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Applicant Resources


The following materials provide general information on applying for funding from the National Institutes of Health. Applications to the NIH Common Fund’s Transformative Research to Address Health Disparities initiative are different from conventional, investigator-initiated research applications. These applications focus on the significance of the problem, the novelty of the hypothesis and/or the proposed methodology, and the magnitude of the potential impact rather than on preliminary data or experimental details. Read the Funding Opportunity Announcements carefully in order to craft a responsive proposal. Visit the initiative’s FAQs page for information specifically tailored to these funding opportunities. Email [email protected] with questions.

General grant application resources from the NIH Office of Extramural Research

How to Apply Application Guide – provides guidance on the following topics

FAQs on the grants process overall

Preparing to apply

Writing an application

Submitting an application

Videos on NIH Grants Processes


The resources above provide general information about applying for NIH funding. Always read funding opportunity announcements carefully for program-specific requirements. The funding opportunities for the NIH Common Fund’s Transformative Research to Address Health Disparities initiative have specific requirements in order for applications to be responsive.

Disclaimer: The information in these pages is meant to provide general guidance. Instructions and procedures outlined in the Funding Opportunity Announcement, SF424 Application Guide, and NIH Grants Policy Statement take precedence over any information provided and should be referred to for complete and comprehensive directions.

This page last reviewed on March 20, 2025