741 Circ Res 2017 Mar 17
Transcriptomic Profiling Maps Anatomically Patterned Subpopulations among Single Embryonic Cardiac Cells. Li G, Xu A, Sim S, Priest JR, Tian X, Khan T, Quertermous T, Zhou B, Tsao PS, Quake SR, Wu SM Developmental cell 27840109 Dev Cell 2016 Nov 21
Untangling the Biology of Genetic Cardiomyopathies with Pluripotent Stem Cell Disease Models. Buikema JW, Wu SM Current cardiology reports 28315121 Curr Cardiol Rep 2017 Apr
Genome Editing Redefines Precision Medicine in the Cardiovascular Field. Dzilic E, Lahm H, Dreßen M, Deutsch MA, Lange R, Wu SM, Krane M, Doppler SA Stem cells international 29731778 Stem Cells Int 2018
Partial Reprogramming of Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes into Neurons. Chuang W, Sharma A, Shukla P, Li G, Mall M, Rajarajan K, Abilez OJ, Hamaguchi R, Wu JC, Wernig M, Wu SM Scientific reports 28327614 Sci Rep 2017 Mar 22
Nkx2.5+ Cardiomyoblasts Contribute to Cardiomyogenesis in the Neonatal Heart. Serpooshan V, Liu YH, Buikema JW, Galdos FX, Chirikian O, Paige S, Venkatraman S, Kumar A, Rawnsley DR, Huang X, Pijnappels DA, Wu SM Scientific reports 28974782 Sci Rep 2017 Oct 3
Harnessing the Induction of Cardiomyocyte Proliferation for Cardiac Regenerative Medicine. Sharma A, Zhang Y, Wu SM Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine 26324824 Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med 2015 Oct
Prometheus Unbound in Ya(p) Heart. Buikema JW, Wu SM Developmental cell 30913402 Dev Cell 2019 Mar 25
Effects of Spaceflight on Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocyte Structure and Function. Wnorowski A, Sharma A, Chen H, Wu H, Shao NY, Sayed N, Liu C, Countryman S, Stodieck LS, Rubins KH, Wu SM, Lee PHU, Wu JC Stem cell reports 31708475 Stem Cell Reports 2019 Dec 10
Intrinsic Endocardial Defects Contribute to Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Miao Y, Tian L, Martin M, Paige SL, Galdos FX, Li J, Klein A, Zhang H, Ma N, Wei Y, Stewart M, Lee S, Moonen JR, Zhang B, Grossfeld P, Mital S, Chitayat D, Wu JC, Rabinovitch M, Nelson TJ, Nie S, Wu SM, Gu M Cell stem cell 32810435 Cell Stem Cell 2020 Oct 1
In vivo visualization and molecular targeting of the cardiac conduction system. Goodyer WR, Beyersdorf BM, Duan L, van den Berg NS, Mantri S, Galdos FX, Puluca N, Buikema JW, Lee S, Salmi D, Robinson ER, Rogalla S, Cogan DP, Khosla C, Rosenthal EL, Wu SM The Journal of clinical investigation 35951416 J Clin Invest 2022 Oct 17
Massive expansion and cryopreservation of functional human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Maas RGC, Lee S, Harakalova M, Snijders Blok CJB, Goodyer WR, Hjortnaes J, Doevendans PAFM, Van Laake LW, van der Velden J, Asselbergs FW, Wu JC, Sluijter JPG, Wu SM, Buikema JW STAR protocols 33615277 STAR Protoc 2021 Mar 19
Cardiovascular Risks in Patients with COVID-19: Potential Mechanisms and Areas of Uncertainty. Cheng P, Zhu H, Witteles RM, Wu JC, Quertermous T, Wu SM, Rhee JW Current cardiology reports 32350632 Curr Cardiol Rep 2020 Apr 29
Integrin Based Isolation Enables Purification of Murine Lineage Committed Cardiomyocytes. Tarnawski L, Xian X, Monnerat G, Macaulay IC, Malan D, Borgman A, Wu SM, Fleischmann BK, Jovinge S PloS one 26323090 PLoS One 2015
Lift NIH restrictions on chimera research. Sharma A, Sebastiano V, Scott CT, Magnus D, Koyano-Nakagawa N, Garry DJ, Witte ON, Nakauchi H, Wu JC, Weissman IL, Wu SM Science (New York, N.Y.) 26542560 Science 2015 Nov 6
Derivation of highly purified cardiomyocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells using small molecule-modulated differentiation and subsequent glucose starvation. Sharma A, Li G, Rajarajan K, Hamaguchi R, Burridge PW, Wu SM Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 25867738 J Vis Exp 2015 Mar 18
iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes reveal abnormal TGF-β signalling in left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy. Kodo K, Ong SG, Jahanbani F, Termglinchan V, Hirono K, InanlooRahatloo K, Ebert AD, Shukla P, Abilez OJ, Churko JM, Karakikes I, Jung G, Ichida F, Wu SM, Snyder MP, Bernstein D, Wu JC Nature cell biology 27642787 Nat Cell Biol 2016 Oct
Identification of cardiovascular lineage descendants at single-cell resolution. Li G, Plonowska K, Kuppusamy R, Sturzu A, Wu SM Development (Cambridge, England) 25633351 Development 2015 Mar 1
Molecular regulation of cardiomyocyte differentiation. Paige SL, Plonowska K, Xu A, Wu SM Circulation research 25593278 Circ Res 2015 Jan 16
Patching up broken hearts: cardiac cell therapy gets a bioengineered boost. Serpooshan V, Wu SM Cell stem cell 25479741 Cell Stem Cell 2014 Dec 4
Wnt Activation and Reduced Cell-Cell Contact Synergistically Induce Massive Expansion of Functional Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes. Buikema JW, Lee S, Goodyer WR, Maas RG, Chirikian O, Li G, Miao Y, Paige SL, Lee D, Wu H, Paik DT, Rhee S, Tian L, Galdos FX, Puluca N, Beyersdorf B, Hu J, Beck A, Venkamatran S, Swami S, Wijnker P, Schuldt M, Dorsch LM, van Mil A, Red-Horse K, Wu JY, Geisen C, Hesse M, Serpooshan V, Jovinge S, Fleischmann BK, Doevendans PA, van der Velden J, Garcia KC, Wu JC, Sluijter JPG, Wu SM Cell stem cell 32619518 Cell Stem Cell 2020 Jul 2
Reactivation of the Nkx2.5 cardiac enhancer after myocardial infarction does not presage myogenesis. Deutsch MA, Doppler SA, Li X, Lahm H, Santamaria G, Cuda G, Eichhorn S, Ratschiller T, Dzilic E, Dreßen M, Eckart A, Stark K, Massberg S, Bartels A, Rischpler C, Gilsbach R, Hein L, Fleischmann BK, Wu SM, Lange R, Krane M Cardiovascular research 29579159 Cardiovasc Res 2018 Jul 1
High-throughput screening of tyrosine kinase inhibitor cardiotoxicity with human induced pluripotent stem cells. Sharma A, Burridge PW, McKeithan WL, Serrano R, Shukla P, Sayed N, Churko JM, Kitani T, Wu H, Holmström A, Matsa E, Zhang Y, Kumar A, Fan AC, Del Álamo JC, Wu SM, Moslehi JJ, Mercola M, Wu JC Science translational medicine 28202772 Sci Transl Med 2017 Feb 15
Mammalian Heart Regeneration: The Race to the Finish Line. Doppler SA, Deutsch MA, Serpooshan V, Li G, Dzilic E, Lange R, Krane M, Wu SM Circulation research 28209796 Circ Res 2017 Feb 17
Strategies for the acquisition of transcriptional and epigenetic information in single cells. Li G, Dzilic E, Flores N, Shieh A, Wu SM Journal of thoracic disease 28446964 J Thorac Dis 2017 Mar
Bioprinting Approaches to Engineering Vascularized 3D Cardiac Tissues. Puluca N, Lee S, Doppler S, Münsterer A, Dreßen M, Krane M, Wu SM Current cardiology reports 31352612 Curr Cardiol Rep 2019 Jul 27
CRISPR/Cas9-based targeting of fluorescent reporters to human iPSCs to isolate atrial and ventricular-specific cardiomyocytes. Chirikian O, Goodyer WR, Dzilic E, Serpooshan V, Buikema JW, McKeithan W, Wu H, Li G, Lee S, Merk M, Galdos F, Beck A, Ribeiro AJS, Paige S, Mercola M, Wu JC, Pruitt BL, Wu SM Scientific reports 33542270 Sci Rep 2021 Feb 4
Fates Aligned: Origins and Mechanisms of Ventricular Conduction System and Ventricular Wall Development. Goodyer WR, Wu SM Pediatric cardiology 29594502 Pediatr Cardiol 2018 Aug
4HNE Impairs Myocardial Bioenergetics in Congenital Heart Disease-Induced Right Ventricular Failure. Hwang HV, Sandeep N, Paige SL, Ranjbarvaziri S, Hu DQ, Zhao M, Lan IS, Coronado M, Kooiker KB, Wu SM, Fajardo G, Bernstein D, Reddy S Circulation 32806952 Circulation 2020 Oct 27
Single-cell transcriptomics of 20 mouse organs creates a Tabula Muris. Tabula Muris Consortium, Overall coordination, Logistical coordination, Organ collection and processing, Library preparation and sequencing, Computational data analysis, Cell type annotation, Writing group, Supplemental text writing group, Principal investigators Nature 30283141 Nature 2018 Oct
Stage-specific Effects of Bioactive Lipids on Human iPSC Cardiac Differentiation and Cardiomyocyte Proliferation. Sharma A, Zhang Y, Buikema JW, Serpooshan V, Chirikian O, Kosaric N, Churko JM, Dzilic E, Shieh A, Burridge PW, Wu JC, Wu SM Scientific reports 29700394 Sci Rep 2018 Apr 26
Big bottlenecks in cardiovascular tissue engineering. Huang NF, Serpooshan V, Morris VB, Sayed N, Pardon G, Abilez OJ, Nakayama KH, Pruitt BL, Wu SM, Yoon YS, Zhang J, Wu JC Communications biology 30480100 Commun Biol 2018
YY1 Expression Is Sufficient for the Maintenance of Cardiac Progenitor Cell State. Gregoire S, Li G, Sturzu AC, Schwartz RJ, Wu SM Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) 28580685 Stem Cells 2017 Aug
Bioacoustic-enabled patterning of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes into 3D cardiac tissue. Serpooshan V, Chen P, Wu H, Lee S, Sharma A, Hu DA, Venkatraman S, Ganesan AV, Usta OB, Yarmush M, Yang F, Wu JC, Demirci U, Wu SM Biomaterials 28376365 Biomaterials 2017 Jul
Reassessment of c-Kit in Cardiac Cells: A Complex Interplay Between Expression, Fate, and Function. Zhou B, Wu SM Circulation research 29929968 Circ Res 2018 Jun 22
Single-Cell Delineation of Who's on First and Second Heart Fields During Development. Galdos FX, Wu SM Circulation research 31518166 Circ Res 2019 Aug 2
Cardiovascular tissue bioprinting: Physical and chemical processes. Hu JB, Tomov ML, Buikema JW, Chen C, Mahmoudi M, Wu SM, Serpooshan V Applied physics reviews 32550960 Appl Phys Rev 2018 Dec
Small RNAs make big impact in cardiac repair. Krane M, Deutsch MA, Doppler S, Lange R, Wu SM Circulation research 25634967 Circ Res 2015 Jan 30
Members Only: Hypoxia-Induced Cell-Cycle Activation in Cardiomyocytes. Sharma A, Wu SM Cell metabolism 26331604 Cell Metab 2015 Sep 1
Regenerative Medicine: Potential Mechanisms of Cardiac Recovery in Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy. Chang AY, Kittle JT, Wu SM Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine 26874708 Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med 2016 Mar
Identification of Pathogenic Immune Cell Subsets Associated With Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Myocarditis. Zhu H, Galdos FX, Lee D, Waliany S, Huang YV, Ryan J, Dang K, Neal JW, Wakelee HA, Reddy SA, Srinivas S, Lin LL, Witteles RM, Maecker HT, Davis MM, Nguyen PK, Wu SM Circulation 35762356 Circulation 2022 Jul 26
devCellPy is a machine learning-enabled pipeline for automated annotation of complex multilayered single-cell transcriptomic data. Galdos FX, Xu S, Goodyer WR, Duan L, Huang YV, Lee S, Zhu H, Lee C, Wei N, Lee D, Wu SM Nature communications 36071107 Nat Commun 2022 Sep 7
Determining host metabolic limitations on viral replication via integrated modeling and experimental perturbation. Birch EW, Ruggero NA, Covert MW PLoS computational biology 23093930 PLoS Comput Biol 2012
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Computational prediction of type III and IV secreted effectors in gram-negative bacteria. McDermott JE, Corrigan A, Peterson E, Oehmen C, Niemann G, Cambronne ED, Sharp D, Adkins JN, Samudrala R, Heffron F Infection and immunity 20974833 Infect Immun 2011 Jan
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Cementomimetics-constructing a cementum-like biomineralized microlayer via amelogenin-derived peptides. Gungormus M, Oren EE, Horst JA, Fong H, Hnilova M, Somerman MJ, Snead ML, Samudrala R, Tamerler C, Sarikaya M International journal of oral science 22743342 Int J Oral Sci 2012 Jun
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses a cyclic-di-GMP-regulated adhesin to reinforce the biofilm extracellular matrix. Borlee BR, Goldman AD, Murakami K, Samudrala R, Wozniak DJ, Parsek MR Molecular microbiology 20088866 Mol Microbiol 2010 Feb
Viral entry inhibitors block dengue antibody-dependent enhancement in vitro. Nicholson CO, Costin JM, Rowe DK, Lin L, Jenwitheesuk E, Samudrala R, Isern S, Michael SF Antiviral research 21093488 Antiviral Res 2011 Jan
Distal effect of amino acid substitutions in CYP2C9 polymorphic variants causes differences in interatomic interactions against (S)-warfarin. Lertkiatmongkol P, Assawamakin A, White G, Chopra G, Rongnoparut P, Samudrala R, Tongsima S PloS one 24023924 PLoS One 2013
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Nanopore molecular trajectories of a eukaryotic reverse transcriptase reveal a long-range RNA structure sensing mechanism. Shaw A, Craig JM, Amiri H, Kim J, Upton HE, Pimentel SC, Huang JR, Marqusee S, Collins K, Gundlach JH, Bustamante CJ bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37066208 bioRxiv 2023 Nov 1
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eIF3 engages with 3'-UTR termini of highly translated mRNAs. Mestre-Fos S, Ferguson L, Trinidad MI, Ingolia NT, Cate JHD eLife 39879133 Elife 2025 Jan 29
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Conserved and divergent DNA recognition specificities and functions of R2 retrotransposon N-terminal domains. Lee RJ, Horton CA, Van Treeck B, McIntyre JJR, Collins K Cell reports 38753487 Cell Rep 2024 May 28
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Distinct and overlapping RNA determinants for binding and target-primed reverse transcription by Bombyx mori R2 retrotransposon protein. Rodríguez-Vargas A, Collins K Nucleic acids research 38499488 Nucleic Acids Res 2024 Jun 24
Improved precision, sensitivity, and adaptability of Ordered Two-Template Relay cDNA library preparation for RNA sequencing. Ferguson L, Upton HE, Pimentel SC, Jeans C, Ingolia NT, Collins K bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39574714 bioRxiv 2024 Nov 10
Separable structural requirements for cDNA synthesis, nontemplated extension, and template jumping by a non-LTR retroelement reverse transcriptase. Pimentel SC, Upton HE, Collins K The Journal of biological chemistry 35065960 J Biol Chem 2022 Mar
Harnessing eukaryotic retroelement proteins for transgene insertion into human safe-harbor loci. Zhang X, Van Treeck B, Horton CA, McIntyre JJR, Palm SM, Shumate JL, Collins K Nature biotechnology 38379101 Nat Biotechnol 2025 Jan
Streamlined and sensitive mono- and di-ribosome profiling in yeast and human cells. Ferguson L, Upton HE, Pimentel SC, Mok A, Lareau LF, Collins K, Ingolia NT Nature methods 37783882 Nat Methods 2023 Nov
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Diverse enzymatic activities mediate antiviral immunity in prokaryotes. Gao L, Altae-Tran H, Böhning F, Makarova KS, Segel M, Schmid-Burgk JL, Koob J, Wolf YI, Koonin EV, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 32855333 Science 2020 Aug 28
Genomic determinants of pathogenicity in SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses. Gussow AB, Auslander N, Faure G, Wolf YI, Zhang F, Koonin EV Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 32522874 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Jun 30
Mapping a functional cancer genome atlas of tumor suppressors in mouse liver using AAV-CRISPR-mediated direct in vivo screening. Wang G, Chow RD, Ye L, Guzman CD, Dai X, Dong MB, Zhang F, Sharp PA, Platt RJ, Chen S Science advances 29503867 Sci Adv 2018 Feb
Engineering of CRISPR-Cas12b for human genome editing. Strecker J, Jones S, Koopal B, Schmid-Burgk J, Zetsche B, Gao L, Makarova KS, Koonin EV, Zhang F Nature communications 30670702 Nat Commun 2019 Jan 22
Structure and engineering of the minimal type VI CRISPR-Cas13bt3. Nakagawa R, Kannan S, Altae-Tran H, Takeda SN, Tomita A, Hirano H, Kusakizako T, Nishizawa T, Yamashita K, Zhang F, Nishimasu H, Nureki O Molecular cell 36027912 Mol Cell 2022 Sep 1
A transcription factor atlas of directed differentiation. Joung J, Ma S, Tay T, Geiger-Schuller KR, Kirchgatterer PC, Verdine VK, Guo B, Arias-Garcia MA, Allen WE, Singh A, Kuksenko O, Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Fu Z, Macrae RK, Buenrostro JD, Regev A, Zhang F Cell 36608654 Cell 2023 Jan 5
RNA-activated protein cleavage with a CRISPR-associated endopeptidase. Strecker J, Demircioglu FE, Li D, Faure G, Wilkinson ME, Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Nishimasu H, Macrae RK, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 36423276 Science 2022 Nov 25
Microfluidic Enrichment and Computational Analysis of Rare Sequences from Mixed Genomic Samples for Metagenomic Mining. Cui N, Faure G, Singh A, Macrae R, Zhang F The CRISPR journal 36206017 CRISPR J 2022 Oct
RNA-guided DNA insertion with CRISPR-associated transposases. Strecker J, Ladha A, Gardner Z, Schmid-Burgk JL, Makarova KS, Koonin EV, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 31171706 Science 2019 Jul 5
Field-deployable viral diagnostics using CRISPR-Cas13. Myhrvold C, Freije CA, Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Metsky HC, Durbin AF, Kellner MJ, Tan AL, Paul LM, Parham LA, Garcia KF, Barnes KG, Chak B, Mondini A, Nogueira ML, Isern S, Michael SF, Lorenzana I, Yozwiak NL, MacInnis BL, Bosch I, Gehrke L, Zhang F, Sabeti PC Science (New York, N.Y.) 29700266 Science 2018 Apr 27
Highly Parallel Profiling of Cas9 Variant Specificity. Schmid-Burgk JL, Gao L, Li D, Gardner Z, Strecker J, Lash B, Zhang F Molecular cell 32187529 Mol Cell 2020 May 21
Mammalian retrovirus-like protein PEG10 packages its own mRNA and can be pseudotyped for mRNA delivery. Segel M, Lash B, Song J, Ladha A, Liu CC, Jin X, Mekhedov SL, Macrae RK, Koonin EV, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 34413232 Science 2021 Aug 20
Dual modes of CRISPR-associated transposon homing. Saito M, Ladha A, Strecker J, Faure G, Neumann E, Altae-Tran H, Macrae RK, Zhang F Cell 33770501 Cell 2021 Apr 29
LAMP-Seq enables sensitive, multiplexed COVID-19 diagnostics using molecular barcoding. Ludwig KU, Schmithausen RM, Li D, Jacobs ML, Hollstein R, Blumenstock K, Liebing J, Słabicki M, Ben-Shmuel A, Israeli O, Weiss S, Ebert TS, Paran N, Rüdiger W, Wilbring G, Feldman D, Lippke B, Ishorst N, Hochfeld LM, Beins EC, Kaltheuner IH, Schmitz M, Wöhler A, Döhla M, Sib E, Jentzsch M, Moench EC, Borrajo JD, Strecker J, Reinhardt J, Cleary B, Geyer M, Hölzel M, Macrae R, Nöthen MM, Hoffmann P, Exner M, Regev A, Zhang F, Schmid-Burgk JL Nature biotechnology 34188222 Nat Biotechnol 2021 Dec
Compact RNA editors with small Cas13 proteins. Kannan S, Altae-Tran H, Jin X, Madigan VJ, Oshiro R, Makarova KS, Koonin EV, Zhang F Nature biotechnology 34462587 Nat Biotechnol 2022 Feb
The widespread IS200/IS605 transposon family encodes diverse programmable RNA-guided endonucleases. Altae-Tran H, Kannan S, Demircioglu FE, Oshiro R, Nety SP, McKay LJ, Dlakić M, Inskeep WP, Makarova KS, Macrae RK, Koonin EV, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 34591643 Science 2021 Oct
UG/Abi: a highly diverse family of prokaryotic reverse transcriptases associated with defense functions. Mestre MR, Gao LA, Shah SA, López-Beltrán A, González-Delgado A, Martínez-Abarca F, Iranzo J, Redrejo-Rodríguez M, Zhang F, Toro N Nucleic acids research 35648479 Nucleic Acids Res 2022 Jun 24
CRISPR activation screen identifies BCL-2 proteins and B3GNT2 as drivers of cancer resistance to T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Joung J, Kirchgatterer PC, Singh A, Cho JH, Nety SP, Larson RC, Macrae RK, Deasy R, Tseng YY, Maus MV, Zhang F Nature communications 35338135 Nat Commun 2022 Mar 25
Structure of the OMEGA nickase IsrB in complex with ωRNA and target DNA. Hirano S, Kappel K, Altae-Tran H, Faure G, Wilkinson ME, Kannan S, Demircioglu FE, Yan R, Shiozaki M, Yu Z, Makarova KS, Koonin EV, Macrae RK, Zhang F Nature 36224386 Nature 2022 Oct
Nucleic Acid Detection of Plant Genes Using CRISPR-Cas13. Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Kellner MJ, Zhang F The CRISPR journal 31225754 CRISPR J 2019 Jun
The evolution of red color vision is linked to coordinated rhodopsin tuning in lycaenid butterflies. Liénard MA, Bernard GD, Allen A, Lassance JM, Song S, Childers RR, Yu N, Ye D, Stephenson A, Valencia-Montoya WA, Salzman S, Whitaker MRL, Calonje M, Zhang F, Pierce NE Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33547236 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Feb 9
Ongoing global and regional adaptive evolution of SARS-CoV-2. Rochman ND, Wolf YI, Faure G, Mutz P, Zhang F, Koonin EV Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 34292871 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Jul 20
Optical Pooled Screens in Human Cells. Feldman D, Singh A, Schmid-Burgk JL, Carlson RJ, Mezger A, Garrity AJ, Zhang F, Blainey PC Cell 31626775 Cell 2019 Oct 17
Prokaryotic innate immunity through pattern recognition of conserved viral proteins. Gao LA, Wilkinson ME, Strecker J, Makarova KS, Macrae RK, Koonin EV, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 35951700 Science 2022 Aug 12
Pluripotent stem cell-derived models of neurological diseases reveal early transcriptional heterogeneity. Sorek M, Oweis W, Nissim-Rafinia M, Maman M, Simon S, Hession CC, Adiconis X, Simmons SK, Sanjana NE, Shi X, Lu C, Pan JQ, Xu X, Pouladi MA, Ellerby LM, Zhang F, Levin JZ, Meshorer E Genome biology 33663567 Genome Biol 2021 Mar 4
DNA Microscopy: Optics-free Spatio-genetic Imaging by a Stand-Alone Chemical Reaction. Weinstein JA, Regev A, Zhang F Cell 31230717 Cell 2019 Jun 27
High-Resolution Structure of Cas13b and Biochemical Characterization of RNA Targeting and Cleavage. Slaymaker IM, Mesa P, Kellner MJ, Kannan S, Brignole E, Koob J, Feliciano PR, Stella S, Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Strecker J, Montoya G, Zhang F Cell reports 30917325 Cell Rep 2019 Mar 26
Unexpected connections between type VI-B CRISPR-Cas systems, bacterial natural competence, ubiquitin signaling network and DNA modification through a distinct family of membrane proteins. Makarova KS, Gao L, Zhang F, Koonin EV FEMS microbiology letters 31089700 FEMS Microbiol Lett 2019 Apr 1
In vivo Perturb-Seq reveals neuronal and glial abnormalities associated with autism risk genes. Jin X, Simmons SK, Guo A, Shetty AS, Ko M, Nguyen L, Jokhi V, Robinson E, Oyler P, Curry N, Deangeli G, Lodato S, Levin JZ, Regev A, Zhang F, Arlotta P Science (New York, N.Y.) 33243861 Science 2020 Nov 27
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 with SHERLOCK One-Pot Testing. Joung J, Ladha A, Saito M, Kim NG, Woolley AE, Segel M, Barretto RPJ, Ranu A, Macrae RK, Faure G, Ioannidi EI, Krajeski RN, Bruneau R, Huang MW, Yu XG, Li JZ, Walker BD, Hung DT, Greninger AL, Jerome KR, Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Zhang F The New England journal of medicine 32937062 N Engl J Med 2020 Oct 8
Effects of 3D culturing conditions on the transcriptomic profile of stem-cell-derived neurons. Tekin H, Simmons S, Cummings B, Gao L, Adiconis X, Hession CC, Ghoshal A, Dionne D, Choudhury SR, Yesilyurt V, Sanjana NE, Shi X, Lu C, Heidenreich M, Pan JQ, Levin JZ, Zhang F Nature biomedical engineering 30271673 Nat Biomed Eng 2018 Jul
Multiplexed and portable nucleic acid detection platform with Cas13, Cas12a, and Csm6. Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Kellner MJ, Joung J, Collins JJ, Zhang F Science (New York, N.Y.) 29449508 Science 2018 Apr 27
CRISPR-Based Therapeutic Genome Editing: Strategies and In Vivo Delivery by AAV Vectors. Wang D, Zhang F, Gao G Cell 32243786 Cell 2020 Apr 2
Programmable Inhibition and Detection of RNA Viruses Using Cas13. Freije CA, Myhrvold C, Boehm CK, Lin AE, Welch NL, Carter A, Metsky HC, Luo CY, Abudayyeh OO, Gootenberg JS, Yozwiak NL, Zhang F, Sabeti PC Molecular cell 31607545 Mol Cell 2019 Dec 5
Computational models in cardiology. Niederer SA, Lumens J, Trayanova NA Nature reviews. Cardiology 30361497 Nat Rev Cardiol 2019 Feb
Virtual electrophysiological study as a tool for evaluating efficacy of MRI techniques in predicting adverse arrhythmic events in ischemic patients. Ukwatta E, Nikolov P, Zabihollahy F, Trayanova NA, Wright GA Physics in medicine and biology 30412472 Phys Med Biol 2018 Nov 9
Cardiac Optogenetics: 2018. Boyle PM, Karathanos TV, Trayanova NA JACC. Clinical electrophysiology 29749932 JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2018 Feb
Optimal contrast-enhanced MRI image thresholding for accurate prediction of ventricular tachycardia using ex-vivo high resolution models. Deng D, Nikolov P, Arevalo HJ, Trayanova NA Computers in biology and medicine 30301573 Comput Biol Med 2018 Nov 1
Association of regional myocardial conduction velocity with the distribution of hypoattenuation on contrast-enhanced perfusion computed tomography in patients with postinfarct ventricular tachycardia. Ustunkaya T, Desjardins B, Liu B, Zahid S, Park J, Saju N, Trayanova N, Zimmerman SL, Marchlinski FE, Nazarian S Heart rhythm 30935494 Heart Rhythm 2019 Apr
Computationally guided personalized targeted ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation. Boyle PM, Zghaib T, Zahid S, Ali RL, Deng D, Franceschi WH, Hakim JB, Murphy MJ, Prakosa A, Zimmerman SL, Ashikaga H, Marine JE, Kolandaivelu A, Nazarian S, Spragg DD, Calkins H, Trayanova NA Nature biomedical engineering 31427780 Nat Biomed Eng 2019 Nov
Spatial dispersion analysis of LGE-CMR for prediction of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis. Aronis KN, Okada DR, Xie E, Daimee UA, Prakosa A, Gilotra NA, Wu KC, Trayanova N, Chrispin J Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE 34766627 Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2021 Dec
Computational modeling of aberrant electrical activity following remuscularization with intramyocardially injected pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Yu JK, Liang JA, Weinberg SH, Trayanova NA Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 34487753 J Mol Cell Cardiol 2022 Jan
Optogenetics-enabled dynamic modulation of action potential duration in atrial tissue: feasibility of a novel therapeutic approach. Karathanos TV, Boyle PM, Trayanova NA Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology 25362173 Europace 2014 Nov
Computational analysis of the effect of valvular regurgitation on ventricular mechanics using a 3D electromechanics model. Lim KM, Hong SB, Lee BK, Shim EB, Trayanova N The journal of physiological sciences : JPS 25644379 J Physiol Sci 2015 Mar
Optogenetics-enabled assessment of viral gene and cell therapy for restoration of cardiac excitability. Ambrosi CM, Boyle PM, Chen K, Trayanova NA, Entcheva E Scientific reports 26621212 Sci Rep 2015 Dec 1
Intermittent drivers anchoring to structural heterogeneities as a major pathophysiological mechanism of human persistent atrial fibrillation. Haissaguerre M, Shah AJ, Cochet H, Hocini M, Dubois R, Efimov I, Vigmond E, Bernus O, Trayanova N The Journal of physiology 26890861 J Physiol 2016 May 1
Arrhythmia risk stratification of patients after myocardial infarction using personalized heart models. Arevalo HJ, Vadakkumpadan F, Guallar E, Jebb A, Malamas P, Wu KC, Trayanova NA Nature communications 27164184 Nat Commun 2016 May 10
Computational rabbit models to investigate the initiation, perpetuation, and termination of ventricular arrhythmia. Arevalo HJ, Boyle PM, Trayanova NA Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 27334789 Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2016 Jul
Opsin spectral sensitivity determines the effectiveness of optogenetic termination of ventricular fibrillation in the human heart: a simulation study. Karathanos TV, Bayer JD, Wang D, Boyle PM, Trayanova NA The Journal of physiology 26941055 J Physiol 2016 Dec 1
A feasibility study of arrhythmia risk prediction in patients with myocardial infarction and preserved ejection fraction. Deng D, Arevalo HJ, Prakosa A, Callans DJ, Trayanova NA Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology 28011832 Europace 2016 Dec
Towards personalized computational modelling of the fibrotic substrate for atrial arrhythmia. Boyle PM, Zahid S, Trayanova NA Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology 28011841 Europace 2016 Dec
Plakophilin-2 is required for transcription of genes that control calcium cycling and cardiac rhythm. Cerrone M, Montnach J, Lin X, Zhao YT, Zhang M, Agullo-Pascual E, Leo-Macias A, Alvarado FJ, Dolgalev I, Karathanos TV, Malkani K, Van Opbergen CJM, van Bavel JJA, Yang HQ, Vasquez C, Tester D, Fowler S, Liang F, Rothenberg E, Heguy A, Morley GE, Coetzee WA, Trayanova NA, Ackerman MJ, van Veen TAB, Valdivia HH, Delmar M Nature communications 28740174 Nat Commun 2017 Jul 24
Efficient preloading of the ventricles by a properly timed atrial contraction underlies stroke work improvement in the acute response to cardiac resynchronization therapy. Hu Y, Gurev V, Constantino J, Trayanova N Heart rhythm 23928177 Heart Rhythm 2013 Dec
A New MRI-Based Model of Heart Function with Coupled Hemodynamics and Application to Normal and Diseased Canine Left Ventricles. Choi YJ, Constantino J, Vedula V, Trayanova N, Mittal R Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 26442254 Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2015
Mathematical approaches to understanding and imaging atrial fibrillation: significance for mechanisms and management. Trayanova NA Circulation research 24763468 Circ Res 2014 Apr 25
"Beauty is a light in the heart": the transformative potential of optogenetics for clinical applications in cardiovascular medicine. Boyle PM, Karathanos TV, Trayanova NA Trends in cardiovascular medicine 25453984 Trends Cardiovasc Med 2015 Feb
Myocardial infarct segmentation and reconstruction from 2D late-gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance images. Ukwatta E, Yuan J, Qiu W, Wu KC, Trayanova N, Vadakkumpadan F Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention 25485423 Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2014
Myocardial Infarct Segmentation From Magnetic Resonance Images for Personalized Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology. Ukwatta E, Arevalo H, Li K, Yuan J, Qiu W, Malamas P, Wu KC, Trayanova NA, Vadakkumpadan F IEEE transactions on medical imaging 26731693 IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2016 Jun
Precisely parameterized experimental and computational models of tissue organization. Molitoris JM, Paliwal S, Sekar RB, Blake R, Park J, Trayanova NA, Tung L, Levchenko A Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro 26822672 Integr Biol (Camb) 2016 Feb
Computational models of heart disease. Smith N, Trayanova N Drug discovery today. Disease models 26843884 Drug Discov Today Dis Models 2014 Winter
Accurate Conduction Velocity Maps and Their Association With Scar Distribution on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Postinfarction Ventricular Tachycardias. Aronis KN, Ali RL, Prakosa A, Ashikaga H, Berger RD, Hakim JB, Liang J, Tandri H, Teng F, Chrispin J, Trayanova NA Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology 32191131 Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2020 Apr
Ventricular arrhythmia risk prediction in repaired Tetralogy of Fallot using personalized computational cardiac models. Shade JK, Cartoski MJ, Nikolov P, Prakosa A, Doshi A, Binka E, Olivieri L, Boyle PM, Spevak PJ, Trayanova NA Heart rhythm 31589989 Heart Rhythm 2020 Mar
Epicardial Conduction Speed, Electrogram Abnormality, and Computed Tomography Attenuation Associations in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy. Ustunkaya T, Desjardins B, Wedan R, Chahal CAA, Zimmerman SL, Saju N, Zahid S, Sharma A, Han Y, Trayanova N, Marchlinski FE, Calkins H, Tandri H, Nazarian S JACC. Clinical electrophysiology 31648740 JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2019 Oct
Tropomyosin dynamics during cardiac muscle contraction as governed by a multi-well energy landscape. Aboelkassem Y, Trayanova N Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 30145015 Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2019 Jul
From genetics to smart watches: developments in precision cardiology. Trayanova N Nature reviews. Cardiology 30568275 Nat Rev Cardiol 2019 Feb
Spatially Adaptive Multi-Scale Optimization for Local Parameter Estimation in Cardiac Electrophysiology. Dhamala J, Arevalo HJ, Sapp J, Horacek M, Wu KC, Trayanova NA, Wang L IEEE transactions on medical imaging 28459685 IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2017 Sep
Role of 3-Dimensional Architecture of Scar and Surviving Tissue in Ventricular Tachycardia: Insights From High-Resolution Ex Vivo Porcine Models. Pashakhanloo F, Herzka DA, Halperin H, McVeigh ER, Trayanova NA Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology 29880529 Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2018 Jun
Exploring susceptibility to atrial and ventricular arrhythmias resulting from remodeling of the passive electrical properties in the heart: a simulation approach. Trayanova NA, Boyle PM, Arevalo HJ, Zahid S Frontiers in physiology 25429272 Front Physiol 2014
Virtual 3D heart models to aid pacemaker implantation in children. Trayanova NA Future cardiology 24344653 Future Cardiol 2014 Jan
Computational modeling of cardiac optogenetics: Methodology overview & review of findings from simulations. Boyle PM, Karathanos TV, Entcheva E, Trayanova NA Computers in biology and medicine 26002074 Comput Biol Med 2015 Oct 1
New insights into defibrillation of the heart from realistic simulation studies. Trayanova NA, Rantner LJ Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology 24798960 Europace 2014 May
Myofiber Architecture of the Human Atria as Revealed by Submillimeter Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Pashakhanloo F, Herzka DA, Ashikaga H, Mori S, Gai N, Bluemke DA, Trayanova NA, McVeigh ER Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology 27071829 Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2016 Apr
Mechanisms linking electrical alternans and clinical ventricular arrhythmia in human heart failure. Bayer JD, Lalani GG, Vigmond EJ, Narayan SM, Trayanova NA Heart rhythm 27215536 Heart Rhythm 2016 Sep
Computational Identification of Ventricular Arrhythmia Risk in Pediatric Myocarditis. Cartoski MJ, Nikolov PP, Prakosa A, Boyle PM, Spevak PJ, Trayanova NA Pediatric cardiology 30840104 Pediatr Cardiol 2019 Apr
Light-based Approaches to Cardiac Arrhythmia Research: From Basic Science to Translational Applications. Karathanos TV, Boyle PM, Trayanova NA Clinical Medicine Insights. Cardiology 27840581 Clin Med Insights Cardiol 2016
Feasibility of using patient-specific models and the "minimum cut" algorithm to predict optimal ablation targets for left atrial flutter. Zahid S, Whyte KN, Schwarz EL, Blake RC 3rd, Boyle PM, Chrispin J, Prakosa A, Ipek EG, Pashakhanloo F, Halperin HR, Calkins H, Berger RD, Nazarian S, Trayanova NA Heart rhythm 27108938 Heart Rhythm 2016 Aug
Initiation of a High-Frequency Jet Ventilation Strategy for Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation: Safety and Outcomes Data. Sivasambu B, Hakim JB, Barodka V, Chrispin J, Berger RD, Ashikaga H, Ciuffo L, Tao S, Calkins H, Marine JE, Trayanova N, Spragg DD JACC. Clinical electrophysiology 30573114 JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2018 Dec
Arrhythmogenic propensity of the fibrotic substrate after atrial fibrillation ablation: a longitudinal study using magnetic resonance imaging-based atrial models. Ali RL, Hakim JB, Boyle PM, Zahid S, Sivasambu B, Marine JE, Calkins H, Trayanova NA, Spragg DD Cardiovascular research 30977811 Cardiovasc Res 2019 Oct 1
Degradation of T-Tubular Microdomains and Altered cAMP Compartmentation Lead to Emergence of Arrhythmogenic Triggers in Heart Failure Myocytes: An in silico Study. Loucks AD, O'Hara T, Trayanova NA Frontiers in physiology 30564142 Front Physiol 2018
Association of left atrial epicardial adipose tissue with electrogram bipolar voltage and fractionation: Electrophysiologic substrates for atrial fibrillation. Zghaib T, Ipek EG, Zahid S, Balouch MA, Misra S, Ashikaga H, Berger RD, Marine JE, Spragg DD, Zimmerman SL, Zipunnikov V, Trayanova N, Calkins H, Nazarian S Heart rhythm 27546816 Heart Rhythm 2016 Dec
Effect of KCNQ1 G229D mutation on cardiac pumping efficacy and reentrant dynamics in ventricles: Computational study. Yuniarti AR, Setianto F, Marcellinus A, Hwang HJ, Choi SW, Trayanova N, Lim KM International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 29488358 Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng 2018 Jun
Biological substrate modification suppresses ventricular arrhythmias in a porcine model of chronic ischaemic cardiomyopathy. Dawkins JF, Ehdaie A, Rogers R, Soetkamp D, Valle J, Holm K, Sanchez L, Tremmel I, Nawaz A, Shehata M, Wang X, Prakosa A, Yu J, Van Eyk JE, Trayanova N, Marbán E, Cingolani E European heart journal 35262692 Eur Heart J 2022 Jun 6
Substrate Spatial Complexity Analysis for the Prediction of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients With Ischemic Cardiomyopathy. Okada DR, Miller J, Chrispin J, Prakosa A, Trayanova N, Jones S, Maggioni M, Wu KC Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology 32188287 Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2020 Apr
Characterization of the Electrophysiologic Remodeling of Patients With Ischemic Cardiomyopathy by Clinical Measurements and Computer Simulations Coupled With Machine Learning. Aronis KN, Prakosa A, Bergamaschi T, Berger RD, Boyle PM, Chrispin J, Ju S, Marine JE, Sinha S, Tandri H, Ashikaga H, Trayanova NA Frontiers in physiology 34335294 Front Physiol 2021
Optimizing cardiac resynchronization therapy to minimize ATP consumption heterogeneity throughout the left ventricle: a simulation analysis using a canine heart failure model. Hu Y, Gurev V, Constantino J, Trayanova N Heart rhythm 24657430 Heart Rhythm 2014 Jun
Early somatic mosaicism is a rare cause of long-QT syndrome. Priest JR, Gawad C, Kahlig KM, Yu JK, O'Hara T, Boyle PM, Rajamani S, Clark MJ, Garcia ST, Ceresnak S, Harris J, Boyle S, Dewey FE, Malloy-Walton L, Dunn K, Grove M, Perez MV, Neff NF, Chen R, Maeda K, Dubin A, Belardinelli L, West J, Antolik C, Macaya D, Quertermous T, Trayanova NA, Quake SR, Ashley EA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 27681629 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 Oct 11
Sodium current reduction unmasks a structure-dependent substrate for arrhythmogenesis in the normal ventricles. Boyle PM, Park CJ, Arevalo HJ, Vigmond EJ, Trayanova NA PloS one 24489810 PLoS One 2014
Advances in modeling ventricular arrhythmias: from mechanisms to the clinic. Trayanova NA, Boyle PM Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Systems biology and medicine 24375958 Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med 2014 Mar-Apr
Methodology for image-based reconstruction of ventricular geometry for patient-specific modeling of cardiac electrophysiology. Prakosa A, Malamas P, Zhang S, Pashakhanloo F, Arevalo H, Herzka DA, Lardo A, Halperin H, McVeigh E, Trayanova N, Vadakkumpadan F Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 25148771 Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2014 Aug
Image-based left ventricular shape analysis for sudden cardiac death risk stratification. Vadakkumpadan F, Trayanova N, Wu KC Heart rhythm 24854217 Heart Rhythm 2014 Oct
Disrupted calcium release as a mechanism for atrial alternans associated with human atrial fibrillation. Chang KC, Bayer JD, Trayanova NA PLoS computational biology 25501557 PLoS Comput Biol 2014 Dec
Virtual electrophysiological study of atrial fibrillation in fibrotic remodeling. McDowell KS, Zahid S, Vadakkumpadan F, Blauer J, MacLeod RS, Trayanova NA PloS one 25692857 PLoS One 2015
Mechanisms of arrhythmogenesis related to calcium-driven alternans in a model of human atrial fibrillation. Chang KC, Trayanova NA Scientific reports 27812021 Sci Rep 2016 Nov 4
Sensitivity of Ablation Targets Prediction to Electrophysiological Parameter Variability in Image-Based Computational Models of Ventricular Tachycardia in Post-infarction Patients. Deng D, Prakosa A, Shade J, Nikolov P, Trayanova NA Frontiers in physiology 31178758 Front Physiol 2019
Personalized virtual-heart technology for guiding the ablation of infarct-related ventricular tachycardia. Prakosa A, Arevalo HJ, Deng D, Boyle PM, Nikolov PP, Ashikaga H, Blauer JJE, Ghafoori E, Park CJ, Blake RC 3rd, Han FT, MacLeod RS, Halperin HR, Callans DJ, Ranjan R, Chrispin J, Nazarian S, Trayanova NA Nature biomedical engineering 30847259 Nat Biomed Eng 2018 Oct
Quantifying the uncertainty in model parameters using Gaussian process-based Markov chain Monte Carlo in cardiac electrophysiology. Dhamala J, Arevalo HJ, Sapp J, Horácek BM, Wu KC, Trayanova NA, Wang L Medical image analysis 29843078 Med Image Anal 2018 Aug
Relationship Between Fibrosis Detected on Late Gadolinium-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and Re-Entrant Activity Assessed With Electrocardiographic Imaging in Human Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. Cochet H, Dubois R, Yamashita S, Al Jefairi N, Berte B, Sellal JM, Hooks D, Frontera A, Amraoui S, Zemoura A, Denis A, Derval N, Sacher F, Corneloup O, Latrabe V, Clément-Guinaudeau S, Relan J, Zahid S, Boyle PM, Trayanova NA, Bernus O, Montaudon M, Laurent F, Hocini M, Haïssaguerre M, Jaïs P JACC. Clinical electrophysiology 29479568 JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2018 Jan
Increased thin filament activation enhances alternans in human chronic atrial fibrillation. Zile MA, Trayanova NA American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 30141984 Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2018 Nov 1
Modeling the aging heart: from local respiratory defects to global rhythm disturbances. Khrapko K, Trayanova N, Nattel S Cell metabolism 25955202 Cell Metab 2015 May 5
Personalized Imaging and Modeling Strategies for Arrhythmia Prevention and Therapy. Trayanova NA, Boyle PM, Nikolov PP Current opinion in biomedical engineering 29546250 Curr Opin Biomed Eng 2018 Mar
A comprehensive, multiscale framework for evaluation of arrhythmias arising from cell therapy in the whole post-myocardial infarcted heart. Yu JK, Franceschi W, Huang Q, Pashakhanloo F, Boyle PM, Trayanova NA Scientific reports 31239508 Sci Rep 2019 Jun 25
New insights on the cardiac safety factor: Unraveling the relationship between conduction velocity and robustness of propagation. Boyle PM, Franceschi WH, Constantin M, Hawks C, Desplantez T, Trayanova NA, Vigmond EJ Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 30677394 J Mol Cell Cardiol 2019 Mar
The role of personalized atrial modeling in understanding atrial fibrillation mechanisms and improving treatment. Aronis KN, Ali R, Trayanova NA International journal of cardiology 30755334 Int J Cardiol 2019 Jul 15
β-adrenergic stimulation augments transmural dispersion of repolarization via modulation of delayed rectifier currents I(Ks) and I(Kr) in the human ventricle. Kang C, Badiceanu A, Brennan JA, Gloschat C, Qiao Y, Trayanova NA, Efimov IR Scientific reports 29162896 Sci Rep 2017 Nov 21
Using personalized computer models to custom-tailor ablation procedures for atrial fibrillation patients: are we there yet? Boyle PM, Zahid S, Trayanova NA Expert review of cardiovascular therapy 28395557 Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2017 May
Imaging-Based Simulations for Predicting Sudden Death and Guiding Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation. Trayanova NA, Pashakhanloo F, Wu KC, Halperin HR Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology 28696219 Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2017 Jul
Modelling methodology of atrial fibrosis affects rotor dynamics and electrograms. Roney CH, Bayer JD, Zahid S, Meo M, Boyle PM, Trayanova NA, Haïssaguerre M, Dubois R, Cochet H, Vigmond EJ Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology 28011842 Europace 2016 Dec
Myofilament protein dynamics modulate EAD formation in human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Zile MA, Trayanova NA Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 28648627 Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2017 Nov
4D cardiac electromechanical activation imaging. Grondin J, Wang D, Grubb CS, Trayanova N, Konofagou EE Computers in biology and medicine 31476587 Comput Biol Med 2019 Oct
Characterizing Conduction Channels in Postinfarction Patients Using a Personalized Virtual Heart. Deng D, Prakosa A, Shade J, Nikolov P, Trayanova NA Biophysical journal 31447108 Biophys J 2019 Dec 17
Caveolin-3 regulates compartmentation of cardiomyocyte beta2-adrenergic receptor-mediated cAMP signaling. Wright PT, Nikolaev VO, O'Hara T, Diakonov I, Bhargava A, Tokar S, Schobesberger S, Shevchuk AI, Sikkel MB, Wilkinson R, Trayanova NA, Lyon AR, Harding SE, Gorelik J Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 24345421 J Mol Cell Cardiol 2014 Feb
Corrigendum to "effects of fibrosis morphology on reentrant ventricular tachycardia inducibility and simulation fidelity in patient-derived models". Ringenberg J, Deo M, Filgueiras-Rama D, Pizarro G, Ibañez B, Peinado R, Trayanova N, Miller M, Merino JL, Berenfeld O, Devabhaktuni V Clinical Medicine Insights. Cardiology 25698881 Clin Med Insights Cardiol 2014
Image-based reconstruction of three-dimensional myocardial infarct geometry for patient-specific modeling of cardiac electrophysiology. Ukwatta E, Arevalo H, Rajchl M, White J, Pashakhanloo F, Prakosa A, Herzka DA, McVeigh E, Lardo AC, Trayanova NA, Vadakkumpadan F Medical physics 26233186 Med Phys 2015 Aug
Rate-dependent force, intracellular calcium, and action potential voltage alternans are modulated by sarcomere length and heart failure induced-remodeling of thin filament regulation in human heart failure: A myocyte modeling study. Zile MA, Trayanova NA Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 26724571 Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2016 Jan
Image-based Reconstruction of 3D Myocardial Infarct Geometry for Patient Specific Applications. Ukwatta E, Rajchl M, White J, Pashakhanloo F, Herzka DA, McVeigh E, Lardo AC, Trayanova N, Vadakkumpadan F Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering 26633913 Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng 2015 Feb 21
How computer simulations of the human heart can improve anti-arrhythmia therapy. Trayanova NA, Chang KC The Journal of physiology 26621489 J Physiol 2016 May 1
Association of Left Atrial Local Conduction Velocity With Late Gadolinium Enhancement on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. Fukumoto K, Habibi M, Ipek EG, Zahid S, Khurram IM, Zimmerman SL, Zipunnikov V, Spragg D, Ashikaga H, Trayanova N, Tomaselli GF, Rickard J, Marine JE, Berger RD, Calkins H, Nazarian S Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology 26917814 Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2016 Mar
Submillimeter diffusion tensor imaging and late gadolinium enhancement cardiovascular magnetic resonance of chronic myocardial infarction. Pashakhanloo F, Herzka DA, Mori S, Zviman M, Halperin H, Gai N, Bluemke DA, Trayanova NA, McVeigh ER Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 28122618 J Cardiovasc Magn Reson 2017 Jan 11
Sensitivity of reentrant driver localization to electrophysiological parameter variability in image-based computational models of persistent atrial fibrillation sustained by a fibrotic substrate. Deng D, Murphy MJ, Hakim JB, Franceschi WH, Zahid S, Pashakhanloo F, Trayanova NA, Boyle PM Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.) 28964164 Chaos 2017 Sep
Optogenetic defibrillation terminates ventricular arrhythmia in mouse hearts and human simulations. Bruegmann T, Boyle PM, Vogt CC, Karathanos TV, Arevalo HJ, Fleischmann BK, Trayanova NA, Sasse P The Journal of clinical investigation 27617859 J Clin Invest 2016 Oct 3
Avian intervertebral disc arises from rostral sclerotome and lacks a nucleus pulposus: implications for evolution of the vertebrate disc. Bruggeman BJ, Maier JA, Mohiuddin YS, Powers R, Lo Y, Guimarães-Camboa N, Evans SM, Harfe BD Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 22354863 Dev Dyn 2012 Apr
Chronic centrosome amplification without tumorigenesis. Vitre B, Holland AJ, Kulukian A, Shoshani O, Hirai M, Wang Y, Maldonado M, Cho T, Boubaker J, Swing DA, Tessarollo L, Evans SM, Fuchs E, Cleveland DW Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 26578792 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Nov 17
Coordination of heart and lung co-development by a multipotent cardiopulmonary progenitor. Peng T, Tian Y, Boogerd CJ, Lu MM, Kadzik RS, Stewart KM, Evans SM, Morrisey EE Nature 23873040 Nature 2013 Aug 29
Mapping the dynamic expression of Wnt11 and the lineage contribution of Wnt11-expressing cells during early mouse development. Sinha T, Lin L, Li D, Davis J, Evans S, Wynshaw-Boris A, Wang J Developmental biology 25448697 Dev Biol 2015 Feb 15
Resident fibroblast lineages mediate pressure overload-induced cardiac fibrosis. Moore-Morris T, Guimarães-Camboa N, Banerjee I, Zambon AC, Kisseleva T, Velayoudon A, Stallcup WB, Gu Y, Dalton ND, Cedenilla M, Gomez-Amaro R, Zhou B, Brenner DA, Peterson KL, Chen J, Evans SM The Journal of clinical investigation 24937432 J Clin Invest 2014 Jul
Sorting out where fibroblasts come from. Moore-Morris T, Tallquist MD, Evans SM Circulation research 25214570 Circ Res 2014 Sep 12
Tbx18 Regulates the Differentiation of Periductal Smooth Muscle Stroma and the Maintenance of Epithelial Integrity in the Prostate. Bolt CC, Negi S, Guimarães-Camboa N, Zhang H, Troy JM, Lu X, Kispert A, Evans SM, Stubbs L PloS one 27120339 PLoS One 2016
Thymosin beta 4 is dispensable for murine cardiac development and function. Banerjee I, Zhang J, Moore-Morris T, Lange S, Shen T, Dalton ND, Gu Y, Peterson KL, Evans SM, Chen J Circulation research 22158707 Circ Res 2012 Feb 3
Early postmyocardial infarction survival in Murphy Roths Large mice is mediated by attenuated apoptosis and inflammation but depends on genetic background. Hunt DL, Campbell PH, Zambon AC, Vranizan K, Evans SM, Kuo HC, Yamaguchi KD, Omens JH, McCulloch AD Experimental physiology 21967898 Exp Physiol 2012 Jan
Human pre-valvular endocardial cells derived from pluripotent stem cells recapitulate cardiac pathophysiological valvulogenesis. Neri T, Hiriart E, van Vliet PP, Faure E, Norris RA, Farhat B, Jagla B, Lefrancois J, Sugi Y, Moore-Morris T, Zaffran S, Faustino RS, Zambon AC, Desvignes JP, Salgado D, Levine RA, de la Pompa JL, Terzic A, Evans SM, Markwald R, Pucéat M Nature communications 31028265 Nat Commun 2019 Apr 26
Transcription factor ISL1 is essential for pacemaker development and function. Liang X, Zhang Q, Cattaneo P, Zhuang S, Gong X, Spann NJ, Jiang C, Cao X, Zhao X, Zhang X, Bu L, Wang G, Chen HS, Zhuang T, Yan J, Geng P, Luo L, Banerjee I, Chen Y, Glass CK, Zambon AC, Chen J, Sun Y, Evans SM The Journal of clinical investigation 26193633 J Clin Invest 2015 Aug 3
Origins of cardiac fibroblasts. Moore-Morris T, Cattaneo P, Puceat M, Evans SM Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 26748307 J Mol Cell Cardiol 2016 Feb
Probing chromatin landscape reveals roles of endocardial TBX20 in septation. Boogerd CJ, Aneas I, Sakabe N, Dirschinger RJ, Cheng QJ, Zhou B, Chen J, Nobrega MA, Evans SM The Journal of clinical investigation 27348591 J Clin Invest 2016 Aug 1
Single-molecule states link transcription factor binding to gene expression. Doughty BR, Hinks MM, Schaepe JM, Marinov GK, Thurm AR, Rios-Martinez C, Parks BE, Tan Y, Marklund E, Dubocanin D, Bintu L, Greenleaf WJ Nature 39567683 Nature 2024 Dec
Multiplex assessment of protein variant abundance by massively parallel sequencing. Matreyek KA, Starita LM, Stephany JJ, Martin B, Chiasson MA, Gray VE, Kircher M, Khechaduri A, Dines JN, Hause RJ, Bhatia S, Evans WE, Relling MV, Yang W, Shendure J, Fowler DM Nature genetics 29785012 Nat Genet 2018 Jun
The single-cell transcriptional landscape of mammalian organogenesis. Cao J, Spielmann M, Qiu X, Huang X, Ibrahim DM, Hill AJ, Zhang F, Mundlos S, Christiansen L, Steemers FJ, Trapnell C, Shendure J Nature 30787437 Nature 2019 Feb
Sci-Hi-C: A single-cell Hi-C method for mapping 3D genome organization in large number of single cells. Ramani V, Deng X, Qiu R, Lee C, Disteche CM, Noble WS, Shendure J, Duan Z Methods (San Diego, Calif.) 31536770 Methods 2020 Jan 1
Saturation editing of genomic regions by multiplex homology-directed repair. Findlay GM, Boyle EA, Hause RJ, Klein JC, Shendure J Nature 25141179 Nature 2014 Sep 4
Mapping 3D genome architecture through in situ DNase Hi-C. Ramani V, Cusanovich DA, Hause RJ, Ma W, Qiu R, Deng X, Blau CA, Disteche CM, Noble WS, Shendure J, Duan Z Nature protocols 27685100 Nat Protoc 2016 Nov
The power of multiplexed functional analysis of genetic variants. Gasperini M, Starita L, Shendure J Nature protocols 27583640 Nat Protoc 2016 Oct
Comprehensive single-cell transcriptional profiling of a multicellular organism. Cao J, Packer JS, Ramani V, Cusanovich DA, Huynh C, Daza R, Qiu X, Lee C, Furlan SN, Steemers FJ, Adey A, Waterston RH, Trapnell C, Shendure J Science (New York, N.Y.) 28818938 Science 2017 Aug 18
Simultaneous single-cell profiling of lineages and cell types in the vertebrate brain. Raj B, Wagner DE, McKenna A, Pandey S, Klein AM, Shendure J, Gagnon JA, Schier AF Nature biotechnology 29608178 Nat Biotechnol 2018 Jun
Cell-free DNA Comprises an In Vivo Nucleosome Footprint that Informs Its Tissues-Of-Origin. Snyder MW, Kircher M, Hill AJ, Daza RM, Shendure J Cell 26771485 Cell 2016 Jan 14
The landscape of alternative polyadenylation in single cells of the developing mouse embryo. Agarwal V, Lopez-Darwin S, Kelley DR, Shendure J Nature communications 34429411 Nat Commun 2021 Aug 24
FlashFry: a fast and flexible tool for large-scale CRISPR target design. McKenna A, Shendure J BMC biology 29976198 BMC Biol 2018 Jul 5
Joint profiling of chromatin accessibility and gene expression in thousands of single cells. Cao J, Cusanovich DA, Ramani V, Aghamirzaie D, Pliner HA, Hill AJ, Daza RM, McFaline-Figueroa JL, Packer JS, Christiansen L, Steemers FJ, Adey AC, Trapnell C, Shendure J Science (New York, N.Y.) 30166440 Science 2018 Sep 28
High-throughput determination of RNA structure by proximity ligation. Ramani V, Qiu R, Shendure J Nature biotechnology 26237516 Nat Biotechnol 2015 Sep
Multiplex single cell profiling of chromatin accessibility by combinatorial cellular indexing. Cusanovich DA, Daza R, Adey A, Pliner HA, Christiansen L, Gunderson KL, Steemers FJ, Trapnell C, Shendure J Science (New York, N.Y.) 25953818 Science 2015 May 22
Massively parallel single-amino-acid mutagenesis. Kitzman JO, Starita LM, Lo RS, Fields S, Shendure J Nature methods 25559584 Nat Methods 2015 Mar
High Sensitivity Profiling of Chromatin Structure by MNase-SSP. Ramani V, Qiu R, Shendure J Cell reports 30811994 Cell Rep 2019 Feb 26
Variant Interpretation: Functional Assays to the Rescue. Starita LM, Ahituv N, Dunham MJ, Kitzman JO, Roth FP, Seelig G, Shendure J, Fowler DM American journal of human genetics 28886340 Am J Hum Genet 2017 Sep 7
CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Scanning for Regulatory Elements Required for HPRT1 Expression via Thousands of Large, Programmed Genomic Deletions. Gasperini M, Findlay GM, McKenna A, Milbank JH, Lee C, Zhang MD, Cusanovich DA, Shendure J American journal of human genetics 28712454 Am J Hum Genet 2017 Aug 3
High-Throughput Single-Cell Sequencing with Linear Amplification. Yin Y, Jiang Y, Lam KG, Berletch JB, Disteche CM, Noble WS, Steemers FJ, Camerini-Otero RD, Adey AC, Shendure J Molecular cell 31495564 Mol Cell 2019 Nov 21
Cicero Predicts cis-Regulatory DNA Interactions from Single-Cell Chromatin Accessibility Data. Pliner HA, Packer JS, McFaline-Figueroa JL, Cusanovich DA, Daza RM, Aghamirzaie D, Srivatsan S, Qiu X, Jackson D, Minkina A, Adey AC, Steemers FJ, Shendure J, Trapnell C Molecular cell 30078726 Mol Cell 2018 Sep 6
Supervised classification enables rapid annotation of cell atlases. Pliner HA, Shendure J, Trapnell C Nature methods 31501545 Nat Methods 2019 Oct
Multiplex single-cell chemical genomics reveals the kinase dependence of the response to targeted therapy. McFaline-Figueroa JL, Srivatsan S, Hill AJ, Gasperini M, Jackson DL, Saunders L, Domcke S, Regalado SG, Lazarchuck P, Alvarez S, Monnat RJ Jr, Shendure J, Trapnell C Cell genomics 38278156 Cell Genom 2024 Feb 14
Multiplex single-cell chemical genomics reveals the kinase dependence of the response to targeted therapy. McFaline-Figueroa JL, Srivatsan S, Hill AJ, Gasperini M, Jackson DL, Saunders L, Domcke S, Regalado SG, Lazarchuck P, Alvarez S, Monnat RJ Jr, Shendure J, Trapnell C bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37398090 bioRxiv 2023 Jun 14
Accurate classification of BRCA1 variants with saturation genome editing. Findlay GM, Daza RM, Martin B, Zhang MD, Leith AP, Gasperini M, Janizek JD, Huang X, Starita LM, Shendure J Nature 30209399 Nature 2018 Oct
Multimodal single-cell analysis reveals distinct radioresistant stem-like and progenitor cell populations in murine glioma. Alexander J, LaPlant QC, Pattwell SS, Szulzewsky F, Cimino PJ, Caruso FP, Pugliese P, Chen Z, Chardon F, Hill AJ, Spurrell C, Ahrendsen D, Pietras A, Starita LM, Hambardzumyan D, Iavarone A, Shendure J, Holland EC Glia 32621641 Glia 2020 Dec
Predicting mRNA Abundance Directly from Genomic Sequence Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Agarwal V, Shendure J Cell reports 32433972 Cell Rep 2020 May 19
The cis-regulatory dynamics of embryonic development at single-cell resolution. Cusanovich DA, Reddington JP, Garfield DA, Daza RM, Aghamirzaie D, Marco-Ferreres R, Pliner HA, Christiansen L, Qiu X, Steemers FJ, Trapnell C, Shendure J, Furlong EEM Nature 29539636 Nature 2018 Mar 22
Massively Parallel Functional Analysis of BRCA1 RING Domain Variants. Starita LM, Young DL, Islam M, Kitzman JO, Gullingsrud J, Hause RJ, Fowler DM, Parvin JD, Shendure J, Fields S Genetics 25823446 Genetics 2015 Jun
Quantitative Missense Variant Effect Prediction Using Large-Scale Mutagenesis Data. Gray VE, Hause RJ, Luebeck J, Shendure J, Fowler DM Cell systems 29226803 Cell Syst 2018 Jan 24
Sci-fate characterizes the dynamics of gene expression in single cells. Cao J, Zhou W, Steemers F, Trapnell C, Shendure J Nature biotechnology 32284584 Nat Biotechnol 2020 Aug
Massively multiplex single-cell Hi-C. Ramani V, Deng X, Qiu R, Gunderson KL, Steemers FJ, Disteche CM, Noble WS, Duan Z, Shendure J Nature methods 28135255 Nat Methods 2017 Mar
On the design of CRISPR-based single-cell molecular screens. Hill AJ, McFaline-Figueroa JL, Starita LM, Gasperini MJ, Matreyek KA, Packer J, Jackson D, Shendure J, Trapnell C Nature methods 29457792 Nat Methods 2018 Apr
Genomic Medicine-Progress, Pitfalls, and Promise. Shendure J, Findlay GM, Snyder MW Cell 30901547 Cell 2019 Mar 21
A Genome-wide Framework for Mapping Gene Regulation via Cellular Genetic Screens. Gasperini M, Hill AJ, McFaline-Figueroa JL, Martin B, Kim S, Zhang MD, Jackson D, Leith A, Schreiber J, Noble WS, Trapnell C, Ahituv N, Shendure J Cell 30849375 Cell 2019 Mar 7
A Single-Cell Atlas of In Vivo Mammalian Chromatin Accessibility. Cusanovich DA, Hill AJ, Aghamirzaie D, Daza RM, Pliner HA, Berletch JB, Filippova GN, Huang X, Christiansen L, DeWitt WS, Lee C, Regalado SG, Read DF, Steemers FJ, Disteche CM, Trapnell C, Shendure J Cell 30078704 Cell 2018 Aug 23
A Genome-wide Framework for Mapping Gene Regulation via Cellular Genetic Screens. Gasperini M, Hill AJ, McFaline-Figueroa JL, Martin B, Kim S, Zhang MD, Jackson D, Leith A, Schreiber J, Noble WS, Trapnell C, Ahituv N, Shendure J Cell 30612741 Cell 2019 Jan 10
A Multiplex Homology-Directed DNA Repair Assay Reveals the Impact of More Than 1,000 BRCA1 Missense Substitution Variants on Protein Function. Starita LM, Islam MM, Banerjee T, Adamovich AI, Gullingsrud J, Fields S, Shendure J, Parvin JD American journal of human genetics 30219179 Am J Hum Genet 2018 Oct 4
Whole-organism lineage tracing by combinatorial and cumulative genome editing. McKenna A, Findlay GM, Gagnon JA, Horwitz MS, Schier AF, Shendure J Science (New York, N.Y.) 27229144 Science 2016 Jul 29
Massively multiplex chemical transcriptomics at single-cell resolution. Srivatsan SR, McFaline-Figueroa JL, Ramani V, Saunders L, Cao J, Packer J, Pliner HA, Jackson DL, Daza RM, Christiansen L, Zhang F, Steemers F, Shendure J, Trapnell C Science (New York, N.Y.) 31806696 Science 2020 Jan 3
Concurrent genome and epigenome editing by CRISPR-mediated sequence replacement. Alexander J, Findlay GM, Kircher M, Shendure J BMC biology 31739790 BMC Biol 2019 Nov 18
A general framework for estimating the relative pathogenicity of human genetic variants. Kircher M, Witten DM, Jain P, O'Roak BJ, Cooper GM, Shendure J Nature genetics 24487276 Nat Genet 2014 Mar
Copy-number variation and false positive prenatal aneuploidy screening results. Snyder MW, Simmons LE, Kitzman JO, Coe BP, Henson JM, Daza RM, Eichler EE, Shendure J, Gammill HS The New England journal of medicine 25830323 N Engl J Med 2015 Apr 23
Spatial patterning of energy metabolism during tissue morphogenesis. Lemma B, Nelson CM Current opinion in cell biology 37696131 Curr Opin Cell Biol 2023 Dec
Plasticity in airway smooth muscle differentiation during mouse lung development. Goodwin K, Lemma B, Zhang P, Boukind A, Nelson CM Developmental cell 36868232 Dev Cell 2023 Mar 13
Mesenchymal Vangl1 and Vangl2 facilitate airway elongation and widening independently of the planar cell polarity complex. Paramore SV, Goodwin K, Fowler EW, Devenport D, Nelson CM Development (Cambridge, England) 39225402 Development 2024 Aug 15
Biophysics of morphogenesis in the vertebrate lung. Banavar SP, Fowler EW, Nelson CM Current topics in developmental biology 38937031 Curr Top Dev Biol 2024
Analysis of Cre lines for targeting embryonic airway smooth muscle. Goodwin K, Nelson CM Developmental biology 36706974 Dev Biol 2023 Apr
Mesenchymal Vangl facilitates airway elongation and widening independently of the planar cell polarity complex. Paramore SV, Goodwin K, Devenport D, Nelson CM bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37461477 bioRxiv 2023 Jul 3
Vangl-dependent mesenchymal thinning shapes the distal lung during murine sacculation. Paramore SV, Trenado-Yuste C, Sharan R, Nelson CM, Devenport D Developmental cell 38569553 Dev Cell 2024 May 20
pYtags enable spatiotemporal measurements of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling in living cells. Farahani PE, Yang X, Mesev EV, Fomby KA, Brumbaugh-Reed EH, Bashor CJ, Nelson CM, Toettcher JE eLife 37212240 Elife 2023 May 22
Integrin β1 coordinates survival and morphogenesis of the embryonic lineage upon implantation and pluripotency transition. Molè MA, Weberling A, Fässler R, Campbell A, Fishel S, Zernicka-Goetz M Cell reports 33691117 Cell Rep 2021 Mar 9
Self-organization of stem cells into embryos: A window on early mammalian development. Shahbazi MN, Siggia ED, Zernicka-Goetz M Science (New York, N.Y.) 31171690 Science 2019 Jun 7
Assembly of complete mouse embryo models from embryonic and induced stem cell types in vitro. Lau KYC, Amadei G, Zernicka-Goetz M Nature protocols 37821625 Nat Protoc 2023 Dec
Temporal BMP4 effects on mouse embryonic and extraembryonic development. Hadas R, Rubinstein H, Mittnenzweig M, Mayshar Y, Ben-Yair R, Cheng S, Aguilera-Castrejon A, Reines N, Orenbuch AH, Lifshitz A, Chen DY, Elowitz MB, Zernicka-Goetz M, Hanna JH, Tanay A, Stelzer Y Nature 39294373 Nature 2024 Oct
Embryo model completes gastrulation to neurulation and organogenesis. Amadei G, Handford CE, Qiu C, De Jonghe J, Greenfeld H, Tran M, Martin BK, Chen DY, Aguilera-Castrejon A, Hanna JH, Elowitz MB, Hollfelder F, Shendure J, Glover DM, Zernicka-Goetz M Nature 36007540 Nature 2022 Oct
An in vitro stem cell model of human epiblast and yolk sac interaction. Mackinlay KM, Weatherbee BA, Souza Rosa V, Handford CE, Hudson G, Coorens T, Pereira LV, Behjati S, Vallier L, Shahbazi MN, Zernicka-Goetz M eLife 34403333 Elife 2021 Aug 17
Unifying synthetic embryology. Cornwall-Scoones J, Zernicka-Goetz M Developmental biology 33753081 Dev Biol 2021 Jun
Trophectoderm mechanics direct epiblast shape upon embryo implantation. Weberling A, Zernicka-Goetz M Cell reports 33472064 Cell Rep 2021 Jan 19
Progress and challenges in stem cell biology. Apostolou E, Blau H, Chien K, Lancaster MA, Tata PR, Trompouki E, Watt FM, Zeng YA, Zernicka-Goetz M Nature cell biology 36788378 Nat Cell Biol 2023 Feb
Mouse embryo model derived exclusively from embryonic stem cells undergoes neurulation and heart development. Lau KYC, Rubinstein H, Gantner CW, Hadas R, Amadei G, Stelzer Y, Zernicka-Goetz M Cell stem cell 36084657 Cell Stem Cell 2022 Oct 6
AI-based approach to dissect the variability of mouse stem cell-derived embryo models. Caldarelli P, Deininger L, Zhao S, Panda P, Yang C, Mikut R, Zernicka-Goetz M Nature communications 39971935 Nat Commun 2025 Feb 19
Basement membrane remodelling regulates mouse embryogenesis. Kyprianou C, Christodoulou N, Hamilton RS, Nahaboo W, Boomgaard DS, Amadei G, Migeotte I, Zernicka-Goetz M Nature 32523119 Nature 2020 Jun
Inducible Stem-Cell-Derived Embryos Capture Mouse Morphogenetic Events In Vitro. Amadei G, Lau KYC, De Jonghe J, Gantner CW, Sozen B, Chan C, Zhu M, Kyprianou C, Hollfelder F, Zernicka-Goetz M Developmental cell 33378662 Dev Cell 2021 Feb 8
BMP signalling is required for extra-embryonic ectoderm development during pre-to-post-implantation transition of the mouse embryo. Sozen B, Demir N, Zernicka-Goetz M Developmental biology 33217407 Dev Biol 2021 Feb
Stem-cell-based human and mouse embryo models. Bao M, Cornwall-Scoones J, Zernicka-Goetz M Current opinion in genetics & development 35988317 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2022 Oct
spinDrop: a droplet microfluidic platform to maximise single-cell sequencing information content. De Jonghe J, Kaminski TS, Morse DB, Tabaka M, Ellermann AL, Kohler TN, Amadei G, Handford CE, Findlay GM, Zernicka-Goetz M, Teichmann SA, Hollfelder F Nature communications 37553326 Nat Commun 2023 Aug 8
Topical section: embryonic models (2023) for Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. Handford CE, Junyent S, Jorgensen V, Zernicka-Goetz M Current opinion in genetics & development 38052116 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2024 Feb
Principles of Self-Organization of the Mammalian Embryo. Zhu M, Zernicka-Goetz M Cell 33306953 Cell 2020 Dec 10
Embryo size regulates the timing and mechanism of pluripotent tissue morphogenesis. Orietti LC, Rosa VS, Antonica F, Kyprianou C, Mansfield W, Marques-Souza H, Shahbazi MN, Zernicka-Goetz M Stem cell reports 33035465 Stem Cell Reports 2021 May 11
The dynamics of morphogenesis in stem cell-based embryology: Novel insights for symmetry breaking. Sozen B, Cornwall-Scoones J, Zernicka-Goetz M Developmental biology 33333067 Dev Biol 2021 Jun
Modeling human embryo development with embryonic and extra-embryonic stem cells. Weatherbee BAT, Cui T, Zernicka-Goetz M Developmental biology 33333069 Dev Biol 2021 Jun
Self-Organization of Mouse Stem Cells into an Extended Potential Blastoid. Sozen B, Cox AL, De Jonghe J, Bao M, Hollfelder F, Glover DM, Zernicka-Goetz M Developmental cell 31846649 Dev Cell 2019 Dec 16
Stem cell-derived synthetic embryos self-assemble by exploiting cadherin codes and cortical tension. Bao M, Cornwall-Scoones J, Sanchez-Vasquez E, Cox AL, Chen DY, De Jonghe J, Shadkhoo S, Hollfelder F, Thomson M, Glover DM, Zernicka-Goetz M Nature cell biology 36100738 Nat Cell Biol 2022 Sep
Convergent Temperature Representations in Artificial and Biological Neural Networks. Haesemeyer M, Schier AF, Engert F Neuron 31376984 Neuron 2019 Sep 25
Single-cell analysis of shared signatures and transcriptional diversity during zebrafish development. Sur A, Wang Y, Capar P, Margolin G, Farrell JA bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36993555 bioRxiv 2023 Apr 15
Comprehensive Identification and Spatial Mapping of Habenular Neuronal Types Using Single-Cell RNA-Seq. Pandey S, Shekhar K, Regev A, Schier AF Current biology : CB 29576475 Curr Biol 2018 Apr 2
Zebrafish oxytocin neurons drive nocifensive behavior via brainstem premotor targets. Wee CL, Nikitchenko M, Wang WC, Luks-Morgan SJ, Song E, Gagnon JA, Randlett O, Bianco IH, Lacoste AMB, Glushenkova E, Barrios JP, Schier AF, Kunes S, Engert F, Douglass AD Nature neuroscience 31358991 Nat Neurosci 2019 Sep
Molecular mechanisms controlling the biogenesis of the TGF-β signal Vg1. Dingal PCDP, Carte AN, Montague TG, Lim Suan MB Jr, Schier AF Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 37844219 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Oct 24
Single-cell analysis of shared signatures and transcriptional diversity during zebrafish development. Sur A, Wang Y, Capar P, Margolin G, Prochaska MK, Farrell JA Developmental cell 37995681 Dev Cell 2023 Dec 18
Phenotypic Landscape of Schizophrenia-Associated Genes Defines Candidates and Their Shared Functions. Thyme SB, Pieper LM, Li EH, Pandey S, Wang Y, Morris NS, Sha C, Choi JW, Herrera KJ, Soucy ER, Zimmerman S, Randlett O, Greenwood J, McCarroll SA, Schier AF Cell 30929901 Cell 2019 Apr 4
Single-cell reconstruction of developmental trajectories during zebrafish embryogenesis. Farrell JA, Wang Y, Riesenfeld SJ, Shekhar K, Regev A, Schier AF Science (New York, N.Y.) 29700225 Science 2018 Jun 1
Emergence of Neuronal Diversity during Vertebrate Brain Development. Raj B, Farrell JA, Liu J, El Kholtei J, Carte AN, Navajas Acedo J, Du LY, McKenna A, Relić Đ, Leslie JM, Schier AF Neuron 33068532 Neuron 2020 Dec 23
Cerebellar Neurodynamics Predict Decision Timing and Outcome on the Single-Trial Level. Lin Q, Manley J, Helmreich M, Schlumm F, Li JM, Robson DN, Engert F, Schier A, Nöbauer T, Vaziri A Cell 31955849 Cell 2020 Feb 6
Large-scale reconstruction of cell lineages using single-cell readout of transcriptomes and CRISPR-Cas9 barcodes by scGESTALT. Raj B, Gagnon JA, Schier AF Nature protocols 30353175 Nat Protoc 2018 Nov
Gene family evolution underlies cell-type diversification in the hypothalamus of teleosts. Shafer MER, Sawh AN, Schier AF Nature ecology & evolution 34824389 Nat Ecol Evol 2022 Jan
A single-cell transcriptome atlas of the maturing zebrafish telencephalon. Pandey S, Moyer AJ, Thyme SB Genome research 37072188 Genome Res 2023 Apr
The "Narratives" fMRI dataset for evaluating models of naturalistic language comprehension. Nastase SA, Liu YF, Hillman H, Zadbood A, Hasenfratz L, Keshavarzian N, Chen J, Honey CJ, Yeshurun Y, Regev M, Nguyen M, Chang CHC, Baldassano C, Lositsky O, Simony E, Chow MA, Leong YC, Brooks PP, Micciche E, Choe G, Goldstein A, Vanderwal T, Halchenko YO, Norman KA, Hasson U Scientific data 34584100 Sci Data 2021 Sep 28
Infant and Adult Brains Are Coupled to the Dynamics of Natural Communication. Piazza EA, Hasenfratz L, Hasson U, Lew-Williams C Psychological science 31845827 Psychol Sci 2020 Jan
Elucidating relations between fMRI, ECoG, and EEG through a common natural stimulus. Haufe S, DeGuzman P, Henin S, Arcaro M, Honey CJ, Hasson U, Parra LC NeuroImage 29902585 Neuroimage 2018 Oct 1
Measuring shared responses across subjects using intersubject correlation. Nastase SA, Gazzola V, Hasson U, Keysers C Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 31099394 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2019 Aug 7
Shared computational principles for language processing in humans and deep language models. Goldstein A, Zada Z, Buchnik E, Schain M, Price A, Aubrey B, Nastase SA, Feder A, Emanuel D, Cohen A, Jansen A, Gazula H, Choe G, Rao A, Kim C, Casto C, Fanda L, Doyle W, Friedman D, Dugan P, Melloni L, Reichart R, Devore S, Flinker A, Hasenfratz L, Levy O, Hassidim A, Brenner M, Matias Y, Norman KA, Devinsky O, Hasson U Nature neuroscience 35260860 Nat Neurosci 2022 Mar
Neural alignment predicts learning outcomes in students taking an introduction to computer science course. Meshulam M, Hasenfratz L, Hillman H, Liu YF, Nguyen M, Norman KA, Hasson U Nature communications 33771999 Nat Commun 2021 Mar 26
Keep it real: rethinking the primacy of experimental control in cognitive neuroscience. Nastase SA, Goldstein A, Hasson U NeuroImage 32800992 Neuroimage 2020 Nov 15
Teacher-student neural coupling during teaching and learning. Nguyen M, Chang A, Micciche E, Meshulam M, Nastase SA, Hasson U Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 34450637 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2022 Apr 1
The default mode network: where the idiosyncratic self meets the shared social world. Yeshurun Y, Nguyen M, Hasson U Nature reviews. Neuroscience 33483717 Nat Rev Neurosci 2021 Mar
How a speaker herds the audience: Multi-brain neural convergence over time during naturalistic storytelling. Chang CHC, Nastase SA, Hasson U bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37873125 bioRxiv 2024 Jan 21
Linguistic coupling between neural systems for speech production and comprehension during real-time dyadic conversations. Zada Z, Nastase SA, Speer S, Mwilambwe-Tshilobo L, Tsoi L, Burns S, Falk E, Hasson U, Tamir D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39990465 bioRxiv 2025 Feb 16
Measuring speaker-listener neural coupling with functional near infrared spectroscopy. Liu Y, Piazza EA, Simony E, Shewokis PA, Onaral B, Hasson U, Ayaz H Scientific reports 28240295 Sci Rep 2017 Feb 27
Direct Fit to Nature: An Evolutionary Perspective on Biological and Artificial Neural Networks. Hasson U, Nastase SA, Goldstein A Neuron 32027833 Neuron 2020 Feb 5
Alignment of brain embeddings and artificial contextual embeddings in natural language points to common geometric patterns. Goldstein A, Grinstein-Dabush A, Schain M, Wang H, Hong Z, Aubrey B, Nastase SA, Zada Z, Ham E, Feder A, Gazula H, Buchnik E, Doyle W, Devore S, Dugan P, Reichart R, Friedman D, Brenner M, Hassidim A, Devinsky O, Flinker A, Hasson U Nature communications 38553456 Nat Commun 2024 Mar 30
The "Podcast" ECoG dataset for modeling neural activity during natural language comprehension. Zada Z, Nastase SA, Aubrey B, Jalon I, Michelmann S, Wang H, Hasenfratz L, Doyle W, Friedman D, Dugan P, Melloni L, Devore S, Flinker A, Devinsky O, Goldstein A, Hasson U bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39990398 bioRxiv 2025 Feb 16
A functional neuroimaging dataset acquired during naturalistic movie watching and narrated recall of a series of short cinematic films. Lee H, Chen J, Hasson U Data in brief 36506797 Data Brief 2023 Feb
Information flow across the cortical timescale hierarchy during narrative construction. Chang CHC, Nastase SA, Hasson U Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 36508677 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Dec 20
Bayesian Surprise Predicts Human Event Segmentation in Story Listening. Kumar M, Goldstein A, Michelmann S, Zacks JM, Hasson U, Norman KA Cognitive science 37867379 Cogn Sci 2023 Oct
Scale matters: Large language models with billions (rather than millions) of parameters better match neural representations of natural language. Hong Z, Wang H, Zada Z, Gazula H, Turner D, Aubrey B, Niekerken L, Doyle W, Devore S, Dugan P, Friedman D, Devinsky O, Flinker A, Hasson U, Nastase SA, Goldstein A bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39005394 bioRxiv 2024 Oct 16
Neural synchrony predicts children's learning of novel words. Piazza EA, Cohen A, Trach J, Lew-Williams C Cognition 33965782 Cognition 2021 Sep
Shared understanding of narratives is correlated with shared neural responses. Nguyen M, Vanderwal T, Hasson U NeuroImage 30217543 Neuroimage 2019 Jan 1
Propagation of Information Along the Cortical Hierarchy as a Function of Attention While Reading and Listening to Stories. Regev M, Simony E, Lee K, Tan KM, Chen J, Hasson U Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 30395174 Cereb Cortex 2019 Sep 13
A shared linguistic space for transmitting our thoughts from brain to brain in natural conversations. Zada Z, Goldstein A, Michelmann S, Simony E, Price A, Hasenfratz L, Barham E, Zadbood A, Doyle W, Friedman D, Dugan P, Melloni L, Devore S, Flinker A, Devinsky O, Nastase SA, Hasson U bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37425747 bioRxiv 2023 Jun 29
Neural representations of naturalistic events are updated as our understanding of the past changes. Zadbood A, Nastase S, Chen J, Norman KA, Hasson U eLife 36519530 Elife 2022 Dec 15
A shared model-based linguistic space for transmitting our thoughts from brain to brain in natural conversations. Zada Z, Goldstein A, Michelmann S, Simony E, Price A, Hasenfratz L, Barham E, Zadbood A, Doyle W, Friedman D, Dugan P, Melloni L, Devore S, Flinker A, Devinsky O, Nastase SA, Hasson U Neuron 39096896 Neuron 2024 Sep 25
How a speaker herds the audience: multibrain neural convergence over time during naturalistic storytelling. Chang CHC, Nastase SA, Zadbood A, Hasson U Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 39223692 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2024 Sep 24
In Search of a Neural Mechanism for Domain-General Value Comparison in Decision Making. Samara A, Zada Z The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 39939165 J Neurosci 2025 Feb 12
The Quest for the FFA and Where It Led. Kanwisher N The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 28148806 J Neurosci 2017 Feb 1
Facephenes and rainbows: Causal evidence for functional and anatomical specificity of face and color processing in the human brain. Schalk G, Kapeller C, Guger C, Ogawa H, Hiroshima S, Lafer-Sousa R, Saygin ZM, Kamada K, Kanwisher N Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29087337 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Nov 14
Exploring early human brain development with structural and physiological neuroimaging. Vasung L, Abaci Turk E, Ferradal SL, Sutin J, Stout JN, Ahtam B, Lin PY, Grant PE NeuroImage 30041061 Neuroimage 2019 Feb 15
An integrative computational architecture for object-driven cortex. Yildirim I, Wu J, Kanwisher N, Tenenbaum J Current opinion in neurobiology 30825704 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2019 Apr
Toward a universal decoder of linguistic meaning from brain activation. Pereira F, Lou B, Pritchett B, Ritter S, Gershman SJ, Kanwisher N, Botvinick M, Fedorenko E Nature communications 29511192 Nat Commun 2018 Mar 6
Perceiving social interactions in the posterior superior temporal sulcus. Isik L, Koldewyn K, Beeler D, Kanwisher N Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29073111 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Oct 24
Invariant representation of physical stability in the human brain. Pramod RT, Cohen MA, Tenenbaum JB, Kanwisher N eLife 35635277 Elife 2022 May 30
Using artificial neural networks to ask 'why' questions of minds and brains. Kanwisher N, Khosla M, Dobs K Trends in neurosciences 36658072 Trends Neurosci 2023 Mar
Divergence in the functional organization of human and macaque auditory cortex revealed by fMRI responses to harmonic tones. Norman-Haignere SV, Kanwisher N, McDermott JH, Conway BR Nature neuroscience 31182868 Nat Neurosci 2019 Jul
Music-selective neural populations arise without musical training. Boebinger D, Norman-Haignere SV, McDermott JH, Kanwisher N Journal of neurophysiology 33596723 J Neurophysiol 2021 Jun 1
Computational models of category-selective brain regions enable high-throughput tests of selectivity. Ratan Murty NA, Bashivan P, Abate A, DiCarlo JJ, Kanwisher N Nature communications 34545079 Nat Commun 2021 Sep 20
Visual experience is not necessary for the development of face-selectivity in the lateral fusiform gyrus. Ratan Murty NA, Teng S, Beeler D, Mynick A, Oliva A, Kanwisher N Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 32839334 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Sep 15
Selective responses to faces, scenes, and bodies in the ventral visual pathway of infants. Kosakowski HL, Cohen MA, Takahashi A, Keil B, Kanwisher N, Saxe R Current biology : CB 34784506 Curr Biol 2022 Jan 24
Behavioral signatures of face perception emerge in deep neural networks optimized for face recognition. Dobs K, Yuan J, Martinez J, Kanwisher N Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 37523537 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Aug 8
Approximating Human-Level 3D Visual Inferences With Deep Neural Networks. O'Connell TP, Bonnen T, Friedman Y, Tewari A, Sitzmann V, Tenenbaum JB, Kanwisher N Open mind : discoveries in cognitive science 40013087 Open Mind (Camb) 2025
A neural population selective for song in human auditory cortex. Norman-Haignere SV, Feather J, Boebinger D, Brunner P, Ritaccio A, McDermott JH, Schalk G, Kanwisher N Current biology : CB 35196507 Curr Biol 2022 Apr 11
A neural population selective for song in human auditory cortex. Norman-Haignere SV, Feather J, Boebinger D, Brunner P, Ritaccio A, McDermott JH, Schalk G, Kanwisher N Current biology : CB 35349804 Curr Biol 2022 Mar 28
Brain-like functional specialization emerges spontaneously in deep neural networks. Dobs K, Martinez J, Kell AJE, Kanwisher N Science advances 35294241 Sci Adv 2022 Mar 18
Representational similarity precedes category selectivity in the developing ventral visual pathway. Cohen MA, Dilks DD, Koldewyn K, Weigelt S, Feather J, Kell AJ, Keil B, Fischl B, Zöllei L, Wald L, Saxe R, Kanwisher N NeuroImage 31077844 Neuroimage 2019 Aug 15
How face perception unfolds over time. Dobs K, Isik L, Pantazis D, Kanwisher N Nature communications 30890707 Nat Commun 2019 Mar 19
Organization of high-level visual cortex in human infants. Deen B, Richardson H, Dilks DD, Takahashi A, Keil B, Wald LL, Kanwisher N, Saxe R Nature communications 28072399 Nat Commun 2017 Jan 10
The neural architecture of language: Integrative modeling converges on predictive processing. Schrimpf M, Blank IA, Tuckute G, Kauf C, Hosseini EA, Kanwisher N, Tenenbaum JB, Fedorenko E Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 34737231 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Nov 9
What is changing when: Decoding visual information in movies from human intracranial recordings. Isik L, Singer J, Madsen JR, Kanwisher N, Kreiman G NeuroImage 28823828 Neuroimage 2018 Oct 15
Using child-friendly movie stimuli to study the development of face, place, and object regions from age 3 to 12 years. Kamps FS, Richardson H, Murty NAR, Kanwisher N, Saxe R Human brain mapping 35274789 Hum Brain Mapp 2022 Jun 15
A highly selective response to food in human visual cortex revealed by hypothesis-free voxel decomposition. Khosla M, Ratan Murty NA, Kanwisher N Current biology : CB 36027910 Curr Biol 2022 Oct 10
Rainbow-Seq: Combining Cell Lineage Tracing with Single-Cell RNA Sequencing in Preimplantation Embryos. Biase FH, Wu Q, Calandrelli R, Rivas-Astroza M, Zhou S, Chen Z, Zhong S iScience 30267678 iScience 2018 Sep 28
SMARCAD1 Contributes to the Regulation of Naive Pluripotency by Interacting with Histone Citrullination. Xiao S, Lu J, Sridhar B, Cao X, Yu P, Zhao T, Chen CC, McDee D, Sloofman L, Wang Y, Rivas-Astroza M, Telugu BPVL, Levasseur D, Zhang K, Liang H, Zhao JC, Tanaka TS, Stormo G, Zhong S Cell reports 28355564 Cell Rep 2017 Mar 28
Genome-wide analysis of the interplay between chromatin-associated RNA and 3D genome organization in human cells. Calandrelli R, Wen X, Charles Richard JL, Luo Z, Nguyen TC, Chen CJ, Qi Z, Xue S, Chen W, Yan Z, Wu W, Zaleta-Rivera K, Hu R, Yu M, Wang Y, Li W, Ma J, Ren B, Zhong S Nature communications 37845234 Nat Commun 2023 Oct 16
GeNemo: a search engine for web-based functional genomic data. Zhang Y, Cao X, Zhong S Nucleic acids research 27098038 Nucleic Acids Res 2016 Jul 8
Mapping RNA-RNA interactome and RNA structure in vivo by MARIO. Nguyen TC, Cao X, Yu P, Xiao S, Lu J, Biase FH, Sridhar B, Huang N, Zhang K, Zhong S Nature communications 27338251 Nat Commun 2016 Jun 24
Genome-wide colocalization of RNA-DNA interactions and fusion RNA pairs. Yan Z, Huang N, Wu W, Chen W, Jiang Y, Chen J, Huang X, Wen X, Xu J, Jin Q, Zhang K, Chen Z, Chien S, Zhong S Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 30718424 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019 Feb 19
RNA, Action through Interactions. Nguyen TC, Zaleta-Rivera K, Huang X, Dai X, Zhong S Trends in genetics : TIG 30177410 Trends Genet 2018 Nov
Mapping RNA-chromatin interactions by sequencing with iMARGI. Wu W, Yan Z, Nguyen TC, Bouman Chen Z, Chien S, Zhong S Nature protocols 31619811 Nat Protoc 2019 Nov
GITAR: An Open Source Tool for Analysis and Visualization of Hi-C Data. Calandrelli R, Wu Q, Guan J, Zhong S Genomics, proteomics & bioinformatics 30553884 Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 2018 Oct
RNAs as Proximity-Labeling Media for Identifying Nuclear Speckle Positions Relative to the Genome. Chen W, Yan Z, Li S, Huang N, Huang X, Zhang J, Zhong S iScience 30240742 iScience 2018 Jun 29
Isolation and Profiling of Human Primary Mesenteric Arterial Endothelial Cells at the Transcriptome Level. Malhi NK, Luo Y, Tang X, Sriram K, Calandrelli R, Zhong S, Chen ZB Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 35343966 J Vis Exp 2022 Mar 14
A likelihood approach to testing hypotheses on the co-evolution of epigenome and genome. Lu J, Cao X, Zhong S PLoS computational biology 30586383 PLoS Comput Biol 2018 Dec
GIVE: portable genome browsers for personal websites. Cao X, Yan Z, Wu Q, Zheng A, Zhong S Genome biology 30016975 Genome Biol 2018 Jul 18
Pattern-based Search of Epigenomic Data Using GeNemo. Zheng A, Cao X, Zhong S Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 29053670 J Vis Exp 2017 Oct 8
From structure to function, how bioinformatics help to reveal functions of our genomes. Zheng X, Zhong S Genome biology 28950915 Genome Biol 2017 Sep 26
Systematic Mapping of RNA-Chromatin Interactions In Vivo. Sridhar B, Rivas-Astroza M, Nguyen TC, Chen W, Yan Z, Cao X, Hebert L, Zhong S Current biology : CB 28132817 Curr Biol 2017 Feb 20
Heat-inducible CAR-T overcomes adverse mechanical tumor microenvironment in a 3D bioprinted glioblastoma model. Tang M, Qu Y, He P, Yao E, Guo T, Yu D, Zhang N, Kiratitanaporn W, Sun Y, Liu L, Wang Y, Chen S Materials today. Bio 38765247 Mater Today Bio 2024 Jun
Stress-induced RNA-chromatin interactions promote endothelial dysfunction. Calandrelli R, Xu L, Luo Y, Wu W, Fan X, Nguyen T, Chen CJ, Sriram K, Tang X, Burns AB, Natarajan R, Chen ZB, Zhong S Nature communications 33060583 Nat Commun 2020 Oct 15
Natural display of nuclear-encoded RNA on the cell surface and its impact on cell interaction. Huang N, Fan X, Zaleta-Rivera K, Nguyen TC, Zhou J, Luo Y, Gao J, Fang RH, Yan Z, Chen ZB, Zhang L, Zhong S Genome biology 32907628 Genome Biol 2020 Sep 10
Suppression of Endothelial AGO1 Promotes Adipose Tissue Browning and Improves Metabolic Dysfunction. Tang X, Miao Y, Luo Y, Sriram K, Qi Z, Lin FM, Gu Y, Lai CH, Hsu CY, Peterson KL, Van Keuren-Jensen K, Fueger PT, Yeo GW, Natarajan R, Zhong S, Chen ZB Circulation 32393053 Circulation 2020 Jul 28
Inflammasome-activated gasdermin D causes pyroptosis by forming membrane pores. Liu X, Zhang Z, Ruan J, Pan Y, Magupalli VG, Wu H, Lieberman J Nature 27383986 Nature 2016 Jul 7
Pathogen blockade of TAK1 triggers caspase-8-dependent cleavage of gasdermin D and cell death. Orning P, Weng D, Starheim K, Ratner D, Best Z, Lee B, Brooks A, Xia S, Wu H, Kelliher MA, Berger SB, Gough PJ, Bertin J, Proulx MM, Goguen JD, Kayagaki N, Fitzgerald KA, Lien E Science (New York, N.Y.) 30361383 Science 2018 Nov 30
The Structure of the Necrosome RIPK1-RIPK3 Core, a Human Hetero-Amyloid Signaling Complex. Mompeán M, Li W, Li J, Laage S, Siemer AB, Bozkurt G, Wu H, McDermott AE Cell 29681455 Cell 2018 May 17
Higher-Order Clustering of the Transmembrane Anchor of DR5 Drives Signaling. Pan L, Fu TM, Zhao W, Zhao L, Chen W, Qiu C, Liu W, Liu Z, Piai A, Fu Q, Chen S, Wu H, Chou JJ Cell 30827683 Cell 2019 Mar 7
Structures and functions of the inflammasome engine. Wang L, Sharif H, Vora SM, Zheng Y, Wu H The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 34092352 J Allergy Clin Immunol 2021 Jun
Structural mechanisms of inflammasome assembly. Lu A, Wu H The FEBS journal 25354325 FEBS J 2015 Feb
The Structure and Dynamics of Higher-Order Assemblies: Amyloids, Signalosomes, and Granules. Wu H, Fuxreiter M Cell 27203110 Cell 2016 May 19
Mechanism of ubiquitin transfer promoted by TRAF6. Fu TM, Shen C, Li Q, Zhang P, Wu H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29432170 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Feb 20
Phase separation drives RNA virus-induced activation of the NLRP6 inflammasome. Shen C, Li R, Negro R, Cheng J, Vora SM, Fu TM, Wang A, He K, Andreeva L, Gao P, Tian Z, Flavell RA, Zhu S, Wu H Cell 34678144 Cell 2021 Nov 11
The palmitoylation of gasdermin D directs its membrane translocation and pore formation during pyroptosis. Balasubramanian A, Hsu AY, Ghimire L, Tahir M, Devant P, Fontana P, Du G, Liu X, Fabin D, Kambara H, Xie X, Liu F, Hasegawa T, Xu R, Yu H, Chen M, Kolakowski S, Trauger S, Larsen MR, Wei W, Wu H, Kagan JC, Lieberman J, Luo HR Science immunology 38530158 Sci Immunol 2024 Apr 12
A single domain antibody fragment that recognizes the adaptor ASC defines the role of ASC domains in inflammasome assembly. Schmidt FI, Lu A, Chen JW, Ruan J, Tang C, Wu H, Ploegh HL The Journal of experimental medicine 27069117 J Exp Med 2016 May 2
Assembly mechanism of the CARMA1-BCL10-MALT1-TRAF6 signalosome. David L, Li Y, Ma J, Garner E, Zhang X, Wu H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29382759 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Feb 13
Molecular basis of caspase-1 polymerization and its inhibition by a new capping mechanism. Lu A, Li Y, Schmidt FI, Yin Q, Chen S, Fu TM, Tong AB, Ploegh HL, Mao Y, Wu H Nature structural & molecular biology 27043298 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2016 May
Understanding CARD Tricks in Apoptosomes. Wang L, Qiao Q, Wu H Structure (London, England : 1993) 28380338 Structure 2017 Apr 4
Mimicry by a viral RHIM. Mompeán M, Bozkurt G, Wu H EMBO reports 30665943 EMBO Rep 2019 Feb
CIDE domains form functionally important higher-order assemblies for DNA fragmentation. Choi JY, Qiao Q, Hong SH, Kim CM, Jeong JH, Kim YG, Jung YK, Wu H, Park HH Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 28652364 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Jul 11
Dipeptidyl peptidase 9 sets a threshold for CARD8 inflammasome formation by sequestering its active C-terminal fragment. Sharif H, Hollingsworth LR, Griswold AR, Hsiao JC, Wang Q, Bachovchin DA, Wu H Immunity 34019797 Immunity 2021 Jul 13
STING condensates on ER limit IFN response. Andreeva L, Wu H Nature cell biology 33833430 Nat Cell Biol 2021 Apr
Mechanism of filament formation in UPA-promoted CARD8 and NLRP1 inflammasomes. Robert Hollingsworth L, David L, Li Y, Griswold AR, Ruan J, Sharif H, Fontana P, Orth-He EL, Fu TM, Bachovchin DA, Wu H Nature communications 33420033 Nat Commun 2021 Jan 8
Gasdermin D pore structure reveals preferential release of mature interleukin-1. Xia S, Zhang Z, Magupalli VG, Pablo JL, Dong Y, Vora SM, Wang L, Fu TM, Jacobson MP, Greka A, Lieberman J, Ruan J, Wu H Nature 33883744 Nature 2021 May
DPP9 sequesters the C terminus of NLRP1 to repress inflammasome activation. Hollingsworth LR, Sharif H, Griswold AR, Fontana P, Mintseris J, Dagbay KB, Paulo JA, Gygi SP, Bachovchin DA, Wu H Nature 33731932 Nature 2021 Apr
Chopped! Newfound GSDMD cleavage facilitates tolerance to food allergens. Healy LB, Du G, Wu H Trends in immunology 37414717 Trends Immunol 2023 Aug
Cryo-EM structure of the gasdermin A3 membrane pore. Ruan J, Xia S, Liu X, Lieberman J, Wu H Nature 29695864 Nature 2018 May
Inflammation NODs to Antagonists of RIP2-XIAP Interaction. Xia S, Fu TM, Wu H Molecular cell 29452633 Mol Cell 2018 Feb 15
AID Recognizes Structured DNA for Class Switch Recombination. Qiao Q, Wang L, Meng FL, Hwang JK, Alt FW, Wu H Molecular cell 28757211 Mol Cell 2017 Aug 3
Structures and gating mechanism of human TRPM2. Wang L, Fu TM, Zhou Y, Xia S, Greka A, Wu H Science (New York, N.Y.) 30467180 Science 2018 Dec 21
FDA-approved disulfiram inhibits pyroptosis by blocking gasdermin D pore formation. Hu JJ, Liu X, Xia S, Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Zhao J, Ruan J, Luo X, Lou X, Bai Y, Wang J, Hollingsworth LR, Magupalli VG, Zhao L, Luo HR, Kim J, Lieberman J, Wu H Nature immunology 32367036 Nat Immunol 2020 Jul
Mechanism of TRPM2 channel gating revealed by cryo-EM. Xia S, Wang L, Fu TM, Wu H The FEBS journal 31144442 FEBS J 2019 Sep
Structural transitions enable interleukin-18 maturation and signaling. Dong Y, Bonin JP, Devant P, Liang Z, Sever AIM, Mintseris J, Aramini JM, Du G, Gygi SP, Kagan JC, Kay LE, Wu H Immunity 38733997 Immunity 2024 Jul 9
Structural principles of B cell antigen receptor assembly. Dong Y, Pi X, Bartels-Burgahn F, Saltukoglu D, Liang Z, Yang J, Alt FW, Reth M, Wu H Nature 36228656 Nature 2022 Dec
Structural and mechanistic elucidation of inflammasome signaling by cryo-EM. Shen C, Sharif H, Xia S, Wu H Current opinion in structural biology 31128494 Curr Opin Struct Biol 2019 Oct
Mechanism and Regulation of Gasdermin-Mediated Cell Death. Xia S, Hollingsworth LR 4th, Wu H Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 31451512 Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2020 Mar 2
Higher-order assemblies in innate immune and inflammatory signaling: A general principle in cell biology. Shi M, Zhang P, Vora SM, Wu H Current opinion in cell biology 32272435 Curr Opin Cell Biol 2020 Apr
Publisher Correction: SERPINB1-mediated checkpoint of inflammatory caspase activation. Choi YJ, Kim S, Choi Y, Nielsen TB, Yan J, Lu A, Ruan J, Lee HR, Wu H, Spellberg B, Jung JU Nature immunology 30846880 Nat Immunol 2019 May
Conformational flexibility and inhibitor binding to unphosphorylated interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4). Wang L, Ferrao R, Li Q, Hatcher JM, Choi HG, Buhrlage SJ, Gray NS, Wu H The Journal of biological chemistry 30679311 J Biol Chem 2019 Mar 22
Molecular mechanism for NLRP6 inflammasome assembly and activation. Shen C, Lu A, Xie WJ, Ruan J, Negro R, Egelman EH, Fu TM, Wu H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 30674671 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019 Feb 5
SERPINB1-mediated checkpoint of inflammatory caspase activation. Choi YJ, Kim S, Choi Y, Nielsen TB, Yan J, Lu A, Ruan J, Lee HR, Wu H, Spellberg B, Jung JU Nature immunology 30692621 Nat Immunol 2019 Mar
Structure of cytoplasmic ring of nuclear pore complex by integrative cryo-EM and AlphaFold. Fontana P, Dong Y, Pi X, Tong AB, Hecksel CW, Wang L, Fu TM, Bustamante C, Wu H Science (New York, N.Y.) 35679401 Science 2022 Jun 10
NLRP3 cages revealed by full-length mouse NLRP3 structure control pathway activation. Andreeva L, David L, Rawson S, Shen C, Pasricha T, Pelegrin P, Wu H Cell 34861190 Cell 2021 Dec 22
Disulfiram use is associated with lower risk of COVID-19: A retrospective cohort study. Fillmore N, Bell S, Shen C, Nguyen V, La J, Dubreuil M, Strymish J, Brophy M, Mehta G, Wu H, Lieberman J, Do N, Sander C PloS one 34710137 PLoS One 2021
A structural atlas of death domain fold proteins reveals their versatile roles in biology and function. Wu EJ, Kandalkar AT, Ehrmann JF, Tong AB, Zhang J, Cong Q, Wu H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 39977327 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2025 Feb 25
Monitoring gasdermin pore formation in vitro. Xia S, Ruan J, Wu H Methods in enzymology 31455540 Methods Enzymol 2019
Gasdermin D activity in inflammation and host defense. Lieberman J, Wu H, Kagan JC Science immunology 31492708 Sci Immunol 2019 Sep 6
HDAC6 mediates an aggresome-like mechanism for NLRP3 and pyrin inflammasome activation. Magupalli VG, Negro R, Tian Y, Hauenstein AV, Di Caprio G, Skillern W, Deng Q, Orning P, Alam HB, Maliga Z, Sharif H, Hu JJ, Evavold CL, Kagan JC, Schmidt FI, Fitzgerald KA, Kirchhausen T, Li Y, Wu H Science (New York, N.Y.) 32943500 Science 2020 Sep 18
Cryo-EM Structure of Caspase-8 Tandem DED Filament Reveals Assembly and Regulation Mechanisms of the Death-Inducing Signaling Complex. Fu TM, Li Y, Lu A, Li Z, Vajjhala PR, Cruz AC, Srivastava DB, DiMaio F, Penczek PA, Siegel RM, Stacey KJ, Egelman EH, Wu H Molecular cell 27746017 Mol Cell 2016 Oct 20
Cryo-EM structures of ASC and NLRC4 CARD filaments reveal a unified mechanism of nucleation and activation of caspase-1. Li Y, Fu TM, Lu A, Witt K, Ruan J, Shen C, Wu H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 30279182 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Oct 23
The Pore-Forming Protein Gasdermin D Regulates Interleukin-1 Secretion from Living Macrophages. Evavold CL, Ruan J, Tan Y, Xia S, Wu H, Kagan JC Immunity 29195811 Immunity 2018 Jan 16
An Acetylation Switch of the NLRP3 Inflammasome Regulates Aging-Associated Chronic Inflammation and Insulin Resistance. He M, Chiang HH, Luo H, Zheng Z, Qiao Q, Wang L, Tan M, Ohkubo R, Mu WC, Zhao S, Wu H, Chen D Cell metabolism 32032542 Cell Metab 2020 Mar 3
ROS-dependent S-palmitoylation activates cleaved and intact gasdermin D. Du G, Healy LB, David L, Walker C, El-Baba TJ, Lutomski CA, Goh B, Gu B, Pi X, Devant P, Fontana P, Dong Y, Ma X, Miao R, Balasubramanian A, Puthenveetil R, Banerjee A, Luo HR, Kagan JC, Oh SF, Robinson CV, Lieberman J, Wu H Nature 38599239 Nature 2024 Jun
NINJ1 mediates plasma membrane rupture by cutting and releasing membrane disks. David L, Borges JP, Hollingsworth LR, Volchuk A, Jansen I, Garlick E, Steinberg BE, Wu H Cell 38614101 Cell 2024 Apr 25
Immune activation during Paenibacillus brain infection in African infants with frequent cytomegalovirus co-infection. Isaacs AM, Morton SU, Movassagh M, Zhang Q, Hehnly C, Zhang L, Morales DM, Sinnar SA, Ericson JE, Mbabazi-Kabachelor E, Ssenyonga P, Onen J, Mulondo R, Hornig M, Warf BC, Broach JR, Townsend RR, Limbrick DD Jr, Paulson JN, Schiff SJ iScience 33912816 iScience 2021 Apr 23
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Exome sequencing implicates genetic disruption of prenatal neuro-gliogenesis in sporadic congenital hydrocephalus. Jin SC, Dong W, Kundishora AJ, Panchagnula S, Moreno-De-Luca A, Furey CG, Allocco AA, Walker RL, Nelson-Williams C, Smith H, Dunbar A, Conine S, Lu Q, Zeng X, Sierant MC, Knight JR, Sullivan W, Duy PQ, DeSpenza T, Reeves BC, Karimy JK, Marlier A, Castaldi C, Tikhonova IR, Li B, Peña HP, Broach JR, Kabachelor EM, Ssenyonga P, Hehnly C, Ge L, Keren B, Timberlake AT, Goto J, Mangano FT, Johnston JM, Butler WE, Warf BC, Smith ER, Schiff SJ, Limbrick DD Jr, Heuer G, Jackson EM, Iskandar BJ, Mane S, Haider S, Guclu B, Bayri Y, Sahin Y, Duncan CC, Apuzzo MLJ, DiLuna ML, Hoffman EJ, Sestan N, Ment LR, Alper SL, Bilguvar K, Geschwind DH, Günel M, Lifton RP, Kahle KT Nature medicine 33077954 Nat Med 2020 Nov
Global, regional and national epidemiology and prevalence of child stunting, wasting and underweight in low- and middle-income countries, 2006-2018. Ssentongo P, Ssentongo AE, Ba DM, Ericson JE, Na M, Gao X, Fronterre C, Chinchilli VM, Schiff SJ Scientific reports 33664313 Sci Rep 2021 Mar 4
Design of a mobile, homogeneous, and efficient electromagnet with a large field of view for neonatal low-field MRI. Lother S, Schiff SJ, Neuberger T, Jakob PM, Fidler F Magma (New York, N.Y.) 26861046 MAGMA 2016 Aug
Prevalence and correlates of MRSA and MSSA nasal carriage at a Ugandan regional referral hospital. Bebell LM, Ayebare A, Boum Y 2nd, Siedner MJ, Bazira J, Schiff SJ, Metlay JP, Bangsberg DR, Ttendo S, Firth PG The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 27999030 J Antimicrob Chemother 2017 Mar 1
Design of a sustainable prepolarizing magnetic resonance imaging system for infant hydrocephalus. Obungoloch J, Harper JR, Consevage S, Savukov IM, Neuberger T, Tadigadapa S, Schiff SJ Magma (New York, N.Y.) 29644479 MAGMA 2018 Oct
mirTarRnaSeq: An R/Bioconductor Statistical Package for miRNA-mRNA Target Identification and Interaction Analysis. Movassagh M, Morton SU, Hehnly C, Smith J, Doan TT, Irizarry R, Broach JR, Schiff SJ, Bailey JA, Paulson JN BMC genomics 35698050 BMC Genomics 2022 Jun 13
Cytomegalovirus infections in infants in Uganda: Newborn-mother pairs, neonates with sepsis, and infants with hydrocephalus. Hehnly C, Ssentongo P, Bebell LM, Burgoine K, Bazira J, Fronterre C, Kumbakumba E, Mulondo R, Mbabazi-Kabachelor E, Morton SU, Ngonzi J, Ochora M, Olupot-Olupot P, Mugamba J, Onen J, Roberts DJ, Sheldon K, Sinnar SA, Smith J, Ssenyonga P, Kiwanuka J, Paulson JN, Meier FA, Ericson JE, Broach JR, Schiff SJ International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 35150915 Int J Infect Dis 2022 May
Correction to Lancet Microbe 2023; published online June 19. The Lancet. Microbe 37414068 Lancet Microbe 2023 Aug
Paenibacillus spp infection among infants with postinfectious hydrocephalus in Uganda: an observational case-control study. Morton SU, Hehnly C, Burgoine K, Ssentongo P, Ericson JE, Kumar MS, Hagmann C, Fronterre C, Smith J, Movassagh M, Streck N, Bebell LM, Bazira J, Kumbakumba E, Bajunirwe F, Mulondo R, Mbabazi-Kabachelor E, Nsubuga BK, Natukwatsa D, Nalule E, Magombe J, Erickson T, Ngonzi J, Ochora M, Olupot-Olupot P, Onen J, Ssenyonga P, Mugamba J, Warf BC, Kulkarni AV, Lane J, Whalen AJ, Zhang L, Sheldon K, Meier FA, Kiwanuka J, Broach JR, Paulson JN, Schiff SJ The Lancet. Microbe 37348522 Lancet Microbe 2023 Aug
Changes in Ugandan Climate Rainfall at the Village and Forest Level. Ssentongo P, Muwanguzi AJB, Eden U, Sauer T, Bwanga G, Kateregga G, Aribo L, Ojara M, Mugerwa WK, Schiff SJ Scientific reports 29476058 Sci Rep 2018 Feb 23
Complete Genome Sequences of the Human Pathogen Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus Mbale and Type Strain P. thiaminolyticus NRRL B-4156. Hehnly C, Zhang L, Paulson JN, Almeida M, von Bredow B, Wijetunge DSS, Galperin MY, Sheldon K, Schiff SJ, Broach JR Microbiology resource announcements 32273361 Microbiol Resour Announc 2020 Apr 9
Inflammation in acquired hydrocephalus: pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Karimy JK, Reeves BC, Damisah E, Duy PQ, Antwi P, David W, Wang K, Schiff SJ, Limbrick DD Jr, Alper SL, Warf BC, Nedergaard M, Simard JM, Kahle KT Nature reviews. Neurology 32152460 Nat Rev Neurol 2020 May
Vaginal microbiome topic modeling of laboring Ugandan women with and without fever. Movassagh M, Bebell LM, Burgoine K, Hehnly C, Zhang L, Moran K, Sheldon K, Sinnar SA, Mbabazi-Kabachelor E, Kumbakumba E, Bazira J, Ochora M, Mulondo R, Nsubuga BK, Weeks AD, Gladstone M, Olupot-Olupot P, Ngonzi J, Roberts DJ, Meier FA, Irizarry RA, Broach JR, Schiff SJ, Paulson JN NPJ biofilms and microbiomes 34508087 NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes 2021 Sep 10
Paenibacillus infection with frequent viral coinfection contributes to postinfectious hydrocephalus in Ugandan infants. Paulson JN, Williams BL, Hehnly C, Mishra N, Sinnar SA, Zhang L, Ssentongo P, Mbabazi-Kabachelor E, Wijetunge DSS, von Bredow B, Mulondo R, Kiwanuka J, Bajunirwe F, Bazira J, Bebell LM, Burgoine K, Couto-Rodriguez M, Ericson JE, Erickson T, Ferrari M, Gladstone M, Guo C, Haran M, Hornig M, Isaacs AM, Kaaya BN, Kangere SM, Kulkarni AV, Kumbakumba E, Li X, Limbrick DD Jr, Magombe J, Morton SU, Mugamba J, Ng J, Olupot-Olupot P, Onen J, Peterson MR, Roy F, Sheldon K, Townsend R, Weeks AD, Whalen AJ, Quackenbush J, Ssenyonga P, Galperin MY, Almeida M, Atkins H, Warf BC, Lipkin WI, Broach JR, Schiff SJ Science translational medicine 32998967 Sci Transl Med 2020 Sep 30
Separating Putative Pathogens from Background Contamination with Principal Orthogonal Decomposition: Evidence for Leptospira in the Ugandan Neonatal Septisome. Schiff SJ, Kiwanuka J, Riggio G, Nguyen L, Mu K, Sproul E, Bazira J, Mwanga-Amumpaire J, Tumusiime D, Nyesigire E, Lwanga N, Bogale KT, Kapur V, Broach JR, Morton SU, Warf BC, Poss M Frontiers in medicine 27379237 Front Med (Lausanne) 2016
The Problem of Microbial Dark Matter in Neonatal Sepsis. Sinnar SA, Schiff SJ Emerging infectious diseases 33080169 Emerg Infect Dis 2020 Nov
Type IV Pili Are a Critical Virulence Factor in Clinical Isolates of Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus. Hehnly C, Shi A, Ssentongo P, Zhang L, Isaacs A, Morton SU, Streck N, Erdmann-Gilmore P, Tolstoy I, Townsend RR, Limbrick DD, Paulson JN, Ericson JE, Galperin MY, Schiff SJ, Broach JR mBio 36374038 mBio 2022 Dec 20
Neonatal Paenibacilliosis: Paenibacillus Infection as a Novel Cause of Sepsis in Term Neonates With High Risk of Sequelae in Uganda. Ericson JE, Burgoine K, Kumbakumba E, Ochora M, Hehnly C, Bajunirwe F, Bazira J, Fronterre C, Hagmann C, Kulkarni AV, Kumar MS, Magombe J, Mbabazi-Kabachelor E, Morton SU, Movassagh M, Mugamba J, Mulondo R, Natukwatsa D, Kaaya BN, Olupot-Olupot P, Onen J, Sheldon K, Smith J, Ssentongo P, Ssenyonga P, Warf B, Wegoye E, Zhang L, Kiwanuka J, Paulson JN, Broach JR, Schiff SJ Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 37279589 Clin Infect Dis 2023 Sep 11
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A low-power band of neuronal spiking activity dominated by local single units improves the performance of brain-machine interfaces. Nason SR, Vaskov AK, Willsey MS, Welle EJ, An H, Vu PP, Bullard AJ, Nu CS, Kao JC, Shenoy KV, Jang T, Kim HS, Blaauw D, Patil PG, Chestek CA Nature biomedical engineering 32719512 Nat Biomed Eng 2020 Oct
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Discovering Precise Temporal Patterns in Large-Scale Neural Recordings through Robust and Interpretable Time Warping. Williams AH, Poole B, Maheswaranathan N, Dhawale AK, Fisher T, Wilson CD, Brann DH, Trautmann EM, Ryu S, Shusterman R, Rinberg D, Ölveczky BP, Shenoy KV, Ganguli S Neuron 31786013 Neuron 2020 Jan 22
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Signal amplification by cyclic extension enables high-sensitivity single-cell mass cytometry. Lun XK, Sheng K, Yu X, Lam CY, Gowri G, Serrata M, Zhai Y, Su H, Luan J, Kim Y, Ingber DE, Jackson HW, Yaffe MB, Yin P Nature biotechnology 39075149 Nat Biotechnol 2024 Jul 29
A phage-encoded anti-CRISPR enables complete evasion of type VI-A CRISPR-Cas immunity. Meeske AJ, Jia N, Cassel AK, Kozlova A, Liao J, Wiedmann M, Patel DJ, Marraffini LA Science (New York, N.Y.) 32467331 Science 2020 Jul 3
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Recombination between phages and CRISPR-cas loci facilitates horizontal gene transfer in staphylococci. Varble A, Meaden S, Barrangou R, Westra ER, Marraffini LA Nature microbiology 30886355 Nat Microbiol 2019 Jun
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Iron Toxicity in the Retina Requires Alu RNA and the NLRP3 Inflammasome. Gelfand BD, Wright CB, Kim Y, Yasuma T, Yasuma R, Li S, Fowler BJ, Bastos-Carvalho A, Kerur N, Uittenbogaard A, Han YS, Lou D, Kleinman ME, McDonald WH, Núñez G, Georgel P, Dunaief JL, Ambati J Cell reports 26074074 Cell Rep 2015 Jun 23
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Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors possess intrinsic anti-inflammatory activity. Fowler BJ, Gelfand BD, Kim Y, Kerur N, Tarallo V, Hirano Y, Amarnath S, Fowler DH, Radwan M, Young MT, Pittman K, Kubes P, Agarwal HK, Parang K, Hinton DR, Bastos-Carvalho A, Li S, Yasuma T, Mizutani T, Yasuma R, Wright C, Ambati J Science (New York, N.Y.) 25414314 Science 2014 Nov 21
Voluntary Exercise Suppresses Choroidal Neovascularization in Mice. Makin RD, Argyle D, Hirahara S, Nagasaka Y, Zhang M, Yan Z, Kerur N, Ambati J, Gelfand BD Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 32460310 Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2020 May 11
Cytoplasmic synthesis of endogenous Alu complementary DNA via reverse transcription and implications in age-related macular degeneration. Fukuda S, Varshney A, Fowler BJ, Wang SB, Narendran S, Ambati K, Yasuma T, Magagnoli J, Leung H, Hirahara S, Nagasaka Y, Yasuma R, Apicella I, Pereira F, Makin RD, Magner E, Liu X, Sun J, Wang M, Baker K, Marion KM, Huang X, Baghdasaryan E, Ambati M, Ambati VL, Pandey A, Pandya L, Cummings T, Banerjee D, Huang P, Yerramothu P, Tolstonog GV, Held U, Erwin JA, Paquola ACM, Herdy JR, Ogura Y, Terasaki H, Oshika T, Darwish S, Singh RK, Mozaffari S, Bhattarai D, Kim KB, Hardin JW, Bennett CL, Hinton DR, Hanson TE, Röver C, Parang K, Kerur N, Liu J, Werner BC, Sutton SS, Sadda SR, Schumann GG, Gelfand BD, Gage FH, Ambati J Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33526699 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Feb 9
Human IgG1 antibodies suppress angiogenesis in a target-independent manner. Bogdanovich S, Kim Y, Mizutani T, Yasuma R, Tudisco L, Cicatiello V, Bastos-Carvalho A, Kerur N, Hirano Y, Baffi JZ, Tarallo V, Li S, Yasuma T, Arpitha P, Fowler BJ, Wright CB, Apicella I, Greco A, Brunetti A, Ruvo M, Sandomenico A, Nozaki M, Ijima R, Kaneko H, Ogura Y, Terasaki H, Ambati BK, Leusen JH, Langdon WY, Clark MR, Armour KL, Bruhns P, Verbeek JS, Gelfand BD, De Falco S, Ambati J Signal transduction and targeted therapy 26918197 Signal Transduct Target Ther 2016
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors Suppress Laser-Induced Choroidal Neovascularization in Mice. Mizutani T, Fowler BJ, Kim Y, Yasuma R, Krueger LA, Gelfand BD, Ambati J Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 26529046 Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2015 Nov
Chronic Dicer1 deficiency promotes atrophic and neovascular outer retinal pathologies in mice. Wright CB, Uehara H, Kim Y, Yasuma T, Yasuma R, Hirahara S, Makin RD, Apicella I, Pereira F, Nagasaka Y, Narendran S, Fukuda S, Albuquerque R, Fowler BJ, Bastos-Carvalho A, Georgel P, Hatada I, Chang B, Kerur N, Ambati BK, Ambati J, Gelfand BD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 31964819 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Feb 4
DDX17 is an essential mediator of sterile NLRC4 inflammasome activation by retrotransposon RNAs. Wang SB, Narendran S, Hirahara S, Varshney A, Pereira F, Apicella I, Ambati M, Ambati VL, Yerramothu P, Ambati K, Nagasaka Y, Argyle D, Huang P, Baker KL, Marion KM, Gupta K, Liu B, Hinton DR, Canna SW, Sallam T, Sadda SR, Kerur N, Gelfand BD, Ambati J Science immunology 34860583 Sci Immunol 2021 Dec 3
DICER1/Alu RNA dysmetabolism induces Caspase-8-mediated cell death in age-related macular degeneration. Kim Y, Tarallo V, Kerur N, Yasuma T, Gelfand BD, Bastos-Carvalho A, Hirano Y, Yasuma R, Mizutani T, Fowler BJ, Li S, Kaneko H, Bogdanovich S, Ambati BK, Hinton DR, Hauswirth WW, Hakem R, Wright C, Ambati J Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25349431 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Nov 11
A non-canonical, interferon-independent signaling activity of cGAMP triggers DNA damage response signaling. Banerjee D, Langberg K, Abbas S, Odermatt E, Yerramothu P, Volaric M, Reidenbach MA, Krentz KJ, Rubinstein CD, Brautigan DL, Abbas T, Gelfand BD, Ambati J, Kerur N Nature communications 34707113 Nat Commun 2021 Oct 27
Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration Pharmacology. Wright CB, Ambati J Handbook of experimental pharmacology 27900609 Handb Exp Pharmacol 2017
Optical control of cell signaling by single-chain photoswitchable kinases. Zhou XX, Fan LZ, Li P, Shen K, Lin MZ Science (New York, N.Y.) 28232577 Science 2017 Feb 24
An orange calcium-modulated bioluminescent indicator for non-invasive activity imaging. Oh Y, Park Y, Cho JH, Wu H, Paulk NK, Liu LX, Kim N, Kay MA, Wu JC, Lin MZ Nature chemical biology 30936501 Nat Chem Biol 2019 May
Fluorescent indicators for simultaneous reporting of all four cell cycle phases. Bajar BT, Lam AJ, Badiee RK, Oh YH, Chu J, Zhou XX, Kim N, Kim BB, Chung M, Yablonovitch AL, Cruz BF, Kulalert K, Tao JJ, Meyer T, Su XD, Lin MZ Nature methods 27798610 Nat Methods 2016 Dec
Structure-guided wavelength tuning in far-red fluorescent proteins. Ng HL, Lin MZ Current opinion in structural biology 27468111 Curr Opin Struct Biol 2016 Aug
Investigating neuronal function with optically controllable proteins. Zhou XX, Pan M, Lin MZ Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 26257603 Front Mol Neurosci 2015
Optobiology: optical control of biological processes via protein engineering. Kim B, Lin MZ Biochemical Society transactions 24059506 Biochem Soc Trans 2013 Oct
Photoswitchable fluorescent proteins: ten years of colorful chemistry and exciting applications. Zhou XX, Lin MZ Current opinion in chemical biology 23876529 Curr Opin Chem Biol 2013 Aug
Genetically encoded indicators of neuronal activity. Lin MZ, Schnitzer MJ Nature neuroscience 27571193 Nat Neurosci 2016 Aug 26
Optical control of biological processes by light-switchable proteins. Fan LZ, Lin MZ Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Developmental biology 25858669 Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol 2015 Sep-Oct
Quantitative Multiscale Cell Imaging in Controlled 3D Microenvironments. Welf ES, Driscoll MK, Dean KM, Schäfer C, Chu J, Davidson MW, Lin MZ, Danuser G, Fiolka R Developmental cell 26906741 Dev Cell 2016 Feb 22
A Single-Chain Photoswitchable CRISPR-Cas9 Architecture for Light-Inducible Gene Editing and Transcription. Zhou XX, Zou X, Chung HK, Gao Y, Liu Y, Qi LS, Lin MZ ACS chemical biology 28938067 ACS Chem Biol 2018 Feb 16
Optical regulation of endogenous RhoA reveals selection of cellular responses by signal amplitude. Ju J, Lee HN, Ning L, Ryu H, Zhou XX, Chun H, Lee YW, Lee-Richerson AI, Jeong C, Lin MZ, Seong J Cell reports 35830815 Cell Rep 2022 Jul 12
The fumagillin biosynthetic gene cluster in Aspergillus fumigatus encodes a cryptic terpene cyclase involved in the formation of β-trans-bergamotene. Lin HC, Chooi YH, Dhingra S, Xu W, Calvo AM, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 23488861 J Am Chem Soc 2013 Mar 27
Biosynthesis of the α-nitro-containing cyclic tripeptide psychrophilin. Zhao M, Lin HC, Tang Y The Journal of antibiotics 26956794 J Antibiot (Tokyo) 2016 Jul
A carbonate-forming Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase. Hu Y, Dietrich D, Xu W, Patel A, Thuss JA, Wang J, Yin WB, Qiao K, Houk KN, Vederas JC, Tang Y Nature chemical biology 24838010 Nat Chem Biol 2014 Jul
Investigation of fungal iterative polyketide synthase functions using partially assembled intermediates. Gao Z, Wang J, Norquay AK, Qiao K, Tang Y, Vederas JC Journal of the American Chemical Society 23356934 J Am Chem Soc 2013 Feb 6
Complexity generation in fungal polyketide biosynthesis: a spirocycle-forming P450 in the concise pathway to the antifungal drug griseofulvin. Cacho RA, Chooi YH, Zhou H, Tang Y ACS chemical biology 23978092 ACS Chem Biol 2013 Oct 18
A cytochrome P450 serves as an unexpected terpene cyclase during fungal meroterpenoid biosynthesis. Chooi YH, Hong YJ, Cacho RA, Tantillo DJ, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 24161266 J Am Chem Soc 2013 Nov 13
Expanding the structural diversity of polyketides by exploring the cofactor tolerance of an inline methyltransferase domain. Winter JM, Chiou G, Bothwell IR, Xu W, Garg NK, Luo M, Tang Y Organic letters 23837609 Org Lett 2013 Jul 19
Mechanism of the P450-Catalyzed Oxidative Cyclization in the Biosynthesis of Griseofulvin. Grandner JM, Cacho RA, Tang Y, Houk KN ACS catalysis 28503354 ACS Catal 2016 Jul 1
Coordinated and Iterative Enzyme Catalysis in Fungal Polyketide Biosynthesis. Hang L, Liu N, Tang Y ACS catalysis 28529817 ACS Catal 2016 Sep 2
Resistance-gene-directed discovery of a natural-product herbicide with a new mode of action. Yan Y, Liu Q, Zang X, Yuan S, Bat-Erdene U, Nguyen C, Gan J, Zhou J, Jacobsen SE, Tang Y Nature 29995859 Nature 2018 Jul
Oxidative trans to cis Isomerization of Olefins in Polyketide Biosynthesis. Yamamoto T, Tsunematsu Y, Hara K, Suzuki T, Kishimoto S, Kawagishi H, Noguchi H, Hashimoto H, Tang Y, Hotta K, Watanabe K Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 27072782 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2016 May 17
Understanding Programming of Fungal Iterative Polyketide Synthases: The Biochemical Basis for Regioselectivity by the Methyltransferase Domain in the Lovastatin Megasynthase. Cacho RA, Thuss J, Xu W, Sanichar R, Gao Z, Nguyen A, Vederas JC, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 26630357 J Am Chem Soc 2015 Dec 23
Methylation-dependent acyl transfer between polyketide synthase and nonribosomal peptide synthetase modules in fungal natural product biosynthesis. Zou Y, Xu W, Tsunematsu Y, Tang M, Watanabe K, Tang Y Organic letters 25494235 Org Lett 2014 Dec 19
Identification and Heterologous Production of a Benzoyl-Primed Tricarboxylic Acid Polyketide Intermediate from the Zaragozic Acid A Biosynthetic Pathway. Liu N, Hung YS, Gao SS, Hang L, Zou Y, Chooi YH, Tang Y Organic letters 28605916 Org Lett 2017 Jul 7
Identification and characterization of the chaetoviridin and chaetomugilin gene cluster in Chaetomium globosum reveal dual functions of an iterative highly-reducing polyketide synthase. Winter JM, Sato M, Sugimoto S, Chiou G, Garg NK, Tang Y, Watanabe K Journal of the American Chemical Society 23072467 J Am Chem Soc 2012 Oct 31
Biochemical Characterization of a Eukaryotic Decalin-Forming Diels-Alderase. Li L, Yu P, Tang MC, Zou Y, Gao SS, Hung YS, Zhao M, Watanabe K, Houk KN, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 27960349 J Am Chem Soc 2016 Dec 14
Enzyme-catalyzed cationic epoxide rearrangements in quinolone alkaloid biosynthesis. Zou Y, Garcia-Borràs M, Tang MC, Hirayama Y, Li DH, Li L, Watanabe K, Houk KN, Tang Y Nature chemical biology 28114276 Nat Chem Biol 2017 Mar
Structural basis of nonribosomal peptide macrocyclization in fungi. Zhang J, Liu N, Cacho RA, Gong Z, Liu Z, Qin W, Tang C, Tang Y, Zhou J Nature chemical biology 27748753 Nat Chem Biol 2016 Dec
Involvement of Lipocalin-like CghA in Decalin-Forming Stereoselective Intramolecular [4+2] Cycloaddition. Sato M, Yagishita F, Mino T, Uchiyama N, Patel A, Chooi YH, Goda Y, Xu W, Noguchi H, Yamamoto T, Hotta K, Houk KN, Tang Y, Watanabe K Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 26360642 Chembiochem 2015 Nov 2
Fungal polyketide synthase product chain-length control by partnering thiohydrolase. Zabala AO, Chooi YH, Choi MS, Lin HC, Tang Y ACS chemical biology 24845309 ACS Chem Biol 2014 Jul 18
Discovery of cryptic polyketide metabolites from dermatophytes using heterologous expression in Aspergillus nidulans. Yin WB, Chooi YH, Smith AR, Cacho RA, Hu Y, White TC, Tang Y ACS synthetic biology 23758576 ACS Synth Biol 2013 Nov 15
Production of New Cladosporin Analogues by Reconstitution of the Polyketide Synthases Responsible for the Biosynthesis of this Antimalarial Agent. Cochrane RV, Sanichar R, Lambkin GR, Reiz B, Xu W, Tang Y, Vederas JC Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 26783060 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2016 Jan 11
Identification of the Pyranonigrin A Biosynthetic Gene Cluster by Genome Mining in Penicillium thymicola IBT 5891. Tang MC, Zou Y, Yee D, Tang Y AIChE journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers 31588145 AIChE J 2018 Dec
Enzymatic one-step ring contraction for quinolone biosynthesis. Kishimoto S, Hara K, Hashimoto H, Hirayama Y, Champagne PA, Houk KN, Tang Y, Watanabe K Nature communications 30026518 Nat Commun 2018 Jul 19
Collaborative Biosynthesis of Maleimide- and Succinimide-Containing Natural Products by Fungal Polyketide Megasynthases. Sato M, Dander JE, Sato C, Hung YS, Gao SS, Tang MC, Hang L, Winter JM, Garg NK, Watanabe K, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 28365998 J Am Chem Soc 2017 Apr 19
Generation of complexity in fungal terpene biosynthesis: discovery of a multifunctional cytochrome P450 in the fumagillin pathway. Lin HC, Tsunematsu Y, Dhingra S, Xu W, Fukutomi M, Chooi YH, Cane DE, Calvo AM, Watanabe K, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 24568283 J Am Chem Soc 2014 Mar 19
Elucidation of pseurotin biosynthetic pathway points to trans-acting C-methyltransferase: generation of chemical diversity. Tsunematsu Y, Fukutomi M, Saruwatari T, Noguchi H, Hotta K, Tang Y, Watanabe K Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 24939566 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2014 Aug 4
The fumagillin gene cluster, an example of hundreds of genes under veA control in Aspergillus fumigatus. Dhingra S, Lind AL, Lin HC, Tang Y, Rokas A, Calvo AM PloS one 24116213 PLoS One 2013
Identification and characterization of the echinocandin B biosynthetic gene cluster from Emericella rugulosa NRRL 11440. Cacho RA, Jiang W, Chooi YH, Walsh CT, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 22998630 J Am Chem Soc 2012 Oct 10
Short pathways to complexity generation: fungal peptidyl alkaloid multicyclic scaffolds from anthranilate building blocks. Walsh CT, Haynes SW, Ames BD, Gao X, Tang Y ACS chemical biology 23659680 ACS Chem Biol 2013 Jul 19
Next-generation sequencing approach for connecting secondary metabolites to biosynthetic gene clusters in fungi. Cacho RA, Tang Y, Chooi YH Frontiers in microbiology 25642215 Front Microbiol 2014
P450-Mediated Coupling of Indole Fragments To Forge Communesin and Unnatural Isomers. Lin HC, McMahon TC, Patel A, Corsello M, Simon A, Xu W, Zhao M, Houk KN, Garg NK, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 26963294 J Am Chem Soc 2016 Mar 30
Discovery of Unclustered Fungal Indole Diterpene Biosynthetic Pathways through Combinatorial Pathway Reassembly in Engineered Yeast. Tang MC, Lin HC, Li D, Zou Y, Li J, Xu W, Cacho RA, Hillenmeyer ME, Garg NK, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 26469304 J Am Chem Soc 2015 Nov 4
Elucidation of the concise biosynthetic pathway of the communesin indole alkaloids. Lin HC, Chiou G, Chooi YH, McMahon TC, Xu W, Garg NK, Tang Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 25571861 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2015 Mar 2
SAM-dependent enzyme-catalysed pericyclic reactions in natural product biosynthesis. Ohashi M, Liu F, Hai Y, Chen M, Tang MC, Yang Z, Sato M, Watanabe K, Houk KN, Tang Y Nature 28902839 Nature 2017 Sep 28
Genome Mining and Assembly-Line Biosynthesis of the UCS1025A Pyrrolizidinone Family of Fungal Alkaloids. Li L, Tang MC, Tang S, Gao S, Soliman S, Hang L, Xu W, Ye T, Watanabe K, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 29373009 J Am Chem Soc 2018 Feb 14
Reversible Product Release and Recapture by a Fungal Polyketide Synthase Using a Carnitine Acyltransferase Domain. Hang L, Tang MC, Harvey CJB, Page CG, Li J, Hung YS, Liu N, Hillenmeyer ME, Tang Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 28679030 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2017 Aug 1
Tandem prenyltransferases catalyze isoprenoid elongation and complexity generation in biosynthesis of quinolone alkaloids. Zou Y, Zhan Z, Li D, Tang M, Cacho RA, Watanabe K, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 25859931 J Am Chem Soc 2015 Apr 22
Biosynthesis of fungal indole alkaloids. Xu W, Gavia DJ, Tang Y Natural product reports 25180619 Nat Prod Rep 2014 Oct
Thioesterase-Catalyzed Aminoacylation and Thiolation of Polyketides in Fungi. Tang MC, Fischer CR, Chari JV, Tan D, Suresh S, Chu A, Miranda M, Smith J, Zhang Z, Garg NK, St Onge RP, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 31051070 J Am Chem Soc 2019 May 22
Cyclization of fungal nonribosomal peptides by a terminal condensation-like domain. Gao X, Haynes SW, Ames BD, Wang P, Vien LP, Walsh CT, Tang Y Nature chemical biology 22902615 Nat Chem Biol 2012 Oct
EcdGHK are three tailoring iron oxygenases for amino acid building blocks of the echinocandin scaffold. Jiang W, Cacho RA, Chiou G, Garg NK, Tang Y, Walsh CT Journal of the American Chemical Society 23451921 J Am Chem Soc 2013 Mar 20
Genome mining of a prenylated and immunosuppressive polyketide from pathogenic fungi. Chooi YH, Fang J, Liu H, Filler SG, Wang P, Tang Y Organic letters 23368997 Org Lett 2013 Feb 15
Combinatorial Generation of Chemical Diversity by Redox Enzymes in Chaetoviridin Biosynthesis. Sato M, Winter JM, Kishimoto S, Noguchi H, Tang Y, Watanabe K Organic letters 26959241 Org Lett 2016 Mar 18
Epigenetic genome mining of an endophytic fungus leads to the pleiotropic biosynthesis of natural products. Mao XM, Xu W, Li D, Yin WB, Chooi YH, Li YQ, Tang Y, Hu Y Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 26013262 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2015 Jun 22
Biochemical and Structural Basis for Controlling Chemical Modularity in Fungal Polyketide Biosynthesis. Winter JM, Cascio D, Dietrich D, Sato M, Watanabe K, Sawaya MR, Vederas JC, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 26172141 J Am Chem Soc 2015 Aug 12
Efficient Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides Containing the Dioxabicyclo-octane Ring System. Mao XM, Zhan ZJ, Grayson MN, Tang MC, Xu W, Li YQ, Yin WB, Lin HC, Chooi YH, Houk KN, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 26340065 J Am Chem Soc 2015 Sep 23
Comparison of 10,11-Dehydrocurvularin Polyketide Synthases from Alternaria cinerariae and Aspergillus terreus Highlights Key Structural Motifs. Cochrane RV, Gao Z, Lambkin GR, Xu W, Winter JM, Marcus SL, Tang Y, Vederas JC Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 26493380 Chembiochem 2015 Nov
Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a tool for mining, studying and engineering fungal polyketide synthases. Bond C, Tang Y, Li L Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B 26850128 Fungal Genet Biol 2016 Apr
Phenalenone Polyketide Cyclization Catalyzed by Fungal Polyketide Synthase and Flavin-Dependent Monooxygenase. Gao SS, Duan A, Xu W, Yu P, Hang L, Houk KN, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 26978228 J Am Chem Soc 2016 Mar 30
Enzyme-Catalyzed Intramolecular Enantioselective Hydroalkoxylation. Gao SS, Garcia-Borràs M, Barber JS, Hai Y, Duan A, Garg NK, Houk KN, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 28240554 J Am Chem Soc 2017 Mar 15
Biosynthesis of Strained Piperazine Alkaloids: Uncovering the Concise Pathway of Herquline A. Yu X, Liu F, Zou Y, Tang MC, Hang L, Houk KN, Tang Y Journal of the American Chemical Society 27690412 J Am Chem Soc 2016 Oct 19
Investigating the Interplay between Sister Chromatid Cohesion and Homolog Pairing in Drosophila Nuclei. Senaratne TN, Joyce EF, Nguyen SC, Wu CT PLoS genetics 27541002 PLoS Genet 2016 Aug
In Situ Super-Resolution Imaging of Genomic DNA with OligoSTORM and OligoDNA-PAINT. Beliveau BJ, Boettiger AN, Nir G, Bintu B, Yin P, Zhuang X, Wu CT Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 28924672 Methods Mol Biol 2017
3D mapping and accelerated super-resolution imaging of the human genome using in situ sequencing. Nguyen HQ, Chattoraj S, Castillo D, Nguyen SC, Nir G, Lioutas A, Hershberg EA, Martins NMC, Reginato PL, Hannan M, Beliveau BJ, Church GM, Daugharthy ER, Marti-Renom MA, Wu CT Nature methods 32719531 Nat Methods 2020 Aug
Genes with monoallelic expression contribute disproportionately to genetic diversity in humans. Savova V, Chun S, Sohail M, McCole RB, Witwicki R, Gai L, Lenz TL, Wu CT, Sunyaev SR, Gimelbrant AA Nature genetics 26808112 Nat Genet 2016 Mar
Single-molecule super-resolution imaging of chromosomes and in situ haplotype visualization using Oligopaint FISH probes. Beliveau BJ, Boettiger AN, Avendaño MS, Jungmann R, McCole RB, Joyce EF, Kim-Kiselak C, Bantignies F, Fonseka CY, Erceg J, Hannan MA, Hoang HG, Colognori D, Lee JT, Shih WM, Yin P, Zhuang X, Wu CT Nature communications 25962338 Nat Commun 2015 May 12
Germline progenitors escape the widespread phenomenon of homolog pairing during Drosophila development. Joyce EF, Apostolopoulos N, Beliveau BJ, Wu CT PLoS genetics 24385920 PLoS Genet 2013
Super-resolution imaging reveals distinct chromatin folding for different epigenetic states. Boettiger AN, Bintu B, Moffitt JR, Wang S, Beliveau BJ, Fudenberg G, Imakaev M, Mirny LA, Wu CT, Zhuang X Nature 26760202 Nature 2016 Jan 21
A multiplexed DNA FISH strategy for assessing genome architecture in Caenorhabditis elegans. Fields BD, Nguyen SC, Nir G, Kennedy S eLife 31084706 Elife 2019 May 14
Ultraconserved Elements Occupy Specific Arenas of Three-Dimensional Mammalian Genome Organization. McCole RB, Erceg J, Saylor W, Wu CT Cell reports 29996107 Cell Rep 2018 Jul 10
Walking along chromosomes with super-resolution imaging, contact maps, and integrative modeling. Nir G, Farabella I, Pérez Estrada C, Ebeling CG, Beliveau BJ, Sasaki HM, Lee SD, Nguyen SC, McCole RB, Chattoraj S, Erceg J, AlHaj Abed J, Martins NMC, Nguyen HQ, Hannan MA, Russell S, Durand NC, Rao SSP, Kishi JY, Soler-Vila P, Di Pierro M, Onuchic JN, Callahan SP, Schreiner JM, Stuckey JA, Yin P, Aiden EL, Marti-Renom MA, Wu CT PLoS genetics 30586358 PLoS Genet 2018 Dec
Versatile design and synthesis platform for visualizing genomes with Oligopaint FISH probes. Beliveau BJ, Joyce EF, Apostolopoulos N, Yilmaz F, Fonseka CY, McCole RB, Chang Y, Li JB, Senaratne TN, Williams BR, Rouillard JM, Wu CT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23236188 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Dec 26
Combined in vitro transcription and reverse transcription to amplify and label complex synthetic oligonucleotide probe libraries. Murgha Y, Beliveau B, Semrau K, Schwartz D, Wu CT, Gulari E, Rouillard JM BioTechniques 26054766 Biotechniques 2015 Jun
Scalable amplification of strand subsets from chip-synthesized oligonucleotide libraries. Schmidt TL, Beliveau BJ, Uca YO, Theilmann M, Da Cruz F, Wu CT, Shih WM Nature communications 26567534 Nat Commun 2015 Nov 16
Spatial organization of chromatin domains and compartments in single chromosomes. Wang S, Su JH, Beliveau BJ, Bintu B, Moffitt JR, Wu CT, Zhuang X Science (New York, N.Y.) 27445307 Science 2016 Aug 5
Pairing and anti-pairing: a balancing act in the diploid genome. Joyce EF, Erceg J, Wu CT Current opinion in genetics & development 27065367 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2016 Apr
Highly structured homolog pairing reflects functional organization of the Drosophila genome. AlHaj Abed J, Erceg J, Goloborodko A, Nguyen SC, McCole RB, Saylor W, Fudenberg G, Lajoie BR, Dekker J, Mirny LA, Wu CT Nature communications 31582763 Nat Commun 2019 Oct 3
Islands of retroelements are major components of Drosophila centromeres. Chang CH, Chavan A, Palladino J, Wei X, Martins NMC, Santinello B, Chen CC, Erceg J, Beliveau BJ, Wu CT, Larracuente AM, Mellone BG PLoS biology 31086362 PLoS Biol 2019 May
Pericentromeric heterochromatin is hierarchically organized and spatially contacts H3K9me2 islands in euchromatin. Lee YCG, Ogiyama Y, Martins NMC, Beliveau BJ, Acevedo D, Wu CT, Cavalli G, Karpen GH PLoS genetics 32203508 PLoS Genet 2020 Mar
An Unexpected Regulatory Cascade Governs a Core Function of the Drosophila PRC1 Chromatin Protein Su(z)2. Nguyen SC, Yu S, Oberlick E, Wu CT Genetics 27881472 Genetics 2017 Feb
Visualizing genomes with Oligopaint FISH probes. Beliveau BJ, Apostolopoulos N, Wu CT Current protocols in molecular biology 24510436 Curr Protoc Mol Biol 2014 Jan 6
OligoMiner provides a rapid, flexible environment for the design of genome-scale oligonucleotide in situ hybridization probes. Beliveau BJ, Kishi JY, Nir G, Sasaki HM, Saka SK, Nguyen SC, Wu CT, Yin P Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29463736 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Mar 6
Rapid capture and labeling of cells on single domain antibodies-functionalized flow cell. Chen GY, Li Z, Duarte JN, Esteban A, Cheloha RW, Theile CS, Fink GR, Ploegh HL Biosensors & bioelectronics 27816596 Biosens Bioelectron 2017 Mar 15
Crystal structure of a substrate-engaged SecY protein-translocation channel. Li L, Park E, Ling J, Ingram J, Ploegh H, Rapoport TA Nature 26950603 Nature 2016 Mar 17
Structures of TorsinA and its disease-mutant complexed with an activator reveal the molecular basis for primary dystonia. Demircioglu FE, Sosa BA, Ingram J, Ploegh HL, Schwartz TU eLife 27490483 Elife 2016 Aug 4
How lamina-associated polypeptide 1 (LAP1) activates Torsin. Sosa BA, Demircioglu FE, Chen JZ, Ingram J, Ploegh HL, Schwartz TU eLife 25149450 Elife 2014 Aug 22
Antigen-specific B-cell receptor sensitizes B cells to infection by influenza virus. Dougan SK, Ashour J, Karssemeijer RA, Popp MW, Avalos AM, Barisa M, Altenburg AF, Ingram JR, Cragnolini JJ, Guo C, Alt FW, Jaenisch R, Ploegh HL Nature 24141948 Nature 2013 Nov 21
Noninvasive Imaging of Human Immune Responses in a Human Xenograft Model of Graft-Versus-Host Disease. Van Elssen CHMJ, Rashidian M, Vrbanac V, Wucherpfennig KW, Habre ZE, Sticht J, Freund C, Jacobsen JT, Cragnolini J, Ingram J, Plaisier L, Spierings E, Tager AM, Ploegh HL Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine 28209904 J Nucl Med 2017 Jun
Localized CD47 blockade enhances immunotherapy for murine melanoma. Ingram JR, Blomberg OS, Sockolosky JT, Ali L, Schmidt FI, Pishesha N, Espinosa C, Dougan SK, Garcia KC, Ploegh HL, Dougan M Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 28874561 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Sep 19
Structurally Defined αMHC-II Nanobody-Drug Conjugates: A Therapeutic and Imaging System for B-Cell Lymphoma. Fang T, Duarte JN, Ling J, Li Z, Guzman JS, Ploegh HL Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 26840214 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2016 Feb 12
The Antiviral Mechanism of an Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein-Specific Single-Domain Antibody Fragment. Hanke L, Knockenhauer KE, Brewer RC, van Diest E, Schmidt FI, Schwartz TU, Ploegh HL mBio 27965447 mBio 2016 Dec 13
In vitro AMPylation Assays Using Purified, Recombinant Proteins. Truttmann MC, Ploegh HL Bio-protocol 29170749 Bio Protoc 2017 Jul 20
Tissue-specific emergence of regulatory and intraepithelial T cells from a clonal T cell precursor. Bilate AM, Bousbaine D, Mesin L, Agudelo M, Leube J, Kratzert A, Dougan SK, Victora GD, Ploegh HL Science immunology 28783695 Sci Immunol 2016 Aug 26
Anti-CTLA-4 therapy requires an Fc domain for efficacy. Ingram JR, Blomberg OS, Rashidian M, Ali L, Garforth S, Fedorov E, Fedorov AA, Bonanno JB, Le Gall C, Crowley S, Espinosa C, Biary T, Keliher EJ, Weissleder R, Almo SC, Dougan SK, Ploegh HL, Dougan M Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29581255 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Apr 10
Noninvasive imaging of immune responses. Rashidian M, Keliher EJ, Bilate AM, Duarte JN, Wojtkiewicz GR, Jacobsen JT, Cragnolini J, Swee LK, Victora GD, Weissleder R, Ploegh HL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25902531 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 May 12
Predicting the response to CTLA-4 blockade by longitudinal noninvasive monitoring of CD8 T cells. Rashidian M, Ingram JR, Dougan M, Dongre A, Whang KA, LeGall C, Cragnolini JJ, Bierie B, Gostissa M, Gorman J, Grotenbreg GM, Bhan A, Weinberg RA, Ploegh HL The Journal of experimental medicine 28666979 J Exp Med 2017 Aug 7
Production of unnaturally linked chimeric proteins using a combination of sortase-catalyzed transpeptidation and click chemistry. Witte MD, Theile CS, Wu T, Guimaraes CP, Blom AE, Ploegh HL Nature protocols 23989675 Nat Protoc 2013 Sep
Engineered red blood cells as carriers for systemic delivery of a wide array of functional probes. Shi J, Kundrat L, Pishesha N, Bilate A, Theile C, Maruyama T, Dougan SK, Ploegh HL, Lodish HF Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24982154 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Jul 15
The use of (18)F-2-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) to label antibody fragments for immuno-PET of pancreatic cancer. Rashidian M, Keliher E, Dougan M, Juras PK, Cavallari M, Wojtkiewicz GR, Jacobsen J, Edens JG, Tas JM, Victora G, Weissleder R, Ploegh H ACS central science 26955657 ACS Cent Sci 2015 Jun 24
Enzyme-Mediated Modification of Single-Domain Antibodies for Imaging Modalities with Different Characteristics. Rashidian M, Wang L, Edens JG, Jacobsen JT, Hossain I, Wang Q, Victora GD, Vasdev N, Ploegh H, Liang SH Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 26630549 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2016 Jan 11
Fluorophore-Conjugated Holliday Junctions for Generating Super-Bright Antibodies and Antibody Fragments. Li Z, Theile CS, Chen GY, Bilate AM, Duarte JN, Avalos AM, Fang T, Barberena R, Sato S, Ploegh HL Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 26252716 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2015 Sep 28
Allosteric activation of apicomplexan calcium-dependent protein kinases. Ingram JR, Knockenhauer KE, Markus BM, Mandelbaum J, Ramek A, Shan Y, Shaw DE, Schwartz TU, Ploegh HL, Lourido S Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 26305940 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Sep 8
Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Modified with Single-Domain Antibodies for Rapid and Efficient Capture of Cells. Chen GY, Li Z, Theile CS, Bardhan NM, Kumar PV, Duarte JN, Maruyama T, Rashidfarrokh A, Belcher AM, Ploegh HL Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 26472062 Chemistry 2015 Nov 23
Enhanced Cell Capture on Functionalized Graphene Oxide Nanosheets through Oxygen Clustering. Bardhan NM, Kumar PV, Li Z, Ploegh HL, Grossman JC, Belcher AM, Chen GY ACS nano 28085249 ACS Nano 2017 Feb 28
rAMPing Up Stress Signaling: Protein AMPylation in Metazoans. Truttmann MC, Ploegh HL Trends in cell biology 28433487 Trends Cell Biol 2017 Aug
Phenotypic lentivirus screens to identify functional single domain antibodies. Schmidt FI, Hanke L, Morin B, Brewer R, Brusic V, Whelan SP, Ploegh HL Nature microbiology 27573105 Nat Microbiol 2016 Jun 20
PD-L1 is an activation-independent marker of brown adipocytes. Ingram JR, Dougan M, Rashidian M, Knoll M, Keliher EJ, Garrett S, Garforth S, Blomberg OS, Espinosa C, Bhan A, Almo SC, Weissleder R, Lodish H, Dougan SK, Ploegh HL Nature communications 28935898 Nat Commun 2017 Sep 21
Targeted antigen delivery by an anti-class II MHC VHH elicits focused αMUC1(Tn) immunity. Fang T, Van Elssen CHMJ, Duarte JN, Guzman JS, Chahal JS, Ling J, Ploegh HL Chemical science 28970938 Chem Sci 2017 Aug 1
Vesicular stomatitis virus N protein-specific single-domain antibody fragments inhibit replication. Hanke L, Schmidt FI, Knockenhauer KE, Morin B, Whelan SP, Schwartz TU, Ploegh HL EMBO reports 28396572 EMBO Rep 2017 Jun
Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Contributes to Immunosuppression in Breast Carcinomas. Dongre A, Rashidian M, Reinhardt F, Bagnato A, Keckesova Z, Ploegh HL, Weinberg RA Cancer research 28428275 Cancer Res 2017 Aug 1
HypE-specific nanobodies as tools to modulate HypE-mediated target AMPylation. Truttmann MC, Wu Q, Stiegeler S, Duarte JN, Ingram J, Ploegh HL The Journal of biological chemistry 25678711 J Biol Chem 2015 Apr 3
Structural biology. Structural basis for chemokine recognition and activation of a viral G protein-coupled receptor. Burg JS, Ingram JR, Venkatakrishnan AJ, Jude KM, Dukkipati A, Feinberg EN, Angelini A, Waghray D, Dror RO, Ploegh HL, Garcia KC Science (New York, N.Y.) 25745166 Science 2015 Mar 6
Intracellular expression of camelid single-domain antibodies specific for influenza virus nucleoprotein uncovers distinct features of its nuclear localization. Ashour J, Schmidt FI, Hanke L, Cragnolini J, Cavallari M, Altenburg A, Brewer R, Ingram J, Shoemaker C, Ploegh HL Journal of virology 25540369 J Virol 2015 Mar
One-step enzymatic modification of the cell surface redirects cellular cytotoxicity and parasite tropism. Swee LK, Lourido S, Bell GW, Ingram JR, Ploegh HL ACS chemical biology 25360987 ACS Chem Biol 2015 Feb 20
Generation of Immunity against Pathogens via Single-Domain Antibody-Antigen Constructs. Duarte JN, Cragnolini JJ, Swee LK, Bilate AM, Bader J, Ingram JR, Rashidfarrokhi A, Fang T, Schiepers A, Hanke L, Ploegh HL Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 27821668 J Immunol 2016 Dec 15
Durable antitumor responses to CD47 blockade require adaptive immune stimulation. Sockolosky JT, Dougan M, Ingram JR, Ho CC, Kauke MJ, Almo SC, Ploegh HL, Garcia KC Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 27091975 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 May 10
Rapid and Direct VHH and Target Identification by Staphylococcal Surface Display Libraries. Cavallari M International journal of molecular sciences 28704956 Int J Mol Sci 2017 Jul 12
Posttranscriptional Regulation of Glycoprotein Quality Control in the Endoplasmic Reticulum Is Controlled by the E2 Ub-Conjugating Enzyme UBC6e. Hagiwara M, Ling J, Koenig PA, Ploegh HL Molecular cell 27570074 Mol Cell 2016 Sep 1
Proteomic identification of monoclonal antibodies from serum. Boutz DR, Horton AP, Wine Y, Lavinder JJ, Georgiou G, Marcotte EM Analytical chemistry 24684310 Anal Chem 2014 May 20
A census of human soluble protein complexes. Havugimana PC, Hart GT, Nepusz T, Yang H, Turinsky AL, Li Z, Wang PI, Boutz DR, Fong V, Phanse S, Babu M, Craig SA, Hu P, Wan C, Vlasblom J, Dar VU, Bezginov A, Clark GW, Wu GC, Wodak SJ, Tillier ER, Paccanaro A, Marcotte EM, Emili A Cell 22939629 Cell 2012 Aug 31
Lanthanide nano-drums: a new class of molecular nanoparticles for potential biomedical applications. Jones RA, Gnanam AJ, Arambula JF, Jones JN, Swaminathan J, Yang X, Schipper D, Hall JW, DePue LJ, Dieye Y, Vadivelu J, Chandler DJ, Marcotte EM, Sessler JL, Ehrlich LI, Brown KA Faraday discussions 25284181 Faraday Discuss 2014
Insights into the regulation of protein abundance from proteomic and transcriptomic analyses. Vogel C, Marcotte EM Nature reviews. Genetics 22411467 Nat Rev Genet 2012 Mar 13
Intrinsic Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in the Superbug Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Murray JL, Kwon T, Marcotte EM, Whiteley M mBio 26507235 mBio 2015 Oct 27
Systematic Discovery of Endogenous Human Ribonucleoprotein Complexes. Mallam AL, Sae-Lee W, Schaub JM, Tu F, Battenhouse A, Jang YJ, Kim J, Wallingford JB, Finkelstein IJ, Marcotte EM, Drew K Cell reports 31665645 Cell Rep 2019 Oct 29
Identifying direct contacts between protein complex subunits from their conditional dependence in proteomics datasets. Drew K, Müller CL, Bonneau R, Marcotte EM PLoS computational biology 29023445 PLoS Comput Biol 2017 Oct
Solution-phase and solid-phase sequential, selective modification of side chains in KDYWEC and KDYWE as models for usage in single-molecule protein sequencing. Hernandez ET, Swaminathan J, Marcotte EM, Anslyn EV New journal of chemistry = Nouveau journal de chimie 28983186 New J Chem 2017 Jan 21
Photography Coupled with Self-Propagating Chemical Cascades: Differentiation and Quantitation of G- and V-Nerve Agent Mimics via Chromaticity. Sun X, Boulgakov AA, Smith LN, Metola P, Marcotte EM, Anslyn EV ACS central science 30062113 ACS Cent Sci 2018 Jul 25
The Many Nuanced Evolutionary Consequences of Duplicated Genes. Teufel AI, Johnson MM, Laurent JM, Kachroo AH, Marcotte EM, Wilke CO Molecular biology and evolution 30428072 Mol Biol Evol 2019 Feb 1
Paternal chromosome loss and metabolic crisis contribute to hybrid inviability in Xenopus. Gibeaux R, Acker R, Kitaoka M, Georgiou G, van Kruijsbergen I, Ford B, Marcotte EM, Nomura DK, Kwon T, Veenstra GJC, Heald R Nature 29320479 Nature 2018 Jan 18
Bringing Microscopy-By-Sequencing into View. Boulgakov AA, Ellington AD, Marcotte EM Trends in biotechnology 31416630 Trends Biotechnol 2020 Feb
Long-term neural and physiological phenotyping of a single human. Poldrack RA, Laumann TO, Koyejo O, Gregory B, Hover A, Chen MY, Gorgolewski KJ, Luci J, Joo SJ, Boyd RL, Hunicke-Smith S, Simpson ZB, Caven T, Sochat V, Shine JM, Gordon E, Snyder AZ, Adeyemo B, Petersen SE, Glahn DC, Reese Mckay D, Curran JE, Göring HH, Carless MA, Blangero J, Dougherty R, Leemans A, Handwerker DA, Frick L, Marcotte EM, Mumford JA Nature communications 26648521 Nat Commun 2015 Dec 9
The DEAH-box helicase Dhr1 dissociates U3 from the pre-rRNA to promote formation of the central pseudoknot. Sardana R, Liu X, Granneman S, Zhu J, Gill M, Papoulas O, Marcotte EM, Tollervey D, Correll CC, Johnson AW PLoS biology 25710520 PLoS Biol 2015 Feb
Integration of over 9,000 mass spectrometry experiments builds a global map of human protein complexes. Drew K, Lee C, Huizar RL, Tu F, Borgeson B, McWhite CD, Ma Y, Wallingford JB, Marcotte EM Molecular systems biology 28596423 Mol Syst Biol 2017 Jun 8
Panorama of ancient metazoan macromolecular complexes. Wan C, Borgeson B, Phanse S, Tu F, Drew K, Clark G, Xiong X, Kagan O, Kwan J, Bezginov A, Chessman K, Pal S, Cromar G, Papoulas O, Ni Z, Boutz DR, Stoilova S, Havugimana PC, Guo X, Malty RH, Sarov M, Greenblatt J, Babu M, Derry WB, Tillier ER, Wallingford JB, Parkinson J, Marcotte EM, Emili A Nature 26344197 Nature 2015 Sep 17
Efforts to make and apply humanized yeast. Laurent JM, Young JH, Kachroo AH, Marcotte EM Briefings in functional genomics 26462863 Brief Funct Genomics 2016 Mar
UVnovo: A de Novo Sequencing Algorithm Using Single Series of Fragment Ions via Chromophore Tagging and 351 nm Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry. Robotham SA, Horton AP, Cannon JR, Cotham VC, Marcotte EM, Brodbelt JS Analytical chemistry 26938041 Anal Chem 2016 Apr 5
Evolution. Systematic humanization of yeast genes reveals conserved functions and genetic modularity. Kachroo AH, Laurent JM, Yellman CM, Meyer AG, Wilke CO, Marcotte EM Science (New York, N.Y.) 25999509 Science 2015 May 22
A liquid-like organelle at the root of motile ciliopathy. Huizar RL, Lee C, Boulgakov AA, Horani A, Tu F, Marcotte EM, Brody SL, Wallingford JB eLife 30561330 Elife 2018 Dec 18
Systematic bacterialization of yeast genes identifies a near-universally swappable pathway. Kachroo AH, Laurent JM, Akhmetov A, Szilagyi-Jones M, McWhite CD, Zhao A, Marcotte EM eLife 28661399 Elife 2017 Jun 29
The proteomic response to mutants of the Escherichia coli RNA degradosome. Zhou L, Zhang AB, Wang R, Marcotte EM, Vogel C Molecular bioSystems 23403814 Mol Biosyst 2013 Apr 5
Protein-to-mRNA ratios are conserved between Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Kwon T, Huse HK, Vogel C, Whiteley M, Marcotte EM Journal of proteome research 24742327 J Proteome Res 2014 May 2
Statistical approach to protein quantification. Gerster S, Kwon T, Ludwig C, Matondo M, Vogel C, Marcotte EM, Aebersold R, Bühlmann P Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP 24255132 Mol Cell Proteomics 2014 Feb
Protein localization screening in vivo reveals novel regulators of multiciliated cell development and function. Tu F, Sedzinski J, Ma Y, Marcotte EM, Wallingford JB Journal of cell science 29180514 J Cell Sci 2018 Jan 29
Sperm is epigenetically programmed to regulate gene transcription in embryos. Teperek M, Simeone A, Gaggioli V, Miyamoto K, Allen GE, Erkek S, Kwon T, Marcotte EM, Zegerman P, Bradshaw CR, Peters AH, Gurdon JB, Jullien J Genome research 27034506 Genome Res 2016 Aug
Systematic comparison of variant calling pipelines using gold standard personal exome variants. Hwang S, Kim E, Lee I, Marcotte EM Scientific reports 26639839 Sci Rep 2015 Dec 7
Controlled Measurement and Comparative Analysis of Cellular Components in E. coli Reveals Broad Regulatory Changes in Response to Glucose Starvation. Houser JR, Barnhart C, Boutz DR, Carroll SM, Dasgupta A, Michener JK, Needham BD, Papoulas O, Sridhara V, Sydykova DK, Marx CJ, Trent MS, Barrick JE, Marcotte EM, Wilke CO PLoS computational biology 26275208 PLoS Comput Biol 2015 Aug
Applications of comparative evolution to human disease genetics. McWhite CD, Liebeskind BJ, Marcotte EM Current opinion in genetics & development 26338499 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2015 Dec
Modes of interaction between individuals dominate the topologies of real world networks. Lee I, Kim E, Marcotte EM PloS one 25793969 PLoS One 2015
Computational discovery of pathway-level genetic vulnerabilities in non-small-cell lung cancer. Young JH, Peyton M, Seok Kim H, McMillan E, Minna JD, White MA, Marcotte EM Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 26755624 Bioinformatics 2016 May 1
A highly parallel strategy for storage of digital information in living cells. Akhmetov A, Ellington AD, Marcotte EM BMC biotechnology 30333005 BMC Biotechnol 2018 Oct 17
Highly parallel single-molecule identification of proteins in zeptomole-scale mixtures. Swaminathan J, Boulgakov AA, Hernandez ET, Bardo AM, Bachman JL, Marotta J, Johnson AM, Anslyn EV, Marcotte EM Nature biotechnology 30346938 Nat Biotechnol 2018 Oct 22
Synthesis of Carboxy ATTO 647N Using Redox Cycling for Xanthone Access. Bachman JL, Pavlich CI, Boley AJ, Marcotte EM, Anslyn EV Organic letters 31825225 Org Lett 2020 Jan 17
A self-assembling lanthanide molecular nanoparticle for optical imaging. Brown KA, Yang X, Schipper D, Hall JW, DePue LJ, Gnanam AJ, Arambula JF, Jones JN, Swaminathan J, Dieye Y, Vadivelu J, Chandler DJ, Marcotte EM, Sessler JL, Ehrlich LI, Jones RA Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 25512085 Dalton Trans 2015 Feb 14
Bacteriophages use an expanded genetic code on evolutionary paths to higher fitness. Hammerling MJ, Ellefson JW, Boutz DR, Marcotte EM, Ellington AD, Barrick JE Nature chemical biology 24487692 Nat Chem Biol 2014 Mar
Towards Consensus Gene Ages. Liebeskind BJ, McWhite CD, Marcotte EM Genome biology and evolution 27259914 Genome Biol Evol 2016 Jun 27
MouseNet v2: a database of gene networks for studying the laboratory mouse and eight other model vertebrates. Kim E, Hwang S, Kim H, Shim H, Kang B, Yang S, Shim JH, Shin SY, Marcotte EM, Lee I Nucleic acids research 26527726 Nucleic Acids Res 2016 Jan 4
2,2'-Bipyridine and hydrazide containing peptides for cyclization and complex quaternary structural control. Hernandez ET, Rogelio Escamilla P, Kwon SY, Partridge J, McVeigh M, Rivera S, Reuther JF, Anslyn EV New journal of chemistry = Nouveau journal de chimie 30386131 New J Chem 2018 Jun 7
Improved Xanthone Synthesis, Stepwise Chemical Redox Cycling. Bachman JL, Escamilla PR, Boley AJ, Pavlich CI, Anslyn EV Organic letters 30582707 Org Lett 2019 Jan 4
A proteomic survey of widespread protein aggregation in yeast. O'Connell JD, Tsechansky M, Royal A, Boutz DR, Ellington AD, Marcotte EM Molecular bioSystems 24488121 Mol Biosyst 2014 Apr
Proteome-wide dataset supporting the study of ancient metazoan macromolecular complexes. Phanse S, Wan C, Borgeson B, Tu F, Drew K, Clark G, Xiong X, Kagan O, Kwan J, Bezginov A, Chessman K, Pal S, Cromar G, Papoulas O, Ni Z, Boutz DR, Stoilova S, Havugimana PC, Guo X, Malty RH, Sarov M, Greenblatt J, Babu M, Derry WB, Tillier ER, Wallingford JB, Parkinson J, Marcotte EM, Emili A Data in brief 26870755 Data Brief 2016 Mar
The ciliopathy-associated CPLANE proteins direct basal body recruitment of intraflagellar transport machinery. Toriyama M, Lee C, Taylor SP, Duran I, Cohn DH, Bruel AL, Tabler JM, Drew K, Kelly MR, Kim S, Park TJ, Braun DA, Pierquin G, Biver A, Wagner K, Malfroot A, Panigrahi I, Franco B, Al-Lami HA, Yeung Y, Choi YJ, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Duffourd Y, Faivre L, Rivière JB, Chen J, Liu KJ, Marcotte EM, Hildebrandt F, Thauvin-Robinet C, Krakow D, Jackson PK, Wallingford JB Nature genetics 27158779 Nat Genet 2016 Jun
A theoretical justification for single molecule peptide sequencing. Swaminathan J, Boulgakov AA, Marcotte EM PLoS computational biology 25714988 PLoS Comput Biol 2015 Feb
Systems-wide Studies Uncover Commander, a Multiprotein Complex Essential to Human Development. Mallam AL, Marcotte EM Cell systems 28544880 Cell Syst 2017 May 24
Classification of Single Particles from Human Cell Extract Reveals Distinct Structures. Verbeke EJ, Mallam AL, Drew K, Marcotte EM, Taylor DW Cell reports 29972786 Cell Rep 2018 Jul 3
Single-step Precision Genome Editing in Yeast Using CRISPR-Cas9. Akhmetov A, Laurent JM, Gollihar J, Gardner EC, Garge RK, Ellington AD, Kachroo AH, Marcotte EM Bio-protocol 29770349 Bio Protoc 2018 Mar 20
Metabolic crosstalk regulates Porphyromonas gingivalis colonization and virulence during oral polymicrobial infection. Kuboniwa M, Houser JR, Hendrickson EL, Wang Q, Alghamdi SA, Sakanaka A, Miller DP, Hutcherson JA, Wang T, Beck DAC, Whiteley M, Amano A, Wang H, Marcotte EM, Hackett M, Lamont RJ Nature microbiology 28924191 Nat Microbiol 2017 Nov
An efficient methodology to introduce o-(aminomethyl)phenyl-boronic acids into peptides: alkylation of secondary amines. Hernandez ET, Kolesnichenko IV, Reuther JF, Anslyn EV New journal of chemistry = Nouveau journal de chimie 28649175 New J Chem 2017 Jan 7
HumanNet v2: human gene networks for disease research. Hwang S, Kim CY, Yang S, Kim E, Hart T, Marcotte EM, Lee I Nucleic acids research 30418591 Nucleic Acids Res 2019 Jan 8
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Global tRNA misacylation induced by anaerobiosis and antibiotic exposure broadly increases stress resistance in Escherichia coli. Schwartz MH, Waldbauer JR, Zhang L, Pan T Nucleic acids research 27672035 Nucleic Acids Res 2016 Dec 1
Diversity of human tRNA genes from the 1000-genomes project. Parisien M, Wang X, Pan T RNA biology 24448271 RNA Biol 2013 Dec
Methionine Mistranslation Bypasses the Restraint of the Genetic Code to Generate Mutant Proteins with Distinct Activities. Wang X, Pan T PLoS genetics 26709516 PLoS Genet 2015 Dec
Efficient and quantitative high-throughput tRNA sequencing. Zheng G, Qin Y, Clark WC, Dai Q, Yi C, He C, Lambowitz AM, Pan T Nature methods 26214130 Nat Methods 2015 Sep
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Codon optimality controls differential mRNA translation during amino acid starvation. Saikia M, Wang X, Mao Y, Wan J, Pan T, Qian SB RNA (New York, N.Y.) 27613579 RNA 2016 Nov
Evolutionary Gain of Alanine Mischarging to Noncognate tRNAs with a G4:U69 Base Pair. Sun L, Gomes AC, He W, Zhou H, Wang X, Pan DW, Schimmel P, Pan T, Yang XL Journal of the American Chemical Society 27622773 J Am Chem Soc 2016 Oct 5
tRNA Misacylation with Methionine in the Mouse Gut Microbiome in Situ. Schwartz MH, Pan T Microbial ecology 28070678 Microb Ecol 2017 Jul
Temperature dependent mistranslation in a hyperthermophile adapts proteins to lower temperatures. Schwartz MH, Pan T Nucleic acids research 26657639 Nucleic Acids Res 2016 Jan 8
Adaptive translation as a mechanism of stress response and adaptation. Pan T Annual review of genetics 23988117 Annu Rev Genet 2013
N(6)-Methyladenosine Modification in a Long Noncoding RNA Hairpin Predisposes Its Conformation to Protein Binding. Zhou KI, Parisien M, Dai Q, Liu N, Diatchenko L, Sachleben JR, Pan T Journal of molecular biology 26343757 J Mol Biol 2016 Feb 27
Determining the fidelity of tRNA aminoacylation via microarrays. Schwartz MH, Pan T Methods (San Diego, Calif.) 27639882 Methods 2017 Jan 15
Interaction of tRNA with MEK2 in pancreatic cancer cells. Wang X, Chow CR, Ebine K, Lee J, Rosner MR, Pan T, Munshi HG Scientific reports 27301426 Sci Rep 2016 Jun 15
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Selective Enzymatic Demethylation of N(2) ,N(2) -Dimethylguanosine in RNA and Its Application in High-Throughput tRNA Sequencing. Dai Q, Zheng G, Schwartz MH, Clark WC, Pan T Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 28371071 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2017 Apr 24
Stress Response and Adaptation Mediated by Amino Acid Misincorporation during Protein Synthesis. Wang X, Pan T Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) 27422514 Adv Nutr 2016 Jul
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A dual fluorescent reporter for the investigation of methionine mistranslation in live cells. Gomes AC, Kordala AJ, Strack R, Wang X, Geslain R, Delaney K, Clark WC, Keenan R, Pan T RNA (New York, N.Y.) 26729921 RNA 2016 Mar
Function and origin of mistranslation in distinct cellular contexts. Schwartz MH, Pan T Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology 28075177 Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 2017 Apr
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Structurally derived universal mechanism for the catalytic cycle of the tail-anchored targeting factor Get3. Fry MY, Najdrová V, Maggiolo AO, Saladi SM, Doležal P, Clemons WM Jr Nature structural & molecular biology 35851188 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2022 Aug
Improving membrane protein expression by optimizing integration efficiency. Niesen MJM, Marshall SS, Miller TF 3rd, Clemons WM Jr The Journal of biological chemistry 28918393 J Biol Chem 2017 Nov 24
A Link between Integral Membrane Protein Expression and Simulated Integration Efficiency. Marshall SS, Niesen MJM, Müller A, Tiemann K, Saladi SM, Galimidi RP, Zhang B, Clemons WM Jr, Miller TF 3rd Cell reports 27524616 Cell Rep 2016 Aug 23
Comprehensive proteomic profiling of outer membrane vesicles from Campylobacter jejuni. Jang KS, Sweredoski MJ, Graham RL, Hess S, Clemons WM Jr Journal of proteomics 24382552 J Proteomics 2014 Feb 26
A cationic cysteine-hydrazide as an enrichment tool for the mass spectrometric characterization of bacterial free oligosaccharides. Jang KS, Nani RR, Kalli A, Levin S, Müller A, Hess S, Reisman SE, Clemons WM Jr Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 26100547 Anal Bioanal Chem 2015 Aug
A statistical model for improved membrane protein expression using sequence-derived features. Saladi SM, Javed N, Müller A, Clemons WM Jr The Journal of biological chemistry 29378850 J Biol Chem 2018 Mar 30
Sequence-based features that are determinant for tail-anchored membrane protein sorting in eukaryotes. Fry MY, Saladi SM, Cunha A, Clemons WM Jr Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark) 34288289 Traffic 2021 Sep
Molecular basis of tail-anchored integral membrane protein recognition by the cochaperone Sgt2. Lin KF, Fry MY, Saladi SM, Clemons WM Jr The Journal of biological chemistry 33610544 J Biol Chem 2021 Jan-Jun
The STI1-domain is a flexible alpha-helical fold with a hydrophobic groove. Fry MY, Saladi SM, Clemons WM Jr Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society 33620121 Protein Sci 2021 Apr
Structures of Get3d reveal a distinct architecture associated with the emergence of photosynthesis. Barlow AN, Manu MS, Saladi SM, Tarr PT, Yadav Y, Thinn AMM, Zhu Y, Laganowsky AD, Clemons WM Jr, Ramasamy S The Journal of biological chemistry 37100288 J Biol Chem 2023 Jun
The checkpoint for agonist selection precedes conventional selection in human thymus. Verstichel G, Vermijlen D, Martens L, Goetgeluk G, Brouwer M, Thiault N, Van Caeneghem Y, De Munter S, Weening K, Bonte S, Leclercq G, Taghon T, Kerre T, Saeys Y, Van Dorpe J, Cheroutre H, Vandekerckhove B Science immunology 28783686 Sci Immunol 2017 Feb 24
Following the fate of one insulin-reactive CD4 T cell: conversion into Teffs and Tregs in the periphery controls diabetes in NOD mice. Fousteri G, Jasinski J, Dave A, Nakayama M, Pagni P, Lambolez F, Juntti T, Sarikonda G, Cheng Y, Croft M, Cheroutre H, Eisenbarth G, von Herrath M Diabetes 22403296 Diabetes 2012 May
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An extrasynaptic GABAergic signal modulates a pattern of forward movement in Caenorhabditis elegans. Shen Y, Wen Q, Liu H, Zhong C, Qin Y, Harris G, Kawano T, Wu M, Xu T, Samuel AD, Zhang Y eLife 27138642 Elife 2016 May 3
Controlling airborne cues to study small animal navigation. Gershow M, Berck M, Mathew D, Luo L, Kane EA, Carlson JR, Samuel AD Nature methods 22245808 Nat Methods 2012 Jan 15
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Integration of Plasticity Mechanisms within a Single Sensory Neuron of C. elegans Actuates a Memory. Hawk JD, Calvo AC, Liu P, Almoril-Porras A, Aljobeh A, Torruella-Suárez ML, Ren I, Cook N, Greenwood J, Luo L, Wang ZW, Samuel ADT, Colón-Ramos DA Neuron 29307713 Neuron 2018 Jan 17
The Ionotropic Receptors IR21a and IR25a mediate cool sensing in Drosophila. Ni L, Klein M, Svec KV, Budelli G, Chang EC, Ferrer AJ, Benton R, Samuel AD, Garrity PA eLife 27126188 Elife 2016 Apr 29
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Reverse-correlation analysis of navigation dynamics in Drosophila larva using optogenetics. Hernandez-Nunez L, Belina J, Klein M, Si G, Claus L, Carlson JR, Samuel AD eLife 25942453 Elife 2015 May 5
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General strategy for biodetection in high ionic strength solutions using transistor-based nanoelectronic sensors. Gao N, Zhou W, Jiang X, Hong G, Fu TM, Lieber CM Nano letters 25664395 Nano Lett 2015 Mar 11
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Syringe-injectable electronics. Liu J, Fu TM, Cheng Z, Hong G, Zhou T, Jin L, Duvvuri M, Jiang Z, Kruskal P, Xie C, Suo Z, Fang Y, Lieber CM Nature nanotechnology 26053995 Nat Nanotechnol 2015 Jul
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Long term stability of nanowire nanoelectronics in physiological environments. Zhou W, Dai X, Fu TM, Xie C, Liu J, Lieber CM Nano letters 24479700 Nano Lett 2014 Mar 12
CRISPR-Cas systems for editing, regulating and targeting genomes. Sander JD, Joung JK Nature biotechnology 24584096 Nat Biotechnol 2014 Apr
Hypoxia drives transient site-specific copy gain and drug-resistant gene expression. Black JC, Atabakhsh E, Kim J, Biette KM, Van Rechem C, Ladd B, Burrowes PD, Donado C, Mattoo H, Kleinstiver BP, Song B, Andriani G, Joung JK, Iliopoulos O, Montagna C, Pillai S, Getz G, Whetstine JR Genes & development 25995187 Genes Dev 2015 May 15
Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Mutations Confer Dasatinib Hypersensitivity and SRC Dependence in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. Saha SK, Gordan JD, Kleinstiver BP, Vu P, Najem MS, Yeo JC, Shi L, Kato Y, Levin RS, Webber JT, Damon LJ, Egan RK, Greninger P, McDermott U, Garnett MJ, Jenkins RL, Rieger-Christ KM, Sullivan TB, Hezel AF, Liss AS, Mizukami Y, Goyal L, Ferrone CR, Zhu AX, Joung JK, Shokat KM, Benes CH, Bardeesy N Cancer discovery 27231123 Cancer Discov 2016 Jul
Efficient genome editing in zebrafish using a CRISPR-Cas system. Hwang WY, Fu Y, Reyon D, Maeder ML, Tsai SQ, Sander JD, Peterson RT, Yeh JR, Joung JK Nature biotechnology 23360964 Nat Biotechnol 2013 Mar
Zinc-finger nucleases for somatic gene therapy: the next frontier. Rahman SH, Maeder ML, Joung JK, Cathomen T Human gene therapy 21631241 Hum Gene Ther 2011 Aug
Locus-specific editing of histone modifications at endogenous enhancers. Mendenhall EM, Williamson KE, Reyon D, Zou JY, Ram O, Joung JK, Bernstein BE Nature biotechnology 24013198 Nat Biotechnol 2013 Dec
Interactome maps of mouse gene regulatory domains reveal basic principles of transcriptional regulation. Kieffer-Kwon KR, Tang Z, Mathe E, Qian J, Sung MH, Li G, Resch W, Baek S, Pruett N, Grøntved L, Vian L, Nelson S, Zare H, Hakim O, Reyon D, Yamane A, Nakahashi H, Kovalchuk AL, Zou J, Joung JK, Sartorelli V, Wei CL, Ruan X, Hager GL, Ruan Y, Casellas R Cell 24360274 Cell 2013 Dec 19
Context influences on TALE-DNA binding revealed by quantitative profiling. Rogers JM, Barrera LA, Reyon D, Sander JD, Kellis M, Joung JK, Bulyk ML Nature communications 26067805 Nat Commun 2015 Jun 11
Targeted disruption of DNMT1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B in human embryonic stem cells. Liao J, Karnik R, Gu H, Ziller MJ, Clement K, Tsankov AM, Akopian V, Gifford CA, Donaghey J, Galonska C, Pop R, Reyon D, Tsai SQ, Mallard W, Joung JK, Rinn JL, Gnirke A, Meissner A Nature genetics 25822089 Nat Genet 2015 May
A zebrafish model of myelodysplastic syndrome produced through tet2 genomic editing. Gjini E, Mansour MR, Sander JD, Moritz N, Nguyen AT, Kesarsing M, Gans E, He S, Chen S, Ko M, Kuang YY, Yang S, Zhou Y, Rodig S, Zon LI, Joung JK, Rao A, Look AT Molecular and cellular biology 25512612 Mol Cell Biol 2015 Mar
CIRCLE-seq: a highly sensitive in vitro screen for genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease off-targets. Tsai SQ, Nguyen NT, Malagon-Lopez J, Topkar VV, Aryee MJ, Joung JK Nature methods 28459458 Nat Methods 2017 Jun
Genome-wide specificities of CRISPR-Cas Cpf1 nucleases in human cells. Kleinstiver BP, Tsai SQ, Prew MS, Nguyen NT, Welch MM, Lopez JM, McCaw ZR, Aryee MJ, Joung JK Nature biotechnology 27347757 Nat Biotechnol 2016 Aug
Defining and improving the genome-wide specificities of CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases. Tsai SQ, Joung JK Nature reviews. Genetics 27087594 Nat Rev Genet 2016 May
Nodal patterning without Lefty inhibitory feedback is functional but fragile. Rogers KW, Lord ND, Gagnon JA, Pauli A, Zimmerman S, Aksel DC, Reyon D, Tsai SQ, Joung JK, Schier AF eLife 29215332 Elife 2017 Dec 7
CRISPR RNA-guided activation of endogenous human genes. Maeder ML, Linder SJ, Cascio VM, Fu Y, Ho QH, Joung JK Nature methods 23892898 Nat Methods 2013 Oct
TALENs: a widely applicable technology for targeted genome editing. Joung JK, Sander JD Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology 23169466 Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2013 Jan
High-frequency off-target mutagenesis induced by CRISPR-Cas nucleases in human cells. Fu Y, Foden JA, Khayter C, Maeder ML, Reyon D, Joung JK, Sander JD Nature biotechnology 23792628 Nat Biotechnol 2013 Sep
High-fidelity CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases with no detectable genome-wide off-target effects. Kleinstiver BP, Pattanayak V, Prew MS, Tsai SQ, Nguyen NT, Zheng Z, Joung JK Nature 26735016 Nature 2016 Jan 28
Genome Editing in Human Cells Using CRISPR/Cas Nucleases. Wyvekens N, Tsai SQ, Joung JK Current protocols in molecular biology 26423589 Curr Protoc Mol Biol 2015 Oct 1
Systematic screening reveals a role for BRCA1 in the response to transcription-associated DNA damage. Hill SJ, Rolland T, Adelmant G, Xia X, Owen MS, Dricot A, Zack TI, Sahni N, Jacob Y, Hao T, McKinney KM, Clark AP, Reyon D, Tsai SQ, Joung JK, Beroukhim R, Marto JA, Vidal M, Gaudet S, Hill DE, Livingston DM Genes & development 25184681 Genes Dev 2014 Sep 1
IκB kinase β (IKBKB) mutations in lymphomas that constitutively activate canonical nuclear factor κB (NFκB) signaling. Kai X, Chellappa V, Donado C, Reyon D, Sekigami Y, Ataca D, Louissaint A, Mattoo H, Joung JK, Pillai S The Journal of biological chemistry 25107905 J Biol Chem 2014 Sep 26
Broadening the targeting range of Staphylococcus aureus CRISPR-Cas9 by modifying PAM recognition. Kleinstiver BP, Prew MS, Tsai SQ, Nguyen NT, Topkar VV, Zheng Z, Joung JK Nature biotechnology 26524662 Nat Biotechnol 2015 Dec
Functional analysis of Collagen 17a1: A genetic modifier of junctional epidermolysis bullosa in mice. Sproule TJ, Wilpan RY, Low BE, Silva KA, Reyon D, Joung JK, Wiles MV, Roopenian DC, Sundberg JP PloS one 37796769 PLoS One 2023
Improving CRISPR-Cas nuclease specificity using truncated guide RNAs. Fu Y, Sander JD, Reyon D, Cascio VM, Joung JK Nature biotechnology 24463574 Nat Biotechnol 2014 Mar
Targeted DNA demethylation and activation of endogenous genes using programmable TALE-TET1 fusion proteins. Maeder ML, Angstman JF, Richardson ME, Linder SJ, Cascio VM, Tsai SQ, Ho QH, Sander JD, Reyon D, Bernstein BE, Costello JF, Wilkinson MF, Joung JK Nature biotechnology 24108092 Nat Biotechnol 2013 Dec
Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated editing of trinucleotide repeat expansion in myotonic dystrophy patient-derived iPS and myogenic cells. Dastidar S, Ardui S, Singh K, Majumdar D, Nair N, Fu Y, Reyon D, Samara E, Gerli MFM, Klein AF, De Schrijver W, Tipanee J, Seneca S, Tulalamba W, Wang H, Chai YC, In't Veld P, Furling D, Tedesco FS, Vermeesch JR, Joung JK, Chuah MK, VandenDriessche T Nucleic acids research 29947794 Nucleic Acids Res 2018 Sep 19
Defining CRISPR-Cas9 genome-wide nuclease activities with CIRCLE-seq. Lazzarotto CR, Nguyen NT, Tang X, Malagon-Lopez J, Guo JA, Aryee MJ, Joung JK, Tsai SQ Nature protocols 30341435 Nat Protoc 2018 Nov
Defining genome-wide CRISPR-Cas genome-editing nuclease activity with GUIDE-seq. Malinin NL, Lee G, Lazzarotto CR, Li Y, Zheng Z, Nguyen NT, Liebers M, Topkar VV, Iafrate AJ, Le LP, Aryee MJ, Joung JK, Tsai SQ Nature protocols 34773119 Nat Protoc 2021 Dec
Engineered CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases with altered PAM specificities. Kleinstiver BP, Prew MS, Tsai SQ, Topkar VV, Nguyen NT, Zheng Z, Gonzales AP, Li Z, Peterson RT, Yeh JR, Aryee MJ, Joung JK Nature 26098369 Nature 2015 Jul 23
GUIDE-seq enables genome-wide profiling of off-target cleavage by CRISPR-Cas nucleases. Tsai SQ, Zheng Z, Nguyen NT, Liebers M, Topkar VV, Thapar V, Wyvekens N, Khayter C, Iafrate AJ, Le LP, Aryee MJ, Joung JK Nature biotechnology 25513782 Nat Biotechnol 2015 Feb
In silico abstraction of zinc finger nuclease cleavage profiles reveals an expanded landscape of off-target sites. Sander JD, Ramirez CL, Linder SJ, Pattanayak V, Shoresh N, Ku M, Foden JA, Reyon D, Bernstein BE, Liu DR, Joung JK Nucleic acids research 23945932 Nucleic Acids Res 2013 Oct
Broad specificity profiling of TALENs results in engineered nucleases with improved DNA-cleavage specificity. Guilinger JP, Pattanayak V, Reyon D, Tsai SQ, Sander JD, Joung JK, Liu DR Nature methods 24531420 Nat Methods 2014 Apr
Targeted deletion and inversion of tandemly arrayed genes in Arabidopsis thaliana using zinc finger nucleases. Qi Y, Li X, Zhang Y, Starker CG, Baltes NJ, Zhang F, Sander JD, Reyon D, Joung JK, Voytas DF G3 (Bethesda, Md.) 23979943 G3 (Bethesda) 2013 Oct 3
piggyBac transposase tools for genome engineering. Li X, Burnight ER, Cooney AL, Malani N, Brady T, Sander JD, Staber J, Wheelan SJ, Joung JK, McCray PB Jr, Bushman FD, Sinn PL, Craig NL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23723351 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Jun 18
Continuous directed evolution of DNA-binding proteins to improve TALEN specificity. Hubbard BP, Badran AH, Zuris JA, Guilinger JP, Davis KM, Chen L, Tsai SQ, Sander JD, Joung JK, Liu DR Nature methods 26258293 Nat Methods 2015 Oct
Dimeric CRISPR RNA-guided FokI nucleases for highly specific genome editing. Tsai SQ, Wyvekens N, Khayter C, Foden JA, Thapar V, Reyon D, Goodwin MJ, Aryee MJ, Joung JK Nature biotechnology 24770325 Nat Biotechnol 2014 Jun
Camptothecin resistance is determined by the regulation of topoisomerase I degradation mediated by ubiquitin proteasome pathway. Ando K, Shah AK, Sachdev V, Kleinstiver BP, Taylor-Parker J, Welch MM, Hu Y, Salgia R, White FM, Parvin JD, Ozonoff A, Rameh LE, Joung JK, Bharti AK Oncotarget 28415827 Oncotarget 2017 Jul 4
Induction of stable drug resistance in human breast cancer cells using a combinatorial zinc finger transcription factor library. Lee J, Hirsh AS, Wittner BS, Maeder ML, Singavarapu R, Lang M, Janarthanan S, McDermott U, Yajnik V, Ramaswamy S, Joung JK, Sgroi DC PloS one 21818254 PLoS One 2011
Novel synthetic Medea selfish genetic elements drive population replacement in Drosophila; a theoretical exploration of Medea-dependent population suppression. Akbari OS, Chen CH, Marshall JM, Huang H, Antoshechkin I, Hay BA ACS synthetic biology 23654248 ACS Synth Biol 2014 Dec 19
Neuroscience. The brain activity map. Alivisatos AP, Chun M, Church GM, Deisseroth K, Donoghue JP, Greenspan RJ, McEuen PL, Roukes ML, Sejnowski TJ, Weiss PS, Yuste R Science (New York, N.Y.) 23470729 Science 2013 Mar 15
Single-protein nanomechanical mass spectrometry in real time. Hanay MS, Kelber S, Naik AK, Chi D, Hentz S, Bullard EC, Colinet E, Duraffourg L, Roukes ML Nature nanotechnology 22922541 Nat Nanotechnol 2012 Sep
Frequency fluctuations in silicon nanoresonators. Sansa M, Sage E, Bullard EC, Gély M, Alava T, Colinet E, Naik AK, Villanueva LG, Duraffourg L, Roukes ML, Jourdan G, Hentz S Nature nanotechnology 26925826 Nat Nanotechnol 2016 Jun
Inertial imaging with nanomechanical systems. Hanay MS, Kelber SI, O'Connell CD, Mulvaney P, Sader JE, Roukes ML Nature nanotechnology 25822931 Nat Nanotechnol 2015 Apr
The brain activity map project and the challenge of functional connectomics. Alivisatos AP, Chun M, Church GM, Greenspan RJ, Roukes ML, Yuste R Neuron 22726828 Neuron 2012 Jun 21
Nanotools for neuroscience and brain activity mapping. Alivisatos AP, Andrews AM, Boyden ES, Chun M, Church GM, Deisseroth K, Donoghue JP, Fraser SE, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Looger LL, Masmanidis S, McEuen PL, Nurmikko AV, Park H, Peterka DS, Reid C, Roukes ML, Scherer A, Schnitzer M, Sejnowski TJ, Shepard KL, Tsao D, Turrigiano G, Weiss PS, Xu C, Yuste R, Zhuang X ACS nano 23514423 ACS Nano 2013 Mar 26
Vapor sensing characteristics of nanoelectromechanical chemical sensors functionalized using surface-initiated polymerization. McCaig HC, Myers E, Lewis NS, Roukes ML Nano letters 24922358 Nano Lett 2014 Jul 9
Neutral particle mass spectrometry with nanomechanical systems. Sage E, Brenac A, Alava T, Morel R, Dupré C, Hanay MS, Roukes ML, Duraffourg L, Masselon C, Hentz S Nature communications 25753929 Nat Commun 2015 Mar 10
A National Network of Neurotechnology Centers for the BRAIN Initiative. Alivisatos AP, Chun M, Church GM, Greenspan RJ, Roukes ML, Yuste R Neuron 26481036 Neuron 2015 Nov 4
Patterned photostimulation via visible-wavelength photonic probes for deep brain optogenetics. Segev E, Reimer J, Moreaux LC, Fowler TM, Chi D, Sacher WD, Lo M, Deisseroth K, Tolias AS, Faraon A, Roukes ML Neurophotonics 27990451 Neurophotonics 2017 Jan
The Cousa objective: a long-working distance air objective for multiphoton imaging in vivo. Yu CH, Yu Y, Adsit LM, Chang JT, Barchini J, Moberly AH, Benisty H, Kim J, Young BK, Heng K, Farinella DM, Leikvoll A, Pavan R, Vistein R, Nanfito BR, Hildebrand DGC, Otero-Coronel S, Vaziri A, Goldberg JL, Ricci AJ, Fitzpatrick D, Cardin JA, Higley MJ, Smith GB, Kara P, Nielsen KJ, Smith IT, Smith SL Nature methods 38129618 Nat Methods 2024 Jan
Spatiotemporally heterogeneous coordination of cholinergic and neocortical activity. Lohani S, Moberly AH, Benisty H, Landa B, Jing M, Li Y, Higley MJ, Cardin JA Nature neuroscience 36443609 Nat Neurosci 2022 Dec
Retrosplenial inputs drive diverse visual representations in the medial entorhinal cortex. Dubanet O, Higley MJ bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37873152 bioRxiv 2023 Oct 4
Rapid fluctuations in functional connectivity of cortical networks encode spontaneous behavior. Benisty H, Barson D, Moberly AH, Lohani S, Tang L, Coifman RR, Crair MC, Mishne G, Cardin JA, Higley MJ Nature neuroscience 38036743 Nat Neurosci 2024 Jan
Retrosplenial inputs drive visual representations in the medial entorhinal cortex. Dubanet O, Higley MJ Cell reports 38985682 Cell Rep 2024 Jul 23
Developmental trajectory of cortical somatostatin interneuron function. Wang A, Ferguson KA, Gupta J, Higley MJ, Cardin JA bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38496673 bioRxiv 2024 Mar 7
Spatiotemporal dynamics in large-scale cortical networks. Higley MJ, Cardin JA Current opinion in neurobiology 36115252 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2022 Dec
VIP+ interneurons control neocortical activity across brain states. Jackson J, Ayzenshtat I, Karnani MM, Yuste R Journal of neurophysiology 26961109 J Neurophysiol 2016 Jun 1
Optical triggered seizures using a caged 4-Aminopyridine. Zhao M, McGarry LM, Ma H, Harris S, Berwick J, Yuste R, Schwartz TH Frontiers in neuroscience 25698919 Front Neurosci 2015
Instantaneous three-dimensional sensing using spatial light modulator illumination with extended depth of field imaging. Quirin S, Peterka DS, Yuste R Optics express 23842387 Opt Express 2013 Jul 1
A blanket of inhibition: functional inferences from dense inhibitory connectivity. Karnani MM, Agetsuma M, Yuste R Current opinion in neurobiology 24440415 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2014 Jun
Temporal dynamics in fMRI resting-state activity. Yuste R, Fairhall AL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25902550 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Apr 28
Glial Calcium Waves are Triggered by Seizure Activity and Not Essential for Initiating Ictal Onset or Neurovascular Coupling. Baird-Daniel E, Daniel AGS, Wenzel M, Li D, Liou JY, Laffont P, Zhao M, Yuste R, Ma H, Schwartz TH Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 28369176 Cereb Cortex 2017 Jun 1
Super-multiplex vibrational imaging. Wei L, Chen Z, Shi L, Long R, Anzalone AV, Zhang L, Hu F, Yuste R, Cornish VW, Min W Nature 28424513 Nature 2017 Apr 27
Overproduction of Neurons Is Correlated with Enhanced Cortical Ensembles and Increased Perceptual Discrimination. Fang WQ, Yuste R Cell reports 29020625 Cell Rep 2017 Oct 10
Two-Photon Optogenetic Mapping of Excitatory Synaptic Connectivity and Strength. Izquierdo-Serra M, Hirtz JJ, Shababo B, Yuste R iScience 30268510 iScience 2018 Oct 26
Flexible Nanopipettes for Minimally Invasive Intracellular Electrophysiology In Vivo. Jayant K, Wenzel M, Bando Y, Hamm JP, Mandriota N, Rabinowitz JH, Plante IJ, Owen JS, Sahin O, Shepard KL, Yuste R Cell reports 30605681 Cell Rep 2019 Jan 2
Holographic imaging and photostimulation of neural activity. Yang W, Yuste R Current opinion in neurobiology 29660600 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2018 Jun
Simultaneous two-photon imaging and two-photon optogenetics of cortical circuits in three dimensions. Yang W, Carrillo-Reid L, Bando Y, Peterka DS, Yuste R eLife 29412138 Elife 2018 Feb 7
Somatostatin Interneurons Control a Key Component of Mismatch Negativity in Mouse Visual Cortex. Hamm JP, Yuste R Cell reports 27396334 Cell Rep 2016 Jul 19
Calcium imaging of neural circuits with extended depth-of-field light-sheet microscopy. Quirin S, Vladimirov N, Yang CT, Peterka DS, Yuste R, Ahrens MB Optics letters 26974063 Opt Lett 2016 Mar 1
Parvalbumin-Positive Interneurons Regulate Neuronal Ensembles in Visual Cortex. Agetsuma M, Hamm JP, Tao K, Fujisawa S, Yuste R Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 29106504 Cereb Cortex 2018 May 1
Neuronal photoactivation through second-harmonic near-infrared absorption by gold nanoparticles. de Boer WDAM, Hirtz JJ, Capretti A, Gregorkiewicz T, Izquierdo-Serra M, Han S, Dupre C, Shymkiv Y, Yuste R Light, science & applications 30534369 Light Sci Appl 2018
Orientation Tuning Depends on Spatial Frequency in Mouse Visual Cortex. Ayzenshtat I, Jackson J, Yuste R eNeuro 27699210 eNeuro 2016 Sep-Oct
Neocortical activity is stimulus- and scale-invariant. Karimipanah Y, Ma Z, Miller JK, Yuste R, Wessel R PloS one 28489906 PLoS One 2017
Multi-scale approaches for high-speed imaging and analysis of large neural populations. Friedrich J, Yang W, Soudry D, Mu Y, Ahrens MB, Yuste R, Peterka DS, Paninski L PLoS computational biology 28771570 PLoS Comput Biol 2017 Aug
Reliable and Elastic Propagation of Cortical Seizures In Vivo. Wenzel M, Hamm JP, Peterka DS, Yuste R Cell reports 28658617 Cell Rep 2017 Jun 27
Imprinting and recalling cortical ensembles. Carrillo-Reid L, Yang W, Bando Y, Peterka DS, Yuste R Science (New York, N.Y.) 27516599 Science 2016 Aug 12
From the neuron doctrine to neural networks. Yuste R Nature reviews. Neuroscience 26152865 Nat Rev Neurosci 2015 Aug
A miniaturized multi-clamp CMOS amplifier for intracellular neural recording. Shekar S, Jayant K, Rabadan MA, Tomer R, Yuste R, Shepard KL Nature electronics 31850397 Nat Electron 2019 Aug
In vivo imaging of neural activity. Yang W, Yuste R Nature methods 28362436 Nat Methods 2017 Apr
Altered Cortical Ensembles in Mouse Models of Schizophrenia. Hamm JP, Peterka DS, Gogos JA, Yuste R Neuron 28384469 Neuron 2017 Apr 5
Reduced Repertoire of Cortical Microstates and Neuronal Ensembles in Medically Induced Loss of Consciousness. Wenzel M, Han S, Smith EH, Hoel E, Greger B, House PA, Yuste R Cell systems 31054810 Cell Syst 2019 May 22
Two-Color Volumetric Imaging of Neuronal Activity of Cortical Columns. Han S, Yang W, Yuste R Cell reports 31091458 Cell Rep 2019 May 14
Imaging and Optically Manipulating Neuronal Ensembles. Carrillo-Reid L, Yang W, Kang Miller JE, Peterka DS, Yuste R Annual review of biophysics 28301770 Annu Rev Biophys 2017 May 22
Neuroscience thinks big (and collaboratively). Kandel ER, Markram H, Matthews PM, Yuste R, Koch C Nature reviews. Neuroscience 23958663 Nat Rev Neurosci 2013 Sep
Spatial distribution of neurons innervated by chandelier cells. Blazquez-Llorca L, Woodruff A, Inan M, Anderson SA, Yuste R, DeFelipe J, Merchan-Perez A Brain structure & function 25056931 Brain Struct Funct 2015 Sep
Engineering a genetically-encoded SHG chromophore by electrostatic targeting to the membrane. Jinno Y, Shoda K, Rial-Verde E, Yuste R, Miyawaki A, Tsutsui H Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 25505870 Front Mol Neurosci 2014
Cooperative Subnetworks of Molecularly Similar Interneurons in Mouse Neocortex. Karnani MM, Jackson J, Ayzenshtat I, Tucciarone J, Manoocheri K, Snider WG, Yuste R Neuron 27021171 Neuron 2016 Apr 6
Non-overlapping Neural Networks in Hydra vulgaris. Dupre C, Yuste R Current biology : CB 28366745 Curr Biol 2017 Apr 24
Simultaneous Denoising, Deconvolution, and Demixing of Calcium Imaging Data. Pnevmatikakis EA, Soudry D, Gao Y, Machado TA, Merel J, Pfau D, Reardon T, Mu Y, Lacefield C, Yang W, Ahrens M, Bruno R, Jessell TM, Peterka DS, Yuste R, Paninski L Neuron 26774160 Neuron 2016 Jan 20
Back to the Basics: Cnidarians Start to Fire. Bosch TCG, Klimovich A, Domazet-Lošo T, Gründer S, Holstein TW, Jékely G, Miller DJ, Murillo-Rincon AP, Rentzsch F, Richards GS, Schröder K, Technau U, Yuste R Trends in neurosciences 28041633 Trends Neurosci 2017 Feb
Cortical Control of Spatial Resolution by VIP+ Interneurons. Ayzenshtat I, Karnani MM, Jackson J, Yuste R The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 27911754 J Neurosci 2016 Nov 9
Controlling Visually Guided Behavior by Holographic Recalling of Cortical Ensembles. Carrillo-Reid L, Han S, Yang W, Akrouh A, Yuste R Cell 31257030 Cell 2019 Jul 11
Acute Focal Seizures Start As Local Synchronizations of Neuronal Ensembles. Wenzel M, Hamm JP, Peterka DS, Yuste R The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 31427393 J Neurosci 2019 Oct 23
Comparative Evaluation of Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicators. Bando Y, Sakamoto M, Kim S, Ayzenshtat I, Yuste R Cell reports 30650368 Cell Rep 2019 Jan 15
Genetic voltage indicators. Bando Y, Grimm C, Cornejo VH, Yuste R BMC biology 31514747 BMC Biol 2019 Sep 12
Brain maps at the nanoscale. Yang W, Yuste R Nature biotechnology 30872818 Nat Biotechnol 2019 Apr
Endogenous sequential cortical activity evoked by visual stimuli. Carrillo-Reid L, Miller JE, Hamm JP, Jackson J, Yuste R The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 26063915 J Neurosci 2015 Jun 10
Two-photon neuronal and astrocytic stimulation with azobenzene-based photoswitches. Izquierdo-Serra M, Gascón-Moya M, Hirtz JJ, Pittolo S, Poskanzer KE, Ferrer È, Alibés R, Busqué F, Yuste R, Hernando J, Gorostiza P Journal of the American Chemical Society 24857186 J Am Chem Soc 2014 Jun 18
The new century of the brain. Yuste R, Church GM Scientific American 24660326 Sci Am 2014 Mar
Simultaneous Multi-plane Imaging of Neural Circuits. Yang W, Miller JE, Carrillo-Reid L, Pnevmatikakis E, Paninski L, Yuste R, Peterka DS Neuron 26774159 Neuron 2016 Jan 20
moco: Fast Motion Correction for Calcium Imaging. Dubbs A, Guevara J, Yuste R Frontiers in neuroinformatics 26909035 Front Neuroinform 2016
Simultaneous imaging of neural activity in three dimensions. Quirin S, Jackson J, Peterka DS, Yuste R Frontiers in neural circuits 24772066 Front Neural Circuits 2014
Opening Holes in the Blanket of Inhibition: Localized Lateral Disinhibition by VIP Interneurons. Karnani MM, Jackson J, Ayzenshtat I, Hamzehei Sichani A, Manoocheri K, Kim S, Yuste R The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 27013676 J Neurosci 2016 Mar 23
Light sheet theta microscopy for rapid high-resolution imaging of large biological samples. Migliori B, Datta MS, Dupre C, Apak MC, Asano S, Gao R, Boyden ES, Hermanson O, Yuste R, Tomer R BMC biology 29843722 BMC Biol 2018 May 29
Role of inhibitory control in modulating focal seizure spread. Liou JY, Ma H, Wenzel M, Zhao M, Baird-Daniel E, Smith EH, Daniel A, Emerson R, Yuste R, Schwartz TH, Schevon CA Brain : a journal of neurology 29757347 Brain 2018 Jul 1
Gene Therapy and Stem Cell Transplantation in Retinal Disease: The New Frontier. MacLaren RE, Bennett J, Schwartz SD Ophthalmology 27664291 Ophthalmology 2016 Oct
Progress in gene therapy for neurological disorders. Simonato M, Bennett J, Boulis NM, Castro MG, Fink DJ, Goins WF, Gray SJ, Lowenstein PR, Vandenberghe LH, Wilson TJ, Wolfe JH, Glorioso JC Nature reviews. Neurology 23609618 Nat Rev Neurol 2013 May
Gene therapy restores auditory and vestibular function in a mouse model of Usher syndrome type 1c. Pan B, Askew C, Galvin A, Heman-Ackah S, Asai Y, Indzhykulian AA, Jodelka FM, Hastings ML, Lentz JJ, Vandenberghe LH, Holt JR, Géléoc GS Nature biotechnology 28165476 Nat Biotechnol 2017 Mar
Exploiting metabolic and antioxidant pathways to maintain vision in blinding disease. Ramachandran PS, Song JY, Bennett J The Journal of clinical investigation 25798615 J Clin Invest 2015 Apr
Amelioration of Neurosensory Structure and Function in Animal and Cellular Models of a Congenital Blindness. Song JY, Aravand P, Nikonov S, Leo L, Lyubarsky A, Bennicelli JL, Pan J, Wei Z, Shpylchak I, Herrera P, Bennett DJ, Commins N, Maguire AM, Pham J, den Hollander AI, Cremers FPM, Koenekoop RK, Roepman R, Nishina P, Zhou S, Pan W, Ying GS, Aleman TS, de Melo J, McNamara I, Sun J, Mills J, Bennett J Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 29673930 Mol Ther 2018 Jun 6
Synthetic Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Efficiently Targets Mouse and Nonhuman Primate Retina In Vivo. Carvalho LS, Xiao R, Wassmer SJ, Langsdorf A, Zinn E, Pacouret S, Shah S, Comander JI, Kim LA, Lim L, Vandenberghe LH Human gene therapy 29325457 Hum Gene Ther 2018 Jul
Immunology of AAV-Mediated Gene Transfer in the Eye. Willett K, Bennett J Frontiers in immunology 24009613 Front Immunol 2013
Differential targeting of feline photoreceptors by recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors: implications for preclinical gene therapy trials. Minella AL, Mowat FM, Willett KL, Sledge D, Bartoe JT, Bennett J, Petersen-Jones SM Gene therapy 25056608 Gene Ther 2014 Oct
AAV8BP2 and AAV8 transduce the mammalian cochlear lateral wall and endolymphatic sac with high efficiency. Isgrig K, Ishibashi Y, Lee HJ, Zhu J, Grati M, Bennett J, Griffith AJ, Roux I, Chien WW Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development 36034771 Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 2022 Sep 8
Refining surgical techniques for efficient posterior semicircular canal gene delivery in the adult mammalian inner ear with minimal hearing loss. Zhu J, Choi JW, Ishibashi Y, Isgrig K, Grati M, Bennett J, Chien W Scientific reports 34552193 Sci Rep 2021 Sep 22
Disruption of CEP290 microtubule/membrane-binding domains causes retinal degeneration. Drivas TG, Holzbaur EL, Bennett J The Journal of clinical investigation 24051377 J Clin Invest 2013 Oct
Taking Stock of Retinal Gene Therapy: Looking Back and Moving Forward. Bennett J Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 28391961 Mol Ther 2017 May 3
Novel mobility test to assess functional vision in patients with inherited retinal dystrophies. Chung DC, McCague S, Yu ZF, Thill S, DiStefano-Pappas J, Bennett J, Cross D, Marshall K, Wellman J, High KA Clinical & experimental ophthalmology 28697537 Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2018 Apr
Institutional Conflict of Interest. Bennett J JAMA ophthalmology 27583791 JAMA Ophthalmol 2016 Nov 1
Safety and durability of effect of contralateral-eye administration of AAV2 gene therapy in patients with childhood-onset blindness caused by RPE65 mutations: a follow-on phase 1 trial. Bennett J, Wellman J, Marshall KA, McCague S, Ashtari M, DiStefano-Pappas J, Elci OU, Chung DC, Sun J, Wright JF, Cross DR, Aravand P, Cyckowski LL, Bennicelli JL, Mingozzi F, Auricchio A, Pierce EA, Ruggiero J, Leroy BP, Simonelli F, High KA, Maguire AM Lancet (London, England) 27375040 Lancet 2016 Aug 13
Evaluation of Dose and Safety of AAV7m8 and AAV8BP2 in the Non-Human Primate Retina. Ramachandran PS, Lee V, Wei Z, Song JY, Casal G, Cronin T, Willett K, Huckfeldt R, Morgan JI, Aleman TS, Maguire AM, Bennett J Human gene therapy 27750461 Hum Gene Ther 2017 Feb
AAV2.7m8 is a powerful viral vector for inner ear gene therapy. Isgrig K, McDougald DS, Zhu J, Wang HJ, Bennett J, Chien WW Nature communications 30683875 Nat Commun 2019 Jan 25
fMRI of retina-originated phosphenes experienced by patients with Leber congenital amaurosis. Ashtari M, Cyckowski L, Yazdi A, Viands A, Marshall K, Bókkon I, Maguire A, Bennett J PloS one 24465873 PLoS One 2014
An Autogenously Regulated Expression System for Gene Therapeutic Ocular Applications. Sochor MA, Vasireddy V, Drivas TG, Wojno A, Doung T, Shpylchak I, Bennicelli J, Chung D, Bennett J, Lewis M Scientific reports 26597678 Sci Rep 2015 Nov 24
Plasticity of the human visual system after retinal gene therapy in patients with Leber's congenital amaurosis. Ashtari M, Zhang H, Cook PA, Cyckowski LL, Shindler KS, Marshall KA, Aravand P, Vossough A, Gee JC, Maguire AM, Baker CI, Bennett J Science translational medicine 26180100 Sci Transl Med 2015 Jul 15
Exosome-associated AAV2 vector mediates robust gene delivery into the murine retina upon intravitreal injection. Wassmer SJ, Carvalho LS, György B, Vandenberghe LH, Maguire CA Scientific reports 28361998 Sci Rep 2017 Mar 31
Efficacy and safety of voretigene neparvovec (AAV2-hRPE65v2) in patients with RPE65-mediated inherited retinal dystrophy: a randomised, controlled, open-label, phase 3 trial. Russell S, Bennett J, Wellman JA, Chung DC, Yu ZF, Tillman A, Wittes J, Pappas J, Elci O, McCague S, Cross D, Marshall KA, Walshire J, Kehoe TL, Reichert H, Davis M, Raffini L, George LA, Hudson FP, Dingfield L, Zhu X, Haller JA, Sohn EH, Mahajan VB, Pfeifer W, Weckmann M, Johnson C, Gewaily D, Drack A, Stone E, Wachtel K, Simonelli F, Leroy BP, Wright JF, High KA, Maguire AM Lancet (London, England) 28712537 Lancet 2017 Aug 26
Single stranded adeno-associated virus achieves efficient gene transfer to anterior segment in the mouse eye. Wang L, Xiao R, Andres-Mateos E, Vandenberghe LH PloS one 28763501 PLoS One 2017
Evaluating Efficiencies of Dual AAV Approaches for Retinal Targeting. Carvalho LS, Turunen HT, Wassmer SJ, Luna-Velez MV, Xiao R, Bennett J, Vandenberghe LH Frontiers in neuroscience 28943836 Front Neurosci 2017
The effect of noise correlations in populations of diversely tuned neurons. Ecker AS, Berens P, Tolias AS, Bethge M The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 21976512 J Neurosci 2011 Oct 5
Macaque monkeys perceive the flash lag illusion. Subramaniyan M, Ecker AS, Berens P, Tolias AS PloS one 23527024 PLoS One 2013
Three-dimensional mapping of microcircuit correlation structure. Cotton RJ, Froudarakis E, Storer P, Saggau P, Tolias AS Frontiers in neural circuits 24133414 Front Neural Circuits 2013
State dependence of noise correlations in macaque primary visual cortex. Ecker AS, Berens P, Cotton RJ, Subramaniyan M, Denfield GH, Cadwell CR, Smirnakis SM, Bethge M, Tolias AS Neuron 24698278 Neuron 2014 Apr 2
Spike sorting for large, dense electrode arrays. Rossant C, Kadir SN, Goodman DFM, Schulman J, Hunter MLD, Saleem AB, Grosmark A, Belluscio M, Denfield GH, Ecker AS, Tolias AS, Solomon S, Buzsaki G, Carandini M, Harris KD Nature neuroscience 26974951 Nat Neurosci 2016 Apr
Integrated Neurophotonics: Toward Dense Volumetric Interrogation of Brain Circuit Activity-at Depth and in Real Time. Moreaux LC, Yatsenko D, Sacher WD, Choi J, Lee C, Kubat NJ, Cotton RJ, Boyden ES, Lin MZ, Tian L, Tolias AS, Poon JKS, Shepard KL, Roukes ML Neuron 33058767 Neuron 2020 Oct 14
Community-based benchmarking improves spike rate inference from two-photon calcium imaging data. Berens P, Freeman J, Deneux T, Chenkov N, McColgan T, Speiser A, Macke JH, Turaga SC, Mineault P, Rupprecht P, Gerhard S, Friedrich RW, Friedrich J, Paninski L, Pachitariu M, Harris KD, Bolte B, Machado TA, Ringach D, Stone J, Rogerson LE, Sofroniew NJ, Reimer J, Froudarakis E, Euler T, Román Rosón M, Theis L, Tolias AS, Bethge M PLoS computational biology 29782491 PLoS Comput Biol 2018 May
Developmental broadening of inhibitory sensory maps. Quast KB, Ung K, Froudarakis E, Huang L, Herman I, Addison AP, Ortiz-Guzman J, Cordiner K, Saggau P, Tolias AS, Arenkiel BR Nature neuroscience 28024159 Nat Neurosci 2017 Feb
A neural basis of probabilistic computation in visual cortex. Walker EY, Cotton RJ, Ma WJ, Tolias AS Nature neuroscience 31873286 Nat Neurosci 2020 Jan
Spiegelman Responds. Spiegelman D American journal of public health 27153027 Am J Public Health 2016 Jun
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 4. The Nurses' Health Study and Methods for Eliminating Bias Attributable to Measurement Error and Misclassification. Spiegelman D American journal of public health 27509282 Am J Public Health 2016 Sep
Inverse probability weighted estimation of risk under representative interventions in observational studies. Young JG, Logan RW, Robins JM, Hernán MA Journal of the American Statistical Association 31564760 J Am Stat Assoc 2019
Association of the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief's Funding With Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya. Barnhart DA, Tsikhutsu I, Kirui D, Sawe F, Muli J, Sugut W, Abboud N, Birx D, Hamm T, Coakley P, Hickey PW, Wolfman V, Lee E, Spiegelman D JAMA network open 31517966 JAMA Netw Open 2019 Sep 4
Assessing the quality of tuberculosis care using routine surveillance data: a process evaluation employing the Zero TB Indicator Framework in Mongolia. Saranjav A, Parisi C, Zhou X, Dorjnamjil K, Samdan T, Erdenebaatar S, Chuluun A, Dalkh T, Ganbaatar G, Brooks MB, Spiegelman D, Ganmaa D, Davis JL BMJ open 35973702 BMJ Open 2022 Aug 16
Facilitators and barriers to healthy eating in a worksite cafeteria: a qualitative study. Stern D, Blanco I, Olmos LA, Valdivia JJ, Shrestha A, Mattei J, Spiegelman D BMC public health 34022846 BMC Public Health 2021 May 22
Service readiness of health facilities in Bangladesh, Haiti, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nepal, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. Leslie HH, Spiegelman D, Zhou X, Kruk ME Bulletin of the World Health Organization 29147054 Bull World Health Organ 2017 Nov 1
There is no impact of exposure measurement error on latency estimation in linear models. Peskoe SB, Spiegelman D, Wang M Statistics in medicine 30515870 Stat Med 2019 Mar 30
Interpretation of the Individual Effect Under Treatment Spillover. Crawford FW, Morozova O, Buchanan AL, Spiegelman D American journal of epidemiology 31094425 Am J Epidemiol 2019 Aug 1
Overall, Direct, Spillover, and Composite Effects of Components of a Peer-Driven Intervention Package on Injection Risk Behavior Among People Who Inject Drugs in the HPTN 037 Study. Hernández-Ramírez RU, Spiegelman D, Lok JJ, Forastiere L, Friedman SR, Latkin CA, Vermund SH, Buchanan AL AIDS and behavior 37932493 AIDS Behav 2024 Jan
Assessing Direct and Spillover Effects of Intervention Packages in Network-Randomized Studies. Buchanan AL, Hernández-Ramírez RU, Lok JJ, Vermund SH, Friedman SR, Forastiere L, Spiegelman D medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38352598 medRxiv 2024 Feb 1
Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Mortality. Lee C, Kushi LH, Reed ME, Eldridge EH, Lee JK, Zhang J, Spiegelman D American journal of preventive medicine 34763959 Am J Prev Med 2022 Mar
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 2. Stepping Up to Routine Public Health Evaluation With the Stepped Wedge Design. Spiegelman D American journal of public health 26885961 Am J Public Health 2016 Mar
On the Analysis of Case-Control Studies in Cluster-correlated Data Settings. Haneuse S, Rivera-Rodriguez C Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 29068840 Epidemiology 2018 Jan
Augmented pseudo-likelihood estimation for two-phase studies. Rivera-Rodriguez C, Haneuse S, Wang M, Spiegelman D Statistical methods in medical research 30834815 Stat Methods Med Res 2020 Feb
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 5. Causal Inference in Public Health Research-Do Sex, Race, and Biological Factors Cause Health Outcomes? Glymour MM, Spiegelman D American journal of public health 27854526 Am J Public Health 2017 Jan
Comparison of HPV-16 and HPV-18 Genotyping and Cytological Testing as Triage Testing Within Human Papillomavirus-Based Screening in Mexico. Torres-Ibarra L, Cuzick J, Lorincz AT, Spiegelman D, Lazcano-Ponce E, Franco EL, Moscicki AB, Mahmud SM, Wheeler CM, Rivera-Paredez B, Hernández-López R, León-Maldonado L, Salmerón J, FRIDA Study Group. JAMA network open 31747033 JAMA Netw Open 2019 Nov 1
Partial Identification of the Average Treatment Effect Using Instrumental Variables: Review of Methods for Binary Instruments, Treatments, and Outcomes. Swanson SA, Hernán MA, Miller M, Robins JM, Richardson TS Journal of the American Statistical Association 31537952 J Am Stat Assoc 2018
A maximum likelihood approach to power calculations for stepped wedge designs of binary outcomes. Zhou X, Liao X, Kunz LM, Normand ST, Wang M, Spiegelman D Biostatistics (Oxford, England) 30084949 Biostatistics 2020 Jan 1
The Association of Cooking Fuel Use, Dietary Intake, and Blood Pressure among Rural Women in China. Bellows AL, Spiegelman D, Du S, Jaacks LM International journal of environmental research and public health 32751678 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 Jul 30
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 1. Examples, Definitions, and a Personal Note. Spiegelman D American journal of public health 26562122 Am J Public Health 2016 Jan
A note on "Design and analysis of stepped wedge cluster randomized trials". Liao X, Zhou X, Spiegelman D Contemporary clinical trials 26394003 Contemp Clin Trials 2015 Nov
Facilitators and barriers to healthy eating in a worksite cafeteria: a qualitative study from Nepal. Shrestha A, Pyakurel P, Shrestha A, Gautam R, Manandhar N, Rhodes E, Tamrakar D, Karmacharya BM, Malik V, Mattei J, Spiegelman D Heart Asia 29225703 Heart Asia 2017
Coaching Intensity, Adherence to Essential Birth Practices, and Health Outcomes in the BetterBirth Trial in Uttar Pradesh, India. Barnhart DA, Spiegelman D, Zigler CM, Kara N, Delaney MM, Kalita T, Maji P, Hirschhorn LR, Semrau KEA Global health, science and practice 32127359 Glob Health Sci Pract 2020 Mar 30
Estimating the natural indirect effect and the mediation proportion via the product method. Cheng C, Spiegelman D, Li F BMC medical research methodology 34800985 BMC Med Res Methodol 2021 Nov 20
swdpwr: A SAS macro and an R package for power calculations in stepped wedge cluster randomized trials. Chen J, Zhou X, Li F, Spiegelman D Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 34818620 Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2022 Jan
Mediation analysis in the presence of continuous exposure measurement error. Cheng C, Spiegelman D, Li F Statistics in medicine 36869626 Stat Med 2023 May 20
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 7. Let the Subject Matter Choose the Effect Measure: Ratio, Difference, or Something Else Entirely. Spiegelman D, Khudyakov P, Wang M, Vanderweele TJ American journal of public health 29161073 Am J Public Health 2018 Jan
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 6. Modeling Ratios or Differences? Let the Data Tell Us. Spiegelman D, VanderWeele TJ American journal of public health 28590865 Am J Public Health 2017 Jul
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 3. The Two-Stage Design for Confounding Bias Reduction-Having Your Cake and Eating It Two. Spiegelman D, Rivera-Rodriguez CL, Haneuse S American journal of public health 27285260 Am J Public Health 2016 Jul
Access of choice-disabled young women in Botswana to government structural support programmes: a cross-sectional study. Cockcroft A, Marokoane N, Kgakole L, Tswetla N, Andersson N AIDS care 29848044 AIDS Care 2018 Jun
Survival analysis with functions of mismeasured covariate histories: the case of chronic air pollution exposure in relation to mortality in the nurses' health study. Liao X, Zhou X, Wang M, Hart JE, Laden F, Spiegelman D Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statistics 29430064 J R Stat Soc Ser C Appl Stat 2018 Feb
Exposure misclassification in propensity score-based time-to-event data analysis. Yang Y, Wang M Statistical methods in medical research 33826453 Stat Methods Med Res 2021 May
Structural, interpersonal, psychosocial, and behavioral risk factors for HIV acquisition among female bar workers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Barnhart DA, Harling G, Muya A, Ortblad KF, Mashasi I, Dambach P, Ulenga N, Mboggo E, Oldenburg CE, Bärnighausen TW, Spiegelman D AIDS care 31079476 AIDS Care 2019 Sep
Multiple robust estimation of marginal structural mean models for unconstrained outcomes. Babino L, Rotnitzky A, Robins J Biometrics 30004573 Biometrics 2019 Mar
On the analysis of two-phase designs in cluster-correlated data settings. Rivera-Rodriguez C, Spiegelman D, Haneuse S Statistics in medicine 31359448 Stat Med 2019 Oct 15
Drivers of healthy eating in a workplace in Nepal: a qualitative study. Tamrakar D, Shrestha A, Rai A, Karmacharya BM, Malik V, Mattei J, Spiegelman D BMJ open 32102804 BMJ Open 2020 Feb 25
The fidelity of implementation of recommended care for children with malaria by community health workers in Nigeria. Adeoti O, Spiegelman D, Afonne C, Falade CO, Jegede AS, Oshiname FO, Gomes M, Ajayi IO Implementation science : IS 32131852 Implement Sci 2020 Mar 4
How are qualitative methods used in implementation science research? A scoping review protocol. Hagaman A, Rhodes EC, Nyhan K, Katague M, Schwartz A, Spiegelman D JBI evidence synthesis 33323772 JBI Evid Synth 2021 Jun
Worksite intervention study to prevent diabetes in Nepal: a randomised trial protocol. Pyakurel P, Shrestha A, Karmacharya BM, Budhathoki SS, Chaudhari RK, Tamrakar D, Shrestha A, Karmacharya RM, Shrestha A, Sharma S, Sharma SK, Spiegelman D Open heart 32847993 Open Heart 2020 Aug
Optimizing the development and evaluation of complex interventions: lessons learned from the BetterBirth Program and associated trial. Barnhart DA, Semrau KEA, Zigler CM, Molina RL, Delaney MM, Hirschhorn LR, Spiegelman D Implementation science communications 32885188 Implement Sci Commun 2020
Nepal Pioneer Worksite Intervention Study to lower cardio-metabolic risk factors: design and protocol. Shrestha A, Tamrakar D, Karmacharya BM, Shrestha A, Shrestha R, Bhatta RD, Pyakurel P, Khudyakov P, Malik V, Mattei J, Spiegelman D BMC cardiovascular disorders 30819098 BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2019 Feb 28
Spiegelman and Zhou Respond. Spiegelman D, Zhou X American journal of public health 30726133 Am J Public Health 2019 Mar
Intra-Cluster Correlation Estimates for HIV-related Outcomes from Care and Treatment Clinics in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Barnhart D, Hertzmark E, Liu E, Mungure E, Muya AN, Sando D, Chalamilla G, Ulenga N, Bärnighausen T, Fawzi W, Spiegelman D Contemporary clinical trials communications 27766318 Contemp Clin Trials Commun 2016 Dec 15
Diet and Health - What Should We Eat ? Shrestha A, Spiegelman D Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ) 30353891 Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ) 2017 Jul-Sept.
Health system measurement: Harnessing machine learning to advance global health. Leslie HH, Zhou X, Spiegelman D, Kruk ME PloS one 30289935 PLoS One 2018
The effect of risk factor misclassification on the partial population attributable risk. Wong BHW, Peskoe SB, Spiegelman D Statistics in medicine 29333614 Stat Med 2018 Apr 15
Evaluating Public Health Interventions: 8. Causal Inference for Time-Invariant Interventions. Spiegelman D, Zhou X American journal of public health 30024804 Am J Public Health 2018 Sep
Assessing Individual and Disseminated Effects in Network-Randomized Studies. Buchanan AL, Vermund SH, Friedman SR, Spiegelman D American journal of epidemiology 30052722 Am J Epidemiol 2018 Nov 1
Dietary interventions to prevent and manage diabetes in worksite settings: a meta-analysis. Shrestha A, Karmacharya BM, Khudyakov P, Weber MB, Spiegelman D Journal of occupational health 29187673 J Occup Health 2018 Jan 25
"Cross-sectional" stepped wedge designs always reduce the required sample size when there is no time effect. Zhou X, Liao X, Spiegelman D Journal of clinical epidemiology 28093263 J Clin Epidemiol 2017 Mar
Prevalence estimation when disease status is verified only among test positives: Applications in HIV screening programs. G Thomas E, B Peskoe S, Spiegelman D Statistics in medicine 29230839 Stat Med 2018 Mar 30
Estimation and Inference for the Mediation Proportion. Nevo D, Liao X, Spiegelman D The international journal of biostatistics 28930628 Int J Biostat 2017 Sep 20
ANALYSIS OF "LEARN-AS-YOU-GO" (LAGO) STUDIES. Nevo D, Lok JJ, Spiegelman D Annals of statistics 35510045 Ann Stat 2021 Apr
Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Colorectal Cancer Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Xu MR, Kelly AMB, Kushi LH, Reed ME, Koh HK, Spiegelman D American journal of preventive medicine 32008799 Am J Prev Med 2020 Apr
Estimation in the Cox survival regression model with covariate measurement error and a changepoint. Agami S, Zucker DM, Spiegelman D Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift 32003495 Biom J 2020 Sep
Assessing Direct and Spillover Effects of Intervention Packages in Network-randomized Studies. Buchanan AL, Hernández-Ramírez RU, Lok JJ, Vermund SH, Friedman SR, Forastiere L, Spiegelman D Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 38709023 Epidemiology 2024 Jul 1
Deficient spermiogenesis in mice lacking Rlim. Wang F, Gervasi MG, Bošković A, Sun F, Rinaldi VD, Yu J, Wallingford MC, Tourzani DA, Mager J, Zhu LJ, Rando OJ, Visconti PE, Strittmatter L, Bach I eLife 33620316 Elife 2021 Feb 23
Transcriptome-wide Analysis of Roles for tRNA Modifications in Translational Regulation. Chou HJ, Donnard E, Gustafsson HT, Garber M, Rando OJ Molecular cell 29198561 Mol Cell 2017 Dec 7
Regulation of X-linked gene expression during early mouse development by Rlim. Wang F, Shin J, Shea JM, Yu J, Bošković A, Byron M, Zhu X, Shalek AK, Regev A, Lawrence JB, Torres EM, Zhu LJ, Rando OJ, Bach I eLife 27642011 Elife 2016 Sep 19
Biogenesis and function of tRNA fragments during sperm maturation and fertilization in mammals. Sharma U, Conine CC, Shea JM, Boskovic A, Derr AG, Bing XY, Belleannee C, Kucukural A, Serra RW, Sun F, Song L, Carone BR, Ricci EP, Li XZ, Fauquier L, Moore MJ, Sullivan R, Mello CC, Garber M, Rando OJ Science (New York, N.Y.) 26721685 Science 2016 Jan 22
Genetic and Epigenetic Variation, but Not Diet, Shape the Sperm Methylome. Shea JM, Serra RW, Carone BR, Shulha HP, Kucukural A, Ziller MJ, Vallaster MP, Gu H, Tapper AR, Gardner PD, Meissner A, Garber M, Rando OJ Developmental cell 26702833 Dev Cell 2015 Dec 21
Small RNAs Are Trafficked from the Epididymis to Developing Mammalian Sperm. Sharma U, Sun F, Conine CC, Reichholf B, Kukreja S, Herzog VA, Ameres SL, Rando OJ Developmental cell 30057273 Dev Cell 2018 Aug 20
Small RNAs Gained during Epididymal Transit of Sperm Are Essential for Embryonic Development in Mice. Conine CC, Sun F, Song L, Rivera-Pérez JA, Rando OJ Developmental cell 30057276 Dev Cell 2018 Aug 20
Father-son chats: inheriting stress through sperm RNA. Sharma U, Rando OJ Cell metabolism 24896534 Cell Metab 2014 Jun 3
I'm eating for two: parental dietary effects on offspring metabolism. Rando OJ, Simmons RA Cell 25815988 Cell 2015 Mar 26
Rlim-Dependent and -Independent Pathways for X Chromosome Inactivation in Female ESCs. Wang F, McCannell KN, Bošković A, Zhu X, Shin J, Yu J, Gallant J, Byron M, Lawrence JB, Zhu LJ, Jones SN, Rando OJ, Fazzio TG, Bach I Cell reports 29281819 Cell Rep 2017 Dec 26
Zylka et al. reply. Zylka MJ, Philpot BD, King IF Nature 25100485 Nature 2014 Aug 7
A deep neural network to assess spontaneous pain from mouse facial expressions. Tuttle AH, Molinaro MJ, Jethwa JF, Sotocinal SG, Prieto JC, Styner MA, Mogil JS, Zylka MJ Molecular pain 29546805 Mol Pain 2018 Jan-Dec
The autism-linked UBE3A T485A mutant E3 ubiquitin ligase activates the Wnt/β-catenin pathway by inhibiting the proteasome. Yi JJ, Paranjape SR, Walker MP, Choudhury R, Wolter JM, Fragola G, Emanuele MJ, Major MB, Zylka MJ The Journal of biological chemistry 28559284 J Biol Chem 2017 Jul 28
High-throughput screening and classification of chemicals and their effects on neuronal gene expression using RASL-seq. Simon JM, Paranjape SR, Wolter JM, Salazar G, Zylka MJ Scientific reports 30872602 Sci Rep 2019 Mar 14
The Troubled Touch of Autism. Tuttle AH, Bartsch VB, Zylka MJ Cell 27419865 Cell 2016 Jul 14
An Autism-Linked Mutation Disables Phosphorylation Control of UBE3A. Yi JJ, Berrios J, Newbern JM, Snider WD, Philpot BD, Hahn KM, Zylka MJ Cell 26255772 Cell 2015 Aug 13
Choice of vehicle affects pyraclostrobin toxicity in mice. Tuttle AH, Salazar G, Cooper EM, Stapleton HM, Zylka MJ Chemosphere 30497033 Chemosphere 2019 Mar
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of mouse neocortical development. Loo L, Simon JM, Xing L, McCoy ES, Niehaus JK, Guo J, Anton ES, Zylka MJ Nature communications 30635555 Nat Commun 2019 Jan 11
Gene length matters in neurons. Zylka MJ, Simon JM, Philpot BD Neuron 25905808 Neuron 2015 Apr 22
Identification of chemicals that mimic transcriptional changes associated with autism, brain aging and neurodegeneration. Pearson BL, Simon JM, McCoy ES, Salazar G, Fragola G, Zylka MJ Nature communications 27029645 Nat Commun 2016 Mar 31
Topoisomerase 1 inhibition reversibly impairs synaptic function. Mabb AM, Kullmann PH, Twomey MA, Miriyala J, Philpot BD, Zylka MJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25404338 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Dec 2
Toward a conceptual framework for early brain and behavior development in autism. Piven J, Elison JT, Zylka MJ Molecular psychiatry 28937691 Mol Psychiatry 2017 Oct
Chd8 haploinsufficiency impairs early brain development and protein homeostasis later in life. Jiménez JA, Ptacek TS, Tuttle AH, Schmid RS, Moy SS, Simon JM, Zylka MJ Molecular autism 33023670 Mol Autism 2020 Oct 5
lncRNA-Induced Spread of Polycomb Controlled by Genome Architecture, RNA Abundance, and CpG Island DNA. Schertzer MD, Braceros KCA, Starmer J, Cherney RE, Lee DM, Salazar G, Justice M, Bischoff SR, Cowley DO, Ariel P, Zylka MJ, Dowen JM, Magnuson T, Calabrese JM Molecular cell 31256989 Mol Cell 2019 Aug 8
Topoisomerase 1 Regulates Gene Expression in Neurons through Cleavage Complex-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms. Mabb AM, Simon JM, King IF, Lee HM, An LK, Philpot BD, Zylka MJ PloS one 27231886 PLoS One 2016
Maternal Ube3a Loss Disrupts Sleep Homeostasis But Leaves Circadian Rhythmicity Largely Intact. Ehlen JC, Jones KA, Pinckney L, Gray CL, Burette S, Weinberg RJ, Evans JA, Brager AJ, Zylka MJ, Paul KN, Philpot BD, DeBruyne JP The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 26446213 J Neurosci 2015 Oct 7
Enhanced Nociception in Angelman Syndrome Model Mice. McCoy ES, Taylor-Blake B, Aita M, Simon JM, Philpot BD, Zylka MJ The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 28931574 J Neurosci 2017 Oct 18
Deletion of Topoisomerase 1 in excitatory neurons causes genomic instability and early onset neurodegeneration. Fragola G, Mabb AM, Taylor-Blake B, Niehaus JK, Chronister WD, Mao H, Simon JM, Yuan H, Li Z, McConnell MJ, Zylka MJ Nature communications 32327659 Nat Commun 2020 Apr 23
Mouse-human experimental epigenetic analysis unmasks dietary targets and genetic liability for diabetic phenotypes. Multhaup ML, Seldin MM, Jaffe AE, Lei X, Kirchner H, Mondal P, Li Y, Rodriguez V, Drong A, Hussain M, Lindgren C, McCarthy M, Näslund E, Zierath JR, Wong GW, Feinberg AP Cell metabolism 25565211 Cell Metab 2015 Jan 6
Determinants of Adiposity Rebound Timing in Children. Ip EH, Marshall SA, Saldana S, Skelton JA, Suerken CK, Arcury TA, Quandt SA The Journal of pediatrics 28242030 J Pediatr 2017 May
DNA methylation as a mediator of HLA-DRB1*15:01 and a protective variant in multiple sclerosis. Kular L, Liu Y, Ruhrmann S, Zheleznyakova G, Marabita F, Gomez-Cabrero D, James T, Ewing E, Lindén M, Górnikiewicz B, Aeinehband S, Stridh P, Link J, Andlauer TFM, Gasperi C, Wiendl H, Zipp F, Gold R, Tackenberg B, Weber F, Hemmer B, Strauch K, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Rawal R, Schminke U, Schmidt CO, Kacprowski T, Franke A, Laudes M, Dilthey AT, Celius EG, Søndergaard HB, Tegnér J, Harbo HF, Oturai AB, Olafsson S, Eggertsson HP, Halldorsson BV, Hjaltason H, Olafsson E, Jonsdottir I, Stefansson K, Olsson T, Piehl F, Ekström TJ, Kockum I, Feinberg AP, Jagodic M Nature communications 29921915 Nat Commun 2018 Jun 19
Potential energy landscapes identify the information-theoretic nature of the epigenome. Jenkinson G, Pujadas E, Goutsias J, Feinberg AP Nature genetics 28346445 Nat Genet 2017 May
Improving Metabolic Health Through Precision Dietetics in Mice. Barrington WT, Wulfridge P, Wells AE, Rojas CM, Howe SYF, Perry A, Hua K, Pellizzon MA, Hansen KD, Voy BH, Bennett BJ, Pomp D, Feinberg AP, Threadgill DW Genetics 29158425 Genetics 2018 Jan
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The dawn of virtual cell biology. Freddolino PL, Tavazoie S Cell 22817888 Cell 2012 Jul 20
Bacterial adaptation through loss of function. Hottes AK, Freddolino PL, Khare A, Donnell ZN, Liu JC, Tavazoie S PLoS genetics 23874220 PLoS Genet 2013
Stochastic tuning of gene expression enables cellular adaptation in the absence of pre-existing regulatory circuitry. Freddolino L, Yang J, Momen-Roknabadi A, Tavazoie S eLife 29620524 Elife 2018 Apr 5
Principles of Systems Biology, No. 29. Cell systems 29792823 Cell Syst 2018 May 23
Genetically Determined Later Puberty Impacts Lowered Bone Mineral Density in Childhood and Adulthood. Cousminer DL, Mitchell JA, Chesi A, Roy SM, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, McCormack SE, Voight BF, Zemel BS, Grant SF Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 29068475 J Bone Miner Res 2018 Mar
Higher frequency of genetic variants conferring increased risk for ADRs for commonly used drugs treating cancer, AIDS and tuberculosis in persons of African descent. Aminkeng F, Ross CJ, Rassekh SR, Brunham LR, Sistonen J, Dube MP, Ibrahim M, Nyambo TB, Omar SA, Froment A, Bodo JM, Tishkoff S, Carleton BC, Hayden MR, Canadian Pharmacogenomics Network for Drug Safety Consortium The pharmacogenomics journal 23588107 Pharmacogenomics J 2014 Apr
Going global by adapting local: A review of recent human adaptation. Fan S, Hansen ME, Lo Y, Tishkoff SA Science (New York, N.Y.) 27846491 Science 2016 Oct 7
Shorter telomere length in Europeans than in Africans due to polygenetic adaptation. Hansen ME, Hunt SC, Stone RC, Horvath K, Herbig U, Ranciaro A, Hirbo J, Beggs W, Reiner AP, Wilson JG, Kimura M, De Vivo I, Chen MM, Kark JD, Levy D, Nyambo T, Tishkoff SA, Aviv A Human molecular genetics 26936823 Hum Mol Genet 2016 Jun 1
Regulation of amyloid-β dynamics and pathology by the circadian clock. Kress GJ, Liao F, Dimitry J, Cedeno MR, FitzGerald GA, Holtzman DM, Musiek ES The Journal of experimental medicine 29382695 J Exp Med 2018 Apr 2
Genetic origins of lactase persistence and the spread of pastoralism in Africa. Ranciaro A, Campbell MC, Hirbo JB, Ko WY, Froment A, Anagnostou P, Kotze MJ, Ibrahim M, Nyambo T, Omar SA, Tishkoff SA American journal of human genetics 24630847 Am J Hum Genet 2014 Apr 3
Great ape genetic diversity and population history. Prado-Martinez J, Sudmant PH, Kidd JM, Li H, Kelley JL, Lorente-Galdos B, Veeramah KR, Woerner AE, O'Connor TD, Santpere G, Cagan A, Theunert C, Casals F, Laayouni H, Munch K, Hobolth A, Halager AE, Malig M, Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Hernando-Herraez I, Prüfer K, Pybus M, Johnstone L, Lachmann M, Alkan C, Twigg D, Petit N, Baker C, Hormozdiari F, Fernandez-Callejo M, Dabad M, Wilson ML, Stevison L, Camprubí C, Carvalho T, Ruiz-Herrera A, Vives L, Mele M, Abello T, Kondova I, Bontrop RE, Pusey A, Lankester F, Kiyang JA, Bergl RA, Lonsdorf E, Myers S, Ventura M, Gagneux P, Comas D, Siegismund H, Blanc J, Agueda-Calpena L, Gut M, Fulton L, Tishkoff SA, Mullikin JC, Wilson RK, Gut IG, Gonder MK, Ryder OA, Hahn BH, Navarro A, Akey JM, Bertranpetit J, Reich D, Mailund T, Schierup MH, Hvilsom C, Andrés AM, Wall JD, Bustamante CD, Hammer MF, Eichler EE, Marques-Bonet T Nature 23823723 Nature 2013 Jul 25
Origin and differential selection of allelic variation at TAS2R16 associated with salicin bitter taste sensitivity in Africa. Campbell MC, Ranciaro A, Zinshteyn D, Rawlings-Goss R, Hirbo J, Thompson S, Woldemeskel D, Froment A, Rucker JB, Omar SA, Bodo JM, Nyambo T, Belay G, Drayna D, Breslin PA, Tishkoff SA Molecular biology and evolution 24177185 Mol Biol Evol 2014 Feb
Specific inactivation of two immunomodulatory SIGLEC genes during human evolution. Wang X, Mitra N, Secundino I, Banda K, Cruz P, Padler-Karavani V, Verhagen A, Reid C, Lari M, Rizzi E, Balsamo C, Corti G, De Bellis G, Longo L, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Beggs W, Caramelli D, Tishkoff SA, Hayakawa T, Green ED, Mullikin JC, Nizet V, Bui J, Varki A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 22665810 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Jun 19
Genome-wide patterns of population structure and admixture in West Africans and African Americans. Bryc K, Auton A, Nelson MR, Oksenberg JR, Hauser SL, Williams S, Froment A, Bodo JM, Wambebe C, Tishkoff SA, Bustamante CD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20080753 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 Jan 12
Genomic evidence for shared common ancestry of East African hunting-gathering populations and insights into local adaptation. Scheinfeldt LB, Soi S, Lambert C, Ko WY, Coulibaly A, Ranciaro A, Thompson S, Hirbo J, Beggs W, Ibrahim M, Nyambo T, Omar S, Woldemeskel D, Belay G, Froment A, Kim J, Tishkoff SA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 30782801 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019 Mar 5
The Sustained Impact of Model Organisms-in Genetics and Epigenetics. Bonini NM, Berger SL Genetics 28049700 Genetics 2017 Jan
The Simons Genome Diversity Project: 300 genomes from 142 diverse populations. Mallick S, Li H, Lipson M, Mathieson I, Gymrek M, Racimo F, Zhao M, Chennagiri N, Nordenfelt S, Tandon A, Skoglund P, Lazaridis I, Sankararaman S, Fu Q, Rohland N, Renaud G, Erlich Y, Willems T, Gallo C, Spence JP, Song YS, Poletti G, Balloux F, van Driem G, de Knijff P, Romero IG, Jha AR, Behar DM, Bravi CM, Capelli C, Hervig T, Moreno-Estrada A, Posukh OL, Balanovska E, Balanovsky O, Karachanak-Yankova S, Sahakyan H, Toncheva D, Yepiskoposyan L, Tyler-Smith C, Xue Y, Abdullah MS, Ruiz-Linares A, Beall CM, Di Rienzo A, Jeong C, Starikovskaya EB, Metspalu E, Parik J, Villems R, Henn BM, Hodoglugil U, Mahley R, Sajantila A, Stamatoyannopoulos G, Wee JT, Khusainova R, Khusnutdinova E, Litvinov S, Ayodo G, Comas D, Hammer MF, Kivisild T, Klitz W, Winkler CA, Labuda D, Bamshad M, Jorde LB, Tishkoff SA, Watkins WS, Metspalu M, Dryomov S, Sukernik R, Singh L, Thangaraj K, Pääbo S, Kelso J, Patterson N, Reich D Nature 27654912 Nature 2016 Oct 13
Model-based analyses of whole-genome data reveal a complex evolutionary history involving archaic introgression in Central African Pygmies. Hsieh P, Woerner AE, Wall JD, Lachance J, Tishkoff SA, Gutenkunst RN, Hammer MF Genome research 26888264 Genome Res 2016 Mar
Population structure of human gut bacteria in a diverse cohort from rural Tanzania and Botswana. Hansen MEB, Rubel MA, Bailey AG, Ranciaro A, Thompson SR, Campbell MC, Beggs W, Dave JR, Mokone GG, Mpoloka SW, Nyambo T, Abnet C, Chanock SJ, Bushman FD, Tishkoff SA Genome biology 30665461 Genome Biol 2019 Jan 22
The genetic prehistory of southern Africa. Pickrell JK, Patterson N, Barbieri C, Berthold F, Gerlach L, Güldemann T, Kure B, Mpoloka SW, Nakagawa H, Naumann C, Lipson M, Loh PR, Lachance J, Mountain J, Bustamante CD, Berger B, Tishkoff SA, Henn BM, Stoneking M, Reich D, Pakendorf B Nature communications 23072811 Nat Commun 2012
Apparent variation in Neanderthal admixture among African populations is consistent with gene flow from Non-African populations. Wang S, Lachance J, Tishkoff SA, Hey J, Xing J Genome biology and evolution 24162011 Genome Biol Evol 2013
SNP ascertainment bias in population genetic analyses: why it is important, and how to correct it. Lachance J, Tishkoff SA BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology 23836388 Bioessays 2013 Sep
Whole-genome sequence analyses of Western Central African Pygmy hunter-gatherers reveal a complex demographic history and identify candidate genes under positive natural selection. Hsieh P, Veeramah KR, Lachance J, Tishkoff SA, Wall JD, Hammer MF, Gutenkunst RN Genome research 26888263 Genome Res 2016 Mar
Sequence diversity of Pan troglodytes subspecies and the impact of WFDC6 selective constraints in reproductive immunity. Ferreira Z, Hurle B, Andrés AM, Kretzschmar WW, Mullikin JC, Cherukuri PF, Cruz P, Gonder MK, Stone AC, Tishkoff S, Swanson WJ, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Green ED, Clark AG, Seixas S Genome biology and evolution 24356879 Genome Biol Evol 2013
Population Genomics of Human Adaptation. Lachance J, Tishkoff SA Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 25383060 Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst 2013 Nov
Global diversity, population stratification, and selection of human copy-number variation. Sudmant PH, Mallick S, Nelson BJ, Hormozdiari F, Krumm N, Huddleston J, Coe BP, Baker C, Nordenfelt S, Bamshad M, Jorde LB, Posukh OL, Sahakyan H, Watkins WS, Yepiskoposyan L, Abdullah MS, Bravi CM, Capelli C, Hervig T, Wee JT, Tyler-Smith C, van Driem G, Romero IG, Jha AR, Karachanak-Yankova S, Toncheva D, Comas D, Henn B, Kivisild T, Ruiz-Linares A, Sajantila A, Metspalu E, Parik J, Villems R, Starikovskaya EB, Ayodo G, Beall CM, Di Rienzo A, Hammer MF, Khusainova R, Khusnutdinova E, Klitz W, Winkler C, Labuda D, Metspalu M, Tishkoff SA, Dryomov S, Sukernik R, Patterson N, Reich D, Eichler EE Science (New York, N.Y.) 26249230 Science 2015 Sep 11
Genetic adaptation to high altitude in the Ethiopian highlands. Scheinfeldt LB, Soi S, Thompson S, Ranciaro A, Woldemeskel D, Beggs W, Lambert C, Jarvis JP, Abate D, Belay G, Tishkoff SA Genome biology 22264333 Genome Biol 2012 Jan 20
Evolutionary history and adaptation from high-coverage whole-genome sequences of diverse African hunter-gatherers. Lachance J, Vernot B, Elbers CC, Ferwerda B, Froment A, Bodo JM, Lema G, Fu W, Nyambo TB, Rebbeck TR, Zhang K, Akey JM, Tishkoff SA Cell 22840920 Cell 2012 Aug 3
Structural diversity and African origin of the 17q21.31 inversion polymorphism. Steinberg KM, Antonacci F, Sudmant PH, Kidd JM, Campbell CD, Vives L, Malig M, Scheinfeldt L, Beggs W, Ibrahim M, Lema G, Nyambo TB, Omar SA, Bodo JM, Froment A, Donnelly MP, Kidd KK, Tishkoff SA, Eichler EE Nature genetics 22751100 Nat Genet 2012 Jul 1
Identifying Darwinian selection acting on different human APOL1 variants among diverse African populations. Ko WY, Rajan P, Gomez F, Scheinfeldt L, An P, Winkler CA, Froment A, Nyambo TB, Omar SA, Wambebe C, Ranciaro A, Hirbo JB, Tishkoff SA American journal of human genetics 23768513 Am J Hum Genet 2013 Jul 11
Biased gene conversion skews allele frequencies in human populations, increasing the disease burden of recessive alleles. Lachance J, Tishkoff SA American journal of human genetics 25279983 Am J Hum Genet 2014 Oct 2
Extraction and Analysis of Pan-metabolome Polar Metabolites by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). Malik DM, Rhoades S, Weljie A Bio-protocol 29623284 Bio Protoc 2018 Feb 5
Genetic Hitchhiking and Population Bottlenecks Contribute to Prostate Cancer Disparities in Men of African Descent. Lachance J, Berens AJ, Hansen MEB, Teng AK, Tishkoff SA, Rebbeck TR Cancer research 29438991 Cancer Res 2018 May 1
The peopling of the African continent and the diaspora into the new world. Campbell MC, Hirbo JB, Townsend JP, Tishkoff SA Current opinion in genetics & development 25461616 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2014 Dec
Limited evidence for adaptive evolution and functional effect of allelic variation at rs702424 in the promoter of the TAS2R16 bitter taste receptor gene in Africa. Campbell MC, Ranciaro A, Zinshteyn D, Rawlings-Goss R, Hirbo J, Thompson S, Woldemeskel D, Froment A, Omar SA, Bodo JM, Nyambo T, Belay G, Drayna D, Breslin PA, Tishkoff SA Journal of human genetics 24785689 J Hum Genet 2014 Jun
A Locus at 5q33.3 Confers Resistance to Tuberculosis in Highly Susceptible Individuals. Sobota RS, Stein CM, Kodaman N, Scheinfeldt LB, Maro I, Wieland-Alter W, Igo RP Jr, Magohe A, Malone LL, Chervenak K, Hall NB, Modongo C, Zetola N, Matee M, Joloba M, Froment A, Nyambo TB, Moore JH, Scott WK, Lahey T, Boom WH, von Reyn CF, Tishkoff SA, Sirugo G, Williams SM American journal of human genetics 26942285 Am J Hum Genet 2016 Mar 3
Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia. Pagani L, Lawson DJ, Jagoda E, Mörseburg A, Eriksson A, Mitt M, Clemente F, Hudjashov G, DeGiorgio M, Saag L, Wall JD, Cardona A, Mägi R, Wilson Sayres MA, Kaewert S, Inchley C, Scheib CL, Järve M, Karmin M, Jacobs GS, Antao T, Iliescu FM, Kushniarevich A, Ayub Q, Tyler-Smith C, Xue Y, Yunusbayev B, Tambets K, Mallick CB, Saag L, Pocheshkhova E, Andriadze G, Muller C, Westaway MC, Lambert DM, Zoraqi G, Turdikulova S, Dalimova D, Sabitov Z, Sultana GNN, Lachance J, Tishkoff S, Momynaliev K, Isakova J, Damba LD, Gubina M, Nymadawa P, Evseeva I, Atramentova L, Utevska O, Ricaut FX, Brucato N, Sudoyo H, Letellier T, Cox MP, Barashkov NA, Skaro V, Mulahasanovic L, Primorac D, Sahakyan H, Mormina M, Eichstaedt CA, Lichman DV, Abdullah S, Chaubey G, Wee JTS, Mihailov E, Karunas A, Litvinov S, Khusainova R, Ekomasova N, Akhmetova V, Khidiyatova I, Marjanović D, Yepiskoposyan L, Behar DM, Balanovska E, Metspalu A, Derenko M, Malyarchuk B, Voevoda M, Fedorova SA, Osipova LP, Lahr MM, Gerbault P, Leavesley M, Migliano AB, Petraglia M, Balanovsky O, Khusnutdinova EK, Metspalu E, Thomas MG, Manica A, Nielsen R, Villems R, Willerslev E, Kivisild T, Metspalu M Nature 27654910 Nature 2016 Oct 13
Multiplexed DNA repair assays for multiple lesions and multiple doses via transcription inhibition and transcriptional mutagenesis. Nagel ZD, Margulies CM, Chaim IA, McRee SK, Mazzucato P, Ahmad A, Abo RP, Butty VL, Forget AL, Samson LD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24757057 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 May 6
Fluorogenic Real-Time Reporters of DNA Repair by MGMT, a Clinical Predictor of Antitumor Drug Response. Beharry AA, Nagel ZD, Samson LD, Kool ET PloS one 27035132 PLoS One 2016
Microcolony Size Distribution Assay Enables High-Throughput Cell Survival Quantitation. Ngo LP, Chan TK, Ge J, Samson LD, Engelward BP Cell reports 30726746 Cell Rep 2019 Feb 5
DNA Repair Capacity in Multiple Pathways Predicts Chemoresistance in Glioblastoma Multiforme. Nagel ZD, Kitange GJ, Gupta SK, Joughin BA, Chaim IA, Mazzucato P, Lauffenburger DA, Sarkaria JN, Samson LD Cancer research 27793847 Cancer Res 2017 Jan 1
Towards precision prevention: Technologies for identifying healthy individuals with high risk of disease. Nagel ZD, Engelward BP, Brenner DJ, Begley TJ, Sobol RW, Bielas JH, Stambrook PJ, Wei Q, Hu JJ, Terry MB, Dilworth C, McAllister KA, Reinlib L, Worth L, Shaughnessy DT Mutation research 28458064 Mutat Res 2017 Aug
Single-cell analysis of ribonucleotide reductase transcriptional and translational response to DNA damage. Mazumder A, Tummler K, Bathe M, Samson LD Molecular and cellular biology 23184665 Mol Cell Biol 2013 Feb
CometChip analysis of human primary lymphocytes enables quantification of inter-individual differences in the kinetics of repair of oxidative DNA damage. Ngo LP, Kaushal S, Chaim IA, Mazzucato P, Ricciardi C, Samson LD, Nagel ZD, Engelward BP Free radical biology & medicine 34324980 Free Radic Biol Med 2021 Oct
Inter-individual variation in DNA repair capacity: a need for multi-pathway functional assays to promote translational DNA repair research. Nagel ZD, Chaim IA, Samson LD DNA repair 24780560 DNA Repair (Amst) 2014 Jul
In vivo measurements of interindividual differences in DNA glycosylases and APE1 activities. Chaim IA, Nagel ZD, Jordan JJ, Mazzucato P, Ngo LP, Samson LD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29122935 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Nov 28
Minor Changes in Expression of the Mismatch Repair Protein MSH2 Exert a Major Impact on Glioblastoma Response to Temozolomide. McFaline-Figueroa JL, Braun CJ, Stanciu M, Nagel ZD, Mazzucato P, Sangaraju D, Cerniauskas E, Barford K, Vargas A, Chen Y, Tretyakova N, Lees JA, Hemann MT, White FM, Samson LD Cancer research 26025730 Cancer Res 2015 Aug 1
Bioorthogonal Labeling Enables In Situ Fluorescence Imaging of Expressed Gas Vesicle Nanostructures. Schrunk E, Dutka P, Hurt RC, Wu D, Shapiro MG Bioconjugate chemistry 38346316 Bioconjug Chem 2024 Mar 20
Biomolecular actuators for genetically selective acoustic manipulation of cells. Wu D, Baresch D, Cook C, Ma Z, Duan M, Malounda D, Maresca D, Abundo MP, Lee J, Shivaei S, Mittelstein DR, Qiu T, Fischer P, Shapiro MG Science advances 36812320 Sci Adv 2023 Feb 22
A method for single-neuron chronic recording from the retina in awake mice. Hong G, Fu TM, Qiao M, Viveros RD, Yang X, Zhou T, Lee JM, Park HG, Sanes JR, Lieber CM Science (New York, N.Y.) 29954976 Science 2018 Jun 29
Advanced One- and Two-Dimensional Mesh Designs for Injectable Electronics. Viveros RD, Zhou T, Hong G, Fu TM, Lin HG, Lieber CM Nano letters 31075202 Nano Lett 2019 Jun 12
Tissue-like Neural Probes for Understanding and Modulating the Brain. Hong G, Viveros RD, Zwang TJ, Yang X, Lieber CM Biochemistry 29529359 Biochemistry 2018 Jul 10
Mesh Nanoelectronics: Seamless Integration of Electronics with Tissues. Dai X, Hong G, Gao T, Lieber CM Accounts of chemical research 29381054 Acc Chem Res 2018 Feb 20
Bioinspired neuron-like electronics. Yang X, Zhou T, Zwang TJ, Hong G, Zhao Y, Viveros RD, Fu TM, Gao T, Lieber CM Nature materials 30804509 Nat Mater 2019 May
Novel electrode technologies for neural recordings. Hong G, Lieber CM Nature reviews. Neuroscience 30833706 Nat Rev Neurosci 2019 Jun
Syringe-injectable Mesh Electronics for Stable Chronic Rodent Electrophysiology. Schuhmann TG Jr, Zhou T, Hong G, Lee JM, Fu TM, Park HG, Lieber CM Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 30080192 J Vis Exp 2018 Jul 21
Mesh electronics: a new paradigm for tissue-like brain probes. Hong G, Yang X, Zhou T, Lieber CM Current opinion in neurobiology 29202327 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2018 Jun
Precision electronic medicine in the brain. Patel SR, Lieber CM Nature biotechnology 31477925 Nat Biotechnol 2019 Sep
Nanoenabled Direct Contact Interfacing of Syringe-Injectable Mesh Electronics. Lee JM, Hong G, Lin D, Schuhmann TG Jr, Sullivan AT, Viveros RD, Park HG, Lieber CM Nano letters 31361503 Nano Lett 2019 Aug 14
Nanowire-Enabled Bioelectronics. Zhang A, Lee JH, Lieber CM Nano today 36970717 Nano Today 2021 Jun
Nanowired Bioelectric Interfaces. Tian B, Lieber CM Chemical reviews 30995019 Chem Rev 2019 Aug 14
Whispering-gallery-mode emission from biological luminescent protein microcavity assemblies. Humar M, Yun SH Optica 29046889 Optica 2017
Conformal Coating of Freestanding Particles by Vapor-Phase Infiltration. Liapis AC, Subramanian A, Cho S, Kisslinger K, Nam CY, Yun SH Advanced materials interfaces 33708471 Adv Mater Interfaces 2020 Dec 17
Light in diagnosis, therapy and surgery. Yun SH, Kwok SJJ Nature biomedical engineering 28649464 Nat Biomed Eng 2017
Spectral reading of optical resonance-encoded cells in microfluidics. Humar M, Upadhya A, Yun SH Lab on a chip 28686280 Lab Chip 2017 Aug 8
Submicrometer perovskite plasmonic lasers at room temperature. Cho S, Yang Y, Soljačić M, Yun SH Science advances 34433555 Sci Adv 2021 Aug
Non-destructive mapping of stress and strain in soft thin films through sound waves. Li GY, Gower AL, Destrade M, Yun SH Communications physics 37744302 Commun Phys 2022
High-dimensional multi-pass flow cytometry via spectrally encoded cellular barcoding. Kwok SJJ, Forward S, Fahlberg MD, Assita ER, Cosgriff S, Lee SH, Abbott GR, Zhu H, Minasian NH, Vote AS, Martino N, Yun SH Nature biomedical engineering 38036616 Nat Biomed Eng 2024 Mar
Precise photoelectrochemical tuning of semiconductor microdisk lasers. Sarkar D, Dannenberg PH, Martino N, Kim KH, Yun SH Advanced photonics 38993283 Adv Photonics 2023 Sep
Laser Particle Stimulated Emission Microscopy. Cho S, Humar M, Martino N, Yun SH Physical review letters 27858427 Phys Rev Lett 2016 Nov 4
Laser particles with omnidirectional emission for cell tracking. Tang SJ, Dannenberg PH, Liapis AC, Martino N, Zhuo Y, Xiao YF, Yun SH Light, science & applications 33495436 Light Sci Appl 2021 Jan 25
Multiplexed laser particles for spatially resolved single-cell analysis. Kwok SJJ, Martino N, Dannenberg PH, Yun SH Light, science & applications 31645920 Light Sci Appl 2019
Wavelength-encoded laser particles for massively multiplexed cell tagging. Martino N, Kwok SJJ, Liapis AC, Forward S, Jang H, Kim HM, Wu SJ, Wu J, Dannenberg PH, Jang SJ, Lee YH, Yun SH Nature photonics 32231707 Nat Photonics 2019 Oct
Supershear surface waves reveal prestress and anisotropy of soft materials. Li GY, Feng X, Ramier A, Yun SH Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids 37828998 J Mech Phys Solids 2022 Dec
Ultrasmall InGa(As)P Dielectric and Plasmonic Nanolasers. Sarkar D, Cho S, Yan H, Martino N, Dannenberg PH, Yun SH ACS nano 37523588 ACS Nano 2023 Aug 22
Poly(catecholamine) coated CsPbBr(3) perovskite microlasers: lasing in water and biofunctionalization. Cho S, Yun SH Advanced functional materials 34539305 Adv Funct Mater 2021 Jul 2
Biomaterial microlasers implantable in the cornea, skin, and blood. Humar M, Dobravec A, Zhao X, Yun SH Optica 30333986 Optica 2017 Sep 20
Label-free histological imaging of tissues using Brillouin light scattering contrast. Ryu S, Martino N, Kwok SJJ, Bernstein L, Yun SH Biomedical optics express 33796364 Biomed Opt Express 2021 Mar 1
Facile layer-by-layer fabrication of semiconductor microdisk laser particles. Dannenberg PH, Liapis AC, Martino N, Sarkar D, Kim KH, Yun SH APL photonics 38031595 APL Photonics 2023 Feb
Author Correction: Laser particles with omnidirectional emission for cell tracking. Tang SJ, Dannenberg PH, Liapis AC, Martino N, Zhuo Y, Xiao YF, Yun SH Light, science & applications 33637671 Light Sci Appl 2021 Feb 26
Droplet microfluidic generation of a million optical microparticle barcodes. Dannenberg PH, Wang J, Zhuo Y, Cho S, Kim KH, Yun SH Optics express 34808870 Opt Express 2021 Nov 8
Laser particle activated cell sorting in microfluidics. Dannenberg PH, Kang J, Martino N, Kashiparekh A, Forward S, Wu J, Liapis AC, Wang J, Yun SH Lab on a chip 35621381 Lab Chip 2022 Jun 14
Compact Quantum-Dot Microbeads with Sub-Nanometer Emission Linewidth. Kim KH, Dannenberg PH, Yan H, Cho S, Yun SH Advanced functional materials 35418816 Adv Funct Mater 2021 Nov 25
Encrypted Three-dimensional Dynamic Imaging using Snapshot Time-of-flight Compressed Ultrafast Photography. Liang J, Gao L, Hai P, Li C, Wang LV Scientific reports 26503834 Sci Rep 2015 Oct 27
Dual-Modality Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging System for Noninvasive Sentinel Lymph Node Detection in Patients with Breast Cancer. Garcia-Uribe A, Erpelding TN, Krumholz A, Ke H, Maslov K, Appleton C, Margenthaler JA, Wang LV Scientific reports 26510774 Sci Rep 2015 Oct 29
Cuffing-based photoacoustic flowmetry in humans in the optical diffusive regime. Zhou Y, Liang J, Wang LV Journal of biophotonics 26515158 J Biophotonics 2016 Mar
Single-shot real-time video recording of a photonic Mach cone induced by a scattered light pulse. Liang J, Ma C, Zhu L, Chen Y, Gao L, Wang LV Science advances 28116357 Sci Adv 2017 Jan
Focusing light through scattering media by polarization modulation based generalized digital optical phase conjugation. Yang J, Shen Y, Liu Y, Hemphill AS, Wang LV Applied physics letters 29203931 Appl Phys Lett 2017 Nov 13
Transvaginal fast-scanning optical-resolution photoacoustic endoscopy. Qu Y, Li C, Shi J, Chen R, Xu S, Rafsanjani H, Maslov K, Krigman H, Garvey L, Hu P, Zhao P, Meyers K, Diveley E, Pizzella S, Muench L, Punyamurthy N, Goldstein N, Onwumere O, Alisio M, Meyenburg K, Maynard J, Helm K, Slaughter J, Barber S, Burger T, Kramer C, Chubiz J, Anderson M, McCarthy R, England SK, Macones GA, Zhou Q, Shung KK, Zou J, Stout MJ, Tuuli M, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 30520276 J Biomed Opt 2018 Dec
Angular-spectrum modeling of focusing light inside scattering media by optical phase conjugation. Yang J, Li J, He S, Wang LV Optica 32025534 Optica 2019 Mar 20
Photoacoustic computed tomography of human extremities. Wray P, Lin L, Hu P, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 30784244 J Biomed Opt 2019 Feb
Single-shot ultrafast optical imaging. Liang J, Wang LV Optica 30820445 Optica 2018 Sep 20
Multifocal photoacoustic microscopy using a single-element ultrasonic transducer through an ergodic relay. Li Y, Wong TTW, Shi J, Hsu HC, Wang LV Light, science & applications 32793336 Light Sci Appl 2020
High-resolution, high-contrast mid-infrared imaging of fresh biological samples with ultraviolet-localized photoacoustic microscopy. Shi J, Wong TTW, He Y, Li L, Zhang R, Yung CS, Hwang J, Maslov K, Wang LV Nature photonics 31440304 Nat Photonics 2019 Sep
Single-shot stereo-polarimetric compressed ultrafast photography for light-speed observation of high-dimensional optical transients with picosecond resolution. Liang J, Wang P, Zhu L, Wang LV Nature communications 33067438 Nat Commun 2020 Oct 16
Delivery of AAV for Expression of Fluorescent Biosensors in Juvenile Mouse Hippocampus. Díaz-García CM, Nathwani N, Martínez-François JR, Yellen G Bio-protocol 35087918 Bio Protoc 2021 Dec 20
High-sensitivity ultrasound-modulated optical tomography with a photorefractive polymer. Suzuki Y, Lai P, Xu X, Wang L Optics letters 23503253 Opt Lett 2013 Mar 15
Photoacoustic recovery after photothermal bleaching in living cells. Li C, Zhang C, Gao L, Garcia-Uribe A, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24089253 J Biomed Opt 2013 Oct
Photoacoustic measurement of the Grüneisen parameter of tissue. Yao DK, Zhang C, Maslov K, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24474512 J Biomed Opt 2014 Jan
Multicontrast photoacoustic in vivo imaging using near-infrared fluorescent proteins. Krumholz A, Shcherbakova DM, Xia J, Wang LV, Verkhusha VV Scientific reports 24487319 Sci Rep 2014 Feb 3
Spatially Fourier-encoded photoacoustic microscopy using a digital micromirror device. Liang J, Gao L, Li C, Wang LV Optics letters 24487832 Opt Lett 2014 Feb 1
Three-dimensional arbitrary trajectory scanning photoacoustic microscopy. Yeh C, Soetikno B, Hu S, Maslov KI, Wang LV Journal of biophotonics 25077689 J Biophotonics 2015 Apr
In vivo optically encoded photoacoustic flowgraphy. Zhang R, Wang L, Yao J, Yeh CH, Wang LV Optics letters 24978744 Opt Lett 2014 Jul 1
Continuous scanning of a time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focus by reflection-mode digital phase conjugation. Suzuki Y, Tay JW, Yang Q, Wang LV Optics letters 24978506 Opt Lett 2014 Jun 15
Photoacoustic tomography: principles and advances. Xia J, Yao J, Wang LV Electromagnetic waves (Cambridge, Mass.) 25642127 Electromagn Waves (Camb) 2014
Optical drug monitoring: photoacoustic imaging of nanosensors to monitor therapeutic lithium in vivo. Cash KJ, Li C, Xia J, Wang LV, Clark HA ACS nano 25588028 ACS Nano 2015 Feb 24
Single-shot compressed ultrafast photography at one hundred billion frames per second. Gao L, Liang J, Li C, Wang LV Nature 25471883 Nature 2014 Dec 4
Photoacoustic tomography imaging and estimation of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in ocular tissue of rabbits. Hennen SN, Xing W, Shui YB, Zhou Y, Kalishman J, Andrews-Kaminsky LB, Kass MA, Beebe DC, Maslov KI, Wang LV Experimental eye research 26048477 Exp Eye Res 2015 Sep
Multiview Hilbert transformation for full-view photoacoustic computed tomography using a linear array. Li G, Li L, Zhu L, Xia J, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 26112369 J Biomed Opt 2015 Jun
Handheld optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy. Lin L, Zhang P, Xu S, Shi J, Li L, Yao J, Wang L, Zou J, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 27775746 J Biomed Opt 2017 Apr 1
Wide-field two-dimensional multifocal optical-resolution photoacoustic-computed microscopy. Xia J, Li G, Wang L, Nasiriavanaki M, Maslov K, Engelbach JA, Garbow JR, Wang LV Optics letters 24322226 Opt Lett 2013 Dec 15
Retrospective respiration-gated whole-body photoacoustic computed tomography of mice. Xia J, Chen W, Maslov K, Anastasio MA, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24395586 J Biomed Opt 2014 Jan
Focusing light inside dynamic scattering media with millisecond digital optical phase conjugation. Liu Y, Ma C, Shen Y, Shi J, Wang LV Optica 28815194 Optica 2017 Feb
Sub-Nyquist sampling boosts targeted light transport through opaque scattering media. Shen Y, Liu Y, Ma C, Wang LV Optica 28670607 Optica 2017 Jan 20
Optical clearing-aided photoacoustic microscopy with enhanced resolution and imaging depth. Zhou Y, Yao J, Wang LV Optics letters 23939121 Opt Lett 2013 Jul 15
Deep-tissue photoacoustic tomography of Förster resonance energy transfer. Wang Y, Xia J, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 23884608 J Biomed Opt 2013 Oct
Random-access optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using a digital micromirror device. Liang J, Zhou Y, Winkler AW, Wang L, Maslov KI, Li C, Wang LV Optics letters 23903111 Opt Lett 2013 Aug 1
Time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focusing using two ultrasonic transducers for improved ultrasonic axial resolution. Yang Q, Xu X, Lai P, Xu D, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24194060 J Biomed Opt 2013 Nov
Ultrasound-heated photoacoustic flowmetry. Wang L, Yao J, Maslov KI, Xing W, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24194064 J Biomed Opt 2013 Nov
Urogenital photoacoustic endoscope. Li C, Yang JM, Chen R, Yeh CH, Zhu L, Maslov K, Zhou Q, Shung KK, Wang LV Optics letters 24690816 Opt Lett 2014 Mar 15
Calibration-free absolute quantification of particle concentration by statistical analyses of photoacoustic signals in vivo. Zhou Y, Yao J, Maslov KI, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24589987 J Biomed Opt 2014 Mar
Photoacoustically guided wavefront shaping for enhanced optical focusing in scattering media. Lai P, Wang L, Tay JW, Wang LV Nature photonics 25914725 Nat Photonics 2015 Feb
In vivo photoacoustic flowmetry at depths of the diffusive regime based on saline injection. Zhou Y, Poudel J, Li G, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 26267364 J Biomed Opt 2015 Aug
Picosecond-resolution phase-sensitive imaging of transparent objects in a single shot. Kim T, Liang J, Zhu L, Wang LV Science advances 32010772 Sci Adv 2020 Jan
Dual-axis illumination for virtually augmenting the detection view of optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy. Hsu HC, Li L, Yao J, Wong TTW, Shi J, Chen R, Zhou Q, Wang L Journal of biomedical optics 29981225 J Biomed Opt 2018 Jul
High-speed alignment optimization of digital optical phase conjugation systems based on autocovariance analysis in conjunction with orthonormal rectangular polynomials. Hemphill AS, Shen Y, Hwang J, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 30156064 J Biomed Opt 2018 Aug
Optical-resolution photoacoustic endomicroscopy in vivo. Yang JM, Li C, Chen R, Rao B, Yao J, Yeh CH, Danielli A, Maslov K, Zhou Q, Shung KK, Wang LV Biomedical optics express 25798315 Biomed Opt Express 2015 Mar 1
Ultrasonic-heating-encoded photoacoustic tomography with virtually augmented detection view. Wang L, Li G, Xia J, Wang LV Optica 25984555 Optica 2015
Slow-sound photoacoustic microscopy. Zhang C, Zhou Y, Li C, Wang LV Applied physics letters 23696693 Appl Phys Lett 2013 Apr 22
Calibration-free in vivo transverse blood flowmetry based on cross correlation of slow time profiles from photoacoustic microscopy. Zhou Y, Liang J, Maslov KI, Wang LV Optics letters 24081077 Opt Lett 2013 Oct 1
Intracellular temperature mapping with fluorescence-assisted photoacoustic-thermometry. Gao L, Zhang C, Li C, Wang LV Applied physics letters 23825801 Appl Phys Lett 2013 May 13
Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy: auscultation of biological systems at the cellular level. Hu S, Wang LV Biophysical journal 23972836 Biophys J 2013 Aug 20
Sensitivity of photoacoustic microscopy. Yao J, Wang LV Photoacoustics 25302158 Photoacoustics 2014 Jun
High-speed label-free functional photoacoustic microscopy of mouse brain in action. Yao J, Wang L, Yang JM, Maslov KI, Wong TT, Li L, Huang CH, Zou J, Wang LV Nature methods 25822799 Nat Methods 2015 May
Three-dimensional photoacoustic endoscopic imaging of the rabbit esophagus. Yang JM, Favazza C, Yao J, Chen R, Zhou Q, Shung KK, Wang LV PloS one 25874640 PLoS One 2015
Optical sectioning by wide-field photobleaching imprinting microscopy. Li C, Gao L, Liu Y, Wang LV Applied physics letters 24273331 Appl Phys Lett 2013 Oct 28
Improving limited-view photoacoustic tomography with an acoustic reflector. Huang B, Xia J, Maslov K, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24285421 J Biomed Opt 2013 Nov
Photoacoustic microscopy: superdepth, superresolution, and superb contrast. Yao J, Song L, Wang LV IEEE pulse 25974913 IEEE Pulse 2015 May-Jun
Reflection-mode multifocal optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy. Li G, Maslov KI, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 23446704 J Biomed Opt 2013 Mar
Label-free photoacoustic nanoscopy. Danielli A, Maslov K, Garcia-Uribe A, Winkler AM, Li C, Wang L, Chen Y, Dorn GW 2nd, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 25104412 J Biomed Opt 2014 Aug
High-resolution photoacoustic tomography of resting-state functional connectivity in the mouse brain. Nasiriavanaki M, Xia J, Wan H, Bauer AQ, Culver JP, Wang LV Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24367107 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Jan 7
Photoacoustic Brain Imaging: from Microscopic to Macroscopic Scales. Yao J, Wang LV Neurophotonics 25401121 Neurophotonics 2014 May 28
Reversibly switchable fluorescence microscopy with enhanced resolution and image contrast. Yao J, Shcherbakova DM, Li C, Krumholz A, Lorca RA, Reinl E, England SK, Verkhusha VV, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 25144452 J Biomed Opt 2014 Aug
Photoimprint photoacoustic microscopy for three-dimensional label-free subdiffraction imaging. Yao J, Wang L, Li C, Zhang C, Wang LV Physical review letters 24483902 Phys Rev Lett 2014 Jan 10
Dependence of optical scattering from Intralipid in gelatin-gel based tissue-mimicking phantoms on mixing temperature and time. Lai P, Xu X, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24604534 J Biomed Opt 2014 Mar
Focusing light through scattering media by full-polarization digital optical phase conjugation. Shen Y, Liu Y, Ma C, Wang LV Optics letters 26977651 Opt Lett 2016 Mar 15
Bit-efficient, sub-millisecond wavefront measurement using a lock-in camera for time-reversal based optical focusing inside scattering media. Liu Y, Ma C, Shen Y, Wang LV Optics letters 27192226 Opt Lett 2016 Apr 1
Bessel-beam Grueneisen relaxation photoacoustic microscopy with extended depth of field. Shi J, Wang L, Noordam C, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 26524679 J Biomed Opt 2015 Nov
Multiscale photoacoustic tomography using reversibly switchable bacterial phytochrome as a near-infrared photochromic probe. Yao J, Kaberniuk AA, Li L, Shcherbakova DM, Zhang R, Wang L, Li G, Verkhusha VV, Wang LV Nature methods 26550774 Nat Methods 2016 Jan
Lock-in camera based heterodyne holography for ultrasound-modulated optical tomography inside dynamic scattering media. Liu Y, Shen Y, Ma C, Shi J, Wang LV Applied physics letters 27493275 Appl Phys Lett 2016 Jun 6
Time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focusing through highly scattering ex vivo human cataractous lenses. Liu Y, Shen Y, Ruan H, Brodie FL, Wong TTW, Yang C, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 29322749 J Biomed Opt 2018 Jan
Single-impulse Panoramic Photoacoustic Computed Tomography of Small-animal Whole-body Dynamics at High Spatiotemporal Resolution. Li L, Zhu L, Ma C, Lin L, Yao J, Wang L, Maslov K, Zhang R, Chen W, Shi J, Wang LV Nature biomedical engineering 29333331 Nat Biomed Eng 2017
Label-free cell nuclear imaging by Grüneisen relaxation photoacoustic microscopy. Liu X, Wong TTW, Shi J, Ma J, Yang Q, Wang LV Optics letters 29444034 Opt Lett 2018 Feb 15
Dichroism-sensitive photoacoustic computed tomography. Qu Y, Li L, Shen Y, Wei X, Wong TTW, Hu P, Yao J, Maslov K, Wang LV Optica 30820444 Optica 2018 Apr 20
Single-shot real-time femtosecond imaging of temporal focusing. Liang J, Zhu L, Wang LV Light, science & applications 30839588 Light Sci Appl 2018
In vivo label-free photoacoustic flow cytography and on-the-spot laser killing of single circulating melanoma cells. He Y, Wang L, Shi J, Yao J, Li L, Zhang R, Huang CH, Zou J, Wang LV Scientific reports 28000788 Sci Rep 2016 Dec 21
Noninvasive Determination of Melanoma Depth using a Handheld Photoacoustic Probe. Zhou Y, Tripathi SV, Rosman I, Ma J, Hai P, Linette GP, Council ML, Fields RC, Wang LV, Cornelius LA The Journal of investigative dermatology 28163070 J Invest Dermatol 2017 Jun
In vivo photoacoustic tomography of myoglobin oxygen saturation. Lin L, Yao J, Li L, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 26719943 J Biomed Opt 2016 Jun
Dry coupling for whole-body small-animal photoacoustic computed tomography. Yeh C, Li L, Zhu L, Xia J, Li C, Chen W, Garcia-Uribe A, Maslov KI, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 28241305 J Biomed Opt 2017 Apr 1
Multiview Hilbert transformation in full-ring transducer array-based photoacoustic computed tomography. Li L, Zhu L, Shen Y, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 28745385 J Biomed Opt 2017 Jul 1
Use of a single xenon flash lamp for photoacoustic computed tomography of multiple-centimeter-thick biological tissue ex vivo and a whole mouse body in vivo. Wong TT, Zhou Y, Garcia-Uribe A, Li L, Maslov K, Lin L, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 27775747 J Biomed Opt 2017 Apr 1
In vivo superresolution photoacoustic computed tomography by localization of single dyed droplets. Zhang P, Li L, Lin L, Shi J, Wang LV Light, science & applications 30962922 Light Sci Appl 2019
Focusing light through biological tissue and tissue-mimicking phantoms up to 9.6 cm in thickness with digital optical phase conjugation. Shen Y, Liu Y, Ma C, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 27533439 J Biomed Opt 2016 Aug 1
High-speed single-shot optical focusing through dynamic scattering media with full-phase wavefront shaping. Hemphill AS, Shen Y, Liu Y, Wang LV Applied physics letters 29249832 Appl Phys Lett 2017 Nov 27
Focusing light inside live tissue using reversibly switchable bacterial phytochrome as a genetically encoded photochromic guide star. Yang J, Li L, Shemetov AA, Lee S, Zhao Y, Liu Y, Shen Y, Li J, Oka Y, Verkhusha VV, Wang LV Science advances 31844671 Sci Adv 2019 Dec
Micromachined Silicon Parallel Acoustic Delay Lines as Time Delayed Ultrasound Detector Array for Real-Time Photoacoustic Tomography. Cho Y, Chang CC, Wang LV, Zou J Journal of optics (2010) 31998470 J Opt 2016
A microrobotic system guided by photoacoustic computed tomography for targeted navigation in intestines in vivo. Wu Z, Li L, Yang Y, Hu P, Li Y, Yang SY, Wang LV, Gao W Science robotics 32632399 Sci Robot 2019 Jul 31
Real-time observation and control of optical chaos. Fan L, Yan X, Wang H, Wang LV Science advances 33523874 Sci Adv 2021 Jan
Calibration-free quantification of absolute oxygen saturation based on the dynamics of photoacoustic signals. Xia J, Danielli A, Liu Y, Wang L, Maslov K, Wang LV Optics letters 23903146 Opt Lett 2013 Aug 1
Enhancement of photoacoustic tomography by ultrasonic computed tomography based on optical excitation of elements of a full-ring transducer array. Xia J, Huang C, Maslov K, Anastasio MA, Wang LV Optics letters 24104670 Opt Lett 2013 Aug 15
Small-animal whole-body photoacoustic tomography: a review. Xia J, Wang LV IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 24108456 IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2014 May
Multiscale Functional and Molecular Photoacoustic Tomography. Yao J, Xia J, Wang LV Ultrasonic imaging 25933617 Ultrason Imaging 2016 Jan
A review of snapshot multidimensional optical imaging: measuring photon tags in parallel. Gao L, Wang LV Physics reports 27134340 Phys Rep 2016 Feb 29
Nonlinear light-sheet fluorescence microscopy by photobleaching imprinting. Gao L, Zhu L, Li C, Wang LV Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 24478278 J R Soc Interface 2014 Apr 6
Photoacoustic thermography of tissue. Ke H, Tai S, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24522803 J Biomed Opt 2014 Feb
Photoacoustic microscopy and computed tomography: from bench to bedside. Wang LV, Gao L Annual review of biomedical engineering 24905877 Annu Rev Biomed Eng 2014 Jul 11
Microcirculatory changes identified by photoacoustic microscopy in patients with complex regional pain syndrome type I after stellate ganglion blocks. Zhou Y, Yi X, Xing W, Hu S, Maslov KI, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 25144451 J Biomed Opt 2014 Aug
Grueneisen relaxation photoacoustic microscopy. Wang L, Zhang C, Wang LV Physical review letters 25379919 Phys Rev Lett 2014 Oct 24
Photoacoustic lymphatic imaging with high spatial-temporal resolution. Martel C, Yao J, Huang CH, Zou J, Randolph GJ, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 25408958 J Biomed Opt 2014 Nov
Multi-view optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy. Zhu L, Li L, Gao L, Wang LV Optica 25558469 Optica 2014
Absolute photoacoustic thermometry in deep tissue. Yao J, Ke H, Tai S, Zhou Y, Wang LV Optics letters 24322224 Opt Lett 2013 Dec 15
Tripling the detection view of high-frequency linear-array-based photoacoustic computed tomography by using two planar acoustic reflectors. Li G, Xia J, Wang K, Maslov K, Anastasio MA, Wang LV Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery 25694954 Quant Imaging Med Surg 2015 Feb
In vivo photoacoustic microscopy of human cuticle microvasculature with single-cell resolution. Hsu HC, Wang L, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 27207113 J Biomed Opt 2016 May 1
Dual-view photoacoustic microscopy for quantitative cell nuclear imaging. Cai D, Wong TTW, Zhu L, Shi J, Chen SL, Wang LV Optics letters 30320772 Opt Lett 2018 Oct 15
In vivo characterization of connective tissue remodeling using infrared photoacoustic spectra. Qu Y, Hu P, Shi J, Maslov K, Zhao P, Li C, Ma J, Garcia-Uribe A, Meyers K, Diveley E, Pizzella S, Muench L, Punyamurthy N, Goldstein N, Onwumere O, Alisio M, Meyenburg K, Maynard J, Helm K, Altieri E, Slaughter J, Barber S, Burger T, Kramer C, Chubiz J, Anderson M, McCarthy R, England SK, Macones GA, Stout MJ, Tuuli M, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 30520275 J Biomed Opt 2018 Dec
Single-breath-hold photoacoustic computed tomography of the breast. Lin L, Hu P, Shi J, Appleton CM, Maslov K, Li L, Zhang R, Wang LV Nature communications 29907740 Nat Commun 2018 Jun 15
Label-free photoacoustic tomography of whole mouse brain structures ex vivo. Li L, Xia J, Li G, Garcia-Uribe A, Sheng Q, Anastasio MA, Wang LV Neurophotonics 29181425 Neurophotonics 2016 Jul
Nonlinear photoacoustic spectroscopy of hemoglobin. Danielli A, Maslov K, Favazza CP, Xia J, Wang LV Applied physics letters 26045627 Appl Phys Lett 2015 May 18
Ultrasonically encoded photoacoustic flowgraphy in biological tissue. Wang L, Xia J, Yao J, Maslov KI, Wang LV Physical review letters 24289689 Phys Rev Lett 2013 Nov 15
Graphene-based contrast agents for photoacoustic and thermoacoustic tomography. Lalwani G, Cai X, Nie L, Wang LV, Sitharaman B Photoacoustics 24490141 Photoacoustics 2013 Dec 1
Label-free photoacoustic microscopy of peripheral nerves. Matthews TP, Zhang C, Yao DK, Maslov K, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24395587 J Biomed Opt 2014 Jan
Calibration-free structured-illumination photoacoustic flowgraphy of transverse flow in scattering media. Yao J, Gilson RC, Maslov KI, Wang L, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24718385 J Biomed Opt 2014 Apr
Microvascular quantification based on contour-scanning photoacoustic microscopy. Yeh C, Soetikno B, Hu S, Maslov KI, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 25223708 J Biomed Opt 2014 Sep
Space- and intensity-constrained reconstruction for compressed ultrafast photography. Zhu L, Chen Y, Liang J, Xu Q, Gao L, Ma C, Wang LV Optica 28775997 Optica 2016 Jul
Motionless volumetric photoacoustic microscopy with spatially invariant resolution. Yang J, Gong L, Xu X, Hai P, Shen Y, Suzuki Y, Wang LV Nature communications 28974681 Nat Commun 2017 Oct 3
A practical guide to photoacoustic tomography in the life sciences. Wang LV, Yao J Nature methods 27467726 Nat Methods 2016 Jul 28
Analog time-reversed ultrasonically encoded light focusing inside scattering media with a 33,000× optical power gain. Ma C, Xu X, Wang LV Scientific reports 25753905 Sci Rep 2015 Mar 10
Noninvasive photoacoustic microscopy of methemoglobin in vivo. Tang M, Zhou Y, Zhang R, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 25760655 J Biomed Opt 2015 Mar
Single-shot photoacoustic imaging with single-element transducer through a spatiotemporal encoder. Zhao Y, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 37065647 J Biomed Opt 2023 Apr
Photoacoustic and optical coherence tomography of epilepsy with high temporal and spatial resolution and dual optical contrasts. Tsytsarev V, Rao B, Maslov KI, Li L, Wang LV Journal of neuroscience methods 23603664 J Neurosci Methods 2013 Jun 15
Snapshot Photoacoustic Topography Through an Ergodic Relay for High-throughput Imaging of Optical Absorption. Li Y, Li L, Zhu L, Maslov K, Shi J, Hu P, Bo E, Yao J, Liang J, Wang L, Wang LV Nature photonics 34178097 Nat Photonics 2020 Mar
The distinct roles of calcium in rapid control of neuronal glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Díaz-García CM, Meyer DJ, Nathwani N, Rahman M, Martínez-François JR, Yellen G eLife 33555254 Elife 2021 Feb 8
Integration of Multitargeted Polymer-Based Contrast Agents with Photoacoustic Computed Tomography: An Imaging Technique to Visualize Breast Cancer Intratumor Heterogeneity. Li L, Patil D, Petruncio G, Harnden KK, Somasekharan JV, Paige M, Wang LV, Salvador-Morales C ACS nano 33464827 ACS Nano 2021 Feb 23
Breakthrough in Photonics 2013: Photoacoustic Tomography in Biomedicine. Yao J, Wang LV IEEE photonics journal 25383143 IEEE Photonics J 2014 Apr
Frequency-swept time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focusing. Suzuki Y, Wang LV Applied physics letters 25425744 Appl Phys Lett 2014 Nov 10
Near-infrared optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy. Hai P, Yao J, Maslov KI, Zhou Y, Wang LV Optics letters 25166107 Opt Lett 2014 Sep 1
Handheld photoacoustic microscopy to detect melanoma depth in vivo. Zhou Y, Xing W, Maslov KI, Cornelius LA, Wang LV Optics letters 25121860 Opt Lett 2014 Aug 15
Structured-illumination photoacoustic Doppler flowmetry of axial flow in homogeneous scattering media. Zhang R, Yao J, Maslov KI, Wang LV Applied physics letters 24065864 Appl Phys Lett 2013 Aug 26
Cross-correlation-based transverse flow measurements using optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy with a digital micromirror device. Liang J, Zhou Y, Maslov KI, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24002191 J Biomed Opt 2013 Sep
In vivo deep brain imaging of rats using oral-cavity illuminated photoacoustic computed tomography. Lin L, Xia J, Wong TT, Li L, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 25611865 J Biomed Opt 2015 Jan
High-throughput, label-free, single-cell photoacoustic microscopy of intratumoral metabolic heterogeneity. Hai P, Imai T, Xu S, Zhang R, Aft RL, Zou J, Wang LV Nature biomedical engineering 30936431 Nat Biomed Eng 2019 May
Real-time frequency-encoded spatiotemporal focusing through scattering media using a programmable 2D ultrafine optical frequency comb. Wei X, Shen Y, Jing JC, Hemphill AS, Yang C, Xu S, Yang Z, Wang LV Science advances 32128401 Sci Adv 2020 Feb
Label-free automated three-dimensional imaging of whole organs by microtomy-assisted photoacoustic microscopy. Wong TTW, Zhang R, Zhang C, Hsu HC, Maslov KI, Wang L, Shi J, Chen R, Shung KK, Zhou Q, Wang LV Nature communications 29123109 Nat Commun 2017 Nov 9
Small near-infrared photochromic protein for photoacoustic multi-contrast imaging and detection of protein interactions in vivo. Li L, Shemetov AA, Baloban M, Hu P, Zhu L, Shcherbakova DM, Zhang R, Shi J, Yao J, Wang LV, Verkhusha VV Nature communications 30013153 Nat Commun 2018 Jul 16
Single-exposure optical focusing inside scattering media using binarized time-reversed adapted perturbation. Ma C, Zhou F, Liu Y, Wang LV Optica 30221184 Optica 2015 Oct
Recent progress in photoacoustic molecular imaging. Yao J, Wang LV Current opinion in chemical biology 29631120 Curr Opin Chem Biol 2018 Aug
Synthetic Bessel light needle for extended depth-of-field microscopy. Yang J, Gong L, Shen Y, Wang LV Applied physics letters 30449893 Appl Phys Lett 2018 Oct 29
Label-free high-throughput photoacoustic tomography of suspected circulating melanoma tumor cells in patients in vivo. Hai P, Qu Y, Li Y, Zhu L, Shmuylovich L, Cornelius LA, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 32170857 J Biomed Opt 2020 Mar
Ultrasonically encoded wavefront shaping for focusing into random media. Tay JW, Lai P, Suzuki Y, Wang LV Scientific reports 24472822 Sci Rep 2014 Jan 29
Photobleaching imprinting microscopy: seeing clearer and deeper. Gao L, Garcia-Uribe A, Liu Y, Li C, Wang LV Journal of cell science 24317295 J Cell Sci 2014 Jan 15
Catheter-based photoacoustic endoscope. Yang JM, Li C, Chen R, Zhou Q, Shung KK, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24887743 J Biomed Opt 2014 Jun
alphaVbeta3-targeted copper nanoparticles incorporating an Sn 2 lipase-labile fumagillin prodrug for photoacoustic neovascular imaging and treatment. Zhang R, Pan D, Cai X, Yang X, Senpan A, Allen JS, Lanza GM, Wang LV Theranostics 25553103 Theranostics 2015
Optical focusing deep inside dynamic scattering media with near-infrared time-reversed ultrasonically encoded (TRUE) light. Liu Y, Lai P, Ma C, Xu X, Grabar AA, Wang LV Nature communications 25556918 Nat Commun 2015 Jan 5
Time-reversed adapted-perturbation (TRAP) optical focusing onto dynamic objects inside scattering media. Ma C, Xu X, Liu Y, Wang LV Nature photonics 25530797 Nat Photonics 2014 Dec
Handheld photoacoustic probe to detect both melanoma depth and volume at high speed in vivo. Zhou Y, Li G, Zhu L, Li C, Cornelius LA, Wang LV Journal of biophotonics 25676898 J Biophotonics 2015 Nov
Focused fluorescence excitation with time-reversed ultrasonically encoded light and imaging in thick scattering media. Lai P, Suzuki Y, Xu X, Wang LV Laser physics letters 24465244 Laser Phys Lett 2013
Fully motorized optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy. Li L, Yeh C, Hu S, Wang L, Soetikno BT, Chen R, Zhou Q, Shung KK, Maslov KI, Wang LV Optics letters 24686689 Opt Lett 2014 Apr 1
Integrated photoacoustic, confocal, and two-photon microscope. Rao B, Soto F, Kerschensteiner D, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24589986 J Biomed Opt 2014 Mar
Plasmonics-enhanced and optically modulated delivery of gold nanostars into brain tumor. Yuan H, Wilson CM, Xia J, Doyle SL, Li S, Fales AM, Liu Y, Ozaki E, Mulfaul K, Hanna G, Palmer GM, Wang LV, Grant GA, Vo-Dinh T Nanoscale 24619405 Nanoscale 2014 Apr 21
Amplitude-masked photoacoustic wavefront shaping and application in flowmetry. Tay JW, Liang J, Wang LV Optics letters 25360912 Opt Lett 2014 Oct 1
Noise-equivalent sensitivity of photoacoustics. Winkler AM, Maslov K, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 24026425 J Biomed Opt 2013 Sep
Photoacoustic tomography of vascular compliance in humans. Hai P, Zhou Y, Liang J, Li C, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 26720875 J Biomed Opt 2015
Photoacoustic elastography. Hai P, Yao J, Li G, Li C, Wang LV Optics letters 26872173 Opt Lett 2016 Feb 15
Grueneisen relaxation photoacoustic microscopy in vivo. Ma J, Shi J, Hai P, Zhou Y, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 27272096 J Biomed Opt 2016 Jun 1
Quantitative photoacoustic elastography in humans. Hai P, Zhou Y, Gong L, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 27304419 J Biomed Opt 2016 Jun 1
Tutorial on photoacoustic tomography. Zhou Y, Yao J, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 27086868 J Biomed Opt 2016 Jun
Photoacoustic microscopy of arteriovenous shunts and blood diffusion in early-stage tumors. Yeh C, Liang J, Zhou Y, Hu S, Sohn RE, Arbeit JM, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 26882446 J Biomed Opt 2016 Feb
Hybridized wavefront shaping for high-speed, high-efficiency focusing through dynamic diffusive media. Hemphill AS, Tay JW, Wang LV Journal of biomedical optics 27626770 J Biomed Opt 2016 Dec 1
Fast label-free multilayered histology-like imaging of human breast cancer by photoacoustic microscopy. Wong TTW, Zhang R, Hai P, Zhang C, Pleitez MA, Aft RL, Novack DV, Wang LV Science advances 28560329 Sci Adv 2017 May
High-resolution deep functional imaging of the whole mouse brain by photoacoustic computed tomography in vivo. Zhang P, Li L, Lin L, Hu P, Shi J, He Y, Zhu L, Zhou Y, Wang LV Journal of biophotonics 28635056 J Biophotonics 2018 Jan
A PKA activity sensor for quantitative analysis of endogenous GPCR signaling via 2-photon FRET-FLIM imaging. Chen Y, Saulnier JL, Yellen G, Sabatini BL Frontiers in pharmacology 24765076 Front Pharmacol 2014
Quantitative determinants of aerobic glycolysis identify flux through the enzyme GAPDH as a limiting step. Shestov AA, Liu X, Ser Z, Cluntun AA, Hung YP, Huang L, Kim D, Le A, Yellen G, Albeck JG, Locasale JW eLife 25009227 Elife 2014 Jul 9
Quantitative two-photon imaging of fluorescent biosensors. Yellen G, Mongeon R Current opinion in chemical biology 26079046 Curr Opin Chem Biol 2015 Aug
BAD and K(ATP) channels regulate neuron excitability and epileptiform activity. Martínez-François JR, Fernández-Agüera MC, Nathwani N, Lahmann C, Burnham VL, Danial NN, Yellen G eLife 29368690 Elife 2018 Jan 25
Akt regulation of glycolysis mediates bioenergetic stability in epithelial cells. Hung YP, Teragawa C, Kosaisawe N, Gillies TE, Pargett M, Minguet M, Distor K, Rocha-Gregg BL, Coloff JL, Keibler MA, Stephanopoulos G, Yellen G, Brugge JS, Albeck JG eLife 29239720 Elife 2017 Dec 14
Live-cell imaging of cytosolic NADH-NAD+ redox state using a genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor. Hung YP, Yellen G Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 24052382 Methods Mol Biol 2014
Imaging changes in the cytosolic ATP-to-ADP ratio. Tantama M, Yellen G Methods in enzymology 25416365 Methods Enzymol 2014
Quantitative in vivo imaging of neuronal glucose concentrations with a genetically encoded fluorescence lifetime sensor. Díaz-García CM, Lahmann C, Martínez-François JR, Li B, Koveal D, Nathwani N, Rahman M, Keller JP, Marvin JS, Looger LL, Yellen G Journal of neuroscience research 31106909 J Neurosci Res 2019 Aug
Hepatic NADH reductive stress underlies common variation in metabolic traits. Goodman RP, Markhard AL, Shah H, Sharma R, Skinner OS, Clish CB, Deik A, Patgiri A, Hsu YH, Masia R, Noh HL, Suk S, Goldberger O, Hirschhorn JN, Yellen G, Kim JK, Mootha VK Nature 32461692 Nature 2020 Jul
BAD knockout provides metabolic seizure resistance in a genetic model of epilepsy with sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. Foley J, Burnham V, Tedoldi M, Danial NN, Yellen G Epilepsia 29171006 Epilepsia 2018 Jan
Live cell imaging of cytosolic NADH/NAD(+) ratio in hepatocytes and liver slices. Masia R, McCarty WJ, Lahmann C, Luther J, Chung RT, Yarmush ML, Yellen G American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 29025729 Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2018 Jan 1
Imaging energy status in live cells with a fluorescent biosensor of the intracellular ATP-to-ADP ratio. Tantama M, Martínez-François JR, Mongeon R, Yellen G Nature communications 24096541 Nat Commun 2013
Fueling thought: Management of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in neuronal metabolism. Yellen G The Journal of cell biology 29752396 J Cell Biol 2018 Jul 2
Neuronal Stimulation Triggers Neuronal Glycolysis and Not Lactate Uptake. Díaz-García CM, Mongeon R, Lahmann C, Koveal D, Zucker H, Yellen G Cell metabolism 28768175 Cell Metab 2017 Aug 1
The leak channel NALCN controls tonic firing and glycolytic sensitivity of substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons. Lutas A, Lahmann C, Soumillon M, Yellen G eLife 27177420 Elife 2016 May 13
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Live Births from Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris) Embryos Produced by In Vitro Fertilization. Nagashima JB, Sylvester SR, Nelson JL, Cheong SH, Mukai C, Lambo C, Flanders JA, Meyers-Wallen VN, Songsasen N, Travis AJ PloS one 26650234 PLoS One 2015
The role of MATER in endoplasmic reticulum distribution and calcium homeostasis in mouse oocytes. Kim B, Zhang X, Kan R, Cohen R, Mukai C, Travis AJ, Coonrod SA Developmental biology 24374158 Dev Biol 2014 Feb 15
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Pretreatment of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) spermatozoa with cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrins and glycerol addition at 4°C improves cryosurvival. Kiso WK, Asano A, Travis AJ, Schmitt DL, Brown JL, Pukazhenthi BS Reproduction, fertility, and development 22954260 Reprod Fertil Dev 2012
Ferromagnetic nanoparticles with peroxidase-like activity enhance the cleavage of biological macromolecules for biofilm elimination. Gao L, Giglio KM, Nelson JL, Sondermann H, Travis AJ Nanoscale 24468900 Nanoscale 2014 Mar 7
Biomimicry Promotes the Efficiency of a 10-Step Sequential Enzymatic Reaction on Nanoparticles, Converting Glucose to Lactate. Mukai C, Gao L, Nelson JL, Lata JP, Cohen R, Wu L, Hinchman MM, Bergkvist M, Sherwood RW, Zhang S, Travis AJ Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 27901298 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2017 Jan 2
Tunable loading of oligonucleotides with secondary structure on gold nanoparticles through a pH-driven method. Dam DH, Lee H, Lee RC, Kim KH, Kelleher NL, Odom TW Bioconjugate chemistry 25564799 Bioconjug Chem 2015 Feb 18
Subwavelength lattice optics by evolutionary design. Huntington MD, Lauhon LJ, Odom TW Nano letters 25380062 Nano Lett 2014 Dec 10
Enhanced Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Degradation in Breast Cancer Cells by Lysosome-Targeting Gold Nanoconstructs. Lee H, Dam DH, Ha JW, Yue J, Odom TW ACS nano 26335372 ACS Nano 2015 Oct 27
Fingerprint Stimulated Raman Scattering Imaging Reveals Retinoid Coupling Lipid Metabolism and Survival. Chen AJ, Li J, Jannasch A, Mutlu AS, Wang MC, Cheng JX Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry 29911339 Chemphyschem 2018 Oct 5
'Inside Out'- a dialogue between mitochondria and bacteria. Han B, Lin CJ, Hu G, Wang MC The FEBS journal 30390412 FEBS J 2019 Feb
Targeting calcium-mediated inter-organellar crosstalk in cardiac diseases. Hulsurkar MM, Lahiri SK, Karch J, Wang MC, Wehrens XHT Expert opinion on therapeutic targets 35426759 Expert Opin Ther Targets 2022 Apr
Microbial metabolites regulate host lipid metabolism through NR5A-Hedgehog signalling. Lin CJ, Wang MC Nature cell biology 28436966 Nat Cell Biol 2017 May
Localized glucose import, glycolytic processing, and mitochondria generate a focused ATP burst to power basement-membrane invasion. Garde A, Kenny IW, Kelley LC, Chi Q, Mutlu AS, Wang MC, Sherwood DR Developmental cell 35316617 Dev Cell 2022 Mar 28
Structural characterization of life-extending Caenorhabditis elegans Lipid Binding Protein 8. Tillman MC, Khadka M, Duffy J, Wang MC, Ortlund EA Scientific reports 31292465 Sci Rep 2019 Jul 10
Lysosomal Signaling Promotes Longevity by Adjusting Mitochondrial Activity. Ramachandran PV, Savini M, Folick AK, Hu K, Masand R, Graham BH, Wang MC Developmental cell 30713071 Dev Cell 2019 Mar 11
Aging: Antagonistic Pleiotropy Supported by Gut Eating. Park M, Wang MC Current biology : CB 30130513 Curr Biol 2018 Aug 20
Reversible Reaction-Based Fluorescent Probe for Real-Time Imaging of Glutathione Dynamics in Mitochondria. Chen J, Jiang X, Zhang C, MacKenzie KR, Stossi F, Palzkill T, Wang MC, Wang J ACS sensors 28809477 ACS Sens 2017 Sep 22
Quantitative Real-Time Imaging of Glutathione with Subcellular Resolution. Jiang X, Zhang C, Chen J, Choi S, Zhou Y, Zhao M, Song X, Chen X, Maletić-Savatić M, Palzkill T, Moore D, Wang MC, Wang J Antioxidants & redox signaling 30358421 Antioxid Redox Signal 2019 Jun 1
Does Autophagy Promote Longevity? It Depends. Savini M, Wang MC Cell 30951663 Cell 2019 Apr 4
Building multidisciplinary research. Wang MC Molecular biology of the cell 29084905 Mol Biol Cell 2017 Nov 1
High-throughput screens using photo-highlighting discover BMP signaling in mitochondrial lipid oxidation. Yu Y, Mutlu AS, Liu H, Wang MC Nature communications 29021566 Nat Commun 2017 Oct 11
Dissecting lipid droplet biology with coherent Raman scattering microscopy. Chen T, Yavuz A, Wang MC Journal of cell science 33975358 J Cell Sci 2022 Mar 1
Host and microbiota metabolic signals in aging and longevity. Zhou Y, Hu G, Wang MC Nature chemical biology 34552221 Nat Chem Biol 2021 Oct
Optogenetic control of gut bacterial metabolism to promote longevity. Hartsough LA, Park M, Kotlajich MV, Lazar JT, Han B, Lin CJ, Musteata E, Gambill L, Wang MC, Tabor JJ eLife 33325823 Elife 2020 Dec 16
Mitochondrial GTP metabolism controls reproductive aging in C. elegans. Lee YT, Savini M, Chen T, Yang J, Zhao Q, Ding L, Gao SM, Senturk M, Sowa JN, Wang JD, Wang MC Developmental cell 37708895 Dev Cell 2023 Dec 4
Molecular Mechanisms of Lysosome and Nucleus Communication. Zhao Q, Gao SM, Wang MC Trends in biochemical sciences 32624271 Trends Biochem Sci 2020 Nov
Label-Free Imaging of Lipid Storage Dynamics in Caenorhabditis elegans using Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy. Mutlu AS, Chen T, Deng D, Wang MC Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 34125101 J Vis Exp 2021 May 28
3D genomics across the tree of life reveals condensin II as a determinant of architecture type. Hoencamp C, Dudchenko O, Elbatsh AMO, Brahmachari S, Raaijmakers JA, van Schaik T, Sedeño Cacciatore Á, Contessoto VG, van Heesbeen RGHP, van den Broek B, Mhaskar AN, Teunissen H, St Hilaire BG, Weisz D, Omer AD, Pham M, Colaric Z, Yang Z, Rao SSP, Mitra N, Lui C, Yao W, Khan R, Moroz LL, Kohn A, St Leger J, Mena A, Holcroft K, Gambetta MC, Lim F, Farley E, Stein N, Haddad A, Chauss D, Mutlu AS, Wang MC, Young ND, Hildebrandt E, Cheng HH, Knight CJ, Burnham TLU, Hovel KA, Beel AJ, Mattei PJ, Kornberg RD, Warren WC, Cary G, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Hinman V, Lindblad-Toh K, Di Palma F, Maeshima K, Multani AS, Pathak S, Nel-Themaat L, Behringer RR, Kaur P, Medema RH, van Steensel B, de Wit E, Onuchic JN, Di Pierro M, Lieberman Aiden E, Rowland BD Science (New York, N.Y.) 34045355 Science 2021 May 28
Lipid metabolism and lipid signals in aging and longevity. Mutlu AS, Duffy J, Wang MC Developmental cell 33891896 Dev Cell 2021 May 17
Quantitative real-time imaging of glutathione. Jiang X, Chen J, Bajić A, Zhang C, Song X, Carroll SL, Cai ZL, Tang M, Xue M, Cheng N, Schaaf CP, Li F, MacKenzie KR, Ferreon ACM, Xia F, Wang MC, Maletić-Savatić M, Wang J Nature communications 28703127 Nat Commun 2017 Jul 13
Olfactory specificity regulates lipid metabolism through neuroendocrine signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans. Mutlu AS, Gao SM, Zhang H, Wang MC Nature communications 32193370 Nat Commun 2020 Mar 19
Lysosomes: Signaling Hubs for Metabolic Sensing and Longevity. Savini M, Zhao Q, Wang MC Trends in cell biology 31611045 Trends Cell Biol 2019 Nov
Lipid droplets and peroxisomes are co-regulated to drive lifespan extension in response to mono-unsaturated fatty acids. Papsdorf K, Miklas JW, Hosseini A, Cabruja M, Morrow CS, Savini M, Yu Y, Silva-García CG, Haseley NR, Murphy LM, Yao P, de Launoit E, Dixon SJ, Snyder MP, Wang MC, Mair WB, Brunet A Nature cell biology 37127715 Nat Cell Biol 2023 May
Aging atlas reveals cell-type-specific effects of pro-longevity strategies. Gao SM, Qi Y, Zhang Q, Guan Y, Lee YT, Ding L, Wang L, Mohammed AS, Li H, Fu Y, Wang MC Nature aging 38816550 Nat Aging 2024 Jul
Challenges and Opportunities for Small-Molecule Fluorescent Probes in Redox Biology Applications. Jiang X, Wang L, Carroll SL, Chen J, Wang MC, Wang J Antioxidants & redox signaling 29320869 Antioxid Redox Signal 2018 Aug 20
The Bacterivore's Solution: Fight and Flight to Promote Survival. Lee YT, Wang MC Developmental cell 30965036 Dev Cell 2019 Apr 8
Microbial Genetic Composition Tunes Host Longevity. Han B, Sivaramakrishnan P, Lin CJ, Neve IAA, He J, Tay LWR, Sowa JN, Sizovs A, Du G, Wang J, Herman C, Wang MC Cell 28622510 Cell 2017 Jun 15
Microbial Genetic Composition Tunes Host Longevity. Han B, Sivaramakrishnan P, Lin CJ, Neve IAA, He J, Tay LWR, Sowa JN, Sizovs A, Du G, Wang J, Herman C, Wang MC Cell 29727664 Cell 2018 May 3
Methyl-Sensing Nuclear Receptor Liver Receptor Homolog-1 Regulates Mitochondrial Function in Mouse Hepatocytes. Choi S, Dong B, Lin CJ, Heo MJ, Kim KH, Sun Z, Wagner M, Putluri N, Suh JM, Wang MC, Moore DD Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 31355949 Hepatology 2020 Mar
Escherichia coli Metabolite Profiling Leads to the Development of an RNA Interference Strain for Caenorhabditis elegans. Neve IAA, Sowa JN, Lin CJ, Sivaramakrishnan P, Herman C, Ye Y, Han L, Wang MC G3 (Bethesda, Md.) 31712257 G3 (Bethesda) 2020 Jan 7
Lysosome lipid signalling from the periphery to neurons regulates longevity. Savini M, Folick A, Lee YT, Jin F, Cuevas A, Tillman MC, Duffy JD, Zhao Q, Neve IA, Hu PW, Yu Y, Zhang Q, Ye Y, Mair WB, Wang J, Han L, Ortlund EA, Wang MC Nature cell biology 35681008 Nat Cell Biol 2022 Jun
Mediterranean mechanisms of longevity. Mendenhall AR Nature cell biology 37127713 Nat Cell Biol 2023 May
Four Key Steps Control Glycolytic Flux in Mammalian Cells. Tanner LB, Goglia AG, Wei MH, Sehgal T, Parsons LR, Park JO, White E, Toettcher JE, Rabinowitz JD Cell systems 29960885 Cell Syst 2018 Jul 25
Metabolomics and Isotope Tracing. Jang C, Chen L, Rabinowitz JD Cell 29727671 Cell 2018 May 3
SHMT inhibition is effective and synergizes with methotrexate in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. García-Cañaveras JC, Lancho O, Ducker GS, Ghergurovich JM, Xu X, da Silva-Diz V, Minuzzo S, Indraccolo S, Kim H, Herranz D, Rabinowitz JD Leukemia 32382081 Leukemia 2021 Feb
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Is Not Essential for K-Ras-Driven Tumor Growth or Metastasis. Ghergurovich JM, Esposito M, Chen Z, Wang JZ, Bhatt V, Lan T, White E, Kang Y, Guo JY, Rabinowitz JD Cancer research 32661137 Cancer Res 2020 Sep 15
GCN2 adapts protein synthesis to scavenging-dependent growth. Nofal M, Wang T, Yang L, Jankowski CSR, Hsin-Jung Li S, Han S, Parsons L, Frese AN, Gitai Z, Anthony TG, Wühr M, Sabatini DM, Rabinowitz JD Cell systems 34706266 Cell Syst 2022 Feb 16
The Small Intestine Converts Dietary Fructose into Glucose and Organic Acids. Jang C, Hui S, Lu W, Cowan AJ, Morscher RJ, Lee G, Liu W, Tesz GJ, Birnbaum MJ, Rabinowitz JD Cell metabolism 29414685 Cell Metab 2018 Feb 6
The metabolites NADP(+) and NADPH are the targets of the circadian protein Nocturnin (Curled). Estrella MA, Du J, Chen L, Rath S, Prangley E, Chitrakar A, Aoki T, Schedl P, Rabinowitz J, Korennykh A Nature communications 31147539 Nat Commun 2019 May 30
The adverse metabolic effects of branched-chain amino acids are mediated by isoleucine and valine. Yu D, Richardson NE, Green CL, Spicer AB, Murphy ME, Flores V, Jang C, Kasza I, Nikodemova M, Wakai MH, Tomasiewicz JL, Yang SE, Miller BR, Pak HH, Brinkman JA, Rojas JM, Quinn WJ 3rd, Cheng EP, Konon EN, Haider LR, Finke M, Sonsalla M, Alexander CM, Rabinowitz JD, Baur JA, Malecki KC, Lamming DW Cell metabolism 33887198 Cell Metab 2021 May 4
Quantitative Analysis of the Whole-Body Metabolic Fate of Branched-Chain Amino Acids. Neinast MD, Jang C, Hui S, Murashige DS, Chu Q, Morscher RJ, Li X, Zhan L, White E, Anthony TG, Rabinowitz JD, Arany Z Cell metabolism 30449684 Cell Metab 2019 Feb 5
Gut bacterial nutrient preferences quantified in vivo. Zeng X, Xing X, Gupta M, Keber FC, Lopez JG, Lee YJ, Roichman A, Wang L, Neinast MD, Donia MS, Wühr M, Jang C, Rabinowitz JD Cell 36055202 Cell 2022 Sep 1
The pentose phosphate pathway in health and disease. TeSlaa T, Ralser M, Fan J, Rabinowitz JD Nature metabolism 37612403 Nat Metab 2023 Aug
Metabolite Exchange between Mammalian Organs Quantified in Pigs. Jang C, Hui S, Zeng X, Cowan AJ, Wang L, Chen L, Morscher RJ, Reyes J, Frezza C, Hwang HY, Imai A, Saito Y, Okamoto K, Vaspoli C, Kasprenski L, Zsido GA 2nd, Gorman JH 3rd, Gorman RC, Rabinowitz JD Cell metabolism 31257152 Cell Metab 2019 Sep 3
Extraction and Quantitation of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Redox Cofactors. Lu W, Wang L, Chen L, Hui S, Rabinowitz JD Antioxidants & redox signaling 28497978 Antioxid Redox Signal 2018 Jan 20
Macrophage de novo NAD(+) synthesis specifies immune function in aging and inflammation. Minhas PS, Liu L, Moon PK, Joshi AU, Dove C, Mhatre S, Contrepois K, Wang Q, Lee BA, Coronado M, Bernstein D, Snyder MP, Migaud M, Majeti R, Mochly-Rosen D, Rabinowitz JD, Andreasson KI Nature immunology 30478397 Nat Immunol 2019 Jan
Perinatal high fat diet and early life methyl donor supplementation alter one carbon metabolism and DNA methylation in the brain. McKee SE, Zhang S, Chen L, Rabinowitz JD, Reyes TM Journal of neurochemistry 29423909 J Neurochem 2018 Jun
Myeloid-derived itaconate suppresses cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells and promotes tumour growth. Zhao H, Teng D, Yang L, Xu X, Chen J, Jiang T, Feng AY, Zhang Y, Frederick DT, Gu L, Cai L, Asara JM, Pasca di Magliano M, Boland GM, Flaherty KT, Swanson KD, Liu D, Rabinowitz JD, Zheng B Nature metabolism 36376563 Nat Metab 2022 Dec
Serine Metabolism Supports Macrophage IL-1β Production. Rodriguez AE, Ducker GS, Billingham LK, Martinez CA, Mainolfi N, Suri V, Friedman A, Manfredi MG, Weinberg SE, Rabinowitz JD, Chandel NS Cell metabolism 30773464 Cell Metab 2019 Apr 2
Lactate dehydrogenase inhibition synergizes with IL-21 to promote CD8(+) T cell stemness and antitumor immunity. Hermans D, Gautam S, García-Cañaveras JC, Gromer D, Mitra S, Spolski R, Li P, Christensen S, Nguyen R, Lin JX, Oh J, Du N, Veenbergen S, Fioravanti J, Ebina-Shibuya R, Bleck C, Neckers LM, Rabinowitz JD, Gattinoni L, Leonard WJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 32123114 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Mar 17
Serine catabolism generates liver NADPH and supports hepatic lipogenesis. Zhang Z, TeSlaa T, Xu X, Zeng X, Yang L, Xing G, Tesz GJ, Clasquin MF, Rabinowitz JD Nature metabolism 34845393 Nat Metab 2021 Dec
Spatially resolved isotope tracing reveals tissue metabolic activity. Wang L, Xing X, Zeng X, Jackson SR, TeSlaa T, Al-Dalahmah O, Samarah LZ, Goodwin K, Yang L, McReynolds MR, Li X, Wolff JJ, Rabinowitz JD, Davidson SM Nature methods 35132243 Nat Methods 2022 Feb
Local production of lactate, ribose phosphate, and amino acids within human triple-negative breast cancer. Ghergurovich JM, Lang JD, Levin MK, Briones N, Facista SJ, Mueller C, Cowan AJ, McBride MJ, Rodriguez ESR, Killian A, Dao T, Lamont J, Barron A, Su X, Hendricks WPD, Espina V, Von Hoff DD, O'Shaughnessy J, Rabinowitz JD Med (New York, N.Y.) 34223403 Med 2021 Jun 11
Quantitative flux analysis in mammals. Bartman CR, TeSlaa T, Rabinowitz JD Nature metabolism 34211182 Nat Metab 2021 Jul
Methionine synthase supports tumour tetrahydrofolate pools. Ghergurovich JM, Xu X, Wang JZ, Yang L, Ryseck RP, Wang L, Rabinowitz JD Nature metabolism 34799699 Nat Metab 2021 Nov
Impact of acute stress on murine metabolomics and metabolic flux. Lee WD, Liang L, AbuSalim J, Jankowski CSR, Samarah LZ, Neinast MD, Rabinowitz JD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 37186827 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 May 23
Circulating metabolite homeostasis achieved through mass action. Li X, Hui S, Mirek ET, Jonsson WO, Anthony TG, Lee WD, Zeng X, Jang C, Rabinowitz JD Nature metabolism 35058631 Nat Metab 2022 Jan
Comprehensive quantification of fuel use by the failing and nonfailing human heart. Murashige D, Jang C, Neinast M, Edwards JJ, Cowan A, Hyman MC, Rabinowitz JD, Frankel DS, Arany Z Science (New York, N.Y.) 33060364 Science 2020 Oct 16
Mitochondrial translation requires folate-dependent tRNA methylation. Morscher RJ, Ducker GS, Li SH, Mayer JA, Gitai Z, Sperl W, Rabinowitz JD Nature 29364879 Nature 2018 Feb 1
Monitoring mammalian mitochondrial translation with MitoRiboSeq. Li SH, Nofal M, Parsons LR, Rabinowitz JD, Gitai Z Nature protocols 33953394 Nat Protoc 2021 Jun
Chemical Basis for Deuterium Labeling of Fat and NADPH. Zhang Z, Chen L, Liu L, Su X, Rabinowitz JD Journal of the American Chemical Society 28911221 J Am Chem Soc 2017 Oct 18
mTOR Inhibition Restores Amino Acid Balance in Cells Dependent on Catabolism of Extracellular Protein. Nofal M, Zhang K, Han S, Rabinowitz JD Molecular cell 28918901 Mol Cell 2017 Sep 21
Dietary fructose feeds hepatic lipogenesis via microbiota-derived acetate. Zhao S, Jang C, Liu J, Uehara K, Gilbert M, Izzo L, Zeng X, Trefely S, Fernandez S, Carrer A, Miller KD, Schug ZT, Snyder NW, Gade TP, Titchenell PM, Rabinowitz JD, Wellen KE Nature 32214246 Nature 2020 Mar
Serine Catabolism Feeds NADH when Respiration Is Impaired. Yang L, Garcia Canaveras JC, Chen Z, Wang L, Liang L, Jang C, Mayr JA, Zhang Z, Ghergurovich JM, Zhan L, Joshi S, Hu Z, McReynolds MR, Su X, White E, Morscher RJ, Rabinowitz JD Cell metabolism 32187526 Cell Metab 2020 Apr 7
Novel Pyrrolo[3,2-d]pyrimidine Compounds Target Mitochondrial and Cytosolic One-carbon Metabolism with Broad-spectrum Antitumor Efficacy. Dekhne AS, Shah K, Ducker GS, Katinas JM, Wong-Roushar J, Nayeen MJ, Doshi A, Ning C, Bao X, Frühauf J, Liu J, Wallace-Povirk A, O'Connor C, Dzinic SH, White K, Kushner J, Kim S, Hüttemann M, Polin L, Rabinowitz JD, Li J, Hou Z, Dann CE 3rd, Gangjee A, Matherly LH Molecular cancer therapeutics 31289137 Mol Cancer Ther 2019 Oct
Glucose feeds the TCA cycle via circulating lactate. Hui S, Ghergurovich JM, Morscher RJ, Jang C, Teng X, Lu W, Esparza LA, Reya T, Le Zhan, Yanxiang Guo J, White E, Rabinowitz JD Nature 29045397 Nature 2017 Nov 2
Metabolite Exchange between Mammalian Organs Quantified in Pigs. Jang C, Hui S, Zeng X, Cowan AJ, Wang L, Chen L, Morscher RJ, Reyes J, Frezza C, Hwang HY, Imai A, Saito Y, Okamoto K, Vaspoli C, Kasprenski L, Zsido GA 2nd, Gorman JH 3rd, Gorman RC, Rabinowitz JD Cell metabolism 36070684 Cell Metab 2022 Sep 6
Slow TCA flux and ATP production in primary solid tumours but not metastases. Bartman CR, Weilandt DR, Shen Y, Lee WD, Han Y, TeSlaa T, Jankowski CSR, Samarah L, Park NR, da Silva-Diz V, Aleksandrova M, Gultekin Y, Marishta A, Wang L, Yang L, Roichman A, Bhatt V, Lan T, Hu Z, Xing X, Lu W, Davidson S, Wühr M, Vander Heiden MG, Herranz D, Guo JY, Kang Y, Rabinowitz JD Nature 36725930 Nature 2023 Feb
mTORC1 promotes cell growth via m(6)A-dependent mRNA degradation. Cho S, Lee G, Pickering BF, Jang C, Park JH, He L, Mathur L, Kim SS, Jung S, Tang HW, Monette S, Rabinowitz JD, Perrimon N, Jaffrey SR, Blenis J Molecular cell 33756105 Mol Cell 2021 May 20
The small intestine shields the liver from fructose-induced steatosis. Jang C, Wada S, Yang S, Gosis B, Zeng X, Zhang Z, Shen Y, Lee G, Arany Z, Rabinowitz JD Nature metabolism 32694791 Nat Metab 2020 Jul
Lactate: the ugly duckling of energy metabolism. Rabinowitz JD, Enerbäck S Nature metabolism 32694798 Nat Metab 2020 Jul
Restoring metabolism of myeloid cells reverses cognitive decline in ageing. Minhas PS, Latif-Hernandez A, McReynolds MR, Durairaj AS, Wang Q, Rubin A, Joshi AU, He JQ, Gauba E, Liu L, Wang C, Linde M, Sugiura Y, Moon PK, Majeti R, Suematsu M, Mochly-Rosen D, Weissman IL, Longo FM, Rabinowitz JD, Andreasson KI Nature 33473210 Nature 2021 Feb
The Source of Glycolytic Intermediates in Mammalian Tissues. TeSlaa T, Bartman CR, Jankowski CSR, Zhang Z, Xu X, Xing X, Wang L, Lu W, Hui S, Rabinowitz JD Cell metabolism 33472024 Cell Metab 2021 Feb 2
NADPH production by the oxidative pentose-phosphate pathway supports folate metabolism. Chen L, Zhang Z, Hoshino A, Zheng HD, Morley M, Arany Z, Rabinowitz JD Nature metabolism 31058257 Nat Metab 2019 Mar
Metabolite Measurement: Pitfalls to Avoid and Practices to Follow. Lu W, Su X, Klein MS, Lewis IA, Fiehn O, Rabinowitz JD Annual review of biochemistry 28654323 Annu Rev Biochem 2017 Jun 20
Quantitative Fluxomics of Circulating Metabolites. Hui S, Cowan AJ, Zeng X, Yang L, TeSlaa T, Li X, Bartman C, Zhang Z, Jang C, Wang L, Lu W, Rojas J, Baur J, Rabinowitz JD Cell metabolism 32791100 Cell Metab 2020 Oct 6
5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase deficiency causes a neurometabolic disorder associated with microcephaly, epilepsy, and cerebral hypomyelination. Rodan LH, Qi W, Ducker GS, Demirbas D, Laine R, Yang E, Walker MA, Eichler F, Rabinowitz JD, Anselm I, Berry GT, Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN) Molecular genetics and metabolism 30031689 Mol Genet Metab 2018 Sep
Peak Annotation and Verification Engine for Untargeted LC-MS Metabolomics. Wang L, Xing X, Chen L, Yang L, Su X, Rabitz H, Lu W, Rabinowitz JD Analytical chemistry 30586294 Anal Chem 2019 Feb 5
Quantitative Analysis of NAD Synthesis-Breakdown Fluxes. Liu L, Su X, Quinn WJ 3rd, Hui S, Krukenberg K, Frederick DW, Redpath P, Zhan L, Chellappa K, White E, Migaud M, Mitchison TJ, Baur JA, Rabinowitz JD Cell metabolism 29685734 Cell Metab 2018 May 1
A small molecule G6PD inhibitor reveals immune dependence on pentose phosphate pathway. Ghergurovich JM, García-Cañaveras JC, Wang J, Schmidt E, Zhang Z, TeSlaa T, Patel H, Chen L, Britt EC, Piqueras-Nebot M, Gomez-Cabrera MC, Lahoz A, Fan J, Beier UH, Kim H, Rabinowitz JD Nature chemical biology 32393898 Nat Chem Biol 2020 Jul
Improved Annotation of Untargeted Metabolomics Data through Buffer Modifications That Shift Adduct Mass and Intensity. Lu W, Xing X, Wang L, Chen L, Zhang S, McReynolds MR, Rabinowitz JD Analytical chemistry 32614575 Anal Chem 2020 Sep 1
Ketogenic diet and chemotherapy combine to disrupt pancreatic cancer metabolism and growth. Yang L, TeSlaa T, Ng S, Nofal M, Wang L, Lan T, Zeng X, Cowan A, McBride M, Lu W, Davidson S, Liang G, Oh TG, Downes M, Evans R, Von Hoff D, Guo JY, Han H, Rabinowitz JD Med (New York, N.Y.) 35425930 Med 2022 Feb 11
NAD(+) flux is maintained in aged mice despite lower tissue concentrations. McReynolds MR, Chellappa K, Chiles E, Jankowski C, Shen Y, Chen L, Descamps HC, Mukherjee S, Bhat YR, Lingala SR, Chu Q, Botolin P, Hayat F, Doke T, Susztak K, Thaiss CA, Lu W, Migaud ME, Su X, Rabinowitz JD, Baur JA Cell systems 34559996 Cell Syst 2021 Dec 15
Sex and genetic background define the metabolic, physiologic, and molecular response to protein restriction. Green CL, Pak HH, Richardson NE, Flores V, Yu D, Tomasiewicz JL, Dumas SN, Kredell K, Fan JW, Kirsh C, Chaiyakul K, Murphy ME, Babygirija R, Barrett-Wilt GA, Rabinowitz J, Ong IM, Jang C, Simcox J, Lamming DW Cell metabolism 35108511 Cell Metab 2022 Feb 1
NAD precursors cycle between host tissues and the gut microbiome. Chellappa K, McReynolds MR, Lu W, Zeng X, Makarov M, Hayat F, Mukherjee S, Bhat YR, Lingala SR, Shima RT, Descamps HC, Cox T, Ji L, Jankowski C, Chu Q, Davidson SM, Thaiss CA, Migaud ME, Rabinowitz JD, Baur JA Cell metabolism 36476934 Cell Metab 2022 Dec 6
Reprogramming neuroblastoma by diet-enhanced polyamine depletion. Cherkaoui S, Yang L, McBride M, Turn CS, Lu W, Eigenmann C, Allen GE, Panasenko OO, Zhang L, Vu A, Liu K, Li Y, Gandhi OH, Surrey L, Wierer M, White E, Rabinowitz JD, Hogarty MD, Morscher RJ bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38260457 bioRxiv 2024 Jan 8
One-carbon unit supplementation fuels tumor-infiltrating T cells and augments checkpoint blockade. Xu X, Chen Z, Bartman CR, Xing X, Olszewski K, Rabinowitz JD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37961420 bioRxiv 2023 Nov 3
CRISPR-Cas9 mediated one-step disabling of pancreatogenesis in pigs. Wu J, Vilarino M, Suzuki K, Okamura D, Bogliotti YS, Park I, Rowe J, McNabb B, Ross PJ, Belmonte JCI Scientific reports 28874671 Sci Rep 2017 Sep 5
Precise in vivo genome editing via single homology arm donor mediated intron-targeting gene integration for genetic disease correction. Suzuki K, Yamamoto M, Hernandez-Benitez R, Li Z, Wei C, Soligalla RD, Aizawa E, Hatanaka F, Kurita M, Reddy P, Ocampo A, Hishida T, Sakurai M, Nemeth AN, Nuñez Delicado E, Campistol JM, Magistretti P, Guillen P, Rodriguez Esteban C, Gong J, Yuan Y, Gu Y, Liu GH, López-Otín C, Wu J, Zhang K, Izpisua Belmonte JC Cell research 31444470 Cell Res 2019 Oct
Deconstructing the pluripotency gene regulatory network. Li M, Izpisua Belmonte JC Nature cell biology 29593328 Nat Cell Biol 2018 Apr
Functional sensory circuits built from neurons of two species. Throesch BT, Bin Imtiaz MK, Muñoz-Castañeda R, Sakurai M, Hartzell AL, James KN, Rodriguez AR, Martin G, Lippi G, Kupriyanov S, Wu Z, Osten P, Izpisua Belmonte JC, Wu J, Baldwin KK Cell 38670072 Cell 2024 Apr 25
Generation of Blastocyst-like Structures from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Cell Cultures. Li R, Zhong C, Yu Y, Liu H, Sakurai M, Yu L, Min Z, Shi L, Wei Y, Takahashi Y, Liao HK, Qiao J, Deng H, Nuñez-Delicado E, Rodriguez Esteban C, Wu J, Izpisua Belmonte JC Cell 31626770 Cell 2019 Oct 17
Efficient derivation of stable primed pluripotent embryonic stem cells from bovine blastocysts. Bogliotti YS, Wu J, Vilarino M, Okamura D, Soto DA, Zhong C, Sakurai M, Sampaio RV, Suzuki K, Izpisua Belmonte JC, Ross PJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29440377 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Feb 27
Bile acids profile, histopathological indices and genetic variants for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression. Nimer N, Choucair I, Wang Z, Nemet I, Li L, Gukasyan J, Weeks TL, Alkhouri N, Zein N, Tang WHW, Fischbach MA, Brown JM, Allayee H, Dasarathy S, Gogonea V, Hazen SL Metabolism: clinical and experimental 33275980 Metabolism 2021 Mar
A Cutibacterium acnes antibiotic modulates human skin microbiota composition in hair follicles. Claesen J, Spagnolo JB, Ramos SF, Kurita KL, Byrd AL, Aksenov AA, Melnik AV, Wong WR, Wang S, Hernandez RD, Donia MS, Dorrestein PC, Kong HH, Segre JA, Linington RG, Fischbach MA, Lemon KP Science translational medicine 33208503 Sci Transl Med 2020 Nov 18
The Biosynthesis of Lipooligosaccharide from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Jacobson AN, Choudhury BP, Fischbach MA mBio 29535205 mBio 2018 Mar 13
MAIT cells are imprinted by the microbiota in early life and promote tissue repair. Constantinides MG, Link VM, Tamoutounour S, Wong AC, Perez-Chaparro PJ, Han SJ, Chen YE, Li K, Farhat S, Weckel A, Krishnamurthy SR, Vujkovic-Cvijin I, Linehan JL, Bouladoux N, Merrill ED, Roy S, Cua DJ, Adams EJ, Bhandoola A, Scharschmidt TC, Aubé J, Fischbach MA, Belkaid Y Science (New York, N.Y.) 31649166 Science 2019 Oct 25
A metabolic pathway for bile acid dehydroxylation by the gut microbiome. Funabashi M, Grove TL, Wang M, Varma Y, McFadden ME, Brown LC, Guo C, Higginbottom S, Almo SC, Fischbach MA Nature 32555455 Nature 2020 Jun
gutSMASH predicts specialized primary metabolic pathways from the human gut microbiota. Pascal Andreu V, Augustijn HE, Chen L, Zhernakova A, Fu J, Fischbach MA, Dodd D, Medema MH Nature biotechnology 36782070 Nat Biotechnol 2023 Oct
Comprehensive Clinical and Genetic Analyses of Circulating Bile Acids and Their Associations With Diabetes and Its Indices. Choucair I, Mallela DP, Hilser JR, Hartiala JA, Nemet I, Gogonea V, Li L, Lusis AJ, Fischbach MA, Tang WHW, Allayee H, Hazen SL Diabetes 38701355 Diabetes 2024 Aug 1
Contextual control of skin immunity and inflammation by Corynebacterium. Ridaura VK, Bouladoux N, Claesen J, Chen YE, Byrd AL, Constantinides MG, Merrill ED, Tamoutounour S, Fischbach MA, Belkaid Y The Journal of experimental medicine 29382696 J Exp Med 2018 Mar 5
Microbiome: Focus on Causation and Mechanism. Fischbach MA Cell 30096310 Cell 2018 Aug 9
Depletion of microbiome-derived molecules in the host using Clostridium genetics. Guo CJ, Allen BM, Hiam KJ, Dodd D, Van Treuren W, Higginbottom S, Nagashima K, Fischer CR, Sonnenburg JL, Spitzer MH, Fischbach MA Science (New York, N.Y.) 31831639 Science 2019 Dec 13
The gutSMASH web server: automated identification of primary metabolic gene clusters from the gut microbiota. Pascal Andreu V, Roel-Touris J, Dodd D, Fischbach MA, Medema MH Nucleic acids research 34019648 Nucleic Acids Res 2021 Jul 2
A metabolomics pipeline for the mechanistic interrogation of the gut microbiome. Han S, Van Treuren W, Fischer CR, Merrill BD, DeFelice BC, Sanchez JM, Higginbottom SK, Guthrie L, Fall LA, Dodd D, Fischbach MA, Sonnenburg JL Nature 34262212 Nature 2021 Jul
Design, construction, and in vivo augmentation of a complex gut microbiome. Cheng AG, Ho PY, Aranda-Díaz A, Jain S, Yu FB, Meng X, Wang M, Iakiviak M, Nagashima K, Zhao A, Murugkar P, Patil A, Atabakhsh K, Weakley A, Yan J, Brumbaugh AR, Higginbottom S, Dimas A, Shiver AL, Deutschbauer A, Neff N, Sonnenburg JL, Huang KC, Fischbach MA Cell 36070752 Cell 2022 Sep 15
CRISPR-based functional genomics in human dendritic cells. Jost M, Jacobson AN, Hussmann JA, Cirolia G, Fischbach MA, Weissman JS eLife 33904395 Elife 2021 Apr 27
Endogenous retroviruses promote homeostatic and inflammatory responses to the microbiota. Lima-Junior DS, Krishnamurthy SR, Bouladoux N, Collins N, Han SJ, Chen EY, Constantinides MG, Link VM, Lim AI, Enamorado M, Cataisson C, Gil L, Rao I, Farley TK, Koroleva G, Attig J, Yuspa SH, Fischbach MA, Kassiotis G, Belkaid Y Cell 34166614 Cell 2021 Jul 8
Skin microbiota-host interactions. Chen YE, Fischbach MA, Belkaid Y Nature 29364286 Nature 2018 Jan 24
A gut bacterial pathway metabolizes aromatic amino acids into nine circulating metabolites. Dodd D, Spitzer MH, Van Treuren W, Merrill BD, Hryckowian AJ, Higginbottom SK, Le A, Cowan TM, Nolan GP, Fischbach MA, Sonnenburg JL Nature 29168502 Nature 2017 Nov 30
Microbial Transplantation With Human Gut Commensals Containing CutC Is Sufficient to Transmit Enhanced Platelet Reactivity and Thrombosis Potential. Skye SM, Zhu W, Romano KA, Guo CJ, Wang Z, Jia X, Kirsop J, Haag B, Lang JM, DiDonato JA, Tang WHW, Lusis AJ, Rey FE, Fischbach MA, Hazen SL Circulation research 30359185 Circ Res 2018 Oct 26
Mapping the Genetic Landscape of Human Cells. Horlbeck MA, Xu A, Wang M, Bennett NK, Park CY, Bogdanoff D, Adamson B, Chow ED, Kampmann M, Peterson TR, Nakamura K, Fischbach MA, Weissman JS, Gilbert LA Cell 30033366 Cell 2018 Aug 9
Strain dropouts reveal interactions that govern the metabolic output of the gut microbiome. Wang M, Osborn LJ, Jain S, Meng X, Weakley A, Yan J, Massey WJ, Varadharajan V, Horak A, Banerjee R, Allende DS, Chan ER, Hajjar AM, Wang Z, Dimas A, Zhao A, Nagashima K, Cheng AG, Higginbottom S, Hazen SL, Brown JM, Fischbach MA Cell 37352836 Cell 2023 Jun 22
Myeloid cells pave the way for lymphatic system development and maintenance. Ivanov S, Randolph GJ Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology 28220247 Pflugers Arch 2017 Apr
Macrophage Biology, Classification, and Phenotype in Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Macrophage in CVD Series (Part 1). Williams JW, Giannarelli C, Rahman A, Randolph GJ, Kovacic JC Journal of the American College of Cardiology 30360826 J Am Coll Cardiol 2018 Oct 30
Lymphoid Aggregates Remodel Lymphatic Collecting Vessels that Serve Mesenteric Lymph Nodes in Crohn Disease. Randolph GJ, Bala S, Rahier JF, Johnson MW, Wang PL, Nalbantoglu I, Dubuquoy L, Chau A, Pariente B, Kartheuser A, Zinselmeyer BH, Colombel JF The American journal of pathology 27746181 Am J Pathol 2016 Dec
Mafb lineage tracing to distinguish macrophages from other immune lineages reveals dual identity of Langerhans cells. Wu X, Briseño CG, Durai V, Albring JC, Haldar M, Bagadia P, Kim KW, Randolph GJ, Murphy TL, Murphy KM The Journal of experimental medicine 27810926 J Exp Med 2016 Nov 14
Tissue-Resident Macrophages in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Originate from Embryonic Hematopoiesis and Promote Tumor Progression. Zhu Y, Herndon JM, Sojka DK, Kim KW, Knolhoff BL, Zuo C, Cullinan DR, Luo J, Bearden AR, Lavine KJ, Yokoyama WM, Hawkins WG, Fields RC, Randolph GJ, DeNardo DG Immunity 28813661 Immunity 2017 Aug 15
A Polecat's View of Patrolling Monocytes. Williams JW, Randolph GJ, Zinselmeyer BH Circulation research 28546349 Circ Res 2017 May 26
Limited Macrophage Positional Dynamics in Progressing or Regressing Murine Atherosclerotic Plaques-Brief Report. Williams JW, Martel C, Potteaux S, Esaulova E, Ingersoll MA, Elvington A, Saunders BT, Huang LH, Habenicht AJ, Zinselmeyer BH, Randolph GJ Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 29903736 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2018 Aug
Cholesterol Accumulation in Dendritic Cells Links the Inflammasome to Acquired Immunity. Westerterp M, Gautier EL, Ganda A, Molusky MM, Wang W, Fotakis P, Wang N, Randolph GJ, D'Agati VD, Yvan-Charvet L, Tall AR Cell metabolism 28479366 Cell Metab 2017 Jun 6
Microbiota-Dependent Sequelae of Acute Infection Compromise Tissue-Specific Immunity. Fonseca DM, Hand TW, Han SJ, Gerner MY, Glatman Zaretsky A, Byrd AL, Harrison OJ, Ortiz AM, Quinones M, Trinchieri G, Brenchley JM, Brodsky IE, Germain RN, Randolph GJ, Belkaid Y Cell 26451485 Cell 2015 Oct 8
MHC II+ resident peritoneal and pleural macrophages rely on IRF4 for development from circulating monocytes. Kim KW, Williams JW, Wang YT, Ivanov S, Gilfillan S, Colonna M, Virgin HW, Gautier EL, Randolph GJ The Journal of experimental medicine 27551152 J Exp Med 2016 Sep 19
The Lymphatic System: Integral Roles in Immunity. Randolph GJ, Ivanov S, Zinselmeyer BH, Scallan JP Annual review of immunology 27860528 Annu Rev Immunol 2017 Apr 26
Lymph nodes go with the flow. Czepielewski RS, Randolph GJ The Journal of experimental medicine 30355618 J Exp Med 2018 Nov 5
B Cell-Mediated Antigen Presentation through MHC Class II Is Dispensable for Atherosclerosis Progression. Williams JW, Elvington A, Kessler S, Wohltmann M, Wu GF, Randolph GJ ImmunoHorizons 31356175 Immunohorizons 2019 Jan 21
Lymphatic network remodeling after small bowel resection. Onufer EJ, Czepielewski R, Seiler KM, Erlich E, Courtney CM, Bustos A, Randolph GJ, Warner BW Journal of pediatric surgery 30879758 J Pediatr Surg 2019 Jun
Cytokine Circuits in Cardiovascular Disease. Williams JW, Huang LH, Randolph GJ Immunity 30995508 Immunity 2019 Apr 16
Myeloid-specific Asxl2 deletion limits diet-induced obesity by regulating energy expenditure. Zou W, Rohatgi N, Brestoff JR, Moley JR, Li Y, Williams JW, Alippe Y, Pan H, Pietka TA, Mbalaviele G, Newberry EP, Davidson NO, Dey A, Shoghi KI, Head RD, Wickline SA, Randolph GJ, Abumrad NA, Teitelbaum SL The Journal of clinical investigation 32310225 J Clin Invest 2020 May 1
Peripheral nerve resident macrophages share tissue-specific programming and features of activated microglia. Wang PL, Yim AKY, Kim KW, Avey D, Czepielewski RS, Colonna M, Milbrandt J, Randolph GJ Nature communications 32439942 Nat Commun 2020 May 21
Liver injury after small bowel resection is prevented in obesity-resistant 129S1/SvImJ mice. Onufer EJ, Han YH, Courtney C, Steinberger A, Tecos M, Sutton S, Sescleifer A, Ou J, Sanguinetti Czepielewski R, Randolph GJ, Warner BW American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 33729834 Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2021 May 1
A Stromal Niche Defined by Expression of the Transcription Factor WT1 Mediates Programming and Homeostasis of Cavity-Resident Macrophages. Buechler MB, Kim KW, Onufer EJ, Williams JW, Little CC, Dominguez CX, Li Q, Sandoval W, Cooper JE, Harris CA, Junttila MR, Randolph GJ, Turley SJ Immunity 31231034 Immunity 2019 Jul 16
Postprandial Chylomicron Output and Transport Through Intestinal Lymphatics Are Not Impaired in Active Crohn's Disease. Huang LH, Deepak P, Ciorba MA, Mittendorfer B, Patterson BW, Randolph GJ Gastroenterology 32681923 Gastroenterology 2020 Nov
The Lymphatic Vasculature in the 21(st) Century: Novel Functional Roles in Homeostasis and Disease. Oliver G, Kipnis J, Randolph GJ, Harvey NL Cell 32707093 Cell 2020 Jul 23
CXCR4-Binding Positron Emission Tomography Tracers Link Monocyte Recruitment and Endothelial Injury in Murine Atherosclerosis. Baba O, Huang LH, Elvington A, Szpakowska M, Sultan D, Heo GS, Zhang X, Luehmann H, Detering L, Chevigne A, Liu Y, Randolph GJ Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 33327748 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2021 Feb
CD36 deficiency impairs the small intestinal barrier and induces subclinical inflammation in mice. Cifarelli V, Ivanov S, Xie Y, Son NH, Saunders BT, Pietka TA, Shew TM, Yoshino J, Sundaresan S, Davidson NO, Goldberg IJ, Gelman AE, Zinselmeyer BH, Randolph GJ, Abumrad NA Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology 28066800 Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 2017 Jan
Expression of factor V by resident macrophages boosts host defense in the peritoneal cavity. Zhang N, Czepielewski RS, Jarjour NN, Erlich EC, Esaulova E, Saunders BT, Grover SP, Cleuren AC, Broze GJ, Edelson BT, Mackman N, Zinselmeyer BH, Randolph GJ The Journal of experimental medicine 31048328 J Exp Med 2019 Jun 3
CCR7 and IRF4-dependent dendritic cells regulate lymphatic collecting vessel permeability. Ivanov S, Scallan JP, Kim KW, Werth K, Johnson MW, Saunders BT, Wang PL, Kuan EL, Straub AC, Ouhachi M, Weinstein EG, Williams JW, Briseño C, Colonna M, Isakson BE, Gautier EL, Förster R, Davis MJ, Zinselmeyer BH, Randolph GJ The Journal of clinical investigation 26999610 J Clin Invest 2016 Apr 1
LYVE1+ macrophages of murine peritoneal mesothelium promote omentum-independent ovarian tumor growth. Zhang N, Kim SH, Gainullina A, Erlich EC, Onufer EJ, Kim J, Czepielewski RS, Helmink BA, Dominguez JR, Saunders BT, Ding J, Williams JW, Jiang JX, Segal BH, Zinselmeyer BH, Randolph GJ, Kim KW The Journal of experimental medicine 34714329 J Exp Med 2021 Dec 6
Ileitis-associated tertiary lymphoid organs arise at lymphatic valves and impede mesenteric lymph flow in response to tumor necrosis factor. Czepielewski RS, Erlich EC, Onufer EJ, Young S, Saunders BT, Han YH, Wohltmann M, Wang PL, Kim KW, Kumar S, Hsieh CS, Scallan JP, Yang Y, Zinselmeyer BH, Davis MJ, Randolph GJ Immunity 34788601 Immunity 2021 Dec 14
Enterically derived high-density lipoprotein restrains liver injury through the portal vein. Han YH, Onufer EJ, Huang LH, Sprung RW, Davidson WS, Czepielewski RS, Wohltmann M, Sorci-Thomas MG, Warner BW, Randolph GJ Science (New York, N.Y.) 34437091 Science 2021 Jul 23
Limited proliferation capacity of aortic intima resident macrophages requires monocyte recruitment for atherosclerotic plaque progression. Williams JW, Zaitsev K, Kim KW, Ivanov S, Saunders BT, Schrank PR, Kim K, Elvington A, Kim SH, Tucker CG, Wohltmann M, Fife BT, Epelman S, Artyomov MN, Lavine KJ, Zinselmeyer BH, Choi JH, Randolph GJ Nature immunology 32895539 Nat Immunol 2020 Oct
Interleukin-17 Drives Interstitial Entrapment of Tissue Lipoproteins in Experimental Psoriasis. Huang LH, Zinselmeyer BH, Chang CH, Saunders BT, Elvington A, Baba O, Broekelmann TJ, Qi L, Rueve JS, Swartz MA, Kim BS, Mecham RP, Wiig H, Thomas MJ, Sorci-Thomas MG, Randolph GJ Cell metabolism 30415924 Cell Metab 2019 Feb 5
Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Nonfoamy Rather Than Foamy Plaque Macrophages Are Proinflammatory in Atherosclerotic Murine Models. Kim K, Shim D, Lee JS, Zaitsev K, Williams JW, Kim KW, Jang MY, Seok Jang H, Yun TJ, Lee SH, Yoon WK, Prat A, Seidah NG, Choi J, Lee SP, Yoon SH, Nam JW, Seong JK, Oh GT, Randolph GJ, Artyomov MN, Cheong C, Choi JH Circulation research 30359200 Circ Res 2018 Oct 26
Thermoneutrality but Not UCP1 Deficiency Suppresses Monocyte Mobilization Into Blood. Williams JW, Elvington A, Ivanov S, Kessler S, Luehmann H, Baba O, Saunders BT, Kim KW, Johnson MW, Craft CS, Choi JH, Sorci-Thomas MG, Zinselmeyer BH, Brestoff JR, Liu Y, Randolph GJ Circulation research 28696252 Circ Res 2017 Sep 1
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Protein engineering strategies for improving the selective methylation of target CpG sites by a dCas9-directed cytosine methyltransferase in bacteria. Xiong T, Rohm D, Workman RE, Roundtree L, Novina CD, Timp W, Ostermeier M PloS one 30562388 PLoS One 2018
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Accelerated postnatal growth increases lipogenic gene expression and adipocyte size in low-birth weight mice. Isganaitis E, Jimenez-Chillaron J, Woo M, Chow A, DeCoste J, Vokes M, Liu M, Kasif S, Zavacki AM, Leshan RL, Myers MG, Patti ME Diabetes 19208909 Diabetes 2009 May
Obesity is associated with hypothalamic injury in rodents and humans. Thaler JP, Yi CX, Schur EA, Guyenet SJ, Hwang BH, Dietrich MO, Zhao X, Sarruf DA, Izgur V, Maravilla KR, Nguyen HT, Fischer JD, Matsen ME, Wisse BE, Morton GJ, Horvath TL, Baskin DG, Tschöp MH, Schwartz MW The Journal of clinical investigation 22201683 J Clin Invest 2012 Jan
Leptin regulates glutamate and glucose transporters in hypothalamic astrocytes. Fuente-Martín E, García-Cáceres C, Granado M, de Ceballos ML, Sánchez-Garrido MÁ, Sarman B, Liu ZW, Dietrich MO, Tena-Sempere M, Argente-Arizón P, Díaz F, Argente J, Horvath TL, Chowen JA The Journal of clinical investigation 23064363 J Clin Invest 2012 Nov
AgRP neurons: a switch between peripheral carbohydrate and lipid utilization. Varela L, Horvath TL The EMBO journal 23085989 EMBO J 2012 Nov 14
Minireview: Metabolism of female reproduction: regulatory mechanisms and clinical implications. Seli E, Babayev E, Collins SC, Nemeth G, Horvath TL Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 24678733 Mol Endocrinol 2014 Jun
Leptin signaling in astrocytes regulates hypothalamic neuronal circuits and feeding. Kim JG, Suyama S, Koch M, Jin S, Argente-Arizon P, Argente J, Liu ZW, Zimmer MR, Jeong JK, Szigeti-Buck K, Gao Y, Garcia-Caceres C, Yi CX, Salmaso N, Vaccarino FM, Chowen J, Diano S, Dietrich MO, Tschöp MH, Horvath TL Nature neuroscience 24880214 Nat Neurosci 2014 Jul
Leptin and insulin pathways in POMC and AgRP neurons that modulate energy balance and glucose homeostasis. Varela L, Horvath TL EMBO reports 23146889 EMBO Rep 2012 Dec
Phosphoribosomes for fingerprinting neurons. Dietrich MO, Horvath TL Cell 23178116 Cell 2012 Nov 21
Hypothalamic POMC neurons promote cannabinoid-induced feeding. Koch M, Varela L, Kim JG, Kim JD, Hernández-Nuño F, Simonds SE, Castorena CM, Vianna CR, Elmquist JK, Morozov YM, Rakic P, Bechmann I, Cowley MA, Szigeti-Buck K, Dietrich MO, Gao XB, Diano S, Horvath TL Nature 25707796 Nature 2015 Mar 5
Maternal and offspring pools of osteocalcin influence brain development and functions. Oury F, Khrimian L, Denny CA, Gardin A, Chamouni A, Goeden N, Huang YY, Lee H, Srinivas P, Gao XB, Suyama S, Langer T, Mann JJ, Horvath TL, Bonnin A, Karsenty G Cell 24074871 Cell 2013 Sep 26
Sirtuin 1 and sirtuin 3: physiological modulators of metabolism. Nogueiras R, Habegger KM, Chaudhary N, Finan B, Banks AS, Dietrich MO, Horvath TL, Sinclair DA, Pfluger PT, Tschöp MH Physiological reviews 22811431 Physiol Rev 2012 Jul
AgRP neurons regulate development of dopamine neuronal plasticity and nonfood-associated behaviors. Dietrich MO, Bober J, Ferreira JG, Tellez LA, Mineur YS, Souza DO, Gao XB, Picciotto MR, Araújo I, Liu ZW, Horvath TL Nature neuroscience 22729177 Nat Neurosci 2012 Jun 24
Loss of autophagy in pro-opiomelanocortin neurons perturbs axon growth and causes metabolic dysregulation. Coupé B, Ishii Y, Dietrich MO, Komatsu M, Horvath TL, Bouret SG Cell metabolism 22285542 Cell Metab 2012 Feb 8
Hunger-promoting hypothalamic neurons modulate effector and regulatory T-cell responses. Matarese G, Procaccini C, Menale C, Kim JG, Kim JD, Diano S, Diano N, De Rosa V, Dietrich MO, Horvath TL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23530205 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Apr 9
Limitations in anti-obesity drug development: the critical role of hunger-promoting neurons. Dietrich MO, Horvath TL Nature reviews. Drug discovery 22858652 Nat Rev Drug Discov 2012 Sep
Modeling human cortical development in vitro using induced pluripotent stem cells. Mariani J, Simonini MV, Palejev D, Tomasini L, Coppola G, Szekely AM, Horvath TL, Vaccarino FM Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 22761314 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Jul 31
A marriage made to last in drug design. Dietrich MO, Horvath TL Nature medicine 23223057 Nat Med 2012 Dec
Hypothalamic control of energy balance: insights into the role of synaptic plasticity. Dietrich MO, Horvath TL Trends in neurosciences 23318157 Trends Neurosci 2013 Feb
Mitochondrial dynamics controlled by mitofusins regulate Agrp neuronal activity and diet-induced obesity. Dietrich MO, Liu ZW, Horvath TL Cell 24074868 Cell 2013 Sep 26
Neonatal insulin action impairs hypothalamic neurocircuit formation in response to maternal high-fat feeding. Vogt MC, Paeger L, Hess S, Steculorum SM, Awazawa M, Hampel B, Neupert S, Nicholls HT, Mauer J, Hausen AC, Predel R, Kloppenburg P, Horvath TL, Brüning JC Cell 24462248 Cell 2014 Jan 30
AgRP Neurons Regulate Bone Mass. Kim JG, Sun BH, Dietrich MO, Koch M, Yao GQ, Diano S, Insogna K, Horvath TL Cell reports 26411686 Cell Rep 2015 Oct 6
Nonlatching positive feedback enables robust bimodality by decoupling expression noise from the mean. Razooky BS, Cao Y, Hansen MMK, Perelson AS, Simpson ML, Weinberger LS PLoS biology 29045398 PLoS Biol 2017 Oct
Cytoplasmic Amplification of Transcriptional Noise Generates Substantial Cell-to-Cell Variability. Hansen MMK, Desai RV, Simpson ML, Weinberger LS Cell systems 30243562 Cell Syst 2018 Oct 24
A minimal fate-selection switch. Weinberger LS Current opinion in cell biology 26611210 Curr Opin Cell Biol 2015 Dec
Post-Transcriptional Noise Control. Hansen MMK, Weinberger LS BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology 31222776 Bioessays 2019 Jul
Conflicting Selection Pressures Will Constrain Viral Escape from Interfering Particles: Principles for Designing Resistance-Proof Antivirals. Rast LI, Rouzine IM, Rozhnova G, Bishop L, Weinberger AD, Weinberger LS PLoS computational biology 27152856 PLoS Comput Biol 2016 May
Transient Thresholding: A Mechanism Enabling Noncooperative Transcriptional Circuitry to Form a Switch. Aull KH, Tanner EJ, Thomson M, Weinberger LS Biophysical journal 28591615 Biophys J 2017 Jun 6
Attacking Latent HIV with convertibleCAR-T Cells, a Highly Adaptable Killing Platform. Herzig E, Kim KC, Packard TA, Vardi N, Schwarzer R, Gramatica A, Deeks SG, Williams SR, Landgraf K, Killeen N, Martin DW, Weinberger LS, Greene WC Cell 31668804 Cell 2019 Oct 31
A Post-Transcriptional Feedback Mechanism for Noise Suppression and Fate Stabilization. Hansen MMK, Wen WY, Ingerman E, Razooky BS, Thompson CE, Dar RD, Chin CW, Simpson ML, Weinberger LS Cell 29754821 Cell 2018 Jun 14
Spatial tuning of acoustofluidic pressure nodes by altering net sonic velocity enables high-throughput, efficient cell sorting. Jung SY, Notton T, Fong E, Shusteff M, Weinberger LS Lab on a chip 25563937 Lab Chip 2015 Feb 21
Fate-Regulating Circuits in Viruses: From Discovery to New Therapy Targets. Pai A, Weinberger LS Annual review of virology 28800289 Annu Rev Virol 2017 Sep 29
An evolutionary role for HIV latency in enhancing viral transmission. Rouzine IM, Weinberger AD, Weinberger LS Cell 25723173 Cell 2015 Feb 26
Feedback-mediated signal conversion promotes viral fitness. Vardi N, Chaturvedi S, Weinberger LS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 30150412 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Sep 11
A Bioreactor Method to Generate High-titer, Genetically Stable, Clinical-isolate Human Cytomegalovirus. Saykally VR, Rast LI, Sasaki J, Jung SY, Bolovan-Fritts C, Weinberger LS Bio-protocol 29226181 Bio Protoc 2017 Nov 5
Activity of a direct VTA to ventral pallidum GABA pathway encodes unconditioned reward value and sustains motivation for reward. Zhou WL, Kim K, Ali F, Pittenger ST, Calarco CA, Mineur YS, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K, Kwan AC, Picciotto MR Science advances 36260661 Sci Adv 2022 Oct 21
Nicotine addiction: More than just dopamine. Kim K, Picciotto MR Current opinion in neurobiology 37832393 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2023 Dec
Variability in nicotine conditioned place preference and stress-induced reinstatement in mice: Effects of sex, initial chamber preference, and guanfacine. Lee AM, Calarco CA, McKee SA, Mineur YS, Picciotto MR Genes, brain, and behavior 31364813 Genes Brain Behav 2020 Mar
ACh signaling modulates activity of the GABAergic signaling network in the basolateral amygdala and behavior in stress-relevant paradigms. Mineur YS, Mose TN, Maibom KL, Pittenger ST, Soares AR, Wu H, Taylor SR, Huang Y, Picciotto MR Molecular psychiatry 36050437 Mol Psychiatry 2022 Dec
Hippocampal knockdown of α2 nicotinic or M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in C57BL/6J male mice impairs cued fear conditioning. Mineur YS, Ernstsen C, Islam A, Lefoli Maibom K, Picciotto MR Genes, brain, and behavior 32447811 Genes Brain Behav 2020 Jul
Acetylcholine is released in the basolateral amygdala in response to predictors of reward and enhances the learning of cue-reward contingency. Crouse RB, Kim K, Batchelor HM, Girardi EM, Kamaletdinova R, Chan J, Rajebhosale P, Pittenger ST, Role LW, Talmage DA, Jing M, Li Y, Gao XB, Mineur YS, Picciotto MR eLife 32945260 Elife 2020 Sep 18
Effects of nicotine on DARPP-32 and CaMKII signaling relevant to addiction. Lee AM, Picciotto MR Advances in pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.) 33706940 Adv Pharmacol 2021
Hippocampal acetylcholine modulates stress-related behaviors independent of specific cholinergic inputs. Mineur YS, Mose TN, Vanopdenbosch L, Etherington IM, Ogbejesi C, Islam A, Pineda CM, Crouse RB, Zhou W, Thompson DC, Bentham MP, Picciotto MR Molecular psychiatry 34997190 Mol Psychiatry 2022 Mar
Sex differences in stress-induced alcohol intake: a review of preclinical studies focused on amygdala and inflammatory pathways. Mineur YS, Garcia-Rivas V, Thomas MA, Soares AR, McKee SA, Picciotto MR Psychopharmacology 35359158 Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2022 Jul
Origin and Function of Stress-Induced IL-6 in Murine Models. Qing H, Desrouleaux R, Israni-Winger K, Mineur YS, Fogelman N, Zhang C, Rashed S, Palm NW, Sinha R, Picciotto MR, Perry RJ, Wang A Cell 32610084 Cell 2020 Jul 23
microRNA-33 maintains adaptive thermogenesis via enhanced sympathetic nerve activity. Horie T, Nakao T, Miyasaka Y, Nishino T, Matsumura S, Nakazeki F, Ide Y, Kimura M, Tsuji S, Rodriguez RR, Watanabe T, Yamasaki T, Xu S, Otani C, Miyagawa S, Matsushita K, Sowa N, Omori A, Tanaka J, Nishimura C, Nishiga M, Kuwabara Y, Baba O, Watanabe S, Nishi H, Nakashima Y, Picciotto MR, Inoue H, Watanabe D, Nakamura K, Sasaki T, Kimura T, Ono K Nature communications 33594062 Nat Commun 2021 Feb 16
Sex Differences in the Ventral Tegmental Area and Nucleus Accumbens Proteome at Baseline and Following Nicotine Exposure. Lee AM, Mansuri MS, Wilson RS, Lam TT, Nairn AC, Picciotto MR Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 34335180 Front Mol Neurosci 2021
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Most cancers carry a substantial deleterious load due to Hill-Robertson interference. Tilk S, Tkachenko S, Curtis C, Petrov DA, McFarland CD eLife 36047771 Elife 2022 Sep 1
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Germline-mediated immunoediting sculpts breast cancer subtypes and metastatic proclivity. Houlahan KE, Khan A, Greenwald NF, Vivas CS, West RB, Angelo M, Curtis C Science (New York, N.Y.) 38815010 Science 2024 May 31
Cancers adapt to their mutational load by buffering protein misfolding stress. Tilk S, Frydman J, Curtis C, Petrov DA eLife 39585785 Elife 2024 Nov 25
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Tumor Microenvironment Is Critical for the Maintenance of Cellular States Found in Primary Glioblastomas. Pine AR, Cirigliano SM, Nicholson JG, Hu Y, Linkous A, Miyaguchi K, Edwards L, Singhania R, Schwartz TH, Ramakrishna R, Pisapia DJ, Snuderl M, Elemento O, Fine HA Cancer discovery 32253265 Cancer Discov 2020 Jul
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Chronic hypoxia remodels the tumor microenvironment to support glioma stem cell growth. Nicholson JG, Cirigliano S, Singhania R, Haywood C, Shahidi Dadras M, Yoshimura M, Vanderbilt D, Liechty B, Fine HA Acta neuropathologica communications 38528608 Acta Neuropathol Commun 2024 Mar 25
Parallel Single-Cell RNA-Seq and Genetic Recording Reveals Lineage Decisions in Developing Embryoid Bodies. Kim IS, Wu J, Rahme GJ, Battaglia S, Dixit A, Gaskell E, Chen H, Pinello L, Bernstein BE Cell reports 33027665 Cell Rep 2020 Oct 6
A B Cell Regulome Links Notch to Downstream Oncogenic Pathways in Small B Cell Lymphomas. Ryan RJH, Petrovic J, Rausch DM, Zhou Y, Lareau CA, Kluk MJ, Christie AL, Lee WY, Tarjan DR, Guo B, Donohue LKH, Gillespie SM, Nardi V, Hochberg EP, Blacklow SC, Weinstock DM, Faryabi RB, Bernstein BE, Aster JC, Pear WS Cell reports 29045844 Cell Rep 2017 Oct 17
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Genome-wide programmable transcriptional memory by CRISPR-based epigenome editing. Nuñez JK, Chen J, Pommier GC, Cogan JZ, Replogle JM, Adriaens C, Ramadoss GN, Shi Q, Hung KL, Samelson AJ, Pogson AN, Kim JYS, Chung A, Leonetti MD, Chang HY, Kampmann M, Bernstein BE, Hovestadt V, Gilbert LA, Weissman JS Cell 33838111 Cell 2021 Apr 29
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Chromatin complex dependencies reveal targeting opportunities in leukemia. Najm FJ, DeWeirdt P, Moore MM, Bevill SM, El Farran CA, Macias KA, Hegde M, Waterbury AL, Liau BB, van Galen P, Doench JG, Bernstein BE Nature communications 36707513 Nat Commun 2023 Jan 27
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Developmental and oncogenic programs in H3K27M gliomas dissected by single-cell RNA-seq. Filbin MG, Tirosh I, Hovestadt V, Shaw ML, Escalante LE, Mathewson ND, Neftel C, Frank N, Pelton K, Hebert CM, Haberler C, Yizhak K, Gojo J, Egervari K, Mount C, van Galen P, Bonal DM, Nguyen QD, Beck A, Sinai C, Czech T, Dorfer C, Goumnerova L, Lavarino C, Carcaboso AM, Mora J, Mylvaganam R, Luo CC, Peyrl A, Popović M, Azizi A, Batchelor TT, Frosch MP, Martinez-Lage M, Kieran MW, Bandopadhayay P, Beroukhim R, Fritsch G, Getz G, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Wucherpfennig KW, Louis DN, Monje M, Slavc I, Ligon KL, Golub TR, Regev A, Bernstein BE, Suvà ML Science (New York, N.Y.) 29674595 Science 2018 Apr 20
Epigenetic plasticity and the hallmarks of cancer. Flavahan WA, Gaskell E, Bernstein BE Science (New York, N.Y.) 28729483 Science 2017 Jul 21
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CD98-Mediated Adhesive Signaling Enables the Establishment and Propagation of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Bajaj J, Konuma T, Lytle NK, Kwon HY, Ablack JN, Cantor JM, Rizzieri D, Chuah C, Oehler VG, Broome EH, Ball ED, van der Horst EH, Ginsberg MH, Reya T Cancer cell 27908736 Cancer Cell 2016 Nov 14
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First In Vivo Testing of Compounds Targeting Group 3 Medulloblastomas Using an Implantable Microdevice as a New Paradigm for Drug Development. Jonas O, Calligaris D, Methuku KR, Poe MM, Francois JP, Tranghese F, Changelian A, Sieghart W, Ernst M, Krummel DA, Cook JM, Pomeroy SL, Cima M, Agar NY, Langer R, Sengupta S Journal of biomedical nanotechnology 27319222 J Biomed Nanotechnol 2016 Jun
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Drug sensitivity of single cancer cells is predicted by changes in mass accumulation rate. Stevens MM, Maire CL, Chou N, Murakami MA, Knoff DS, Kikuchi Y, Kimmerling RJ, Liu H, Haidar S, Calistri NL, Cermak N, Olcum S, Cordero NA, Idbaih A, Wen PY, Weinstock DM, Ligon KL, Manalis SR Nature biotechnology 27723727 Nat Biotechnol 2016 Nov
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How to regulate a gene: to repress or to activate? Slavov N, van Oudenaarden A Molecular cell 22681881 Mol Cell 2012 Jun 8
Layer-by-layer assembled fluorescent probes in the second near-infrared window for systemic delivery and detection of ovarian cancer. Dang X, Gu L, Qi J, Correa S, Zhang G, Belcher AM, Hammond PT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 27114520 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 May 10
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A Caenorhabditis elegans protein with a PRDM9-like SET domain localizes to chromatin-associated foci and promotes spermatocyte gene expression, sperm production and fertility. Engert CG, Droste R, van Oudenaarden A, Horvitz HR PLoS genetics 29702639 PLoS Genet 2018 Apr
Poly(glycoamidoamine) Brushes Formulated Nanomaterials for Systemic siRNA and mRNA Delivery in Vivo. Dong Y, Dorkin JR, Wang W, Chang PH, Webber MJ, Tang BC, Yang J, Abutbul-Ionita I, Danino D, DeRosa F, Heartlein M, Langer R, Anderson DG Nano letters 26727632 Nano Lett 2016 Feb 10
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Allele-specific detection of single mRNA molecules in situ. Hansen CH, van Oudenaarden A Nature methods 23934076 Nat Methods 2013 Sep
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Stochastic cytokine expression induces mixed T helper cell States. Fang M, Xie H, Dougan SK, Ploegh H, van Oudenaarden A PLoS biology 23935453 PLoS Biol 2013 Jul
Cell intrinsic modulation of Wnt signaling controls neuroblast migration in C. elegans. Mentink RA, Middelkoop TC, Rella L, Ji N, Tang CY, Betist MC, van Oudenaarden A, Korswagen HC Developmental cell 25373777 Dev Cell 2014 Oct 27
Cells change their sensitivity to an EGF morphogen gradient to control EGF-induced gene expression. van Zon JS, Kienle S, Huelsz-Prince G, Barkoulas M, van Oudenaarden A Nature communications 25958991 Nat Commun 2015 May 11
Direct evidence for cancer-cell-autonomous extracellular protein catabolism in pancreatic tumors. Davidson SM, Jonas O, Keibler MA, Hou HW, Luengo A, Mayers JR, Wyckoff J, Del Rosario AM, Whitman M, Chin CR, Condon KJ, Lammers A, Kellersberger KA, Stall BK, Stephanopoulos G, Bar-Sagi D, Han J, Rabinowitz JD, Cima MJ, Langer R, Vander Heiden MG Nature medicine 28024083 Nat Med 2017 Feb
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Integrated genetic and pharmacologic interrogation of rare cancers. Hong AL, Tseng YY, Cowley GS, Jonas O, Cheah JH, Kynnap BD, Doshi MB, Oh C, Meyer SC, Church AJ, Gill S, Bielski CM, Keskula P, Imamovic A, Howell S, Kryukov GV, Clemons PA, Tsherniak A, Vazquez F, Crompton BD, Shamji AF, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Janeway KA, Roberts CW, Stegmaier K, van Hummelen P, Cima MJ, Langer RS, Garraway LA, Schreiber SL, Root DE, Hahn WC, Boehm JS Nature communications 27329820 Nat Commun 2016 Jun 22
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Function of Piwi, a nuclear Piwi/Argonaute protein, is independent of its slicer activity. Darricarrère N, Liu N, Watanabe T, Lin H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23297219 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Jan 22
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Targeting Dysregulated Ion Channels in Liver Tumors with Venom Peptides. Achimba F, Faezov B, Cohen B, Dunbrack R, Holford M Molecular cancer therapeutics 38015557 Mol Cancer Ther 2024 Feb 1
Phylogenomics of Neogastropoda: The Backbone Hidden in the Bush. Fedosov AE, Zaharias P, Lemarcis T, Modica MV, Holford M, Oliverio M, Kantor YI, Puillandre N Systematic biology 38456663 Syst Biol 2024 Sep 5
Fiber-based Probes for Electrophysiology, Photometry, Optical and Electrical Stimulation, Drug Delivery, and Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry In Vivo. Driscoll N, Antonini MJ, Cannon TM, Maretich P, Olaitan G, Phi Van VD, Nagao K, Sahasrabudhe A, Vargas E, Hunt S, Hummel M, Mupparaju S, Jasanoff A, Venton J, Anikeeva P bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38895451 bioRxiv 2024 Jun 8
Modulating cell signalling in vivo with magnetic nanotransducers. Romero G, Park J, Koehler F, Pralle A, Anikeeva P Nature reviews. Methods primers 38111858 Nat Rev Methods Primers 2022
Multifunctional Neural Probes Enable Bidirectional Electrical, Optical, and Chemical Recording and Stimulation In Vivo. Driscoll N, Antonini MJ, Cannon TM, Maretich P, Olaitan G, Van VDP, Nagao K, Sahasrabudhe A, Paniagua EV, Frey EJ, Kim YJ, Hunt S, Hummel M, Mupparaju S, Jasanoff A, Venton BJ, Anikeeva P Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 39506430 Adv Mater 2024 Nov 6
Changes in Brain Neuroimmunology Following Injury and Disease. Tabet A, Apra C, Stranahan AM, Anikeeva P Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 35573444 Front Integr Neurosci 2022
Magnetoelectric Nanodiscs Enable Wireless Transgene-Free Neuromodulation. Kim YJ, Driscoll N, Kent N, Paniagua EV, Tabet A, Koehler F, Manthey M, Sahasrabudhe A, Signorelli L, Gregureć D, Anikeeva P bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38234742 bioRxiv 2023 Dec 25
Multifunctional microelectronic fibers enable wireless modulation of gut and brain neural circuits. Sahasrabudhe A, Rupprecht LE, Orguc S, Khudiyev T, Tanaka T, Sands J, Zhu W, Tabet A, Manthey M, Allen H, Loke G, Antonini MJ, Rosenfeld D, Park J, Garwood IC, Yan W, Niroui F, Fink Y, Chandrakasan A, Bohórquez DV, Anikeeva P Nature biotechnology 37349522 Nat Biotechnol 2024 Jun
Magnetoelectric nanodiscs enable wireless transgene-free neuromodulation. Kim YJ, Kent N, Vargas Paniagua E, Driscoll N, Tabet A, Koehler F, Malkin E, Frey E, Manthey M, Sahasrabudhe A, Cannon TM, Nagao K, Mankus D, Bisher M, de Nola G, Lytton-Jean A, Signorelli L, Gregurec D, Anikeeva P Nature nanotechnology 39394431 Nat Nanotechnol 2025 Jan
Estimation of Current and Future Physiological States in Insular Cortex. Livneh Y, Sugden AU, Madara JC, Essner RA, Flores VI, Sugden LA, Resch JM, Lowell BB, Andermann ML Neuron 31955944 Neuron 2020 Mar 18
Hypothalamic dopamine neurons motivate mating through persistent cAMP signalling. Zhang SX, Lutas A, Yang S, Diaz A, Fluhr H, Nagel G, Gao S, Andermann ML Nature 34433964 Nature 2021 Sep
Trigeminal afferents sense locomotion-related meningeal deformations. Blaeser AS, Sugden AU, Zhao J, Carneiro-Nascimento S, Shipley FB, Carrié H, Andermann ML, Levy D Cell reports 36384109 Cell Rep 2022 Nov 15
Brainstem serotonin neurons selectively gate retinal information flow to thalamus. Reggiani JDS, Jiang Q, Barbini M, Lutas A, Liang L, Fernando J, Deng F, Wan J, Li Y, Chen C, Andermann ML Neuron 36584680 Neuron 2023 Mar 1
Sensory cortical ensembles exhibit differential coupling to ripples in distinct hippocampal subregions. Jeong H, Namboodiri VMK, Jung MW, Andermann ML bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36993665 bioRxiv 2023 Mar 18
Transient cAMP production drives rapid and sustained spiking in brainstem parabrachial neurons to suppress feeding. Singh Alvarado J, Lutas A, Madara JC, Isaac J, Lommer C, Massengill C, Andermann ML Neuron 38417435 Neuron 2024 May 1
A spatially-resolved transcriptional atlas of the murine dorsal pons at single-cell resolution. Nardone S, De Luca R, Zito A, Klymko N, Nicoloutsopoulos D, Amsalem O, Brannigan C, Resch JM, Jacobs CL, Pant D, Veregge M, Srinivasan H, Grippo RM, Yang Z, Zeidel ML, Andermann ML, Harris KD, Tsai LT, Arrigoni E, Verstegen AMJ, Saper CB, Lowell BB Nature communications 38438345 Nat Commun 2024 Mar 4
Sensory cortical ensembles exhibit differential coupling to ripples in distinct hippocampal subregions. Jeong H, Namboodiri VMK, Jung MW, Andermann ML Current biology : CB 37995696 Curr Biol 2023 Dec 4
A spatially-resolved transcriptional atlas of the murine dorsal pons at single-cell resolution. Nardone S, De Luca R, Zito A, Klymko N, Nicoloutsopoulos D, Amsalem O, Brannigan C, Resch JM, Jacobs CL, Pant D, Veregge M, Srinivasan H, Grippo RM, Yang Z, Zeidel ML, Andermann ML, Harris KD, Tsai LT, Arrigoni E, Verstegen AMJ, Saper CB, Lowell BB bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38014113 bioRxiv 2023 Nov 17
Tracking Calcium Dynamics and Immune Surveillance at the Choroid Plexus Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Interface. Shipley FB, Dani N, Xu H, Deister C, Cui J, Head JP, Sadegh C, Fame RM, Shannon ML, Flores VI, Kishkovich T, Jang E, Klein EM, Goldey GJ, He K, Zhang Y, Holtzman MJ, Kirchhausen T, Wyart C, Moore CI, Andermann ML, Lehtinen MK Neuron 32961128 Neuron 2020 Nov 25
Choroid plexus-targeted NKCC1 overexpression to treat post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus. Sadegh C, Xu H, Sutin J, Fatou B, Gupta S, Pragana A, Taylor M, Kalugin PN, Zawadzki ME, Alturkistani O, Shipley FB, Dani N, Fame RM, Wurie Z, Talati P, Schleicher RL, Klein EM, Zhang Y, Holtzman MJ, Moore CI, Lin PY, Patel AB, Warf BC, Kimberly WT, Steen H, Andermann ML, Lehtinen MK Neuron 36893755 Neuron 2023 May 17
Sensitization of meningeal afferents to locomotion-related meningeal deformations in a migraine model. Blaeser AS, Zhao J, Sugden AU, Carneiro-Nascimento S, Andermann ML, Levy D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37577675 bioRxiv 2023 Nov 28
Competition between stochastic neuropeptide signals calibrates the rate of satiation. Zhang SX, Kim A, Madara JC, Zhu PK, Christenson LF, Lutas A, Kalugin PN, Jin Y, Pal A, Tian L, Lowell BB, Andermann ML Research square 37546985 Res Sq 2023 Jul 26
Repeated stress triggers seeking of a starvation-like state in anxiety-prone female mice. Kucukdereli H, Amsalem O, Pottala T, Lim M, Potgieter L, Hasbrouck A, Lutas A, Andermann ML Neuron 38642553 Neuron 2024 Jul 3
History-dependent dopamine release increases cAMP levels in most basal amygdala glutamatergic neurons to control learning. Lutas A, Fernando K, Zhang SX, Sambangi A, Andermann ML Cell reports 35081349 Cell Rep 2022 Jan 25
Visual association cortex links cues with conjunctions of reward and locomotor contexts. McGuire KL, Amsalem O, Sugden AU, Ramesh RN, Fernando J, Burgess CR, Andermann ML Current biology : CB 35245458 Curr Biol 2022 Apr 11
Sensitization of meningeal afferents to locomotion-related meningeal deformations in a migraine model. Blaeser AS, Zhao J, Sugden AU, Carneiro-Nascimento S, Andermann ML, Levy D eLife 38329894 Elife 2024 Feb 8
The choroid plexus synergizes with immune cells during neuroinflammation. Xu H, Lotfy P, Gelb S, Pragana A, Hehnly C, Byer LIJ, Shipley FB, Zawadzki ME, Cui J, Deng L, Taylor M, Webb M, Lidov HGW, Andermann ML, Chiu IM, Ordovas-Montanes J, Lehtinen MK Cell 39089253 Cell 2024 Sep 5
Cellular activity in insular cortex across seconds to hours: Sensations and predictions of bodily states. Livneh Y, Andermann ML Neuron 34582784 Neuron 2021 Nov 17
Retinal Inputs to the Thalamus Are Selectively Gated by Arousal. Liang L, Fratzl A, Reggiani JDS, El Mansour O, Chen C, Andermann ML Current biology : CB 32795442 Curr Biol 2020 Oct 19
Cortical reactivations predict future sensory responses. Nguyen ND, Lutas A, Amsalem O, Fernando J, Ahn AY, Hakim R, Vergara J, McMahon J, Dimidschstein J, Sabatini BL, Andermann ML Nature 38093002 Nature 2024 Jan
Development of a Rapid and Sensitive CasRx-Based Diagnostic Assay for SARS-CoV-2. Brogan DJ, Chaverra-Rodriguez D, Lin CP, Smidler AL, Yang T, Alcantara LM, Antoshechkin I, Liu J, Raban RR, Belda-Ferre P, Knight R, Komives EA, Akbari OS ACS sensors 34714054 ACS Sens 2021 Nov 26
Applications and Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Microbiome Data. Armstrong G, Rahman G, Martino C, McDonald D, Gonzalez A, Mishne G, Knight R Frontiers in bioinformatics 36304280 Front Bioinform 2022
Standardized multi-omics of Earth's microbiomes reveals microbial and metabolite diversity. Shaffer JP, Nothias LF, Thompson LR, Sanders JG, Salido RA, Couvillion SP, Brejnrod AD, Lejzerowicz F, Haiminen N, Huang S, Lutz HL, Zhu Q, Martino C, Morton JT, Karthikeyan S, Nothias-Esposito M, Dührkop K, Böcker S, Kim HW, Aksenov AA, Bittremieux W, Minich JJ, Marotz C, Bryant MM, Sanders K, Schwartz T, Humphrey G, Vásquez-Baeza Y, Tripathi A, Parida L, Carrieri AP, Beck KL, Das P, González A, McDonald D, Ladau J, Karst SM, Albertsen M, Ackermann G, DeReus J, Thomas T, Petras D, Shade A, Stegen J, Song SJ, Metz TO, Swafford AD, Dorrestein PC, Jansson JK, Gilbert JA, Knight R, Earth Microbiome Project 500 (EMP500) Consortium Nature microbiology 36443458 Nat Microbiol 2022 Dec
Pan-cancer analyses reveal cancer-type-specific fungal ecologies and bacteriome interactions. Narunsky-Haziza L, Sepich-Poore GD, Livyatan I, Asraf O, Martino C, Nejman D, Gavert N, Stajich JE, Amit G, González A, Wandro S, Perry G, Ariel R, Meltser A, Shaffer JP, Zhu Q, Balint-Lahat N, Barshack I, Dadiani M, Gal-Yam EN, Patel SP, Bashan A, Swafford AD, Pilpel Y, Knight R, Straussman R Cell 36179670 Cell 2022 Sep 29
SARS-CoV-2 detection status associates with bacterial community composition in patients and the hospital environment. Marotz C, Belda-Ferre P, Ali F, Das P, Huang S, Cantrell K, Jiang L, Martino C, Diner RE, Rahman G, McDonald D, Armstrong G, Kodera S, Donato S, Ecklu-Mensah G, Gottel N, Salas Garcia MC, Chiang LY, Salido RA, Shaffer JP, Bryant MK, Sanders K, Humphrey G, Ackermann G, Haiminen N, Beck KL, Kim HC, Carrieri AP, Parida L, Vázquez-Baeza Y, Torriani FJ, Knight R, Gilbert J, Sweeney DA, Allard SM Microbiome 34103074 Microbiome 2021 Jun 8
Evaluating Organism-Wide Changes in the Metabolome and Microbiome following a Single Dose of Antibiotic. Vrbanac A, Patras KA, Jarmusch AK, Mills RH, Shing SR, Quinn RA, Vargas F, Gonzalez DJ, Dorrestein PC, Knight R, Nizet V mSystems 33024048 mSystems 2020 Oct 6
Challenges in Determining the Role of Microbiome Evolution in Barrett's Esophagus and Progression to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Guccione C, Yadlapati R, Shah S, Knight R, Curtius K Microorganisms 34683324 Microorganisms 2021 Sep 22
Wastewater sequencing reveals early cryptic SARS-CoV-2 variant transmission. Karthikeyan S, Levy JI, De Hoff P, Humphrey G, Birmingham A, Jepsen K, Farmer S, Tubb HM, Valles T, Tribelhorn CE, Tsai R, Aigner S, Sathe S, Moshiri N, Henson B, Mark AM, Hakim A, Baer NA, Barber T, Belda-Ferre P, Chacón M, Cheung W, Cresini ES, Eisner ER, Lastrella AL, Lawrence ES, Marotz CA, Ngo TT, Ostrander T, Plascencia A, Salido RA, Seaver P, Smoot EW, McDonald D, Neuhard RM, Scioscia AL, Satterlund AM, Simmons EH, Abelman DB, Brenner D, Bruner JC, Buckley A, Ellison M, Gattas J, Gonias SL, Hale M, Hawkins F, Ikeda L, Jhaveri H, Johnson T, Kellen V, Kremer B, Matthews G, McLawhon RW, Ouillet P, Park D, Pradenas A, Reed S, Riggs L, Sanders A, Sollenberger B, Song A, White B, Winbush T, Aceves CM, Anderson C, Gangavarapu K, Hufbauer E, Kurzban E, Lee J, Matteson NL, Parker E, Perkins SA, Ramesh KS, Robles-Sikisaka R, Schwab MA, Spencer E, Wohl S, Nicholson L, McHardy IH, Dimmock DP, Hobbs CA, Bakhtar O, Harding A, Mendoza A, Bolze A, Becker D, Cirulli ET, Isaksson M, Schiabor Barrett KM, Washington NL, Malone JD, Schafer AM, Gurfield N, Stous S, Fielding-Miller R, Garfein RS, Gaines T, Anderson C, Martin NK, Schooley R, Austin B, MacCannell DR, Kingsmore SF, Lee W, Shah S, McDonald E, Yu AT, Zeller M, Fisch KM, Longhurst C, Maysent P, Pride D, Khosla PK, Laurent LC, Yeo GW, Andersen KG, Knight R Nature 35798029 Nature 2022 Sep
Enhancing untargeted metabolomics using metadata-based source annotation. Gauglitz JM, West KA, Bittremieux W, Williams CL, Weldon KC, Panitchpakdi M, Di Ottavio F, Aceves CM, Brown E, Sikora NC, Jarmusch AK, Martino C, Tripathi A, Meehan MJ, Dorrestein K, Shaffer JP, Coras R, Vargas F, Goldasich LD, Schwartz T, Bryant M, Humphrey G, Johnson AJ, Spengler K, Belda-Ferre P, Diaz E, McDonald D, Zhu Q, Elijah EO, Wang M, Marotz C, Sprecher KE, Vargas-Robles D, Withrow D, Ackermann G, Herrera L, Bradford BJ, Marques LMM, Amaral JG, Silva RM, Veras FP, Cunha TM, Oliveira RDR, Louzada-Junior P, Mills RH, Piotrowski PK, Servetas SL, Da Silva SM, Jones CM, Lin NJ, Lippa KA, Jackson SA, Daouk RK, Galasko D, Dulai PS, Kalashnikova TI, Wittenberg C, Terkeltaub R, Doty MM, Kim JH, Rhee KE, Beauchamp-Walters J, Wright KP Jr, Dominguez-Bello MG, Manary M, Oliveira MF, Boland BS, Lopes NP, Guma M, Swafford AD, Dutton RJ, Knight R, Dorrestein PC Nature biotechnology 35798960 Nat Biotechnol 2022 Dec
Implementation of Practical Surface SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance in School Settings. Cantú VJ, Belda-Ferre P, Salido RA, Tsai R, Austin B, Jordan W, Asudani M, Walster A, Magallanes CG, Valentine H, Manjoonian A, Wijaya C, Omaleki V, Sanders K, Aigner S, Baer NA, Betty M, Castro-Martínez A, Cheung W, Crescini ES, De Hoff P, Eisner E, Hakim A, Kapadia B, Lastrella AL, Lawrence ES, Ngo TT, Ostrander T, Sathe S, Seaver P, Smoot EW, Carlin AF, Yeo GW, Laurent LC, Manlutac AL, Fielding-Miller R, Knight R mSystems 35703437 mSystems 2022 Aug 30
Compositionally Aware Phylogenetic Beta-Diversity Measures Better Resolve Microbiomes Associated with Phenotype. Martino C, McDonald D, Cantrell K, Dilmore AH, Vázquez-Baeza Y, Shenhav L, Shaffer JP, Rahman G, Armstrong G, Allaband C, Song SJ, Knight R mSystems 35477286 mSystems 2022 Jun 28
Naturalization of the microbiota developmental trajectory of Cesarean-born neonates after vaginal seeding. Song SJ, Wang J, Martino C, Jiang L, Thompson WK, Shenhav L, McDonald D, Marotz C, Harris PR, Hernandez CD, Henderson N, Ackley E, Nardella D, Gillihan C, Montacuti V, Schweizer W, Jay M, Combellick J, Sun H, Garcia-Mantrana I, Gil Raga F, Collado MC, Rivera-Viñas JI, Campos-Rivera M, Ruiz-Calderon JF, Knight R, Dominguez-Bello MG Med (New York, N.Y.) 35590169 Med 2021 Aug 13
Incomplete human reference genomes can drive false sex biases and expose patient-identifying information in metagenomic data. Guccione C, Patel L, Tomofuji Y, McDonald D, Gonzalez A, Sepich-Poore GD, Sonehara K, Zakeri M, Chen Y, Dilmore AH, Damle N, Baranzini SE, Nakatsuji T, Gallo RL, Langmead B, Okada Y, Curtius K, Knight R Research square 39502785 Res Sq 2024 Oct 23
SARS-CoV-2 Distribution in Residential Housing Suggests Contact Deposition and Correlates with Rothia sp. Cantú VJ, Salido RA, Huang S, Rahman G, Tsai R, Valentine H, Magallanes CG, Aigner S, Baer NA, Barber T, Belda-Ferre P, Betty M, Bryant M, Casas Maya M, Castro-Martínez A, Chacón M, Cheung W, Crescini ES, De Hoff P, Eisner E, Farmer S, Hakim A, Kohn L, Lastrella AL, Lawrence ES, Morgan SC, Ngo TT, Nouri A, Plascencia A, Ruiz CA, Sathe S, Seaver P, Shwartz T, Smoot EW, Ostrander RT, Valles T, Yeo GW, Laurent LC, Fielding-Miller R, Knight R mSystems 35575492 mSystems 2022 Jun 28
Microbial context predicts SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in patients and the hospital built environment. Marotz C, Belda-Ferre P, Ali F, Das P, Huang S, Cantrell K, Jiang L, Martino C, Diner RE, Rahman G, McDonald D, Armstrong G, Kodera S, Donato S, Ecklu-Mensah G, Gottel N, Garcia MCS, Chiang LY, Salido RA, Shaffer JP, Bryant M, Sanders K, Humphrey G, Ackermann G, Haiminen N, Beck KL, Kim HC, Carrieri AP, Parida L, Vázquez-Baeza Y, Torriani FJ, Knight R, Gilbert JA, Sweeney DA, Allard SM medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 33236030 medRxiv 2020 Nov 22
Context-aware dimensionality reduction deconvolutes gut microbial community dynamics. Martino C, Shenhav L, Marotz CA, Armstrong G, McDonald D, Vázquez-Baeza Y, Morton JT, Jiang L, Dominguez-Bello MG, Swafford AD, Halperin E, Knight R Nature biotechnology 32868914 Nat Biotechnol 2021 Feb
A comparison of DNA/RNA extraction protocols for high-throughput sequencing of microbial communities. Shaffer JP, Marotz C, Belda-Ferre P, Martino C, Wandro S, Estaki M, Salido RA, Carpenter CS, Zaramela LS, Minich JJ, Bryant M, Sanders K, Fraraccio S, Ackermann G, Humphrey G, Swafford AD, Miller-Montgomery S, Knight R BioTechniques 33512248 Biotechniques 2021 Mar
Candidate probiotic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum HNU082 rapidly and convergently evolves within human, mice, and zebrafish gut but differentially influences the resident microbiome. Huang S, Jiang S, Huo D, Allaband C, Estaki M, Cantu V, Belda-Ferre P, Vázquez-Baeza Y, Zhu Q, Ma C, Li C, Zarrinpar A, Liu YY, Knight R, Zhang J Microbiome 34193290 Microbiome 2021 Jun 30
A Sensitive, Rapid, and Portable CasRx-based Diagnostic Assay for SARS-CoV-2. Brogan DJ, Chaverra-Rodriguez D, Lin CP, Smidler AL, Yang T, Alcantara LM, Antoshechkin I, Liu J, Raban RR, Belda-Ferre P, Knight R, Komives EA, Akbari OS medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 33106816 medRxiv 2020 Oct 20
Host variables confound gut microbiota studies of human disease. Vujkovic-Cvijin I, Sklar J, Jiang L, Natarajan L, Knight R, Belkaid Y Nature 33149306 Nature 2020 Nov
Global chemical effects of the microbiome include new bile-acid conjugations. Quinn RA, Melnik AV, Vrbanac A, Fu T, Patras KA, Christy MP, Bodai Z, Belda-Ferre P, Tripathi A, Chung LK, Downes M, Welch RD, Quinn M, Humphrey G, Panitchpakdi M, Weldon KC, Aksenov A, da Silva R, Avila-Pacheco J, Clish C, Bae S, Mallick H, Franzosa EA, Lloyd-Price J, Bussell R, Thron T, Nelson AT, Wang M, Leszczynski E, Vargas F, Gauglitz JM, Meehan MJ, Gentry E, Arthur TD, Komor AC, Poulsen O, Boland BS, Chang JT, Sandborn WJ, Lim M, Garg N, Lumeng JC, Xavier RJ, Kazmierczak BI, Jain R, Egan M, Rhee KE, Ferguson D, Raffatellu M, Vlamakis H, Haddad GG, Siegel D, Huttenhower C, Mazmanian SK, Evans RM, Nizet V, Knight R, Dorrestein PC Nature 32103176 Nature 2020 Mar
Robustness of cancer microbiome signals over a broad range of methodological variation. Sepich-Poore GD, McDonald D, Kopylova E, Guccione C, Zhu Q, Austin G, Carpenter C, Fraraccio S, Wandro S, Kosciolek T, Janssen S, Metcalf JL, Song SJ, Kanbar J, Miller-Montgomery S, Heaton R, Mckay R, Patel SP, Swafford AD, Korem T, Knight R Oncogene 38396294 Oncogene 2024 Apr
Determination of Effect Sizes for Power Analysis for Microbiome Studies Using Large Microbiome Databases. Rahman G, McDonald D, Gonzalez A, Vázquez-Baeza Y, Jiang L, Casals-Pascual C, Hakim D, Dilmore AH, Nowinski B, Peddada S, Knight R Genes 37372419 Genes (Basel) 2023 Jun 9
A comparison of six DNA extraction protocols for 16S, ITS and shotgun metagenomic sequencing of microbial communities. Shaffer JP, Carpenter CS, Martino C, Salido RA, Minich JJ, Bryant M, Sanders K, Schwartz T, Humphrey G, Swafford AD, Knight R BioTechniques 35713407 Biotechniques 2022 Jun
microbeMASST: a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data. Zuffa S, Schmid R, Bauermeister A, P Gomes PW, Caraballo-Rodriguez AM, El Abiead Y, Aron AT, Gentry EC, Zemlin J, Meehan MJ, Avalon NE, Cichewicz RH, Buzun E, Terrazas MC, Hsu CY, Oles R, Ayala AV, Zhao J, Chu H, Kuijpers MCM, Jackrel SL, Tugizimana F, Nephali LP, Dubery IA, Madala NE, Moreira EA, Costa-Lotufo LV, Lopes NP, Rezende-Teixeira P, Jimenez PC, Rimal B, Patterson AD, Traxler MF, Pessotti RC, Alvarado-Villalobos D, Tamayo-Castillo G, Chaverri P, Escudero-Leyva E, Quiros-Guerrero LM, Bory AJ, Joubert J, Rutz A, Wolfender JL, Allard PM, Sichert A, Pontrelli S, Pullman BS, Bandeira N, Gerwick WH, Gindro K, Massana-Codina J, Wagner BC, Forchhammer K, Petras D, Aiosa N, Garg N, Liebeke M, Bourceau P, Kang KB, Gadhavi H, de Carvalho LPS, Silva Dos Santos M, Pérez-Lorente AI, Molina-Santiago C, Romero D, Franke R, Brönstrup M, Vera Ponce de León A, Pope PB, La Rosa SL, La Barbera G, Roager HM, Laursen MF, Hammerle F, Siewert B, Peintner U, Licona-Cassani C, Rodriguez-Orduña L, Rampler E, Hildebrand F, Koellensperger G, Schoeny H, Hohenwallner K, Panzenboeck L, Gregor R, O'Neill EC, Roxborough ET, Odoi J, Bale NJ, Ding S, Sinninghe Damsté JS, Guan XL, Cui JJ, Ju KS, Silva DB, Silva FMR, da Silva GF, Koolen HHF, Grundmann C, Clement JA, Mohimani H, Broders K, McPhail KL, Ober-Singleton SE, Rath CM, McDonald D, Knight R, Wang M, Dorrestein PC Nature microbiology 38316926 Nat Microbiol 2024 Feb
Greengenes2 unifies microbial data in a single reference tree. McDonald D, Jiang Y, Balaban M, Cantrell K, Zhu Q, Gonzalez A, Morton JT, Nicolaou G, Parks DH, Karst SM, Albertsen M, Hugenholtz P, DeSantis T, Song SJ, Bartko A, Havulinna AS, Jousilahti P, Cheng S, Inouye M, Niiranen T, Jain M, Salomaa V, Lahti L, Mirarab S, Knight R Nature biotechnology 37500913 Nat Biotechnol 2024 May
Paired microbiome and metabolome analyses associate bile acid changes with colorectal cancer progression. Fu T, Huan T, Rahman G, Zhi H, Xu Z, Oh TG, Guo J, Coulter S, Tripathi A, Martino C, McCarville JL, Zhu Q, Cayabyab F, Low B, He M, Xing S, Vargas F, Yu RT, Atkins A, Liddle C, Ayres J, Raffatellu M, Dorrestein PC, Downes M, Knight R, Evans RM Cell reports 37611587 Cell Rep 2023 Aug 29
TEMPTED: time-informed dimensionality reduction for longitudinal microbiome studies. Shi P, Martino C, Han R, Janssen S, Buck G, Serrano M, Owzar K, Knight R, Shenhav L, Zhang AR Genome biology 39696594 Genome Biol 2024 Dec 19
Bacterial modification of the host glycosaminoglycan heparan sulfate modulates SARS-CoV-2 infectivity. Martino C, Kellman BP, Sandoval DR, Clausen TM, Marotz CA, Song SJ, Wandro S, Zaramela LS, Salido Benítez RA, Zhu Q, Armingol E, Vázquez-Baeza Y, McDonald D, Sorrentino JT, Taylor B, Belda-Ferre P, Liang C, Zhang Y, Schifanella L, Klatt NR, Havulinna AS, Jousilahti P, Huang S, Haiminen N, Parida L, Kim HC, Swafford AD, Zengler K, Cheng S, Inouye M, Niiranen T, Jain M, Salomaa V, Esko JD, Lewis NE, Knight R bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 32839779 bioRxiv 2020 Aug 18
Chemically informed analyses of metabolomics mass spectrometry data with Qemistree. Tripathi A, Vázquez-Baeza Y, Gauglitz JM, Wang M, Dührkop K, Nothias-Esposito M, Acharya DD, Ernst M, van der Hooft JJJ, Zhu Q, McDonald D, Brejnrod AD, Gonzalez A, Handelsman J, Fleischauer M, Ludwig M, Böcker S, Nothias LF, Knight R, Dorrestein PC Nature chemical biology 33199911 Nat Chem Biol 2021 Feb
Optimizing UniFrac with OpenACC Yields Greater Than One Thousand Times Speed Increase. Sfiligoi I, Armstrong G, Gonzalez A, McDonald D, Knight R mSystems 35638356 mSystems 2022 Jun 28
Phylogeny-Aware Analysis of Metagenome Community Ecology Based on Matched Reference Genomes while Bypassing Taxonomy. Zhu Q, Huang S, Gonzalez A, McGrath I, McDonald D, Haiminen N, Armstrong G, Vázquez-Baeza Y, Yu J, Kuczynski J, Sepich-Poore GD, Swafford AD, Das P, Shaffer JP, Lejzerowicz F, Belda-Ferre P, Havulinna AS, Méric G, Niiranen T, Lahti L, Salomaa V, Kim HC, Jain M, Inouye M, Gilbert JA, Knight R mSystems 35369727 mSystems 2022 Apr 26
Wastewater sequencing uncovers early, cryptic SARS-CoV-2 variant transmission. Karthikeyan S, Levy JI, De Hoff P, Humphrey G, Birmingham A, Jepsen K, Farmer S, Tubb HM, Valles T, Tribelhorn CE, Tsai R, Aigner S, Sathe S, Moshiri N, Henson B, Mark AM, Hakim A, Baer NA, Barber T, Belda-Ferre P, Chacón M, Cheung W, Cresini ES, Eisner ER, Lastrella AL, Lawrence ES, Marotz CA, Ngo TT, Ostrander T, Plascencia A, Salido RA, Seaver P, Smoot EW, McDonald D, Neuhard RM, Scioscia AL, Satterlund AM, Simmons EH, Abelman DB, Brenner D, Bruner JC, Buckley A, Ellison M, Gattas J, Gonias SL, Hale M, Hawkins F, Ikeda L, Jhaveri H, Johnson T, Kellen V, Kremer B, Matthews G, McLawhon RW, Ouillet P, Park D, Pradenas A, Reed S, Riggs L, Sanders A, Sollenberger B, Song A, White B, Winbush T, Aceves CM, Anderson C, Gangavarapu K, Hufbauer E, Kurzban E, Lee J, Matteson NL, Parker E, Perkins SA, Ramesh KS, Robles-Sikisaka R, Schwab MA, Spencer E, Wohl S, Nicholson L, Mchardy IH, Dimmock DP, Hobbs CA, Bakhtar O, Harding A, Mendoza A, Bolze A, Becker D, Cirulli ET, Isaksson M, Barrett KMS, Washington NL, Malone JD, Schafer AM, Gurfield N, Stous S, Fielding-Miller R, Garfein RS, Gaines T, Anderson C, Martin NK, Schooley R, Austin B, MacCannell DR, Kingsmore SF, Lee W, Shah S, McDonald E, Yu AT, Zeller M, Fisch KM, Longhurst C, Maysent P, Pride D, Khosla PK, Laurent LC, Yeo GW, Andersen KG, Knight R medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 35411350 medRxiv 2022 Apr 4
Cancer's second genome: Microbial cancer diagnostics and redefining clonal evolution as a multispecies process: Humans and their tumors are not aseptic, and the multispecies nature of cancer modulates clinical care and clonal evolution: Humans and their tumors are not aseptic, and the multispecies nature of cancer modulates clinical care and clonal evolution. Sepich-Poore GD, Guccione C, Laplane L, Pradeu T, Curtius K, Knight R BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology 35253252 Bioessays 2022 May
Generation of accurate, expandable phylogenomic trees with uDance. Balaban M, Jiang Y, Zhu Q, McDonald D, Knight R, Mirarab S Nature biotechnology 37500914 Nat Biotechnol 2024 May
A Taxonomically-informed Mass Spectrometry Search Tool for Microbial Metabolomics Data. Zuffa S, Schmid R, Bauermeister A, Gomes PWP, Caraballo-Rodriguez AM, Abiead YE, Aron AT, Gentry EC, Zemlin J, Meehan MJ, Avalon NE, Cichewicz RH, Buzun E, Terrazas MC, Hsu CY, Oles R, Ayala AV, Zhao J, Chu H, Kuijpers MCM, Jackrel SL, Tugizimana F, Nephali LP, Dubery IA, Madala NE, Moreira EA, Costa-Lotufo LV, Lopes NP, Rezende-Teixeira P, Jimenez PC, Rimal B, Patterson AD, Traxler MF, de Cassia Pessotti R, Alvarado-Villalobos D, Tamayo-Castillo G, Chaverri P, Escudero-Leyva E, Quiros-Guerrero LM, Bory AJ, Joubert J, Rutz A, Wolfender JL, Allard PM, Sichert A, Pontrelli S, Pullman BS, Bandeira N, Gerwick WH, Gindro K, Massana-Codina J, Wagner BC, Forchhammer K, Petras D, Aiosa N, Garg N, Liebeke M, Bourceau P, Kang KB, Gadhavi H, de Carvalho LPS, Dos Santos MS, Pérez-Lorente AI, Molina-Santiago C, Romero D, Franke R, Brönstrup M, de León AVP, Pope PB, Rosa SL, Barbera G, Roager HM, Laursen MF, Hammerle F, Siewert B, Peintner U, Licona-Cassani C, Rodriguez-Orduña L, Rampler E, Hildebrand F, Koellensperger G, Schoeny H, Hohenwallner K, Panzenboeck L, Gregor R, O'Neill EC, Roxborough ET, Odoi J, Bale NJ, Ding S, Sinninghe Damsté JS, Guan XL, Cui JJ, Ju KS, Silva DB, Silva FMR, da Silva GF, Koolen HHF, Grundmann C, Clement JA, Mohimani H, Broders K, McPhail KL, Ober-Singleton SE, Rath CM, McDonald D, Knight R, Wang M, Dorrestein PC Research square 37577622 Res Sq 2023 Aug 3
The Gut Microbial Bile Acid Modulation and Its Relevance to Digestive Health and Diseases. Fogelson KA, Dorrestein PC, Zarrinpar A, Knight R Gastroenterology 36841488 Gastroenterology 2023 Jun
Zebra: Static and Dynamic Genome Cover Thresholds with Overlapping References. Hakim D, Wandro S, Zengler K, Zaramela LS, Nowinski B, Swafford A, Zhu Q, Song SJ, Gonzalez A, McDonald D, Knight R mSystems 36073806 mSystems 2022 Oct 26
Maximizing the potential of high-throughput next-generation sequencing through precise normalization based on read count distribution. Brennan C, Salido RA, Belda-Ferre P, Bryant M, Cowart C, Tiu MD, González A, McDonald D, Tribelhorn C, Zarrinpar A, Knight R mSystems 37350611 mSystems 2023 Aug 31
Improving microbial phylogeny with citizen science within a mass-market video game. Sarrazin-Gendron R, Ghasemloo Gheidari P, Butyaev A, Keding T, Cai E, Zheng J, Mutalova R, Mounthanyvong J, Zhu Y, Nazarova E, Drogaris C, Erhart K, Borderlands Science Development Team, Borderlands Science players, Brouillette A, Richard G, Pitchford R, Caisse S, Blanchette M, McDonald D, Knight R, Szantner A, Waldispühl J Nature biotechnology 38622344 Nat Biotechnol 2025 Jan
Incomplete human reference genomes can drive false sex biases and expose patient-identifying information in metagenomic data. Guccione C, Patel L, Tomofuji Y, McDonald D, Gonzalez A, Sepich-Poore GD, Sonehara K, Zakeri M, Chen Y, Dilmore AH, Damle N, Baranzini SE, Hightower G, Nakatsuji T, Gallo RL, Langmead B, Okada Y, Curtius K, Knight R Nature communications 39827261 Nat Commun 2025 Jan 18
Annexin-V stabilizes membrane defects by inducing lipid phase transition. Lin YC, Chipot C, Scheuring S Nature communications 31932647 Nat Commun 2020 Jan 13
Perforin-2 clockwise hand-over-hand pre-pore to pore transition mechanism. Jiao F, Dehez F, Ni T, Yu X, Dittman JS, Gilbert R, Chipot C, Scheuring S Nature communications 36028507 Nat Commun 2022 Aug 26
Forces and energetics of the canonical tetrameric cation channel gating. Scheuring S Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 37399394 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Jul 11
Discrimination between cyclic nucleotides in a cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel. Pan Y, Pohjolainen E, Schmidpeter PAM, Vaiana AC, Nimigean CM, Grubmüller H, Scheuring S Nature structural & molecular biology 36973509 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2023 Apr
Localization atomic force microscopy. Heath GR, Kots E, Robertson JL, Lansky S, Khelashvili G, Weinstein H, Scheuring S Nature 34135520 Nature 2021 Jun
Structural dynamics of channels and transporters by high-speed atomic force microscopy. Heath GR, Lin YC, Matin TR, Scheuring S Methods in enzymology 34059280 Methods Enzymol 2021
High-speed atomic force microscopy to study pore-forming proteins. Jiao F, Ruan Y, Scheuring S Methods in enzymology 33712187 Methods Enzymol 2021
A pentameric TRPV3 channel with a dilated pore. Lansky S, Betancourt JM, Zhang J, Jiang Y, Kim ED, Paknejad N, Nimigean CM, Yuan P, Scheuring S Nature 37648856 Nature 2023 Sep
HS-AFM single-molecule structural biology uncovers basis of transporter wanderlust kinetics. Jiang Y, Miyagi A, Wang X, Qiu B, Boudker O, Scheuring S Nature structural & molecular biology 38632360 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2024 Aug
Force-induced conformational changes in PIEZO1. Lin YC, Guo YR, Miyagi A, Levring J, MacKinnon R, Scheuring S Nature 31435018 Nature 2019 Sep
High-speed atomic force microscopy tracks the dynamic parts of the ribosome. Scheuring S Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33431655 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Jan 26
Nanodissected elastically loaded clathrin lattices relax to increased curvature. Tagiltsev G, Haselwandter CA, Scheuring S Science advances 34389539 Sci Adv 2021 Aug
Nanoreporter of an Enzymatic Suicide Inactivation Pathway. Yaari Z, Cheung JM, Baker HA, Frederiksen RS, Jena PV, Horoszko CP, Jiao F, Scheuring S, Luo M, Heller DA Nano letters 33119310 Nano Lett 2020 Nov 11
Real time dynamics of Gating-Related conformational changes in CorA. Rangl M, Schmandt N, Perozo E, Scheuring S eLife 31774394 Elife 2019 Nov 27
Membrane-mediated protein interactions drive membrane protein organization. Jiang Y, Thienpont B, Sapuru V, Hite RK, Dittman JS, Sturgis JN, Scheuring S Nature communications 36450733 Nat Commun 2022 Nov 30
A concerted ATPase cycle of the protein transporter AAA-ATPase Bcs1. Pan Y, Zhan J, Jiang Y, Xia D, Scheuring S Nature communications 37821516 Nat Commun 2023 Oct 11
Advances in high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) reveal dynamics of transmembrane channels and transporters. Heath GR, Scheuring S Current opinion in structural biology 30878714 Curr Opin Struct Biol 2019 Aug
Single molecule kinetics of bacteriorhodopsin by HS-AFM. Perrino AP, Miyagi A, Scheuring S Nature communications 34893646 Nat Commun 2021 Dec 10
Snf7 spirals sense and alter membrane curvature. Jukic N, Perrino AP, Humbert F, Roux A, Scheuring S Nature communications 35449207 Nat Commun 2022 Apr 21
Chemically induced protein cage assembly with programmable opening and cargo release. Stupka I, Azuma Y, Biela AP, Imamura M, Scheuring S, Pyza E, Woźnicka O, Maskell DP, Heddle JG Science advances 34985943 Sci Adv 2022 Jan 7
Intrinsically disordered regions in TRPV2 mediate protein-protein interactions. Sanganna Gari RR, Tagiltsev G, Pumroy RA, Jiang Y, Blackledge M, Moiseenkova-Bell VY, Scheuring S Communications biology 37736816 Commun Biol 2023 Sep 22
The cyanobacterial protein VIPP1 forms ESCRT-III-like structures on lipid bilayers. Pan S, Gries K, Engel BD, Schroda M, Haselwandter CA, Scheuring S Nature structural & molecular biology 39060677 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2024 Jul 26
A structural biology compatible file format for atomic force microscopy. Jiang Y, Wang Z, Scheuring S Nature communications 39955301 Nat Commun 2025 Feb 15
GABAergic neuronal IL-4R mediates T cell effect on memory. Herz J, Fu Z, Kim K, Dykstra T, Wall M, Li H, Salvador AF, Zou B, Yan N, Blackburn SM, Andrews PH, Goldman DH, Papadopoulos Z, Smirnov I, Xie XS, Kipnis J Neuron 34793707 Neuron 2021 Nov 17
Skull and vertebral bone marrow are myeloid cell reservoirs for the meninges and CNS parenchyma. Cugurra A, Mamuladze T, Rustenhoven J, Dykstra T, Beroshvili G, Greenberg ZJ, Baker W, Papadopoulos Z, Drieu A, Blackburn S, Kanamori M, Brioschi S, Herz J, Schuettpelz LG, Colonna M, Smirnov I, Kipnis J Science (New York, N.Y.) 34083447 Science 2021 Jul 23
Meningeal γδ T cells regulate anxiety-like behavior via IL-17a signaling in neurons. Alves de Lima K, Rustenhoven J, Da Mesquita S, Wall M, Salvador AF, Smirnov I, Martelossi Cebinelli G, Mamuladze T, Baker W, Papadopoulos Z, Lopes MB, Cao WS, Xie XS, Herz J, Kipnis J Nature immunology 32929273 Nat Immunol 2020 Nov
Endogenous self-peptides guard immune privilege of the central nervous system. Kim MW, Gao W, Lichti CF, Gu X, Dykstra T, Cao J, Smirnov I, Boskovic P, Kleverov D, Salvador AFM, Drieu A, Kim K, Blackburn S, Crewe C, Artyomov MN, Unanue ER, Kipnis J Nature 39476864 Nature 2025 Jan
Brain borders at the central stage of neuroimmunology. Rustenhoven J, Kipnis J Nature 36517712 Nature 2022 Dec
Skull bone marrow channels as immune gateways to the central nervous system. Mazzitelli JA, Pulous FE, Smyth LCD, Kaya Z, Rustenhoven J, Moskowitz MA, Kipnis J, Nahrendorf M Nature neuroscience 37996526 Nat Neurosci 2023 Dec
A novel immune modulator IM33 mediates a glia-gut-neuronal axis that controls lifespan. Xu W, Rustenhoven J, Nelson CA, Dykstra T, Ferreiro A, Papadopoulos Z, Burnham CD, Dantas G, Fremont DH, Kipnis J Neuron 37582366 Neuron 2023 Oct 18
Cerebrospinal fluid regulates skull bone marrow niches via direct access through dural channels. Mazzitelli JA, Smyth LCD, Cross KA, Dykstra T, Sun J, Du S, Mamuladze T, Smirnov I, Rustenhoven J, Kipnis J Nature neuroscience 35301477 Nat Neurosci 2022 May
Neuronal dynamics direct cerebrospinal fluid perfusion and brain clearance. Jiang-Xie LF, Drieu A, Bhasiin K, Quintero D, Smirnov I, Kipnis J Nature 38418877 Nature 2024 Mar
Age-dependent immune and lymphatic responses after spinal cord injury. Salvador AFM, Dykstra T, Rustenhoven J, Gao W, Blackburn SM, Bhasiin K, Dong MQ, Guimarães RM, Gonuguntla S, Smirnov I, Kipnis J, Herz J Neuron 37148871 Neuron 2023 Jul 19
Age-associated suppression of exploratory activity during sickness is linked to meningeal lymphatic dysfunction and microglia activation. Goldman DH, Dykstra T, Smirnov I, Blackburn SM, Da Mesquita S, Kipnis J, Herz J Nature aging 37065770 Nat Aging 2022 Aug
Functional characterization of the dural sinuses as a neuroimmune interface. Rustenhoven J, Drieu A, Mamuladze T, de Lima KA, Dykstra T, Wall M, Papadopoulos Z, Kanamori M, Salvador AF, Baker W, Lemieux M, Da Mesquita S, Cugurra A, Fitzpatrick J, Sviben S, Kossina R, Bayguinov P, Townsend RR, Zhang Q, Erdmann-Gilmore P, Smirnov I, Lopes MB, Herz J, Kipnis J Cell 33508229 Cell 2021 Feb 18
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Neural mechanisms of social homeostasis. Matthews GA, Tye KM Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 30875095 Ann N Y Acad Sci 2019 Dec
Cortical ensembles orchestrate social competition through hypothalamic outputs. Padilla-Coreano N, Batra K, Patarino M, Chen Z, Rock RR, Zhang R, Hausmann SB, Weddington JC, Patel R, Zhang YE, Fang HS, Mishra S, LeDuke DO, Revanna J, Li H, Borio M, Pamintuan R, Bal A, Keyes LR, Libster A, Wichmann R, Mills F, Taschbach FH, Matthews GA, Curley JP, Fiete IR, Lu C, Tye KM Nature 35296862 Nature 2022 Mar
Dopamine enhances signal-to-noise ratio in cortical-brainstem encoding of aversive stimuli. Vander Weele CM, Siciliano CA, Matthews GA, Namburi P, Izadmehr EM, Espinel IC, Nieh EH, Schut EHS, Padilla-Coreano N, Burgos-Robles A, Chang CJ, Kimchi EY, Beyeler A, Wichmann R, Wildes CP, Tye KM Nature 30405240 Nature 2018 Nov
Control of innate olfactory valence by segregated cortical amygdala circuits. Howe JR, Chan CL, Lee D, Blanquart M, Lee JH, Romero HK, Zadina AN, Lemieux ME, Mills F, Desplats PA, Tye KM, Root CM bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38979308 bioRxiv 2024 Oct 22
Double threat in striatal dopamine signaling. Siciliano CA, Mills F, Tye KM Nature neuroscience 30258236 Nat Neurosci 2018 Oct
Dopamine tunes prefrontal outputs to orchestrate aversive processing. Weele CMV, Siciliano CA, Tye KM Brain research 30513287 Brain Res 2019 Jun 15
Valence processing in the PFC: Reconciling circuit-level and systems-level views. Coley AA, Padilla-Coreano N, Patel R, Tye KM International review of neurobiology 33785145 Int Rev Neurobiol 2021
Acute social isolation evokes midbrain craving responses similar to hunger. Tomova L, Wang KL, Thompson T, Matthews GA, Takahashi A, Tye KM, Saxe R Nature neuroscience 33230328 Nat Neurosci 2020 Dec
Mixed selectivity: Cellular computations for complexity. Tye KM, Miller EK, Taschbach FH, Benna MK, Rigotti M, Fusi S Neuron 38729151 Neuron 2024 Jul 17
Social isolation recruits amygdala-cortical circuitry to escalate alcohol drinking. Patel RR, Patarino M, Kim K, Pamintuan R, Taschbach FH, Li H, Lee CR, van Hoek A, Castro R, Cazares C, Miranda RL, Jia C, Delahanty J, Batra K, Keyes LR, Libster A, Wichmann R, Pereira TD, Benna MK, Tye KM Research square 38562728 Res Sq 2024 Mar 21
Predicting Future Development of Stress-Induced Anhedonia From Cortical Dynamics and Facial Expression. Coley AA, Batra K, Delahanty JM, Keyes LR, Pamintuan R, Ramot A, Hagemann J, Lee CR, Liu V, Adivikolanu H, Cressy J, Jia C, Massa F, LeDuke D, Gabir M, Durubeh B, Linderhof L, Patel R, Wichmann R, Li H, Fischer KB, Pereira T, Tye KM bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39764017 bioRxiv 2024 Dec 20
Dynamic influences on the neural encoding of social valence. Padilla-Coreano N, Tye KM, Zelikowsky M Nature reviews. Neuroscience 35831442 Nat Rev Neurosci 2022 Sep
The neural circuitry of social homeostasis: Consequences of acute versus chronic social isolation. Lee CR, Chen A, Tye KM Cell 33691140 Cell 2021 Mar 18
A cortical-brainstem circuit predicts and governs compulsive alcohol drinking. Siciliano CA, Noamany H, Chang CJ, Brown AR, Chen X, Leible D, Lee JJ, Wang J, Vernon AN, Vander Weele CM, Kimchi EY, Heiman M, Tye KM Science (New York, N.Y.) 31754002 Science 2019 Nov 22
Neural systems that facilitate the representation of social rank. Dwortz MF, Curley JP, Tye KM, Padilla-Coreano N Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 35000438 Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2022 Feb 28
Neurotensin orchestrates valence assignment in the amygdala. Li H, Namburi P, Olson JM, Borio M, Lemieux ME, Beyeler A, Calhoon GG, Hitora-Imamura N, Coley AA, Libster A, Bal A, Jin X, Wang H, Jia C, Choudhury SR, Shi X, Felix-Ortiz AC, de la Fuente V, Barth VP, King HO, Izadmehr EM, Revanna JS, Batra K, Fischer KB, Keyes LR, Padilla-Coreano N, Siciliano CA, McCullough KM, Wichmann R, Ressler KJ, Fiete IR, Zhang F, Li Y, Tye KM Nature 35859170 Nature 2022 Aug
Anxiety and depression: A top-down, bottom-up model of circuit function. LeDuke DO, Borio M, Miranda R, Tye KM Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 37129246 Ann N Y Acad Sci 2023 Jul
Thalamus sends information about arousal but not valence to the amygdala. Leppla CA, Keyes LR, Glober G, Matthews GA, Batra K, Jay M, Feng Y, Chen HS, Mills F, Delahanty J, Olson JM, Nieh EH, Namburi P, Wildes C, Wichmann R, Beyeler A, Kimchi EY, Tye KM Psychopharmacology 36522481 Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2023 Mar
Reward contingency gates selective cholinergic suppression of amygdala neurons. Kimchi EY, Burgos-Robles A, Matthews GA, Chakoma T, Patarino M, Weddington JC, Siciliano C, Yang W, Foutch S, Simons R, Fong MF, Jing M, Li Y, Polley DB, Tye KM eLife 38376907 Elife 2024 Feb 20
Links between environment, diet, and the hunter-gatherer microbiome. Fragiadakis GK, Smits SA, Sonnenburg ED, Van Treuren W, Reid G, Knight R, Manjurano A, Changalucha J, Dominguez-Bello MG, Leach J, Sonnenburg JL Gut microbes 30118385 Gut Microbes 2019
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Ultra-deep Sequencing of Hadza Hunter-Gatherers Recovers Vanishing Gut Microbes. Merrill BD, Carter MM, Olm MR, Dahan D, Tripathi S, Spencer SP, Yu B, Jain S, Neff N, Jha AR, Sonnenburg ED, Sonnenburg JL bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36238714 bioRxiv 2022 Oct 6
Robust variation in infant gut microbiome assembly across a spectrum of lifestyles. Olm MR, Dahan D, Carter MM, Merrill BD, Yu FB, Jain S, Meng X, Tripathi S, Wastyk H, Neff N, Holmes S, Sonnenburg ED, Jha AR, Sonnenburg JL Science (New York, N.Y.) 35679413 Science 2022 Jun 10
Hadza Prevotella Require Diet-derived Microbiota Accessible Carbohydrates to Persist in Mice. Gellman RH, Olm MR, Terrapon N, Enam F, Higginbottom SK, Sonnenburg JL, Sonnenburg ED bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36945614 bioRxiv 2023 Mar 9
Metagenomic Immunoglobulin Sequencing (MIG-Seq) Exposes Patterns of IgA Antibody Binding in the Healthy Human Gut Microbiome. Olm MR, Spencer SP, Silva EL, Sonnenburg JL bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38045399 bioRxiv 2023 Nov 21
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Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron-Infecting Bacteriophage Isolates Inform Sequence-Based Host Range Predictions. Hryckowian AJ, Merrill BD, Porter NT, Van Treuren W, Nelson EJ, Garlena RA, Russell DA, Martens EC, Sonnenburg JL Cell host & microbe 32652063 Cell Host Microbe 2020 Sep 9
Metagenomic immunoglobulin sequencing reveals IgA coating of microbial strains in the healthy human gut. Olm MR, Spencer SP, Takeuchi T, Silva EL, Sonnenburg JL Nature microbiology 39747692 Nat Microbiol 2025 Jan
Vulnerability of the industrialized microbiota. Sonnenburg JL, Sonnenburg ED Science (New York, N.Y.) 31649168 Science 2019 Oct 25
Hadza Prevotella require diet-derived microbiota-accessible carbohydrates to persist in mice. Gellman RH, Olm MR, Terrapon N, Enam F, Higginbottom SK, Sonnenburg JL, Sonnenburg ED Cell reports 38510311 Cell Rep 2023 Nov 28
Ultra-deep sequencing of Hadza hunter-gatherers recovers vanishing gut microbes. Carter MM, Olm MR, Merrill BD, Dahan D, Tripathi S, Spencer SP, Yu FB, Jain S, Neff N, Jha AR, Sonnenburg ED, Sonnenburg JL Cell 37348505 Cell 2023 Jul 6
Arterial Baroreceptors Sense Blood Pressure through Decorated Aortic Claws. Min S, Chang RB, Prescott SL, Beeler B, Joshi NR, Strochlic DE, Liberles SD Cell reports 31747594 Cell Rep 2019 Nov 19
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Engineering strategies for the fermentative production of plant alkaloids in yeast. Trenchard IJ, Smolke CD Metabolic engineering 25981946 Metab Eng 2015 Jul
De novo production of the key branch point benzylisoquinoline alkaloid reticuline in yeast. Trenchard IJ, Siddiqui MS, Thodey K, Smolke CD Metabolic engineering 26166409 Metab Eng 2015 Sep
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Molecular tools for chemical biotechnology. Galanie S, Siddiqui MS, Smolke CD Current opinion in biotechnology 23528237 Curr Opin Biotechnol 2013 Dec
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Opportunities in the design and application of RNA for gene expression control. McKeague M, Wong RS, Smolke CD Nucleic acids research 26969733 Nucleic Acids Res 2016 Apr 20
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Engineering cellular metabolite transport for biosynthesis of computationally predicted tropane alkaloid derivatives in yeast. Srinivasan P, Smolke CD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 34140414 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Jun 22
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Polymerase-guided base editing enables in vivo mutagenesis and rapid protein engineering. Cravens A, Jamil OK, Kong D, Sockolosky JT, Smolke CD Nature communications 33707425 Nat Commun 2021 Mar 11
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Interleukin 17 and senescent cells regulate the foreign body response to synthetic material implants in mice and humans. Chung L, Maestas DR Jr, Lebid A, Mageau A, Rosson GD, Wu X, Wolf MT, Tam AJ, Vanderzee I, Wang X, Andorko JI, Zhang H, Narain R, Sadtler K, Fan H, Čiháková D, Le Saux CJ, Housseau F, Pardoll DM, Elisseeff JH Science translational medicine 32295900 Sci Transl Med 2020 Apr 15
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Transfer learning in a biomaterial fibrosis model identifies in vivo senescence heterogeneity and contributions to vascularization and matrix production across species and diverse pathologies. Cherry C, Andorko JI, Krishnan K, Mejías JC, Nguyen HH, Stivers KB, Gray-Gaillard EF, Ruta A, Han J, Hamada N, Hamada M, Sturmlechner I, Trewartha S, Michel JH, Davenport Huyer L, Wolf MT, Tam AJ, Peña AN, Keerthivasan S, Le Saux CJ, Fertig EJ, Baker DJ, Housseau F, van Deursen JM, Pardoll DM, Elisseeff JH GeroScience 37079217 Geroscience 2023 Aug
Immune and Genome Engineering as the Future of Transplantable Tissue. Elisseeff J, Badylak SF, Boeke JD The New England journal of medicine 34936741 N Engl J Med 2021 Dec 23
Design of cell-type-specific hyperstable IL-4 mimetics via modular de novo scaffolds. Yang H, Ulge UY, Quijano-Rubio A, Bernstein ZJ, Maestas DR, Chun JH, Wang W, Lin JX, Jude KM, Singh S, Orcutt-Jahns BT, Li P, Mou J, Chung L, Kuo YH, Ali YH, Meyer AS, Grayson WL, Heller NM, Garcia KC, Leonard WJ, Silva DA, Elisseeff JH, Baker D, Spangler JB Nature chemical biology 37024727 Nat Chem Biol 2023 Sep
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Transcriptomic analysis of skeletal muscle regeneration across mouse lifespan identifies altered stem cell states. Walter LD, Orton JL, Ntekas I, Fong EHH, Maymi VI, Rudd BD, De Vlaminck I, Elisseeff JH, Cosgrove BD Nature aging 39578558 Nat Aging 2024 Dec
IL-17 and immunologically induced senescence regulate response to injury in osteoarthritis. Faust HJ, Zhang H, Han J, Wolf MT, Jeon OH, Sadtler K, Peña AN, Chung L, Maestas DR Jr, Tam AJ, Pardoll DM, Campisi J, Housseau F, Zhou D, Bingham CO 3rd, Elisseeff JH The Journal of clinical investigation 32955487 J Clin Invest 2020 Oct 1
Interleukin-36γ-producing macrophages drive IL-17-mediated fibrosis. Sommerfeld SD, Cherry C, Schwab RM, Chung L, Maestas DR Jr, Laffont P, Stein JE, Tam A, Ganguly S, Housseau F, Taube JM, Pardoll DM, Cahan P, Elisseeff JH Science immunology 31604843 Sci Immunol 2019 Oct 11
Sirolimus-eluting airway stent reduces profibrotic Th17 cells and inhibits laryngotracheal stenosis. Motz KM, Lina IA, Samad I, Murphy MK, Duvvuri M, Davis RJ, Gelbard A, Chung L, Chan-Li Y, Collins S, Powell JD, Elisseeff JH, Horton MR, Hillel AT JCI insight 37159282 JCI Insight 2023 Jun 8
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Senescent cells in tissue engineering. Chin AF, Elisseeff JH Current opinion in biotechnology 35660479 Curr Opin Biotechnol 2022 Aug
Helminth egg derivatives as proregenerative immunotherapies. Maestas DR Jr, Chung L, Han J, Wang X, Sommerfeld SD, Kelly SH, Moore E, Nguyen HH, Mejías JC, Peña AN, Zhang H, Hooks JST, Chin AF, Andorko JI, Berlinicke CA, Krishnan K, Choi Y, Anderson AE, Mahatme R, Mejia C, Eric M, Woo J, Ganguly S, Zack DJ, Zhao L, Pearce EJ, Housseau F, Pardoll DM, Elisseeff JH Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 36780522 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Feb 21
Biomaterials direct functional B cell response in a material-specific manner. Moore EM, Maestas DR Jr, Cherry CC, Garcia JA, Comeau HY, Davenport Huyer L, Kelly SH, Peña AN, Blosser RL, Rosson GD, Elisseeff JH Science advances 34851674 Sci Adv 2021 Dec 3
Biomaterials-based immunomodulation enhances survival of murine vascularized composite allografts. Sommerfeld SD, Zhou X, Mejías JC, Oh BC, Maestas DR Jr, Furtmüller GJ, Laffont PA, Elisseeff JH, Brandacher G Biomaterials science 37129566 Biomater Sci 2023 May 30
Autologous Protein Solution processing alters lymphoid and myeloid cell populations and modulates gene expression dependent on cell type. Peña AN, Sommerfeld SD, Anderson AE, Han J, Maestas DR Jr, Mejias JC, Woodell-May J, King W, Ganguly S, Elisseeff JH Arthritis research & therapy 36096945 Arthritis Res Ther 2022 Sep 12
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Regulation of regeneration by Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans in the Extracellular Matrix. Gardiner DM Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 29242821 Regen Eng Transl Med 2017 Sep
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Spatial alignment of 3D printed scaffolds modulates genotypic expression in pre-osteoblasts. Nagiah N, Bhattacharjee M, Murdock CJ, Kan HM, Barajaa M, Laurencin CT Materials letters 32773913 Mater Lett 2020 Oct 1
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Biodegradable Polyphosphazene-Based Blends for Regenerative Engineering. Ogueri KS, Escobar Ivirico JL, Nair LS, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 28596987 Regen Eng Transl Med 2017 Mar
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Regenerative Cell-Based Therapies: Cutting Edge, Bleeding Edge, and Off the Edge. Laurencin CT, McClinton A Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 33344756 Regen Eng Transl Med 2020 Mar
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Regenerative engineering of long bones using the small molecule forskolin. Awale GM, Barajaa MA, Kan HM, Seyedsalehi A, Nam GH, Hosseini FS, Ude CC, Schmidt TA, Lo KW, Laurencin CT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 37216527 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 May 30
Fibroblast growth factor 8b (FGF-8b) enhances myogenesis and inhibits adipogenesis in rotator cuff muscle cell populations in vitro. Otsuka T, Kan HM, Mengsteab PY, Tyson B, Laurencin CT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38147545 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024 Jan 2
Efficacy of a Novel Electroconductive Matrix To Treat Muscle Atrophy and Fat Accumulation in Chronic Massive Rotator Cuff Tears of the Shoulder. Shemshaki NS, Kan HM, Barajaa MA, Lebaschi A, Otsuka T, Mishra N, Nair LS, Laurencin CT ACS biomaterials science & engineering 37769114 ACS Biomater Sci Eng 2023 Oct 9
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Regenerative engineered vascularized bone mediated by calcium peroxide. Daneshmandi L, Laurencin CT Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A 31925886 J Biomed Mater Res A 2020 May
Development of Tripolymeric Triaxial Electrospun Fibrous Matrices for Dual Drug Delivery Applications. Nagiah N, Murdock CJ, Bhattacharjee M, Nair L, Laurencin CT Scientific reports 31953439 Sci Rep 2020 Jan 17
Nail matrix regenerative engineering: in vitro evaluation of poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/gelatin fibrous substrates. Montgomery AB, McClinton A, Nair L, Laurencin CT Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A 31981298 J Biomed Mater Res A 2020 May
Nanofiber technology: its transformative role in nanomedicine. James R, Laurencin CT Nanomedicine (London, England) 27246812 Nanomedicine (Lond) 2016 Jun
The Mechanism of Metallosis After Total Hip Arthroplasty. Ude CC, Esdaille CJ, Ogueri KS, Ho-Man K, Laurencin SJ, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 35530571 Regen Eng Transl Med 2021 Sep
Muscle degeneration in chronic massive rotator cuff tears of the shoulder: Addressing the real problem using a graphene matrix. Saveh Shemshaki N, Kan HM, Barajaa M, Otsuka T, Lebaschi A, Mishra N, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35939692 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Aug 16
Control of mesenchymal cell fate via application of FGF-8b in vitro. Otsuka T, Mengsteab PY, Laurencin CT Stem cell research 33445073 Stem Cell Res 2021 Mar
Generational Biodegradable and Regenerative Polyphosphazene Polymers and their Blends with Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid). Ogueri KS, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT Progress in polymer science 31551636 Prog Polym Sci 2019 Nov
Mechanically superior matrices promote osteointegration and regeneration of anterior cruciate ligament tissue in rabbits. Mengsteab PY, Otsuka T, McClinton A, Shemshaki NS, Shah S, Kan HM, Obopilwe E, Vella AT, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33144508 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Nov 17
Injectable amnion hydrogel-mediated delivery of adipose-derived stem cells for osteoarthritis treatment. Bhattacharjee M, Escobar Ivirico JL, Kan HM, Shah S, Otsuka T, Bordett R, Barajaa M, Nagiah N, Pandey R, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35046053 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Jan 25
Skeletal Muscle Regenerative Engineering. Tang X, Daneshmandi L, Awale G, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 33778155 Regen Eng Transl Med 2019 Sep
Addressing Justified Vaccine Hesitancy in the Black Community. Laurencin CT Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 33783755 J Racial Ethn Health Disparities 2021 Jun
Inductive Materials for Regenerative Engineering. Hosseini FS, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Journal of dental research 33906507 J Dent Res 2021 Sep
Regenerative engineering: a review of recent advances and future directions. Esdaille CJ, Washington KS, Laurencin CT Regenerative medicine 34030463 Regen Med 2021 May
Emergence of the Stem Cell Secretome in Regenerative Engineering. Daneshmandi L, Shah S, Jafari T, Bhattacharjee M, Momah D, Saveh-Shemshaki N, Lo KW, Laurencin CT Trends in biotechnology 32622558 Trends Biotechnol 2020 Dec
Bioinspired Scaffold Designs for Regenerating Musculoskeletal Tissue Interfaces. Barajaa MA, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 33344758 Regen Eng Transl Med 2020 Dec
Synthesis, Physicochemical Analysis, and Side Group Optimization of Degradable Dipeptide-Based Polyphosphazenes as Potential Regenerative Biomaterials. Ogueri KS, Escobar Ivirico JL, Li Z, Blumenfield RH, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT ACS applied polymer materials 32699835 ACS Appl Polym Mater 2019 Jun 14
Hyaluronic acid-British anti-Lewisite as a safer chelation therapy for the treatment of arthroplasty-related metallosis. Ude CC, Schmidt SJ, Laurencin S, Shah S, Esdaille J, Kan HM, Holt BD, Arnold AM, Wolf ME, Nair LS, Sydlik SA, Laurencin CT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 37903261 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Nov 7
The Role of Nanomaterials and Biological Agents on Rotator Cuff Regeneration. Washington KS, Shemshaki NS, Laurencin CT Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 35005215 Regen Eng Transl Med 2021 Dec
Ligament Regenerative Engineering: Braiding Scalable and Tunable Bioengineered Ligaments Using a Bench-Top Braiding Machine. Mengsteab PY, Freeman J, Barajaa MA, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 35005216 Regen Eng Transl Med 2021 Dec
Regenerative Engineering for Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment: Biomaterials and Cell-Based Technologies. Escobar Ivirico JL, Bhattacharjee M, Kuyinu E, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Engineering (Beijing, China) 35392109 Engineering (Beijing) 2017 Feb
Phosphate graphene as an intrinsically osteoinductive scaffold for stem cell-driven bone regeneration. Arnold AM, Holt BD, Daneshmandi L, Laurencin CT, Sydlik SA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 30796184 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019 Mar 12
A Regenerative Polymer Blend Composed of Glycylglycine ethyl ester-substituted Polyphosphazene and Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid). Ogueri KS, Ogueri KS, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT ACS applied polymer materials 32699836 ACS Appl Polym Mater 2020 Mar 13
A Pandemic on a Pandemic: Racism and COVID-19 in Blacks. Laurencin CT, Walker JM Cell systems 32702320 Cell Syst 2020 Jul 22
Regenerative Engineering of the Rotator Cuff of the Shoulder. Narayanan G, Nair LS, Laurencin CT ACS biomaterials science & engineering 33418763 ACS Biomater Sci Eng 2018 Mar 12
Growth factor delivery strategies for rotator cuff repair and regeneration. Prabhath A, Vernekar VN, Sanchez E, Laurencin CT International journal of pharmaceutics 29317260 Int J Pharm 2018 Jun 15
Fabrication and characterization of mechanically competent 3D printed polycaprolactone-reduced graphene oxide scaffolds. Seyedsalehi A, Daneshmandi L, Barajaa M, Riordan J, Laurencin CT Scientific reports 33335152 Sci Rep 2020 Dec 17
Graphene-Based Biomaterials for Bone Regenerative Engineering: A Comprehensive Review of the Field and Considerations Regarding Biocompatibility and Biodegradation. Daneshmandi L, Barajaa M, Tahmasbi Rad A, Sydlik SA, Laurencin CT Advanced healthcare materials 33103370 Adv Healthc Mater 2021 Jan
Preparation and characterization of amnion hydrogel and its synergistic effect with adipose derived stem cells towards IL1β activated chondrocytes. Bhattacharjee M, Ivirico JLE, Kan HM, Bordett R, Pandey R, Otsuka T, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Scientific reports 33127964 Sci Rep 2020 Oct 30
Kinetic degradation and biocompatibility evaluation of polycaprolactone-based biologics delivery matrices for regenerative engineering of the rotator cuff. Prabhath A, Vernekar VN, Vasu V, Badon M, Avochinou JE, Asandei AD, Kumbar SG, Weber E, Laurencin CT Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A 33974735 J Biomed Mater Res A 2021 Nov
Harnessing cAMP signaling in musculoskeletal regenerative engineering. Ifegwu OC, Awale G, Rajpura K, Lo KW, Laurencin CT Drug discovery today 28359841 Drug Discov Today 2017 Jul
The Quest toward limb regeneration: a regenerative engineering approach. Laurencin CT, Nair LS Regenerative biomaterials 27047679 Regen Biomater 2016 Jun
REGENERATIVE ENGINEERING: APPROACHES TO LIMB REGENERATION AND OTHER GRAND CHALLENGES. Laurencin CT, Nair LS Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 26985451 Regen Eng Transl Med 2015 Apr 1
An American Crisis: the Lack of Black Men in Medicine. Laurencin CT, Murray M Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 28534304 J Racial Ethn Health Disparities 2017 Jun
POLYMERIC BIOMATERIALS FOR SCAFFOLD-BASED BONE REGENERATIVE ENGINEERING. Ogueri KS, Jafari T, Escobar Ivirico JL, Laurencin CT Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 31423461 Regen Eng Transl Med 2019 Jun
Regenerative Engineering Animal Models for Knee Osteoarthritis. Esdaille CJ, Ude CC, Laurencin CT Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 35958163 Regen Eng Transl Med 2022 Jun
Overexpression of NDST1 Attenuates Fibrotic Response in Murine Adipose-Derived Stem Cells. Otsuka T, Kan HM, Mason TD, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Stem cells and development 35920108 Stem Cells Dev 2022 Dec
Corrosion of Metals During Use in Arthroplasty. Ude CC, Dzidotor GK, Iloeje K, Nair LS, Laurencin CT ACS applied bio materials 37261398 ACS Appl Bio Mater 2023 Jun 19
Robust phenotypic maintenance of limb cells during heterogeneous culture in a physiologically relevant polymeric-based constructed graft system. Barajaa MA, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Scientific reports 32678185 Sci Rep 2020 Jul 16
Nanofiber Technology for Regenerative Engineering. Ogueri KS, Laurencin CT ACS nano 32678581 ACS Nano 2020 Aug 25
Enhancing the Surface Properties of a Bioengineered Anterior Cruciate Ligament Matrix for Use with Point-of-Care Stem Cell Therapy. Yu X, Mengsteab PY, Narayanan G, Nair LS, Laurencin CT Engineering (Beijing, China) 34136308 Engineering (Beijing) 2021 Feb
Regenerative Engineering and Bionic Limbs. James R, Laurencin CT Rare metals 25983525 Rare Metals 2015 Mar 1
Nanofiber/Microsphere Hybrid Matrices In Vivo for Bone Regenerative Engineering: A Preliminary Report. Nelson C, Khan Y, Laurencin CT Regenerative engineering and translational medicine 30687776 Regen Eng Transl Med 2018 Sep
Racial Profiling Is a Public Health and Health Disparities Issue. Laurencin CT, Walker JM Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 32253746 J Racial Ethn Health Disparities 2020 Jun
Evaluation of a bioengineered ACL matrix's osteointegration with BMP-2 supplementation. Mengsteab PY, Conroy P, Badon M, Otsuka T, Kan HM, Vella AT, Nair LS, Laurencin CT PloS one 31910231 PLoS One 2020
Ultra-low binder content 3D printed calcium phosphate graphene scaffolds as resorbable, osteoinductive matrices that support bone formation in vivo. Daneshmandi L, Holt BD, Arnold AM, Laurencin CT, Sydlik SA Scientific reports 35484292 Sci Rep 2022 Apr 28
In Vivo Evaluation of the Regenerative Capability of Glycylglycine Ethyl Ester-Substituted Polyphosphazene and Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Blends: A Rabbit Critical-Sized Bone Defect Model. Ogueri KS, Ogueri KS, McClinton A, Kan HM, Ude CC, Barajaa MA, Allcock HR, Laurencin CT ACS biomaterials science & engineering 33792283 ACS Biomater Sci Eng 2021 Apr 12
Microsphere-Based Scaffolds in Regenerative Engineering. Gupta V, Khan Y, Berkland CJ, Laurencin CT, Detamore MS Annual review of biomedical engineering 28633566 Annu Rev Biomed Eng 2017 Jun 21
The synthetic artificial stem cell (SASC): Shifting the paradigm of cell therapy in regenerative engineering. Shah S, Esdaille CJ, Bhattacharjee M, Kan HM, Laurencin CT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 34987101 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Jan 11
Tissue Immunometabolism: Development, Physiology, and Pathobiology. Man K, Kutyavin VI, Chawla A Cell metabolism 27693378 Cell Metab 2017 Jan 10
Type 2 innate lymphoid cells control eosinophil homeostasis. Nussbaum JC, Van Dyken SJ, von Moltke J, Cheng LE, Mohapatra A, Molofsky AB, Thornton EE, Krummel MF, Chawla A, Liang HE, Locksley RM Nature 24037376 Nature 2013 Oct 10
Type 2 responses at the interface between immunity and fat metabolism. Odegaard JI, Chawla A Current opinion in immunology 26204571 Curr Opin Immunol 2015 Oct
Salmonella require the fatty acid regulator PPARδ for the establishment of a metabolic environment essential for long-term persistence. Eisele NA, Ruby T, Jacobson A, Manzanillo PS, Cox JS, Lam L, Mukundan L, Chawla A, Monack DM Cell host & microbe 23954156 Cell Host Microbe 2013 Aug 14
Blood spotlight on leukocytes and obesity. Carvalheira JB, Qiu Y, Chawla A Blood 24065242 Blood 2013 Nov 7
Signaling by IL-6 promotes alternative activation of macrophages to limit endotoxemia and obesity-associated resistance to insulin. Mauer J, Chaurasia B, Goldau J, Vogt MC, Ruud J, Nguyen KD, Theurich S, Hausen AC, Schmitz J, Brönneke HS, Estevez E, Allen TL, Mesaros A, Partridge L, Febbraio MA, Chawla A, Wunderlich FT, Brüning JC Nature immunology 24681566 Nat Immunol 2014 May
Human CD68 promoter GFP transgenic mice allow analysis of monocyte to macrophage differentiation in vivo. Iqbal AJ, McNeill E, Kapellos TS, Regan-Komito D, Norman S, Burd S, Smart N, Machemer DE, Stylianou E, McShane H, Channon KM, Chawla A, Greaves DR Blood 25030063 Blood 2014 Oct 9
Adipose tissue macrophages: Amicus adipem? Odegaard JI, Ganeshan K, Chawla A Cell metabolism 24315364 Cell Metab 2013 Dec 3
Immunity around the clock. Man K, Loudon A, Chawla A Science (New York, N.Y.) 27885005 Science 2016 Nov 25
Eosinophils secrete IL-4 to facilitate liver regeneration. Goh YP, Henderson NC, Heredia JE, Red Eagle A, Odegaard JI, Lehwald N, Nguyen KD, Sheppard D, Mukundan L, Locksley RM, Chawla A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 23716700 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Jun 11
Thermoneutral Housing Accelerates Metabolic Inflammation to Potentiate Atherosclerosis but Not Insulin Resistance. Tian XY, Ganeshan K, Hong C, Nguyen KD, Qiu Y, Kim J, Tangirala RK, Tontonoz P, Chawla A Cell metabolism 26549485 Cell Metab 2016 Jan 12
Activated type 2 innate lymphoid cells regulate beige fat biogenesis. Lee MW, Odegaard JI, Mukundan L, Qiu Y, Molofsky AB, Nussbaum JC, Yun K, Locksley RM, Chawla A Cell 25543153 Cell 2015 Jan 15
Circadian gene Bmal1 regulates diurnal oscillations of Ly6C(hi) inflammatory monocytes. Nguyen KD, Fentress SJ, Qiu Y, Yun K, Cox JS, Chawla A Science (New York, N.Y.) 23970558 Science 2013 Sep 27
Perinatal Licensing of Thermogenesis by IL-33 and ST2. Odegaard JI, Lee MW, Sogawa Y, Bertholet AM, Locksley RM, Weinberg DE, Kirichok Y, Deo RC, Chawla A Cell 27453471 Cell 2016 Aug 11
On the lookout for viruses that could leap from animals into humans. Makin S Nature 36289378 Nature 2022 Oct
High rates of observed face mask use at Colorado universities align with students' opinions about masking and support the safety and viability of in-person higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clark KC, Bailey MJ, Wasshuber S, Huntley R, Bjorkman KK, Bauer LC, Paige CL, Sawyer SL, Czarnik M, Riggs MA, Gutilla MJ, Alderete TL BMC public health 36759815 BMC Public Health 2023 Feb 9
Adaptation of CD4 in gorillas and chimpanzees conveyed resistance to simian immunodeficiency viruses. Warren CJ, Barbachano-Guerrero A, Bauer VL, Stabell AC, Dirasantha O, Yang Q, Sawyer SL bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38014262 bioRxiv 2024 Mar 25
Identifying animal viruses in humans. Warren CJ, Sawyer SL Science (New York, N.Y.) 36893227 Science 2023 Mar 10
Estimating the effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on US SARS-CoV-2 infections in the first year of the pandemic. Duncan NA, L'Her GF, Osborne AG, Sawyer SL, Deinert MR Royal Society open science 35774134 R Soc Open Sci 2022 Jun
Primate hemorrhagic fever-causing arteriviruses are poised for spillover to humans. Warren CJ, Yu S, Peters DK, Barbachano-Guerrero A, Yang Q, Burris BL, Worwa G, Huang IC, Wilkerson GK, Goldberg TL, Kuhn JH, Sawyer SL Cell 36182704 Cell 2022 Oct 13
Macrophages derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) serve as a high-fidelity cellular model for investigating HIV-1, dengue, and influenza viruses. Yang Q, Barbachano-Guerrero A, Fairchild LM, Rowland TJ, Dowell RD, Allen MA, Warren CJ, Sawyer SL Journal of virology 38323811 J Virol 2024 Mar 19
Structurally divergent and recurrently mutated regions of primate genomes. Mao Y, Harvey WT, Porubsky D, Munson KM, Hoekzema K, Lewis AP, Audano PA, Rozanski A, Yang X, Zhang S, Yoo D, Gordon DS, Fair T, Wei X, Logsdon GA, Haukness M, Dishuck PC, Jeong H, Del Rosario R, Bauer VL, Fattor WT, Wilkerson GK, Mao Y, Shi Y, Sun Q, Lu Q, Paten B, Bakken TE, Pollen AA, Feng G, Sawyer SL, Warren WC, Carbone L, Eichler EE Cell 38428424 Cell 2024 Mar 14
How avian influenza viruses spill over to mammals. Barbachano-Guerrero A, Perez DR, Sawyer SL eLife 37039775 Elife 2023 Apr 11
Human ACE2 Polymorphisms from Different Human Populations Modulate SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Hu P, Bauer VL, Sawyer SL, Diaz-Griffero F Viruses 35891433 Viruses 2022 Jun 30
RNase L activation in the cytoplasm induces aberrant processing of mRNAs in the nucleus. Burke JM, Ripin N, Ferretti MB, St Clair LA, Worden-Sapper ER, Salgado F, Sawyer SL, Perera R, Lynch KW, Parker R PLoS pathogens 36318584 PLoS Pathog 2022 Nov
Human mRNA in saliva can correctly identify individuals harboring acute infection. Yang Q, Meyerson NR, Paige CL, Morrison JH, Clark SK, Fattor WT, Decker CJ, Steiner HR, Lian E, Larremore DB, Perera R, Poeschla EM, Parker R, Dowell RD, Sawyer SL mBio 37943059 mBio 2023 Dec 19
Quantification of virus-infected cells using RNA FISH-Flow. Warren CJ, Barbachano-Guerrero A, Huey D, Yang Q, Worden-Sapper ER, Kuhn JH, Sawyer SL STAR protocols 37209094 STAR Protoc 2023 May 18
Regulation of human interferon signaling by transposon exonization. Pasquesi GIM, Allen H, Ivancevic A, Barbachano-Guerrero A, Joyner O, Guo K, Simpson DM, Gapin K, Horton I, Nguyen LL, Yang Q, Warren CJ, Florea LD, Bitler BG, Santiago ML, Sawyer SL, Chuong EB Cell 39672162 Cell 2024 Dec 26
Monkeypox emergency: Urgent questions and perspectives. Rothenburg S, Yang Z, Beard P, Sawyer SL, Titanji B, Gonsalves G, Kindrachuk J Cell 35998628 Cell 2022 Sep 1
ISG15: its roles in SARS-CoV-2 and other viral infections. Sarkar L, Liu G, Gack MU Trends in microbiology 37573184 Trends Microbiol 2023 Dec
Viral evasion of the interferon response at a glance. Zhu J, Chiang C, Gack MU Journal of cell science 37341132 J Cell Sci 2023 Jun 15
Atypical activation of the RNA sensor MDA5 by hepatitis C virus. Chakraborty S, Zhu J, Gack MU The FEBS journal 38102741 FEBS J 2024 Mar
ISGylation of the SARS-CoV-2 N protein by HERC5 impedes N oligomerization and thereby viral RNA synthesis. Zhu J, Liu G, Sayyad Z, Goins CM, Stauffer SR, Gack MU Journal of virology 39194248 J Virol 2024 Sep 17
Insights into pandemic respiratory viruses: manipulation of the antiviral interferon response by SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A virus. Liu G, Gack MU Current opinion in immunology 36215931 Curr Opin Immunol 2022 Oct
The RNA polymerase III-RIG-I axis in antiviral immunity and inflammation. Naesens L, Haerynck F, Gack MU Trends in immunology 37149405 Trends Immunol 2023 Jun
Acetylation of the NS3 helicase by KAT5γ is essential for flavivirus replication. Serman T, Chiang C, Liu G, Sayyad Z, Pandey S, Volcic M, Lee H, Muppala S, Acharya D, Goins C, Stauffer SR, Sparrer KMJ, Gack MU Cell host & microbe 37478852 Cell Host Microbe 2023 Aug 9
ISGylation of the SARS-CoV-2 N protein by HERC5 impedes N oligomerization and thereby viral RNA synthesis. Zhu J, Liu G, Goins CM, Stauffer SR, Gack MU bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39149229 bioRxiv 2024 May 20
TRIM Proteins: Key Regulators of Immunity to Herpesvirus Infection. Sayyad Z, Acharya D, Gack MU Viruses 39599852 Viruses 2024 Nov 6
Emergence and spread of a SARS-CoV-2 variant through Europe in the summer of 2020. Hodcroft EB, Zuber M, Nadeau S, Vaughan TG, Crawford KHD, Althaus CL, Reichmuth ML, Bowen JE, Walls AC, Corti D, Bloom JD, Veesler D, Mateo D, Hernando A, Comas I, González Candelas F, SeqCOVID-SPAIN consortium, Stadler T, Neher RA medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 33269368 medRxiv 2021 Mar 24
Broadly neutralizing antibodies overcome SARS-CoV-2 Omicron antigenic shift. Cameroni E, Bowen JE, Rosen LE, Saliba C, Zepeda SK, Culap K, Pinto D, VanBlargan LA, De Marco A, di Iulio J, Zatta F, Kaiser H, Noack J, Farhat N, Czudnochowski N, Havenar-Daughton C, Sprouse KR, Dillen JR, Powell AE, Chen A, Maher C, Yin L, Sun D, Soriaga L, Bassi J, Silacci-Fregni C, Gustafsson C, Franko NM, Logue J, Iqbal NT, Mazzitelli I, Geffner J, Grifantini R, Chu H, Gori A, Riva A, Giannini O, Ceschi A, Ferrari P, Cippà PE, Franzetti-Pellanda A, Garzoni C, Halfmann PJ, Kawaoka Y, Hebner C, Purcell LA, Piccoli L, Pizzuto MS, Walls AC, Diamond MS, Telenti A, Virgin HW, Lanzavecchia A, Snell G, Veesler D, Corti D Nature 35016195 Nature 2022 Feb
Structural basis of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron immune evasion and receptor engagement. McCallum M, Czudnochowski N, Rosen LE, Zepeda SK, Bowen JE, Walls AC, Hauser K, Joshi A, Stewart C, Dillen JR, Powell AE, Croll TI, Nix J, Virgin HW, Corti D, Snell G, Veesler D Science (New York, N.Y.) 35076256 Science 2022 Feb 25
Altered TMPRSS2 usage by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron impacts infectivity and fusogenicity. Meng B, Abdullahi A, Ferreira IATM, Goonawardane N, Saito A, Kimura I, Yamasoba D, Gerber PP, Fatihi S, Rathore S, Zepeda SK, Papa G, Kemp SA, Ikeda T, Toyoda M, Tan TS, Kuramochi J, Mitsunaga S, Ueno T, Shirakawa K, Takaori-Kondo A, Brevini T, Mallery DL, Charles OJ, CITIID-NIHR BioResource COVID-19 Collaboration, Genotype to Phenotype Japan (G2P-Japan) Consortium, Ecuador-COVID19 Consortium, Bowen JE, Joshi A, Walls AC, Jackson L, Martin D, Smith KGC, Bradley J, Briggs JAG, Choi J, Madissoon E, Meyer KB, Mlcochova P, Ceron-Gutierrez L, Doffinger R, Teichmann SA, Fisher AJ, Pizzuto MS, de Marco A, Corti D, Hosmillo M, Lee JH, James LC, Thukral L, Veesler D, Sigal A, Sampaziotis F, Goodfellow IG, Matheson NJ, Sato K, Gupta RK Nature 35104837 Nature 2022 Mar
Structural changes in the SARS-CoV-2 spike E406W mutant escaping a clinical monoclonal antibody cocktail. Addetia A, Park YJ, Starr T, Greaney AJ, Sprouse KR, Bowen JE, Tiles SW, Van Voorhis WC, Bloom JD, Corti D, Walls AC, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 35118471 bioRxiv 2022 Jan 25
Lectins enhance SARS-CoV-2 infection and influence neutralizing antibodies. Lempp FA, Soriaga LB, Montiel-Ruiz M, Benigni F, Noack J, Park YJ, Bianchi S, Walls AC, Bowen JE, Zhou J, Kaiser H, Joshi A, Agostini M, Meury M, Dellota E Jr, Jaconi S, Cameroni E, Martinez-Picado J, Vergara-Alert J, Izquierdo-Useros N, Virgin HW, Lanzavecchia A, Veesler D, Purcell LA, Telenti A, Corti D Nature 34464958 Nature 2021 Oct
Stabilization of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor-Binding Domain Using Deep Mutational Scanning and Structure-Based Design. Ellis D, Brunette N, Crawford KHD, Walls AC, Pham MN, Chen C, Herpoldt KL, Fiala B, Murphy M, Pettie D, Kraft JC, Malone KD, Navarro MJ, Ogohara C, Kepl E, Ravichandran R, Sydeman C, Ahlrichs M, Johnson M, Blackstone A, Carter L, Starr TN, Greaney AJ, Lee KK, Veesler D, Bloom JD, King NP Frontiers in immunology 34267764 Front Immunol 2021
Discovery and Characterization of Spike N-Terminal Domain-Binding Aptamers for Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Detection. Kacherovsky N, Yang LF, Dang HV, Cheng EL, Cardle II, Walls AC, McCallum M, Sellers DL, DiMaio F, Salipante SJ, Corti D, Veesler D, Pun SH Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 34328683 Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2021 Sep 20
N-terminal domain antigenic mapping reveals a site of vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2. McCallum M, De Marco A, Lempp FA, Tortorici MA, Pinto D, Walls AC, Beltramello M, Chen A, Liu Z, Zatta F, Zepeda S, di Iulio J, Bowen JE, Montiel-Ruiz M, Zhou J, Rosen LE, Bianchi S, Guarino B, Fregni CS, Abdelnabi R, Foo SC, Rothlauf PW, Bloyet LM, Benigni F, Cameroni E, Neyts J, Riva A, Snell G, Telenti A, Whelan SPJ, Virgin HW, Corti D, Pizzuto MS, Veesler D Cell 33761326 Cell 2021 Apr 29
Computational design of mechanically coupled axle-rotor protein assemblies. Courbet A, Hansen J, Hsia Y, Bethel N, Park YJ, Xu C, Moyer A, Boyken SE, Ueda G, Nattermann U, Nagarajan D, Silva DA, Sheffler W, Quispe J, Nord A, King N, Bradley P, Veesler D, Kollman J, Baker D Science (New York, N.Y.) 35446645 Science 2022 Apr 22
Structural basis for broad coronavirus neutralization. Sauer MM, Tortorici MA, Park YJ, Walls AC, Homad L, Acton OJ, Bowen JE, Wang C, Xiong X, de van der Schueren W, Quispe J, Hoffstrom BG, Bosch BJ, McGuire AT, Veesler D Nature structural & molecular biology 33981021 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2021 Jun
Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 neutralizing activity elicited by a comprehensive panel of human vaccines. Bowen JE, Sprouse KR, Walls AC, Mazzitelli IG, Logue JK, Franko NM, Ahmed K, Shariq A, Cameroni E, Gori A, Bandera A, Posavad CM, Dan JM, Zhang Z, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Crotty S, Iqbal NT, Corti D, Geffner J, Grifantini R, Chu HY, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 35313570 bioRxiv 2022 Mar 16
Broadly neutralizing antibodies against sarbecoviruses generated by immunization of macaques with an AS03-adjuvanted COVID-19 vaccine. Feng Y, Yuan M, Powers JM, Hu M, Munt JE, Arunachalam PS, Leist SR, Bellusci L, Kim J, Sprouse KR, Adams LE, Sundaramurthy S, Zhu X, Shirreff LM, Mallory ML, Scobey TD, Moreno A, O'Hagan DT, Kleanthous H, Villinger FJ, Veesler D, King NP, Suthar MS, Khurana S, Baric RS, Wilson IA, Pulendran B Science translational medicine 37163615 Sci Transl Med 2023 May 10
ACE2-binding exposes the SARS-CoV-2 fusion peptide to broadly neutralizing coronavirus antibodies. Low JS, Jerak J, Tortorici MA, McCallum M, Pinto D, Cassotta A, Foglierini M, Mele F, Abdelnabi R, Weynand B, Noack J, Montiel-Ruiz M, Bianchi S, Benigni F, Sprugasci N, Joshi A, Bowen JE, Stewart C, Rexhepaj M, Walls AC, Jarrossay D, Morone D, Paparoditis P, Garzoni C, Ferrari P, Ceschi A, Neyts J, Purcell LA, Snell G, Corti D, Lanzavecchia A, Veesler D, Sallusto F Science (New York, N.Y.) 35857703 Science 2022 Aug 12
Durable protection against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant is induced by an adjuvanted subunit vaccine. Arunachalam PS, Feng Y, Ashraf U, Hu M, Walls AC, Edara VV, Zarnitsyna VI, Aye PP, Golden N, Miranda MC, Green KWM, Threeton BM, Maness NJ, Beddingfield BJ, Bohm RP, Scheuermann SE, Goff K, Dufour J, Russell-Lodrigue K, Kepl E, Fiala B, Wrenn S, Ravichandran R, Ellis D, Carter L, Rogers K, Shirreff LM, Ferrell DE, Deb Adhikary NR, Fontenot J, Hammond HL, Frieman M, Grifoni A, Sette A, O'Hagan DT, Van Der Most R, Rappuoli R, Villinger F, Kleanthous H, Rappaport J, Suthar MS, Veesler D, Wang TT, King NP, Pulendran B Science translational medicine 35976993 Sci Transl Med 2022 Aug 17
Maturation of SARS-CoV-2 Spike-specific memory B cells drives resilience to viral escape. Marzi R, Bassi J, Silacci-Fregni C, Bartha I, Muoio F, Culap K, Sprugasci N, Lombardo G, Saliba C, Cameroni E, Cassotta A, Low JS, Walls AC, McCallum M, Tortorici MA, Bowen JE, Dellota EA Jr, Dillen JR, Czudnochowski N, Pertusini L, Terrot T, Lepori V, Tarkowski M, Riva A, Biggiogero M, Franzetti-Pellanda A, Garzoni C, Ferrari P, Ceschi A, Giannini O, Havenar-Daughton C, Telenti A, Arvin A, Virgin HW, Sallusto F, Veesler D, Lanzavecchia A, Corti D, Piccoli L iScience 36507220 iScience 2023 Jan 20
Hierarchical design of pseudosymmetric protein nanoparticles. Dowling QM, Park YJ, Gerstenmaier N, Yang EC, Wargacki A, Hsia Y, Fries CN, Ravichandran R, Walkey C, Burrell A, Veesler D, Baker D, King NP Research square 37503272 Res Sq 2023 Jul 10
A broadly generalizable stabilization strategy for sarbecovirus fusion machinery vaccines. Lee J, Stewart C, Schaefer A, Leaf EM, Park YJ, Asarnow D, Powers JM, Treichel C, Corti D, Baric R, King NP, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38168207 bioRxiv 2023 Dec 20
Structure and design of Langya virus glycoprotein antigens. Wang Z, McCallum M, Yan L, Sharkey W, Park YJ, Dang HV, Amaya M, Person A, Broder CC, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37645760 bioRxiv 2023 Aug 26
Neutralization, effector function and immune imprinting of Omicron variants. Addetia A, Piccoli L, Case JB, Park YJ, Beltramello M, Guarino B, Dang H, de Melo GD, Pinto D, Sprouse K, Scheaffer SM, Bassi J, Silacci-Fregni C, Muoio F, Dini M, Vincenzetti L, Acosta R, Johnson D, Subramanian S, Saliba C, Giurdanella M, Lombardo G, Leoni G, Culap K, McAlister C, Rajesh A, Dellota E Jr, Zhou J, Farhat N, Bohan D, Noack J, Chen A, Lempp FA, Quispe J, Kergoat L, Larrous F, Cameroni E, Whitener B, Giannini O, Cippà P, Ceschi A, Ferrari P, Franzetti-Pellanda A, Biggiogero M, Garzoni C, Zappi S, Bernasconi L, Kim MJ, Rosen LE, Schnell G, Czudnochowski N, Benigni F, Franko N, Logue JK, Yoshiyama C, Stewart C, Chu H, Bourhy H, Schmid MA, Purcell LA, Snell G, Lanzavecchia A, Diamond MS, Corti D, Veesler D Nature 37648855 Nature 2023 Sep
Quantifying how single dose Ad26.COV2.S vaccine efficacy depends on Spike sequence features. Magaret CA, Li L, deCamp AC, Rolland M, Juraska M, Williamson BD, Ludwig J, Molitor C, Benkeser D, Luedtke A, Simpkins B, Heng F, Sun Y, Carpp LN, Bai H, Dearlove BL, Giorgi EE, Jongeneelen M, Brandenburg B, McCallum M, Bowen JE, Veesler D, Sadoff J, Gray GE, Roels S, Vandebosch A, Stieh DJ, Le Gars M, Vingerhoets J, Grinsztejn B, Goepfert PA, de Sousa LP, Silva MST, Casapia M, Losso MH, Little SJ, Gaur A, Bekker LG, Garrett N, Truyers C, Van Dromme I, Swann E, Marovich MA, Follmann D, Neuzil KM, Corey L, Greninger AL, Roychoudhury P, Hyrien O, Gilbert PB Nature communications 38467646 Nat Commun 2024 Mar 11
Functional and antigenic landscape of the Nipah virus receptor binding protein. Larsen BB, McMahon T, Brown JT, Wang Z, Radford CE, Crowe JE Jr, Veesler D, Bloom JD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38659959 bioRxiv 2024 Apr 19
Immunization with a self-assembling nanoparticle vaccine displaying EBV gH/gL protects humanized mice against lethal viral challenge. Malhi H, Homad LJ, Wan YH, Poudel B, Fiala B, Borst AJ, Wang JY, Walkey C, Price J, Wall A, Singh S, Moodie Z, Carter L, Handa S, Correnti CE, Stoddard BL, Veesler D, Pancera M, Olson J, King NP, McGuire AT Cell reports. Medicine 35705092 Cell Rep Med 2022 Jun 21
Broad receptor tropism and immunogenicity of a clade 3 sarbecovirus. Lee J, Zepeda SK, Park YJ, Taylor AL, Quispe J, Stewart C, Leaf EM, Treichel C, Corti D, King NP, Starr TN, Veesler D Cell host & microbe 37989312 Cell Host Microbe 2023 Dec 13
Persistent immune imprinting after XBB.1.5 COVID vaccination in humans. Tortorici MA, Addetia A, Seo AJ, Brown J, Sprouse KR, Logue J, Clark E, Franko N, Chu H, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38076876 bioRxiv 2023 Nov 30
Potent neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants by RBD nanoparticle and prefusion-stabilized spike immunogens. Miranda MC, Kepl E, Navarro MJ, Chen C, Johnson M, Sprouse KR, Stewart C, Palser A, Valdez A, Pettie D, Sydeman C, Ogohara C, Kraft JC, Pham M, Murphy M, Wrenn S, Fiala B, Ravichandran R, Ellis D, Carter L, Corti D, Kellam P, Lee K, Walls AC, Veesler D, King NP NPJ vaccines 39379400 NPJ Vaccines 2024 Oct 8
A potent pan-sarbecovirus neutralizing antibody resilient to epitope diversification. Rosen LE, Tortorici MA, De Marco A, Pinto D, Foreman WB, Taylor AL, Park YJ, Bohan D, Rietz T, Errico JM, Hauser K, Dang HV, Chartron JW, Giurdanella M, Cusumano G, Saliba C, Zatta F, Sprouse KR, Addetia A, Zepeda SK, Brown J, Lee J, Dellota E Jr, Rajesh A, Noack J, Tao Q, DaCosta Y, Tsu B, Acosta R, Subramanian S, de Melo GD, Kergoat L, Zhang I, Liu Z, Guarino B, Schmid MA, Schnell G, Miller JL, Lempp FA, Czudnochowski N, Cameroni E, Whelan SPJ, Bourhy H, Purcell LA, Benigni F, di Iulio J, Pizzuto MS, Lanzavecchia A, Telenti A, Snell G, Corti D, Veesler D, Starr TN Cell 39383863 Cell 2024 Dec 12
Deep mutational scans for ACE2 binding, RBD expression, and antibody escape in the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 receptor-binding domains. Starr TN, Greaney AJ, Stewart CM, Walls AC, Hannon WW, Veesler D, Bloom JD PLoS pathogens 36399443 PLoS Pathog 2022 Nov
Omicron spike function and neutralizing activity elicited by a comprehensive panel of vaccines. Bowen JE, Addetia A, Dang HV, Stewart C, Brown JT, Sharkey WK, Sprouse KR, Walls AC, Mazzitelli IG, Logue JK, Franko NM, Czudnochowski N, Powell AE, Dellota E Jr, Ahmed K, Ansari AS, Cameroni E, Gori A, Bandera A, Posavad CM, Dan JM, Zhang Z, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Crotty S, Iqbal NT, Corti D, Geffner J, Snell G, Grifantini R, Chu HY, Veesler D Science (New York, N.Y.) 35857529 Science 2022 Aug 19
A SARS-CoV-2 variant elicits an antibody response with a shifted immunodominance hierarchy. Greaney AJ, Starr TN, Eguia RT, Loes AN, Khan K, Karim F, Cele S, Bowen JE, Logue JK, Corti D, Veesler D, Chu HY, Sigal A, Bloom JD PLoS pathogens 35134084 PLoS Pathog 2022 Feb
SARS-CoV-2 RBD antibodies that maximize breadth and resistance to escape. Starr TN, Czudnochowski N, Liu Z, Zatta F, Park YJ, Addetia A, Pinto D, Beltramello M, Hernandez P, Greaney AJ, Marzi R, Glass WG, Zhang I, Dingens AS, Bowen JE, Tortorici MA, Walls AC, Wojcechowskyj JA, De Marco A, Rosen LE, Zhou J, Montiel-Ruiz M, Kaiser H, Dillen JR, Tucker H, Bassi J, Silacci-Fregni C, Housley MP, di Iulio J, Lombardo G, Agostini M, Sprugasci N, Culap K, Jaconi S, Meury M, Dellota E Jr, Abdelnabi R, Foo SC, Cameroni E, Stumpf S, Croll TI, Nix JC, Havenar-Daughton C, Piccoli L, Benigni F, Neyts J, Telenti A, Lempp FA, Pizzuto MS, Chodera JD, Hebner CM, Virgin HW, Whelan SPJ, Veesler D, Corti D, Bloom JD, Snell G Nature 34261126 Nature 2021 Sep
Tackling COVID-19 with neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. Corti D, Purcell LA, Snell G, Veesler D Cell 34416148 Cell 2021 Aug 19
Functional Analysis of the Fusion and Attachment Glycoproteins of Mojiang Henipavirus. Cheliout Da Silva S, Yan L, Dang HV, Xu K, Epstein JH, Veesler D, Broder CC Viruses 33809833 Viruses 2021 Mar 22
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron spike mediated immune escape and tropism shift. Gupta R Research square 35075452 Res Sq 2022 Jan 17
Generation of ordered protein assemblies using rigid three-body fusion. Vulovic I, Yao Q, Park YJ, Courbet A, Norris A, Busch F, Sahasrabuddhe A, Merten H, Sahtoe DD, Ueda G, Fallas JA, Weaver SJ, Hsia Y, Langan RA, Plückthun A, Wysocki VH, Veesler D, Jensen GJ, Baker D Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 34074752 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Jun 8
Mapping Neutralizing and Immunodominant Sites on the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor-Binding Domain by Structure-Guided High-Resolution Serology. Piccoli L, Park YJ, Tortorici MA, Czudnochowski N, Walls AC, Beltramello M, Silacci-Fregni C, Pinto D, Rosen LE, Bowen JE, Acton OJ, Jaconi S, Guarino B, Minola A, Zatta F, Sprugasci N, Bassi J, Peter A, De Marco A, Nix JC, Mele F, Jovic S, Rodriguez BF, Gupta SV, Jin F, Piumatti G, Lo Presti G, Pellanda AF, Biggiogero M, Tarkowski M, Pizzuto MS, Cameroni E, Havenar-Daughton C, Smithey M, Hong D, Lepori V, Albanese E, Ceschi A, Bernasconi E, Elzi L, Ferrari P, Garzoni C, Riva A, Snell G, Sallusto F, Fink K, Virgin HW, Lanzavecchia A, Corti D, Veesler D Cell 32991844 Cell 2020 Nov 12
Elicitation of broadly protective sarbecovirus immunity by receptor-binding domain nanoparticle vaccines. Walls AC, Miranda MC, Schäfer A, Pham MN, Greaney A, Arunachalam PS, Navarro MJ, Tortorici MA, Rogers K, O'Connor MA, Shirreff L, Ferrell DE, Bowen J, Brunette N, Kepl E, Zepeda SK, Starr T, Hsieh CL, Fiala B, Wrenn S, Pettie D, Sydeman C, Sprouse KR, Johnson M, Blackstone A, Ravichandran R, Ogohara C, Carter L, Tilles SW, Rappuoli R, Leist SR, Martinez DR, Clark M, Tisch R, O'Hagan DT, Van Der Most R, Van Voorhis WC, Corti D, McLellan JS, Kleanthous H, Sheahan TP, Smith KD, Fuller DH, Villinger F, Bloom J, Pulendran B, Baric RS, King NP, Veesler D Cell 34619077 Cell 2021 Oct 14
SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 sensitivity to mRNA vaccine-elicited, convalescent and monoclonal antibodies. Collier DA, De Marco A, Ferreira IATM, Meng B, Datir R, Walls AC, Kemp S SA, Bassi J, Pinto D, Fregni CS, Bianchi S, Tortorici MA, Bowen J, Culap K, Jaconi S, Cameroni E, Snell G, Pizzuto MS, Pellanda AF, Garzoni C, Riva A, CITIID-NIHR BioResource COVID-19 Collaboration, Elmer A, Kingston N, Graves B, McCoy LE, Smith KG, Bradley JR, Temperton N, Ceron-Gutierrez L L, Barcenas-Morales G, COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) consortium, Harvey W, Virgin HW, Lanzavecchia A, Piccoli L, Doffinger R, Wills M, Veesler D, Corti D, Gupta RK medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 33619509 medRxiv 2021 Feb 15
Thermodynamically coupled biosensors for detecting neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 variants. Zhang JZ, Yeh HW, Walls AC, Wicky BIM, Sprouse KR, VanBlargan LA, Treger R, Quijano-Rubio A, Pham MN, Kraft JC, Haydon IC, Yang W, DeWitt M, Bowen JE, Chow CM, Carter L, Ravichandran R, Wener MH, Stewart L, Veesler D, Diamond MS, Greninger AL, Koelle DM, Baker D Nature biotechnology 35484405 Nat Biotechnol 2022 Sep
Architecture and antigenicity of the Nipah virus attachment glycoprotein. Wang Z, Amaya M, Addetia A, Dang HV, Reggiano G, Yan L, Hickey AC, DiMaio F, Broder CC, Veesler D Science (New York, N.Y.) 35239409 Science 2022 Mar 25
Imprinted antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sublineages. Park YJ, Pinto D, Walls AC, Liu Z, De Marco A, Benigni F, Zatta F, Silacci-Fregni C, Bassi J, Sprouse KR, Addetia A, Bowen JE, Stewart C, Giurdanella M, Saliba C, Guarino B, Schmid MA, Franko NM, Logue JK, Dang HV, Hauser K, di Iulio J, Rivera W, Schnell G, Rajesh A, Zhou J, Farhat N, Kaiser H, Montiel-Ruiz M, Noack J, Lempp FA, Janer J, Abdelnabi R, Maes P, Ferrari P, Ceschi A, Giannini O, de Melo GD, Kergoat L, Bourhy H, Neyts J, Soriaga L, Purcell LA, Snell G, Whelan SPJ, Lanzavecchia A, Virgin HW, Piccoli L, Chu HY, Pizzuto MS, Corti D, Veesler D Science (New York, N.Y.) 36264829 Science 2022 Nov 11
Human coronavirus HKU1 recognition of the TMPRSS2 host receptor. McCallum M, Park YJ, Stewart C, Sprouse KR, Brown J, Tortorici MA, Gibson C, Wong E, Ieven M, Telenti A, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38260518 bioRxiv 2024 Jan 9
Hierarchical design of pseudosymmetric protein nanoparticles. Dowling QM, Park YJ, Gerstenmaier N, Yang EC, Wargacki A, Hsia Y, Fries CN, Ravichandran R, Walkey C, Burrell A, Veesler D, Baker D, King NP bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37398374 bioRxiv 2023 Jun 17
Broad receptor tropism and immunogenicity of a clade 3 sarbecovirus. Lee J, Zepeda SK, Park YJ, Taylor AL, Quispe J, Stewart C, Leaf EM, Treichel C, Corti D, King NP, Starr TN, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37745523 bioRxiv 2023 Sep 13
Regulatory T cell-like response to SARS-CoV-2 in Jamaican fruit bats (Artibeus jamaicensis) transduced with human ACE2. Burke B, Rocha SM, Zhan S, Eckley M, Reasoner C, Addetia A, Lewis J, Fagre A, Charley PA, Richt JA, Weiss SR, Tjalkens RB, Veesler D, Aboellail T, Schountz T PLoS pathogens 37856551 PLoS Pathog 2023 Oct
Mapping immunodominant sites on the MERS-CoV spike glycoprotein targeted by infection-elicited antibodies in humans. Addetia A, Stewart C, Seo AJ, Sprouse KR, Asiri AY, Al-Mozaini M, Memish ZA, Alshukairi A, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38617298 bioRxiv 2024 Apr 2
Molecular basis of convergent evolution of ACE2 receptor utilization among HKU5 coronaviruses. Park YJ, Liu C, Lee J, Brown JT, Ma CB, Liu P, Xiong Q, Stewart C, Addetia A, Craig CJ, Tortorici MA, Alshukari A, Starr T, Yan H, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39253417 bioRxiv 2024 Aug 28
A SARS-CoV-2 variant elicits an antibody response with a shifted immunodominance hierarchy. Greaney AJ, Starr TN, Eguia RT, Loes AN, Khan K, Karim F, Cele S, Bowen JE, Logue JK, Corti D, Veesler D, Chu HY, Sigal A, Bloom JD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 34671768 bioRxiv 2021 Oct 13
Antibody-mediated broad sarbecovirus neutralization through ACE2 molecular mimicry. Park YJ, De Marco A, Starr TN, Liu Z, Pinto D, Walls AC, Zatta F, Zepeda SK, Bowen J, Sprouse KS, Joshi A, Giurdanella M, Guarino B, Noack J, Abdelnabi R, Foo SC, Lempp FA, Benigni F, Snell G, Neyts J, Whelan SP, Virgin HW, Bloom JD, Corti D, Pizzuto MS, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 34671770 bioRxiv 2021 Oct 14
Antibody-mediated broad sarbecovirus neutralization through ACE2 molecular mimicry. Park YJ, De Marco A, Starr TN, Liu Z, Pinto D, Walls AC, Zatta F, Zepeda SK, Bowen JE, Sprouse KR, Joshi A, Giurdanella M, Guarino B, Noack J, Abdelnabi R, Foo SC, Rosen LE, Lempp FA, Benigni F, Snell G, Neyts J, Whelan SPJ, Virgin HW, Bloom JD, Corti D, Pizzuto MS, Veesler D Science (New York, N.Y.) 34990214 Science 2022 Jan 28
Multivalent designed proteins neutralize SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and confer protection against infection in mice. Hunt AC, Case JB, Park YJ, Cao L, Wu K, Walls AC, Liu Z, Bowen JE, Yeh HW, Saini S, Helms L, Zhao YT, Hsiang TY, Starr TN, Goreshnik I, Kozodoy L, Carter L, Ravichandran R, Green LB, Matochko WL, Thomson CA, Vögeli B, Krüger A, VanBlargan LA, Chen RE, Ying B, Bailey AL, Kafai NM, Boyken SE, Ljubetič A, Edman N, Ueda G, Chow CM, Johnson M, Addetia A, Navarro MJ, Panpradist N, Gale M Jr, Freedman BS, Bloom JD, Ruohola-Baker H, Whelan SPJ, Stewart L, Diamond MS, Veesler D, Jewett MC, Baker D Science translational medicine 35412328 Sci Transl Med 2022 May 25
Structure-based design of stabilized recombinant influenza neuraminidase tetramers. Ellis D, Lederhofer J, Acton OJ, Tsybovsky Y, Kephart S, Yap C, Gillespie RA, Creanga A, Olshefsky A, Stephens T, Pettie D, Murphy M, Sydeman C, Ahlrichs M, Chan S, Borst AJ, Park YJ, Lee KK, Graham BS, Veesler D, King NP, Kanekiyo M Nature communications 35383176 Nat Commun 2022 Apr 5
Spread of a SARS-CoV-2 variant through Europe in the summer of 2020. Hodcroft EB, Zuber M, Nadeau S, Vaughan TG, Crawford KHD, Althaus CL, Reichmuth ML, Bowen JE, Walls AC, Corti D, Bloom JD, Veesler D, Mateo D, Hernando A, Comas I, González-Candelas F, SeqCOVID-SPAIN consortium, Stadler T, Neher RA Nature 34098568 Nature 2021 Jul
Elicitation of broadly protective sarbecovirus immunity by receptor-binding domain nanoparticle vaccines. Walls AC, Miranda MC, Pham MN, Schäfer A, Greaney A, Arunachalam PS, Navarro MJ, Tortorici MA, Rogers K, O'Connor MA, Shireff L, Ferrell DE, Brunette N, Kepl E, Bowen J, Zepeda SK, Starr T, Hsieh CL, Fiala B, Wrenn S, Pettie D, Sydeman C, Johnson M, Blackstone A, Ravichandran R, Ogohara C, Carter L, Tilles SW, Rappuoli R, O'Hagan DT, Van Der Most R, Van Voorhis WC, McLellan JS, Kleanthous H, Sheahan TP, Fuller DH, Villinger F, Bloom J, Pulendran B, Baric R, King N, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 33758839 bioRxiv 2021 Mar 16
Designed proteins assemble antibodies into modular nanocages. Divine R, Dang HV, Ueda G, Fallas JA, Vulovic I, Sheffler W, Saini S, Zhao YT, Raj IX, Morawski PA, Jennewein MF, Homad LJ, Wan YH, Tooley MR, Seeger F, Etemadi A, Fahning ML, Lazarovits J, Roederer A, Walls AC, Stewart L, Mazloomi M, King NP, Campbell DJ, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Ruohola-Baker H, Mathieu J, Veesler D, Baker D Science (New York, N.Y.) 33795432 Science 2021 Apr 2
Adjuvanting a subunit COVID-19 vaccine to induce protective immunity. Arunachalam PS, Walls AC, Golden N, Atyeo C, Fischinger S, Li C, Aye P, Navarro MJ, Lai L, Edara VV, Röltgen K, Rogers K, Shirreff L, Ferrell DE, Wrenn S, Pettie D, Kraft JC, Miranda MC, Kepl E, Sydeman C, Brunette N, Murphy M, Fiala B, Carter L, White AG, Trisal M, Hsieh CL, Russell-Lodrigue K, Monjure C, Dufour J, Spencer S, Doyle-Meyers L, Bohm RP, Maness NJ, Roy C, Plante JA, Plante KS, Zhu A, Gorman MJ, Shin S, Shen X, Fontenot J, Gupta S, O'Hagan DT, Van Der Most R, Rappuoli R, Coffman RL, Novack D, McLellan JS, Subramaniam S, Montefiori D, Boyd SD, Flynn JL, Alter G, Villinger F, Kleanthous H, Rappaport J, Suthar MS, King NP, Veesler D, Pulendran B Nature 33873199 Nature 2021 Jun
SARS-CoV-2 nsp1 mediates broad inhibition of translation in mammals. Gen R, Addetia A, Asarnow D, Park YJ, Quispe J, Chan MC, Brown JT, Lee J, Campbell MG, Lapointe CP, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39868184 bioRxiv 2025 Jan 15
Computational design of prefusion-stabilized Herpesvirus gB trimers. McCallum M, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39484573 bioRxiv 2024 Oct 24
Broadly neutralizing antibodies against emerging delta-coronaviruses. Rexhepaj M, Park YJ, Perruzza L, Asarnow D, Mccallum M, Culap K, Saliba C, Leoni G, Balmelli A, Yoshiyama CN, Dickinson MS, Quispe J, Brown JT, Tortorici MA, Sprouse KR, Taylor AL, Starr TN, Corti D, Benigni F, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38617231 bioRxiv 2024 Apr 1
A pan-variant miniprotein inhibitor protects against SARS-CoV-2 variants. Lee J, Case JB, Park YJ, Ravichandran R, Asarnow D, Tortorici MA, Brown JT, Sanapala S, Carter L, Baker D, Diamond MS, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39149384 bioRxiv 2024 Aug 10
Structure, receptor recognition, and antigenicity of the human coronavirus CCoV-HuPn-2018 spike glycoprotein. Tortorici MA, Walls AC, Joshi A, Park YJ, Eguia RT, Miranda MC, Kepl E, Dosey A, Stevens-Ayers T, Boeckh MJ, Telenti A, Lanzavecchia A, King NP, Corti D, Bloom JD, Veesler D Cell 35700730 Cell 2022 Jun 23
Full-spike deep mutational scanning helps predict the evolutionary success of SARS-CoV-2 clades. Dadonaite B, Brown J, McMahon TE, Farrell AG, Asarnow D, Stewart C, Logue J, Murrell B, Chu HY, Veesler D, Bloom JD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38014024 bioRxiv 2023 Nov 14
Close relatives of MERS-CoV in bats use ACE2 as their functional receptors. Xiong Q, Cao L, Ma C, Tortorici MA, Liu C, Si J, Liu P, Gu M, Walls AC, Wang C, Shi L, Tong F, Huang M, Li J, Zhao C, Shen C, Chen Y, Zhao H, Lan K, Corti D, Veesler D, Wang X, Yan H Nature 36477529 Nature 2022 Dec
Antigen- and scaffold-specific antibody responses to protein nanoparticle immunogens. Kraft JC, Pham MN, Shehata L, Brinkkemper M, Boyoglu-Barnum S, Sprouse KR, Walls AC, Cheng S, Murphy M, Pettie D, Ahlrichs M, Sydeman C, Johnson M, Blackstone A, Ellis D, Ravichandran R, Fiala B, Wrenn S, Miranda M, Sliepen K, Brouwer PJM, Antanasijevic A, Veesler D, Ward AB, Kanekiyo M, Pepper M, Sanders RW, King NP Cell reports. Medicine 36206752 Cell Rep Med 2022 Oct 18
Computationally designed mRNA-launched protein nanoparticle vaccines. Hendricks GG, Grigoryan L, Navarro MJ, Catanzaro NJ, Hubbard ML, Powers JM, Mattocks M, Treichel C, Walls AC, Lee J, Ellis D, Wang JYJ, Cheng S, Miranda MC, Valdez A, Chao CW, Chan S, Men C, Johnson MR, Hui H, Wu SY, Lujan V, Muramatsu H, Lin PJC, Sung MMH, Tam YK, Leaf EM, Pardi N, Baric RS, Pulendran B, Veesler D, Schäfer A, King NP bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39091730 bioRxiv 2024 Jul 23
Designed miniproteins potently inhibit and protect against MERS-CoV. Ragotte RJ, Tortorici MA, Catanzaro NJ, Addetia A, Coventry B, Froggatt HM, Lee J, Stewart C, Brown JT, Goreshnik I, Sims JN, Milles LF, Wicky BIM, Glögl M, Gerben S, Kang A, Bera AK, Sharkey W, Schäfer A, Baric RS, Baker D, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 39574666 bioRxiv 2024 Nov 4
Quadrivalent influenza nanoparticle vaccines induce broad protection. Boyoglu-Barnum S, Ellis D, Gillespie RA, Hutchinson GB, Park YJ, Moin SM, Acton OJ, Ravichandran R, Murphy M, Pettie D, Matheson N, Carter L, Creanga A, Watson MJ, Kephart S, Ataca S, Vaile JR, Ueda G, Crank MC, Stewart L, Lee KK, Guttman M, Baker D, Mascola JR, Veesler D, Graham BS, King NP, Kanekiyo M Nature 33762730 Nature 2021 Apr
Broadly neutralizing antibody cocktails targeting Nipah virus and Hendra virus fusion glycoproteins. Dang HV, Cross RW, Borisevich V, Bornholdt ZA, West BR, Chan YP, Mire CE, Da Silva SC, Dimitrov AS, Yan L, Amaya M, Navaratnarajah CK, Zeitlin L, Geisbert TW, Broder CC, Veesler D Nature structural & molecular biology 33927387 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2021 May
Structural basis for broad coronavirus neutralization. Sauer MM, Tortorici MA, Park YJ, Walls AC, Homad L, Acton O, Bowen J, Wang C, Xiong X, de van der Schueren W, Quispe J, Hoffstrom BG, Bosch BJ, McGuire AT, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 33398277 bioRxiv 2021 Jan 4
Sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 to mRNA vaccine-elicited antibodies. Collier DA, De Marco A, Ferreira IATM, Meng B, Datir RP, Walls AC, Kemp SA, Bassi J, Pinto D, Silacci-Fregni C, Bianchi S, Tortorici MA, Bowen J, Culap K, Jaconi S, Cameroni E, Snell G, Pizzuto MS, Pellanda AF, Garzoni C, Riva A, CITIID-NIHR BioResource COVID-19 Collaboration, Elmer A, Kingston N, Graves B, McCoy LE, Smith KGC, Bradley JR, Temperton N, Ceron-Gutierrez L, Barcenas-Morales G, COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium, Harvey W, Virgin HW, Lanzavecchia A, Piccoli L, Doffinger R, Wills M, Veesler D, Corti D, Gupta RK Nature 33706364 Nature 2021 May
Multivalent designed proteins protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Hunt AC, Case JB, Park YJ, Cao L, Wu K, Walls AC, Liu Z, Bowen JE, Yeh HW, Saini S, Helms L, Zhao YT, Hsiang TY, Starr TN, Goreshnik I, Kozodoy L, Carter L, Ravichandran R, Green LB, Matochko WL, Thomson CA, Vögeli B, Krüger-Gericke A, VanBlargan LA, Chen RE, Ying B, Bailey AL, Kafai NM, Boyken S, Ljubetič A, Edman N, Ueda G, Chow C, Addetia A, Panpradist N, Gale M Jr, Freedman BS, Lutz BR, Bloom JD, Ruohola-Baker H, Whelan SPJ, Stewart L, Diamond MS, Veesler D, Jewett MC, Baker D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 34268509 bioRxiv 2021 Jul 7
Molecular basis of immune evasion by the Delta and Kappa SARS-CoV-2 variants. McCallum M, Walls AC, Sprouse KR, Bowen JE, Rosen LE, Dang HV, De Marco A, Franko N, Tilles SW, Logue J, Miranda MC, Ahlrichs M, Carter L, Snell G, Pizzuto MS, Chu HY, Van Voorhis WC, Corti D, Veesler D Science (New York, N.Y.) 34751595 Science 2021 Dec 24
Broad sarbecovirus neutralization by a human monoclonal antibody. Tortorici MA, Czudnochowski N, Starr TN, Marzi R, Walls AC, Zatta F, Bowen JE, Jaconi S, Di Iulio J, Wang Z, De Marco A, Zepeda SK, Pinto D, Liu Z, Beltramello M, Bartha I, Housley MP, Lempp FA, Rosen LE, Dellota E Jr, Kaiser H, Montiel-Ruiz M, Zhou J, Addetia A, Guarino B, Culap K, Sprugasci N, Saliba C, Vetti E, Giacchetto-Sasselli I, Fregni CS, Abdelnabi R, Foo SC, Havenar-Daughton C, Schmid MA, Benigni F, Cameroni E, Neyts J, Telenti A, Virgin HW, Whelan SPJ, Snell G, Bloom JD, Corti D, Veesler D, Pizzuto MS Nature 34280951 Nature 2021 Sep
Elicitation of Potent Neutralizing Antibody Responses by Designed Protein Nanoparticle Vaccines for SARS-CoV-2. Walls AC, Fiala B, Schäfer A, Wrenn S, Pham MN, Murphy M, Tse LV, Shehata L, O'Connor MA, Chen C, Navarro MJ, Miranda MC, Pettie D, Ravichandran R, Kraft JC, Ogohara C, Palser A, Chalk S, Lee EC, Guerriero K, Kepl E, Chow CM, Sydeman C, Hodge EA, Brown B, Fuller JT, Dinnon KH 3rd, Gralinski LE, Leist SR, Gully KL, Lewis TB, Guttman M, Chu HY, Lee KK, Fuller DH, Baric RS, Kellam P, Carter L, Pepper M, Sheahan TP, Veesler D, King NP Cell 33160446 Cell 2020 Nov 25
Potent monoclonal antibody-mediated neutralization of a divergent Hendra virus variant. Wang Z, Dang HV, Amaya M, Xu Y, Yin R, Yan L, Hickey AC, Annand EJ, Horsburgh BA, Reid PA, Smith I, Eden JS, Xu K, Broder CC, Veesler D Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35617431 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 May 31
Imprinted antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sublineages. Park YJ, Pinto D, Walls AC, Liu Z, Marco A, Benigni F, Zatta F, Silacci-Fregni C, Bassi J, Sprouse KR, Addetia A, Bowen JE, Stewart C, Giurdanella M, Saliba C, Guarino B, Schmid MA, Franko N, Logue J, Dang HV, Hauser K, Iulio JD, Rivera W, Schnell G, Rajesh A, Zhou J, Farhat N, Kaiser H, Montiel-Ruiz M, Noack J, Lempp FA, Janer J, Abdelnabi R, Maes P, Ferrari P, Ceschi A, Giannini O, de Melo GD, Kergoat L, Bourhy H, Neyts J, Soriaga L, Purcell LA, Snell G, Whelan SPJ, Lanzavecchia A, Virgin HW, Piccoli L, Chu H, Pizzuto MS, Corti D, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 35677069 bioRxiv 2022 Aug 22
SARS-CoV-2 spike conformation determines plasma neutralizing activity. Bowen JE, Walls AC, Joshi A, Sprouse KR, Stewart C, Tortorici MA, Franko NM, Logue JK, Mazzitelli IG, Tiles SW, Ahmed K, Shariq A, Snell G, Iqbal NT, Geffner J, Bandera A, Gori A, Grifantini R, Chu HY, Van Voorhis WC, Corti D, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 34981060 bioRxiv 2021 Dec 21
Delta breakthrough infections elicit potent, broad and durable neutralizing antibody responses. Walls AC, Sprouse KR, Joshi A, Bowen JE, Franko N, Navarro MJ, Stewart C, McCallum M, Goecker EA, Degli-Angeli EJ, Logue J, Greninger A, Chu H, Veesler D bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 34931192 bioRxiv 2021 Dec 13
Distinct sensitivities to SARS-CoV-2 variants in vaccinated humans and mice. Walls AC, VanBlargan LA, Wu K, Choi A, Navarro MJ, Lee D, Avena L, Berrueta DM, Pham MN, Elbashir S, Kraft JC, Miranda MC, Kepl E, Johnson M, Blackstone A, Sprouse K, Fiala B, O'Connor MA, Brunette N, Arunachalam PS, Shirreff L, Rogers K, Carter L, Fuller DH, Villinger F, Pulendran B, Diamond MS, Edwards DK, King NP, Veesler D Cell reports 35988541 Cell Rep 2022 Aug 30
Antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain that maximize breadth and resistance to viral escape. Starr TN, Czudnochowski N, Zatta F, Park YJ, Liu Z, Addetia A, Pinto D, Beltramello M, Hernandez P, Greaney AJ, Marzi R, Glass WG, Zhang I, Dingens AS, Bowen JE, Wojcechowskyj JA, De Marco A, Rosen LE, Zhou J, Montiel-Ruiz M, Kaiser H, Tucker H, Housley MP, di Iulio J, Lombardo G, Agostini M, Sprugasci N, Culap K, Jaconi S, Meury M, Dellota E, Cameroni E, Croll TI, Nix JC, Havenar-Daughton C, Telenti A, Lempp FA, Pizzuto MS, Chodera JD, Hebner CM, Whelan SPJ, Virgin HW, Veesler D, Corti D, Bloom JD, Snell G bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 33851154 bioRxiv 2021 Apr 8
Structural basis for broad sarbecovirus neutralization by a human monoclonal antibody. Tortorici MA, Czudnochowski N, Starr TN, Marzi R, Walls AC, Zatta F, Bowen JE, Jaconi S, di Iulio J, Wang Z, De Marco A, Zepeda SK, Pinto D, Liu Z, Beltramello M, Bartha I, Housley MP, Lempp FA, Rosen LE, Dellota E Jr, Kaiser H, Montiel-Ruiz M, Zhou J, Addetia A, Guarino B, Culap K, Sprugasci N, Saliba C, Vetti E, Giacchetto-Sasselli I, Silacci Fregni C, Abdelnabi R, Caroline Foo SY, Havenar-Daughton C, Schmid MA, Benigni F, Cameroni E, Neyts J, Telenti A, Snell G, Virgin HW, Whelan SPJ, Bloom JD, Corti D, Veesler D, Pizzuto MS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 33851169 bioRxiv 2021 Apr 8
A broadly generalizable stabilization strategy for sarbecovirus fusion machinery vaccines. Lee J, Stewart C, Schäfer A, Leaf EM, Park YJ, Asarnow D, Powers JM, Treichel C, Sprouse KR, Corti D, Baric R, King NP, Veesler D Nature communications 38944664 Nat Commun 2024 Jun 28
ACE2 binding is an ancestral and evolvable trait of sarbecoviruses. Starr TN, Zepeda SK, Walls AC, Greaney AJ, Alkhovsky S, Veesler D, Bloom JD Nature 35114688 Nature 2022 Mar
SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections elicit potent, broad, and durable neutralizing antibody responses. Walls AC, Sprouse KR, Bowen JE, Joshi A, Franko N, Navarro MJ, Stewart C, Cameroni E, McCallum M, Goecker EA, Degli-Angeli EJ, Logue J, Greninger A, Corti D, Chu HY, Veesler D Cell 35123650 Cell 2022 Mar 3
SARS-CoV-2 spike conformation determines plasma neutralizing activity elicited by a wide panel of human vaccines. Bowen JE, Park YJ, Stewart C, Brown JT, Sharkey WK, Walls AC, Joshi A, Sprouse KR, McCallum M, Tortorici MA, Franko NM, Logue JK, Mazzitelli IG, Nguyen AW, Silva RP, Huang Y, Low JS, Jerak J, Tiles SW, Ahmed K, Shariq A, Dan JM, Zhang Z, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Snell G, Posavad CM, Iqbal NT, Geffner J, Bandera A, Gori A, Sallusto F, Maynard JA, Crotty S, Van Voorhis WC, Simmerling C, Grifantini R, Chu HY, Corti D, Veesler D Science immunology 36356052 Sci Immunol 2022 Dec 23
Maturation of SARS-CoV-2 Spike-specific memory B cells drives resilience to viral escape. Marzi R, Bassi J, Silacci-Fregni C, Bartha I, Muoio F, Culap K, Sprugasci N, Lombardo G, Saliba C, Cameroni E, Cassotta A, Low JS, Walls AC, McCallum M, Tortorici MA, Bowen JE, Dellota EA Jr, Dillen JR, Czudnochowski N, Pertusini L, Terrot T, Lepori V, Tarkowski M, Riva A, Biggiogero M, Pellanda AF, Garzoni C, Ferrari P, Ceschi A, Giannini O, Havenar-Daughton C, Telenti A, Arvin A, Virgin HW, Sallusto F, Veesler D, Lanzavecchia A, Corti D, Piccoli L bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36203553 bioRxiv 2022 Sep 30
Structural changes in the SARS-CoV-2 spike E406W mutant escaping a clinical monoclonal antibody cocktail. Addetia A, Park YJ, Starr T, Greaney AJ, Sprouse KR, Bowen JE, Tiles SW, Van Voorhis WC, Bloom JD, Corti D, Walls AC, Veesler D Cell reports 37300832 Cell Rep 2023 Jun 27
Shifting mutational constraints in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain during viral evolution. Starr TN, Greaney AJ, Hannon WW, Loes AN, Hauser K, Dillen JR, Ferri E, Farrell AG, Dadonaite B, McCallum M, Matreyek KA, Corti D, Veesler D, Snell G, Bloom JD Science (New York, N.Y.) 35762884 Science 2022 Jul 22
Automatic and accurate ligand structure determination guided by cryo-electron microscopy maps. Muenks A, Zepeda S, Zhou G, Veesler D, DiMaio F Nature communications 36859493 Nat Commun 2023 Mar 1
Structure and design of Langya virus glycoprotein antigens. Wang Z, McCallum M, Yan L, Gibson CA, Sharkey W, Park YJ, Dang HV, Amaya M, Person A, Broder CC, Veesler D Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38593070 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024 Apr 16
Spike deep mutational scanning helps predict success of SARS-CoV-2 clades. Dadonaite B, Brown J, McMahon TE, Farrell AG, Figgins MD, Asarnow D, Stewart C, Lee J, Logue J, Bedford T, Murrell B, Chu HY, Veesler D, Bloom JD Nature 38961298 Nature 2024 Jul
Isolation and escape mapping of broadly neutralizing antibodies against emerging delta-coronaviruses. Rexhepaj M, Asarnow D, Perruzza L, Park YJ, Guarino B, Mccallum M, Culap K, Saliba C, Leoni G, Balmelli A, Yoshiyama CN, Dickinson MS, Quispe J, Brown JT, Tortorici MA, Sprouse KR, Taylor AL, Corti D, Starr TN, Benigni F, Veesler D Immunity 39488210 Immunity 2024 Dec 10
Hierarchical design of pseudosymmetric protein nanocages. Dowling QM, Park YJ, Fries CN, Gerstenmaier NC, Ols S, Yang EC, Wargacki AJ, Dosey A, Hsia Y, Ravichandran R, Walkey CD, Burrell AL, Veesler D, Baker D, King NP Nature 39695230 Nature 2025 Feb
Genome-Scale CRISPR Screening Reveals Host Factors Required for Ribosome Formation and Viral Replication. Ohlson MB, Eitson JL, Wells AI, Kumar A, Jang S, Ni C, Xing C, Buszczak M, Schoggins JW mBio 36809113 mBio 2023 Apr 25
Formulation development and comparability studies with an aluminum-salt adjuvanted SARS-CoV-2 Spike ferritin nanoparticle vaccine antigen produced from two different cell lines. Kumru OS, Sanyal M, Friedland N, Hickey J, Joshi R, Weidenbacher P, Do J, Cheng YC, Kim PS, Joshi SB, Volkin DB bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37066156 bioRxiv 2023 Apr 4
Vaccine design via antigen reorientation. Xu D, Carter JJ, Li C, Utz A, Weidenbacher PAB, Tang S, Sanyal M, Pulendran B, Barnes CO, Kim PS Nature chemical biology 38225471 Nat Chem Biol 2024 Aug
Simplified Purification of Glycoprotein-Modified Ferritin Nanoparticles for Vaccine Development. Weidenbacher P, Musunuri S, Powell AE, Tang S, Do J, Sanyal M, Kim PS Biochemistry 35960597 Biochemistry 2023 Jan 17
Bringing immunofocusing into focus. Musunuri S, Weidenbacher PAB, Kim PS NPJ vaccines 38195562 NPJ Vaccines 2024 Jan 9
Converting non-neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies into broad-spectrum inhibitors. Weidenbacher PA, Waltari E, de Los Rios Kobara I, Bell BN, Morris MK, Cheng YC, Hanson C, Pak JE, Kim PS Nature chemical biology 36076082 Nat Chem Biol 2022 Nov
Engineering a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine targeting the RBD cryptic-face via immunofocusing. Bruun TUJ, Do J, Weidenbacher PA, Kim PS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38895327 bioRxiv 2024 Jun 5
A ferritin-based COVID-19 nanoparticle vaccine that elicits robust, durable, broad-spectrum neutralizing antisera in non-human primates. Weidenbacher PA, Sanyal M, Friedland N, Tang S, Arunachalam PS, Hu M, Kumru OS, Morris MK, Fontenot J, Shirreff L, Do J, Cheng YC, Vasudevan G, Feinberg MB, Villinger FJ, Hanson C, Joshi SB, Volkin DB, Pulendran B, Kim PS Nature communications 37069151 Nat Commun 2023 Apr 17
Multimerization of Ebola GPΔmucin on protein nanoparticle vaccines has minimal effect on elicitation of neutralizing antibodies. Powell AE, Xu D, Roth GA, Zhang K, Chiu W, Appel EA, Kim PS Frontiers in immunology 36091016 Front Immunol 2022
Design of universal Ebola virus vaccine candidates via immunofocusing. Xu D, Powell AE, Utz A, Sanyal M, Do J, Patten JJ, Moliva JI, Sullivan NJ, Davey RA, Kim PS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37904982 bioRxiv 2023 Oct 17
Engineering a SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Targeting the Receptor-Binding Domain Cryptic-Face via Immunofocusing. Bruun TUJ, Do J, Weidenbacher PA, Utz A, Kim PS ACS central science 39463836 ACS Cent Sci 2024 Oct 23
Formulation development and comparability studies with an aluminum-salt adjuvanted SARS-CoV-2 spike ferritin nanoparticle vaccine antigen produced from two different cell lines. Kumru OS, Sanyal M, Friedland N, Hickey JM, Joshi R, Weidenbacher P, Do J, Cheng YC, Kim PS, Joshi SB, Volkin DB Vaccine 37620203 Vaccine 2023 Oct 20
HIV-1 prehairpin intermediate inhibitors show efficacy independent of neutralization tier. Bell BN, Bruun TUJ, Friedland N, Kim PS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 36795752 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Feb 21
Structure-guided stabilization improves the ability of the HIV-1 gp41 hydrophobic pocket to elicit neutralizing antibodies. Bruun TUJ, Tang S, Erwin G, Deis L, Fernandez D, Kim PS The Journal of biological chemistry 36841484 J Biol Chem 2023 Apr
Efficient evolution of human antibodies from general protein language models. Hie BL, Shanker VR, Xu D, Bruun TUJ, Weidenbacher PA, Tang S, Wu W, Pak JE, Kim PS Nature biotechnology 37095349 Nat Biotechnol 2024 Feb
Decreased efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccine due to mutations present in early SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Weidenbacher PA, Friedland N, Sanyal M, Morris MK, Do J, Hanson C, Kim PS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37425802 bioRxiv 2023 Jun 29
A ferritin-based COVID-19 nanoparticle vaccine that elicits robust, durable, broad-spectrum neutralizing antisera in non-human primates. Weidenbacher PA, Sanyal M, Friedland N, Tang S, Arunachalam PS, Hu M, Kumru OS, Morris MK, Fontenot J, Shirreff L, Do J, Cheng YC, Vasudevan G, Feinberg MB, Villinger FJ, Hanson C, Joshi SB, Volkin DB, Pulendran B, Kim PS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36597527 bioRxiv 2022 Dec 26
Designing epitope-focused vaccines via antigen reorientation. Xu D, Li C, Utz A, Weidenbacher PAB, Tang S, Sanyal M, Pulendran B, Kim PS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36597536 bioRxiv 2022 Dec 21
Enhancing HIV-1 Neutralization by Increasing the Local Concentration of Membrane-Proximal External Region-Directed Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies. Kim S, Filsinger Interrante MV, Kim PS Journal of virology 36541800 J Virol 2023 Jan 31
Design of universal Ebola virus vaccine candidates via immunofocusing. Xu D, Powell AE, Utz A, Sanyal M, Do J, Patten JJ, Moliva JI, Sullivan NJ, Davey RA, Kim PS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38319964 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024 Feb 13
TRIM7 inhibits enterovirus replication and promotes emergence of a viral variant with increased pathogenicity. Fan W, Mar KB, Sari L, Gaszek IK, Cheng Q, Evers BM, Shelton JM, Wight-Carter M, Siegwart DJ, Lin MM, Schoggins JW Cell 34062120 Cell 2021 Jun 24
The mechanism of RNA capping by SARS-CoV-2. Park GJ, Osinski A, Hernandez G, Eitson JL, Majumdar A, Tonelli M, Henzler-Wildman K, Pawłowski K, Chen Z, Li Y, Schoggins JW, Tagliabracci VS Nature 35944563 Nature 2022 Sep
A concerted mechanism involving ACAT and SREBPs by which oxysterols deplete accessible cholesterol to restrict microbial infection. Heisler DB, Johnson KA, Ma DH, Ohlson MB, Zhang L, Tran M, Corley CD, Abrams ME, McDonald JG, Schoggins JW, Alto NM, Radhakrishnan A eLife 36695568 Elife 2023 Jan 25
Interferon inhibits a model RNA virus via a limited set of inducible effector genes. McDougal MB, De Maria AM, Ohlson MB, Kumar A, Xing C, Schoggins JW EMBO reports 37497756 EMBO Rep 2023 Sep 6
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces inflammation via TLR2-dependent activation of the NF-κB pathway. Khan S, Shafiei MS, Longoria C, Schoggins JW, Savani RC, Zaki H eLife 34866574 Elife 2021 Dec 6
TRIM32 inhibits Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus infection by targeting a late step in viral entry. Xie Y, Cao J, Gan S, Xu L, Zhang D, Qian S, Xu F, Ding Q, Schoggins JW, Fan W PLoS pathogens 39527628 PLoS Pathog 2024 Nov
Overexpression screen of interferon-stimulated genes identifies RARRES3 as a restrictor of Toxoplasma gondii infection. Rinkenberger N, Abrams ME, Matta SK, Schoggins JW, Alto NM, Sibley LD eLife 34871166 Elife 2021 Dec 6
Functional-genomic analysis reveals intraspecies diversification of antiviral receptor transporter proteins in Xenopus laevis. Boys IN, Mar KB, Schoggins JW PLoS genetics 34014925 PLoS Genet 2021 May
TRIM32 inhibits Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infection by targeting a late step in viral entry. Xie Y, Cao J, Gan S, Xu L, Zhang D, Qian S, Xu F, Ding Q, Schoggins JW, Fan W bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38895352 bioRxiv 2024 Jun 4
LY6E is a pan-coronavirus restriction factor in the respiratory tract. Mar KB, Wells AI, Caballero Van Dyke MC, Lopez AH, Eitson JL, Fan W, Hanners NW, Evers BM, Shelton JM, Schoggins JW Nature microbiology 37443277 Nat Microbiol 2023 Aug
Laboratory Action Plan for Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Variants. Filkins L, SoRelle JA, Schoggins J, Park JY Clinical chemistry 33515256 Clin Chem 2021 Apr 29
Shiftless inhibits flavivirus replication in vitro and is neuroprotective in a mouse model of Zika virus pathogenesis. Hanners NW, Mar KB, Boys IN, Eitson JL, De La Cruz-Rivera PC, Richardson RB, Fan W, Wight-Carter M, Schoggins JW Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 34873063 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Dec 7
The mechanism of RNA capping by SARS-CoV-2. Park GJ, Osinski A, Hernandez G, Eitson JL, Majumdar A, Tonelli M, Henzler-Wildman K, Pawłowski K, Chen Z, Li Y, Schoggins JW, Tagliabracci VS Research square 35194601 Res Sq 2022 Feb 15
Enterovirus 3C Protease Cleaves TRIM7 To Dampen Its Antiviral Activity. Fan W, McDougal MB, Schoggins JW Journal of virology 36106874 J Virol 2022 Oct 12
CRISPR screening reveals a dependency on ribosome recycling for efficient SARS-CoV-2 programmed ribosomal frameshifting and viral replication. Rehfeld F, Eitson JL, Ohlson MB, Chang TC, Schoggins JW, Mendell JT Cell reports 36753415 Cell Rep 2023 Feb 28
Clinical outcomes and inflammatory marker levels in patients with Covid-19 and obesity at an inner-city safety net hospital. Mostaghim A, Sinha P, Bielick C, Knudsen S, Beeram I, White LF, Apovian C, Sagar M, Hochberg NS PloS one 33326480 PLoS One 2020
Cellular origins of dsRNA, their recognition and consequences. Chen YG, Hur S Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology 34815573 Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2022 Apr
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Immunogenicity of In Vitro-Transcribed RNA. Mu X, Hur S Accounts of chemical research 34677064 Acc Chem Res 2021 Nov 2
Filament-like Assemblies of Intracellular Nucleic Acid Sensors: Commonalities and Differences. Cadena C, Hur S Molecular cell 31626748 Mol Cell 2019 Oct 17
Structural analysis of RIG-I-like receptors reveals ancient rules of engagement between diverse RNA helicases and TRIM ubiquitin ligases. Kato K, Ahmad S, Zhu Z, Young JM, Mu X, Park S, Malik HS, Hur S Molecular cell 33373584 Mol Cell 2021 Feb 4
The transcription factor FoxP3 can fold into two dimerization states with divergent implications for regulatory T cell function and immune homeostasis. Leng F, Zhang W, Ramirez RN, Leon J, Zhong Y, Hou L, Yuki K, van der Veeken J, Rudensky AY, Benoist C, Hur S Immunity 35926508 Immunity 2022 Aug 9
Stress granules are shock absorbers that prevent excessive innate immune responses to dsRNA. Paget M, Cadena C, Ahmad S, Wang HT, Jordan TX, Kim E, Koo B, Lyons SM, Ivanov P, tenOever B, Mu X, Hur S Molecular cell 37028415 Mol Cell 2023 Apr 6
Convalescent plasma for COVID-19 - encouraging signals of efficacy. Casadevall A, Tobian AAR British journal of haematology 33524158 Br J Haematol 2021 Feb
Horizontal gene transfer and beyond: the delivery of biological matter by bacterial membrane vesicles to host and bacterial cells. Wen AX, Herman C Current opinion in microbiology 39190937 Curr Opin Microbiol 2024 Oct
Conjugation's Toolkit: the Roles of Nonstructural Proteins in Bacterial Sex. Cooke MB, Herman C Journal of bacteriology 36847532 J Bacteriol 2023 Mar 21
Pathogenesis of COVID-19 from the Perspective of the Damage-Response Framework. Pirofski LA, Casadevall A mBio 32616514 mBio 2020 Jul 2
Markers of Polyfunctional SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Convalescent Plasma. Natarajan H, Crowley AR, Butler SE, Xu S, Weiner JA, Bloch EM, Littlefield K, Wieland-Alter W, Connor RI, Wright PF, Benner SE, Bonny TS, Laeyendecker O, Sullivan D, Shoham S, Quinn TC, Larman HB, Casadevall A, Pekosz A, Redd AD, Tobian AAR, Ackerman ME mBio 33879585 mBio 2021 Apr 20
The Principles of Antibody Therapy for Infectious Diseases with Relevance for COVID-19. Casadevall A, Pirofski LA, Joyner MJ mBio 33653885 mBio 2021 Mar 2
RNA polymerase inaccuracy underlies SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccine heterogeneity. Bradley CC, Gordon AJE, Wang C, Cooke MB, Kohrn BF, Kennedy SR, Lichtarge O, Ronca SE, Herman C Research square 35677076 Res Sq 2022 Jun 2
Evolutionary action of mutations reveals antimicrobial resistance genes in Escherichia coli. Marciano DC, Wang C, Hsu TK, Bourquard T, Atri B, Nehring RB, Abel NS, Bowling EA, Chen TJ, Lurie PD, Katsonis P, Rosenberg SM, Herman C, Lichtarge O Nature communications 35680894 Nat Commun 2022 Jun 9
Antigen discovery tools for adaptive immune receptor repertoire research. Bousbaine D, Ploegh HL Current opinion in systems biology 33195881 Curr Opin Syst Biol 2020 Dec
Nanobodies in cancer. Verhaar ER, Woodham AW, Ploegh HL Seminars in immunology 33272897 Semin Immunol 2021 Feb
A class II MHC-targeted vaccine elicits immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. Pishesha N, Harmand TJ, Rothlauf PW, Praest P, Alexander RK, van den Doel R, Liebeskind MJ, Vakaki MA, McCaul N, Wijne C, Verhaar E, Pinney W 3rd, Heston H, Bloyet LM, Pontelli MC, Ilagan MXG, Jan Lebbink R, Buchser WJ, Wiertz EJHJ, Whelan SPJ, Ploegh HL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 34654739 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Nov 2
Induction of antigen-specific tolerance by nanobody-antigen adducts that target class-II major histocompatibility complexes. Pishesha N, Harmand T, Smeding LY, Ma W, Ludwig LS, Janssen R, Islam A, Xie YJ, Fang T, McCaul N, Pinney W 3rd, Sugito HR, Rossotti MA, Gonzalez-Sapienza G, Ploegh HL Nature biomedical engineering 34127819 Nat Biomed Eng 2021 Nov
Asparaginyl Ligase-Catalyzed One-Step Cell Surface Modification of Red Blood Cells. Harmand TJ, Pishesha N, Rehm FBH, Ma W, Pinney WB, Xie YJ, Ploegh HL ACS chemical biology 34129316 ACS Chem Biol 2021 Jul 16
Exploring cellular biochemistry with nanobodies. Cheloha RW, Harmand TJ, Wijne C, Schwartz TU, Ploegh HL The Journal of biological chemistry 32868455 J Biol Chem 2020 Nov 6
Nanobodies as non-invasive imaging tools. Rashidian M, Ploegh H Immuno-oncology technology 35754459 Immunooncol Technol 2020 Sep
A conserved Bacteroidetes antigen induces anti-inflammatory intestinal T lymphocytes. Bousbaine D, Fisch LI, London M, Bhagchandani P, Rezende de Castro TB, Mimee M, Olesen S, Reis BS, VanInsberghe D, Bortolatto J, Poyet M, Cheloha RW, Sidney J, Ling J, Gupta A, Lu TK, Sette A, Alm EJ, Moon JJ, Victora GD, Mucida D, Ploegh HL, Bilate AM Science (New York, N.Y.) 35926021 Science 2022 Aug 5
Nanobody-based CAR NK cells for possible immunotherapy of MICA(+) tumors. Verhaar ER, van Keizerswaard WJC, Knoflook A, Balligand T, Ploegh HL PNAS nexus 38756234 PNAS Nexus 2024 May
An armed anti-immunoglobulin light chain nanobody protects mice against influenza A and B infections. Liu X, Balligand T, Carpenet C, Ploegh HL Science immunology 37352373 Sci Immunol 2023 Jun 23
A monoclonal antibody that recognizes a unique 13-residue epitope in the cytoplasmic tail of HLA-E. Verhaar ER, Gan J, Buhl S, Li Z, Horowitz A, Ploegh HL Molecular immunology 38901180 Mol Immunol 2024 Aug
Improved GPCR ligands from nanobody tethering. Cheloha RW, Fischer FA, Woodham AW, Daley E, Suminski N, Gardella TJ, Ploegh HL Nature communications 32350260 Nat Commun 2020 Apr 29
MICA-specific nanobodies for diagnosis and immunotherapy of MICA(+) tumors. Verhaar ER, Knoflook A, Pishesha N, Liu X, van Keizerswaard WJC, Wucherpfennig KW, Ploegh HL Frontiers in immunology 38550583 Front Immunol 2024
USP16 is an ISG15 cross-reactive deubiquitinase that targets pro-ISG15 and ISGylated proteins involved in metabolism. Gan J, Pinto-Fernández A, Flierman D, Akkermans JJLL, O'Brien DP, Greenwood H, Scott HC, Fritz G, Knobeloch KP, Neefjes J, van Dam H, Ovaa H, Ploegh HL, Kessler BM, Geurink PP, Sapmaz A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38055744 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Dec 12
Bi-specific antibody engagers for cancer immunotherapy. Ploegh H, Liu X, Le Gall C, Alexander R, Borgman E, Balligand T Research square 39149504 Res Sq 2024 Aug 1
The Biology of Physiological Health. Ayres JS Cell 32302569 Cell 2020 Apr 16
Chronic Leptin Deficiency Improves Tolerance of Physiological Damage and Host-Pathogen Cooperation during Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Infection. Sanchez KK, Troha K, Mu A, Redford SE, McCarville JL, Insenga A, Stengel S, Lee YM, Ayres JS Infection and immunity 35924898 Infect Immun 2022 Sep 15
CD4+ T cells regulate sickness-induced anorexia and fat wasting during a chronic parasitic infection. Redford SE, Varanasi SK, Sanchez KK, Thorup NR, Ayres JS Cell reports 37490905 Cell Rep 2023 Aug 29
Cooperation between physiological defenses and immune resistance produces asymptomatic carriage of a lethal bacterial pathogen. Chen GY, Thorup NR, Miller AJ, Li YC, Ayres JS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36711884 bioRxiv 2023 Feb 26
Metabolic Adaptations to Infections at the Organismal Level. Troha K, Ayres JS Trends in immunology 31959515 Trends Immunol 2020 Feb
Fluoxetine promotes IL-10-dependent metabolic defenses to protect from sepsis-induced lethality. Gallant RM, Sanchez KK, Joulia E, Snyder JM, Metallo CM, Ayres JS Science advances 39951524 Sci Adv 2025 Feb 14
Cooperation between physiological defenses and immune resistance produces asymptomatic carriage of a lethal bacterial pathogen. Chen GY, Thorup NR, Miller AJ, Li YC, Ayres JS Science advances 37352357 Sci Adv 2023 Jun 23
Cooperative defenses during enteropathogenic infection. Troha K, Ayres JS Current opinion in microbiology 34847524 Curr Opin Microbiol 2022 Feb
Immunometabolism of infections. Ayres JS Nature reviews. Immunology 31892735 Nat Rev Immunol 2020 Feb
Surviving COVID-19: A disease tolerance perspective. Ayres JS Science advances 32494691 Sci Adv 2020 May
Beyond tug-of-war: Iron metabolism in cooperative host-microbe interactions. Chen GY, Ayres JS PLoS pathogens 32785251 PLoS Pathog 2020 Aug
Microbiota Metabolites in Health and Disease. McCarville JL, Chen GY, Cuevas VD, Troha K, Ayres JS Annual review of immunology 32340573 Annu Rev Immunol 2020 Apr 26
Adipose triglyceride lipase mediates lipolysis and lipid mobilization in response to iron-mediated negative energy balance. Romero AR, Mu A, Ayres JS iScience 35265813 iScience 2022 Mar 18
Fluoxetine promotes immunometabolic defenses to mediate host-pathogen cooperation during sepsis. Gallant RM, Snyder JM, Ayres JS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38013994 bioRxiv 2023 Nov 18
Age-dependent roles of cardiac remodeling in sepsis defense and pathogenesis. Sanchez KK, McCarville JL, Stengel SJ, Snyder JM, Williams AE, Ayres JS bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36993409 bioRxiv 2023 Mar 15
Restricted Clonality and Limited Germinal Center Reentry Characterize Memory B Cell Reactivation by Boosting. Mesin L, Schiepers A, Ersching J, Barbulescu A, Cavazzoni CB, Angelini A, Okada T, Kurosaki T, Victora GD Cell 31866068 Cell 2020 Jan 9
Monitoring the Interaction Between Dendritic Cells and T Cells In Vivo with LIPSTIC. Pasqual G, Chudnovskiy A, Victora GD Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 36905509 Methods Mol Biol 2023
Cyclin D3 drives inertial cell cycling in dark zone germinal center B cells. Pae J, Ersching J, Castro TBR, Schips M, Mesin L, Allon SJ, Ordovas-Montanes J, Mlynarczyk C, Melnick A, Efeyan A, Shalek AK, Meyer-Hermann M, Victora GD The Journal of experimental medicine 33332554 J Exp Med 2021 Apr 5
Tunable dynamics of B cell selection in gut germinal centres. Nowosad CR, Mesin L, Castro TBR, Wichmann C, Donaldson GP, Araki T, Schiepers A, Lockhart AAK, Bilate AM, Mucida D, Victora GD Nature 33116306 Nature 2020 Dec
Molecular fate-mapping of serum antibody responses to repeat immunization. Schiepers A, van 't Wout MFL, Greaney AJ, Zang T, Muramatsu H, Lin PJC, Tam YK, Mesin L, Starr TN, Bieniasz PD, Pardi N, Bloom JD, Victora GD Nature 36646114 Nature 2023 Mar
Clonal replacement sustains long-lived germinal centers primed by respiratory viruses. de Carvalho RVH, Ersching J, Barbulescu A, Hobbs A, Castro TBR, Mesin L, Jacobsen JT, Phillips BK, Hoffmann HH, Parsa R, Canesso MCC, Nowosad CR, Feng A, Leist SR, Baric RS, Yang E, Utz PJ, Victora GD Cell 36565697 Cell 2023 Jan 5
Opposing effects of pre-existing antibody and memory T cell help on the dynamics of recall germinal centers. Schiepers A, Van't Wout MFL, Hobbs A, Mesin L, Victora GD Immunity 38838672 Immunity 2024 Jul 9
Studying interactions between dendritic cells and T cells in vivo. Chudnovskiy A, Pasqual G, Victora GD Current opinion in immunology 30884422 Curr Opin Immunol 2019 Jun
Expression of Foxp3 by T follicular helper cells in end-stage germinal centers. Jacobsen JT, Hu W, R Castro TB, Solem S, Galante A, Lin Z, Allon SJ, Mesin L, Bilate AM, Schiepers A, Shalek AK, Rudensky AY, Victora GD Science (New York, N.Y.) 34437125 Science 2021 Jul 16
Opposing effects of pre-existing antibody and memory T cell help on the dynamics of recall germinal centers. Schiepers A, van 't Wout MFL, Hobbs A, Mesin L, Victora GD bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38168231 bioRxiv 2023 Dec 15
Universal recording of immune cell interactions in vivo. Nakandakari-Higa S, Walker S, Canesso MCC, van der Heide V, Chudnovskiy A, Kim DY, Jacobsen JT, Parsa R, Bilanovic J, Parigi SM, Fiedorczuk K, Fuchs E, Bilate AM, Pasqual G, Mucida D, Kamphorst AO, Pritykin Y, Victora GD Nature 38448581 Nature 2024 Mar
Mouse models of neutropenia reveal progenitor-stage-specific defects. Muench DE, Olsson A, Ferchen K, Pham G, Serafin RA, Chutipongtanate S, Dwivedi P, Song B, Hay S, Chetal K, Trump-Durbin LR, Mookerjee-Basu J, Zhang K, Yu JC, Lutzko C, Myers KC, Nazor KL, Greis KD, Kappes DJ, Way SS, Salomonis N, Grimes HL Nature 32494068 Nature 2020 Jun
Vaccination strategies to enhance immunity in neonates. Kollmann TR, Marchant A, Way SS Science (New York, N.Y.) 32381718 Science 2020 May 8
Persistent Zika Virus Clinical Susceptibility despite Reduced Viral Burden in Mice with Expanded Virus-Specific CD8(+) T Cells Primed by Recombinant Listeria monocytogenes. Burg AR, Erickson JJ, Turner LH, Pham G, Kinder JM, Way SS Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 32522837 J Immunol 2020 Jul 15
CD8(+) T Cell Functional Exhaustion Overrides Pregnancy-Induced Fetal Antigen Alloimmunization. Kinder JM, Turner LH, Stelzer IA, Miller-Handley H, Burg A, Shao TY, Pham G, Way SS Cell reports 32579916 Cell Rep 2020 Jun 23
Differential IL-2 expression defines developmental fates of follicular versus nonfollicular helper T cells. DiToro D, Winstead CJ, Pham D, Witte S, Andargachew R, Singer JR, Wilson CG, Zindl CL, Luther RJ, Silberger DJ, Weaver BT, Kolawole EM, Martinez RJ, Turner H, Hatton RD, Moon JJ, Way SS, Evavold BD, Weaver CT Science (New York, N.Y.) 30213884 Science 2018 Sep 14
Friendly fungi: symbiosis with commensal Candida albicans. Shao TY, Haslam DB, Bennett RJ, Way SS Trends in immunology 35961916 Trends Immunol 2022 Sep
Maternal Vaccination to Prevent Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: An Underutilized Molecular Immunological Intervention? Giles ML, Way SS, Marchant A, Aghaepour N, James T, Schaltz-Buchholzer F, Zazara D, Arck P, Kollmann TR Journal of molecular biology 37080422 J Mol Biol 2023 Jul 1
TCR Affinity Biases Th Cell Differentiation by Regulating CD25, Eef1e1, and Gbp2. Kotov DI, Mitchell JS, Pengo T, Ruedl C, Way SS, Langlois RA, Fife BT, Jenkins MK Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 30858199 J Immunol 2019 May 1
Resilient anatomy and local plasticity of naive and stress haematopoiesis. Wu Q, Zhang J, Kumar S, Shen S, Kincaid M, Johnson CB, Zhang YS, Turcotte R, Alt C, Ito K, Homan S, Sherman BE, Shao TY, Slaughter A, Weinhaus B, Song B, Filippi MD, Grimes HL, Lin CP, Ito K, Way SS, Kofron JM, Lucas D Nature 38509363 Nature 2024 Mar
Commensal Candida albicans Positively Calibrates Systemic Th17 Immunological Responses. Shao TY, Ang WXG, Jiang TT, Huang FS, Andersen H, Kinder JM, Pham G, Burg AR, Ruff B, Gonzalez T, Khurana Hershey GK, Haslam DB, Way SS Cell host & microbe 30870622 Cell Host Microbe 2019 Mar 13
Intestinal epithelial HDAC3 and MHC class II coordinate microbiota-specific immunity. Eshleman EM, Shao TY, Woo V, Rice T, Engleman L, Didriksen BJ, Whitt J, Haslam DB, Way SS, Alenghat T The Journal of clinical investigation 36602872 J Clin Invest 2023 Feb 15
Declining responsiveness to influenza vaccination with progression of human pregnancy. Schlaudecker EP, Ambroggio L, McNeal MM, Finkelman FD, Way SS Vaccine 29941326 Vaccine 2018 Jul 25
Preconceptual Zika virus asymptomatic infection protects against secondary prenatal infection. Turner LH, Kinder JM, Wilburn A, D'Mello RJ, Braunlin MR, Jiang TT, Pham G, Way SS PLoS pathogens 29145516 PLoS Pathog 2017 Nov
Commensal Fungi Recapitulate the Protective Benefits of Intestinal Bacteria. Jiang TT, Shao TY, Ang WXG, Kinder JM, Turner LH, Pham G, Whitt J, Alenghat T, Way SS Cell host & microbe 29174402 Cell Host Microbe 2017 Dec 13
Immunological Basis for Recurrent Fetal Loss and Pregnancy Complications. Deshmukh H, Way SS Annual review of pathology 30183507 Annu Rev Pathol 2019 Jan 24
Fungus Among Us: The Frenemies Within. Aggor FEY, Way SS, Gaffen SL Trends in immunology 31053496 Trends Immunol 2019 Jun
Epidemiology of Pregnancy Complications Through the Lens of Immunological Memory. Gregory EJ, Liu J, Miller-Handley H, Kinder JM, Way SS Frontiers in immunology 34248991 Front Immunol 2021
Tacrolimus exposure windows responsible for Listeria monocytogenes infection susceptibility. Miller-Handley H, Erickson JJ, Gregory EJ, Prasanphanich NS, Shao TY, Way SS Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society 34057792 Transpl Infect Dis 2021 Aug
Systematic reconstruction of an effector-gene network reveals determinants of Salmonella cellular and tissue tropism. Chen D, Burford WB, Pham G, Zhang L, Alto LT, Ertelt JM, Winter MG, Winter SE, Way SS, Alto NM Cell host & microbe 34536347 Cell Host Microbe 2021 Oct 13
Kruppel-like factor 2+ CD4 T cells avert microbiota-induced intestinal inflammation. Shao TY, Jiang TT, Stevens J, Russi AE, Troutman TD, Bernieh A, Pham G, Erickson JJ, Eshleman EM, Alenghat T, Jameson SC, Hogquist KA, Weaver CT, Haslam DB, Deshmukh H, Way SS Cell reports 37889750 Cell Rep 2023 Nov 28
Immunological implications of pregnancy-induced microchimerism. Kinder JM, Stelzer IA, Arck PC, Way SS Nature reviews. Immunology 28480895 Nat Rev Immunol 2017 Aug
Immunology of Uterine and Vaginal Mucosae: (Trends in Immunology 39, 302-314, 2018). Zhou JZ, Way SS, Chen K Trends in immunology 29530651 Trends Immunol 2018 Apr
Reproductive outcomes after pregnancy-induced displacement of preexisting microchimeric cells. Shao TY, Kinder JM, Harper G, Pham G, Peng Y, Liu J, Gregory EJ, Sherman BE, Wu Y, Iten AE, Hu YC, Russi AE, Erickson JJ, Miller-Handley H, Way SS Science (New York, N.Y.) 37733857 Science 2023 Sep 22
IL-17-producing γδ T cells protect against Clostridium difficile infection. Chen YS, Chen IB, Pham G, Shao TY, Bangar H, Way SS, Haslam DB The Journal of clinical investigation 31990686 J Clin Invest 2020 May 1
Maternal-fetal conflict averted by progesterone- induced FOXP3+ regulatory T cells. Severance AL, Kinder JM, Xin L, Burg AR, Shao TY, Pham G, Tilburgs T, Goodman WA, Mesiano S, Way SS iScience 35637736 iScience 2022 Jun 17
In situ mapping identifies distinct vascular niches for myelopoiesis. Zhang J, Wu Q, Johnson CB, Pham G, Kinder JM, Olsson A, Slaughter A, May M, Weinhaus B, D'Alessandro A, Engel JD, Jiang JX, Kofron JM, Huang LF, Prasath VBS, Way SS, Salomonis N, Grimes HL, Lucas D Nature 33568812 Nature 2021 Feb
The induction of preterm labor in rhesus macaques is determined by the  strength of immune response to intrauterine infection. Cappelletti M, Presicce P, Feiyang M, Senthamaraikannan P, Miller LA, Pellegrini M, Sim MS, Jobe AH, Divanovic S, Way SS, Chougnet CA, Kallapur SG PLoS biology 34495952 PLoS Biol 2021 Sep
Candida albicans oscillating UME6 expression during intestinal colonization primes systemic Th17 protective immunity. Shao TY, Kakade P, Witchley JN, Frazer C, Murray KL, Ene IV, Haslam DB, Hagan T, Noble SM, Bennett RJ, Way SS Cell reports 35584674 Cell Rep 2022 May 17
Preconceptual Priming Overrides Susceptibility to Escherichia coli Systemic Infection during Pregnancy. Prasanphanich NS, Gregory EJ, Erickson JJ, Miller-Handley H, Kinder JM, Way SS mBio 33622714 mBio 2021 Feb 23
Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells differ in their capacity to recognize infected macrophages. Yang JD, Mott D, Sutiwisesak R, Lu YJ, Raso F, Stowell B, Babunovic GH, Lee J, Carpenter SM, Way SS, Fortune SM, Behar SM PLoS pathogens 29782535 PLoS Pathog 2018 Feb
Immunology of the Uterine and Vaginal Mucosae. Zhou JZ, Way SS, Chen K Trends in immunology 29433961 Trends Immunol 2018 Apr
A disconnect between precursor frequency, expansion potential, and site-specific CD4+ T cell responses in aged mice. Deshpande NR, Uhrlaub JL, Way SS, Nikolich-Žugich J, Kuhns MS PloS one 29864157 PLoS One 2018
Pregnancy enables antibody protection against intracellular infection. Erickson JJ, Archer-Hartmann S, Yarawsky AE, Miller JLC, Seveau S, Shao TY, Severance AL, Miller-Handley H, Wu Y, Pham G, Wasik BR, Parrish CR, Hu YC, Lau JTY, Azadi P, Herr AB, Way SS Nature 35676476 Nature 2022 Jun
The curved shape of Caulobacter crescentus enhances surface colonization in flow. Persat A, Stone HA, Gitai Z Nature communications 24806788 Nat Commun 2014 May 8
Subcellular localization of type IV pili regulates bacterial multicellular development. Ellison CK, Fei C, Dalia TN, Wingreen NS, Dalia AB, Shaevitz JW, Gitai Z Nature communications 36284096 Nat Commun 2022 Oct 25
Pseudomonas aeruginosa distinguishes surfaces by stiffness using retraction of type IV pili. Koch MD, Black ME, Han E, Shaevitz JW, Gitai Z Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35561220 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 May 17
Algal p-coumaric acid induces oxidative stress and siderophore biosynthesis in the bacterial symbiont Phaeobacter inhibens. Wang R, Gallant É, Wilson MZ, Wu Y, Li A, Gitai Z, Seyedsayamdost MR Cell chemical biology 34437838 Cell Chem Biol 2022 Apr 21
The effect of antibiotics on protein diffusion in the Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane. Liu GS, Bratton BP, Gitai Z, Shaevitz JW PloS one 28977034 PLoS One 2017
Pseudomonas aeruginosa detachment from surfaces via a self-made small molecule. Scheffler RJ, Sugimoto Y, Bratton BP, Ellison CK, Koch MD, Donia MS, Gitai Z The Journal of biological chemistry 33450229 J Biol Chem 2021 Jan-Jun
Global and gene-specific translational regulation in Escherichia coli across different conditions. Zhang D, Li SH, King CG, Wingreen NS, Gitai Z, Li Z PLoS computational biology 36264977 PLoS Comput Biol 2022 Oct
Single-cell massively-parallel multiplexed microbial sequencing (M3-seq) identifies rare bacterial populations and profiles phage infection. Wang B, Lin AE, Yuan J, Novak KE, Koch MD, Wingreen NS, Adamson B, Gitai Z Nature microbiology 37653008 Nat Microbiol 2023 Oct
Human CTP synthase filament structure reveals the active enzyme conformation. Lynch EM, Hicks DR, Shepherd M, Endrizzi JA, Maker A, Hansen JM, Barry RM, Gitai Z, Baldwin EP, Kollman JM Nature structural & molecular biology 28459447 Nat Struct Mol Biol 2017 Jun
Mode of action and resistance studies unveil new roles for tropodithietic acid as an anticancer agent and the γ-glutamyl cycle as a proton sink. Wilson MZ, Wang R, Gitai Z, Seyedsayamdost MR Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 26802120 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 Feb 9
Type IV pili mechanochemically regulate virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Persat A, Inclan YF, Engel JN, Stone HA, Gitai Z Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 26041805 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Jun 16
Escherichia coli translation strategies differ across carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus limitation conditions. Li SH, Li Z, Park JO, King CG, Rabinowitz JD, Wingreen NS, Gitai Z Nature microbiology 30038306 Nat Microbiol 2018 Aug
A Dual-Mechanism Antibiotic Kills Gram-Negative Bacteria and Avoids Drug Resistance. Martin JK 2nd, Sheehan JP, Bratton BP, Moore GM, Mateus A, Li SH, Kim H, Rabinowitz JD, Typas A, Savitski MM, Wilson MZ, Gitai Z Cell 32497502 Cell 2020 Jun 25
Acinetobacter baylyi regulates type IV pilus synthesis by employing two extension motors and a motor protein inhibitor. Ellison CK, Dalia TN, Klancher CA, Shaevitz JW, Gitai Z, Dalia AB Nature communications 34145281 Nat Commun 2021 Jun 18
Bacterial viability in the built environment of the home. Xie J, Acosta EM, Gitai Z PloS one 37939059 PLoS One 2023
Human SHMT inhibitors reveal defective glycine import as a targetable metabolic vulnerability of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Ducker GS, Ghergurovich JM, Mainolfi N, Suri V, Jeong SK, Hsin-Jung Li S, Friedman A, Manfredi MG, Gitai Z, Kim H, Rabinowitz JD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29073064 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Oct 24
How to Build a Bacterial Cell: MreB as the Foreman of E. coli Construction. Shi H, Bratton BP, Gitai Z, Huang KC Cell 29522748 Cell 2018 Mar 8
CrvA and CrvB form a curvature-inducing module sufficient to induce cell-shape complexity in Gram-negative bacteria. Martin NR, Blackman E, Bratton BP, Chase KJ, Bartlett TM, Gitai Z Nature microbiology 34183815 Nat Microbiol 2021 Jul
Microfluidic-based transcriptomics reveal force-independent bacterial rheosensing. Sanfilippo JE, Lorestani A, Koch MD, Bratton BP, Siryaporn A, Stone HA, Gitai Z Nature microbiology 31086313 Nat Microbiol 2019 Aug
Light-based control of metabolic flux through assembly of synthetic organelles. Zhao EM, Suek N, Wilson MZ, Dine E, Pannucci NL, Gitai Z, Avalos JL, Toettcher JE Nature chemical biology 31086330 Nat Chem Biol 2019 Jun
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical blood isolates display significant phenotypic variability. Scheffler RJ, Bratton BP, Gitai Z PloS one 35793311 PLoS One 2022
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The mechanical world of bacteria. Persat A, Nadell CD, Kim MK, Ingremeau F, Siryaporn A, Drescher K, Wingreen NS, Bassler BL, Gitai Z, Stone HA Cell 26000479 Cell 2015 May 21
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Cytotoxic alkyl-quinolones mediate surface-induced virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Vrla GD, Esposito M, Zhang C, Kang Y, Seyedsayamdost MR, Gitai Z PLoS pathogens 32925969 PLoS Pathog 2020 Sep
Competitive binding of independent extension and retraction motors explains the quantitative dynamics of type IV pili. Koch MD, Fei C, Wingreen NS, Shaevitz JW, Gitai Z Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33593905 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Feb 23
A scaffold protein connects type IV pili with the Chp chemosensory system to mediate activation of virulence signaling in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Inclan YF, Persat A, Greninger A, Von Dollen J, Johnson J, Krogan N, Gitai Z, Engel JN Molecular microbiology 27145134 Mol Microbiol 2016 Aug
Post-transcriptional gene regulation by an Hfq-independent small RNA in Caulobacter crescentus. Fröhlich KS, Förstner KU, Gitai Z Nucleic acids research 30165530 Nucleic Acids Res 2018 Nov 16
Mechanical Genomic Studies Reveal the Role of d-Alanine Metabolism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cell Stiffness. Trivedi RR, Crooks JA, Auer GK, Pendry J, Foik IP, Siryaporn A, Abbott NL, Gitai Z, Weibel DB mBio 30206169 mBio 2018 Sep 11
A Periplasmic Polymer Curves Vibrio cholerae and Promotes Pathogenesis. Bartlett TM, Bratton BP, Duvshani A, Miguel A, Sheng Y, Martin NR, Nguyen JP, Persat A, Desmarais SM, VanNieuwenhze MS, Huang KC, Zhu J, Shaevitz JW, Gitai Z Cell 28086090 Cell 2017 Jan 12
Bacterial DNA on the skin surface overrepresents the viable skin microbiome. Acosta EM, Little KA, Bratton BP, Lopez JG, Mao X, Payne AS, Donia M, Devenport D, Gitai Z eLife 37389570 Elife 2023 Jun 30
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Ribosome Rescue Inhibitors Kill Actively Growing and Nonreplicating Persister Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cells. Alumasa JN, Manzanillo PS, Peterson ND, Lundrigan T, Baughn AD, Cox JS, Keiler KC ACS infectious diseases 28762275 ACS Infect Dis 2017 Sep 8
TRIM14 Is a Key Regulator of the Type I IFN Response during Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection. Hoffpauir CT, Bell SL, West KO, Jing T, Wagner AR, Torres-Odio S, Cox JS, West AP, Li P, Patrick KL, Watson RO Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 32404352 J Immunol 2020 Jul 1
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Pseudotyping of HIV-1 with Human T-Lymphotropic Virus 1 (HTLV-1) Envelope Glycoprotein during HIV-1-HTLV-1 Coinfection Facilitates Direct HIV-1 Infection of Female Genital Epithelial Cells: Implications for Sexual Transmission of HIV-1. Tang Y, George AM, Petrechko O, Nouvet FJ, Sweet SD, Tanaka Y, Imbiakha BS, Jiang G, Gao W, Anastos K, Hildreth JEK mSphere 29624497 mSphere 2018 Apr 25
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IRE1α silences dsRNA to prevent taxane-induced pyroptosis in triple-negative breast cancer. Xu L, Peng F, Luo Q, Ding Y, Yuan F, Zheng L, He W, Zhang SS, Fu X, Liu J, Mutlu AS, Wang S, Nehring RB, Li X, Tang Q, Li C, Lv X, Dobrolecki LE, Zhang W, Han D, Zhao N, Jaehnig E, Wang J, Wu W, Graham DA, Li Y, Chen R, Peng W, Chen Y, Catic A, Zhang Z, Zhang B, Mustoe AM, Koong AC, Miles G, Lewis MT, Wang MC, Rosenberg SM, O'Malley BW, Westbrook TF, Xu H, Zhang XH, Osborne CK, Li JB, Ellis MJ, Rimawi MF, Rosen JM, Chen X Cell 39419025 Cell 2024 Dec 12
Genomic mapping of DNA-repair reaction intermediates in living cells with engineered DNA structure-trap proteins. Liu J, Mei Q, Nimer S, Fitzgerald DM, Rosenberg SM Methods in enzymology 34776211 Methods Enzymol 2021
Rapid profiling of DNA replication dynamics using mass spectrometry-based analysis of nascent DNA. Ashour ME, Byrum AK, Meroni A, Xia J, Singh S, Galletto R, Rosenberg SM, Vindigni A, Mosammaparast N The Journal of cell biology 36795402 J Cell Biol 2023 Apr 3
Lung Cancer in Ever- and Never-Smokers: Findings from Multi-Population GWAS Studies. Li Y, Xiao X, Li J, Han Y, Cheng C, Fernandes GF, Slewitzke SE, Rosenberg SM, Zhu M, Byun J, Bossé Y, McKay JD, Albanes D, Lam S, Tardon A, Chen C, Bojesen SE, Landi MT, Johansson M, Risch A, Bickeböller H, Wichmann HE, Christiani DC, Rennert G, Arnold SM, Goodman GE, Field JK, Davies MPA, Shete S, Marchand LL, Liu G, Hung RJ, Andrew AS, Kiemeney LA, Sun R, Zienolddiny S, Grankvist K, Johansson M, Caporaso NE, Cox A, Hong YC, Lazarus P, Schabath MB, Aldrich MC, Schwartz AG, Gorlov I, Purrington KS, Yang P, Liu Y, Bailey-Wilson JE, Pinney SM, Mandal D, Willey JC, Gaba C, Brennan P, Xia J, Shen H, Amos CI Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 38180474 Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2024 Mar 1
Drugging evolution of antibiotic resistance at a regulatory network hub. Zhai Y, Pribis JP, Dooling SW, Garcia-Villada L, Minnick PJ, Xia J, Liu J, Mei Q, Fitzgerald DM, Herman C, Hastings PJ, Costa-Mattioli M, Rosenberg SM Science advances 37352342 Sci Adv 2023 Jun 23
Biology before the SOS Response-DNA Damage Mechanisms at Chromosome Fragile Sites. Fitzgerald DM, Rosenberg SM Cells 34571923 Cells 2021 Sep 1
Stress-Induced Mutagenesis, Gambler Cells, and Stealth Targeting Antibiotic-Induced Evolution. Pribis JP, Zhai Y, Hastings PJ, Rosenberg SM mBio 35658528 mBio 2022 Jun 28
Cross-ancestry genome-wide meta-analysis of 61,047 cases and 947,237 controls identifies new susceptibility loci contributing to lung cancer. Byun J, Han Y, Li Y, Xia J, Long E, Choi J, Xiao X, Zhu M, Zhou W, Sun R, Bossé Y, Song Z, Schwartz A, Lusk C, Rafnar T, Stefansson K, Zhang T, Zhao W, Pettit RW, Liu Y, Li X, Zhou H, Walsh KM, Gorlov I, Gorlova O, Zhu D, Rosenberg SM, Pinney S, Bailey-Wilson JE, Mandal D, de Andrade M, Gaba C, Willey JC, You M, Anderson M, Wiencke JK, Albanes D, Lam S, Tardon A, Chen C, Goodman G, Bojeson S, Brenner H, Landi MT, Chanock SJ, Johansson M, Muley T, Risch A, Wichmann HE, Bickeböller H, Christiani DC, Rennert G, Arnold S, Field JK, Shete S, Le Marchand L, Melander O, Brunnstrom H, Liu G, Andrew AS, Kiemeney LA, Shen H, Zienolddiny S, Grankvist K, Johansson M, Caporaso N, Cox A, Hong YC, Yuan JM, Lazarus P, Schabath MB, Aldrich MC, Patel A, Lan Q, Rothman N, Taylor F, Kachuri L, Witte JS, Sakoda LC, Spitz M, Brennan P, Lin X, McKay J, Hung RJ, Amos CI Nature genetics 35915169 Nat Genet 2022 Aug
Hyperactivation of monocytes and macrophages in MCI patients contributes to the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Munawara U, Catanzaro M, Xu W, Tan C, Hirokawa K, Bosco N, Dumoulin D, Khalil A, Larbi A, Lévesque S, Ramassamy C, Barron AE, Cunnane S, Beauregard PB, Bellenger JP, Rodrigues S, Desroches M, Witkowski JM, Laurent B, Frost EH, Fulop T Immunity & ageing : I & A 34154615 Immun Ageing 2021 Jun 21
Real-Time Monitoring of Multitarget Antimicrobial Mechanisms of Peptoids Using Label-Free Imaging with Optical Diffraction Tomography. Kim M, Cheon Y, Shin D, Choi J, Nielsen JE, Jeong MS, Nam HY, Kim SH, Lund R, Jenssen H, Barron AE, Lee S, Seo J Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) 37341246 Adv Sci (Weinh) 2023 Aug
The activity of antimicrobial peptoids against multidrug-resistant ocular pathogens. Sara M, Yasir M, Kalaiselvan P, Hui A, Kuppusamy R, Kumar N, Chakraborty S, Yu TT, Wong EHH, Molchanova N, Jenssen H, Lin JS, Barron AE, Willcox M Contact lens & anterior eye : the journal of the British Contact Lens Association 38341309 Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2024 Apr
The anti-inflammatory effects of photobiomodulation are mediated by cytokines: Evidence from a mouse model of inflammation. Shamloo S, Defensor E, Ciari P, Ogawa G, Vidano L, Lin JS, Fortkort JA, Shamloo M, Barron AE Frontiers in neuroscience 37090796 Front Neurosci 2023
Peptide-mimetic treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a mouse model of respiratory infection. Moule MG, Benjamin AB, Burger ML, Herlan C, Lebedev M, Lin JS, Koster KJ, Wavare N, Adams LG, Bräse S, Munoz-Medina R, Cannon CL, Barron AE, Cirillo JD Communications biology 39174819 Commun Biol 2024 Aug 22
Author Correction: Peptide-mimetic treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a mouse model of respiratory infection. Moule MG, Benjamin AB, Burger ML, Herlan C, Lebedev M, Lin JS, Koster KJ, Wavare N, Adams LG, Bräse S, Munoz-Medina R, Cannon CL, Barron AE, Cirillo JD Communications biology 39271756 Commun Biol 2024 Sep 13
Potent Antiviral Activity against HSV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 by Antimicrobial Peptoids. Diamond G, Molchanova N, Herlan C, Fortkort JA, Lin JS, Figgins E, Bopp N, Ryan LK, Chung D, Adcock RS, Sherman M, Barron AE Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 33807248 Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2021 Mar 31
Membrane-acting biomimetic peptoids against visceral leishmaniasis. Kumar V, Lin JS, Molchanova N, Fortkort JA, Reckmann C, Bräse S, Jenssen H, Barron AE, Chugh A FEBS open bio 36683396 FEBS Open Bio 2023 Mar
Self-Assembly of Antimicrobial Peptoids Impacts Their Biological Effects on ESKAPE Bacterial Pathogens. Nielsen JE, Alford MA, Yung DBY, Molchanova N, Fortkort JA, Lin JS, Diamond G, Hancock REW, Jenssen H, Pletzer D, Lund R, Barron AE ACS infectious diseases 35175731 ACS Infect Dis 2022 Mar 11
Efficacy of Cathelicidin-Mimetic Antimicrobial Peptoids against Staphylococcus aureus. Benjamin AB, Moule MG, Didwania MK, Hardy J, Saenkham-Huntsinger P, Sule P, Nielsen JE, Lin JS, Contag CH, Barron AE, Cirillo JD Microbiology spectrum 35467395 Microbiol Spectr 2022 Jun 29
Acid-degradable lipid nanoparticles enhance the delivery of mRNA. Zhao S, Gao K, Han H, Stenzel M, Yin B, Song H, Lawanprasert A, Nielsen JE, Sharma R, Arogundade OH, Pimcharoen S, Chen YJ, Paul A, Tuma J, Collins MG, Wyle Y, Cranick MG, Burgstone BW, Perez BS, Barron AE, Smith AM, Lee HY, Wang A, Murthy N Nature nanotechnology 39179796 Nat Nanotechnol 2024 Nov
Targeting Impaired Antimicrobial Immunity in the Brain for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. Fulop T, Tripathi S, Rodrigues S, Desroches M, Bunt T, Eiser A, Bernier F, Beauregard PB, Barron AE, Khalil A, Plotka A, Hirokawa K, Larbi A, Bocti C, Laurent B, Frost EH, Witkowski JM Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 33976546 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2021
Targeting Infectious Agents as a Therapeutic Strategy in Alzheimer's Disease. Fülöp T, Munawara U, Larbi A, Desroches M, Rodrigues S, Catanzaro M, Guidolin A, Khalil A, Bernier F, Barron AE, Hirokawa K, Beauregard PB, Dumoulin D, Bellenger JP, Witkowski JM, Frost E CNS drugs 32458360 CNS Drugs 2020 Jul
Anti-persister and Anti-biofilm Activity of Self-Assembled Antimicrobial Peptoid Ellipsoidal Micelles. Lin JS, Bekale LA, Molchanova N, Nielsen JE, Wright M, Bacacao B, Diamond G, Jenssen H, Santa Maria PL, Barron AE ACS infectious diseases 36018039 ACS Infect Dis 2022 Sep 9
Antiviral Effect of Antimicrobial Peptoid TM9 and Murine Model of Respiratory Coronavirus Infection. Lebedev M, Benjamin AB, Kumar S, Molchanova N, Lin JS, Koster KJ, Leibowitz JL, Barron AE, Cirillo JD Pharmaceutics 38675125 Pharmaceutics 2024 Mar 27
Supramolecular Peptoid Structure Strengthens Complexation with Polyacrylic Acid Microgels. Zhao W, Lin JS, Nielsen JE, Sørensen K, Wadurkar AS, Ji J, Barron AE, Nangia S, Libera MR Biomacromolecules 38240722 Biomacromolecules 2024 Feb 12
Pf bacteriophages hinder sputum antibiotic diffusion via electrostatic binding. Chen Q, Cai P, Chang THW, Burgener E, Kratochvil MJ, Gupta A, Hargil A, Secor PR, Nielsen JE, Barron AE, Milla C, Heilshorn SC, Spakowitz A, Bollyky PL bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38496625 bioRxiv 2024 Mar 10
Antiviral effect of peptoids on hepatitis B virus infection in cell culture. Murayama A, Igarashi H, Yamada N, Aly HH, Molchanova N, Lin JS, Nishitsuji H, Shimotohno K, Muramatsu M, Barron AE, Kato T Antiviral research 38272318 Antiviral Res 2024 Mar
From Global to Nano: A Geographical Perspective of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Ryder MI, Fine DH, Barron AE Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland) 39452709 Pathogens 2024 Sep 27
Ethylene oxide graft copolymers reduce the immunogenicity of lipid nanoparticles. Qi Y, Han H, Liu A, Zhao S, Lawanprasert A, Nielsen JE, Choudhary H, Liang D, Barron AE, Murthy N RSC advances 39309654 RSC Adv 2024 Sep 18
From start to finish-a molecular link in wound repair. Yun S, Greco V Science (New York, N.Y.) 35143296 Science 2022 Feb 11
Live imaging reveals chromatin compaction transitions and dynamic transcriptional bursting during stem cell differentiation in vivo. May D, Yun S, Gonzalez DG, Park S, Chen Y, Lathrop E, Cai B, Xin T, Zhao H, Wang S, Gonzalez LE, Cockburn K, Greco V eLife 36880644 Elife 2023 Mar 7
Probing the rules of cell coordination in live tissues by interpretable machine learning based on graph neural networks. Yamamoto T, Cockburn K, Greco V, Kawaguchi K PLoS computational biology 36067226 PLoS Comput Biol 2022 Sep
Mechanisms of skin vascular maturation and maintenance captured by longitudinal imaging of live mice. Kam CY, Singh ID, Gonzalez DG, Matte-Martone C, Solá P, Solanas G, Bonjoch J, Marsh E, Hirschi KK, Greco V Cell 37167971 Cell 2023 May 25
Correction: Cell cycle controls long-range calcium signaling in the regenerating epidermis. Moore JL, Bhaskar D, Gao F, Matte-Martone C, Du S, Lathrop E, Ganesan S, Shao L, Norris R, Sanz NC, Annusver K, Kasper M, Cox A, Hendry C, Rieck B, Krishnaswamy S, Greco V The Journal of cell biology 38477880 J Cell Biol 2024 Apr 1
Injury prevents Ras mutant cell expansion in mosaic skin. Gallini S, Annusver K, Rahman NT, Gonzalez DG, Yun S, Matte-Martone C, Xin T, Lathrop E, Suozzi KC, Kasper M, Greco V Nature 37344586 Nature 2023 Jul
Metabolic rewiring in skin epidermis drives tolerance to oncogenic mutations. Hemalatha A, Li Z, Gonzalez DG, Matte-Martone C, Tai K, Lathrop E, Gil D, Ganesan S, Gonzalez LE, Skala M, Perry RJ, Greco V Nature cell biology 39762578 Nat Cell Biol 2025 Feb
Cell cycle controls long-range calcium signaling in the regenerating epidermis. Moore JL, Bhaskar D, Gao F, Matte-Martone C, Du S, Lathrop E, Ganesan S, Shao L, Norris R, Campamà Sanz N, Annusver K, Kasper M, Cox A, Hendry C, Rieck B, Krishnaswamy S, Greco V The Journal of cell biology 37102999 J Cell Biol 2023 Jul 3
Functional cell death, corneoptosis, requires temporally controlled intracellular acidification. Moore JL, Greco V Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33986147 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 Jun 1
Skin-resident immune cells actively coordinate their distribution with epidermal cells during homeostasis. Park S, Matte-Martone C, Gonzalez DG, Lathrop EA, May DP, Pineda CM, Moore JL, Boucher JD, Marsh E, Schmitter-Sánchez A, Cockburn K, Markova O, Bellaïche Y, Greco V Nature cell biology 33958758 Nat Cell Biol 2021 May
Gradual differentiation uncoupled from cell cycle exit generates heterogeneity in the epidermal stem cell layer. Cockburn K, Annusver K, Gonzalez DG, Ganesan S, May DP, Mesa KR, Kawaguchi K, Kasper M, Greco V Nature cell biology 36357619 Nat Cell Biol 2022 Dec
Oncogenic Kras induces spatiotemporally specific tissue deformation through converting pulsatile into sustained ERK activation. Xin T, Gallini S, Wei H, Gonzalez DG, Matte-Martone C, Machida H, Fujiwara H, Pasolli HA, Suozzi KC, Gonzalez LE, Regot S, Greco V Nature cell biology 38689013 Nat Cell Biol 2024 Jun
Organ function is preserved despite reorganization of niche architecture in the hair follicle. Wei H, Du S, Parksong J, Pasolli HA, Matte-Martone C, Regot S, Gonzalez LE, Xin T, Greco V Cell stem cell 37419106 Cell Stem Cell 2023 Jul 6
A Spatiotemporal Compartmentalization of Glucose Metabolism Guides Mammalian Gastrulation Progression. Cao D, Zhong L, Hemalatha A, Bergmann J, Cox AL, Greco V, Sozen B bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37333168 bioRxiv 2023 Jun 8
Selective utilization of glucose metabolism guides mammalian gastrulation. Cao D, Bergmann J, Zhong L, Hemalatha A, Dingare C, Jensen T, Cox AL, Greco V, Steventon B, Sozen B Nature 39415005 Nature 2024 Oct
Dissecting dual roles of MyoD during lineage conversion to mature myocytes and myogenic stem cells. Yagi M, Ji F, Charlton J, Cristea S, Messemer K, Horwitz N, Di Stefano B, Tsopoulidis N, Hoetker MS, Huebner AJ, Bar-Nur O, Almada AE, Yamamoto M, Patelunas A, Goldhamer DJ, Wagers AJ, Michor F, Meissner A, Sadreyev RI, Hochedlinger K Genes & development 34413137 Genes Dev 2021 Sep 1
In Situ Modification of Tissue Stem and Progenitor Cell Genomes. Goldstein JM, Tabebordbar M, Zhu K, Wang LD, Messemer KA, Peacker B, Ashrafi Kakhki S, Gonzalez-Celeiro M, Shwartz Y, Cheng JKW, Xiao R, Barungi T, Albright C, Hsu YC, Vandenberghe LH, Wagers AJ Cell reports 31018138 Cell Rep 2019 Apr 23
Directed evolution of a family of AAV capsid variants enabling potent muscle-directed gene delivery across species. Tabebordbar M, Lagerborg KA, Stanton A, King EM, Ye S, Tellez L, Krunnfusz A, Tavakoli S, Widrick JJ, Messemer KA, Troiano EC, Moghadaszadeh B, Peacker BL, Leacock KA, Horwitz N, Beggs AH, Wagers AJ, Sabeti PC Cell 34506722 Cell 2021 Sep 16
High-efficiency purification of divergent AAV serotypes using AAVX affinity chromatography. Florea M, Nicolaou F, Pacouret S, Zinn EM, Sanmiguel J, Andres-Mateos E, Unzu C, Wagers AJ, Vandenberghe LH Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development 36654797 Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 2023 Mar 9
Voluntary exercise normalizes the proteomic landscape in muscle and brain and improves the phenotype of progeroid mice. Ross JM, Coppotelli G, Branca RM, Kim KM, Lehtiö J, Sinclair DA, Olson L Aging cell 31489782 Aging Cell 2019 Dec
Harvard HIV and Aging Workshop: Perspectives and Priorities from Claude D. Pepper Centers and Centers for AIDS Research. Montano M, Bhasin S, D'Aquila RT, Erlandson KM, Evans WJ, Funderburg NT, Justice A, Ndhlovu LC, Ojikutu B, Pahor M, Pahwa S, Ryan AS, Schrack J, Schultz MB, Sebastiani P, Sinclair DA, Tripp J, Walker B, Womack JA, Yung R, Reeves RK AIDS research and human retroviruses 31456412 AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2019 Nov-Dec
Skeletal muscle overexpression of nicotinamide phosphoribosyl transferase in mice coupled with voluntary exercise augments exercise endurance. Costford SR, Brouwers B, Hopf ME, Sparks LM, Dispagna M, Gomes AP, Cornnell HH, Petucci C, Phelan P, Xie H, Yi F, Walter GA, Osborne TF, Sinclair DA, Mynatt RL, Ayala JE, Gardell SJ, Smith SR Molecular metabolism 29146412 Mol Metab 2018 Jan
Dynamic Acetylation of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase Toggles Enzyme Activity between Gluconeogenic and Anaplerotic Reactions. Latorre-Muro P, Baeza J, Armstrong EA, Hurtado-Guerrero R, Corzana F, Wu LE, Sinclair DA, López-Buesa P, Carrodeguas JA, Denu JM Molecular cell 30193097 Mol Cell 2018 Sep 6
Impairment of an Endothelial NAD(+)-H(2)S Signaling Network Is a Reversible Cause of Vascular Aging. Das A, Huang GX, Bonkowski MS, Longchamp A, Li C, Schultz MB, Kim LJ, Osborne B, Joshi S, Lu Y, Treviño-Villarreal JH, Kang MJ, Hung TT, Lee B, Williams EO, Igarashi M, Mitchell JR, Wu LE, Turner N, Arany Z, Guarente L, Sinclair DA Cell 29570999 Cell 2018 Mar 22
Multigenerational obesity-induced perturbations in oocyte-secreted factor signalling can be ameliorated by exercise and nicotinamide mononucleotide. Bertoldo MJ, Uddin GM, Youngson NA, Agapiou D, Walters KA, Sinclair DA, Morris MJ, Gilchrist RB Human reproduction open 30895251 Hum Reprod Open 2018
Resveratrol Improves Vascular Function and Mitochondrial Number but Not Glucose Metabolism in Older Adults. Pollack RM, Barzilai N, Anghel V, Kulkarni AS, Golden A, O'Broin P, Sinclair DA, Bonkowski MS, Coleville AJ, Powell D, Kim S, Moaddel R, Stein D, Zhang K, Hawkins M, Crandall JP The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 28329397 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2017 Nov 9
Sirtuin activators and inhibitors: Promises, achievements, and challenges. Dai H, Sinclair DA, Ellis JL, Steegborn C Pharmacology & therapeutics 29577959 Pharmacol Ther 2018 Aug
Barrier-to-autointegration factor 1 (Banf1) regulates poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 (PARP1) activity following oxidative DNA damage. Bolderson E, Burgess JT, Li J, Gandhi NS, Boucher D, Croft LV, Beard S, Plowman JJ, Suraweera A, Adams MN, Naqi A, Zhang SD, Sinclair DA, O'Byrne KJ, Richard DJ Nature communications 31796734 Nat Commun 2019 Dec 3
Assays for NAD(+)-Dependent Reactions and NAD(+) Metabolites. Schultz MB, Lu Y, Braidy N, Sinclair DA Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 30097862 Methods Mol Biol 2018
Sirtuins and NAD(+) in the Development and Treatment of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases. Kane AE, Sinclair DA Circulation research 30355082 Circ Res 2018 Sep 14
Publisher Correction: Longitudinal analysis of biomarker data from a personalized nutrition platform in healthy subjects. Westerman K, Reaver A, Roy C, Ploch M, Sharoni E, Nogal B, Sinclair DA, Katz DL, Blumberg JB, Blander G Scientific reports 30405144 Sci Rep 2018 Nov 8
Amino Acid Restriction Triggers Angiogenesis via GCN2/ATF4 Regulation of VEGF and H(2)S Production. Longchamp A, Mirabella T, Arduini A, MacArthur MR, Das A, Treviño-Villarreal JH, Hine C, Ben-Sahra I, Knudsen NH, Brace LE, Reynolds J, Mejia P, Tao M, Sharma G, Wang R, Corpataux JM, Haefliger JA, Ahn KH, Lee CH, Manning BD, Sinclair DA, Chen CS, Ozaki CK, Mitchell JR Cell 29570992 Cell 2018 Mar 22
NAD(+) Repletion Rescues Female Fertility during Reproductive Aging. Bertoldo MJ, Listijono DR, Ho WJ, Riepsamen AH, Goss DM, Richani D, Jin XL, Mahbub S, Campbell JM, Habibalahi A, Loh WN, Youngson NA, Maniam J, Wong ASA, Selesniemi K, Bustamante S, Li C, Zhao Y, Marinova MB, Kim LJ, Lau L, Wu RM, Mikolaizak AS, Araki T, Le Couteur DG, Turner N, Morris MJ, Walters KA, Goldys E, O'Neill C, Gilchrist RB, Sinclair DA, Homer HA, Wu LE Cell reports 32049001 Cell Rep 2020 Feb 11
Quantitative proteomic analysis of extracellular vesicle subgroups isolated by an optimized method combining polymer-based precipitation and size exclusion chromatography. Martínez-Greene JA, Hernández-Ortega K, Quiroz-Baez R, Resendis-Antonio O, Pichardo-Casas I, Sinclair DA, Budnik B, Hidalgo-Miranda A, Uribe-Querol E, Ramos-Godínez MDP, Martínez-Martínez E Journal of extracellular vesicles 33936570 J Extracell Vesicles 2021 Apr
Nicotinamide Improves Aspects of Healthspan, but Not Lifespan, in Mice. Mitchell SJ, Bernier M, Aon MA, Cortassa S, Kim EY, Fang EF, Palacios HH, Ali A, Navas-Enamorado I, Di Francesco A, Kaiser TA, Waltz TB, Zhang N, Ellis JL, Elliott PJ, Frederick DW, Bohr VA, Schmidt MS, Brenner C, Sinclair DA, Sauve AA, Baur JA, de Cabo R Cell metabolism 29514072 Cell Metab 2018 Mar 6
Impacts of obesity, maternal obesity and nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation on sperm quality in mice. Youngson NA, Uddin GM, Das A, Martinez C, Connaughton HS, Whiting S, Yu J, Sinclair DA, Aitken RJ, Morris MJ Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 31226694 Reproduction 2019 Aug 1
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation rescues cerebromicrovascular endothelial function and neurovascular coupling responses and improves cognitive function in aged mice. Tarantini S, Valcarcel-Ares MN, Toth P, Yabluchanskiy A, Tucsek Z, Kiss T, Hertelendy P, Kinter M, Ballabh P, Süle Z, Farkas E, Baur JA, Sinclair DA, Csiszar A, Ungvari Z Redox biology 31015147 Redox Biol 2019 Jun
NAD(+) in Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders. Lautrup S, Sinclair DA, Mattson MP, Fang EF Cell metabolism 31577933 Cell Metab 2019 Oct 1
Molecular and Cellular Characterization of SIRT1 Allosteric Activators. Schultz MB, Rinaldi C, Lu Y, Amorim JA, Sinclair DA Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 31087296 Methods Mol Biol 2019
Mitohormesis and metabolic health: The interplay between ROS, cAMP and sirtuins. Palmeira CM, Teodoro JS, Amorim JA, Steegborn C, Sinclair DA, Rolo AP Free radical biology & medicine 31349039 Free Radic Biol Med 2019 Sep
Multiple basal cell carcinomas in a patient with myotonic dystrophy type 1. Feng J, LaChance A, Sinclair DA, Asgari MM BMJ case reports 30852496 BMJ Case Rep 2019 Mar 8
Therapeutic Potential of NAD-Boosting Molecules: The In Vivo Evidence. Rajman L, Chwalek K, Sinclair DA Cell metabolism 29514064 Cell Metab 2018 Mar 6
Epigenetic changes during aging and their reprogramming potential. Kane AE, Sinclair DA Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology 30822165 Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 2019 Feb
Frailty biomarkers in humans and rodents: Current approaches and future advances. Kane AE, Sinclair DA Mechanisms of ageing and development 31002925 Mech Ageing Dev 2019 Jun
Telomere Dysfunction Induces Sirtuin Repression that Drives Telomere-Dependent Disease. Amano H, Chaudhury A, Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Lu L, Akhanov V, Catic A, Popov YV, Verdin E, Johnson H, Stossi F, Sinclair DA, Nakamaru-Ogiso E, Lopez-Berestein G, Chang JT, Neilson JR, Meeker A, Finegold M, Baur JA, Sahin E Cell metabolism 30930169 Cell Metab 2019 Jun 4
Longitudinal analysis of biomarker data from a personalized nutrition platform in healthy subjects. Westerman K, Reaver A, Roy C, Ploch M, Sharoni E, Nogal B, Sinclair DA, Katz DL, Blumberg JB, Blander G Scientific reports 30279436 Sci Rep 2018 Oct 2
Targeting mitochondria for cardiovascular disorders: therapeutic potential and obstacles. Bonora M, Wieckowski MR, Sinclair DA, Kroemer G, Pinton P, Galluzzi L Nature reviews. Cardiology 30177752 Nat Rev Cardiol 2019 Jan
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation ameliorates the impact of maternal obesity in mice: comparison with exercise. Uddin GM, Youngson NA, Doyle BM, Sinclair DA, Morris MJ Scientific reports 29118320 Sci Rep 2017 Nov 8
Comparing the Effects of Low-Protein and High-Carbohydrate Diets and Caloric Restriction on Brain Aging in Mice. Wahl D, Solon-Biet SM, Wang QP, Wali JA, Pulpitel T, Clark X, Raubenheimer D, Senior AM, Sinclair DA, Cooney GJ, de Cabo R, Cogger VC, Simpson SJ, Le Couteur DG Cell reports 30463018 Cell Rep 2018 Nov 20
Genomic integrity of human induced pluripotent stem cells across nine studies in the NHLBI NextGen program. Kanchan K, Iyer K, Yanek LR, Carcamo-Orive I, Taub MA, Malley C, Baldwin K, Becker LC, Broeckel U, Cheng L, Cowan C, D'Antonio M, Frazer KA, Quertermous T, Mostoslavsky G, Murphy G, Rabinovitch M, Rader DJ, Steinberg MH, Topol E, Yang W, Knowles JW, Jaquish CE, Ruczinski I, Mathias RA Stem cell research 32442913 Stem Cell Res 2020 Jul
Influence of donor age on induced pluripotent stem cells. Lo Sardo V, Ferguson W, Erikson GA, Topol EJ, Baldwin KK, Torkamani A Nature biotechnology 27941802 Nat Biotechnol 2017 Jan
Rates of contributory de novo mutation in high and low-risk autism families. Yoon S, Munoz A, Yamrom B, Lee YH, Andrews P, Marks S, Wang Z, Reeves C, Winterkorn L, Krieger AM, Buja A, Pradhan K, Ronemus M, Baldwin KK, Levy D, Wigler M, Iossifov I Communications biology 34471188 Commun Biol 2021 Sep 1
Unveiling the Role of the Most Impactful Cardiovascular Risk Locus through Haplotype Editing. Lo Sardo V, Chubukov P, Ferguson W, Kumar A, Teng EL, Duran M, Zhang L, Cost G, Engler AJ, Urnov F, Topol EJ, Torkamani A, Baldwin KK Cell 30528432 Cell 2018 Dec 13
Transcriptional profiling of isogenic Friedreich ataxia neurons and effect of an HDAC inhibitor on disease signatures. Lai JI, Nachun D, Petrosyan L, Throesch B, Campau E, Gao F, Baldwin KK, Coppola G, Gottesfeld JM, Soragni E The Journal of biological chemistry 30552117 J Biol Chem 2019 Feb 8
Diverse reprogramming codes for neuronal identity. Tsunemoto R, Lee S, Szűcs A, Chubukov P, Sokolova I, Blanchard JW, Eade KT, Bruggemann J, Wu C, Torkamani A, Sanna PP, Baldwin KK Nature 29743677 Nature 2018 May
A single-cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes ageing tissues in the mouse. Tabula Muris Consortium Nature 32669714 Nature 2020 Jul
Multiple Click-Selective tRNA Synthetases Expand Mammalian Cell-Specific Proteomics. Yang AC, du Bois H, Olsson N, Gate D, Lehallier B, Berdnik D, Brewer KD, Bertozzi CR, Elias JE, Wyss-Coray T Journal of the American Chemical Society 29775058 J Am Chem Soc 2018 Jun 13
CD22 blockade restores homeostatic microglial phagocytosis in ageing brains. Pluvinage JV, Haney MS, Smith BAH, Sun J, Iram T, Bonanno L, Li L, Lee DP, Morgens DW, Yang AC, Shuken SR, Gate D, Scott M, Khatri P, Luo J, Bertozzi CR, Bassik MC, Wyss-Coray T Nature 30944478 Nature 2019 Apr
Aged blood impairs hippocampal neural precursor activity and activates microglia via brain endothelial cell VCAM1. Yousef H, Czupalla CJ, Lee D, Chen MB, Burke AN, Zera KA, Zandstra J, Berber E, Lehallier B, Mathur V, Nair RV, Bonanno LN, Yang AC, Peterson T, Hadeiba H, Merkel T, Körbelin J, Schwaninger M, Buckwalter MS, Quake SR, Butcher EC, Wyss-Coray T Nature medicine 31086348 Nat Med 2019 Jun
Papain-based Single Cell Isolation of Primary Murine Brain Endothelial Cells Using Flow Cytometry. Yousef H, Czupalla CJ, Lee D, Butcher EC, Wyss-Coray T Bio-protocol 31032379 Bio Protoc 2018 Nov 20
A neuronal blood marker is associated with mortality in old age. Kaeser SA, Lehallier B, Thinggaard M, Häsler LM, Apel A, Bergmann C, Berdnik D, Jeune B, Christensen K, Grönke S, Partridge L, Wyss-Coray T, Mengel-From J, Jucker M Nature aging 37118632 Nat Aging 2021 Feb
Lipid-droplet-accumulating microglia represent a dysfunctional and proinflammatory state in the aging brain. Marschallinger J, Iram T, Zardeneta M, Lee SE, Lehallier B, Haney MS, Pluvinage JV, Mathur V, Hahn O, Morgens DW, Kim J, Tevini J, Felder TK, Wolinski H, Bertozzi CR, Bassik MC, Aigner L, Wyss-Coray T Nature neuroscience 31959936 Nat Neurosci 2020 Feb
Human umbilical cord plasma proteins revitalize hippocampal function in aged mice. Castellano JM, Mosher KI, Abbey RJ, McBride AA, James ML, Berdnik D, Shen JC, Zou B, Xie XS, Tingle M, Hinkson IV, Angst MS, Wyss-Coray T Nature 28424512 Nature 2017 Apr 27
Physiological blood-brain transport is impaired with age by a shift in transcytosis. Yang AC, Stevens MY, Chen MB, Lee DP, Stähli D, Gate D, Contrepois K, Chen W, Iram T, Zhang L, Vest RT, Chaney A, Lehallier B, Olsson N, du Bois H, Hsieh R, Cropper HC, Berdnik D, Li L, Wang EY, Traber GM, Bertozzi CR, Luo J, Snyder MP, Elias JE, Quake SR, James ML, Wyss-Coray T Nature 32612231 Nature 2020 Jul
Brain Endothelial Cells Are Exquisite Sensors of Age-Related Circulatory Cues. Chen MB, Yang AC, Yousef H, Lee D, Chen W, Schaum N, Lehallier B, Quake SR, Wyss-Coray T Cell reports 32234477 Cell Rep 2020 Mar 31
Eosinophils regulate adipose tissue inflammation and sustain physical and immunological fitness in old age. Brigger D, Riether C, van Brummelen R, Mosher KI, Shiu A, Ding Z, Zbären N, Gasser P, Guntern P, Yousef H, Castellano JM, Storni F, Graff-Radford N, Britschgi M, Grandgirard D, Hinterbrandner M, Siegrist M, Moullan N, Hofstetter W, Leib SL, Villiger PM, Auwerx J, Villeda SA, Wyss-Coray T, Noti M, Eggel A Nature metabolism 32694825 Nat Metab 2020 Aug
Undulating changes in human plasma proteome profiles across the lifespan. Lehallier B, Gate D, Schaum N, Nanasi T, Lee SE, Yousef H, Moran Losada P, Berdnik D, Keller A, Verghese J, Sathyan S, Franceschi C, Milman S, Barzilai N, Wyss-Coray T Nature medicine 31806903 Nat Med 2019 Dec
Molecular hallmarks of heterochronic parabiosis at single-cell resolution. Pálovics R, Keller A, Schaum N, Tan W, Fehlmann T, Borja M, Kern F, Bonanno L, Calcuttawala K, Webber J, McGeever A, Tabula Muris Consortium, Luo J, Pisco AO, Karkanias J, Neff NF, Darmanis S, Quake SR, Wyss-Coray T Nature 35236985 Nature 2022 Mar
The transcriptome of the bowhead whale Balaena mysticetus reveals adaptations of the longest-lived mammal. Seim I, Ma S, Zhou X, Gerashchenko MV, Lee SG, Suydam R, George JC, Bickham JW, Gladyshev VN Aging 25411232 Aging (Albany NY) 2014 Oct
Multifaceted deregulation of gene expression and protein synthesis with age. Anisimova AS, Meerson MB, Gerashchenko MV, Kulakovskiy IV, Dmitriev SE, Gladyshev VN Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 32576685 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Jul 7
Germline burden of rare damaging variants negatively affects human healthspan and lifespan. Shindyapina AV, Zenin AA, Tarkhov AE, Santesmasses D, Fedichev PO, Gladyshev VN eLife 32254024 Elife 2020 Apr 7
Extrarenal expression of α-klotho, the kidney related longevity gene, in Heterocephalus glaber, the long living Naked Mole Rat. Morevati M, Mace ML, Egstrand S, Nordholm A, Doganli C, Strand J, Rukov JL, Torsetnes SB, Gorbunova V, Olgaard K, Lewin E Scientific reports 34321565 Sci Rep 2021 Jul 28
Age-associated molecular changes are deleterious and may modulate life span through diet. Lee SG, Kaya A, Avanesov AS, Podolskiy DI, Song EJ, Go DM, Jin GD, Hwang JY, Kim EB, Kim DY, Gladyshev VN Science advances 28232953 Sci Adv 2017 Feb
Integrating cellular senescence with the concept of damage accumulation in aging: Relevance for clearance of senescent cells. Ogrodnik M, Salmonowicz H, Gladyshev VN Aging cell 30346102 Aging Cell 2019 Feb
Comparative transcriptomics across 14 Drosophila species reveals signatures of longevity. Ma S, Avanesov AS, Porter E, Lee BC, Mariotti M, Zemskaya N, Guigo R, Moskalev AA, Gladyshev VN Aging cell 29671950 Aging Cell 2018 Aug
Mechanisms of cancer resistance in long-lived mammals. Seluanov A, Gladyshev VN, Vijg J, Gorbunova V Nature reviews. Cancer 29622806 Nat Rev Cancer 2018 Jul
LINE1 Derepression in Aged Wild-Type and SIRT6-Deficient Mice Drives Inflammation. Simon M, Van Meter M, Ablaeva J, Ke Z, Gonzalez RS, Taguchi T, De Cecco M, Leonova KI, Kogan V, Helfand SL, Neretti N, Roichman A, Cohen HY, Meer MV, Gladyshev VN, Antoch MP, Gudkov AV, Sedivy JM, Seluanov A, Gorbunova V Cell metabolism 30853213 Cell Metab 2019 Apr 2
Defining Molecular Basis for Longevity Traits in Natural Yeast Isolates. Kaya A, Ma S, Wasko B, Lee M, Kaeberlein M, Gladyshev VN NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease 27030810 NPJ Aging Mech Dis 2015
Naked Mole Rat Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Their Contribution to Interspecific Chimera. Lee SG, Mikhalchenko AE, Yim SH, Lobanov AV, Park JK, Choi KH, Bronson RT, Lee CK, Park TJ, Gladyshev VN Stem cell reports 29107591 Stem Cell Reports 2017 Nov 14
Convergent evolution of marine mammals is associated with distinct substitutions in common genes. Zhou X, Seim I, Gladyshev VN Scientific reports 26549748 Sci Rep 2015 Nov 9
Cell culture-based profiling across mammals reveals DNA repair and metabolism as determinants of species longevity. Ma S, Upneja A, Galecki A, Tsai YM, Burant CF, Raskind S, Zhang Q, Zhang ZD, Seluanov A, Gorbunova V, Clish CB, Miller RA, Gladyshev VN eLife 27874830 Elife 2016 Nov 22
Translation fidelity coevolves with longevity. Ke Z, Mallik P, Johnson AB, Luna F, Nevo E, Zhang ZD, Gladyshev VN, Seluanov A, Gorbunova V Aging cell 28707419 Aging Cell 2017 Oct
Organization of the Mammalian Metabolome according to Organ Function, Lineage Specialization, and Longevity. Ma S, Yim SH, Lee SG, Kim EB, Lee SR, Chang KT, Buffenstein R, Lewis KN, Park TJ, Miller RA, Clish CB, Gladyshev VN Cell metabolism 26244935 Cell Metab 2015 Aug 4
Analysis of cancer genomes reveals basic features of human aging and its role in cancer development. Podolskiy DI, Lobanov AV, Kryukov GV, Gladyshev VN Nature communications 27515585 Nat Commun 2016 Aug 12
Gene expression defines natural changes in mammalian lifespan. Fushan AA, Turanov AA, Lee SG, Kim EB, Lobanov AV, Yim SH, Buffenstein R, Lee SR, Chang KT, Rhee H, Kim JS, Yang KS, Gladyshev VN Aging cell 25677554 Aging Cell 2015 Jun
SIRT6 Is Responsible for More Efficient DNA Double-Strand Break Repair in Long-Lived Species. Tian X, Firsanov D, Zhang Z, Cheng Y, Luo L, Tombline G, Tan R, Simon M, Henderson S, Steffan J, Goldfarb A, Tam J, Zheng K, Cornwell A, Johnson A, Yang JN, Mao Z, Manta B, Dang W, Zhang Z, Vijg J, Wolfe A, Moody K, Kennedy BK, Bohmann D, Gladyshev VN, Seluanov A, Gorbunova V Cell 31002797 Cell 2019 Apr 18
A whole lifespan mouse multi-tissue DNA methylation clock. Meer MV, Podolskiy DI, Tyshkovskiy A, Gladyshev VN eLife 30427307 Elife 2018 Nov 14
Comparative genetics of longevity and cancer: insights from long-lived rodents. Gorbunova V, Seluanov A, Zhang Z, Gladyshev VN, Vijg J Nature reviews. Genetics 24981598 Nat Rev Genet 2014 Aug
Systematic age-, organ-, and diet-associated ionome remodeling and the development of ionomic aging clocks. Zhang B, Podolskiy DI, Mariotti M, Seravalli J, Gladyshev VN Aging cell 32323920 Aging Cell 2020 May
Comparative analysis of genome maintenance genes in naked mole rat, mouse, and human. MacRae SL, Zhang Q, Lemetre C, Seim I, Calder RB, Hoeijmakers J, Suh Y, Gladyshev VN, Seluanov A, Gorbunova V, Vijg J, Zhang ZD Aging cell 25645816 Aging Cell 2015 Apr
Using DNA Methylation Profiling to Evaluate Biological Age and Longevity Interventions. Petkovich DA, Podolskiy DI, Lobanov AV, Lee SG, Miller RA, Gladyshev VN Cell metabolism 28380383 Cell Metab 2017 Apr 4
Molecular signatures of longevity: Insights from cross-species comparative studies. Ma S, Gladyshev VN Seminars in cell & developmental biology 28800931 Semin Cell Dev Biol 2017 Oct
Gene expression signatures of human cell and tissue longevity. Seim I, Ma S, Gladyshev VN NPJ aging and mechanisms of disease 28721269 NPJ Aging Mech Dis 2016
INK4 locus of the tumor-resistant rodent, the naked mole rat, expresses a functional p15/p16 hybrid isoform. Tian X, Azpurua J, Ke Z, Augereau A, Zhang ZD, Vijg J, Gladyshev VN, Gorbunova V, Seluanov A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 25550505 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Jan 27
Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Cancer Risk Factors and Aging. Podolskiy DI, Gladyshev VN Trends in molecular medicine 27544777 Trends Mol Med 2016 Oct
Aging: progressive decline in fitness due to the rising deleteriome adjusted by genetic, environmental, and stochastic processes. Gladyshev VN Aging cell 27060562 Aging Cell 2016 Aug
Global remodeling of the mouse DNA methylome during aging and in response to calorie restriction. Sziráki A, Tyshkovskiy A, Gladyshev VN Aging cell 29575528 Aging Cell 2018 Jun
Beaver and Naked Mole Rat Genomes Reveal Common Paths to Longevity. Zhou X, Dou Q, Fan G, Zhang Q, Sanderford M, Kaya A, Johnson J, Karlsson EK, Tian X, Mikhalchenko A, Kumar S, Seluanov A, Zhang ZD, Gorbunova V, Liu X, Gladyshev VN Cell reports 32726638 Cell Rep 2020 Jul 28
Deficiency of the 15-kDa selenoprotein led to cytoskeleton remodeling and non-apoptotic membrane blebbing through a RhoA/ROCK pathway. Bang J, Jang M, Huh JH, Na JW, Shim M, Carlson BA, Tobe R, Tsuji PA, Gladyshev VN, Hatfield DL, Lee BJ Biochemical and biophysical research communications 25529450 Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2015 Jan 24
Adaptations to a subterranean environment and longevity revealed by the analysis of mole rat genomes. Fang X, Seim I, Huang Z, Gerashchenko MV, Xiong Z, Turanov AA, Zhu Y, Lobanov AV, Fan D, Yim SH, Yao X, Ma S, Yang L, Lee SG, Kim EB, Bronson RT, Šumbera R, Buffenstein R, Zhou X, Krogh A, Park TJ, Zhang G, Wang J, Gladyshev VN Cell reports 25176646 Cell Rep 2014 Sep 11
Identification and Application of Gene Expression Signatures Associated with Lifespan Extension. Tyshkovskiy A, Bozaykut P, Borodinova AA, Gerashchenko MV, Ables GP, Garratt M, Khaitovich P, Clish CB, Miller RA, Gladyshev VN Cell metabolism 31353263 Cell Metab 2019 Sep 3
DNA methylation aging clocks: challenges and recommendations. Bell CG, Lowe R, Adams PD, Baccarelli AA, Beck S, Bell JT, Christensen BC, Gladyshev VN, Heijmans BT, Horvath S, Ideker T, Issa JJ, Kelsey KT, Marioni RE, Reik W, Relton CL, Schalkwyk LC, Teschendorff AE, Wagner W, Zhang K, Rakyan VK Genome biology 31767039 Genome Biol 2019 Nov 25
Glutathione peroxidase 4 and vitamin E cooperatively prevent hepatocellular degeneration. Carlson BA, Tobe R, Yefremova E, Tsuji PA, Hoffmann VJ, Schweizer U, Gladyshev VN, Hatfield DL, Conrad M Redox biology 27262435 Redox Biol 2016 Oct
A Disease or Not a Disease? Aging As a Pathology. Gladyshev TV, Gladyshev VN Trends in molecular medicine 27793599 Trends Mol Med 2016 Dec
Organization of the Mammalian Ionome According to Organ Origin, Lineage Specialization, and Longevity. Ma S, Lee SG, Kim EB, Park TJ, Seluanov A, Gorbunova V, Buffenstein R, Seravalli J, Gladyshev VN Cell reports 26549444 Cell Rep 2015 Nov 17
Naked mole rats can undergo developmental, oncogene-induced and DNA damage-induced cellular senescence. Zhao Y, Tyshkovskiy A, Muñoz-Espín D, Tian X, Serrano M, de Magalhaes JP, Nevo E, Gladyshev VN, Seluanov A, Gorbunova V Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 29432174 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Feb 20
Non-enzymatic molecular damage as a prototypic driver of aging. Golubev A, Hanson AD, Gladyshev VN The Journal of biological chemistry 28264930 J Biol Chem 2017 Apr 14
Selenocysteine tRNA([Ser]Sec), the Central Component of Selenoprotein Biosynthesis: Isolation, Identification, Modification, and Sequencing. Carlson BA, Lee BJ, Tsuji PA, Copeland PR, Schweizer U, Gladyshev VN, Hatfield DL Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 28917036 Methods Mol Biol 2018
Biological age is increased by stress and restored upon recovery. Poganik JR, Zhang B, Baht GS, Tyshkovskiy A, Deik A, Kerepesi C, Yim SH, Lu AT, Haghani A, Gong T, Hedman AM, Andolf E, Pershagen G, Almqvist C, Clish CB, Horvath S, White JP, Gladyshev VN Cell metabolism 37086720 Cell Metab 2023 May 2
cAMP-PKA phosphorylation of tau confers risk for degeneration in aging association cortex. Carlyle BC, Nairn AC, Wang M, Yang Y, Jin LE, Simen AA, Ramos BP, Bordner KA, Craft GE, Davies P, Pletikos M, Šestan N, Arnsten AF, Paspalas CD Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 24707050 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014 Apr 1
Age-related calcium dysregulation linked with tau pathology and impaired cognition in non-human primates. Datta D, Leslie SN, Wang M, Morozov YM, Yang S, Mentone S, Zeiss C, Duque A, Rakic P, Horvath TL, van Dyck CH, Nairn AC, Arnsten AFT Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 33829643 Alzheimers Dement 2021 Jun
Studies of aging nonhuman primates illuminate the etiology of early-stage Alzheimer's-like neuropathology: An evolutionary perspective. Arnsten AFT, Datta D, Preuss TM American journal of primatology 33960505 Am J Primatol 2021 Nov
Persistent Spiking Activity Underlies Working Memory. Constantinidis C, Funahashi S, Lee D, Murray JD, Qi XL, Wang M, Arnsten AFT The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 30089641 J Neurosci 2018 Aug 8
Evolution in Neuromodulation-The Differential Roles of Acetylcholine in Higher Order Association vs. Primary Visual Cortices. Galvin VC, Arnsten AFT, Wang M Frontiers in neural circuits 30210306 Front Neural Circuits 2018
Role of KCNQ potassium channels in stress-induced deficit of working memory. Arnsten AFT, Jin LE, Gamo NJ, Ramos B, Paspalas CD, Morozov YM, Kata A, Bamford NS, Yeckel MF, Kaczmarek LK, El-Hassar L Neurobiology of stress 31832507 Neurobiol Stress 2019 Nov
Novel Dopamine Therapeutics for Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia. Arnsten AF, Girgis RR, Gray DL, Mailman RB Biological psychiatry 26946382 Biol Psychiatry 2017 Jan 1
Core Differences in Synaptic Signaling Between Primary Visual and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. Yang ST, Wang M, Paspalas CD, Crimins JL, Altman MT, Mazer JA, Arnsten AFT Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 29351585 Cereb Cortex 2018 Apr 1
Unique Molecular Regulation of Higher-Order Prefrontal Cortical Circuits: Insights into the Neurobiology of Schizophrenia. Datta D, Arnsten AFT ACS chemical neuroscience 29470055 ACS Chem Neurosci 2018 Sep 19
Ameliorating treatment-refractory depression with intranasal ketamine: potential NMDA receptor actions in the pain circuitry representing mental anguish. Opler LA, Opler MG, Arnsten AF CNS spectrums 25619798 CNS Spectr 2016 Feb
Dopamine's Actions in Primate Prefrontal Cortex: Challenges for Treating Cognitive Disorders. Arnsten AF, Wang M, Paspalas CD Pharmacological reviews 26106146 Pharmacol Rev 2015 Jul
Targeting Prefrontal Cortical Systems for Drug Development: Potential Therapies for Cognitive Disorders. Arnsten AF, Wang M Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology 26738476 Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2016
The 7q11.23 Protein DNAJC30 Interacts with ATP Synthase and Links Mitochondria to Brain Development. Tebbenkamp ATN, Varela L, Choi J, Paredes MI, Giani AM, Song JE, Sestan-Pesa M, Franjic D, Sousa AMM, Liu ZW, Li M, Bichsel C, Koch M, Szigeti-Buck K, Liu F, Li Z, Kawasawa YI, Paspalas CD, Mineur YS, Prontera P, Merla G, Picciotto MR, Arnsten AFT, Horvath TL, Sestan N Cell 30318146 Cell 2018 Nov 1
The Effects of Stress Exposure on Prefrontal Cortex: Translating Basic Research into Successful Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Arnsten AF, Raskind MA, Taylor FB, Connor DF Neurobiology of stress 25436222 Neurobiol Stress 2015 Jan 1
Interrogating the Etiology of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease Using Aging Rhesus Macaques: Cellular, Molecular, and Cortical Circuitry Perspectives. Datta D The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 37279946 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2023 Aug 27
Noradrenergic α1-Adrenoceptor Actions in the Primate Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. Datta D, Yang ST, Galvin VC, Solder J, Luo F, Morozov YM, Arellano J, Duque A, Rakic P, Arnsten AFT, Wang M The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 30755491 J Neurosci 2019 Apr 3
Alzheimer's-like pathology in aging rhesus macaques: Unique opportunity to study the etiology and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Arnsten AFT, Datta D, Leslie S, Yang ST, Wang M, Nairn AC Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 31871209 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019 Dec 26
Mapping Phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) in Macaque Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: Postsynaptic Compartmentalization in Layer III Pyramidal Cell Circuits. Datta D, Enwright JF, Arion D, Paspalas CD, Morozov YM, Lewis DA, Arnsten AFT Frontiers in neuroanatomy 33328902 Front Neuroanat 2020
Hypothesis: Tau pathology is an initiating factor in sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Arnsten AFT, Datta D, Del Tredici K, Braak H Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 33075193 Alzheimers Dement 2021 Jan
A novel dopamine D1 receptor agonist excites delay-dependent working memory-related neuronal firing in primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Wang M, Datta D, Enwright J, Galvin V, Yang ST, Paspalas C, Kozak R, Gray DL, Lewis DA, Arnsten AFT Neuropharmacology 30858103 Neuropharmacology 2019 May 15
Stress weakens prefrontal networks: molecular insults to higher cognition. Arnsten AF Nature neuroscience 26404712 Nat Neurosci 2015 Oct
Ketamine's Antidepressant Actions: Potential Mechanisms in the Primate Medial Prefrontal Circuits That Represent Aversive Experience. Arnsten AF, Murray JD, Seo H, Lee D Biological psychiatry 27079495 Biol Psychiatry 2016 May 1
Ultrastructural evidence for impaired mitochondrial fission in the aged rhesus monkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Morozov YM, Datta D, Paspalas CD, Arnsten AFT Neurobiology of aging 28027494 Neurobiol Aging 2017 Mar
The aged rhesus macaque manifests Braak stage III/IV Alzheimer's-like pathology. Paspalas CD, Carlyle BC, Leslie S, Preuss TM, Crimins JL, Huttner AJ, van Dyck CH, Rosene DL, Nairn AC, Arnsten AFT Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 29241829 Alzheimers Dement 2018 May
Classical complement cascade initiating C1q protein within neurons in the aged rhesus macaque dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Datta D, Leslie SN, Morozov YM, Duque A, Rakic P, van Dyck CH, Nairn AC, Arnsten AFT Journal of neuroinflammation 31906973 J Neuroinflammation 2020 Jan 6
Phosphodiesterase PDE4D Is Decreased in Frontal Cortex of Aged Rats and Positively Correlated With Working Memory Performance and Inversely Correlated With PKA Phosphorylation of Tau. Leslie SN, Datta D, Christensen KR, van Dyck CH, Arnsten AFT, Nairn AC Frontiers in aging neuroscience 33192469 Front Aging Neurosci 2020
Interaction Between HCN and Slack Channels Regulates mPFC Pyramidal Cell Excitability and Working Memory. Wu J, El-Hassar L, Datta D, Thomas M, Zhang Y, Jenkins DP, DeLuca NJ, Chatterjee M, Gribkoff VK, Arnsten AFT, Kaczmarek LK Research square 37205397 Res Sq 2023 May 4
H3K4me3 breadth is linked to cell identity and transcriptional consistency. Benayoun BA, Pollina EA, Ucar D, Mahmoudi S, Karra K, Wong ED, Devarajan K, Daugherty AC, Kundaje AB, Mancini E, Hitz BC, Gupta R, Rando TA, Baker JC, Snyder MP, Cherry JM, Brunet A Cell 25083876 Cell 2014 Jul 31
A platform for rapid exploration of aging and diseases in a naturally short-lived vertebrate. Harel I, Benayoun BA, Machado B, Singh PP, Hu CK, Pech MF, Valenzano DR, Zhang E, Sharp SC, Artandi SE, Brunet A Cell 25684364 Cell 2015 Feb 26
Mono-unsaturated fatty acids link H3K4me3 modifiers to C. elegans lifespan. Han S, Schroeder EA, Silva-García CG, Hebestreit K, Mair WB, Brunet A Nature 28379943 Nature 2017 Apr 13
Chromatin accessibility dynamics reveal novel functional enhancers in C. elegans. Daugherty AC, Yeo RW, Buenrostro JD, Greenleaf WJ, Kundaje A, Brunet A Genome research 29141961 Genome Res 2017 Dec
Non-model model organisms. Russell JJ, Theriot JA, Sood P, Marshall WF, Landweber LF, Fritz-Laylin L, Polka JK, Oliferenko S, Gerbich T, Gladfelter A, Umen J, Bezanilla M, Lancaster MA, He S, Gibson MC, Goldstein B, Tanaka EM, Hu CK, Brunet A BMC biology 28662661 BMC Biol 2017 Jun 29
Remodeling of epigenome and transcriptome landscapes with aging in mice reveals widespread induction of inflammatory responses. Benayoun BA, Pollina EA, Singh PP, Mahmoudi S, Harel I, Casey KM, Dulken BW, Kundaje A, Brunet A Genome research 30858345 Genome Res 2019 Apr
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The African Turquoise Killifish Genome Provides Insights into Evolution and Genetic Architecture of Lifespan. Valenzano DR, Benayoun BA, Singh PP, Zhang E, Etter PD, Hu CK, Clément-Ziza M, Willemsen D, Cui R, Harel I, Machado BE, Yee MC, Sharp SC, Bustamante CD, Beyer A, Johnson EA, Brunet A Cell 26638078 Cell 2015 Dec 3
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CHEX-seq detects single-cell genomic single-stranded DNA with catalytical potential. Lu Y, Lee J, Li J, Allu SR, Wang J, Kim H, Bullaughey KL, Fisher SA, Nordgren CE, Rosario JG, Anderson SA, Ulyanova AV, Brem S, Chen HI, Wolf JA, Grady MS, Vinogradov SA, Kim J, Eberwine J Nature communications 37963886 Nat Commun 2023 Nov 14
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